Biswas 2011
Biswas 2011
Biswas 2011
Abstract: Fiber reinforced polymer composites have played a dominant role for a long time in a variety of applications for
their high specific strength and modulus. The fiber which serves as a reinforcement in reinforced plastics may be synthetic or
natural. To this end, an investigation has been carried out to make use of coir, a natural fiber abundantly available in India.
Natural fibers are not only strong and lightweight but also relatively very cheap. The present work describes the development
and characterization of a new set of natural fiber based polymer composites consisting of coconut coir as reinforcement and
epoxy resin as matrix material. The developed composites are characterized with respect to their mechanical characteristics.
Experiments are carried out to study the effect of fiber length on mechanical behavior of these epoxy based polymer
composites. Finally, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) of fractured surfaces has been done to study their surface
Keywords: Polymer composites, Coir fiber, Fiber length, Mechanical behavior, Scanning electron microscope
would solve environment and energy concern [21,22]. Coir Designation of composites
Table 1.
on the mechanical behaviour of the resulting composites. Micro-hardness measurement is done using a Leitz micro-
hardness tester. A diamond indenter, in the form of a right
Experimental pyramid with a square base and an angle 136 o between
opposite faces, is forced into the material under a load F. The
Specimen Preparation two diagonals X and Y of the indentation left on the surface
Coconut coir fibers were first chopped to a length of of the material after removal of the load are measured and
approximately 10 to 30 mm by a guillotine machine. The their arithmetic mean is calculated. In the present study,
fabrication of the various composite materials is carried out the load considered = 24.54 N and Vickers hardness
through the hand lay-up technique. Short coconut coir fibers number is calculated using the following equation.
(Figure 1) are reinforced with Epoxy LY 556 resin,
chemically belonging to the epoxide family is used as the HV = 0.1889 -----2
matrix material. Its common name is Bisphenol A Diglycidyl L
India Ltd. The coir fiber is collected from rural areas of impression (mm), is the horizontal length (mm) and is
Orissa, India. Three different types of composites has been the vertical length (mm).
Tensile and Flexural Strength
Composites Hardness Tensile strength Tensile modulus Flexural strength Impact energy
(Hv) (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (kJ/m2)
C1 15 3.208 1.331 25.41 16.0
C2 12.6 9.155 1.518 31.28 16.5
C3 16.9 13.05 2.064 35.42 17.5
76 Fibers and Polymers 2011, Vol.12, No.1 Sandhyarani Biswas et al.
from the bend tests. It is interesting to note that flexural The fractured fibers may be pulled out of the matrix, which
strength increases with increase in fiber length. Khalil et al. involves energy dissipation [34]. Finally, the impact strength
[32] reported that the weak fibre/matrix bonding contributed of these materials is measured as well and the results are
to poor flexural properties. The efficiency of stress transferred reported in Table 2. It shows that the resistance to impact
between resin and fibre decreased from the weak interfacial loading of coconut coir fiber reinforced epoxy composites
regions. Factors that determine the quality of interfacial improves with increase in fiber length as shown in Table 2.
bonding include the nature of the fiber and binder as well as High strain rates or impact loads may be expected in many
their compositions, the fiber aspect ratio, the types of mixing engineering applications of composite materials. The
procedures, processing conditions employed and on the suitability of a composite for such applications should
treatment of the polymer or fiber with various chemicals, therefore be determined not only by usual design parameters,
coupling agents and compatibilizers. The result of the but by its impact or energy absorbing properties.
current study is slightly different than the result obtained by
Khalil et al.[32]. Surface Morphology of the Composites
The fracture surfaces study of coir fiber reinforced epoxy
Effect of Fiber Length on Impact Strength composite after the tensile test, flexural test and impact test
The impact property of a material is its capacity to absorb has been shown in Figures 2-4. SEM photograph of the cross
and dissipate energies under impact or shock loading. The section of the coconut coir fiber reinforced epoxy composite
impact performance of fiber-reinforced composites depends is shown in Figure 2(a). It shows the tensile fracture of coir/
on many factors including the nature of the constituent, epoxy specimens. From Figure 2(a) it can be seen that the
fiber/matrix interface, the construction and geometry of the fibers are detached from the resin surface due to poor
composite and test conditions. The impact failure of a interfacial bonding. The surface of the fiber is not smooth
composite occurs by factors like matrix fracture, fiber/ indicating that the compatibility between fibers and epoxy
matrix debonding and fiber pull out. Even though, fiber pull matrices is poor. From Figure 2(a) it is observed that the
out is found to be an important energy dissipation mechanism slipping of the coir fiber from the matrix can clearly be seen
in fiber reinforced composites [33]. The applied load (For 20 mm Fiber length). However, this compatibility can
transferred by shear to fibers may exceed the fiber/matrix be improved when fiber length increases to 30 mm shows
interfacial bond strength and debonding occurs. When the lesser surface fracture may be the increase of fiber length
stress level exceeds the fiber strength, fiber fracture occurs. from 20 to 30 mm as shown in Figure 2(b).
SEM photograph of the cross section of the coconut coir and higher impact strength (17.5 kJ/m2) of the composites
fiber reinforced epoxy composite is shown in Figure 3. It are also greatly influenced by the fibre lengths.
shows the coconut coir/epoxy specimen after flexural 4. The fracture surfaces study of coir fiber reinforced epoxy
fracture. From Figure 3(a)-(b) it can be seen that the fibers composite after the tensile test, flexural test and impact
are detached from the resin surface due to poor interfacial test has been done. From this study it has been concluded
bonding. The presence of uneven fibers in a brittle resin in that the poor interfacial bonding is responsible for low
the coir/epoxy is probably the cause of the poor flexural mechanical properties.
strength [35].
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