COMMISSION ON AUDIT CIRCULAR NO. 90-326 February 22, 1990 TO
COMMISSION ON AUDIT CIRCULAR NO. 90-326 February 22, 1990 TO
COMMISSION ON AUDIT CIRCULAR NO. 90-326 February 22, 1990 TO
1.0 Purpose
2.0 Coverage
This Circular shall cover all funds appropriated in the General Appropriations Act.
(GAA), Public Works Acts and other departments, bureaus and offices. It shall also
cover all other funds deposited with the National Treasury whether or not requiring
special budgets, including Special Accounts maintained by national government agencies
and government corporations.
3.0 Exemptions
3.1 Revolving Fund transactions for business-type activities and trust receipts
authorized to be deposited with the government depository banks.
3.4 Agency requirements directly drawn against the Special Account (Working Fund)
maintained by the Bureau of the Treasury (BTR) with the Central Bank of the
Philippines (CBP).
4.0 Guidelines
4.1 The operations of the New Disbursement System (NDS) prescribed under COA-
DBM-DOF Joint Circular No. 4-86 as amended, shall be discontinued effective
March 1, 1990.
4.2 The balance per books as of February 28, 1990 of all deposit accounts under the
NDS shall be withdrawn and remitted to the National Treasury. Such withdrawal
and remittance shall be covered by a duly approved Disbursement Voucher, and a
Remittance Advice, respectively.
4.3 Any balance per bank of the NDS accounts six months after the implementation
of the MDS shall be closed thru the issuance of a manager's check by CSB upon
request of the agency concerned. An Official Receipt shall be issued for the
amount of the manager's check which will be deposited with the National
4.4 The Notice of Allocation (NOA) issued by the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) to the agency shall be recorded as memorandum entry in the
Allocation and Utilization Control Sheet (AUCS), form attached (Exhibit A-1 to A-
4), to be maintained by both the Accounting and Cashiering Divisions/Units.
4.5 The Accounting Division/Unit shall record utilization in the AUCS based on the
Report of Checks Issued received from the Cashier. This will be the basis in
preparing the Monthly Statement of Allocation and Utilization to be submitted to
DBM. The Cashiering Unit, on the other hand, shall record the utilization based on
the total of the Advice of Checks Issued and Cancelled which shall be entered
immediately in order to monitor the balance of allocation on a daily basis.
4.6 The cumulative totals of the allocations and utilization shall be indicated on the
last page of the Trial Balance immediately after the grand totals in the following
Grand Total :P xxx :P xxx :P xxx :P xxx
Cumulative Total
of Allocation - P xxx
Less: Cumulative
Total of Utilization xxx
Balance P xxx
4.7 Government agencies previously issuing Treasury Warrants Type "A" for salaries
of their personnel shall draw an MDS check for deposit to a special checking
account of the agency with a government servicing bank (GSB) against which
commercial checks shall be drawn.
4.8 ROs shall release funds to Provincial Offices (POs)/Operating Units (OUs) not
receiving NOA directly from DBM, by issuing separate funding checks (MDS
checks) for each allotment class. The POs/OUs shall deposit the checks shall be
4.9 COs receiving the A/A and NOA for projects/operations implemented by ROs shall
issue funding checks to the RO which shall deposit the amount to a separate
current account with the CSB against which commercial checks shall be drawn.
4.10 All MDS and commercial checks shall be covered by duly approved Disbursement
Vouchers. These checks except those issued to government employees shall be
crossed and for deposit only.
4.11 Refunds of cash advances and overpayments shall be remitted to the National
Treasury by Offices receiving the NOA directly from the DBM. Those receiving
funding checks shall deposit such refunds in the agency current account with
4.12 Any balance of deposits per books of the POs/OUs corresponding to the
unobligated allotment at the end of the year, shall be withdrawn for remittance to
the National Treasury and covered by a remittance advice. In case the
unobligated allotment is not backed up by cash, no such withdrawal shall be
4.13 Balance of the NOA at the end of the year shall automatically expire and shall no
longer be valid for use in the ensuing year.
4.14 Agencies shall prepare monthly Bank Reconciliation Statements using the forms
attached (Exhibit B for those receiving NOA and Exhibit C for those receiving
funding checks).
4.15 The BTR shall prepare the overall cash reconciliation of the TOP-MDS Accounts.
5.1 For purposes of implementing the Modified Disbursement System, the following
accounts are hereby prescribed/modified:
Books of Agency
Books of BTR
Agency deposits
Books of Agency
All Circulars, memoranda, or other issuance which are inconsistent with this Circular
are hereby rescinded, repealed and/or modified accordingly.
Cases not covered by this Circular shall be referred to the Accountancy Office, this
8.0 Effectivity