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Dermatoglifi-Pregled (2011)

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International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences



Dr. Pratibha Ramani 1,Dr.Abhilash PR1 , Dr, Herald J Sherlin1 Dr. Anuja N1,
Dr. Priya Premkumar1 Dr. Chandrasekar T1 ,Dr.G.Sentamilselvi2 ,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, College of Dental Surgery, Saveetha University,
Prof & Head (Retd.)Dept. of Dermatology ,Madras Medical College ,Chennai

Dr. Pratibha Ramani MDS, DNB

Reader, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, College of Dental Surgery,
Saveetha University, 162, P.H. Road, Velappanchavadi, Chennai 600077,India

Over the past 150 years, Dermatoglyphics has been a useful tool in understanding
basic questions in biology, medicine, genetics and evolution, in addition to being
the best and most widely used method for personal identification .Dermatoglyphic
analysis is now beginning to prove itself as an extremely useful tool for preliminary
investigations into conditions with a suspected genetic basis. In many respects, it
has been used as an adjunct to other disciplines, serving as a vehicle to resolve
broader biomedical problems. Thus in biology, anthropology, genetics and
medicine, dermatoglyphics serves as a tool to describe, compare and contrast,
and at times predict occurrences and risks for biomedical events studied by these
major disciplinary areas. This review focuses briefly on the spectrum of
development underlying the traditional dermatoglyphics

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KEYWORDS of their research was on Down's syndrome and
the characteristic hand formations. They showed
that the hand with significant dermatoglyphic
Dermatoglyphics, Genetics, Biomedical, Review
configurations would assist the identification of
Mongolism in the newborn child. (5).Charles
HISTORY OF DERMATOGLYPHICS: Midlo M D (1929) together with others published
one of the most widely referred book
The scientific basis of friction ridge identification
"Fingerprints, Palms and soles", a bible in the
has evolved over many years, even centuries. (1)
field of Dermatoglyphics (1). Penrose L S
.The scientific study of papillary ridges of the
(1945), inspired by the works of Cummins and
hands and feet is credited as the beginning with
Midlo, conducted his own dermatoglyphic
the work of Joannes Evangelista Purkinje in
investigations as a further aspect of his research
1823. (2) William Herschel (1858) was the first
into Down's syndrome and other congenital
to experiment with fingerprints in India. (3) .Sir
medical disorders (1).
Francis Galton (1892) conducted extensive
Galton Center (1965) contributed to the
research on the significance of skin ridge
development of dermatoglyphics and formulated
patterns, not only to demonstrate their
the measurement to establish the position of
permanence but also their use as a means of
displaced axial tri radius in terms of atd angle, as
identification. He demonstrated the hereditary
well as establishing the inheritance of its position
significance of fingerprints and the biological
in the palm (1). Sarah Holt (1968) published the
variations of different finger print patterns
book 'The Genetics of dermal ridges' and
amongst different racial groups (4). In 1892, he
summarized the statistical distributions of
published the book Fingerprints and in doing
dermatoglyphic patterns of the fingers and the
so, significantly advanced the science of
palm in various people, both normal and
fingerprint identification (3).
congenitally affected individuals. The research
Sir Edward Henry (1893) published the
focused not only on the identification of those
book 'The classification and uses of fingerprints"
features of the palm, which would indicate the
which established the modern era of finger print
genetic likelihood of a mother giving birth to a
identification, which is now the basis for most of
Down's syndrome child, but also concentrated on
the other classification systems (3). Harris
the study of twins (1).
Hawthorne Wilder (1902) in the early 20th
Schaumann and Alter's (1976) published
Century, pioneered comprehensive studies on
a book 'Dermatoglyphics in Medical disorders'
the methodology, inheritance and racial variation
which summarizes the findings of dermatoglyphic
of palmar and plantar papillary ridge patterns, as
patterns in various disease conditions (1). Engler
well as finger prints. (2).A British commissioner in
et al (1982) conducted a study on patients with
India, Sir William Herschel, noticed the use of
breast cancer and concluded that the presence
thumbprints as a form of signature amongst
of six or more whorls on the fingertips of a
illiterate Indians and clearly established the fact
person provided a high risk for breast cancer (3).
that fingerprints did not change their form over
The current state of medical dermatoglyphics is
time and therefore could be used as a reliable
such, that the diagnosis of some illnesses can
form of personal identification.
now be done on the basis of dermatoglyphic
Cummins and Midlo (1926) were the first
analysis alone and currently, several
to coin the term Dermatoglyphics (from two
dermatoglyphic researches claim a very high
Greek words- derma=skin, glyphe=carving). It is
degree of accuracy in their prognostic ability from
the science and art of the study of surface
the hand features.
markings /patterns of ridges on the skin of the
fingers, palm, toes and soles. (5).The main thrust

