Credit Management
Credit Management
Credit Management
The Credit Management of
Internship on
Submitted to
Southeast University
Submitted by
ID: 2012110000062
Batch: 31
Southeast University
Letter of Transmittal
May 2, 2016
Southeast University
Banani, Dhaka
Dear Sir,
I enjoyed preparing this report, which enriched my practical knowledge of the theoretical concept.
I tried to reflect the practical operational aspects of the Bank, which is complementary to the
theoretical lessons. I am very much glad that you have given me the opportunity to prepare this
report for you & hope that this report will meet the standards of your judgment.
Sincerely yours,
Batch: 31
BBA Program
Southeast University
s Certificate
The Report has been prepared under my guidance and is a record of the bona fide work carried
out successfully.
Ahmed Abir Choudhury
BBA Program,
Southeast University
I am pleased to get this opportunity to give special thanks to the persons whose ideas; views and
supports have provided fluency to prepare this report and also enriched this report. I am grateful
to all officials and staffs of NRB Commercial Bankas they for their huge cooperation. And also
grateful to the persons whose books, working papers, journals and related materials give me
continuous support to write this report.
I am greatly appreciated and inspired by Ahmed Abir Choudhury, Faculty of BBA Program,
Southeast University. to write this internship report on Credit management of NRB Commercial
Bank. I would like to thank Mr. Sayed Md. Moharam Hossain, VP & Head of RBBD, for giving
me the opportunity to work on his department. My special thanks go to Mr. Nasimul Kabir,
manager of NRB Commercial Bank (Ekuria). I would also like to express my gratitude to all the
employees of NRB Commercial Bank Ekuria branch, for supervising me at the time of my
internship attachment with their best efforts. Finally, I would like to thank all others whose
strong support makes us able to complete this report.
Executive Summary
The Internship report is prepared as requirement of BBA program of Southeast University. This
report is on
Credit Managementof NRB Commercial Bank. This report is intended to assist the
reader in detailed understanding the credit risk management process. It also attempts to capture
the procedures practiced in NRB Commercial Bank (NRBCB) in relation to credit handling. The
purpose of this report is to have an idea about the credit process and risk management procedure
of NRB Commercial Bank and then to assess its effectiveness in connection with.
Secondly, in the organizational part I have provided detailed information about the organization
with its company profile, Corporate Vision and Mission, product & service and resources.
Thirdly I
ve discussed about the overall credit management of NRBCB which starts with the
Finally I tried to give some suggestion to the base of my knowledge and experience which I have
achieved during internship at NRBCB Ekuria Branch, for further growth in credit and
convenience in credit risk management and expansion of this Branch.
Table of Content
Topic Page No
In recent days, people are becoming more aware about the management of their resources. As the
banks do business by lending their depositors' money, they are more responsible to manage their
credit portfolio smoothly. Bank's reputation is a critical factor for its success and therefore
multinational banks must follow appropriate guidelines, policies and relevant manuals regarding
credit extension and recovery. The usage of banking service for any type of financial activities is
increasing day by day. People are taking loans to start different types of businesses as well as
other purposes. It is now very important to know the internal credit processes of the banks.
A developed banking sector plays a vital role for financial stability of a country. In the BBA
program, the internship is one of the vital parts, which has to be done by every student. The
internship program provides an opportunity for the student to minimize the gap between
theoretical and practical knowledge and will help in practical life. After completing my
Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) as a student I wanted to complete my Internship
program from a Bank which would be helpful for my future professional career. I got this great
opportunity to perform my internship program in the NRB COMMERCIAL BANK LTD. I have
completed internship program based on theoretical and practical knowledge. I was sent to Ekuria
Branch. It was three months practical orientation program. This report is originated as the
requirement of NRBCB.
As a student of BBA program of University I have done 3 months internship in NRBCB Ekuria
branch. I have work on Credit Management of NRBCB. Credit Management System enables an
organization to manage concerns that are involved in loan processing from loan request to its
maturity. Many phases are covered in between, for instance loan request, approval,
documentation, schedule, disbursement and maturity. That is start from selection of borrower to
sanctioning loan at last monitoring the borrower.
