Modification of Brain Aging
Modification of Brain Aging
Modification of Brain Aging
Laboratory of Neurosciences, National Institute on Aging Gerontology Research Center, Baltimore, Maryland
I. Introduction 637
Mattson, Mark P., Sic L. Chan, and Wenzhen Duan. Modification of Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders by
Genes, Diet, and Behavior. Physiol Rev 82: 637 672, 2002; 10.1152/physrev.00004.2002.Multiple molecular, cellular,
structural, and functional changes occur in the brain during aging. Neural cells may respond to these changes adaptively,
or they may succumb to neurodegenerative cascades that result in disorders such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons
diseases. Multiple mechanisms are employed to maintain the integrity of nerve cell circuits and to facilitate responses to
environmental demands and promote recovery of function after injury. The mechanisms include production of neuro-
trophic factors and cytokines, expression of various cell survival-promoting proteins (e.g., protein chaperones, antioxi-
dant enzymes, Bcl-2 and inhibitor of apoptosis proteins), preservation of genomic integrity by telomerase and DNA repair
proteins, and mobilization of neural stem cells to replace damaged neurons and glia. The aging process challenges such
neuroprotective and neurorestorative mechanisms. Genetic and environmental factors superimposed upon the aging
process can determine whether brain aging is successful or unsuccessful. Mutations in genes that cause inherited forms
of Alzheimers disease (amyloid precursor protein and presenilins), Parkinsons disease (!-synuclein and Parkin), and
trinucleotide repeat disorders (huntingtin, androgen receptor, ataxin, and others) overwhelm endogenous neuroprotec-
tive mechanisms; other genes, such as those encoding apolipoprotein E4, have more subtle effects on brain aging. On the
other hand, neuroprotective mechanisms can be bolstered by dietary (caloric restriction and folate and antioxidant
supplementation) and behavioral (intellectual and physical activities) modifications. At the cellular and molecular levels,
successful brain aging can be facilitated by activating a hormesis response in which neurons increase production of
neurotrophic factors and stress proteins. Neural stem cells that reside in the adult brain are also responsive to
environmental demands and appear capable of replacing lost or dysfunctional neurons and glial cells, perhaps even in the
aging brain. The recent application of modern methods of molecular and cellular biology to the problem of brain aging
is revealing a remarkable capacity within brain cells for adaptation to aging and resistance to disease. 0031-9333/02 $15.00 Copyright 2002 the American Physiological Society 637
brane lipids are oxidized resulting in the production of a the brain (216). As amyloid "-peptide aggregates, it gen-
variety of lipid peroxides and aldehydes (218). These erates reactive oxygen species that can induce membrane
modifications of proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids are lipid peroxidation in neurons resulting in the impairment
greatly exacerbated in neurodegenerative disorders such of the function of membrane ion-motive ATPases and
as Alzheimers disease (AD) and Parkinsons disease (PD) glucose transporter proteins, which, in turn, disrupts cel-
consistent with a major role for oxidative stress of aging lular ion homeostasis and energy metabolism (216). These
in the pathogenesis of those disorders (207). oxidative actions of amyloid "-peptide can cause dysfunc-
Analyses of experimental animal and cell culture tion of synapses and may render neurons vulnerable to
models of age-related neurodegenerative disorders have excitotoxicity and apoptosis (80, 219). In PD, degenera-
provided insight into the mechanisms that result in in- tion of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra may
creased oxidative stress and damage to proteins, nucleic be triggered by mitochondrial impairment and increased
acids, and membrane lipids (Fig. 3). The pathogenesis of oxidative stress resulting from aging and exacerbated by
AD involves altered proteolytic processing of the "-amy- environmental factors (147). In the common late-onset
loid precursor protein (APP) resulting in increased pro- forms of AD and PD, the neurodegenerative cascade is
duction of a long (42 amino acid) form of amyloid "-pep- most likely promoted by environmental factors (see sects.
