Chu Vs Caparas GR
Chu Vs Caparas GR
Chu Vs Caparas GR
[G.R. No. 175428. April 15, 2013.] The respondents failed to file an answer to the complaint and were declared
in default. The RTC thus allowed the petitioners to present their evidence ex
RICARDO CHU, JR. and DY KOK ENG, petitioners, vs. parte against the respondents. ECSaAc
MELANIA CAPARAS and SPOUSES RUEL and The petitioners' evidence showed that the subject property was previously
HERMENEGILDA PEREZ, respondents. part of the 51,151-square meter tract of land owned by Miguela at
Maguyam, Silang, Cavite. On July 5, 1975, Miguela sold to Caparas 25,000
DECISION square meters of the eastern portion of the 51,151-square meter tract of
land. Miguela retained for herself the balance (or 26,151 square meters) of
BRION, J p: the subject property, located at the western portion of the original 51,151-
square meter property. Further, the deed of conveyance executed between
Under consideration is the petition for review on certiorari 1 under Rule 45 Miguela and Caparas, entitled "Kasulatan ng Tuluyang Bilihan ng Lupa," 6
of the Rules of Court challenging the decision 2 dated August 7, 2006 of the described the boundaries of the parcel of land purchased by Caparas as: "sa
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 67243. The CA affirmed the decision ibaba ay Faustino Amparo, sa silangan ay Silang at Carmona boundary, sa
3 dated February 19, 1998 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Tagaytay City, ilaya ay Aquilino Ligaya, at sa kanluran ay ang natitirang lupa ni Miguela
Branch 18, in Civil Case No. TG-1541, dismissing the complaint for recovery Reyes[.]"7
of possession of a parcel of land filed by petitioners Ricardo Chu, Jr. and Dy
Kok Eng against respondents Melania Caparas and Spouses Ruel and The petitioners asserted that more than fourteen (14) years later, Caparas
Hermenegilda Perez. caused the preparation of a consolidated survey plan 8 (Caparas survey
plan) under her name for several parcels of land (consolidated parcels of
The Factual Antecedents land) located at Silang-Carmona, Cavite, with a total land area of 40,697
At the root of the case is a parcel of land with an area of 26,151 square square meters. Under the Caparas survey plan, the parcel of land
meters (subject property) located at Maguyam, Silang, Cavite, originally supposedly retained by Miguela was erroneously transferred to the eastern
owned and registered in the name of Miguela Reyes and covered by Tax portion of the original 51,151-square meter tract of land. As a result of the
Declaration (TD) No. 9529. 4 error, the subject property was included in the consolidated parcels of land
owned by Caparas. The petitioners asserted that Caparas admitted the
On November 10, 1995, the petitioners filed a complaint to recover wrongful inclusion of the subject property owned by Miguela in the
possession of the subject property 5 against the respondents, with a prayer consolidated parcels of land through Caparas' "Sinumpaang Salaysay ng
to annul the sale of the subject property executed between the Pagpapatotoo" 9 dated August 27, 1990.
respondents. In the complaint, the petitioners alleged that they are the
successors-in-interest of Miguela over the subject property, which Caparas The petitioners also alleged that on November 8, 1991, Caparas sold to the
held in trust for Miguela. The petitioners also averred that the subject spouses Perez the consolidated parcels of land in a deed entitled "Kasulatan
ng Bilihang Tuluyan." The petitioners claimed that included in the aforesaid even granting that the subject property was included in the consolidated
sale was a parcel of land with boundary description similar to the 25,000- parcels of land sold to the spouses Perez, the petitioners were deemed to
square meter parcel of land sold by Miguela to Caparas. DSCIEa have knowledge of the spouses Perez's interest therein. cTESIa
According to the petitioners, Miguela, on July 24, 1994, sold the subject Finally, considering the petitioners' unfounded claims, the RTC ordered the
property to the petitioners 10 for which they (the petitioners) secured a tax petitioners to pay the spouses Perez moral and exemplary damages,
declaration (TD No. 22477-A). 11 Considering the alleged error in the attorney's fees and the costs of suit.
