Satanic Wispers and Cure
Satanic Wispers and Cure
Satanic Wispers and Cure
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O Allah ! Open the door of knowledge and wisdom for us,
and have mercy on us! O the One Who is the Most Honourable
and Glorious! (Al-Mustatraf, vol. 1, pp. 40)
Recite Salat-Alan-Nabi once before and after the Dua.
Waswasay aur Un ka Ilaj
Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)
Aalami Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madinah, Mahallah Saudagran,
Purani Sabzi Mandi, Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi, Pakistan
UAN: +92-21-111-25-26-92 Ext. 7213
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
An English translation of Waswasay aur Un ka Ilaj
Copyright 2016 Maktaba-tul-Madinah
Please feel free to contact us if you wish to sponsor the printing of a religious
book or booklet for the Isal-e-Sawab of your deceased family members.
Aalami Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madinah Mahallah Saudagran,
Purani Sabzi Mandi, Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi, Pakistan
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No matter how lazy Satan tries to make you feel, read this booklet
from beginning to end. You will be protected from the disastrous
effects of satanic whispers,
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
angel is called 2 1 [Mulhim] and his invitation is called
2 1 [Ilhaam]. On the other hand, a Satan is also appointed
by Allah . This Satan invites him towards evils. The Satan
is called 2 1 [Waswaas] and his invitation is called 2 1
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
Who is called 2
1 [Hamzad]?
It is stated in the books 2 1 [Mirqat] and 2 1
[Ashia-tul-Lamaat] that as soon as a human baby is born, a Satan
baby is also born. The Satan baby is called 2 1 [Hamzad] in
Persian and 2 1 [Waswaas] in Arabic. (Ashia-tul-Lamaat,
vol. 1, pp. 87; Mirqat, vol. 1, pp. 244; Mirat, vol. 1, pp. 83)
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0 &
has stated: It is narrated that overeating causes
six evils:
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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Translation: Listen! Satan has spread out his net far and wide in
all directions.
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
Part 14, Surah Al-Hajar, verse 34
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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area. He called Imam Raazi 8)( 3 & from the very same place,
Why do you not say that I believe in the oneness of Almighty
without any proof?
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If Allah protects the bondman from this satanic whisper
and the bondman gives this reply to the cursed Satan: I am a
bondman of Allah and the bondman must carry out the
order given by His Creator. As Allah is the Lord of all the
worlds, He gives the order that He wills and does
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
In fact, all of them are only doubts because the promise and
the Word of Allah are absolutely truthful. Allah has
made several promises to grant rich reward for obedience and
acts of worship. Therefore, whoever presents himself in the
Divine court with faith and obedience will never enter Hell.
Instead, he will be granted an abode in Jannat-ul-Firdaus by
the grace of Allah and by means of virtuous deeds,
. In actual fact, he will enter Heaven by virtue of the
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And they will say, All praise is for Allah Who has fulfilled His
promise to us.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 24, Surah Az-Zumar, verse 74)
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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And his heart is steadfast in faith.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 14, An-Nahl, verse 106)
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
urine in that area is very bad as the ground will become impure,
and the body will be splashed with impure water during bath
or Wudu.
take bath. They went to the river Nile in the early morning.
One of them said to the other. You go and dive in the water; I
will watch you and tell you whether your entire body is washed
or not. He went and started diving into the water. The other
person staying out of water said, A little part of your head is
still unwashed; so-and-so body part is dry. The bathing person
continued to bath from morning until afternoon. At last, he
returned, tired and doubtful whether his Ghusl is valid or not.
He then said to the other person, Now you go and I will watch
you. The other person also dived into water and the standing
person said, Your head is not yet washed.
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Sayyiduna Imam Mujahid 8 )( 3 & has also said, I would
rather offer Salah without Wudu than obey Satan. (It does not
mean that one can really offer Salah without Wudu. In fact,
this is aimed at removing the satanic whisper.) (At-Tareeqa-tul-
Muhammadiyyah ma Sharh Al-Hadeeqah An-Nadiyyah, vol. 2, pp. 688)
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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[i.e. the author] has
personally experienced it many times that Satan runs away in
humiliation when I act like spitting towards the left shoulder
three times in case of experiencing satanic whispers in the toilet.
