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Thin Queen of Elfhame

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Vol. 105 December^ 1922 No. 2

The Thin Queen of Elfhame


ow many silken ladies wept, "I should be conquered. It is my

well out of eyeshot of their business to be conquered in this
husbands, when it was known world, where there are two sides to
that courteous Anavalt had everything, and where one must look
) left Count Emmerick's court, for reverses. I tell you frankly, tired
remains an indeterminable man, that all we terrors who keep
I matter; but it is certain the colorful the road to the Elle Maid are
number was large. There were, in here for the purpose of being con-
addition, three women whose grieving quered. We make the way seem
for him was not ever to be ended: difficult, and that makes you who
these did not weep. In the mean- have souls in your bodies the more
while, with all this furtive sorrowing determined to travel on it. Our thin
some leagues behind him and with a queen found out long ago that the
dead horse at his feet, tall Anavalt most likely manner of alluring men to
stood at a sign-post and doubtfully her striped windmill was to persuade
considered a rather huge dragon. men she is quite inaccessible."
"No," the dragon was saying com- Said Anavalt:
fortably; "no, for I have just had din- "That I can understand; but I need
ner, and exercise upon a full stomach no such baits."
is unwholesome. So I shall not fight "Aha, so you have not been happy
you, and you are welcome, for all of out yonder where people have souls?
me, to go your ways into the Woods You probably are not eating enough;
of Elfhame." so long as one can keep on eating
"Yet what," says Anavalt, "if I regularly, there is not much the mat-
were to be more observant than you ter. In fact, I see the hunger in your
of your duty and of your hellish ori- eyes, tired man."
gin? And what if I were to insist Anavalt said:
upon a fight to the death?" "Let us not discuss anybody's eyes,
When dragons shrug in sunhght, for it is not hunger, or indigestion
their bodies are one long, green, glit- either, which drives me to the Wood of
tering ripple. Elfhame. There is a woman yonder,
Copyright, 1922, by T H E CENTURY CO. All rights reserved. 163


dragon, a woman whom ten years ago which belonged to Anavalt in the
I married. We loved each other then, world where people have souls. He
we shared a noble dream. To-day we thought of quite other matters as he
sleep together and have no dreams. walked in a dubious place. Here to
To-day I go in flame-colored satin, the right of Anavalt's pathway were
with heralds before me, into bright, seen twelve in red tunics; they had
long halls where kings await my head-dresses of green, and upon their
counsel, and my advising becomes the wrists were silver rings. These twelve
law of cities that I have not seen. The were alike in shape and age and loveli-
lords of this world accredit me with ness; there was no flaw in the appear-
wisdom, and say that nobody is more ance of any, there was no manner of
shrewd than Anavalt. But when at telling one from another. All these
home, as if by accident, I tell my wife made a lament with small, sweet voices
about these things, she smiles not very that followed the course of a thin and
merrily. For my wife knows more of tinkling melody. They sang of how
the truth as to me and my powers and much better were the old times than
my achievements than I myself would the new, and none could know more
care to know, and I can no longer thoroughly than did Anavalt the
endure the gaze of her forgiving eyes reason of their grieving; but since
and the puzzled hurt which is behind they did not molest him, he had no
that forgiveness. So let us not dis- need to meddle with these women's
cuss anybody's eyes." secrets any more. So he went on,
"Well, well," the dragon returned, and nothing as yet opposed him; at
"if you come to that, I think it would most, a grasshopper started from the
be more becoming for you not to dis- path, sometimes a tiny frog made way
cuss your married life with strangers, for him.
especially when I have just had He came to a blue bull that lay in
dinner and am just going to have a the road, blocking it. This beast
nap." appeared more lusty and more terrible
With that the evil worm turned than other bulls; all his appurtenances
round three times, his whiskers were larger and seemed more prodi-
drooped, and he coiled up snugly about gally ready to give life and death.
the sign-post which said, "Keep Out Of Courteous Anavalt cried out:
These Woods." He was a time-worn " 0 Nandi, now be gracious and
and tarnished dragon, as you could permit me to pass unhindered toward
see now, with no employment in the the striped windmill."
world since men had forgotten the "To think," said the bull, "that
myth in which he used to live appall- you should mistake me for Nandi!
ingly; so he had come, in homeless No, tired man, the Bull of the Gods
decrepitude, to guard the Wood of is white, and nothing of that serene
Elfhame. color may ever come into these woods."
Anavalt thus left this inefficient and And the bull nodded very gravely,
out-moded monster. Anavalt went shaking the blue curls that were be-
into the wood. He did not think of tween his cruel horns.
the tilled meadows or the chests of "Ah, then, sir, I must entreat your
new-minted coin or the high estate forgiveness for the not unnatural

