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Art Music by Caribbean Composers:


Christine Gangelhoff
Cathleen LeGrand
The College of The Bahamas 1

INTRODUCTION classical composers. "Almost all Lamothes

Hati has by far the longest history of works were written originally for piano and
independence of any of its Caribbean many of them are influenced by Caribbean
neighbors, having gained independence from dance rhythms and African-derived religious
France in 1804. Hati's tradition of classical music" (Largey, 2007-2011). Lamothe's
music takes root in its colonial heritage. piano work, Nibo, serves as an excellent
example. Nibo, the "winning submission in a
"[B]y the early 18th century the rich contest for the best Carnival meringue ... was
plantation society [of French colonists] was enjoyed by all strata of Hatian society. Like
emulating the urban culture of France." After most Carnival music, NIBO gave participants
independence, the French colonists were an easily recognizable melody" and used "a
expelled from the country but the "the cultural dramatic and endlessly repeatable musical
standards they established survived" into the phrase that could be easily memorized and
next centuries (Grenier & Averill, 2007- subsequently performed by street crowds"
2011). Hatian classical music, "mizik savant ("Ludovic Lamothe," 2011).
ayisyen," is derived from that "desire to retain
European standards while including local The works of Hatian composer Julio Racine
features" of indigenous musical traditions clearly display a folk-inspired compositional
(Grenier & Averill, 2007-2011). style. Unlike other composers who
incorporate folk elements in a melodic
Hatian composers continue to "draw upon manner, Racine relies more on rhythmic
and incorporate the traditional music of Hati aspects to develop themes. I use rhythmic
into their compositions as they strive for a development in my music, because Hatian
sound that is distinctly and identifiably music is essentially rhythmic. In fact most
Hatian" (Procopio, 2006, p. 42). Ludovic every instrument in folk is a one-pitch
Lamothe, known as "The Black Chopin," is instrument, which tells you it's mainly
among the most prolific and famous of Hati's
Christine Gangelhoff, Assistant Professor, School of Communication and Creative Arts; Cathleen
LeGrand, Public Services Librarian, Libraries and Instructional Media Services, The College of The
Bahamas, P.O. Box N-4912, Nassau, Bahamas.
Cathleen LeGrand is now Librarian, at Royal Thimphu College, Ngabiphu, Thimphu, Bhutan.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Mary Procopio, Maestro Julio Racine, Thurgot
Theodat and Jean R. Perrault for their help in compiling this chapter.
The authors are grateful to The College of The Bahamas for the grant that made this research possible.
E-mail: cgangelhoff@cob.edu.bs
How to cite this article in APA 6th ed. style: Gangelhoff, C., & LeGrand, C. (2011). Art music by
Caribbean composers: Hati. The International Journal of Bahamian Studies, 17(1), 25-42. Retrieved from

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand, 2011. Journal compilation The International Journal of Bahamian Studies, 2011.
C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Hati. 26

rhythmic (J. Racine, personal 32). Tragically, the cole was destroyed in
communication, July 2011). In his work, the January 2010 earthquake that devastated
TANGENTE AU YANVALOU for flute and piano, Port-au-Prince. L'cole de musique Sainte
Racine invokes the folkloric rhythms of the Trinit is also home to Hati's only
Yanvalou. He manipulates the meter to philharmonic orchestra.
suggest the folk rhythm: sometimes it will The Socit de recherche et de diffusion de la
miss one step, sometimes it will have one step musique Hatienne (SRDMH, Society for the
too many, until it finally becomes the Research and Diffusion of Hatian Music), a
Yanvalou (Racine, 2011). non-profit founded in Montreal in 1977 by
L'cole de musique Sainte Trinit, the Claude Dauphin, has a large collection of
renowned music school where Hatian materials (textual and musical) documenting
composer Julio Racine was on faculty for the classical music of Hati. The SRDMH
many years, used to house a "manuscript also produces a variety of concerts and
collection of Hatian folk music and music by musical events to promote Hatian classical
Hatian composers, orchestral music and music.
arrangements for orchestra" (Dower, 1977, p.

Ludovic Lamothe (1882-1953): Hatian
Dower, C. (1977). Libraries with music composer & pianist. (2011). Retrieved from
collections in the Caribbean islands. Notes http://chevalierdesaintgeorges.homestead.co
(Second Series), 34(1), 27-38. m/lamothe.html
doi:10.2307/897276 Procopio, M. (2006) Crossing borders: Solo
Grenier, R., & Averill, G. (2007-2011). Hati. and chamber music for flute by Hatian
Grove Music Online / Oxford Music Online. composers. The Flutist Quarterly, 32(1), 38-
Retrieved from 43. Retrieved from
http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com http://www.nfaonline.org/pdfs/flutistquarterl
Largey, M. (2007-2011). Ludovic Lamothe. y/issues/Fall2006.pdf
Grove Music Online / Oxford Music Online.
Retrieved from

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Louis Astre, pre (1844-1928) Bayard
Othello Bayard (1885-1971) Ayiti cheri (Souvenir d'Hati) (c.1905; for
E. David Bontemps (1978-) voice and piano)
Carmen Brouard (1909-2005) Carillon des cloches de Pques (for voice,
Frantz Cassus (1915-1993) piano & organ)