tide which self-aggregates and forms insoluble plaques in IV and V) that result in increased oxidative and metabolic
stress. On the other hand, more rare inherited forms of PD, dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra degen-
these disorders in which disease onset occurs at an early erate resulting in motor dysfunction (147). A stroke oc-
age (30 60 years of age) are caused by specific mutations; curs when a cerebral blood vessel becomes occluded or
for example, mutations in APP and presenilins that cause ruptures resulting in the degeneration of neurons in the
AD (122) and mutations in !-synuclein and parkin that brain tissue supplied by that vessel (65). Several genetic
cause PD (165, 281). Some neurodegenerative disorders and environmental factors that may initiate the neurode-
are purely genetic including Huntingtons disease (HD) generative process in AD, PD, and stroke have been iden-
and related trinucleotide repeat disorders (389); such dis- tified, and this information has led to the development of
orders may not, therefore, be considered as diseases of valuable animal models of these disorders. Animal models
aging, although aging processes may affect the age of of AD include transgenic mice overexpressing mutant
disease onset and clinical course. forms of human APP (93, 133), transgenic and knockin
In the United States and other industrialized coun- mice expressing mutant forms of human presenilin-1
tries, life expectancy continues to increase, and therefore, (PS1) (75, 108), and infusion of amyloid "-peptide and
more people will suffer from age-related neurodegenera- excitotoxins into the brains of rats and mice (31, 97).
tive conditions. The negative impact of age-related neu- Animal models of PD include administration of the toxin
rodegenerative disorders on our societies is emphasized 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) to
by the fact that more dollars are required to care for monkeys and mice resulting in selective degeneration of
patients with AD, PD, and stroke than are spent on the substantia nigra dopamine-producing neurons and asso-
combined care for patients with cardiovascular disease or ciated motor dysfunction (71), and transgenic mice ex-
cancer. Each neurodegenerative disorder is characterized pressing mutant human !-synuclein which exhibit degen-
by dysfunction and degeneration of specific populations eration of dopaminergic neurons and a behavioral
of neurons in the brain (246). Neurons in brain regions phenotype with features similar to PD (210). Stroke mod-
involved in learning and memory processes, such as the els involve transient or permanent occlusion of the middle
hippocampus and cerebral cortex, are afflicted in AD. In cerebral artery in rats and mice (65, 378). The mecha-
nisms that result in neuronal dysfunction and/or death in norepinephrine, and serotonin (89, 214, 288). During brain
these models are beginning to be understood, with in- aging, these neurotransmitters may contribute to either
creased oxidative stress, perturbed energy metabolism, degeneration or adaptive responses of neurons.
altered calcium homeostasis, and activation of apoptotic Neurotrophic factors promote the survival, out-
cascades playing important roles in most cases (219). growth, and/or synaptogenesis of neurons. Examples of
Data obtained using these various models have provided neurotrophic factors that have been shown to counteract
valuable insight into the cellular molecular mechansims untoward aspects of aging (oxidative stress and disturbed
of neurodegenerative disorders and will therefore be ion homeostasis, for example) include basic fibroblast
cited throughout the remainder of this article. growth factor (bFGF), NGF, BDNF, NT-4, transforming
growth factor-" (TGF-"), tumor necrosis factor (TNF),
and GDNF. These neurotrophic factors can protect one or
more populations of brain neurons against excitotoxic,
oxidative, and metabolic insults in models of stroke, AD,
that increases life span and brain health span (the time on the degree of specificity of neuronal connections in the
window of life during which the brain maintains a level of circuits involved. For example, reorganization of the mor-
function that permits a productive life-style), can increase phology of hippocampal neurites and synapses after
the expression of chaperone proteins in the brains of rats stress-induced damage correlates with behavioral im-
and mice (see sect. IV). provement (333). On the other hand, many brain functions
Synapses are sites where the actions of neurotro- rely on memories based on the past history of synaptic
phic factors, stress proteins, and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 activity, and such memories are unlikely to be restored by
and IAP family members may play particularly impor- new synapse formation.
