Release 7.1
EMC Corporation
Corporate Headquarters:
Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103
Copyright 2006 - 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Published July 2012
EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The
information is subject to change without notice.
Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an
applicable software license.
For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to the Technical
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For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on
All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
Corporate Headquarters: Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103
Chapter 1: Introduction...........................................................................9
System requirements.............................................................................................10
User interface choices...........................................................................................11
Related information..............................................................................................14
Chapter 2: Concepts.............................................................................15
Concepts overview................................................................................................16
Quota database files..............................................................................................16
Quota records.........................................................................................................17
Online quota update tool.....................................................................................17
Chapter 4: Configuring.........................................................................41
Choose and set a quota policy.............................................................................42
Define default quotas for users or groups and change
quota-management settings...........................................................................43
Change explicit quotas for individual users or groups...................................46
Change explicit anonymous-user quotas...........................................................47
Create and apply a quota prototype...................................................................48
Enable quotas for users or groups......................................................................50
Enable quotas for a new directory tree..............................................................51
Enable user or group quotas on a non-empty quota tree................................52
View or change quota-tree properties................................................................53
Chapter 5: Managing............................................................................55
Upgrade quota database limits for file systems................................................56
View quota database upgrade information.......................................................58
Generate a report of user or group usage at file system level........................59
Generate a report of user or group usage at Data Mover level......................61
Generate a report of quota-tree usage................................................................62
Generate a report of user or group usage at quota-tree level.........................63
View the user and group quota configuration..................................................64
View the quota-tree configuration......................................................................65
Enable or disable pop-up messaging..................................................................66
Set the maximum user ID.....................................................................................67
Customize pop-up messages...............................................................................68
Disable quotas for users or groups.....................................................................72
Disable quotas for a quota tree............................................................................73
Clear quotas............................................................................................................74
Clear user or group quotas........................................................................74
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting..................................................................79
EMC E-Lab Interoperability Navigator..............................................................80
VNX user customized documentation...............................................................80
Error messages.......................................................................................................80
EMC Training and Professional Services...........................................................81
As part of an effort to improve and enhance the performance and capabilities of its product lines,
EMC periodically releases revisions of its hardware and software. Therefore, some functions described
in this document may not be supported by all versions of the software or hardware currently in use.
For the most up-to-date information on product features, refer to your product release notes.
If a product does not function properly or does not function as described in this document, please
contact your EMC representative.
Note: Emphasizes content that is of exceptional importance or interest but does not relate to personal
injury or business/data loss.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious
Note: Do not request a specific support representative unless one has already been assigned to
your particular system problem.
Your comments
Your suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy, organization, and overall
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System requirements
Table 1 on page 10 describes the EMC VNX series software, hardware, network, and
storage configurations.
If any of this information is unclear, contact your EMC Customer Support Representative
for assistance:
Ideally, you should set up a quota policy before file systems go into a production
environment, because changing a quota policy at a later date requires that you first turn
off all quotas. Turning off quotas may impact system performance.
Always calculate the effect of quota policy changes on your storage requirements prior
to initiating a change. Contact an EMC Customer Support Representative before changing
the quota-checking policy.
Enable or disable quotas in a production environment during off-peak hours. Keep these
considerations in mind:
For systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier, enabling quotas may temporarily
disrupt file system operations. CIFS clients are disconnected during these events. NFS
clients receive a message that the server is not responding. When you turn quotas
back on, the file system is frozen and temporarily inaccessible. The length of the
interruption depends on the number of files and current load on the Data Mover.
Other file systems and Data Mover configurations will also impact the length of the
For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later, when a file system is online and you
enable quotas, system performance is impacted but file system operations are not
For systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier, tree quotas must be empty before you
can enable user and group quota trees. For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later, tree
quotas can be empty before you can enable user and group quota trees. Removing (turning
off) quotas from a quota tree requires that a directory be empty. Therefore, you must
move, copy, or archive files to a temporary location that is not a quota tree, such as a
regular directory, before turning off tree quotas. Turning off tree quotas deletes the
quota-tree directory.
Full file system backups will not include tree quotas contained in the original file system.
To preserve these trees, the new file system must have tree quotas enabled before data
is restored.
You cannot run rquotad queries against Virtual Data Movers (VDMs).
Note: If you prefer to create a script rather than open an edit session to change quota limits and set
event flags, use the nas_quotas command extensions. Appendix D provides examples.
UNIX client Provides the ability to view quota reports by us- Appendix B
ing command line commands. Provides no
means of managing quotas. Quota value and
grace period are not configurable.
The system does not notify the user when the
grace period begins.
Unisphere software Can specify default or explicit soft storage, hard Unisphere software online help
storage, and file count limits.
Can specify default grace periods for users or
groups at the file system or quota-tree levels, or
for all file systems on a Data Mover.
Can specify explicit grace periods for users or
groups at the file system or quota-tree levels.
Can specify soft storage, hard storage, and file
count limits for trees in a file system, where the
usage is the cumulative total of all users and
groups in the tree.
Can enable or disable user and group quotas at
the file system or quota-tree levels.
Can delete quota trees.
Can enable or disable hard-quota enforcement.
Can enable or disable log messaging when soft
or hard quotas are reached.
Clear quotas Y N N N
View reports Y Y Y Y
Related information
Specific information related to the features and functionality described in this document is
included in:
VNX Glossary
VNX Command Line Interface Reference for File
Parameters Guide for VNX for File
VNX Release Notes
Configuring Events and Notifications on VNX for File
Configuring VNX User Mapping
Using VNX FileMover
Using International Character Sets on VNX for File
Online VNX man pages
VNX wizards
Unisphere software provides wizards for performing setup and configuration tasks. The
Unisphere online help provides more details on the wizards.
Concepts overview
The system lets you control disk space consumption by limiting the total bytes of storage
that you can used, the number of files (inodes) that you can create, or both. This is done by
defining and enabling user or group quotas at the file system level. It is also possible to limit
the total amount of data, in blocks or inodes, that you can store in a specific, new directory
or subdirectory tree, by setting up tree quotas. Once you apply quotas to a tree, it is referred
to as a quota tree. The system separately tracks usage for users, groups, and quota trees.
Within a new quota tree you create, you can also set up user or group quotas and separately
track usage and enforce limits at the quota-tree level.
The quotas structure includes:
At the root or file system level, if hard-quota enforcement is set, quotas are tracked and
enforced for all files present in this file system. This includes the usage of files in all quota
trees present on this file system.
At the quota-tree level, if hard-quota enforcement is set, quotas are tracked and enforced
for each tree on which tree quotas are enabled, and for the users or groups using the files
present only in that quota tree.
Quota records
Each quota record contains:
Hard and soft quota limits set:
Absolute (hard) quota limit on disk usage allocated
Preferred (soft) quota limit on disk usage allocated
Note: Quota records are indexed by using UIDs. If a large user ID or group ID is in use on a file system,
then the size of the quota file is correspondingly large. However, the file does not consume a lot of
disk space because the file is mostly sparse and uses few file system blocks. You can verify this by
using the disk usage (du) command.
Note: The online quota update tool is available for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later.
Once a tree, user, or group quota is enabled on a directory, in some instances, differences
may occur between a reported quota usage and the actual quota usage that is displayed by
using either the Unisphere software or the CLI. The online quota update tool lets you run
a quota check on a tree or file system. The tool updates the tree, group, and user usage
statistics, while keeping the directory tree and file system online, and keeping data access
available. You can also run a quota check in the offline mode, if desired.
Quota records 17
You run the online quota update tool by using the CLI, and you need file system
administrative privileges. If an error is encountered, an error message is generated. The
status of the online quota check shows the percentage completed.
Note: The file system needs 512 MB of free space to run a tree quota check.
Planning Considerations
Note: When using the blocks policy, the user can create a sparse file whose size is large (more than
the limit), but that actually uses few blocks on the disk.
Filesize Calculates disk usage only in terms of logical file sizes, ignoring directory sizes
and symbolic links. Use this policy where file sizes are critical to quotas, such as where
user usage is based on the size of the files created, and where sizes or their sum exceeding
the limit is unacceptable. This policy is recommended in CIFS environments. With this
policy, block usage depends solely on the number of bytes added to or removed from
the file. Usage depends only on changes to a regular file. Directories and symbolic links
are not considered.
When setting quota limits, be aware that multiple data streams use additional inodes. A file
or directory with one alternate data stream will consume three inodesone inode for the
default stream, a second inode for the alternate stream, and a third inode for a container to
hold the alternate stream. Each additional alternate data stream consumes another inode so
that two streams on an object will use a total of four inodes, three streams will use five
inodes, and so on.
Note: When calculating actual disk-space usage in blocks, remember that the system stores the
block limits in increments of 8 KB. However, system administrators allocate blocks, and the
nas_quotas [-edit|-report] -config commands display disk usage in increments of 1 KB. The limits
and usage are rounded up to the next 8 KB boundary. This behavior conforms with standard UNIX
edquota and repquota tools.
