Artigo Do Leme Agostinho Enviado - 13julho
Artigo Do Leme Agostinho Enviado - 13julho
Artigo Do Leme Agostinho Enviado - 13julho
The purpose of the experiment presented in this paper is to quantify the viscosity of a liquid. Viscosity
is a measure of fluid resistance to motion. Viscous forces oppose the motion of one portion of a fluid
relative to another. Viscous effects are important in the flow of fluids in pipes, in the blood stream, in
the lubrication of engine parts and in many other situations. In the present paper, the authors explain
the oscillations of a physical pendulum, in the form of a long and lightweight wire that carries a ball at
its lower end, which is totally immersed in water, so as to determine the water viscosity. The system
used represents a viscous damped pendulum and we tried different theoretical models to describe it.
The experimental part of the present paper is based on a very simple and low cost capturing image
apparatus that can be easily replicated in a physics classroom.
Data on pendulums amplitude as a function of time were acquired using digital video analysis with
Open Source software, Tracker.
Oscillations and harmonic motion are important in Physics and Engineering. Oscillating water
columns1, swinging pendulums2, masses attached to springs3,4,5and other methods6, are the most
widely used examples. Collection and analysis of the experimental data are normally done using of
potentiometers2, force sensors3,4,5, webcams6, photocells7 and photosensors8.
The differential equation of the oscillatory motion in the tangential direction, , considering viscous damping, is
derived using Newtons second law of motion, :
where represents the tangential acceleration. Equation (4) can be expressed in terms of the deflection angle, ,
( ) (5)
( ) ( ) (6)
For small angular displacement, the deflection angle, , is very small and .
The sphere position, represented by , is measured along the arc. Because , for small deflection angle,
and .
Thus, for small , the sphere oscillates almost in the horizontal direction and equation (6), that describes the
spheres motion through the fluid, can be simplified to:
( ) (7)
The spheres oscillating motion depends on the drag force, . This force depends on the spheres velocity. The
Reynolds number (Re) can be used to relate viscosity of the fluid with the spheres velocity:
where is the fluid viscosity and is the relative speed between the fluid and the sphere.
Depending on the value of Reynolds number, different considerations can be taken into account to analyze the
motion. These considerations are well explained in a publication by J J Mendoza-Arenas, et al. [4], where the
use of different approaches to study the oscillating motion and calculate the fluids viscosity led to the three
different methods described in the Appendices to this paper and which we used to determine viscosity, as
Method I Stokes law uses a term that is proportional to the spheres speed, ;
Method II LandauLifshitz model uses a much more complicated expression for than Method I
and should give better results in terms of calculating the fluid viscosity;
Method III LandauLifshitz model + corrective term, uses a similar approach to Method II but takes
into account the relative dimensions of the sphere and the liquid container.
The difference between the three models is the drag force term, , in equation (7). The derivations of the three
methods are presented in the Appendices.
Experimental Set-up
An experiment set-up was used to measure the viscosity based on the above models. As shown in Fig.2. a steel
sphere with a (19.04 0.01) mm in diameter and having a mass of (28.343 0.001) g is firmly attached to a
rigid and lightweight wire of 2.8 m length. The wire has a mass of 1.201 g 24 times less than the mass of the
sphere, .
This pendulum is immersed inside a cylindrical container, containing 650 mL of tap water. The container
diameter is D = (111.12 0.01) mm and height is (70.920.01) mm, at a temperature of 19.0 C. We measured
the mass of the volume of the water, thus obtaining the value of 998 kg/m3 for its density.
The pendulum is placed in horizontal oscillation and a digital camera (Canon PowerShot A550) acquires a time
series of frames (about 720 frames), equivalent to 30 s of a digital movie, which corresponds to a nominal frame
acquisition rate of 24 frames per second. It is important to set the camera so as to only capture the horizontal
displacement in the x-direction. Using this digital video, it is possible to obtain the horizontal displacement, ,
around its equilibrium position as a function of time.