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In Germany, Dr Alexander Rodewald in Therefore, ridge configuration is dependent on
2001 diagnosed many congenital abnormalities the shape of the volar pad at the time of initial
with 90% accuracy from the features of the primary ridge formation. A high volar pad would
hands alone (1).Dr. Stowens in 2003, Chief of result in formation of a whorl, while a low pad
Pathology at St Luke's Hospital in New York, would result in an arch and an intermediate pad
claims to diagnose schizophrenia and Leukemia height offset to one side of the digit would result
with 90% accuracy from the patterns on the in a loop formation (6).
hands alone. Hirsch and J.V. Schweichel (1973)
summarized that the arrangement of blood
EMBRYOGENESIS OF DERMATOGLYPHIC vessels and nerve pairs under the smooth
PATTERNS epidermis exists shortly before glandular folds
Earlier scientific studies related and speculated that the folds were induced by
dermatological marking developments to the first the blood vessel -nerve pairs. They concluded
four months of gestation. Schaumann and Alter that the pattern of papillary ridges is set after the
described the process more accurately and in development of the glandular folds, after four
detail, as taking place early in fetal development months, although the growth pattern of the
and being genetically determined while being glandular folds is one of the three forces
modified by environmental forces (2).Bonnevie postulated to control the final highly arranged
(1924) summarized the conclusions of the earlier surface pattern. They also emphasized that the
investigators as 'A very intimate connection neuro-epithelium plays an important part in the
between pads and patterns with regard to the development of the dermatoglyphic patterns and
degree of elevation of the pads and the special offered the following explanations (2). 1) Failure
configurations of their pattern. (6)Bonnevie of nerves to grow into the epithelium may be
(1929) speculated that fingerprint patterns were expressed through dermatoglyphic aplasia ,2)
dependent upon the underlying arrangement of Both qualitative and quantitative deviations of
peripheral nerves (2). sub-epithelial nerve branches to form may be
Cummins (1935), observed the ridge evidenced by dermatoglyphic dysplasia and 3)
configurations of congenitally malformed hands Where dermatoglyphics are distorted, there may
and proposed, that direction of epidermal ridges be a disturbance of the spatial arrangement (2).
was determined by growth forces and contour of William. J. Babler (1976) indicated that
volar skin at the time of ridge formation. the epidermal ridges first appear in the form of
Humphrey (1964) studied the early function of localized cell proliferations around the 10th to 11th
the fetal hand and indicated that digital and week of gestation. These proliferations form
palmar creases are secondary features, which shallow corrugations that project into the
are related to flexion movements in the superficial layer of the dermis. The number of
developing hand between the seventh and ridges continue to increase, being formed either
fourteenth weeks of development (7). between or adjacent to existing ridges. It is
Gall and Associates (1966), stated, that during this period of primary ridge formation, that
the shape of volar pads determines fingertip the characteristic patterns are formed. At about
patterns, the ridges covering the skin in the most 14 weeks, the primary ridge formation ceases
economical way possible, according to strict and secondary ridges begin to form as sweat
topological principles (6). Penrose (1968) gland, and develop along the apices of the
suggested that ridges are aligned at right angles primary ridges at uniform intervals. At this time,
to compression forces, take the shortest routes the epidermal ridges first begin to appear on the
on the embryonic surfaces, and the abnormal volar surfaces. The dermal papillae are reported
configurations may be the result of alterations in to develop in the valleys between the ridges on
the fluid balance at an early embryonic stage. (6)

