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After I read Module 3, I understand that through these theories or researches, anyone can be an

effective facilitator of learning if one has a good working knowledge of the learners development.

Through the ideas of these theorists, namely Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, Lawrence

Kohlberg, Lev Vygotsky and UrieBronfenbrenner, will always remain to be foundational in the teachers

understanding of the learners development.

Sigmund Freud is one of the theorists that emphasized the 3 components that make up ones

personality; these are the id, ego, and superego. The id is a pleasure centered and also it is the

source of psychic energy derived from the instinctual needs. The next component is the ego it serves

as the organized conscious mediator between the person and the reality especially by functioning both

in the perception of and the adaptation to reality. And the last one is the superego it represents

internalization of parental conscience and the rules of society and also it is related to the ego ideal or


Erik Erikson, the second theorists that believed in the impact of the significant others in the

development of ones view of himself, life and of the world. Erikson also presented a very

comprehensive framework of eight psycho social stages of development these includes trust vs.

mistrust, autonomy vs. shame/doubt, initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority, identity vs. role

confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, generatively vs. stagnation, and the last stage is the integrity vs.

despair. It is Erikson who described the crisis that a person goes through, the maladaptation and

malignancies that result from failure to effectively resolve the crisis and the next is the virtue that

emerges when balance and resolution of the crisis is attained.

The third theorist is Jean Piaget, his theory centered on the stages of cognitive development.

There are 4 stages of cognitive development, namely the sensory motor, pre operational, concrete

operational and the last one is formal operational stages. The Sensory motors (birth through ages 18

24 months), these stage or we say the early stage, infants are only aware of what is immediately in

front of them, they focuses on what they saw, what they are doing and physical interactions with their

immediate environment. The next stage is the Pre operational stage (toddler through age 7) during

this stage young children are able to think about things symbolically. Their language use becomes more

mature. They also develop memory and imagination, which allows them to understand the difference

between past and future, and engage in make believe. The third stage is the Concrete operational

stage (ages 7 to 12), at this stage childrens thinking becomes less egocentric and they are increasingly

aware of external events. They begin to realize that ones own thoughts and feelings are unique and

may not be shared by others or may not even be part of reality. And the last stage is the Formal

operational stages (adolescence through adulthood), in this stage adolescents are able to logically use

symbols related to abstract concept, such as algebra and science. They can think about multiple

variables in systematic ways, formulate hypotheses, and consider possibilities. They also can ponder

abstract relationships and concepts such as justice.

Lawrence Kohlberg is the fourth theorists who proposed the three level of moral development,

the pre conventional, conventional, and post conventional, which are subdivided into stage. It is Piaget

who influences it to Kohlberg. Kohlberg believed that ones cognitive development influenced the

development of ones moral reasoning.

The fifth theorist is Lev Vygotsky; he emphasized the role of social interaction in learning and

development. The first is Scaffolding, it is the systematic manner of providing assistance to the learner

that helps the learner to effectively acquire a skill. He believed that guidance from a More
Knowledgeable Other (MKO) can lead a learner to a higher level of performance than if he were alone.

Zone of Proximal development (ZPD), this higher level of performance then eventually becomes the

learners actual performance when he works independently in the future.

UrieBronfenbrenner is the last theorists who have a model also known as the Bio ecological

Systems theory; it presents child development within the context of relationship systems that comprise

the childs environment.


After I read the Module 1, I understand that the metacognitive acquires knowledge to the

learners also metacognitive is everywhere like; activities in our daily lives and when the learners are

experiencing difficulties in their studies they will try and practice the strategy called metacognition.

Metacognitive help the learners to become a better person.

John Flavelldivides metacognitive into three categories. First, person variable it is said that the

learners will more affective when they are comfortable in the place and they can study better. Second

Task Variable, it is said that the learners will easily catch the topic if they will have effort and its better if

they are get difficulty and the learners will find out a new strategy to learn. The last is the Strategy

variable, it is said that if the learners have difficulty the educators will find another strategy to help the

learners catch the topic.

Metacognitive and Development, my understanding in this part, that preschoolers to 8th years

old can gain knowledge and enhance their skills according to their capability.

