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Emotional Appeal in Advertising

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Research Paper Marketing E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 5 | May 2017

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Malini Singh | Dr. Atul Pandey
Assistant Professor in Management, IITM College, Janakpuri, New Delhi.
Professor & Head of Department Of Business Administration, APS University Rewa

Advertisement is an important tool to introduce brand to people and Television is one of the major source of which can differentiate one brand to the others. Previously,
advertisers were only focusing on the utility feature of the product but now the scenario has been changed. Advertisers are pinpointing and using the emotions of the
local public and use them in their TV Commercials. This review of study will majorly focus on emotional appeals used in TV commercials and its impact on the
consumer's buying decision. Literature review has been done from various journals and published papers and information collected from both within India and outside

INTRODUCTION Researches Related To Emotional Appeal and Consumer Behaviour

In the age of globalisation, hyper competition has become a regular feature. Sarfraz Ahmed et.al (2017) done a study on Does Advertisement influence
Today the markets are no less than the battleground and one has to strive hard for the Consumer's Brand Preferences and Consumer's Buying Behaviour in
their survival and growth. To survive in the highly competitive market compa- Malaysia, where they collected the responses from 250 respondents with the
nies are taking the help of advertising and other sales promotional techniques in help of questionnaire and they analysed the effect of advertisement on brand pref-
creating the differentiation among the products of competitive brands. In present erences. They came out with the results that TV ads play a positive role in creat-
scenario, there are 'n' numbers of Companies who are offering almost the similar ing brand preference in the mind of customers. Majorly advertisements which
products (like Soaps, Biscuits, Oral Care, and Cosmetics etc.). So, marketing are using emotion help more to create the brand preference among the consum-
mix help in selecting the product and the brands. Marketing mix has four subsets ers.
i.e. product, price, place and promotion.
Giehlito Cammayo Dulin (2016) researched on impact of advertising on con-
Advertising is a component of promotional mix, which is used to create aware- sumer behaviour. This study resulted with the fact that the respondents consid-
ness about product, persuading the customers to choose a particular brand and ered emotional appeal, promotional advertising, facts and statistics, bribe and
help in taking purchase decisions. The major aim of advertising is to impact on unfinished ads as the top 5 sources of information which effect their buying deci-
buying behaviour. However, this impact about brand is changed or strengthened sion and the least source considered is endorsements by celebrities.
frequently people's memories. Memories about the brand consist of those associ-
ations that are related to brand name in consumer mind. These brand cognitions R.K. Srivastava (2016) conducted an empirical study on to understand the influ-
influence consideration, evaluation, and finally purchases (Romaniuk & Sharp, ence of emotional and humour based advertisements on consumer's behaviour
2004). towards brands and their purchase behaviour of brands. It is a primary study
involving 202 respondents within the age-group of 18-55 years. They are shown
Advertising appeal is defined as suppliers' application of a psychologically moti- a combination of 6 advertisements, which consisted of 3 emotional and 3 humor-
vating power to arouse consumers' desire and action for buying while sending ous advertisements of FMCG sector. The conclusion of the study was emotional
broadcasting signals to change receivers' concepts of the product. Hence, adver- advertisement compared to a humorous advertisement is more effective mea-
tising appeal is applied to attract the consumers' attention, to change the consum- sured in terms of brand image, likeability, purchase intentions and brand recall as
ers' concept of the product, and to affect them emotionally about a specific prod- per present study. This study gives an insight on impact of emotional and humour
uct or service (Belch & Belch, 1998; Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007). advertisement on likeability, brand recall and purchase intention.