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the deep surface of the epidermis around the dimensions and time of ossification may be a key
24th week. Till then, the morphology of primary factor in ridge patterning (2).
and secondary ridges appear as a smooth ridge PATTERN CONFIGURATIONS
of tissue and thereafter peg like structures, the I) FINGERS:
dermal Papillae, characteristic of the definitive Fingertip pattern configurations:
dermal ridges, are progressively formed (2). Galton (1892) divided the ridge patterns
Babler (1987) reported that there is a on the distal phalanges of the fingertips into three
relationship between the volar pad shape and the groups. (Figure 1) namely Arches , Loops and
epidermal ridge configuration; specifically narrow Whorls. Although numerous sub-classifications
volar pads are related to whorl patterns. He also have been subsequently offered, this simple
suggested the association between the shape of classification is still recognized and used by
the distal phalanx and the pattern type. majority of investigators today(5).
Significant correlations between the bony
skeleton of the hand and the epidermal ridge

Figure 1

1) Arches (A): interrupted. The point of confluence is called a

It is the simplest pattern found on tri-radius, because ridges usually radiate from
fingertips. It is formed by succession of more or this point in three different directions. In the
less parallel ridges, which traverse the pattern tented arch, the triradius is located near the
area and form a curve that is concave proximally. midline axis of the distal phalanx. The distal
Sometimes, the curve is gentle; at other times it radiant of the triradius usually points vertically
swings more sharply so that it may also be toward the apex of the fingertip. Ridges passing
designated as a low or high arch over this radiant are abruptly elevated and form a
respectively(5) The arch pattern is subdivided tent like pattern and are designated as 'tented
into two types.1) Simple arch or plain arch arch'.
(PA), composed of ridges, that cross the fingertip
from one side to the other without recurving. 2) (2) Loops (L):
Tented arch (TA) composed of ridges that meet It is the most common pattern on the
at a point so that their smooth sweep is fingertip. A series of ridges enter the pattern area

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on one side of the digit, recurve abruptly, and fingertip and always on the side where the loop is
leave the pattern area on the same side. If the closed. Loops may vary considerably in shape
ridge opens on the ulnar side, resulting loop is and size. They may be large or small, tailor short,
termed as ulnar loop (U,LU). vertically or horizontally oriented, Plain Loop
If the ridge opens toward the radial margin, it is (PL) OR Double Loop (DL). (Figure 2)
called a radial loop. (R, Lr).A loop has a single Occasionally, 'Transitional' loops can be found
triradius or confluence point of ridges. The which resemble whorls or complex patterns (5).
triradius is usually located laterally on the

Figure 2

(3) Whorls (W): 2) .Sometimes, both circles and ellipses or

It is any ridge configuration with two or circles and spirals are present in the same
more triradii. One triradius is on radial and the pattern. The size of the whorl can vary
other on the ulnar side of the pattern. (Figure 2) considerably, and is determined by means of a
Henry (1937) limited the designation of the term ridge count (5).
'Whorl' to those configurations having ridges that A central pocket loop/whorl (CPL) (Wcp)
actually encircle a core. He named more is a pattern containing a loop within which a
complex patterns as "Composites (5). smaller whorl is located. Central pockets are
The ridges in a Plain (Simple) whorl classified as ulnar or radial according to the side
(PW) are commonly arranged as a succession of on which the outer loop opens. The significance
concentric rings or ellipses. Such patterns are of separating these two varieties of loop whorls
described as concentric whorls (Wc) (9). for medical diagnosis remains unproved.
(Figure 2) .Another configuration spirals around Therefore, they are ordinarily grouped together
the core in either a clockwise or a as a CPL. Another type is composed of
counterclockwise direction. This pattern is called interlocking loops, which may form either a
a Double (DW) or a spiral whorl (WS). (Figure lateral pocket (W LP), twin or twinned loop (wt)

