Shimadzu LC 2010
Shimadzu LC 2010
Shimadzu LC 2010
LC - 2 0 1 0 H T
High-per for mance Liquid Chromatograph
High Throughput HPLC
W e H AV E i t a l l !
L C -2 0 1 0 H T
Shimadzu High-perfor mance Liquid Chromatograph
TheLC-2010HT is a next-generation HPLC based on the concept of high-throughput analysis and
automated validation. The LC-2010HT is comprised of a degassing unit, low-pressure gradient unit,
pump unit, mixer, ultra fast autosampler, column oven, and a UV-VIS detector with a thermostatted
flow cell. System reliability has been further improved by standardizing the flow line arrangement in
order to integrate the units. New and improved features include flow rate accuracy, gradient
concentration accuracy, and reduction of equipment flow path volume differences, and near zero
sample carryover. The LC-2010HT is available in two models, the standard model (LC-2010HT) and
the sample-cooled model (LC-2010HT), for use across a broad range of applications from conventional
liquid chromatography to semi-micro liquid chromatography.
High throughput
T h e l a t e s t te c h n o lo g y fo r mult iple samples, high- speed inject ion an d
a u t o ma t io n is n o w c o n d en sed int o a compact package!
T h i s i s op timu m n e x t-g en erat ion HPLC f or high- t hroughput analysis.
High throughput is in much demand in many facets of industry such as research, development,
manufacturing, and product quality control. The Shimadzu LC-2010HT is a new generation high-
throughput HPLC developed to meet this demand.
Sample Cooler
(LC- 2010CHT)* 2
A direct cooling mechanism with
Peltier elements*2 provides for Column Oven
efficient and rapid cooling. The newly The block heating-type column oven
designed dehumidifier prevents can heat and cool up to two columns.
condensation. The temperature deviation is
minimized by a double temperature
control mechanism.
The advanced Column Management
Device (CMD)*3 can be used to
easily manage column information.
A small-volume, high-efficiency 5-line
degasser is incorporated to remove
dissolved gases in mobile phases UV-VIS Detector
and in the rinsing solution of the Thanks to the lowest baseline noise
autosampler. (0.25 x 10-5 AU or lower*1) ever,
higher sensitivity analyses are
achieved. The standard temperature-
controlled cell reduces the influence
of room temperature fluctuations on
absorbance and gives a more stable
baseline. A mercury lamp is built in to
check wavelength accuracy.
Pulse-free solvent delivery is achieved by utilizing
Shimadzu's proprietary micro volume serial double
plunger design. A newly developed Dynamic Inlet
Valve (Pat. Pending) greatly improves flow rate
stability and gradient performance. *1 Under the analytical conditions determined by Shimadzu
*2 Standard for the LC-2010HT
*3 Optional item
Large sample capacity
The LC-2010HT can handle up to 350 1mL vials or 210 1.5mL vials*1 .
When microtiter plate racks are used, up to 4 microtiter plates can be
accommodated for continuous analysis of max. 1,536 samples.*2
Deep Well plates can also be used. Two separate sample racks are used so that
you can load samples in a rack while analyses are performed on samples from
the other rack.
*1 LC-2010AHT
*2 When 384-well plates are used.
High-speed injection
Injection time per sample has been greatly reduced. Just 15 seconds* are
required from start to finish for unheard of high-speed sample injection.
*For a 10L injection volume
High-speed analysis
Seven analyses are completed in 15 minutes thanks to high-speed injection and an
ultra-fast column!
This enables major improvements in analysis throughput in the field of drug
Aut om ated A n a l y s i s a n d L a b o r Sa v in g !
St a rt u p , an aly s is o p e ra tio n, and shut down procedures are all au t o m at ed !
A n i n t e l lig en t H P L C th at p rovides f ully aut omat ed, repet it ive ope r at io n .
The format of HPLC analysis will change greatly as consecutive operation (device startup,
operations for analysis preparation, analysis start, and shutdown after analysis) is automated.
