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Satanic Wispers and Cure

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Dua for Reading the Book

R ead the following Dua (supplication) before you study a

religious book or an Islamic lesson, you will remember
whatever you study,     


# %

O Allah      ! Open the door of knowledge and wisdom for us,
and have mercy on us! O the One Who is the Most Honourable
and Glorious! (Al-Mustatraf, vol. 1, pp. 40)

Recite Salat-Alan-Nabi  once before and after the Dua.


Waswasay aur Un ka Ilaj


THIS booklet was written by Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-

Ahl-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami Allamah Maulana
Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi 

!" # $
in Urdu. Majlis-e-Tarajim (the translation department) has
translated it into English. If you find any mistake in the
translation or composing, please inform the translation
department on the following postal or email address with the
intention of earning reward [Sawab].

Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)
Aalami Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madinah, Mahallah Saudagran,
Purani Sabzi Mandi, Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi, Pakistan
UAN:  +92-21-111-25-26-92 Ext. 7213
Email:  translation@dawateislami.net
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them
An English translation of Waswasay aur Un ka Ilaj

Copyright 2016 Maktaba-tul-Madinah

No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted, in any

form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Maktaba-tul-Madinah.

1st Publication: Ramadan-ul-Mubarak, 1437 AH (June, 2016)

Translated by: Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)
Publisher: Maktaba-tul-Madinah

Please feel free to contact us if you wish to sponsor the printing of a religious
book or booklet for the Isal-e-Sawab of your deceased family members.

Aalami Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madinah Mahallah Saudagran,
Purani Sabzi Mandi, Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi, Pakistan

 Email: maktabaglobal@dawateislami.net maktaba@dawateislami.net

 Phone: +92-21-34921389-93
 Web: www.dawateislami.net

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No matter how lazy Satan tries to make you feel, read this booklet
from beginning to end. You will be protected from the disastrous
effects of satanic whispers,     


Reciting Salat-Alan-Nabi after the Dua of

Qunoot is better
Sayyiduna Abu Haleemah Muaaz   '


 & would recite
Salat-Alan-Nabi with the Dua of Qunoot.
(Fadl-us-Salat-Alan-Nabi lil Qadi Al-Jahdami, pp. 87, Raqm 89)

A legendary and leading scholar of Shariah and Tareeqah,

Allamah Maulana Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami

. /

 0 & 
 has stated on page 655 of the first volume of the
1250-page book Bahar-e-Shariat published by Maktaba-tul-
Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami: It is
better to recite Salat-Alan-Nabi after the Dua of Qunoot (during
the third Rakat of Salat-ul-Witr).


( 3 .
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Literal meaning of [ Waswasah]

Dear Islamic brothers! The word 2 1 [Waswasah] literally
means a whisper. In terms of Shariah, Waswasah means evil
thoughts and ideas. (Ashiah, vol. 1, pp. 300)

It is stated in the book Tafseer Baghawi: Waswasah is the

thought that Satan produces in the heart of a human being.
(Tafseer Baghawi, vol. 2, 4, pp. 127, 518)

Usually, everyone experiences satanic whispers. Someone

experiences them a lot and someone a little. Some deeply
sensitive people continue to think about satanic whispers and
get into trouble. If ignored, satanic whispers usually come to
an end. As soon as you begin to experience satanic whispers,
start remembering Allah      . For example, start saying Allah,
Allah. Satan will flee,     

  . The more a Muslim
worships Allah      , the more Satan opposes him, showing his
enmity. Laying various kinds of deceitful traps, Satan makes
every possible effort to prevent him from worshiping Allah     
and from following the Sunnah of His Beloved and Blessed
Prophet  6   (    8)( 3 5
 4  .

Satan continues to disturb him by producing different types of

filthy and evil thoughts in his mind. Sometimes, man falls prey
to satanic whispers in ignorance, giving up a righteous and pious
deed. Thus Satan becomes successful in his mission. Allah     

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

said to His Beloved Prophet  6   (    8)( 3 5

 4  in verse 97 and 98
of Surah Al-Mu`minoon of part 18:

6 5 
 4 , ' 3$ %     12 
;9A8 <  = >? @ <    3$ %   ;9: 8  /  0

And say, O my Lord! I seek Your refuge from the whispers of

devils. And my Lord, I seek Your refuge from their coming to me.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 18, Al-Mu`minoon, verse 97, 98)

Na waswasay aayain na kabhi ganday khayalat

Ho zihn ka aur dil ka ata Qufl-e-Madinah

Translation: May I neither have satanic whispers nor filthy thoughts!

May I be blessed with Qufl-e-Madinah of my mind and heart!

Everyone is accompanied by an angel and a Satan

Here is a summary of a saying of Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad
Bin Muhammad Bin Muhammad Ghazali ) +

 0 & 


extracted from page 79 and 80 of the 344-page book 2 1
[Minhaj-ul-Aabideen] published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah,
the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami: Allah      has
appointed an angel on the heart of every human being. The
angel continues to invite him towards righteousness. This

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

angel is called 2 1 [Mulhim] and his invitation is called

2 1 [Ilhaam]. On the other hand, a Satan is also appointed
by Allah      . This Satan invites him towards evils. The Satan
is called 2 1 [Waswaas] and his invitation is called 2 1

Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali ) +


 0 & 

further stated: Although most scholars of Islam :;

are of the opinion that the angel invites people only towards
righteousness and the Satan only towards evils, yet my spiritual
guide has stated that Satan sometimes makes people indulge in
evils even by apparently inviting them towards righteousness.
He does so by inviting them towards a minor act of righteousness
instead of a major one or makes them commit a major sin that
is much more severe than the reward of a pious deed. For
example, if a person has performed a pious deed, Satan makes
him indulge in self-satisfaction.

Sarwar-e-Deen li-jiye apnay natuwanon ki khabar

Nafs-o-Shaytan Sayyida kab tak dabatay jayain gey

Translation: O the Sovereign of religion ( 6   (    8 )(  3 5

 4  )! Please
take care of your weak slaves. For how long will Nafs and Satan
continue to suppress us? (Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish)


( 3 .
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Who is called 2
1 [Hamzad]?

It is stated in the books 2 1 [Mirqat] and 2 1
[Ashia-tul-Lamaat] that as soon as a human baby is born, a Satan
baby is also born. The Satan baby is called 2 1 [Hamzad] in
Persian and 2 1 [Waswaas] in Arabic. (Ashia-tul-Lamaat,
vol. 1, pp. 87; Mirqat, vol. 1, pp. 244; Mirat, vol. 1, pp. 83)

Hamzad of Holy Prophet became Muslim

Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Masood   '
 )( 3 
 & has narrated that
the Revered and Renowned Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 4 5 has said,
Each of you is accompanied by a jinn (i.e. Satan) as well as an
angel. People asked, Ya Rasoolallah  6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  ! Even
you? He  6  (  8)( 3  5
 4  said, Even I am accompanied by him
but Allah      helped me against him, making him Muslim.
He now gives me suggestion only about goodness.
(Sahih Muslim, pp. 1512, Hadees 2814)

Everyone is accompanied by a Satan

Dear Islamic brothers! Keep it in mind that only the accompanying
Satan of the Beloved Prophet  6   (    8)( 3 5
 4  became Muslim.
The accompanying Satans of all other people are devout [i.e.
strong] disbelievers. Anyway, a Satan who is a devout disbeliever
is appointed to cause whispers in our hearts and he continues
to oppose us all the time, showing his enmity against us.

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Mujhay Nafs-e-zalim pay ker di-jiye ghalib

Ho nakaam hamzad Ya Ghaus-e-Azam

Translation: O Ghaus-e-Azam! Make me dominate the cruel Nafs.

May my accompanying Satan fail! (Wasail-e-Bakhshish, pp. 297)

Satan is free but you are busy

Quoting the saying of Sayyiduna Yahya Bin Muaaz Raazi

 . 9 &   
Hujjat-ul-Islam, Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad
Bin Muhammad Bin Muhammad Ghazali ) +

 0 & 

stated on page 77 of the 344-page Urdu-translated book
Minhaj-ul-Aabideen published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the
publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami: Satan is free but you
are busy. He watches you but you cannot see him. You have
forgotten him but he has not forgotten you. Even inside you
are many of the friends and helpers of Satan (such as Nafs and
desires etc.). Therefore, it is essential to fight against Satan and
to defeat him. Otherwise, you cannot stay safe from the mischiefs
and harms of Satan. (Minhaj-ul-Aabideen (Arabic), pp. 46)

Kalayjah shayateen ka tharra uthay ga

Pukaro sabhi mil kay Ya Ghaus-e-Azam

Translation: Call out Ya Ghaus-e-Azam all together. Satans will

tremble with fear. (Wasail-e-Bakhshish, pp. 296)


( 3 .
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Satan circulates in the body like blood

Satan is very close to each of us. The Revered and Renowned


 4 5 has said, Without doubt, Satan
circulates in (the body of) man like blood.
(Sahih Bukhari, vol. 1, pp. 669, Hadees 2038)

Great Sufis )( 

 & have said: Hence block the ways of Satan
by means of hunger. (Kashf-ul-Khifa, vol. 1, pp. 198)


( 3 .

6 Severe harms of overeating

Those who eat too much should ponder how they will get rid of
Satan. Hujjat-ul-Islam, Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali


 0 &

 has stated: It is narrated that overeating causes

six evils:

1. There is no more Divine fear in the heart.

2. There is no sympathy with others because those who stuff

themselves assume that everyone is like them and hence
do not have pity for others.

3. Worship seems to be a burden.

4. Softness is not produced in the heart by listening to the

pieces of advice and (Sunnah-inspiring) speeches.
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

5. If an overeating person is a preacher and delivers speeches,

telling others the words of wisdom, it makes no impact on
the hearts of people.
6. Various kinds of diseases are caused.
(Summarized from: Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 3, pp. 40)

Ya Ilahi bhook ki dawlat say mala maal ker

Dau jahan mayn apni Rahmat say mujhay khush-hal ker

Translation: O Almighty! Bless me with the wealth of hunger.

Make me prosperous in the worldly life as well as in the afterlife by
Your grace.

(In order to learn about the benefits of hunger and harms of

overeating in detail, read Excellence of Hunger a chapter of
Faizan-e-Sunnat volume 1.)

