Emotional Appeal in Advertising
Emotional Appeal in Advertising
Emotional Appeal in Advertising
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Malini Singh | Dr. Atul Pandey
Assistant Professor in Management, IITM College, Janakpuri, New Delhi.
Professor & Head of Department Of Business Administration, APS University Rewa
Advertisement is an important tool to introduce brand to people and Television is one of the major source of which can differentiate one brand to the others. Previously,
advertisers were only focusing on the utility feature of the product but now the scenario has been changed. Advertisers are pinpointing and using the emotions of the
local public and use them in their TV Commercials. This review of study will majorly focus on emotional appeals used in TV commercials and its impact on the
consumer's buying decision. Literature review has been done from various journals and published papers and information collected from both within India and outside
Previously, advertising focuses on the rational appeal, where advertiser focuses Sukhmani Mohit Gupta (2016) study attempted to identify how television
on the product or services benefits or features like quality, price durability, value advertisements played a role in transforming the life study of rural consumers. A
etc. But because of hyper competition this type of appeal hardly makes any the survey was conducted where data was collected from 400 respondents belonged
differences among the competitive products. So, for creating the brand image to households had TV sets. Those respondents were aged between 25 44 years
and symbolic image for the product in the market, emotional appeal is being used where their major occupation was forming. These respondents agreed that TV
by the advertiser. This type of advertising appeal will help in making a deep ads were the driving force that made them yearn for improvement in lifestyle.
impact on the memory of the consumer and they will remember the advertise- The study also revealed that advertising appeal help in changing the lifestyle of
ment more than the advertisement in which rational appeal is being used. the rural people because emotional advertising appeal help them to mould and
their attitude towards the products.
The idea that positive and negative emotions are relationship with consumer deci-
sion making toward advertising goes back at least to the Lavidge and Steiner Farooq et al. (2015) also proposed that comic factor in the field of advertise-
model but in their model the role of emotion is limited to liking and prefer- ment through TV ads affect the interest, attention, desire and actions of the con-
ences. The model also reflects the thinking of the time when emotion was sumer which leads to change in the buying behaviour of the consumer due to the
assumed to be post-cognitive, a function not a determinant of thinking TV Commericals.
(Schachter & Singer, 1962). Hence, FMCGs Sectors are also taking the advan-
tage and using the emotions like love, happiness, sadness in advertisements Fazal ur Rehman, Nawaz, Khan, & Hyder (2014) conducted an another study
which help the advertisers in attracting, penetrating and influencing the con- where they examined the effect of advertisement on the rural regions and finally
sumer purchase decision. they came with the conclusion that emotional advertisement is playing a signifi-
cant role changing the consumer buying behaviour.
It is found that youth consumer is more sensitive to emotional toward advertise-
ment. Through, companies successfully assigned the role of emotional types on Bisht (2013) also revealed from her study that there is a positive relationship
student's decision making and the researcher examined the relationship among between TV advertisement and purchase decision of youth, since they are more
branding, youth, and education. (Klein 2000). informational conscious so they give emotional response to the advertisement
rather than environmental response .The study also reveals that TV advertise-
This study will also tried to reveal the how emotional appeal which effect the con- ment also leads to trial purchase.
sumer behaviour towards the products like food and beverages, household items
and personal care products.. Dr. Sandhya Rajasekhar and Ms. Deepa Makesh (2013) conducted A study
on Impact of advertising on brand preference of high involvement products.
According to him, the products which needs low involvement in purchasing the
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