Re A Entreprise Ontology Doct
Re A Entreprise Ontology Doct
Re A Entreprise Ontology Doct
of detail. We believe the first level of detail you should consider is the least detailedthe
big picture view that we call the value system level. You may have heard the saying they
couldnt see the forest for the trees used to describe those so mired in detail that they for-
get the big picture of what they are trying to accomplish. We believe that looking at the
forest level of an enterprise first and trying to develop a plan for analyzing the enterprise
a section at a time will help you keep your perspective and avoid getting mired in the de-
tail. Obviously there is plenty of detail in which to get mired, so try to keep picturing the
end goal and the plan for getting there to keep you on the path.
Examining the value system level of a firm includes thinking about the enterprises
mission and strategy. Understanding this level is crucial because later you must ensure that
activities within the enterprises business processes are consistent with its overall mission
and strategy. The REA ontology is about much more than developing information sys-
tems; it is about understanding enterprises.
Everything an enterprise does should create value for its customers according to
Michael Porter in Competitive Advantage.1 Creating value has a cost. For example, an en-
terprise that assembles automobiles creates something of value but also must pay for var-
ious inputs (e.g., materials, supplies, and time of employees). Porter computes an organi-
zations margin as the difference between value and cost. This calculation includes all
value and all cost, much of which is difficult to measure financially, but which the REA
value chain model can capture if measurements are available.
The concept of creating value applies to both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
For-profit organizations try to maximize their margins. Not-for-profit organizations, such as
charitable or governmental entities, seek to maximize the goods and services they provide
with the resources (funds) they receive. Over the long run, charitable and governmental or-
ganizations seek to optimize their services while matching outflows to inflows. Whether for-
profit or not-for-profit, viable organizations provide goods and services that customers value
in a cost-effective way. The main difference between for-profit and not-for-profit enterprises
is that at the value system level, the input resources and output resources are paired with dif-
ferent external business partners. That is, some of the partners who give resources to the
not-for-profit enterprises do not receive resources directly from the not-for-profit enterprises
and some of the partners who receive resources from the not-for-profit enterprises do not
give resources to the not-for-profit enterprises. The overall notion of input resources being
transformed into output resources is still valid because one would expect that if the not-for-
profit organization failed to provide the expected goods and services, its contributing exter-
nal business partners would discontinue their contributions.
Every organization seeks to create value by providing goods and services customers
want. For example:
A grocery store creates value by providing food in a clean and convenient location for
customers to purchase.
An airline company creates value by safely transporting passengers and cargo in a
timely manner.
An automobile manufacturer creates value by producing safe, reliable vehicles to trans-
port people and cargo.
1M. Porter, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance (New York: Free
Press, 1985), p. 12.
Case in Point Chapter Three The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and Value Chain Modeling 37
In the late 1970s and early 1980s when gas prices were rapidly rising and our oil sup-
plies were in doubt, most new car buyers favored smaller, more gas-efficient automo-
biles. Americas automobile manufacturers had several lean years as they modified
their automobile design to smaller, fuel-efficient vehicles. Over the next decade as the
percentage of small cars increased, most parking lots adjusted the size of the parking
stalls from 8 or 9 feet wide to 7 feet wide. But since 1987 the size of Americas cars has
been getting bigger. In sprawling Western and Southwestern cities, the popularity of
sport-utility vehicles and pickup trucks can make parking a hassle. Parking lots with
larger parking stalls are now able to charge a premium price. Parking problems will
likely increase as the popularity of the Hummer increases. The Hummer is the civilian
adaptation of a military vehicle that is 8 feet wide, including the mirrors.*
*Neal Templin, Big Cars and Little Spaces Cause Mayhem, The Wall Street Journal, March 11, 1998, pp. B1, 8.
2Outsourcing occurs when one organization finds another organization to perform some work. This is
usually done when the outsourcing organization cant complete the work (e.g., they do not have the
capacity or the expertise) or when they identify another organization that can complete the work in a
more cost-effective manner.
