Analysis of Fractional - Order Robot Axis Dynamics J.M. Rosario, D. Dumur, J.A. Tenreiro Machado
Analysis of Fractional - Order Robot Axis Dynamics J.M. Rosario, D. Dumur, J.A. Tenreiro Machado
Analysis of Fractional - Order Robot Axis Dynamics J.M. Rosario, D. Dumur, J.A. Tenreiro Machado
Abstract: Robots are complex mechatronics systems where several electric drives are
employed to control the movement of articulated structures. In industrial environments
they must perform tasks with rapidity and accuracy in order to produce goods and
services with minimal production time. These procedures require the use of flexible
robots which can act in a large workspace, thus subjected to important parameters
variations and nonlinear dynamics effects. This paper investigates the fractional order
dynamics during the evolution of trajectories of three robotic joints, considering the
complete system dynamics. Copyright 2006 IFAC
The study of feedback fractional order systems has Bearing these ideas in mind, this paper is organized
been receiving considerable attention (Machado, as follows. Section 2 describes the mechatronic
2003, Lima et al. 2005) both due to the fact that system, including kinematics, dynamic and actuator
many physical systems are well characterized by modelling. Section 3 presents the axis control
fractional-order models, and with the success in the structure implemented under the RST form. Section 4
synthesis of fractional-order PID controllers that is dedicated to the results obtained within a virtual
have been applied in a variety of dynamical robotics environment. Finally, section 5 draws the
processes (Barbosa, et al. 2004). main conclusions and points out future work.
2. MECHATRONIC SYSTEM where = (d 2 3 ) is the vector of joint positions
[n T
s T a T p T = Tn = A 0,1 A 1, 2 A 2,3 (2)
[ ]
where p = p x p y p z is the position vector and
[ ]
n = n x n y nz , s = sx s y sz , [ ] [
a = ax a y az ]
represent the orientation vector.
dt dt Tr 1 = ( A3 + A2 c 2 ) 2 + ( A2 2 s 2 ) + A4 c 1 + A5 c( 1 + 2 )
2 2
d 2 m (t ) d m (t ) JT2 = A3 , BT2 = 0
Tm (t ) = J eq + Bm (7) 2
2 dt 1 1
dt Tr 2 = ( A3 + A2 c 2 ) 1 + A2 1 s 2 + A5 c(1 + 2 )
2 2
Tm (t ) = K T i (t )
The controller makes the corrections taking into a ball screw transmission (only for axis 1) and
account the robots dynamic model developed above. incremental encoders (Table 1).
These corrections are transmitted to the manipulator
through the actuator described in the next subsection, Table 1: Motor Parameters.
including a gearbox characterized by their ratio,
inertia and stiffness and damping of input and output Inertia (kgm2) 0.71 10-3
shafts. The gearboxes output shafts are connected to Weight (kg) 8
the other parts of the robot structure, which results in
Mechanical time constant (ms) 1.94
the effective torque reflected to each joint. For each
of the three joints, the other links effects are globally Voltage constant (V/rad/s) 0.807
considered as a single load inducing to the joint a Torque constant (Nm/A) 1.33
torque composed of three terms (Eq. 6). Inductance (mH) 14.7
Resistance ( ) 1.44
a) Joint 1.
Joint 2
Freq. (Khz) A B R2 The authors acknowledge support of the Brazilian
0 < f1 < 0.15 2,272E-06 1,061 9,9978E-01 Research Council - CAPES- Brazil, through a
0.3 < f2 < 0.8 1,167E+04 -3,310E+00 9,9972E-01 collaborative work between the ISEP, Portugal and
UNICAMP, Brazil and ARCUS cooperation program
with SUPELEC, France.
Joint 3
0 < f1 < 0.15 2,271E-06 1,059 9,9998E-01
0.3 < f2 < 0.8 1,173E+04 -3,340E+00 9,9997E-01 Barbosa, R.S., Tenreiro Machado, J.A., Ferreira, I.M.
(2004). Tuning of PID Controllers Based on
Bodes Ideal Transfer Function, Nonlinear
5. CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORKS Dynamics 38, pp. 305-321, Kluwer Academic
In this paper a study was conducted to investigate
Boucher, P., Dumur, D. (1995), Predictive Motion
several robot signals, in a fractional system
Control, Journal of Systems Engineering,
perspective using a Virtual Robot Environment and
Special Issue on Motion Control Systems, 5:
the case study for a 3 DOF manipulator. For that
pp.148-162, Springer-Verlag.
purpose, a complete modular virtual environment
was designed using SIMULINK framework. This Clarke, D.W., Mohtadi, C., Tuffs, P.S. (1987),
simulator includes the kinematics and dynamic Generalized Predictive Control, Part I "The
models as well as the axis controlled loops built Basic Algorithm", Part II "Extensions and
around the actuator model, i.e. DC motor with gear Interpretation, Automatica, 23(2):137-160.
box and ball screw for the translational joint. A David, S., Rosrio, J.M. (1998), Modeling,
trajectory generation module and a graphical Simulation and Control of Flexible Robots,
interface were developed to help the user in testing
CONTROLO98, pp. 532-539, Coimbra,
realistic manipulator configurations. To emphasize
Portugal .
the modularity of this virtual environment, electrical
drive and controller libraries were integrated as well; Lima, M.F.M., Tenreiro Machado, J.A. (2005).
additional user-defined plug-in modules can be Experimental Set-Up for Vibration and Impact
added very easily. Analysis in Robotics, WSEAS Trans. on
Systems, Issue 5, vol. $, May, pp. 569-576.
In this direction, the axis controllers were structured Pimenta, K.B., Souza, J.P., Rosrio, J.M., Dumur, D.
under the RST formalism, which corresponds to the (2001), Control of Robotic Joints with
generic framework for numerical control. From this
Generalized Predictive Control (GPC),
form, a GPC control law was implemented on each
RADD2001, Vienna, Austria.
axis, simply designed without taking into account
coupling effects, providing improved performances Tenreiro Machado, J.A. (2003), A Probabilistic
in terms of rapidity, cancellation of overshoot, Interpretation of the Fractional-Order
accuracy, disturbance rejection and robustness Differentiation, Journal of Fractional Calculus
towards inertia variations and non linearities. This & Applied Analysis, vol. 6, No 1, pp. 73-80.
last point is one of the main challenges of robot
control, mainly when large workspace is involved,
because inertia can present important variations. For
comparison with a classical control axis strategy., the