Previously, advertising focuses on the rational appeal, where advertiser focuses Sukhmani Mohit Gupta (2016) study attempted to identify how television
on the product or services benefits or features like quality, price durability, value advertisements played a role in transforming the life study of rural consumers. A
etc. But because of hyper competition this type of appeal hardly makes any the survey was conducted where data was collected from 400 respondents belonged
differences among the competitive products. So, for creating the brand image to households had TV sets. Those respondents were aged between 25 44 years
and symbolic image for the product in the market, emotional appeal is being used where their major occupation was forming. These respondents agreed that TV
by the advertiser. This type of advertising appeal will help in making a deep ads were the driving force that made them yearn for improvement in lifestyle.
impact on the memory of the consumer and they will remember the advertise- The study also revealed that advertising appeal help in changing the lifestyle of
ment more than the advertisement in which rational appeal is being used. the rural people because emotional advertising appeal help them to mould and
their attitude towards the products.
The idea that positive and negative emotions are relationship with consumer deci-
sion making toward advertising goes back at least to the Lavidge and Steiner Farooq et al. (2015) also proposed that comic factor in the field of advertise-
model but in their model the role of emotion is limited to liking and prefer- ment through TV ads affect the interest, attention, desire and actions of the con-
ences. The model also reflects the thinking of the time when emotion was sumer which leads to change in the buying behaviour of the consumer due to the
assumed to be post-cognitive, a function not a determinant of thinking TV Commericals.
(Schachter & Singer, 1962). Hence, FMCGs Sectors are also taking the advan-
tage and using the emotions like love, happiness, sadness in advertisements Fazal ur Rehman, Nawaz, Khan, & Hyder (2014) conducted an another study
which help the advertisers in attracting, penetrating and influencing the con- where they examined the effect of advertisement on the rural regions and finally
sumer purchase decision. they came with the conclusion that emotional advertisement is playing a signifi-
cant role changing the consumer buying behaviour.
It is found that youth consumer is more sensitive to emotional toward advertise-
ment. Through, companies successfully assigned the role of emotional types on Bisht (2013) also revealed from her study that there is a positive relationship
student's decision making and the researcher examined the relationship among between TV advertisement and purchase decision of youth, since they are more
branding, youth, and education. (Klein 2000). informational conscious so they give emotional response to the advertisement
rather than environmental response .The study also reveals that TV advertise-
This study will also tried to reveal the how emotional appeal which effect the con- ment also leads to trial purchase.
sumer behaviour towards the products like food and beverages, household items
and personal care products.. Dr. Sandhya Rajasekhar and Ms. Deepa Makesh (2013) conducted A study
on Impact of advertising on brand preference of high involvement products.
According to him, the products which needs low involvement in purchasing the

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International Education & Research Journal [IERJ] 176

Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 5 | May 2017
items like food & beverages, household items and personal care, advertisement Md. Ashaduzzaman and S.M. Asif-Ur-Rahman (2011) conducted a study on
play an important role in deciding the brand. Especially the humour, jingle, Impact of Television Advertisements on buying pattern of Women in
imagination, spoke person play a vital role in remembering the brand of the prod- Dhaka City which found that Television advertising plays an important role on
uct. changing the consumer behavior and also provides new patterns for purchasing
or using any type of goods and services. It is the most convenient way to reach the
Sana Yasin, Saleem Anwar and Muhammad Sajid (2013) conducted a study female consumers because they are more deployed by advertisement promises
on Consumer Attitude towards TV Advertising Based upon Consumer Age that the product will give them something special for satisfaction. The paper aims
& Gender. Which designed the instrument to cover a sample of 200 randomly to assess the impact of television advertisement on purchasing decision of
selected respondents from Sahiwal, Lahore, Multan and Faisalabad and they women for acquiring goods and services. This study was based on a survey of
have used Frequency analysis and cross tabulation method for analysing the data. 460 randomly selected women from three places i.e. Dhanmondi R.A., Jhigatola,
This study concluded that TV advertisements have not lost its charm in fact it is and Circular Road of Dhanmondi area in Dhaka City. The results reveal that
seen that definitely age effects the perception of the consumer. Now old age advertisements play a vigorous role in familiarizing a new product in the family
group consumers are more interested in TV ads thus they should be provided with list and taking right decision during shopping. 74.3% of the respondents after
more products of their use, if marketed well the marketers can get maximum out watching TV advertisement want to buy the new brand introduced in the
of these consumers. Young people are more likely to be consumers when they are market and 66.3% are of the opinion that T.V. advertisements help them to make
able to put facts in front of them; they are motivated through rational appeals and better choice during shopping.
thus need more than just colours and jingles in the advertisements in general and
TV ads in specific. Vinod Kumar Bishnoi and Ruchi Sharma (2009) conducted a survey on The
Impact of TV Advertising on Buying Behaviour: A Comparative Study of
Muhammad Nabeel (2012) analysed by Chi square and Crosstable and estab- Urban and Rural Teenagers which aims to establish whether the residential
lishes that the consumers are highly dependent on emotional appeal advertise- background of consumers has a varying influence on their buying decisions due
ments from the aspect of brand preference, purchase decision and brand to the influence of TV advertising. The study was conducted on 866 teenagers of
recall. The companies show advertisements of their products to influence con- Haryana (431 male and 435 female) of which 440 were rural and 426 were urban.
sumers towards a brand. Consumer perception of a brand can be in positive or in The data was analysed by applying counts, percentages, means and ANOVA.
negative that depends upon the type of advertising appeal used. The study suggests that rural teenagers like television advertising more than their
urban counterparts. TV advertising has enhanced their involvement in product
Mrs. Pallavi Kumari (2012) conducted the study on Changing Purchase selection and purchase, they prefer to buy TV advertised products and it is help-
Behaviour of Indian Customers which resulted to the way Indian consumers ful in buying the new products. The urban teenagers do not buy TV advertised
are spending their money on various items has changed in recent years. With the products if they do not require those brands. They also like the advertisements of
ever-increasing penetration of internet and social media, the purchasing behav- the products that they are using and believe that products are as good as expected
iour of Indian consumers has changed dramatically. Urbanization is taking place from TV advertisements. Male teenagers' buying behaviour is more influenced
in India at a dramatic pace and is influencing the life style and buying behavior of by television advertisements than their female counterparts.
the consumers. The present study is based on the perceptions, buying behavior
and satisfaction of the consumers in Indian market. The Indian consumers are Aneeza Bashir and Najma Iqbal Malik (2009) done a study on "Effects of
noted for the high degree of value orientation. India is a lucrative market even Advertisement on Consumer Behaviour of University Students" to find out
though the per capita income in India is low and it remains a huge market, even the effects of advertisement on consumer behaviour of university students (N =
for costly products. Consumer behaviour is complex and very often not consid- 150). A self-explanatory questionnaire was used to measure the effects of adver-
ered rational. The recent trends which are found in the Indian market are celebrity tisement. The sample was comprised of university students (University of
influence, online shopping, freebies and popularity of eco-friendly products.The Sargodha). Their age (18 24) was constant. Six brands were decided to be used
buying process involves brand beliefs formed by passive learning, followed by as FMCG's unit and inquiries were made with relevance to their advertisements.
purchase behaviour, which may or may not be followed by evaluation. Visual For results formulation chi-square, frequency and binomial test analysis were
symbols and imagery are important because they can be remembered easily and used and presented in tabular, bar graph, and pie chart form. The results revealed
associated with the brand. Ad campaigns should include high repetition of short- that advertisement persuades the consumer to at least buy the product once in a
duration messages. Television is usually more effective than print media because lifetime. Personality used in commercial influenced the consumers more as com-
