375 - 375L Specalog (AEHQ3850) PDF
375 - 375L Specalog (AEHQ3850) PDF
375 - 375L Specalog (AEHQ3850) PDF
Hydraulic Excavator
Productive The Cat 375/375 L Excavator is designed to produceand built to last!
375/375 L
Large, spacious operator station designed to promote operator comfort
Operator Comfort and ease of operation for maximum, shift-long productivity.
Electronic Power
Control (EPC)
Electronic Engine Throttle Electronic underspeed Backup Functions In the
Dial on the right console control system destrokes rare case of an electronic
provides easy, accurate hydraulic pumps if engine slows malfunction backup switches
throttle settings. under load. for the electronic throttle
Automatic Engine Control System maintains engine control and/or pump control
AEC - reduces engine RPM RPMs for maximum hydraulic allow the machine to keep
to 1300 if no hydraulic function power. working.
is used for 3 seconds. System allows excavator to
Manual AEC - reduces engine use full engine power
RPM to 950 when the switch at eliminates need for built-in
the top of the right joystick is reserve horsepower.
activated, touching it again or Power mode selector
activating hydraulic function electronically controls engine
returns to the original RPM speed and powermaximizes
setting. fuel efficiency and reduces
Diagnostic Capability noise.
Access to comprehensive Level I setting allows
machine self diagnosis is 60 percent of the hydraulic
available through the monitor outputmaximum fuel
panel. efficiency, lowest noise level.
Level II setting provides
80 percent of the available
powerreduces fuel
consumption and noise.
Level III setting delivers
100 percent of available
powerfor maximum
375/375 L
P P P C (Proportional Priority
Pressure Compensated Hydraulic Advanced, closed-center hydraulic system proportions oil flow according
to joystick movement, providing smooth, predictable implement control
System) and high productivity.
Components and Cat 375/375 L Excavator structures are built to withstand the toughest
Structures working conditions.
375/375 L
Caterpillar built undercarriageunique design specifically for
Highly Mobile, Stable excavatorscan be configured with emphasis on stability,
maneuverability, lifting capacity, boom/stick choice, ground conditions
Undercarriage or ease of transport according to job application.
Caterpillar Engine Controls
Flywheel power Two joystick hand levers actuate boom, stick,
at 1800 RPM.........................319 kW (428 HP) bucket and swing. (SAE pattern.)
Kilowatts (kW) is the International System of Units Right lever: Move forward and backward to lower and
equivalent to horsepower. raise boom. Move left and right to control bucket curl
and dump. Button on top is automatic engine control
Net power at the flywheel of the machine engine is based on standard air conditions of systems manual switch. Operator can increase or
25 C (77 F) and 99 kPa (29.32 Hg) dry barometer. Power is based on using 35 API
gravity fuel having an LHV of 42 780 kJ/kg (18,390 Btu/lb) when used at 30 C (86 F) decrease engine speed by pushing the button.
[ref. a density of 838.9 g/L (7.001 lb/U.S. gal)]. Net power advertised is the power
available at the flywheel when the engine is equipped with fan, air cleaner, muffler Left lever: Move forward and backward to move stick
and alternator. No derating required up to 2300 m (7,550 ft) altitude.
out and in. Move left and right to control direction of
Caterpillar four-stroke-cycle, 3406C turbocharged swing. Button on top controls horn.
ATAAC diesel engine with six cylinders, 137 mm (5.4") Oblique movement of either lever operates two
bore, 165 mm (6.5") stroke and 14.6 liters (893 in3) functions simultaneously. Manually applied lever on
displacement. left console cuts off pilot pressure for joysticks and
Direct-injection fuel system with injection pump. travel controls and electrical power for engine starting
Cam-turned and tapered, aluminum-alloy pistons circuit.
have three rings each and are oil cooled. Connecting Monitor panel contains switches for power mode
rods are tapered. selector, automatic engine control, lights, windshield
Uniflow cylinder head design eliminates crossover wiper, windshield washer, travel speed selector and
manifold piping. Internal fuel, oil and water passages alarm cancel. Blind switch for troubleshooting also is
used instead of external lines. Deep-skirted, cast located on monitor panel.
cylinder block. Induction-hardened, forged crankshaft.
Steel camshaft is fully journaled at every block Steering
bulkhead. Oscillating roller followers and short
pushrods for precision engine timing. Four alloy-steel Two rocker pedals with detachable hand
valves per cylinder. levers control steering and travel functions.