Caparas survey plan, the petitioners demanded the reconveyance of the
subject property from Caparas and the spouses Perez, who refused to The petitioners appealed the RTC decision to the CA, assigning as errors the
reconvey the subject property. failure of the RTC: (1) to recognize that there was an encroachment when
the subject property was included in the Caparas survey plan as part of the
After an ex parte hearing, the RTC ruled in the petitioners' favor. 12 The consolidated parcels of land owned by Caparas; and (2) to consider the
RTC, however, refused to approve, for lack of authority, the new survey plan petitioners' lack of malice or bad faith in filing the case against Caparas and
for the subject property 13 that the petitioners submitted. the spouses Perez that would justify the award of damages and attorney's
fees. 18
The spouses Perez filed a petition for relief from judgment 14 on the ground
of excusable negligence. The spouses Perez averred that the parcel of land The Ruling of the CA
sold to the petitioners was not the subject property whose title had been In its August 7, 2006 decision, 19 the CA dismissed the petitioners' appeal
confirmed in their (spouses Perez's) names. 15 In the alternative, the and affirmed the February 19, 1998 decision of the RTC. The CA declared
spouses Perez claimed that they bought the subject property in good faith that the petitioners' resort to the court was premature since there was no
and for value and had been in open, continuous, public and adverse proof that the Bureau of Lands revoked its approval of the Caparas survey
possession of it since 1991. plan. In any event, the CA declared that Chu's admission and the existing
and duly approved Caparas survey plan belied their claim of encroachment
The RTC Ruling in the petitioners' property by the spouses Perez.
On February 19, 1998, the RTC rendered a decision 16 setting aside its
earlier decision, and dismissed the petitioners' complaint for lack of merit. The CA also affirmed the RTC's finding that the petitioners were presumed
to have knowledge of the spouses Perez's registered title over the subject
The RTC held that the petitioners had no sufficient cause of action for property.
reconveyance and damages against the respondents. The RTC found that
Chu admitted during cross-examination 17 that the parcel of land sold to Finally, the CA upheld the RTC's refusal to approve, for lack of authority, the
them was different from the subject property. new survey plan that the petitioners submitted and also upheld the award
of damages, attorney's fees, and costs. The CA's denial of the petitioner's
The RTC also rejected the petitioners' claim that they were purchasers in motion for reconsideration 20 prompted the present recourse.
good faith of the subject property considering that the spouses Perez's title
over the consolidated parcels of land was registered. The RTC ruled that The Petition
The petitioners impute serious error and grave abuse of discretion on the to prove their claim of encroachment; (2) the petitioners cannot be deemed
findings of the CA that: first, there was no encroachment made by the purchasers in good faith over the subject property; and (3) the RTC has no
spouses Perez in the petitioners' property; second, the filing of the authority to approve or cancel survey plans. AcCTaD
petitioners' complaint was premature; and third, the petitioners are liable
for moral and exemplary damages and attorney's fees. 21 STIEHc The spouses Perez also assert that the petition does not raise any issue of
law but only questions of facts not proper for a Rule 45 petition. They
The petitioners insist that the CA misunderstood the term "encroachment." submit that the factual findings of the CA, duly passed upon, are binding and
They argue that this case involves technical encroachment and not mere conclusive on this Court, and the alleged technical encroachment, which the
physical encroachment. There was technical encroachment due to the petitioners insist as the real issue obtaining in this case, is better addressed
mistake in the Caparas survey plan that included the subject property as to the appropriate administrative authorities. Caparas did not file her
among the consolidated parcels of land owned by Caparas. comment and memorandum.
The petitioners explained that the "Kasulatan ng Tuluyang Bilihan ng Lupa," The Issue
22 between Miguela and Caparas, referred to a parcel of land located at the In sum, the core issue for determination is: whether the parcel of land sold
eastern portion of the original 51,151-square meter tract of land. Under the to the petitioners is the subject property included in the consolidated
Caparas survey plan however, the parcel of land retained by Miguela (and parcels of land sold to the spouses Perez.
thereafter sold to the petitioners) became the parcel of land located at the
eastern portion of the 51,151-square meter tract of land (designated as Lot The Court's Ruling
No. 3); the portion on the west of the 51,151-square meter tract of land We affirm the decision and the resolution of the CA.
(the subject property) was designated as Lot No. 1 and was included in
Caparas' consolidated parcels of land sold to the spouses Perez. Preliminary considerations
At the outset, we find that the resolution of the petition necessarily requires
Similarly, the petitioners assert that the CA also disregarded the evidence of the re-evaluation of the factual findings of the RTC and of the CA.
