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February 1, 2017
Annalise van Rensburg


There were 3 deportations and they returned in fractions

1. 605 BC Daniel is taken at age of about 16. Questionable
Kings Jehoiakim in Judah/ Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon
2. 597 BC - Ezekiel taken King Jehoiachim in Judah
3. 586 BC Jerusalem Destroyed King Zedekiah in Judah

70 years Babylonian exile

586 - 516 BC Temple rebuild

Daniel (God is my judge), became, Belteshazzar (a name of their god)


Statue of four kingdoms that was smashed by rock the t filled all earth.
This Statue is start of the total removal of Judaism and World History.
This statue is a timeline that only end in the Book of Revelation

Dan 2 Daniel 7 Dan 8

Head Gold - Babylon Lion
Breast Silver Persia Bear Ram
Thigh Bronze Greece Leopard Goat
Legs Iron - Rome Dreadful beast

Revelation 13 ONE BEAST : A Leopard with Mouth of a Lion Claws of a Bear

Empowered by the Dragon. This beast has 10 horns & 7 heads

626-539 BC- NEO BABYLONIAN 8th Dynasty Six Rulers

2nd King = Nebuchadnezzar 2nd 506-562BC
Belshazzar son of Nabonibus 556-539BC
359 330 MEDO-PERSIAN Empire 13 rulers
Cyrus the Great 539-530 BC / Darius l 521-486 BC
330-323 BC GREECE Alexander the Great from Greece
323 BC Alexander dies and his 4 generals split his empire
3 Punic Wars / Time of Ptolemys and Seleucids
63 BC- AD ROME 58-51 BC Julius Caesar conquers Gaul
1453 Rome falls

The 4th beast in Daniel 7, has ten horns ,the Rulers of that kingdom and
three horns made way for one horn that speak great things.

The beast in Rev 13 has ten horns and seven heads

TEN HORNS Rulers of Rome

Julius 49-44BC (assassination) >> power struggle with Mark Anthony
Augustus 27BC- 14AD (natural death)
Tiberius14AD-37AD (assassination)
Caligula 37-41AD (assassination)
Claudius 41-54 AD (poisoned)
Nero 54-68AD (suicide) >> followed by four emperors in one tear
Galba 68-69AD (murdered)
Otho 69 AD (suicide)
Vitellius 69AD (murdered) >> 3 horns made way for one speaking great things
Vespasian 69-79AD (natural death) >> Beast with two horns speaking like a dragon

FLAVIAN DYNASTY sons of Vespasian Rev 13:11 & Dan 7:8

Titus 79-81AD (natural death)
Domitian 81-96AD (assassinated)

SEVEN HEADS of the Beast and the Dragon

Rev 17 - These heads are mountains or high places (rulers)

Psalm 2; The rulers that came against the Messiah.
These rulers are also mentioned many times in the book of Acts.

Luke 3 List them just before the start of Jesus ministry.

Luk 3:1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of
Tiberius Caesar,
Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and
Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother
Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis, and
Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene,
Annas and
Caiaphas being the high priests,
the word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness.

3 = Godly 4 = earthy/worldly 10 = complete
3 + 4 = 7 Heaven and earth / The work of God

7x10 = complete work of God

3x10 = 1000 perfection

SEVENTY Dan 9:24-27

Captivity lasted 70 years.

A further 70x7weeks = 490 years
were determined on the Daniels people and the city
Starting from the command to rebuild the city in 457BC

It will take 7 weeks, 49 years and 2 weeks, 49 years unto Messiah

69 weeks give you 483 years, with 1 week or seven years, short.

457 BC - 483 = 26 ( +1 year for turn of century) = 27AD

27AD Jesus ministry started (the 15th year of Tiberius) Luke 3

THE LAST WEEK (There was no gap period.)

Three and a half years later He was crucified, the final sacrifice.
Jesus broke the covenant with Israel.

Three and a half years after the crucifixion, Stephen was stoned and persecution
began by Jews on Christians and went over to Roman persecution, which led to
terrible tribulation and the burning of the temple in 70 AD, 40 Years later. This
all came on the last. Wicked generation that called for his blood on them.

All this was revealed to Daniel who had to seal the visions which the Lamb opened,
then the Lion out of the Tribe of Judah roared.
The Book of Daniel is fulfilled in the Book of Revelation.

The Book of Daniel is completed In the book of Revelation.

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