Novice and Expert Learners employed metacognitive strategies in learnings. These learners can

both acquire knowledge but they have differences to catch up the learnings. Novice learnings have

limited knowledge while the expert learnings have deeper knowledge or long term memory.

After I read Module 2, I understand the 14 principles. Learner centered psychological

principles focus on the conditioned habit of a learners and how the learners interact to the

environment. This principles aims, that the students, teachers, parents and also the community are

involved in educational system.

The 14 principles are divided into four, first is the cognitive and metacognitive, in this part it is all about

knowledge and learning with doing. Second, the motivational and affective it is all about how will

learners get motivated and how will they appreciate or value the topic. Third, is the development and

social, it is all about the development of the learners and how they interact. And the last is individual

difference factors.

First in the principles is The Nature of Learning Process, my understanding in these, the learners will

more affective if they can relate in the topic and you will make it reality.Second, Goal of the Learning

Process, learners can acquire knowledge and it will long term or short term, but although they can

forget but time will pass they can remember and understand.Third, Construction of Knowledge, my

understanding in these is that the learners will acquire knowledge between new information and

experience.Fourth, Strategic Thinking, in these principle learners can create strategies to achieve

learning goals.Fifth, Thinking about Thinking, it is that the learners can reflect on how they think and

learn. They can make strategies if they have difficulty. Sixth, Context of Learning, in this principle,

learning of the learners will influence by environment.Seventh, Motivational and Affective factors, in

this principle learning of the learners influenced by the learners motivation it seems that the learning

will affect the daily lives of the learners.

Eight, Instinct Motivation, to learn in this principle the leaners are more effectively with their

instinct and they will easily motivate.Nine, Effects of Motivation on Effort, in this principle the learners

requires knowledge with skills and the learners will need effort and guided practice, learners need

willingness to gain knowledge.Tenth, Development and Social Factors, in this principle the learners will

become effective when differential development within and cross physical, intellectual, emotional and

social domain is taken into account. Learners gain knowledge if material is appropriate to their

developmental level and is presented in interesting way,Eleventh, Social Influence on Learning, learning

is influence by social interaction, learners will enhance their learning through interact and collaborate

with others. Twelve, Individual Differences in Learning, in this principle learner have different strategies,

approaches and capabilities for learning that are function of prior experience and heredity. Learners

have own capabilities and talents, through learning they can gain and enhance their skills and they have

their own way to gain knowledge.Thirteen, Learning and Diversity, in this principle learner have different

learning when linguistic, cultural, and social background. Basic principles are applied to the learners, like

language, race, beliefs, ethnicity, all of these can influence learning and learners will also

influence.Fourteen, Standards and Assessment, in this principle, assessment is the most effective its

because by this the learners will measure their learning. If they understand the topic, performance

assessment can provide other sources of information about the attainment of learning outcomes.

From the Module 4 on Individual Differences, I learned that diversity is the state of having

people who are different races or who have different culture in a group or organization. In learning

environment, individual interact with others although they are different in other way, they are united as

one its because of the education. Also diversity comes with a factors, first is the Socioeconomic status,

my understanding with this the rich people are different in poor people. Second, Thinking/Learning

Style, my understanding of these is that the learners have their own capability to gain knowledge. Third,

Exceptionalities, my understanding of these, learners have different way to acquire knowledge and also

learners have their difficulty in comprehension listening skills and speaking skills.

Learners have different culture, religious, behavior, attitude, language but still they are united

its because of education they know the word Biodiversity it means respecting other with different


As a future teacher, I know its not easy to handle students with different races. It is very

challenging to us but as a future teacher we need to accept the student whenever what they are, we

need to understand them and set a rules and regulation to have a peace in the classromm. We need to

measure the learners in their ability and capability. Also educators need to promote students

awareness of diversity of human learning style.


From the Module 5 on student diversity in learning thinking styles it is preferred way individual

process information. My understanding to this is that all students have different techniques or strategy

on how to acquire knowledge and also there are learners have different skills on how to acquire


First is the Visual Learners, in these learners can easily understand when they can see the topic,

Visual Learners prefer sitting in front and see pictures and also learners prefer to take notes to absorb

the information.Second, the Auditory Learners, in these learners can easily understand when they are

listening and talking. Listeners can easily understand if they will listen, they can easily absorb the

information while the talkers, they are the learners that can easily understand if the teacher is talking

and they will talk in their chair, if the teacher has a question.Third, the Kinesthetic Learners, in these

learners can easily understand when there are activities or learning with doing.Last is the Multiple

Intelligence; in these learners are have different intelligence and ability. In these learners can easily

understand when their skills are presented in the topic. So in short the learners have different way to

acquire knowledge.

