Physio Lab Experiment 1 - Cell Potential
Physio Lab Experiment 1 - Cell Potential
Physio Lab Experiment 1 - Cell Potential
The water potential was measured for each root crops. It resulted to values, -0.7220, -0.7059, -
1.0999, -0.8191, -1.2148, -1.2271, -1.3608, -1.3779, -0.6693, -1.0121 from groups 1-10, respectively.
Similarly, the osmotic potential for each root crop was also measured, the values for camote ranges from -
0.6547 MPa to 3.4722 MPa, for potato it ranges from 0.1325 MPa to 0.4695 MPa, for carrot it ranges
from 1.1002 MPa to 1.7801 MPa, for Jicama it ranges from 2.0447 MPa to 3.8304 MPa and for Radish it
ranges from 0.4294 MPa to 1.0089 MPa..
Keywords: Osmotic Potential, Water Potential, Pressure Potential, Freezing Point, Root Crops
Introduction Methodology
Cell Water Potential, symbolized by (the Eight different sucrose concentrations
Greek letter psi), is defined as the energy required (dH2O, 01.m, 0.2m, 0.3m, 0.4m, 0.5m, 0.6m,
for water to move from the sample and into a 0.7m) were prepared. 75mL of each were
relatively pure free water in reference conditions. dispensed separately into plastic cups. Sixteen
Through the process of osmosis, water moves cylinders were bore from the root crops (different
from a region of high area of concentration to a plants were assigned on each group) using a No.
region of low area of concentration. Additionally, 5 cork borer. Cylinders were placed in covered
concentration, pressure and gravity are major plastic cups to prevent them from drying out.
contributing factors in a calculating a plants Each cylinder was cut approximately 4cm and the
water potential (Sinauer, 2015). remaining plant samples were saved for Part B of
the experiment. The cylinders were blotted with
Cryoscopy is the determination of the
paper towels and weighed in sets of two. The
depression in freezing point unto which
weights were recorded. One set of cylinders was
molecular weights of the dissolved solutes can be
put in each of the beakers with the said sucrose
determined. The freezing point occurs when the
concentration solutions. After 1.5 hours, the
temperature of the liquid state of a liquid
cylinders were removed, blotted with paper
substance is in equilibrium to its solid state. It has
towels and weighed again. The weights were
a colligative property meaning the freezing point
recorded. The change in weight and the percent
lowers when a compound or more dissolved
change in weight were then computed. The
solutes are added. Once the freezing point is
results were tabulated and the percent change in
determined, it can be used to calculate for the
weight versus sucrose concentration was plotted
solute potential which is part of the equation in
with the best-fit straight line drawn through the
calculating for the plants water potential.
points. The molal concentration of sucrose that
This experiment aims to measure the water gives 0% change in weight was then determined.
potential and osmotic potential in a plant tissue The water potential of the root crops were the
and then calculate the pressure potential. determined.
The remaining root crops from Part A of contribute to the osmotic pressure or potential.
the experiment were placed in a blender. The Solutes reduce water potential by consuming
tissue was pureed. The blended root crops were some of the potential energy available in the
filtered with cheesecloth to remove cell wall and water.
debris, and was then covered in beaker. 60mL sap
According to Kramer & Myers (2012),
was poured in 250mL Erlenmeyer flask with
osmotic pressure is the external pressure required
magnetic stirring bar and the thermometer was
to be applied so that there is no net movement of
inserted. The flask was surrounded with ice-salt
solvent across the membrane (isotonic). It is a
bath and was stirred vigorously. After the
colligative property which depends upon the
temperature was 1oC, the temperature was
concentration of solute molecules or ions, but not
recorded every 10 seconds. The data was
upon the identity of the solute. In these
recorded and the temperature versus time graph
calculations, molality (m) is used which is
was constructed. The true freezing point and
defined as the number of moles dissolved per
solute potential was then determined. The
kilogram of solvent. This is because the mass of
pressure potential of the cells of the root crops
solvent doesn't change with temperature unlike
were then calculated.
the volume. This is the reason why molality is
Based on the computed values for Parts A preferred over molarity (moles per liter).
