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LinkedIn Job Search Guide 2016 PDF

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1 The 2016 Job Search Guide

INTRODUCTION The 2016 Job Search Guide

A Tactical Toolkit for Getting a Job You Love

Looking for a job is hard work. Before you roll up your sleeves
01 GETTING STARTED and start firing off resumes, consider stepping back to take
a more strategic approach.
The following pages are meant to be used as a reference guide.
They can be read one page at a time, one chapter at a time, or in
03 GETTING THE JOB entirety. The recommended tactics and tools were developed with
U.S. job seekers in mind, however many of the strategies may be
applied internationally. Good luck with your job search and we hope
that the following guide will put you in the drivers seat as you develop
your career.

On average, there are 11 million job

openings a month in the United States

Source:Bureau of Labor Statistics

2 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Finding the Right Job Takes Time
Looking for a new job can evoke a range of emotions. Leaving
your current role, looking for something new, and surveying
all of the possible paths can be overwhelming. While finding
a good fit takes time, the right mindset will boost your
confidence and ensure a joyful journey. In this chapter we
will deliver expert advice and tactics for getting your job hunt
started. Here is what you will learn:

How to make it more than just a job

How to get started with networking
How to leverage personality assessments
How to optimize your LinkedIn Profile
How to get unstuck

The average job search takes 6 months


3 The 2016 Job Search Guide


Update your LinkedIn Profile and resume

Make sure your profile has a professional-looking photo, compelling summary,
and job descriptions that highlight your achievements

Setup saved job alerts

Create one or more searches in the Jobs tab on your home page, then save
them. You can select daily or weekly email alerts when new jobs that meet your
criteria are posted

Setup time to talk about your search

Discuss your job search with a trusted close friend or family membersomeone
who will give you an honest assessment and good advice

Make a list of the skills you want to develop

What can you add to your skillset to make your next role more than just a job?

Expert Tip:
Uploading your connections to LinkedIn or the LinkedIn Job Search app will allow
you to easily see who you know at companies that you are interested in.

4 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Making it More than a Job

Follow the five steps below to turn your future role into more than, Just a job.

STEP 1 Make a list of all of your skills and know where they can take you. Uncover what youre best at
Specialize & Evolve and continue to hone those skills throughout your career.

STEP 2 Use your specialized skills as a compass for the future. Write a six month, twelve month, and two
Plot your Progress year plan that describe how you want your career to progress and hold yourself accountable.

Theres no magic formula for work-life balance. Everyones different. Make a highly specific list with
your top priorities in life and rank them honestly. How much time should you spend on personal
Define Balance
versus professional pursuits? Only you can decide.

STEP 4 Having passion for your work is wonderful. But its your ability to apply that passion to your
Combine Passion & Problem-Solving organizations most pressing problems that will ultimately allow you to grow with the business.

STEP 5 Your network is your net worth. Surround yourself with people you admire to ensure learning,
Create Lasting Relationships growth, and potential references down the line.

Many professionals think of their home and work lives as completely separate. Instead, try developing a list of
professional and personal priorities and explore how they feed into one another. Wrapping your head around
how the two relate will often unlock an unexpected happiness in both arenas.

J.T. ODonnell

5 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Advice from an Expert: Jodi Glickman

Strategies for Building Relationships Build Your Own Board of Advisors

Networking is paramount to professional Reap the benefits of your network by selecting
success. No matter the industry, your a handful of people you trust, and can lean on
career progression hinges upon developing for straightforward advice. After selecting your
relationships with like-minded professionals, board from co-workers, peers and mentors,
leveraging mentors, and serving as a resource find a way to help each person out. Send a
to others. Before embarking on your career holiday card, offer up referrals, or simply ask
search, use the following tactics to make what they need help with. The important thing
networking magic. is demonstrating you understand its a two-way
street. After establishing a connection, ask for
Break Out of Your Comfort Zone advice and apply it to your career.
Many professionals make the mistake of waiting
until they need a new job to network. Building Nurture Your Current Network
relationships and harvesting opportunities Deepening ties with colleagues past and
Jodi Glickman takes time. Breaking out of your silo to lay this present will increase the value of your network.
President and Founder, Great On The Job
groundwork will ensure that youll make the Send friendly emails every few months to old
right move, when the time comes. contacts, or offer up small favors to co-workers.
Better yet, send everyone birthday cards. It
Jodi Glickman is an expert in training The first step is generosity. You cant expect
might sound simple, but these small gestures
to reap the rewards of networking if youre not
young people how to be Great on the are what make you likeable and memorable.
helping others. Share your career vision with
Job. Jodi is an entrepreneur, author,
your friends, family, and co-workers so they can
public speaker, consultant and regular champion your cause. Just be sure to lead the
blogger for Harvard Business Review. way with a favor or two from your end.
She is a faculty member of the Johnson of professionals reach
Schools Leadership Program at Cornell. out to their connections
89% at some point in their
job search

Remember to make it about others, not about you. Be generous.

Share your contacts. Offer to make introductions. Its a two-way street!
6 The 2016 Job Search Guide
Tapping the Right Professionals for Advice

Three Types of People to Include In Your Circle

 etworking isnt all about growing your list of contacts. In fact, its important to be somewhat selective as you build your professional network. Getting
advice and feedback from a hand-picked group of strategic advisors can truly tip the scale in your favor, ensuring you stay on track with your long-term
career goals. Consider seeking feedback from the following three types of people within your network.

Connection #1: The Advocate Connection #2: The Strategic In Connection #3: The Subject Matter Expert
Knows you on a personal level Well-connected individual Offers superior insight on a specific industry

Acts as a trusted sounding board Demonstrates willingness to make Can give an unbiased opinion
connections on your behalf
Likely a close friend or family member Likely a casual friend, alumni, or family contact
Likely a past co-worker, alumni, or boss

Example question for The Advocate: Example question for The Strategic In: Example question for The Subject Matter
Are my career choices lining up with What companies or roles match well with Expert: Where have professionals with my
my personal values? my personality and skill set? skills been most successful in your industry?
Which skills should I focus on developing?

of job seekers consider of job seekers consider of job seekers consider

the advocate the most the strategic in the the subject matter
50% helpful person in their 30% most helpful person in 20% expert the most
job search their job search helpful person in
their job search

7 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Advice from an Expert: Chester Elton

How can personality assessments help How much does culture matter to
candidates find the right job? success in a career?