When Allah      cursed Satan, so Satan declared enmity

against man. What Satan said is quoted in verses 16 and 17 of
Surah Al-Araf in part 8:

L MU  VN - T ;RS 8 ) * O I 
3P = Q L M <  2N G H I J K CDE & F#2
` a N  (_L M [\] ^ ,   L MZ#
 J ,   L MX Y , '  L MJ  J  $ ,W '
 g L e b cd
;R:8 , J  f
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

He said, Hence I swear that You led me astray, I will certainly

sit in wait for them on Your Straight Path. Then I will certainly
come to them from their front and from their back and from
their right and from their left; and You will not find most of
them grateful.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 8, Al-Araf, verse 16, 17)

Mahboob-e-Khuda sar pay ajal aa kay khari hay

Shaytan say Attar ka Iman bacha lo

Translation: O Beloved Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5

 4  ! My death has
approached. Please protect the faith of Attar from Satan.
(Wasail-e-Bakhshish, pp. 86)


( 3 .

Various tricks of satanic whispers

Dear Islamic brothers! Satan is the enemy of even his own
close friends who have no enmity towards him. Disbelievers,
deviants, transgressors and sinners do not oppose Satan but
rather obey him. Even then Satan does not spare them and
continues to cause his whispers in their hearts, making them
more and more stubborn and bringing them closer to doom
and destruction. Now imagine how bitter enmity Satan will
have towards those scholars of Islam and preachers of Sunnah

2 . 1 [i.e. may Allah      increase such people] who
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

always oppose and annoy him by informing Muslims about his

attacks, thus throwing cold water on his misleading plans. We
should always seek refuge of Allah      from the whispers of
Satan because this accursed one is extremely clever and cunning.
He causes whispers in the heart of everyone in view of his psyche.

A renowned commentator, a great thinker of Ummah, Mufti

Ahmad Yar Khan '/
   . /
 0 &   
 has stated, Remember! Satan
causes scholarly whispers in the hearts of scholars, devotional
whispers in the hearts of Sufis and ordinary whispers in the
hearts of general people. That is, he casts a different net to
catch a different type of person. Many times, (Satan makes sins
so attractive that) man commits a sin, assuming it to be an act
of worship. (Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 87)

Sometimes, Satan appears in front of a person and calls himself

to be the Almighty, trying to mislead the person. He did so when
he appeared in front of the King of Baghdad, his grace Ghaus-e-
Azam, Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qaadir Jeelani =

 6 ?  
A .

Sun lo Shaytan nay her taraf her su

Khoob phayla kay jaal rakha hay

Translation: Listen! Satan has spread out his net far and wide in
all directions.


( 3 .
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Satanic whispers about Allah

The Beloved and Blessed Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  has said:
Satan comes to anyone of you and says, Who has created so-
and-so thing and so-and-so thing? Satan even says, Who has
created your Lord? When he disturbs you to this extent, recite

2 . 1 and refrain from it.
(Sahih Bukhari, vol. 2, pp. 399, Hadees 3276)

Not every question is answered

Commenting on the foregoing Hadees, a renowned commentator,
a great thinker of Ummah, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan '/
  . /
 0 &   

has stated: Do not even try to think about the answer to this
satanic whisper. Otherwise, Satan will ask another question.

Drive him away by reciting 2 . 1.

Not every question is answered. When Satan did not prostrate

himself in front of Sayyiduna Aadam :; <

CD (4
  E +( F

gave reasons for it, Allah      did not reply to them. Instead,

Allah    said 2 1 (i.e. you get out of Heaven).1

Keep it in mind that reciting 2
. 1 is a very
powerful and effective invocation to drive away Satan.
(Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 82)

Part 14, Surah Al-Hajar, verse 34
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Nafs-o-Shaytan ki shararat door ho

Yeh karam Ya Mustafa farmaiye

Translation: O Beloved Mustafa  6   (    8)( 3 5

 4  ! Please bestow your
grace upon me by protecting me against the harms of Nafs and Satan.
(Wasail-e-Bakhshish, pp. 87)


( 3 .

Quranic cure for satanic whisper

Dear Islamic brothers! It became obvious that one should

get rid of satanic whispers by reciting 2
. 1.
The Holy Quran has also commanded that one should seek
refuge of Allah      in case of experiencing satanic whispers. It
is stated in verse 200 of Surah Al-Araf in part 9:

, / 0 , ' 3U K h iJ #' 
j  p    j 
;tuu8 )j *  s q ] r !Z (_m no#$ l I #& k5Z

And O listener! If any whisper from the devil provokes you, so

seek the refuge of Allah; indeed He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 9, Surah Al-Araf, verse 200)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Mujh ko day day panah shaytan say

Is say Iman mayra bacha Ya Rab

Translation: O Almighty! Grant me refuge from Satan. Protect my

faith from him.

Imam Raazi and Satan

It is stated on page 493 and 494 of the 502-page referenced
book Malfuzaat-e-Ala Hadrat [i.e. Pieces of Advice from Ala
Hadrat] published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the publishing
department of Dawat-e-Islami: When the dying moments of
(Sayyiduna) Imam Fakhruddin Raazi  8)( 3  . 9
  & arrived, Satan
appeared. At that time, Satan tries very hard to make the dying
person lose his faith because he knows that the dying person will
never regain faith if he deviates from it at this time. Therefore,
Satan asked Sayyiduna Imam Fakhruddin Raazi  8 )(  3   . 9  & ,
You spent your entire life in debates and discussions. Have
you even recognized the Almighty? Imam Raazi  8 )(  3   . 9 &

said, Without doubt, the Almighty is One. Any proof, asked
 . 9
Satan. He  8)( 3   & gave a proof but the cursed Satan, the ex-
teacher of angels, responded cunningly. Imam Raazi  8)( 3   . 9  &
gave another proof but Satan responded again. Sayyiduna
Imam Raazi  8 )(  3   . 9 & gave even 360 proofs but all of them

were responded by Satan. Now the Imam was extremely worried
and disappointed. His spiritual guide (Sayyiduna Shaykh)
Najmuddin Kubra   '
 )( 3 
 & was making Wudu at a far-flung

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

 . 9
area. He called Imam Raazi  8)( 3   & from the very same place,
Why do you not say that I believe in the oneness of Almighty
without any proof?

Dear Islamic brothers! Have you realized how cunningly Satan

attacks! If anyone pays attention to satanic whisper, then Satan
continues to irritate him. Ignoring and paying no attention to
his whispers is also a cure for them. Moreover, one should
always seek refuge of Allah      from the mischiefs of Satan. It
also became obvious that one should become a disciple of any
perfect spiritual guide because the attention of the spiritual
guide also prevents satanic whispers.

Hay Attar ko salb-e-Iman ka dharka

Bacha is ka Iman bacha Ghaus-e-Azam

Translation: Attar is fearful of losing his faith. O Ghaus-e-Azam!

Please protect his faith. (Wasail-e-Bakhshish, pp. 296)


( 3 .

Satanic whispers about destiny

Satan also continues to cause his whispers in the heart about
destiny. For example, he says, We are bound to do whatever
we are predestined to do. We are powerless against destiny. We
are doing exactly what has been recorded in our destiny. So,
why is there the punishment of the grave and the Hell etc.?
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Certainly, it is also a deception of Satan. Do not even think

about it, otherwise Satan will mislead you. Drive him away by

reciting 2
. 1.

What somebody was going to do was recorded in destiny

Dear Islamic brothers! Remember! Allah      has already and
always known what everyone was going to do and Allah     
recorded their destiny accordingly. This Divine act of knowing
and recording does not force anyone into doing anything. Try
to understand it with the help of the following easy example.
These days, expiry date is printed as a legal requirement on the
tins or cans of food and packets of medicines etc. Even a child
can understand that the manufacturers mention the expiry date
because they know from experience that so-and-so thing will
spoil until a particular date. Therefore, they mention the expiry
date. Certainly, the manufacturers mentioning the expiry date has
not forced the product to spoil. Even if they had not mentioned
it, the thing would still have spoiled after the date mentioned.

Important Fatwa about destiny

It is stated on page 583 to 585 of the 692-page book Kufriyah
Kalimat kay baaray mayn Suwal Jawab [i.e. Questions and
Answers about Blasphemous Sentences] published by
Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-
Islami: It is actually a Fatwa extracted from page 284 and 285
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

of the 29th volume of Fatawa Razawiyyah and presented here

in the form of a question along with its answer.

Question: Zayd says everything happened and will happen with

the command of Allah      . Why is the bondman objected to
and why does he become deserving of torment? What wrong
has he done to become deserving of torment? Only what
Allah      recorded in destiny happens. This is proved by the
Holy Quran that even a particle cannot move itself without the
Divine command. What wrong has the bondman deliberately
done to become a Hell-dweller or a disbeliever or a transgressor?
If he is predestined to do good deeds, he will do good deeds.
And if he is predestined to do bad deeds, so will do bad deeds.
Under any circumstance, he is bound to do what has been
recorded in his destiny. Why is he then declared to be an evildoer?
If the bad deeds such as stealing, fornicating and killing etc. are
recorded in his destiny, he will certainly commit them. If good
deeds are recorded in his destiny, he will also do them.

Answer: Zayd is a deviant and a misled person. If somebody

hits him with a shoe, why does he get annoyed? It was also
recorded in his destiny. If somebody defrauds him of money,
why does he get furious? It was also recorded in his destiny. To
think that we have to do what has been recorded in our destiny
is actually a satanic deception (and is not true). In fact, Allah     
already knew what we were going to do and He      recorded
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

A legendary and leading scholar of Shariah and Tareeqah,

Allamah Maulana Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami

. /

 0 &  
 has stated on page 24 of the first volume of the
book Bahar-e-Shariat published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah:
Committing a bad deed and then linking it with destiny and
declaring it to be the outcome of the Divine will is something
very bad. If someone performs a good deed, he is commanded
to consider it grace of Allah      and if commits an evil deed,
he should consider it a fault of his own Nafs [baser-self].

Excellent cure for satanic whisper about destiny

Here is a summary of an extract taken from page 86 and 87 of
the 344-page book Minhaj-ul-Aabideen authored by Sayyiduna
Imam Muhammad Ghazali ) +

 0 & 

 ; published by
Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-
Islami: Sometimes, Satan misleads people by causing such
whispers as: Whether a person is fortunate or unfortunate has
been decided on the very first day. The one who was unfortunate
that day will remain unfortunate and the one who was fortunate
on that day will remain fortunate. Your good and bad deeds can
never change the fateful decision.

If Allah      protects the bondman from this satanic whisper
and the bondman gives this reply to the cursed Satan: I am a
bondman of Allah      and the bondman must carry out the
order given by His Creator. As Allah      is the Lord of all the
worlds, He      gives the order that He      wills and does
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

what He      wants. Furthermore, acts of worship and

obedience are not harmful in any way. If I am fortunate in Divine
knowledge, even then I need more reward. And, Allah     
forbid, if my name is written among the unfortunate ones in
the Divine knowledge, I will still perform good deeds so that I
will not feel ashamed of being tormented because of missing
good deeds. And going to Hell with obedience is better than
going to Hell with disobedience.

