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The Role of Indian Judiciary in Protection of Environment in India

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The Role of Indian

Judiciary in Protection Of
Environment in India


Meaning of environment
Need for environmental law
Judicial remedies for environmental pollution
Some remarkable principles and doctrines
propounded by the Indian judiciary
The constitutional aspects on environmental law
Environmental protection: the judicial approach
Environment is the wellspring of life on earth like water, air, soil, etc., and determines the
presence, development and improvement of humanity and all its activities. The concept of ecological
protection and preservation is not new. It has been intrinsic to many ancient civilizations. Ancient
India texts highlights that it is the dharma of each individual in the society to protect nature and the
term nature includes land, water, trees and animals which are of great importance to us. . In the
Atharva Veda, the ancient Hindu Sceptres stated What of thee I dig out let that quickly grow
over. At the same time, new innovations like, thermal power, atomic plant and so on without any
sufficient natural assurance pose another danger to the situations, the after-effect of which results in
issues like global warming, climate change, acid rain, etc. Moreover, according to pattern of Indian
legislature to make a number of legislations as opposed to addressing the reason for failure and
disappointment, and passing new bills consistently is just like old wine in new bottle. Therefore,
there arises a requirement for a comprehensive analysis of the protection of the environment. In
recent years, there has been a sustained focus on the role played by the higher judiciary in devising
and monitoring the implementation of measures for pollution control, conservation of forests and
wildlife protection. Many of these judicial interventions have been triggered by the persistent
incoherence in policy-making as well as the lack of capacity-building amongst the executive
agencies. Devices such as Public Interest Litigation (PIL) have been prominently relied upon to
tackle environmental problems, and this approach has its supporters as well as critics.

Meaning of Environment
The word environment relates to surroundings. It includes virtually everything. It can be
can defined as anything which may be treated as covering the physical surroundings that are common
to all of us, including air, space, land, water, plants and wildlife. According to the Webster
Dictionary, it is defined as the Aggregate of all the external condition and influences affecting the
life and development of an organism. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 Section 2(a)
environment includes water, air and land and the inter- relationship which exists among and
between water, air and land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and
property. Thus, after analyzing all the above definitions, the basic idea that can be concluded is that
environment means the surroundings in which we live and is essential for our life.
Need for environmental laws
Today we are living in nuclear arena. No one can overlook the harm caused to the
environment by the nuclear bombs, dropped by airplanes belonging to the United States on the
Japanese urban communities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki amid the last phases of World War II in
1945. Day to day innovation and advancement of technology, apart from development additionally
expands the risk to human life. Accordingly, there arises an intense and an acute need of the law to
keep pace with the need of the society along with individuals. So now the question of environmental
protection is a matter of worldwide concern, it is not confined to any country or territory.

Judicial remedies for environment pollution

The remedies available in India for environmental protection comprise of tortuous as well as
statutory law remedies. The tortuous remedies available are trespass, nuisance, strict liability and
negligence. The statutory remedies incorporates: Citizens suit, e.g., an activity brought under
Section 19 of the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, an activity under area 133, Criminal
Procedure Code, 1973.and and activity brought under the Section 268 for open irritation, under
Indian Penal Code, 1860 Apart from this, a writ petition can be filed under Article 32 in the Supreme
Court of India or under Article 226 in the High Court.

Tortious liability
The Indian judiciary has developed the following tortuous remedies:
1. Damage
In the recent case of Shriram Gas Leak, involving a leakage of Oleum gas which resulted in
substantial environmental harm to the citizens of Delhi, the Apex court held that the quantum of
damages awarded must be proportionate to the capacity and magnitude of the polluter to pay.
However, the Apex Court has deviated from this test in the Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
2. Injunction
The purpose of injunction is to prevent continuous wrong. The grant of perpetual injunction is
governed by Sec.37 to 42 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963.
3. Nuisance
Nuisance means the act which creates hindrance to the enjoyment of the person in form of
smell, air, noise, etc. According to Stephen, nuisance is anything done to hurt or annoyance of lands,
tenements of another and not amounting to trespass.
Nuisance can be divided into two categories:
Private Nuisance It is a substantial and unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment
of ones land.
Public Nuisance It is an unreasonable interference with a general right of the public.
4. Trespass
It means intentional or negligent direct interference with personal or proprietary rights
without lawful excuses.
The two important requirements for trespass are:
1) There must be an intentional or negligent interference with personal or proprietary rights.
2) The interference with the personal or proprietary rights must be direct rather than
5. Negligence
It connotes failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like