Controls are pilot-operated for reduced efforts. Left
Direct-electric, 24-volt starting system with a 75-amp pedal and lever control left track; right pedal and
alternator, 7.5 kW starter and two 12-volt, 210-amp- lever control right track. When idlers are in front:
hour batteries. (1) Pushing both pedals or levers forward moves the
excavator straight ahead. (2) Rocking both pedals or
pulling both levers backward moves the excavator
Hydraulic System straight back. (3) Moving one pedal or lever more than
the other, either forward or backward, results in a
Two variable-displacement, axial-piston gradual turn. (4) Moving one pedal or lever forward
pumps power the boom, stick, bucket and and the other pedal or lever backward counter-rotates
travel. A third pump powers the swing circuit. One, the tracks for spot turns.
single-section, gear-type pump powers the pilot
Main system:
Implement Two wet, multiple-disc brakes are used on the
pump flow ................2 x 430 liters/min (2 x 114 GPM) final drive input shafts. Spring-applied,
Swing pump flow...................340 liters/min (90 GPM) hydraulically released. Actuating a travel control
Maximum pressure: simultaneously releases the brakes. When the controls
Implements .............................31 400 kPa (4,550 psi) are released, the brakes automatically apply.
Travel ......................................34 300 kPa (4,980 psi)
Swing.......................................27 500 kPa (3,980 psi) Drive
Pilot system:
Fully hydrostatic drive. Each track is driven
Maximum flow......................50 liters/min (13.2 GPM)
by an independent, two-speed, axial-piston
Maximum pressure.........................3500 kPa (505 psi)
hydraulic motor. Triple-reduction, planetary final
Cylinders, bore and stroke:
drives are splash lubricated. Track motors, brakes and
Boom (2)........................200 x 1967 mm (7.87" x 77.4") final drives are integrated in the track roller frame for
Stick (1) ......................220 x 2262 mm (8.66" x 89.06") protection against contact damage.
Bucket (1):
Maximum drawbar pull..................563 kN (126,600 lb)
H family....................200 x 1376 mm (7.87" x 54.17")
J family.....................220 x 1508 mm (8.66" x 59.37") Maximum travel speed ....................4.4 km/h (2.7 mph)
375/375 L
Track Service Refill Capacities
Caterpillar designed and built, track-type
undercarriage unique to excavators. Robot- Liters U.S. Gallons
welded, U-shaped track roller frames with hydraulic Fuel Tank 990 (261.1)
adjusters. Sealed and lubricated rollers and idlers. Cooling System 95 (25.1)
Sealed track with double-grouser shoes. Self-cleaning,
apex shoes available. Lubrication:
Engine oil 65 (17.1)
375 375 L Swing drives (each) 13.5 (3.6)
Number of shoes, Final drives (each) 25 (6.6)
each side 47 51
Hydraulic system (includes tank) 995 (262.9)
Number of track rollers, Hydraulic Tank 780 (206.1)
each side 8 9
Overall track length 5845 mm 6360 mm
(19'2") (20'10") Major Component Weights
Gauge (Extended) 3510 mm 3510 mm
(11'6") (11'6")
Gauge (Retracted)* 2750 mm 2750 mm
(9') (9') Upperstructure
(without counterweight and front linkage)
Widths of available shoes .....................................................19 450 kg (42,800 lb)
Double grouser 610 mm 610 mm
(24") (24")
750 mm 750 mm ......................................................11 790 kg (26,000 lb)
(30") (30")
900 mm 900 mm Undercarriage
(36") (36") Standard
Single grouser 610 mm (with 750 mm/30" shoes).............30 250 kg (66,600 lb)
(24") Track Roller Frame (each) ..........11 600 kg (25,600 lb)
Ground clearance 890 mm 890 mm Long (with 900 mm/36" shoes) .....33 300 kg (73,400 lb)
(2'11") (2'11") Track Roller Frame (each) ..........13 100 kg (28,900 lb)
*Retracted gauge for 900 mm (36") shoes is 2940 mm (9'8"). Boom (includes pins and lines, three cylinders)
Reach 8800 mm/28'10" .....................9410 kg (20,700 lb)
General Purpose 8400 mm/27'6" .....9300 kg (20,500 lb)
Mass excavation 7250 mm/23'10"....9620 kg (21,200 lb)
Swing Mechanism Stick nomenclature consists of three elements. The first
element is a letter that indicates which boom the stick
Two fixed-displacement, axial-piston motors will fit. The second element is a number. It indicates the
power swing mechanism. Triple-planetary, length in meters. The third element is a letter. It tells
double-reduction gear sets drive pinion. Pinions are which family of buckets will fit the stick. For example,
enclosed in grease bath to keep contaminants out and the R4.4H stick is a 4.4 meter stick which fits the reach
to extend service intervals. Releasing swing control boom and uses "H" family buckets.
