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Children & Childhood in The Bible

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& Childhood
in the Bible
A Workbook

A comprehensive look at what the Bible has to say about children, their relationship with
God, our attitudes and actions towards them and their place in the family, community
and church.
3 Acknowledgements
4 Introduction
6 Section One: The Worth of a Child
8 Lesson 1: The Biblical View of the Origin and Status of Children
12 Lesson 2: Parents in the Bible Wanted Children
18 Lesson 3: Childbirth in Bible Times
23 Lesson 4: The Grief of Barrenness and Miscarriage
27 Lesson 5: The Sacredness of Unborn Life
32 Lesson 6: Jesus Attitude Toward Children
36 Section Two: Spiritual Openness of Children
37 Lesson 7: Who is the Child?
43 Lesson 8: The Capacity of Children to Understand the Faith
47 Lesson 9: God Uses Children for Special Tasks
51 Lesson 10: God Uses Children to Influence Adults
56 Lesson 11: Children as Signs of the Coming Kingdom
60 Lesson 12: Should Infants be Baptized?
63 Lesson 13: Gods Promises and Blessings for the Generations
68 Section Three: Children in Biblical Families
70 Lesson 14: The Naming of Children
74 Lesson 15: Family Membership and Size
78 Lesson 16: The Influence of Extended Families in Childrens Lives
83 Lesson 17: Childrens Responsibilities Toward Parents
88 Lesson 18: Biblical Contexts of Honoring and Obedience
93 Lesson 19: Sibling Rivalry
97 Section Four: The Training and Nurture of Children
98 Lesson 20: Parental Responsibilities in Bible Families
102 Lesson 21: How are Parents to Teach Their Children?
106 Lesson 22: What are Parents to Teach Their Children?
110 Lesson 23: The Impact of Parental Modeling and of Indifference
115 Lesson 24: Disciplining Children
119 Lesson 25: The Education of Jesus
123 Section Five: Children at Risk in the Bible
124 Lesson 26: Children as Victims of Infanticide and Sacrifice
129 Lesson 27: Victims of Abuse and Exploitation
133 Lesson 28: Will Infants Who Die Go to Heaven?
137 Lesson 29: Child Protection in the Bible
141 Lesson 30: Biblical Perspectives on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
147 Appendix: Hebrew and Greek Words for Children
149 Bibliography


THIS IDEA for this study came from a reading of the excellent book
Precious in His Sight by Roy B. Zuck (Baker Books, Grand Rapids, Mi.,
1996). In my mind, it is one of the best works available on biblical texts
and understandings of childhood and children. It seemed good to capture
and group some of the materials from that book into various sets of
verses which would allow learners to glean insights, principles and themes

2 Acknowledgements & Introduction

Children & Childhood in the Bible
concerning children from the grouped verses and passages. The first
version proved to be a valuable tool for study and exploration, reflection
and application, as students reviewed what the Bible says on the various
topics, comparing and contrasting these with the attitudes and mindsets
of their cultures and societies today.

Almost all the material in the first version was based on gleanings from
Precious in His Sight, and I am grateful to Dr. Zuck for permission and
encouragement to explore in his book for those insights and principles.
The studies in that version were only a surface mining of the insights
from that marvelous book. This version takes that mining further, though I
have also added a good deal of material which is not found in Zucks book.
I have provided some suggestions for further reading and study from other
resources and a bibliography at the end of this book.

The purpose of this workbook is to help learners dig deep into the Word
to see what it says about children and childhood. But more importantly, it
is to create understanding of the worth and significance of children, and
their role in illumination and signing of Christs upside down Kingdom.
As we see some of both the breadth and depth of biblical material
concerning children and childhood, we may interpret Scripture in new
ways, and rethink how we view the Church, Mission, and in furthering the

Acknowledgements & Introduction 3

Children & Childhood in the Bible
SOME PEOPLE have said that the Bible has little to say about children and
childhood. Most pastors and even some theologians know that Jesus said
Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of
God belongs to such as these (Mark 10:14). Some church leaders will
have a few more verses in their repertoire.

But what many dont realize is that, in fact, the Scriptures are full of
references to children. A closer examination of Scripture one with the
child in focus reveals that children are actually very prominent in the
Bible. This workbook includes nearly 1,000 verses relating to the child.
But our study will also show that children play a significant role in the
unfolding of the message of the Bible - that God loves and protects them;
that they are extremely perceptive in understanding the things of God;
and that God often deploys them as His messengers and models often it
seems when adults may have been too corrupt and deaf to His calling.

Dr. Keith White reminds us1 that overlooking the vast amount of biblical
material about children may well have caused us to make fundamental
mistakes about the Kingdom of God and about Mission. We [may] have
gone about theology in the wrong way.2 We have got our priorities mixed
up in the church. And we have contributed to societies where adults,
power, wealth and possessions are the only things that matter. This
workbook is only a start, but it may help to address this problem.

This workbook contains 5 sections on children and childhood. Each

section has several themes with a variety of Bible verses or reflections
about children. Following a brief introduction on each topic, there is a
heading called What Does the Bible Say? Here, you will be asked to
go to specific Bible passages to explore what the Bible says about children
and understand more of Gods heart for children.

From those passages, you will find key insights related to the theme.
Write down your observations under the heading Key Insights. Then,
review the key insights and list down the specific principles or themes
which you yourself (or your group) discover about children and/or
childhood under the heading Biblical Principles/Themes.

Following the Biblical Principles/Themes there is also the

Reflection Questions section which asks you to apply the biblical
insights to your own personal life, culture and society. The response to
some questions may be very obvious while others may require a bit more
reflection and discovery on your part. There are no right or wrong answers
to the reflection questions, but they will provide the basis for interesting
and lively discussions about how children are viewed and treated in your
own cultures/countries.

Where I have quoted Scripture, I have used the New International

Version. However, as you are doing your studies, you may profit from
using a variety of versions if they are available to you. Also, while often
only single verses are given, you will always want to read the Scriptures
around those verses to be sure you have a good grasp of the settings and
Keith White, A Little Child Shall Lead Them Rediscovering Children at the Heart of Mission
Paper presented to the Cutting Edge conference, De Bron, Holland, 2001.

4 Acknowledgements & Introduction

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Whether you are a front-line childcare worker or a church or
organization leader, I trust that this study will encourage and inspire you,
and give you broad new insights about children and childhood in the Bible
and about your ministry and mission priorities. Enjoy!

Acknowledgements & Introduction 5

Children & Childhood in the Bible
6 Acknowledgements & Introduction
Children & Childhood in the Bible

The Worth of a Child

AT THE beginning of Roy Zucks book Precious in His Sight, he presents
two groups of sentences reflecting common attitudes about children.
Do these statements describe your feelings about children? 3

Children are such a nuisance! I dont like to be around children

because they are so demanding and annoying.

My wife and I dont plan to have children. We cant be tied down

to parenting, which demands such time, energy, attention, and

Im pregnant, but I dont want a baby. So Ill simply get an


How can I have time for child-rearing when my career demands so

much time?

Changing diapers, getting up in the night with a sick child, helping

kids with homework are not for me. Id rather be child-free.

Or do these more accurately reflect your feelings about children and


Children are so much fun! They are full of life and energy, and are
so eager to learn new things.

I enjoy the way children respond so readily to love and attention.

Raising kids is one of the greatest rewards in all of life.

Its a delight to teach children. They are so open to spiritual


The two extremes are common among people in many cultures today.
Interestingly, similar attitudes about children were apparently common in
biblical times as well. We know from the well-traveled passage in Mark
10:13, that Jesus disciples certainly didnt think children were worthy of
taking His valuable time. But Jesus had a different attitude. Mark says
Jesus was indignant very displeased and told the disciples in no
uncertain terms that they were to let the children to come to Him, and He
demonstrated His love by taking the children in His arms and blessing
them (Mark 10:16).

That contrast provides a good starting point for our reflections on what
the Bible says about children, and how our churches, communities,
societies and cultures view the worth and role of children. Our first studies
will zero in on the inherent worth of children, regardless of their gender,
status, health or any other external characteristics.

Lets begin.

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight Childhood & Children in the Bible (Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Baker Books, 1996). 11.

8 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
The Biblical View of the
Origin and Status of
WHAT, IN fact, does the Bible say about the origin and status of children? The Bibles
perspectives on children are both explicit and implicit. They provide the basis of how
children should be treated and valued. They form the core foundation from which all
child development agencies should view and structure their work. They are eternal
principles that speak to our conscience daily in our personal encounters with children.
Let us explore the origin, status, formation, images and perception of children both in
the Old and New Testament.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. What do these verses say about the origin of children? Genesis 1:27; 4:25; 33:5; Ruth
4:13; Job 10:10-11; Psalms 71:6.

2. Gods first command to Adam and Eve concerns children. What was it? How does
this reflect the status of children in families and society? (Genesis 1:28).

3. Psalm 139:13 says that we are knit together in our mothers womb. What are the
other words used in the following verses to describe the formation of the child in the
mothers womb?
References Words Used for Formation of the Child
Genesis 2:7
Job 10:8,9;
Psalms 103:14
Isaiah 29:16;
Jeremiah 18:6
Romans 9:21

4. How were children perceived in the Bible? Discuss the images attributed to children
in these passages and the implications for the way children should be perceived
References Images of Children Implications for Perceiving
Genesis 17:16

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 9

Children & Childhood in the Bible
References Images of Children Implications for Perceiving
Genesis 30:20;
Genesis 48:9
Isaiah 8:18
Psalm 127:3,4
Psalm 144:12

5. Gods relationship with Israel in the Old Testament has often been compared to a
fathers relationship with His children e.g. Deuteronomy 14:1. Why? How does this
relate to Genesis 17:4-7? What do these references say regarding Gods view on

6. Many passages throughout the Old and New Testament reveal Gods heart for
children. List the insights or themes you find regarding children in these
Reference Insights or Themes
Genesis 21:17-
Exodus 2:4-9
1 Kings 17:22
2 Kings 5:2-5
1 Sam 3:1,19-
Psalm 8:2
Psalm 34:11
Psalm 82:3-4
Psalm 131:2
Proverbs 1:8,9
Proverbs 22:6
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 9:6
Isaiah 11:6-9
Isaiah 66:13
Matthew 11:25
Matthew 21:16
Mark 10:15-16
Luke 2:41-52
2 Timothy 3:15

10 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. In Precious in His Sight, Zuck notes the significant number of Bible references on
children viz. child (121 times); children (448 times); childhood (4 times) and
son/s (2,700 times). There are more than 1,400 references to children, childhood,
parenting and other matters relating to children in the Index of Scripture References
at the end of his book. What are the implications of this number of references? How
would an understanding of what the Bible says about children affect the attitudes of
adults towards children?

2. Consider the contrasting statements in the introduction to this chapter. Which of

those attitudes are common among your friends or in your culture/society? What
other similar things do people in your culture sometimes say about children?

3. How are children treated in your family and community? Are they treated as a
blessing or a burden? Has this changed in recent generations? Why?

4. How do the media portray children in your society? (Think of the roles of child actors
in local movies and children in TV advertisements, magazines and newspapers). How
do these images affect the way children are treated in your society?

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 11

Children & Childhood in the Bible
5. How might studies on biblical perspectives of children affect the perception of
children in your culture? What role can you play to correct wrong perceptions and
treatment of children in your culture (home, school and community)?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 11-15; 39-44 and 53-56.

12 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Parents in the Bible
Wanted Children
DO PARENTS really want children in todays postmodern societies? If so, why is family
size decreasing and increasing number of couples opting for child-free marriages?

It is clear from Scripture that women (and men) wanted to have children. Moreover,
God wanted His people to bear children. The first commandment given in Scripture was
to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Barren Sarah referred to having children as a
pleasure (Genesis 18:12). Job delighted in having his children around him (Job 29:5)
and the psalmist refers to the happy mother of children (Psalms 113:9).
Childlessness was a considered a disgrace (Genesis 30:23), and misery (Genesis
29:32; 1 Samuel 1:11). Barren women of the Bible were sometimes desperate to have
children: Give me children or Ill die! cried Rachel (Genesis 30:1). Note also Hannahs
desperation to have children (1 Samuel 1:7-16).
Childlessness is also a problem in the 21 st Century with many married couples facing
the problem of infertility. To fill the gap of childlessness, many couples chose to adopt
while others are satisfied in roles as foster parents. Zuck points out that as of 1991,
more than one million children were in adoptive families. 5 Thousands more couples are
waiting in line for more babies to be available for adoption. 6
It is interesting to note that the New Testament uses the theme of adoption to
illustrate some pertinent theological truths. When we place these two pictures side by
side barrenness and adoption once again, the child in the midst will shed some light
on our human predicament.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Read the following verses. How did these parents respond to having children?
Reference Parents Response
Genesis Leah
Jeremiah Hilkiah (Jeremiahs
20:15 father)
Hosea 9:16 Hosea
Luke 1:14 Zechariah
Luke 1:58 Elizabeth

2. How did these biblical parents regard their children? Leah (Genesis 30:11); Rachel
(30:6); Joseph (48:9); Hannah (1 Samuel. 1:11-19)

3. Why were parents in the Bible desperate to have children? Identify the reason for
each of these parents:

Zuck quoting from The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1995 (Mahwah, N.J.: Funk & Wagnalls,
1994), 962.

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 13

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Parents References Reason for Desperation to Have
Leah Genesis 30:13
Joseph Genesis 47:11-
Boaz and Ruth Ruth 4:10, 15
A widow from 2 Samuel 14:7
Absalom 2 Samuel 18:8
Job Job 29:5
Jeremiah Jeremiah 11:19
Zechariah and Luke 1:58

4. Read each of the following verse and list what they say about parents love for their
References Parents Statements on Parents Love for
Genesis 21:15-16 Hagar
Genesis 25:28 Isaac and
Genesis 37:3 Jacob
Genesis 37:31-35 Jacob
Genesis 42:38 Jacob
Genesis 44:22,29, Jacob
Exodus 2:3 Moses mother
2 Samuel 12:15-17 David
2 Samuel 18:13 David
2 Samuel 13:37- David
Job 29:5 Job
Psalm 103:13 Teachings of
Proverbs 3:12 Wisdom from
Proverbs 13:24 Wisdom from
Isaiah 49:15 God as spiritual
Luke 20:13 Owner of
Luke 15:20-24 A man with two
Luke 8:41-42 Jairus, a ruler
of the
John 4:46-49 A royal Official

14 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
References Parents Statements on Parents Love for
1 Thessalonians Paul and the
2:7 apostles as
Titus 2:4 Pauls
exhortation to

5. Identify the children who were adopted or fostered in these verses, and note their
respective circumstances:
References Adoptive/Foster Childs Name/Circumstances
1 Chronicles 2:34- Sheshan Jarha
Esther 2:7,15 Mordecai
Exodus 2:10; Acts Pharaohs daughter
6. In Genesis 15:2, Abram considered adopting his servant Eliezer of Damascus: You
have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir. Did Abram
really wanted Eliezer as his child? Why or why not?

7. From the following NT passages, write briefly the spiritual truths Paul taught on
Referenc References to Adoption Spiritual Truths
Romans You did not receive a spirit that
8:15 makes you a slave again to fear,
but you received the Spirit of
sonship [adoption].
Romans we ourselves,groan inwardly
8:23 as we wait eagerly for our
adoption as sons
Romans ..the people of Israel. Theirs is
9:4 the adoption as sons
Galatians to redeem those under law,
4:5 that we might receive the full
rights of sons.
Ephesians ..he predestined us to be
1:5 adopted as his sons through
Jesus Christ, in accordance with
his pleasure and will

Key Insights:

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 15

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
(Note: This study can be a painful one for some women because they too may feel the
agony of childlessness. If there are such women in your group, or such women whom
you know, you will want to be sensitive to their feelings in this discussion).
1. Why are many modern parents not desperate to have children? From your discovery
above, compare and contrast the attitudes of parents in the Bible with todays
parents concerning having children.

2. What are your feelings about married couples intentionally opting for a childless
marriage? What legitimate reasons are there for doing so? What reasons are not

3. In what ways has a post-modern mindset influenced parents attitudes toward

children? How can you, as a spiritual leader, restore or increase parental love and
respect for children in your culture?

4. Some women today, of course, are themselves desperate to have children. What are
some of the ways that barren women seek to have children today? What are your
feelings about having test-tube babies, or other means available today to aid in

5. Bio-technology today may enable parents to design their own babies e.g. selecting
the color of the babies eyes, hair and predetermining the shape of the babys nose,
face and even the sex of the baby.
What is your opinion of these designer babies? technology? How different or
similar is this technology from cloning?7

For an excellent discussion on the ethics of designer children, see Michael J. Sandel, The Case
Against Perfection in Atlantic Monthly (April 2004), 50-62.

16 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
How is this technology a blessing or curse to families and society as a whole?

Can you identify one similar incident in the Bible where man tried to be like God
and take the place of the Creator? What did men do and what were the

Where do you think the demand for designer babies come from? Consider: Would
normal couples who genuinely want a family and nurture children of their own
resort to such means of having babies?

6. What is your opinion on child adoption and fostering? Are these practices common in
your culture? Why? Share with your group testimonies on child adoption or fostering.

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 45-53, 96-99.
Michael J. Sandel, The Case Against Perfection in Atlantic Monthly, pages 50-62.

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 17

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Childbirth in Bible Times
CHILDBIRTH IS one of the most amazing and complex experiences in life. No one can
fathom exactly the marvelous way a child is formed and brought into this world. Despite
the remarkable facts,8 science has revealed to us about the development of a baby in a
mothers womb, pregnancy and childbirth remain deep mysteries. Such is the mystery
that whenever a child is born, it staggers the imagination and causes parents to
experience a deep sense of amazement and awe.9

Yet, while the birth of a child is an occasion of joy, the act of giving birth itself is often
described in Scripture as the epitome of pain and suffering. Moreover, there is always
the risk of miscarriages, stillbirth and birth defects.

What does the Bible has to say about the joys and pains of childbirth? How did the
people of old respond to these extremes of experiences in childbirth?

What Does The Bible Say?

