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Christine Gangelhoff
Cathleen LeGrand
The College of The Bahamas 1
C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand, 2011. Journal compilation The International Journal of Bahamian Studies, 2011.
C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Hati. 26
rhythmic (J. Racine, personal 32). Tragically, the cole was destroyed in
communication, July 2011). In his work, the January 2010 earthquake that devastated
TANGENTE AU YANVALOU for flute and piano, Port-au-Prince. L'cole de musique Sainte
Racine invokes the folkloric rhythms of the Trinit is also home to Hati's only
Yanvalou. He manipulates the meter to philharmonic orchestra.
suggest the folk rhythm: sometimes it will The Socit de recherche et de diffusion de la
miss one step, sometimes it will have one step musique Hatienne (SRDMH, Society for the
too many, until it finally becomes the Research and Diffusion of Hatian Music), a
Yanvalou (Racine, 2011). non-profit founded in Montreal in 1977 by
L'cole de musique Sainte Trinit, the Claude Dauphin, has a large collection of
renowned music school where Hatian materials (textual and musical) documenting
composer Julio Racine was on faculty for the classical music of Hati. The SRDMH
many years, used to house a "manuscript also produces a variety of concerts and
collection of Hatian folk music and music by musical events to promote Hatian classical
Hatian composers, orchestral music and music.
arrangements for orchestra" (Dower, 1977, p.
Ludovic Lamothe (1882-1953): Hatian
Dower, C. (1977). Libraries with music composer & pianist. (2011). Retrieved from
collections in the Caribbean islands. Notes http://chevalierdesaintgeorges.homestead.co
(Second Series), 34(1), 27-38. m/lamothe.html
doi:10.2307/897276 Procopio, M. (2006) Crossing borders: Solo
Grenier, R., & Averill, G. (2007-2011). Hati. and chamber music for flute by Hatian
Grove Music Online / Oxford Music Online. composers. The Flutist Quarterly, 32(1), 38-
Retrieved from 43. Retrieved from
http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com http://www.nfaonline.org/pdfs/flutistquarterl
Largey, M. (2007-2011). Ludovic Lamothe. y/issues/Fall2006.pdf
Grove Music Online / Oxford Music Online.
Retrieved from
Louis Astre, pre (1844-1928) Bayard
Othello Bayard (1885-1971) Ayiti cheri (Souvenir d'Hati) (c.1905; for
E. David Bontemps (1978-) voice and piano)
Carmen Brouard (1909-2005) Carillon des cloches de Pques (for voice,
Frantz Cassus (1915-1993) piano & organ)
Edouard Wooley (1916-1991) Contra-folk (1988; trio for violin, cello &
Deux pices pour flte et piano (1968)
Duo sentimental (1986; for cello & piano)
Hati ma jolie (1985; for voice & piano)
Sonate folklorique (1996; for piano) Les chants de la montagne, no. 1: The Echo
(Ismao-o!) (1922; for piano)
Durand Les chants de la montagne, no. 2: Nostalgie
Air ancien (for piano) (1922; for piano)
Berceuse (for piano) Les chants de la montagne, no. 3: Nocturne
(1922; for piano)
Carnaval (for piano)
Melinda (1928)
Prlude et fugue 3 voix (for violin, viola &
cello) Mringues populaires (1920)
Quatuor cordes, no. 1 (1946) La mort de l'Indien (text by Joseph Vilaire)
La nuit dans les Andes
Prire du soir, Invocation no. 2 (1922; for
Deux amours: Mringue
chamber orchestra)
Voo-doo moon (1922; theatrical production)
Jeannette: Mringue
Lucia: mringue
A l'h qui l (for voice & piano)
Pourquoi ces larmes
Retour des cayes: mringue Amiti (for piano)
Geffrard, R.