The Company s Affairs NRB Commercial Bank Limited (NRBC Bank), one of the 4th generation
Banks among the banking industry in Bangladesh having diversified financial inclusions, was
incorporated on February 20, 2013 as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1994
(Act No.18 of 1994). In the process of expanding Banking service to the grass root level,
Bangladesh Bank accorded permission vide memo no. BRPD (P- 3)/745(60)/2013-1189 dated 10
March 2013 to start banking business as a scheduled Bank. NRBC Bank started its journey from
02 April 2013 with the nascent vision to strengthen the business and investment opportunities in
the country and to become a peerless bank in providing service to the NRBs and the citizens of
the country. Subsequently, after getting banking license bearing no. BRPD (P-3)/745(60)/2013-
1766 Dated 17 April 2013 from Bangladesh Bank. NRBC Bank started banking activities on 18
April 2013 through opening of its Principal Branch. The Authorized Capital of the company is
Tk.10,000 million - divided into 1,000 million ordinary shares of Tk.10 each. Its paid-up Capital
of Tk.4,446.06 million for the year under review which was converted from the hard earned
foreign currency of sponsors of NRBC Bank and the total Capital/Shareholdersequity of the
company stood at Tk.4,581.57 million only as on December 31, 2014. NRB Commercial Bank
Limited, first of its kind in the banking industry, sponsored by 53 (Fifty three) qualified NRBs
from business persons, community leaders, scientists, educationists, living in across the globe
which includes USA, Canada, UK, Russia, Italy, Germany, UAE and Kuwait. The main objective
of NRB Commercial Bank Limited is to collect resources from surplus group even rural areas to
allocate the resources in the real sectors to expanding banking coverage as well as GDP growth
in all sectors of the economy. The company is providing its banking services through expanding
branch networks and presently 26 branches are providing the same to the rural and urban area at
the time of releasing annual report. The Company has diversified its products and services among
the others such as raw materials Finance, Machinery Finance, Construction Finance, Residence
Finance, Vehicle loan, Consumer Finance, Import & Export Finance, Observing 1st Anniversary
of NRBC Bank on 2nd April 2014 48 Annual Report 2014 Work Order Finance, SME Finance,
Green Finance under category of short term to mid-term and working capital for continuous
productive activities to cater to divergent needs of the economy. The Company is going to
establish Agent Banking operation in 2015 which is new inclusion of banking industry of
Bangladesh. Our Alternative Delivery Channel and ICT Division are working on this to build
necessary infrastructure for Agent Banking in rural areas.
Vision Statement
To become a peerless bank . . .
Mission Statement
Strengthen the business and investment opportunities.
Create confidence among the NRBs for investment.
Strengthen inflow of remittance.
Deliver service excellence.
Maintain good financial health.
Create dignified working environment for Employees.
1. Deposits Schemes
2. Credit Advances
3. General Banking
The General Banking division, in NRBCB, generally performs the following functions
Account opening
Cheque book issue
FDR issue
FDR encashment
Product issue and encashment
Account transfer from one branch to another branch
Pay order issue and encashment
Fund transfer from one account to other account
Inward Remittance
Outward Remittance
Demand Draft (DD) issue
Over Draft(OD) facility
Issue of solvency certificate
Branch Manager
Operation Manager
Executive Officer
Probationary Officer
Cash Officer
In NRBCB Ekuria branch, they basically provide business loan as Cash credit hypo (CCHYPO).
The loan amount which is 2000000-30000000 taka is called BL. Only business men who own
their business are eligible to apply for BL. For applying BL the individualsbank account s turn
over must be at least 1.5 crore a year with good balance .The mandatory requirements are
business deed, trade license, TIN(tax identification number) certificate, TNT number and bill
copy and also have been maintaining at least a bank account of their individuals or business
If the person is a new loan taker from NRBCB or didn t take any loan from any bank, the
individual must open a FD (Fixed Deposit) which is 80% of loans approved amount. And if the
person have taken BL at least once from NRBCB, the individual must open a FD which is 30%
of loans approved amount in applicant s NRBCB branch as security amount .The non NRBCB
loan taker will get OD facility against his FD after 1 Year according to BL s rate of interest .On
the other hand the previous NRBCB s loan taker will get OD facility after 1-6 months. The
process of BL is same as PL. But the rate of interest for BL is 13-17%.
Based on financial and management analysis and need of the client and his capability of
operating the business, RM shall design the credit keeping in mind on the following issues:
Purpose of the credit
Experience in the similar business
Risk, Remuneration
Ancillary business
Validity Loan Period & Business Profitability
Debt Equity Ratio
Repayment capacity & Production capacity
Market demand of the product
Before sending proposal to the approving authority, the branch ensures that the following
documents have been completed properly:
A non-performing loan (NPL) is the sum of borrowed money upon which the debtor has not
made his or her scheduled payments for at least 90 days. A nonperforming loan is either in
default or close to being in default.