tant roles in preserving the integrity and function of Stem cell biology is a rapidly growing area in the
neuronal circuits (115, 228). The impact of aging is fields of neuroscience research and aging. Embryonic
likely to be most severe in synapses, because these stem cells have received considerable attention because
compartments are sites of repetitive calcium influx and of their ability to form any type of cell in the body includ-
oxyradical production; it is therefore of great impor- ing neurons (99). They are therefore a potential cell
tance to understand how genes and environment affect source for replacement of neurons lost in neurodegenera-
synaptic homeostasis (see sect. VI). tive disorders. Two major populations of pluripotent NPC
are present in the adult brain, one in the subventricular
B. Neurorestorative Mechanisms zone and the other in the subgranular layer of the dentate
gyrus of the hippocampus (91). These NPC cells can give
Research performed in many different laboratories rise to either neurons or astrocytes, and there is increas-
during the past 10 years has revealed that regeneration/ ing evidence that some of the progeny of the NPC survive
compensation can occur in the adult brain and that pop- and become functional, although many may undergo pro-
ulations of stem cells or neural progenitor cells (NPC) grammed cell death (Fig. 5). Newly generated cells in the
may play a role in this process by dividing and then brain can be identified by giving animals the thymidine
differentiating into neurons or glia (91). Various neurotro- analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU); the phenotype of their
phic factors and cytokines may promote neurogenesis, differentiated progeny can then be determined by double-
neurite outgrowth, and synaptic recovery after brain in- labeling using antibodies against neuronal (e.g., neural
jury (146, 232). Damage to axons and dendrites can result cell adhesion molecule or "3-tubulin) or astrocyte [glial
in regrowth of those processes; however, in contrast to fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)] markers. Several signals
the peripheral nervous system, the brain contains a num- that control the proliferation, differentiation, and survival
ber of inhibitory signals that may prevent successful re- of NPC have been identified (91, 291). bFGF and epider-
innervation of target cells (312). If synaptogenesis does mal growth factor (EGF) can maintain NPC in a prolifer-
occur, it may or may not replace lost function depending ative state, whereas BDNF and NT-3 can promote their
FIG. 5. Regulation of neurogenesis and gliogenesis. Neural stem cells capable of producing neurons and astrocytes
differentiation and/or survival, and bone morphogenetic generative processes, and telomerase may suppress such
protein can induce NPC to become astrocytes (91, 241). DNA damage responses (198); nuclear localization and
Additional signals that control NPC cell fate include reverse transcriptase activity appear to be critical for the
Notch (344), Numb (40), neurogenin (339), and the se- antiapoptotic function of TERT (P. Zhang and M. P. Matt-
creted form of APP (255). Brain injury is a potent stimulus son, unpublished data).
for neurogenesis (194), and this effect is likely mediated The possibility that the aging process impairs neuro-
by the trophic factors and cytokines induced by cell in- genesis is suggested by studies in which BrdU-labeled
jury (232). cells were quantified in the brains of middle-aged and old
Considerable interest in fundamental mechanisms of rats (174). This adverse effect of aging on neurogenesis
cellular aging has arisen from studies of telomerase, a may be counteracted by many of the same environmental
reverse transcriptase that adds a six-base DNA repeat conditions that promote successful brain aging. Indeed,
onto the ends of chromosomes (telomeres) and thereby dietary restriction can increase neurogenesis (183). Inter-
maintains their integrity during successive rounds of cell estingly, neurogenesis can also be increased by environ-
division (221). Expression of the catalytic subunit of te- mental enrichment (164, 254) and physical exercise (351).
lomerase (TERT) and telomerase activity are associated Because no specific molecular markers of NPC have been
with cell immortalization and cancer and are absent from established, and because NPC cannot be labeled by the
most somatic cells in the adult, suggesting an important usual BrdU method in clinical studies of humans, it is not
role in the aging process. Indeed, expression of TERT in known whether abnormalities in neurogenesis contribute
normal fibroblasts makes them immortal (without trans- to the pathogenesis of age-related neurodegenerative dis-
forming them) (24). Telomerase is present in brain cells orders. However, recent studies of experimental models
during development, where it is thought to play a role in of AD have shown that amyloid "-peptide can impair
the maintenance of NPC in a proliferative state, and in neurogenesis (124). Both the proliferation and survival of
promoting survival of NPC and their neuronal and glial NPC in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus are reduced
progeny (87, 166). Telomerase is also present in NPC in in APP mutant mice. Infusion of amyloid "-peptide into
the adult brain where its expression may be influenced by the lateral ventricle of adult mice impairs neurogenesis of
brain injury and other environmental factors. Recent stud- NPC in the subventricular region. Moreover, exposure of
ies suggest that TERT expression can be induced by cultured human NPC to amyloid "-peptide impairs their
BDNF and sAPP! (W. Fu and M. P. Mattson, unpublished proliferation and differentiation and can induce apoptosis
data). It has been reported that TERT can prevent apo- (124). These experimental findings suggest that adverse
ptosis of cultured neurons in experimental models rele- effects of amyloid "-peptide on NPC may contribute to
vant to AD and stroke (87, 387), suggesting that if TERT depletion of neurons and cognitive impairment in AD.