The Shimadzu LC-2010HT is an intelligent HPLC developed to meet labor saving requirements.
Device startup
Analysis start
*These are examples of LC-2010HT screens. Screens and specifications of LCsolution are subject to change.
Automatically recognizes the sample rack Automation functions
type and detects vials, flow cell type, solvent
leak, lamp house cover status and oven door The LC-2010HT is replete with sensible
Automatic recognition
status, etc. automation functions to lighten your
Parameter setting screen for mobile phase and rinse solution Auto purge functions
The drain valve no longer has to be opened and closed
manually as with conventional pumps. One touch
automatically purges each flow line and rinse liquid line
for the autosampler.
E asy V al i datio n r e a l i z e d !
A n y o n e ca n p ro mp tly p erform high- level validat ion at any t ime!
Su p p o rt s GL P an d GMP to an even great er degree.
High levels of validation in every field are required for analytical instruments that have to comply
with regulations such as GLP, GMP, and ISO. The LC-2010HT is equipped with an auto-validation
function to enable high-level validation of hardware.
Used with LCsolution and CLASS-Agent manager, results of validation are saved as electronic
Validation start
Auto validation
Previously, knowledge and experience
were prerequisites for executing validation
tests, but now anyone can perform
validations using a uniform procedure.
The LC-2010HT auto-validation function
Validation execution
automatically finishes in approximately 1.5
hours in isocratic mode and approximately
3 hours in gradient mode.
Validation finish
System check
Daily checks can be performed automatically
with the system check function. Device status
can be easily checked as auto validation and
performance check functions record the latest
validation results together with device
self-diagnosis results and the remaining service
life status of consumables.
QA/QC report
In tel l i gent HPL C e n a b l e s r a pid ma s t e ry !
Ease of use
A u t o m a t io n fu n c tio n s a n d an analysis applicat ion CD- ROM provid e
p o w e rf u l su p p o rt d u rin g d aily analysis!
A l l c o n s umab les c a n b e re placed f rom t he f ront of t he inst rument .
Automatic recording of column history
When the CMD is used, the injection number,
eluent volume, and the previously used mobile
phase, etc., are automatically recorded, so the
column history can be easily checked.
S up er i or per f o r m a n c e a n d d u ra b ilit y !
High performance
T h i s n e w in stru me n t c o n figurat ion redef ines t he benchmarks f or
p e rf o rman ce a n d re lia b ility .
Gradient performance Set Actual Error (%) Set Actual Error (%)
0 0.00 0.00 60 59.81 -0.19
Gradient concentration accuracy is further improved
3 3.03 0.03 70 69.87 -0.13
through the use of a newly developed dynamic inlet
6 5.96 -0.04 80 79.87 -0.20
valve (patent pending). 9 8.98 -0.02 85 84.86 -0.14
Excellent results are obtained with the LC-2010HT, 12 11.87 -0.13 88 87.88 -0.12
even in the area of lab-to-lab reproducibility that is 15 15.00 0.00 91 90.80 -0.20
often an issue in validation tests. 20 19.93 -0.07 94 93.85 -0.15
30 29.86 -0.14 97 96.85 -0.15
40 39.87 -0.13 100 100.00 0.00
50 49.84 -0.16
Example of actual measured concentration
Set No. 50 L 10 L 5 L 1 L Injection volume repeatability and stability
1 0.06% 0.18% 0.06% 0.69%
Stability is another important factor that goes hand-in-hand
2 0.07% 0.18% 0.25% 0.45%
with achieving high-speed injection to support high-throughput
3 0.05% 0.03% 0.03% 0.57%
4 0.06% 0.07% 0.09% 0.74%
Also, the main components such as the measuring pump,
5 0.07% 0.05% 0.15% 0.49%
injection port, and valve are easily accessible from the
6 0.03% 0.16% 0.14% 0.76%
7 0.05% 0.04% 0.20% 0.65%
instrument's front panel.