1. What is said about childbearing in the following verses?
References Statements on Childbearing
1 Samuel 4:19

1 Chronicles 4:9

Psalms 48:6

Isaiah 26:17-18

Isaiah 13:8

Jeremiah 6:24; 13:21;

Jeremiah 49:22; 48:41;
Jeremiah 50:43

Micah 4:9-10

2. Women in the Bible were exhilarated at the prospect of being pregnant and giving
birth to children (even through their maidservants). Note how these women reacted
to their pregnancies and to giving birth:
Reference Mother Childs Mothers Expressions
s Name
Genesis 4:1 Eve Cain

Genesis 4:25 Eve Seth

Genesis Leah Gad


Zuck, 53, quoting from Lennart Nilsson and Lars Hamberger, A Child Is Born, trans. Clare James
(New York: Delacorte Press, 1990), 39, 78, 83, 85, 108.

18 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Mother Childs Mothers Expressions
s Name
Genesis Leah Issachar
Genesis Leah Zebulun
Genesis Rachel Joseph
1 Samuel Hannah Samuel

3. Describe the conditions/places women in the Bible gave birth to children:

Reference Conditions/Places of Help Received
Genesis 30:3

Genesis 35:8

Genesis 35:17

Genesis 38:27-
Exodus 1:16

Exodus 2:9

Ruth 4:14

Job 3:12

Song of Songs
Ezekiel 16:4

4. One of the punishments mankind suffered after Adam and Eve sinned was increased
pains in child bearing (Genesis 3:16). Since then, the pain of childbirth has become
a metaphor for the worst kind of suffering or anguish. Identify the context which
compares human sufferings to labor pains:
References Place/Pers Context of Human Suffering
Psalm 48:6 Jerusalem

Isaiah 13:8; Jeremiah Babylon

Isaiah 21:3 Judah

Isaiah 23:4 Tyre

Isaiah 26:17-18; 66:7 Jerusalem

Jeremiah 30:6,7 -

Jeremiah 48:41 Moab

Jeremiah 49:22 Edom

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 19

Children & Childhood in the Bible
References Place/Pers Context of Human Suffering
Jeremiah 49:24 Damascus

Hosea 13:13 Israel

I Thessalonians 5:3 -

Romans 8:22 -

Galatians 4:19 Paul

Revelation 12:2 A Woman

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflections Questions:
1. Discuss the statement: Since He assigns children to parents, there is no such thing
as an accidental birth or a surprise pregnancy from Gods viewpoint. 10 Do you
agree? What are the viewpoints in your society and their consequences?

2. Zuck notes that although some babies born in Bible times had physical defects,
they were not abandoned or put to death because of their handicaps. E.g. a man
born blind (John 9:1-7), a beggar born crippled (Acts 3:1-10) and a man born lame
(Acts 14:8-10). Discuss how these special children were mightily used by God to
promote His Kingdom. What are the implications for child development ministries for
special children?

3. The Bible mentions some precautions involving food and diet (Manoahs wife in
Judges 13:4-5, 7) and the confinement period (Elizabeth in Luke 1:24) for women in
their pregnancies. What are some of the preparations, precautions and traditional

Zuck. 46, quoting from Charles R. Swindoll, Living Beyond the Daily Grind, Book II (Dallas, Tex.:
Word Publishing, 1988), 326.

20 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
observances for pregnant women in your culture? What are the backgrounds for
some of these observances? Are they generally helpful or harmful?

4. Discuss the conditions/places and the help women receive in childbirth in your
culture. What are the pros and cons? What positive or negative effects do these
birth conditions/places have on the young infants and their subsequent childhood?

5. What risks do women face in pregnancy in your culture? Do these risks affect the
parents attitudes toward their children? Do these risks cause them from to have
more or fewer children? Do they cause the parents to treasure or despise their
children? Why?

6. Do you see any evidence in Scripture of an active role of fathers in childbirth? In your
culture, what roles do husbands play during their wives pregnancy and childbirth?

7. What do you think the Apostle Paul means in 1 Timothy 2:15 But women will be
saved through childbearing -- if they continue in faith, love and holiness with
propriety? (For an excellent discussion of 7 possible meanings of this surprising
verse, see Zuck, 69, 70.)

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 45-63, 69-70.

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 21

Children & Childhood in the Bible
The Grief of Barrenness
and Miscarriage
BARRENNESS WAS an embarrassment and a social disgrace to the Israelite wives in Bible
times. Just as childbearing signified Gods favor, barrenness was perceived as a
punishment from God. Job 15:34 says that the company of the godless is barren. As
we will discover in the Bible, barrenness was occasionally a result of sin. More often, it
was not a result of sin. But even then, a barren woman was often despised, harassed or
treated with suspicion by husbands, in-laws and communities. Given such a harsh
environment, perhaps it is no wonder women in Bible times were desperate to have

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Sometimes the Bible gives reasons why women were barren. Note the reasons why
these women in the Bible were barren:
Reference Mother Reasons for Barrenness
Genesis 20:18 Women in
Genesis 16:2 Sarah

Genesis 30:2 Rachel

Leviticus 20:20, Women in general


Numbers 5:20- Women in general

22, 31

2 Samuel 6:20- Michal


Luke 1:6,7 Elizabeth

2. What are the causes of miscarriages and stillbirth in these verses?

References Cause of Miscarriages
Exodus 21:22-
Exodus 23:25-
Hosea 9:14
Psalm 58:8

3. The following women suffered deep anguish because of their barrenness. List the
words that expressed their pain.

22 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
References Barren Words of Anguish
Genesis 29:32 Leah

Genesis 30:23 Rachel

1 Samuel 1:8, 10, 11, Hannah

15, 16, 18
Luke 1:25 Elizabeth

4. List 4 ways women in the Bible devised to bear or acquire children. Identify the
motivations behinds their actions:
References Women Actions/Motivations
Genesis 16:1-3, 15;
30:3-8; 30:9-13.

Genesis 30:14; Song of

Songs 7:13
1 Samuel 1:11; Proverbs
Deuteronomy 25:5-10,
Genesis 38; Ruth, Luke

5. Jesus prophetically predicted that the tribulation that will precede His millennial reign
on earth will be especially difficult for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
(Matthew 24:19; Luke 21:23). Why? (Read Precious in His Sight, pages 55-56.) What
kind of atrocities did women have to suffer during wars and national upheavals? Re.
Amos 1:13; 2 Kings 8:12 and Hosea 13:16.

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflections Questions:
1. What are the attitudes in your culture concerning barrenness, miscarriages and
stillbirth? Who bears the brunt of the disgrace? Why?

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 23

Children & Childhood in the Bible
2. In your opinion, what are the reasons for barrenness in todays culture? Has delayed
pregnancy through modern birth control methods contributed to barrenness amongst
women today?

3. Recall from the passages in number 3 in the Section above. What do you suppose
things like mandrakes had to do with fertility and conception? What measures do
women in your culture take to overcome barrenness? Which practices are godly and
which are not? How effective are these practices? What are the long-term effects on
both the mother and baby?

4. On page 51 of Precious In His Sight, the author notes that it was culturally acceptable
for a wife to purchase a slave woman by whom her husband could father a child. He
could then dispose of the slave by sale or send her away. Discuss why this was an
acceptable practice in Bible times but is not today.

5. What is your opinion on modern day surrogate motherhood? Have you heard of
wealthy women renting a womb or outsourcing their pregnancy through poor
women? Do you feel it is a moral crime and a violation of the rights and dignity of
poor women? Discuss.

6. As discussed earlier, pregnant women like Samsons mother (Judges 13:4-5, 7) and
Elizabeth (Luke 1:24) were subjected to special diets and home confinement to
ensure a healthy full term delivery. How have the 21st century lifestyles affected the
health of mothers and their unborn child in their pregnancy term, both positively and

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 50-57.

24 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
The Sacredness of
Unborn Life
FEW SOCIAL issues in recent times have provoked such passionate support and
condemnation as the matter of abortion. The contending issue is: When does life
begin? The Pro-choice (pro-abortion really) camp would have us believe that the
fetus is not a person and that, therefore, a woman has a legal and moral right to end a
pregnancy if she so chooses.11 They argue further that every child should be a wanted
child, and that aborting an unplanned or inconvenient unborn child is only being
responsible and preventing the likelihood of a future of neglect or mistreatment. Surely
such a stance trivializes all human life, and ultimately demeans the existence of even the
children allowed to be born. Interesting but tragically, pro-choicers have placed
themselves as gods if the mother wants a baby, then the fetus is a child, if not, then it
is just a piece of tissue which can be done away with.

Since the United States Supreme Court gave women the legal right to abort their
unborn babies in 1973, more than 28 million unborn babies have been aborted. And
each year in the States, 1.6 million unborn babies die as a result of their Pro-choice

In our previous studies, we have seen that God forms children in the womb: Job 10:8-
11; Psalms 139:13-16; Psalms 119:73; Isaiah 49:5; Jeremiah 1:5; 20: 17-18; Job 3:11, etc.
We also see that God called individuals while still in the womb: (Isaiah 49:1; Jeremiah
1:5). Let us revisit these and other biblical passages with the question of abortion
specifically in mind, and once again learn from the pages of Scripture.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. How do these biblical writers describe themselves in the womb? What can we infer
about the unborn child through their descriptions?
Authors References Descriptions/Implications of Unborn
of the Baby
Job Job 10:8-11; 3:11, 16

David Psalm 139:13-16; Psalm

Isaiah Isaiah 49:5

Jeremiah Jeremiah 1:5; 20:17-18

2. What can we learn about these descriptions of the child in the womb and children
after birth from the following verses? How do these before and after descriptions
affirm the status of the unborn child?
Child in the Womb Child After Birth
Reference Description Reference Description
Genesis Luke 2:12,
25:22 16

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 71.

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 25

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Child in the Womb Child After Birth
Luke 1:41, Acts 7:19
Job 3:16 2 Timothy
1 Samuel

3. Discuss Davids confession Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my
mother conceived me (Psalm 51:5). What does this reveal about the status of the
unborn child?

4. Exodus 21:22-25 states that punishment will be meted out to the offender if he
causes a pregnant woman to give birth prematurely or inflicts serious injury on either
the mother or the unborn child. What does this Mosaic instruction reveal concerning
the status and value of unborn and premature babies?

5. Read Galatians 4:4 and Hebrews 2:17. In light of these, discuss Zucks statement
that If the fetus is not a person, then Jesus Christ, when he was in Marys womb was
not a person (Zuck 77).

6. What is implied about the value of human life both born and unborn -- in the
following verses? Psalms 127:3; John 1:13, Genesis 30:20.

7. According to the following scriptures, do you think God condemns abortion? Why?
Genesis 30:1; 1 Samuel 1:11; Job 15:34 and Proverbs 30:16

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

26 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Section 1: The Worth of A Child 27
Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reflection Questions:
1. How do people in your society or culture view abortion? What are the legal aspects of
abortion in your country? Discuss the impact of abortion on society and on individual
mothers in your country.

2. An article on Planned Parenthood, probably the worlds most prominent promoter of

abortions declares:13
Reproductive freedom the fundamental right of every individual to decide
freely and responsibly when and whether to have a child is a reaffirmation of
the principle of individual liberty cherished by most people worldwide. It helps to
ensure that children will be wanted and loved, that families will be strong and
secure, and that choice rather than chance will guide the future of humanity.
Discuss the assumptions and impact of this philosophy. Does it really lead to wanted
and loved children and to strong and secure families?

3. Discuss the philosophy and implications of the following statement by Judith

Thomson, a defender of abortion rights:14
If [parents] have taken all reasonable precautions against having a child, they do
not simply by virtue of their biological relationship to the child who comes into
existence have a special responsibility for it. They may wish to assume
responsibility for it, or they may not wish to.

4. Do you think there are some legitimate reasons for abortion? What about rape?
What about incest? What about advance knowledge of a profound deformity or

5. What is your opinion on the following Pro-abortion arguments? (See Precious in His
Sight, pages 78-81):
Because Adam became a living being when God breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life (Genesis 2:7), a child becomes a living being when at birth he or
she begins to breathe.

The Duty Free Family in Touchstone (May, 2008), 19.
Judith Jarvis Thomson. Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics, 5th ed.,
Ronald Munson ed. (Belmont: Wadsworth, 1996), 69-80.

28 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Personhood begins at birth, because, though the fetus appears human, it is not a
human being for it lacks consciousness.

The fetus tissue is part of the pregnant woman and, therefore, is not a separate
person. This gives the woman to right to do with her body what she wishes.

Abortions are a way of avoiding the bearing of unwanted children.

6. Do you know women who have had abortions? How would you counsel them?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 71-81.

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 29

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Jesus Attitude
Toward Children
THE NEW Testament shows Jesus has high regard for children. Jesus own words about
children set the stage for this set of verses. Remember the many incidents involving
children in the life of Jesus, e.g. the boy who offered Jesus the loaves and fishes (John 6),
the son of the widow of Nain (Luke 7), and the daughter of the Canaanite woman
(Matthew 1:5) are just a few examples. We may not know the names of these children
but their very presence in the biblical record lets us know that they were significant to
Jesus. Though it is often overlooked, we cannot deny the prominent role of children in
the life and ministry of Jesus.

Jesus loved to have the children around him. Roy Zuck notes that While few of the
worlds great religious leaders have had little regard for children, Jesus was different. Not
only did he welcome them; he even used them to teach adults some essential spiritual

There is no better way to understand Jesus attitude toward children than to reflect on
how Jesus interacted with the children, what he said about them, and the lessons he
taught about and through children. Lets see then how they fared.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. List Jesus words and actions with respect to children. (There is some redundancy of
course, since many of the same instances are in more than one Gospel. Even so,
there are often important small differences or nuances which provide additional
Reference Jesus Words or Actions
Matthew 18:2; Mark 9:36a;
Luke 9:37
Matthew 18:3; Mark 10:17;
Luke 18:17
Matthew 18:4
Matthew 18:5; Mark 9:37; Luke
Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke
Matthew 18:10
Matthew 18:14
Matthew 19:13; Mark 10:16;
Luke 18:15
Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14;
Luke 18:16
Matthew 10:15; Luke 18:17
2. For each spiritual truth Jesus taught the adults, list the things adults must do or avoid
in regards to children (the first is done for you).

Zuck, 201, quoting from Leon Morris, The Gospel According to St. Luke: An Introduction and
Commentary (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1974), 226.

30 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Spiritual References Things to Do or Avoid in Regards to
Truths for Children
Enter Gods Matthew 18:1-3; Become like little children
Kingdom Mark 9:33-34, 36;
Luke 9:46-47; 17:1-2
Be great in Matthew 18:4; Mark
Gods eyes 9:35; Luke 9:48b
Demonstrate Matthew 18:5; Mark
our welcome of 9:37; Luke 9:48a
Avoid Gods Matthew 18:6-7;
judgment Mark 9:42; Luke
Identify with Matthew 18:10, 14;
Gods plans Mark 10:14; Luke
Avoid rebuke Matthew 19:13-14;
from Jesus Mark 10-14; Luke
3. The following passages in the Synoptic Gospels record the disciples trying to hinder
children from going near to Jesus. What was Jesus reaction to the disciples? Note
any differences between the three passages. Note also that each of these passages
was followed by the account of the rich young man. Was there a connection between
these teachings?
References Jesus Reaction Jesus Message
Matthew 19:13-15
Mark 10:13-16
Luke 18:15-17

4. Identify the children whom Jesus healed and the type of sicknesses they were healed
References Children Sicknesses
John 4:43-54
Matthew 17:14-18;
Mark 9:17-27; Luke
Matthew 9:18-19,
23-26; Mark 5:21,
Luke 7:11-17
Mark 5:41

Key Insights:

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 31

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Biblical Themes/Principles:

Reflection Questions:
1. Contrast the attitudes of Jesus with the pastors and church leaders you know today.
Are their attitudes more like the disciples or like Jesus? Why? Give examples. Which
of Jesus actions are common and which are not in your culture today? Give

2. Discuss your own interpretation(s) of what was Jesus teaching His disciples, who were
striving for position and greatness, about the Kingdom of God by placing the child in
the midst? How can we apply this principle in our Church context today? How do
Jesus attitudes toward children reflect and illustrate the Upside Kingdom?

3. Read Mark Chapter 9 verses 33 through 48, leaving out verses 38-41. Do you see the
continuity of the subject matter? Does this give you a different understanding of the
warnings in verses 42-48? (Hint: Do you think the disciples might have been
uncomfortable with the lesson of the child in the midst, and have been trying to
change the subject? Notice too how quickly it seems that the disciples forgot the
lesson of the child in the midst (by verse 13 of the next chapter, they were rebuking
mothers who were bringing their children to Jesus!)

4. In Matthew 21:16, the children were praising Jesus, shouting "Hosanna to the Son of
David," and this time it was the chief priests and the teachers of the law who were
indignant. Why were they indignant? Jesus then asked them, "Have you never read,
'From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise'?" Discuss how Jesus
was interpreting the passage from Psalms 8.

5. Are there opportunities for children to request for prayers or to pray -- in your cell
groups or prayer meetings? Do children have opportunities to respond to altar calls
for healing, etc., in your Sunday School or childrens church? Why or why not?

32 Section 1: The Worth of A Child

Children & Childhood in the Bible
For Further Exploration:
Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 201-216.

Section 1: The Worth of A Child 33

Children & Childhood in the Bible

Spiritual Openness
of Children
MANY ADULTS say that children are incapable of accepting Christ and
comprehending spiritual truths. We question their spiritual maturity and
perception. We join the chorus with most adults saying, Dont try to win a

child to Christ; wait till he is older and is more capable of making an intelligent

As we will see later, it is well established that most people make their first
significant faith decisions between the ages of 4 and 14. George Barna, the
well-known researcher on faith and the Church in America, states that: if
people do not embrace Jesus Christ as their Savior before they reach their
teenage years, the chance of their doing so at all is slim. 17

In this Section, we will explore the spiritual openness of children and their
capacity to understand the faith. That they have such capacity will be clear.
We will also see that God sometimes deployed children for special tasks, and
often used ministry by or through children to influence trust and faith in

Zuck, 18 quoting from Frank G. Coleman, The Romance of Winning Children (Cleveland: Union
Gospel Press, 1967), 9-10.
George Barna, Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions (Ventura, California: Regal, 2003),

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 35

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Who is the Child?
WE HAVE already had some close encounters with children of numerous backgrounds in
the Bible. As we proceed, we will be provoked to ask: Who, in fact, is the child?
One particular child who would interest us all is the one whom Jesus carried in His
arms in the midst of a serious theological argument (Matthew 18:1-6; Mark 9:33-37; Luke
9:46-48). Was the child a boy or a girl? How old was he or she? What did that child
do that qualified him or her to be picked by Jesus? Was he or she extra gifted and
outstanding? What were his or her connections?
And as we move from the individual child to the crowd, once again we will be
prompted to ask: Who were those little ones that believed in Jesus and enjoyed His
special protection (Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:36)? Were they infants, toddlers,
preschoolers or preteens? Where did these LITTLE ones acquire the BIG wisdom to
grasp the complex salvation Truth that was supposedly understood only by BIG
This Study shows that children in the Bible come in all shapes and sizes. God uses
many of them without regard for their status or any other qualification. Without
undermining the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross, children qualify in Gods sight
simply for being the way they naturally are! A study into the original Hebrew and Greek
meanings would further attest this truth. 18 This Study also aims to show that the Bible
does not set a definitive age of accountability where childrens salvation or contribution
to the Kingdom is concerned.
Prayerfully, by the end of this Study, we would move from the small question of Who
is the child? to the BIG question: Am I [being] the child?

