Arks Ey 2008
Arks Ey 2008
Arks Ey 2008
Abstract In July 2005, a debris flow and a water flood occurred on at risk, in order of priority as determined by WFPI are: users of the
two adjacent gullies in the White River area, on northern Vancouver WR305 Road, the fish-bearing streams that flow into the White
Island in British Columbia, Canada. The 16,000 m3 debris flow River, the WR305 Road itself, and the WR305 Bridge. As such, it is
buried approximately 7.5 ha of second-growth trees, buried approx- an example of a multifaceted risk analysis.
imately 500 m of a forestry road, and reached two fish-bearing
streams. The water flood eroded approximately 240 m of the same Definitions
forestry road and plugged four culverts before overtopping and The definitions of debris flows, debris floods and water floods used
inundating the road. To better plan for future events, risk analyses in this paper are based on Wilford et al. (2004, 2005) and Hungr
of debris flows, debris floods, and water floods were carried out et al. (2001).
for the two gullies involved, plus a third adjacent gully. The
elements at risk that were analyzed included, in order of priority: Debris flows are complex, heterogeneous sedimentwater mix-
users of the forestry road, the fish-bearing streams, the forestry tures with sediment concentrations between 70 and 90% by
road itself, and a timber bridge. Using a series of qualitative, but weight. Flow velocities typically range between 1 and 20 m/s, and
defined, relative-risk matrices, the following components of specific discharges can be 5 to 40 times greater than peak water floods.
risk were estimated for each of the three types of events on each Debris flows characteristically result in the formation of marginal
of the three gullies for each of the four elements at risk: probability levees and terminal lobes.
of occurrence, probability that the event will reach or otherwise Debris floods occur when most of the streambed sediment is
affect the site of the element at risk, the probability that the element mobilized by high water flow, but mixing of the water and
at risk will be at the site when the event occurs, and the probability sediment is not complete. Debris floods have 40 to 70% sediment
of loss or damage resulting from the element being at the site when by weight and can have discharges that are two to three times
the event occurs. larger than peak water floods. Deposits typically form bars, fans,
sheets, and splays.
Keywords Debris flows . Debris floods . Water floods . Water floods have sediment concentrations between 1 and 40%
Risk analysis . British Columbia . Canada by weight, and sediment is deposited as bars, fans, sheets and
splays. Water floods in gravel, cobble or boulder channels rarely
Introduction mobilize the entire streambed.
During an intense rainfall event in July 2005, a debris flow occurred
in one gully, and a water flood occurred in an adjacent gully in the Background
White River area, approximately 50 km northwest of Campbell The White River study area (referred to as the WR305 area) is
River on northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada located on Crown land that belongs to the Province of British
(Fig. 1). For the purpose of this paper, a gully is a stream, or surface Columbia. WFPI has the license to harvest timber on this Crown
drainage, that has a steep headwall, a deeply incised transport zone land. The area downslope of the debris-flow and water-flood
and a colluvial/alluvial fan. initiation sites was logged between 1966 and 1980. During active
The 16,000 m3 debris flow buried approximately 7.5 ha of logging, a forestry road (the WR305 Road) and four spur roads
second-growth trees, buried approximately 500 m of a forestry (spurs A, B, C, and D) were constructed off of the White River
road, and reached two fish-bearing streams. The water flood eroded Mainline (Fig. 2). By July 2005, spurs A, B, and C had become
approximately 240 m of the same forestry road and plugged four totally overgrown, and spur D had been permanently deactivated.
culverts before overtopping and inundating the road. The WR305 Road is a maintained forestry road used by WFPIs
To assist in the design of appropriate mitigative measures, pick-up trucks for access but is not used by trucks to haul logs or
Western Forest Products (WFPI), the forest licensee in the area, heavy equipment. Occasionally, public vehicles use the WR305
retained Contour Geoscience and VanDine Geological Engineering Road. Because of winter snow conditions, the road is seldom used
to carry out a risk analysis of debris flows, debris floods, and water during the winter.
floods for the two gullies involved plus a third adjacent gully A broad, eastwest trending valley, at the north end of the study
(Contour Geoscience 2006). area, is drained by a small stream (stream 2). The WR305 Road
This paper presents the method and results of the risk analysis crosses stream 2 by a timber bridge (the WR305 Bridge). Stream 2 is
of the three geomorphic processes, on the three adjacent gullies, to a fish-bearing stream that flows west towards the White River, a
four elements identified as being potentially at risk. The elements relatively large fish-bearing river located approximately 1.5 km
RS PH PS : H PT : S V L : T;
Fig. 1 Location map
P(H) is an estimate of the probability, or likelihood, of occur-
rence of a specific hazardous event.
