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Tugas Makalah Bahasa Inggris "Nursing Management of Hiv Aids"

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MARHAYANI ( PO713201151121 )

AHMAD ALMAIDAR ( PO713201151010 )


1.1 Background
As we all know, AIDS is a disease that has no cure and no vaccine that can prevent HIV virus
attacks, so that this disease is one disease that is extremely dangerous for human life now and
that time comes. Besides AIDS can also cause suffering, both physically and mentally. Maybe
we often get information through print, electronic, or seminars, about how miserable a person
suffering from AIDS. In physical terms, the suffering it may not be seen directly because of new
symptoms can be seen after a few months. But mentally, people know he suffered from AIDS
disease will experience prolonged agony. All this indicates that the problem of AIDS is a major
problem of our lives. Considerations and reasons why we as students, as part of community
members and as the future generation, felt the need to pay attention to it. Therefore we discuss in
this paper and lifted the title "HIV / AIDS And How Remedies".

1.2 Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem is a formula developed to understand what and how the problem
is being investigated. The formulation of the problem of this paper are:

What is HIV / AIDS?

How to spread and signs of vulnerability to HIV / AIDS?
How can the prevention and treatment of HIV / AIDS?

1.3 Purpose
The purpose of the authors raise the issue of AIDS in this paper are:

To find HIV / AIDS.

In order to understand more about the spread and signs of vulnerability to HIV / AIDS.
In order to understand how to prevent and control HIV / AIDS.

1.4 Benefits
The benefits that the author wants to achieve is:

To provide information to readers, especially for fellow students and young people about
AIDS, so that we all strive to avoid anything that might cause disease AIDS.

2.1 Definition of HIV / AIDS

HIV (Human Immuno-Devesiensi) is a virus that lives only in the human body, which can
damage the human immune.
AIDS (Acguired Immuno-Deviensi Syndromer) is a collection of symptoms decrease symptoms
of immune system to attack the disease from outside.

danger Aids
People who have AIDS virus will become carriers and transmitting AIDS during his lifetime,
although not feel sick and healthy looking. AIDS is also said to be a dangerous disease because
until now there is no cure or vaccine that can prevent the AIDS virus. In addition, people
infected with the AIDS virus will experience mental stress and mental suffering because most of
the people around him will isolate or away from it. And the suffering it will increase again due to
the high cost of treatment. Another danger that AIDS is the decline of the immune system. So the
disease is usually not harmful will cause illness or even death.
Etiology, HIV, the virus formerly called human T-cell limfotrofik type III (HTLV-III) or
lymphadenopathy virus (LAV), is a human retrovirus of the family cytopathic lentivirus.
Retrovirus change ribonukleatnya acid (RNA) into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) after entry into
the host cell. HIV-1 and HIV-2 is cytopathic lentiviruses, HIV-1 is a major cause of AIDS
Nine HIV genome encodes a protein that is essential for every aspect of the life cycle of the virus
(Fig. 15-1). In terms of genomic structure, the viruses have differences, such that the protein of
HIV-1 Vpu, which helps release the virus, apparently replaced by VPX protein on HIV-2. VPX
improve infection-cavity (infectiousness) and may be a duplication of other proteins, VPR. Vpr
expected to increase transcription of the virus. HIV-2, which was first identified in the serum of
women of West Africa (Senegal citizens) in 1985, causing clinical disease appears to be less
pathogenic than HIV-1 (Marlink, 1994).

2.2 Deployment And Esophageal Symptoms of HIV / AIDS.

HIV is not transmitted or disseminated through social relationships as common as shaking hands,
touching, kissing usual, hugging, use eating utensils and drinking, mosquito bites, swimming
pools, use the washrooms / toilets are the same or live at home together with HIV / AIDS
(PLWHA). PLHIV are living with HIV or AIDS. While OHIDA (People living with HIV or
AIDS) the family (children, wife, husband, father, mother) or friends living with HIV or AIDS.
More than 80% of HIV infections suffered by the productive age group, especially men, but the
proportion of female HIV patients increased. Infections in infants and children, 90% occurred
from mother with HIV. Until a few years, a person with HIV do not show clinical symptoms of
HIV infected, yet they can pass on to others. After that, AIDS began to grow and show no signs
or symptoms-gejala.Tanda clinical signs of AIDS patients:

Body weight decreased by more than 10% in 1 month

Chronic diarrhea that lasts more than 1 month
Prolonged fever over dari1 month
Loss of consciousness and neurological disorders
Dementia / HIV encephalopathy

Minor symptoms:

Cough persisting more than 1 month

Generalized itchy dermatitis
Herpes zoster their multisegmental and repeatedly
Recurrent yeast infections in the female genitals

HIV and AIDS can affect anyone. But in vulnerable groups at risk of contracting HIV causes
AIDS, namely:

People who behave sexually with multiple partners without using condoms
Injecting drug users who use needles together
Sexual partners of injecting drug users
Infants whose mothers are HIV positive
Experts explain that the Signs and Symptoms of AIDS person affected by the HIV virus in the
early onset generally do not provide the typical signs and symptoms, patients only have a fever
for 3 to 6 weeks depending on the immune system when contacted by the HIV virus. Once
conditions improved, people affected by the HIV virus will stay healthy in a few years and
slowly decreased body kekebelan / weak to fall ill because of recurrent bouts of fever. One way
to get certainty is to undergo HIV antibody test especially if a person feels has conducted
activities at risk of contracting the HIV virus.
The signs and symptoms seen in patients with AIDS, is as follows:

Respiratory tract. Patients experiencing shortness of breath, stop breathing for a moment,
coughing, chest pain and fever bleak other viral infection (pneumonia). Not infrequently the
diagnosis at an early stage of HIV disease AIDS suspected tuberculosis.
Digestive tract. AIDS disease patients showed signs and symptoms such as loss of appetite,
nausea and vomiting, often experiencing fungal diseases of the oral cavity and esophagus, as
well as experiencing chronic diarhea.
Body weight. Patients experiencing what is called wasting syndrome, namely loss of body
weight up to 10% below normal due to disturbances in the system of protein and energy in the
body as it is known as malnutrition as well as interference absorption / absorption of food in the
digestive system resulting diarhea chronic conditions tired and weak underpowered.
System persyarafan. The disruption of the central persyarafan resulting in less memory,
headaches, difficulty concentrating, are often looked confused and slow response limbs. At the
end of the persyarafan system (Peripheral) will cause pain and tingling in the hands and feet,
tendon reflexes are less, always experience low blood pressure and Impotence.
Integument System Network (skin). Patients experiencing an attack of chickenpox virus
(herpes simplex) or carar fire (herpes zoster) and various skin diseases that cause pain in the skin
tissue. Others are experiencing hair on the skin tissue infections (Folliculities), stained dry skin
(outer layer of skin cracks) and Eczema or psoriasis.
Urinary and reproductive tract in women. Patients often have a fungal disease of the vagina, it
is an early sign of HIV infection. Injuries to the urinary tract disease than men syphillis and then
more numerous women suffering from smallpox. Other people with AIDS are women many of
which become inflamed cavity (bone), pelvic known as the term 'pelvic inflammatory disease
(PID)' and experienced an irregular menstrual period (abnormal).
2.3 How Prevention and Combating HIV / AIDS

Avoid sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Try to only relate to one sexual partner, do not
relate to others.
Use condoms to high risk when having sexual intercourse.
Mothers whose blood has been examined and found to contain a virus, should not become
pregnant. Because it will move the AIDS virus to her fetus.
High-risk groups recommended for becoming a blood donor.
The use of syringes and other tools (acupuncture, tattooing, piercing) must be guaranteed

As for the efforts that can be made by the government in an attempt to prevent the transmission
of AIDS is, for example: giving counseling or community-wide information about all some thing
related to AIDS, through seminars open, through the distribution of brochures or posters
associated with AIDS, or through advertisements in various mass media both print and media
elektronik.penyuluhan or information is done continuously and sustainably, to all levels of
society, in order seluarh people to know the dangers of AIDS, so tried to escape from everything
that could virus causing AIDS.

Treatment of Diseases AIDS:

In spite of the many countries continue to researchnya in addressing HIV-AIDS, but until now no
cure AIDS disease including serum or vaccine that can cure humans of HIV virus causes AIDS.
The purpose of the provision of medicines in people with AIDS is to help improve the immune
system, improve the quality of life for them that is known HIV virus in an effort to reduce the
number of births and deaths.
We are all expected to not isolate and avoid people with HIV because they need help and support
in order to continue to live without much burden and passed away to Rahmatullah with sincerity.

3.1 Conclusions
The conclusions that can be authors conclude about this paper is:

HIV (Human Immuno-Devesiensi) is a virus that lives only in the human body, which can
damage the human immune. AIDS (Acguired Immuno-Deviensi Syndromer) is a collection of
symptoms decrease symptoms of immune system to attack the disease from outside.
Signs and Symptoms of AIDS person affected by the HIV virus in the early onset generally do
not provide the typical signs and symptoms, patients only have a fever for 3 to 6 weeks
depending on the immune system when contacted by the HIV virus.
Until now no cure AIDS disease including serum or vaccine that can cure humans of HIV
virus causes AIDS there is only prevention only.

3.2 advice
The suggestion of this paper is:

Expected authors can develop and continue writing a paper about the program's Family
Expected results of this paper can be used as reading material.


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