After reading Module 7, Ive learned that the theory behaviorism focuses on the study of

observable and measurable behavior and also it emphasize that behavior is mostly learned through

conditioning and reinforcement.

Ivan Pavlov is a Russian physiologist and also well known for his work in class conditioning or

stimulus substitution. Pavlov also had many findings with his experiment; these are stimulus

generalization, extinction, spontaneous recovery, discrimination, higher order conditioning.

Edward L. Thorndike theory on connectionism stated that learning has taken place when a story

connection or bond between stimulus and response is formed. Thorndikes came up with these three

primary laws; these are Law of Effect, Law of Exercise and Law of Readiness. The first law which is the

Law of effect stated that a connection between a stimulus and response is strengthened when the

consequence is positive and the connection between the stimulus and the response is weakened when

the consequence is negative. The second law is the law of exercise, tells that the more a stimulus

response bond is practice the stronger it will become. But the law was revised because Thorndike found

out that these practice without feedbacks does not necessarily enhance performance. The third primary

law is the law of readiness; this states that the more readiness the learner has to respond to the

stimulus, the stronger will be the bond between them. In these law for example, the teacher calls a

student to stand up and recite, and then the teacher ask a question and expect the student to respond

the answer when he is still not ready. Thats why teachers should be remember to say question first

before calling someone to answer it.

John Watson was the first American psychologist to work with Pavlovs ideas, through the idea

of Watson, this will help us understand the development of emotional response and also it will help us

understand fears, phobias, and prejudices that people develop.

Burrhus Frederick Skinner, like the other 3 behaviorists Skinner believed in the stimulus

response pattern of conditioned behavior, but Skinner works differ from the 3 behaviorists because he

studied operant behavior. Thus, theory came to be known as; Operant conditioning, Ive learned that

operant conditioning it is based upon the notion that learning is a result of change in overt behavior. A

reinforce is anything that strengthens the desired response whether it is positive or negative.

Positive reinforce is like someone promises you to give something if you do such good things.

Negative reinforce is like a teacher announces that a student, who gets a grade of 1.5 for the grading

period, will be no longer taking the final examination. Skinner also looked into extinction or non

reinforcement, these are responses that are not reinforced are not likely to be repeated.But the most

important Ive learned in this Module, I read is that even theres a lot of behaviorism it is you who can

manage or control you own behavior to be a respected person and it can develop to a better person


After I read Module 8, I learned about neo behaviorism, first you will respond with trial and

error or we say behavioristic, but later on your response becomes more internally driven or we say

cognitive perspective.

Tolmans purposive behaviorism has also been referred to a Sign Learning Theory. Tolman

believed that learning is a cognitive process.

Learning is always purposive and goal directed. Tolman believed that any individuals can do

more than merely respond to stimuli which means they act on their beliefs, attitudes, changing

condition, and they strive towards goals. Tolman also saw behavior as holistic, purposive, and cognitive.

Latent Learning is a kind of learning that remains or stays with the individual until needed. The Concept

of intervening variable, intervening variables are variables that are not readily seen but serve as

determinants of behavior

Albert Banduras Social Learning Theory, social learning theory focuses on the learning that

occurs within a social context. Also it considers people to learn from one another just like observational

learning, imitation, and modeling.

There are general principles of social learning theory; these are learn by observing, Learning can

occur without a change in behavior, cognition plays a role in learning, social learning theory can be

considered a bridge or a transition between behaviorists learning theories and cognitive learning


Also behaviors can learned through modeling for example, students can watch parents read,

students can watch the demonstration of mathematics problems or see someone act bravely in fearful
situation. Aggression can be learned through models. It indicates that the students become more

aggressive when they observed aggressive or violent models.