P(S:H) is an estimate of the probability that the hazardous event
will reach or otherwise affect the site of the element at
risk (spatial probability).
P(T:S) is an estimate of the probability that the element at risk
will be at the site when a hazardous event occurs (temporal
V(L:T) is an estimate of the vulnerability of, or probability of
loss or damage resulting from, the element at risk being
at the site when the hazardous event occurs.
Fig. 3 Photo looking south, looking up West and Central gullies. Photo taken July
Fig. 2 Overview of the WR305 area and the events of July 2005 13, 2005 by Shane Renouf of WFPI
Quantitatively, if it is certain a hazardous event will occur, the all three gullies, plus levees, flow lobes, and sediment deposits
probability of occurrence is 1. Similarly, if it is certain a hazardous identified in the field, indicate past debris-flow, debris-flood, and
event will reach or otherwise affect the site, the spatial probability water-flood activity. These features have developed since deglacia-
is 1; if the element is permanent, such as a stream, road or bridge, tion, approximately 10,000 years ago. Along the West Gully, a young
the temporal probability is 1; and if total loss is likely to occur, the stand of second-growth trees, extending about 200 m upslope and
vulnerability is 1. Otherwise, the probabilities range between 0 and downslope of spur D, is evident on 1994 airphotos and indicates a
1, with 0 indicating no probability. Qualitatively, these probabilities 40- to 60-year-old debris-flow/debris-flood event along this gully
are expressed in relative terms such as very high, high, moderate, (Fig. 3). From the end of logging in 1980 up until July 2005, there
low, very low, extremely low, and remote. had been no debris flows, debris floods or water floods in any of the
The relative qualitative terms for P(H), P(S:H), P(T:S) and V(L:T) gullies.
applied to this risk analysis are defined in Tables 1 and 2. In British Columbia, a model that uses watershed area and relief
Since the components of risk [P(H), P(S:H), P(T:S), and V(L:T)] (Melton ratio), combined with watershed length, has been found
are multiplied together, a series of qualitative multiplication matrices effective in suggesting the type of geomorphic process that can
can be used for this purpose. For this analysis, the multiplication occur in a gully (Wilford et al. 2004). Wilford et al. (2004) found
matrix shown in Table 3 was used to combine two probabilities that a gully is predisposed to water floods if the Melton ratio is
(x,y), and the result was then combined with probability (z) which <0.30 and predisposed to debris floods or debris flows if the
was then combined with the next probability, and so on. Melton ratio is >0.30. If the Melton ratio is >0.60 and the watershed
length is <2.7 km, debris flows are more likely than debris floods.
Results In the WR305 area, the West Gully has a Melton ratio of 0.91 and
a watershed length of 1.4 km; the Central Gully has a Melton ratio
Elements at risk of 1.19 and a watershed length 1.6 km; and the East Gully has a
As introduced earlier, four elements potentially at risk were Melton ratio of 0.97 and watershed length of 1.7 km. Therefore,
identified, and in order of priority as determined by WFPI, they based on Wilford et al. (2004), the three gullies are predisposed to
are: debris flows.
A snow avalanche assessment indicates that snow avalanches
1. Users of the WR305 Road have occurred along all three gullies in the past and concluded that
2. The fish-bearing streams that flow into the White River the gullies have the potential for size 2.5 to 3.0 (500 to 1,000 tonnes)
3. The WR305 Road snow avalanches in the future (Island Alpine Consulting 2005).
4. The WR305 Bridge Based on the start zones of the snow avalanches, the snow avalanche
assessment concluded that although snow avalanches increase
P(H) probability of occurrence debris loading in these gullies, they do not appreciably increase the
Naturally occurring debris flows, debris floods, and water floods likelihood of debris flows, debris floods, or water floods.
from the West, Central, and East gullies are the identified hazards. Based on the geomorphic evidence, airphoto evidence of a past
The presence of coalescing colluvial/alluvial fans emanating from event, the response of the three gullies to the July 2005 event, and
the work of Wilford et al. (2004), the probability of occurrence of
debris flows, debris floods, and water floods in each of the three
gullies was estimated (Table 4).
