Kocku Von Stuckrad Esoteric Discourse and The European History
Kocku Von Stuckrad Esoteric Discourse and The European History
Kocku Von Stuckrad Esoteric Discourse and The European History
E soteric D iscourse and the E uropean H istory of R eligion
K ocku von S tuckrad
E soteric D iscourse and the E uropean H istory of R eligion
K ocku von S tuckrad
E soteric D iscourse and the E uropean H istory of R eligion
I will now turn to the place of esotericism within this conceptual frame
work. My point is that the study of Western esotericism will only bear
fruit if it is linked to the general characteristics of Europeanand, for
modernity, to North American6cultural history. The power of inter
pretation in esotericism research depends on the ability to integrate
various aspects of cultural analysis and interdisciplinary approaches in
our model of explanation.
Esotericism still is a controversial term. Despite the fact that dur
ing the past fifteen years a cornucopia of contributions has led to the
emergence of the research field of Western esotericism, scholars are
still far from agreeing on definitions of esotericism. This does not mean
that there is also fundamental disagreement about the currents and
historical phenomena that scholars think of when they apply the term
esotericism. Most scholars share the opinion that esotericism covers
such currents as Gnosticism, ancient Hermetism, the so-called occult
sciencesnotably astrology, (natural) magic, and alchemy, Christian
mysticism, Renaissance Hermeticism, Jewish and Christian Kabbalah,
Paracelsianism, Rosicrucianism, Christian theosophy, illuminism, nine
teenth-century occultism, traditionalism, and various related currents
up to contemporary New Age spiritualities. All these currents are re
flected in the recent Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism (2005),
which indeed represents the state of the art in esotericism research. The
Dictionarys editor in chief, Wouter J. Hanegraaff, notes that esoteri
cism is understood not as a type of religion or as a structural dimen
sion of it, but as a general label for certain specific currents in Western
culture that display certain similarities and are historically related
(Hanegraaff 2005b: 337). This, of course, is a very vague description.
Even if scholarsfor pragmatic or other reasonsagree on historical
6 The question of whether American cultural and religious history shares the
characteristics of European culture, is much debated. While some scholarsno
tably Burkhard Gladigow and Christoph Auffarthregard American cultural
history as a subchapter of the European history of religion, in my view the
differences are in fact enormous. It is only since the second half of the twenti
eth century that we can talk of a shared cultural and religious space here, par
ticularly through the reception of American New Age culture in Europe. For
early modernity and also for Romanticism, the characteristics found in Europe
should not be transferred to North America.
K ocku von S tuckrad
E soteric D iscourse and the E uropean H istory of R eligion
7 The difficulties with the notion of spiritual alchemy and its making up to rep
resent alchemy in general (mainly through the religionist psychology of C. G.
Jung) are discussed in Principe & Newman 2001.
K ocku von S tuckrad
E soteric D iscourse and the E uropean H istory of R eligion
K ocku von S tuckrad
11 Die Kategorie des Monotheismus, die Assmann postuliert, ist eine Abstraktion
bzw. genauer ein Popanz, den es historisch so nie gegeben hat und dessen ge
E soteric D iscourse and the E uropean H istory of R eligion
K ocku von S tuckrad
Esoteric Structures
15 On a critical evaluation of the term tradition in the study of religion see von
Stuckrad 2005b.
16 Valuable for this discussion is Wolfson 1999; see particularly Wolfsons intro
duction to the volume.
E soteric D iscourse and the E uropean H istory of R eligion
K ocku von S tuckrad
Concluding Remarks
E soteric D iscourse and the E uropean H istory of R eligion
K ocku von S tuckrad
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K ocku von S tuckrad