Caparas' "Sinumpaang Salaysay ng Pagpapatotoo" 23 on Miguela's Essentially, what the petitioners seek in this petition is a relief from the
ownership of the subject property and Caparas' admission that she was Court on the issue of encroachment, as well as the issues of prematurity and
merely a trustee thereof. The petitioners also assert that the CA should have propriety of the award of damages that are intertwined with the issue of
also considered that the spouses Perez, as Caparas' successors-in-interest, encroachment. On this point alone, the petition must fail, as a Rule 45
are also trustees in the subject property. petition bars us from the consideration of factual issues. SEIcAD
Finally, the petitioners insist that the award of damages and attorney's fees Repeatedly, this Court has ruled that a petition for review on certiorari
to the spouses Perez was improper since they own the subject property. under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court shall raise only questions of law and not
questions of facts. "A question of law arises when there is doubt as to what
The Case for the Respondents the law is on a certain state of facts, while there is a question of fact when
The spouses Perez, relying on the rulings of the RTC and of the CA, maintain the doubt arises as to the truth or falsity of the alleged facts." 25 The
24 that: (1) the petitioners' resort to the court was premature as they failed question, to be one of law, must rest solely on what the law provides on the
given set of circumstances and should avoid the scrutiny of the probative 1. The contents in the Deed of Absolute Sale between Miguela and the
value of the parties' evidence. 26 Once the issue invites a review of the petitioners, 30 dated July 24, 1994, which described the parcel of land sold
factual findings of the RTC and of the CA, as in this case, the question posed by Miguela to the petitioners as Lot No. 3, per Ccs-04-000872-D and covered
is one of fact that is proscribed in a Rule 45 petition. 27 by TD No. 22312-A;
The Court's jurisdiction under a Rule 45 review is limited to reviewing 2. The tax declaration (TD No. 22312-A) 31 under Miguela's name for the
perceived errors of law, which the lower courts may have committed. 28 year 1996 involving Lot No. 3 Ccs-04-000872-D, with boundary description
The resolution of factual issues is the function of the lower courts whose as NE-creek, NW-creek, SE-Lot No. 10565, and SW-Lot. No. 1;
findings, when aptly supported by evidence, bind this Court. This is
especially true when the CA affirms the lower court's findings, 29 as in this 3. The tax declaration (TD No. 22477-A) 32 under the petitioners' name for
case. While this Court, under established exceptional circumstances, had the year 1996, which cancelled TD No. 22312, likewise covering Lot No. 3,
deviated from the above rule, we do not find this case to be under any of Ccs-04-000872-D with the same boundary description as stated in the
the exceptions. cancelled TD.
Nevertheless, we still affirm the assailed CA rulings even if we were to In contrast with these pieces of evidence, the spouses Perez's Original
disregard these established doctrinal rules. Certificate of Title No. P-3123 33 covering the subject property and their
actual occupation of this property since 1991 duly established their
On the issue of encroachment and prematurity of the action ownership of this property. Clearly then, there was no encroachment by the
A review of the records from the RTC and the CA reveals that both arrived at spouses Perez since they were the owners of the subject property. There
the same factual consideration there was no encroachment. We agree was also no evidence to prove that the spouses Perez encroached on the
with this factual finding for the following reasons: parcel of land (Lot No. 3) belonging to the petitioners.