expression could be induced in neurons or NPC in the Although it is not known whether a failure of neurogen-
adult brain, it may increase the resistance of neurons to esis contributes to the pathogenesis of PD, several studies
age-related neurodegenerative disorders (221). DNA dam- in rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans suggest that
age may trigger neuronal death in age-related neurode- functional recovery can occur after transplantation of
NPC or mobilization of endogenous NPC (21, 323). The and on risk of age-related neurodegenerative disorders, is
development of methods for identifying NPC and their apolipoprotein E (327). Three alleles of apolipoprotein E
recent progeny in post mortem brain tissue sections from encode proteins that differ in two amino acids; E2 con-
human patients would greatly facilitate our understanding tains a cysteine in each position, E3 contains a cysteine in
of the relative contributions of neuronal degeneration and one of the positions, and E4 does not contain a cysteine in
impaired neurogenesis to neurodegenerative disorders. either position. Individuals with an E4 allele have a re-
The implications of neurogenesis for facilitating suc- duced life span (126) and are at increased risk of AD
cessful brain aging and treating age-related neurodegen- (157). The mechanism whereby E4 may accelerate brain
erative disorders are quite profound. It may be possible to aging has been suggested to involve a decreased antioxi-
mobilize endogenous NPC in the brain or to introduce dant and neuroprotective properties of this isoform (Fig.
exogenous NPC to replace dysfunctional or dead neurons 6). The cysteine residues in E2 and E3 may bind to and
and glia. As described above, three different behavioral thereby detoxify 4-hydroxynonenal, a cytotoxic product
modifications have been shown to enhance neurogenesis of lipid peroxidation (266).
the gene can be elucidated in studies of cultured cells and onset (70s and 80s), some cases are inherited in an auto-
transgenic mice expressing the mutant gene. In this sec- somal dominant manner with complete penetrance and
tion we describe how the discovery of such disease-caus- an early age of onset (40s and 50s). The first gene linked
ing genes has revealed why neurons become dysfunc- to familial AD is located on chromosome 21 and encodes
tional and die in several of the most prominent the APP, the source of the 40- to 42-amino acid amyloid
neurodegenerative disorders including AD, PD, HD, and "-peptide (A") that forms insoluble amyloid plaques in
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). What emerges from the brains of all AD patients (122). Several different dis-
the studies described below is a view of neurodegenera- ease-causing mutations in APP have been reported, all of
tive disorders in which genetic compromise renders the which are located within or adjacent to the A" sequence,
brain vulnerable to the aging process, with specific pop- and all of which increase production of A"-(1O42). The
ulations of neurons being disproportionately affected. In most intensely studied APP mutations are the Swedish
general, disease-causing mutations appear to act mainly mutation (a 2-amino acid substitution adjacent to the NH2
by accelerating the same neurodegenerative cascade that terminus of A"; Ref. 177) and the London mutation (a
occurs in more common sporadic forms of the disease. missense mutation adjacent to the COOH terminus of A";
Although the vast majority of cases of AD are spo- Ref. 42). In addition, several AD kindreds have been iden-
radic with no clear pattern of inheritance and a late age of tified in which mutations within the A" sequence are
pathogenic (253). Two other genes linked to early-onset creased production of A" [particularly A"-(1O42)] and
familial AD are those encoding PS1 (chromosome 14) and decreased production of sAPP! (6, 122, 216). A" can
PS2 (chromosome 1); more than 70 different PS1 muta- impair synaptic function and can render neurons vulner-
tions (all except one are missense mutations), and 2 PS6 able to excitotoxicity and apoptosis by the following
mutations have been reported (122). PS1 and PS2 are mechanism. During the process of self-aggregation, A"
structurally similar integral membrane proteins with eight generates reactive oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide
transmembrane domains and are localized mainly in the and hydroxyl radical) by a mechanism that may involve
endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The presenilin-1 mutations metal-catalyzed oxidation of methionine (128, 134, 353).
tend to cluster in the cytoplasmic loop region and in or When this process occurs in the immediate vicinity of cell
near transmembrane domain 2. The identification of the membranes, lipid peroxidation is initiated (204, 205). In
mutations in the APP and presenilin genes has led directly neurons, A"-induced lipid peroxidation impairs the func-
to experiments that have revealed, at least in part, how tion of ion-motive ATPases (sodium and calcium pump
they cause AD (Fig. 7; Ref. 226). proteins), glucose transporter proteins (204 206), and
FIG. 7. Mechanisms underlying the pathogenic actions of mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) and
presenilins. Mutations in APP, as well as presenilin mutations, shift the proteolytic processing of APP such that more A"
is produced and less sAPP! is produced. Presenilins play an essential role in $-secretase cleavage of APP and may also
facilitate Notch cleavage and release of the transcription-regulating Notch COOH-terminal domain (NICD). Presenilin
mutations have a major impact on endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium signaling, effectively increasing the pools of
ryanodine- and inositol trisphosphate-sensitive stores. The normal functions of APP and presenilins, and the conse-
quences of Alzheimers disease-linked mutations in these proteins, may be particularly important in synapses.