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pattern. Each has two triradii and the two types
of whorls are morphologically similar (5). 2. PALMS
Complex patterns, which cannot be classified as PALMAR PATTERN CONFIGURATION
one of the above patterns, are called In order to carry out dermatoglyphic analyses
Accidentals (A)/ (WaCC). that can be compared in different individuals, the
Some represent a combination of two or palm has been divided into several anatomically
more configurations such as a loop and a whorl, designed areas. It includes Thenar areas,First,
triple loops and other unusual formations (5). Second, third and fourth interdigital areas and
They are classified as a) Arch with Loop (AWL) Hypothenar area (5).
(Figure 4),b) Arch with Whorl (AWW) (Figure 3)
OTHER AREAS OF DERMATOGLYPHICS: It is used to indicate the pattern size. The
1. DERMATOGLYPHIC LANDMARKS counting is done along a straight line connecting
The three basic Dermatoglyphic landmarks found the triradial point to the point of core. The ridges
on the fingertip patterns are Triradii ,Cores and containing the point of core and triradial point are
Radiant both excluded from the count. Ridges are often
counted between two digital triradii. The ridge
Triradius: count most frequently obtained is between triradii
It is formed by the confluence of three a and b, and is referred to as the a-b ridge
ridge systems. The geometric center of the count.
triradius is designated as a triradial point. It is the
meeting point of three ridges that form angles of 4. atd ANGLE.
approximately 1200 with one another (5). The This angle is formed by lines drawn from
triradial point forms one terminus of the line the digital triradius (a) to the axial triradius (t) and
along which ridges are counted. Sometimes, from this triradius to the digital triradius (d). The
large patterns are extralimital in nature. These more distal the position of t, the larger the atd
are commonly observed in the hypothenar areas angle . Sometimes accessory a or d triradii
of the palms and the hallucal areas of soles. (5) are present on the palm. (5).
It is in the approximate center of the pattern. The STUDIES IN DERMATOGLYPHICS
core may be of different shapes. A) In a loop
pattern, the core is usually represented by a I) Dermatoglyphic studies on syndromes
straight, rod like ridge or a series of two or more Cummins (1939) demonstrated characteristic
such parallel ridges, over which other recurving differences in frequency of dermal configurations
ridges pass. If a straight ridge is absent in the between affected and normal children, long
center of the loop, the innermost recurving ridge before chromosomal basis of diagnosis of
is designated as a core. B) In a whorl, the core Down's syndrome was established (8). Walker
can appear as a dot or a short ridge (either (1957) derived an estimate of the probability, that
straight or bent) or it can be shaped as a circle or a child has Down's syndrome by a probability
an ellipse in the center of the pattern (5) index. It was derived by multiplying the
Radiants: probabilities for each pattern or after conversion
These are the ridges that emanate from to logarithms, by adding them(8).Lu (1968),
the triradius and enclose the pattern area. These listed all possible combinations of finger patterns
ridges constitute the 'skeletal' framework of the and their frequencies in a group of patients with
pattern area(5) Down's syndrome and controls and discriminated