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Who is the child in these OT passages? Can you identify his/her age group as
revealed from the original meanings used in reference to them?
Reference Contents Hebrew/Greek Childs Possible
Meanings Name Age
Exodus 2:8 And the girl Alamah (the feminine Miriam (when
went and got of Elem) young she rescued
the babys woman of the age of her brother,
mother. puberty or a virgin. Moses)
1 Samuel But Samuel Naar - a boy (as Samuel
2:18 was ministering active), from the age
before the Lord - of infancy to
a boy wearing a adolescence; by
linen ephod." implication, a
1 Samuel David was the Qatan or qaton David
17:14 youngest. The (verb) to be small
three oldest or insignificant.
followed Saul
1 Samuel Find out whose Elem a young David (when
17:56 son this young person of he killed
man is. marriageable age. Goliath)

I am indebted to Zuck for the comprehensive research on the Hebrew and Greek references for
children in this study. All the Hebrew and Greek terms here were taken from Precious in His Sight,
pages 149-158.

36 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Contents Hebrew/Greek Childs Possible
Meanings Name Age
2 Kings 5:2 bands had Naarah a
gone out and marriageable girl.
had taken
captive a young
girl from Israel,
and she served
Naamans wife.
1 My son Naar Solomon Non-
Chronicles Solomon is inexperienced, not specific
22:5 young and accepted in
inexperienced community as a
(Naar has a wide
range of meanings
and age groups).
Jeremiah I do not know Naar Jeremiah
1:6-7 how to speak; I inexperienced, one
am only a whose authority was
child.19 not yet accepted in
the community.
Psalm 8:2 From the lips of Otel baby; used as Non specific Below 1 yr.
children and a synonym for
infants you have children here.
ordained praise
Yoneg nursing or
because of your
suckling infant.
Isaiah 7:14 The virgin will Alamh (the feminine
be with child of Elem) young
cf. Matthew
and will give woman of the age of
birth to a son puberty or a virgin.
Isaiah 11:6 a little child Qatan or qaton Non specific Non-
will lead them. (verb) to be small specific
or insignificant.
Isaiah the young Gamul a weaned 2 to 3
11:8b child put his child. years
hand into the
Gamal (verb) to be
vipers nest.
complete, to ripen.

2. Who is the child in these NT passages? Can you identify his/her age group as
revealed from the original meanings used in reference to them?
Reference Contents Hebrew/Greek Childs Possible
Meanings Name Age
Matthew you have Nepios a baby, Non-
11:25 hidden these young child or minor. specific
things from the
wise and
learned, and
revealed them
to little

According to Zuck, Jeremiah was incorrectly rendered a child in the NIV, 153.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 37

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Contents Hebrew/Greek Childs Possible
Meanings Name Age
Matthew He called a Paidion small
18:2-5; little child and children; conveys a
had him stand feeling of affection
cf Mk 9:36-
among them
37; Lk.
Matthew Then little Paidion small
19:13-14; children were children; conveys a
brought to Jesus feeling of affection
cf Mark
for him to place
his hands on
Luke 18:16-
them and pray
for themLet
the little
children come to
Matthew But if anyone Mikron small in
18:6; causes one of amount, size or
these little ones significance
cf Mark
who believe in
9:42; Luke
me to sin
John 6:9 Here is a boy Paidarion little boy
with five small or youngster
barley loaves
and two small

3. Read Matthew 18:6 (these little ones who believe in me), and Mark 9:36 (they were
apparently young enough to be held in Jesus arms).
Do these verses suggest that little children can come to Christ for salvation?

What are some reasons why children seem so equipped to respond to spiritual
truths? (See Zuck p. 21 for a discussion on this).

4. What (if anything), do the following texts suggest about an age of accountability? 20

Explain your reasoning in each case.

Reference Observations Implication for Age of
Deuteronom And the little ones that you said
y 1:39 would be taken captive, your
children who do not yet know good
For further reflection on this topic, see Biblical Perspectives on Developmental Grace (Chapter
Four) by Klaus Issler in Childrens Spirituality, Donald Ratcliff, senior ed. (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade
Books, 2004).

38 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Observations Implication for Age of
from bad--they will enter the land.
Isaiah 7:15- Note implications that children are
16; Jeremiah the innocents.
Jonah 4:11 To whom does those who do not
know their right hand from their left
Nehemiah Who are the others who could
8:2-3 understand?
1 When I was a child, I spoke as a
Corinthians child.,,
John 9:20-21 Ask him. He is of age; he will speak
for himself."

5. Many verses in the Bible state that everyone is born with a sin nature inherited from
Adam e.g. Psalm 51:5; Psalm 58:3. How does this truth rule out any need for the
age of accountability?

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. In his classic work Christian Nurture, Horace Bushnell states that a child of believing
parents should grow up a Christian, and never know himself as being otherwise. 21
Do you agree or disagree? Why? (For a good discussion of this issue, see Zuck p.

Horace Bushnell, Christian Nurture (New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1875), 10.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 39

Children & Childhood in the Bible
2. How much do you know about the child that Jesus placed in the midst of the disciples
(Matthew 18:2-5; Mark 9:36-37; Luke 9.47-48) from your study above? What makes
the child here so powerful as a starting point for theological discussions in Child
Theology today?

3. In several incidences where children were mentioned or used in significant ways, viz.,
the boy who gave his 5 loaves and 2 fishes (John 6:9), why werent their names
mentioned? Consider the poor widow who gave away her last two very small copper
coins (Luke 21:2). What parallel Kingdom Truths can you draw from these two

4. How does the question Who is the child? make a difference in the way we relate to
children, our colleagues, subordinates or members in our church? Why?

5. How does understanding Who is the child? vital in understanding Jesus instruction
to Nicodemus: no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again (John

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 21, 149-158, 238-241.
Klaus Issler, Biblical Perspectives on Developmental Grace in Childrens Spirituality,
Donald Ratcliff, senior ed., Chapter Four.
Horace Bushnell, Christian Nurture, page 10-32.
Appendix on Hebrew and Greek meanings for references on children.

40 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
The Capacity of Children
to Understand the Faith
IT IS not only Gods love and care for children that are striking in the Bible. We also see
that God has a very high regard for their ability to understand the faith and to participate
in His redemption activities. Throughout the Bible, young people are encouraged to
influence their communities by maintaining personal purity, for example, by obeying
Gods word (Psalms 119:9), by being exemplary in their speech, love, and faith (1
Timothy 4:12), and to pursue godly virtues (2 Timothy 2:22). Indeed, the conduct and
moral standards for children differ very little for children and for adults.
Contrary to what adults think, children can grasp spiritual truths easily, they can
sense the guilt of sin22 understand what Jesus has done for them and what it takes to
receive Jesus. A child of five, if properly instructed, can as truly believe and be
regenerated as any adult.23

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Review the following scriptures. State the event or activity in which the children were
participating. What do these events suggest about the ability of children to
understand the faith and participate in the religious activities of the community?
Reference Event/Activity Implications
Joshua 8:34-35

2 Timothy 3:15

2. What do the following verses suggest about the sensitivity or openness (or inherent
transcendence) of young children regarding spiritual things?
References Implications
Psalms 22:9-10

Psalms 71:5-
Matthew 11:25

Luke 1:15

Acts 26:4

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 18.
Zuck, 18, quoting from Frank G. Coleman, The Romance of Winning Children (Cleveland: Union
Gospel Press, 1967), 9-10.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 41

Children & Childhood in the Bible
3. List the things God commanded the Israelite parents to teach their children in the
following Deuteronomy passages. What does this reveal about the ability of children
to understand spiritual truths?
Deuteronomy Gods Commandments to Israelite Parents /Implications

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Study the scriptures and find at least 3 events or activities (other than those noted
above), in which children participate in religious festivals or activities along with

2. Note in Exodus 12:26 and Joshua 4:6 that it is not if your children ask, but when your
children ask what do these . . . mean. To what extent are children expected to
participate in the activities of the faith in your church, culture or society? How can
children today be encouraged to participate and even initiate faith discussions in the
home or church? How can we encourage children today to ask about matters of the

3. Read the following statement concerning childrens church by James Montgomery


James Montgomery Boice, I Dont Do Childrens Sermons in Modern Reformation Magazine at

42 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Childrens sermons might distract people from the worship of God. They are
meant to involve children in the worship service by offering something
appropriate to their age. But the effect may be to focus the attention of the adults
on the children rather than upon God. . . Childrens sermons may also contribute
to dumbing down of the Gospel message. The goal for our children should be to
bring them up to the level of the adults -- that is, to enable them to begin to
function on an adult level in their relationships to God. But what we have
succeeded in doing instead is to bring the adults down to the level of the
Do you do childrens church in your church?

Do you feel it contributes to the participation of the children, or does it tend to

dumb down the message of the Gospel for children? Discuss.

4. On page 21 of Precious in His Sight, Zuck gave 3 reasons why children are so
equipped to respond to spiritual truths, viz.:
Their dependency and trust

Their sensitivity to sin

Their loving nature

In your experience with children in your culture, can you think of any other reasons
besides these?

5. Dr. Vinay Samuel has said, Children are born with transcendence. While they are
born into risk, children recognize transcendence. Yet if they are not immediately
invited into the kingdom . . . if they do not experience and enjoy the realities of
kingdom, they will lose that sense of transcendence. 25 What is your understanding
of transcendence? Do you agree that children inherently have it? Why? How is it
that they can lose it? Do we, adults, also have it, or have we lost all sense of

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 17-22.
Vinay Samuel, Some Theological Perspectives on Children at Risk in Transformation. (Vol. 14,
No. 2. April/June 1997). 27.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 43

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Wess Stafford, Too Small to Ignore, pages 212.
Vinay Samuel, Some Theological Perspectives on Children at Risk in Transformation
(Vol. 14, No. 2: April/June 1997), page 27.

44 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
God Uses Children for
Special Tasks
THROUGHOUT SCRIPTURE, we see God entrusting special truths to children or using
them as His messengers or instruments. Dr. Wess Stafford, the President of Compassion
International, likes to say that often when God had something REALLY important to do
something that He couldnt entrust to adults, He used children instead. Sometimes, he
says, God seemed to pause, rub his hands together, smile warmly, and say, I need
someone really powerful for this task. I knowIll use a child. 26 For example, he
says, think of how different things would be, for example, if Moses sister, Miriam just a
child herself had not rescued Moses from the Nile (Exodus 2)! Or think when God
needed to get a stern message across to Eli, He confidently entrusted that message to a
very young Samuel (1 Samuel 3). How about the young captive servant girl, who knew
how God was using Elisha, and urged Naaman, the powerful Syrian General, to go to him
for healing (2 Kings 5:1-3). All are remarkable examples of God valuing children enough
to deploy them for special tasks in His dealing with His people.
What then is the place of children in this turbulent 21st Century world? What is Gods
plan for children in the family, community and the church - His Kingdom?

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Review the following scriptures and discuss how God used the children for special
tasks. Note the particular ability, quality or responsiveness needed by the child to do
the task:
Reference How God Used Children Particular Ability/Quality
2 Kings
Psalms 8:2
Mark 9:33-
John 6:5-13

2. What were the special tasks God gave to children in these verses? What important
lessons do you see in His entrusting these matters to children?

Reference Children Age Spiritual Tasks/Lessons

1 Samuel Samuel
2:11; 3:1-20
2 Kings 5:1-3 Naamans
servant girl
2 Kings Joash
11:21; 12:2
2 Kings 22:1- Josiah

Wess Stafford, Too Small to Ignore (Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Press, 2005), 212.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 45

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Children Age Spiritual Tasks/Lessons
2; 2

3. Children are sometimes used in special ways to further Gods Kingdom. Discuss the
mission component in the following verses that is, to bring others to faith. Can
you identify other similar examples in the Bible? Does God use children in the same
way today?
Reference Children as Resources for Mission
2 Kings 5:4-6;
1 Kings 17:19-
John 6:8-14

4. Identify the special tasks which God assigned to the following children. Describe
briefly the outcome or impact of their assignments:
Reference Child Tasks Outcome/Impact
Genesis 22:6- Isaac Used as a vessel A type of Christ that points
12 to test his father, people to God
Abrahams faith
and love for God
Genesis 37:5- Joseph
11,46; 45:5-8
Exodus 2:4-10 Miriam

2 Kings 5:2-3 Naaman

s servant
2 Kings 22:1; Josiah
23:3; 2 Chron.
Esther 2:17; Esther
4:15-16; 7:3
Jeremiah 1:4- Jeremiah

5. What is the meaning of the name Ishmael? What does the story of Ishmael tell us
about Gods concern for children (Genesis 16 and 21)? Did God keep the promise
made to his mother Hagar (Genesis 21:18)? How?

Key Insights:

46 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Why do you think God used children instead of adults in accomplishing certain tasks?
In what ways are children unique from adults when accomplishing His tasks? Have
you seen Him use children in your church or community?

2. When Jesus multiplied the 5 loaves and 2 fishes (given by the boy) to feed the
multitude in John 6, what kind of impact do you think it made upon the boy in that
incident? What kind of impact would it make upon you if you were among the crowd
of hungry people?

3. What is the most common characteristic we know about Joseph from the many
chapters about his life in Genesis? What same characteristics might we pray for in
our own children today?

4. Apparently, God will use young people for special tasks in the future. What do you
think it might mean in Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 that the young men will dream

5. Consider the phrase Now I know used by Naaman in 2 Kings 5:15, and the widow
of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:24. What is the significance of that phrase (Hint: Think
what evangelism and missions are all about)? How was children featured in each of
these passages, and what lessons or insights do you see?

6. If a child (perhaps your own) says to you that God has spoken to him/her to do a
certain thing or make a certain decision, what would be your reaction? Why? Discuss
the appropriate steps to take in this situation in light of the above discussions.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 47

Children & Childhood in the Bible
7. As discussed, children often responded spontaneously to God when given a chance to
serve Him. Are children in your family, church or community given opportunities to
do His work? If not, why? How does the participation of children in Gods work
enhance the life of the church in your culture?

For Further Exploration:

Dan Brewster, Child, Church and Mission, pages 29-31.
Keith J. White, A Little Child Will Lead Them Rediscovering Children at the Heart of
Mission at http://www.childtheology.org.

48 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
God Uses Children to
Influence Adults
Dr. Wess Stafford writes:
So far as we see in reading the Gospels, Jesus never admonished children to become
more grown-up. He did, however, exhort grownups to become more like children (Mark
10:15). How often have you heard an exasperated parent (maybe yourself!) growl at a
child through clenched teeth, Would you just grow up?! Jesus said the opposite to His
adult followers: Would you please grow down? That is what it will take for you to enter
my Kingdom.27
Apparently, just like we see today, there were some times when adults just didnt
get it. There is a remarkable pause in Jesus teaching about some very grown up things
in Matthew 11. In the midst of the teaching, Jesus seemed to stop with wonder and
amazement and exclaimed, Father, I praise you that you have hidden these things from
the wise and learned, but you have revealed them to little children (verse 25). What
was it, do you think, that God had actually hidden from the wise, but revealed to the little
Why did God use children to teach Kingdom Truths? Who are His target audience, if
not adults? As Keith White has similarly expressed, What if we miss the whole idea of
dong theology, missions and church? simply because we, as adults, have misheard or
neglected Gods revealed teaching about children and childhood? 28
The truth of the matter is God uses children to teach adults. This theme should
provoke us all to take on a fresh perspective of spirituality and ministry. As we sit at the
Masters feet and open our hearts to these little ones, we will learn the secret things of
the Kingdom.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Children are widely featured in the Gospels. State how Jesus used the ministry
to/with children to influence adults:
Reference How Jesus Used Children to Influence Adults
Mark 5:37,
Mark 9:23, 24
Mark 10:13
Luke 18:15

2. What are the Kingdom Truths adults are to learn from children in these passages of
Scripture? Identify the contexts of these teachings for accurate interpretation. Can
you cite other passages in the Bible where God used children to teach adults His

Stafford, Too Small to Ignore, 211.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 49

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Context Kingdom Truths Learnt from
Psalm 8:2
Isaiah 9:6
Isaiah 49:15,
Isaiah 66:13
Isaiah 7:14;
Luke 2:12, 23
Malachi 4:6
11:25; Luke
Matthew 17,
Mark 9-11;
Luke 9-19
Luke 19:35
John 3:5-7

3. From these child related words or phrases in the Pauline Epistles, study the contexts
and identify the Kingdom Truths or message that Paul wanted to teach the adults.
Some are done for you:
Reference Child-Related Words/Phrases Kingdom Truths/Message
Romans 8:15, we cry Abba Father; Sonship; redemption; adoption
16, 23
we are Gods children;
our adoption as sons.
1 Cor. 13:11 When I was a child, I talked like
a child, I thought like a child, I
reasoned like a child.
2 Cor. 6:18 I will be a Father to you, and
you will be my sons and
Galatians 4:5- God sent his Son; Redemption; sonship (heirs)
no longer a slave, but a son
Ephesians no longer be infants, tossed
4:14 back and forthblown here and
Philippians children of God without fault in We are witnesses of a holy God
2:15 a crooked and depraved to a sinful world.
generationshine like stars
Colossians Children, obey your parents in
3:20 everything, for this pleases the
1 Thess. 5:5 sons of the light and sons of

50 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Child-Related Words/Phrases Kingdom Truths/Message
the day
1 Timothy women will be saved through
2:15 childbearing
2 Timothy from infancy you have known
3:15 the holy Scriptures.
Titus 1:6 a man whose children believe
Philemon 10 my son Onesimus, who became
my son while I was in chains.