Strict Liability
The rule enunciated in Rylands v. Fletcher by Blackburn J. is that the person who for his own
purpose brings on his land and collects and keeps there anything likely to be a mischief, if it escapes,
must keep it as its peril, and if he does not do so is prima facie even though, he will be answerable for
all the damage which is the natural consequence of its escape. The doctrine of strict liability has
considerable utility in environmental pollution cases especially cases dealing with the harm caused
by the leakage of hazardous substances.


1. Doctrine of Absolute Liability
THE BHOPAL CASE: Union Carbide Corporation v. Union Of India
In this case, the court held that, where an enterprise is occupied with an inherently dangerous
or a hazardous activity and harm results to anybody by virtue of a mishap in the operation of such
dangerous or naturally unsafe movement coming about, for instance, in getaway of poisonous gas,
the enterprise is strictly and completely obligated to repay every one of the individuals who are
influenced by the accident and such risk is not subject to any exemptions. Accordingly, Supreme
Court created another trend of Absolute Liability without any exemption.
2. Polluter Pays Principles
If anyone intentionally spoils the water of another let him not only pay damages, but
purify the stream or cistern which contains the water Plato
Polluter Pays Principle has become a very popular concept lately. If you make a mess, its
your duty to clean it up - this is the fundamental basis of this slogan. It should be mentioned that in
environment law, the polluter pays principle does not allude to fault. Instead, it supports a
remedial methodology which is concerned with repairing natural harm. Its a rule in international
environmental law where the polluting party pays for the harm or damage done to the natural
Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum v. Union of India
The Supreme Court has declared that the polluter pays principle is an essential feature of the
sustainable development.

3. Precautionary Principle
The Supreme Court of India, in Vellore Citizens Forum Case, developed the following three
concepts for the precautionary principle: Environmental measures must anticipate, prevent and attack
the causes of environmental degradation Lack of scientific certainty should not be used as a reason
for postponing measures Onus of proof is on the actor to show that his action is benign

4. Public Trust Doctrine

The Public Trust Doctrine primarily rests on the principle that certain resources like air, water,
sea and the forests have such a great importance to people as a whole that it would be wholly
unjustified to make them a subject of private ownership.
M.C.Mehta v. Kamal Nath and Others
The public trust doctrine, as discussed by court in this judgment is a part of the law of the land.

5. Doctrine of Sustainable Development

The World commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in its report prominently
known as the Brundtland Report named after the Chairman of the Commission Ms. GH Brundtland
highlights the concept of sustainable development. As per Brundtland Report, Sustainable
development signifies development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. There is a need for the courts to strike a
balance between development and environment.
Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra v. State of UP
The court for the first time dealt with the issue relating to the environment and development;
and held that, it is always to be remembered that these are the permanent assets of mankind and or
not intended to be exhausted in one generation.
Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum
In this case, the Supreme Court observed that sustainable development has come to be
accepted as a viable concept to eradicate poverty and improve the quality of human life while living
within the carrying capacity of the supporting eco- system.

The Constitutional aspects on environmental law

The Indian Constitution is amongst the few in the world that contains specific provisions
on environment protection. The chapters directive principles of state policy and the fundamental
duties are explicitly enunciated the nation commitment to protect and improve the environment. It
was the first time when responsibility of protection of the environment imposed upon the states
through Constitution (Forty Second Amendment) Act, 1976.
Article 48-A the provision reads as follows: The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the
environment and to safeguard the forest and wildlife of the country.The Amendment also inserted
Part VI-A (Fundamental duty) in the Constitution, which reads as follows:
Article 51-A (g) It shall be duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural
Environment including forests, lakes,, and wildlife and to have compassion for living creature.
In Sachidanand Pandey v. State of West Bengal, the Supreme Court observed whenever a problem
of ecology is brought before the court, the court is bound to bear in mind Article 48- A and Article
51-A (g).