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(89%) of ab rid! those from without Down's mothers); all Israeli Jews. The prints were
syndrome (8). Reed et al (1970), in his study, collected and interpretted. This included
constructed a nomogram using only four identification of patterns, ridge counts and the
dermatoglyphic traits, chosen for their high measurements of distances and angles in the
discriminant values (8).Borgaonkar et al (1971) palm of the hands; 79 DT for every individual: 28
developed another method, using predictive continuous traits, 9 discrete traits, 11 indices of
discrimination by which 88% of patients with intraindividual diversity (Div), 15 indices of
Down's syndrome and 92% of controls were directional asymmetry were estimated. The
discriminated (8). results were compared between parents and
Penrose and Loesch (1971), developed control groups of women and men. The present
a dermatoglyphic discriminant for Trisomy 21, study found proof of the existence of an additive
and for three other syndromes (D, E and 4P) genetic component in DT, while an increased
using a new system of classification and laid ridge counts and arch patterns (ulnar and radial
more emphasis on sole patterns (8). Marylin loops) was observed in parents of DS patients in
Preus et al in 1972 in his review article comparison to control groups. The DT which is
concluded that the hands and feet of a patient typical to DS patients was confirmed in parents
with trisomy 21 were generally short and broad. also.
There was a high frequency of simian creases, Thomas Fogle (2002) performed
incurved fifth digit (Clinodactyly) with or without a comparative Dermatoglyphic study between
short or missing middle phalynx and a wide 180 Downs syndrome patient and 180 normal
space between the first and second toe, with a individuals. He concluded that ulnar loops and
deep plantar crease (8). Dermatoglyphic pattern radial loops were mostly seen on index fingers
showed an increase in the bilateral t, 10 ulnar and ring fingers respectively in Down syndrome
loops on the fingers, radial loops in 4 or 5 fingers compared to normal individuals. (10)Sardool
(8). Singh (2005) studied Dermatoglyphics of
Rajangam S et al (1995) studied schizophrenics; patients with Down's syndrome
dermatoglyphic patterns of 235 cytogenetically and mentally retarded males were compared with
confirmed patients of Down's syndrome. The those of normal Australian Europeans. It was
data were correlated and compared with 230 noticed that the patients with Down's syndrome
controls. Patients' total finger ridge counts and separated significantly from the rest of the
'atd' angles differed significantly from that of the groups. They showed a significant increase in
controls. Mostly ulnar loop pattern was observed the ulnar loop patterns compared to normal
in the patients. Abnormal dermatoglyphic group. (11)
features such as simian crease, Sydney line and Matsuyama N, Ito Y (2006) studied each
patterns in the hypothenar and interdigital areas fingerprint type (arch, ulnar loop, radial loop, and
have occurred more frequently in the patients. (9) whorl) of the parents of children with Trisomy 21
Katznelson MB et al (1999) carried out a (Fathers: 71; Mothers: 128) born between 1965
study in order to evaluate the dermatoglyphic and 1970 that was obtained from the Tokyo
traits (DT) in males and females with Down's Medical and Dental University Hospital.
syndrome (DS). The aim of the study was to Japanese controls were taken from
explore the possibility of using DT of the parents dermatoglyphics data in Japan. Results from a
of DS patients to predict the likelihood of the statistical analysis based on the above data
disease appearing in the offspring. The samples showed significant differences, more arches and
were of DS patients (198 males and 140 fewer whorls in mothers of children with Trisomy
females) and their parents (84 fathers and 153 21. Among fathers of Trisomy 21 children, a

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significant difference was found in there being Marylin Preus et al (1972) in his review
fewer whorls and ulnar loops. Considering the article concluded that one of the major diagnostic
mothers' fingerprints, they suspected that criteria for individuals with this syndrome were
females with a higher frequency of arches and a broad thumbs and great toes, a deep plantar
lower frequency of whorls had a stronger crease, overlapping toes, and fifth finger
possibility of bearing Trisomy 21 babies. (12) clinodactyly or polydactyly. Dermatoglyphic
b) 45, XO Turner's syndrome: features include an increase in the radial loop
Marylin Preus et al (1972) in his review pattern, thenar pattern and bilateral I3 pattern. (4)
article concluded that individuals with XO II) Dermatoglyphic study in Breast Cancer
Turner's syndrome often had a short fifth finger, Marylin Preus et al (1972) in his review
dystrophic or hyper convex nails, shortening of article concluded that Breast cancer is hereditary
the third to fifth metacarpals and lymphedema of and earlier studies have revealed two genes
the hands and feet in infancy. The A-line exists in BRCA and BRCA 2 on the q arm of chromosome
the thenar area more frequently than in normal 17 at the 36th position. (8).Engler et al (1982),
individuals with an increase in the atd angel analyzed dermatoglyphic patterns in breast
greater than 120 and with an increase in the cancer patients, and concluded that the presence
bilateral hypothenar area. (8)Kobyliansky E et of six or more whorls on the fingertips of a
al (1997) studied dermatoglyphic patterns among person provides a high risk of obtaining breast
57 Turner female patients and compared it with cancer (3).Huang C.M (1997) studied
healthy individuals: 79 dermatoglyphic variables Fingerprints of 570 breast cancer cases and the
for every patient: 28 continuous traits, 9 discrete same number of matched controls from the
traits, 10 indices of arch patterns, 16 indices of population-based finger print file in Hawaii for
directional asymmetry and 16 indices of studying the association between breast cancer
fluctuating asymmetry were estimated. They and digital dermal patterns and ridge counts. The
found that there was significant increase in the results showed that breast cancer patients had a
ulnar loop patterns among these patients significant excess of radial loops on the left hand.
compared to control group. (13) It was also found that the frequency of ulnar
c) 47, XXY (Klinefelter's syndrome) loops on the left hand was significantly elevated
Marylin Preus et al (1972) in his review for premenopausal women with breast cancer,
article concluded that there is a slight increase in whereas an excess of radial loops on the left
the height of the axial triradius in hypothenar hand was observed for the postmenopausal
patterns, and a decrease in thenar patterns . (8) women with breast cancer. (15)
d) Pseudo hypoparathyroidism Bierman et al (2003) studied Fingerprints
Forbes (1967) reported an increase in of 200 women with histologically proven breast
patients with high axial triradius. An increase in cancer (case group) and compared to
arch patterns was noted, but the data was not fingerprints from 138 women with no history of
presented in a form that can be evaluated for any malignant disease (control group). Of the
clinical use. (8).Marylin Preus et al (1972) in his patterns analyzed, four were significantly
review article concluded that these patients had associated with breast cancer: accidentals,
short, broad hands and feet, with short transitionals, angled ulnar loops, and horizontal
metacarpals and metatarsals especially the ulnar loops. Of 200 patients in the case group, 27
fourth and fifth (8). had one or more accidental prints, 58 had one or
e) Rubinstein -Taybi syndrome (R-T more transitionals, 34 had one or more horizontal
Syndrome) ulnar loops, and 93 had one or more angled
ulnar loop patterns. In 138 control subjects there

