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375 - 375L Specalog (AEHQ3850) PDF

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375/375 L

Hydraulic Excavator

Cat Turbocharged ATAAC

3406C Engine .........................................................319 kW (428 hp)
Travel Speed .......................................................4.4 km/h (2.7 mph)
Drawbar Pull ......................................................546 kN (122,800 lb)
Operating Weights:
375..................................................................81,190 kg (178,800 lb)
375 L...............................................................82,380 kg (181,500 lb)
Introducing the Caterpillar 375 Excavator!
The Cat 375 Excavator represents a new era in excavator design. Created by an international design
team, these excavators serve customers applications worldwide through a wide variety of attachment
configurations. Theyre built in Caterpillar plants, using the most sophisticated manufacturing
technologies. These technologies ensure the highest level of manufacturing quality. And that quality,
along with high Cat design standards, mean the 375 Excavator will deliver the reliability and
productivity you demand from Caterpillar.

Productive The Cat 375/375 L Excavator is designed to produceand built to last!

Exceptional versatility Nine bucketsincluding Excellent fuel efficiency

easily configured through a excavation, extreme service helps maximize your profit.
wide variety of machine excavation, mass excavation, Turbocharged and aftercooled,
attachments. extreme service mass Cat 3406C-ATAAC Engine
Two undercarriages...standard excavation, trenching, and with direct injection fuel
and long. rock designs...are available. system and Air to Air
Standard undercarriage...is Buckets are classified by Aftercooler.
an excellent choice for most families H and J. New proportional priority,
applications. Families match with pressure compensated,
Long undercarriage...places specific sticks. hydraulic system provides
more track on the ground for Power mode selector gives efficient control of hydraulic
high flotation in soft operator a choice of power power for maximum efficiency.
underfoot conditions and settings to match job Automatic engine control
improved stability. requirements, yet conserve fuel. conserves fuel when
Three booms...reach, general Level Iprovides exceptional implement and travel controls
purpose and mass excavation. implement control for are not activated.
Reach boom...maximizes the precision work such as fine Power mode selectorlimits
digging envelope and lifting grading and liftingdelivers power to what is needed for the
capacities. maximum fuel economy and jobincreases fuel economy.
Mass excavation lowest noise levels. Auxiliary hydraulic valve
boom...provides higher Level IIbalances power and is standard.
forces and bucket capacities speed for applications which Additional hydraulic valves
for high production and bulk do not require maximum and lines available from the
earthmoving applications. production. Level II also factory for specialized
General purpose reduces fuel consumption applications.
boom...provides reach and and noise levels.
Level IIIdelivers maximum Heavy lift option available.
depth comparable with
power for heavy duty Increases lifting capability up
competitive models, but with
applications and fast cycle to 15% for operation over the
higher force levels and
timesbest choice for high- front of the machine.
greater bucket capacities.
It is a good alternative for production operations. Provides slow implement
those applications where the speed for precise handling
large envelope of the reach of heavy objects.
boom is not required.
Seven sticksare available to
configure with the booms for
maximum productivity.
Two sticks available for the
Reach boom, and four sticks
for the General purpose.
Three sticks available for
the Mass excavation boom.

375/375 L
Large, spacious operator station designed to promote operator comfort
Operator Comfort and ease of operation for maximum, shift-long productivity.