Assume the system administrator sets quota blocks to 1000 and inodes to 500.
A user writes 10240-byte files. Each file uses two 8 KB blocks of disk space. The data that
the system allows to be created is 968 KB. Thus, the maximum number of files that can
be written before triggering the quota limit is 60. In addition to one file with an 8 KB
60 files x 10240 bytes per file (with 2*8 KB blocks) = 614,400 actual number of bytes
60 files x 2 blocks per file = 120 blocks; 120 blocks x 8192 bytes per block = 983,040
actual disk space used, which is one file under the 1000-block limit of 1,024,000 bytes
(1000 blocks x 1024 bytes per block)
Using block policy can actually reduce the effective available disk space users can write
to, depending on the number and size of their files.
99 files x 10240 bytes per file (that is, 10K) = 1,013,760 actual number of bytes written,
which is one file under the 1000-block limit of 1,024,000 bytes (1000 blocks x 1024
bytes per block)
99 files x 2 blocks per file = 198 blocks; 198 blocks x 8192 bytes per block = 2,027,520
actual disk space used
NFS Use either the block or filesize quota policy. If the use of default soft quotas is
required, set the specific grace periods you need or keep the default grace period of
1 week.
CIFS Set quota policy to filesize to ensure consistency between the system quotas
report and the Windows Properties information. If you want soft quotas to behave
like Windows warning limits, set the block and inode grace periods to "infinite". Set
the grace period to -1 (minus one) if using the CLI, or leave it blank if using the
Unisphere software. With an infinite grace period, a warning is generated when a
soft quota is reached, but the user can stay over the limit without getting quota errors
until the hard limit is reached.
NFS and CIFS mixed The policy you choose and the grace period selection, whether
a specific period or infinite, depends on which behavior is preferred, or the number
of each type of client in your environment, or both. For example, the filesize policy
works well for mixed CIFS and NFS environments, with behavior normal to both
client types. If the grace period is set to either infinite -1 by using the CLI or to blank
by using the Unisphere software, warnings are generated when soft quotas are reached,
but neither NFS nor CIFS clients receive quota exceeded errors until the hard limit is
Note: Ideally, you should set quota policy before file systems go into a production environment.
Keep these considerations in mind:
For systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier, never change an active policy during peak
production hours as this action requires that you first disable quotas (if they are enabled) to
change the policy, and then re-enable them for the new policy to activate, which disrupts file
system operation and is a time-consuming process.
For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later, enabling or disabling quotas may impact system
performance but does not disrupt file system operations. You can enable or disable quotas at
any time, including during peak production hours, but enabling or disabling quotas during
non-peak production hours avoids impacting system performance.
Change quota policy by changing a parameter in the system parameter file. You must
follow the procedure exactly as described in Choose and set a quota policy on page 42.
The VNX Release Notes provide updated information on choosing a quota policy.
Note: Grace periods for explicit users or groups are inherited from the default/behavioral quotas
configuration setting.
Apply quotas
This section explains your options for setting user, group, and tree quotas.
Note: Quotas are supported on component file systems, but not on the nested mountpoint file system
(NMFS) root.
Restrictions for applying and tracking user, group, and tree quotas
The amount of storage ("blocks") that the quotas feature can track for users, groups, or trees
4 TB for systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier
256 TB for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later
Because storage quotas are specified in megabytes, this equates to a maximum of:
4,194,303 MB for systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier for a user, group, or quota
268,435,456 MB for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later for a user, group, or quota
If the storage limit is exceeded, inconsistent usage reporting results, meaning that the sum
of the file sizes as seen in the directory listing (that is, what is actually on disk) does not
match with what is reported by the quotas feature. Inconsistent usage reporting does not
result in data loss, corruption, or unavailability.
The Unisphere software and the CLI disallow storage amounts that equal or exceed 4 TB
for systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier, and that exceed 256 TB for systems that use
version 6.0.41 and later. The system displays an error message if such entries are attempted.
For example, Table 4 on page 24 identifies when an error message does not appear if any
of the specified limits are entered (in equivalent megabytes) by using the software interface
or CLI.
Quotas Storage limits for version 6.0.40 and Storage limits for version 6.0.41 and
earlier later
Users at the file system level 3.9 TB 256 TB
Groups at the file system level 3.9 TB 256 TB
Quotas Storage limits for version 6.0.40 and Storage limits for version 6.0.41 and
earlier later
Quota tree 3.9 TB 256 TB
Users at the quota-tree level 3.9 TB 256 TB
Groups at the quota-tree level 3.9 TB 256 TB
However, Table 5 on page 25 identifies when an error message appears if any of the specified
limits are entered (in equivalent megabytes) by using the software interface or CLI.
Quotas Storage limits for version 6.0.40 and Storage limits for version 6.0.41 and
earlier later
Users at the file system level 4 TB 256.1 TB
Groups at the file system level 4 TB 256.1 TB
Quota tree 4 TB 256.1 TB
Users at the quota-tree level 4 TB 256.1 TB
Groups at the quota-tree level 4 TB 256.1 TB
Exception 1: After the data is entered, users, groups, or trees might consume more
than the storage limit of data if the storage limit was created prior to defining and
enabling the quotas. The system generates a server_log message (that includes the
user, group, or tree ID) when a user, group, or tree exceeds the storage limit.
Exception 2: The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) quota-management feature
allows administrators to enter storage quota values that exceed the storage limit.
However, EMC cannot ensure consistent usage reporting (between quota reports and
on-disk amounts) if the storage limit is exceeded.
To avoid inconsistent usage reporting problems in these special cases, configure user,
group, or tree quotas by using the following guidelines:
Set the storage quotas for users, groups, or trees to a value below the storage limit of
4 TB for systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier, and below the storage limit of
256 TB for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later. Enforce the hard limits by using
the deny disk-space option.
Set the storage quotas for users, groups, or trees to a value below the storage limit,
but do not enforce hard limits that deny disk space. In this way, the storage limit can
be exceeded, but inconsistent usage does not result because the quota settings
themselves will not surpass the 4 TB total for systems that use version 6.0.40 and
earlier, or the 256 TB total for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later.
Apply quotas 25
Planning Considerations
Full file system backups will not include tree quotas contained in the original file system.
To preserve these trees, the new file system must have tree quotas enabled before data
is restored.
Note: If you define both default and explicit quotas to users or groups, and later change the explicit
quotas to zero, the default quotas you defined for the user or group still apply. Changes to the default
quotas have no effect on users who have written to the file system. Those users inherited the default
quotas set when they first wrote to the file system. If no default quotas were set, then no default quotas
apply to those users.
If you assign a group quota, this does not set a quota for each user in the group. A group
quota applies to the sum of storage consumed by files owned by the group.
If you assign quotas to a user at both the file system and quota-tree levels, the user's usage
in the quota-tree level is counted against both.
When setting user and group quotas, consider the following:
You cannot set limits to root user or root group. In other words, the following cannot be
configured: UID=0 and GID=1, and GID=0.
You can set the limits for anonymous users, that is, only UID = -2 (minus 2), by using the
anon ID through the nas_quotas command.
Group ownership of files is based on a user's primary group unless setgid permissions
are used. The default primary group for Windows users is the primary group in the
Windows domain, unless you manually modify the cifs.acl.UseUnixGID parameter to
specify primary groups in a UNIX name mapping method. The default group in the
Windows Domain for all users is Domain Users. For users to belong to a unique group
quota, you must use Windows Active Directory to change the default primary group
from Domain Users to a unique group.
Note: The Unisphere software's File System Quotas Users and File System Quotas Group pages may not
appear in a timely manner when a large number of users and groups are associated with a file system.
Lists in excess of 10,000 users and groups may time out due to an out-of-memory condition.
Apply quotas 27
Planning Considerations
Note: For tree quotas created by using version 5.2.12 or earlier on file systems in MPD format, only
non-root users are included in the file count. You cannot change this behavior, which prevails for
those tree quotas upon upgrade, unless you delete the tree quotas, change the parameter (to include
root), and then re-create the tree quotas.
Note: You can also set default limits from a Microsoft Windows clients, but the Windows
environment does not support a limit value of 0 (zero). Instead, it supports a special NoLimit value
of -2 (minus two). NoLimit uses the quota entry for tracking purposes and prevents the user from
inheriting limits when files are first created. If the limit is set to NoLimit from the Windows client,
this value appears as -2 in the editor (using the nas_quotas -edit command), while the word NoLimit
appears in the report you generate (using the nas_quotas -report command). If you use the CLI to
set the limit to 0 (zero), this appears as NoLimit in the Windows client quotas administration dialog
box, but the value is preserved as 0 if no changes are made.
4. Specify the grace period in which users can remain over the soft limit before it, in effect,
becomes the hard limit. The default value is 1 week.
5. Specify the quotas event conditions upon which you want the system to write messages
to the Data Mover system_log. By default, the system does not write any quota-overage
or quota-checking events to the system_log.
6. Customize the pop-up messages Windows clients receive when their quotas are reached.
By default, a standard message is sent.
