Facility Management: Public Private Partnerships Under The Microscope
Facility Management: Public Private Partnerships Under The Microscope
Facility Management: Public Private Partnerships Under The Microscope
APRIL | MAY 2010
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044 045
The massive Westfield retail complex in
northern Melbourne is turning heads.
Ecospecifier has launched a new
certification system known as GreenTag,
NEW STANDARDS FOR OFFICE aimed at offering an internationally
FITOUT recognised, four-tier rating system
The transfer of accurate data about
In our inaugural Fitout FM regular for classifying green materials and
prescriptions and dosages from hospital
column, we present an overview of methods.
to GP and patient has been notoriously
planned changes to AFRDI Standards
fickle – now, a Tasmanian software
affecting workstations and desking
044 company has the answer.
Advanced Environmental, the 008 EDITOR’S COMMENT
environmental consultancy of WSP 010 NEWS
Lincolne Scott, has changed its name 070 NEW FM PRODUCTS
to Built Ecology – an acknowledgement 072 NETWORK
of the ongoing and organic nature of 074 FM EVENTS
progressive design. 074 ADVERTISERS INDEX
he creation of a new regular column is the In our industry feature, starting page 50, Jeff
publishing equivalent of a birth – a time to Salton consults warehouse management experts
Hannah Ogilvie pop a bottle of champagne and celebrate and discovers how digital technologies are
the world’s best-looking editorial. In this issue not only helping to save our forests, but also
Nicole Gauci we are proud to present the inaugural ‘Fitout FM’ delivering massive efficiencies through a range
(see Julian Ridgers’ article on pages 40–41). This of electronic data logging and inventory control
Madeleine Swain column will be a regular forum for addressing instruments.
Editorial Inquiries topics relating to internal furnishings and soft/ Legal affairs are also prominent in this issue,
142 Dorcas Street
South Melbourne, Victoria 3205 hard fittings, as well as general mechanical including a thoughtful analysis of why facility
Tel: (03) 9948 4900 fitout, ranging from presentations of brilliant managers need to understand risk assessment
www.fmmagazine.com.au workstation and furniture designs to discussions and compliance issues in terms of COIN
Subscriptions Hotline about regulatory requirements. We have (community of interest) values. See page 56.
Tel: 1800 804 160
introduced this column in response to readers’ Our friends Evan Economo and Scott Higgins
requests for more information about high-quality from Gadens Lawyers outline green leases and
products and designs. all relevant legal regulatory frameworks in their
Our main features in this issue are health, major article starting on page 60; this piece
hygiene and industry. will be of value to all FMs on two fronts: as a
In our special feature on health, starting compendium of current regulatory obligations;
FM is a publication of Niche Media Pty Ltd
ABN 13 064 613 529 page 22, Adjunct Prof. Ian Forbes explains and as a reference for possible funding sources/
Chairman the processes behind PPP (Private Public justifications for improvement works.
Nicholas Dower
nick.dower@niche.com.au Partnerships) in the hospital and healthcare For those readers who regularly oversee or
Managing Director industry, posing some intriguing questions work in potentially hazardous environments,
Paul Lidgerwood
paul.lidgerwood@niche.com.au about the prospect for genuine clinical design you MUST enter this issue’s competition to
Financial Controller innovation within such a commercial framework. win a magnificent SafeEquip trolley-mounted
Sonia Jurista
On the related issue of aged care and safety station valued at $1500 RRP, courtesy
Studio Design Manager the sector’s future property requirements in of Enware Australia Pty Ltd and Facility
Keely Atkins Australia, Prof. Richard Reed from Deakin Management – see the competition details on
Digital Director
University and Monika Csesko from Ernst & page 16.
Kate Kendall Young provide a detailed glimpse at likely trends
– see page 28. All the best for now,
Head Offi ce
142 Dorcas Street Our hygiene feature (starting page 34)
South Melbourne, Victoria 3205
Tel: (03) 9948 4900 Fax: (03) 9948 4999 includes an overview of the first major innovation
Printing in hand drying equipment that we’ve seen in
Southern Colour Tel: (03) 8796 7000
decades; John Bryant from Dyson explains how
Library images www.istockphoto.com
the new Airblade dryer dries hands and also
FM ISSN 1320-3975 Advertisers and contributors of Business & Law, Deakin University.
editorial to FM Magazine acknowledge they are aware of the
provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 and
the Trade Practices Act 1974 in relation to false and mislead-
ing advertising or statements and other unfair practices and Front cover: Our front cover highlights healthcare infrastructure – see our special feature starting on page 22.
of the penalties for breach of provisions of those acts. The
publisher accepts no responsibility for such breaches. FM
Magazine is published bi-monthly. Opinions expressed by
contributors are their own and not necessarily endorsed by
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ENGINEERS CHANGE NAME OF Current members are consulting firms offering says the enhancement will provide greater
ASSOCIATION services such as consulting engineering, certainty for businesses and employees within
On 18 March 2010, the Association of architecture, project management, planning, the renewable energy industry, as well as for
Consulting Engineers Australia (ACEA) ACEA surveying and environmental consulting. households.
officially changed its name to Consult Australia. The change of name to Consult Australia From January 1 next year, Australia’s
Consult Australia revealed its new logo, is designed to build on the success of the Renewable Energy Target, which guarantees
branding and website during a high-profile association and to capitalise on the position that 20 percent of the country’s energy will
cocktail function at the Amora Hotel, Sydney, and reputation that ACEA has built up over that come from renewable sources by 2020, is to
the previous evening. time. Consult Australia’s goal is to continue include two parts: the Large-scale Renewable
Megan Motto, CEO Consult Australia, says to grow and to be more relevant, credible, Energy Target (LRET) and the Small-scale
“the aim of the association moving forward forward thinking and modern – a body that Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).
is to provide a stronger leadership voice for will help shape the industry it is recognised as Most of the 2020 target will be covered by
what our members do, which is now so multi- representing in the years to come. the LRET with large-scale renewable energy
disciplinary that to refer to “engineering” alone The Association of Consulting Engineers projects such as commercial solar, geothermal
is misrepresenting their breadth! Australia (ACEA) was formed more than 50 and wind farms.
“Very importantly, our members have said to years ago. Today, the association’s members Minister Wong says that having a Large-
us (quite strongly when you consider the support are business enterprises ranging in size and scale Renewable Energy Target will deliver
of the vote) that they want us to represent ALL of structure from single practitioners through certainty to the large-scale sector and that
their business activities, which of course include to medium-sized firms owned largely by their Australia needs investment in wind farms,
– but are not limited to – engineering services. principals, up to very large, multi-disciplinary, large-scale solar projects and large-scale clean
“We have also had very strong feedback from global groups owned by their employees energy projects.
others including project management, planning or publicly listed companies. Currently the In addition, the large-scale target will be
and architectural professionals/practices that association represents 270 firms representing about 41 thousand GW hours per year.
they would like to get more involved with the more than 50,000 staff. Small-scale technologies such as solar
association’s activities, but that the old name Consult Australia panels and solar hot water will make up the
was a bit of a barrier.” www.consultaustralia.com.au remainder of Australia’s Renewable Energy
The name change will hence help to Target, with an uncapped fixed price scheme for
distinguish the organisation as an industry RENEWABLE ENERGY TARGET SCHEME the small-scale market and SRES Renewable
association that represents the business needs Australia is to enhance its Renewable Energy Energy Certificates at a fixed price of $40.
of all firms delivering professional and technical Target Scheme. The Australian Minister Renewable Energy Target Scheme
services to the built and natural environment. for Climate Change, Senator Penny Wong, www.orer.gov.au
The relationship with Graystone dates back to 2006, when an
agreement was put in place for Graystone to purchase Cook’s
existing building on a 1.8ha site at BTP. This transaction
occurred in 2008 and Graystone has since transformed 2000
square metres of Cook’s historic laboratory facility into an
impressive commercial office and technical space.
Planning for the new facility commenced early in 2006
and Cook engaged Graystone to undertake the design and
construction of the project later that year. The initial design
process took approximately 12 months and construction started
in September 2007. While there were a number of challenges
along the way, Graystone delivered ‘practical completion’ in
March 2009 and the facility opened its doors soon afterwards.
Cook transitioned their relocation to the new facility over
a three-month period, allowing for clean room validation
and subsequent inspections by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods
Administration) and their CE mark certified body, before full
occupation could occur. During this time Cook continued to
operate out of their original facility.
Now, twelve months after opening, operations at Cook
couldn’t be smoother. Cook Medical Australia’s facilities man-
ager, Mark Carleton, who was on Cook’s building project team
and is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and produc-
tion engineering of the facility, says, “It’s turned out to be a
great installation and a great place to work. As a manufacturing
facility, which is really its primary purpose, we have a stand-
out clean room. Cook’s philosophy has always been, ‘if you’re
or those not familiar with the concept of Private Pub- Labour government that followed continued this model of
lic Partnerships (PPP) in the health sector – as distinct PPP procurement, but made it more systematic and the pro-
from the more comprehensive PPP developments of cess more manageable.
roads, schools and prisons now popular in Australia, the UK, The underlying philosophy of PPP was that each group
New Zealand and Canada – its foundation lies with the history does what it does best – the private construction and fi nancing
of hospital development in the UK. consortia (SPV) managing and handling the risks associated
Although there has been a history of private and public with the building and development, while the running and
interrelationships in Australian hospital building and health delivering of clinical services was provided by the public health
services for many years, the formulation of the PPP as it is system.
structured today is essentially based on the British model. The Another aspect was that several willing private sector
PPP was a hospital procurement process established initially consortia would be given an opportunity to compete for the
under the Thatcher Government in the late 1990s to create project, hence protecting the probity of selection and generat-
the opportunity for major private sector lenders to become ing the lowest or best fi nancial deal for the lessee. Finally, the
involved in designing, building and maintaining public health legal structure of the PPP would establish a series of outcome
infrastructure. This was done essentially to close the enormous and performance measures with fi nancial penalties that would
hospital building shortage left by years of neglect in capital have to be met by the SPV during the lease period.
spending since the 1970s. There is no doubt that the process has procured for the UK
There were several key points established in the forerun- a massive number of major multimillion-pound (and a few bil-
ner of the PPP called the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), still lion-pound) hospitals. Approximately 139 have been procured
a term generally used for most health-related public private since 1997, so PPP has been declared a successful procurement
arrangements in the UK. First, the economic incentive method. Across Canada and in Australia we have seen similar
needed to engage the private sector, a favourite theme of the major PPP hospitals developed. They are now being developed
Thatcher era, was a long-term guarantee or ‘lease’ by the gov- in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Austra-
ernment to an organisation called a Special Purpose Vehicle lia, essentially as a way of moving very large health projects by
(SPV), created for the 25- to 30-year ownership period. governments unwilling to borrow and fi nance these develop-
The SPV owned the hospital building for the lease period, ments. One needs to ask questions, however, about what we
and then ultimately handed it back to the government. The mean by ‘success’, and from whose point of view.