Alain Clri (1876-1941) Glorieuse Hati (for piano)

Amos Coulanges (1955-) Le Plerin chrtien (for choir)

Claude Dauphin (1949-) Rsurrection

Michel Dejean (1932-?) Bontemps

mile Desamours (1941-) Anglus (for piano)
Robert Durand (1917-1995) Ezili O
Fabr Duroseau Nocturne, no. 1 (for piano)
Justin lie (1883-1931) Nocturne, no. 2 (for piano)
Fernand Frangeul (1872-1911) Nocturne, no. 3 (for piano)
Robert Geffrard (1860-1894) Prlude 8, lamentoso
Nicolas Geffrard (1871-1930) Sans titre
Werner Jaegerhuber (1900-1953) Samuel (Makaya)
Martha Jean-Claude (1929-2001) 24 preludes for piano
Jean Jean-Pierre (1954[?]-) Que tal? (for voice & piano)
Occide Jeanty (1860-1936) Tes yeux sont des adieux (for voice & piano)
Frre Laguerre (1935-1983) Brouard
Ludovic Lamothe (1882-1954) Ballade potique au Qubec (1996; for piano)
Lina Mathon Blanchet (1902-1993) Baron la croix (for piano & orchestra)
Theramene Mns (1862-1911) Chant spirituel (1996; for voice & piano)
Jean R. Perrault Cinq chants funbres (1983; for voice &
Dickens Princivil piano)
Julio Racine (1945-) Cinq interpretations d'Omar Khayyam (1960;
Solon C. Verret (1912-1992) for voice & piano)

Serge Villedrouin Cinq nocturnes (1958-68; for piano)

Edouard Wooley (1916-1991) Contra-folk (1988; trio for violin, cello &
Deux pices pour flte et piano (1968)
Duo sentimental (1986; for cello & piano)
Hati ma jolie (1985; for voice & piano)

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Je joue avec Mamie (1963; for two pianos) Romance

I'le magique (1983; for piano) Serenade lointaine
Negro-sonate (1987; for piano) Simbi
Neuf pices enfantines pour piano Clri
Nuit (1995; for voice & piano) Chant des hros de 1804
Nuits sous les tonnelles d'Hati (1969; for two Prlude (for piano)
Pome en forme de sonate (1962; for piano) Coulanges

Prires et mditations (1991; for voice, piano Adieu madras

& orchestra) La balancelle
Reflet d'me (for voice & piano) Dodo titit
Soirs (for voice & piano) Les Hatiannesques
Sonate vaudouesque (1966; for violin & Elgie
piano) Congo
Se sya
Temps (for voice & piano) Fuguetta pour elle
Trois monologues d'milie (1985; for voice & The middle passage (2001; original film
orchestra) score)
Cassus Nan fon bwa
Atibon Sonatine crole (for guitar)
Chanson Tt bbche
Chants folkloriques (for voice & guitar) Twa fey twa rasyn - o (for guitar)
Nan guinin Yanvalou, no. 1 (for four voices)
Nan fond bois
Assot Yoyo
Congo (1961; for guitar)
Contes sans paroles (1979; for piano)
Dance (on Sunday)
Folklores harmoniss pour voix, op. 7 (1975-
Danse des ounsi (for guitar)
Haitian suite (for guitar)
Quatuor cordes, op. 3 (1989; also called
Coumbite (Msi bon Dy)
Mascaron Quatuor d'exil?)
Ptro Sonata, op. 11, d'Ivoire et d'Ebne, (for
Yanvalloux clarinet & piano)
Improvisation Variations pour flte et guitare sur un thme
Merengue de Maulart Monton, op. 2 (1975)

Prlude, no. 1 Dejean

Prlude, no. 2 Suite folklorique (for two pianos)
Rara (1961; for guitar) Gud nib (for chorus)

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Desamours Deux pomes vaudouesques

Alelouya (for chorus) Dambala
Chants de Hounsies
Bal champtre (1965; for piano)
Fantaisie tropicale (1930; for piano &
Carte blanche: Variations sur un thme orchestra)
d'Occide Jeanty (for piano)
Indian dance & ritual (for piano & orchestra)
Inoubliable! (1991; for piano)
Kiskaya: An aboriginal suite for orchestra
Nol Ayisyen (for chorus & piano) (1928; alternative spelling of title:
Pot pourri (1993; for piano) Quiskeya)
Prire (for voice) Lgende crole = Haytian legend (1921; for
Quisquyenne (for piano) piano & violin)

Sonate folklorique (1996; for piano) Les chants de la montagne, no. 1: The Echo
(Ismao-o!) (1922; for piano)
Durand Les chants de la montagne, no. 2: Nostalgie
Air ancien (for piano) (1922; for piano)
Berceuse (for piano) Les chants de la montagne, no. 3: Nocturne
(1922; for piano)
Carnaval (for piano)
Melinda (1928)
Prlude et fugue 3 voix (for violin, viola &
cello) Mringues populaires (1920)
Quatuor cordes, no. 1 (1946) La mort de l'Indien (text by Joseph Vilaire)
La nuit dans les Andes
Prire du soir, Invocation no. 2 (1922; for
Deux amours: Mringue
chamber orchestra)
Voo-doo moon (1922; theatrical production)
Jeannette: Mringue
Lucia: mringue
A l'h qui l (for voice & piano)
Pourquoi ces larmes
Retour des cayes: mringue Amiti (for piano)

Soir, no. 1: Un mringue Caprice (for piano)

Soir, no. 2: Un mringue La Crole (for piano)

Flirt (for piano)
Sous le ciel bleu (for voice & piano)
Bacchanale Geffrard, N.