Pilot-operated, adjustable Monitor panel continually Excellent visibility and

joysticks control all front informs operator of machine ventilation.
end and swing functions. status and houses most Two-piece, retractable front
Pilot-control circuitreduces machine system controls. windshield, sliding window in
lever efforts to less than .9 kg High-definition, liquid crystal doorallow excellent cross
(2 lb) pressurefor easy display (LCD) gauges, for ventilation.
operation. engine coolant temp, Large skylight in rooffor
Load-sensing feature hydraulic oil temp and fuel enhanced overhead visibility.
increases pump flow in direct level. Most switches are Fully adjustable suspension
proportion to joystick located on the monitor seat operator has wide range
movement for precise control, paneleasy to read, even of adjustment for maximum
maximum productivity. in bright sun light. comfort.
Joystick consolesadjust Three-level warning system Fore and aft adjustment.
forward and backward, alerts operator to potential
Height adjustment.
relative to the seat, for component or system
problems before costly damage Suspension adjustment
maximum operator comfort
occurs. according to operators weight.
and productivity.
Indicator light alerts Back cushion, fore and aft
Travel controls either hand adjustment.
lever or foot pedal operated operator to a problem that
should be checked when the Seat cushion, fore and aft
offer maximum versatility, adjustment.
increased productivity. machine is stopped.
Master warning light alerts Armrest height adjustment.
Pedalsallow operator to
operator to a serious Headrest adjustment.
work implement joysticks
while moving machine problemoperator should Retractable seat belt.
excellent for fine-grading and reduce working load and Air conditioner, heater,
pipehandling operations. check problem as soon as defroster and fan are
Leversallow inching for possible. standard allow greater
precision operations such as Warning buzzer tells operator comfort.
placing pipe. operator to stop machine Operator selects fresh,
Levers can be removed from immediately to help prevent recirculated, heated or cooled
pedalsgiving the operator a serious damage. air at the flip of a switch.
choice if he prefers only foot Flat, push-type switches Sixteen ventsdesigned in,
pedals. protected from dust and not added on.
moisture. Indicator by each Air vents are provided below
switch tells whether the the front window, below the
switch is on or off. seat and along the two rear
Low sound levels machine pillars of the cab.
is designed to keep noise levels Louvers allow operator to
to a minimum. direct air flow for maximum
Resiliently mounted cab comfort.
reduces amount of noise Positive filtered ventilation
transmitted to operator maintains cab pressure
through machine. preventing unfiltered air from
Rubber mounted hydraulic entering.
control valve reduces Air is filtered before entering
vibration and noise transfer cabmaintains cleaner
to the mainframe. operator environment.
Thick rubber matreduces Vandal guards are standard
sound entry through the floor. Guards cover windshield and
Headliner, door panel, right sliding window in door.
side wall panel and rear panel
are insulated for sound

Electronic Power
Control (EPC)
Electronic Engine Throttle Electronic underspeed Backup Functions In the
Dial on the right console control system destrokes rare case of an electronic
provides easy, accurate hydraulic pumps if engine slows malfunction backup switches
throttle settings. under load. for the electronic throttle
Automatic Engine Control System maintains engine control and/or pump control
AEC - reduces engine RPM RPMs for maximum hydraulic allow the machine to keep
to 1300 if no hydraulic function power. working.
is used for 3 seconds. System allows excavator to
Manual AEC - reduces engine use full engine power
RPM to 950 when the switch at eliminates need for built-in
the top of the right joystick is reserve horsepower.
activated, touching it again or Power mode selector
activating hydraulic function electronically controls engine
returns to the original RPM speed and powermaximizes
setting. fuel efficiency and reduces
Diagnostic Capability noise.
Access to comprehensive Level I setting allows
machine self diagnosis is 60 percent of the hydraulic
available through the monitor outputmaximum fuel
panel. efficiency, lowest noise level.
Level II setting provides
80 percent of the available
powerreduces fuel
consumption and noise.
Level III setting delivers
100 percent of available
powerfor maximum

375/375 L
P P P C (Proportional Priority
Pressure Compensated Hydraulic Advanced, closed-center hydraulic system proportions oil flow according
to joystick movement, providing smooth, predictable implement control
System) and high productivity.

Two-pump implement PPPC Features smooth Main control valve

system simultaneous multi-function consists of two monobloc valves
Two variable-displacement, control, no need for work mode which use fewer lines and
axial-piston pumps...power choices. reduced restriction for
the implement and travel Proportional joystick increased hydraulic efficiency.
circuits. movement control. Operator Valves, pumps and tank are
Independent swing pump has precise control from closely located for shorter line
one variable-displacement, feathering to full speed runs...decrease system losses
axial-piston pump provides fast because pump flow increases for greater efficiency.
swing, even in multi-function in direct proportion to lever Auxiliary valve is standard
operations. movement...smooth starts and
stops are important when Part of the main control
Two-pump combined flow valve.
provides fast implement speeds handling full loads.
Requires additional
for maximum productivity. Pump flow on demand - pump
hydraulic arrangement
Flow to implements is flow is decreased to a
that includes servo and
determined by lever minimum when implement
pilot lines, upperstructure
movement. and travel controls are in
lines and controls. All
Two-pump flow helps insure neutral...reduces fuel
available as attachments
good simultaneous operation. consumption and noise.
from the factory.
Straight travel feature Synchronized control of
Hydraulic cylinder
automatically maintains multi-functions when
snubbers cushion shocks at
straight travel during maximum flow is reached -
the ends of cylinder
implement operation. allows implements to move at
a reduced rate at maximum
Greatly improves material noiselengthen cylinder life.
flow with flow proportioned
handling and fine grading Used at rod ends of boom
according to operator demand.
capabilities. cylinders and both ends of
High Pressure Cut (HPC) -
stick cylinders.
improves efficiency by
ensuring that the pumps do Cats XT-5 hose and
not produce excess flow. Oil couplings meet the critical
flow is reduced to a minimum flexibility and strength
just before hydraulic pressure demands of todays hard-
reaches relief valve setting. working hydraulic systems.
XT-5 hose and O-ring face seal
couplingsprovide positive
sealing for reliable, leak-free