La cascade (for piano)
Complaintes Hatiennes (for voice & piano) Plaintes nocturnes (1952; for string quartet)
Erzulie malade Prlude (for violin)
M'ague ta royo Preludio (1952; for solo flute)
Invocation a Dambala
Gros loa moin Quatuor, in C minor
Erzulie Oh! Erzulie Sa! Shango (1934; for chamber orchestra)
Marassa e iou Sinfonietta legba (1943; for orchestra)
Crab O, souffle vent (for voice & string
Suite folklorique (for string quartet)
orchestra) Erzulie
Dmmerung (1928; for voice & piano) Damballa
Divertimento for flute, violin & viola (1951) Interlude
Papa Simbi
Eight nocturnes (for string quartet)
Trio for flute, viola and cello (1952)
Fugato "Viens donc mon bien-aim" (for
voice & cello) Trio, in C major (for two violins & cello)
Fugue for two voices (for viola & cello) Trio, in D major (for two violins & cello)
I'le enchante (symphony) Trois chansons (1951)
Quand on vous dira
Invocation (1952; for flute, viola & cello) Amour
Messe folklorique hatienne Nirvana
Messe sur les airs vodouesques Trois scnes historiques
Musique pour aeules de J.F. Brierre (1951; Walzerlied
for flute, viola & cello) Zwei streichtrios (for violin, viola & cello)
Nassa (opera, based on Jacques Roumain's
novel, Masters of the dew) Jean-Claude
Nostalgie (for voice & cello; based on poem Nostalgia (for C instrument & piano)
by Alfred Musset) Jean-Pierre
Ayiti Leve Kanpe
Sous les palmiers (c. 1958; for violin & Perrault, J. R. (n.d.). Exodus for chamber
piano) orchestra. St. Louis, MO: African Music
Danse Publishers. (Available from
Rverie http://africarts.org/AMP/index.html; Product
La Crole #AMP1067)
La Mazoumbelle
Perrault, J. R. (n.d.). Bagatelle (for dulcimer
Suite pour violon et piano
and bass). St. Louis, MO: African Music
Publishers. (Available from
http://africarts.org/AMP/index.html; Product
Track 8. Prlude, no. 1 (1:04) First day [CD]. (2008). [Recorded by Santa
Track 9. Mringue (1:32) Fe Desert Chorale; Linda Mack, conductor].
Orcas, WA: Clarion.
Track 10. Improvisation (1:36)
Track 16. Alelouya (3:15)
Track 11. Chanson (1:53)
Track 12. Congo (3:15) Duroseau
Track 13. Dance (on Sunday) (3:17) Haitian piano [CD]. (1954). [Recorded by
Fabr Duroseau, piano]. Washington, DC:
Track 14. Serenade lointaine (2:27) Folkways Records. (FW06837; one disc)
Track 16. Untitled (1:40) Track 101. Jeannette: mringue (2:56)
Track 17. Romance (2:05) Track 102. Retour des cayes: mringue
Track 18. Dance of the hounsies (2:51) (2:30)
Track 19. Romance 1978 (1:43) Track 103. Gallop (2:03)
Track 104. Soir, no. 1: un mringue (3:49)
Deslauriers, G. (Director). (2001). The middle Track 201. Soir, no. 2: un mringue (2:13)
passage [Motion picture]. France: Les Films Track 202. Pourquoi ces larmes (3:24)
du Dorlis. Track 203. Deux amours: mringue (3:15)
Fresques caribes [CD]. (2010). (n.p.): A.O.N Track 204. Lucia: mringue (1:59)
Track 1. Nan fon bwa (3:27) lie
Jaegerhuber Jeanty
Belle Ayiti: Mizik savant Ayisyen (Beautiful Saint-Eloi, J. E. (1999). Music of the Haitian
Haiti: Haitian classical music) [CD]. masters [CD]. Florida: Ifa Music. (Ifa Music
(2007). [Recorded by Z.A.M.A.]. (one disc, Records 256; one disc.)
75:29). Available from Mary Procopio, Track 1. Invocation (5:09)
mary.procopio@mcc.edu, or from
Educavision.com Lamothe
Track 1. Trois chansons: Quand on vous Alan Lomax in Haiti [CD]. (2009). San
dira (1:20) Francisco, CA: Harte Recordings. (10 discs)
Track 2. Trois chansons: Amour (1:42) Disc 1. Track 7. Loko (1:50) [Recorded by
Track 3. Trois chansons: Nirvana (1:06) Lamothe]
Track 9. Preludio for solo flute (2:13) Disc 1. Track 8. Nibo (2:22) [Recorded by
Track 15. Trio for flute, viola and cello:
moderato (6:50) Saint-loi, J. E. (1999). Music of the Haitian
masters [CD]. (1999). Florida: Ifa Music.