Le chant du barde Indien (text by Joaquin La Dessalinienne (national anthem of Haiti,

Bonilla) lyrics by Justin Lhrisson)

Cloptre (1917) Valse espagnole

Geffrard, R.
La cascade (for piano)

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Jaegerhuber Offrandes vaudouesque

Adagietto pour la mort d'une ami (for two Barre
violins, viola & two cellos) Missiye Ouezan
Agnus Dei (for strings) Vevelo
Annanse (1939; for voice & string quartet) Vling sou vling
Benedictus, Villanelle (for voice & string sterkantate (1932; for chorus & orchestra)
orchestra; based on poetry of Jean Passerat) Phantasie, pasacaille et andante (for piano &
Bouclnon (for chorus) chamber orchestra)
Chorale fugue (for violins) Piccola sonatina (trio for cello, violin &
Choralvorspiel (1934; for string quartet) piano)

Complaintes Hatiennes (for voice & piano) Plaintes nocturnes (1952; for string quartet)
Erzulie malade Prlude (for violin)
M'ague ta royo Preludio (1952; for solo flute)
Invocation a Dambala
Gros loa moin Quatuor, in C minor
Erzulie Oh! Erzulie Sa! Shango (1934; for chamber orchestra)
Marassa e iou Sinfonietta legba (1943; for orchestra)
Crab O, souffle vent (for voice & string
Suite folklorique (for string quartet)
orchestra) Erzulie
Dmmerung (1928; for voice & piano) Damballa
Divertimento for flute, violin & viola (1951) Interlude
Papa Simbi
Eight nocturnes (for string quartet)
Trio for flute, viola and cello (1952)
Fugato "Viens donc mon bien-aim" (for
voice & cello) Trio, in C major (for two violins & cello)
Fugue for two voices (for viola & cello) Trio, in D major (for two violins & cello)
I'le enchante (symphony) Trois chansons (1951)
Quand on vous dira
Invocation (1952; for flute, viola & cello) Amour
Messe folklorique hatienne Nirvana
Messe sur les airs vodouesques Trois scnes historiques
Musique pour aeules de J.F. Brierre (1951; Walzerlied
for flute, viola & cello) Zwei streichtrios (for violin, viola & cello)
Nassa (opera, based on Jacques Roumain's
novel, Masters of the dew) Jean-Claude

Nostalgie (for voice & cello; based on poem Nostalgia (for C instrument & piano)
by Alfred Musset) Jean-Pierre
Ayiti Leve Kanpe

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Jeanty Suite enfantine (for piano)

Aux pas rondelets molets Insel badjo (aka, Un sel badjo)
La capoise Trois rondes enfantines (for voice & piano)
Trois fois pass l
Chant national (1897; lyrics by Oswald Maman, Maman, cout moi parl
Durand) Un p'ti pi
Chery Hippolyte (1896)
Un choeur de nos hros
Billet (for voice & piano)
Coqs, poulets et poussins
La dangereuse
1804 (1904; march, for band)
Danses espagnoles (numbered 1-9; for piano)
Imprcations des Dessalines (1892)
Introduction Dclaration
Prayer lgie
Curse Evocation
Last breath Feuillet d'album, no. 1, in F# minor
Invocation (for violin & piano) Feuillet d'album, no. 2, in D flat major
Laetitia Gavotte dans le style ancien (for piano)
Major BoutFe Habanera
Danza, no. 1, in F minor
Danza, no. 2, in C major
Nos masques Danza, no. 3, in E flat major
Lobsdante Danza, no. 4, in A minor
Pauvres et pauvres Libellule, caprice (for piano)
La rentre de Jerusalem Lisette (for voice & piano)
Le retour de vieux lion Loco (for piano)
Sur la tombe (1910) Nibo (for piano)
Ti Sam (1902) Quatre valses lentes pour piano
A tes lvres
Les trompettes des anges Angela
Les vautours de 6 Dcembre (1887) Papillons noirs
La vivandire (for piano) Vaporeuse
Les zephyrs Scnes de carnaval
Zizipan Chanson damour
Danse capoise
Comme un profil perdu (for voice & piano) Retraite aux flambeaux
Damballah (for chorus) Scherzo (for piano)
Feuille o (for chorus) Sobo (for piano)
Five short pieces for piano Sous la tonnelle

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Souvenir Intermezzo Valse Haitian folk songs (2004)