cuts hydraulic power to swing motors and acts as a (for Reach 8800 mm (28'10") Boom*)
brake. Moving swing lever in opposite direction also R5.5H (18'1") ......................................3560 kg (7,800 lb)
will stop the swing. Automatic swing brake is spring R4.4H (14'5") ......................................3230 kg (7,100 lb)
applied and hydraulically released. Automatic, oil-disc (General Purpose 8400 mm (27'6") Boom*)
brake applies four seconds after swing control is R5.5H (18'1") ......................................3560 kg (7,800 lb)
released. Shipping lock pins upperstructure to carbody R4.4H (14'5") ......................................3230 kg (7,100 lb)
to prevent rotation during transport. R3.4J (11'2")........................................2980 kg (6,600 lb)
Swing torque..........................224 kNm (165,800 lb-ft) R2.9J (9'7") .........................................2890 kg (6,400 lb)
Swing speed ......................................................5.7 RPM (for Mass excavation 7250 mm (23'10") Boom*)
M4.1J (13'7").......................................3260 kg (7,200 lb)
M3.4J (11'2") .......................................2970 kg (6,500 lb)
M2.9J (9'7").........................................2890 kg (6,400 lb)
*includes pins and lines.
Configuration 375* 375 L**
Reach Excavator (Reach boom)
Shipping Weight:
Stick R5.5H, with 2.8 m3 (3.75 yd3) T bucket 78 400 kg (172,700 lb) 81 470 kg (179,400 lb)
R4.4H, with 3.8 m (5.00 yd ) T bucket
3 3
78 680 kg (173,300 lb) 81 750 kg (180,100 lb)
Note: Shipping weights include: lubricants, coolant, 10% fuel, bucket linkage, specified bucket and long tips.
For operating weight add 630 kg (1,390 lb).
* Weights shown are for machines equipped with 750 mm (30") shoes.
** Weights shown are for machines equipped with 900 mm (36") shoes.
See table below for weight differences for optional track shoes.
Weight Difference
Track 375 375 L
610 mm (24") double grouser 970 kg (2,100 lb) 2190 kg (4,800 lb)
375/375 L
Optional Equipment
Auxiliary boom lines: Boom, Reach Guards:
R-boom. Sticks: Falling object.
M-boom. R5.5H 5500 mm (18'1"). Front cab.
G.P. Boom. R4.4H 4400 mm (14'5"). Full length, track guiding
Auxiliary stick lines: Boom, General Purpose (two-piece).
R5.5H. Sticks: Sprocket end.
R4.4H. R5.5H 5500 mm (18'1"). Heavy lift.
R2.9J. R4.4H 4400 mm (14'5"). Lubrication system, on board.
M4.1J. R3.4J 3400 mm (11'2"). Sun screen.
M2.9J. R2.9J 2925 mm (9'7"). Track shoes:
Auxiliary hydraulic arrangement: Boom, Mass excavation. 610 mm (24") double grouser.
one-way flow. Sticks: 750 mm (30") double grouser.
one-/two-way flow. M4.1J 4100 mm (13'6"). 900 mm (36") double grouser.
M3.4J 3400 mm (11'2"). 610 mm (24") single grouser.
M2.9J 2925 mm (9'7"). (375 only)
Bucket linkage:
Buckets (see chart).
Tips and sidecutters.
Check valves, boom lowering.
Cold weather starting kit.
Counterweight removal system.
Fast fill fuel system.
Fast fill oil system.
Track Gauge Track Length
The 375 L has a 2750 mm (9')* track gauge, when The 375 has a standard undercarriage length of
retracted, to allow easier transport. The extended 5845 mm (19'2") from end-to-end. It provides a stable
gauge is 3510 mm (11'6"). work platform for many applications around the world
*2940 mm (9'8") with 900 mm (36") shoes. and is well-suited to hard or rock underfoot
conditions. The 375 L has an undercarriage length
of 6360 mm (20'10") end-to-end which provides
additional flotation in soft underfoot conditions.