7. Define explicit quotas for individual users or groups at the file system level if your
environment requires this type of usage-control granularity. The explicit quotas you set
for an individual user or group always supersede the default (global) quota definition
you set.
Note: If you are uncertain about the quotas, grace periods, event conditions, and messages you
want to set, proceed to step 8 and enable all types of quotas (users and groups at the file system
level; tree quotas; and users and groups at the quota-tree level). When user, group, or tree quotas
are already enabled, you can define or change quota parameters at any time without impacting
the production environment, and the changes are immediate. The key is to avoid enabling quotas
when the system is in production mode. When you enable quotas, quota limits are tracked and
enforced. When you disable quotas, quota limits are not tracked and enforced. When you clear
quotas, the quota limits are automatically turned off first (for users and groups), and then all quota
database files are removed. The quota limit information is unrecoverable once the files are removed.
13. For each quota tree, enable user and group quotas at the quota-tree level. With these
quotas enabled, you can define or change user or group quota settings at the quota-tree
level at any time without impacting the production environment and the changes
immediately take effect.
After the system enters the production environment, with all quota types enabled, the system
begins to track usage and enforce limits, as configured, for each quota type. It computes
usage whenever files, directories, or symbolic links are created by any user or group in the
file system or quota-tree hierarchy.
Enabling quotas for users, groups, or both tells the system to track user or group disk usage.
If the option is set, it will enforce quotas at the specified file system level or quota-tree level.
Both default and explicit user or group quotas are enabled in this process. Enabling user or
group quotas when a file system is online:
Impacts client connectivity and is time-consuming for systems that use version 6.0.40
and earlier.
Impacts system performance but does not disrupt file system operations for systems that
use version 6.0.41 and later.
Use the -both option and enable quotas only during non-peak production hours, or preferably,
before the system enters a production environment.
With user or group quotas enabled at the file system level or quota-tree level, you can change
user or group quota parameters any time at that level and the changes take effect immediately,
without impacting the production environment.
When enabling quotas, note that:
You must enable quotas for quota-limit checking and enforcement to take effect. You
need to turn them on one time only. Do not turn quotas on (or off and on) each time you
change a limit, for example, by using the nas_quotas -edit -config command or the
Unisphere software. If quotas are on, any changes you make take effect immediately
when you exit from the editor.
When you turn on quotas, you must use the nas_quotas command options to turn them
off or clear them. Unmounting a file system or rebooting a Data Mover does not turn off
or clear active quotas.
After you enable quota enforcement, if you want to disable quota enforcement, do not
turn off quotas. Rather, set the Deny Disk Space flag to No. This action disables quota
enforcement, but allows usage tracking to continue for quota management and reporting
Note: To enable user or group quotas at the quota-tree level, for systems that use version 6.0.40 and
earlier, the quota tree must be new and empty. For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later, the quota
tree can be either new or existing. Enable quotas for a new directory tree on page 51 describes how
to create or enable a new tree. Enable user or group quotas on a non-empty quota tree on page 52
describes how to enable quotas on an existing tree that is not empty. To see if user or group quotas
are currently enabled, use the nas_quotas -report -config command. View the user and group quota
configuration on page 64 provides more details.
When user, group, or tree soft quotas are reached, exceeded, or crossed.
When user, group, or tree hard quotas are reached, exceeded, or crossed.
The log messages capture the events as they occur at the file system or quota-tree levels,
and you can enable or disable this messaging at each level. By default, no messages are sent
to the system log when user or group quotas (soft or hard) are exceeded. Define default
quotas for users or groups and change quota-management settings on page 43 explains
how to configure the system to log these events by using the CLI. To do so by using the
Unisphere software, select Storage Storage Configuration File Systems (File Storage
tasks), and select Manage Quota Settings. Then follow the online help instructions. Configuring
Events and Notifications on VNX for File also provides more information on how to set up
user, group, or tree quota messages and how they are displayed.
Error Messages tell Windows clients there is no more disk space or hard quotas for the
user or group have been reached.
The standard pop-up message for errors:
and change quota-management settings on page 43 and Define explicit quotas for users or
groups on page 20.
For systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier, when you enable quotas, the system freezes
the production file system so it is inaccessible. After the command completes, the file system
becomes available once again. You must enable quotas to enforce limits, compute usage,
and keep the database consistent.
For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later, enabling user and group quotas when a file
system is online impacts system performance, but does not impact file system operations.
You must enable quotas to enforce limits, compute usage, and keep the database consistent.
Once you have enabled a quota, it remains "on" until you disable or clear it. It is a one-time
action. You do not need to disable and re-enable quotas each time you change a limit. In
fact, doing so is not recommended. Keep in mind these considerations:
For systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier, enabling quotas may impact file system
operations. CIFS clients are disconnected during these events. NFS clients receive a
message that the server is not responding. Disabling or clearing quotas may impact
system performance.
For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later, enabling quotas when a file system is online
may impact system performance but does not impact file system operations. Disabling
or clearing quotas may impact system performance.
Enable quotas during off-peak production hours, or preferably, before the system goes into
a production environment. Thereafter, as you monitor disk-usage trends and decide to
define or change a quota, you can do so at anytime by simply changing the soft or hard
limits. The change takes effect immediately, without impacting the production environment,
because the quotas are already enabled.
The Data Mover stores quota information for each file system separately. However, when
you are in a quotas edit session, the system displays the quota records of a single user or
group on all file systems.
which the system turns quotas on and performs quota checks for users and groups in
the same pass.
When quotas are on, quota usage is guaranteed to be consistent with the file system data
at all times, even as new users are added to the file system. The system does not need to
repeat quota checking after adding new users to the file system.
Quota records are logged. Even after a file system crash, there is no need for the system
to perform a quota check. The data remains consistent. Avoid turning quotas off and on
again unless you encounter a situation where the database is somehow corrupted, or the
usage information is inconsistent.
For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later, you can start the quota check process by
using the CLI and you can complete it without any data interruption. Start a tree or file
system quota check on page 76 contains additional information.
Note: To see if user or group quotas are currently enabled or disabled, use the nas_quotas -report
-config command to view the current configuration. View the user and group quota configuration
on page 64 describes the procedure. To see if tree quotas are enabled, use the nas_quotas -list
Use deny disk space flag to enforce hard limits or track usage
Suppose you have defined quotas, enabled them, and put your system into a production
environment. To track disk usage for reporting and management purposes, without enforcing
limits to deny disk space, you can use a yes/no toggle to deactivate quota enforcement for
a quota type such as user or group quotas at the specified file system or quota-tree level.
If you type no, usage is counted but quota limits are not enforced. The user can exceed the
quota limits. Use no if you want to keep track of usage while preventing users from getting
quota-exceeded errors.
If you type the default setting of yes, quota usage is calculated and enforced. You can change
this setting at any time without disrupting file system operations.
You can deny disk space at the file system level for user, group, or tree quotas. Table 6 on
page 34 shows the behavior when hard-quota enforcement is "on" and quota types are
enabled or disabled at various levels.
You may also deny disk space at the quota-tree level. After enabling deny disk space at the
file system level, you can then enable or disable deny disk space at the quota-tree level.
Within the quota-tree structure, there are two levels: user and group. Table 7 on page 35 is
a summary of hard-quota enforcement behavior at the quota-tree level.
File system
Option User Group Quota tree
Deny Disk Space enabled Quotas enforced Quotas enforced Quotas enforced
File system
Option User Group Quota tree
Deny Disk Space disabled Quotas not enforced Quotas not enforced Quotas not enforced
Quota tree
Option User Group
Deny Disk Space enabled Quotas enforced Quotas enforced
Deny Disk Space disabled Quotas not enforced Quotas not enforced
Disable quotas
Disabling user or group quotas at the file system or quota-tree levels immediately stops
disk-usage tracking and the hard quota-limit enforcement behavior of the quotas feature
at that level. Existing quota information is retained in the quotas database files and is
reused when turning quotas back on. When to disable and clear quotas on page 35 offers
more details on disabling quotas.
EMC recommends performing this task during off-peak production hours.
Disabling quotas does not harm usage, as it is recomputed when quota limits are turned
on again. Typically, disable quotas only when preparing to clear quotas completely, such
as in a critical situation where quotas database files are corrupted.
Disabling tree quotas deletes the quota-tree directory itself. This action requires that the
directory be empty. So, you must move, copy, or archive files to a temporary location
that is not a quota tree, such as a regular directory, before disabling tree quotas.
Note: An alternate way to stop the enforcement of hard quotas for users or groups at the file system
or quota-tree levels is to set the Enforce Hard Quota (deny disk space) option to no. Hard-quota
enforcement is stopped immediately without disrupting file system operations for systems that
use version 6.0.40 and earlier, or without impacting system performance when a file system is
online for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later. Define default quotas for users or groups and
change quota-management settings on page 43 describes the procedure.
Clear quotas
Clearing user or group quotas first turns off all quotas for the users or groups at the file
system or quota-tree level, and then removes the quota database files, permanently
resetting all the limits to 0 (zero). The database information is not recoverable. Use this
option with caution and in extreme cases only, such as when the database is corrupted
and you need to discard all previous settings and start again.