Chester: Your skills, motivations and personality Chester: A lot. On paper you might be a match
play an equal role in your overall job satisfaction. for a job, but in reality you might not vibe with
As the workplace continues to evolve, taking the the staff. Culture is a reflection of values, and
right personality assessment can help you match people with the same values tend to gravitate
up with an employer in all three areas, instead of toward one another. If your values line up with
just one. your employer, youre far more likely to be
successful in that environment.
Once you discover your passion and
values, how do you apply it at work?
Professionals who report being
Chester: Knowing your passions and applying happy at work are 150% more
Chester Elton likely to be happy at home.
Employee Engagement Expert them are two very different things. After taking
an assessment, share the results with friends,
family and co-workers. Theyll help you reflect
and act on the findings. The second step is
Bestselling author, motivational speaker, aligning your passions with specific skills,
Source: Chester Elton

and employee engagement expert and nurturing those skills over time.
Chester Elton has studied people in
the workplace for decades. In this
interview, he shares how taking the
right personality assessment can
unmask your core strengths and values.

8 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Explore One or All of the Following Assessments to Start Applying Your Passions at Work

Pymetrics Motivators Assessment Keirsey Temperament Sorter

This approach is wholly unique to this century. Developed by Chester Elton, this assessment The Keirsey approach is widely adopted in
Pymetrics uses games backed by neuroscience uncovers passions and prioritizes your top corporate settings. Based loosely on the ancient
to help you discover which unique strengths you motivators and identities, helping you put Greek study of temperaments, the Keirsey
have. You can then discover how your strengths them to work. Assessment describes professionals as Artisans,
relate to career pathways based on your Guardians, Idealists, or Rationals.
personality type.

Example Question: Example Question: Example Question:

You will be presented with a series of "Being expected to take responsibility Do you prize in yourself:
balloons. You can click on the Pump for tasks: a) a strong hold on reality
button to increase the size of the balloon, a) Greatly reduces my motivation to work b) a vivid imagination
receiving 5 cents in a temporary bank b) Tends to reduce my motivation to work
for each pump. At any point, you can
c) Has no effect on my motivation to work
stop pumping the balloon and click
d) Tends to increase my motivation
on the Collect button to transfer the
to work
accumulated money from your temporary
bank to your permanent bank labeled e) Greatly increases my motivation
Total Earned. You will then start to work"
on the next balloon.

Play the Pymetrics Game Take the Motivators Assessment Take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter

9 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Explore One or All of the Following Assessments to Start Applying Your Passions at Work

Clifton StrengthsFinder Myers-Briggs Parachute Test

Developed based on the theory of positive This is one of the most popular and Made famous by the book, What Color Is
psychology, the StrengthsFinder approach is longest-running personality assessments Your Parachute?, this test is based on the theory
all about uncovering inherent strengths and out there. First released in 1944, the test that the employer-employee relationship should
fostering them further. This approach utilizes, uses a psychological approach to help be more balanced. This test contains a series of
talent themes to describe test takers, which professionals discover their interests, self-learning activities, and can only be found in
include Achiever, Developer, and Learner. needs, values, and motivations. the book.

Example Question: Example Question: Example Question:

I have a commitment to growth; I have a "When you go somewhere for the day, List out the kinds of people Id most like
commitment to my values would you rather: to work with, in order of preference
- Plan what you will do and when, or
Please choose the statement that best - Just go?
describes you and indicate to what extent
they are descriptive of you.

Take the StrengthsFinder Take the Myers-Briggs Take the Parachute Test

10 The 2016 Job Search Guide

What are the Differences between a LinkedIn Profile & Resume?

If you start with a rock solid resume, your Level of Specificity Recommendations
LinkedIn profile wont take too much work. Your traditional resume is tailored for a single Your resume rarely contains recommendations,
Nevertheless, there are big differences between opportunity, whereas your LinkedIn profile whereas your profile should be littered with
the two. Address the following differences to should speak to all potential employers. third-party references. Recommendations allow
ensure your LinkedIn profile shines: Get specific with each position on your profile, employers to quickly assess the reliability and
and include additional details, including accuracy of your profile.
accomplishments, awards, skills or
special presentations. Profile as a Platform
Your LinkedIn profile is a living and breathing
The Length platform where other professionals and
Its fair game to elaborate on LinkedIn. Include employers can interact, learn, and contact
past positions, initiatives, skills, college projects, you. Its a living resume more than a statement
publications, and interests. But remember, it still of skills. Put this organism to work by
needs to be concise and compelling. Most optimizing your profile.
importantly, use the profile to tell your
unique story.


of hiring managers Your profile should include additional details

report looking at LinkedIn
75% profiles to learn about a
that add onto what your resume already has,
candidates background including recommendationsbut remember
to keep it concise, compelling, and unique.

11 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Checklist with More Tips
The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Profile Optimization
Your LinkedIn profile is where potential employers will get their first glance at your experience and
background. Leave a great first impression by getting your profile in order with the following checklist.