38 Chapter Three The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and Value Chain Modeling
Firm infrastructure
Human resource management
Support activities
Technology development
Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing Service
logistics logistics and sales
Primary activities
sale to RSWS. Likely RSWS buys the instruments from the manufacturers; their value sys-
tem levels would involve purchasing raw materials, labor, and manufacturing equipment
from their suppliers. Those suppliers had value systems to make those items available for
Eventually managers must look at the entire supply chain to streamline interenterprise
activities and gain efficiencies in operations. However, the best first step is to focus on the
enterprise in the context of its immediate business partners, then to focus on the enterprise
value chain and the internal business processes that comprise that chain. Once you un-
derstand the enterprise in the context of its immediate business partners and its internal
processes, examine the more distant links on its supply chain.
To complete a thorough cradle-to-grave analysis, many people use the value chain
analysis approach originally proposed by Michael Porter.3 Porter illustrated that each firm
is a collection of activities that are performed to design, produce, market, deliver, and
support its product. You can see Porters Generic Value Chain in Exhibit 31.
Although this diagram looks different from the value chain diagrams we use in this text-
book, both types of value chain diagrams encompass the same set of activities. Porters
value chain is defined as a set of business activities that add value or usefulness to an or-
ganizations products or services; the REA ontology defines the value chain as a set of
business processes through which resources flow, with the assumption that value is added
to the resources within each business process. The value chain is intended to show total
value and consists of value activities and margin. Value activities are the physical and tech-
nological activities performed by an organization. Porter presented two types of value ac-
3M. Porter, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance (New York: Free
Press, 1985); and Competitive Strategy Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors (New York:
Free Press, 1980).
Chapter Three The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and Value Chain Modeling 39
tivities in his generic value chain: primary and support. Primary value activities consist
of the events that create customer value and provide organization distinctiveness in the
marketplace. They are the critical activities in running a business. Support value activi-
ties facilitate accomplishing the primary activities. Margin is the difference between total
value and the cost of performing the value activities.
Porters primary value activities include the following categories:
Inbound logisticsactivities associated with receiving, storing, and disseminating in-
puts to the products or services
Operationsactivities associated with transforming inputs into the final products or
Outbound logisticsactivities associated with collecting, storing, and physically dis-
tributing the products or services
Marketing and salesactivities associated with providing a means by which cus-
tomers can buy products and the means for inducing them to buy
Serviceactivities associated with providing service to enhance or maintain the value
of the products or services
Porters support value activities include:
Procurementthe function of purchasing inputs to a firms value chain
Technology developmentthe know-how, procedures, or technology embedded in
processes that are intended to improve the product, services, and/or process
Human resource managementactivities involved in recruiting, hiring, training, de-
veloping, and compensating all types of personnel
Firm infrastructureactivities that support the entire value chain (e.g., general man-
agement, planning, finance, accounting, legal, government affairs, and quality manage-
In REA value chain analysis we also differentiate value activities in three event cate-
goriesoperating events, information events, and decision/management events. We define
and discuss these categories in Chapter 4.
Value system and value chain analyses are valuable because they compel you to under-
stand the internal operations of a firm as well as the forces and parties outside the firm that
affect its ability to create value. The direct actions of an organization are only part of its
overall value chain process. It is also important to look at external linkages, such as the ac-
tivities of customers and suppliers, to understand the ability of an organization to create
value. For example, some organizations may be more successful at creating value because
they elicit quality responses from their customers and use the feedback to quickly change
or upgrade their products. Other organizations may achieve success because they have
worked effectively with their suppliers to reduce costs and improve the ability to respond
to customer desires. A thorough analysis of the value system and value chain helps you to
understand all the activities that are strategically relevant to an organization, not just the
portion of activities in which an organization directly participates or controls. In Exhibit
32 we illustrate how the value system and value chain activities are linked. In this dia-
gram note that Suppliers encompasses suppliers of every type of resource, including em-
ployees, investors, and creditors, as well as those who supply products and services.