4. In the days of Israel where the word of the Lord was rare and there were not many
visions (1 Samuel 3:1), God chose young Samuel to reveal His will for the nation (1
Samuel 3:1-21)? Why do you think God choose Samuel? How did God use young
Samuel to influence the adults in his days?

5. Joseph was a boy captive who became Prime Minister. What spiritual truths about
children and childhood can we learn from his life story (see Genesis 37:13-36; 39:20-
23; 41:1-44)?

6. Amongst all the 8 sons of Jesse, God chose the youngest i.e. David the shepherd boy
and anointed him to be the next king of Israel. What did the prophet Samuel as well
as Davids father and older brothers learn about Gods ways of accomplishing His will
(see 1 Samuel 16:7, 11-13)?

7. In the story of David and Goliath, Davids oldest brother (Eliab) burned with anger
at David for attempting to confront the giant (1 Samuel 17:28). Further, King Saul
initially doubted Davids ability because he was only a boy (v.33). Goliath too,
disdained Davit as only a boy (v.42). What spiritual truths did Eliab, Saul and the
Philistines learn from young Davids victory?

Key Insights:

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 51

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Why did Jesus use the child phrase You must be born again when pointing
Nicodemus to the Kingdom of heaven (John 3:16)? What is the lesson that Jesus was
trying to teach the adults who want to enter the Kingdom?

2. Jesus told His disciples to change and become like little children or they will never
enter the Kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3). What are the changes that Jesus is
expecting from the disciples? In this context, are these changes possible without the
influence of the little children?

3. Jesus was intentional in using children to teach adults in His ministry. Matthew said
Jesus called a little child and Mark and Luke mentioned Jesus took a little child
(Matthew 18:2; Mark 9:36a; Luke 18:16). Is your community intentional in using
children to influence adults? How can the Church be more intentional in using
children to influence adults?

4. Consider the boy with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes (John 6:8-13) who helped Jesus feed
the 5,000. Imagine that you were amongst the crowd that day. What spiritual truths
might you have learned as an adult from this incident? What spiritual truths might
you have missed had Jesus used an adult rather than a boy to provide for the

5. Give examples from your own community of how adults (believers and non-believers)
are dramatically transformed because of the influence of children.

6. Give examples of how you have seen God used children to minister to adults, or to
encourage, or stimulate faith in adults.

52 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
For Further Exploration:
Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 204-216.
Keith J. White, A Little Child Will Lead Them at http://www.childtheology.org.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 53

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Children as Signs of the
Coming Kingdom
DR. KEITH White notes that throughout the OT while children are the first to suffer when
sin, deceit, war, and famine affect a tribe or city, they are also seen as a sign of Gods
blessing. He writes, for example, of the great insight in Isaiah 11:6 where the Messianic
Kingdom is portrayed thus:29
The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf
and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.
A child leading! What a triumphant picture of a new world order! Where once
children were often victimized in an urban, war-torn, consumer market-dominated jungle
of today,30 now they will enjoy the blessed freedom to roam and play even as wolves
and lambs live peaceably with each other. They will lead signifying a new and
prominent role.
Isaiah also prophesied that the new earth will never again witness an infant who
lives but a few days (Isaiah 65:20). God will remove all sorrows and sufferings. Indeed,
children as signs point us not only to the Messianic Kingdom but also help us
understand our mission on earth.
This study and the reflection questions may challenge us to think more
theologically than other studies. It is deep, but immensely significant and rewarding.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Reflect on how children or a child is related to biblical signs in the following
passages. What are the circumstances provoking the sign in each instance? Discuss
the significance.
Reference Circumstances/Significance
Joshua 4:6
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 9:6
Luke 2:12
Luke 2:33
Luke 2:38
John 3: 1-8

2. Reflect on Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6 again. Discuss why God used a child to reveal His plan
of salvation to mankind, rather than some more predictable indicator (Isaiah 7:14;
9:6). What is the implication for things that are small or insignificant in Gods

Keith J. White, A Little Child Will Lead Them, at http://www.childtheology.org. I am indebted to
Dr. Keith White for many of these insights about the child as a sign.
Question adapted from Keith White, A Little Child Will Lead Them.

54 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
3. Reflect similarly again on Luke 2:12. Why did God use a tiny baby as a sign of His
Incarnation? What does this reveal about the character of God?

4. What is the significance of the word child being repeated again and again in the
Incarnation narratives of both Matthew and Luke?
Reference Significance of the Child
Matthew 1:18, 23
Matthew 2:8, 9, 11, 13, 14,
20, 21.
Luke 1:31, 36, 42, 59, 62,
66, 76, 80
Luke 2:5, 17, 27, 34, 38, 40

5. What is your understanding of the phrase The kingdom of God [or heaven] belongs
to such as these [the children] (Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16)? In
what sense(s) does the Kingdom belong to children?

6. In Isaiah 11, the Messianic Kingdom is vividly portrayed: The wolf will live with the
lamband a little child will lead them (v.6). What is your interpretation of this
verse? What does this verse suggest concerning the role of children in the future
Messianic kingdom?

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Compare the narratives in Exodus 12 with that of Matthew 2:15, 16. What is the
common thread? Discuss how children were the first martyrs for the foundation of
the nation of Israel as well as the first martyrs for Christ.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 55

Children & Childhood in the Bible
2. Theologians commenting on the Kingdom of God often note that it is already and
not yet. The Kingdom is already and manifested in every act of kindness done in
Jesus name. At the same time, it is not yet, for many people do not believe, and
there remains much evil and incompleteness in the world. Reflect on how the child
is also already and not yet, and how they both shed light on each other. List the
similarities between the child and the Kingdom.

3. Theologians also refer to Christs Kingdom as the Upside-Down Kingdom. 32

Remembering Jesus words that unless the disciples changed and became like a child,
they would not enter the Kingdom, what does this say to you about an upside-down

4. The German theologian, Jrgen Moltmann, says that children are metaphors of
hope. What do you understand by this idea? How are children metaphors of hope?

5. The child was put in the midst as a sign of the Kingdom of God but this is not the
same as the presence of the Kingdom. The child is often a sign of hope but he or she
can also be a sign by pointing to the darkness that is still waiting for the Kingdom,
rather like the canaries taken down the mines to detect poisonous gases. Faith does
not oblige us to be cheaply optimistic about every situation. 33 Reflect and comment.

6. In what ways have you, the community and the Church underestimated the role and
contribution of children? What can you, the community or the Church do to rectify
this error?

For Further Exploration:

Keith J. White, A Little Child Will Lead Them at http://www.childtheology.org.

Donald Kraybill,The Upside-Down Kingdom (Scottsdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1978).
John Collier & Associates, Toddling to the Kingdom (Pre-Publication: 2008), 15.

56 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Jrgen Moltmann. In The End The Beginning (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2004), pages
John Collier & Associates, Toddling to the Kingdom, page 15.

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 57

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Should Infants be
BAPTIZING INFANTS amongst the Roman Catholic and some Protestant churches is an
aged-old tradition handed down to them through their forefathers. Whether it is for the
purpose to mark an individuals entrance into the church or to serve as a sign and seal
of the childs participation in the covenant of grace, 34 this ancient practice certainly
deserves some in-depth discussions.
In Precious in His Sight, Zuck presents 4 major arguments for and 12 reasons against
infant baptism. Did the Early Church practice infant baptism? Did infant baptism take
place in the New Testament Church? What are the other biblical evidences for or against
infant baptism?

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Did the Early Church practice infant baptism? Identify the following households
that were saved and baptized in the book of Acts. Do you agree that these whole
households include the presence of infants? If so, do these verses then support
infant baptism?
Reference Households that were Baptized
Acts 11:14
Acts 16:14-15
Acts 16:31
Acts 16:32-34
Acts 18:8
1 Corinthians

2. Consider Acts 16:31 in which Paul said to the jailer, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and
you will be saved you and your household. What about the phrase you and your
children in Acts 2:39? How do these verses support the position on the faith of
parent/s substituting the faith of infants hence leading to infant baptism? In the
same light, can the faith of the parent/s sanctify their children (1 Corinthians 7:14)?
Why or why not?

3. What is your opinion of this statement: infant baptism in this age has the same
significance as and replaces circumcision of the Old Testament, and is the seal of
ones being in the covenant people of God. For a comprehensive discussion, read
Zuck, pages 231-238.

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 226.

58 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
4. Identify the people who were baptized in the Early Church. Are they adults or infants?
Identify one common factor which qualifies them to be water- baptized?
Passage People who were Baptized Common Factor for Water Baptism
s in Acts







5. Who were the recipients (adults or infants) of water baptism in Jesus Great
Commission (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16)? What is the biblical implication on the
validity of infant baptism?

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Is infant baptism still being practiced in your culture and church community? What is
the history behind this practice and why? What is your personal stand on this in light
of scriptural truth?

2. From a biblical point of view, can infant baptism be equated as an act of

regeneration? If yes, why? If not, should churches continue to practice infant
baptism? Why or why not?

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 59

Children & Childhood in the Bible
3. According to your knowledge and experience in your culture, what is percentage of
adults who have been infant-baptized come to saving faith later in life? What do
these statistics reveal concerning the validity of infant baptism?

4. In your opinion, should a person who has been infant-baptized undergo a proper
water baptism after he has come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? Why or
why not?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 226-238.

60 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Gods Promises and
Blessings for the
God is a God of generations! His intent is that we will pass the torch of faith to the next
generation. Psalms 78:4-7 reads: We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy
deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statutes
which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation
would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their
children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds
The words generation(s) and related ideas occur frequently throughout Scripture.
Here is a partial list:
generation - 46 times (OT); 28 times (NT)
forefathers 84 times (OT); 15 times (NT)
you and your descendants 10 times (OT)
you and your children 10 times (OT); 1 time (NT)
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 13 times (OT); 4 times (NT)
Often the word generation is used in the context of genealogy or historical account
of a family or tribe. 35 But, more significantly for us in this study, Scripture reveals that
Gods reference to generations is often future-oriented and related to His covenantal
blessings! Genesis 17:7 is only one of the many illustrations:
I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and
your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and
the God of your descendants after you.
As the apostle Peter declares, God has given us His very great and precious
promises (2 Peter 1:4). Adults may have tended to think that Gods promises and
blessings were meant only for us. But the fact is that children were very often in Gods
promises and blessings. When making a covenant with Israel, God intentionally included
children as the next generation who would enjoy and perpetuate His blessings even
before they were born! Listen to one obvious example when Moses was preparing the
Israelites to enter the Promised Land [God] will love you and bless you and increase
your numbers. He will bless the fruit of your womb, the crops of your land
Deuteronomy 7:13).
Gods covenantal blessings for mankind have always included children from the
beginning. This study will explore Gods concern for, and the promises He has made for
the next generation.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Using short phrases, identify the covenantal promises of God involving children in
these you and your children phrases. For accurate interpretation, be careful to read
the passages in context by referring to the verses after and before:
Reference You and Your Children Gods Covenantal Promise
Phrases Involving Children
Deuteronom Long life and inheritance of the
y 4:40 Promised Land.

Herbert Lockyer, Sr., Nelsons Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1986).

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 61

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference You and Your Children Gods Covenantal Promise
Phrases Involving Children
y 12:28
y 30:2-3
y 30:19-20

Isaiah 49:25

Acts 2:39-40

2. What are the warnings for both adults and children that are repeatedly mentioned in
the above passages as conditions for enjoying Gods promises?

3. In brief sentences, write down the promises God made about children in these verses.
What are the conclusions or lessons you see from these promises?
Reference Gods Promises About Children Conclusions or Lessons
Deuteronom God keeps His covenant of
y 7:12 love to the children.
Genesis 6:18

y 11:21
y 30:9


Jeremiah 1:5


62 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Gods Promises About Children Conclusions or Lessons

4. Judges 2:10 states that After that whole generation [of Joshua] had been gathered to
their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he
had done for Israel. Why did the generation after Joshua turn away from God despite
Gods pronouncement of generational blessings over them? What spiritual lessons
can we learn from here?

5. The psalmist declares: we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of
the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done (Psalm 78:4). Share with your
group one or two praiseworthy deeds and the wonders of God that you would like
to tell your next generation.

6. Acts 2:39 states: The promise is for you and your children What was the
promise? Is this promise still relevant for todays children? What does this verse
indicate concerning the status of children in the contemporary Church?

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Discuss Gods promise concerning Ishmael in Genesis 21:18: I will make him into a
great nation. To whom did God make this promise? Under what circumstances was
this promise made? Did God keep that promise? How? What spiritual lessons can we
learn from here?

Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children 63

Children & Childhood in the Bible
2. As advocates and practitioners of children at risk, which of the above promises are
most comforting to you? Which promises are difficult for you to accept? Why?

3. State one or two direct promises to children above which you believe may be key to
the areas of your ministry to them.

4. Discuss what parents (especially pregnant mothers) can do to bless their unborn child
the seed of the womb? Share your personal experiences and the impact such
blessings have had on the unborn child or the child in his/her adult years.

5. In Matthew 18:6, Jesus rebuked the adults for hindering the children from receiving
Gods blessings and causing them to sin. Can you identify any similar incidences in
your culture? What are the spiritual consequences of these incidences in both the
adults and the future generations?

6. Luke 1:50 states that His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to
generation. How then should we pray for the salvation of our present corrupt

For Further Exploration:

Alemu Beeftu, God Heard the Boy Crying (Compassion International), pages 25-26.
Herbert Lockyer, Sr., Nelsons Illustrated Bible Dictionary, (Thomas Nelson Publishers,

64 Section 2: Spiritual Openness of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible

Children in
Biblical Families

FAMILIES COME in all shapes and sizes. Do you know that having children
Godly offspring was the reason God created the institution of marriage
(see Malachi 2:13-15)? Some societies highly value the extended family the
more aunties, uncles, cousins and other relations, the better. Other societies
are more nuclear there is less inter-generational contact, and less
involvement of the extended family in daily activities, matters of discipline,
and other social situations.

Generally, around the world, families are smaller today than in times past.
In the 70s there were doom and gloom projections that the world would grow
to 20 or even 50 billion people. We wouldn't be able to feed everyone.
There would be mass starvation, and not enough resources and energy to
support even a modest standard of living.

It hasn't quite turned out that way. Fertility rates (the number of children
per woman), have dropped dramatically not only in the more developed
countries, but in the less developed countries as well. We know that Western
families are typically smaller, but in fact, some 63 countries around the world
have a fertility rate under the replacement rate.
Children come with all kinds of names. 36 Many people believe that a name
can influence all of life. Some groups give their children ugly or unflattering
names, to make them less appealing to the spirits of demons. My name,
Daniel, means God Judges (or something like that!). My colleague, Siew
Ling tells me that her name means petite and active a pretty good
description of her Id say, even now as an adult (but she says, it may mean
something different depending on what Chinese characters are used!
Whew!). And names differ widely from place to place. If you are born in
Africa, you might be named Abeni, Chika, or Khamisi. If you are born in
Poland, your first name may be Balbina, Dobieslaw or Sergiusz. In Korea, the
given name may be Moon, Shin, Soo, or Sun. In China, Wei, Xia, and Xiang are
common given names.

No matter where you are born there will be sibling rivalries. They are as
ancient as that between Cain and Abel. Most are harmless; others can be life-
long and even have fatal consequences.

Our studies in this section will explore examples of biblical families

names, size, extended families and rivalries. Its all there. Each of these will
lend themselves to some very interesting reflection opportunities. Lets get

There are many fascinating websites on names. This one has lots of information about babys
names around the world: http://www.babynames.org.uk/.

66 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
The Naming of Children
HAVE YOU considered what a remarkable thing it is that the name we give our children is
the name that God will use He will use whatever name we give our children. The very
same names are the names which (hopefully) will be written down in heaven.
Interestingly, even in the secular Western culture, the most common names even
today are biblical names. A popular website 37 shows that the three most popular names
for boys in America in 2006 were (in order) Jacob, Michael, and Joshua. Matthew, Daniel
and Andrew were also in the top 10.
How should one name a child? Today, it is considered trendy to name a child after a
famous person whom the parents idolize e.g. a famous author or celebrity. Some parents
name their children after a relative or even themselves! Just like in the Bible, there are
parents who name their children after nature (e.g. flowers), places (cities, towns, and
countries), an event (e.g. tsunami, el Nio), colors, days, months and gemstones.
It was common for some illiterate culture to name their children after domestic
objects (e.g. plate, scissors) or animals (e.g. cat, dog, cow). In the past, some children
were also given derogatory names that describe their negative physical appearance or
disability (e.g. dumb, deaf, limping leg).
We will find that parents in the Bible who fear God chose names that were deliberate
and purposeful for their children. And children in the Bible were expected to live up to
their names to fulfill Gods plans for their lives.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. When are children named in the Old and New Testament? Identify the children and
the time they were named:
Reference Child When Was the Child Named
Genesis 29:32 Reuben
Genesis 35:18 Benjamin
1 Samuel Samuel
Luke 1:59 John
Luke 2;21 Jesus

2. Many times in Scripture, we are told of the meaning of the childs name. What are
the meanings given for the names of these children? Identify the person/s who
named them:
Reference Childs Named By: Meaning
Genesis 3:20 Eve Adam
Genesis 4:1 Cain
Genesis 16:11 Ishmael
Genesis Isaac
17:17; 18:12-

http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/ (Accessed April 29, 2008). Note: There are similar
websites for most common non-western names.

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 67

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Childs Named By: Meaning
13; 21:3
Genesis 25:25 Esau
Genesis 25:26 Jacob
Genesis 29:9- Rachel
Genesis 30:24 Joseph
Genesis Zerah &
38:27-30 Perez
Exodus 2:10 Moses
1 Samuel Samuel
1 Samuel Ichabod
1 Samuel Nabal
2 Samuel Solomon
1 Chronicles Jabez
1 Chronicles Beriah
Job 42:14-15 Jemimah,
Keziah and
Isaiah 7:14; Immanuel
Matthew 1:23
Hosea 1:4-10 Jezreel
Luke 1: 13, 59 John
Luke 1:26-31 Mary

3. Some people in the Bible had their names changed. Having a name change in the
Bible was usually a very significant event, indicating the change not only of the name
but of the character of the person. Discuss the new meanings and any
transformations that took place after the following name changes:
Reference Name Change New Meanings/Transformations
Genesis 17:5 Abram to Abraham
Genesis Sarai to Sarah
Genesis Jacob to Israel

68 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Name Change New Meanings/Transformations
Genesis Joseph to Zaphenath-
41:45 Paneah
2 Kings 23:34 Eliakim to Jehoiakim
Mark 3:16; Simon to Peter
Mark 16:18
Acts 4:36 Joseph to Barnabas

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. How are children named in your country/culture? Describe the process of choosing
and determining names in your culture. Who chooses the names of children the
father, mother, in-laws, extended family or pastors? Are names chosen to challenge
or provide life direction for the children?