In fact, all of them are only doubts because the promise and
the Word of Allah      are absolutely truthful. Allah      has
made several promises to grant rich reward for obedience and
acts of worship. Therefore, whoever presents himself in the
Divine court with faith and obedience will never enter Hell.
Instead, he will be granted an abode in Jannat-ul-Firdaus by
the grace of Allah      and by means of virtuous deeds,
  . In actual fact, he will enter Heaven by virtue of the

Divine promise. Expressing the very same truthful promise,

Allah      has mentioned the saying of the fortunate ones in
verse 74 of Surah Az-Zumar, part 24 of the Holy Quran:

y  #U 2 x w l m no
?v  #2 
And they will say, All praise is for Allah Who has fulfilled His
promise to us.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 24, Surah Az-Zumar, verse 74)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Allah ki rahmat say to Jannat hi milay gi

Ay kash! Mahallay mayn jagah un kay mili ho

Translation: We will enter Heaven by the mercy of Allah      . If

only we would get an abode in the neighbourhood of the Beloved
Prophet  6   (    8)( 34 5 .


( 3 .

Satanic whispers about faith

Dear Islamic brothers! Sometimes, Satan causes such whispers
that a person cannot even express them in words. As the blessed


 & always remained busy obeying Allah
     and His Prophet  6   (    8 )
(  3 5
 4  , Satan would irritate
them very much by means of whispers.

It is stated in the book of Hadees Sahih Muslim that some of

the blessed companions 


 & came in the court of the
Holy Prophet  6   (    8)( 3 5
 4  and humbly said, We have such
thoughts (i.e. satanic whispers) in our hearts that we consider
it very bad to express them. The Revered and Renowned
Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  said, Have you felt this thing? They
humbly said, Yes. He  6   (    8)( 3 5
 4  said, This is open faith.

(Sahih Muslim, pp. 80, Hadees 132)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Dangerous satanic whispers

A person came in the court of the Greatest and Noblest Prophet
 6   (    8 )
(  3 5
 4  and humbly said, I have such thoughts in my
heart that I like to be burnt to ashes rather than express them.
He  6   (    8)( 34 5 said, We thank Allah      Who has made
these thoughts satanic whispers.
(As-Sunnah li Abi Aasim, pp. 157, Hadees 670)

A renowned commentator, a great thinker of Ummah, Mufti

Ahmad Yar Khan '/
   . /
 0 &   
 has stated, Allah      has
declared these thoughts to be satanic whispers and there is no
punishment for them. He      is Gracious and knows the
helplessness of the bondman. (Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 86)

No punishment for satanic whispers

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah   '
 )(  3 
 % & has narrated that the
Beloved Prophet  6   (    8)( 3 5  
 4  has said, Certainly, Allah     
has forgiven the thoughts (i.e. whispers caused by Satan) in the
hearts of my Ummah for me; unless they act upon it and talk
about it. (Sahih Bukhari, vol. 2, pp. 153, Hadees 2528)

Commenting on above Hadees, a renowned commentator, a

great thinker of Ummah, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan '/
   . /
 0 &   

has stated, There is no punishment for evil thoughts. This is
the particularity of this Ummah. Previous Ummahs were held
accountable even for them (i.e. for having satanic whispers
permanently in the heart or deliberately thinking about them.)
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Keep it in mind that there is a difference between a bad thought

and a firm bad intention. One is accountable for a firm bad
intention. Even the firm intention of disbelief is disbelief.
(Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 81)

Possibility of punishment for satanic whispers

A unanimously acknowledged researcher of Islamic sciences, a
leading scholar of Hadees, Allamah Abdul Haq Muhaddis
Dihlvi *+

. /
 0 &   
 has stated: The evil thought that comes in
the heart spontaneously and suddenly is called 2 1 [Hajis].
It exists in the heart only for a few moments and then disappears.
Previous Ummahs were forgiven for it and we are also forgiven
for it. However, only we are forgiven for the thought that stays
in the heart; they were not forgiven for that. If there is also
pleasure and happiness with it in the heart, so this is called

2 1 [Hamma]. There is no punishment even for that. If there
is the firm intention of putting into action the evil thought that
has existed in the heart, then there is punishment for it.
(Ashia-tul-Lamaat, vol. 1, pp. 85)

Faith is not destroyed by satanic whispers

No matter how many and how dangerous satanic whispers a
person experiences, his faith is not destroyed by them. Feeling
anxiety in the heart because of experiencing satanic whisper
about faith indicates that the heart is satisfied with faith. In
verse 106 of Surah An-Nahl, Allah      has said in part 14:
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

 j  p  

J  N#$ ,|
/' !z2 
And his heart is steadfast in faith.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 14, An-Nahl, verse 106)

Considering satanic whispers bad is absolute faith

Dear Islamic brothers! Experiencing satanic whispers about faith
is a sign of the perfection of faith. Thieves and robbers come
where there is huge wealth. Therefore, the more strong the
faith of a person, the more Satan will irritate him. If a Muslim
is anxious and worried about experiencing satanic whispers and
seeks refuge of Allah      tearfully from the cursed Satan, this
is actually a sign of strong faith.

A renowned commentator, a great thinker of Ummah, Mufti

Ahmad Yar Khan '/
   . /
 0 &   
 has stated, Considering satanic
whispers bad is absolute faith. (Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 82)

Istiqamat di-jiye Islam per

Ki-jiye rahmat ay Nana-e-Husayn

Dil say dunya ki hawas sab door ho

Ki-jiye rahmat ay Nana-e-Husayn

Naza, qabr-o-hashr, meezan her jagah

Ki-jiye rahmat ay Nana-e-Husayn

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Translation: O the Grandfather ( 6   (    8 )(  3 5

 4  ) of Sayyiduna
Imam Husayn  '
 )(  3 
 %  & ! Have mercy on me by blessing me

with steadfastness in faith and removing greed for world from

my heart. Also have mercy on me in the grave, on the Day of
Resurrection, at the Scale and everywhere else.


( 3 .

Satanic whispers during worship

As Satan causes whispers about faith, he also causes whispers
during acts of worship. He is not alone in this matter; instead,
there is an organized group with him.

A renowned commentator, a great thinker of Ummah, Mufti

Ahmad Yar Khan '/
   . /
 0 &   
 has stated, There are various
groups of the offspring of Satan with different names and
duties. The group that causes whispers during Wudu is called

2 1 [Walhaan] and the group that causes whispers during

1 [Khinzab]. In the same way, satanic
Salah is named 2
troops stay at Masajid, markets and wine bars.
(Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 85)

Names of 9 Satans and their duties

It is stated on page 40 and 41 of the 1548-page book Faizan-e-
Sunnat [Blessings of Sunnah] published by Maktaba-tul-
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami: Leader

of the believers, Sayyiduna Umar Farooq-e-Azam   '
 )(  3 
 %  &

has stated that Satan has 9 offspring: (1) 2 1 [Zalitoon]

(2) 2 1 [Waseen] (3) 2 1 [Laqoos] (4) 2 1 [Awaan]

(5) 2 1 [Haffaaf] (6) 2 1 [Murrah] (7) 2 1 [Musawwit]

(8) 2 1 [Daasim] (9) 2 1 [Walhaan].

1. Zalitoon is appointed at marketplaces where he places his

2. Waseen is appointed to make people suffer unforeseen
3. Laqoos is appointed to fire worshippers.
4. Awaan is appointed to rulers.
5. Haffaaf is appointed to alcoholics.
6. Murrah is appointed to those singing songs and playing
musical instruments.
7. Musawwit is appointed to spread rumours. It makes people
believe and spread rumours, keeping them unaware of the
8. Daasim is appointed to houses. If a person does not recite

2. 1 when stepping in his house, nor does he make
Salam after he has entered, then this Satan causes family
discords, even causing divorce or Khula or physical assault.
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

9. Walhaan is appointed to cause satanic whispers in ones

heart during Wudu. (Al-Munabbihat, pp. 93)

Nafs-o-shaytan ho gaye ghalib

In kay chungal say Tu chhura Ya Rab

Translation: O Lord! Nafs and Satan have dominated me. Please

free me from their capture.


( 3 .

Satanic whispers in Masajid

The satanic campaign for whispers is very strong in Masajid.
He makes many Muslims indulge in worldly conversation in
Masajid. He even makes some of them argue with each other
and makes some old people angry, causing them to make
noises in Masajid. 


# , he makes some of them indulge
in sins such as unlawful gazing, ill manners, backbiting, telling
tales etc. If unable to make some of them indulge in sins, Satan
makes them lazy in virtuous deeds. Everyone may have
experienced it. For example, during Dars and speech being
delivered in Masjid, some people are present in Masjid but
they keep sitting away looking here and there inattentively and
depriving themselves of the blessings of Dars or speech. Those
who remain heedless of the Divine remembrance and lazy in
attending learning sessions of Islamic knowledge etc. despite
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

being present in the Masjid should attentively read the following

Hadees mentioned in Fatawa Razawiyyah:

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah   '

 )(  3 
 %  & has narrated that the
Beloved and Blessed Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 4 5 has said, When
any of you is in the Masjid, Satan comes to him and strokes his
body, as you stroke your horse to make it obedient. If the
person keeps staying (i.e. if he does not reject satanic whispers
instantly), then Satan binds him or gives him rein.

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah   '

 )( 3 
 %  & has said, The authenticity
of this Hadees can be confirmed by observing the condition of
people. You will see that the one who is bound [by Satan] is
bowing and not making Divine Zikr. And the one who has
been given rein [by Satan] has opened his mouth and is not
making the Zikr of Allah      . (Musnad Imam Ahmad, Hadees 8378;
Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 771-772)

Ganday ganday wasawis aatay hayn

Mayray dil say inhayn nikaal Aqa

Translation: Satan causes dirty whispers. O my Master

( 6   (    8)( 3 5
 4  )! Remove them from my heart.

(Wasail-e-Bakhshish, pp. 209)


( 3 .

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Satanic whispers during Ghusl

Satan also causes doubt during Ghusl. For example, sometimes
the bathing person thinks that his back is perhaps left unwashed.
Perhaps the hair of the head is not properly washed; so-and-so
part of the body is still dry etc. In fact, this is not correct. If the
person has washed a body part thoroughly rubbing it properly,
there is no need to have any doubt.