Tango (for piano) Belle Hati (for voice & piano)
Diane de Dominique Jn. Baptiste (for brass)
Valse de concert, in A flat major Dodo Titi (for voice & piano)
Valse impromptu (for piano) Erzulie malade (for voice & piano)
Valse romantique Erzulie Oh! Erzulie Sa! (for voice & piano)
Idille paysanne (for orchestra)
Mathon Blanchet Msi bon di
Trois feuilles, trois racines, Oh! (for strings)
Erzili e! (c 1950; for voice & piano)
Regards (for orchestra)
A Haitian tale for wind quintet and drum
Sonate vodou jazz (2004; for flute & piano)
Mns Moderato
Magistrat Vincent Pry
Avec allure
Francine la possede: Valse forme-vanvalou
(Vaudou) String quartet, no. 1 (1975)
String quartet, no. 2 (1998)
Tangente au Yanvalou (1975; for flute &
Bagatelle (1994; for dulcimer & bass)
Brother Malcolm (2009; for cello & piano)
Crmonie vodou: Ballet in 7 acts (for cello,
percussion & choir) L'absence
Dialogues (in preparation; for cello & piano) Aide-moi a t'aimer (song)
Exodus (2003; for string quartet) Les ailes perdues
Exodus (for chamber orchestra) Aimer (song)
Marchin' on (1995; for brass quintet) Andante pathtique
Missa (1995; for orchestra) Apothose valse
Appel des sirnes
Di mwen (words and music)
Aubade sentimentale
Pa kriy (for chorale)
Ave Maria (for voice & piano)
Racine Ave Maristella
Agnus Dei (for choir) Babillage (1974; for piano; waltz)
Entracte (for brass quintet) Bagatelle
Essais (for piano) Un beau jour
Fanfare (for brass quintet) Berceuse
Berceuse, in F
La cathdrale illumine
Le cendres du pass

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Chanson de la brise Harmonie du cur

Chant d'amour no. 1 Heures mlancoliques
Chant d'amour no.2 L'Hortensia (waltz)
Chant de la montagne Hymnes des professeurs
Clair de lune (song) Hymnes de l'infirmire visiteuse
Les cloches de souvenir Hymnes des membres de l'enseignement
Concerto secondaire
Consolation (for piano) Hymnes de salut au drapeau

La Crole (for piano meringue) Hymne du Conajec

Crpuscule valse Hymne du College Priv Roger Anglade

La Crole (piano) Impromptu

Danse des nains L'infirmire (hymn)

Danse enfantine Intermezzo (meringue)

Les disciples d'Emmaus Marche nuptiale
Echo de la valle (waltz) Marche hroque

Ecrit sur du sable Marche de concert

Elgie, in G major Marche des pupilles

En vacances Marche des lycens

Etude - Fantaisie no. 1 Marche des lycennes

Etude - Fantaisie no. 2 Mditation

L'coliere (waltz) Mlodie, in D flat major

L'enjleuse (waltz) Mlodie, in E flat major

Envivrement (meringue) Mringue Hatienne

Et pourquoi? Nocturne des larmes

Evocation et voix secrte Nocturne sur une thme crole

Excelsior (for piano; march) Nocturne sur un pome d'Emile Roumer

Fantaisie, in C minor Nocturne no. 1

Fantaisie, in D minor Nocturne no. 2

Fantaisie, in G minor Nocturne no. 3

Fantaisie, in E minor Nocturne no. 4

Nocturne no. 5
Fantaisie, in A major
Nocturne no. 6
Fascination (meringue)
Nocturne no. 7
Les feuilles mortes
Nocturne no. 8
Fleurs des sommets (waltz)
Nocturne no. 9
Les fleur fanes

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Nocturne no. 10 Pense printanire

Nocturne no. 11 Petite chanson
Nocturne no. 12 Petite fleur (1974; for piano; waltz)
Nocturne no. 13 Plnitude
Nocturne no. 14 Pour Valrie
Nocturne no. 15 Prlude sentimental
Nocturne no. 16 Prlude sentimental, in A major
Nol, nuit d'amour (song) Premier sourire
Nostalgie (waltz) Prs des flots bleus
Nostalgie (meringue) Prire
Notre pre Remembrance
Nuit tropicale (meringue) Renouveau
O, vierge immarcescible (sonata) Rve impossible
Ombre triste Rverie vesprale
Paraphrase de la concerte sur l'Ave Maria de Reviviscence
Schubert La rivire (song)
Pays d'Hati Thomas Rose dans le vent
Pense d'automne Rose effeuille
Pense de mai Rose immortelle
Pense musicale, no. 1 Rose printanire
Pense musicale, no. 2 Simple aveu
Pense musicale, no. 3 Soleil couchant (meringue)
Pense musicale, no. 4 Solitude (waltz)
Pense musicale, no. 5 Sonata a la rose mystique
Pense musicale, no. 6 Sonata a la vierge
Pense musicale, no. 7 Sonata - fantasy
Pense musicale, no. 8 Symphony, in C# minor
Pense musicale, no. 9 Symphonie des glaeuls
Pense musicale, no. 10 Symphonie des nuits tropicales
Pense musicale, no. 11 Triomphe valse #1
Pense musicale, no. 12 Triomphe valse #2
Pense musicale, no. 13 Tu me disais un jour (song)
Pense musicale, no. 14 La turbulente
Pense musicale, no. 15 Valse brillante, in E major
Pense musicale, no. 16 Valse brillante, in F minor