Sphere oscillates into and
out of page
Container (PVC)
Sphere ()
Fluid (water)
The video analysis was done using Tracker video analyzer. Tracker is a free video analysis and a modeling
tool built on the Open Source Physics (OSP) Java framework. The Autotracker option allows collection of
position coordinate data (pixel-x) and the oscillation time. This way, we removed much of the tedium often
involved in such an experiment. The data were analyzed/plotted using commercially available software9 and
also the fitting curve to equation (14) (Appendices), so as to obtain the values of the parameters (frequency)
and b (drag coefficient).
Using equations (12), (18) and (20) (Appendices) it is possible to calculate the viscosity of the water for the
three models. The average viscosity and standard deviation were obtained from seven trials.
Data Analyses
Erro! A origem da referncia no foi encontrada.Fig.3 shows the experimental results of sphere oscillation
(points) versus time for the immersed sphere in tap water. The curve fit to the theoretical models given by
equation (14) (Appendices) is also shown in Fig.3.
Fig. 2. Data from a single trial are shown, damped simple harmonic oscillation versus time (dots).
Parameter values according to fit (solid curve) are:
amplitude A, given by A = (27.520.06) pixel-x,
phase , given by o = (4.6410.002) rad,
angular frequency , given by w = 1.58450.0002 rad s-1,
damping constant b, given by b = (0.03720.0002) s-1.
The adjusted R-squared obtained was 0.9985.
The maximum speed measured was 1.02x10-2 m s-1 and the Re values were calculated to be less than 190, but
greater than 1, so, according to considerations of equation (9) (Appendices), Stokes law and Method I should
not be applicable.
The fitting coefficients A (amplitude), b (damping constant), (angular frequency and (phase) are shown in
table I, for 7 trials.
Trial A b Correlation
(pixel-x) (s-1) (rad s-1) (rad) coefficient
1 27.520.06 0.03720.0002 0.9985
2 23.980.04 0.03510.0001 0.9991
3 24.870.03 0.03530.0001 0.9997
4 26.950.05 0.03530.0001 0.9991
5 23.900.10 0.03390.0004 0.9944
6 31.870.04 0.03660.0001 0.9995
7 42.510.05 0.03850.0001 0.9997
For all trials, the sphere was release from a distance less than its diameter to get very low amplitude oscillations.
Viscosity is calculated using Methods I, II and III are shown in table II.
In Appendices we show one example of how to determine viscosity from the fitting coefficients.
Table II. Viscosities obtained for the tap water using the three models.
The same method was used in seven trials for liquid ethanol 70% V/V, at 19.4 C. The values obtained for the
mean viscosity and standard deviation of the experimental data for the viscosities were:
Method I Stokes law: (0.01780.0006) Pa.s,
Method II LandauLifshitz: (0.00410.0002) Pa.s
Method III Landau-Lifshitz +corrective term: (0.00250.0002) Pa.s
We can see that the viscosity obtained experimentally (19.4 C) was (0.00250.0002) Pa.s, which is within
the accepted range, for the 70%V/V ethanol.
A conventional digital camera and computer software were used to study the damped harmonic motion of an
underwater pendulum oscillating in tap water to measure fluid viscosity.
The underwater pendulum is a useful and simple system to run at different levels of education and for
applications in the classroom, allowing the study of laws about damped harmonic motion. The experiment is
very easy to perform and requires inexpensive materials, besides a video camera, although a webcam or a
smartphone can be used instead.
The automated methods of data collection remove much of the tedium associated with video analysis, and allow
accurate measurements by students. Three models were used to estimate fluid viscosity. One estimate was
obtained by Stokes law, the other by Landau-Lifshitz model equations and another was determined by Landau-
Lifshitz with a corrective term.