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were 2 with accidental patterns, 21 with one or cancer and may also serve as a screening tool in
more transitionals, 6 with horizontal ulnar loops, the high-risk population.(18).
and 16 with one or more angled ulnar loops. A recent study on a small group of breast
Thus the prints described will represent a cancer patients in Karnataka revealed that those
noninvasive anatomical marker of breast cancer with breast cancer disposition show an ulnar loop
risk. (16) on the little finger of both hands and a ridge
Seltzer M.H (2005) studied Fingerprints count of between 6 and 8. (19)
and palm prints in 78 breast cancer patients, 391 III) Dermatoglyphic studies in Psychological
patients at increased risk for developing breast disorders.
cancer, and 64 control patients for the purpose of A C Bogle, T Reed & R J Rose (1994),
finding a pattern that would identify those women published the replication of a study relating to the
with breast cancer or those who are predisposed combined use of dermatoglyphics and the MMPI
to its development. A pattern of 6 or more digital tests. The tests indicated that, identical twin
whorls was identified more frequently in women subjects with asymmetric (dissimilar) patterns on
with breast cancer than in those without the their left and right hands were likely to suffer from
disease. He concluded that digital environmental distresses, than identical twins
dermatoglyphics may have a future role in who had symmetric patterns. Twins with
identifying women either with or at increased risk asymmetric palmar patterns were considered to
for breast cancer such that either risk reduction have poorer genetic buffering against
measures or earlier therapy is administered. (17) environmental factors than those with
Chintamani et al (2007) conducted a symmetrical corresponding palmar patterns.
study on 60 histo-pathologically confirmed breast These, with the asymmetrical patterns exhibited,
cancer patients and their digital dermatoglyphic heightened developmental sensitivity to
patterns were studied to assess their association extraneous environmental stress". Their findings
with the type and onset of breast cancer. suggested that such persons had poorer genetic
Simultaneously 60 age-matched controls were buffering" and environmental sensitivity
also selected that had no self or familial history of differences could be manifested in clinical
a diagnosed breast cancer and the observations correlative behaviors of anxiety or depression.
were recorded. The differences of qualitative (20)
(dermatoglyphic patterns) data were tested for IV) Dermatoglyphics in Obsessive-
their significance using the chi-square test, and compulsive disorder
for quantitative (ridge counts and pattern Balgir R S et al (2001) studied 50
intensity index) data using the t- test. It was patients with a predisposition to obsessive-
observed that six or more whorls in the finger compulsive disorder and compared with 50
print pattern were statistically significant among healthy individuals. They concluded that the
the cancer patients as compared to controls. It study group showed a significant increase in the
was also seen that whorls in the right ring finger ulnar loop with a ridge count of 2-3 on the
and right little finger were found increased forefinger or any other finger, and a proximal
among the cases as compared to controls. The crease on the palm with a line running right cross
differences between mean pattern intensity index compared to control group. (21)
of cases and controls were found to be V) Dermatoglyphics in Diabetes mellitus
statistically significant. Thus they concluded that Bets LV et al (1994) studied
the dermatoglyphic patterns may be utilized dermatoglyphic patterns among a group of
effectively to study the genetic basis of breast Russian children with clinically diagnosed
diabetes mellitus. Pattern asymmetry was