error into which I was betrayed by the whose bodies were not denied to me
majesty of your appearance." there is one woman whom I cannot
While Anavalt was speaking, he forget. We loved each other once;
wondered why he should be at pains we had, as I recall that radiant time,
to humor an illusion so trivial as he a quaint and callow faith in our
knew this bull to be. For this, of shared insanity. Then somehow I
course, was just the ruler of the Kittle stopped caring for these things; I
cattle which everywhere feed upon the turned to matters of more sensible
dew pools. The Queen of Elfhame, worth. She took no second lover; she
in that low estate to which the world's lives alone. Her beauty and her quick
redemption had brought her, could laughter are put away, she is old, and
employ only the most inexpensive of the home of no man is glad because of
retainers; the gods served her no her, who should have been the ten-
longer. derest of wives and the most merry of
"So you consider my appearance mothers. When I see her, there is no
majestic! To think of that, now!" hatred in the brown eyes which once
observed the flattered bull, and he lux- were bright and roguish, but only for-
uriously exhaled blue flames. "Well, giveness and a puzzled grieving. Now
certainly you have a mighty civil way there is in my mind no reason why I
with you, to be coming from that over- should think about this woman differ-
bearing world of souls. Still, my duty ently from some dozens of other
is, as they say, my duty; fine words women who were maids when I first
are less filling than moonbeams; and, knew them, but there is in my mind
in short, I do not know of any good an unreason that will not put away the
reason why I should let you pass memory of this woman's notions about
toward Queen Vae." me."
Anavalt answered: "Well," said the bull, yawning, "for
"I must go to your thin mistress my part, I find one heifer as good as
because among the women yonder another; and I find, too, that in seek-


ing Queen Vae one pretext is as good seemed to show that men had passed
as another pretext, especially from the this place.
mouth of such a civil gentleman. So So Anavalt made no reply to the
do you climb over my back, and go obscene enticements of the Rago.
your way to where there are no longer Anavalt went sturdily on to a tree
two sides to everything." which in the stead of leaves was over-
Thus Anavalt passed the king of grown with human hands; these hands
the Kittle cattle. Anavalt journeyed had no longer any warmth in them as
deeper into the Wood of Elfhame. they caught at and tentatively fin-
No trumpets sounded before him as gered Anavalt, and presently released
they sounded when the Anavalt who him.
was a great lord went about the Now the path descended amid under-
world where people have souls; and growth that bore small purple flowers
the wonders which Anavalt saw to with five petals. Anavalt came here
this side and to that side did not upon wolves that went along with
disturb him, nor he them. He came him a little way. Running, they
to a house of rough-hewn timber, could not be seen, but as each wolf
where a black man, clothed in a goat- leaped in his running, his gray body
skin, barked like a dog and made old would show momentarily among the
gestures. This, as Anavalt knew, green bushes that instantly swallowed
was the Rago; within the house sat it; and these wolves cried hoarsely,
cross-legged at that very moment "Abiron is dead!" But for none of
the Forest Mother, whose living is these things did Anavalt care any
innocent of every normal vice, and longer, and none of the peculiarities
whose food is the red she goat and of Elfhame stayed him until his path
men. Yet upon the farther side of had led farther downward and the
the home of perversity were to be seen roadway had become dark and moist.
a rusty nail in the pathway and bits Here were sentinels with draggled
of broken glass, prosaic relics which yellow plumes, a pair of sentinels at

whom Anavalt looked only once; hope for her son. Yet I cannot forget
then with averted head he passed the love that was between us or our
them, in what could not seem a merry shared faith in what was to be. To-
place to Anavalt, for in the world day I visit this ancient woman now
where people have souls he was used and then, and we make friendly talk
to mirth and soft ease and to all such together about everything except my
dehghts as men clutch desperately wife, and our lips touch, and I go
in the shadow of death's clutching away. That is all. And it seems
hand. In this place Anavalt found strange that I was once a part of this
also a naked boy whose body was hor- woman, I who have never won to or
rible with leprosy. This malady had desired real intimacy with any one;
eaten away his fingers, so that they and it seems strange to hear people ap-
could retain nothing, but his face was plauding my wisdom and high deeds of
not much changed. statecraft and in all matters acclaim-
The leper stood knee-deep in a pile ing the success of Anavalt. I think
of ashes, and he demanded what Ana- that this old woman also finds it
valt was called nowadays. strange. I do not know, for we can
When courteous Anavalt had an- understand each other no longer. I
swered, the leper said then: only know that, viewing me, there is
"You are not rightly called Anavalt. in this old woman's filmed eyes a sort
But my name is still Owner of the of fondness even now, and a puzzled
World." grieving. I only know that her eyes
Said Anavalt, very sadly: also I wish never to see any more."
"Even though you bar my way, "Still, still, you must be talking
ruined boy, I must go forward to the (Edipean riddles," the leper answered.
EUe Maid." "I prefer simplicity; I incline to the
"And for what reason must you be complex no longer. So, very frankly,
creeping to this last woman? For she I warn you, who were Anavalt, that
will be the last, as I forewarn you, you are going, spent and infatuate,
tired man, who still pretend to be Ana- toward your last illusion."
valtshe will be the last of all, and of Anavalt replied:
how many!" "Rather do I flee from the illusions
Anavalt answered: of others. Behind me I am leaving the
"I must go to this last love because bright swords of adversaries and the
of my first love. Once I lay under her more deadly malice of outrivaled
girdle, I was a part of the young body friends and the fury of some husbands,
of my first love. She bore me to her but not because I fear these things.
anguish, even then to her anguish. I Behind me I am leaving the puzzled
cannot forget the love that was be- eyes of women that put faith in me,
tween us. But I outgrew my child- because I fear these unendurably."
hood and all childishness; I became, "You should have feared them ear-
they say, the chief of Manuel's barons, her, tired man, in a sunlit time when I,
and my living has got me fine food and who am Owner of the World, would
garments and tall servants and two wonderfully have helped you. Now you
castles and a known name, and all must go your way, as I go mine.
which any reasonable mother could There is one who may, perhaps, yet