In numerous conferences on PPPs in Australia and the UK,
the legal and fi nancial fraternities claim to have done well
as a result of PPPs. Similarly, most of the successful bidders
of the construction work with their design teams have had
good fi nancial returns and are pleased with the outcomes of
the process. Several PPP building solutions have won awards
for their appearance, environmental resilience and exciting
Little has been said, however, about the clinical outcomes
by the governments or the user groups who ‘lease’ the facil-
ity. Research by the European Health Property Network1
into English PFI projects has raised concerns about the future
flexibility of many hospitals built with tight plans developed
to meet known requirements and to essentially minimise the
facility management costs, a key responsibility of the SPV.
These potential changes are described as a concern despite
provisions in the contract to allow for alterations.
fi nable technical innovation. This is a problem not likely found whole-of-life and life-cycle decisions being applied to the solu-
in PPP roads or even prisons. tion, as this influences the tendered lease amount (referred to as
the unitary payment). The PPP process in fact doesn’t allow for
PROGRESSIVE SPACES the real objective of the project to be achieved, namely explora-
A concern most often expressed in articles and research about tion of better clinical outcomes. One would perhaps say – ‘but
the hospitals built under PPP is: what kinds of environments the facility brief covers this and it is the responsibility of the users
have been built and do they actually show any innovation that to make sure their requirements are stipulated’.
can be described as clinically progressive? To address this, one Significantly, the brief is only a starting point in a dialogue
has to understand that clinically progressive spaces are those and not the end point. Lawson’s research shows that architects
that are patient-focused, socially aware and not simply accom- don’t believe it is possible to predetermine every situation that
modating the technical needs for medical intervention. will be faced from a brief. Any architect who has worked with
Examples of innovations have been achieved in non-PPP clinical users will tell you problems don’t present themselves in
solutions2 through continual interaction between design neat little packages to be resolved sequentially like engineering
teams and clinical users who are being challenged by the calculations on a computer. It is often in the attempt to resolve
design’s evolution and encouraged to consider the use of space spatial and operational problems that dichotomy appears, or
now and in the future. To understand this process one needs the philosophy of the user is challenged and needs rethink-
to understand the nature of the design process itself, as best ing. Assumptions made in early stages can be carried well into
described by authors such as Bryan Lawson, whose book How the design, then the need for change becomes clear with fully
Designers Think: The Design Process Demystifi ed 3 recognises the integrated engineering solutions and the clarity of users about
clash of different objectives in approaches between scientifi - what they are actually going to get. The essential dialogue to
cally trained disciplines like engineers and project managers create innovation comes from this exchange. The PPP process
who are problem and process focused, while architects and inherently restricts such full exchange.
Leighton Contractors has bolstered its com- Project management and quantity surveying A lasting link between cycling legend and
mitment to servicing the healthcare and social company Lucrum Consulting, formerly Gleeds cancer survivor Lance Armstrong and South
infrastructure sector by acquiring the busi- Australia, has made its fi rst foray into the health Australia will be created when a new centre for
ness and assets of Adesse’s facility management sector with the recently completed Kolling cancer research at Flinders Medical Centre is
operations. Building for clinical research and education at dedicated in his name.
The acquisition does not include the pur- the Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, “The new research laboratories within
chase of the Adesse name or its other business New South Wales. the Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer
operations. Adesse has extensive experience in The $99 million project was designed will be known as the LIVESTRONG Cancer
facility management, essential services mainte- by prominent architecture fi rm Hassell, and Research Centre when it opens in 2011, provid-
nance, engineering and project management in constructed by Bovis Lend Lease for the NSW ing world-class facilities for some of Australia’s
the health and aged care sector. It currently has Government and the University of Sydney. leading cancer researchers,” says Premier Mike
a number of long-term facilities management The building now houses more than 350 Rann.
contracts in and around Melbourne and employs researchers, as well as the hospital’s educational “A huge benefit will be ongoing links
20 people. facilities, including high-tech lecture theatres, between our researchers and the global commu-
Peter Hicks, general manager of Leighton the Douglas Piper Library, the internationally nity of cancer researchers associated with Lance
Contractors Investment and Facility Manage- recognised Sydney Simulation Centre for clini- Armstrong’s LIVESTRONG Foundation.
ment division, says the acquisition is another cal training, and the Northern Clinical School “Lance Armstrong’s recent visit to South
step in the company’s strategy to enhance its of the University of Sydney. Eventually, more Australia has been an exciting event that has
capabilities in this growing area. than 500 researchers will reside in the building. attracted global attention for his well-known
“We are targeting a number of major health Lucrum provided the quantity surveying and LIVESTRONG Foundation – which has a
care opportunities, including Melbourne’s cost management services for the project. charter to eliminate the suffering and deaths
Parkville Comprehensive Cancer Centre and “It is clear that in the current fi nancial mar- associated with cancer in his lifetime.
the new Royal Adelaide Hospital, and this ket, projects are now, more than ever before, “The Flinders centre will deliver an innova-
acquisition complements our already strong con- needing to adhere to a strict cost management tive, patient-focused approach that will link the
struction and fi nancing capability,” Hicks says. structure,” says David Kelly, managing director key areas of prevention, research, education and
“Leighton Contractors is uniquely posi- of Lucrum Consulting. We are at the forefront care.
tioned to offer clients a fully integrated solution of the industry with established management “The LIVESTRONG Cancer Research
covering design, construction, fi nancing and services to ensure budgets are maintained. Centre will house more than 100 research and
long-term operations and maintenance. “We have diversified into the health area, clinical investigators working collaboratively in
“Our expertise and knowledge of the health which is earmarked for growth at a rate of four orthodox medicine and in holistic methods of
care sector enables us to transform our clients’ percent per annum.” treatment to achieve more effective and faster
ideas into facilities that create a healthier work- The facility comprises 12,000 square metres results in cancer control.
ing environment and better patient outcomes.” of space over twelve floors with four floors dedi- “Funding is being provided by the Federal
The acquired business will integrate with cated to education and seven floors committed and State Governments, the FMC Foundation
Leighton Contractors’ Investment and Facil- to laboratories and research facilities. and thousands of generous South Australians.
ity Management division, which earlier this Construction of the facility took two years “Researchers at FMC are already leaders in
year secured the long-term facility manage- to complete and is an essential part of the $950 biological research into improved markers to
ment contract for seven schools in South East million redevelopment of the campus. detect and contain cancer and alternatives to
Queensland. RNS Redevelopment Project drug treatments.
The Division’s capabilities also include www.nsccahs.health.nsw.gov.au/ Flinders Medical Centre
Menette, a wholly owned subsidiary of Leighton rnsredevelopment www.flinders.sa.gov.au
Contractors, which provides healthcare consul-
tancy and facility management services.
Leighton Contractors
Custom design, local manufacture and environ- Woods Bagot’s latest design for the Australian The domestic-style layout of the recently
mental benefits underpin two recent healthcare Catholic University’s (ACU) new Centre for completed St Vincent de Paul aged care facility
installations by Armstrong Flooring. Health and Well-being aims to create new in Geelong, Victoria, was purposely designed to
Armstrong’s flooring solutions for the standards in energy efficiency while providing create a less institutional look and feel. A secure
Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, and the an attractive social and working environment. and healthy environment was a key objective in
Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, incorporate Designed to reflect its primary purpose of the Woodhead-designed facility.
their custom-designed ‘Infi nity’ product. Based operation, the new Centre for Health and Well- The facility comprises three buildings for
on the proven Armstrong ‘Accolade Plus’ and being is Woods Bagot’s latest energy-efficient residential accommodation and a fourth building
slip-resistant ‘Accolade Safe Plus’ ranges, it pro- building concept – adopting active mass cooling for administration, as well as off-street parking
vides the freedom to custom-design a floor that concrete slabs, rainwater harvesting, solar hot and landscaping. In sympathy with the site
complements any interior design. water heating panels, six wind turbines and a and to create more of a residential streetscape
The Infi nity palette provides a range of 24 rooftop garden terrace. frontage, the accommodation buildings are
harmonious base colour combinations, to which The proposed research and teaching facility positioned around the administration building.
can be added additional colour chips to create is considered a positive development in ‘healthy Woodhead Melbourne principal and aged-
a floor that matches a project’s required colour architecture’, as the building is set to create new care design specialist, Derek Pitt, says the
scheme – you can make your own design online standards in energy-efficient design without development was designed with the residents’
at www.armstronginfi nity.com.au compromising the attractive social and working needs and operational efficiency in mind.
Another perfect product for the healthcare environment for faculty members. “Access from the administration section to
sector is the Armstrong ‘Accolade’, a proven The building’s section plan reflects its the residential areas, for instance, is via a covered
eco-friendly choice. programmatic organisation, as faculty offices are link that ties all four buildings together,” Pitt
Accolade is made from inert materials that do accommodated within the northern component says. “These links lead to the living, dining and
not harbour bacteria, making it ideal in health- on a level-by-level basis. service zones of the accommodation buildings,
care environments. It can be coved up the walls “This has allowed for a light-fi lled atrium creating a sense of arrival into each house.
in bathrooms, and the heat welding of standard and circulation core, which means better air “The functional zones in turn spill out
and slip-resistant sheets creates a seamless inte- flow, more sunlight and a happier, healthier to either their respective courtyards or the
gration between wet and dry areas. workplace,” says Woods Bagot director Mark residential wings.”
For 40 years Armstrong has invested locally, Kelly. Woodhead designed the facility to further
with two flooring plants and nearly 200 people Seeking to enhance collaboration and take the needs of the elderly into consideration
producing durable high-performance products. creativity, the workspaces for general teaching by incorporating sustainable design strategies
The company’s sustainable manufacturing and high-level research staff alike are well and practices throughout the scheme.
policies have resulted in environmental awards integrated in the southern component of the The roof shape, for example, of all living
such as the Greenhouse Challenge Plus awards centre. areas and residents’ rooms was designed to
for CO2 reduction, and the Keep Australia “We aim to lead the industry in the pursuit maximise daylight, cross-ventilation and solar
Beautiful awards for recycling post-consumer of sustainable design practices. Our objective control, and to accommodate solar collectors for
waste. Armstrong has also been a fi nalist in the is to provide our clients with products of water heating and electricity production.
savewater awards®. high performance standards which respond The implementation of thermal mass
Armstrong Flooring appropriately to their needs, while reducing the internally, lightweight insulated external
www.armstrong-aust.com.au impact on the environment,” Mark Kelly says. cladding, and heating and cooling devices such
1800 632 624 Woods Bagot (in conjunction with as hydronic heating, ceiling fans and evaporative
NHArchitecture) was recently awarded the cooling add further environmentally sustainable
world’s fi rst 6 Star Green Star Convention design features to the development.