375/375 L Retracted
5845 mm (19' 2")
Bucket Options
375 L
Reach GP
Tip Weight Boom Boom
Capacity* Width Radius w/o tips Teeth Stick Stick
m3 yd3 mm in mm in kg lb Qty R5.5H R4.4H R5.5H R4.4H
H Buckets
Trenching 2.4 3.25 1380 54 2290 90.2 2120 4,670 4 s s s s
2.8 3.75 1535 60 2290 90.2 2300 5,070 5 s s s s
3.8 5.00 1990 78 2290 90.2 2880 6,340 6 n * n
Rock Ripping 1.5 2.00 1190 47 2137 84.1 2840 6,260 6 s s s s
Tip Weight GP Boom Mass Boom
Capacity* Width Radius w/o tips Teeth Stick Stick
m3 yd3 mm in mm in kg lb Qty R3.4J R2.9J M4.1J M3.4J M2.9J
J Buckets
Heavy Duty 4.4 6.00 2390 94 2234 88.0 4450 9,800 7 * * s s
5.4 7.00 2390 94 2350 92.5 4800 10,570 7 * n
V-Edge Mass Exc 4.0 5.25 2260 89 4130 9,100 6 * n n s s
Reach GP
Tip Weight Boom Boom
Capacity* Width Radius w/o tips Teeth Stick Stick
m3 yd3 mm in mm in kg lb Qty R5.5H R4.4H R5.5H R4.4H
H Buckets
Trenching 2.4 3.25 1380 54 2290 90.2 2120 4,670 4 s s s s
2.8 3.75 1535 60 2290 90.2 2300 5,070 5 n s s s
3.8 5.00 1990 78 2290 90.2 2880 6,340 6 * * n
Rock Ripping 1.5 2.00 1190 47 2137 84.1 2840 6,260 6 s s s s
Tip Weight GP Boom Mass Boom
Capacity* Width Radius w/o tips Teeth Stick Stick
m3 yd3 mm in mm in kg lb Qty R3.4J R2.9J M4.1J M3.4J M2.9J
J Buckets
Heavy Duty 4.4 6.00 2390 94 2234 88.0 4450 9,800 7 * * n s
5.4 7.00 2390 94 2350 92.5 4800 10,570 7 * n
V-Edge Mass Exc 4.0 5.25 2260 89 4130 9,100 6 * n n s s
375/375 L
375/375 L Reach The Caterpillar 375/375 L Reach Excavator is designed to allow flexibility
to tailor the digging envelope and lifting capacities where reach and
Excavator depth are primary considerations.
Dimensions (approximate)
R5.5H R4.4H
Stick 5500 mm (18'1") 4400 mm (14'5")
Shipping height * 5310 mm (17'5") 4690 mm (15'5")
Shipping length 14 650 mm (48'1") 14 710 mm (48'3")
* Shipping height with stick removed is approximately (12'2")
Shoe width 750 mm/30" 900 mm/36"
4300 mm Shipping width 3500 mm/11'6" 3840 mm/12'7"
(14' 1")
3470 mm *4200 mm
(11' 5") (13' 9")
3650 mm Height
(12' 2") 3290 mm
(10' 10")
375/375 L
375 Reach Excavator Working Feet Meters
Ranges 50 15
40 12
30 9
25 C
20 6
10 3
5 E
0 0
5 4400 mm (14' 5")
2 5500 mm (18' 0")
10 3
15 A
20 6
30 9
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Meters
60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Feet
R5.5H R4.4H
Stick 5500 mm (18'1") 4400 mm (14'5")
Bucket 2.8 m3 (3.75 yd3) 3.8 m3 (5.00 yd3)
A Maximum digging depth 10 840 mm (35'7") 9740 mm (32'0")
B Maximum reach at ground level 15 960 mm (52'4") 14 780 mm (48'6")
C Maximum cutting height 14 500 mm (47'7") 13 610 mm (44'8")
D Maximum loading height 10 350 mm (33'11") 9550 mm (31'4")
E Minimum loading height 2460 mm (8'1") 3560 mm (11'8")
F Maximum digging depth at
2440 mm (8') level bottom 10 750 mm (35'3") 9630 mm (31'7")
G Maximum vertical wall digging depth 9390 mm (30'10") 7790 mm (25'7")
Bucket forces 282 kN (63,400 lb) 281 kN (63,200 lb)
Stick forces 207 kN (46,400 lb) 247 kN (55,500 lb)
375/375 L General The Caterpillar General Purpose Excavator is designed to allow
flexibility to tailor the digging envelope and lift capacities where reach
Purpose Excavator and depth are not primary considerations.
