JDLX: Visualization of Dancing Links
JDLX: Visualization of Dancing Links
JDLX: Visualization of Dancing Links
Data structures courses have settled on a familiar canon of structures and
algorithms, and this is reflected in the standard textbooks. It is often useful for
instructors to enliven such courses by presenting data structures that are of
more recent interest, ones that may simultaneously challenge students
understanding of algorithms and their skills in programming. Exact cover
problems, exemplified by the newly popular Sudoku game as well as the
classic 8-queens problem, may be efficiently solved by the DLX algorithm
popularized by Knuth in 2000, and this can provide a good capstone
experience in a data structures course. The DLX algorithm operates by
recursion on circular multiply linked lists. Because the pointer mechanics of
the DLX algorithm is quite complicated, visualization techniques are called
for. As the choreography of dancing links in DLX is highly visual anyway,
this is very natural. In this paper we review best practices in algorithmic
visualization for learners, and then describe a Java-based visualization of DLX
applied to N-Queens. We also present some preliminary results that indicate
that it is effective in enhancing student learning.
Given the recent popularity of Sudoku and similar games, students in data structures
courses may have more interest in writing programs for exact cover problems.
The Dancing Links (DL) implementation technique of the X algorithm for exact
cover problems, popularized by Knuth in 2000, is particularly useful. This so-called
DLX algorithm, when applied to an oft-studied problem such as N-Queens, provides
a capstone topic for the course. It brings together the subjects of recursion, multiply
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JCSC 24, 1 (October 2008)
linked lists, and NP-completeness. In addition, since this algorithm is not in most
standard texts, it gives students the opportunity to read an accessibly written primary
source (e.g. [6]).
Nevertheless, covering the DLX algorithm in a data structures course presents one
distinct challenge: it is complicated! Since this challenge is also meant to be its virtue,
some way to expedite students grasp of the DLX algorithms mechanics is called for.
This is where visualization comes in.
Use of visualization in the teaching of algorithms relies on sound pedagogical
principles. Visualizations have been shown to be more effective if they engage the
learner, rather than let the viewer watch passively [7,8,9,11]. A visualization tool that is
dependent on the user to progress through the visualization requires the student to be
engaged. Another principle for good practice in undergraduate education is prompt
feedback [1,5]. A tool with a quiz mode offers students the opportunity to check
understanding of the algorithm while studying. Based on these principles we have
developed JDLX, a Java-based visualization of the DLX algorithm applied to the N-
Queens problem. In what follows we present the particulars of the DLX algorithm, briefly
review the state of the art in algorithm visualization, introduce the motivation and design
of our JDLX visualization, and present a preliminary assessment of its success.
The DLX Algorithm and N-Queens
Invented by Hitotumatu and Noshita in 1979 [4], the DLX algorithm was named and
popularized by Donald Knuth in a 2000 paper as a way to solve exact cover problems
such as N-Queens [6]. The N-Queens problem asks for the number of ways to place N
queens on an NN chessboard so that no queen threatens another. Solution sets are often
found using recursive methods of backtracking. The problem is easily understood and
the solution mastered by students during the first part of their data structures course.
The DLX algorithm is, like traditional methods, brute force and recursive, but
performs better than traditional backtracking solutions for larger N because the algorithm
limits changes to the data structure.
The DLX data structure for N-Queens consists of a header node in a circular linked
list with a set of column nodes. Each chessboard square is represented by four nodes in
the DLX structure: one node each for its row, column, upper diagonal, and lower
diagonal. These are indicated by R, C, I, and D respectively. Each column header links
together all of the nodes for a row, column, or diagonal from the chessboard. The four
nodes that represent a square on the chessboard are then linked horizontally. Figure 1
illustrates the mapping between a 2-by-2 chessboard and the Dancing Links data
CCSC: Midwestern Conference
The DLX algorithm for placing N queens is outlined in Figure 2 and is initially
called as DLX(0) with the solution count set to 0. The algorithm executes as follows. If
N queens have not been placed, the column in the DLX data structure with the fewest
nodes is chosen. This column is then covered, where covering removes the column
from the data structure and removes all nodes horizontally linked to the column from the
data structure. The uncover operation reverses this. The algorithm iterates through
placement of a queen on each square and covering the adjacent columns of this column,
then calling DLX for each placement. The so-called dancing occurs when a column is
selected or a queen placed on a square, removing nodes from the universe while keeping
the removed nodes pointers unchanged, and then removing the queen by placing the
nodes back into the data structure.
if i = N
Active learning as a best increment solution count
practice in teaching has been around return
queenCol = chooseColumn()
since the 1980s [3]. In 2004, Prince cover(queenCol)
[10] examined active learning for each node x in queenCol
research projects focusing on forms for each node h linked horizontally from x
relevant to engineering and cover(h)
concluded that active learning DLX(i+1)
for each node h linked horizontally from x
benefits engineering students. uncover(h)
There are numerous algorithm uncover(queenCol)
visualizations, yet they are not
Figure 2. Dancing Links Algorithm
routinely used in computer science
education [5]. Researchers have
tested students with and without access to visualizations and have found no statistical
difference in student performance [7]. However, Hundhausen et. al. examined features
of algorithms and determined that it is how the visualization is used, not the mere
existence of the visualization, which determines whether student learning improves [5].