Centre Design PILOT certified rating for the Woodhead Architects
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. www.woodhead.com.au
Health considerations
The underlying determinant of the need
for aged care is the level of disability in
the community (Howe and Schofield
1996). A relationship between age-
ing and deteriorating physical health
has been commonly accepted and
Emergence of dementia consumers are very responsive to price it prescribes a number of legal require- above: Figure 2. Growth
in the aged population in
Dementia and associated implica- differences among aged care facilities ments for accommodation payments
Australia – 2001 to 2051
tions are fundamental shifts affecting (Nyman 1989). In accordance with the under the operation of the Aged Care (source: ABS, 2006).
the health status of the elderly, since Aged Care Act 1997, Victorian resi- Act 1997.
dementia is the fourth largest cause of dents, for instance, who are entering
death for persons aged 65 years and into a residential care facility face two SUPPLY OF RESIDENTIAL AGED
over (Hogan 2004). Primary forms of types of fees, namely resident fees and CARE FACILITIES
dementia include Alzheimer’s disease, accommodation charges. To meet the Supply of residential care facilities is a
vascular dementia, Lewy body disease, increasing demand for aged care and consequence of a complex web of public
frontotemporal dementia, Creutzfeldt- its high cost to taxpayers, residents are and private relationships and transac-
Jakob disease (CJD) and subcortical required to make a reasonable contri- tions. In a study of the supply of care
dementia (including Parkinson’s dis- bution towards the cost of their care. facilities undertaken in the UK, Kendall
ease and Huntington’s disease), and The resident care fees paid are the et al (2002) identified three broad key
other results caused by disease of the difference between the total fee pay- influences: (a) micro-level, (b) meso-
brain, usually of a chronic or progres- able and the Australian Commonwealth level and (c) macro-level. The supply is
sive nature in which there is disturbance Government subsidy, which is pro- influenced by:
of multiple higher cortical functions, vided. The residential care fee can vary the local and national political econo-
including memory, thinking, orientation, depending on the resident’s pensioner mies that determine which provision
comprehension, calculation, learn- status (full pensioner, partial pensioner is made and also shapes what is
ing capacity, language and judgement or non-pensioner) and their require- possible in the markets; included
(World Health Organisation 2006). The ment for extra services. Approximately are external factors, in particular
onset of dementia can be described in 65 percent of residents in residential access to funding and interest rates
terms of a series of stages, from initial aged care receive full means-tested for construction of facilities and
and mild symptoms to a terminal decline pensions, and a further 25 percent developments in the property market
of the central nervous system. There- receive part pensions (Department (note these affect the value of the
fore, people with dementia require of Human Services 2006). Under alternative uses to which residential
both informal care available from within income testing arrangements, the care facilities can be put, especially
the family and community, as well as Australian Government makes the bearing in mind that most residential
the provision of formal care services largest contribution towards meeting care facilities are not purpose-built)
by government and other organisa- aged care costs for the overwhelming institutions created by public
tions (Department of Human Services majority of residents. Accommodation purchasers because they design con-
2006). payments are arranged between the tracting regimes, as well as the less
resident and/or their representative, visible ‘relational’ aspects that take
ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS and the service provider. Note that the shape in this context – together these
Although the primary demand for government does not receive any part mediate resource flows, and
residential care facilities is driven by of the accommodation payment and motivation, profits and price levels of
health issues, the importance of pricing does not determine the amount of such care providers, which are governed
arrangements is critical where private payment in individual cases; however, by local demand for services.
Elderly population growth, health aged care from the turn of the century, PROJECTED DEMAND
improvements and changing sex including a likely under-supply of nursing Over the long term, the prevalence of
composition of the elderly population home-type care for high-dependency dementia is anticipated to increase from
are identifi ed as key forces behind aged people, particularly between 59,945 in 2009 to 83,602 persons in
movements in residential care in the US 2006 and 2016. The study recognised, 2020. Over this time period dementia
(Lakdawalla and Philipson 1999). This however, that the data on which the prevalence will increase by an average of
study analysed the relative growth of long-term supply was based had short- three percent per annum. Figure 3 illus-
beds and the elderly population aged comings. The standard planning ratio, trates a relatively stable rate of change
75 years and above, and the fi ndings namely the number of beds available per over the long term with reference to
concluded that ageing can lower the thousand persons aged 70 and over was the effect of dementia, demonstrating
demand for market care by increasing determined using 1983 data; it was not a stronger growth on average of 3.2
the supply of family care-givers, which sensitive to the changing internal age percent between the years of 2009 and
in turn substitutes for market care. Fur- structure of population 70 and over, and 2011. Then it is projected that from 2012
thermore, it was found via demographic in particular the increasing proportion of to 2015 the growth rate of dementia will
analysis that the elderly male population the population aged 80 years and over gradually decline to a low of 2.8 percent;
is growing faster than the elderly female (AIHW 2000). Clearly, persons aged however, it will then stabilise at 2.9 per-
population. If this trend continues there 80 years and over are at greater risk of cent from 2016 to 2020.
will be relatively more healthy elderly admission to residential care (Gibson The largest change in terms of magni-
men to function as spousal care givers. and Liu 1995). tude is anticipated between the years of
This factor, along with improvements in An earlier study into nursing homes 2019 and 2020 when the prevalence of
the health of the elderly, indicates that in Australia estimated the probability of the number of persons with dementia will
possibly per capita demand for aged the first nursing home admission over increase by 2405 persons. Conversely,
care will continue to decline over the a lifetime and the probability of nursing the largest increase is between the years
long term. Note this argument refers to home use in the remaining lifetime at 2012 and 2013, with 1997 additional per-
the level of care needed (i.e. increas- particular ages (Liu 1998). The findings sons anticipated to suffer from dementia
ingly people do not necessarily go concluded the likelihood of entering a and related illnesses. Table 1 indicates
directly into aged care) rather than the nursing home after turning 65 is actually that over the long term the number of
amount of demand, being how many one in three, although only three percent such people will continuously increase at
older residents there are in society. of people aged 65 years and over were a relatively constant rate, averaging 2151
An earlier Australian study examined resident in a nursing home on any given additional persons per annum.
the impact of population ageing on day in 1994-1995 (Liu 1998). It is clear The predictions for the assessment
future use and supply of residential aged that population ageing combined with of the number of persons projected to
care services (Gibson and Liu 1995). health considerations has emerged as be aged 65 years and over in the long
This research forecast hostel and nurs- an important issue and provides the fac- term show that on average this popula-
ing home use from 1993 to 2021 based tors required to drive demand for new/ tion will increase each year at a rate of
on 1993 patterns of actual use, followed improved residential care facilities, while 3.1 percent or by 27,690 persons. The
by a comparison with projected levels of the role of government has been shown population will increase from 744,722
below: Figure 3.
supply. The study found that there may to be the key determinant in the supply persons in 2009 to 1,049,311 persons
Dementia prediction
(2009-2020). be a general under-supply of residential of services. in 2020. The rate of growth will be posi-
tive over the entirety of the long term,
FIGURE 3. with the strongest growth anticipated
between the years of 2009 to 2012,
particularly between 2011 and 2012,
with a rate of growth of 3.8 percent
expected for the year. Following this
increase in the growth rate, there will
be continued increases, although this
will begin to decline and then stabilise
between 2.8 percent and 3.2 percent
for the remainder of the long term. The
long-term impact of the ‘baby boom’
generation will begin to affect the need
for residential care facilities. This factor
appears to be the primary driver of long-
term demand for care. The increasing
prevalence of dementia is projected to
Year impact on the demand for aged care,
which again highlights a potential short-
Dementia Prevalence Rate ofChange
fall for accommodation; however, the
growth rate of dementia cases should be
hy has Australia been so Dr Kohlenbach says there’s a for the delivery of a number of renew-
slow to adopt solar air- ‘chicken and egg’ problem in Austra- able energy courses, which will help
conditioning technologies? lia. There are few qualified specialists to increase the pool of professionals
It’s a topic of intense interest to Dr Paul capable of designing solar cooling sys- in Australia capable of, and interested
Kohlenbach, Australia’s leading solar tems for buildings, which means that few in, working with solar energy/cooling
below: Energy air-conditioning consultant, who will systems are designed to take advantage systems.
Conservation Systems
share his insights into the current state of the technology. While there are so few Better education and a larger pool
was involved in the
design and delivery of of play in a seminar at the upcoming installations, market demand remains of qualifi ed resources will support our
the world’s largest solar
Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration and small. And while market demand fl edgling industry, which Dr Kohlenbach
air-conditioning system
for Tesco Lotus’ new Building Services Exhibition (ARBS remains small, few people will invest the expects to grow exponentially. By this
‘green’ hypermarket
2010), which is being held in Sydney time needed to learn how best to model time next year, he anticipates there
at Rama 1 in Bangkok.
Covering up to 2200 from 12 to 14 April 2010. and design for solar air-conditioning. will be eight Australian solar cooling
square metres, the Tesco
Solar air-conditioning is demon- installations.
store’s solar collectors
are located on the car strably a viable technology, with many INTEREST GROUP In his seminar at ARBS 2010, Dr
park’s roof and produce
successful installations across Europe Fortunately, there are a few initiatives Kohlenbach will use case studies to help
up to 600,000 kilowatts
of power annually. (and not forgetting the four Australian underway that will change this situation. illustrate the lessons learned from solar
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2010/03/18 PM
and dryers came as a bit of a surprise – both to His hands were properly dry, not semi-dry or damp as they
7. The two sheets 6. It’s then
forced through The launch of a new-technology hand dryer that is fast,
of air literally
scrape water from two apertures - hygienic and energy-effi cient means facility managers
hands. creating sheets
now have the option of purchasing or leasing a hand
of air travelling at
400mph. drying device that will not only perform signifi cantly
better than conventional warm air hand dryers, but will
also be more sensitive to the environment than a paper
towel dispenser.
In fact, using just one Dyson Airblade 200 times a day
for fi ve years saves 730,000 paper towels* from being
produced, transported and disposed of.
