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Solar air conditioning refers to any air conditioning (cooling) system

that uses solar power.

This can be done through passive solar, solar thermal energy conversion
and photovoltaic conversion (sunlight to electricity).

Solar air conditioning will play an increasing role in zero-energy and

energy-plus buildings design.
1. Solar Water Heater
2. Solar thermal Power
3. Photovoltaic (PV) solar cooling (Solar Air Conditioning)
4. Solar Thermal Cooling (Solar Air Conditioning for absorption,
adsorption cooling and Desiccants cooling)
5. Solar PV/T
6. Zero-energy buildings
7. FiT Program
1. Solar Water Heater
Solar Thermal Energy

Most popular and well developed application of solar

thermal energy so far
Low temperature applications
(Mainly using flat plate collector or evacuate tube collector)
1. Solar Water Heater
Solar Thermal Energy

Direct (open loop) Indirect (close loop)




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1. Solar Water Heater
Solar Thermal Energy

Installation direction
For northern hemisphere Facing south
For southern hemisphere Facing north

Installation tilt angle

The angle of the collector
is roughly equal to the
local latitude
1. Solar Water Heater
Solar Thermal Energy

Residential hot water system

Hot water production
House warming

Solar Thermal Action Plan for Europe, ESTIF, 2007

Large-scale system
Dormitory hot water
Swimming pool
Industrial process heating
1 Solar Water Heater
Solar Thermal Energy

Industrial process heating

In EU, 2/3 of the industrial energy demand consists of heat
rather than electrical energy.
About 50% of the industrial heat demand is located at
temperatures up to 250C.
1. Solar Water Heater
Solar Thermal Energy

Market potential of industrial process heating

2. Solar Thermal Power
Solar Thermal Energy

Conversion of sunlight into electricity

Direct means : photovoltaics (PV),
Indirect means : concentrated solar power (CSP).
Solar thermal power

High temperature applications

(by means of sun-tracking, concentrated solar collectors)
2. Solar Thermal Power
Solar Thermal Energy

Electrical power is generated when the concentrated

light is converted to heat and, then, drives a heat
engine (usually a steam turbine) which is connected
to an electrical power generator.
2. Solar Thermal Power
Solar Thermal Energy

Types of solar thermal power plant

Technology roadmap concentrating solar power, IEA, 2010.

2. Solar Thermal Power
Solar Thermal Energy

Combination of storage and hybridisation in a solar

thermal plant
2. Solar Thermal Power
Solar Thermal Energy

PS10 and PS20 solar power tower (HFC)

(Seville, Spain). 2007 and 2009
2. Solar Thermal Power
Solar Thermal Energy

Kimberlina solar thermal energy plant (LFR)

(Bakersfield, CA), 2008.
2. Solar Thermal Power
Solar Thermal Energy

Calasparra solar power plant (LFR)

(Murcia, Spain) 2009.
2. Solar Thermal Power
Solar Thermal Energy

Puertollano solar power station (PTC)

(Ciudad real, Spain), 2009

Andasol solar power station (PTC)

(Granada, Spain), 2009
3. Solar (PV) Cooling Solar Air Conditioning
Solar Thermal Energy

Active cooling
Use PV panel to generate electricity for driving a
conventional air conditioner
Use solar thermal collectors to provide thermal energy for
driving a thermally driven chiller Solar thermal cooling

Passive cooling
Solar thermal ventilation
Active cooling
Use solar thermal collectors to provide thermal energy for
driving thermally driven chillers.
3. Solar (PV) Cooling Solar Air Conditioning

Solar Powered Air Conditioning

Photovoltaics can provide the power for any type of electrically powered
cooling be it conventional compressor-based or adsorption/absorption-
based, though the most common implementation is with compressors
which is the least efficient form of electrical cooling methods

For example, a 100,000 BTU U.S. Energy Star rated air

conditioner with a high seasonal energy efficiency ratio
(SEER) of 14 requires around 7 kW of electric power for full
cooling output on a hot day

This would require over a 7 kW solar photovoltaic

electricity generation system (with morning-to-
evening, and seasonal solar tracker capability to

There are new non-compressor-based electrical air conditioning

systems with a SEER above 20 coming on the market
3. Solar (PV) Cooling Solar Air Conditioning
3. Solar (PV) Cooling Solar Air Conditioning

Solar powered air conditioning can not only benefit the end-user economically,
since the amount of electricity required from the grid is reduced, but its
environmental benefits are clear also.