When clearing user and group quotas, save time by using the -both option, which makes
the system turn quotas off for both users and groups in the same pass.
EMC recommends clearing quotas only during off-peak hours, when production activity
on the system is at its lowest point.
Disable quotas for a quota tree on page 73 explains how to clear the tree quota database
information by first disabling quotas for all trees in the file system.
Note: The following examples assume quota policy is set to filesize. Set quota policy on page 21
provides more information on choosing a quota policy. These examples demonstrate a 10 percent
difference between soft and hard limits. The actual difference that you set depends on the usage trends
of your environment and the reaction time required to provide support. Also, the size metric used in
quota tracing is 1,024 bytes in filesize policy, and 8,192 bytes in blocks policy.
The system reports reveal which users have exceeded their soft quota limits or reached their
hard quota.
must delete files or request a higher quota limit. Hard quotas enable an equitable use of
disk space.
Note: The CLI does not support null (blank) quota entries. However, the Unisphere software supports blank quota entries,
and the behavior resulting from the blank entries is listed in the next table section.
Quotas entered by using 0 blank If the users or groups usage is also 0, then
the Unisphere software the users or groups inherit the default
with blank fields or ze- (global) quotas set at the file system level.
roes at the file system or
When a null entry (blank) is entered in the
quota-tree levels
explicit users or groups storage soft limits
field of the Unisphere software (or nolimit
is entered in the CLI's nas_quotas com-
mand line, or -2 is entered in the
nas_quotas configuration file), the words
"NoLimit" appear in the soft-limit field of
the CLI-based quota report.
Quotas reports
The system offers a variety of quota reports that provide the current quotas status and
disk-usage statistics. These reports include:
Users or groups at the file system level, or all file systems on the Data Mover
Quota trees
Users or groups at the quota-tree level
Chapter 5 offers more details.
Configuration files
View the user and group quota configuration on page 64 provides information on how
View the enabled or disabled status of the various quota types at the Data Mover,
file system, or quota-tree level.
View the current quotas behavior management or behavior settings.
Obtain tree IDs and quota-tree descriptions.
Error Messages (enabled to pop-up by default) tell clients when hard quotas are reached
or the system is out of disk space.
Warning Messages tell clients when their soft quotas are reached or disk space is getting
low, giving them a grace period to react.
Note: To view the types of messages currently set to pop-up, use the following command syntax:
Explanations are provided on how to enable or disable error messages, warning messages,
or both. An explanation is provided on how to customize the message that Windows clients
receive to include contact information or helpful instructions. Notify users when their quotas
are neared or reached on page 31 details using pop-up messages.
Note: To match the way that Microsoft Windows Servers perform quota accounting, you should set
the quota policy to filesize. When the policy is set to filesize, the amount used is in 1 KB increments.
However, the limits are still set using the file system's 8 KB internal block size. That is, when you set
a limit, the system rounds it up to the next 8 KB block limit. Because of this difference, the value
displayed in the Quota Limit field of the Quota Entries window might be different from the
administrator's settings. If you use or plan to use FileMover, Using VNX FileMover provides additional
<movername> = name of the Data Mover
2. Log in to the Control Station.
<movername> = name of the Data Mover
To reboot Data Mover 2, type:
$ server_cpu server_2 -reboot now
Quota-tree level To set default, globally applied quotas for users or groups in a newly created quota tree in a file
system, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -config -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree resides
<pathname> = name of the quota tree to which you want to apply default user or group quotas
File system level only To change default quotas for users or groups at the file system level only, use this command
$ nas_quotas -edit -config -fs <fs_name>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree resides
Define default quotas for users or groups and change quota-management settings 43
Data Mover level only To change default quotas for users or groups at the Data Mover level (for users or groups
of all file systems mounted read/write on the Data Mover), use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -config -mover <movername>
<movername> = name of the Data Mover
The quotas will not apply to file systems subsequently mounted read/write on the Data Mover after command execution.
You must reissue the command for the new file systems to change to default quotas.
Explicit quotas supersede default quotas. Apply quotas on page 24 offers more details.
To set or change user or group quotas for quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 created (in the tree-enabling process) in file system
ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -config -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1
The system opens an edit session as shown in the Output table that follows.
Numbers in the first column are line numbers that are used for explanation purposes only.
Lines 45: The length of time users can exceed their block (megabytes of storage) and inode (number of files, direc-
tories, or symbolic links) before the soft limit is enforced as a hard limit. Specify values in units of seconds, minutes,
days, weeks, or months. The default is 1.0 week. Fractional values are acceptable. Examples: 5 weeks, 3.5 days, 2
months, and so on.
To allow an infinite grace period, set both block and inodes periods to -1 (minus one).
The grace period globally applies to all users or groups by default, and is also inherited by individual users or groups
for whom explicit quotas are set.
Lines 78:The default quotas that apply to all users or groups in the quota tree currently without quotas or subsequently
added to the quota tree. Type a soft limit that is less than the hard limit:
For systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier: 4,194,303 MB.
For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later: 268,435,456 MB.
For systems that use version 6.0.40 and earlier: 4,194,303 MB.
For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later: 268,435,456 MB.
Line 9: Deny disk space to users who reach their hard quotas, and to users whose primary group reaches its hard
quotas. Yes (default) means users are denied disk space when reaching the limits. No means users are allowed to
go over the limits. This option is useful to track usage and eliminate quota error messages.
Lines 1114: Generates an event message to the system log when a particular condition occurs. Enable or disable
various CIFS events. Valid values are yes and no.
Save the changes and exit the file. You must enable user or group quotas (turned on if they
are off) at the file system level or quota-tree level, as applicable, for the default limits to be
tracked and enforced. View the user and group quota configuration on page 64 describes
how to check if quotas are on or off. To turn them on if they are off is described in Enable
quotas for users or groups on page 50. Define grace periods for users or groups on page 32
also provides additional details.
Define default quotas for users or groups and change quota-management settings 45
<id id...> = ID of each user (each ID separated by a space) for whom you are setting the quotas
File system level only To change explicit quotas at the file system level only, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs <fs_name> id <id id...>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree resides
<id id...> = ID of each user (each ID separated by a space) for whom you are setting the quotas
Groups To change explicit quotas for groups, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -group -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname> id <id id...>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree resides
<id id...> = ID of each group (each ID separated by a space) for which you are setting the quotas
When you set group quotas, the quotas apply to the user's primary group. If neither -user nor -group is specified in the
command, the default is -user.
If NIS is enabled, the ID can be an NFS username or NFS group name. If NIS is not enabled, you must type the UID (for
the user) or GID (for the group). For UID and GID mappings, check the local password file, the Usermapper files, or the
Active Directory (if configured) where you can right-click the user for the ID. CIFS users can get UID mappings through
the Usermapper feature. Configuring VNX User Mapping offers more details.
To edit quotas for user 32782 in quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 within file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1 32782
The system opens an edit session as shown in the Output table that follows.
Userid : 32782
fs ufs1 tree */mktg-a/dir1*
blocks (soft = 5017600, hard = 5120000)
inodes (soft = 4950, hard = 5000)
The username is not displayed in the editor. Instead, the UID appears.
The block and inode values appear in the editor session. A value of 0 (zero) indicates no limits are set. The values of
the blocks (soft = <n>, hard = <n>) indicate that the user can allocate (<n>) 1 KB blocks. The values of inodes (soft
= <n>, hard = <n>) indicate the user can create <n>-1 inodes (that is, files, directories, or links).
If the block limit entry is not a multiple of 8, then the system assigns and displays a block limit that is the next higher
multiple of 8.
Quota-tree level To edit quotas for anonymous users at the quota-tree level, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname> anon
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = name of the quota tree to which you want to apply quotas for anonymous users
File system level To edit anonymous user quotas at the file system level, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs <fs_name> anon
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
To edit quotas for anonymous users for quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 in file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1 anon
Userid : anonymous
fs ufs1 tree "/mktg-a/dir1"
blocks (soft = 921600, hard = 1024000)
inodes (soft = 2950, hard = 3000)
Edit the anonymous user limits, and then save the limits and exit the editor.
<fs_name> = name of the file system to derive a list of users, groups, or trees
To generate a list of all users on file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -report -user -fs ufs1
2. From the list that appears, select the ID of the user, group, or tree whose quota limits
you want to apply to other users, groups, or trees.
3. To create a prototype based on a user ID selected in step 2, and apply the quotas to other
users in the quota tree, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname> -proto <proto_id>
<id id...>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = name of the quota tree accessed by the users
<proto_id> = ID of the user whose quota limits you want to apply to other users
<id id...> = ID of the users to whom you want to apply the prototype quotas
To apply the quota limits of prototype user 32780 to users 32782, 32783, and 1016377 of
quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 on file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1 -proto 32780 32782 32783
The system applies the quota limits of the prototype user to each user whose ID you
specified. If quotas are enabled, the new limits immediately take effect (are tracked and
The VNX Command Line Interface Reference for File and the nas_quotas man page provide
more details on nas_quotas command syntax, usage, and options.