Cause of satanic whispers during Ghusl

Remember! Passing urine in the bathing area of the bathroom
causes satanic whispers. Therefore, one should avoid it. The Holy
Prophet  6   (    8)( 3 5
 4  has said, One should never pass urine
in the bathroom because he will take a bath or make Wudu in
it. This is because satanic whispers are generally caused by it.
(Sunan Abi Dawood, vol. 1, pp. 44, Hadees 27)

Explanation of the above-mentioned Hadees

It is stated on page 201 and 202 of the 308-page book Islami
Behno ki Namaz [Salah for Islamic Sisters] published by
Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-
Islami: Commenting on the foregoing Hadees, a renowned
commentator, a great thinker of Ummah, Mufti Ahmad Yar
Khan '/
  . /
 0 &   
 has stated, There is no harm in urinating in
the bathing area if it has a cemented or marbled floor with a
proper slope and a drain. However, it is still better to avoid it.
But if it does not have such a floor and a drain, then passing
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

urine in that area is very bad as the ground will become impure,
and the body will be splashed with impure water during bath
or Wudu.

This Hadees refers to the second case, because the prohibition

is highly emphasized. It has been observed that urination in the
prohibited case causes satanic whispers or suspicion of urine
splashing on the body. (Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 266)

Parable about the harm caused by satanic whispers

Mentioning an effective cure for satanic whispers, my master
Ala Hadrat, the leader of the Ahl-e-Sunnah, Maulana Shah
Imam Ahmad Raza Khan H(9 
 . 9   &   
 has stated on page 1043
in part B of the first volume of Fatawa Razawiyyah: Not paying
attention to the satanic whisper, not acting upon it and going
against it [are also cures for it]. Usually, the more a person
pays attention towards the satanic whisper, the more whispers
he experiences. On the other hand, if a person deliberately goes
against the satanic whisper, it disappears within a very short
period of time, by the command of Allah      . Sayyiduna Amr
Bin Murrah   '
 )( 3 
 %  & has said, If Satan notices that his whisper
is affecting anyone; he irritates such a person the most.
(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, vol. 1, pp. 224)

Imam Ibn Hajar Makki *+


 . /
 0 &   
 has stated in his
Fatawa: Some trustworthy people have told me that two
persons who often thought about satanic whispers needed to
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

take bath. They went to the river Nile in the early morning.
One of them said to the other. You go and dive in the water; I
will watch you and tell you whether your entire body is washed
or not. He went and started diving into the water. The other
person staying out of water said, A little part of your head is
still unwashed; so-and-so body part is dry. The bathing person
continued to bath from morning until afternoon. At last, he
returned, tired and doubtful whether his Ghusl is valid or not.
He then said to the other person, Now you go and I will watch
you. The other person also dived into water and the standing
person said, Your head is not yet washed.

This continued until evening fell. Eventually, the other person

also returned with doubt in his heart about Ghusl. Both of them
missed the Salahs of the entire day and remained doubtful about

Ghusl. 23 . 1 (we seek refuge of Allah      ) This is the
consequence of paying attention to satanic whisper.
(Hadeeqah Nadiyyah Sharh Tareeqah Muhammadiyyah, vol. 2, pp. 691)

Mujhay waswason say bacha Ya Ilahi

Pa-ay Ghaus-o-Ahmad Raza Ya Ilahi

Translation: O Almighty! Protect me from satanic whispers for the

sake of Ghaus and Raza )( 

/  9
 & .


( 3 .

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Satanic whispers during Wudu

The Satan called Walhaan causes different whispers regarding
Wudu. For example, he causes such whispers in the heart of the
Wudu-performing person as: So-and-so part of the body is left
unwashed; so-and-so part of the body is washed twice instead
of thrice. Likewise, if the Wudu of a person is still valid, this
Satan causes such whispers as: Your Wudu has been invalid;
too much time has passed since you made Wudu, therefore,
your Wudu may have been invalid etc. In such situations, one
should not pay attention to satanic whisper at all.

Referring to the Satan that causes whispers during Wudu, the

Beloved and Blessed Prophet  6   (    8)( 34 5 has said, There is
a Satan named Walhaan who causes whispers during Wudu.
Thus, you stay safe from satanic whispers about water.
(Sunan Ibn Majah, vol. 1, pp. 252, Hadees 421)

Sprinkling water over the part of trousers

After Wudu, if someone suspects that any drop of urine will
come out, one can protect oneself from this satanic whisper by
sprinkling water over the part of the trouser near the private
parts. Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah   '
 )(  3 
 & has narrated that
the Beloved Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  has said, When you
make Wudu, you should sprinkle water.
(Sunan Ibn Majah, vol. 1, pp. 270, Hadees 463)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

If he still experiences satanic whisper, he should think to

himself that this is the water he sprinkled. However, if anyone
really suffers passing drops of urine, this is a different matter.

What to do if one experiences satanic whisper

during Wudu?
A legendary and leading scholar of Shariah and Tareeqah,
Allamah Maulana Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami

 . /

 0 & 
 has stated on page 310 of the first volume of
the 1250-page book Bahar-e-Shariat published by Maktaba-tul-
Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami: If
anyone has doubt whether or not any part of the body has been
washed during Wudu, he should wash it, provided that it is the
first incidence of his life. If he often has doubt, he should not
pay attention to it. Similarly, if one is doubtful after making
Wudu whether his Wudu still exists or not, there is no need to
make Wudu in this situation. However, it is better to make
Wudu when the doubt is not caused by satanic whisper. If it is
satanic whisper, he should never follow it. If one makes Wudu
in this case assuming that one is being careful, this has nothing
to do with care, but rather it is obedience to the accursed Satan.

Tu Wudu kay waswason say Ya Khuda mujh ko bacha

Sath zaahir kay mayra baatin bhi ho jaye safa

Translation: O Almighty! Protect me from satanic whispers during

Wudu. May my inner self along with outer self also get clean!
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Satanic whispers about the invalidation of

Wudu during Salah
Sometimes, Satan causes whisper during Salah such as your
Wudu has become invalid; you have passed a drop of urine or
you have broken wind. In this context, after quoting some
Ahadees, my master Ala Hadrat, reviver of Sunnah, eradicator
of Bidah, scholar of Shariah, Maulana Shah Imam Ahmad
 has stated: The conclusion drawn from
Raza Khan H(9 
 . 9
these Ahadees is that Satan sometimes spits on the private part
from the front side in order to deceive the Salah-offering
person, making him suspect that he has passed a drop of urine.
Sometimes, Satan blows on the anus or pulls the hair, making
the Salah-offering person suspect that he has broken wind. In
case of feeling these types of satanic whispers, one is commanded
not to discontinue his Salah unless he notices wetness, sound
or smell and unless he is sure that his Wudu has been invalid.
(Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 774)

Say to Satan you are liar

Dear Islamic brothers! Wudu remains valid unless one is so
sure that he can swear an oath about its invalidation. If Satan
says: Your Wudu has become invalid. One should reply to
him in the heart: O evil one! You are a liar. One should then
continue his Salah.

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Sayyiduna Abu Saeed Khudri   '

 )(  3 
 %  & has narrated that the
Greatest and Noblest Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  has stated:
When Satan comes to anyone of you and says that your Wudu
has been invalid; one should instantly reply to him in the heart,
You are a liar; unless he hears the sound from his own ears or
smells the smell with his own nose.
(Al-Ihsaan bittarteeb Sahih Ibn Hibbaan, vol. 4, pp. 153, Hadees 2656)

I and my deed is not perfect

My master Ala Hadrat, leader of the Ahl-e-Sunnah, Maulana
Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan H(9 
 . 9 &   
 has stated: Even
after it, if Satan causes the whisper that you have not perfectly
performed the deed because there is so-and-so defect in it, one
should reply to Satan in these words: Do not show sympathy
for me at all. There is no need to advise me. If my deed is not
perfect, I am myself not perfect. I have performed it to the best
of my ability. My Lord (     ) is Gracious and knows my
helplessness and weakness. Having mercy on me, He      will
accept this deed. Who can perform the deed according to the
glory and greatness of Allah      !

If the satanic whisper is not prevented even by doing this, one

should say to Satan: If you say that my Wudu and Salah are
not valid, it does not matter. I am prepared to offer Salah
without Wudu or offer three Rakaat of Zuhr Salah; as you have
assumed. O Cursed one! I will not obey you. If one is determined
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

to reject satanic whisper in this way, the satanic whisper will be

eradicated. Satan will fail and face humiliation by Divine help.
(Summarized from: Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, 786-787)

  . 9
Sayyiduna Imam Mujahid  8 )(   3   & has also said, I would
rather offer Salah without Wudu than obey Satan. (It does not
mean that one can really offer Salah without Wudu. In fact,
this is aimed at removing the satanic whisper.) (At-Tareeqa-tul-
Muhammadiyyah ma Sharh Al-Hadeeqah An-Nadiyyah, vol. 2, pp. 688)

Reject satanic whispers

Sayyiduna Ibraheem Nakhee *+

. /
 0 &   
 was the teacher of
the teacher of Sayyiduna Imam-e-Azam :  IJ 

 . /
 0 &   
Sayyiduna Ibraheem Nakhee *+

 . /
 0 &   
 has said: Do not
follow the satanic whisper. If he disturbs you very much, then
you say to him: I will offer Salah even without Wudu and I will
not obey you. In this way, the cursed Satan gives up irritating
you. If you listen to him, he will disturb you even more.

Mayn Tayri itaat karun Ya Ilahi

Na shaytan ki hergiz sunu Ya Ilahi

May I always obey You, O Almighty!

May I never listen to Satan, O Almighty!


( 3 .

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Satanic whispers during Salah

Satan also continues to cause whispers to the Salah-offering
person, distracting his attention from Salah. It is narrated in
the book Sahih Muslim that Sayyiduna Usman Bin Abil Aas
   (  34 5

(  3%  & stated, I humbly said, Ya Rasoolallah  6  (  8)  !
When I offer Salah and make recitation, Satan interrupts me,
causing doubt about Salah. The Beloved and Blessed Prophet
 6   (    8)
( 3 5
 4  said, This Satan is called Khinzab. Whenever
you notice him, seek refuge of Allah      and act like spitting
towards the left side three times. [Sayyiduna Usman Bin Abil
Aas   '
 )( 3  %  & said] I did as was advised, so Allah      enabled
me to get rid of him. (Sahih Muslim, pp. 1209, Hadees 2203)

The way to avoid satanic whispers during Salah

Commenting on the above Hadees, a renowned commentator,
a great thinker of Ummah, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan '/
  . /
 0 &   

has stated: Before you utter the Takbeer Tahrimah for starting
Salah, you should act as if you spit towards the left side three

times, then recite 2
. # # #1, and look at
certain places during certain acts of Salah such as at the place
of Sajdah during Qiyam, at insteps [i.e. the top part of the foot
between the ankle and toes] during Ruku, at the nasal bone
during Sajdah, at the lap during Jalsah (i.e. sitting between two
Sujood) and during Qadah (Tashahhud etc.), by doing so you will
be able to maintain humility of heart, calmness and concentration
during Salah,     

  . (Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 89)
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Spit will fall into the mouth of Satan

Dear Islamic brothers! There is another Hadees contained in
the book Mishkat in the chapter Bab-ul-Waswasah, i.e.
the chapter of satanic whispers. The cure for satanic whisper
described in this blessed Hadees is that one should act like
spitting three times towards the left side.