It is a significant addition to the overall air conditioning industry drive for high
levels of unit and system efficiency, and solar power should be adopted
universally, as soon as possible
4. Solar Thermal Cooling
Solar Thermal Energy

Active cooling
Use solar thermal collectors to provide thermal energy for
driving thermally driven chillers.

Heat source Cooling tower

Cooling distribution
4. Solar Thermal Cooling

a) A hybrid solar air conditioning system uses the same basic equipment
as a conventional system with a specialized solar collector that is
placed between the compressor and the condensing coils.
b) The primary task of the compressor is to pressurize and heat the
refrigerant. The hotter it gets the better.
c) A hybrid solar air conditioning system uses a highly efficient vacuum tube
collector filled with an organic liquid product.

d) The collector heats the organic substance to over 350degrees using the
power of the sun to superheat the refrigerant above what the compressor
would be able to heat it with electricity.
e) the solar collector allows for the
refrigerant to work more efficiently with no
additional moving parts or motors.

f) This increases the ability of the gas to

change back into a liquid much quicker and
dramatically reduces the energy
requirement of the compressor.
4. Solar Thermal Cooling
Solar Thermal Energy

Basic type of solar thermal chiller

Absorption coolingLiBr+H2O
Closed cycle
Adsorption coolingsilica gel+H2O
DEC, Desiccant Evaporative Cooling Open cycle
4. Solar Thermal Cooling
Solar Thermal Energy

Conventional compression cooling Adsorption/absorption cooling

high pressure vapor high pressure vapor
condenser condenser

We desorption
compressor expansion We expansion
valve (switch) valve


evaporator Qa
low pressure vapor
QC low pressure vapor

COPelect=QC/We COPthermal=QC/Qg
4. Solar Thermal Cooling
Solar Thermal Energy

COPthermal of different type of chiller

Henning, H. Solar assisted air conditioning of buildings an overview. Applied Thermal Engineering 27, no. 10 (July 2007): 1734-1749.
4. Solar Thermal Cooling
Solar Thermal Energy

"Solar Assisted Cooling State of the Art ,ESTIF, 2006.

Absorption vs. Adsorption
Desiccants cooling
1-2 Sorptive dehumidification of outside air with simultaneous rise in temperature through
the freed adsorption heat
2-3 Cooling of the air in the heat reclamation rotor in the countercurrent to the exhaust air
3-4 further cooling of air through evaporation-humidification; the air inflow to the building
has a lower temperature and less water vapor than the outside air
4-5 Heating of the air and if necessary addition of water vapor
5-6 Lowering of building's exhaust air temperature through evaporative cooling in the
6-7 Heating of exhaust air in the countercurrent to the air inflow in the heat reclamation
7-8 Further heating of the exhaust air through external heat sources (i.e. solar thermal
8-9 Regeneration of the sorption rotor through the desorption of the bound water
4. Solar Thermal Cooling
Solar Thermal Energy

A. Napolitano, "Review on existing solar assisted heating and cooling installations," 28.04.2010 Workshop rhus, Denmark ABSORPTION, 2010.
4. Solar Thermal Cooling
Solar Thermal Energy

D. Mugnier, "Refrigeration Workshop Market analysis Market actors Systems costs Politics : incentives & lobbying Conclusion Introduction,"
28.04.2010 Workshop rhus, Denmark ABSORPTION, 2010.
4. Solar Thermal Cooling
Solar Thermal Energy