it is a low-involvement medium suitable for passive learning. Marketers can try pare to keyword / caption. Results also revealed that consumers considered
to convert low-involvement products into higher involvement ones by linking advertisement as a reliable source of knowledge as compare to others (friend,
them to some involving issue. Consumers undertake variety seeking buying neighbors, reference group) opinions. Advertisement can affect any income
behaviour in situations characterized by low consumer involvement but signifi- group, but expensive product and repetition of advertisement did not affect the
cant perceived brand differences. In such cases, consumers often do a lot of brand purchasing attitude. The most preferred brand was Lux and second preferred
switching. Brand switching occurs for the sake of variety rather than because of brand was Safeguard. Consumers were influenced by the appeal and personality
dissatisfaction. Challenger firms will encourage variety seeking by offering used in the specific brand advertisements.
lower prices, special deals, coupons, free samples, and advertising that presents
reasons for trying something new. Kotwal et al. (2008) studied the Impact of TV advertisements on buying pat-
tern of adolescent girls. He found that the advertisement played a vital role in
Soofi Anwar (2012) conducted the descriptive study on Young Consumer's introducing a new product in the family list and making better choice during shop-
Attitude towards Television Advertisements in the Internet Age in which 50 ping. The girls utilized pocket money received every month for shopping. The
respondents age group of 18-24 years were taken for the analysis of the objec- adolescent girl is influenced by T.V advertisement when she purchases clothing
tives. Mean, Standard Deviation and Percentage Method is used for analysing they were guided by fashion, friend and boutiques. The respondents preferred to
the data. The study revealed that despite of the growth of internet usage among buy branded and standardized product which are more advertised on television.
young consumers, still television is the advertising medium with most exposure Mickel (1990) studied the effects of commercial television on Iraqi consumer.
compared to other traditional and non-conventional mediums. It was also seen They found that their television advertisement offer knowledge about the adver-
that brand awareness and brand recall is considered to be most important purpose tising company and their products. In addition, the show time and quality of the
that a TV ad serves. The another important fact that came was humour appeal ads advertisement affect directly the consumer behaviour.
are preferred the most, followed by the ads portraying luxurious appeal by young
consumers. It was also found that Ad endorsements by film celebrities and sports Schiffman and Kanuk (2007) defined advertising appeal as suppliers' applica-
personalities are most preferred by the respondents. Ads portraying experts tion of a psychologically motivating power to arouse consumers desire and
endorsing the products in TV are least preferred and the further analysis reveals action for buying while sending broadcasting signals to change receivers con-
that young consumers possess overall a favourable attitude towards television cepts of the product. Hence advertising appeal is applied to attract the consumers'
advertisements and its role in impacting their buying behaviour. attention, to change the consumers' concept of the product, and to affect them
emotionally about a specific product or service.
Faiza Saad (2011) researched on the emotional appeal and its effect on the
brand loyalty of the customers towards the product. He has studied the beauty Lowett & Nunes (2007) have researched that as compared to 79% usage of
products like dove and seen that after using the emotional appeal in the TV Ads internet, TV consumers viewing advertisement have approached 97% in the last
people where more attached to the product and become brand loyal. year i.e. 2006-07. They also concluded that advertising's influence is more on
younger consumers instead of older consumers.
Zain-Ul-Abideen and Salman Saleem (2011) researched on Effective adver-
tising and its influence on consumer buying behaviour in Islamabad. He J. Varaprasd Reddy (2006) in his study 'Role of Advertising in Creating
came to know that Emotional response play an pivotal role in establishing strong Brand Personality' says that brand personality being potent tool needs to be
association with the consumer buying behaviour. Both of them conducted the leveraged to achieve key objectives for existing & new brands. Consistency is
study in the areas of Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore and they have compared also important, failing which dilution of brand personality or absence of it may
between emotional advertising and environmental responses. They concluded occur. Other mix elements like distribution, pricing, promotion and packaging
that buyers are getting more effected by the advertisements which were creating (apart from advertising) should support and strengthen brand personality.
the emotions with the help of audio, video and appeal. Which stress them to buy
the product.

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Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 5 | May 2017
All the above studies are related with emotional appeals depict that Emotional
Appeal used in TV Commercials effect the consumer buying behaviour. The
studies also enlighten the fact that emotional appeal plays a pivotal role in creat-
ing the brand preference and brand image of the product in the market. The
study all reveals that youngster and women are mostly gets affected by the emo-
tional TV advertisement. It has also seen that humour appeal are most common
appeal which are used in TV Commercials so make the connect with the viewers.
Finally I can conclude that if emotions are used in the proper manner in TV
advertisement it can help in increasing brand loyalty and brand recall which will
help the marketers to make their base in the market.

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