*Calculation based on an average of two paper towels per
5. Air passes into the hand dry.
air ducts which are
insulated to reduce
Melbourne Airport was receiving regular correspondence
4. The air then reaches from tenants, airline staff and the general public, raising con-
the motor, which
channels it up and cerns about the hand drying facilities available in the airport
through the machine. bathrooms. In order to determine the extent of the concern,
Melbourne Airport undertook a survey to determine action.
2. Its passes through a
hospital-grade HEPA 3. The purified air
The survey supported complaints that the existing hand dryers
filter, removing over passes over the did not work properly, with sensors not activating, and that
99.9% of the bacteria. electronics, cooling
bathrooms were considered dirty due to the amount of paper
1. Dirty washroom air is towels left strewn on floors.
sucked in by the Dyson In response, Melbourne Airport began to look at alterna-
digital motor.
tive solutions that would overcome these complaints, and be
in keeping with the organisation’s environmental strategy and
overall vision for the future.
he existing Standards covering Now the open office concept is AFRDI Standard to bring current under-
desking systems and worksta- realised by low dividing screens to standing and technical considerations
tions – AS/NZS 4442:1997 and encourage communication between to issues that are central to the modern
AS/NZS 4443:1997 – were published 13 workers – a legacy of quieter computers offi ce workspace.
years ago, and even then they contained
many legacy considerations referencing
an earlier era of business.
“What is certain is the physical face of tomorrow’s office
In 1997, the office environment was will change: the role of the Standard will be to ensure that
changing – desks were becoming larger the basic quality of the furnishings remains adequate.”
As AFRDI chairman Peter McCutch-
eon says, the new Standard will be no
silver bullet: the permutations possible
in the fi tout and layout of the modern
offi ce are too vast to cover everything.
But equally, he says, there is little
point in persevering with a Standard
that pertains to a vanishing workplace
The new Standard will establish
parameters, for instance, to assist
manufacturers faced with the practical
question of how to manufacture a four-
seat bench workstation for, say, $2000,
compared to an earlier generation
average of $1200 for a single place, yet
still maintain structural integrity and the
ability to group workstations together.
Or the manufacturer may wish to omit
redundant workstation legs in certain
modular configurations: in short, the
Standard will contain comprehensive
advice on these and other issues of
maintaining quality and durability.
Taskair ™
Don’t miss these important features in our next issue:
Flooring Education
Environmentally responsible flooring materials and Regardless of whether a facility manager is a seasoned
processes are under the spotlight in our Flooring feature; in professional or newcomer to the profession, education is
fact, the whole definition of sustainable flooring is set for fundamental to career development. In this feature we
review by competing certifying bodies. will be making some ground-breaking announcements
about changes to Australia’s FM educational offerings and
Lighting processes. Not to be missed.
Lighting is never far from the minds of facility managers,
who are under constant pressure to find the perfect blend of
aesthetic appeal and energy-efficient performance. Including
informative case studies and new product announcements. And much, much more…
Editorial: Call the editor John Power on (03) 9948 4914.
Advertising: Call our advertising team on (03) 9948 4900 or email advertising@niche.com.au
Advanced Environmental, a specialist sustainable design service of WSP Lincolne Scott,
is re-branding and expanding – the new name of the business is Built Ecology.
ccording to WSP Lincolne offices open in Brisbane and London, Ecology is indicative of the growth in
More information
WSP Lincolne Scott
include fi ve major retailers, as well as a UDIA has an important national voice in development matters, particularly in
new community centre – to ensure that relation to initiatives for homebuyers, urban developers, professionals and
they complied with Westfield’s stringent others who are involved in urban development.
“We worked very hard to make sure
we delivered a very high standard of able to deliver the project on budget and industry and recognise outstanding
service and I believe this award reflects on time, and then to win this prestigious achievements of high-quality develop-
the successful outcome of this bench- award, is a very rewarding result.” ments that contribute to the industry,
mark project. The Westfield Plenty Valley project government and community. FM
“As the independent contract admin- was the winner of the UDIA Victoria’s
istrator, we took a proactive approach to Award for Excellence, ‘Master Planned More information
our work. We also formed a tight team Development’ category, announced last Umow Lai
with NHA Architecture and Westfield and year. The awards celebrate Australia’s www.umowlai.com.au
this certainly helped resolve construction contemporary knowledge, skills and UDIA
issues as they arose. I think that being innovation in the urban development www.udia.com.au
‘Baseload’ solar power, once a distant dream, Canberra International Airport is again at the The Carbon Real-Time system from CarbonetiX
is now a reality. While solar electricity was forefront of environmentally sustainable design, monitors the current electricity usage of
once limited to when the sun was shining, solar following the release of 3, 5, 7 Molonglo Drive, individual circuits, allowing you to monitor the
thermal energy can now operate 24 hours a the latest addition to Brindabella Business Park. electricity usage of your lights, power outlets,
day, even at night, with an ingenious and cheap The new building continues the theme of hot water system, etc.
storage method utilising molten salt. neighbouring buildings while projecting its own The Carbon Real-Time system attaches
“There are plants in Spain operating with individuality through the use of bold colours, current transformers (CTs) linked to a
energy storage right now, providing electricity distinct glazing and its imposing size. transmitter onto individual circuits, and is
all night long,” says Matthew Wright, executive The concrete structure comprises five floors suitable for metering conductors carrying up
director of the not-for-profit organisation of open plan office tenancy plus two floors to 100 amps. The data is sent wirelessly to a
Beyond Zero Emissions. of undercover parking. At just under 36,000 receiver and database and communications
“Most Australians are not aware of this square metres, it is significantly larger than the hub. From there, the data is sent, via wire
technology, even though it has the capacity park’s surrounding structures. or WiFi, to your computer network and the
to revolutionise the way Australia produces The building features a range of high-quality Internet. Using the Carbon Real-Time interface,
electricity and eliminate global warming ‘green’ design elements, including Viridian you can view your electricity usage on any
pollution from coal.” Molten salt storage uses ThermoTech insulating glass units (IGUs), Internet-enabled computer or mobile phone.
common salts, such as potassium nitrate, which solar hot water, water recycling, external sun The Carbon Real-Time interface includes
are readily available and non-toxic. Using the screening and a tri-generation facility, which many useful metrics. View current electricity
sun’s energy, these salts are heated to high will provide increased energy efficiency to both usage within one minute of Real-Time, or view
temperatures and stored in insulated storage mechanical and electrical plant. Green and blue electricity usage by day, week, month or year.
tanks. When electricity is needed, the heat in perforated aluminium panels line the lengths View current electricity usage via consumption,
the molten salt is used to create steam to turn a of the building, providing sun screening and cost or carbon dioxide emissions. Understand
turbine. This sort of electricity is dispatchable, reflecting the building’s aviation location. your greenhouse gas emissions through the use
meaning it can be sent out on demand at any Overall, the building comprises of meaningful statistics (e.g. black balloons of
time of day, so it can replace the baseload approximately 5000 square metres of glazed carbon dioxide).
electricity made from burning fossil fuels. areas. A distinctive characteristic of the Carbon
“The arguments for needing coal, gas or The two lower ground floors offer over 200 Real-Time system is its comprehensive
nuclear power to provide our electricity needs secure car spaces and large storage facilities comparison reports, showing ‘before and after’
in a modern economy are completely false,” serviced by a dedicated goods lift and loading metrics. Check your results after efficiency
Wright says. “Solar thermal power with storage area. The lower ground floor houses 30 works to see if they’ve been effective.
is proven technology, which will reliably provide showers, change room facilities and bicycle The Carbon Real-Time system has sufficient
the backbone of modern 100 percent renewable storage, to encourage workers to take a more flexibility to measure not only electricity
electricity grids. environmentally friendly mode of transport to usage, but also electricity generation,
“The US, Middle East and North Africa have work. water consumption, gas consumption and
proposals in the pipeline that, combined, are fi ve Once internal fitouts are complete, 3, 5, 7 temperature.
times greater than Australia’s total coal-fired Molonglo Drive will also incorporate a tri- Carbon Real-Time can be customised to suit
electricity capacity.” generation plant. Tri-generation is a process your individual requirements, and gold, silver
Beyond Zero Emissions whereby natural gas is used as the input source and bronze packages are available for common
www.beyondzeroemissions.org of energy to generate electricity for both cooling configurations. A customised web interface or
and heating purposes. interactive touch screen for public displays is
Canberra Airport also available.
www.canberraairport.com.au Carbon Real-Time
Viridian www.carbonrealtime.com.au
www.viridianglass.com CarbonetiX
Scouts Australia New South Wales will become A new white paper from Rockwell Automation The people of Imaki, a small community on the
climate change champions in the greenest details how facility managers and owners can southern coast of Tanna Island, Vanuatu, are
scout halls in Australia, with the support of reduce energy consumption and maximise enjoying sustainable and reliable energy for
more than $1 million from the New South Wales savings with HVAC control upgrade technology. the first time following the installation of a new
Government’s Climate Change Fund. The paper outlines a new option to help convert hydropower system. The project was conceived
Scouts Australia New South Wales is one of constant volume HVAC systems to variable as a partnership between the University of
18 organisations to secure $6.8 million for water air volume (VAV) control while avoiding the New South Wales (UNSW), final year student
and energy savings through the Climate Change cost and complexity typically associated with Chris McGrath and engineering consulting firm
Fund’s Public Facilities Program, which was changing mechanical or building automation Cundall.
announced recently by the Minister for Climate control systems. As the thesis project for his final year of
Change and the Environment, Frank Sartor, at a The white paper, ‘Leveraging the Power of undergraduate studies, McGrath worked
visit to the Drummoyne Scout Group’s hall. Intelligent Motor Control to Maximise HVAC with the UNSW School of Photovoltaic and
“This project will showcase the System Efficiency’, describes the technology Renewable Energy Engineering to conceive
environmental benefits of water and energy behind this upgrade option, outlines the cost- a Remote Area Power System (RAPS) for the
efficiency in scout halls, camps and activity saving benefits, and breaks down a leading Imaki community.
centres across New South Wales,” Sartor food manufacturer’s payback as an example. By Travelling to Tanna Island, McGrath forged
says. “It will also help the scouts save 17 million adjusting fan speeds, the upgrade option helps a strong relationship with an island chief with
litres of water and almost 100 tonnes of carbon facility managers reduce energy consumption family ties with the Imaki chief to kick-start the
pollution a year, as well as money on bills. and building owners reap payback in a relatively vision. Cundall, an engineering firm specialising
“Importantly, the project also includes a short time – often less than a year. The new in sustainable design for the built environment,
major education component, including training upgrade option helps building owners avoid had donated funding for the project.
workshops for scout leaders, the production of a costly redesign and capital investments “The existing energy services supplying the
Scouting for Savings CD, and an action pack to associated with new systems. village were poor, with crude facilities supplying
help the association’s 20,000 youth members Designed as a self-contained unit for easy the secondary school, church and other
and their families make similar savings at home.” installation, the integrated control solution amenities,” McGrath explains. “Nonetheless,
The scouts will replace single-flush toilets delivers more energy savings at a fraction of the community had a basic understanding of the
with dual-flush models, install water-efficient the cost of a traditional hardware retrofit. The use and potential of electricity, and community
taps and showerheads and replace electric hot unit includes temperature and carbon dioxide consultation identified the primary school as
water with heat pump systems in 120 facilities. sensors, a microcontroller, a high-performance the highest priority for alternative sustainable
The New South Wales Government’s variable frequency drive and a touch-screen energy supply.”
