Keyword For API 580 PDF
Keyword For API 580 PDF
Keyword For API 580 PDF
1. Purpose available
1.1. General
Users basic elements RBI Programdeveloping, Implementing, maintaining if inspection technology not adequately and/or cost-effectively mitigate risks, with RBI
- guide the direction of inspection technology development
owners, operators, designers of pressure-containing equipment developing, implementing - deployment of emerging inspection technologies that underutilized
inspection program
- understanding the design premise 1.4. RBI as an Integrated Management Tool
- planning the RBI assessment Integration of these risk management efforts is key to the success of a risk management
- data and information collection program: RBI with RCM, PHA, IOWs
- identifying damage mechanisms and failure modes
- assessing POF RBI provide:
- assessing COF - inspection and maintenance plans action to provide reliable and safe operation
- risk determination, assessment, and management - input into an organizations annual planning and budgeting
- risk management with inspection activities and process control
- other risk mitigation activities RBI integrated management system managing and controlling damage
- reassessment and updating mechanisms in fixed equipmentdefining and maintaining IOWs, robust MOC process
- roles, responsibilities, training, and qualifications
- documentation and recordkeeping 2. Scope
RBI process generating: 2.1. Industry Scope
- relative risk ranking Hydrocarbon and chemical process industry
- detailed description of the inspection plan
o methods 2.2. Flexibility in Application
o extent of application diversity in organizationssize, culture, federal and/or local regulatory requirements
o timing (interval/due date)
o risk management RBI is intended to promote consistency and quality in the identification, assessment, and
- Risk mitigation activities description management of risks pertaining to material deterioration, which could lead to loss of containment.
- expected risk levels after implementation
- risk drivers 2.3. Mechanical Integrity Focused
Focused on maintaining the mechanical integrity of pressure equipment, minimizing the
1.2. RBI Benefits and Limitations risk of loss of containment due to deterioration
RBI primary work products manage risks equipment level.
RBInot a substitute for a PHA or HAZOP
highlight risks safety/health/environmenteconomic standpoint RBI complements:
- PHA: the mechanical integrity related damage mechanisms and risk management through
projected risk mitigation cost-effective inspection
- RCM: understanding failure modes, addressing the modes and therefore improving the
RBI plan provide: reliability of equipment and process facilities
- overall reduction in risk
- acceptance/understanding current risk PHA focus on the process unit design, operating, units current/anticipated operating conditions
inspection and maintenancefocused, cost effective identify equipment with acceptable 2.4. Equipment Covered
level riskdoes not require inspection/ mitigation - Pressure Vessels (Pressurized)
reduction inspection data smaller set of data-> more accurate information - Process Piping (Pipe and piping components)
- Storage Tanks (Atmospheric and pressurized)
RBI plans may result cost reductions, risk reductions and process safety improvements - Rotating Equipment (Pressurized)
- Boilers and Heaters (Pressurized)
RBI will not compensate: - Heat exchangers (shells, floating heads, channels, and bundles).
- inaccurate or missing information, - Pressure-relief devices
- inadequate designs or faulty equipment installation, - pump and compressor casings
- operating outside the acceptable IOWs,
- not effectively executing the plans,
- lack of qualified personnel or teamwork,
- lack of sound engineering or operational judgment
5.2. Risk Management and Risk Reduction risk analysisdevelop inspection planif necessary other mitigation actionsevaluate
risk is known, magnitude of the risk is established risk management residual risk
Risk management: process to assess risks, determine risk reduction required, develop damage modegeneral metal losson-stream wall thickness
plan to maintain risks at an acceptable level measurementsrequirement shut down/repair on-streamFitness-For-Service
acceptance criteria
risk reduction: act of mitigating a known risk that is deemed to be too high to a lower,
more acceptable level of risk with some form of risk reduction activity
5.5. Inspection Optimization
risk reduction part of risk management risk determined inspection techniques, process monitoring effectiveness reducing risk
estimated or quantified adequate information available for planning, optimizing, and
5.3. The Evolution of Inspection Intervals/Due Dates implementing an RBI program
established inspection, testing programs, process monitoring to detect and evaluate
deterioration due to the effects of in-service operation
risk cannot be reduced to zero solely by inspection efforts residual risk factors
strongly influenced by the PSM system
- human error
- natural disasters
- external events (e.g. collisions or falling objects)
- secondary effects from nearby units
- consequential effects from associated equipment in the same unit,deliberate acts
(e.g. sabotage)
- fundamental limitations of inspection methods,