NRBC Bank s credit functions are conducted in a compliant manner under a strict judicious and
rational credit policies and principles in conformity with Credit Risk Management guidelines of
Bangladesh Bank. Credit initiation and approvals are done in a segregated manner. Each and
every sanction is done through a very stringent evaluation process, which, in fine ensures quality
of assets and minimizes losses likely to arise from potential bad loans. In order to make credit
operations judicious, quality and rewarding, a strict credit policy embodying among others, the
following is in place:
We know that, Commercial banking plays a dominant role in commercial lending (Allen &
Gale, 2004). Commercial banks routinely perform investment banking activities in many
countries by providing new debt to their customers (Gande, 2008). The credit creation
process works smoothly when funds are transferred from ultimate savers to borrower
(Bernanke, 1993). There are many potential sources of risk, including liquidity risk, credit risk,
interest rate risk, market risk, foreign exchange risk and political risks (Campbell, 2007).
However, credit risk is the biggest risk faced by banks and financial intermediaries (Gray,
Cassidy, & RBA., 1997). The credit risk s indicators include the level of non-performing loans,
problem loans or provision for loan losses (Jimenez & Saurina, 2006). Cred it risk management
processes enforce the banks to establish a clear process in for approving new credit as
well as for the extension to existing credit. These processes also follow monitoring with
particular care, and other appropriate steps are taken to control or mitigate the risk of connected
lending (Basel, 1999).Credit granting procedure and control systems are necessary for the
assessment of loan application, which then guarantees a bank s total loan portfolio as per the
bank s overall integrity (Boyd, 1993). It is necessary to establish a proper credit risk
environment, sound credit granting processes, appropriate credit administration,
measurement, monitoring and control over credit risk, policy and strategies that clearly
summarize the scope and allocation of bank credit facilities as well as the approach in
which a credit portfolio is managed i.e. how loans are originated, appraised, supervised
and collected, a basic element for effective credit risk management (Basel, 1999). Credit
scoring procedures, assessment of negative events probabilities, and the consequent losses
given these negative migrations or default events, are all important factors involved in
credit risk management systems (Altman, Caouette, & Narayanan, 1998). The main role of an
effective credit risk management policy must be to maximize a bank s risk adjusted rate of
return by maintaining credit exposure within acceptable limits. Moreover, banks need to
manage credit risk in the entire portfolio as well as the risk in individual credits transactions. To
implement effective credit risk management practice private banks are more serious than state
owned banks. A survey conducted by Kuo & Enders (2004) of credit risk management policies
for state banks in China and found that mushrooming of the financial market; the state
owned commercial banks in China are faced with the unprecedented challenges and tough
for them to compete with foreign bank unless they make some thoughtful change. In this
thoughtful change, the reform of credit risk management is a major step that determines whether
the state owned commercial banks in China would survive the challenges or not.
Research however faults some of the credit risk management policies in place the broad
framework and detailed guidance for credit risk assessment and management is provided by the
Basel New Capital Accord which is now widely followed internationally (Campbell, 2007).
Methods followed to perform a job or conducting activities to complete a task is called
methodology. In conducting this report the following methodology was adopted in data &
information, preparation of reports etc. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied
for preparing this report. The data were analyzed and presented by Microsoft excel and shows
percentage, graphical presentation and different types of charts. Best effort was given to analyze
the numerical findings.
Data Collection
Source of data of this report can be divided into two categories.
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
Time limitation: The duration of our internship program is only 3 months. The allocated
time is not sufficient for us to gather knowledge and to make the study a complete and
fruitful one. It was one of the main constraints that affected covering all aspects of the
Lack of Secondary Information: The study also suffered from inadequacy of data
provided by NRB COMMERCIAL Bank. Secondary source of information was not
sufficient for the completion of the report.
Limitation of the Study: Much confidential information was not disclosed by respective
personnel of the department.
Broad Objectives
To fulfill the requirement for the completion of BBA program.
To observe& learn the Credit Management of NRBCB and its services.
Specific Objectives
Dependency on large loan is observed decreasing trend over the years, because focus has
been made to the Small & Medium Enterprise (SME), Retail & Agricultural credit.
Loan and advance is one of most important part of NRBCB Ekuria branch.
In million
Total Deposits
4,909.95 17,270.89 28880.68
Change %
251.75% 167.22%
Loan &
Advanced 3717.15 14,412.35 23227.39
Change %
287.72% 161.16%
Unclassified Loan
- - 62.714
% of Unclassified
Loan 0.00% 0.00% 0.27%
Reason Behind the lowest non-performing loan
NRBC Bank registered a remarkable credit growth in 2015, which observe a 61.16% growth over
the previous year performance. The management team entertained credit file on the basis of its
merit, credit worthiness, market reputation etc. This sagacious process helped the bank to build a
healthy assets portfolio. As a result, Non-Performing Assets (NPA) in 2015 was recorded at
62.7139 million or 0.27% of total loans & Advances which is one of the lowest in the industry.
