Policy Subfield PHD Reading List May2016 2
Policy Subfield PHD Reading List May2016 2
Policy Subfield PHD Reading List May2016 2
Lowi, Ted. (1979). The End of Liberalism. New York: W.W. Norton and Co. Chapters 1, 2, and 6.
Hacker, Jacob and Paul Pierson. (2014). After the Master Theory: Downs, Schattschneider, and
the Rebirth of Policy-Focused Analysis, Perspectives on Politics 12 (3), 643-662.
Pierson, Paul. (2005). The Study of Policy Development, Journal of Policy History 1, 34-51.
Sabatier, Paul A. and Chris Weible, Eds. (2014). Theories of the Policy Process, Third Edition.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Stone, Deborah. (2002). Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making. New York: W.W.
Dahl, Robert A. (1961). Who Governs, Democracy and Power in an American City. New Haven,
CT: Yale University Press.
Lasswell, Harold Dwight. (1950). Politics: Who Gets What, When, How. New York: P. Smith.
Lasswell, Harold Dwight. (1971). A Pre-view of Policy Sciences. Elsevier publishing company.
Lindblom, Charles. (1959). The Science of Muddling Through, Public Administration Review
19, 79-88.
Lipsky, Michael. (2010). Street-Level Bureaucracy, 30th Ann. Ed.: Dilemmas of the Individual in
Public Service: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Service. New York: Russell Sage
Lowi, Ted. (1972). Four Systems of Policy, Politics, and Choice, Public Administration Review
March, J. G. and J. P. Olsen, J. P. (1984). The New Institutionalism: Organizational Factors in
Political Life, American Political Science Review 78, 734-49).
Ostrom, Elinor. (2015). Governing the Commons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schattschneider, E.E. (1960). The Semi-sovereign people: A Realists View of Democracy in
America. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Stiglitz, Joseph. (1988). The Private Uses of Public Interests: Incentives and Institutions, Journal
of Economic Perspective 12, 3-22.
Adler, E. Scott, and John D. Wilkerson. (2012). Congress and the Politics of Problem Solving. New
York: Cambridge University Press.
Baumgartner, Frank. R. and Bryan Jones. (2009). Agendas and Instability in American Politics (2nd
ed). Chicago: University of Chicago.
Baumgartner, Frank, J. Berry, M. Hojnacki, D. Kimball, and B. Leech. (2009). Lobbying and Policy
Change: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Bennett, Colin and Michael Howlett. (1992). The Lessons of Learning: Reconciling Theories of
Policy Learning and Policy Change, Policy Sciences 25 (August), 275-294.
Birkland, Thomas. (1998). Focusing Events, Mobilization, and Agenda Setting, Journal of Public
Policy 18, 53-74.
Boscarino, Jessica. (2009). Surfing for Problems: Advocacy Group Strategy in Forest Policy,
Policy Studies Journal 27, 415-435.
Boydstun, Amber E. (2013). Making the News: Politics, the Media, and Agenda Setting. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Cobb, Roger W. & Charles Elder. (1983). Participation in American Politics: The Dynamics
ofAgenda-building. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Cohen, Jeffrey E. (2012). The Presidents Legislative Policy Agenda, 17892002. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Denzau, A. T. and M. C. Munger, M. C. (1986). Legislators and Interest Groups: How Unorganized
Interests Get Represented, The American Political Science Review 80, 89-106.
Downs, Anthony. (1972). Up and Down with Ecology: The Issue Attention Cycle, Public Interest
28, 38-50.
Edwards and Wood. (1999). Who Influences Whom? The President, Congress, and the Media,
American Political Science Review 93, 327-346.
Egan, Patrick. (2013). Partisan Priorities: How Issue Ownership Drives and Distorts American
Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Gaventa, John. (1980). Power and Powerlessness: Quiescence and Rebellion in an Appalachian
Valley. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Grossman, Matt and David A. Hopkins. (2015). Ideological Republicans and Group Interest
Democrats: The Asymmetry of American Party Politics. Perspectives on Politics 13 (March),
Hilgartner and Bosk. (1988). The Rise and Fall of Social Problems: A Public Arenas Model, The
American Journal of Sociology 94, 53-78.
Jochim, Ashley and Peter May. (2010). Beyond Subsystems: Policy Regimes and Governance,
Policy Studies Journal 38, 303-27.
John, Peter. (2003). Is There Life after Policy Streams, Advocacy Coalitions, and Punctuations:
Using Evolutionary Theory to Explain Policy Change? Policy Studies Journal 31 (4), 481-498.
John Kingdon. (2010). Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies, Updated Second Edition.
Longman Press.
Lieberman, Ideas, Institutions, and Political Order: Explaining Political Change, American
Political Science Review 96 (December 2002) 697-712.
May, Peter. (1992). Policy Learning and Failure, Journal of Public Policy 12, 331-354.
May, Peter, J. Sapotichne, and S. Workman. (2006). Policy Coherence and Policy Domains,
Policy Studies Journal 34, 381-403.
Cox, Gary W. and M. McCubbins. (2001). The Institutional Determinants of Economic Policy
Outcomes. In Presidents, Parliaments and Policy, edited by Stephan Haggard and Mathew D.
McCubbins, chapter 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Miller, Lisa. The Representational Biases of Federalism: Scope and Bias in the Political Process,
Revisited, Perspectives on Politics 5 (2), 305-321.
