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10 An Analysis of Concept and Role

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Volume 12 Issue 7 Version 1.0 April 2012

Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 2249-460x & Print ISSN: 0975-587X

An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society in Contemporary

By Vijender Singh
Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India
Abstract - This conceptual and literary analysis focuses on history and practice of civil society
searching the old and new connotations thereof. The article provides a broader spectrum of the
subject matter in time and space. The concept of civil society moved from civilized society to a
socially located debating and acting groups emerged now outside the political arena. However,
its identity fixes next door to politics. Advancement of democracies pushed the civil society
movement on world scene, in both the developing and developed societies equally. India land
maintains a great lead in this movement with impinging on administrative and political setup the
right to information, human rights, social advocacy, environmental preservation including
elimination of corruption from public institutions. Anna Hazares fast based strategy movement
acquired a very pervasive support from all quarters i.e. for Janlokpal (Peoples Ombudsman)
under the banner India Against Corruption.
Keywords : Civil Society, State, NGO, Public Sphere.
GJHSS-A Classification: FOR Code: 160506, 950202, 130204

An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society in Contemporary India

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2012. Vijender Singh. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
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distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society
in Contemporary India
Vijender Singh

Abstract - This conceptual and literary analysis focuses on heterogeneous publics. But in advanced countries, the
history and practice of civil society searching the old and new idea of civil society and its system remained not beyond

connotations thereof. The article provides a broader spectrum dispute. Much listened social scientist Noam Chomsky
of the subject matter in time and space. The concept of civil
designated America as a Rogue-state in the context of
society moved from civilized society to a socially located
American overstepping in the matter of other nations-

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debating and acting groups emerged now outside the political
arena. However, its identity fixes next door to politics. like Afghanistan, Iran, Libya and Iraq leaving the
Advancement of democracies pushed the civil society idealistic image of civilized society demolished.
movement on world scene, in both the developing and 69
developed societies equally. India land maintains a great lead II. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY
in this movement with impinging on administrative and

Volume XII Issue VII Version I

political setup the right to information, human rights, social The fastly appearing interest in civil society at
advocacy, environmental preservation including elimination of this moment of world history and world situation tended
corruption from public institutions. Anna Hazares fast based many thinkers prepared to recommend the studies in
strategy movement acquired a very pervasive support from all civil society. Alexander, J.C. (2001,p.1993) observed
quarters i.e. for Janlokpal (Peoples Ombudsman) under the that civil society has been a topic of enormous
banner India Against Corruption.
discussion and dispute throughout the history of social
Keywords : Civil Society, State, NGO, Public Sphere.
thought and more, he mentions that sociologists have
I. INTRODUCTION written much about the social forces that create conflict
and polarize society about interests and structures of

erhaps the utopia and human imagination have political, economic, racial, ethnic and gender groups.
not been separate affairs. At every phase of But, they have said very little about the construction,
history where men thought about what ought to disconstruction and deconstruction of solidarity itself.
be in different fields of his concern, this seems that They are generally silent about the sphere of fellow
utopia has been a human need (Irfan, Habib and others:

Global Journal of Human Social Science

feeling that makes society into society and about the
2004). process that fragments it. He preferred to approach this
Conceptions and desirabilities guided men to sphere of fellow feeling from the concept of civil society.
have ought to be model of society. Civil Society also Michael Edwards (2009:67) has raised a
not only as a renewed or resurgent agenda erected by question about the state of understanding of civil
social and political scientists, but is a current debate society thus, Is civil society the big idea for the twenty
about idealized society (Bottomore: 1993, J. Arato and first century or will the idea of civil society confused,
J.C. Alexander: 2001, Krishan Kumar: 1993/97). The corrupted or captured by elites prove another false
idea of civil society is not new but it has roots in horizon in the search for a better world? Further he
sixteenth and seventeenth centurys European thinking. states thus recognizing that civil society is contested
The recently risen interest in civil society, of territory in both theory and reality is the first step in
academician and researchers in civil society, in 2000s is rescuing a potentially powerful set of ideas from
attempted again vis--vis conflict of identities, clash of conceptual confusion that threatens to submerge them.
civilization and political pluralism. The theory and Hence it requires further exploration in theory and
practice of civil society have been discussed across the practice of civil society focusing on certain society
lands taking from America and Europe where civil sharing present day order.
society established earlier along with maturation of While analyzing the concepts of civil society,
industrial order and to the economically and Neera chandhoke (2003) observed that civil space in
organizationally non-developed Latin-America, Africa actually existing democracies like India offers only
and Asian countries where nation-building appeared limited possibilities for re-appropriation or those without
late with the development of public sphere and capacities or entitlements or those who are outside the
organized sectors and going by through her studies of
social movements such as Narmada Bachao Andolan
Author : Assistant Professor Department of Sociology,
and Chatisgarh Mukti Morcha which were the creative
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
E-mail: sbazard@gmail.com movement of Indias civil society, She substantiated her

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An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society in Contemporary India

conclusion and she assumed that civil society is 1. On a notion of public goods as distinct from private
contained in India. interest.
2. On social institution (like private property that
empower individuals to participate independently in
Review exercise of literature on civil society as a the public share because their livelihood and
concept and practice was done tracing the origin, access to it are not dependent on political power or
meaning and practice of civil society taken from late patronage and.
years of sixteenth century to early years of two 3. On forms of private life (notably families) that
thousands. The notion, the quantum and form of prepare individuals to act as autonomous, rational-
practice remained changing along with time passed. critical subjects in the public sphere.
General meaning of civil society was referred to

Arato and cohan J.L. (1994) in the book Civil

men dwelling in a community. The eighteenth and
society and political theory, searching the condition of
nineteenth century generated two different meanings of
utopia of civil society, explore the pre-modern and post-
the term. The Scottish theory of eighteenth century
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modern situations. They tried to established

referred to the meaning of civil society as a civilized
contemporary connotation of civil society. The authors
society with a non-despotic rule and a society with
concluded that civil society trends are all against state-
2 polished manners in opposition to a crude and barbaric
70 ism and further the best way to characterize the new
society, and the most representative author was Adam
and common contemporary form of self organization
Ferguson (Essays on history of civil society: 1767) in
Volume XII Issue VII Version I

and self constitution. They observed that some

Enlightenment era.
dramatically changes occurring in Latin America and
In German tradition that appeared later in
Eastern Europe suggest the concept of civil society as
Nineteenth century, reveals a break in the historic
indispensable if we have to move in these regions
equation of civil society and the state. Hegel
towards democracy especially through institutionalized
(Philosophy of right: 1821/2008) saw the civil society as
public sphere i.e. parliaments. The positive side of civil
determined by the free playoff economic forces on one
society, if rationalized may include institutional domain
hand and self seeking individuals on the other. He
of family culture and association and the domain of
placed civil society as the Ethical life between family
loyalty as well which is important for modern sub-
and the state.
system. They even associated the concept of civil
Disagreeing somewhat Marx meant civil society
society with the development of Western liberal
equivalent to the autonomous realm of private property
democracies unlike soviet type societies.
and market relations. (See Blackwell Dictionary of social
J.C. Alexander (2001) contributed a chapter
Thought, T.Bottomore1993-94).
Global Journal of Human Social Science