Your Photo: Appear Professional but Personable

Smile in your profile picture. Employers like Members who customize their
to hire happy people. experience on their profile get
21x more views on average
You do not need to have a suit on, but you do
need to appear professional and approachable.
Shoot in a bright location against a solid Your Recommendations: How To Standout
background, and upload a high-quality Before asking for a recommendation,
photo. Youll be surprised how much it develop an outline. Make it as easy as possible
makes you stand out. for your boss, co-worker or client to write
your recommendation.
Ask a supervisor at each of your jobs to write
Members with photos get 14x a brief recommendation. Be prepared to write
more profile views on average
one in return.
While recommendations from co-workers
help, recommendations from managers are
Your Summary: Get Descriptive & Aspirational most impactful.
Think of your summary as your Elevator Pitch.
It should describe what you do to someone Your Education: Bring it Full Circle
who is unfamiliar with your position and role. Include your past school, degrees, and majors
in your profile. Its common for companies to
Your Experience: Demonstrate Future Potential recruit alumni from specific schools.
While describing specific jobs, connect the
dots between your overall vision and your
achievements in that role. Members with a school in their
Describe your major projects and wins as well profile get 10x more views
on average
as the value that you brought to the team.

12 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Advice from an Expert: Jeff Selingo

On Paper versus In Reality: How to Cross Mistake: Over-applying

the Skills Divide Solution: Many professionals apply to a wide
Most job descriptions contain a long list of variety of jobs, hoping something sticks.
required skills. You have some, but not all of Instead, focus on a few positions that best
them. You might size up your resume, wondering match your strengths, values, and career
whether its even worth applying. Dont walk goals. Quality trumps quantity every time.
away yet. Even when your qualifications dont
Mistake: Lack of Customization
quite align with a job description, your chances
Solution: It sounds simple, but many
of landing the job may still be high. When youre
applicants do not draft personalized
staring down a skills gap, cross the divide with
materials. Stand out by ensuring your cover
the following tips:
letter and resume map your skills directly
to the position description. Customize your
Common Mistakes, Simple Solutions
qualifications, listing them in the same
Mistake: Highlighting Weaknesses
Jeff Selingo Solution: If your experience doesnt quite line fashion and order as the employer.
Author of College (Un)Bound
up with the description, dont call attention to Shaking up the Qualifications Criteria
gaps or weaknesses. Instead, accentuate the Dont focus solely on the skills and
positive and emphasize the unique skills you qualifications explicitly listed by the
Jeff Selingo is a best-selling author can bring to the company. employer. Job descriptions are more like
and award-winning columnist who helps goals than strict guidelines. Do some digging
parents and higher-education leaders to discover some of the core challenges the
imagine the college and university of organization is up against. Demonstrate how
the future and how to succeed in a fast your skills and experience can solve these
changing economy. problems, and youre likely to get a foot in
the door.

Your resume will make its way through an applicant tracking system at some point. And even if it doesnt,
some hiring managers are pickier than others. Make sure at least half the skills listed on the job posting
are mirrored on your resume. Happy job hunting!

13 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Common Job Search Challenges: How to Blow Past Barriers

Presenting yourself as the best possible candidate is essential to landing a new job, but being seen as the best isnt easy. Dont fret, because getting
past barriers like a skills gap, or recent unemployment is well within your reach. Below are some common obstacles job seekers face, as well as tactics
for overcoming them:

YOURE UNEMPLOYED Make sure your resume is rock solid. More often than not,
correcting simple mistakes on a resume will do wonders for
your search.
If youre getting passed over for jobs that are in your wheelhouse,
you may be shooting too low. Start applying for more senior Be willing to freelance or work part-time. Getting your foot
positions. Of course, do the opposite if youve been aiming high. in the door might result in a full-time job.

YOURE UNDERQUALIFIED Demonstrate how your skills and experience can solve key
business problems.

Highlight recent accomplishments rather than years of experience.

Customize your qualifications, listing them in the same fashion

and order as the employer.

YOURE SHY Use LinkedIn Company Pages and LinkedIn Pulse to read
up on topics you may discuss. Acing your preparation can
really help with your confidence.
When reaching out to LinkedIn connections for feedback or help,
Practice, practice, practice. If a phone call to a connection
imagine how you would feel if the tables were turned. You would
or employer is going to be difficult, iron out potential rough
help out, and they will too.
spots in advance by rehearsing with a job search buddy.

14 The 2016 Job Search Guide

LinkedIn Member Success Story:
Krishna Vempati

Leveraging LinkedIn Features to Find a Niche Job

Fresh out of grad school, Krishna was seeking a job at a Toronto startup where he could combine his
background in technology with his keen business acumen. He had a solid goal, but no idea how to get
there. I didnt have any startup contacts, he said. But, I kept hearing that Toronto was becoming this
tech-hub in Canada. I really didnt have much luck right away. When he started leveraging some simple
LinkedIn features, he had better luck. Heres how:

I imported my portfolio and past jobs, then cleaned up and customized my resume. Krishna said. This
allowed me to control how people viewed my previous experience, and offer a downloadable version
Optimize Your Profile
of my experience.

After discovering the Jobs You May Be Interested In feature, Krishna leveraged advanced preferences
and reacted quickly to email alerts about his most desired positions. LinkedIn got a sense of what types
Set Up Job Alerts
of roles I was applying to, he said.

As Krishna discovered employers through Company Pages, he also uncovered current and past
STEP 3 employees. He reached out cold to many of these professionals. I sent messages on LinkedIn to
Use Company Pages professionals asking if they would have a brief conversation, he said. Many times we would sit down
and chat over coffee, and I would end up with a couple interviews later that week.

As Krishna discovered openings and employers, he also realized many of his current connections could
be bridges to new organizations. In one instance, a position opened up at a desirable company where
his former manager and fellow alumni was working. He reached out, had a successful sit-down, and the
Tap Current Connections
rest was history. He invited me for an interview, and we took things from there. he said. Ive been at
the company for over a year now.

The job recommendations improved as I applied to more and more roles. Keeping after it really paid off!
15 The 2016 Job Search Guide
Between online job boards, social media, and good
old-fashioned face-to-face networking, job seekers have
more resources for discovering jobs than ever before.
But, having more options can also be overwhelming at times.
In the following pages, we will explore tools and tactics for
discovering the right job for you. Here is what you will learn:

How to use LinkedIn to find a job youll love

How to leverage the LinkedIn Job Search App
How to discover jobs through your connections

The average job seeker views 148 different jobs

148 in their job search.