8 0.05% 0.18% 0.17% 0.59%
This example shows the reproducibility of data for injection
9 0.03% 0.04% 0.16% 0.93%
volumes. Each injection volume was measured 50 times and
10 0.05% 0.18% 0.08% 0.83% the RSD (%) of the area value was determined.
AVG 0.05% 0.11% 0.13% 0.67% The LC-2010HT provides extremely stable data.
Repeatability data injection volume
S pe ci fi cati on s
Specifications of LC-2010HT
Item LC-2010CHT (228-45103-3X) LC-2010AHT (228-45102-3X)
Pump Pump type Serial dual pluger, micro volume (10 L on primary side, 5 L on secondary)
Flow rate setting range 0.0015 mL/min [1.035 MPa / 1455076 psi]
Flow rate accuracy 1% or 2 L/min, whichever is larger (1 mL/min, 310.0 MPa / 4351450 psi, water, ambient temperature
at 20C, except in gradient solvent delivery), 2% or 2 L/min, whichever is larger
(except above condition and in gradient solvent delivery)
Flow rate precision 0.075% RSD or 0.02 min SD, whichever is larger (0.052 mL/min, 1.035 MPa / 1455076 psi, methanol,
ambient temperature at 20C)
Pressure display accuracy 2% or 0.5 MPa, whichever is larger
Plunger cleaning Automatic rinsing mechanism as standard equipment
LPGE Number of solvents and Up to 4 solvents
setting range 0100%, 0.1% step
Concentration accuracy 0.5%
(0.12 mL/min, 1.020.0 MPa / 1452900 psi, aqueous acetone / water)
Concentration precision 0.1%
(0.12 mL/min, 1.020.0 MPa / 1452900 psi, aqueous acetone / water)
Degasser Type Membrane on-line degasser, 5 lines (4 mobile phase, 1 autosampler rinsing liquid)
Volume 4 mL/line for mobile phase, 2 mL/line for autosampler rinsing liquid
Autosampler Injection method Full volume injection, variable injection possible (no sample loss)
Injection volume setting range 0.1100 L (standard), 12000 L (optional)
(0.10.9 L in 0.1 L step, 12000 L in 1 L step)
Sample 1 mL vials 350
capacity 1.5 mL vials 140 210
4 mL vials 100
Microtiter plates Max. 4 plates (up to 384 samples with 96 well or 1536 samples with 384 well plates)
Deep well plates Max. 4 plates (up to 384 samples with 96 plates)
Injection volume repeatability RSD < 0.3% (10 L injection)
Carryover 0.01% (under conditions determined by Shimadzu)
Injection volume accuracy 1% (50 L, n = 6)
Repetition injection frequency 199 / sample
Analytical run time setting 0.019999.9 min (0.01 min step)
Injection condition steps Max. 202 steps
Operating pressure 35.0 MPa maximum
Rinsing liquid degassing Standard
Sample cooler Type Direct cooling type.
(LC-2010CHT only) (For setting temperature at 4C, ambient
temperature shall be 30C or lower and humidity
70% or lower.)
Dehumidifier incorporated.
Temperature 440C (For setting temperature at 4C, ambient
setting range temperature shall be 30C or lower and humidity
70% or lower.)