The Binary Discourse of civil society in the book The

Antonio Gramsci in his book, Selection from the
New social theory reader highlighted the importance
Prison Notebooks (1971) while protecting the basic
and dispute on the subject of civil society. He viewed
Marxian approach attempted to detach civil society from
that the kind of society can be defined in moral terms.
the economy but linked it to the state and with cultural
He listed the constituents of civil society as the
politics. He identified institutions of civil society were the
presence of the courts, the institution of mass
church, schools, trade union, and other organizations
communication and the public opinion polls. The civil
through which the ruling class exercises its hegemony
society here is constituted by its own distinctive
over the society.
structure of elite and by those exercise power and
By decades 1970s and 80s the changes in
identity through voluntary organizations and social
Central and Eastern European countries witnessed a
movements. Another important point he advanced that
turning point to the concept of civil society as a weapon
is civil society is not merely an institutional realm. It is
against the claims of totalitarian State e.g. solidarity
also a realm of structured, socially established
protest movement in Poland appeared as a model of
consciousness, a network of understating. Civil society
opposition by building a Parallel society vis--vis the
has a subjective dimension that deserves to be
state (Krishan kumar, 1993/97). Some intellectuals saw
recognized by focusing on symbolic codes of society.
these developments of pluralistic society in post-
Civil society developed through binary process since
communist era.
the democracy depends upon self-control and
Earlier Habermas, one of the principal
individual initiative and that means activism and
exponents of the second generation Frankfurt School
autonomy of people rather then they being passive and
of critical theorists, in his book structural transformation
dependent and they are seen as rational and
in Public Sphere (1991) discussed civil society and the
reasonable rather than irrational and hysterical. He
public sphere along. The public sphere, he assumed, is
draws discussion on structure of social motive
created in and out of civil society. The public sphere
relationships and of social institutions.
involved public policy based :

2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)

An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society in Contemporary India

David Lewis (2004) focused on the difficulties of new NGOs in democratizing countries. The burgeoning
studying civil society by exploring the activities of NGOs NGO sectors in such countries are often dominated by
in a democratic state of Bangladesh. Lewis finds the elite-run groups that have only tenuous ties to the
concept of civil society in Bangladesh after 1971 citizens on whose behalf they claim to act, and they
expressed in two old and new traditions. The depend on international funders for budgets they
explorations of N.G.O. activities reveals that relationship cannot nourish from domestic sources.
between citizens and the state were changing along Neera Chandhoke (2003) in his book State and
with the changes in public policy and changes in civil society: explorations in political theory states that
institutional landscape. He found that there was a little the concept of civil society, a companion concept of
written on civil society in Bangladesh either as an formal/minimalist/procedural democracy that has been
idea/concept or as an empirical reality. He applied subject to conflicting interpretations in political theory

ethnographic work as technique, theoretical analysis and philosophy, has also become a consensual
and historical study he made for purpose. He also concept receiving uncritical universal acclaim in the
highlighted the normative character of civil society as a post-communist era. She argues that civil society is the

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good thing that becomes a matter of building. exclusive and exclusionary as it privileges the politically
However, he counted second problem, the notion of and economically organized groups of society.
public space where it locates beyond the household The review of Literature suggest following points: 71
and kinship sphere.
1. Theoretical and empirical study in India appeared
Thomas Carothers (1999) assumes NGOs as

Volume XII Issue VII Version I

not in sufficient number.
the Heart of Civil Society and states that not really, At
the core of much of the current enthusiasm about civil 2. India reference with regards to civil society is very
society is a fascination with nongovernmental scanty.
organizations, especially advocacy groups devoted to 3. Conceptual and empirical study attempted a few.
public interest causes--the environment, human rights, 4. The more attention to the question of civil society
women's issues, election reform and monitoring, especially in developing countries has been
anticorruption, and other "good things." Such groups recommended to be looked upon.
have been multiplying exponentially in recent years,
5. Concept of civil society differ society to society and
particularly in countries undertaking democratic
from one time to another time of history.
transitions. Nevertheless, it is a mistake to equate civil
society with NGOs. Properly understood, civil society is IV. THE CONCEPT OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN
a broader concept, encompassing all the organizations
and associations that exist outside of the state SOCIOLOGICAL AND OTHER