Table 2 Definitions of relative qualitative terms for P(S:H), P(T:S), and V(L:T)
P(S:H) spatial probability
Relative term Range of probabilities Spatial probability depends on the magnitude (volume of debris or
Very high (VH) 0.80 to 0.99 sediment involved) of the events, the location of the elements at
High (H) 0.60 to 0.79 risk, and the associated topography (potential flow paths). The
Moderate (M) 0.40 to 0.59 magnitude of events can obviously vary, but geomorphic evidence
Low (L) 0.20 to 0.39
from past events indicates that debris flows are typically the largest
Very low (VL) 0.05 to 0.19
events, and water floods are typically the smallest. Table 5 sum-
Extremely low (EL) 0.001 to 0.04
marizes the spatial probabilities by gully, type of event, and
Remote (R) <0.001
element at risk.
Table 6 VulnerabilityV(L:T)
Gully Debris flow Debris flood Water flood
WR305 Fish-bearing WR305 WR305 WR305 Road Fish-bearing WR305 WR305 WR305 Fish-bearing WR305 WR305
Road Users streams Road Bridge Users streams Road Bridge Road Users streams Road Bridge
West R M R R R L R R R VL R R
Central H M M VL M L L EL L VL VL R
Refer to Table 2 for definitions of relative qualitative terms.
P(T:S) temporal probability the multiplication matrix shown in Table 3, to obtain the specific
Temporal probability depends on the element at risk being at the risk, R(S).
site when the event occurs. Stationary elements at risk, such as
streams, roads and bridges are considered permanent and, there- Discussion
fore, P(T:S)=1 for all three elements at risk. WFPI has a Terrain Management Code of Practice (WFPI 2005).
Users of the WR305 Road could be caught in an event or more Based upon that code, a criteria of a moderate or less risk to users
likely could drive into debris or sediment deposited on the road as of the WR305 Road, fish-bearing streams, the WR305 Road, or the
a result of an event. Because of the relative infrequent use, only in WR305 Bridge is considered acceptable. From the results of the risk
the spring, summer and fall, the likelihood of an event occurring analysis presented in Table 7, no estimated specific risks greater
while someone is using the road is remote. Similarly, because travel than moderate were identified for the West Gully; for the Central
speeds are typically less than 50 kph, the likelihood of someone Gully, a high risk to fish-bearing streams and the WR305 Road was
driving into debris or sediment on the road is also remote. estimated from debris flows; for the East Gully, a high risk to the
WR305 Road was estimated from debris flows and water floods.
V(L:T) vulnerability Risks greater than moderate are shaded in Table 7.
Based on geomorphic evidence from past events, it is assumed that WFPI has used the above results of this multifaceted risk
future debris flows will involve the largest volume of debris and analysis to assist in the design of appropriate mitigative measures
travel with the most energy, followed by debris floods and water to protect the WR305 Road from debris flows and water floods and
floods. Correspondingly, loss or damage from debris flows will be to protect fish-bearing streams, in particular stream 2, from debris
greatest, with relatively less loss or damage from debris floods and flows.
water floods. Therefore, the vulnerability of the elements at risk
due to a debris flow, debris flood, or water flood forms a continuum After word
of severity of loss or damage. These are summarized in Table 6. The results of this risk analysis were tested during a rain on snow
storm event in November 2006. This storm exceeded the 1-in-100-year
R(S) specific risk rainfall estimate (Integrated Watersheds 2006) and resulted in a
Specific risk is the risk of loss or damage to a specific element at water flood in the East Gully, a debris flood in the Central Gully, and
risk resulting from a specific hazardous affecting landslide. Based a debris flow in the West Gully. Due to the recommended mitigative
on the above discussion of likelihood of occurrence, spatial prob- measures put in place after July 2005 (Contour Geoscience 2006),
ability; temporal probability and vulnerability; and the specific the 2006 Central Gully debris flood did not affect any of the iden-
risks to the users of the WR305 Road, to fish-bearing streams, to tified elements at risk. The 2006 water flood along the East Gully
the WR305 Road, and to the WR305 Bridge from debris flows, buried some of the repaired and/or replaced culverts and over-
debris floods, and water floods from each of the West, Central, and topped a portion of the WR305 Road. The 2006 debris flow along
East gullies are summarized in Table 7. In Table 7, the probabilities the West Gully transported debris down to the deactivated spur B
P(H), P(S:H), P(T:S), and V(L:T), are multiplied sequentially, using but did not affect any of the identified elements at risk.