Speed Vs Cur
Speed Vs Cur
Speed Vs Cur
power watts
0 5 10 15 20 25
wind speed ms
Net W @ V
0 5 10 15 20 25
wind speed
Net W @ V
20 25
WindCad Turbine Performance Model
Small Wind Site Assessor Course Version
Prepared For: User or customer Enter information in yellow fields
Site Location: Subject site Grey fields contain formulas
Wind Data Source: User defined See notes / instructions below
Turbine make / model: Super K-Wind / CAC/CAK 2000
Date: 7/20/2017
Inputs: Results:
Ref. Ave. Wind Speed (m/s) = 5.5 Hub Average Wind Speed (m/s) = 6.85
Inputs: Use annual or monthly Average Wind speeds. If Weibull K or Wind Shear are not known, a site assessment should be undertaken to determine
these values. Site Altitude is meters above sea level. Ref. Wind Data Height is for the height of the data used for the Average Wind speed (e.g.
anemometer or wind map). Tower Height is the height of the tower, or the hub height. Turbulence Factor is the appropriate derating of system
performance as a result of turbulence caused by surrounding ground clutter and topography. Confidence derating is a derating for product variability, and
other performance influencing factors. For off-grid systems, this can also be used to account for unuseable energy (ie dumped energy when batteries are
full) and adds a margin of safety in satisfying the load requirements. Enter the normalised wind turbine power curve data for the turbine in the Turbine
Power Curve column.
Results: Hub Average Wind Speed is corrected for wind shear and used to calculate the Weibull wind speed probability. Air Density Factor is the
reduction from sea level performance. Average Output Power is the average 24-hour power produced, without the confidence derating adjustment. Daily
Energy Output includes all deratings and is the primary performance parameter. Annual and Monthly Energy Outputs are calculated for the Daily
value. Percent Generating Time is the time the turbine should be producing some power.
Limitations: This model uses a mathematical idealisation of the wind speed probability. This model is best used with annual or monthly average wind
speeds. Use of this model with daily or hourly average wind speed data is not recommended . Wind speed probability is calculated as a Weibull curve
defined by the average wind speed and a shape factor, K. This model assumes the normalised power curve is based on mean sea level air density and is
derated accordingly.