2. Discuss the meaning of your original given names. If you know it, share with your
group the process and background of how your name was chosen for you as a baby.
In what specific ways, positively or negatively, have your name impacted you as an

3. Does your culture give derogatory names to their children? What is the historical and
cultural background to this practice? To what extent is this practice a spiritual

4. Is it common for believers in your culture to adopt a Christian name after they
become believers? Why? Do you agree with that practice? Describe the process of
how believers change their names and the response from their community e.g.
family, friends or colleagues.

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 69

Children & Childhood in the Bible
5. Names (and nick-names) can have a powerful impact on a child right into adulthood.
Have you given thought to providing a motivating, uplifting, or otherwise meaningful
name to your children? As a spiritual leader or clergy, how do you influence young
parents in your church to choose meaningful names for their children?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 63-67.

70 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Family Membership and Size
How do you define a family? What is the size of a real family? And what about
homosexual couples seeking legal recognition as families? In the past, such questions do
not arise. It was understood that a family consists of a father, mother, children and
usually often live-in grandparents or other relatives.
Today it is hard to insist on only one definition of a family. As Zuck describes it aptly,
a family may consist of a divorced or never married mother and her child or children or
an unmarried couple living together, with or without children or households with
adopted children.38
Gods original definition of a family is far from what we hear or observe in the 21 st
Century. Most biblical families were complete with a father, mother, children,
grandparents, in-laws and servants. They averaged 6.1 or more per family. Concubines
and slave girls were considered part of the biblical families in view of their roles in
bearing children.39

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Several verses in the Bible seem to suggest that having seven children was
considered ideal and an indication of a special blessing from God. Write statements
on the significance of having seven children as an ideal family in these passages:
Reference Occasion Statements on Having Seven
Ruth 4:15

1 Samuel 2:5

Job 1:4

Job 42:13


2. Consider Solomons statement in Ecclesiastes 6:3: A man may have a hundred

children and live many years; yet no matter how long he lives, if he cannot enjoy his
prosperity and does not receive proper burial, I say that a still born child is better off
than he.
What does this verse say concerning family size in the Bible?

What does having many children compare with acquiring properties and achieving
prosperity in the Bible?

3. Psalm 127:5 says: Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be
put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gates. Consider the list
of selected fathers and the number of children in Table 1 of Precious in His Sight,

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 91.
Ibid., 92.

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 71

Children & Childhood in the Bible
pages 92 and 93. In what ways are these fathers blessed? How does family size
play a role in being blessing to the men in the family?

4. The following parents have only ONE child. Identify the context and write down your
observations on the grief they suffer at the prospects of losing their child to a
sickness or tragedy:
References Incident Observations on Parents Grief
1 Kings 3:16-
1 Kings 17:7-
2 Kings 4:1-7
2 Kings 4:8-
Luke 8:40-42,
Luke 7:11-17

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Does your culture encourage, determine or prohibit large families? Are there laws
that control the gender or number of children in families?
If so, what is the minimum or maximum family size allowed? Why?

What are the historical roots behind these laws? What effects (psychological,
emotional, sociological etc) do such laws have on parents, the children and
society at large?

72 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Can you think of one or two similar examples in the Bible? Identify the root
causes behind this implementation of laws and the sufferings parents had to
endure under such circumstances.

2. Discuss the effects of a one-child policy if practiced for more than one generation
(Hint: think about impact on the extended family)?

3. Why do many modern couples delay having children, intentionally limit their family
size, or even opt for childlessness today? Is such an attitude a rebellion against Gods
general command to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:22)? Give your reasons.

4. Some people feel that there are already too many people in the world, and each new
child adds to the problem. Do you agree or disagree? What is your response to this
perspective? Do you think your community or nation has too many children?

5. There are two prevailing points of view among Christians with respect to birth control.
Discuss both the pros and cons of each in the Christian context. What is your
There are important factors which impact the number of children we should have
and can care for, such as the couples income, availability of time for child-
rearing, job commitments etc. Each of these are legitimate factors necessitating

Birth control is a hindrance to Gods blessings and a lack of surrender to His

Lordship and purposes. There are few legitimate reasons for using birth control.

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 91-94.

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 73

Children & Childhood in the Bible
The Influence of Extended
Families in Childrens Lives
GENERALLY, THE phrase extended family is used to refer to the traditional family units
in conservative cultures such as in Asia or Africa. The extended family usually includes
grandparents and grand children, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and perhaps
other family members. What about the role of the extended family in the more liberal
and individualistic Western family?
Scripture reveals that extended families can play a vital role in the lives of the
immediate families. Far from being perceived as outlaws, grandparents, relatives
and in-laws were a blessing to their immediate families in Bible days. In some
instances, extended families acted as adoptive parents to their relatives or in-laws
children. For example, it has been suggested that Jacob adopted his grandchildren
Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 21:11). Some grandparents even helped to shape the
destiny of their nation through influencing their grandchildren to be kings.
As we scrutinize the Scripture once again, we may have to re-align our hearts and
minds to what God has to say about grandparents, in-laws and relatives and their
influence over our children and childrens children.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. What are the evidences in these verses that extended families were part and parcel
of the immediate family? Identify the names of the members of the extended
family and the roles they play e.g. grandfather, grandmothers, mother-in-law etc.:
Reference Name and Role of Evidences that Extended Family were
Extended Family Part of the Immediate Family
grandmother, mother
in-law etc)
Genesis 46:7

Exodus 18

Judges 12:14

Ruth 1:3-19

Ruth 4:13-16

1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Luke 4:38-

74 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
2. Grandparents in biblical times have a special influence over their grandchildren.
What do these verses suggest concerning the roles and responsibilities of
Reference Roles and Responsibilities of Grandparents
Genesis 48:5,9
Psalm 78:5-6
Psalm 103:17
Ezekiel 37:25
Joel 1:3
1 Timothy 1:4
2 Timothy 1:5

3. Besides grandparents, in-laws and blood relatives, slaves and servants were another
group of people who sometimes formed the extended family (household) in the
Bible. Identify the following persons whose households included slaves or servants.
List what you observe about these slaves or servants:
Reference Master of the Observations on Slaves (Servants)/Master
s Household Relationship
2 Samuel David Servants stood beside their master and cared for
12:17 him
1 Kings 5:9 Hiram Master took great care to provide food for his


Job 1:15-
17; 31:13-
15, 31


4. What are some of the privileges of slaves and servants in the Bible?
Reference Privileges of Slaves/Servants

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 75

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Privileges of Slaves/Servants
12:11-12, 18
Exodus 23:12;
Leviticus 22:11;
Ecclesiastes 2:7

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. What is your definition of extended family in your culture? Who are the members
that officially make up a typical extended family?

2. Proverbs says that Grandchildren are a crown to the aged (Proverbs 17:6). Another
saying is that Grandchildren are Gods compensation for our growing old.
Grandchildren usually have a special place in their grandparents hearts. What are
some common quotations about grandchildren in your culture? Are they negative or
positive? What do these quotations say about the general perception of
grandparents/grandchildren relationships?

3. In your culture, how are grandparents respected (or disrespected) in a typical family?
What are the roles and responsibilities of grandparents? Discuss the hindrances that
grandparents in your culture face in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities.

4. In-laws are sometimes cynically referred to as outlaws. Why? From your

observations, discuss the kind of problems commonly faced by in-laws. What are the

76 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
root causes and how can families fulfill their God-given roles to in-laws and vice-

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 77

Children & Childhood in the Bible
5. Ruth is a classic example of a godly daughter-in-law who enjoyed both the favor of
her in-laws as well as the special blessings of God despite the odds. What are the
attitudes of Ruth that set her apart from most daughters-in-law today? Read the
entire book of Ruth.

6. Maids or domestic helpers are very common in Latin, African and Asian homes. How
are they treated? Discuss why maids/servants in your culture should or should not be
considered as part of their masters extended family.

7. With the increasing dependence on live-in foreign maids/servants in some cultures,

what can immediate families do to ensure that these foreigners are a blessing to
their children and family as God intend them to be?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 95-104.

78 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Childrens Responsibilities
toward Parents
IN THIS age where family units have been severely broken and many children estranged
from their parents (even though they live under the same roof), it is easy to blame the
parents for most family-related problems. Some think it is natural for children to rebel
against their parents. While this may be true for children in broken or dysfunctional
homes, the Bible makes it clear that God makes demands on the children as well as
parents. Consistent with their age and understanding, God expects children to respond
to the training and discipline of their parents, and to the moral teachings of the Bible. A
godly home consists of both the parents and children fulfilling their God-given roles and
responsibilities regardless of their circumstances.
Other than obeying their parents, what else is expected of children? Scriptures reveal
at least nine specific responsibilities children are expected to fulfill in relation to their

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Identify the 9 responsibilities of children towards their parents in these verses:
Reference 9 Specific Responsibilities of Children
1 Peter 1:14; Ephesians Obey their parents*
6:1; Colossians 3:20
Exodus 20:12; Honor and respect their parents*
Deuteronomy 5:16;
Malachi 1:6; 1 Timothy 3:4
Proverbs 13:13b; Hebrews

Proverbs 7:1-5

Deuteronomy 32:7

Proverbs 3:5,7,9; 22:19

Ephesians 5:1

Proverbs 23:32; 1 Timothy

5:4-5, 16
Genesis 4;2; 29:6; Exodus
2:16; 2 Kings 4:18;
Jeremiah 7:18
* These 2 responsibilities are further discussed in a separate chapter.

2. An undisciplined child is a described as a mocker (Proverbs 13:1b; 15:12a) and one

who despises himself (Proverbs 15:32a). Give some examples of undisciplined
children in the Bible and the ways they mock and despise themselves.

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 79

Children & Childhood in the Bible
3. Proverbs use different verbs and commands in relation to actions expected of them
towards their parents (especially their fathers) instructions. In the following sets of
verses, summarize these verbs and actions in short phrases. The first three are done
for you.
Reference Words Related to Fathers Specific Action Expected of
in Instructions Children
1:8; 4:1 Your fathers instruction Listen to
4:10 What I say
4:20 My words
5:1 My words of insight
5:7; 7:24; Me
8:32 My instructions
8:33 Advice
19:20 The sayings of the wise
22:17 Your father
4:20; 7:24 What I say Pay attention to
5:1 My wisdom
22:17 The sayings of the wise
5:7 From what I say Do not turn aside

3:1 My teaching
4:5 From [my words]
1:8; 6:20 Your mothers teaching
4:2 My teaching
2:1 My words
4:10 What I say
10:8 Commands
19:20 Instruction
4:13 Instruction
7:2 My teaching
13:1 Fathers instruction
16:20 Instruction
3:1; 4:4; My commands
2:1 My commands
23:12 Instruction
23:12 Words of knowledge

4. What do the following verses say about the responsibilities of children in regards to
their own faith and spiritual life?
Reference Childrens Responsibilities Concerning their Own Spiritual
Psalm 148:12 Join others in praising the Lord
Proverbs 20:11
Psalm 119:9

80 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Childrens Responsibilities Concerning their Own Spiritual
1 Timothy 4:12
2 Timothy 2:22
Titus 2:6
Exodus 12:26-
27; 13:14-15

5. How do children in the Bible care for their parents/grandparents? What inferences
can you make about how children today are to care for these relatives?
Reference Children How Children Cared for
1 Timothy 5:4- General Taking care of them when they are widowed
5, 16
Proverbs 23:22 General
Ruth 4:15 Obed
Genesis 35:29 Esau and Jacob
Genesis 50:7, Joseph and
13-14 brothers

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Roy Zuck says, To be effective, discipline is two-sided; it must be given by parents,
and it must be received by children. 40 In your culture, which side (parents or
children) tends to fail in their responsibilities in discipline? What generally
hinders/encourages a child from accepting discipline from their parents in your

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 165.

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 81

Children & Childhood in the Bible
2. What are other responsibilities, not mentioned above, that children in your culture
practice to demonstrate their love and respect towards their parents? What hinders
or encourages children from fulfilling their responsibilities towards their parents?

3. Is it common for children in your culture to work with and for their parents? What
kind of work or business enables children and parents to work together? Discuss the
challenges, benefits and disadvantages of this practice.

4. We have all seen very badly behaving young children. In your culture, are parents
generally tolerant of strict in disciplining such misbehaving children? How do you
think parents should deal with a young child (2-7 years) who throws a tantrum or is
very disobedient?

5. Do you agree that (consistent with age and understanding) Gods expectations
regarding the behavior and morals of children are essentially the same as for adults?
Why or why not? Support with Scripture.

6. How are children in your culture encouraged to nurture their faith? Are children
encouraged to ask their parents about spiritual things? If not, why? What
programs/activities/guidance does the Church in your community provide for families
to help them nurture their childrens spiritual life at home?

7. Of the 9 responsibilities of children listed above in, which are (were) the most
difficult/easiest for you as a child to practise? If you have children of your own, which
are the most difficult/easiest for your children to practise?

82 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
For Further Exploration:
Roy B Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 159-168.

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 83

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Biblical Contexts of
Honoring and Obedience
HONOR, RESPECT and obedience towards parents is commanded in the Bible. Indeed,
honoring our parents is one of the Ten Commandments: Honor your father and your
mother (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16). This fifth commandment is the only one of
the ten addressed specifically to children and it comes with a promise -- God promised
that they may live long in the land. Likewise, Paul echoed this command and also the
reason for the command -- that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life
on the earth (Ephesians 6:2-3).
Honor and obedience go hand in hand. A child who disobeys his parents also
dishonors them and vice-versa. The consequences of dishonoring and disobedience are
serious and grave in the Bible. On the other hand, the rewards of honoring and obeying
ones parents are bountiful.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. How do children in the Bible honor their parents?
Reference Childre Actions that Honor Parents
Proverbs General
Genesis Jacob
Genesis 50:1 Joseph
1 Kings 19:20 Elijah
Joshua 2:12- Rahab
1 Samuel David
John 19:26-27 Jesus

2. List the actions that dishonor parents and their subsequent consequences as
mentioned in the Bible:

Reference Actions that Dishonor Consequences


84 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Actions that Dishonor Consequences
19:26; 28:24



Ezekiel 22:7-

1 Timothy 1:9

3. Write down Jesus words about honoring ones parents:

Reference Context Jesus Words
Matthew 15:4
Mark 7:10
Mark 7:11-13
Mark 10:19
Luke 18:20

4. Proverbs gives many examples of the good things that happen to children who are
open and obedient to their parents teaching. List the good things children
experience when they obey their parents:
Reference Good Things Obedient Children Experience

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 85

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Good Things Obedient Children Experience

5. What did these children do to demonstrate their obedience to their parents?

Reference Children Acts of Obedience
Genesis 22:7 Isaac

Genesis 28:6-7 Jacob

1 Samuel 9:3-5 Saul

1 Samuel 17:17- David

2 Kings 4:5-6 Widows
Luke 2:51 Jesus

6. What are the consequences these parents faced when they failed to train up their
children to honor and obey them? Can you think of other such examples in the Bible?
Reference Parents Consequences
1 Samuel 2:12 Eli

1 Samuel 8:1-3 Samuel

1 Kings 1:5, 6 David

2 Kings 2:23-24 -

7. Read Deuteronomy 21:18-21. What did the Mosaic Law instruct parents to do
concerning their children who are persistently rebellious? What are the spiritual
implications for obedience/disobedience towards parents?

8. What did Paul teach concerning disobeying ones parents? Romans 1:28-31; 2
Timothy 3:1-5. What are the consequences?

86 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Are there any differences between obeying, honoring and respecting parents?
If so, what are they? (Hint: Does age have anything to do with it?)

2. What is the best age for teaching a child to honor, respect and obey his parents?
Give some practical illustrations in the home environment.

3. Why is managing the family well and having obedient children a criterion for
qualifying as an elder in church (1 Timothy 3:4)? Discuss how having
obedient/disobedient children may benefit/hinder an elders ministry.

4. How do children honor and respect their parents or elderly in your culture/country?
Name some specific actions or activities. In what ways have honor and respect
towards parents and the elderly eroded or improved in your culture? Why? How can
honor and respect towards parents and the elderly be restored and encouraged?

5. In your opinion, what is the difference between the practice of filial piety and the
biblical honor and respect expected of every child towards his parents? In what ways
is this practice harmful or beneficial to the children?

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 87

Children & Childhood in the Bible
6. How does the biblical honor and respect for parents relate to the respecting or even
veneration of ancestors (ancestor worship) in Asian (and elsewhere) customs,
religions and traditions? In what ways are these pagan practices a counterfeit and
distortion of biblical truths?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 161-165.

88 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Sibling Rivalry

PROBABLY ALL parents everywhere struggle with the problem of rivalry between their
children. The problem is not a new one. The Bible has several examples, (sometimes
fatal) of siblings not getting along with or competing with one another.
Sometimes sibling rivalry was a direct result of parental partiality. Even parents who
are mightily used by God are flawed vessels when it comes to parenting. The Bible often
alludes to the privileges of the firstborn, yet we also see that in His sovereignty God at
times intentionally chooses the younger over the older to fulfill His purposes. Although
this does create rivalry amongst the siblings, the outcome was usually positive for both
the older and younger.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Consider the following examples of sibling rivalry in the Bible. What are some of the
causes? Who was at fault? Why?
References Siblings Causes and Outcomes
Genesis 4:8 Cain and Abel

Genesis 21:9; Ishmael and Isaac

Galatians 4:29

Genesis 27:41 Jacob and Esau

Genesis 30:3- Joseph and his

13; 37:2, 4, 8, 9 brothers

Numbers 12:2 Miriam and Aaron

Judges 8:29-31; Abimelech and his

9:1-21 half-brothers

Judges11:1-3 Jepthah and his


1 Samuel Eliab and David


2 Samuel 13:1- Amnon and Tamar


2 Samuel Amnon and

13:23-29 Absalom

2. Parental partiality is one of the root causes of sibling rivalry in the Bible. Describe the
long term effects these parents apparent favoritism had on their respective children:

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 89

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Parents Who Effects on their Children
Genesis 25:28; Isaac and Rebekah
Genesis 37:3; Jacob and Rachel
42:7-8; 45:1-7;

3. In Genesis 26:34-35; 27:46-28:8, identify the motives Rebekah had in her reactions
towards her daughter-in-laws (Esaus wives). What may have been her real concern
in separating Jacob from her twin brother Esau at this stage? As a mother and
mother-in-law, are her reactions godly or ungodly? Why?