The Landau-Lifshitz with a corrective term model gives the best values for viscosity: 1.00x10-3 Pa.s for distilled
water at 19 C and 0.0025 Pa.s, for ethanol 70%V/V a 19.4 C.
We suggest applying the immersed pendulum method to other fluids, such as glycerin, motor oil and up in the
air as well, and analyze the movement by video analysis. These kinds of studies help students to understand the
application of theoretical physics models in real applications and the method presented here enables the study of
a wide variety of sphere-fluid combinations for Reynolds numbers ragging from 1 to 190.
Were very grateful to English teachers, Alexandrina Vila Franca and Fernanda Maria de Oliveira, for helping
us translate this paper.
For small amplitude oscillations, some authors take into account the drag force (damping force), which is
proportional to the velocity12,13,14.
For small Reynolds numbers , the drag force is proportional to speed, , and it is given by Stokes law:
We will use Stokes law for modelling the oscillatory system, as a first approximation, and then verify if this
model gives acceptable results for the fluid viscosity.
If we substitute equation (9) in equation (7), and divide all by we get:
( ) ( ) (10)
where is the natural frequency of the harmonic oscillator and b is the damping constant. These constants are
given by:
The solution of equation (11) depends on the relation between and b15.
For oscillations in a low viscosity medium, such as water, and the general solution of equation (11)
where A, and are the amplitude, phase and angular frequency, respectively.
The body has an underdamped simple harmonic motion4,6,16,17 and the oscillation frequency of the damped
oscillator differs from its natural frequency and it is given by:
It was concluded by previous papers3,14,18 that Stokes law has limitations. In fact, the obtained viscosities are
much greater than the real ones, for oscillation movements. This limitation is due to the fact Stokes law requires
not only a small Reynolds number but also a stationary motion19, which doesnt happen in the damped
oscillatory case.
Lev Landau and Evgeny Lifshitz developed the theory for a mass that oscillates in a container of infinite
dimensions and with a small amplitude, compared to the size of the object (diameter, ), even when Reynolds
number is large. In our study, these conditions are assumed to, since amplitude A 4.2 mm and diameter d =
19.04 mm. The drag force is given by:19,20
( ) ( ) (16)
In the above equation, the first term on the right represents the velocity-dependent viscous drag. At zero
frequency, the term reduces to Stokes law. The second term, which contains the acceleration as a factor,
represents an inertial force, due to the fluid that moves together with the sphere and denotes the penetration
depth defined by:
The penetration depth is used as estimate of the thickness of the boundary layer around the sphere.
If we substitute equation (16) in equation (7), we get an equation with a solution in the form of equation (14),
with the damping constant, , given by:
( )
The application of this model should give better values for the viscosity than those given by Stokes law4.
In the case of a finite container it becomes necessary to add the corrective term5,21 to equation (16)
to represent the first order effects of a finite container diameter:
* ( ) ( ) +( ) (19)
where D is the diameter of the cylindrical container. We use this corrective term, from Chen and Wang21,
because it does not depend on the speed. Using this corrective term it is possible to obtain accurate solutions for
the resulting differential equation to predict fluid viscosity.
According to this approach, if we substitute equation (19) in equation (7), the constant damping, , is given by:
( )( )
( ) ( )
In this example we use the values from trial 1 (Table I) to determine waters viscosity using Method II
LandauLifshitz model.
Trial A b Correlation
(pixel) (s-1) (rad s-1) (rad) coefficient
1 27.520.06 0.03720.0002 1.58450.0002 4.6410.002 0.9985
The spheres mass and diameter are, respectively, 0.028343 kg and 0.01904 m. At 19 C, the density of water 10
is 998 kg m-310. Since angular frequency, , is 1.5845 rad s-1, from equation (17) we get:
Substituting the damping constant, = 0.0372 s-1 and equation (21) into equation (18), we get:
( )
( )
( )
Solving equation (22) for viscosity, , we get for waters viscosity: = 1.79x10-3 Pa.s.
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