Components and Cat 375/375 L Excavator structures are built to withstand the toughest
Structures working conditions.

Advanced carbody design Rugged main frame Robot-welded track roller

enhances machine durability. designed for maximum frames
Wide, box-section durability and efficient Fabricated U-section design.
carbodydelivers excellent use of materials. Track roller frames are bolted
resistance to torsional Two outside channel beams to the carbody which allows
bending. and channel cross beams the machine a narrower
Carbody is bolted directly support the operators transport dimension.
to the roller frame by 60 platform and hydraulic Caterpillar excavator booms
heavy-duty bolts to componentry. and sticks built for perfor-
minimize movement Two long, box-section beams mance and long service life.
between the carbody and form the backbone of the main Large, welded, box-section
roller frame. frame, bearing the weight of structures with thick, multi-
Forged swing bearing the counterweight, engine and plate fabrications in high-
support resists high shock boom foot. stress areas.
loads. Boom tower and main Construction allows
Robot weldingensures railsconstructed of solid, structures to flex, dissipate
consistent, high-quality welds high-tensile strength steel stressesresults in
throughout the plates for excellent durability. maximum strength through
manufacturing process. Boom foot and engine mount efficient design and use of
Twin swing motors. areas reinforced for materials.
Dual swing motors provide additional strength. Steel forgingsused at high
excellent swing acceleration Majority of welding is stress areasboom foot, boom
and long life. performed by robots for nose, boom cylinder and stick
The use of two motors allows consistency and quality. foot connections.
a smooth transition of force to Stress relieving of booms and
the swing gear and spreads sticks maximizes life and
the load to enhance swing minimizes structure weight.
gear life.

375/375 L
Caterpillar built undercarriageunique design specifically for
Highly Mobile, Stable excavatorscan be configured with emphasis on stability,
maneuverability, lifting capacity, boom/stick choice, ground conditions
Undercarriage or ease of transport according to job application.

Two undercarriage sizes Caterpillar Sealed Tr a c k Travel motors, brakes and

available machine can be choice of three shoe sizes, for final drives are integrated
configured to match job maximum versatility. as much as possible within the
application, ground conditions Narrow shoes offer the track roller frames for
for best possible performance. longest service lifetransfer protection against contact
Standard undercarriage lowest torsional stresses on damage.
...provides greater the undercarriage Hydraulic lines to track
maneuverability. components. motorsrouted through
This undercarriage offers Medium-width shoes should guarded passages for long
maximum turning be used when additional service life.
capability when equipped traction and flotation are Oil-disc brakes on final
with narrow shoes. required. drive input shafts hold
Standard undercarriage is Wide shoes are recommended machine steady during the
well-suited for applications in soft underfoot conditions work cycle.
that require frequent where maximum flotation is Brakes automatically apply
repositioning of the required. when travel controls are
machine, have restricted Large links, pins and released.
working space, or have bushings form the basis of an Brakes automatically release
uneven or rocky terrain. undercarriage suitable for the when travel controls are
Long undercarriage...provides most demanding applications. activated.
maximum stability and lifting Belleville seals keep dirt out, Track roller frames
capacity. for long service life. U-section design for efficient
This undercarriage is Triple-reduction, planetary use of materials yet exceptional
longer, and heavier than the final drives distribute loads strength and service life.
standard undercarriage. It over multiple teeth for excellent Bolted connection to the
offers the greatest flotation, durability. carbody allows gauge to be
stability and lifting capacity Independent, two-speed, reduced for improved
when equipped with the axial-piston track motors transportability.
widest shoes. deliver smooth power to tracks, Track rollers, carrier rollers
Long undercarriage also is yet allow counter-rotation for and idlerssealed and
best choice when working spot turns and maneuvering in lifetime lubricated for long
with very large buckets. tight quarters. service life.
Automatic shiftingallows Rollers designed specifically
the travel speed to change, for excavator applications.
depending on terrain and Integral idler guards and bolt-
drawbar pull, without on center guards are standard
operator involvement. help maintain track align-
Hydraulic actuation helps ment while traveling or
ensure smooth shifts in working on slopes.
comparison to electronically Optional guard groups
controlled systems. available.
Cross line relief valve
reduces shock during shifts.
Counterbalance valvehelps
prevent overspeed during
downhill travel.