Global Journal of Human Social Science

(including political parties) and the market. It includes LITERATURE
the gamut of organizations that political scientists
traditionally label interest groups---not just advocacy According to Antony McGrew (1998:69) Civil
NGOs but also labor unions, professional associations society refers to those agencies, institutions,
(such as those of doctors and lawyers), chambers of movements, cultural forces and social relationships
commerce, ethnic associations, and others. It also which are both privately and voluntarily organized and
incorporates the many other associations that exist for which are not directly controlled by the state. In simple
purposes other than advancing specific social or terms, civil society refers to the realm of private power
political agendas, such as religious organizations, and private organizations whereas the state is the realm
student groups, cultural organizations (from choral of public power and public organizations.
societies to bird-watching clubs), sports clubs, and J.C. Alexander (2001:193) defined civil society
informal community groups. Nongovernmental as a sphere or subsystem of society that is analytically
organizations do play important, growing roles in and to various degrees, empirically separated from the
developed and developing countries. They shape policy spheres of political, economic and religious life.
by exerting pressure on governments and by furnishing Kaldnor (2007: p154) sees civil society as the
technical expertise to policy makers. They foster citizen process through which individuals negotiate, argue,
participation and civic education. They provide struggle against, or agree with each other and with the
leadership training for young people who want to centers of political and economic authority.
engage in civic life but are uninterested in working The concept of civil society may be summarized thus:
through political parties. In many countries, however, The emerging meaning of civil society is far from old
NGOs are outweighed by more traditional parts of civil meaning of civilized society.
society. Religious organizations, labor unions, and other
Civil society indicates presence and strength of
groups often have a genuine base in the population and
public sphere.
secure domestic sources of funding, features that
advocacy groups usually lack, especially the scores of Civil society is an idealized conception.

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An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society in Contemporary India

Civil society refers to not only institutions but the formation of both state and civil society in India were
agencies, movements, cultural forces and social different from that of Western Europe (Kaviraj and
relationship which are privately and voluntarily Khilnani. 2001). While the modern state in the west
organized and which are not directly controlled by developed simultaneously with civil society, a process
state. covering centuries and included a gradual shift towards
Civil society in concrete way includes a more powerful and efficient state, but also towards a
household religious group, trade union, private stronger and more independent civil society, the
company, political parties, humanitarian organist ions, development of civil society in the rest of the world has
the women movement, environment group, parent not followed the same pattern.
teacher association The powers of both the pre-colonial and the
colonial state were not absolute: the state co-existed

V. THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY with influential religious and traditional power structures
IN INDIA outside its immediate reach and the effects of these
alternative power structures were evident also in the
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Mishra, Kailash K. (2002) explores the roots of formation of the civil society. One example is the
civil society in ancient India and concluded that India is tendency of the British colonial state to respect religious
a wonderful country where the people of thousands of differences and to divide the population according to
castes, all major religions and more than 427 odd Tribal faith. In the Indian case, this practice led to a strong
communities have been living maintaining an exemplary position of the native religious elites, and the
Volume XII Issue VII Version I

communal harmony. It is rooted in its traditions. The strengthening of religious identity in both the private
thousands of years of Indian history confirms that we sphere and in civil society (Amir. Ali. 2001).
had civil society right from the Vedic period. Vedic Numerous religious reform movements were
hymns describe about egalitarian and democratic formed throughout the 19th century, some of them with
norms of their society. In this context some peoples social and political issues on their agendas. While some
assemblies like vidath, sabha and samiti have been were influenced by Christianity, others saw the spread
mentioned. Vidath was a general meeting of the jana of foreign religions as an affront to Hindu culture. The
(whole community), which had redistributive functions. Brahmo Samaj, founded in 1843, worked for the reform
Vedic seers also described about kilvis samprat that of Hindu traditions and practices, as did the
means general consensus. In all the Vedic assemblies Ramakrishna Mission under Swami Vivekananda, and
decisions were taken on the basis of consensus only. the Theosophical Society in Madras, led by Annie
Sabha was a body of village elders and it assisted the Besant. The Arya Samaj, formed later in the 19th
janasya gopah. The etymological meaning of janasya century, had similar features as the other reform
Global Journal of Human Social Science