Track 16. Trio for flute, viola and cello: (Ifa Music 256; one disc.)
allegretto (2:53)
Track 7. Scherzo (5:42)
Track 17. Trio for flute, viola and cello:
andante (2:10) Track 8. Sobo (3:07)
Track 18. Trio for flute, viola and cello: Track 9. La dangereuse (7:24)
moderato (5:14) Nyaho, W. H. C. (2008). Asa: Piano music by
Track 19-24. Musique pour aieules de J. F. composers of African descent [CD].
Brierre Newtown, CT: MSR Classics. (MSR1242;
one disc, 58 min.)
Track 25-27. Invocation for flute, viola and
cello Track 13. La dangereuse (5:03)
Sonates et trios de Carmen Brouard, Justin Shaw, P. (2001). Le grand tour: Paul Shaw
lie, Csar Franck, Werner Jaegerhuber plays Caribbean art music [CD].
[CD]. (2002). Montral, Qubec: Socit de Track 6. Feuillet d'album, no. 1 (2:49)
recherche et de diffusion de la musique
Track 12. Nibo (2:06)
haitienne. (OCLC# 181335113; also
available for purchase from the SRDMH: Tchaka mizik [CD]. (2010). [Recorded by the
info@srdmh.org) C Force; Terry Manning, producer].
[Includes Piccola sonatina] Track 10. Nibo (1:34)
Tchaka mizik [CD]. (2010). [Recorded by the Phillips, C. P. (2001). A vision of Ludovic
C Force; Terry Manning, producer]. Lamothe [CD]. Florida: Ifa Music.
Track 7. Invocation Dambala (1:55) Track 1. Sous la tonnelle (3:17)
Track 8. Gros loa moin (1:30) Track 2. Evocation (5:49)
Track 3. Feuillet d'album, no.1, in F# minor
Track 4. Feuillet d'album, no.2, in D flat
major (4:03)
Track 5. Danza, no. 1, in F minor (3:30) Track 8. Sonate vodou jazz: Avec allure
Track 6. Danza, no. 2, in C major (7:00) (4:57)
Track 7. Danza, no. 3, in E flat major (4:55) Track 10. Msi bon di (2:35)
Track 8. Danza, no. 4, in A minor (3:46) Track 11. Erzulie malade (2:15)
Track 9. Ballade, in A minor (6:21) Track 12. Erzulie Oh! Erzulie Sa! (1:49)
Track 10. Danse capoise (3:15) Track 13. Trois feuilles, trois racines, Oh!
Track 11. Valse de concert, in A flat major
(4:41) Track 14. Belle Hati (1:31)
Track 12. Danse espagnole, no. 4, in B Tchaka mizik [CD]. (2010). [Recorded by the
minor (5:15) C Force; Terry Manning, producer].
Russell, J. (2010). Valses to voodoo: Piano Track 9. Tangente de Yanvalou (4:48)
music of Haitian composer Ludovic Verret
Lamothe. Available from
http://www.joshuarussellpianist.com/produc Saint-Eloi, J. E. (1999). Music of the Haitian
ts/ masters [CD]. Florida: Ifa Music Records
(IFA 256; one disc).
Track 1. Danse espagnole (3:29)
Track 2. Mringue Hatienne, nostalgie
Track 2. Feuillet d'album no. 2 (3:09) (6:17)
Track 3. Sobo (3:04) Track 3. Valse, Rose printaniere (4:47)
Track 4. Loco (1:56)
Track 5. Sous la tonnelle (3:06) SOUND FILES
Track 6. Valse romantique (5:28) Bontemps
Track 7. Habanera (3:21) Available at
Track 8. Danza no.3 (3:59) http://www.myspace.com/davidbontemps
Track 9. Valse de concert, in A Flat (4:45) Erzili O
Prlude 8, lamentoso
Track 10. Gavotte dans le style ancien Sans titre
Track 11. Tango (3:22)
Track 12. Libellule
Available at
Racine http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/sainteloi
Belle Ayiti: Mizik savant Ayisyen (Beautiful [Les chants de la montagne, no. 1: The Echo
Haiti: Haitian classical music) [CD]. (Ismao-o!)]
(2007). [Recorded by Z.A.M.A.]. (one disc,
75:29). Available from Mary Procopio, Geffrard, N.
mary.procopio@mcc.edu, or from Available at
Educavision.com http://www.nationalanthems.info/ht.htm
Track 4. Tangente au Yanvalou (4:40) [La Dessalinienne]
Track 6. Sonate vodou jazz: Moderato
Track 7. Sonate vodou jazz: Pry (2:10)