port (23). By this mechanism, A" disrupts neurotransmit- MAP kinase (272). These findings suggest roles for CRH
ter signaling, destabilizes cellular calcium homeostasis, and urocortin in antagonizing the neurodegenerative pro-
and renders neurons vulnerable to excitotoxicity and ap- cess in AD. It remains to be determined whether pharma-
optosis (204, 227). Oxidative stress induced by A" may be cological manipulations of CRH/urocortin signaling will
particularly detrimental for neuronal function and sur- benefit AD patients.
vival when it occurs in synapses (162). Two major consequences of presenilin mutations are
Exposure of cultured neurons to A" can trigger pro- perturbed cellular calcium homeostasis (226) and altered
grammed cell death which manifests characteristic mito- APP processing (122) (Fig. 6). At this point in time, it
chondrial membrane alterations and release of cyto- remains unclear which defect is a primary consequence of
chrome c and caspase activation. A" stimulates the the mutations and which is secondary. PS1 and PS2 mu-
production of apoptotic proteins including Par-4, Bax, tations increase the vulnerability of cultured cells to ap-
and the tumor suppressor protein p53 (55, 80, 109, 111, optosis and excitotoxicity (108, 110, 112, 367). Hippocam-
262). Analyses of post mortem brain tissue from AD pa- pal neurons in PS1 mutant knockin mice are more
idative stress and apoptosis (342). Overexpression of stress. Some data point to a loss of function, as opposed
wild-type or mutant !-synuclein induces apoptosis in cul- to a gain of function in the pathogenic action of !-synclein
tured neurons (305); PC12 cells overexpressing mutant mutations. Thus !-synuclein knockout mice exhibit a de-
!-synuclein exhibit decreased proteasome activity and fect in dopamine release (1), and overexpression of wild-
increased vulnerability to mitochondrial dysfunction and type (but not mutant) !-synuclein protects cultured neu-
apoptosis (343). Masliah et al. (210) reported evidence for ral cells against apoptosis (56).
loss of dopaminergic neurons and Lewy body-like cyto- Parkin is a ubiquitin-protein ligase that presumably
plasmic inclusions in !-synuclein mutant mice. However, functions in protein degradation; Parkin mutations result
another line of mice expressing mutant !-synuclein in loss of the ubiquitin-protein ligase activity (320). It was
driven by a tyrosine hydroxylase promoter did not exhibit recently reported that parkin can ubiquitinate !-synuclein
pathology in the substantia nigra (211). !-Synuclein forms (321), suggesting a link between impaired proteasomal
aggregates that may exhibit toxic properties similar to degradation of !-synuclein and the neurodegenerative
those of A" including production of reactive oxygen spe- process. These observations strongly suggest that a defect
cies (347) and increased membrane ion permeability in protein degradation is central to the pathogenesis of PD
(357). Collectively, these findings suggest that !-synuclein and further suggest strong mechanistic interactions be-
mutations may promote neuronal degeneration by caus- tween oxidative stress and protein degradation in neuro-
ing abnormalities in protein degradation and oxidative degenerative disorders in general, since oxidative damage
to proteins often makes them targets for ubiquitination generative process may spread to regions of the cerebral
and proteasomal degradation. In addition to disease-caus- cortex, thalamus, and cerebellum resulting in cognitive
ing mutations, risk of PD may be influenced by genetic dysfunction and emotional disturbances. Recently, a
polymorphisms, a possibility that is currently being inves- closely related familial HD-like disorder was described
tigated by several laboratories (43, 356). that appears to result from a trinucleotide expansion in a
The genetics of HD are seemingly straightforward; all yet-to-be identified gene (202).
cases of this disease are believed to be caused by the The alterations caused by polyglutamine expansions
expansion of trinucleotide (CAG) repeats in the hunting- in huntingtin that result in neuronal death are beginning
tin gene (located on chromosome 4) resulting in long to be revealed (Fig. 9). Overexpression of mutant human
stretches of polyglutamine repeats in the huntingtin pro- huntingtin in cultured cells and transgenic mice can in-
tein (76, 199). However, the consquences of the huntingtin duce spontaneous cell death (apoptosis) and can increase
mutation may be subject to modification by aging, as the vulnerability of neurons to excitotoxicity (130, 192,
suggested by evidence for variability in age of disease 294, 346). Several different behavioral abnormalities have
FIG. 9. Pathogenic mechanisms of mutant huntingtin. Huntingtons disease is caused by polyglutamine expansions
in the huntingtin protein. Mutant huntingtin may self-aggregate and trigger activation of caspases. Data also suggest that
mutant huntingtin can cause a depletion of BDNF production by suppressing transcriptional activity.