Bandura mentions four conditions that are necessary before an individual can successfully

model the behavior of someone else. First is the attention, in my understanding it is the person must

pay attention to the model. Second is Retention, in my understanding, you must observe and remember

the behavior that has been observed. Third is the Motor Reproduction, in my understanding it is the

ability to replicate others behavior that had been demonstrated. Fourth is the Motivation, in my

understanding you must be motivated you must demonstrate to the learners what they have learned.

After I read Module 9, I understand that Gestalt psychology is the study of perception and

behavior from the standpoint of an individuals response to configurationally whole with stress on the

uniformity of psychological events and rejection of analysis into discrete events of stimulus, perception

and response.

Gestalt Principles, law of proximity is when we perceive near each other, we perceive them as

belongings together. The next is the Law of Similarity, elements that look similar will be perceived as

part of the same form. Next is the Law of Closure, it is about the gaps or closure of the learners in their

classmates. And the last one is the Law of Continuation, it is like the student will continue their

learnings like point will draw a line.


From the Module 10 on Information processing I learned that information processing is a

cognitive theoretical framework that focuses on how knowledge enters and stored and retrieved from

our memory. The role of attentions we can only perceive and remember those things that pass through

our attention.

Short term memory is a temporary place while it is mentally processed. Long term memory it

is an unlimited capability to remember.

Executive control process it involves the metacognitive skills this process have flow of

information through the system. It can help the learners to make informed decision. Forgetting, it is

information that you cannot remember. It has two main ways. First is decay, in this the information does

not fades but it can accept memory. Second is the interference, information that blocks in the memory.

Other memory methods, serial position effects it will remember the beginning and the last. Part

learning, it is a thick piece of information to increase the memorization. Distributed practice, it is to fill

the information in the memory and the last is the Mnemonic Acts, its the memory techniques N-

remember the information that forgotten.

Information is receive through the senses and goes to the sensory memory for a brief amount of


From the module on Students Diversity in Motivation, I learned that learners are diverse in

motivation in their age, gender, socio-economic and cultural background also in education needs.

Learners motivated in their family, classmates, their friends and also their religious. In this line

different folks, different strokes it means different things to different people dont focus in one but try


There are two principles to consider regarding social cultural influence on motivation. Learners

are wants to implement the behaviors if they can relate the situation. Also learners will motivate if they

see the others accomplish their task successfully. In this principle I believed that learners will motivated

and acquire knowledge if their classmate have the same culture, religion, socioeconomic, age and

gender it because they are comfortable to each other.


From the module on HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS, I learned that the human learning

environment have relationship and interactions between the teachers, classmates and parents. All of

these they will motivate the learners in the schools.

According to James H. Stronge (2002) affective teacher have characteristics of caring in this

teacher are good listeners to her/his students in terms of the academic problems but also in students

lives in general. Second Fairness an respect, in this teacher must be fair to the students in how to treat

the students, for example one of the student is a rich kid and the another one is poor nit because the

he/she is poor you will not treat him/her as a you treat the rich kid. As a teacher we need to be fair in all

part of their lives. We need to respect them as a student for as to respect them also. Third, Social

Interactions with student, as a teacher we need to consistently behaving a manner to each other. Also

allowing the students interacts to the class discussion and has happy moment with the students. Fourth,

teacher must encourage the students to be responsible in their lives and to their education. Fifth,

attitude towards the teaching profession in this teacher must help the students succeed by using

differentiated instructions and teacher must work with her/his workmate. And the last is reflective

practice teacher must reviewing the students on his/her teaching process.

BULLYING and THE NEED TO BELONG, its a part of the human environment of the learners. In

this learners must be accepted in her/his teacher and classmates they feel that they are belong to the

group. The sense of belongingness student must be comfortable to the class and will motivated to go

school. BULLYING in the school is not safe in environment for learning student must scared to the

students or teacher who are bullying they will lack of confidence if there is bullying in the school.

Bullying must not present in the school.

PARENTS, is also a part of the human learnings environment in this parents must be supportive

to their children. They need to follow up the grades, behavior on their children. Parents must be

awareness in the academic of the students how their children excel in the school or why their children

failed. Also parents must cooperative in the activity in school and have time to the students. And meet

the friend of their children to have idea what kind of friends they are.