Hundhausen details findings that prove that students who interacted with an animation,
had multiple views of data, and were given online quizzes showed improvement in
demonstrating understanding of the algorithms. Hundhausens findings are further
JCSC 24, 1 (October 2008)
JDLX is an algorithm visualization tool for the DLX algorithm for solving the N-
Queens problem. The algorithm is written in Java with active learning support.
To meet our pedagogical goals we followed the list of best practices for pedagogical
visualization produced by the working group on Improving the Educational Impact of
Algorithm Visualization [8].
The eight best practices described by Naps et.al. [8] that JDLX incorporates are:
provide resources that help learners interpret the graphical representation, adapt the
knowledge level of the user, provide multiple views, include performance information,
support flexible execution control, support custom input data sets, support dynamic
questions, and complement visualizations with explanations.
For example, JDLX provides resources that help learners interpret the graphical
representation, provides multiple views, and complements visualizations with
explanations through its main display layout which provides a chessboard, data structure
visualization, and pseudocode. The three views are displayed and updated in tandem. This
allows the user to visually connect which nodes correspond to which squares on the
chessboard all while the pseudocode explains the queen placements.
The three best practices not a part of this release of JDLX are: provide an execution
history, provide support for learner-built visualizations, and provide support for dynamic
feedback. These will be considered in future releases of JDLX.
Design of JDLX
The layout of JDLX is very similar to JHAV. JHAV implemented the best
practices that JDLX aims to provide: step forward and backward buttons; the separation
between the animation and the pseudocode; quizzes; and the ability to rewind. Another
reason for basing the interface on JHAV is that many students are likely to have already
used JHAV for the visualization of other algorithms covered in data structures courses,
and so JDLX requires no further instructions.
JDLX has two modes, timing and visualization, and a separate screen layout for
each mode. Timing mode displays a table of elapsed time comparing DLX and standard
backtracking. Visualization mode has three sections: the chessboard in the lower left, the
CCSC: Midwestern Conference
DLX universe in the top section and the pseudocode in the lower right. The control panel
for the animation is above the pseudocode Figure 3 illustrates the screen layout for the
visualization mode. The highlighted line of pseudocode is the line of code that has just
executed. As the algorithm progresses, the links between the nodes realign or dance.
The use of color is a critical component for understanding the layout of the universe.
As illustrated in Figure 3 and first defined and illustrated in [2], each node in the DLX
data structure is the same color as the chessboard square it corresponds to. Highlighting
was also used to show node connections changing due to the algorithm.
Using JDLX
JDLX allows students to proceed at their own pace, stepping forward and backward
through the algorithm with coordinated updates to the dancing links and chessboard.
The default mode upon startup is the visualization mode and four queens as shown
in Figure 3. Students use the step forward and backward buttons to go through the
algorithm one action at a time. The chessboard is updated whenever a queen is placed.
Figure 4 shows one solution for four queens. In addition to stepping through the
algorithm, students can select the play button to run through the entire algorithm.
Tailoring JDLX
Quizzes for JDLX can be modified in accordance with an instructors focus or
interest. The README file in JDLX.jar contains detailed instructions for modifying the
quizzes. The quizzes can be modified by removing dataInput.xml from JDLX.jar and
modifying the XML file. JDLX can be downloaded from the website
JCSC 24, 1 (October 2008)
Thank you to Dr. R. Duane Skaggs and Dr. Kevin Kirby for their willingness to
review and contribute significant editing suggestions. Thank you also to Dr. Richard Fox
CCSC: Midwestern Conference
for his constructive comments. Our thanks to NKUs fall 2007 CSC 364 for participating
in the study of the effectiveness of JDLX.
[1] Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., and Cocking, R. R., How People Learn.
http://www.nap.edu/html/howpeople1/es.html, retrieved June 4, 2007.
[2] Chatham, R. D., Doyle, M., Fricke, G. H., Reitmann, J., Skaggs, R. D., and
Wolff, M., Independence and domination separation on chessboard graphs,
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Computing, 2008, in press.
[3] Chickering, A. W. and Gamson, Z. F., Seven principles for good practice in
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[4] Hitotumatu H. and Noshita K., A technique for implementing backtrack
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259-290, 2002.
[6] Knuth, D., Dancing Links, Millennial Perspectives in Computer Science,
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1, 3a2.13-3a2.21, 1995.
[8] Naps, T. L., Rbling, G., Almstrum, V., Dann, W., Fleischer, R., Hundhausen,
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[9] Pierson, W. C. and Rodger, S. H., Web-based animation of data structures using
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[10] Prince, M., Does active learning work? A review of the research, Journal of
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[11] Schweitzer, D. and Brown, W., Interactive Visualization for the Active Learning
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Covington, KY, 208-212, 2007.