formation of inclusions in the nucleus and cytoplasm (62, 302). Transgenic mice expressing mutant Cu/Zn-SOD
(120, 311). Neurons in mice expressing mutant huntingtin exhibit progressive motor neuron degeneration and a clin-
exhibit increased caspase activation, and administration ical phenotype remarkably similar to ALS patients (118,
of caspase inhibitors to the mice can suppress the neuro- 368). Lipid peroxidation is increased in spinal cord motor
degenerative process (257), suggesting that mutant hun- neurons of ALS patients and transgenic mice (268, 269),
tingtin triggers programmed cell death. Cells expressing and administration of vitamin E to Cu/Zn-SOD mutant
mutant huntingtin exhibit altered proteasomal function mice delays disease onset (117), suggesting an important
that may trigger apoptosis (145). Mutant huntingtin may role for lipid peroxidation in the neurodegenerative pro-
trigger apoptosis by weakening the interaction of hunting- cess. In addition, creatine delayed the neurodegenerative
tin with huntingtin interacting protein-1 (Hip-1), thereby process in a mouse model of ALS (168). ALS Cu/Zn-SOD
allowing Hip-1 to interact with a protein called Hippi that mutations cause impairments in synaptic glucose and
then recruits caspase-8 and thereby initiates the cell death glutamate transport (114) and increase the vulnerability
cascade (223). of motor neurons to excitotoxic injury by increasing ox-
ies of the age-related neurodegenerative disorders de- Biochemical and molecular analyses of the brains of
scribed above suggest that each disorder shares abnor- old rats and mice that had been maintained on calorie-
malities that contribute to neuronal dysfunction and restricted diets reveal a retardation of changes that occur
death. The alterations include increased oxidative stress, during aging of animals fed ad libitum including increases
dysregulation of protein trafficking and processing, met- in levels of GFAP and oxidative damage to proteins and
abolic impairment, and disruption of cellular calcium ho- DNA (74, 245). Gene array analysis of the expression
meostasis. Genetic factors that cause, or increase risk of, levels of thousands of genes in the brains of young rats
a disorder do so by impacting directly or indirectly one or and old rats that had been maintained on control or
more of the cellular systems involved in oxyradical me- restricted diets revealed changes in gene expression in
tabolism, protein processing, energy metabolism, and cal- brain cells during aging and showed that DR can suppress
cium homeostasis. Section IV describes a rapidly growing many of those changes (180). Age-related changes in the
body of evidence demonstrating that age-related neuro- expression of genes that encode proteins involved in in-
degenerative cascades can be influenced by environmen- nate immune responses, oxidative stress, and energy me-
to MPTP toxicity was decreased in mice maintained on populations that is consistent with the possibility that DR
dietary restriction with more dopaminergic neurons sur- can reduce the risk of human neurodegenerative disor-
viving exposure to MPTP; the motor function of the mice ders. The following epidemiological data suggest that in-
was also improved in the restricted mice (69). Adminis- dividuals with a low calorie intake may have reduced risk
tration of the succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (mito- for AD and PD. There is a strong correlation between per
chondrial toxin) 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP) to rats and capita food consumption and risk for AD (105). For ex-
mice results in selective degeneration of striatal neurons ample, the reported incidence of AD in China and Japan is
and motor impairment, a model of HD. When rats were approximately one-half that in the United States and
maintained on DR for several months before administra- Western Europe, and this is correlated with a lower cal-
tion of 3-NP, more striatal neurons survived exposure to orie intake in China and Japan (1,600 2,000 calories/day)
3-NP, and their motor function was improved (31). The compared with the United States and Western Europe
ability of DR to improve outcome after a stroke was (2,500 3,000 calories/day). Overeating is also a major risk
demonstrated in a rat model in which the middle cerebral factor for stroke (30). Although there are caveats with the