Climate Change Fund is helping to meet New operator interface. Rather than cycling between The advantages of the RAPS system are
South Wales Government targets to achieve constant speed and off, HVAC fans controlled numerous – staff and students have access to
20 percent renewable energy consumption by by the variable frequency drive automatically improved learning tools, including computers,
2020, save 4000 gigawatts per hour of annual adjust in response to heating or cooling needs. overhead projectors and photocopiers; there
electricity savings by 2014, increase annual The white paper, ‘Leveraging the Power is also provision for lighting, mobile phone
water recycling to 70 billion litres, and save 145 of Intelligent Motor Control to Maximise charging, printing, improved communication
billion litres of water a year by 2015. HVAC System Efficiency’, is available at the and refrigeration at the school.
Department of Environment, Rockwell Automation Literature Library. For Perhaps the most innovative and novel
Climate Change and Water more information on intelligent motor control, feature of the project is the fact that the hydro
www.environment.nsw.gov.au visit www.rockwellautomation.com/solutions/ resource is actually the existing community
intelligentcontrol water supply.
Rockwell Automation Cundall
www.rockwellautomation.com.au www.cundall.com.au
Technological improvements have revolutionised warehouse operations in recent years, delivering space
efficiencies and turnaround times that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. JEFF SALTON speaks
with numerous industry experts about the present and future of warehousing.
ark back to an old Monty while some employ hundreds of work- requirements. He says most warehouses
Python movie, The Life of Brian, ers, much of the decision-making is fit into three categories:
set around 30AD, when one computer-driven. Even robotics plays 1. technology-enlightened
character asks: ‘What have the Romans a part in some high-tech warehouses. 2. some technology, and
done for us?’ The response is a compre- Keeping a warehouse fully function- 3. manual systems.
hensive list of impressive innovations ing while managing its energy bills is “Smaller operations with limited
that would quiet the most ardent doubter. no easy matter. Warehouse managers finances tend to stick with paper-based
The same could be said for technology need to be good multi-taskers, to say supply cycles; i.e. receipt/despatch
when applied to warehousing. The list the least. notices, due to cost, volume and the
of technological improvements over the Bill Henman from the College of types of products they warehouse,”
past few years has impacted favourably Warehousing Education and Research Henman says. “However, companies
upon this industry. Centre says the goal of most warehouse that handle many SKUs [stock-keeping
below: Stallion has
supplied this new- Today, many warehouses operate managers is to remove the reliance on unit, pronounced ‘skew’], such as
technology HVAC
24/7 on incredibly tight schedules and paper-based systems and increase hardware or stationery suppliers with
equipment, controlled
by a building house thousands of individual items productivity gains while maintaining thousands of SKUs, would struggle
management system
from multiple suppliers and despatch or reducing costs. In many situations, under the old paper-based system.”
(BMS), at Hurstville,
New South Wales. them to a myriad of destinations. And technology has helped meet these He defines a small warehouse as one
handling one to 300 SKUs, a medium
facility dealing with 300 to 3000
SKUs, while a large warehouse may
have more than 3000 SKUs. Coles and
Woolworths supermarkets have around
27,000 SKUs and the Department of
Defence has more than a million.
Imagine keeping three- or four-part
invoices/despatch notices, etc, for
these items! You’d practically need a
warehouse to store all the warehouse
“Often the amount of technology found
in a warehouse will be determined by the
customers with whom you wish to com-
municate. If you’re importing from China,
electronic information transfer will beat
the delivery of products by around four to
six weeks, allowing warehouse manag-
ers to gear up for deliveries; i.e. hire more
casual staff, conduct racking movements
in advance to free up space, etc.”
Henman believes if your customers
are high-tech, they will expect the same
from their suppliers.
He says supermarkets used to house
six weeks’ supply of products, now they
or deposit pallets were recorded using handheld device, which would also reg- Concentrating on picking only in this
RF scanning devices. ister on the rack and central computer, article, the voice system directs the
The industry has continued to move and then continue to the next light. operator to perform each pick. For
forward. While Volkswagen in Europe example:
has deployed the use of robotic devices Voice-directed Computer: Go to building two.
to pick and despatch car and engine A number of computer-controlled, voice- Operator: Ready.
parts around the world within 48 hours, directed picking systems have been Computer: Aisle seven.
most operations in Australia still involve achieving productivity gains that are Operator: Ready.
humans filling orders. The amount of delighting clients throughout Australia. Computer: Bay 19.
technological assistance they receive, Voice-directed warehousing is the Operator: Ready.
however, is growing. implementation of speech recognition Computer: Pick four boxes of
New racking systems have played a software in warehouse management canned tomatoes, 800 grams.
large part in this movement. Gravity-flow systems. Originally limited to picking, Operator: Ready.
racks that bring each product to the front voice-directed warehousing can now Computer: What are the check-
and within easy reach of the warehouse extend to receiving/put-away, replenish- digits?
worker are commonplace, but human ment and shipping. Operator: Four-five-three. (May
error and delays in locating the correct One of the productivity benefits of be from the pallet or location)
item still hinder the extent of the technol- voice-based systems is that they allow Computer: How many remain?
ogy’s ability to make improvements. operators to do two things at once (Optional)
because usually both their hands are Operator: Seven.
Pick-to-light free and they don’t need to read a docu- … and so on to the next location until
below: Warehouse A further iteration of the racking system ment or screen to determine what items the order is complete. The system then
workers using the
Dematic voice-directed uses computer-driven lights on a rack to need picking. directs the pickers to the location to put
picking system have highlight where a product to be packed It begins with each operator wear- their pallet (onto a truck, into a staging
both hands and eyes
free. Results have sits. The item bay will illuminate and a ing a voice-enabled RF device. These area) and then tells them to take a new
shown workers are more number of the items required will be devices need not have screens or key- pallet and start the next pick.
productive with these
systems and training is displayed. Staff locate the light, check pads – operators communicate with the Most companies report that staff
quick and easy. off the required number of items on their system via headsets. training takes between 45 minutes and
two hours, depending on the number
of tasks workers are required to com-
plete. But these systems are ideal for
warehouses that employ casuals and
other non-full-time staff because they
need little supervision once they have a
Companies such as Dematic, Lucas
Systems, Chameleon and many others
have their own voice-directed systems.
Dematic’s general manager of Real
Time Logistics, Nathan Taylor, says
most major retailing groups in Aus-
tralasia, including Woolworths, Coles,
Progressive and Foodstuffs, have now
implemented voice-picking projects;
however, the technology has evolved to
the point where it is also within reach of
small-to-medium enterprises.
Voice has now established itself as
the first choice solution for both full
and split case picking, with most users
achieving productivity gains of 10 to 25
percent, compared to RF picking.
Taylor says one of the best proving
grounds for comparing the performance
of voice picking to RF picking was at the
Dick Smith Electronics (DSE) national
distribution centre in Sydney.
“The logistics industry had been wait-
ing for an application like DSE that gave
us the opportunity to directly compare
above: The installation it is not financially viable to maintain technology for varying compressor and “Simple things, such as having program-
of a Clipsal C-Bus
comfort levels of 22 degrees Celsius fan speeds has been widely adopted mable timers set for 365-day operation,
lighting control system
at the 15,000-square- throughout the year. and has resulted in significant energy with working hours programmed into them,
metre Toyota Tsusho
Drawing in cooler air near ground savings. including public holidays, etc, can deliver
storage facility in South
Australia has delivered level and letting it escape when it’s “The use of ambient air to cool the big savings. Also, having after-hours tim-
measurable energy
warmer at the top of the building is office environment is free, so the more ers to operate equipment for a couple of
and cost savings to the
owners. a good way to cool premises. Items outside air you can use, the better. An hours only, if personnel are working back
like ventilators and roof vents can be air-to-air heat exchanger transfers heat in certain areas, is good thinking.
very effective. Large-diameter ceiling from the incoming air to the exhaust air.” “Regular maintenance also ensures
fans and also fans that can throw Thomson says the positioning and that the equipment is running at its
air large distances will provide air choice of exterior glass can play a large optimum and not consuming energy
movement, which improves workers’ part in how much air-conditioning is unnecessarily.”
comfort levels. required for a building. And above all, advises Thomson,
For office areas within or adjacent to “Reducing solar heat gains on don’t have the temperature set too low in
warehouses, mechanical refrigeration in external glazing, such as west-facing summer and too high in winter. A small
the form of air-conditioning is normally windows, can make a big difference.” He change to the set point temperature can
required to provide comfort to the occu- adds that zoning air-conditioning sys- make a huge difference to your energy
pants throughout the year. Again the use tems is also a good idea. For instance, a consumption. FM
of thermal insulation and BCA-approved separate air-conditioning system, which
building materials for the office structure cools west-facing zones, will not over- Jeff Salton, from Salton Media Services, is a
is important. cool other zones. freelance journalist based in Victoria.
All equipment and installations have Thomson says computer-controlled
to meet BCA requirements. On most building management systems can More information
small-to-medium-sized installations, the be integrated with other warehouse College of Warehousing Education
use of refrigerant 410A is mandatory and management systems, such as secu- and Research Centre
more efficient with a zero ozone deplet- rity, lighting, stock control and HVAC www.colofwhousing.com.au
ing potential. The older refrigerant such systems to deliver headache-free energy Dematic
as R22 is being phased out. Inverter savings. www.dematic.com
A high performance modular crane system, In a world first, Central Coast company EBIS KE Brown Electrical Switchboards has intro-
designed to maximise safety while minimising (Encore Business Integrated Solutions) has duced new power distribution technology that
energy consumption and downtime, is being developed a messaging system that sends cost-efficiently enhances the safety of mainte-
introduced into Australia and New Zealand by pictures, video and even a voice confirmation nance staff while helping to prevent expensive
Konecranes. of delivery – before the driver even gets back to production and data processing interruptions
The SMARTON crane system – which can the van. for businesses and public facilities.
save building and building services costs by In what is expected to become an essential The KEB IsoSafe distribution board allows
fitting into smaller structures – is designed for tool for businesses throughout the world, the individual circuits to be safely isolated from the
optimum flexibility and reliability in challenging patented Encore Messaging system puts an main system in accordance with the latest AS/
and changing environments. end to wondering when deliveries will arrive – a NZ 3000 – 2007 Standards – without affecting
The compact design enables new industrial scenario we have all experienced! other circuits governing functions such as data
halls, for example, to be smaller than before, so Encore Messaging now gives courier and processing, automation equipment, process
the product payback is achieved through lower company drivers the ability to let customers control and essential services.
construction and heating expenses. The com- know in advance of their arrival, without needing KE Brown operations manager Peter Silsby
pact structure of SMARTON also allows users to make a call, but using SMS instead. says the technology is particularly important to
to put loads down much closer to a wall. The message may read, ‘Hello <customer companies where minimising downtime is vital.
