Recent Studies On Piled-Raft Foundation: State of Art: V.J.Sharma, S.A.Vasanvala, C.H.Solanki
Recent Studies On Piled-Raft Foundation: State of Art: V.J.Sharma, S.A.Vasanvala, C.H.Solanki
Recent Studies On Piled-Raft Foundation: State of Art: V.J.Sharma, S.A.Vasanvala, C.H.Solanki
ABSTRACT : Due to increase of civilization in recent decades the demand of land for construction purpose has
increased exponentially. As most of the time site available consists of weak subsoil conditions, piled raft
foundation has been preferred on large scale due its efficiency of carrying high vertical loads within the
permissible settlement limits and cost effectiveness compared to pile foundation system. This paper presents the
brief review of various studies on piled-raft foundation in last decade. The paper also reveals latest
modification done in conventional piled-raft as per site conditions and loading criteria.
Keywords: Differential Settlement, Total Settlement, Finite Element Method, Non-Identical Piles, Composite
Piled-Raft, Viscohypoplastic
Garcia F etal [8] had applied viscohypo plastic beneath the raft was used to redistribute and adjust
model to the case history of piled raft the stress ratio of piles to subsoil. Researchers [13,
foundation- Messeturm tower in Frankfurt 41, 14, 40] had carried out rigorous analysis on
Germany with 3D FEM analysis with ABAQUS CPRF system .Liang F.Y. etal [13] have carried out
and the user subroutine UMAT developed by A. numerical analysis of composite piled raft with
Niemunis and the geotechnical group of the cushion subjected to vertical load. Influencing
Karlsruhe university in Germany. The calculated factors such as ratio of length to diameter and
results are compared with the in situ measurements elastic moduli of piles as well as thickness and
with the purpose to verify the viscohypoplastic law elastic modulus of cushion were studied in details.
in a boundary value problem. It was found that Load-sharing ratios of piles and subsoil as well as
viscohypoplastic model can predict with good level foundation settlement were also investigated.
of agreement the behavior of a piled raft Zheng J.J. etal [41] carried out 3D non-linear finite
foundation. Reul O. [29] has carried out numerical element modeling of composite foundation formed
study of bearing behavior of piled rafts in by Cement-Flyash-Gravel-lime piles which is a
overconsolidated clay. It is shown that the widely used ground improvement technique. A
interaction between piles and rafts is a major CFGlime multi-pile composite foundation is a
influence on bearing capacity of piled-raft new concept utilizing CFG and lime piles as shown
foundation. in fig 2. The parameters studied include the length
To mobilize shallow soil in coastal areas to and diameter of piles and the thickness of the
participate in the interaction of piled raft foundation cushion. The stress distribution beneath the
sufficiently, the researchers extended the concept of composite foundation, the influence of the cushion
piled raft to a new type of foundation named on load-settlement behavior, and the ratio of
composite piled raft. In the system of composite stresses in the piles to those in the subsoil are also
piled raft, the short piles made of flexible materials studied. The results show that settlement is much
were used to strengthen the shallow soft soil, while more significantly affected by the length and
the long piles made of relatively rigid materials diameter of the CFG pile rather than that of the
were used to reduce the settlements and the cushion lime pile, thus CFG pile acts as a settlement-