1) The document is a crossword puzzle about earthquakes and plate tectonics with 20 clues across and down.
2) Clues include terms like lithosphere, seismic waves, epicenter, continental drift theory, and plate boundaries.
3) Solving the crossword requires knowing concepts in plate tectonics such as the locations of earthquakes, types of plate boundaries, and structures formed by the motions of tectonic plates.
1) The document is a crossword puzzle about earthquakes and plate tectonics with 20 clues across and down.
2) Clues include terms like lithosphere, seismic waves, epicenter, continental drift theory, and plate boundaries.
3) Solving the crossword requires knowing concepts in plate tectonics such as the locations of earthquakes, types of plate boundaries, and structures formed by the motions of tectonic plates.
1) The document is a crossword puzzle about earthquakes and plate tectonics with 20 clues across and down.
2) Clues include terms like lithosphere, seismic waves, epicenter, continental drift theory, and plate boundaries.
3) Solving the crossword requires knowing concepts in plate tectonics such as the locations of earthquakes, types of plate boundaries, and structures formed by the motions of tectonic plates.
1) The document is a crossword puzzle about earthquakes and plate tectonics with 20 clues across and down.
2) Clues include terms like lithosphere, seismic waves, epicenter, continental drift theory, and plate boundaries.
3) Solving the crossword requires knowing concepts in plate tectonics such as the locations of earthquakes, types of plate boundaries, and structures formed by the motions of tectonic plates.
Created with TheTeac hers Co rner.net Cro s s wo rd Puz z le Generato r
Ac ross Down 3. plastic laye r be lo w litho sphe re 1. the o ry that sug g e sts that plate s are mo ving 5. larg e fracture s 2. type o f e arthquake who se o rig in is 300 km to 700 km 8. vibratio ns o f e arth pro duce d by rapid re le ase o f be lo w E arth's surface e ne rg y 4 . Japane se te rm fo r 'harbo r wave ' 11. fo rms whe n the subducte d crust me lts 6 . chain o f vo lcano e s 14 . cause s plate s to mo ve 7. type o f bo undary in which plate s mo ve apart 16 . calculate s the mag nitude 9 . lo catio n dire ctly abo ve the fo cus 17. uppe r part o f the mantle 10. de e pe st part o f the o ce an 18. le ss de nse type o f crust 12. fo rme d whe n two co ntine ntal plate s co nve rg e 19 . me asure o f the de g re e o f g ro und shaking 13. de nse r type o f crust 20. me asure o f e ne rg y re le ase d 15. so urce o f the e athquake