General Purpose boom, Choice of Four sticks allows R5.5H stick, 5500 mm (18'1")
measuring 8400 mm (27'6") general purpose boom to meet long, maximizes working
used where a balance between machines potential in a wide envelope and uses H family
digging envelope and force range of applications. buckets.
levels/bucket capacity are R4.4H stick, at 4400 mm
required. Most common in (14'5") also uses H family
general construction buckets, with larger bucket
applications. capacities.
R3.4J stick, 3400 mm (11'2")
offers a good mix of reach,
depth, bucket capacity, forces
and lifting capacity. Uses J
family buckets.
R2.9J stick, 2925 mm (9'7")
maximizes forces and lift
capacity where reach and
depth are of less importance.
Also uses J family buckets.
Dimensions (approximate)
R5.5H R4.4H R3.4J R2.9J
Stick 5500 mm (18'1") 4400 mm (14'5") 3400 mm (11'2") 2925 mm (9'7")
Shipping height * 5920 mm (19'5") 5240 mm (17'2") 5010 mm (16'5") 4720 mm (15'6")
Shipping length 14 080 mm (46'2") 14 290 mm (46'11") 14 300 mm (46'11") 14 330 mm (47'0")
(13' 9")
3650 mm
(12' 2") 3290 mm
(10' 10")
375/375 L
375 General Purpose Excavator Feet Meters
Working Ranges 50 15
40 12
30 9
20 6
10 3
5 E
0 0
1 2925 mm (9' 7")
5 3400 mm (11' 2")
2 4400 mm (14' 5")
10 3
B 5500 mm (18' 0")
15 A
20 6
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Meters
60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Feet
375/375 L The Cat 375 Mass Excavator is designed to move material faster and
more efficiently in production excavation and loading applications than
Mass Excavator general purpose excavators.
Mass excavation boom, Choice of three sticks allows the M2.9J stick, at 2925 mm
measuring 7250 mm (23'10"), is mass excavation boom to (9'7") long, provides highest
designed to operate with perform exceptionally well in productivity in mass
significantly higher bucket sizes both general and mass excavation applications. It
and digging forces. excavation applications. delivers highest stick forces
Boom is shorterkeeps M4.1J stick, at 4100 mm and works with the largest
working area closer to the (13'6") long, balances reach buckets in the 375 Excavator
machine. and digging depth with bucket line. Equipped with the M2.9J
capacities and digging forces. stick, the 375 Mass Excavator
Thicker, heavier steel plates can effectively compete with
are used in the box-section It is ideal for general
excavation work with mass 90 to 100-ton machinesalso
steel forgings are used in uses J family buckets.
high-stress areas at boom foot, excavation boomuses J
boom nose and boom cylinder family buckets.
mounts. M3.4J stick, measuring
Shorter boom and heavier 3400 mm (11'2") long, is
construction allow maximum designed primarily for mass
stick and bucket forces and earthmoving with larger
large bucket sizes. buckets than the M4.1J stick.
Its working envelope is large
enough to perform general
excavation applicationsalso
uses J family buckets.
(13' 9")
3650 mm
(12' 2") 3290 mm
(10' 10")
375/375 L
Mass Excavator Working Ranges Feet Meters
40 12
30 9
20 6
10 3
0 0
1 2925 mm (9' 7")
5 3400 mm (11' 2")
2 4100 mm (13' 6")
10 3
20 6
30 9
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Meters
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Feet
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM Reach 8800 mm/28'10" BUCKET 2.4 m3/3.25 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R5.5H 5500 mm/18'1" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft 13.5 m/45.0 ft
BOOM Reach 8800 mm/28'10" BUCKET 2.4 m3/3.25 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R5.5H 5500 mm/18'1" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft 13.5 m/45.0 ft
BOOM Reach 8800 mm/28'10" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.4 m3/3.25 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R5.5H 5500 mm/18'1" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft 13.5 m/45.0 ft
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft
*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R3.4J 3400 mm/11'2" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R3.4J 3400 mm/11'2" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft
*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R2.9J 2925 mm/9'7" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R2.9J 2925 mm/9'7" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft
*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Standard
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Standard
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft
*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R3.4J 3400 mm/11'2" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Standard
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R3.4J 3400 mm/11'2" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Standard
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft
*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.
375/375L Hydraulic Excavator
1998, 2000, 2001 Caterpillar
Printed in U.S.A.
AEHQ3850-05 (06-01)
(replaces AEHQ3850-04) Featured machines in the photos may include optional equipment.
NACD Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.