gopah is the protector of the people or fellowmen as movements, e.g. the renunciation of idolatry and
well as their cattle wealth. But in practice it was used for polytheism, as well as urging for a unification of all
the rajanya i.e., ruler. Samiti was a general assembly in Hindus, but it differed through its aggressive
which all the members of the community participated. nationalism. All these organizations emphasized Hindu
Its main function was to elect the ruler. The most unity, played an important role in the freedom
remarkable fact about all these assemblies was that movement, and strengthened Indian civil society.
women also participated in it. Sabha and samiti had The national resistance movement,
been depicted as the two daughters of Prajapati and spearheaded by the Indian National Congress (INC),
especially samiti has been termed as narista that means became the main source of civil society activity in early
a place where intellectual discourses or discussions can 20th century British India. Partly outside of the INC also
be made. Sardh, vrat and gana are the three other other forms of social movements gained in strength
assemblies about them also we have a number of during the first half of the 20th century.
references. Mention can be made of gosthi that was like Despite the dismantling of the colonial state,
a modern days Chaupal in which discussions regarding the pattern of a state dominated economy remained
day today socio-economic problems of village life were also after independence. For decades various forms of
discussed. The Vedic seers used a fascinating term, central planning was promoted, which did not focus on
madhyamsiriv i.e., in case of indecision or altercation in civil society, but rather on state action. After the
the assembly the elders should opt the middle path to successful anti-colonial struggle it took some time
maintain the harmony and solve the problems. So, before civil society was restructured and able to adapt
ancient Indian social system assures a balanced and to the new regime.
ordered civil society. Later also all rulers, political Ghanshyam Shah (1990) analyses the social
thinkers and seers tried hard to honor the individual as movements in India and wrote, In the 1960s, as India
well as the group liberty. was hit by drought, subsequent wars, and a related
Popular mobilization within the Indian civil food crisis, both urban and rural groups started to
society was evident already in the colonial period but protest. While the protests addressed material needs

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An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society in Contemporary India

they soon became attached to several larger ideological compromises the independence of these NGOs and
movements, both Gandhian and revolutionary Marxist, strictly speaking they do not qualify as NGOs or after
which challenged the Indira Gandhi-led government. accepting governmental support. But this form of
The threat became so potent that Prime Minister Gandhi cooptation, as well as the general trend of state
in June 1975 declared the country to be in a state of withdrawal, also has important consequences for future
emergency, which remained until the elections in 1977. plans of social development. While the state is
While the Emergency meant a breach with the Indian increasingly seen as inefficient and corrupt, the NGOs
democratic practice, and a severe curtailment of civil are defined as committed and accountable. Leaving the
and political rights, it also had a vitalizing effect on civil negative description of the state aside, the positive
society which after 1977 witnessed an increase of image of civil society rests more on an ideological and
activities within traditional social movements such as theoretical definition rather than an accurate appraisal of

peasants, workers and students, but also amongst the civil society in India today. Due to the inherent social,
so called new social movements, including religious, ethnic and economic cleavages of Indian
environmental groups and womens organizations. society, the civil society is permeated by inequality and

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Gail Omvedt (1994) asserts that mobilizing new various forms of conflict, as noted in the current Indian
political identities, many groups challenged the state on debate (Mahajan, G. 2001).
local, regional and national level, as these NGOs were The expectations of efficiency, commitment and
often based in strong grass root networks. While the accountability of civil society should be seen in this light
emphasis on environmentalism and gender issues was also, as various forms of inequality are likely to influence