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observed in children of both sexes compared to There was a significant difference (p<O.O5)
control group. The examined population was between the control group and persons with CLP
characterized by reduced incidence of loop by count of all triradii (controls-98%, CLP-
patterns. (22) 87.3%), the main line A ended more often in
Ravindranath R et al (1995) studied Total fields 5' and 5" in persons with CLP in
finger ridge count, absolute finger ridge count comparison with their parents and there were
and finger print pattern in 150 maturity onset significantly more arches, double loops and ulnar
diabetes mellitus patients and compared to 120 loops in with CLP than in control dermatograms.
controls. Significant findings were: in males, with (21)
both hands combined and separately (i) an Scott NM et al (2005) studied dermatoglyphic
increase in radial and ulnar loops and arches (ii) prints from individuals with non-syndromic CL/P
A decrease in whorls. (iii) In females, an increase (n = 460) and their unaffected relatives (n = 254)
in ulnar loops and a decrease in whorls in the left from the Philippines and China. For both
hand were observed. (23) samples three raters designated the patterns as
Vera M et al (1995) studied hand and arch, ulnar loop, radial loop, and whorl. Chi-
palm dermatoglyphics in 158 insulin-dependent square analysis and standard ANOVA were used
diabetic children. The findings in this group were to investigate heterogeneity between subjects.
compared with those in 400 control subjects, with The significant associations between particular
a similar racial distribution. The main pattern types and CL/P were not the same in
dermatoglyphic alterations found in diabetic both populations. An increased radial and ulnar
patients were an increase in the number of t'- loop were observed in Cleft lip and palate
axial triradii and ulnar loops. (24) patients. (27)
R. S. Bali et al (2005) studied Mathew L et al (2005) studied
dermatoglyphic patterns of 108 male and 65 dermatoglyphic patterns of 100 children between
female patients diagnosed as diabetes mellitus. age of 5-15 years with no difference between
The control population consisted of 536 males sexes of which 50 consisted of the study group
and 234 females from the same population. Their (nonsyndromic children with oral clefts) and
results showed an increase in the ulnar loop remaining 50 consisted of control group ( healthy
patterns among diabetes mellitus patients children without any anomalies). Bilateral finger
compared to control population. (25) prints were collected and analysed. It was
Barta et al (2006) studied Dermatoglyphic observed that oral cleft individuals had an
features of 180 adults with diabetes mellitus. increased frequency of ulnar loops as the ridge
They found that the loop patterns and arch configuration as compared to control group. (28)
pattern was mostly seen on the thumb in Balgir R S (2006) studied dermatoglyphic
diabetes mellitus patients compared to healthy characteristics of sixty nine cases of cleft lip with
individuals.(26) or without cleft palate and twenty eight isolated
VI) Dermatoglyphics in cleft lip and cleft cleft palate cases. They were evaluated for finger
palate. patterns, digital patterns, interdigital patterns,
Egle Zarakauskaite et al (2004), in their types of C- and D-line. It showed variations in
case control study, suggested that there are patients and controls. Wider 'atd' angle (more
some significant dermatoglyphic peculiarities in than 30 degrees) and dermatoglyphic asymmetry
persons with cleft lip and/or cleft palate (CLP) in were noted in the patient groups. There was also
comparison with control group. The patterns on a significant increase in the ulnar loop, arch
thenar eminence in hands of those with CLP patterns among the cleft palate patients. (19)
were six times rarer than in controls (p<O.O5).