4. To create a prototype based on a group ID selected in step 2, and apply the quotas to
other groups in the quota tree, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -group -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname> -proto <proto_id>
<id id...>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = name of the quota tree accessed by the users
<proto_id> = ID of the group whose quota limits you want to apply to other groups
<id id...> = ID of the groups to whom you want to apply the prototype quotas
To apply the quota limits of prototype group 300 to groups 301, 302, and 303 of quota
tree /marketing/dir1 on file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -group -fs ufs1 -path /marketing/dir1 -proto 300 301 302 303
5. To create a prototype based on a tree ID selected in step 2, and apply the quotas to other
quota trees, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -tree -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname> -proto <proto_id>
<id id...>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = name of the quota tree accessed by the users
<proto_id> = ID of the tree whose quota limits you want to apply to other trees
<id id...> = ID of the trees to whom you want to apply the prototype quotas
To apply the quota limits of prototype tree 1 to trees 2 and 3 of file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -tree -fs ufs1 -proto 1 2 3
6. To apply a prototype at the file system level, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs <fs_name> -proto <proto_id> <id id...>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<proto_id> = ID of the user whose quota limits you want to apply to other users
<id id...> = ID of the users to whom you want to apply the prototype quotas
To edit file system quotas on ufs1 for the specified user, 1000, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs ufs1 1000
User quotas To enable user quotas at the quota-tree level, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -on -user -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system within which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = name of the quota tree on which to enable the group quotas
Both user and group quotas To enable quotas for both users and groups at once (saving time because it enables
quotas for both users and groups in the same pass), use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -on -both -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system within which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = name of the quota tree on which to enable both user and group quotas
One file system To enable user, group, or both user and group quotas at the file system level, use this command
$ nas_quotas -on [-user|-group|-both] -fs <fs_name>
<fs_name> = name of the file system within which the quota tree exists
All file systems To enable user, group, or both quotas for all file systems on the Data Mover, use this command
$ nas_quotas -on [-user|-group|-both] -mover <movername>
<movername> = name of the Data Mover
The nas_quotas man page and the VNX Command Line Interface Reference for File provide more information.
To enable user quota limits for quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 on file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -on -user -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1
Note: For systems that use version 6.0.41 and later, you can also define user and group quotas for an
existing quota tree that is not empty. Enable user or group quotas on a non-empty quota tree on page
52 contains further information.
2. Turn on tree quotas for the directory by using this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -on -tree -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname> -comment <'comment'>
<fs_name> = name of a mounted file system on which to create a quota tree
<pathname> = pathname of the quota tree directory you want to create
<'comment'> = description of the tree quota (optional), enclosed in single quotes (' ')
In the example that follows, these conditions must exist to run the command successfully:
The high-level directory /mktg-a must exist.
The subdirectory /mktg-a/dir1 must not exist, and is created in the process.
Note: Apply quotas on page 24 explains more about restrictions on quota trees.
To enable tree quotas on file system ufs1, on directory /mktg-a/dir1, type:
$ nas_quotas -on -tree -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1 -comment 'Customer Accounts'
Comment length is limited to 256 bytes (represented as 256 ASCII characters or a variable
number of Unicode multibyte characters), and cannot include a single quote ('), double
quote ("), or semi-colon (;). To remove a comment, type a space enclosed in single quotes
(' ').
After enabling quotas for a new directory tree you can set or change its limits at any time
without impacting the production environment, and the changes immediately take effect
when you save and exit the edit session. View the user and group quota configuration on
page 64 describes the procedure to see if quotas are enabled on a tree.
View or change quota-tree properties on page 53 explains how to view/change tree quotas
on a new, quotas-enabled tree. Define default quotas for users or groups and change
quota-management settings on page 43 and Define explicit quotas for users or groups on
page 20 define user or group quotas on a quota tree.
Note: This procedure is valid for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later only.
You can enable user or group quotas for an existing quota tree that is not empty.
Note: You can also enable quotas for a new directory tree. Enable quotas for a new directory tree on
page 51 contains further information.
Use this procedure to set quotas on an existing quota tree that is not empty:
1. Ensure that tree quotas are enabled on the quota tree where you want to enable user or
group quotas. If tree quotas are not enabled, use this command syntax to enable them:
$ nas_quotas -on -tree -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname> -comment <'comment'>
<fs_name> = name of a mounted file system on which the quota tree resides
<pathname> = pathname of the existing quota-tree directory
<'comment'> = description of the tree quota (optional), enclosed in single quotes (' ')
In the example that follows, these conditions must exist to run the command successfully:
The high-level directory /mktg-a must exist. It is not created in the process.
The subdirectory /mktg-a/dir1 must not exist, and is created in the process.
Note: Apply quotas on page 24 explains more about restrictions on quota trees.
To enable tree quotas on file system ufs1, on directory /mktg-a/dir1, type:
$ nas_quotas -on -tree -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1 -comment 'Customer Accounts'
Comment length is limited to 256 bytes (represented as 256 ACSII characters or a variable
number of Unicode multibyte characters), and cannot include a single quote ('), double
quote ("), or semi-colon (;). To remove a comment, type a space enclosed in single quotes
(' ').
2. Enable default and explicit quotas for users, groups, or both at either the file system or
quota-tree levels. Enable quotas for users or groups on page 50 contains instructions.
<fs_name> = file system for which you want to generate a list of quota trees
For a list of quota trees on file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -list -tree -fs ufs1
| Quota trees for file system ufs1 mounted on /ufs1: |
| Tree ID | Quota tree path (Comment) |
| 1 | /mktg-a/dir1 (Customer Accounts) |
2. Define or change the tree quota limits by using this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -edit -tree -fs <fs_name> -block <hard:soft> -inode <hard:soft>
-comment <'comment'> <id>
<fs_name> = file system name
<hard:soft> = hard and soft block (storage) limits (in KBs, rounded to the next 8 KB), and
the hard and soft file count limits. The hard and soft limits are separated by a colon (:).
You should always set soft limits lower than the hard limits. You can omit -block or
-inode to set one or the other. Maximum block limit is 4,194,303 MB for systems that use
version 6.0.40 and earlier, and 268,435,456 MB for systems that use version 6.0.41 and
later. Maximum file count limit is 4,294,967,293 files.
<'comment'> = descriptive comment (optional), enclosed in single quotation marks
<id> = tree ID on which you want to define or change quota limits
To define or change the block and inode quota limits on tree ID 1 within file system ufs1,
$ nas_quotas -edit -tree -fs usf1 -block 102400000:101376000 -inode 10000:9900 1
Optionally, you can use the comment option to change the comment describing the tree.
Comment length is limited to 256 bytes (represented as 256 ACSII characters or a variable
number of Unicode multibyte characters), and cannot include a single quote ('), double
quote ("), or semi-colon (;). To remove a comment, type a space enclosed in single quotes
(' '). The nas_quotas man page and the VNX Command Line Interface Reference for File
explain more details about the nas_quotas command.
treeid : 1
fs ufs1 blocks (soft = 101376000, hard = 102400000) inodes (soft
= 9900, hard = 10000)
3. After you view or change the limits for the tree, save the changes and exit the file. The
changes take effect immediately without disrupting file system operations. For systems
that use version 6.0.41 and later, system performance may be impacted. If the deny disk
space option at the file system level is set to yes, hard quotas are enforced and users or
groups in the tree are denied disk space when the hard limits for the tree are reached.
Note: You can now assign ownership or appropriate permissions to the new directory from NFS
or CIFS clients.
Note: Before the upgrade process runs, the Control Station displays the estimated upgrade time of the
file system whose quota database will be upgraded, and also displays a warning message to notify
users that the file system will be unavailable during the upgrade process. If users are in interactive
mode, a dialog box is displayed letting users choose whether they want to continue. If users are in
non-interactive mode, immediately after the Control Station displays the estimated upgrade time
message and warning message, the upgrade process starts. Because the file system will not be accessible
during the upgrade, carefully read the estimated time message and schedule a time when the file
system can be brought down.
To upgrade quota database limits on file systems, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -quotadb -upgrade [-Force] {-mover <movername>|-fs <fs_name>}
<movername> = name of the Data Mover for which you want to update quota databases on all mounted file systems
<fs_name> = name of the file system for which you want to update a quota database
If the -Force option is specified, you are in non-interactive mode while upgrading the quota database. If the -Force option
is not specified, you are in interactive mode while upgrading the quota database and can choose to wait to perform an
upgrade after receiving a yes/no prompt.
To upgrade all file systems on a Data Mover, in interactive mode, type:
$ nas_quotas -quotadb -upgrade -mover server_2
Info 13421850365 : The quota limit on ufs0 is at 4TB. The upgrade to 256
TB is estimated to take 5 seconds.
A total number of 1500 data blocks in the quota database will be converted
at a speed of 300 blocks per second.