4. Note the pre-eminence of the younger siblings over the older in various passages.
Identify the siblings involved and trace the outcome of their lives:
Reference Younger Outcome
Genesis 4:25-5:8 Seth/Cain Seth was in Adams genealogy

Genesis 38:27-30; Perez/Zerah Perez in Davids and Jesus genealogy

Ruth 4:18-21;
Matthew 1:3
Genesis 29:16-18

Genesis 48:14

Exodus 7:7

1 Samuel 16:10-13

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

90 Section 3: Children in Biblical Families

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reflection Questions:
1. From your observations in the Bible, what are the lessons which may be learned
concerning sibling rivalry today? What can parents and siblings do to prevent or
overcome sibling rivalry?

2. In your culture, are the influences which in-laws have over siblings positive or
negative in the family? Are there cultural practices in extended families that hinder
or enhance sibling relationships?

3. What are the prevailing customs concerning the rights and privileges of older and
younger siblings in your culture/country? Do any conflicts arise because of the
traditional views? Are traditional views changing?

4. What are the cultural gender differences in your society? Do conflicts arise because
of the traditional views? Are the traditional views changing?

5. In your culture, is parental partiality of favoritism common? Why? What factors

cause parents to be partial towards or against their own children?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 168-175.

Section 3: Children in Biblical Families 91

Children & Childhood in the Bible

The Training &

Nurture of Children

THE FAMILY is the structure God has created in which to protect and nurture
children. Gods design for a family includes a healthy, God-honoring marriage,
a husband/father who models spiritual leadership in the home; fathers and
mothers working together towards Godly parenting, and who are passionate
about building strong families.

Yet as we all know, families are under pressure today. Even within the
Church, many families are struggling or dysfunctional. We are told that in
most places the divorce rate among Christian families is essentially the same
as for non-Christians. The issues facing families today are vastly different
than those from any other age. In no other age have the following topics,
(from news headlines I saw while working on this section), been part of the
milieu of threats and pressures:

US government is losing battle against internet child pornography.

Kids are using their camera-ready cell phones to augment their dating
relationships by snapping and sending nude photos of themselves.

12 year old is found working at strip club in Dallas.

Prom package approved by School Board includes condoms for high

school students.

Miss Bimbo Website Causing Concern. (MissBimbo.com is a web site
virtual reality game aimed at 9 to 16 year olds that includes dress-up
and breast enhancement.)

Approximately 1300 new stepfamilies are formed every day in the


Our studies in this section wont have specific responses to the above
issues, but we will get examples both good and bad of the family issues in
the Bible. The insights and biblical principles you will find are timeless
serving well the families in any culture and every generation.

Parental Responsibilities in
Bible Families
MILLIONS OF children suffer today in our childless parents and parentless children 41
cultures. The biblical portrait of a family which consists of father, mother and children
are no longer commonplace globally. Single mom or dad families, not to mention the
many other combinations and blending of families often means children grow up
emotionally scarred and socially disadvantaged. The cycle of broken and divorced
families can be broken if parents return to Gods timeless handbook on child rearing 42
the Bible.
What are Gods expectations of parents? We can draw crucial lessons from portraits
of both good and bad parenting in Scripture. Effective parenting takes place only when
parents heed the specific God-given instructions concerning their responsibilities in
raising godly children.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. What do these verses imply on the responsibilities of parents towards their children?
Proverbs 10:1; 15:20; 20:20; 23:22, 25; 28:24; 30:11, 17.

2. The following verses suggest specific things parents should do for their children.
Review each set of verses and identify the specific responsibilities of fathers and
mothers. Then, find one word or theme that summarizes what parents did or should
do for their children. The first one is done for you.
References Responsibilities of Father/Mother One-Word Theme
Ephesians 5:23 Father is the head of wife and children; Lead
Genesis 18:19; responsible for their physical and
Numbers 1:4; 1 spiritual welfare; lead and direct their
Timothy 3: 4-5; families; mothers to manage their
5:14 homes.
Job 1:5; Genesis
17;18; 1 Samuel
1:11,27; 2 Samuel
12:16; 1 Chronicles
29:19; Ezra 8:21
Luke 2:22; Judges
13:2,5; Numbers
6:1-21; 1 Samuel
1:11,24, 28

2 Corinthians
12:14; 1 Timothy
5:8; Luke 11:11-12;
Proverbs 31:10, 15,
22, 27; 2 Samuel

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 105.
Ibid., 107.

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 93

Children & Childhood in the Bible
References Responsibilities of Father/Mother One-Word Theme
12: 15-16, 21; 1
Kings 14:1,2; John
4;46-54; Matthew
Genesis 22:2;
31:28; 2 Samuel
Proverbs 3:12,
13:24; Luke 15:20-
24; John 4:46-49; 1
Thessalonians 2:7;
Malachi 4:5-6
Isaiah 49:22; Isaiah
66:12; Hosea 11:3;
Job 29:5; 2 John 4

Genesis 8:2; 31:54;

Job 1:5; Genesis
8:20; 26:25; Joshua

1 Thessalonians
2:11-12; Ephesians
6:4; Colossians 3:21

Parental responsibilities also include modeling, disciplining and teaching. These

themes are discussed in separate chapters.

3. From the following verses in Proverbs, what are the 2 main characteristics in a son
which bring joy to the parents?
Proverbs. 10:1; 13:1; 15:20; 17:21; 22:15; 23:15,24,25; 27:11; 29:3, 17.

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

94 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reflection Questions:
1. Make a list of what parents can do each day to commend, encourage, and
compliment their children (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21).

2. While encouraging and affirming our children is important, some people are
concerned that such affirmation should have some external referent. Read the
following and discuss:
What happens when a child receives a pleasantly meaningless message to the
effect that the child is the greatest in every possible way? ... Some children will
simply tune out such messages They may repeat the phrases on occasion but
do not take them to heart in any enduring sense. The messages change nothing
about their notions of who they are. [Other children] may develop an
exaggerated, though empty and ultimately fragile, sense of their own powers.
Some dissociate their feelings of self-worth from any conduct that they are
personally responsible for Other children develop a skepticism about such
statements and become increasingly inured to positive feedback of any kind. In
time, this can generalize into a distrust of adult communications and a gnawing
sense of self-doubt.43

3. Discuss: Why did Jesus say that a parent who loves his or her children more than Him
cannot be my disciple (Luke 14:26)? In other versions, Jesus even said that a
person wanting to follow Him must hate his family members and his own life. How
do you reconcile Jesus instructions here with Gods instructions to parents to love
their children?

4. What is your opinion on the growing trend of house-husbands (husbands who stay
home to take over the domestic responsibilities as their wives work outside)? What
are some of the negative or positive consequences of this arrangement?

5. What are some responsibilities modern parents (Christians included) are finding hard
to practice in your culture? Why?

6. What pro-active measures would you take as a spiritual leader to prepare young
parents for effective biblical parenting? What can the church do to encourage
parents to fulfill their parental responsibilities in their families?

William Damon, Greater Expectations (New York: Free Press Paperbacks, 1995), 73.

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 95

Children & Childhood in the Bible
For Further Exploration:
Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 43-44, 105-121.

96 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
How are Parents to
Teach their Children?
JUST DO it and dont ask questions! Or Do it because I said so! Do those sound like
the way you tell your children to do things? These and more authoritative approaches
used by teachers and parents sometimes do more harm than good in motivating a child.
How should parents impart a God-centered education to their children? In recent
years, more and more child educators (both Christian and secular), have recognized the
timeless wisdom found in Scripture and have incorporated some of these into their early
childhood development programs. These profit-motivated educators and institutions
are making good money from desperate parents who desire quality early education for
their young ones. The irony is that these expensive programs parents are paying for are
free and clear in the Bible.
Excellent childhood development programs do not have to be expensive. They are
within reach by everyone around the world, young or old, rich or poor. The key is to
unlock the treasures in Gods timeless Truth.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Write down the commands you find in the following verses. To whom are they given?
These verses are common in that they suggest the first thing parents should do in
instructing their children. Write a short phrase answer in the column First Thing
Parents are to Do.
Reference Commands to Children First Thing Parents Are to
in Do
1:8; 4:1
5:7; 7:24;

2. What do these verses teach parents to do when instructing their children?

Summarize these with a short phrase or sentence.
Reference What Parents Are to Do Summary
When Instructing Children
Exodus 12:27;
6:21; 32:7; Joshua
Deuteronomy 6:7;

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 97

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference What Parents Are to Do Summary
When Instructing Children
Deuteronomy 4:9,
10; 11:19; Joshua
4:22; Psalm 78:5,
56; Isaiah 38:19
Exodus 13:8;
Deuteronomy 32:7

Exodus 10:2;
Psalm 44:1; 48:13;
78:3-4, 6

3. Twice, Moses told the Israelites to do something when they instruct their children at
home. What is it and why? See Deuteronomy 6:9; 11:20.

4. Identify the commands and the corresponding reasons or motives in the following
verses in Proverbs:
Reference Commands Corresponding Reasons or Motives
1:8, 9
1:5; 16
1:25, 26
2:1-4; 2:5
3:1, 2
3:3, 4
3:5-6a, 6b
3:7, 8
3:9, 10
3:11, 12
3:21; 22-24
For similar verses on parental instruction and motivation, please refer to Zuck, page

5. Where was the teaching done after the Israelites conquered Canaan and were
designated new homes in the various cities? See Deuteronomy 17:11; 33:8, 10; 2
Chronicles 15:3; 17:7-9; 35:3. What do you learn from these?

6. Where did Jesus do most of His teaching? See Matthew 4:23; Mark 1:21; Luke 4:15,
6:6, 13:10; John 6:59, 18:20. What implications do you see for teaching children from
Jesus approach?

98 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Scripture reveals that children in the Old Testament learnt the Torah by repetition and
memorization (Numbers 15:37-41; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:13-21; Psalm 113-118;
Genesis 1-5 and Leviticus 1-8). How effective is this method in training children to
learn the Bible today? From your observations, how has this approach benefited or
hindered the faith of the children?

2. What is your opinion on home-schooling? How is it carried out in your culture? What
positive or negative impact does home-schooling has on children? Discuss from the
following viewpoints: spiritual, academics, character-building, social and mental

3. The rate of illiteracy and school dropouts are increasing even in wealthy nations like
America. Why do you think this is happening? In your opinion, to what extent is this
problem related to the home environment and family unit?

4. Asian and African students are often pushed very hard academically. Long hours in
school and all manner of extra tuitions, remedials, and other academic
supplements fill up their days, often at the expense of equally profitable activities
such as sports or family time. What is your opinion of this emphasis? If it is a
problem, what can be done about it?

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 99

Children & Childhood in the Bible
5. In cultures where Christian schools are non-existent at every level, what would you
suggest believers do to supplement for the lack of godly teaching in their children?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 136-147.

100 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
What are Parents to
Teach their Children?
PROVERBS 22:6 famously instructs and encourages parents with a command and a
promise: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart
from it. Note that nothing is said about encouraging our children to try to be physically
attractive, financially independent, or to have a high intelligence or worldly knowledge.
The goals for our children relate exclusively to producing people of quality and character.
The responsibility of parents to teach their children is an obvious and pervasive
theme throughout the Bible. As we have seen, closer inspection reveals how parents are
to teach. In this study, we will see who has responsibility for teaching, and will look for
specific things that are to be communicated to the next generation.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Identify the people who are to do the teaching of children in the following verses.
What does this suggest about different parental roles in teaching/training
References Who is to Teach?
In Proverbs 1:8a, 10, 15; 2:1; 3:1, 11, 21;
Proverbs 4:1,10, 20; 6:1, 7, 20; 6:1, 3, 20; 7:1,
24; 8:32; 19:27; 23:15, 19, 26; 24:13,
21; 27:11
Proverbs 1:8b; 6:20; 31:1; 31:26

In New Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21; 1

Testamen Thessalonians 2:11-12
2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14-15

2. In these verses, note the phrases relating to parents teaching/training their children:
Reference Words/phrases Pertaining to Teaching/Training Children

1 Samuel

3. List the specific kinds of things parents are to teach their children in these passages:
Reference Specific Things Parents Are to Teach
Exodus 10:1-2; 12:25-27;

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 101

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Specific Things Parents Are to Teach
13:1-2, 11-16;
Deuteronomy 4:9; 6:20;
Joshua 4:4-7, 19-23; Psalms
Deuteronomy 6:5-7, 11:18-
19; Psalms 78:5-6; 2
Timothy 3:15

Psalms 71:5-6,9, 18; 78:3-

4; Isaiah 38:19

Deuteronomy 4:10; 6:2;

31:12, 13; Psalm 34:11; Job
28:28; Proverbs 15:33
Proverbs 1:2-7; 22:6; 1
Corinthians 10:1; Titus
3:10; Ephesians 6:4

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Proverbs 22:6 states: Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he
will not turn from it. What does train mean? Who is the child? What does in
the way he should go mean? (Note the idea that the training for each child may be
different, depending on the childs gifts, talents, interests, and capacity.)

2. What is the point of the second part of the verse (refer to Zuck, pages 134-136)?
Does it ring true in your experience? Why do some Christian children stray from their
faith and live ungodly lives as adults in spite of having received godly training and
teaching from their parents?

102 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
3. In your culture/society, is formal or informal education most emphasized or valued?
Academics or character-building training? Skills or knowledge? Why? In your
opinion, is there a proper balance?

4. Is there a difference between training and teaching our children? If so, what is that
difference? Give some examples (Hint: Does the age of the child have anything to do
with it?).

5. Do you think mothers and fathers have differing responsibilities regarding

teaching/training their children? If so, what are they?

6. The education of children today is often left up to the schools. Is that the case in your
society? What is the focus of teaching of children in schools today? In what ways,
positively or negatively, does public school education affect children today? How
might parents take back some of the responsibilities for teaching and training their

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 129-138.

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 103

Children & Childhood in the Bible
The Impact of Parental
Modeling and of Indifference
DO AS I say not as I do! Have you hear (or seen) parents say that to their children?
There surely is no place for such an attitude or parenting style in Scripture. God expects
parents and other adults to be positive role models for their children. It is a well known
fact that children seldom live up the standards they do not see exemplified in their
fathers and mothers.44 Solomon puts it simply: The righteous man leads a blameless
life; blessed are his children after him (Proverbs 20:7).
There are examples of good parental modeling, and many examples of bad parental
modeling in Scripture. Children often followed those examples, repeating the mistakes of
their fathers and mothers. As we shall discover, the consequences of bad parenting can
affect whole nation and generations for as long as 200 years!
May the footprints that we leave, cause them to believe, and the lives we lead
inspire them to obey!45

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Study the following passages. For each passage or incident, state the bad behavior
of the father, and then note how that example was followed by the children:
Reference Fathers example Reference Sons response
Genesis 20:1- Genesis 26:1-
17 11

Genesis Genesis 37:3-

25:28 4

Genesis 30: Genesis 35:22


2 Samuel.3:2- 2 Samuel
5; 5:13-16; 16:21; 1 Kings
15:16; 20:3;1 11:3

2. What characteristics of good parental modeling you see in the following examples:
Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19; Proverbs 14:26; Proverbs 20:7.

3. Eli is one example of an apparently very poor parental model. What were the
resulting characteristics in his sons, Hophni and Phinehas? List the characteristics of
Elis sons:

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 115.
Steve Green, Find Us Faithful.

104 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Characteristics of Elis Sons
1 Samuel 2:12

1 Samuel 2:13-
1 Samuel 2:17

1 Samuel 2:22

4. Give 2 reasons why Eli as a father failed to impact his sons positively despite
rebuking them of their sins? 1 Samuel 2:25; 2:29.

5. King Jeroboam is an example of how one mans sins can affect the entire nation for
many generations. What are the wickedness that Jeroboam did which resulted in
amazing and alarming consequences amongst every one of the 19 kings of the
Northern Kingdom? Read 1 Kings 12:26-33; 14:9.

6. Identify Jeroboams successors (the wicked kings of the Northern Kingdom) and the
description about their wickedness in the following verses. How do these relate with
Jeroboams wickedness?
References Names of Descriptions of the Kings Wickedness
Wicked Kings
1 Kings
1 Kings
1 Kings
1 kings
1 Kings
1 Kings
2 Kings 3:3

2 Kings
2 Kings

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 105

Children & Childhood in the Bible
References Names of Descriptions of the Kings Wickedness
Wicked Kings
2 Kings 13:2

2 Kings
2 Kings
2 Kings 15:9

2 Kings
2 Kings
2 Kings

7. The following kings in the southern kingdom of Judah did right in the eyes of the
Lord. Identify these righteous kings and facts about their mothers:
Reference Names of Facts About their Mothers
1 Kings
2 Kings 12:1

2 Kings 14:2

2 Kings
2 Kings
2 Kings 18:2

2 Kings 22:1

106 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Manasseh had a godly father, Hezekiah but yet he was a bad king. As a result, his
own son Amon was also wicked. However, Manasseh later repented of his sins (2
Chronicles 33:12-13; 18-19). Incidentally, Manassehs grandson, Josiah became king
at the age of 8, which was 6 years before Manasseh died. In your opinion, to what
extent did Manassehs repentance influenced his grandson, Josiah to be a godly king?

2. Discuss the meaning of the passage in Exodus 20:5 and Deuteronomy 5:9 viz. I, the
Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to
the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. To what extent are parents
responsible for the divine judgment upon their future generations?

3. If you are comfortable with it, discuss whether your own parents are (were) positive
or negative role models. How about yourself? Do your footprints cause them to
believe, and the life you lead inspire them to obey?

4. One mans (Jeroboam) bad influence caused an entire nation to be caught in a

downward spiral for 209 years (from 931 B.C. to Israels fall to Assyria in 722 B.C.!
(Zuck, page 117.) Discuss any similar examples of one bad (or good) example being
passed down or having consequences down through the generations in your culture.