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Valse d'amour SCORES

Valse de concert Cassus
Valse des amours oublis Ribot, M. (Ed.). (2003). The complete works
Valse des enfants of Frantz Cassus. King of Prussia, PA:
Tuscany Publications. (OCLC# 52968188)
Valse des lys
Valse des tulipes Jaegerhuber

Valse du jour de l'an Chansons folklorique dHati, recueillis et

harmonises par le Prof. W. Jaegerhuber.
Valse du printemps (1945). Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Valerio
Valse du rve Canez. (OCLC# 8659217)
Valse du souvenir Lamothe
Valse, in B flat Jean, A. & Lamothe, F. (Eds.). (1955).
Valse, rose printaniere Musique de Ludovic Lamothe: Valses,
danses espagnoles, scnes de carnavale, et
Variations romantiques
autres. Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Henri
Variations sur "Dodo Titit" Deschamps.
Villedrouin Nyaho, W. H. C. (Ed.). (2009). Piano music
of Africa and the African diaspora, Vol. 3.
Antilles (for voice & piano)
New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Ballade sur la baie de Port-au-Prince (for
[Includes music for Les dangereuses:
two pianos)
mringue hatienne ]
Mringue (for piano)
M'sie New York (for voice & piano)
Woolley Perrault, J. R. (n.d.). Exodus for string quartet
in 3 movements. St. Louis, MO: African
la bien-aime (for voice & piano) Music Publishers. (Available from
l'ombre de tes ailes (for voice & piano) http://africarts.org/AMP/index.html; Product
Messe deux voix #AMP1068)

Sous les palmiers (c. 1958; for violin & Perrault, J. R. (n.d.). Exodus for chamber
piano) orchestra. St. Louis, MO: African Music
Danse Publishers. (Available from
Rverie http://africarts.org/AMP/index.html; Product
La Crole #AMP1067)
La Mazoumbelle
Perrault, J. R. (n.d.). Bagatelle (for dulcimer
Suite pour violon et piano
and bass). St. Louis, MO: African Music
Publishers. (Available from
http://africarts.org/AMP/index.html; Product

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 1 (2011)

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Hati. 36

Perrault, J. R. (n.d.). Crmonie vodou (ballet Brouard

en 7 parties : pour violoncelle, percussion et Sonates et trios de Carmen Brouard, Justin
choeur. St. Louis, MO: African Music lie, Csar Franck, Werner Jaegerhuber
Publishers. (Available from [CD]. (2002). Montral, Qubec: Socit de
http://africarts.org/AMP/index.html; Product recherche et de diffusion de la musique
#AMP1069) hatienne. (OCLC# 181335113; also
available for purchase from the SRDMH:
Perrault, J. R. (n.d.). Marchin on (for brass
quintet). St. Louis, MO: African Music
Publishers. (Available from [Includes Sonate vaudouesque; Contra-folk]
http://africarts.org/AMP/index.html; Product
Belle Ayiti: Mizik savant Ayisyen (Beautiful
Perrault, J. R. (n.d.). Missa (Mass for Haiti: Haitian classical music) [CD].
symphony orchestra 5 sketches from the (2007). [Recorded by Z.A.M.A.]. (one disc,
Bible). St. Louis, MO: African Music 75:29). Available from Mary Procopio,
Publishers. (Available from mary.procopio@mcc.edu, or from
http://africarts.org/AMP/index.html; Product Educavision.com
Track 5. Assoto (2:35)
Racine Haitian dances. (1954). Washington, DC:
Racine, J. (n.d.). Sonate vodou jazz. N.p.: Folkways Records. (FW06822; one disc)
Author. (Available from FluteWorld.com; Track 101. Haitian suite: Ptro (3:28)
Product #01R160002005)
Track 102. Haitian suite: Yanvalloux (2:25)
Racine, J. (n.d.). Tangente au Yanvalou. N.p.:
Track 103. Haitian suite: Mascaron (3:16)
Author. (Available from FluteWorld.com;
Product #01R160001975) Track 104. Haitian suite: Coumbite (2:25)
Track 201. tude (2:06)
Track 202. Romance (2:33)
Track 203. Lullaby (3:28)
French, F., & Kirby, S. (1998). Creole music
Track 204. Dance (3:03)
[CD]. New Orleans, LA: Viridiana
Publications. (one disc, 58:39) Ribot, M. (1993). Marc Ribot plays solo guitar
works of Frantz Cassus. [CD]. Brussels,
Track 7. Souvenir d'Hati (Hati chrie)
Belgium: Les disques des Crepuscle.
Track 1. Simbi (3:33)
Rcital [CD]. (1985). [Recorded by Les
Petits Chanteurs la Croix de Bois]. Track 2. Rara (1:45)
Gentilly, France: Auvidis. (one disc, 50 Track 3. Prlude, no. 2 (1:08)
Track 4. Haitian suite: Ptro (4:08)
[Includes Hati chrie]
Track 5. Haitian suite: Yanvalloux (3:05)
Track 6. Haitian suite: Mascaron (3:49)
Track 7. Haitian suite: Coumbite (Msi bon
Dy) (3:18)