bring us together once again; but now him now and smiled, and, as if in
we are parted, and you need look for embarrassment, looked down and
no more reverses." pushed aside a thigh-bone with her
As he said this, the ruined boy sank little foot, then Anavalt could see that
slowly into the ash-heap and so disap- the EUe Maid was, when properly
peared, and Anavalt went on through regarded, a lovely and most dear
trampled ashes into the quiet midst of illusion.
the wood. Among the bones about He kissed her. He was content.
the striped windmill that is supported Here was the woman he desired, the
by four pillars the witless EUe Maid woman who did not exist in the world
was waiting. where people have souls. The EUe
She rose and cried: Maid had no mortal body that time
"You are very welcome. Sir Anavalt. would parody and ruin, she had no
But what will you give Maid Vae?" brain to fashion dreams of which he
Anavalt answered: would faU short, she had no heart that
"All." he would hurt. There was an abiding
"Then we shall be happy together, peace in this quiet Wood of Elfhame
dear Anavalt, and for your sake I am wherein no love could enter, and no-
well content to throw my bonnet over body could, in consequence, hurt any-
the windmill." body else very deeply. At court the
She took the red bonnet from her silken ladies wept for Anavalt, and
head and turned. She flung her bon- three women were not ever to be
net fair and high. So was courteous healed of their memories; but in the
Anavalt assured that the Queen of Wood of Elfhame, where all were
Elfhame was as he had hoped. For soulless masks, there were no memo-
when seen thus, from behind, the wit- ries and no weeping, there were no
less queen was hollow and shadow- longer two sides to everything, and a
colored, because Maid Vae is just the man need look for no reverses.
bright, thin mask of a woman, and, "I think we shaU do very well here,"
if looked at from behind, she is like said courteous Anavalt as yet again he
any other mask. So when she faced kissed Maid Vae.

Cross-Examining Santa Claus

A RE you a Christian-;-of any sort? Successive religions, each with its

/ \ . D o you see Christmas (the Christ swirling cloud of myth and mystery,
Mass) as a celebration of the birthday added continually to ancient habits,
of Jesus? Are you interested in the and the mid-winter festival spread far
pre-Christian origins of that celebra- and wide, with varying attendant
tion, in the long and swelling stream of customs.
pagan legend and primitive custom Through Rome, where the twenty-
which had poured into that mid- fifth of December was celebrated as
winter festival before the Christian the birthday of the unconquered sun,
church adopted it? we trace back to the Syrian sun-god
Do you care for children not with Baal; from Greece we get the worship
shallow sentiment as something ex- of the child Dionysus, born of a
pected of every one, but with real maiden, near the same date; and in
affection? Do you love humanity, or Mithraism, which ran neck and neck
perhaps wish to, and feel the beauty of with Christianity for a time, sun-day
trying even once a year to show that was a holy day, dedicated to the sun.
love? And what do you think of It was natural enough that the
Santa Claus? early Christian fathers, struggli&g
If your mind works clearly, you against the tide of pagan customs,
may well ask what the last question should claim the day for the birth of
has to do with the others. And truly their sun of righteousness.
it has very little of a genuine nature. If you are interested in the rich
The invention of this bearded secular world of Christmas legend and custom,
saint is only one tiny twisted twig on delve into "Christmas in Ritual and
an enormous tree, if I may so mix my Tradition" by C. A. Miles. He shows
figures of speech. It is a compara- how the Roman Saturnaha, just before
tively recent growth, extremely local, Christmas, and the calends beginning
in all ways neghgible. on New Year's day, were times of
The beginning of the celebration is joyous celebration, with kindness to
old indeed. It marks "the turn of the the poor and to slaves, riotous jolli-
year," the winter solstice by the Julian fication, banqueting, and drinking to
calendar. The sun, visible fountain of excess; and how the early church,
life and comfort, health and pleasure, intensely ascetic, associating beauty,
had been going farther and farther joy, and license with the heathenism
away, but paused for a little, and came they fought against, strove its best to
back again. The day of that turning turn the feast-day to a fast-day.
was a promise of joy, of spring and "The conflict was keen at first.
summer, of blossom and harvest. The Church authorities fight tooth


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