16 The 2016 Job Search Guide

How LinkedIn can help you Land a Job Youll Love

As technology has evolved, the job application process has lost some of the personal touches it used to have. As a result, many professionals either
dont find the right opportunities, or run into road blocks trying to access those opportunities. The LinkedIn platform is designed with the specific
purpose of getting good candidates un-stuck. It arms professionals with timely job recommendations, relevant connections, and useful job insights.
Lets explore LinkedIns new jobs pages to see how you can unlock your next opportunity.

1. Surfaces Potential Connections

Our platform evaluates your network and
automatically shows you who you know at
interesting job opportunties. These insights
can help reveal old connections that you
never would have thought of to reach out to.

2. Targeted Insights:
LinkedIns new jobs pages provide unique
insights such as who from your current
company as well as which alumni from your
school now work at the company of interest.
These connections are a great way to reach
out to find out more about the position.

3. Meet the team

With this feature you can learn more about
the type of people you may work with if you
Click here to start your
pursue the opportunity. It highlights people
job search.
with similar roles, as well as their skills and
career highlights.

17 The 2016 Job Search Guide

More than 50% of LinkedIn
members look for jobs via their
mobile devices. Applying to
GOING MOBILE 50% jobs in a few clicks with your
How to Leverage the LinkedIn Job Search App smartphone will soon be
the norm.

Even a few short years ago, making a shift in your career meant plunking down in front of a computer for long hours of drafting resumes, checking job
boards, and dealing with complex application processes. Fast forward to today and we find a world ruled by social media and smartphones. Read on
to learn how LinkedIns iOS and Android Job Search apps can simplify your career journey.

Quick Tips: Taking the LinkedIn Job Search App a Layer Deeper

1. Advanced Filtering 2. A
 pply with Profile 3. Job Alerts & Notifications
Advanced filtering allows you to sort jobs by Many employers now allow users to apply As you search for jobs, click the star in the
location, companies, job functions, industries, by submitting their profile directly from upper right-hand corner to save your search.
and seniority level. Use these filters to find the their smartphones. This triggers a daily email with fresh results
jobs that meet your criteria. that match the saved search. Inaddition, you
can set up push notifications which will alert

The most powerful aspect of this app is having the people, companies, you when new jobs are posted that match

and advice to re-shape your career right in your pocket.

these criteria.

Daniel Ayele, Senior Product Manager, LinkedIn

18 The 2016 Job Search Guide
Save, Search & Automate LinkedIn offers search filters to help users
hone in on the perfect job. These include:

Location Company
LinkedIn Features to Streamline your Career Discovery Process Date posted Job function
When used correctly, the following seemingly simple LinkedIn features can significantly Industry Level of experience
streamline your job search across all your devices.

1. Saved Jobs 2. J ob Alerts 3. Jobs You Might Be Interested In

When browsing through listings, its easy With a single click you can set up daily, weekly, The information on your profile and search
to lose track of all your opportunities. The or monthly alerts for relevant listings. When activity will all influence the listings LinkedIn
Saved Jobs feature allows you to save jobs in the right role opens up, youll be first in line displays as Jobs you might be interested in.
a single clickwith automatic syncing across to apply, thereby increasing your chances of Navigate to your Jobs tab to customize
all your devices. If you see an opportunity getting the job. the location, company size and industry of
during a busy workday, simply flag it on your these listings.
smartphone and apply later from your desktop
or tablet.

19 The 2016 Job Search Guide

89% of job seekers
report networking
The Value of Relationships: Who You Know Determines Where You Work search. 65% found it,
Very Effective

Networking can seem a bit scary at first, but most networking actually just means talking to the people you already know. Talking with like-minded
professionals, mentors, and potential employers can be flat out fascinating. In the following pages youll find networking strategies that will help you make
your next move. Heres what youll learn:


 elieve it or not, you probably already have connections who can help you make your next move. Sometimes, however, you may discover
a great opportunity where you are not connected. Well help you make these connections easier.


Theres an art and science to the informational interview. In this section youll find highly applicable but simple tips to master this process
and grow your list of career advocates.


As you learn to warm up cold contacts and begin nailing informational interviews, LinkedIns Groups and Company Pages can help you broaden
your network, and build bridges to more in-person interviews.

20 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Advice from an Expert: Jim Citrin

How to Connect with a Cold Contact Using LinkedIn to Network with Weak Ties
So, you found a stellar company, but youre not Contrary to popular belief, you should network
connected with any of its employees. You are in with both professional and personal contacts.
luck, because connecting cold is quite common. Distant friends, relatives and some of their
If you plan to reach out, here are some tips for connections can open many unexpected doors.
personalizing your LinkedIn request: Consider the following tactics for building a
LinkedIn network:
 ind common ground
Do research on the professional or C
 onnect with fringe friends
organization and make mention of your Whether you met in college or that random
common ground in the first sentence. Pilates class, all those friends and colleagues
you have lost touch with are perfect
 et to the point candidates for growing your network.
Tell them what you want and why youre
Jim Citrin relevant in a respectful, but honest tone. P
 rioritize super-connectors
CEO Recruiter & Author, The Career Playbook
Comb through your list and connect
 eep it short with the ones that have the largest networks.
Youre the newest person on their radar. These are the relationship builders, and they
Jim Citrin leads Spencer Stuarts North American can unlock an exponential amount of data
CEO Practice. During his 21 years with the O
 pen up a two-way street about future jobs.
firm, he has worked with clients on more than Be sure to offer something up in return
600 CEO, board director, CFO and other top for connecting, and say thank you. C
 ontribute to conversation
management searches and CEO succession Get set up in groups that interest you and
assignments. weigh in where you feel comfortable.

Networking shouldnt feel like work. Whether business or personal, a relationship is a relationship.
Be real about it, and be yourself. If you invest time in building new relationships, youll stumble upon
unexpected opportunities.