Interaction of the learners to Teachers and Parents are very important to the learners learning


From the module on THE CLASSROOM CLIMATE, I learned that the classroom climate is by of the

social interactions between the student and the teacher. Classroom climate must conducive to the

learners it because if the classroom is conducive they will motivated and comfortable in the classroom.

Every classroom must have rules and regulations in order for the students to follow those rules

and regulations that have been made. Making rules student must aware and involved setting the rules.

If they will break the rules there are consequences. Teacher must fair to the students and aware in

difference types of the students. Also teacher must be aware in happenings of her/his students in the

classroom so that she/he will know what happen to the student.


From the module on the PHYSICAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT, I learned that if we affected in

school climate in the classroom also we affected in physical learning environment. In this learning

environment has to do something with the condition of the classroom. In physical leading environment

must have a conductive environment one of these are teacher and student must have interaction as

many as the teacher can. Allow students to move but they cannot distract the class. Teacher must check

the students in the class. Also teacher must have arrangement in the chairs so that the student will

minimize their noise and they are comfortable in there sit meet.

From the module on ASSESSENT FOR LEARNING, I learned that the purpose of assessment is to

improve the students learning and teaching as both responds to the information it provides.

ASSESSMENT for learning is an going process has arises out of the interactions between teaching and


EVERYDAY CLASSROOM PRACTICE. Learning goals, teaching strategies criteria should be carefully

matched. Students should know in advance what they will learn, as well as how and why they are to be

assessed.Assessment for learning must be underpinned by the utmost confidence that every students

can improve. And also it should be driven by the concept of to teach and to learn.

In the principles of assessment for learning, Assessment is a part of effective planning in these

teacher objectives wills learner progress in the topic. And student must aware of the goals so that they

can work it. Second, Focuses on how students learn, the teacher should understand the nature of

learning. Student must know of what they learn and not just to what they learn for us to grow and

better one. Third, is central to classroom practice in this student and teacher interaction each other.

Teacher must know how they will do in the classroom during the examination and in the class. Teacher

and student must have a conversation. Fourth, is a key professional skill in this teacher should be

regarded as a key of professional skill for teacher. Teacher requires the professional knowledge and

skills to; plan for assessment; observe learning; analyze and interpret evidence of learning; and support

to the learners self-assessment. Fifth, assessment for learning should be sensitive and constructive

because any assessment has an emotional impact. Teacher should be aware of the impact that

comments, marks, grades, can have on learners confidence and enthusiasm and should be as

constructive as possible in the feedback that they give. Sixth, fosters motivation, assessment that
encourage learning fosters motivation by emphasizing progress and achievement rather than failure.

Motivation can be preserved and enhanced by assessment methods which protect the learners

autonomy, provide some choice and constructive feedback, and create opportunity for self-direction.

Seventh, assessment for learning should promote commitment to learning goals and a shared

understanding of the criteria by which they are assesses. For effective learning to take place, learners

need to understand what it is they are trying to achieve and want to achieve it. Commitment follows

when learners have some part in deciding goals and identifying criteria for assessing progress. Eighth,

learners should receive constructive guidance about how to improve; learners need information and

guidance in order to plan to plan in the next step in their learning. Ninth, develops the capacity for self-

assessment, independent learners have the ability to seek out and gain new skills, new knowledge, and

new understanding. Teacher should equip learners with the desire capacity to take charge of their

learning through developing the skills of assessment. And the last is to recognize all educational

achievement; learners enhance the opportunities to learn in all areas of educational activity.

After I read module 25, I learned that the 14 psychological factors pertain to the learner and the

learning process. They focus on the psychological factors that are primarily internal to under the control

of the learner rather than conditioned habits. However, the principles also attempt to acknowledge

external environment that interact with these internal factors. The principles are intended to deal

holistically with learners in the context of real-world learning situations. The 14 principles are divided

into those referring to cognitive and metacognitive, motivational and affective and developmental and

social and individual difference factors influencing learners and learning.

Metacognitive and cognitive is about cognition thinking about thinking or knowing about

knowing and higher order thinking skills. it includes knowledge about when and how to use particular

strategies for learning and for solving problem.