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 1 (2011)

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Hati. 37

Track 8. Prlude, no. 1 (1:04) First day [CD]. (2008). [Recorded by Santa
Track 9. Mringue (1:32) Fe Desert Chorale; Linda Mack, conductor].
Orcas, WA: Clarion.
Track 10. Improvisation (1:36)
Track 16. Alelouya (3:15)
Track 11. Chanson (1:53)
Track 12. Congo (3:15) Duroseau

Track 13. Dance (on Sunday) (3:17) Haitian piano [CD]. (1954). [Recorded by
Fabr Duroseau, piano]. Washington, DC:
Track 14. Serenade lointaine (2:27) Folkways Records. (FW06837; one disc)
Track 16. Untitled (1:40) Track 101. Jeannette: mringue (2:56)
Track 17. Romance (2:05) Track 102. Retour des cayes: mringue
Track 18. Dance of the hounsies (2:51) (2:30)
Track 19. Romance 1978 (1:43) Track 103. Gallop (2:03)
Track 104. Soir, no. 1: un mringue (3:49)
Deslauriers, G. (Director). (2001). The middle Track 201. Soir, no. 2: un mringue (2:13)
passage [Motion picture]. France: Les Films Track 202. Pourquoi ces larmes (3:24)
du Dorlis. Track 203. Deux amours: mringue (3:15)
Fresques caribes [CD]. (2010). (n.p.): A.O.N Track 204. Lucia: mringue (1:59)
Track 1. Nan fon bwa (3:27) lie

Track 2. Adieu madras (6:54) Saint-Eloi, J. E. (1999). Music of the Haitian

masters [CD]. Florida: Ifa Music. (Ifa Music
Track 3. La balancelle (3:38) Records 256; one disc)
Track 4. Les Hatiannesques: lgie (3:04) Track 4. Le chant de la montagne, no. 1,
Track 5. Les Hatiannesques: Congo (2:27) Isma-o! (2:05)
Track 6. Les Hatiannesques: Se sya (5:08) Track 5. Le chant de la montagne, no. 2,
Track 7. Les Hatiannesques: Fuguetta pour Nostalgie (2:27)
elle (1:57) Track 6. Lgende crole (4:16)
Track 8. Yoyo (1:55) Sonates et trios de Carmen Brouard, Justin
lie, Csar Franck, Werner Jaegerhuber
Track 9. Dodo titit (4:41)
[CD]. (2002). Montral, Qubec: Socit de
Track 10. Tt bbche (1:57) recherche et de diffusion de la musique
haitienne. (OCLC# 181335113; also
Desamours available for purchase from the SRDMH:
Echoes: A choral collection [CD]. (2005). info@srdmh.org)
[Recorded by Concordia Choir; Ren [Includes Lgende crole]
Clausen, conductor]. Moorhead, MN:
Concordia Recordings.
Track 11. Noel Ayisyen (2:28)

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 1 (2011)

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Hati. 38

Jaegerhuber Jeanty
Belle Ayiti: Mizik savant Ayisyen (Beautiful Saint-Eloi, J. E. (1999). Music of the Haitian
Haiti: Haitian classical music) [CD]. masters [CD]. Florida: Ifa Music. (Ifa Music
(2007). [Recorded by Z.A.M.A.]. (one disc, Records 256; one disc.)
75:29). Available from Mary Procopio, Track 1. Invocation (5:09)
mary.procopio@mcc.edu, or from
Educavision.com Lamothe
Track 1. Trois chansons: Quand on vous Alan Lomax in Haiti [CD]. (2009). San
dira (1:20) Francisco, CA: Harte Recordings. (10 discs)
Track 2. Trois chansons: Amour (1:42) Disc 1. Track 7. Loko (1:50) [Recorded by
Track 3. Trois chansons: Nirvana (1:06) Lamothe]
Track 9. Preludio for solo flute (2:13) Disc 1. Track 8. Nibo (2:22) [Recorded by
Track 15. Trio for flute, viola and cello:
moderato (6:50) Saint-loi, J. E. (1999). Music of the Haitian
masters [CD]. (1999). Florida: Ifa Music.
Track 16. Trio for flute, viola and cello: (Ifa Music 256; one disc.)
allegretto (2:53)
Track 7. Scherzo (5:42)
Track 17. Trio for flute, viola and cello:
andante (2:10) Track 8. Sobo (3:07)
Track 18. Trio for flute, viola and cello: Track 9. La dangereuse (7:24)
moderato (5:14) Nyaho, W. H. C. (2008). Asa: Piano music by
Track 19-24. Musique pour aieules de J. F. composers of African descent [CD].
Brierre Newtown, CT: MSR Classics. (MSR1242;
one disc, 58 min.)
Track 25-27. Invocation for flute, viola and
cello Track 13. La dangereuse (5:03)
Sonates et trios de Carmen Brouard, Justin Shaw, P. (2001). Le grand tour: Paul Shaw
lie, Csar Franck, Werner Jaegerhuber plays Caribbean art music [CD].
[CD]. (2002). Montral, Qubec: Socit de Track 6. Feuillet d'album, no. 1 (2:49)
recherche et de diffusion de la musique
Track 12. Nibo (2:06)
haitienne. (OCLC# 181335113; also
available for purchase from the SRDMH: Tchaka mizik [CD]. (2010). [Recorded by the
info@srdmh.org) C Force; Terry Manning, producer].
[Includes Piccola sonatina] Track 10. Nibo (1:34)
Tchaka mizik [CD]. (2010). [Recorded by the Phillips, C. P. (2001). A vision of Ludovic
C Force; Terry Manning, producer]. Lamothe [CD]. Florida: Ifa Music.
Track 7. Invocation Dambala (1:55) Track 1. Sous la tonnelle (3:17)
Track 8. Gros loa moin (1:30) Track 2. Evocation (5:49)
Track 3. Feuillet d'album, no.1, in F# minor
Track 4. Feuillet d'album, no.2, in D flat
major (4:03)