Applications of SMARTON cranes, in capac- name>, your <insert company name> delivery is These include banks, data centres, hospitals,
ities initially up to 145 tonnes and progressively 30 minutes away. Call <driver name> on <driver telecommunication companies, manufacturing
extending to 500, include steel and paper mobile> if you’re unable to pick up.’ plants and any commercial or industrial compa-
plants, automotive and general manufactur- Encore Messaging is also a great tool nies where continuity of supply is critical.
ing, energy plants, waste-to-energy, automatic for companies that have a mobile workforce IsoSafe technology – which cost-efficiently
storage systems, workshops and mining and because the system monitors the drivers’ complements KE Brown’s PowerSafe technol-
resources facilities. speeds and their whereabouts, while giving ogy – means companies and organisations do
“SMARTON combines time-tested com- drivers access to Google Maps and a job sheet, not have to close down an entire switchboard
ponents with innovative refinements and our all via their mobile smartphone, explains EBIS involving scores of circuits when they want to
in-depth experience of minimising downtime by managing director Jon White. work on a single circuit to add, inspect, change
being the world’s leading crane service organi- “While most courier firms do already have or replace equipment.
sation, with more than 373,000 cranes under a tracking facility that protects them, Encore IsoSafe achieves worker protection and
service contracts worldwide,” says Konecranes’ Messaging takes customer another several flexibility by using a Schneider Electric Iso-
sales and marketing manager, Warren Ashton. steps forward. This system engages more with bar chassis that enables maintenance staff to
“A key driver of the design was modularity, the people who pay for the service – the custom- disconnect and reconnect particular functions
meaning that every customer can select exactly ers – while providing retailers with an edge: the without disrupting the entire network.
the features they need for their process, both ultimate in customer service,” White says. Another KEB IsoSafe safety feature is the
now and in the future. Encore Messaging disconnectable neutral terminal, which allows
“SMARTON technology is designed to lift www.encoremessaging.com the operator to isolate the active and neutral
cash flow by gauging costs per tonne over the when working on an individual circuit. KEB
equipment’s years of service, including operator IsoSafe is available in sizes ranging from 12 to
costs, energy consumption, spare parts con- 72 poles and can be fitted with Schneider
sumption, as well as maintenance and downtime Electric RCD circuit breakers.
costs.” KE Brown Electrical Switchboards
Konecranes www.keb.com.au
t seems impossible: how can a facil- put the building, the owner, the tenants While the maximum penalty is generally
ity manager slash administration and any visitors at risk.” imposed on repeat offenders, it is also
costs and yet improve compliance Poor supplier compliance man- imposed on breaches that cause serious
and reduce risk? It isn’t so diffi cult if agement puts facility management harm to employees or persons (sub-
you apply social networking ideas to the companies and facility managers at contractors) at work. Table 2 (opposite)
business environment and build a com- risk of prosecutions, fi nes and even jail provides a summary of some WorkSafe
munity of interest (COIN) network. terms. All organisations have a legal prosecutions during 2009.
Compliance management solu- obligation to ensure the safety and Two earlier FM magazine articles
tions that take a COIN industry-wide health of subcontractors in the same have touched on this subject of risk and
approach can slash the cost of collecting way they do for their own employees. compliance. ‘Contractor injury claims
and reporting on compliance across the The Workplace Relations Ministers’ are often the most expensive claims you
industry. Council intends to replace ‘the outdated will experience,’ wrote Bryce Check and
concept of ‘employee’ with a broad Marianne Lim in ‘Minimising Risks and
DICING WITH COMPLIANCE – defi nition of ‘worker’, which includes Claims’, April-May 08. ‘The industry
A RISKY BUSINESS employees, independent contractors, average public liability customer claim
Patrick O’Donnell, associate director at outworkers, apprentices, trainees and is valued at about $10,000 to $15,000
CBRE, neatly summarised the need to volunteers who work in employment- while the average contractor claim is
collect compliance information recently like settings’. valued at $100,000 or more.’
when he stated: “In this day and age, the The fi nancial and personal con- Adam Saunders’ article ‘Construc-
exposure to significant costs and liabili- sequences of poor compliance tion and OHS: how they affect you’,
ties necessitates some form of active management can be extreme. See December-January 09, outlined the OHS
control over the personnel who are Table 1 for the maximum penalties for implications of ‘construction works’ and
allowed on site to work, because they breaches of the OHS Act. the responsibilities of the facility manager.
Australian Capital
$200,000 $1,000,000 7 years
For a facility management company that
has hundreds, if not thousands, of sup-
pliers and subcontractors on its books,
the job of collecting and verifying the
compliance information of each single
supplier and subcontractor’s employee
is, as it sounds, very tough. Since it is
mandatory, however, someone ends up
having the job of being on the phone,
calling and chasing up the expired or
missing documents. So what kinds of
documents need to be collected?
The compliance matrix separates
compliance documents into:
1. company TABLE 2.
2. staff
3. equipment, and Number of Total Fines Average Fines
4. facility. Prosecutions (individuals and
As an added complication, many of in ‘09 corporations)
these documents have expiry dates and Victoria 131 $6,843,850 $86,631
need to be checked on a regular basis,
South Australia 46 $1,147,985 $24,956
and some are issued by third-party
accreditation bodies and insurance com- New South Wales 108 Over $4.6 million Over $43,000
panies, and need to be checked for fraud.
Queensland 107 $3,535,000 $33,037
Suppose, as an example, that we
have the luxury of a full-time staff
member – we’ll call him John – who is getting them to fax or email documents documents. This tail-chasing exercise
responsible for collecting and reporting in. If John gets through the list for the continues for John day after day.
on compliance. day, he then looks at the database or The time wasting occurs for the
Every day, John comes into the Excel spreadsheet, looking for any contractor as well. Contractors are con-
offi ce and starts uploading documents expired or missing documents. When he tinually being asked by their customer
into the system that the contractors finds them, John then sends a specific to fax or email in updated compliance
have faxed or emailed in. Not all con- email to each contractor regarding the documents. They have to be provided
tractors fax in the right document, or missing or expired documentation. If for every proposal. Every time any work
even the current one, so John spends there is no response within a couple needs to be carried out, the facility
the majority of his time calling up the of days, John has to call them up. In manager should check that all relevant
contractors, asking for the correct, the occasional free time he has, John staff have current licences before they
missing or renewed document. Some does a double job of filing away each start work on-site.
may be busy or unavailable, so John has contractor’s compliance documents as
to call and call again. a back-copy. John is also expected to THE COIN APPROACH
In the meantime, since it is a volatile run random checks against fraud, call- The approach above means that docu-
industry where contractors come and go, ing up issuing authorities to check the ments are being logged multiple times,
John needs to contact new contractors, validity of certificates and compliance increasing the chances of errors.
The documents from almost every sup- longer has to chase and upload docu-
plier and contractor document are being ments; his suppliers are doing it. Nor
logged hundreds of times. Once we add does he need to check for expired docu-
staff-related compliance licences, the ments, the system does it for him. As all
volume rapidly gets out of control. John’s suppliers have posted all their
A medium-sized company can easily compliance documents on the system,
have 443 compliance documents, 337 with expiry dates, John can generate
relating to staff. real-time reports in seconds – reports
With 100 customers, those docu- which previously took days to generate
ments are logged 44,300 times across and which were out of date when they
Australia. That’s 43,857 times too were produced.
many. This is a conservative fi gure; This is just the start for John; COIN
often each facility manager has their network solutions, by their nature, are
own database, so this can easily be based on communications, so they pro-
increased by a multiple of ten. That’s vide additional features such as:
one medium-sized company generating incident and claim management, and
almost half a million records. COIN-type workfl ow for work requests.
solutions like iCiX (the International To paraphrase Patrick O’Donnell
Compliance Information Exchange) turn of CBRE, “[The COIN approach] has
the responsibility for loading documents saved us the task and drudgery of keep-
on its head. Much like Facebook and ing track of subcontractors’ compliance,
LinkedIn, the company above loads all both to their statutory responsi-
443 documents onto the COIN network bilities and to our specifi cations. It has
once, and once only. It also contacts all eliminated this incessant tail-chasing
100 customers, inviting them to join the exercise, enabling us to concentrate
COMMUNITY OF INTEREST community to view the documents. on reducing our risk, which is of great
(COIN) NETWORKS Effective COIN solutions also benefi t to the owners, our tenants and
‘Social networking’ implies low security and a non- have automatic triggers, so that the our directors.” FM
professional approach and ‘business networking’ is all compliance manager at the company
about exchanging business cards to fi nd new jobs and receives an automatic reminder two Nigel Dalton-Brown is general manager of
new business. to three months before documents metaSC, a division of IPcubed.