21 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Networking Strategies

The Art & Science of the Informational Interview

Informational interviews offer an unprecedented platform to ask candid questions, learn about an organization, and make personal connections.
And despite all of the information available online, face-to-face meetings are the most effective tactic for uncovering the culture and nuances of an
organization. Sitting down for coffee with the right professional can set you on a whole new path. But, theres an art and science to the informational
interview. Follow these five tips to ensure both of your time is well spent.

Do Your Research Ask the Tough Questions Ask for Another Contact

Science Science Art

Its crucial that you arrive prepared. Get familiar Ask more questions than you answer, If the conversation goes well, ask if they
with your interviewers LinkedIn profile. Research and prepare your questions with care. Listen can introduce you to another relevant
the organizations key services. And, read up on more than you speak. Keep the focus on the contact. But, networking is a give and take.
news stories that feature the company. organization or professional across the table Be prepared to make introductions from
Be prepared! and remember youre there to learn. your end, too.

Lead the Conversation Tell Your Story

Art Art
This skill is more art than science. Ask well You need to demonstrate your value without
informed questions to set the tone of the explicitly asking for a job. Be prepared to tell
conversation. Remember to be yourself your story in a succinct manner. Leave the
whether the conversation is going the interview having shared your key strengths.
direction you want or not. Being authentic
is key to forming a lasting relationship with
your interviewer.

22 The 2016 Job Search Guide

How LinkedIn Company Pages Can Help

Connect, Learn, and Find the Right Fit

LinkedIn Company Pages can help you connect with, learn about, and decide whether an organization will make a solid match for your skills, personality,
and values. Heres what you can expect to learn:

 elevant Company Info Make an Impression
A common mistake job seekers make is to If you are interested in an organization, take
skimp on the research. Company Pages can advantage of opportunities to interact with
give you an edge, offering information on an them directly on social media. Commenting
organizations past operations, current news, on posts, sharing their content, and even
products, services, culture, and employees. posting similar articles can help make an
impression over time.
 urrent Openings
Most Company Pages contain, Careers
sections where you can browse current
openings or apply. These are often more
up-to-date than traditional job boards.

 urrent and Past Employees
Company Pages allow you to view 1st
or 2nd degree connections who currently,
or previously, have worked for the company
youre interested in. Reaching out to these
professionals and learning more about their
experience could be the fast-track to a
new job.

23 The 2016 Job Search Guide

People who join conversations
within groups get 5X more
How LinkedIn Groups Can Help profile views

Reap the Rewards of the Conversation Economy

Were living in an era dominated by social media. With all the noise, it can be difficult to discern where to add your voice. LinkedIn Groups offer a platform
for discussion on highly specific topics, making it easier for professionals just like you to join in on relevant dialogue. The following are a few ways LinkedIn
Groups can help in your job hunt:

 ind New Connections D
 iscover Industry News A Final Note on Being Authentic
LinkedIn Groups brings like-minded Group members are constantly engaging in Youre you, and thats awesome. Whether you
professionals together who often connect meaningful discussions about their industries. utilize LinkedIn Groups, or LinkedIn messaging
over shared skills, industry learning, and Leverage what you learn in groups to shine features, give yourself permission to be
job-specific questions. Tap into this wellspring during meetings, interviews, and more. authentic. Learning to be honest with the world
of knowledge to advance your career with about your skills, passions, and personality will
new connections. J oin the Conversation expedite your job search.
Just as you can learn for others, others can
 ain Access to Group Member Profiles learn from you, too. Sharing your expertise
When granted access to a group, youre allows you to build mutually beneficial
also granted rights to view full profiles of relationships, and demonstrate that youre
its members. In addition, you can message passionate and educated on relevant topics.
members, even if youre not connected.

of executives who
changed jobs in 2014
50% participated in groups
within three months
prior to a job change.

24 The 2016 Job Search Guide

LinkedIn Member Success Story:
Sharon Achilles

Overcoming a Rough Economy & Switching Careers

After studying journalism in college, Sharon struggled through a part-time job while applying for bigger
opportunities. Then, the economy crashed. There werent enough jobs in journalism to go around,
she said. Sharons tale demonstrates how uncovering a new path can be challenging, but fulfilling too.
I certainly had to take a leap of faith in my job search, Sharon reported. This is how she made the leap:


Bring Your Offline Persona Online Get Social on LinkedIn Practice Persistence, Patience,
and Thankfulness

Sharon attended a seminar where she learned After adding some personality to her profile, Sharon worked two different jobs in
how her LinkedIn profile and resume should Sharon began making new connections on staffing before ultimately finding a fit in
differ, and how to start networking online. I LinkedIn. I started getting comfortable and Human Resources. She practiced patience
realized that my profile was a little bare, she said. reaching out to more contacts for advice, and was grateful to everyone in her network,
Things really clicked during this seminar for me. interviews, or just to answer simple questions As I reached my full potential, I got busy.
I knew I needed to make my personality shine about specific jobs and career paths, she said. I had to remind myself to follow up, thank
through and beef up my profile with experience, Her network confirmed her sneaking suspicion everyone and stay in touch with important
skills and endorsements. that human resources was ultimately the contacts, she said. Ultimately, I was contacted
direction her career should go. for a new position because of my persistence,
and I took it!

Your LinkedIn network is like a small community, or team. If you start

surrounding yourself with the right people and just be yourself, your
community will give you the perfect job eventually!