- design errors
- unknown or unanticipated mechanisms of damage
possible consequences:
- form a vapor cloud that could ignite causing injury and equipment damage; RBI procedurequalitatively, quantitatively, semi-quantitatively
- release of a toxic chemical that could cause health problems; Each approach provides screen for risk, identify areas of potential concern, develop a
- result in a spill and cause environmental damage; prioritized listmore in depth inspection or analysis
- force a unit shutdown and have an adverse economic impact;
risk ranking evaluating separately the POF and the potential COFcombined estimate systems definition, hazard identification and consequence
risk of failure analysisintegrally linked
approach selected at the beginning or may be changed as the analysis progresses Hazard identification focuses identifiable failure mechanisms equipment
consistency is vital (inspectable causes)not explicitly deal with other potential failure (power
failures/human errors)
risk below the acceptance criteria specified by the management no further
analysis, inspection or mitigation within time frame if conditions and assumptions QRA deals with total risk
Data that typically analyzed in QRA:
6.3.1. Qualitative Approach - existing HAZOP or PHA results,
enables completion risk assessment in the absence of detailed quantitative - dike and drainage design,
data. - hazard detection systems,
requires data inputsbasis :engineering judgment and experience - fire protection systems,
accuracy dependent background and expertise risk analysts and team - release statistics,
members - injury statistics,
- population distributions,
Inputs data ranges Results qualitative terms high, medium, low - topography,
(numerical values may associated with categories) - weather conditions,
- land use
less precise than quantitative approaches effective in screening out units
and equipment with low risk 6.3.3. Semi-quantitative Approach
has aspects derived from both the qualitative and
may used for any aspect of inspection plan development quantitative approaches
conservatism should be considered when making final mitigation and obtain the major benefits previous two approaches (e.g. speed of the
inspection plan decisions qualitative and rigor of the quantitative)
Typically, data used in a quantitative approach needed but in less detail
6.3.2. Quantitative Approach models not rigorous as for the quantitative
Distinguished qualitative approach: analysis depth and integration of
detailed assessments resultsconsequence and probability categories/risk numbers but numerical
Resultstypically presented as risk numbers values may be
QRA refers prescriptive methodology resulted from the application of
risk analysis techniques at many different types of facilities, including 6.3.4. Continuum of Approaches
hydrocarbon and chemical process facilities RBI approachesnot competing but complementary
QRA integrates uniform methodology relevant information facility design, high level qualitativeused at a unit levelselect the unit within a highest
operating practices, operating history, component reliability, human actions, risk for further analysis
the physical progression of accidents, and potential environmental and
health effects screened after qualitativequantitative for the higher risk
QRAlogic modelscombinations of events that result in severe qualitative consequence combined with a semi-quantitative probability
accidentsphysical models progression of accidents and the transport of a analysis
hazardous material to the environment
user cautioned about comparing specific results
Modelsevaluated probabilisticallyprovide both qualitative and unless the same or very similar RBI methodologies and assumptions were
quantitative insightslevel of riskidentify the applied
design, site, or operational characteristics that are the most important to risk
user cautioned against drawing conclusions about different results when
QRA logic models consist of event trees and fault trees different methodologies are used to evaluate the same piece of equipment
Event trees delineate initiating events and combinations of system
successes and failures
fault trees depict ways in which the system failures represented
in the event trees can occur
level of confidence inspection data and the technique should be considered cost-effective inspectionplans describe the type, scope and timing of
inspection/examination recommended
many extraneous factors will affect estimate of damage rate (probability) and the
magnitude of a failure (consequence) that cannot be fully taken into account with a fixed level of the unmitigated riskevaluate the urgencyinspection
6.6.3. Evaluation and Fitness-For-Service Analysis
Quantitativelogic modelscalculate POF COFcharacterize materials damage of key parts RBI process Evaluate inspection, examination results , conducting
equipment and determine the COFsignificant variabilityerror and FFS
inaccuracyimpacting the quality of the risk assessmentlogic models are validated by
expert judgment inspection process reduction in uncertaintybetter quantify calculated risk
without inspection result evaluation and
accuracy depends sound methodology, quality data, and knowledgeable personnel FFS after the inspection may not be accomplished effective risk reduction