Commenting on this blessed Hadees, a renowned commentator,

a great thinker of Ummah, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan '/
  . /
 0 &   

has stated: This spit will fall onto the face of Satan, disgracing
him and driving him away. Satan often comes from the left side.
This shows that sometimes Satan is also driven away by spit.
(Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 88)



 / K

 [i.e. the author] has
personally experienced it many times that Satan runs away in
humiliation when I act like spitting towards the left shoulder
three times in case of experiencing satanic whispers in the toilet.

(It is forbidden to recite 2 #1 etc. in the toilet.)

Na waswasay aayain na mujhay ganday khayalat

Ker zihn ka Allah ata Qufl-e-Madinah

Translation: May I neither have satanic whispers nor dirty thoughts!

O Allah      ! Enable me to apply the Qufl-e-Madinah to my mind!


( 3 .
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Satanic whispers about the number of Rakaat in Salah

As a result of satanic whispers during Salah, the Salah-offering
person becomes doubtful about the number of Rakaat he
offered. It is stated in a blessed Hadees, A person came in the
court of the Beloved and Blessed Prophet  6   (    8)( 34 5 and
humbly said that he experiences satanic whispers during Salah
and forgets whether he offered 2 Rakaat or 3. The Holy Prophet
 6   (    8 )
(  3 5
 4  said, When you experience this type of
situation, lift the forefinger of your right hand and hit your left

thigh with it and say 2 . 1. This will serve as a knife for
Satan. (Al-Mujam-ul-Kabeer lit-Tabarani, vol. 1, pp. 192, Hadees 512)

Therefore, one who habitually experiences satanic whispers

during Salah should perform this deed before he starts Salah.

Ruling about doubt in the number of Rakaat in Salah

A legendary and leading scholar of Shariah and Tareeqah,
Allamah Maulana Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami

 . /

 0 & 
 has stated on page 718 of the first volume of
the 1250-page book Bahar-e-Shariat published by Maktaba-tul-
Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami: If the
Salah-offering person has become doubtful about the number
of offered Rakaat for the first time in his life since reaching
puberty for example, he is doubtful whether he offered three
or four he should invalidate Salah either by performing
Salam or by doing any such act that puts an end to Salah, or
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

alternatively, he should complete his Salah on the basis of his

strong presumption.

In any case, he must repeat this Salah from the beginning. The
mere intention of invalidating Salah is not sufficient. If this has
not occurred for the first time but rather it happened even
before, he should do what his strong presumption is; if there is
no strong presumption, he should accept the assumption of less
number of Rakaat, i.e. if he is doubtful whether the number of
offered Rakaat are three or four, he should consider them to
be three; if he is doubtful whether the number of offered Rakaat
are two or three, he should consider them to be two and so on.
In this case, he should perform Qadah in the third as well as in
the fourth Rakat, as the third Rakat may also be the fourth
one. After the Qadah of the fourth Rakat, he should perform
Sajdah Sahw but if he is following strong presumption, no
Sajdah Sahw is needed.

Humiliation of Satan
My master Ala Hadrat, the leader of the Ahl-e-Sunnah, Maulana
 has stated: If there
Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan H(9 
 . 9
is any doubt whether he has offered three Rakaat or four, he
should consider them to be three, offer one more Rakat and
perform Sajdah Sahw. If he has actually offered five Rakaat in
this case, it is as if these two Sujood of Sahw will serve as one
Rakat, completing a set of two Rakaat. There will be no single
Rakat which is invalid by Shariah. In other words, it is as if
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

these two Sujood of Sahw along with the single Rakat [i.e. the
fifth one] will turn it into a separate set of two Rakaat of Nafl
Salah. And if he has actually offered four Rakaat, these Sujood
will humiliate and disgrace Satan as it was he who had tried to
make Salah invalid by causing doubt.
(Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 762)

Saint frustrated Satan

After a saint finished Salah, Satan came to him and said, You
have not offered this Salah properly; therefore, repeat it. The
saint replied, I will never repeat it. I have offered Salah as I could
have done. If there is some defect in it, I will seek forgiveness
from my Lord. Satan said, Do not show laziness in Salah
which is a great act of worship. Its not a minor issue. Repeat
your Salah. The saint said, Whatever was predestined has
happened. I will never ever repeat this Salah. Satan continued
to argue, I am advising you for your own betterment. I am your
well-wisher. You have a high rank in the court of Allah (     )
and Salah is a great act of worship. A pious bondman like you
should not get so stubborn.

Frustrating Satan, the saint said, No matter whatever happens,

I will not repeat this Salah. As for my high rank in the Divine
court, I am pleased with a low rank in His court. Satan said,
Allah (     ) does not accept such a Salah. The saint said, My
Lord      is very Gracious. By His grace, He      will accept
this defective act of mine. I have done what I could have done.
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Accepting worship is the act of Allah      , not mine. Now you
get lost. I will neither act upon your whispers nor repeat this
Salah. At last, after Satan noticed his failure, he went away,
humiliated and disgraced.

Keep it in mind that the saint flatly refused to repeat Salah in

order to humiliate Satan, preventing his whispers and blocking
his ways. It does not encourage us at all to perform the deed
incorrectly and incompletely, showing laziness and carelessness,
falling into the trap laid by Nafs and then having unreasonable
hopes for Divine grace. It is not something wise to offer Salah
improperly and then comfort oneself by saying, Allah      is
Gracious and Forgiver. (Ashia-tul-Lamaat, vol. 1, pp. 92)

Unique way of rejecting satanic whisper

A saint often used to have the satanic whisper that the place
where he offered Salah was impure. He got rid of it by
deliberately offering Salah at the very same place where he had
doubt about impurity. (Ashia-tul-Lamaat, vol. 1, pp. 93)

Do not pay attention to satanic whisper at all

There was a student who completed his education and made
preparations for departing to his country. His respected teacher
asked, What do you do when Satan causes whispers during acts
of worship? The student replied, I get rid of it. The respected
teacher asked, If he causes whisper again, then? The student
replied, I get rid of it again. The respected teacher asked for the
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

third time, If he causes whispers for the third time, then? The
student replied, I get rid of it as well.

Advising his student, the respected teacher said, Do not pay

attention to the whisper caused by Satan during worship. If
you engage yourself in preventing his whispers, he will keep
you occupied with it. You should treat him like the dog of a
shepherd, paying no attention to him and seeking refuge of

Allah      from him (by reciting 2
. 1).
(Ruh-ul-Bayan, vol. 1, pp. 6 with amendments)

Namazaun mayn shaytan khalal dalta hay

Mujhay is kay sher say bacha Ya Ilahi

Translation: O Almighty! Satan interrupts me during Salah. Protect

me from the harm of Satan.


( 3 .

Satanic whispers about purity

Satan also causes doubts and uncertainties about purity by means
of his whispers, saying; for example, This is impure; that is
impure. We should not pay attention to his whispers. We have
a lot of easiness from Shariah regarding purity. Some people
fall into the satanic trap of whispers because they lack religious
knowledge. Keep the Shari ruling in mind that nothing can be
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

declared impure merely on the basis of doubt; unless it is

certainly known that a certain thing is impure. There is even
no need to worry that a certain thing might be impure.

No need for investigation about impurity

My master Ala Hadrat, leader of the Ahl-e-Sunnah, Maulana
Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan H(9 
 . 9   &   
 has stated on page
515 of the fourth volume of Fatawa Razawiyyah: Accompanied
by Sayyiduna Amr Bin Aas   '
 )( 3 
 % & , leader of the believers,
Sayyiduna Umar Farooq-e-Azam   '
)(  3 
 %  & passed by a pond
(that covered the area of less than 225 square feet with still
water in it. The ruling is that if any beast drinks still water, the
leftover still water becomes impure.) Sayyiduna Amr Bin Aas
(  3
 %  & asked the owner of the pond, Do beasts also drink
water from your pond? (Sayyiduna Umar Farooq-e-Azam
( 3
 %  & ) said, O the owner of the pond! Do not tell us about
it. (Muwatta Imam Maalik, vol. 1, pp. 48, Raqm 47)

Madani pearls about the leftovers of animals

Dear Islamic brothers! Did you notice that there is no need to
enquire about impurity? It is possible that the beasts such as the
dogs drink water from the pond. If any dog drinks water from
the pond covering the area of less than 225 square feet, the
leftover water of the pond will become impure. Even then this
leftover water will be considered pure for the one who does not
know whether or not any beast has drunk water from it.
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

It is stated in ruling number 10 on page 342 of the first

volume of the 1250-page book Bahar-e-Shariat published by
Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-
Islami: The leftover of the swine, the dog, the lion, the leopard,
the wolf, the elephant, the jackal and other beasts is impure.
Mentioned here are 8 Madani pearls about the leftovers of
animals. Read them and reap the benefit of the worldly life and
the afterlife,     


1. The leftover of the animals whose meat is Halal to eat, is

pure whether they are quadrupeds [i.e. four-legged animals]
or birds and no matter they are male. These animals include,
for example, the cow, the bull, the buffalo, the goat, the
pigeon, the partridge etc.

2. The leftover of the hen that roams free and pecks at filthy
things is Makruh. If it is caged, then its leftover is pure.