Motivational, and Affective factors, Motivational, and Emotional Influence Learning. Motivation

to learn is influenced by the students in beliefs, interest and etc.. Intrinsic motivation to learn, the

learners creativity will enhance their creativity. Effects of motivation on effort, in this acquisition of

complex knowledge.

Developmental and Social factors,as individual they develop their skills and there are different

opportunities and constraints for leaning. Learning is very important as learners. Social influences on

learning, learning are influenced by social interactions. And last I the individual differences factors,

learners have different strategy approaches and capabilities for gaining learnings. Learning and diversity

in these learners are difference in religion, social economic and etc. standard and assessment in these

learners must evaluate their prior knowledge


After reading Module 11, I understand about the Gagnes Conditions of Learning, Gagnes

theory stipulates that there are several different types of learning. Gagnes identifies five major

categories of learning; these are verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills

and attitudes.

Verbal information is kind of information in order to recall all the previous topics. Example for

these is that you draw attention to distinctive features by variations in print or speech. Intellectual skills

are those skills that enable us to do something, for instance, they help us to solve problems and make

decisions. These skills required us to apply rules and regulation to achieve a specific end. A cognitive

strategy is a strategy that directs an individual to recall and learn in a certain way. Example of these is

the use of pictures in learning new words or languages. Motor skills it is to encourage the students to

practice the skills repeatedly, accompanying by timely and appropriate feedback from the educators.

And the last one is the attitude; it is an internal state that affects personal choice and action over that

certain object or person.

Gagnes theory include also the nine instructional events; these are gaining attention, informing

learners of the objective, stimulating recall of prior learning, presenting the stimulus, providing learning

guidance, eliciting performance, providing feedback, assessing performance and enhancing retention

and transfer.

I understand about these nine instructional events, first for the gaining attention, it should be as

a future educator I must obtain the students attention so that they will watch and listen to me while I

present the learning content. Second, informing learners of the objective, as a future educator I must
allow the students to organize their thoughts regarding on what they are about to see or to do. Third,

stimulating recall of prior learning, as a future educator I must allow the students to build their previous

knowledge and skills so that I can know them better. Fourth, presenting stimulus, I must presentto the

students my variety of methods including lecture, having an activities or giving them projects. Fifth,

providing learning guidance, I must provide the students with further instruction on how to learn such

as guided activities. Sixth, eliciting performance, as a future educator it is the time to allow the students

to apply the knowledge and skills theyve learned. For example, giving those quizzes or activities that

related on their topic. Seventh, providing feedback, as a future educator after theyve done doing an

activity it is time to check, what are those correct and incorrect that they have taken during the activities

and after that I will provide such feedback on those activities showing the students what was done

correctly, what must be improved and also I will include such explanation. Eight, assessing performance,

after Ive check their activities it is time now to allow the students to see the content areas that they

have not corrected. And the last one is the enhancing retention and transfer; I must now allow again the

students to apply information to personal context or else providing the students an opportunity to

relate that certain activities to their personal experience.


After I read the Module 12, I understand about Ausubels Meaningful Verbal Learning/

Subsumption theory, it is all about the theory of David Ausubels states that the most important factor

influencing learning is the quantity, clarity and organization of the learner's present knowledge.

Meaningful learning can takes place through four process; these are derivative subsumption,

correlative subsumption, super ordinate learning, and combinatorial learning. The Derivative

Subsumption it describes the situation in which the new information I learned is an instance or we say

example of a concept that I have already learned. The second is the Correlative Subsumption, it is just

we say a copyright of derivative but the differences the correlative it enriches the higher level of

concept, in a sense we can say that this is more valuable learning than of derivative subsumption. The

third is the Superordinate Learning; it is like you knew already the examples but you didnt know the

concept itself until it was taught to you. And the last one is the Combinatorial Learning, it describes the

process by which the new idea comes up with another idea that is neither higher nor lower in the

hierarchy, but the same level, in short in a different way but it is related.