40 Chapter Three The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and Value Chain Modeling
Relating Value Suppliers Customers
and Value Goods and Payment for
Requested input Payment for
Chain Levels services for goods and
resources input resources
customers services
Acquistion Sales
payment collection
Provides process Provides
process process
input goods and
resources services
Vendors or suppliers (of various types of inventory, equipment, utilities, insurance, and
Investors and creditors
Sometimes examining the cash outflows of an enterprise does not reveal a resource re-
ceived in exchange. For example, when an enterprise pays cash to government agencies
(such as the Internal Revenue Service) what resource does the enterprise receive in ex-
change? Some resources the government provides are easy to identify, such as a license to
do business, or police and fire protection services. However, the amounts paid in taxes and
fees to the government often exceed an identifiable resource received in exchange and we
must simply label the resource as government services. Payments to charitable organiza-
tions pose a similar dilemma. If an enterprise donates money to a university, what resource
does it receive in exchange? The enterprise must believe it receives a resource, because en-
terprises are assumed to make economically rational decisions. The enterprise may expect
goodwill, an increased reputation in the community (in effect, advertising), or an advan-
tage in recruiting the universitys students. Based on the assumption that the enterprise
does in fact receive resources in exchange for these payments, hopefully you have figured
out that government agencies and charitable organizations would be included in the exter-
nal business partner category of vendors or suppliers.
Once the resources an enterprise uses are identified and the external business partners
with whom these resources are exchanged are determined, the information is portrayed in
a diagram. The enterprise being modeled is represented as a circle or oval in the center of
the diagram. Each external business partner is represented as a square or rectangle; these
are placed around the outside of the circle that represents the enterprise. Arrows are drawn
between the circle and the squares as appropriate to indicate the actual resource exchanges
between the enterprise and its business partners. Lets examine the RSWS example intro-
duced in Chapter 2 to determine how the value system level REA model was constructed.
The value system diagram from that example is reproduced in Exhibit 33.
The first step in constructing this model is to examine the various resources RSWS uses
in its operations. Cash is certainly used by RSWS. Lets consider how the cash is used, to
Investors and
Robert Scott creditors
Shop REA Cash
Value System Goods,
Goods, services
Level Model services Robert Scott
Suppliers Customers
(vendors) Cash Shop Cash
42 Chapter Three The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and Value Chain Modeling
whom it is paid, and from whom it is received. We identify that cash is received from in-
vestors (for equity financing), from creditors (for debt financing), and from customers.
Thus we draw a rectangle to represent the set of investors and creditors and another rec-
tangle to represent the set of customers. Cash is received from investors and creditors be-
cause they expect to receive cash in exchange, therefore we simply draw an arrow from in-
vestors and creditors to RSWS and label it cash to represent those cash inflows. We draw
another arrow from RSWS to investors and creditors to represent cash outflows to investors
and creditors (e.g., for interest payments, dividends, principal repayments, and treasury
stock purchases). Next we draw an arrow from customers to RSWS and label it cash to rep-
resent the cash inflows from customers. We realize that the reason customers give RSWS
cash is because they expect RSWS to provide goods (e.g., instruments, accessories), repair
services, or the use of goods (i.e., rental of instruments). Therefore we draw an arrow from
RSWS to customers to indicate that RSWS provides those resources to its customers.
We then inspect the narrative to determine what types of cash payments are made and
to whom. We identify cash payments made to employees and realize that those payments
are made in exchange for labor provided by our employees. Therefore we draw a rectangle
to represent the set of employees. We draw an arrow from RSWS to employees to repre-
sent the cash outflows to employees and we draw an arrow from employees to RSWS to
represent the labor inflow from employees. You might notice that there is no arrow to rep-
resent benefits such as health insurance paid to employees. Is it because RSWS doesnt
offer any such benefits or is it because they have forgotten to represent them? The answer
is neither. Payments made for health insurance for employees is a cash outflow to suppli-
ers made by RSWS on behalf of the employees. The actual insurance is an outflow from
the health insurance supplier to the employees and is outside the scope of RSWSs value
system model, which only examines the direct resource flows between RSWS and its ex-
ternal business partners. This leads us to the other external business partner for RSWS
the suppliers (some enterprises may call these vendors). Suppliers is the set of all nonem-
ployee individuals or organizations from which an enterprise acquires goods and services.
We draw a rectangle to represent the set of suppliers, an arrow from RSWS to suppliers to
indicate the cash outflow, and an arrow from suppliers to RSWS to indicate the inflow of
goods and services.
4G.Geerts and W. E. McCarthy, Modeling Business Enterprises as Value-Added Process Hierarchies with
Resource-Event-Agent Object Templates, in J. Sutherland and D. Patel, eds., Business Object Design and
Implementation (London: Springer-Verlag, 1997), pp. 94113.