3. Similarly, the leftover of some cows that usually eat filthy

things is Makruh. If such a cow has just eaten something
filthy and puts its impure mouth into the still water covering
the area of less than 225 square feet, the water will become
impure. (If it drinks water by putting its mouth into the
flowing water, its mouth will become pure.) Likewise, if a
male animal such a bull or a male buffalo or a billy-goat
smells the urine of their respective female animals as they
usually do, resulting in their mouth becoming impure,
the leftovers of these animals will be impure in this case
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

provided neither they disappeared from sight nor did so

much time elapse in which it is assumed that their mouth
may have been pure. If any of such animals puts the mouth
into four such amounts of water that covers the area of
less than 225 square feet, the first three amounts of water
will become impure whereas the fourth one will be pure.
4. The leftover of the horse is pure.
5. The leftover of the animals living in homes such as the
cat, the rat, the snake and the lizard is Makruh.
6. If a cat puts its mouth into a pot immediately after eating
a rat, the pot will become impure. If the cat licks the blood
off its mouth before putting it into the pot, the pot will
not become impure in this case.
7. It is Makruh to make Wudu and Ghusl with Makruh water
despite having clean [i.e. non-Makruh] water. However, if
there is no clean water, there is no harm in making Wudu
and Ghusl with Makruh water. Similarly, it is Makruh for
a rich person to eat and drink the leftover that is Makruh.
For a poor or destitute person, there is no harm in eating
and drinking such a leftover thing.
8. The sweat and saliva of those are impure whose leftover is
impure. And the sweat and saliva of those are pure whose
leftover is pure. Similarly, the sweat and saliva of those are
Makruh whose leftover is Makruh.
(Bahar-e-Shariat, vol. 1, pp. 342-344)
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Strange cure for satanic whispers through mud

My master Ala Hadrat, the leader of the Ahl-e-Sunnah,
Imam Ahmad Raza Khan H(9 
 . 9   &   
 has stated on page 771
of the first volume of Fatawa Razawiyyah: One of the pious
predecessors )( 

 & has stated: I had satanic whispers about
purity. If my clothes got stained with mud on the way, I would
wash it away (whereas the ruling is that mud is considered
pure unless one is sure about it being impure.) One day, while
going to offer Salat-ul-Fajr, my clothes got stained with mud.
I wanted to wash it but I might have lost Jamaat in case of
washing. Suddenly, I was blessed with guidance by Allah      .
I had the thought that I wallow in the mud, staining all of my
clothes with it, and join the Salah in the same condition. I did
so and never experienced satanic whisper since then.
(Al-Hadeeqah-tun-Nadiyyah, vol. 2, pp. 693)


( 3 .

Mud is pure unless one is sure about it being impure

Dear Islamic brothers! Did you notice? This is the blessing of
religious knowledge. The pious predecessor was aware that the
mud on the path cannot be declared impure unless it is certainly
known that the mud is impure. Therefore, he got rid of the satanic
whisper wonderfully.

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

It is stated in the booklet Method of Purifying Clothes

published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the publishing department
of Dawat-e-Islami: Unless it is known that mud on the path is
impure (whether because of rain or any other reason), it will be
considered pure. So, if the foot or the cloth is stained with it
and Salah is offered without washing it, Salah will be valid but it
is better to wash the mud-stained foot or cloth.
(Bahar-e-Shariat, vol. 1, pp. 394)

Which corner of the shawl to be purified?

If clothing is soiled with impurity but it is not known which part
is impure, so we have great easiness from Shariah in this type
of situation. It is stated in Fatawa Razawiyyah: If any corner of
the shawl is impure but it is not known which of the corners is
impure, so any of the corners may be washed. The shawl will
be declared pure. (Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 4, pp. 511)

If a child puts his hand into water, then?

Sometimes, a child puts his hand into water and we become
doubtful whether the water is now pure or impure. There is no
need to have any doubt in this matter. Islamic jurists )( 

have stated: The water in which a child has put his hand or foot
is pure unless it is confirmed that the water has been impure.
(Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 4, pp. 486)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Taharat kay baaray mayn shaytan akser

Dilata hay shak, ho karam Ya Ilahi

Translation: Satan often causes doubt about purity. O Almighty!

Bestow grace upon me!


( 3 .

Satanic whispers about divorce

Sometimes, Satan causes whisper, saying: Remember! You
spoke the words of divorce to your wife! In this situation, if
you are satisfied that you have not divorced your wife and that
the thought is only a satanic whisper, so you should reply to
Satan: You are a liar. I have not divorced my wife.

Describing a parable in this context, my master Ala Hadrat,

Maulana Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan H(9 
. 9 &   
 has stated:
Imam Abu Haazim was one of the Tabieen saints. A person
came to him and said: Satan causes whispers in my heart. The
most troublesome whisper is that he says to me, You have
divorced your wife. The Imam instantly asked, Did you not
divorce your wife in front of me? He replied in confusion, By
Allah      ! I never divorced her in front of you. The Imam
explained, As you have sworn an oath in front of me, why do
you not say it to Satan by swearing an oath so that he gives up
irritating you. (In other words, if you are so satisfied that you

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

have sworn an oath, you should also say to Satan by swearing

an oath, O rejected one! Get lost! By Allah      ! I have not
divorced my wife. (Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 785)

Mayri parayshaniyan waswason ki

Tu ker door bahr-e-Raza Ya Ilahi

Translation: O Almighty! Protect me from the troubles of satanic

 . 9
whispers for the sake of Raza  8)( 3   & !


( 3 .

Do not enquire about meal served by anyone

Sometimes, on the occasion of feast, some people have satanic
whisper and doubt whether the meal is provided by Halal money
or Haraam. Here is a blessed saying of the Beloved Prophet
 6   (    8 )
(  3 5
 4  in this regard, When anyone of you goes to
the home of your Muslim brother and he serves you with meal,
you should eat it and should not ask about it. If he serves you
any drink, you should drink it and should not ask about it.
(Shuab-ul-Iman, vol. 5, pp. 67, Hadees 5801)

Enquiry about meal may open the door of sins

 H (  C
6 !
How easy our religion is! If only we had gained
religious information! Attainment of religious knowledge is also
a way to eradicate satanic whispers. Regretfully! We often fall
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

prey to satanic whispers because of being unaware of religious


My master Ala Hadrat, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan H(9 

 . 9 &   

has stated on pages 528 and 529 of the fourth volume of Fatawa
Razawiyyah: Hujjat-ul-Islam, a great thinker of Ummah, Imam
Abu Haamid Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Muhammad
Ghazali ) +

 0 & 

 has stated in the book Ihya-ul-Uloom:
I say that it is not permissible for the guest to ask the host
whether the meal is from Halal means. If he wants to adopt
piety, he should simply and softly avoid eating the meal. If it is
necessary to attend the gathering, he should eat the meal without
asking about it. Asking whether or not the meal is provided by
lawful means will cause trouble and anxiety and will expose
shortcomings, which is undoubtedly Haraam.

(After giving some more pieces of advice, Imam Ghazali



 0 &

 has further stated) There are too many ignorant

ascetics [i.e. those who refrain from worldly pleasures]. They
cause anxiety and trouble by enquiring about the meal, using
very harsh words. In fact, Satan makes them assume that they
are doing something very good by treating such people with
harshness. These types of people actually want to become
famous for eating only Halal food. If they want to follow religion
in this situation, then they should know that the fear of hurting
the feeling of Muslims is greater than the fear of eating the
suspicious thing. He should know that he will not be questioned

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

about the thing he is unaware of; provided that there is no such

indication which makes it obligatory to refrain from eating. So,
keep it in mind! Piety requires that you neither ask nor inquire
about the meal. If it is necessary to eat, you can eat with a
positive thinking. This is piety in this situation.
(Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 2, pp. 150)

Dil pay shaytan nay Aqa hay jamaya qabzah

Hoon gunahaun mayn giriftar Rasool-e-Arabi

Ah! Berhta hi chala jata hay marz-e-isyan

Do shifa Sayyid-e-Abrar Rasool-e-Arabi

Translation: O my Master ( 6   (    8 )( 3 5

 4  )! Satan has taken control
of my heart. I am stuck in the mire of sins. Alas! The disease of sins
continues to intensify. O Sovereign of Prophets ( 6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  )!
Please, cure me of it.


( 3 .

Two types of Satan

All mentioned above was a description of Satans in the form of
jinn. Like them, Satans in the form of human beings also try to
mislead people, causing doubts and uncertainties in hearts. Here
is a summary of a saying of Ala Hadrat, Imam Ahmad Raza
Khan H(9 
. 9 &   
 : There are two types of Satans:
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

1. Satans in the form of jinn, i.e. the cursed devil and his

2. Satans in the form of human beings, i.e. disbelievers and

those who call people towards disbelief and deviation.

The leading and legendary scholars of Islam have said, The

harm of a human Satan is more severe than a jinn Satan.
(Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 780-781)

In Surah An-Naas, Allah      has given the command of

seeking refuge from both of these Satans. Allah      has said:

;S 8 }#
 U  U
 `v , '
 ; 8 }#
 U   x ~ } J wl
Those who whisper into the hearts of people. Among the jinns
and people.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 30, Surah An-Naas, verse 5-6)

Human Satans
It is stated in a Hadees that the Holy Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5
said to Sayyiduna Abu Zar Ghifari   '
 )(  3 
 & , Seek refuge of
Allah      from the harm of human Satans and jinn Satans.
Sayyiduna Abu Zar Ghifari   '
 )(   3 
 %  & humbly asked, Are there
Satans in the form of human beings as well? He  6   (    8)( 34 5
replied, Yes. (Musnad Imam Ahmad, vol. 8, pp. 130, Hadees 21602)
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Thus, all disbelievers, polytheists, deviants, heretics and

blasphemers of the Holy Prophet are Satans in the form of
human beings. We should seek refuge from the harms of Satan
as well as that of these people. But regretfully! Many Muslims
meet them very frankly and frequently and listen to them very
attentively. These nave people even attend their so-called
religious programs and read their writings. As a result of being
unaware of their own religion, these people have doubts,
thinking whether they are following the right path or we? Some
get caught in their trap so badly that they sing their praises and
say, What they say is also right.

Advising Muslims to stay away from such people, my master

Ala Hadrat, the leader of the Ahl-e-Sunnah, Maulana Shah
Imam Ahmad Raza Khan H(9 
 . 9   &   
 has stated on pages 781
and 782 of the first volume of Fatawa Razawiyyah: O brothers!
What is beneficial and what is harmful for you? Do you know
it or Allah      and His Prophet  6   (    8)( 34 5 know it more
than you? [Of course, they know the best.] So they have
commanded that when Satan comes to mislead you by causing
whispers, you should give him a blunt reply, saying, You are a
liar. You should never go to them (i.e. the disbelievers, the
deviants and the heretics) and should never listen to them
because they will blaspheme your Lord      , the Holy Quran
and your Prophet  6   (    8)( 3 5
 4  .