Info 13421850365 : The quota limit on ufs1 is at 4TB. The upgrade to 256
TB is estimated to take 5 seconds.
A total number of 1500 data blocks in the quota database will be converted
at a speed of 300 blocks per second.
Info 13421850365 : The quota limit on ufs2 is at 4TB. The upgrade to 256
TB is estimated to take 5 seconds.
A total number of 1500 data blocks in the quota database will be converted
at a speed of 300 blocks per second.
Info 13421850365 : The quota limit on ufs3 is at 4TB. The upgrade to 256
TB is estimated to take 5 seconds.
A total number of 1500 data blocks in the quota database will be converted
at a speed of 300 blocks per second.
Warning 17716861297: The file systems specified in the list above will not
be accessible during the quota database upgrade, and a file system's CIFS
share and NFS export also will not be accessible during the upgrade. The
file systems shown above are listed in the order that the quota database
conversion is performed, one by one sequentially. The estimated time (
shown above ) needed to upgrade the quota database may change based on the
file system's quota configuration and I/O performance when the conversion
is running.
Do you really want to upgrade the file system quota database now[Y/N]: Y
Info 13421850367 : quota db upgraded on ufs0
Info 13421850367 : quota db upgraded on ufs1
Info 13421850367 : quota db upgraded on ufs2
Error 13421850368 : Timeout occurred when upgrading quota db on ufs3. The
Quota db upgrade may still be in progress. Use the "-info" option to check
Info 13421850369 : quota db already upgraded on ufs4
To view estimated times for how long a quota database upgrade will take, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -quotadb -info {-mover <movername>|-fs <fs_name>}
<movername> = name of the Data Mover for which you want to view quota database upgrade times for all mounted file
<fs_name> = name of the file system for which you want to view quota database upgrade times
To view estimated times for how long a quota database upgrade will take for all file systems on a Data Mover, type:
$ nas_quotas -quotadb -info -mover server_2
Info 13421850365 : The quota limit on ufs0 is at 4TB. The upgrade to 256
TB is estimated to take 5 seconds.
A total number of 1500 data blocks in the quota database will be converted
at a speed of 300 blocks per second.
Info 13421850365 : The quota limit on ufs1 is at 4TB. The upgrade to 256
TB is estimated to take 5 seconds.
A total number of 1500 data blocks in the quota database will be converted
at a speed of 300 blocks per second.
Info 13421850365 : The quota limit on ufs2 is at 4TB. The upgrade to 256
TB is estimated to take 5 seconds.
A total number of 1500 data blocks in the quota database will be converted
at a speed of 300 blocks per second.
Info 13421850365 : The quota limit on ufs3 is at 4TB. The upgrade to 256
TB is estimated to take 5 seconds.
A total number of 1500 data blocks in the quota database will be converted
at a speed of 300 blocks per second.
<id id ...> = IDs of the specific users. Separate each UID with a space.
<id id...> = IDs of the specific groups. Separate each GID with a space.
If you do not specify a user or group ID, the report lists all users or groups registered by using the -edit option, and all
other users or groups with files present on the file system.
To view a usage report by users of file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -report -user -fs ufsl
For CIFS users: Bytes Used are based on the user's total quota, which includes any and all shares on the file system.
Note: If a quota report conflicts with what is actually available on disk, it may imply the total amount
of storage used by users, groups, or trees per file system exceeds 4 TB for systems that use version
6.0.40 and earlier, and 256 TB for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later. Another possibility is that
the policy is set to blocks and sparse files are used.
<id id...> = IDs of the specific users. Separate each ID with a space.
Groups To generate a report of group usage by Data Mover, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -report -mover <movername> <id id...>
<movername> = name of the Data Mover for which you want to generate a report.
If you do not specify a user or group, the report lists all users or groups for all file systems on the Data Mover.
To view a report of usage for user 32780 across all the file systems (in this example, ufs1 and ufs2) mounted on Data
Mover server_2, type:
$ nas_quotas -report -mover server_2 32780
<id id...> = IDs of the specific trees. Separate each ID with a space.
If you do not specify a tree ID, the report lists all existing quota trees. To determine if tree quotas are enabled, and to view
any comments associated with the quota trees, use the nas_quotas -tree -list command.
To generate a report for tree ID 1 mounted on file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -report -tree -fs ufs1 1
Users To generate a report of user usage at the quota-tree level, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -report -user -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname> <id id...>
<fs_name> = name of the file system
<id id...> = IDs of the specific users whose usage you want included in the report. Separate each ID with a
<id id...> = IDs of the specific groups whose usage you want included in the report. Separate each ID with a
If you do not specify a user or group, the report lists all users or groups registered using the -edit option, and all other
users or groups with files present in the quota tree.
To generate a usage report for all quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 users in file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -report -user -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1
Quota-tree level To view the user and group quota configuration at the quota-tree level, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -report -config -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = name of the quota tree for which to view the user or group quota configuration
File system level To view the user and group quota configuration at the file system level, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -report -config -fs <fs_name>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
To view the quota configuration for quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 in file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -report -config -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1
| Quota parameters for quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 on filesystem ufs1: |
| Quota Policy: blocks |
| User Quota: ON |
| Group Quota: ON |
| Block grace period: (1.0 days) |
| Inode grace period: (1.0 days) |
| Default USER quota limits: |
| Block Soft: ( 1945600), Block Hard: ( 2048000) |
| Inode Soft: ( 1950), Inode Hard: ( 2000) |
| Default GROUP quota limits: |
| Block Soft: ( 39000000), Block Hard: ( 40000000) |
| Inode Soft: ( 39000), Inode Hard: ( 40000) |
| Deny Disk Space to users exceeding quotas: YES |
| Log an event when ... |
| Block hard limit reached/exceeded: YES |
| Block soft limit (warning level) crossed: YES |
| Quota check starts: NO |
| Quota Check ends: NO |
To view the quota configuration for a tree directory, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -list -tree -fs <fs_name>
<fs_name> = name of the file system for which you want to view active tree quotas
To view the tree quota configuration for file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -list -tree -fs ufs1
| Quota trees for filesystem ufs1 mounted on /ufs1: |
| TreeId | Quota tree path (Comment) |
| 1 | /mktg-a/dir1(Customer Accounts) |
| 2 | /mktg-a/dir2(Sales Group Data) |
| 3 | /Engineering/software (SW) |
| 4 | /Engineering/hardware (HW) |
| 5 | /Engineering/documentation (DOC) |
| 6 | /Finance/Europe (reports) |
2. To enable or disable pop-up messaging to Windows clients, use this command syntax:
$ server_param <movername> -facility cifs -modify sendMessage -value
<movername> = name of the Data Mover
<new_value> = value for the specified parameter:
0 = Disable all pop-up messages.
1 = Enable only error pop-up messages.
2 = Enable only warning pop-up messages.
3 = Enable both warning and error pop-up messages.
For server_2, to enable both warning and error messages to be sent to Windows clients,
$ server_param server_2 -facility cifs -modify sendMessage -value 3
Note: Parameter and facility names are case-sensitive. Parameters Guide for VNX for File provides
additional information about the pop-up messaging parameter.
server_2 : done
<movername> = name of the Data Mover
<new_value> = value for the specified maxuid parameter, where range = 04294967294
and the default value is 0
For server_3, type:
$ server_param server_3 -facility quota -modify maxuid -value 20000
Note: Parameter and facility names are case-sensitive. Parameters Guide for VNX for File provides
additional information about parameters.
server_3 : done
2. Edit the cifsmsg.txt file on the Data Mover by copying the file to the Control Station by
using this command syntax:
# server_file <movername> -get cifsmsg.txt cifsmsg.txt
<movername> = name of the Data Mover with the cifsmsg.txt file
To copy the file from server_2, type:
# server_file server_2 -get cifsmsg.txt cifsmsg.txt
Note: If this file does not exist, you must create it and type the information. If you do not create
this file, the system uses default messages in the pop-up windows.
# Warnings for status NoSpace,QuotaExceeded and
# GroupQuotaExceeded
# The default message for these warnings is "File System is
# nearly full"
# Warnings for status NoSpace, QuotaExceeded and
# GroupQuotaExceeded
# The default message for these warnings is "File System is
# nearly full"
# The popup will be:
# +----------------------------+
# | File System is nearly full |
# | Contact your administrator |
# | Share: <name of the share> |
# +----------------------------+
File System is nearly full
Contact your administrator
# Errors for status NoSpace, QuotaExceeded and GroupQuotaExceeded
# The default message for these errors is:
# "File System full"
# "Contact your administrator"
# The popup will be:
# +----------------------------+
# | File System full |
# | Contact your administrator |
# | Share: <name of the share> |
# | File: <name of the file> |
# +----------------------------+
# or
# +----------------------------+
# | File System full |
# | Contact your administrator |
# | Share: <name of the share> |
# +----------------------------+
File System full
Contact your administrator
4. To change a warning message, customize warning messages by using this syntax:
Note: Use # at the beginning of a sentence if you want to add comments to this file.