Environmental protection: the judicial approach

There are numbers of the following judgments which clearly highlight the active role of
Judiciary in environmental protection these are follows:

(a) The right to a wholesome environment

Charan Lal Sahu Case
The Supreme Court in this case said, the right to life guaranteed by Article 21 of the
Constitution includes the right to a wholesome environment.
Damodhar Rao v. S. 0. Municipal Corporation Hyderabad
The Court resorted to the Constitutional mandates under Articles 48A and 51A(g) to
support this reasoning and went to the extent of stating that environmental pollution would be a
violation of the fundamental right to life and personal liberty as enshrined in Article 21 of the

(b) Public nuisance: the judicial response

Ratlam Municipal Council v. Vardhichand
The judgment of the Supreme Court in instant case is a land mark in the history of judicial
activism in upholding the social justice component of the rule of law by fixing liability on statutory
authorities to discharge their legal obligation to the people in abating public nuisance and making the
environmental pollution free even if there is a budgetary constraints.,
J. Krishna Iyer observed that, social justice is due to and therefore the people must be able to
Trigger off the jurisdiction vested for their benefit to any public functioning.Thus he recognized PIL
as a Constitutional obligation of the courts.

(c) Judicial relief encompasses compensation to victims

Delhi gas leak case: M.C. Mehta v. Union of India,
In instant case, the Supreme Court laid down two important principles of law:
1) The power of the Supreme Court to grant remedial relief for a proved infringement of a
fundamental right (in case if Article21) includes the power to award compensation.
2) The judgment opened a new frontier in the Indian jurisprudence by introducing a new no
fault liability standard (absolute liability) for industries engaged in hazardous activities which has
brought about radical changes in the liability and compensation laws in India. The new standard
makes hazardous industries absolutely liable from the harm resulting from its activities.

(d) Fundamental right to water

The fundamental right to water has evolved in India, not through legislative action but through
judicial interpretation. In Narmada Bachao Andolan v. Union of India and Ors., the Supreme Court
of India upheld that Water is the basic need for the survival of human beings and is part of the right
to life and human rights as enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution of India and the right to
healthy environment and to sustainable development are fundamental human rights implicit in the
right to life.
Thus, after the analysis of above cases, we find that, the Supreme Court is, at the present time,
stretching the different legal provisions for environmental protection. In this way, the judiciary tries
to fill in the gaps where there is laciness of the legislation. These new innovations and developments
in India by the judicial activism open the numerous approaches to help the country. In India, the
courts are extremely cognizant and cautious about the special nature of environmental rights,
considering that the loss of natural resources cant be renewed.

There are some recommendations which need to be considered.
Public Awareness
In India, media is the fourth pillar of the popular government. It plays an exceptionally
essential and compelling part in the general improvement of the country. The effect of media can be
seen in the different trials directed by it just by publishing them in their media. Accordingly, the issue
of environmental pollution can be checked by making mindfulness in the general population, in
which medias part is extremely critical. The compelling agency of correspondence not just
influences the mind of the individuals but is also capable of developing thoughts and desirable
attitudes of the people for protecting environment.
Regular Inspection
There is a requirement for a standard review apparatus, which can inspect and examine
periodically every one of those exercises which are threatening the environment. This would be a
successful step towards environment protection, since prevention is better than cure.
Environmental Education
There is no means for any law, unless its an effective and successful implementation,
and for effective implementation, public awareness is a crucial condition. Therefore, it is essential
that there ought to be proper awareness. This contention is additionally maintained by the Apex
Court in the instance of M.C. Mehta v. Union of India. In this case, Court directed the Union
Government was obliged to issue directions to all the State governments and the union territories to
enforce through authorities as a condition for license on all cinema halls, to obligatory display free of
expense no less than two slides/messages on environment amid each show. Moreover, Law
Commission of India in its 186th report made a proposal for the constitution of the environment
court. Hence, there is an urgent need to strengthen the hands of judiciary by making separate
environmental courts, with a professional judge to manage the environment cases/criminal acts, so
that the judiciary can perform its part more viably.

The constitution of India, 1950
Environmental law an introduction- S.Shantha Kumar
The role of the judiciary in environmental protection in
former chief justice Mr.K.G.Balakrishnan.
Growth of environmental jurisprudence in India-M.C.Metha

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