render neurons vulnerable to apoptosis, a biochemical bolic, and apoptotic insults (217). Levels of NGF (67) and
cascade of molecular interactions involving proteins such CNTF (W. Duan and M. P. Mattson, unpublished data) are
as Par-4, Bcl-2 family members, and caspases (219). also increased by DR in one or more brain regions. Neu-
It has been shown that DR can stabilize mitochon- rotrophic factors may protect neurons by stimulating the
drial function and reduce oxidative stress in brain cells of production of proteins that suppress oxidative stress (an-
rodents (113), and this may increase the resistance of tioxidant enzymes and Bcl-2) and stabilize cellular cal-
neurons to many different types of genetic and environ- cium homeostasis (calcium-binding proteins and gluta-
mental factors. DR can induce the expression of genes mate receptor subunits) (4, 98, 141, 233). BDNF and other
that encode proteins that promote neuronal survival and neurotrophic factors might also counteract the adverse
plasticity (Fig. 10). For example, levels of heat shock effects of aging on synaptic function because they can
protein-70 (HSP-70) and glucose-regulated protein-78 modify synaptic plasticity in ways that facilitate learning
(GRP-78) are increased in cortical, striatal, and hippocam- and memory (115, 146). Evidence for an important role for
pal neurons of rats and mice maintained for several neurotrophic factors in the beneficial effects of DR in the
a restricted diet or a control ad libitum diet for 3 mo were like growth factors, and neuropeptides that control feed-
given five daily injections of the DNA precursor BrdU and ing behavior in the brain, and insulin in peripheral tissues
were killed either 1 day or 3 4 wk after the last BrdU (Fig. 11).
injection. Numbers of BrdU-positve (newly generated) Although DR clearly has beneficial effects in the
cells in the dentate gyrus were quantified by unbiased nervous system, there are several aspects of its mech-
stereological methods. At the 1-day time point there was anism of action that remain to be explained. For exam-
no difference in BrdU-labeled cells between calorie-re- ple, animals maintained on DR exhibit increased levels
stricted and control animals, indicating that calorie re- of glucocorticoids consistent with an increased level of
striction does not affect the proliferation rate of the neu- stress (250a). In animals fed ad libitum, increased glu-
ral stem cells. Instead, DR resulted in a significant cocorticoids associated with chronic stress have been
increase in the number of BrdU-positive cells remaining at shown to promote neuronal degeneration (306a) and
the 3- or 4-wk time points, suggesting that DR promotes impair neurogenesis (35a). Why then does DR prevent
the survival of newly generated neural cells (183, 184). neuronal degeneration and enhance neurogenesis? One
of methionine synthase and CBS can affect levels of ho- tion in their brains, were maintained on a low-folate/high-
mocysteine. Indeed, levels of homocysteine are increased homocysteine diet, neurons in the hippocampus degener-
in the cerebrospinal fluid of children with mutations in ated (171). This contrasted with nontransgenic mice in
CBS (340) and may contribute to the abnormalities in which the experimental diet did not cause degeneration
brain function documented in such patients. Homocys- of neurons. Folic acid deficiency may render neurons
teine can damage cells by inducing oxidative stress and vulnerable to being damaged and killed by amyloid be-
DNA damage and impairing DNA repair (170, 171). cause exposure of cultured rat hippocampal neurons to
The importance of folic acid in the developing ner- folic acid-deficient medium or to homocysteine increases
vous system suggests the possibility that folic acid defi- the vulnerability of the neurons to being killed by A" (170,
ciency and elevated homocysteine levels might also have 171). It has also been reported that dietary folic acid
adverse effects in the adult nervous system. Possible links deficiency sensitizes mice to MPTP-induced PD-like pa-
between folic acid, homocysteine, and neurological disor- thology and motor dysfunction (68). Direct application of
ders have therefore been looked for and found. Data have homocysteine into either the substantia nigra or striatum
epilepsy patients (313), suggesting a possible contribu- and cancers (129), although it is not established that