44 Chapter Three The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and Value Chain Modeling
Robert Scott Cash
Woodwind Financing
Shop Business process
Cash Cash
and Resource
Summarized Labor (sales/collection)
Value Chain Payroll process
View process Conversion
process Manufactured
Raw repair services
materials Equipment
Acquisition/ Overhead
payment Instruments
Next we examine the payroll process. Because cash is a resource inflow, the process
must include an event that uses it up (i.e., a cash disbursement event). Notice that the en-
terprise will likely have only one cash disbursement event set that encompasses all cash
disbursements made for all purposes, but we must depict the event set in each business
process that uses cash. The payroll process generates labor as its resource outflow, so there
must be an event within the payroll process that obtains that labor (labor acquisition, an
event that transfers the labor in). So we draw two event boxes inside the payroll process
bubble and connect them via a diamond (relationship symbol) labeled with the word du-
ality. We label the events cash disbursement and labor acquisition.
The acquisition/payment process is similar to the payroll process. Cash is a resource in-
flow to acquisition/payment, so the process must have an event that uses it up (i.e., a cash
disbursement event). The acquisition/payment process has instruments, materials, services,
and equipment as outflows, so the process must include an event that obtains those things
from external sources (i.e., an acquisition event set). Here we must determine whether the
same data attributes are recorded for acquisitions of each of these types of items. For any
that are different, the events should be modeled separately and the recommendation would
be to make separate acquisition cycle bubbles. Lets say we determine that RSWS records
all acquisitions using a common set of forms and captures the same data attributes for
them. Thus we need only one acquisition event set and only one acquisition process
(scene). We draw two event boxes inside the acquisition/payment process bubble and con-
nect them via a diamond labeled with the word duality. We label the events cash disburse-
ment and acquisition.
Next we examine the conversion process. The conversion process is typically the most
complicated scene. Our value chain diagram shows input resource flows as materials,
equipment, labor, and overhead. That indicates our conversion process must have events
that use up each of those items. We determine that raw materials are used up as they are
issued into a manufacturing or repair job so we draw a box labeled material issue. We note
that employee labor is used up through the employees involvement in labor operations, so
we draw a box labeled labor operation. Equipment and overhead are used up in machine
operations, so we draw a box labeled machine operation. Next we need to determine what
event produces the finished accessories and/or repaired instruments. We determine that for
RSWS every repair service and each production run for a batch of parts or accessories is
considered to be a work in process job. Thus we add a box labeled WIP Job. We realize that
the material issues, labor operations, and machine operations are economic decrement
events (they use up resources) that are matched with the WIP job, which is an economic
increment event (it produces resources). Therefore we draw a diamond symbol to connect
all four boxes and label it as duality.
Now all our scenes are detailed except for the Sales/Collection process. We see that the
input resources are the instruments (from the acquisition process), and the manufactured
accessories and repair services (from the conversion process). The instruments get
changed into cash either by selling them or renting them to customers. The repair services
and manufactured accessories are also changed into cash by selling them to customers. As
with the acquisition process, we need to make a choice as to whether there is a common
sale event set for which the same set of data attributes can be maintained, or whether the
activities are dissimilar enough to warrant being maintained as separate event sets. For this
example, we assume RSWS uses the same set of forms and captures the same data attri-
Chapter Three The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and Value Chain Modeling 47
Cash disbursement
acquisition Labor Revenue
Labor Duality
operation process
Payroll Conversion
process Cash
Material WIP receipt
Cash issue job
process Manufactured
Machine accessories,
repair services
Acquisition/ Instruments
butes for each of these revenue-generating activities, so we combine them into one eco-
nomic decrement event called sale. The output resource flow is cash, indicating that the
process must include an event that produces or obtains the cash, in other words an eco-
nomic increment event called cash receipt. We draw two boxes with a duality relationship
connecting them; we label one box sale and the other box cash receipt. Now our value
chain is complete (see Exhibit 35) and may be used to facilitate creation of the business
process level models for RSWS. We discuss that process in detail in Chapter 4.
In this chapter we have provided a patterned approach for developing models of enterprises
at two levels of detailthe value system level and the value chain level. This approach fa-
cilitates your understanding of how business enterprises work. As you go about your daily
activities, pay attention to the business enterprises with which you interact and look for
these script patterns. When you go out to eat at a restaurant, or order pizza, see if you can
picture the value system and value chain for that restaurant or pizza place. When you go
shopping at different kinds of stores: grocery, convenience, department, or electronics, see
if you can identify the value system and value chain patterns for those stores. Consider
what they have in common and any differences they may have. Think about the possibili-
ties of using the things they have in common as base objects in an information system and
48 Chapter Three The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and Value Chain Modeling
keeping the things that are unique as nonfoundational elements in the information system.