<popup message line 1>
<popup message line n>
<status> = The condition upon which you want the message sent. Options are:
NoSpace for when disk space is running low.
QuotaExceeded for when user soft quotas are exceeded.
GroupQuotaExceeded for when group soft quotas are exceeded.
<popup message line> = Any message to send (such as the nature of the condition, contact
information, and suggested action).
To have the following pop-up message appear when user soft quotas are exceeded:
now to make more space. Contact Tech Support @ ext. 1234 for assistance.
Your allotment of disk space is reaching capacity.
Delete unwanted files now to add more space.
Contact Tech Support @ ext. 1234 for assistance.
5. To change an error message, customize error messages by using this syntax:
<popup message line 1>
<popup message line n>
<status> = The condition upon which you want the message sent. Options are:
NoSpace = When disk space is full.
QuotaExceeded = When user hard quotas are exceeded.
GroupQuotaExceeded = When group hard quotas are exceeded.
<popup message line> = Any message you want to send such as the nature of the condition,
contact information, and suggested action.
To have the following pop-up message appear when the disk is full:
The file system is full. Delete unwanted files now (or move files to a
backup drive) to create space. Contact Tech Support @ ext. 1234 for
The file system is full. Delete unwanted files now
(or move files to a backup drive) to create space.
Contact Tech Support @ ext. 1234 for assistance.
6. Save and close the file, and then type:
$ server_file server_2 -put cifsmsg.txt cifsmsg.txt
7. To implement the changes that you made to the cifsmsg.txt file, restart (stop and start)
the CIFS service on the Data Mover (<x>) by using this command syntax:
$ server_setup server_<x> -P cifs -o stop
$ server_setup server_<x> -P cifs -o start
If you also changed the parameter to enable or disable pop-up messaging, described in
Enable or disable pop-up messaging on page 66, reboot the Data Mover instead of
restarting CIFS to make all changes at once.
User quotas To disable quotas for all users at the quota-tree level, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -off -user -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = quota tree for which you want to disable user quotas
<pathname> = quota tree for which you want to disable group quotas
Both user and group quotas To disable quotas for both users and groups at once, saving time because it disables
quotas for both users and groups in the same pass, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -off -both -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = quota tree for which you want to disable both user and group quotas
One file system To disable user, group, or both user and group quotas at the file system level, use this command
$ nas_quotas -off [-user|-group|-both] -fs <fs_name>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
The nas_quotas man page and the VNX Command Line Interface Reference for File provide more information.
To disable user quotas on file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -off -user -fs ufs1
2. Move the contents of the quota-tree root (for example, /mktg-a/dir1) to a temporary
3. Disable quotas for a quota-tree root by using this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -off -tree -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = file system on which tree quotas are currently enabled
<pathname> = pathname of the quota-tree root
To disable tree quota limits for file system ufs1 and the quota-tree root /mktg-a/dir1,
$ nas_quotas -off -tree -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1
Clear quotas
Clearing a type of quota discards the information from the quotas database, resets the limits
to 0 (zero), and removes the related quota files from the root directory.
When you issue the command to clear user or group quotas at the file system or quota-tree
levels, the system:
Disables (turns off) the quotas for the users or groups.
Discards the related information in the database.
Resets the limits to 0 (zero).
Removes the related quota files from the root directory.
Clearing user or group quotas may take considerable time and disrupt file system operations.
Clear quotas only during off-peak production hours. When to disable and clear quotas on
page 35 provides more information.
User quotas To clear the database information related to all users within a quota tree, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -clear -user -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
Group quotas To clear the database information related to all groups within a quota tree, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -clear -group -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
Both user and group quotas To clear quotas for both users and groups at once, saving time because it clears
quotas for both users and groups in the same pass, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -clear -both -fs <fs_name> -path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = quota-tree name for which to clear user and group quotas
One file system To clear user, group, or both user and group quotas at the file system level, instead of at the tree
level, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -clear [-user|-group|-both] -fs <fs_name>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
The nas_quotas man page and the VNX Command Line Interface Reference for File provide more command syntax infor-
mation and options.
Clearing quotas permanently deletes the related quotas database files and the quota limits they contain.
Do not clear quotas unless extreme conditions exist, such as corruption in the quota database files, and
you need to start again.
To clear all user quotas on quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 in file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -clear -user -fs ufs1 -path /mktg-a/dir1
Clearing the information in the quota-tree database files requires that you first disable quotas
(turn off) for all quota trees in the file system. Disable quotas for a quota tree on page 73
describes the procedure to disable quota trees.
To clear the quota-tree database files related to all quota trees in a file system, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -clear -tree -fs <fs_name>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
Clearing quotas permanently deletes the related quotas database files and the quota limits they contain.
Do not clear quotas unless extreme conditions exist (such as corruption in the quota database files) and
you need to start again.
To clear all quota-tree database file information related to quota trees that were in file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -clear -tree -fs ufs1
Clear quotas 75
Tree quotas To start a tree quota check, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -check -start [-mode online|offline] -fs <fs_name> -tree
-path <pathname>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
<pathname> = name of the quota tree on which you want start a quota check
File system To start a file system quota check, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -check -start [-mode online|offline] -fs <fs_name>
<fs_name> = name of the file system in which the quota tree exists
If you do not specify a mode, then online is assumed and the check is run with the file system remaining online.
To start a tree quota check in quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 in file system ufs1 with the file system online, type:
$ nas_quotas -check -start -mode online -fs ufs1 -tree -path /mktg-a/dir1
To stop a quota check, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -check -stop -fs <fs_name> [-tree -path <pathname>]
<fs_name> = file system name where the quota check is running
<pathname> = name of the quota tree on which you want stop a quota check
To stop a tree quota check on file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -check -stop -fs ufs1
To view the status of a quota check, use this command syntax:
$ nas_quotas -check -status -fs <fs_name> -tree [-path <pathname>]
<fs_name> = file system name where the quota check is running
To view the status of a tree quota check in quota tree /mktg-a/dir1 in file system ufs1, type:
$ nas_quotas -check -status -fs ufs1 -tree -path /mktg-a/dir1
Tree quota check on filesystem ufs1 and path /mktg-a/dir is running and
is 60% complete.
Error messages
All event, alert, and status messages provide detailed information and recommended actions
to help you troubleshoot the situation.
To view message details, use any of these methods:
Unisphere software:
Right-click an event, alert, or status message and select to view Event Details, Alert
Details, or Status Details.
Use this guide to locate information about messages that are in the earlier-release
message format.
Use the text from the error message's brief description or the message's ID to search
the Knowledgebase on the EMC Online Support website. After logging in to EMC
Online Support, locate the applicable Support by Product page, and search for the
error message.
Managing Quotas on a
Windows Client
Windows environments provide some of the quota management capabilities that are available
through the CLI. In the Windows environment, administrators can:
View quotas
Modify quotas
Add new quota entries
Delete quota entries
These limitations apply to the Windows platforms:
Block policy is not recommended. Choose and set a quota policy on page 42 provides
more details.
You cannot set group quotas, quota trees, grace periods, and inode (file count) quotas
from the Windows platform.
Quota settings specified for users, or groups, or trees cannot exceed 4 TB for systems that
use version 6.0.40 and earlier, or 256 TB for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later.
Exceeding 4 TB or 256 TB may cause inconsistent usage to result. Apply quotas on page
24 provides more details.
4. In the Disk Properties dialog box, modify the information in the Quota tab, and then click
View quotas
Usage is monitored by selecting the quota tab at the root of the file system only. Windows
monitoring on a subdirectory in a file system is not supported.
To view a quota entry:
1. On the Windows desktop, double-click My Computer.
3. Right-click the volume where you want to view quota information, and then select
Note: If you specified values by using the blocks policy, instead of the filesize policy, the result
displayed in the Windows Quota tab might be different from the settings that the administrator
6. In the Quota Entries window, on the toolbar, select Quota New Entry.
The Select Users dialog box appears.
7. In the Look in list, select the name of the domain or workgroup from which you want to
select users.
View quotas 85
Managing Quotas on a Windows Client
10. To save your changes, click OK; to discard your changes, click Cancel.
3. Right-click the volume where you want to view quota information, and then select
4. Click Quota.
6. In the Quota Entries window, right-click the quota entry you want to modify, and then
click Properties.
The Quota Settings for the selected user's dialog box appears.
Note: Do not specify a user quota value that exceeds 4 TB for systems that use version 6.0.40 and
earlier, or 256 TB for systems that use version 6.0.41 and later. Doing so can cause inconsistent
usage between what is shown in quota reports and what actually exists on disk. Apply quotas on
page 24 provides more details.
8. To save your changes, click OK; to discard your changes, click Cancel.
3. Right-click the volume where you want to delete a quota entry, and then select Properties.
5. In the Quota Entries window, select the entry you want to delete.
6. On the toolbar, select Quota Delete Quota Entry. A confirmation box appears.
7. Click Yes. If the user has any file on the system, the Disk Quota dialog box appears.
3. To view an event's details, double-click a specific event in the right pane to open the
Event Properties window.