and B, the water potential of the root crops were
Osmotic pressure and potential, in turn,
determined. The values for all plant samples were
affects water potential. Water potential is the
then compared.
tendency of the water to move into or within a
system measured as the amount of energy per unit
volume expressed in megapascals (MPa). Water
Results and Discussion
potential can be computed mathematically as:
In theory, no net gain or loss of water in
= + +
tissue after immersion in a solution of known
molarity means that its water potential is equal to where is the water potential of a cell, is the
that of the external solution. solute or osmotic potential, is the pressure
Employing the Gravimetric Technique, potential and is the matric potential.
water potential values may be negative due to the The pressure potential (p) is the effect
infiltration of water and solutes within the of hydrostatic pressure on the potential energy of
apoplast (Saupe, 2009). Bland and Tanner (1985) a solution. It is defined as 0 MPa for STP
reported that the osmotic potential for a potato (absolute pressure of 1 atm = 0.1 MPa). For a case
tube is in the range of -0.58 to -1.53 MPa. The of a partial vacuum or tension as in transpiration,
root crops should fall within that range. the pressure potential is <0. For a case of turgor
In this experiment, the samples were pressure the pressure potential would be >0.
immersed in solution with a variation of sucrose
concentration resulting to the losing or gaining of
water by the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the
spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules Group 1
through a semi-permeable membrane into a 10.0
region of higher solute concentration (Haynie, y = -25.887x + 6.4495
-20.0 -20.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Sucrose Concentration (m) Sucrose Concentration (m)
Group 3 Group 7
10.0 y = -12.785x + 6.0472 10.0 y = -16.021x + 4.7864
R = 0.8886 5.0 R = 0.9451
0.0 -5.0
-5.0 -10.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Sucrose Concentration (m) Sucrose Concentration (m)
Group 4 Group 8
10.0 y = -8.477x + 4.7047 10.0 y = -10.55x + 4.9304
R = 0.4158 R = 0.7815
5.0 5.0
0.0 0.0
-5.0 -5.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Sucrose Concentration (m) Sucrose Concentration (m)
Group 5 Group 9
20.0 y = -29.788x + 9.7058 20.0 y = -24.726x + 14.466
10.0 R = 0.959 R = 0.9475
-20.0 -10.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Sucrose Concentration (m) Sucrose Concentration (m)
Temperature (oC)
produced in liquid by dissolved substances in
order to determine the molecular weight of -0.5
solutes and various properties of solutions. With
this method, the solute potential of extracted sap
in plants can be acquired using the formula: -1
= 1.10f
Where in 1.10 is the ratio of the osmotic Time (s)
potential of a non-iodized solution (-2.27 MPa)
and the freezing point depression of sucrose (- Figure 1.1. Depression of the Freezing Point of
2.06C) (Saupe, 2009), f or is the true Potato (Group 1)
freezing point and c is the correction factor or the
ratio between the room temperature in Kelvin
(28C +273K) and 273 K. 1.5
Temperature (oC)
Temperature (oC)
0 100 200 300
0.5 -1
0 -2
-0.5 0 100 200 300 400 500
-1.5 -4
-2 -5
Time (s) Time (s)
1 1.5
Temperature (oC)
Temperature (oC)
0 100 200 300 0.5
-2 0 200 400 600 800
-3 -1
Time (s) Time (s)
Temperature (oC)
Temperature (oC)
0 50 100 150 200 250
-1 0
-2 0 100 200 300 400
-3 -1
-4 -1.5
-5 -2
Time (s) Time (s)
Figure 1.6. Depression of the Freezing Point of Figure 1.9. Depression of the Freezing Point of
Jicama (Group 8) Radish (Group 5)
1.5 Table 2. Determination of Freezing Point of
Different Root Crops
Temperature (oC)
Root Group Degree Apparent True Solute
0.5 Crops of Freezing Freezing Potential
Super- Point Point (f) (s)
0 cooling (f')
-0.5 0 100 200 300 400 Potato Grp. 1 -1.4oC -1oC -0.9825oC -1.1915 MPa