Volume XII Issue VII Version I

a global phenomenon of this period the experiences civil society. A more realistic view would be to define
from the Emergency also contributed. First, the Indian civil society as a public arena in which various
oppression of the state provoked social and political interests meet and compete, battling against the state,
forces to organize against the oppression; secondly, the but also against other groups within civil society. This
image of a democratic and progressive state was arena would be affected also by the power relations in
seriously dented. As a consequence, new groups society at large, reproducing various cleavages and
understood the necessity to actively claim their rights inequalities.
and to fight against perceived injustices. Berglund, Henrik (2009) concluded that the
State developmentalism as a project was relative failure of the Indian state created feelings of
questioned, and from the 1980s and onward also the exclusion amongst large segments of the population,
Indian state itself have encouraged NGOs to take more and allegations that the state is not neutral, but biased
responsibility for social development. The numbers of on the basis of class and caste interests. These alleged
NGOs in India are growing all the time, but one estimate biases have in turn created sentiments of apathy and

Global Journal of Human Social Science

puts the figure to over 30000 (Baviskar, 2001). A general also facilitated negative mobilization and manipulation
international trend towards more of individual and of various primordial identities such as ethnicity, religion
private initiatives and less of government planning is of and caste. This segmentation of Indian society has had
course also behind this expansion. The neo-liberal ambiguous consequences and has led to demands and
reforms of the IMF and the World Bank which have had actions which have seriously undermined the
such drastic global consequences in the Third World democratic system by the strengthening of exclusivist
have affected also India where the partial withdrawal of identities. These are based on religion, caste or ethnicity
the state has resulted in a more active civil society. Due and are now at the centre of political mobilization, which
to their preference to work with NGOs, the presence of involves political parties as well as other parts of Indian
international aid organizations have contributed further civil society.
to this development. Amir Ali (2001) suggests that the colonial
It is apparent that the partial failure of the state experience included the development of a public
to address social and economic needs has had effects sphere, but that the private sphere was left not to the
on the levels of development, but also on the quality individual citizens, but to the native elites. According to
and character of civil society. In some sense this failure Ali this resulted in the cementing of the community
has spurred groups and individuals to engage in civil based identities also after independence, which has
society, but the inability to provide basic education and obstructed a democratization of Indian society, with the
other forms of social services has seriously hampered current Hindu nationalist challenge as a case in point.
the development of civil society, with low levels of The movement uses civil society to strengthen the
literacy being a case in point. As a consequence the Hindu identity and to weaken the position of the
Indian state, and various aid agencies, has utilized the minorities, undermining the secular Indian democracy. It
competence and infrastructure of civil society in order to is in many senses a struggle of ideology and meaning,
encourage social development. NGOs such as reminiscent of the Gramscian definition of the
womens organizations have been incorporated in the continuous battles in civil society where the outcome
governmental development plans. This of course cannot be explained solely by class interest and

2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)

An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society in Contemporary India

economic power. The Hindu nationalist challenge is also competence of the bureaucracy and the quality of
met with resistance from other sectors of civil society, in public service delivery.
an attempt to defend the established forms of 4. Regulatory Burden - measuring the incidence of
democracy and minority rights. market-unfriendly policies.
It is very difficult to classify the Civil Society 5. Rule of Law - measuring the quality of contract
Organizations or the NGOs in the country because of enforcement, the police, and the courts, as well as
the enormous diversity in organizations of the or in the the likelihood of crime and violence.
purpose, size, promoters and the size of such 6. Control of Corruption - measuring the exercise of
organizations; Ramesh Sharan framed a typology of public power for private gain, including both petty
civil society organization in India: and grand corruption and state capture.
1. Gandhian influenced voluntary groups-there Indian Civil Society in Action: the Areas:

number has fallen. Several areas can be counted with which civil
2. Professional rural development agencies by society interests contributed a lot. The areas of their
professionals, by Corporate and by smaller groups thought and action follows:
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3. Civil and political rights groups