tion to epilepsy. ubiquinone supplementation can reduce risk of these dis-
orders. The potential of dietary supplementation with
ubiquinone to prevent or treat age-related neurodegenera-
D. Antioxidants tive disorders remains to be determined.
!-Lipoic acid is an endogenous disulfide compound
There are tens of thousands of natural and synthetic that is present in small amounts in most animal cells
compounds that possess antioxidant activity, and a rap- where it functions as a coenzyme in the !-ketoglutarate
idly growing number of these agents have been reported dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme
to have beneficial effects in one or more experimental complexes (208). The antioxidant and cytoprotective ac-
models of age-related disorders. It is beyond the scope of tions of lipoic acid have been documented in a variety of
this article to review the field of antioxidants and brain cell culture and animal models of age-related disease
aging; instead, examples of results obtained with several (237). A number of clinical trials of lipoic acid have been
dendritic complexity and synaptic plasticity also promote ceptor agonist) binding in response to calcium in hip-
successful aging and decrease risk of neurodegenerative pocampal neurons, without a change in levels of AMPA
disorders. Collectively, the emerging data suggest that receptor subunit mRNA or protein levels (92). Levels of
behavioral factors can have a major impact on the out- several different neurotrophic factors are increased in the
come of brain aging. brains of animals maintained in complex environments
compared with control animals maintained in simple en-
vironments. Levels of BDNF and NGF are increased in
A. Intellectual Activity cerebral cortex, hippocampus, basal forebrain, and hind-
brain, and levels of both the high- and low-affinity NGF
Epidemiological studies have documented an inverse receptors are increased in the basal forebrain of rats
relationship between educational attainment and risk for maintained in a complex environment (138). There are
AD such that more educated persons are at reduced risk striking similarities in the effects of DR and intellectual
(81). Particularly interesting are data suggesting that in- activity on neurotrophic factor expression and neuronal
VI. SYNAPSES AND AGING: vival of neurons are localized in synapses. Some of these
EMERGING CONCEPTS synaptic signaling systems may be particularly sensitive
to age-related increases in levels of oxidative stress and
The numbers and size of synapses change during decreases in energy availability (Fig. 14). For example,
aging and response to environmental stimuli. During suc- oxidative stress leading to membrane lipid peroxidation
cessful brain aging, numbers of synapses may or may not can impair the coupling of muscarinic cholinergic recep-
decrease depending on the brain region; in brain regions tors to the GTP-binding protein Gq11, apparently as the
in which synapse numbers do decrease, the size of the result of covalent modification of Gq11 by the lipid peroxi-
remaining synapses may increase, perhaps as a compen- dation product 4-hydroxynonenal (23, 163). Age-related
satory mechanism. For example, in a study of superior- decreases in levels of neurotrophic factors and/or their
middle frontal cortex (area 9) in cognitively normal indi- receptors have been reported (125, 381), and on the basis
viduals ranging in age from 20 to 89 yr, there was no of the localization of neurotrophic factor receptors in
change in synapse density in lamina III and V (308). On synapses, compromised neurotrophic signaling would be
result in neuronal dysfunction and death, and the genetic during adult life may be particularly effective in reducing
and environmental risk factors for the disorders. Basic risk of age-related neurodegenerative disorders. A link
and clinical research in this field have reached a point between high cholesterol levels and risk of stroke has
where recommendations can be made to the general pop- been established, and recent findings suggest that high
ulation concerning how they can reduce their risk of cholesterol levels may also increase risk of AD (54), sug-
age-related neurodegenerative disorders. Moreover, effec- gesting that a reduced fat diet may help ensure a healthy
tive treatments for symptomatic patients are beginning to brain as one ages. Links between pesticides and PD (20)
emerge. and dietary toxins and ALS (335) have been reported. The
As with other major age-related diseases, including latter findings suggest that reducing exposure to such
cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some can- environmental toxins may reduce the incidence of these
cers, the most effective means of reducing risk for neu- disorders. New dietary and behavioral approaches for
rodegenerative disorder may be to modify ones diet and promoting healthy brain aging will undoubtedly emerge
behaviors. As described in section IVA, caloric restriction from ongoing research. By analogy with physical exercise
benefiting the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular sys- ing effective in counteracting age-related brain dysfunc-
tems, mental exercise may improve the ability of brain tion in studies in rodents (154).
cells to cope with the aging process. Preclinical studies in animal models of neurodegen-
Can pharmacological interventions retard brain ag- erative disorders have identified several approaches that
ing? Antioxidants such as vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, lipoic are efficacious in preventing neuronal degeneration
acid, and ginko extract, and supplements such as creatine and/or restoring lost function. Administration of A" to
that enhance cellular energy maintenance, may provide APP mutant transgenic mice results in reduced amyloid
some degree of protection (7, 1113, 50, 107, 119, 155, 168, deposition and increased clearance of amyloid deposits in
212, 354, 384). Recent studies have evaluated dietary sup- the brain and improved learning and memory perfor-
plements that mimic the physiological effects of caloric mance (244, 310). The latter studies have led to a clinical
restriction for their ability to enhance resistance of neu- trial of an amyloid vaccine in AD patients. Unfortu-
rons to age-related disease (69, 116, 380). Suppressing nately, the clinical trial was recently halted because sev-
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