UNIX clients can view quota reports by using command line commands.
They do not have the means to manage quotas on the VNX system.
Topics included are:
Identify users or groups on page 90
rquotad support on page 90
rquotad support
The rquota daemon (rquotad) used by UNIX or NFS clients runs on the Data Mover and
provides NFS clients with quota information about remotely mounted file systems. An NFS
user with a VNX-resident file system mounted can access quota information for the file
system by using the quota command.
Note: You cannot run rquotad queries against Virtual Data Movers (VDMs).
The quota command executes on the client and interrogates the system by using rquotad.
Table 9 on page 90 describes variations of the quota command. To use the command, log
in to the client system and type the indicated command at the prompt.
Command Function
quota -v Displays verbose quota status for user or group quotas for all of the mounted file systems
on which quotas are set. It will not support tree quotas.
Note: No results are returned for file systems on which quotas are not set.
quota <username> Displays quotas on mounted file systems for other users. This lists file systems on which the
user exceeds the quota.
quota -v <username> Displays verbose quota status for all file systems mounted by this user, where <username>
can be either the UNIX username or the user's UID. You must be logged in as root to use
this command.
Note: No results are returned for file systems on which quotas are not set.
The quota man page of the client UNIX operating system details more information about
the quota command.
When NFS clients use the UNIX system's df -k command to view the disk space usage of
file systems shared from the VNX system, by default the output shows the free space available
on the whole file system rather than just the free space available when user, group, or tree
quotas are applied. This output can be misleading to the user, who may believe more space
is available than is actually the case.
This section shows how to change the useQuotasInFsStat parameter to enable the df command
to reflect quotas in the disk-space-usage statistics for file systems. When user or group quotas
are in effect, the UID or GID of the client running the df command is used to fetch the quota
limits for that user or group.
To view the current parameter setting, use this command syntax:
server_param <servername> -f quota -i useQuotaInFsStat
Change output view for non-root NFS clients on page 92 explains how to change the current
parameter setting.
Parameters Guide for VNX for File provides additional information about the parameter used
to affect the statistics.
2. To include or exclude quotas in the disk-usage checks done by non-root users with the
df -k command, use this command syntax:
$ server_param <movername> -facility <facility_name> -modify
useQuotasInFsStat -value <new_value>
<movername> = name of the Data Mover
<facility_name> = name of the facility to which the parameter belongs
<new_value> = value you want to set for the specified parameter. 0=exclude. 1=include
To exclude quotas from being factored into disk-usage check reports run on Data Mover
2, type:
$ server_param server_2 -facility quota -modify useQuotasInFsStat -value 0
server_2 : done
This section shows how to use the CLI to manage quotas without opening an editor session
by using extensions of the nas_quotas command. This method is useful when creating scripts.
The nas_quotas man page and VNX Command Line Interface Reference for File provide more
Note: When using command extensions, you must specify the limits in kilobytes.
To set quota limits on file system ufs1 for the user with ID 32780; set the block hard limit to 102400 KB; set the block soft
limit to 51200 KB; set the inode or file count hard limit to 10000; and set the inode soft limit to 7500, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -user -fs ufs1 -block 102400:51200 -inode 10000:7500 32780
To set quota limits on file system ufs1 for group ID 32000 to a block hard limit of 1048576 KB (=1024 MB) and to a block
soft limit of 524288 KB (=512 MB); set the inode or file count hard limit to 10000; and not change the inode soft limit, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -group -fs ufs1 -block 1048576:524288 -inode 10000 32000
To set a block hard limit for tree (ID=1) in file system ufs1 to 1048576 KB, and change no other limits, type:
$ nas_quotas -edit -tree -fs ufs1 -block 1048576 1
For file systems with directory format MPD, use the countRootUsageInQuotaTree parameter
in the slot_param file to specify whether to include the files and directories of root users in
the quota-tree file count, or to include just those of non-root users.
Note: Include or exclude root users when tracking quota-tree disk usage on page 28 details quota-tree
file count behavior.
Change the quota-tree file count on page 100 explains how to change the current parameter
Parameters Guide for VNX for File provides additional information about the
countRootUsageInQuotaTree parameter.
2. To exclude or include root users in the quota-tree file count, use this command syntax:
$ server_param <movername> -facility <facility_name> -modify
countRootUsageInQuotaTree -value <new_value>
<movername> = name of the Data Mover
<facility_name> = name of the facility to which the parameter belongs
<new_value> = value you want to set for the specified parameter. 0=exclude. 1=include
To exclude root users from the quota-tree file count, type:
$ server_param server_2 -facility quota -modify countRootUsageInQuotaTree -value
server_2 : done
Units of storage (8 KB each) that comprise a file system.
UNIX process that runs continuously in the background, but does nothing until it is activated
by another process or triggered by a particular event.
hard quota
Configurable file system usage limit that, when reached, can cause the system to generate an
event or message and immediately deny user requests that would require more disk space,
such as creating or saving of files.
See also quota and soft quota.
On-disk data structure that holds information about files in a file system. This information
identifies the file type as being a file that includes VNX FileMover stub files, a directory, or a
symbolic link.
Actions the Control Station takes in response to particular events. Some possible actions include
sending an email message or an SNMP trap. There are two types of notifications: event
notifications, which are notifications based on predefined system events such as a temperature
being too high, and resource notifications, which are notifications based on user-specified
resource usage limits or thresholds.
pop-up messages
Feature that warns or informs Microsoft Windows clients (connected to a specific machine
name) when certain system events occur. Pop-up messages can be customized to provide specific
instructions or contact information.
Limit on the amount of allocated disk space and the number of files (inodes) that a user or group
of users can create in a Production File System. Quotas control the amount of disk space or the
number of files that a user or group of users can consume or both.
quota policy
Parameter you set to tell the system to calculate disk usage either by blocks or by file size.
(Default is by blocks.)
quota tree
Directory or subdirectory to which tree quotas are applied.
soft quota
Configurable file system usage limit that, when reached, can cause the system to generate an
event, and send a warning message to Windows clients. The soft quota limit serves as a grace
period providing reaction time so that reaching the hard quota can be avoided.
See also quota and hard quota.
tree quota
Feature that lets you specify soft and hard quota limits on a directory tree. The usage is computed
for all files created in the tree hierarchy.
maximum storage restrictions 24 D
tree quotas 27 database files 16
user or group quotas 26 default quota limits, define 26, 43
define grace periods 32
B delete quota entries, Windows 86
deny disk space flag 34
blocks policy 21 disable
group quotas 72
pop-up messages 39, 66
C quotas 35
cautions 10 quotas for a quota tree 73
change user quotas 72
blocks and inodes 23
output view, non-root NFS clients 92 E
pop-up messages 39
quota tree properties 53 EMC E-Lab Navigator 80
change quotas enable
explicit anonymous-user 47 group quotas 32, 50
explicit groups 20, 46 pop-up messages 39, 66
explicit users 20, 46 quotas on non-empty quota tree 52
groups 32 tree quotas 51
users 32 user quotas 32, 50
clear quotas enforce hard quota limits 34
groups 36, 74 error messages 31, 80
quota trees 75 event log, view in Windows 87
users 36, 74 event notification 31
command extensions event-logging flags 31
edit file system level quotas 97 exclude root users 100
edit group quotas 96 explicit anonymous quotas, change 47
edit tree quotas 97 explicit quota limits
edit user quotas 96 change 46
configuration, view 39
configure pop-up messages 39
countRootUsageInQuotaTree parameter 28, 100
create quota prototypes 48
file count limits, maximum 23 maximum storage and file count limits 23
file system level maximum user ID, set 67
change explicit user or group quotas 20 messages, error 80
edit command extensions 97 methods for managing quotas 11
quota limits, upgrade 56
FileMover and quotas 20
filesize policy 21 N
flags NFS non-root clients, change output view 92
deny disk space 34 non-empty quota tree, enable quotas 52
event-logging 31
online quota update tool 17
generate reports 39, 59, 61, 62, 63
Data Mover level 61
file system level 59 P
quota-tree level 63
quota-tree usage 62 plan for enabling or disabling quotas 28
grace periods 32 pop-up messages 31, 39, 66, 68
group quotas change 39
apply 26 configure 39
change explicit 20 customize 68
clear 74 disable 39, 66
disable 72 enable 39, 66
edit command extensions 96 for errors 31
enable 50 for warnings 31
view status 34 prepare to use quotas 28
groups prototypes, create 48
identify in UNIX 90
H quota check
hard quota limits 34, 36, 37, 54 reboot Data Mover 77
enforce 34 start 76
stop 76
unmount file system 77
I view status 77
quota database
include root users 100 files 16
interface options 11 management choices 11
upgrade information 58
L quota entries
add in Windows 85
limitations, Windows 84 delete in Windows 86
limits quota parameters, Windows 84
define default 43 quota policy, set 21, 42
hard quotas 36 quota prototypes 48
maximum storage and file count 23 quota records 17
quota tree properties
Windows (continued)
view quotas 85