4. Missionary organizations Christian Mission, R.K. 1. Transparency and Right to Information - training
Mission and sensitizing communities and people for its use
2 and strong mobilizations against diluting the
5. Student, worker and women movements related to
left and other political parties provisions of the Act.
Volume XII Issue VII Version I

6. Independent social movements of dalits, adivasis, 2. MNREGA - This limited employment guarantees has
women, environmentalists. been also possible due to the intense pressure of
7. Movements and groups of minorities (Muslim, the Civil Society. The important role being played is
Christian, Buddhist etc) in dissemination and sensitizing people, social
8. Religious movements; both of spiritual and audits and exposing the corruption demanding
fundamentalist types. action.
The roles played by the civil society and their 3. Education - CSOs are also playing important role in
importance have now been increasingly been innovations in teaching methods for children,
recognized. Civil society is now expected to play bringing out of school children in the mainstream
important multiple roles. Civil society organizations both as partners community mobilization.
(CSOs) and networks are important players in national 4. Policy Advocacy - participation in policy dialogues
political life, with the potential to improve governance with various levels in government, policy focusing
and transform state society relations. The main youth, women and child, tribal and forest etc.
Global Journal of Human Social Science

objectives of these new social movements led by CSOs

are : 5. Implementation of programs - like watershed,
innovations, livelihood programs, Self Help Groups
Having a responsive political and bureaucratic and micro finance.
6. Demanding accountability - through public watch
Having appropriate policies for the poor and reports , social audits and public hearings and
adequate allocations for the schemes. budget analysis has important impact on the
Having participatory, decentralized and efficient government functioning.
implementation of the programs. 7. Environment and resettlement / rehabilitation issues
Having transparent and accountable system. - making them national and international agenda /
Having a quick and fair justice where poor can get sensitizing and dialogues with the government /
justice at low cost and quickly. multilateral funding agencies
It may be mentioned here that there has been a 8. Panchayati Raj Institutions strengthening - voter
general acceptance that governance is very important awareness, helping the most unprivileged to come
for economic development. A number of indicators for and participate, and sensitizing people
good governance has been developed which capture 9. National Rural Health Mission and Right to health -
six key dimensions of institutional quality or governance: Health concern are sparked off the participation and
1. Voice and Accountability - Measuring political, civil debated the issue.
and human rights. 10. Human Rights watch Groups - The Indian
2. Political Instability and Violence - measuring the Universities came up with curriculum on human
likelihood of violent threats to, or changes in, rights under UGC special program and, NGOs
government, including terrorism. raising the issue and pleading to minorities, women
3. Government Effectiveness - measuring the and other vulnerable groups and individuals.

2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)

An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society in Contemporary India

VI. CIVIL SOCIETY FOR JAN LOKPAL BILL On 6 June, the civil society members wrote to
Parnav Mukherjee, Draft Committee Chairperson,
In India, the civil society movement that forced explaining reasons for their absence and also asking
parliament to accommodate Gandhian activist Anna government to go public on the major issues. They also
Hazares demand for tougher anti-corruption legislation decided to attend only future meetings that were
is being seen as a new force impacting Indian politics. telecast live. On 8 June at Rajghat, describing his
In 2011, Anna Hazare, a 74 year-old self-styled Social- movement as the second freedom struggle, Anna
Activist, initiated fast unto death Satyagraha movement, criticized the Government for trying to discredit the draft
using nonviolent means, pressed for passing a stronger committee and threatened to go on indefinite fast again
anti-corruption Lokpal (ombudsman) bill in the Indian from 16th August if the Lokpal Bill had not passed. He
Parliament. The Jan Lokpal Bill (People's Ombudsman also criticized the Government for putting hurdles in

Bill) was drafted earlier by N. Santosh Hegde, former front of the Bill and for maligning the civil society
justice of Supreme Court of India and Lokayukta of members.
Karnataka, Prashant Bhushan,a senior lawyer in the