(It is forbidden to recite 2 #1 etc. in the toilet.)
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
In any case, he must repeat this Salah from the beginning. The
mere intention of invalidating Salah is not sufficient. If this has
not occurred for the first time but rather it happened even
before, he should do what his strong presumption is; if there is
no strong presumption, he should accept the assumption of less
number of Rakaat, i.e. if he is doubtful whether the number of
offered Rakaat are three or four, he should consider them to
be three; if he is doubtful whether the number of offered Rakaat
are two or three, he should consider them to be two and so on.
In this case, he should perform Qadah in the third as well as in
the fourth Rakat, as the third Rakat may also be the fourth
one. After the Qadah of the fourth Rakat, he should perform
Sajdah Sahw but if he is following strong presumption, no
Sajdah Sahw is needed.
Humiliation of Satan
My master Ala Hadrat, the leader of the Ahl-e-Sunnah, Maulana
has stated: If there
Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan H(9
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is any doubt whether he has offered three Rakaat or four, he
should consider them to be three, offer one more Rakat and
perform Sajdah Sahw. If he has actually offered five Rakaat in
this case, it is as if these two Sujood of Sahw will serve as one
Rakat, completing a set of two Rakaat. There will be no single
Rakat which is invalid by Shariah. In other words, it is as if
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
these two Sujood of Sahw along with the single Rakat [i.e. the
fifth one] will turn it into a separate set of two Rakaat of Nafl
Salah. And if he has actually offered four Rakaat, these Sujood
will humiliate and disgrace Satan as it was he who had tried to
make Salah invalid by causing doubt.
(Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 762)
Accepting worship is the act of Allah , not mine. Now you
get lost. I will neither act upon your whispers nor repeat this
Salah. At last, after Satan noticed his failure, he went away,
humiliated and disgraced.
third time, If he causes whispers for the third time, then? The
student replied, I get rid of it as well.
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2. The leftover of the hen that roams free and pecks at filthy
things is Makruh. If it is caged, then its leftover is pure.
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0 &
has further stated) There are too many ignorant
ascetics [i.e. those who refrain from worldly pleasures]. They
cause anxiety and trouble by enquiring about the meal, using
very harsh words. In fact, Satan makes them assume that they
are doing something very good by treating such people with
harshness. These types of people actually want to become
famous for eating only Halal food. If they want to follow religion
in this situation, then they should know that the fear of hurting
the feeling of Muslims is greater than the fear of eating the
suspicious thing. He should know that he will not be questioned
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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1. Satans in the form of jinn, i.e. the cursed devil and his
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Those who whisper into the hearts of people. Among the jinns
and people.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 30, Surah An-Naas, verse 5-6)
Human Satans
It is stated in a Hadees that the Holy Prophet 6
( 8 )( 3 5
said to Sayyiduna Abu Zar Ghifari '
)( 3
& , Seek refuge of
Allah from the harm of human Satans and jinn Satans.
Sayyiduna Abu Zar Ghifari '
)( 3
% & humbly asked, Are there
Satans in the form of human beings as well? He 6
( 8)( 34 5
replied, Yes. (Musnad Imam Ahmad, vol. 8, pp. 130, Hadees 21602)
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(After giving some more pieces of advice, Ala Hadrat 8)( 3 &
has further stated that Allah has said in verse 112 of Surah
Al-Anaam, part 8):
;RRt8 < b XJ #' L e l& y & #' 3$ \ g
And if your Lord had wanted, they would not have done so;
therefore leave them and their fabrications.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 8, Al-Anaam, verse 112)
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
Are you under the impression that there will be only one Dajjaal,
the most impure one, who will come later on? Never! All those
calling towards deviation are Dajjaal and it is mandatory to
run away from all of them. The same afore-mentioned risk is
involved in meeting and listening to them. The Greatest and
Noblest Prophet 6
( 8)( 3 5
4 has said, In the last era, there
will be Dajjaal people who will be liars. They will tell you such
things which neither you nor your forefathers heard. So you
stay away from them and keep them away from you lest they
mislead you and throw you into turmoil. (Sahih Muslim, pp. 9,
Hadees 7; Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 781-782)
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
Translation: O the Sovereign of religion (6
( 8 )( 3 4 5 )! Please
take care of your weak slaves. For how long will Nafs and Satan
continue to suppress us?
