Attributes of An Ideal Graduate
Attributes of An Ideal Graduate
Attributes of An Ideal Graduate
The ideal graduate is a Christian, Competent, Confident, Compassionate, Critical and Creative FUTURE
LEADER- Concerned toward the marginalized, steward of the Environment, and Committed to Serving
the Common God.
To understand to attributes of our ideal graduates completely and wholeheartedly, the following
definitions are provided:
Christian Manifest the true faithfulness and love for God Almighty through catholic
devotion and teachings.
Competent thoroughly knowledgeable and skilled in his/ her chosen field of study; informed
about issues; and more importantly, can be counted upon to handle obligations
and responsibilities efficiently and effectively.
Compassionate Has love for others and shows deep empathy and contemplation on the plight of
the last, the least, and the lost.
Creative and Critical Uses his/her mental abilities to reflect and analyze about people, things, and
situations and acts creatively to solve problems to improve the quality of life.
Future Leader Initiates change for the common good and influence others to contribute and be
responsible members of every community of which he/she is part; He/she is a
proud Filipino.
Concerned towards More than just being competent and confident, is deeply concerned about what
the Marginalized is happening and how this affects lives of not only his/her immediate circle of
family and friends but also of those who are less-privileged.
Steward of the Has profound awareness of protecting and preserving Mother Nature; commits to
Environment activities that would conserve the environment for future generations.
Committed Recognizes that he/she is responsible not only for himself/herself but for others
as well; whose concern for others translates itself into active and committed
service to his/her community.