In million
Because they haven t any non-preforming loan in the 2013 and 2014 thatwhy their interest
income is increasing.
Privet Sector 100%
Public Sector 00.00%
Govt. Sector 00.00 %
In crore
As an international private bank, NRBCB must ensure faster services by removing the problems.
From my study on the overall performance and activities of NRBCB I have got some major
findings, which are given below:
Bangladesh bank credit management policies requires bank to set lending guideline
which NRBCB does and reviews on annual basis.
In the financial statement of 2013 of NRBCB is titled as Auditor s report which means
auditors were not independent in inspecting the financial statement.
NRBCB s detailed product definition shows that each product falls under Bangladesh
bank broad classification of loan product.
NRBCB follows the BB guideline regarding discouraged lending activities.
Both interest rate on deposit and loan are lower compared to other strong participants of
the market.
The profitability ratio indicates that in three year NRBCB made adequate profit which is
in mounting trends.
NRBCB is much strong in capital adequacy along with good management of liquidity but
the asset quality is not so good.
Modern banking service like online Banking, wide range of ATM service, and one stop
banking service are available.
The number of employee is not enough according to the total customer it serves through
its all branches.
Foreign exchange contribution is appreciable to total income.
The recommendations given below are not decisions; rather they are only suggestions to improve
the customer s service in order to fulfill the customer
s satisfaction so that customers give more
preference to NRBCB. The recommendations are given below:
Develop more customized parameters for credit approval process under the general
guideline of BB to increase its market.
ATM booths should be increased, there ATM booths are now 40 over the country which
is not enough for customers.
Continuous improvement should be made in the lending procedure which would reduce
the default risk of the bank and increase profitability.
Banking is the backbone of national economy. Banking sector no more depends on only on a
traditional method of banking. Banking industry has been treated as a prospective financial sector
in Bangladesh. Bangladesh s banking system is heavily affected by bad loans. This is not only
makes conservative, contracts the lending system, it discourages investment. As a result the
growth of the economy is impeded. One major reason for default loan is banks ineffectiveness of
assessing credit risk of a proposed investment. With time Bangladesh bank has set rules and
general guidelines to help banks asses risk and mitigate their credit risk. In spite of that many
banks fail to attract good credit and run profitably. Thus it is not only the guidance provided by
the Bangladesh bank that a commercial lending institution need to follow own lending policies
should be in place to ensure maximum effectiveness of credit assessment. Credit management is
becoming more and more important in today's competitive business world. It is all the more
important in the context of Bangladesh. The tools for improving management of consumer credit
have advanced considerably in recent years. Therefore, as a responsible and reputed commercial
bank, NRBCB has instituted a contemporary credit management system. From the study, it is
evident that the bank is quite sincere in their approach to managing the consumer credit risk
though there are rooms for improvement. They have to be more cautious in the recovery sector
and preferential treatments to some big clients should also be stopped. However, they follow an
in-depth procedure in assessing the credit risk by using the credit risk grading techniques which
provides them a solid ground in the time of any settlement. From the discussion in this report, it
has become clear that credit management is a complex and ongoing process and therefore
financial institutions must take a serious approach in addressing these issues. They have to be up
to date in complying with all the required procedures and must employ competent people who
have the ability to deal with these complex matters. Utmost importance should be given to the
improvement of the networking system which is essential for modern banking environment and
obviously for efficient and effective credit management process. NRBCB is well prepared to and
capable of meeting the demand for a broad range of banking services. It has got adequate
resources, both human and physical, to provide the customers with the best possible services.
NRBCB has already developed goodwill among its client by offering its excellent services. This
success has resulted from the dedication, commitment and dynamic leadership of its management
over the periods. But they must concentrate more on customer oriented services and provide
better technological advancement relating to banking activities.
Annual Reports of NRBCB.
Credit Risk Grading Manual, published by Bangladesh Bank
Banking Credit Risk Management Manual
Consumers Financing Policy of NRBCB
Credit Policy Guide-Guidelines for Credit Risk Management of NRNCB.
Daily Affairs of NRBCB Mirpur
Allen, F., & Gale, D. (2004). Financial intermediaries and markets. Econometrica,
72(4), 1023-1061.
Jimenez, G., & Saurina, J. (2006).Credit cycles, credit risk, and prudential
regulation. International Journal of Central Banking, 2(2), 65-98.