Art History 101: Ancient Egypt To Fifteenth Century Europe University at Buffalo Summer Session: July 10-August 18, 2017
Art History 101: Ancient Egypt To Fifteenth Century Europe University at Buffalo Summer Session: July 10-August 18, 2017
Art History 101: Ancient Egypt To Fifteenth Century Europe University at Buffalo Summer Session: July 10-August 18, 2017
University at Buffalo
Time: Live Lectures twice a week for approximately 2 hours a session (Buffalo time)
[Time to be determined by class vote]
**Your attendance at the live lectures is mandatory, with the exception of scheduling
conflicts to be arranged and approved by the instructor.
If this is the case, the recorded lectures will be available, and short make-up assignment
will be offered.
Place: We will be using the Skype for Business program available through UB. Instructions for
activating and using this program have been emailed previously. BY THE SUNDAY OF EACH
weekly discussions in a UB Learns virtual classroom. There may be additional recorded lectures
posted to Ublearns that you will need to watch on your own time.
Course Overview:
This course explores the art and architecture from Ancient cultures to the Renaissance.
Students will be introduced to a broad overview of major developments in painting, sculpture,
and architecture. We will analyze the works of art in relation to their historical, cultural, and
social contexts and from a variety of art historical methodologies.
Course Objectives: By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Understand when, where, how and why people created art and architecture.
- Recognize and identify specific art objects and architectural structures.
- Distinguish among different works of art and styles.
- Articulate art historical styles in relation to various cultural contexts and time periods
throughout history.
- Apply a variety of art historical methodologies.
- Correctly use art historical vocabulary.
Course Structure: The course consists of two virtual lectures per week and one online
discussion or assignment. Lectures will cover main areas as outlined on the syllabus.
Discussion boards will be an opportunity to articulate your own responses to a pertinent
question which be posted weekly, and are intended to test your knowledge of the required
reading as well as your ability to respond to various art works using art historical terminology.
These discussion boards (combined with class participation) will be 20% of your final grade.
There will be three quizzes (20% each). Material for which you are responsible will be
announced well ahead of time. Images for which you are responsible for are taken from the
lectures and the text and I will post a PowerPoint of these images on UB Learns. There will also
be a final video project in lieu of a final paper ( 20%). Additional readings will be added on UB
Learns. I may also assign additional material throughout the semester whenever I see fit. Those
readings will be uploaded on UB Learns in a timely manner and also announced in class.
***Please note: Given the fact that this a six week course, the required material for each week
will be intensive and cover a large amount of material. In theory, each day of class is equal to
one week of the regular semester. That will require serious work on all of our partsthe class
will move quickly! I cannot stress the importance of attendance enough! PLEASE BE SURE TO
Readings: The assigned readings for each day are to be read before every class meeting (see
the Course Calendar below). All students are responsible for reading the required textbook.
When/if additional readings are assigned, they will be posted on UB Learns.
Virtual Lectures: Twice a week (at times decided upon by the class) I will be giving a virtual
lecture and PowerPoint presentation through the Skype for Business program. I will post the
links to the weeks lectures on UB Learns. Your attendance at these lectures is mandatory,
as I will be covering material that will be on your quizzes, and the pace will be swift. Each
lecture will be approximately two hours, possibly including a short break. I have chosen to
present live lectures so the atmosphere can be as close to that of a regular classroom as
possibleI will allow time for questions, comments, and participation! I expect that you will be
not only present, but attentive for the live lecturesas your participation will be incorporated into
your discussion/assignments grade. Always come to class having read the assigned material;
be ready to answer questions posed in lecture and to participate with enthusiasm (studies show
students learn more when they participate in class)! You are expected to log in and log off in a
timely manner in the virtual classroom, the same as the regular classroom.
Discussion Boards: We will be discussing an artwork or a concept related to course material in
weekly discussion boards (20% of your final grade). You will be expected to both provide an
articulate and in-depth response (200-500 words) and also respond, at a minimum, to two of
your classmates responses. This is intended to test your engagement in the material and your
ability to discuss art history and specific art objects themselves using proper terminology and
vocabulary. Your participation during live lectures are also considered part of this grade.
Questions to facilitate the weekly discussion boards will be related to the each weeks
material and will be posted to UB Learns on the Sunday beginning each week. Your
discussion board or assignment will be due by midnight on the Friday of each week. This will
give you time to read and to formulate timely and articulate responses.
Quizzes: A total of three short closed book quizzes will be given during the semester, with
each counting for 20% of your final grade. The tests are intended to help you gauge your
progress in the course. Each quiz will consist of slide identifications, vocabulary definitions and
short essays (approx. 100-200 words). The quizzes will be cumulative and based on material
covered in class and in the readings. No late quizzes will be given without prior consent from the
instructor. The quizzes will be made available through Ublearns.
Final Visual Analysis Video Project: Each student will create and submit one video project
(6-10 minutes), in lieu of a final paper, for 20% of your final grade. This project will be a visual
analysis of ONE artwork at the Albright Knox Art Gallery or any other major art gallery. You will
need to visit the museum, pick one work, and do a close reading of the visual elements of the
work; you can do basic research on the biography of the artist but the main purpose of this
project is to gauge your ability to analyze a piece of art using the various elements of
composition, style and terminology. We will discuss the project in class and I will post
guidelines on UB Learns, well in advance. The project will be due through email by 12 AM,
August 18, 2017. You will need to include EVIDENCE that you were at the Gallery (either a
photo of yourself with the work, an entry ticket stub, or anything that proves that you were
As mandated by the College the following outlines the basic expectation of the course
and its method of assessing each students performance.