Think about how such an approach could lead to enterprise systems that may be integrated
with solid connections rather than tied together with string.
Review Questions
LO4 R1. What is a business process? Describe each of the major business processes found
in most enterprises.
LO8 R2. What does it mean to create value? How do enterprises create value?
LO8 R3. What is an enterprises margin as defined by Michael Porter?
LO2 R4. Differentiate between the objectives of a profit and a not-for-profit enterprise.
LO8 R5. Give an example of a primary value activity for a retail store.
LO8 R6. Give an example of a support value activity for a retail store.
LO1LO3 R7. To begin creating a value system model, what does the chapter recommend as the
first thing you should try to identify?
LO6 R8. What do duality relationships consist of?
LO5, LO6 R9. What is the difference between a stock inflow and a stock outflow? What types of
events are associated with stock inflows and with stock outflows?
LO6, LO7 R10. When you are creating a value chain level REA model, if you have two resource in-
flows and one resource outflow for a transaction cycle, what do you know about the
events in that cycle?
LO6, LO7 MC2. Which of the following is usually represented as a value activity in the REA value
A. The generation of an aged accounts receivable report
B. The sending of a bill to a customer
C. The sale of goods to a customer
D. The decision as to whether to discontinue a product line
LO3 MC3. Which level of the REA enterprise ontology represents the big-picture view?
A. Value system
B. Value chain
C. Business process
D. Task
LO8 MC4. Which of the following is considered a primary value activity, as opposed to a sup-
port activity, in Porters value chain?
A. Procurement
B. Accounting
C. General management
D. Inbound and outbound logistics
LO7 MC5. To which other internal business process are manufactured goods typically made
available by the conversion process?
A. Financing
B. Revenue
C. Payroll
D. Acquisition/payment
Discussion Questions
LO8 D1. If only enterprises that truly create value survive, how do tobacco companies stay in
business? How do illegal drug markets survive?
LO1, LO2 D2. Do some events occur outside enterprise boundaries? Should information system de-
signers focus on events that lie beyond an enterprises boundaries?
LO4 D3. All business organizations have at least three broad business processes: acquisi-
tion/payment, conversion, and sales/collection. Into which of these processes do each
of the following activities belong? Explain your response.
a. Delivering a new product to a customer
b. Hiring new employees
c. Paying for a new capital tool
d. Assembling subcomponents for a finished product.
LO9 D4. Why is it useful to try to understand an enterprises activities at the value system and
value chain levels rather than simply beginning with the business process level?
LO5LO7 D5. Is it easier for you to first think about the resource flows associated with a transaction
cycle and then use that knowledge to identify the economic events in the cycle, or is
it easier to first think about the economic events in a cycle and then use that knowl-
edge to identify the related resource flows?
50 Chapter Three The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and Value Chain Modeling
Applied Learning
LO1LO7 A1. Owens Farm owns approximately 50 acres of peach trees. Migrant farmworkers per-
form almost all of the work. In the late winter and early spring they prune the trees.
During the midspring they thin the fruit on the trees, and in late summer and early
autumn they pick the fruit.
The farm manager does most of the other work, such as spraying the trees, irrigat-
ing, and selling the fruit. Spray concentrate, fruit boxes, and other supplies are pur-
chased on account from the local food co-op stores. Fruit is sold on account to major
grocery chains such as Kroger and Albertsons.
a. Draw a value system level diagram for Owens Farm.
b. Assuming the various activities that need to be performed in the conversion process are
considered labor operations, draw a value chain level diagram for Owens Farm.
LO1LO7 A2. Visit a local movie theater. Observe what you can about the economic activities of
the theater (e.g., ticket sales, concession sales, movie showing). Consider what must
also happen that you are unable to observe (e.g., theaters purchase of concessions
and ingredients for concessions from suppliers; acquisition of movies to show).
a. Create a value system level model for the movie theater (as best you can tell).
b. Create a value chain level diagram for the movie theater (as best you can tell).