Column Oven Type Block heating with preheating of the mobile phase
Temperature setting range 460C, 1C step
Temperature control precision 0.1C
Temperature control range (Ambient temperature-15C) 60C
Columns accommodated 2 250 mm columns
Preheater volume 4 L (for Semi-micro), and 9 L, 2 channels
Item LC-2010CHT (228-45103-3X) LC-2010AHT (228-45102-3X)
UV Detector Light source Deuterium lamp, Low pressure mercury lamp (for wavelength accuracy check)
Wavelength range 190600 nm
Bandwidth 8 nm
Wavelength accuracy 1 nm
Wavelength reproducibility 0.1 nm
Cell 10 mm, 8 L
Cell temperature control Standard (Setting temperature: High, Low, and OFF, 3 steps)
Drift 1 10-4 AU/h (250 nm, air in cell, constant, room temperature)*
Noise level 0.25 10-5 AU (2 sec. time, constant, 250 nm, air in cell)*
Linearity Absorbance deviation 5% max. at 2.5 AU (Caffeine, 272 nm)
Simultaneous dual wavelength Selectable, two wavelengths in 190370 nm or 371600 nm
Signal output Integrator signal output: 2 channels, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 1.25, 2.5 AU/V, 6 steps
Controller Display Backlit LCD display (320 240 dots)
Memory media 3.5 inch floppy disk drive (disk format, 2HD, MS-DOS)
Input / output terminals 2 external inputs, 2 external outputs (+3 option),
1 optical link (for Chromatopac),
1 RS-232C (for connection to PC),
2 detector signal output (for integrator),
BCD output of sample number (option)
File number Method: 20 files
System preparation: 10 files
Shut-down: 2 files
Sequence: 1 file
Solvent delivery unit control Flow rate, Concentration, Max. pressure, Min. pressure, Linear, Step, Exponential function
Autosampler control Sample injection volume, Number of injections, Analysis time, Analysis file number
Column oven control Oven temperature, Max. temperature
Detector control Wavelength, Time constant, Lamp ON / OFF, Integrator output range
Self diagnostics, Safety feature Memory check, Max / Min pressure, Oven max. temperature, Lamp current, motor error check, Leak
sensor, Lamp cover sensor, Lamp housing max. temperature
Automation function Auto start-up, Auto shut-down, Baseline stability autojudgment,
Auto validation (Wavelength, Lamp energy, Solvent delivery pulsation, Column temperature, Absorbance,
Baseline drift, Baseline noise, Pressure limit, Gradient accuracy)
Auto purge, Cell auto recognition, Column management (option)
Memory check, Max / Min pressure, Oven max. temperature, Lamp current, Motor revolution monitor,
Leak sensor, Lamp cover sensor, Lamp housing max. temperature
Applicable solvent Organic solvents (except fluorine solvent, e.g. HFIPA),
Aqueous solution and mixture of diluted acid or base (except halo-acids, e.g. hydrochloric acid)
pH range 113 standard
Liquid contact surface materials SUS316, Ruby, Sapphire, PTFE, Hasteloy C, PEEK, Trifluoroethylene, PFA Perfluoroelastomer, Quartz,
Operating Ambient temperature range, humidity 435C
Max. 80% humidity
Power requirements AC 100 V-240 V, 700 VA, 50 / 60 Hz
Size W430 D500 H705 mm
Weight 52 kg 47 kg
*Condition according to ASTM E1657-96
Op ti ons
Options for LC-2010HT
Description Part Number Set No
Sample rack for 1 mL vials (2 racks / set) 228-37532-91 For LC-2010AHT / 2010CHT (up to 350 vials)
Sample rack for 1.5 mL vials (2 racks / set)* 228-45409-91 For LC-2010AHT (up to 210 vials)
228-44628-91 For LC-2010CHT (up to 140 vials)
Sample rack for 4 mL vials (2 racks / set) 228-37544-91 For LC-2010AHT / 2010CHT (up to 100 vials)
Sample rack for Microtiter plate (2 racks / set) 228-37545-91 For LC-2010AHT / 2010CHT (up to 4 vials)
Sample rack for Deep-well plate (2 racks / set) 228-37546-91 For LC-2010AHT / 2010CHT (up to 4 vials)
Column Management Device (CMD) 228-37281-91 For column management (1 device for 1 column)
CMD cable 228-39991 1 cable is required for 1 LC-2010AHT / 2010CHT
Optional board 228-40050-91 To add functions of:
1) BCD output of sample number
2) addition of event output terminal
3) analog output of pump pressure, column oven temperature,
ambient temperature sensor, sample cooler temperature
All vials commonly used with the SIL-20A / 10AF / 10AP / 10Ai / HT can be used with the LC-2010HT.