D. Mugnier, "Refrigeration Workshop Market analysis Market actors Systems costs Politics : incentives & lobbying Conclusion Introduction,"
28.04.2010 Workshop rhus, Denmark ABSORPTION, 2010.
4. Solar Thermal Cooling
Solar Thermal Energy

Passive Cooling (solar ventilation, solar chimney)

A way of improving the natural ventilation of buildings
by using convection of air heated by passive solar
Direct gain warms air inside the chimney causing it to
rise out the top and drawing air in from the bottom.
4. Solar desalination/distillation
Solar humidification-dehumidification (HDH)
HDH is based on evaporation of brackish water and consecutive
condensation of the generated humid air, mostly at ambient pressure.
The simplest configuration: the solar still.
In sophisticated systems, waste heat is minimized by collecting the heat
from the condensing water vapor and pre-heating the incoming water
4. Solar Cooker

A solar cooker is a device which uses the energy of direct sunlight to

heat, cook or pasteurize food or drink. many solar cookers presently in
use are relatively
5. Solar Thermal Cooling (PV/T)

Solar energy technology can be broadly classified into two systems;

photovoltaic energy system and thermal energy system. It has been
shown that these systems can be combined to form hybrid photovoltaic
thermal (PVT) system.
The term PVT refers to solar thermal collectors that use PV cells as an
integral part of the absorber plate.
The system generates both thermal and electrical energy
PVT collectors with medium of water or air
5. Solar Thermal Cooling (PV/T)
6. Zero-energy buildings
Goals of zero-energy buildings include sustainable,
green building technologies that can significantly reduce,
or eliminate, net annual energy bills.

In hot climates with significant degree days

of cooling requirement, leading-edge solar
air conditioning will be an increasingly
important critical success factor.

The supreme achievement is the

totally off-the-grid autonomous building
that does not have to be connected to
utility companies
6. Zero-energy buildings
Energy Calculation
A total of 394 units each
120 Wp polycrystalline
solar modules are used to
cover an area of about
370 m2.
The system uses two units
of grid connected
A total of 95 units (plus 17
units functioning as dummies
for aesthetic reason) each
64 Wp amorphous silicon
solar modules are used to
cover an area of about
107 m2.
The system uses one unit of
grid connected inverter
A total of 64 units each
ranging from 180 to
183 Wp
customised glass-glass
solar modules are used
to cover an area of
about 121.2 m2.
The system uses two
units of grid connected
Fronius IG60 inverters
A total of 150 units each 180
Wp monocrystalline Sharp
PV modules are used to
cover an area of about 200
m2. Additional dummy
panels made of compress
cement fiber are used to
cover the shaded areas
caused by the stress bars.

The system uses one unit of

grid connected Fronius
IG300 inverter
The system is performing
well, with an energy
production according to the
expected values

The performance is excellent,

indicating a PR of 0.93 as earlier
multiplying the measured irradiation
with a factor 1.14. This value is too
high to be realistic and one
explanation could be that the actual
power of the array today is higher
than when the modules where
tested at the production plant (flash
The performance is much lower
than expected. The 64 modules
are divided into two arrays,
each array with its own inverter -
C1 and C2.

The performance during the period

was low the first few days (from 15
to 18 January) due to a problem in
three of the power modules in the
Implementation of Feed in Tariff (FIT) System in Malaysia benefits house
owners who utilize solar system. Feed in Tariff is a policy mechanism which
allows users tosell back the additional electricity generated from PV
System to TNB, with a higher rate ranging from RM 0.7958/kWh to RM
Based on studies, a 2-storey residential house with 4kWp Solar PV System (Roof
Integrated) installed, which costs RM50,000 in 2013, is expected to have 12.24%
rate of ROI. That only takes a little over 7 years for the payback of the system
assuming that the system yields 1250kWh/kWp/annum totalling 5,000kWh/annum
(total system yield)
Example Construction

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