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

 . 9
(After giving some more pieces of advice, Ala Hadrat  8)( 3   &
has further stated that Allah     has said in verse 112 of Surah
Al-Anaam, part 8):

;RRt8 <  b XJ #'  L e l& y  & #' 3$  \ g  

And if your Lord had wanted, they would not have done so;
therefore leave them and their fabrications.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 8, Al-Anaam, verse 112)

Please ponder! Were you commanded to leave them and to reject

what they say or to go and listen to them? In the next (i.e. verse
113) of Surah Al-Anaam, Allah      has also said:

<   J N , J l   & !    I 
;RR8 <  &b O' L e #'  & b O  y b     Y N#$

And so that the hearts of those who do not believe in the

Hereafter lean towards their fabrications and so that they like
those fabrications, and commit the same sins which they are
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 8, Al-Anaam, verse 113)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Look! Lending an ear to what they say was declared to be a

practice of those who do not believe in the Hereafter. As a result,
the cursed things they say may have an effect on the hearts of

the listeners who may also become like them. 23 . 1
(i.e. we seek refuge of Allah      from it). People assume in
ignorance that we will not be influenced by them because we
are Muslim at heart. These people should attentively listen to
the following saying of the Holy Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  ,
Anyone listening to the news of [the appearance of] Dajjaal
must run away from him. By Allah      ! Man will go to him
and will think that I am a Muslim and will not be harmed by
him but he [i.e. the man] will be deceived by him [i.e. Dajjaal],
becoming his follower.
(Sunan Abi Dawood, vol. 4, pp. 157, Hadees 4319)

Are you under the impression that there will be only one Dajjaal,
the most impure one, who will come later on? Never! All those
calling towards deviation are Dajjaal and it is mandatory to
run away from all of them. The same afore-mentioned risk is
involved in meeting and listening to them. The Greatest and
Noblest Prophet  6   (    8)( 3 5
 4  has said, In the last era, there
will be Dajjaal people who will be liars. They will tell you such
things which neither you nor your forefathers heard. So you
stay away from them and keep them away from you lest they
mislead you and throw you into turmoil. (Sahih Muslim, pp. 9,
Hadees 7; Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 781-782)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Sarwar-e-Deen! Li-jiye apnay natuwanon ki khabar

Nafs-o-Shaytan Sayyida! Kab tak dabatay jayain gey

Translation: O the Sovereign of religion ( 6   (    8 )(  3 4 5 )! Please
take care of your weak slaves. For how long will Nafs and Satan
continue to suppress us?


( 3 .


Satan in the form of a frog

Sayyiduna Umar Bin Abdul Azeez   '
 )( 3 
 %  & has narrated that
a person prayed to Allah      in these words, O Allah      !
Please show to me how Satan causes whispers in the heart of
human beings. The person dreamt that there is a man with a
transparent body. Between the shoulder and the ear of the man,
Satan in the form of a frog was sitting and causing whispers by
inserting his long and thin trunk from the shoulder to the heart
of the man. Whenever the man remembers Allah      , Satan
moves away. (Mukashafa-tul-Quloob, pp. 59)

The Holy Prophet  always remembered Allah

Dear Islamic brothers! This shows that remembering Allah     
is an effective cure for satanic whispers because Satan is driven

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

away by the remembrance of Allah      . Our Holy Prophet

 6   (    8 )
(  3 5
 4  spent every moment and took every breath
remembering Allah      . Whenever possible, we should
continue to say Allah, Allah or recite Salat-Alan-Nabi instead
of remaining silent unnecessarily. In this way, we will keep
gaining reward and Satan will also get weaker and weaker,

   . (Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 3, pp. 37)

Satan weak like a sparrow

Hujjat-ul-Islam, Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali


 0 &

 has narrated: Sayyiduna Qays Bin Hajjaj  8)
 . 9 &
(  3
said: My accompanying Satan said to me, When I entered your
body I was (strong) like a camel but I have now been (weak)
like a sparrow. Sayyiduna Qays Bin Hajjaj  8 )(   3   . 9
  & asked,
Why? Satan replied, You continue to melt [i.e. weaken] me
by remembering Allah      . (Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 3, pp. 37) Thus,
heedlessness from Divine remembrance is not something good.

Satan moves away

Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas / 


 & has said, Satan keeps
sitting on the heart of the bondman. When bondman is
heedless of Divine remembrance, Satan causes whispers and
when bondman remembers Allah      , Satan moves away.
(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, vol. 9, pp. 392)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

War between Zikr and satanic whispers

Hujjat-ul-Islam, Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali


 0 &

has stated: Commenting on the following Divine

; 8 }#
 v _
U   = ,'
From the evil of the one who produces evil thoughts in the hearts
and stays hidden.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 30, Surah An-Naas, verse 4)

 . 9
Sayyiduna Mujahid  8)( 3   & stated: Satan has spread himself
over the heart of man. When man remembers Allah      , Satan
shrinks and when he is heedless, so Satan spreads himself over
the heart. War between Zikr and satanic whispers continues; as
the fight between day and night and between light and darkness
continues. These two i.e. Divine remembrance and satanic
whisper are the opposite of each other. Allah      has said in
verse 19 of Surah Al-Mujadalah, part 28:

(_m no  % L M #& , / 0 L M s % 
The devil dominated them and made them forget the
remembrance of Allah.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 28, Al-Mujadalah, verse 19)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Satan eats up the heart

Sayyiduna Anas   '
 )(  3 
 %  & has stated that the Beloved and
Blessed Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  has said, Satan places his
trunk over the heart of man. If man remembers Allah      ,
Satan shrinks and if man forgets Allah      , then Satan eats up
[i.e. occupies] his heart. (Abu Yala, vol. 3, pp. 453, Hadees 4285)


( 3 .

Not repenting despite reaching the age of 40 years

It is narrated: When man reaches the age of 40 years and does
not repent of sins, so Satan strokes the face of such a man, saying,
May I be sacrificed for this face that will not get salvation.
(Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 3, pp. 35)

The beloved son of Ala Hadrat, His grace Mufti-e-Azam Hind

has prayed to Allah      in the following couplets:

Jo hay ghaafil Tayray zikr say Zul-Jalal

Us ki ghaflat hay us per wabaal-o-nakaal
Qar-e-ghaflat say ham ko Khudaya nikaal
Ham haun zaakir Tayray aur mazkoor Tu

. 1

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Translation: O Almighty! Heedlessness from Your remembrance is

nuisance and punishment for the heedless person. O Almighty! Bring
us out of the pit of heedlessness and bless us with Your remembrance.


( 3 .

Do not pay attention to satanic whispers

Dear Islamic brothers! One of the cures for satanic whispers is
that we should not pay attention to it at all. As soon as we
experience satanic whisper, if only we would start imagining
about the beautiful valleys of Makkah Mukarramah, humbly
visiting the Masjid-ul-Haraam and kissing the Hajar-e-Aswad
repeatedly and moving around the blessed Kabah enthusiastically
in imagination! If only we would be lost in the beautiful
memories and scenes of Madinah! If only sometimes we would
imagine about attractive thorns of Madinah and sometimes about
its eye-catching flowers; sometimes about beautiful valleys of
Madinah and sometimes about luminous streets of Madinah;
sometimes about the wonderful mountains of Madinah and
sometimes about the beautiful deserts of Madinah!

If only we would sometimes enjoy imagining about the pure

atmosphere of Madinah and sometimes about the fragrant winds
of Madinah; sometimes about beautiful scenes of the Green
Dome and sometimes about being respectfully present in front
of the Golden Grille! If your enthusiasm encourages you, then
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

imagine about the Greatest and Noblest Prophet  6   (    8)(  3 5
 4  .
If only we are blessed with so deep grief, love, enthusiasm and
devotion of the Holy Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  that we get free
from every grief of the world as well as from satanic whispers.
If only the following prayer be answered for us!

Aysa guma day un ki wila mayn Khuda hamayn

Dhoonda karayn per apni khabar ko khabar na ho

Translation: May Allah      grant us so deep devotion of the Holy
Prophet  6   (    8 )
(  3 5
that we get unable to find ourselves
despite searching, i.e. may we get into an overwhelming and
overpowering state in his devotion! (Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish)

3 .


8 Cures for satanic whispers

1. Seek help from Allah      to stay safe from Satan.
Whenever you experience satanic whisper, start remembering
Allah      .

2. Recite 2
. 1.

3. Recite 2 . # # #1.

4. Recite 2 1 [Surah An-Naas].

5. Say 2 . 1.
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

6. Recite the following blessed verse, satanic whisper will be

prevented instantly:

;8 )j *  s G 1 $  4  _, P #z   4#
   Y N  FN  4
(Part 27, Surah Al-Hadeed, verse 3)

7. Reciting the following Dua in abundance eradicates

satanic whispers:

;R9 8 J  .  6 #J  - fz 4 l J #0 < 1
2;tu8 5 J 5  $ m no s 3 % #' 
(Part 13, Surah Ibraheem, verse 19, 20)
(Summarized from: Fatawa Razawiyyah referenced, vol. 1, pp. 770)

(The part of the verse included in above Dua has been identified
under brackets with a different font style.)

8. A renowned commentator, a great thinker of

Ummah, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan '/
   . /
 0 &   
 has stated:
Blessed Sufis )( 

 & have said: Whoever recites

. # # #1 21 times in the morning
and evening each, blows onto water and drinks it, will remain
safe from satanic whisper to a great extent,     

(Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 1, pp. 87)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Muheet dil pay huwa haye Nafs-e-ammarah

Dimagh per mayray Iblees chha gaya Ya Rab

Riha`ee mujh ko milay kash! Nafs-o-shaytan say

Tayray Habib ka dayta hoon wasitah Ya Rab

Translation: My evil Nafs has taken control of my heart and Satan

has occupied my mind. O Almighty! May I be freed from Nafs and
Satan for the sake of Your Beloved Prophet  6   (    8)
( 3 5
 4  !


( 3 .

What to do if satanic whispers are not prevented?

If one could not get rid of satanic whispers even by reciting
invocations and doing certain acts, there is still no need to
worry. Mentioned here is a summary of what Hujjat-ul-Islam,
Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali ) +

 0 & 

in his book Minhaj-ul-Aabideen published by Maktaba-tul-
Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami: If you
feel that Satan does not refrain from irritating you and is trying
to dominate you despite the fact that you have sought refuge of
Allah      from Satan, it means that Allah      wants to test
your efforts, power and patience. That is, Allah      is testing
whether you fight against Satan or lose the fight against him.

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Look! Allah      has given domination to disbelievers etc.

over us, whereas He      is All-Powerful and can eliminate the
disorder and mischiefs caused by them even without us doing
Jihad but He      does not do so. Instead, He      commands
bondmen to do Jihad so that He      tests as to who is
enthusiastic and eager about Jihad and martyrdom and who
fights against them with sincerity and patience.