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VII) Dermatoglyphics study in Myocardial the atopic group than in the control group.
Infarction patients. However, atopic patients with hand dermatitis
F. Jalali et al (2002) studied the relation had, on the average, a greater number of whorl
between the dermatoglyphic patterns of pattern than did the control patients have.
myocardial infarction patients. A multi-centre (32)Rodewald A (2005) studied finger, palmar,
cross-sectional study was conducted among 900 and plantar prints of 8 males with X-linked
patients diagnosed with myocardial infarction. hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED), 8
The control group consisted of 900 subjects. In carrier mothers, 7 sisters, and 1 carrier
patients group, the distribution of dermatoglyphic grandmother and compared them with data from
pattern was 7.2 % arch type, 46.8 % loop type, 552 controls. The patients with HED and the
and 46% whorl type of fingerprints. In contrast, in carrier females had higher incidence of arches
the control group, they were 3.7%, 50.7% and on the fingertips, of t" triradii, of hypothenar
45.5% respectively. This result showed a patterns (especially ulnar loops), and of
statistical significant increase in the rate of arch transversal direction of the main lines on the
type fingerprints in patients with MI roughly two palms than the control individuals had. The
times. Also, in subgroup analysis, the percentage affected males were also characterized by
of arch type was significantly increased in left severe hypoplasia and/or dysplasia of the dermal
thumb, left forefinger and left ring finger among ridges ("ridge flattening"); the carrier females
cases (P < 0. 0001).Their finding indicated that also showed ridge flattening and hypoplasia.
there is a significant relation between the arch (33)Kargl B et al (2006) studied
types of fingerprint and the risk of MI. (29) dermatoglyphic patterns in 3 hypohidrotic
VIII) Dermatoglyphics in Genodermatosis. ectodermal dysplasia (HED) patients and
Kuklin VT (2001) studied the ratios between compared them with 45 controls. This clinical
dermatoglyphic patterns of different types in evaluation (intraoral and radiological), genetic
males and females with and without hereditary findings, dermatoglyphic patterns were analysed.
diseases of the skin. It was found that ridge The HED patients had a higher incidence of ulnar
patterns of fingers were determined by special loop patterns compared to the controls. (34).
polygenes. Patients with monogenic dermatoses IX) Dermatoglyphics in Dental caries.
(X-linked ichthyosis and autosomal recessive Metin Atasu (1992) studied dermatoglyphic
ichthyosiform erythroderma) exhibited a configurations in caries-free students and the
suppressed formation of the loop pattern students with extensive caries and found there
compared to the control subjects. (30).Blackwell was significant difference in dermatoglyphic
D (2002) studied palmar and fingerprints of 70 patterns in these two groups. In other words
patients with Darier's disease and 409 normal caries free students had more ulnar loops on the
controls. The dermatoglyphic characteristics of fingertips and the students with extensive caries
each group were determined and comparisons had more whorls on the finger tips. The role of
were made between them. Dermatoglyphic heredity in dental caries has been shown in this
abnormalities were found. There was a study. (35)
significant increase in the ulnar loop pattern A Sharma, R Somani studied to determine if
among the Dariers disease patients. (31) there is any significant correlation between
Cusumano D (2003) studied fingertip salivary bacteria interactions, dermatoglyphics,
dermatoglyphic patterns of forty-five patients with and dental caries. They found highly significant
atopic dermatitis and compared them to those of difference in loops between the subject ( caries)
sixty healthy individuals. The average number of and control groups , since the observed value
whorl pattern detected was significantly higher in ( Z cal = 7.9762, 4.0248) was more than the

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standard value ( Z tab = 3.79) at P < 0.001 and groups for dermatoglyphics, and S
also observed significant difference between mutans levels(36).
subject and control groups for microbial growth Dermatoglyphics in Malocclusion
since the observed value ( Z cal = 2.43, 2.09, S Tikare et al from their study observed that
2.29, 2.61) was more than the standard value Dermatoglyphics might be an appropriate marker
( Z tab = 1.96) at P < 0.05.The results of the for malocclusion and further studies are required
study inferred that there existed a statistically to elucidate an association between fingerprint
significant difference between subject and control patterns and malocclusion.(37)


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