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 1 (2011)

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Hati. 39

Track 5. Danza, no. 1, in F minor (3:30) Track 8. Sonate vodou jazz: Avec allure
Track 6. Danza, no. 2, in C major (7:00) (4:57)
Track 7. Danza, no. 3, in E flat major (4:55) Track 10. Msi bon di (2:35)
Track 8. Danza, no. 4, in A minor (3:46) Track 11. Erzulie malade (2:15)
Track 9. Ballade, in A minor (6:21) Track 12. Erzulie Oh! Erzulie Sa! (1:49)
Track 10. Danse capoise (3:15) Track 13. Trois feuilles, trois racines, Oh!
Track 11. Valse de concert, in A flat major
(4:41) Track 14. Belle Hati (1:31)
Track 12. Danse espagnole, no. 4, in B Tchaka mizik [CD]. (2010). [Recorded by the
minor (5:15) C Force; Terry Manning, producer].
Russell, J. (2010). Valses to voodoo: Piano Track 9. Tangente de Yanvalou (4:48)
music of Haitian composer Ludovic Verret
Lamothe. Available from
http://www.joshuarussellpianist.com/produc Saint-Eloi, J. E. (1999). Music of the Haitian
ts/ masters [CD]. Florida: Ifa Music Records
(IFA 256; one disc).
Track 1. Danse espagnole (3:29)
Track 2. Mringue Hatienne, nostalgie
Track 2. Feuillet d'album no. 2 (3:09) (6:17)
Track 3. Sobo (3:04) Track 3. Valse, Rose printaniere (4:47)
Track 4. Loco (1:56)
Track 5. Sous la tonnelle (3:06) SOUND FILES
Track 6. Valse romantique (5:28) Bontemps
Track 7. Habanera (3:21) Available at
Track 8. Danza no.3 (3:59) http://www.myspace.com/davidbontemps
Track 9. Valse de concert, in A Flat (4:45) Erzili O
Prlude 8, lamentoso
Track 10. Gavotte dans le style ancien Sans titre
Track 11. Tango (3:22)
Track 12. Libellule
Available at
Racine http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/sainteloi
Belle Ayiti: Mizik savant Ayisyen (Beautiful [Les chants de la montagne, no. 1: The Echo
Haiti: Haitian classical music) [CD]. (Ismao-o!)]
(2007). [Recorded by Z.A.M.A.]. (one disc,
75:29). Available from Mary Procopio, Geffrard, N.
mary.procopio@mcc.edu, or from Available at
Educavision.com http://www.nationalanthems.info/ht.htm
Track 4. Tangente au Yanvalou (4:40) [La Dessalinienne]
Track 6. Sonate vodou jazz: Moderato
Track 7. Sonate vodou jazz: Pry (2:10)

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 1 (2011)

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Hati. 40

Jeanty Occide Jeanty. (2011). AfriClassical.com:

Available at African heritage in classical music.
http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/sainteloi Retrieved from
[Invocation] m/Jeanty.html
Available at
http://chevalierdesaintgeorges.homestead.co Cale, G. (1971). French secular music in
m/audio.html#15 Saint-Domingue (17501795) viewed as a
factor in Americas musical growth.
[La dangereuse]
(Unpublished doctoral dissertation).
Available at Louisiana State University. (OCLC#
http://www.joshuarussellpianist.com/haitian 2286232)
-piano-music/ Dauphin, C. (1980). La mringue entre
[Danza, no.3 ; Dragonflies] l'oralit et l'criture: Histoire d'un genre
Available at musical hatien. Canadian University Music
http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/sainteloi Review, 1, 49-65.
[Scherzo; Sobo] Dumerv, C. (1968). Histoire de la musique
en Hati. Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Imprimerie
Mathon Blanchet des Antilles. (OCLC# 4115607)
Available at Francis, A. E. (2010). Serving the spirit of the
http://soniventorum.com/soniventorum_arch dance: A study of Jean-Leon Destin, Lina
ives.html Mathon Blanchet and Haitian folkloric
[A Haitian tale for wind quintet and drum] traditions. Journal of Haitian Studies, 15, 1-
WEBSITES Grenier, R. (2001). La melodie vaudoo:
Voodoo art songs: The genesis of a
Julio Racine. (2011). AfriClassical.com:
nationalist music in the Republic of Haiti.
African heritage in classical music.
Black Music Research Journal, 21(1), 29-
Retrieved from
74. doi:10.2307/3181593
m/Racine.html Grenier, R. & Dauphin, C. (2009). Werner
Jaegerhuber's "Messe sur les Airs
Justin lie. (2011). AfriClassical.com:
Vodouesques": The inculturation of vodou
African heritage in classical music.
in a Catholic mass. Black Music Research
Retrieved from
Journal, 29(1), 51-82. Available at
Haitian Music. (2010). Grove Music Online.
Ludovic Lamothe. (2011). AfriClassical.com:
Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
African heritage in classical music.
Retrieved from Jaegerhuber, W. (1945). Chants vodouesque.
http://chevalierdesaintgeorges.homestead.co Bulletin du Bureau Nationale d'Ethnologie
m/Lamothe.html dHati, 2, 77-101.
Justin lie. (2010). Grove Music Online.
Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