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 107

Children & Childhood in the Bible
5. How can children of ungodly parents escape divine judgment? Read and discuss
Jeremiah 31:30; Ezekiel 18:4; 1 John 1:9.

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 115-121.

108 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Disciplining Children
IS YOUR child unruly or rowdy? Does he intentionally disobey what you tell him to do or
not to do? Does he delay following through on what he know needs to be done? Does he
get into mischief or even into serious trouble? How should you discipline children so that
they obey more willingly and readily? How can you channel them into meaningful, rather
than disruptive or mischievous conduct?46
Parents have a responsibility to lovingly discipline their children. An undisciplined
child becomes an undisciplined adult. Hebrews tells us that we should endure discipline
(12:7) and that we should not be discouraged or make light of discipline in our lives
(12:5). Most of all, the man or woman whom God disciplines is blessed and taught
from His Law (Psalm 94:12).

What Does The Bible Say?

1. What do these passages in Proverbs say about children and their natural inclination
towards discipline?
References in Childrens Inclinations Towards Discipline
1:7b; 12:1b;

2. What do Proverbs say concerning the consequences of an undisciplined child?

References in Consequences of An Undisciplined Child
5:23; 15:10b;
19:18b; 23:14



3. List the results or characteristics of a disciplined child experiences in the following

passages in Proverbs:
References in Results or Characteristics of a Disciplined Child

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 121.

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 109

Children & Childhood in the Bible
References in Results or Characteristics of a Disciplined Child

4. Note the appropriate, loving parental discipline shown in Proverbs. Make some
comments about what may be learned about discipline from these verses.
References in Lessons on Discipline
3:12; 13:24










5. How would you characterize the discipline shown in the following Scriptures?
Reference Characteristics of Discipline
Hebrews 12: 6-
Hebrews 12:9

Hebrews 12:10
Hebrews 12:11

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

110 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reflection Questions:
1. What were the consequences of these parents not disciplining their children? See Eli:
1 Samuel 3:13; David: 2 Samuel 13:21.

2. What do the following Scriptures about the rod in Proverbs say to you about
physical discipline (Proverbs 13:24; 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15; 10:13; 14:3; 26:3)?

3. What is your opinion about spanking children? How do you (or others in your country)
feel about it?

4. How can/must you provide firm but loving discipline for your children today? How do
the methods and motives of parental discipline change as children grow older?

5. How are children disciplined in your culture/country today? Which of these

approaches are effective and which are not? Why?

6. Proverbs 5:23 says that a child may die for lack of discipline. Why, in light of such
serious consequences, are some parents reluctant to discipline their children? How
can the Church help parents in this important matter?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 121-126.

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 111

Children & Childhood in the Bible
The Education of Jesus
OBVIOUSLY JESUS could read and write (Luke 4:16-20; John 47 8:6, 8). Undoubtedly, He
could read and converse in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
Who were Jesus teachers? He probably learned from the rabbis and synagogue
leaders every year as a youth when His parents took Him to Jerusalem for the Passover
celebrations. Where did He learn? From the wisdom of His teaching, we see that His was
not a sheltered life, but that He learned much about the ways of the world, from
watching, listening, and being instructed. He learned and was able to apply real world
lessons from the everyday things He saw around Him. What lessons can we learn about
the training of children from what we see in the education of Jesus?

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Make some comments about the education of Jesus from the following verses from
Mathew (adapted from Zuck page 197). What do these verses say about the school
of life that Jesus was exposed to in his childhood?
References Jesus Experience of Comments on Jesus School of
in Matthew Learning Life
3:55; cf. Mark He was a carpenters son.
7:3-5 He knew about carpentry
the problem of getting a
speck of sawdust in ones
7:24-27 He had the wisdom of
building a house on the rock
instead of sand.
6:19-20 He knew of the corroding
effects of moths and rust.
9:16-17 He understood the problems
with sewing new cloth on
old wineskins.
13:52 He knew the use of
storerooms in a house.
5:15 He was aware of the need of
oil in oil lamps.
20:2, 9-10, He was familiar with the
13: 22:19-21 value of coins.
21:42,44 He knew the value of a
22:15-21 He knew the payment of

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 196.

112 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
References Jesus Experience of Comments on Jesus School of
in Matthew Learning Life
5:13; 13:33; He referred to kitchen items
16:6, 11; including salt, flour, bread,
13:33; 15:26; yeast, spices, and the
23:23; 23:25- washing of dishes.
6:26; 13:4; He was acquainted with
24:28 outdoor life: birds, vultures.
7:6, 10, 15; He was familiar with the
9:36; 10:16; ways of lots of animals:
12:12, 34;
Dogs, pigs, wolves, sheep,
snakes, doves, fish, gnats,
15:24, 26;
camels, hens, chicks, goats.
17:27; 18:12-
13; 23:24, 33,
37; 25:33;
7:6; 11:21,29- He also spoke of farming
30; 13:3, 45- and farmers:
46; 18:6;
Sackcloth and ashes, yokes,
21:33; 23:27,
pearls, millstones, a
29; 24:40, 41;
watchtower, tombs.

2. These verses in Matthew reveal that Jesus was familiar with horticulture and
agriculture. Write short sentences how such familiarity with nature contributed to His
growth in wisdom and stature?
References Jesus Familiarity with Wisdom that Jesus Learned
in Matthew Horticulture and
6:28 Lilies
6:30 Grass
7:17-20; Trees with good and bad
12:33 fruits
7:16; 13:7, 22 Thornbushes and thistles
7:16; 21:18- Figs and fig trees
11:7 Reeds
13:3-9, 18-23; Seeds
25:24, 26
13:24, 30 Weeds
13:25-26, 29- Wheat
13:31-32 Mustard Seed
9:37-38; Harvesting
21:34, 41;
25:24, 26
7:16; 20:1-16; Grapes and vineyards
21:28, 33, 29-

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 113

Children & Childhood in the Bible
References Jesus Familiarity with Wisdom that Jesus Learned
in Matthew Horticulture and
41; 25:24, 26

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Apparently Jesus did not attend public school as a child. Yet the disciples asked: How
did this man get such learning without having studied (John 7:15)? What does the
phrase not having studied suggest about Jesus schooling? Where do you suppose
Jesus got his education?

2. Jesus was certainly wise (Luke 2:52) as well as educated. He obviously knew the
Scriptures (the OT) well. The Gospel of Luke records at least 39 times when Jesus
quoted from the OT. Discuss what the education of Jesus suggests to us in
comparison with the education of children today.

3. It should be our hope that children everywhere have the opportunity to grow the way
Jesus did -- in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and Man (Luke 2:52). What
is your definition of wisdom? What is the difference between wisdom and

4. Where/how can children today learn wisdom? How might you, your churches or
schools teach wisdom today?

114 Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children

Children & Childhood in the Bible
5. At what age do you think that children should start their formal education in public
institutions today (if at all)? What is your opinion of parents who send their children,
as young as 2 years old, to preschool centers for half-day or even full day early
childhood programs? What are the benefits or harmful effects on such children?

6. Jesus school of life setting was in an ancient pre-digital age where environment
and natural resources are rich and abundant. Discuss how Christian parents can help
restore the school of life environment for their children today.

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 195-200.

Section 4: The Training & Nurture of Children 115

Children & Childhood in the Bible

Children at Risk
in the Bible

CHILDREN HAVE always been at risk. The book of Job, perhaps the earliest
book of the bible includes heartbreaking passages about the neglect and
exploitation of children (see Job, chapter 24). But while children have
always suffered, there is one thing abundantly clear in Scripture -- that
God has a special place in his heart for those children the orphaned, the
abused, the neglected, the hungry. The Oxford Statement on Children at
Risk48 puts it well:
Scripture clearly shows that God is outraged about what is happening
to children. Our own anger is but a pale reflection of God's own fury
and indignation. Our compassion for hurting children and the righteous
anger that arises within us reflects nothing less than the jealous love
and righteous anger of our Heavenly Father Over and over again
God's warning throughout the Bible is "Don't touch my precious
children!" (Ex 22-24; Psalm 68:5, Ezekiel 16:4-14, Deuteronomy 24:17
Jesus warned of terrible consequences for anyone harming his children:
"...it would be better that a millstone be hung around his neck and [he] be
drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matthew18:6).
The Oxford Statement continues:
Nowhere do we learn more of the loving and jealous character of God
than in His protection and defense of His children (Deuteronomy 24:17,
27:19). Indeed, God entrusting His own son to humankind as a
vulnerable child, requiring that Son to be nurtured by a frail but able
family and community, symbolically provides a model of trust and
responsibility which sets an example for His interaction with all
humanity, and which shouts to us about the significance of children.
The justification for special protective guardianship of children at risk is
clearly demonstrated and mandated throughout the Scriptures. Our
studies in this section will help us understand that Gods heart is broken
when children suffer, and the clear expectation that our hearts must SEC TI O N 5
similarly be broken.

Children as Victims
of Infanticide and Sacrifice
THE SO-CALLED right to abort an unborn baby has led to the view that parents have a
right to terminate a live baby. 49 In some countries like China, where there is a one-child
policy and boys are preferred over girls, many parents and doctors are forced to commit
abortions and infanticide. Some may have heard of the case of Baby Doe who was

The Oxford Statement on Children at Risk, drafted in Oxford in January 1997 provides both a
practical and biblical rationale for Christian care for children. The entire statement may be view at:
born with Downs Syndrome in 1982 in Indiana, United States. This innocent one was left
toLESSON parents because they were simply exercising their freedom of choice? 50
die by the26
Unfortunately, even infanticide and child sacrifice are not unknown in the Bible. Roy
Zuck points to us that there are 3 forms of infanticide in Bible times, viz., killings of
infants and children in warfare, child sacrifice in pagan worship, and child cannibalism
during siege and famine.51
Lets examine the Scriptures more closely regarding this most disturbing subject.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Describe in short sentences how children were killed in these passages. Identify the
contexts and the names of the persons/tribes who committed this act:
Reference Context Description of Infanticide
2 Kings 8:12 Hazael murdered King King Hazael dashed the little children to
Ben-Hadad of Aram the ground.
and succeeded him
as king.
Exodus 1:15-
22; Acts 7:19

Isaiah 13:16,

Psalm 137:9

Hosea 10:14;

Nahum 3:10

1 Kings 11:5,7

Leviticus 12:31

Genesis 19:36-

2 Kings 3:26-

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 81.
Ibid., 82.

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 117

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Context Description of Infanticide
Matthew 2:16

2. Describe in short sentences how the Israelites committed infanticide in the following
passages. Be sure to read the verses around these selected, in order to understand
the contexts and names of persons/kings/tribes who committed this act:
Reference Context Description of Infanticide by the
2 Kings 3:17:6-7,

2 Kings 16:2-3; 2
Chronicles 28:3
2 Kings 21:1, 6;
2 Chronicles 33:6
Isaiah 30:33

Jeremiah 7:31;
19:6; 32:35
Ezekiel 20:26

Ezekiel 16:20-21;
Ezekiel 20:26,31

Ezekiel 23:39

Micah 6:7

2 Kings 6:24-29

2 Kings 25:1-21

2:20; 4:10

3. What are the words used by the prophets to denounce infanticide (again, be sure to
examine the verses around the target verses to understand the context)?
Reference Prophet Words Used to Denounce
Jeremiah 7:31; 19:6;
Isaiah 30:33

118 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Prophet Words Used to Denounce
Ezekiel 20:26

Ezekiel 16:20-21;
Ezekiel 20:26,31

Ezekiel 23:39

Micah 6:7, 8

4. What are Gods commands to the Israelites in regard to infanticide? Leviticus 18:21;
20:3; Deuteronomy 18:10

5. What were the root causes of infanticide as mentioned in these passages? See
Ezekiel 5:10; Leviticus 26:27-29 and Deuteronomy 28:53-57.

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
This study gave us some very unpleasant things to think/talk about. Lets learn from one
another as you discuss the following questions.
1. What is your opinion concerning Jephthahs killing her daughter as a sacrifice in
Judges 11:30-31? Do you agree that his action constitutes infanticide? Why?

2. Have you ever reflected on Abrahams sacrifice of Isaac in Genesis 22? Give your
reasons why this is not a pagan act of child sacrifice. Cross reference: Genesis 17:4-

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 119

Children & Childhood in the Bible
3. Why did God command the slaughtering of children in the following passages: Joshua
6:21; 8:26; 10:28, 32, 35, 39, 40; 11:11? Cross reference: Genesis 15:16;
Deuteronomy 9:4-5. Discuss how these might be interpreted in any modern

4. Discuss why didnt God spare the lives of the innocent children when He passed
judgment upon the adults. Note these examples: The flood (Genesis 6:5), destruction
of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:20); destruction of Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:2-
3) and the Canaanites (Exodus 23:33).

5. Do people in your culture still commit infanticide today? If so, in what ways are acts
of infanticide being practiced? Explain the contexts and reasons for these acts and
relate them to the biblical examples above.

6. Would you say that mothers (especially unwed teenage mothers) who abandon their
babies in public places are committing infanticide? How can you or your community
help to prevent such form of infanticide from taking place?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 81-89.
Oxford Statement on Children at Risk at www.viva.org.

120 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Victims of Abuse and
IT IS difficult to know, much less discuss, the horrific abuse which innocent children
around the world are facing daily. Many of these abuses are culturally rooted. For
example, some children born out of wedlock or from incestuous relationships find
themselves despised throughout their lives. Others in impoverished nations are blatantly
exploited through abusive child labor or sold into prostitution. Unless intentionally
addressed, they continue to be passed down from generation to generation.
Dr. Wess Stafford, the president of Compassion International, himself a victim of
abuse in a boarding school situation as a child, spoke of years of struggles in overcoming
his childhood scars right through his adulthood. 52 Only his determination not to let those
experiences and the resulting anger and bitterness define his life, enabled him to put it
behind him and move on with a commitment to caring for children in similar
circumstances all over the world. Imagine how many more lives are being ruined each
day in the hands of wicked perpetrators if child abuse and exploitation are not confronted
or prevented.
The voice of the Lord continues to speak on behalf of child victims as in the days of
old spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed
(Isaiah 58:10). Stand up and be counted as a Repairer of Broken Walls and Restorer of
Streets with Dwellings (v. 12).

What Does The Bible Say?

1. What kind of abuses or oppression were orphans in the Bible subjected to? These
verses give some examples.
Reference Abuses and Oppressions Faced by Orphans
Job 6:27
Job 24:3; Isaiah
Job 24:9
Psalm 10:18

2. Read the following accounts of the suffering of children in the OT. Comment on the
context and reasons for the suffering. Compare with situations you hear of or know
about today.
Reference Context or Reason for the Suffering
Joshua 7:24-26
Psalms 106:37-
Jeremiah 31:15
1:16; 2:11;

_____ Protecting Children: Prevention and Immediate Response Compassion Internationals
Guide to Protecting Children from Abuse (Compassion International: Col. Springs, USA). Most
portions of this Study are taken from this wonderful Guide.

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 121

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Context or Reason for the Suffering
Joel 3:3

3. One of the problems faced by children in the Bible was being taken away forcibly from
their homes. Identify the circumstances that caused them to be in such a situation:
Reference Child Circumstance
Genesis 37:12- Joseph Sold as a slave by his brothers to
36 Egypt; lived in Egypt for 93 years.
Exodus 2:8-10 Moses
2 Kings 5:1-3 Naamans servant girl
1 Kings 4:1-7 Widow whose sons were
going to be sold into
Daniel 1:3-7 Daniel and his 3

4. The following children were despised in the Bible because they were products of the
sinful incestuous or illicit acts of adults. Can you identify them? As always, also
examine the verses surrounding these target verses to better grasp the context.
Reference Child Incestuous/Illicit Relationships
Genesis 19:30- Moab and Ben-Ammi Lot and two daughters
Genesis 38:1- Tamar and her father-in-law, Judah
2 Samuel David and Bathsheba
Hosea 1:2-9 Gomer and Hosea

5. What does the Bible say concerning incestuous or illicit sexual relationships?
Leviticus 18:17; 20:14; Ezekiel 22:11. Is the Bible silent regarding the offspring of
such relationships? Defend your answer from Scripture.

6. What are some of the consequences for those who abuse and exploit children or
refuse to protect their rights?
Reference Consequences for Child Abusers
Exodus 22:22-
Job 22:9
Proverbs 23:11
Zechariah 7:11
Malachi 3:5

122 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. What are the most common forms of child abuse or exploitation in your community or
country? Who are the abusers? Who are the caregivers who help rescue and restore
the children?

2. What are some of the cultural practices in your country may contribute to child
abuse? Who are the perpetrators in this kind of child abuse? How can this type of
child abuse be prevented?

3. Would people in your church recognize the symptoms exhibited by a child who was
being abused in the home? What training could/should be provided to equip the
Church to recognize and respond when such cases are present?

4. Who are the hungry, the poor wanderer and the naked in the world today as
mentioned in Isaiah 58:7?

5. Discuss the effects of TV, violent movies, internet porn and other aspects of media on
violence, abuse and exploitation of children and youth in your country. What can the
Church today do to counteract this influence?

6. What are some other situations which cause children in your culture to be vulnerable
victims of child abuse and exploitation?

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 123

Children & Childhood in the Bible
For Further Exploration:
Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 23-44, 168-175.
Protecting Children: Prevention and Immediate Response Compassion Internationals
Guide to Protecting Children from Abuse (Col. Springs, USA: Compassion International).

124 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Will Infants Who Die
Go to Heaven?
FOR CENTURIES, theologians and laity have been intrigued by some practical issues on
the spirituality of children. One of these issues concerns the spiritual destiny of
(innocent?) children. Some of the questions presented by Zuck in Precious in His Sight
are the same kind of questions believers would have asked at one time or another, viz.,: 53
I Are children born with a sin nature? If so, what is their eternal destiny if they die
as infants?
I Will children be condemned to an eternity in hell, or will they in some way make
it to heaven?
I If children are doomed to eternal punishment, is it attainable by some means
other than faith in Christ?
If children are incapable of exercising personal faith in Christ, how can they be
Most of us instinctively know our answer to the question heading this study of
course infants will go to heaven! But most of us have never given much thought to what
biblical foundations support this conviction. This rather more theological study will
give us some background to the issue and a more biblically informed response (or, it may
raise more questions than it answers!).

What Does The Bible Say?