First, the records undoubtedly established that the subject property was not Second, contrary to the petitioners' assertion, what Caparas admitted in the
the parcel of land that the petitioners purchased from Miguela. We note "Sinumpaang Salaysay ng Pagpapatotoo" was the erroneous inclusion of Lot
that the Caparas survey plan was used in identifying the property purchased No. 3 in the Caparas survey plan and its implication that Lot No. 3 belonged
by the petitioners from Miguela. The deed of sale between them showed to Caparas. It was for this reason that Caparas acknowledged Miguela's
what the petitioners purchased from Miguela referred to another parcel of ownership of Lot No. 3. TCaEIc
land designated as Lot No. 3 in the Caparas survey plan, while the subject
property was designated as Lot No. 1 of the same plan. Significantly, Chu On the Action for reconveyance
also admitted that the parcel of land they purchased from Miguela was In light of the above, the petitioners' action against Caparas and the spouses
different from the subject property. SEHaDI Perez for reconveyance, based on trust, must fail for lack of basis. An action
for reconveyance is a legal and equitable remedy that seeks to transfer or
The following pieces of evidence adduced by the petitioners also support reconvey property, wrongfully registered in another person's name, to its
the above conclusion: rightful owner. 34 To warrant reconveyance of the land, the plaintiff must
allege and prove, among others, 35 ownership of the land in dispute and the
defendant's erroneous, fraudulent or wrongful registration of the property. Even granting that the Caparas survey plan did erroneously switch the
36 positions of the petitioners' and the spouses Perez's respective
landholdings, we agree with the RTC that reconveyance was still an
In the present petition, the petitioners failed to prove that the parcel of land inappropriate remedy. The petitioners' recourse should have been to file
they owned was the subject property. Logically, there is nothing to reconvey the proper action before the Department of Environment and Natural
as what the spouses Perez registered in their names did not include the Resources-Land Management Bureau for the cancellation of the Caparas
parcel of land which the petitioners, by their evidence, own. survey plan and for the approval of a new survey plan 38 that correctly
reflects the position of their respective landholdings. For until the Caparas
We also see no trust, express or implied, created between the petitioners survey plan has been cancelled, the petitioners' claim of encroachment has
and the spouses Perez over the subject property. A trust by operation of law no basis.
is the right to the beneficial enjoyment of a property whose legal title is
vested in another. 37 A trust presumes the existence of a conflict involving Another perspective, too, that must be considered is Miguela's act in selling
one and the same property between two parties, one having the rightful to the petitioners Lot No. 3 using the Caparas survey plan, which can be
ownership and the other holding the legal title. There is no trust created regarded as a ratification of any perceived error under the circumstances.
when the property owned by one party is separate and distinct from that
which has been registered in another's name. On the propriety of the award of damages and attorney's fees
Based on the above discussion, we find the award of damages and
In this case, the Caparas survey plan and the deed of sale between the attorney's fees in the spouses Perez's favor proper.
petitioners and Miguela showed that the parcel of land sold to the
petitioners is distinct from the consolidated parcels of land sold by Caparas First, assuming that Miguela sold to the petitioners the subject property, the
to the spouses Perez. petitioners cannot be deemed to be purchasers in good faith. To be deemed
a purchaser in good faith, there must be absence of notice that some other
Although we are aware of an apparent discrepancy between the boundary person has a right to or interest in such property. 39 The established facts
description of the parcel of land described in the "Kasulatan ng Tuluyang show that the spouses Perez had been in possession of the subject property
Bilihan ng Lupa" executed between Caparas and Miguela, the "Kasulatan ng since 1991, while the petitioners purchased the subject property only on
Tuluyang Bilihan ng Lupa" executed between Caparas and the spouses July 24, 1994. Had the petitioners actually verified the status of the subject
Perez, and Caparas' TD on the one hand, and the boundary description of property before they purchased it, they would have known of the spouses
the consolidated parcels of land stated in the Caparas survey plan and the Perez's interest therein. More importantly, the land registration court has
spouses Perez's title on the other hand, we find the discrepancy more confirmed the spouses Perez's title over the subject property on March 1,
imagined than real. This perceived discrepancy does not help the 1994 or months prior to the petitioners' purchase. As the RTC and the CA
petitioners' cause in light of the evidence that the deed of sale between the correctly ruled, the petitioners were deemed to have been placed on
petitioners and Miguela used the Caparas survey plan that clearly identified constructive notice of the spouses Perez's title since the registration
the parcel of land sold to them was different from the subject property. proceedings are in rem. 40 CHTAIc
Second, the petitioners undoubtedly filed and pursued an unfounded claim
against the spouses Perez, for which the latter incurred unnecessary
expenses to protect their interests. To repeat, the petitioners' action for
reconveyance against the spouses Perez completely had no basis.
Finally, the RTC correctly ruled that the petitioners are liable to pay moral
and exemplary damages, attorney's fees and the costs of suit, pursuant to
Article 2217 in relation to Article 2219, 41 Article 2229 42 and Article 2208
43 of the Civil Code.As the RTC correctly observed, Chu was a lawyer and a
businessman. He and his co-petitioner were expected to exercise more
prudence in their transactions before instituting a clearly unfounded action
against innocent third persons on the premise that they committed a
mistake for which they themselves are to blame.
||| (Chu, Jr. v. Caparas, G.R. No. 175428, [April 15, 2013], 709 PHIL 319-335)