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C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Hati. 41

Lamothe, L. (1937-8). Le folklore. La Relve, Ludovic Lamothe. (2010). Grove Music

1, 33-6. Online. Oxford, England: Oxford University
Lamothe, L. (1936-7). Musique hatienne. La Press.
Relve, 6, 4-6. Mathelier, M. (1995). Essai bibliographique
Lamothe, L. (1935). Pouvons-nous avoir une sur la vie de Frantz Cassus. Haiti: Mathel
musique nationale? Le Temps, 3, 9-11. Production. (OCLC # 38547686)
Largey, M. (1994). Composing a Haitian Montes, J. (2003). An annotated translation
cultural identity: Haitian elites, African of Constantin Eugene Mose Dumerve's
ancestry, and musical discourse. Black "Histoire de la Musique en Haiti " ("The
Music Research Journal, 14(2), 99-117. History of Music in Haiti "). (Unpublished
doi:10.2307/779479 doctoral dissertation). University of Iowa.

Largey, M. (2004). Ethnographic Occide Jeanty. (2010). Grove Music Online.

transcription and music ideology in Haiti: Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
The music of Werner A. Jaegerhuber. Latin Procopio, M. (2009). Challenging cultural
American Music Review / Revista de Msica ambivalence in Haiti and the Haitian
Latinoamericana, 25(1), 1-31. diaspora through vodou-inspired music,
doi:10.1353/lat.2004.0005) education and humano-centrism. (Masters
Largey, M. (1991). Musical ethnography in thesis). Michigan State University. (UMI#
Haiti: A study of elite hegemony and 1478826)
musical composition. (Doctoral Procopio, M. (2006). Crossing borders: Solo
dissertation). Indiana University. (UMI# and chamber music for flute by Haitian
9205949) composers. The Flutist Quarterly, 32(1), 38-
Largey, M. (2005). Recombinant mythology 43. Retrieved from
and the alchemy of memory: Occide Jeanty, http://www.nfaonline.org/pdfs/flutistquarterl
Ogou, and Jean-Jacques Dessalines in Haiti. y/issues/Fall2006.pdf
Journal of American Folklore, 118(469), Procopio, M. (2005). Haitian classical music,
327-53. doi:10.1353/jaf.2005.0032 vodou, and cultural identity: An
Largey, M. (2006). Vodou nation: Haitian art examination of the classical flute
music and cultural nationalism. Chicago, compositions by Haitian composer Werner
IL: University of Chicago Press. A. Jaegerhuber. (Doctoral dissertation).
Michigan State University. (UMI# 3171512)
[Includes chapters on Occide Jeanty, Justin
lie, Ludovic Lamothe and Werner Ribot, M. (2003). Frantz Cassus. Bomb, 82.
Jaegerhuber] Retrieved from
Lassgue, F. (1919). tudes critiques sur la
musique haitienne. Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Russell, J. D. (2009). A critical edition of
selected piano works by Haitian composer,
Imprimerie du Sacre-Coeur. (OCLC#
Ludovic Lamothe. (Unpublished doctoral
dissertation). University of Iowa. (OCLC#
[Includes chapters on Ludovic Lamothe, 502273986)
Justin lie, Alain Clri, and Nicolas
Werner Jaegerhuber. (2010). Grove Music
Online. Oxford, England: Oxford University

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 1 (2011)

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Hati. 42


Justin lie clippings file. http://www.colum.edu/CBMR/PDF_folder/F
New York Public Library
Performing Arts Research Collection [Justin lie]
Music Division.
40 Lincoln Center Plaza Socit de recherche et de diffusion de la
New York, NY, 10023-7498 musique Hatienne (S.R.D.H.M)
Telephone: (917) 275-6975 Universit du Qubec Montral
C.P. 361, succ. Snowdon
Dominique-Ren de Lerma papers. Montral (Qubec) H3X 3T6
The Center for Black Music Research Canada
(CBMR). Telephone: 450-677-8418
Columbia College
Chicago, IL. http://www.srdmh.org/

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 1 (2011)

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