6.5. Understanding How RBI Can Help to Manage Operating Risks FFS knowledge and expertise inspector
mechanical integrity and functional performance of equipment operate safely and and engineers involved when deterioration is within known acceptable limits /
reliablynormal and abnormal (upset) operating conditions engineering analysis API 579-1/ASME FFS-1
susceptibility current and projected operating condition: 6.6.4. Other Risk Management
- normal operation inspection may not be sufficient manage risks acceptable levels:
- upset conditions, - equipment nearing retirement;
- normal start-up and shutdown, - failure mechanisms (such as brittle fracture, fatigue) where avoidance of
- idle or out-of-service time, failure primarily depends on design and operating within a defined
- emergency shutdown and subsequent start-up pressure/temperature envelope;
- consequence-dominated risks
Process variables
- process fluid, contaminants and aggressive components; non-inspection mitigation actions equipment repair, replacement or upgrade,
- pressures, including cyclic and transient conditions; equipment redesign or maintenance of strict controls on operating
- temperatures, including cyclic and transient conditions; conditionsmay only appropriate reduce risk to acceptable levels (section 14)
- flow rates;
- desired unit run length between scheduled shutdowns (turnarounds) 6.7. Relationship Between RBI and Other Risk-Based and Safety Initiatives
6.7.1. General
current condition established IOW POFCOFriskmitigation, inspection, other risk-based and safety initiatives:
metallurgy change or change in operating conditions - OSHA PSM programs
- EPA risk management programs - What are their roles in the RBI process?
- ACC responsible care - Who is responsible and accountable for what actions?
- ASME risk assessment publications - Which facilities, assets, and components will be included?
- CCPS risk assessment techniques - What data is to be used in the assessment?
- RCM - What codes and standards are applicable?
- PHA - When the assessment will be completed?
- safeguarding analysis - How long the assessment will remain in effect and when it will be updated?
- SIL - How the results will be used?
- LOPA - What is the plan period?
6.7.2. PHA
identify and analyze hazards in a process unit development of the RBI program should have been completed:
Hazards potential equipment failure due to in-service degradation - establish the objectives of the risk analysis,
RBI can include a review of the output from any PHA - identify the physical boundaries,
- identify the operating boundaries,
Hazardincrease the POF - develop screening questions and criteria consistent with the objectives of the
Potential hazardsPHA affect the POF analysis and identified physical and operating boundaries
Events/ process design or instrumentation deficiencies hazard process upset
Next step: identifying required data and information for collection
Hazardeffect COF potential failure of an isolation valve increase the
inventory of material available for release in the event of a leak 7.2. Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
7.2.1. General
6.7.3. PSM RBI assessmentclear objectives and goalsfully understood by all members
effective PSM significantly reduce risk levels OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119 and 7.2.2. Understand Risks
API 750 understand the risks involved in the operation of a plant
understand the effects that inspection, maintenance and mitigation actions have
RBI focus inspection plan strengthened PSM program on the risks
7.2.3. Define Risk Criteria
6.7.4. Equipment Reliability RBI team and managementjudge individual equipment item and cumulative
provide inputprobability analysis RBI risks are acceptable
reliability recordsdevelop equipment failure probabilities and leak frequencies
leaks secondary failures (loss of utilities) if users company risk criteria do not exist.-->judge acceptability of risk could be
RCM linked with RBI reduce downtime an objective of the RBI assessment
RCM reliability equipment other than
pressure equipment and pressure equipment that do not pertain to loss 7.2.4. Management of Risks
of containment (e.g. tray damage and valve reliability) risks identifiedreducing risk to acceptable levelinspection actions and/or other
mitigation that have a positive effect
6.8. Relationship with Jurisdictional Requirements
Codes and legal requirementsvary from one jurisdiction to another significantly different from the inspection actions undertaken during a statutory or
certification type inspection program
specific actions type of inspections and inspection intervals
jurisdictions prescriptive time-based inspection intervals do not preclude gaining results of managing and reducing risk improved safety, avoided losses of
significant benefits as long as jurisdictional requirements are met and as long as the containment, and avoided commercial losses
local regulations do not specifically prohibit the use of RBI planning
7.2.5. Reduce Costs
permit API inspection codes and standards RBI should be an acceptable method for RBI assessment Reducing inspection costs side effect
establishing inspection plans and setting inspection due dates of optimization