25 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Youve heard it a hundred times; Looking for a job is a job in and
of itself. Despite all that hard work, approaching the application
process strategically can open unexpected doors, create jobs
where none previously existed, and help you secure the right
role in spite of tough competition. The following pages contain
tips and tactics that will ensure you are prepared to apply.
Heres what well cover:

How your network can help you find your in

How to tackle the interview process
How to put yourself in the shoes of a recruiter
How to negotiate your job offer

In 2015, 70% of LinkedIn members who changed jobs

were hired at a company where they had a personal
connection, an alumni connection, or their new
company had a history of hiring from their previous

26 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Networking Strategies for Getting the Job

As you prepare to apply for your next role, The Expected and Unexpected Bridges that
remember that relationships can be the most Unlock New Opportunities
positively powerful resource at your disposal. 1. Former Bosses & Coworkers of job seekers reported
People like to help and you shouldnt be afraid The fastest way in is through professionals former bosses and
to ask for a favor. Apply the following relationship who can vouch for you directly. Reach out
20% coworkers were most
effective in getting a
building skills as much as possible in preparation to former bosses and coworkers to speed
new job
for getting a job: up your search.

How to Combine Online and 2. The Friend

Offline Conversation Talk shop with your neighbor, club sports
As you build relationships, it helps to know teammate or ex-classmate. These relationships of respondents
reported friends being
which mode of communication is appropriate in are career gold mines. Dont be shy, because
different scenarios. Many online dialogues result youll both benefit from professional dialogue.
12% their most effective
channel for getting
in an informational interview. Use the following a new job
tips for getting the most out of each channel: 3. The Cold Contact
Whether you meet someone new at an
Face-to-Face event, or find the profile of a potential ally on
Master the Art & Science of Informational LinkedIn, making an impression on someone
Interview: Do your research, lead the youve never met can have a magical impact of respondents
conversation and ask thoughtful questions. on your career prospects. Dont be afraid to reported cold contacts
strike up a dialogue. 9% being their most
effective channel for
getting jobs
Utilize apps like LinkedIn Job Search for
networking success. The messaging feature on
our app is a popular way to strike up dialogue
with your connections you havent spoken with
in a while.

27 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Advice from an Expert: J.T. ODonnell

How important is networking? Is there some secret to developing a

career thats meaningful while also
J.T. : Its crucial. Your network is your net worth, getting paid enough?
when it comes to getting a foot in the door.
Having third-party credibility is absolutely critical J.T. : Theres no secret door to success
to improving your odds. And keep in mind this is or money. Just make sure you never stop
about quality more than quantity. Its not about learning. Align this continued learning with
the number of connections you have. the job youre applying for, so the recruiter
or HR professional can connect the dots.
Its more about what you pour into your network. With every year that passes in your career,
People that serve their networks get the best more will be expected of you. So keep honing
interviews and opportunities. If youre going to your skills, and totally own it! This will get you
apply to a job, make sure you network first. all the interviews you need.
This will give you an edge.
J.T. ODonnell
Lets talk about long-term goals. How can they
help you secure an interview or ultimately a job?
of positions are filled
As a career strategist, syndicated J.T. : You have to think of yourself as a business
80% through a referral

columnist and author of CAREEREALISM: of one. If youre able to set long-term goals
The Smart Approach to a Satisfying the same way a business would, then youll be
speaking their language when it comes time to
Career, J.T. ODonnell has studied
interview. Employers want candidates who think
workplace satisfaction for nearly 20
big picture, but also apply this to their everyday Source: J.T. ODonnell
years. In this exclusive interview, she skills. Align your long-term development with the
shares strategies to maximize your odds everyday needs of a business, and youll have a
of securing your interview, and ultimately good shot at getting the job.
the job too.

28 The 2016 Job Search Guide

What to Expect & How to Make an Impression

When your networking skills and resume land

you that coveted interview, its time to start
preparing. Theres no substitute for confidence,
and preparation breeds confidence. In the next
three pages, we will explore common interview
questions and how to best answer them. Make answers relevant
Confront weaknesses with what youre doing to improve
How to Answer Background Questions
Give examples of your experiences
Example: Whats your biggest weakness?
Background questions are designed to uncover
candidates strengths and weaknesses. In this
section you will learn how to use storytelling to
make all of your responses more memorable. BEHAVIORAL QUESTIONS
How to Answer Behavioral Questions
Use S.T.A.R to tactically answer questions
Example: Tell me about a time when you
(Situation, Task, Actions, Results)
Behavioral questions are meant to evaluate how
those strengths and weaknesses play out in the
real world. Well show you how to use the S.T.A.R.
(Situation, Task, Actions, Results) method to
ace them.

What to Say When Its Your Turn to
Ask Questions
Perhaps the most intimidating part of a job Align visions and culture
interview is when the interviewer says, So, what End with the next interview in mind
questions do you have for me? In this section,
you will learn how to ask intelligent questions
that continue to demonstrate why youre perfect
for the job.

29 The 2016 Job Search Guide

How to Respond to the Standard Questions with Memorable Responses

Tell Your Story and Make Yourself Memorable

It can be difficult to come up with original answers to the standard strengths and weaknesses questions. No matter the job, there are a handful of
strengths every employer is looking for, and even fewer weaknesses that wont make you look bad. It can seem like youre limited to a few rote answers.
Since most interviewers are used to hearing the same clich responses, you can truly stand out with some thoughtful preparation. Heres how:


Make Your Answers Relevant to the Job Confront the Weakness Question Head-On Use Anecdotes for Memorable Responses

Instead of saying, my greatest strength is my This question is less about identifying Add a brief example of how you use your
integrity, tie your response to why you are a weaknesses and more about seeing if you are strengths or overcome a weakness to make
good fit for the company. For example, you could honest, able to assess yourself, and coachable. your responses more compelling. For example,
say, one of my strengths is my integrity, which is So admit to a genuine weakness, how it affects Clients say one of my strengths is my ability
why XCorp is such an appealing company to me. your performance, and (most importantly) what to communicate. We had a project that
I feel like the corporate culture here matches you are doing to improve. For example, I know I involved twenty people speaking four different
my values. have trouble organizing, which can keep me from languages, and I was able to keep everyone
being as efficient as I could be. So I use a daily on the same page. I really enjoyed helping
planner and task lists to stay on track. everyone understand each other.