Regarding vials, microtiter plates, and deep-well plates marked*, the set temperature and actual temperature might differ due to differences in shape or in the thermal
conductivity of the materials.
Silicon rubber septa (with PTFE cover) (221-26718-93, 100 pcs) or PTFE septa (228-15655-91, 100 pcs) can be chosen for vials No. 2, 5, and 6.
Silicon rubber septa (with PTFE cover) (228-21290-91, 100 pcs) or PTFE septa (228-23469-91, 100 pcs) can be chosen for vials No. 7, 8.
Please use commercially available microtiter plates and deep-well plates.
PP: polypropylene, PE: polyethylene
T e c h n i c al B u lle tin
En h a n c i ng th e A cc u ran cy of Low- pressure GE syst ems
HPLC gradient (GE) systems are classified as high-pressure GE The hatched area in Fig. 2 represents the area where no mobile phase
systems or low-pressure GE systems, according to the unit intake occurs. As this area increases in size and concentration errors
configuration. This bulletin describes how to make stable increase at higher pressures, the solenoid valve operation timing is
concentration settings with a low-pressure GE system, based on adjusted according to the monitored pressure values to reduce the
the LC-2010HT. concentration errors. Solenoid valve operation can be matched to the
mobile phase compressibility by entering the compressibility value.
Solenoid Valve
(Mobile Phase Mixing Valve) Drive Correction for Errors due to Dalay in
To reduce the dead volume and flow pulsations, Solenoid Valve Response
the LC-2010HT uses a serial double-plunger pump, incorporating a A millisecond-order delay occurs before the solenoid valve operates
primary pump head with a 10 L plunger capacity. A low-pressure GE after the signal is input. Consequently, the solenoid valve is operated
system mixes multiple mobile phases by switching the pump solenoid early by a time corresponding to this delay.
valve in synchronization with the pump intake stroke. A low-capacity
plunger pump that requires frequent solenoid valve switching is Correction of Mechanical Errors
unfavorable for accurate concentration settings. Mechanical errors in cams and other parts of the plunger drive train
However, the LC-2010HT eliminates this problem by allocating 100% affect the concentration accuracy. The LC-2010HT is accurately
concentration over four pump intake cycles, as shown in Fig.1. calibrated before dispatch from the factory for the difference between
Fig.1 shows the flow rate changes in the pump head and the solenoid the set concentration and measured values.
valve operation timing for a concentration setting of B: 37.5%,
A:62.5%. Using the techniques above, the LC-2010HT achieves a concentration
accuracy of 0.5% (water/acetone mixture at 0.1 to 2.0 mL/min. and 1
Correction for Effects due to Mobile Phase
to 20 MPa).
Fig. 2 is an enlarged view of the transition from discharge to
intake for the pump shown in Fig. 1. The point (1) in the diagram
is where the pump plunger starts to retract from its fully advanced
position. At this point, the pump head interior still retains high
pressure from the discharge stroke. The mobile phase starts to (1) (2)
flow into the pump head after the plunger retracts and allows the
compressed mobile phase to expand back to atmospheric
pressure inside the pump head ((2) in Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Control of the LC-2010HT by Waters Empower2
chromatography data system is also available.
Shimadzu LC Driver Version2.0
For Waters Empower Software
Control of Shimadzus LC-2010 series
by Waters Empower2
chromatography data system is
available through a collaboration
between Waters and Shimadzu
utilizing the Open Interface Portal
(OIP) for multi-vendor hardware
control. Shimadzus LC-2010 series
seamlessly operate within the
Empower software environment.
The full system, including autosampler
control, uses Empower sample set
methods, and data processing is
integrated with Empower software
so that the audit trail functions are
fully utilized. This gives you full
confidence in the compliance of the
LC-2010 Series
system to regulations such as GMP
and 21 CFR Part 11.