1. What is your opinion on categorizing every human being into 3 classes, viz. the
saved, the lost and the innocent? 54 In what ways does it support or contradict
Scripture concerning the universality of sin in mankind regardless of their age. State
below what the following passages say concerning the spiritual state of mankind:
Reference Spiritual State of Mankind
Genesis 8:21
Psalm 51:5
Psalm 58:3
Proverbs 22:15
John 3:36
Romans 3:9
Romans 3:10
Romans 5:12.
1 Corinthians

2. When Jesus made the statement that The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as
these in Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16, He was also referring to infants
(Luke 18:15-17). Are all children, regardless of age, automatic members of heaven?

Zuck, Precious in His Sight, 217.
Ibid., 221.

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 125

Children & Childhood in the Bible
How do these children get into the Kingdom? Who are the little ones who believe in
[Jesus] in Matthew 18:6?

3. What is your interpretation of Davids response concerning the death of his

illegitimate son: I will go to him, but he will not return to me (2 Samuel 12:23). Do
you agree that this verse suggests that Davids son was experiencing a conscious
existence in Gods presence after death and that they will meet again in heaven
(Zuck, page 219)? Why or why not?

4. What does Jesus mean when He said that Your Father in heaven is not willing that
any of these little ones should be lost (Matthew 18:14). Was Jesus teaching a
doctrine of universalism (everyone will be ultimately saved)? Why or why not? How
does Jesus statement implicate the spiritual destiny of infants when they die?

Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/Themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Some Christian traditions have viewed children as sinful. Do you think it makes sense
to talk of infants as sinful? Do you think such a position could lead to cruel and harsh
treatment of children? Discuss.

2. In light of the above, Paul mentioned very plainly that we were by nature objects of
wrath (Ephesians 2:3). What do these passages say about the spiritual destiny of
infants who die? Are infants exempted from the wrath of God when they are born
since they are young and innocent (read Zuck, pages 239-240)? Support your
answers in light of other scriptures.

126 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
3. What is your response to this statement by Zuck on page 219: heaven is occupied
with many children, perhaps with even more children than adults. Discuss this in
light of the high infant mortality rates around the globe.

4. Are there babies in heaven? If so, do babies remain in their infancy age when they
are resurrected? What is your opinion concerning infants who are in heaven but still
needs to grow to maturity (This position is against the idea that there are babies in
heaven)? If so, what are the theological implications for resurrected bodies as a
whole regardless of their age?

5. Is it possible for heaven to be populated with adult multitudes only from every
nation, tribe, people and language (Revelation 7:9)? If not, is it then possible that
some tribes will then have to be represented in heaven by children of even
unbelieving parents who die in infancy?

6. What is your opinion on Charles Hodges position that all who die in infancy are
saved based on Romans 5:18-20? What about infants of unsaved parents? Will they
have the same privilege as the elect infants" in going to heaven when they die as

7. In Precious in His Sight, Zuck presented 8 views, some of which are discussed above,
on why infants who die WILL go to heaven (please read pages 220-225). Which view
do you prefer over all the other views and why?

For Further Exploration:

Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 239-240, 217-236.

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 127

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Child Protection
in the Bible
WE HAVE seen that God is a defender of the poor and needy and children are His primary
concern. In these last days, millions of children globally are in trouble, as Zuck puts it
simply. Advocacy for children at risk in this 21 st Century are no longer confined to the
poor refugees in the Sub-Saharan deserts but also in the concrete jungle of developed
nations. All children are at risk! scream the global child advocates. Therefore, all
children need protection wherever they are.
What child protection policies has God put in place for His precious ones? For one,
He has placed the burden on the adults to [s]peak up for those who cannot speak for
themselves (Proverbs 31:8). With the same intensity, He has warned that His wrath is
upon those who are guilty of abusing these little ones. Over and over again, the Bible
repeats His warnings: Dont touch My precious children! (re. the Oxford Statement on
Children at Risk).

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Who are the primary objects of Gods care and concern, and what is the common
theme throughout the following verses?
Reference Primary Common Theme
Objects of
Gods Care
Psalm 82:3-4
Job 29:12; 31:17
Isaiah 1:17
Jeremiah 22:3
Matthew 18:10
James 1:27

2. What do these verses say concerning child protection in the Bible?

Reference Child Protection in the Bible
Genesis 21:17
Psalm 10:14, 18
Psalm 68:5
Isaiah 1:17,23
Jeremiah 5:28; 7:6;
Jeremiah 49:11
Ezekiel 22:7

128 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Child Protection in the Bible
Hosea 14:3
Zechariah 7:10
Matthew 19:14
Luke 17:2
John 14:18
James 1:27

3. What kind of child protection did the Mosaic Law provided for the Israelite children?
Reference Child Protection Under the Mosaic Law
Numbers 27:7-11 Their rights of inheritance were to be protected
Deuteronomy 16:11,14
Deuteronomy 14:29;
Deuteronomy 24:17;
Psalm 82:3
Deuteronomy 24:19-21
Proverbs 23:10

4. Proverbs 17:17b says that A brother is born for adversity. Identify the brothers in
these passages and briefly comment on the actions they took in defending their
siblings in adversities:
Reference Brother Comments on their Actions
2 Samuel

5. Isaiah 58 is a remarkable chapter. What is the true fasting that God requires in
verses 6-7?

6. List the blessings that God promises to those who defend and help the hungry, the
poor wanderer and the naked as mentioned in Isaiah 58:7-12.

7. What did God call those who cared and protected those in need? Isaiah 58:12; Psalm

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 129

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Key Insights:

Biblical Principles/themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. Discuss what it might mean to pour out your heart like water and lift up your
hands to him on behalf of the children suffering from hunger (Lamentations

2. Discuss the type of help being given or preventive actions taken to protect the
children in your culture e.g. Local Child Protection Law or Policies, NGOs etc.

3. Read Isaiah 58 verses 6-12. Construct a job description for the persons who
would be a Repairer of Broken Walls (v. 12). List the job responsibilities, and list
benefits that will come to those who are so called.

4. In your opinion, what kind of risks are urban children experiencing in this decade?
What kind of child protection measures need to be implemented in urban

5. Likewise, discuss the risks rural children are facing and the measures needed for
child protection.

6. What are the specific kinds of protection children in your culture need the most?
What are some traditional values in your culture you can redeem to teach adults
on biblical child protection in your culture?

130 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
For Further Exploration:
Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 168-175.

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 131

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Biblical Perspectives on
the Rights of the Child (CRC)
DO CHILDREN have rights? Arent all human rights God-given? Is it biblical for man to
create rights for children through the passing of laws and documents?
Amongst all the initiatives and documents promoting the welfare of children by NGOs
and governments, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the
most powerful legal instrument for the recognition and protection of childrens human
rights.55 Its origins go back to a visionary Christian named Eglantyne Jebb in the early
1900s. The CRC was developed from Eglantyne draft on the Rights of the Child. It now
has 54 articles and is ratified by all nations except two, which is, Somalia and the U.S.A.
It can be categorized into 4 groupings of rights, viz., survival, protection, development,
and participation.56
Despite the CRC being widely used today, there were some concerns raised by
Christians concerning the rights of a child. One issue pertains to Article 3 which is said
to transfer God-given rights and responsibilities of the child to the State. Another
concerns the secular rights language created by laws which contradicts the biblically
based God-given rights. John Collier has a much more pro-active approach to this child
rights issue. He says:57
If we have not got anything better, then we can still as Christians affirm much in the
CRC. Just because it does not come from a Christian source, does not mean we must
despise it. The challenge to the church is to maintain Christian input.
In this study, we shall take a closer look at 5 major provisions of CRC and view them
through the lens of Scripture. Most of the discussions here were taken from Child,
Church and Mission, pages 159-165. As you study each of these Articles, you will
discover that they merely affirm what God commanded the Church to do as we have
already learned throughout our workbook.

What Does The Bible Say?

1. Article 3 of the CRC on Best Interest of the Child says: All actions concerning the
child shall take full account of his or her best interests. The State shall provide the
child with adequate care when parents or others charged with that responsibility, fail
to do so.
Discuss how Article 3 of CRC is supportive or contradictory of Gods commands in
the following Scripture passages. Write briefly the biblical implications for the
Reference Gods Commands Biblical Implications for
y 10:18
y 26:12
y 27:19

Brewster, Child, Church and Mission, 160.
Collier, Toddling to the Kingdom, 58.
Ibid., 57-58.

132 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Gods Commands Biblical Implications for

2. Article 14 of the CRC on Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion says: The
State shall respect the childs right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion,
subject to appropriate parental guidance.
Does this Article promote Western values (or destroy traditional values) in your

What is the possibility of this Article be used to challenge parental authority in

your culture? In what other ways might this Article be abused?

Discuss how Article 14 of CRC is supportive of or contradictory to Gods

commands in the following Scripture passages. Write briefly the biblical
implications for the Church.
Reference Gods Commands Biblical Implications for
y 6:6-7

3. Article 19 of the CRC on Protection from Abuse and Neglect says: The State shall
protect the child from all forms of maltreatment by parents or others responsible for
the care of the child.
Compare the provision of this Article with biblical teaching on parental discipline
of a child. See for example, Proverbs 13:24; 15:5; 29:17; Hebrews 12:6 and etc.

To what extent is this Article beneficial or a hindrance in protecting children in

your culture?

4. Discuss how Article 19 of CRC is supportive or contradictory of Gods commands in

the following Scripture passages. Write briefly the biblical implications for the

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 133

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Reference Gods Commands Biblical Implications for
Genesis 21:17

Isaiah 30:20, 21

Isaiah 58:10

Psalm 82:3,4

James 1:27

5. Some people argue that the CRC discussion of rights of a child may not be culturally
appropriate (especially in Asia).
Discuss why this is or is not so and give specific illustrations from your culture.

6. Discuss how the provisions of child rights in the CRC are supportive or contradictory
to Gods commands in the following Scripture passages. Write briefly the biblical
implications for the Church.
Reference Gods View on Rights Biblical Implications for
Proverbs 31:8,9

Luke 20:46,47

7. Some also argue that there should be more emphasis on responsibilities and
obligations because rights are self-centred. Rights, they say, are God-given and
cannot be given or created by people or laws. What is your opinion on the above
statements? Discuss how the rights in the CRC are supportive or contradictory to
God-given rights in the following Scripture passages. Write briefly the biblical
implications for the Church.
Reference Purpose of God-Given Biblical Implications for
Rights Church
Psalms 33:5

Proverbs 29:7

Isaiah 1:17


Key Insights:

134 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Biblical Principles/themes:

Reflection Questions:
1. John Collier says that the CRC is crouched in the language of Rights. 58 Which other
Article/s in the CRC (besides those we discussed above) do you have problems
endorsing as a Christian advocate for children at risk? Why? See www.unicef.org/crc
- Text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. Despite the almost global ratification of the CRS, why are so many governments
failing so badly in protecting children at risk?

3. Have you seen children flaunting their rights, in opposition to parental authority?
Discuss. How do you think a childs rights should be exercised in your culture?

4. What are the factors in your culture that encourage or hinder a child from exercising
his or her God-given rights?

5. Based on all the Scriptures you have studied in this work book, draft a brief Christian
Rights of the Child with at least 10 provisions, and support with Scripture references.

Collier, Toddling to the Kingdom, 58.

Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible 135

Children & Childhood in the Bible
For Further Exploration:
Dan Brewster, Child, Church and Mission, pages 159-165.
John Collier and Associates, Toddling to the Kingdom (Chapter 10), pages 57-59.
Douglas McConnell, Understanding Gods Heart for Children, pages 23-31.
www.unicef.org/crc - Text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

136 Section 5: Children at Risk in the Bible

Children & Childhood in the Bible
Hebrew and Greek Words for

Hebrew Possible Meanings References


Yoneg Nursing or suckling infant Numbers 11:12; Deuteronomy 32:25;

1 Samuel 15:3; 22:19; Psalms 8:2;
Isaiah 11:8; Jeremiah 44:7;
Lamentations 2:11, 4:2.

tel Baby or very young child 1 Samuel 15:3; 22:19; Psalms 8:2;
Jeremiah 44:7; 6:11; Lamentations

Gamul A weaned child Isaiah 11:8; Psalms 131:2

Tap Little child or children (usually Ezekiel 10; 9:6; Genesis 45:19; 46:5;
accompanied by their mothers). Exodus 10:10; 12:37; Ezra 8:21;
Genesis 50:8, Numbers 32:26; Joshua
1:14; Judges 18:21;
Genesis 42:15; 1 Samuel 17:14; 2
To be small or insignificant Kings 5:2, Isaiah 11:6

Bahur Young man or young person in Ruth 3:10; Isaiah. 62:5; Ezekiel 23:6,
prime of young manhood. 12, 23; 1 Samuel 9:2; (They often die
in battle: Deuteronomy 32:25; 2
Kings 8:12; 2 Chronicles 36:17;
Jeremiah 11:22; 18:21; 48:15; 49:26;
51:3, 22; Lamentations 1:15; Ezekiel
Psalms 78:63; 148:12; Isaiah 23:4;
Also often found with young Jeremiah 31:13; Lamentations 1:18;
women 2:21; Amos 8:13; Zech 9:17.

Almah A young woman of marriageable Genesis 24:43; Ex. 2:8; Isaiah 7:14;
age, characterized by virginity Matthew 1:23.

Naar and Has a range of meanings, 1 Samuel 4:21; Ex. 2:6; 2 Samuel
Naarah including infant boy and girl, and 12:16; 1 Samuel 1:22; 2 Kings 2:23;
young boy or girl before puberty. Genesis; 34:3; 2 Chronicles 34:3;

Yeled Generic for son or boy (Used Isaiah 7:14


almost 5000 times in the OT).

Greek Possible Meanings References


Brephos Newborn infant Luke 2:12,16; Acts 7:19; 2 Timothy

3:15; Luke 1:41; 44; 1 Peter 2:2; Luke
Nepios A baby, young child, Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21; Matthew
21:16; Galatians 4:1;

Pais Child or young person Matthew 2:16; Luke 2:43; 8:51, 54;
John 4:51; Luke 9:42; Matthew 21:15;
Acts 20:12.

Paidion Diminutive of pais, usually small Matthew 2:8-9, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21;
child, conveying affection Luke 2:17; John 16:21; Luke 1:59, 66,
76, 80; 2:27, 40; Hebrews 11:23;
Matthew 11:16; Luke 7:32; Matthew
14:21; 15:38; Matthew 18:2-5; Mark
9:36-37; Luke 9:47-48; Matthew
19:13-14; Mark 10:13-15; Luke
18:16-17; Mark 5:39-41; John 4:49;
Mark 9:24; 7:30; 7:28; Luke 11:7.
Jesus called his disciples Paidia Jn.
21:5; Paul told people to stop
thinking like paidia, and John 3 times
calls his readers Paidia: 1 Jn. 2:13,
18, 3:7.

Mikron Small in amount or significance Matthew: 10:42; 18:6; Mark 9:42;

Luke 17:2; Matthew 18:14. 18:10.

Teknon Generic for son, children, Matthew 7:11;10:21; 15:26; 18:25;

emphasizing relationship to 19:29; 22:24; Mark 7:27; 10:29-30;
parents. Sometimes refers to 12:19; 13:12; Luke 1:7, 17; 11:13,
sons in Christ those one has 14:26; 18:29; 19:44; Acts 7:5; 21:5,
led to the Lord. 21; 1 Corinthians 7:14; Galatians
4:25, 27; Ephesians 6:1, 4;
Occurs 93 times in NT.
Colossians 3:20-21; 1 Thessalonians
2:7, 11; 1 Timothy 3:4, 12; 5:4; Titus
1:6; 2 John 1, 13; Revelation 12:4-5.
Paul to Timothy: Philippians 2:22; 1
Timothy 1:2, 18; Titus 1:4.

Neanias Young person Acts 7:58; 20:9; 23:17; Luke 7:14;

and Matthew 19: 20,22; Mark 14:51;
neaniskos 16;5; Acts 2:17; 5;10; 1 John 2:13-14.

Compiled from Roy B. Zuck, Precious in His Sight, pages 149-158.

138 Appendix & Bibliography

Children & Childhood in the Bible

Barna, George. Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions. Ventura,

Ca.: Regal, 2003.

Beeftu, Alemu. God Heard the Boy Crying. Colorado Springs, Co.:
Compassion Intl., 2001.

Boice, James Montgomery. I Dont Do Childrens Sermons in Modern

Reformation Magazine. http://articles.christiansunite.com.

Brewster, Daniel. Child, Church and Mission. Colorado Springs, Co.:

Compassion International, 2005.

Bushnell, Horace. Christian Nurture. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co.,

Collier, John and Associates. Toddling to the Kingdom. Pre-Publication,


Damon, William. Greater Expectations. New York: Free Press Paperbacks,


Green, Steve. Find Us Faithful.


Issler, Klaus and senior ed. Donald Ratcliff. Biblical Perspectives on

Developmental Grace. Childrens Spirituality (Chapter Four). Eugene,
Oregon: Cascade Books, 2004.

Kraybill, Donald. The Upside Down Kingdom. Scottsdale, Penn.: Herald

Press, 1978.

Lockyer, Herbert Sr. Nelsons Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Thomas Nelson

Publishers, 1986.

Michael J. Sandel. The Case Against Perfection. Atlantic Monthly (April

2004): 50-62.

Samuel, Vinay. Some Theological Perspectives on Children at Risk.

Transformation 14-2 (April/June 1997): 27.

Stafford, Wess. Too Small to Ignore. Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Press,


Thomson, Judith Jarvis and ed. Ronald Munson. Intervention and

Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics, 5th ed. Belmont, Wadsworth,

White, Keith. A Little Child Shall Lead Them. Cutting Edge Conference.
De Bron, Holland, 2001.

Zuck, Roy B. Precious in His Sight Childhood & Children in the Bible.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 1996.

______Protecting Children: Prevention and Immediate Response

Compassion International Guide to Protecting Children from Abuse.
Colorado Springs: Compassion International.

Appendix & Bibliography 139

Children & Childhood in the Bible
The Duty Free Family. Touchstone (May 2008): 19.

The Oxford Statement on Children at Risk. Oxford, January 1997.


Text of the Convention of the Rights of the Child.


http://www.ssa.gov.OACT.babynames (Accessed April 29, 2008)

140 Appendix & Bibliography

Children & Childhood in the Bible

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