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On 28 July the union cabinet approved a draft
Supreme Court and with Arvind Kejriwal, a young and of the Lokpal Bill, which kept the Prime Minister,
enthusiastic social activist under the banner of India judiciary and lower bureaucracy out of the
Against Corruption organization. The draft incorporated ombudsman's ambit. Hazare rejected the government 75
more stringent provisions and gave wider power to the version by describing it as cruel joke and wrote a
Lokpal (Ombudsman) than the government's 2010 draft. letter to Singh announcing his decision to begin an

Volume XII Issue VII Version I

However, bill is still pending in Parliaments upper indefinite fast from 16 August at Jantar Mantar, if the
house. government introduced its own version of the bill without
The peaceful movement led by Hazare was
joined by people of all ages. Social activists, including taking suggestions from civil society members.
Medha Patkar, Arvind Kejriwal, and former IPS officer On 16 August, Hazare was arrested, four hours
Kiran Bedi lent their support. People showed support in before the planned indefinite hunger strike. Rajan
social media. In addition to spiritual leaders Sri Sri Ravi Bhagat, spokesman for Delhi Police, said police
Shankar, Swami Ramdev, Swami Agnivesh and former arrested Hazare for illegal gathering in a Delhis park to
Indian cricketer Kapil Dev, many celebrities supported begin his hunger strike, claiming that Hazare refused to
him. And for the first time in decades it saw the urban meet police conditions for allowing the protest. The
middle class emerge spontaneously on the streets in conditions included restricting the fast to three days and
huge number for a para-political cause. Social activists the number of protesters to 5,000. Later in the
hope this will ensure a tougher law in place of a weaker afternoon, Hazare refused bail. The magistrate
version presented by the government. dispatched him to Tihar jail for seven days. Media

Global Journal of Human Social Science

Protests spread to Bangalore, Mumbai, reported that about 1,300 supporters were detained in
Chennai, Ahmedabad, Guwahati, Shillong, Aizawl and Delhi, including key members of the India Against
other cities.On 8 April the Government accepted the Corruption movement such as Arvind Kejriwal, Shanti
movement's demands. On 9, April it issued a notification Bhushan, Kiran Bedi and Manish Sisodia. Other reports
in the Gazette of India on formation of a joint committee. other protests with people courting arrests in different
On the morning of 9, April Hazare ended his 98-hour parts of the country. Opposition parties came out
hunger strike. He addressed the people and set a against the arrests by government.
deadline of 15 August to pass the bill. After four hours in detention he was released
"Real fight begins now. We have a lot of unconditionally on a request by the police, but refused
struggle ahead of us in drafting the new legislation. We to leave Tihar Jail. He demanded unconditional
have shown the world in just five days that we are united permission to fast at Ramlila Maidan (Ground) and
for the cause of the nation. The youth power in this refused to leave. Hazare continued his fast inside the
movement is a sign of hope." jail.
After his arrest, Hazare received tremendous
During the meetings of the joint drafting support from people across the country. There were
committee, the Union government members opposed reports of "nearly 570 demonstrations and protests by
the inclusion of the prime minister, higher judiciary and Anna supporters across the country". Due to the millions
the acts of the MPs under the purview of the Lokpal in of protesters nationwide, the government allowed him to
the draft bill. Anna Hazare and other civil society begin a public hunger strike of fifteen days. After talks
members decided to boycott the 6 June draft with public authorities, Hazare decided to hold his
committee meeting to protest the forcible eviction of protest at Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi. On 20 August
Swami Ramdev and his followers by the Delhi Police Hazare "left the Tihar Jail for the Ramlila Grounds".
from Ramlila Maidan on 5 June, while they were on a Hazare promised reporters "he would fight to the 'last
hunger strike against black money of Indians in foreign breath' until the government gets his team's Jan Lokpal
banks and corruption, doubting the government's Bill passed in this session of Parliament, which ends on
seriousness. 8 September."
2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)
An Analysis of Concept and Role of Civil Society in Contemporary India

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