After giving some more pieces of advice, Sayyiduna Imam

Muhammad Ghazali ) +

 0 & 

 has stated: So we have also
been commanded to be fully alert and active in the fight against
Satan. Our scholars of Islam have also said: In order to fight
against Satan and to dominate him, three things are essential:

1. You should be aware of his tricks and tactics and

recognize them. Once you become aware of them, Satan
will not be able to harm you. If the thief comes to know
that the householder is alert to theft, he runs away.

2. Never accept the misleading and sinful invitation of Satan.

There must be no impact of his invitation on your heart.
You should not also plan to fight against him because Satan
is like a barking dog. If you tease him, he will shout even more
loudly. If you ignore his whispers, he will become silent.

3. Remember the Almighty in abundance.

(Minhaj-ul-Aabideen (Arabic), pp. 46)

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Divine remembrance inflicts pain to Satan

It is narrated that Divine remembrance is as much painful to
Satan as is a deadly disease to human in which flesh comes off
the body. (Minhaj-ul-Aabideen (Arabic), pp. 46)

Imtihan kay kahan qaabil hoon mayn piyaray Allah

Bay-sabab bakhsh day Maula Tayra kya jata hay

Translation: O Allah      ! I am not able enough to be tested. Forgive

me without any reason. Forgiving us is not difficult for You at all.
(Wasail-e-Bakhshish, pp. 72)

3 .



( 3 .

Satanic whisper: Many times, satanic whispers are not prevented

even by remembering Allah      . For example, Salah is the
greatest form of Divine remembrance but Satan causes a lot of
whispers during Salah. He even makes us recall the forgotten
things during Salah.

Cure for satanic whisper: No doubt, Divine remembrance drives

Satan away. You must have heard that prayers are answered by
Allah      . There is obviously no doubt about it. It is stated in
verse number 60 of Surah Al-Mu`min:
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Pray to Me, I will accept. ( -    ~   
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 24, Al-Mumin, verse 60)

Still, the effects of the prayer being answered are not observed
many times. In fact, there are certain conditions for driving
Satan away by means of Divine remembrance and for the
answering of the prayers. We can take the example of
medicines. If harmful things are not avoided, medicines fail to
produce the required effect. If a patient suffering from diabetes
continues to eat sweets, what effect will medicine produce? In
the same way, in order to get rid of satanic whispers and to
drive him away, avoidance from sins is essential. If piety is not
adopted, then the medicine in the form of Zikr may not cure
the disease of satanic whispers.

Hujjat-ul-Islam, Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali



 0 &

 has stated: Satan is like a hungry dog that comes

to you. If you have no bread and no meat, he will go away easily
after you tell him off. If you have meat and he is hungry, so he
falls on the meat and is not driven away easily. In a similar
way, if there is nothing for Satan in the heart, he moves away
from that heart when Divine remembrance is made. On the
other hand, if the heart is under the domination of desires, so
the inner condition of the heart will be captured by Satan who
will prevent such a person from making Divine remembrance
with all his heart. As far as the heart of the pious is concerned,
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

it is not affected by desires of Nafs and evil attributes. Satan

does not come to them due to desires but he comes when their
heart is empty of Divine remembrance due to heedlessness.
When they make Divine remembrance, Satan goes away.
(Summarized from: Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 3, pp. 45)

In short, one who commits sins day and night is like a friend of
Satan. And how is it possible that Satan run away from his
friends easily! In verse 4 of Surah Al-Hajj, Allah      said in
part 17 of the Holy Quran:

     p  p        p     
;8 b     ~ ! J  J   J !Z#& yN V ,' !Z ! s I
(The devil) for whom it is decreed that whoever befriends him, he
will certainly mislead him and lead him to the path of the
torment of Hell.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 17, Surah Al-Hajj, verse 4)

Hujjat-ul-Islam, Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali



 0 &

 has stated: The real effectiveness of Divine Zikr

can settle in the heart when it is purified from evil attributes
and is adorned with piety. Otherwise, Zikr will prove to be a
temporary thing and can neither influence the heart nor rule it.
It cannot also get rid of satanic power.

Imam Ghazali ) +


 0 & 

 has further stated: If you want to
stay safe from Satan, adopt piety and abstinence and then try
Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

medicine in the form of Divine Zikr. In this way, Satan will run
away from you. (Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 3, pp. 45, 47)

Nafs-o-shaytan ho gaye ghalib

In kay chungal say Tu chhura Ya Rab

Ker kay taubah mayn phir gunahaun mayn

Ho hi jata hoon mubtala Ya Rab
Neem-jan ker diya gunahaun nay
Marz-e-isyan say day shifa Ya Rab

Translation: Nafs and Satan have dominated me. O Almighty! Free

me from their captivity. I indulge in sins even after repenting of
them. Sins have brought me closer to doom. O Almighty! Cure me of
the disease of sins.

3 .



( 3 .

Madani pearl
If only we would develop interest in good deeds rather than in
wealth and would recite invocation for it!

Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri

16 Muharram-ul-Haraam, 1432 AH

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Thoughts of disbelief in mind

Question: What is the ruling for the person who says that
thoughts of disbelief come into his mind when he is in trouble?
Answer: If thoughts of disbelief come into the mind of a
person and he considers it bad to express them, it is a sign of
real faith. Thoughts of disbelief are caused by the accursed
Satan who wants to ruin the faith of the Muslim. Some blessed
companions   '

 & came in the court of the Beloved
Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 5
 4  and humbly said, We have such
thoughts that we consider it very bad to express them. The
Greatest Prophet  6   (    8 )(  3 4 5 said, Is it really so? They
humbly said, Yes. He  6   (    8)( 3 5
 4  said, It is a sign of pure
faith. (Sahih Muslim, pp. 80, Hadees 132) A legendary and leading
scholar of Shariah and Tareeqah, Allamah Maulana Mufti
Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami *+

. /
 0 &   
 has stated: If the
thought of disbelief comes into the heart of a person and he
considers it bad to express it in words, so it is not disbelief but
rather it is a specific sign of faith. Would he consider it bad, if there
were no faith in his heart! (Bahar-e-Shariat, vol. 2, part 9, pp. 456)
Question: If somebody mentions to another person, I
experience such-and-such blasphemous satanic whispers. I am
fed-up with them. Please tell me any cure. Will he be charged
with disbelief in this case?
Answer: No, he will not be charged with disbelief in this case.
(Kufriyah Kalimat kay baaray mayn Suwal jawab, pp. 423-424)
Tip1:Click on any heading, it will send you to the required page.
Tip2:at inner pages, Click on the Name of the book to get back(here) to


Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them ............................. 1

Reciting Salat-Alan-Nabi after the Dua of Qunoot is better ......... 1
Literal meaning of [ Waswasah] .............................................. 2
Everyone is accompanied by an angel and a Satan .......................... 3
Who is called 2 1 [Hamzad]? ....................................................... 5
Hamzad of Holy Prophet became Muslim ........................................ 5
Everyone is accompanied by a Satan .................................................. 5
Satan is free but you are busy .............................................................. 6
Satan circulates in the body like blood............................................... 7
6 Severe harms of overeating ............................................................... 7
Various tricks of satanic whispers ...................................................... 9
Satanic whispers about Allah .................................................... 11
Not every question is answered ........................................................ 11
Quranic cure for satanic whisper ...................................................... 12
Imam Raazi and Satan ........................................................................ 13
Satanic whispers about destiny ......................................................... 14
What somebody was going to do was recorded in destiny ........... 15
Important Fatwa about destiny ......................................................... 15
Excellent cure for satanic whisper about destiny ........................... 17
Satanic whispers about faith .............................................................. 19
Dangerous satanic whispers .............................................................. 20
No punishment for satanic whispers ............................................... 20
Possibility of punishment for satanic whispers .............................. 21
Faith is not destroyed by satanic whispers ...................................... 21

Satanic Whispers and Cures for Them

Considering satanic whispers bad is absolute faith ........................ 22

Satanic whispers during worship ...................................................... 23
Names of 9 Satans and their duties .................................................. 23
Satanic whispers in Masajid .............................................................. 25
Satanic whispers during Ghusl.......................................................... 27
Cause of satanic whispers during Ghusl .......................................... 27
Explanation of the above-mentioned Hadees ................................. 27
Parable about the harm caused by satanic whispers ...................... 28
Satanic whispers during Wudu ......................................................... 30
Sprinkling water over the part of trousers ....................................... 30
What to do if one experiences satanic whisper during Wudu? .... 31
Satanic whispers about the invalidation of Wudu during Salah .. 32
Say to Satan you are liar ................................................................... 32
I and my deed is not perfect .............................................................. 33
Reject satanic whispers ....................................................................... 34
Satanic whispers during Salah ........................................................... 35
The way to avoid satanic whispers during Salah ............................ 35
Spit will fall into the mouth of Satan ................................................ 36
Satanic whispers about the number of Rakaat in Salah ................ 37
Ruling about doubt in the number of Rakaat in Salah ................. 37
Humiliation of Satan .......................................................................... 38
Saint frustrated Satan ......................................................................... 39
Unique way of rejecting satanic whisper ......................................... 40
Do not pay attention to satanic whisper at all ................................ 40
Satanic whispers about purity ........................................................... 41
No need for investigation about impurity ....................................... 42
Madani pearls about the leftovers of animals ................................. 42
Table of Contents

Strange cure for satanic whispers through mud ............................. 45

Mud is pure unless one is sure about it being impure ................... 45
Which corner of the shawl to be purified? ...................................... 46
If a child puts his hand into water, then?......................................... 46
Satanic whispers about divorce ......................................................... 47
Do not enquire about meal served by anyone ................................ 48
Enquiry about meal may open the door of sins .............................. 48
Two types of Satan .............................................................................. 50
Human Satans ..................................................................................... 51

CURE FOR SATANIC WHISPERS ......................................................... 55

Satan in the form of a frog ........................................................... 55
The Holy Prophet  always remembered Allah ............ 55
Satan weak like a sparrow ......................................................... 56
Satan moves away .......................................................................... 56
War between Zikr and satanic whispers .................................... 57
Satan eats up the heart .................................................................. 58
Not repenting despite reaching the age of 40 years .................. 58
Do not pay attention to satanic whispers................................... 59
8 Cures for satanic whispers ........................................................ 60

What to do if satanic whispers are not prevented? ........................ 62

Divine remembrance inflicts pain to Satan ..................................... 64
Madani pearl ........................................................................................ 67
Thoughts of disbelief in mind ........................................................... 68


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