Advance organizers, I understand about this is that it a major instructional tool that being

proposed by Ausubels. There are types of advance organizers; these are Expository, Narrative,

Skimming, and Graphic organizer. Expository it is to present new detailed information as opposed to

making connection with previously introduced information. Narrative it is to present new information in

the format of a story. Skimming is when the teacher provides the learners with the opportunity to skim

over the information that is about to be introduced. Graphic Organizers it is used to present information

through visual realm


From the module 17 on Problem solving and creativity, I learned that being creative thinker

might a big help for a teacher to tech the learners understand well. Torrance is the father of creativity,

he described his framework for creative thinking processes and each aspect is being facilitated by using

keywords and application activities. First is the Fluency, implies understanding, not just remembering

information that is learned. Second is the Flexibility, it involves the ability of a person to see things from

different point of view, to use many different strategies. Third is the Elaboration, it is to enhance ideas

by improving more details, in other words it must be elaborate or clear. Fourth is the Originality, it

involves synthesis or putting information about a topic back together in a new way.

Creative problem solving, there are 6th stages that is based on Van Gundy (1988) these are;

Stage 1: Mess Finding: as a future educator I must sensitize myself to search for possible issues just like

concerns of the students that need to be talked.

Stage 2: Data Finding: I must gather or list all the information about that certain problem that is needed

to be solved.

Stage 3: Problem Finding: I must find the problem by using the divergent techniques by keep asking

why? and also by converting fuzzy statement into a broad statement that suits for finding the


Stage 4: Idea Finding: I must generate as many ideas as possible and also by using the convergence

through mind-mapping and by combining of different ideas.

Stage 5: Solution Finding: I must generate and select the most obvious evaluation criteria and develop

the short listed ideas.

Stage 6: Acceptance Finding: in these part not all problems comes up with accomplish thats why we

dont need to stop searching or finding other way to solve that certain problem because problems are

exposed to be solve not to dishearten progress.


After I read the Module 18, I learned about Motivation, because motivation it is an inner drive

that causes you to do something and persevere at something and also it energize you to do something.

If we are being motivated your motivation to do such thing is not enough, you must be more attractive

to those things and becomes so intense in pursuing to capture or gain that youve been working on.

There are types of motivation; it is classified either as intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic it is when

the source of motivation is from within the person or the activity itself. For example, when the student

plays piano because he/she himself/herself wants to play piano or because playing piano in it is

enjoyable. Extrinsic it is when that which motivate a person is someone or something outside him/her.

For example, Mario studied his subject because he was told by his teacher or because he was afraid to

have a failing grade.


After I read the Module 19 the Theories on Factors Affecting Motivation, I understand about the

combined elements of Bernard Weiners attribution theory, Banduras work on self efficacy, Maslows

hierarchy of needs, William Glassers choice theory and other studies relating to goal orientation.

Attribution theory, this explains that we attribute our successes or failures or other events to

several factors, but in these case it will affect the motivation of the students because if they attribute

their success or failures to something within and therefore is within his/her control or to something

unstable and can be changed more likely to be motivated. However if the student traces his/her success

to something outside him/her and therefore beyond his/her control he/she is likely to be less


Self-efficacy theory is the belief that one has the necessary capabilities to perform a task, fulfill

role expectations, or meet a challenging situation successfully. Social cognitive theorists identified

several self efficacy enhancing strategies; by making sure the students mastered the basic skills,

helping them make noticeable progress on difficult tasks, communicate confidence in student abilities

through both words and actions, expose them to successful peers.

Choice theory it is a biological theory that suggest we are born with specific needs that we are

genetically instructed to satisfy. There are four psychological needs that must be satisfied to emotionally

healthy; belonging or connecting, we should need these as a human being we need to be belonging to

someone because it will motivate us to develop relationships and cooperation to others. Power or

Competence, we need for power to motivate our skills and master our new skills to be recognized for

our achievements. Freedom, as a human being we are also motivated to be free, to choose and having a
good choice will lead you to success. Fun, as an educator we need to have fun and discover new things

and allow us to discover also the things that we did not yet see.

Maslows hierarchy of needs, there are 5 levels of needs the first and second level belongs to

the lower order needs and the third, fourth, fifth level belongs to the higher order needs. The first

level is a survival and psychological needs like food, air, water, and sleep. The second level needs are

bodily safety and economic security. The third stage is needs for love and belongings. Fourth are esteem

and status, it includes ones feeling of self - worth and competence. The fifth and last stage is the self


Goal theory, learning goals versus performance goals, learning goals in my understanding it is

your desire to acquire or to discover more knowledge or new skills in yourself while performance goals it

is your desire to look good or bad and receive favorable or unfavorable judgments.