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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has narrated: Sayyiduna Qays Bin Hajjaj 8)
. 9 &
( 3
said: My accompanying Satan said to me, When I entered your
body I was (strong) like a camel but I have now been (weak)
like a sparrow. Sayyiduna Qays Bin Hajjaj 8 )( 3 . 9
& asked,
Why? Satan replied, You continue to melt [i.e. weaken] me
by remembering Allah . (Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 3, pp. 37) Thus,
heedlessness from Divine remembrance is not something good.
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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has stated: Commenting on the following Divine
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From the evil of the one who produces evil thoughts in the hearts
and stays hidden.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 30, Surah An-Naas, verse 4)
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Sayyiduna Mujahid 8)( 3 & stated: Satan has spread himself
over the heart of man. When man remembers Allah , Satan
shrinks and when he is heedless, so Satan spreads himself over
the heart. War between Zikr and satanic whispers continues; as
the fight between day and night and between light and darkness
continues. These two i.e. Divine remembrance and satanic
whisper are the opposite of each other. Allah has said in
verse 19 of Surah Al-Mujadalah, part 28:
(_m no % L M #& , / 0 L M s %
The devil dominated them and made them forget the
remembrance of Allah.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 28, Al-Mujadalah, verse 19)
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Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
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imagine about the Greatest and Noblest Prophet 6
( 8)( 3 5
4 .
If only we are blessed with so deep grief, love, enthusiasm and
devotion of the Holy Prophet 6
( 8 )( 3 5
4 that we get free
from every grief of the world as well as from satanic whispers.
If only the following prayer be answered for us!
Translation: May Allah grant us so deep devotion of the Holy
Prophet 6
( 8 )
( 3 5
that we get unable to find ourselves
despite searching, i.e. may we get into an overwhelming and
overpowering state in his devotion! (Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish)
3 .
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(Part 27, Surah Al-Hadeed, verse 3)
;R9 8
. 6 #J - fz 4 l J #0 < 1
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(Part 13, Surah Ibraheem, verse 19, 20)
(Summarized from: Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 770)
(The part of the verse included in above Dua has been identified
under brackets with a different font style.)
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Pray to Me, I will accept. ( - ~
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 24, Al-Mumin, verse 60)
Still, the effects of the prayer being answered are not observed
many times. In fact, there are certain conditions for driving
Satan away by means of Divine remembrance and for the
answering of the prayers. We can take the example of
medicines. If harmful things are not avoided, medicines fail to
produce the required effect. If a patient suffering from diabetes
continues to eat sweets, what effect will medicine produce? In
the same way, in order to get rid of satanic whispers and to
drive him away, avoidance from sins is essential. If piety is not
adopted, then the medicine in the form of Zikr may not cure
the disease of satanic whispers.
0 &
has stated: Satan is like a hungry dog that comes
to you. If you have no bread and no meat, he will go away easily
after you tell him off. If you have meat and he is hungry, so he
falls on the meat and is not driven away easily. In a similar
way, if there is nothing for Satan in the heart, he moves away
from that heart when Divine remembrance is made. On the
other hand, if the heart is under the domination of desires, so
the inner condition of the heart will be captured by Satan who
will prevent such a person from making Divine remembrance
with all his heart. As far as the heart of the pious is concerned,
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
In short, one who commits sins day and night is like a friend of
Satan. And how is it possible that Satan run away from his
friends easily! In verse 4 of Surah Al-Hajj, Allah said in
part 17 of the Holy Quran:
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(The devil) for whom it is decreed that whoever befriends him, he
will certainly mislead him and lead him to the path of the
torment of Hell.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 17, Surah Al-Hajj, verse 4)
0 &
has stated: The real effectiveness of Divine Zikr
can settle in the heart when it is purified from evil attributes
and is adorned with piety. Otherwise, Zikr will prove to be a
temporary thing and can neither influence the heart nor rule it.
It cannot also get rid of satanic power.
medicine in the form of Divine Zikr. In this way, Satan will run
away from you. (Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 3, pp. 45, 47)
Madani pearl
If only we would develop interest in good deeds rather than in
wealth and would recite invocation for it!
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them