‘Community of interest’ (COIN) networks imply: expire. This gives them time to renew
common purpose, and the document and upload it on the More information
Docs with expiry dates Docs without expiry dates
Staff – own • Various licenses; • Various site inductions • Qualifications • Internal training
staff and electricians, plumbing, • Certificates • Awards
subcontractors’ security, etc • Awards
Equipment • Safety checks and audits • Maintenance reports • Specifications • Safe work instructions
Facility • Audits on anchor points, • Reports on anchor points, • Construction • Fire evacuation manuals,
lifts, air-conditioners, etc lifts, air-conditioners, etc documentation etc
• Inductions register
arket barriers and market the economy of achieving significant tion and government policy, which is
failures have traditionally emissions reductions relative to other specifically targeted at removing these
hampered cooperation industries such as power generation) failures from the Australian market.
between owners and tenants to improve is a key reason why energy efficiency In the face of the changing regulatory
environmental performance and ‘green’ is often described as the low-hanging and policy landscape, both owners and
buildings. fruit in terms of Australia’s greenhouse tenants need to rethink the way in which
Scott Higgins. However, a new era of government gas abatement opportunities (as can leases are negotiated and structured so
regulation and public financing is now be seen below in the Australian carbon that green outcomes can be achieved
emerging, which seeks to overcome abatement costs curve by the McKinsey without exposure to unnecessary finan-
these market failures and provide a real Group on page 62). cial risk and contractual uncertainty to
boost to energy efficiency and ecologi- Widespread uptake of green ret- owners and tenants.
cally sustainable development (ESD) rofitting, improved energy efficiency
practices in the commercial property management and the use of green OVERCOMING IMPERFECT
sector. leases, however, has largely been INFORMATION
Owners and tenants need to be aware restricted to government tenancies, What is it?
of the opportunities created by public large institutional property owners Imperfect information in this context
financing, as well as their new legal with high-profile assets, investment generally relates to the two following
obligations, and appropriately structure trusts and other organisations with a situations:
leases to comply with the new legislative significant reputational or long-term a. where there is a lack of consistent,
requirements. investment interests in green buildings accurate and complete information
Preparing an effective green lease and ESD practices. in the market about emissions and
requires a detailed understanding of Most economists and commenta- energy data (i.e. carbon footprints);
the regulatory landscape in which both tors attribute this failure of the broader and
property owners and tenants now oper- property market to fully capitalise on b. where there is an imbalance of access
ate, as well as the broader market forces. energy efficiency and ESD opportuni- to information between different
ties (including the underutilisation of stakeholders in the market such as
WHAT IS A GREEN LEASE? green leases as an effective tool to do between owners and tenants (often
A green lease is a generic term to so) to the existence of ‘market barriers’, called ‘information asymmetry’).
describe a lease that includes obligations such as the relative low cost of energy Imperfect information is a significant
and/or incentives for both the tenant and compared to rental costs (in Australia issue because individuals are likely to
the owner to meet certain benchmarks it is about 2.5 percent 1) and inefficient make poor green investment decisions if
of energy performance and/or achieve allocation of resources by the market. they lack adequate information on:
environmental outcomes in relation to the The two primary market failures that a. the level and pattern of energy con-
tenancy or base building respectively. prevent optimum energy effi ciency in sumption and the ability to compare
the Australian commercial property this against benchmarks;
ON THE FRINGE? industry are: b. specific energy-saving opportunities
Why have green leases remained on the 1. imperfect information; and that are or may be available; and
fringe of the commercial property sector? 2. cost/benefit imbalance (commonly c. energy consumption of new and
The ageing building stock throughout referred to as ‘split incentives’ or the refurbished buildings, process plant
Australia’s major cities presents both ‘principal-agent problem’). and purchased equipment (allowing
owners and tenants with significant The prospect of overcoming these individuals to compare on a like-
opportunities to capitalise on investment market failures is now becoming more for-like basis and make an informed
in energy efficiency and ESD practices. real for all participants in the commercial choice between efficient and
This ageing stock (and the low cost to property sector due to emerging regula- inefficient options).
Cost of abatement
AS/t CO2e
Agriculture, livestock
Abatement below
business as usual
Mt CO2e
-50 Conservation tillage Geothermal
Regulation alone cannot overcome sumption and emissions data continue to committee’ with representatives from
these failures. improve in specificity and accuracy. both owner and tenant regularly meet-
A new way of thinking and a new However, legislative and technologi- ing and discussing in good faith energy
approach to information and cost cal developments only partially address effi ciency information and opportuni-
sharing on the part of both owners and the imbalance (or asymmetry) in access ties). The right approach will depend on
tenants is required to overcome the to such information between owners a number of aspects of the deal, and the
market failures and unlock the full extent and tenants because although adequate parties.
of available energy efficiency opportuni- information now exists, it is not neces- These sorts of information sharing
ties. Green leases will play a critical role sarily being shared. provisions not only benefit the parties by
in this process, as they represent the Information sharing is a key aspect of addressing market failures that prevent
primary tool to achieve the required shift any effective green lease. Given the great green investment, they should also act as
and turn attitudinal shifts into commer- level of information that now exists (and an integral part of assisting both owner
cial reality. is now required to be disclosed publicly), and tenant to comply with the increas-
clauses in leases that require the sharing ing regulatory burdens placed on both
Imperfect information and green of information are now far less burden- parties in the context of the legislative
leasing strategies some than they perhaps once were. framework referred to above.
In relation to imperfect information, a There are numerous ways in which to
great deal of work has been done by mandate information sharing in a green COST/BENEFIT IMBALANCE
the existing and foreshadowed legisla- lease, ranging from detailed prescrip- AND GREEN LEASING
tion referred to above (particularly the tive regimes with periodic reporting STRATEGIES
NGER and MEED Schemes). Devel- (and even rights to audit records and The cost/benefit imbalance is largely a
opments in technology and expertise information) to more fl exible and col- creation of traditional leasing structures
(such as metering systems) have also laborative approaches (such as the and, as a result, while government incen-
transformed the market as energy con- formation of a ‘building management tives and subsidies can be employed to
ll too often, management fails improved organisational outcomes. And organisations to the role of catalyst to
to be convinced that facilities without a clear brand linked to strategy, drive change and competitive advan-
managers can provide more important relationship models with busi- tage. Make sure your brand is not stuck
value than merely making sure facilities ness unit leaders are difficult to build. in the past.
operate adequately, are serviced appro- Branding is far more than a name
priately and cost as little as is possible. and a logo. Branding is all about how FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
Acknowledgment that well-structured customers think and feel about services MANDATES
facilities strategies can provide strategic or products being provided. Brands are Many different facilities management
advantages to an organisation is seldom formulated in the minds of customers models, both internal and outsourced,
recognised. as composites of all past experiences, exist. These models are usually
Why are facilities managers strug- encounters and perceptions. While dependent on the mandate within the
gling to build this credibility? Based on products and services do stuff, brands organisation: an operational support
the evolution of the service provision, satisfy needs. It is evident that brand- function; or mandate to achieve spe-
a confused perception of the industry ing of facilities management related to cific strategic objectives? But it does
prevails. Practitioners come from many strategic decision-making has been not stop there – even with a strategic
different service offerings: janitorial and neglected. And with the trend towards mandate from the executive, facilities
soft services; engineering and building the integration of facilities with property managers still have to earn the right.
maintenance services; accommodation transactions and management func- It is not difficult to see why this
transactions; workspace design, man- tions within organisations – which makes situation persists. No matter what the
agement and churn; financial budgeting compelling sense and is difficult to argue mandate, facilities functions continue
and cost management; capital works against – the branding challenge may to be ‘commoditised’, with reporting
project management; and many others. even be greater and more confusing. requirements linked to lower levels of the
Skill levels tend to vary significantly Past experiences tend to determine business hierarchy. Often controlled by
across these disciplines. the level of the facilities discussion the procurement function in an organisa-
In addition, facilities managers with business unit leaders. Everyday tion, facilities and support services are
have reporting lines that vary dramati- mundane service level expectations of seen as commodities to be procured at
cally from one organisation to another, staff will affect the facilities manage- the lowest cost levels! Few in manage-
reporting through to a range of different ment brand at the strategic level. Do not ment seem to understand that savings
operational and business support func- expect positive responses to strategic in costs are not the primary ‘value add’
tions. Unlike many other professional facilities initiatives, if the air-conditioning facilities opportunities. Few in manage-
service offerings there are no statu- is not performing to reasonable service ment seem to understand that gains in
tory requirements for types of training levels. Based on past performance what productivity and cost savings in the rest
and skills, despite the size of budgets is the facilities management brand within of the organisation through innovative
controlled and the enormity of the your organisation? Is it based on the facilities strategies are far more signifi-
associated risk management obliga- poorly performing air-conditioning and cant. This commoditisation of facilities
tions. When facilities operate well, no slow response to fix a flickering light? has come about through divergent
one seems to be aware of the facilities Or the office relocation with no com- service delivery, poor branding and lack
management role; but when problems munication planning, when everyone lost of evidence to show that real estate can
are experienced, facilities managers their offices for open plan workstations make a difference.
are quickly deemed to be operationally and got nothing in return? Or, is it based To be effective at the strategic level
incompetent. on the clever workplace strategy that facilities managers need to have control
utting down on medication
errors and improving patient
safety are just two of the
motivations behind the technological
innovations developed by HealthCare
The company’s chief executive
offi cer, John Elkerton, who worked as a
clinical pharmacist in hospitals for many
years before founding the company,
saw the amount of medication errors
being made and couldn’t believe that
patients’ records were still being written
on paper and fi led away.
He thought that there must be
a better way, particularly with the
advances in technology that have
transformed other industries.
Elkerton and his team have spent
the last fi ve years developing software
to provide an alternative approach to
managing patient medication records
and to help reduce the occurrence of
medication misadventure.
The software, called the
HCS Clinical Suite, is now being
implemented in 16 hospitals across
Elkerton says that the software has
allowed clinicians in hospitals to share
patients’ medication records with the INNOVATION AWARD
other health professionals involved HealthCare Software (HCS) won the 2009 AMP Innovation Award for the Tasmanian section of the
in their care, both within hospital and Telstra Business Awards.
community settings. This prestigious award marked HCS’s achievement in developing a commercially viable medication
“It means that there’s a record of and reconciliation software solution for use in acute care hospitals.
the medicines that the patient has With more deaths occurring each year as a result of medication misadventure than motor vehicle
taken, the dosages, and whether accidents, the safe use of medications and technology that assists in patient management has
there were adverse reactions to any become an important issue.
medicines. As Australia’s only exclusive provider of medication management software solutions, HCS offers a
viable alternative to traditional paper-based systems of patient medication management.
WEB-BASED SYSTEM The HCS Clinical Suite has been designed to support hospital clinical staff to make the right choices
Because it is web-based, the record is in the use of medicines by providing patient historical and decision support information. It also
available throughout the health service provides clinical communications with GPs and community pharmacies to ensure continuity of care
for reference whenever medication when patients leave hospital.