Most people think the best way to excel at an interview is to answer questions better than any other candidate.
But, the more important skill is to weave those questions into a story, a narrative that gives the interviewer a
sense of who you are and what youre about.

Jim Citrin, CEO Recruiter

30 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Be a S.T.A.R. with Tactical Responses

Recent trends saw companies asking oddball help, because he didnt answer my email either team made everyone more communicative.
interview questions such as, Describe the color (Task). So I had a face-to-face meeting with him Now the teams productivity is up 50% from
yellow to a blind person, or, Tell me how you to discuss the importance of being available to last quarter (Results).
would unload a 747 full of sheep. Thankfully, his team members, followed by an email to
most companies realized responses to those the whole team to reinforce the message for
questions didnt indicate future job performance, everyone (Action). The meeting got him to
and settled on behavioral questions instead. answer emails, and the message for the whole

Behavioral questions take the form of, Tell me

about a time when you or, Describe how you
would handle The purpose of these questions
is to see how the strengths and weaknesses you S.T.A.R STRUCTURE
identified play out in a real-world setting.

To answer these questions in a coherent and

Situation: Explain the scenario that required you to use your skills and experience
compelling way, use the S.T.A.R. structure:

Task: Briefly identify the challenge you had to overcome to succeed

Lets say the question is, Tell me about a time
you had to solve a problem as a manager.
Action: Detail the specific steps you took to resolve the task
Your response could be: I had to manage
a new hire who would not answer emails
Results: Demonstrate what you accomplished, with specifics and stats if available
from the rest of the team (Situation). His lack
of communication was affecting the entire
departments productivity. Emailing him didnt

31 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Turning the Tables: Your Turn to Ask the Tough Questions

Nailing the interview requires more than Whats frustrating about working here?
answering questions. The best candidates find
a way to turn the tables, and learn from their Is there anything holding the company back?
potential employer. Respectfully asking the right
questions can uncover crucial information about If it were six months in the future, what would
a companys culture, practices, and your potential success look like?
position. If you want to find a fit, youll need to
learn to ask the right questions. How did you get your start?

Aligning on Vision, Values, & Culture End With the Next Interview in Mind
Finding a career fit is about more than skills and Leave the interview with your strongest foot
capabilities. Your job satisfaction will be directly forward by asking specific questions. You want
linked to whether or not your vision, values, and to leave an impression, and get them thinking
culture align with your employer. Which is why you can meet their needs immediately.
asking the right questions is so important. When Consider asking the following:
you get beyond the bullet points, you begin to
uncover the true nature of an organization. What are the challenges that keep you
up at night? How can I help you solve
Questions to Ask During an Interview: those problems?

How do you see this position changing, Answers to this question will demonstrate what
or evolving in the coming years? the hiring team is truly looking for, and which
problems are top of mind. If you make it to the
If you could improve something about this next round, you can prepare your plan for how
company, what would it be? you can solve their specific problems.

What will I learn, if I work here?

32 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Crossing the Finish Line: What to do After the Interview

Writing a Memorable Thank You Note 3. A

 strong close that establishes rapport.
Preparing for an interview is hard work. Once its If you connected with your interviewer on
over, you may be tempted to sit back, relax, and a personal level, now is the time to mention
wait for a phone call. Dont let up just yet. If you it. Mention a witty exchange, a challenging
wish to remain top of mind, its time to write a question, or other aspects of your interview
proper thank you note. that lock in your personal connection. Finally,
close with a firm reiteration of your interest:
Standard etiquette is to email, or send I look forward to taking the next step in the
a LinkedIn message, within 24 hours of hiring process. I am available to meet again
the interview. Your note should convey at your convenience. Thank you again for
sincere appreciation for the opportunity your time, and hope to talk to you soon.
and the interviewers time. After that,
include the following: 4. A
 n authentic tone of voice
Following the structure outlined above does
1. A
 brief recap of your qualifications. not mean you should take your personality
Be specific about how your skills map to out of the equation. On the contrary, your
the job. Now is a good time to highlight any personality should shine through in the
previous experience or skills that didnt get tone of your writing. Hiring managers are
discussed in the interview. looking for candidates with personality.
Read your letter aloud. Make sure it sounds
2. A
 more specific statement of interest. conversational and authentic.
Use what you learned in the interview to
call out one or two aspects of the company
or culture that make you want to work for
them. Compliment the company in a way
that demonstrates you paid attention during
your interview.

33 The 2016 Job Search Guide

Advice from a Recruiter: Lauren Babek

Your resume is just one among dozens that a 3. P

recruiter might see in a single day. In order to After the initial resume evaluation,
get picked from the pile, take a look at the hiring LinkedIns team does a phone screening
process from the recruiters side. Here are a few with each candidate that is qualified
tips from a member of LinkedIns Talent to continue through the interview
Acquisition Team: process. While companies recognize the
importantance of skills and experience,
1. H
 ighlight Key Differentiators there is an increasing value being placed
A recruiter will only spend a few minutes on personal brand. Whether it is how
reviewing your resume. Theyll do a quick scan you correspond with your recruiter or the
for skills and experience that both qualify you questions you have and the preparedness
for the role and set you apart, and then they you exemplify to the hiring team during
are on to the next candidate. Make it easy on interviews, personal brand is ultimately
their eyes by putting your most impressive how you choose to show up and the way
Lauren Babek skills, experience, and background front you conduct yourself can play a large part
Talent Acquisition Manager, LinkedIn
and center. in how far you advance.

2. G
 et Referrals
A solid job search is a marathon, A referral from a trusted source can be a
powerful tool in moving you ahead of the
not a sprint. It takes time to build
a healthy network, get reliable
pack. Recruiters greatly appreciate quality 43%
referrals as they are usually appropriately
referrals and find the right job. qualified for the position, already interested
in the job opportunity, and coming from a
In our recent recruiting trends survey, 43%
trusted source be it a co-worker, a former
of respondents reported social professional
colleague, or a member of their networks as their top source of quality hires.**
proverbial Rolodex.

