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Drinking Water Standards

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(BIS: IS: 10500, 1991)

S. No. Parameters Prescribed limits Probable effects

Desirable Permissible
1 COLOUR (HAZEN UNIT) 5 25 Aesthetically undesirable.
2 ODOUR Essentially free Aesthetically undesirable.
3 TASTE Agreeable Aesthetically undesirable.
4 TURBIDITY (NTU) 5 10 Indicates pollution/ contamination.
5 pH 6.5 8.5 Affects taste, corrosivity & supply
6 HARDNESS, as CaCO3, mg/l 300 600 Causes scaling, excessive soap
consumption, calcification of arteries.
7 IRON, as Fe , mg/l 0.30 1.00 Causes staining of laundry and
porcelain. In traces it is essential for
8 CHLORIDE, as Cl , mg/l 250 1000 May be injurious to heart or kidney
patients. Taste, indigestion,
corrosion & palatability are affected.
9 RESIDUAL CHLORINE, only when 0.20 - Excessive chlorination causes
asthma, colitis & eczema
Water is chlorinated
10 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS, mg/l 500 2000 May cause gastro-intestinal irritation,
corrosion and laxative effect to new
11 CALCIUM, as Ca, mg/l 75 200 Excessive Cause incrustation,
deficiency causes rickets, essential
for nervous, muscular, cardiac
functions and in coagulation of blood.
12 MAGNESIUM, as Mg, mg/l 30 100 Its salts are cathartics and
diuretic. Excessive may cause
laxative effect; deficiency causes
structural and functional changes. It
is activator of many enzyme
13 COPPER, as Cu, mg/l 0.05 1.50 Beneficial in human metabolism,
deficiency results in nutritional
anaemia in infants. Large amounts
may result in liver damage, causes
central nervous system irritation &
depression. Enhances corrosion of Al
in water supply systems.
14 SULPHATE, as SO4,mg/l 200 400 Causes gastro-intestinal irritation.
Along with Mg or Na can have a
cathartic effect. Concentration more
than 750 mg/l may have laxative
15 NITRATE, as N, mg/l 45 100 Causes infant methaemoglobinaemia,
at very high concentration causes
gastric cancer and effects central
nervous & cardiovascular system.
16 FLUORIDE, as F, mg/l 1.00 1.50 Reduces dental carries, very high
concentration may cause crippling
skeletal fluorosis.
17 CADMIUM, as Cd, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation Acute toxicity may be associated with
renal, arterial hypertension, itai-itai
(bone disease). Cd salts cause
cramps, nausea, vomiting & diarrhea.
18 LEAD, as Pb, mg/l 0.05 No relaxation Burning in mouth, severe
inflammation of gastro-intestinal
tract with vomiting and diarrhea.
Chronic toxicity produces nausea,
severe abdominal pain, paralysis,
mental confusion, visual
disturbances, and anaemia etc.

19 ZINC, as Zn , mg/l 5 15 Essential & beneficial in human
metabolism. Imparts astringent taste
to water.
20 CHROMIUM, as Cr, mg/l 0.05 No relaxation Cr6+ produces lung tumors,
cutaneous and nasal mucous
membrane ulcers and dermatitis.
21 ARSENIC, as As, mg/l 0.05 No relaxation Causes skin damage, circulatory
problems, increased risk of skin
22 ANTIMONY, as Sb, mg/l 0.006 No relaxation Raises blood cholesterol, lowers
blood sugar.
23 ALUMINIUM, as Al, mg/l 0.030 0.200 Leads to neurological disorders.
24 BARIUM, as Ba, mg/l 2 No relaxation Increases blood pressure.
25 BERYLLIUM, as Be, mg/l nil 0.0002 Is carcinogenic
26 CYANIDE, as CN, mg/l 0.05 No relaxation Causes nerve damage, thyroid
27 MERCURY, as Hg, mg/l 0.001 No relaxation Neurological and renal disturbances.
Excess causes gonadotoxic and
mutagenic effects and disturbs the
cholesterol metabolism.
28 MANGANESE, as Mn, mg/l 0.10 0.30 Essential as a cofactor in enzyme
systems and metabolism
processes. Excessive causes change
in appetite and reduction in
metabolism of iron to form
haemoglobin. Imparts undesirable
taste and stains plumbing fixtures
and laundry.
29 SELENIUM, as Se, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation Leads to hair, finger loss, and
numbness in fingers or toes,
circulatory problems.
30 BORON, as B, mg/l 1.00 5.00 Affects central nervous system, salts
may cause nausea, cramps,
convulsions, coma, etc.
31 ALKALINITY, as CaCO3,mg/l 200 600 Imparts unpleasant taste, deleterious
to humans in presence of high pH,
hardness and TDS.
32 PESTICIDES, ug/l nil 0.001 Imparts toxicity, accumulates in
different organs of body, affects
immune and nervous systems.
33 PHOSPHATE, as PO4,mg/l No guideline High concentration causes vomiting &
diarrhoea stimulates secondary
hyperthyroidism and bone loss.
34 SODIUM, as Na, mg/l No guideline Harmful to persons suffering from
cardiac, renal & circulatory diseases.
35 POTASSIUM, as K, mg/l No guideline Essential nutrition element but
excessive amounts is cathartic.
36 NICKEL, as Ni , mg/l No guideline Non-toxic element but may be
carcinogenic in animals, can react
with DNA resulting in DNA damage in
37 PATHOGENS 1 10 Causes water borne diseases like
coliform jaundice; Typhoid, Cholera
etc. produces infections involving
skin mucous membrane of eyes, ears
and throat.
38 RADIOACTIVITY: Increases risk of cancer.

-BETA PARTICLES 0-4 millirem/year

-ALPHA PARTICLES 0-15 picocuries/year

-RADIUM 0-05 picocuries/year

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