31796_066-067_Soft FM Lead.indd
31668_1_Technisoft HPH.indd 1 067 2010/03/18 08:37:26
2010/01/25 16:37:6
Facilities management software supplier, BEIMS, Hastie Services, the air-conditioning and food- To improve operational and energy efficiency in
continues to provide market-leading mobile services division of building and engineering data centres, Raritan has announced systems
maintenance technology to engineering and services provider Hastie Group, was in need of integration capabilities for its Power IQ data
maintenance teams around the country. an integrated ERP system that would provide centre energy management software and
pocketBEIMS Work Orders and flexibility for business growth, given its future support for more data centre equipment.
pocketBEIMS Remote Request mean users acquisition plans. Power IQ helps companies track and
now have the ability to request, look up, assign, Hastie Services found there was too much analyse energy usage down to the individual
complete and sign off work orders on the go double-up in data entry and inefficiencies with its IT device level and implement energy-saving
via Windows Mobile Technology and WiFi original software package, and selected Pronto actions from a central power console.
infrastructure, GPRS or manual docking. Software’s flagship ERP solution, PRONTO-Xi, Power IQ’s new Web Services APIs – Power
More than 450 pocketBEIMS users around to link its project and service management tools Control API and Configuration Item API –
the country and internationally are experiencing to its core financials data. enable customers to integrate Power IQ with
the benefits of real-time information, enhanced According to Victorian state manager of their existing enterprise systems, such as HP
productivity and a reduction in administration Hastie Services, Christie King, a key business Asset Management, as well as build custom
time and paperwork. benefit achieved since implementing PRON- tools. A customer, for example, can write Web
St John of God Hospital Murdoch (Western TO-Xi is improved field service response times. Service scripts to automate power control to
Australia) is one of the many BEIMS customers With close to 60 service calls logged daily in support their unique operational needs. “Power
enjoying the advantages of pocketBEIMS. “We Victoria alone, Pronto’s Service Scheduler tool is IQ enables customers to manage their data
have increased our revenue from chargeable helping Hastie Services to gain deeper visibility centres smarter,” says Raritan’s Gary Hull,
clients by a conservative 25 percent – it was of all field service calls and workload. country director – Australia and New Zealand.
amazing to see just how many store items did “Service Scheduler gives us a visual refer- “Now with the new Web Services APIs, we
not get written onto the paper work order,” St ence of the technicians available at any point provide customers with a way to implement
John of God engineer Fred Foley explains. “Our in time,” King says. “It’s easy to customise and their creative ideas to manage their enterprise’s
materials auditing process is now compliant with narrow down by customer or call type and status. power.”
our external auditor’s expectations, and we have All the data is automatically fed back to PRON- At North Carolina-based WebAssign, for
reduced the work order administration time by at TO-Xi, which also makes it easier to generate example, Power IQ is helping the company
least 30 percent.” KPI reports. It’s helped us to make much more reduce costs and manage its data centre
pocketBEIMS also allows users to accurately informed, faster decisions when allocating. It’s with fewer resources. “Power IQ allows me
track the time spent carrying out maintenance also in real time, so multiple dispatchers can to manage and forecast easily my power
and repairs. “pocketBEIMS is well worth the allocate calls simultaneously if required.” needs in the data centre for optimal efficiency
capital investment and is the way forward,” adds According to King, technology like PRON- and uptime,” says Matt Pusateri, systems
Foley. “We found that our trades were spending TO-Xi is part of a company imperative to shift the administrator at WebAssign, the leading
too much time doing work more suitable for mindset in field service. “Having a system like provider of online instructional tools for faculty
outsourcing to contractors and found that some PRONTO-Xi is playing a big role in boosting effi- and students. “I can also look in one place
trades were not being utilised efficiently. The ciency across our field service operations, which to obtain energy usage reports and to do
ease at which key data is accurately collected is is the core of our business.” firmware upgrades of our Raritan intelligent
also invaluable. Pronto Software rack PDUs, rather than having to visit each
“pocketBEIMS has shed a new light on www.pronto.com.au PDU individually. Additionally, the centralised
discussions like: ‘I am too busy’. ‘Doing what?’ aggregation of my power consumption will be
Now we know, and for how long,” he says. invaluable in planning future data centres, and
BEIMS analysing future power needs.”
www.beims.com Raritan
03 9602 2255 www.raritan.com.au
Techs4Biz - Pervidi
EventPro Software
Pronto Software
FM Innovations
IP Cubed
Carpark Management
Environmental Sustainability
Event Management
Financial Integration
Fleet Management
Hot Desking
Integrated Energy Measurement, Reporting System and Analysis for Multiple Sites/Daily
with Inclusion of Govt Standards for Compliance.
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1. 2.
The inexorable push for more sustainable enhance environmental quality, design great 1. Schneider Electric’s Darren Butler and Derek Brown, at
Green Cities 2010, say mandatory energy disclosure laws
practices and behaviours is now the dominant places and promote good urban governance.
affecting offi ces will be implemented later this year.
and mainstream focus of the building industry, Another major announcement at Green Cities 2. MWM colleagues Chris Ludekens, business development,
as proven by the success of Green Cities 2010 was the release of a new research report warning and sales manager Simon Helps, at Green Cities 2010.
in late February at Melbourne Convention and against traffic congestion in Australian cities. 3. Azheem Haseeb and Emma Burt from Coffey Environments,
at Green Cities 2010.
Exhibition centre. The report, titled Cities for the future:
4. Muller Industries’ Matt Moran (internal product support) and
This year’s event had nearly twice as many Baseline report and key issues, was sales manager Manfred Jarchow discussed industrial cooling
exhibitors as last year’s event, and the solid commissioned by the Australian Sustainable innovations with guests at Green Cities 2010.
bank of visitors from FM, architecture, policy Built Environment Council (ASBEC). 5. David Blakemore, marketing manager for Forbo Flooring
Systems, at Green Cities 2010.
and construction sectors demonstrated that It points to a bleak future where transport-
6. Also at Green Cities 2010: Ian Jones, director of Vipac
professionals have an ongoing interest in green related greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) will Engineers & Scientists, says leaky roofs remain a chronic cause
products and designs, relating to both new and increase by almost 50 percent and travel times of heat loss in buildings.
7. Joel Fleming, founding chairman of Climate Friendly Pty Ltd,
older structures. increase by 25 percent.
at Green Cities 2010.
Green Cities 2010 served as a forum for a “Congestion will worsen, travel times will 8. Koda Lighting’s business development manager Nina
number of important announcements. become longer and transport-related GHG will Freeman at Green Cities 2010, showcasing the latest LED
The Green Building Council of Australia increase,” said ASBEC president, Tom Roper.
9. Brett Hazlett, manufacturers consultant – international;
(GBCA), a key event sponsor, released a It is evident that such changes in urban and David Baggs, technical director, principal sustainability
new national framework for sustainable environments will require strategic solutions, consultant, both from ecospecifi er, discussed their new
communities. Launching the new Green Star inevitably affecting the ways in which we build, GreenTag program with visitors at Green Cities 2010.
10. At Green Cities 2010: GECA (Good Environmental Choice
– Communities framework, GBCA chair Tony occupy and maintain commercial buildings –
Australia Ltd) CEO Judy Hollingworth, and marketing manager
Arnel said the framework would establish an facility managers should be especially attentive Nick Capobianco.
independent, national language to guide the to new trends in workplace dynamics (such
development of sustainable communities and as changing working hours, overlapping uses,
precincts. multi-function spaces, etc) affecting their
“The framework – and its guiding principles assets.
– provides a dual purpose,” Arnel explained. Finally, the exhibition area was filled with
“It is a national resource for those creating the sounds of whirring bicycle wheels as
sustainable communities and it establishes close to 200 participants from over 35 teams
the context for the GBCA’s Green Star - participated in the inaugural “AE Smith Pedal
Communities tool, which will commence Power Generator Race”.
development in June.” This event was staged to highlight the effort
The national framework has been developed required to generate power via a special bicycle
by the GBCA and its partner VicUrban, in generator, emphasising the importance of
collaboration with industry and government, and saving energy in the general built environment.
outlines fi ve national principles for sustainable Final race results for the Green Cities 2010
communities: create liveable communities, AE Smith Pedal Power Generator Race are
provide opportunities for economic prosperity, available now at www.aesmith.com.au FM
5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10.
WHEN: 12–14 April 2010 WHEN: 24–26 May 2010 WHEN: 24–26 August 2010
WHERE: Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre WHERE: Melbourne Convention & WHERE: Perth Convention Exhibition Centre
CONTACT: www.arbs.com.au Exhibition Centre CONTACT: www.wasafetyshow.com
CONTACT: www.hhdexpo.com.au
WHEN: 20–22 April 2010 CIVENEX 2010 WHEN: 26–30 October 2010
WHERE: Melbourne Convention Centre WHEN: 20–21 May 2010 WHERE: Cologne, Germany
CONTACT: www.safetyinaction.net.au WHERE: Western Sydney International CONTACT: www.orgatec.com
Dragway at Eastern Creek
WHEN: 20–22 April 2010
CONTACT: www.carbonconference.com.au CONFERENCE 2010
FORM & FUNCTION 2010 WHERE: Madrid, Spain Altro 11
WHEN: 22–24 April 2010 CONTACT: www.efmc2010.com ARBS Insert
WHERE: Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre
Armstrong Industries 39
CONTACT: www.formandfunction.com.au DESIGNBUILD MELBOURNE
fmedge 35
WHEN: 23–25 June 2010
DESIGNEX WHERE: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition GVA Project Control Group 76
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) www.ashrae.org Association of Building Sustainability Assessors (ABSA) www.absa.net.au
Australasian Furnishing Research & Development Institute (Furntech-AFRDI) www.furntech.org.au Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) www.airah.org.au
Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) www.abcb.gov.au Australian Competition and Consumer Commission www.accc.gov.au Australian Information Security Association (AISA) www.aisa.org.au
Australian Landscape Industry Association (ALIA) www.landscapingaustralia.com.au Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC) www.ascc.gov.au
Blind Manufacturers’ Association of Australia (BMAA) www.bmaa.net.au British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) www.bifm.org.uk/bifm/home
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) www.cibse.org Clean Energy Council www.cleanenergycouncil.org.au
Department of the Environment and Heritage (DEH) www.environment.gov.au Facilities Management Association of Australia (FMA) www.fma.com.au
Fire Protection Association of Australia (FPAA) www.fpaa.com.au Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) www.gbcaus.org International Facility Management Association (IFMA) www.ifma.org
Managing and Occupying Buildings Sustainably www.mobs.org.uk Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) www.oecd.org
Property Council of Australia (PCA) www.propertyoz.com.au Standards Australia www.standards.org.au Sustainability Victoria www.sv.sustainability.vic.gov.au/buildings/index.asp
Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA) www.tefma.com World Health Organisation (WHO) www.who.int
GVA Project Control Group are an independent corporate real estate, design and project management partner for leading organisations worldwide.
We enable our clients to enhance their culture and performance through innovative, compelling and future proof workplace solutions.
If you would like to discuss how we can help you to maximise the performance of your corporate real estate and develop enlightened workplace
solutions, please feel free to contact us or visit our website www.pcg.com.au.
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