From the module on Bruners Constructivist Theory, I realized that learners need to have own

way to gain knowledge for them to understand well and learning is an active process in which learners

construct new ideas or concepts based upon their prior knowledge.

In the phrase that I have read learners are encourage to discover facts and relationship for

themselves by Jerome Bruner, it is all about in the learners how to motivate them to acquire knowledge

in their own way.

Bruners represent knowledge in three stages. The Enactive representation is the earliest ages

children learn about the world through actions on physical objects and the outcomes of these actions,

and the second is Iconic it is the second stage is when learning can be obtained through using pictures

and drawing and the last is symbolic this is the last stage the learner has developed the ability to think.

In this module you will learn more strategies in teaching and how the students in the classroom


From the module on knowledge construction/concept learning, I learned the role of

constructivism in facilitating learning and strategies to promote knowledge construction in the school

and also the strategies to facilitate concept learning.

In this module it is all about the behavior and the capacity of the learners. Behaviorism focused

on the external observable behavior. Learning is explained as a connection between stimulus and the

response. Behaviorism saw learning as a change in behavior brought by experience with the little

acknowledgement of the mental. More associated with cognitive psychology than behaviorism

constructivism focused on knowledge construction.

The characteristics of constructivism are the learners construct understanding, New learning

depends on current understanding, learning is facilitated by social interaction, and the last meaningful

learning occurs within authentic learning tasks. All of these it can help to the teacher how to handle the


From the module Transfer of Learning, I learned that how to transfer of learning. The types of

transfer, first the positive transfer in this learning in one context improves performance in some other

context. For instance, a speaker of Spanish would find it easier to learn Mexican language than

Japanese. Second the Negative transfer occurs when learning in one context impacts negatively on

performance in another. Third the Near transfer it refers to transfer between very similar contexts. And

the last is Far transfer it refers to transfer between contexts that on appearance seem remote and alien

to one another.

After I read the Module 16 Facilitating Learning and Blooms Taxonomy of Objectives, I

understand that Blooms taxonomy was primarily created for academic education and also the creator

of these is Benjamin Bloom in order to promote higher forms of thinking in education, such as analyzing

and evaluating concepts, processes, procedures, and principles, rather than just remembering facts.

There are three domains of educational activities or learning; these are cognitive domain,

affective domain, and psychomotor domain.

Cognitive domain it involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. There are six

major categories of cognitive these are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and

evaluation. But suddenly Blooms revised the taxonomy, he change the name of the six categories and

rearrange them and creating a processes and levels of knowledge matrix. These are the revise cognitive

domain; remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.

Metacognitive is knowledge of cognition in general, as well as awareness and knowledge of

ones own cognition.

Affective domain it includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as

feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations and attitudes. There are five major categories

are listed from the simplest behavior to the most complex; Receiving Phenomena it is the awareness or

willingness to hear, Responds phenomena it is active participation on the part of the learners, Valuing it

is the worth or the value a person attaches to a particular object, Organization it organize values in

priorities by contrasting different values, Internalizes values it has a value system that controls their

Psychomotor domain it includes physical movement, coordination and use of the motor skill

areas. There are seven categories of psychomotor domain; these are Perception (awareness), Set it

includes mental, physical and emotional sets, Guided response it is the early stages in learning a

complex skill that includes imitation and trial and error, Mechanism (basic proficiency), Complex overt

response (expert), Adaptation it is a skills that are well developed, Origination it is to create new

movement patterns to fit a particular situation,

Blooms taxonomy is a wonderful reference model for all involved in teaching, training, learning

and coaching.

From the module on Learners with Exceptionalities is all about the learners with exceptionalities

as person who are different in some way from the normal or average. The term exceptional

learners include those special needs related to cognitive abilities, behavior, social functioning, physical

and sensory impairments and etc. Most of these learners require lot of understanding and patience

comes in their teacher. As an educator you need accept them and understand them and love them like

your children.

As a future teacher I will accept and love the student no matter who they are and I will become

an open minded and more approachable to the learners especially to the student who need more

attention like the movie we watch.

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