Source: LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends 2016**

34 The 2016 Job Search Guide

A Guide to Negotiating a Job You Love Salary
More than Money 2. Negotiate With Yourself Promotion
Money matters. But not as much as finding a Develop two or three scenarios, each with
Role Responsibility
role that fits. As you move through your career, a unique combination of benefits, role
you will discover that room for growth, role responsibility, compensation, and promotion. Vacation
responsibility, and access to the right resources If your pay is not ideal, would additional Resources
can add immense value, just like money in vacation days bring the role back into balance? Title
your pocket. A few months into the new job, you will Hours
feel better having wrestled with the tough
After identifying what your ideal role looks like, questions and having been honest about
learning how to negotiate effectively and what your priorities.
is up for negotiation will make it a reality. Pave
the path to rock-solid negotiation skills with the 3. Interview Others
of job seekers
following exercises: In todays connected world, its not hard to find
reported leaving
like-minded professionals. Reach out and ask
1. Think Big Picture them what their day-to-day looks like, or what
45% their old job due to
lack of opportunities
Many professionals focus too much on the types of questions they wish they had asked for advancement
present. Instead, try to imagine your resume during their interview. This will give you a solid
in ten years. Jot down where you believe baseline when negotiating for your dream job.
your ideal role will lead you and list the skills
required to get there. Be prepared to discuss
this progression with potential employers. You of respondents
may find them quite keen on your future, too. reported leaving
34% their old job due to
dissatisfaction with
Contrary to popular belief, more money does not always translate the compensation

to increased happiness and career satisfaction. Know your personal

priorities. If paid time off or upward mobility are what matter most,
wrap those items into the negotiation. Sources: LinkedIn Talent Solutions Why & How People Change
Jobs 2015 report

J.T. ODonnell
35 The 2016 Job Search Guide
Changing Careers

Do Your Homework: 7 Steps for Positioning 2. C

 onduct Informational Interviews 5. G
 et Credentials
Yourself for a New Career Reach out to connections in your desired Does your new field require licensure,
Changing careers can be a daunting process, field for an honest review of your cover letter certifications, memberships, or other
but the prospect of a new role with new and resume. If theyre open to reviewing trainings? Explore Lynda.coms courses
responsibilities is also exhilarating. Whatever your resume, ask them to participate in before actively applying or talking to
your reason for deciding on a career change, an informational interview. recruiters. This will show youre serious
do your homework before taking the leap. The about entering the field.
following seven steps will allow you to learn more 3. S
 tart Talking
about yourself and your new field, and help you Join LinkedIn Groups that are relevant to your 6. T
 est the Waters
successfully land a new job: new field. You can ask questions, connect with Take on temporary assignments in your
new people, and discover where to find new spare time. This will allow you to refine your
1. S
 pend Time Assessing Yourself career opportunities. idea of the perfect position, help you build
Make a list of all your talents and passions. contacts, and could lead to a permanent
This list will allow you to identify all your 4. F
 ind Mentors position.
transferrable skills, as well as what youre Ask your colleagues that you can see on
looking for in your next position. Once LinkedIns new jobs pages to be mentors 7. T
 ake Your Time
your list is compiled, compare it to the job during your career change. They should work Dont rush the process. Taking time to
requirements of your desired position. In in the desired field, and have knowledge learn about the field, refine your profile,
addition, update your LinkedIn profile to about career opportunities. and engage with relevant connections will
include all your skills, and a new profile lead to more success and less frustration.
headline that shows recruiters and
hiring managers youre looking for
new opportunities.

Its not just about getting ahead. Its about loving your job and loving
who you get to work with. 1 in 3 who changed jobs, also changed
industries in their job search.
 an Shapero, Career Product Lead, LinkedIn

36 The 2016 Job Search Guide

LinkedIn Member Success Story:
Ali Alizedah

Overcoming Lack of Professional Experience using LinkedIn

After studying biochemistry in University and managing a restaurant for a few years, Ali was struggling
to make his way into the professional workforce. After applying online to dozens of jobs with no luck,
Ali set a lunch with a family friend who worked at a Fortune 500 company. He asked me if I was on
LinkedIn, and at the time I wasnt, he said. Well, theres your problem! his new mentor exclaimed.
Read on to hear how Ali leveraged LinkedIn to uncover a new career path and secure a job.

Despite not having any professional experience, Ali had developed plenty of soft skills managing a
STEP 1 restaurant. My contact told me to list some skills that he could endorse, Ali said. He endorsed me,
Leverage Skills & Endorsements and this at least put me on the map.

After tagging his skills, Ali began leveraging his new network. My mentor was kind enough to let me
connect with his contacts, Ali reported. I just kept connecting with people and asking for feedback.
STEP 2 Pretty soon, I got a few phone calls, too. Ali quickly applied what he learned from professionals, I
Tap Into Your Network
realized I had to reach out to a LOT of people to get the answers I was looking for. I also realized I had
to be unique if I wanted a response.

After having a few candid conversations with the right professionals, Ali realized he was a good
fit for recruiting. The next step was learning everything he could about the industry. Using Pulse,
Use Pulse, Influencers, and Articles
influencers and by reading articles, I honed my craft and learned how I could upgrade my skills.

After all this effort, Ali was ready to dive into the professional world of recruiting. He used everything
STEP 4 he learned to craft a custom strategy, I challenged employers to take a chance on me and give me a
Craft Your Own Opportunities month. If it didnt work, no hard feelings in letting me go. Pretty soon, Ali was well on his way. He now
works full-time as a corporate recruiter for Marty Bassett Associates Inc.

If you dont have experience, you still have immense potential. Give people something to believe in!
37 The 2016 Job Search Guide
If you are ready to start your job search,
please click here.

The worlds largest professional network

with more than 400 million members in 200
countries and territories around the globe.

38 The 2016 Job Search Guide

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