Mucciaroni, Gary. (1995). Reversals of Fortune: Public Policy and Private Interest. Washington,
DC: Brookings Institution Press. [Chapters 1 & 2]
Pralle, Sarah. (2003). Venue Shopping: Political Strategy and Policy Change: The
Internationalization of Canadian Forest Advocacy, Journal of Public Policy 23, 233-260.
Rochefort, David A. and Roger W. Cobb. (1994). The Politics of Problem Definition: Shaping the
Policy Agenda. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press.
Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith. (1993). Policy Change and Learning: An Advocacy Coalition Approach.
Boulder: Westview Press.
Volden, Craig. (2006). States as Policy Laboratories: Emulating Success in the Children's Health
Insurance Program." American Journal of Political Science 50, no. 2 (2006): 294-312.
Benjamin Page and Robert Shapiro. (1983). Effects of Public Opinion on Policy, American
Political Science Review 77, 175190.
Burstein, Paul. (2014). American Public Opinion, Advocacy, and Policy in Congress. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Hobolt, Sara B. and Robert Klemmensen. (2008). Government Responsiveness and Political
Competition in Comparative Perspective, Comparative Political Studies 41 (3), 309-337.
Gilens, Martin and Benjamin Page. (2014). Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest
Groups, and Average Citizens, Perspectives on Politics, September 12 (3): 564-581.
Bryan Jones, Heather Larsen-Price, and John Wilkerson, Representation and American Governing
Institutions. Journal of Politics 71, 2009: 277-290.
V. Policy Implementation
Bemelmans-Videc, Marie-Louise, Ray C. Rist, and Evert Oskar Vedung, eds. (2011). Carrots,
Sticks, and Sermons: PolicyIinstruments and Their Evaluation. Vol. 1. Transaction Publishers.
DeLeon, Peter, and Linda DeLeon. (2002). Whatever Happened to Policy Implementation? An
Alternative Approach. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART, 467-
Elmore, Richard. (1980). Backward Mapping: Implementation Research and Policy Decisions,
Political Science Quarterly 94, 601616.
Lin, Ann Chih (2002). Reform in the Making: The Implementation of Social Policy in Prison.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Mazmanian, Daniel, and Paul Sabatier. (1983). Implementation and Public Policy. Glenview, Ill.:
Scott, Foresman.
McCubbins, Mathew D., and Thomas Schwartz. (1984). Congressional Oversight Overlooked:
Police Patrols Versus Fire Alarms. American Journal of Political Science, 165-179.
Pressman, Jeffrey and A. Wildavsky. (1983). Implementation. University of California Press.
[Chapters 1-3 and 5]
Robinson, Scott E. (2006). A Decade of Treating Networks Seriously." Policy Studies Journal 34,
(4), 589-598.
Salamon, Lester M., ed. (2002). The Tools of Government: A Guide to the New Governance. Oxford
University Press.
Tendler, Judith. (1997). Good Government in the Tropics. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University
Press. [Chapters 1 and 3.]
Wilson, James. (1989) Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It. New
York: Basic Books.
Wood, B. Dan, and Richard W. Waterman. (1991). The Dynamics of Political Control of the
Bureaucracy, American Political Science Review 85 (September), 801828.
Campbell, Andrea. (2002). Self-Interest, Social Security, and the Distinctive Participation Patterns
of Senior Citizens, American Political Science Review 96, 565-574.
Patrick Flavin and John Griffin. (2009). Policy, Preferences, and Participation: Government's
Impact on Democratic Citizenship, Journal of Politics 71 (2), 544-559
Hacker, Jacob. (2004). Privatizing Risk Without Privatizing the Welfare State, American Political
Science Review 98 (May), 243-60.
Lieberman. (1995). Social Construction (cont) and response, American Political Science Review
89 (June), 437-446.
Pierson, Paul. (1993). When Effect Becomes Cause: Policy Feedback and Political Change, World
Politics 45 (July 1993): 594-628.
Martin, Cathie Jo. (1995). Nature or Nurture? Sources of Firm Preference for National Health
Reform. American Political Science Review 89 (4), 898-913.
Mettler, Suzanne and Joe Soss. (2004). The Consequences of Public Policy for Democratic
Citizenship: Bridging Policy Studies and Mass Politics, Perspectives on Politics (March), 55-
Mettler, Suzanne. (2005). Soldiers to Citizens: The G.I. Bill and the Making of the Greatest
Generation. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [Introduction and Chapters 6, 7, 8 & 10.]
Oberg, PerOla, Martin Lundin, and Jonas Thelander, Political Power and Policy Design: Why Are
Policy Alternatives Constrained? Policy Studies Journal 43 (1), 2015: 93-114.
Patashnik, Eric. (2003). After the Public Interest Prevails: The Political Sustainability of Policy
Reform. Governance 16 (2), 203-234.
Jordan Ragusa. (2010). The Lifecycle of Public Policy: An Event History Analysis of Repeals to
Landmark Legislative Enactments, 1951-2006, American Politics Research 38 (6), 1015-1051.
Schneider, Anne and Helen Ingram. (1993). Social Construction of Target Populations:
Implications for Politics and Policy, American Political Science Review 87, 334-47.
Schneider, Anne and Helen Ingram. (1997). Policy Design for Democracy. Lawrence, KS:
University Press of Kansas.
Soss, Joe et. al. (2008). The Color of Devolution: Race, Federalism, and the Politics of Social
Control, American Journal of Political Science 52 (July), 536-53.
Soss, Joe and Sanford F. Schram (2007). A Public Transformed? Welfare Reform as Policy
Feedback, The American Political Science Review 101 (February), 111-27.