Caterpillar Engine Controls
Flywheel power Two joystick hand levers actuate boom, stick,
at 1800 RPM.........................319 kW (428 HP) bucket and swing. (SAE pattern.)
Kilowatts (kW) is the International System of Units Right lever: Move forward and backward to lower and
equivalent to horsepower. raise boom. Move left and right to control bucket curl
and dump. Button on top is automatic engine control
Net power at the flywheel of the machine engine is based on standard air conditions of systems manual switch. Operator can increase or
25 C (77 F) and 99 kPa (29.32 Hg) dry barometer. Power is based on using 35 API
gravity fuel having an LHV of 42 780 kJ/kg (18,390 Btu/lb) when used at 30 C (86 F) decrease engine speed by pushing the button.
[ref. a density of 838.9 g/L (7.001 lb/U.S. gal)]. Net power advertised is the power
available at the flywheel when the engine is equipped with fan, air cleaner, muffler Left lever: Move forward and backward to move stick
and alternator. No derating required up to 2300 m (7,550 ft) altitude.
out and in. Move left and right to control direction of
Caterpillar four-stroke-cycle, 3406C turbocharged swing. Button on top controls horn.
ATAAC diesel engine with six cylinders, 137 mm (5.4") Oblique movement of either lever operates two
bore, 165 mm (6.5") stroke and 14.6 liters (893 in3) functions simultaneously. Manually applied lever on
displacement. left console cuts off pilot pressure for joysticks and
Direct-injection fuel system with injection pump. travel controls and electrical power for engine starting
Cam-turned and tapered, aluminum-alloy pistons circuit.
have three rings each and are oil cooled. Connecting Monitor panel contains switches for power mode
rods are tapered. selector, automatic engine control, lights, windshield
Uniflow cylinder head design eliminates crossover wiper, windshield washer, travel speed selector and
manifold piping. Internal fuel, oil and water passages alarm cancel. Blind switch for troubleshooting also is
used instead of external lines. Deep-skirted, cast located on monitor panel.
cylinder block. Induction-hardened, forged crankshaft.
Steel camshaft is fully journaled at every block Steering
bulkhead. Oscillating roller followers and short
pushrods for precision engine timing. Four alloy-steel Two rocker pedals with detachable hand
valves per cylinder. levers control steering and travel functions.
Controls are pilot-operated for reduced efforts. Left
Direct-electric, 24-volt starting system with a 75-amp pedal and lever control left track; right pedal and
alternator, 7.5 kW starter and two 12-volt, 210-amp- lever control right track. When idlers are in front:
hour batteries. (1) Pushing both pedals or levers forward moves the
excavator straight ahead. (2) Rocking both pedals or
pulling both levers backward moves the excavator
Hydraulic System straight back. (3) Moving one pedal or lever more than
the other, either forward or backward, results in a
Two variable-displacement, axial-piston gradual turn. (4) Moving one pedal or lever forward
pumps power the boom, stick, bucket and and the other pedal or lever backward counter-rotates
travel. A third pump powers the swing circuit. One, the tracks for spot turns.
single-section, gear-type pump powers the pilot
Main system:
Implement Two wet, multiple-disc brakes are used on the
pump flow ................2 x 430 liters/min (2 x 114 GPM) final drive input shafts. Spring-applied,
Swing pump flow...................340 liters/min (90 GPM) hydraulically released. Actuating a travel control
Maximum pressure: simultaneously releases the brakes. When the controls
Implements .............................31 400 kPa (4,550 psi) are released, the brakes automatically apply.
Travel ......................................34 300 kPa (4,980 psi)
Swing.......................................27 500 kPa (3,980 psi) Drive
Pilot system:
Fully hydrostatic drive. Each track is driven
Maximum flow......................50 liters/min (13.2 GPM)
by an independent, two-speed, axial-piston
Maximum pressure.........................3500 kPa (505 psi)
hydraulic motor. Triple-reduction, planetary final
Cylinders, bore and stroke:
drives are splash lubricated. Track motors, brakes and
Boom (2)........................200 x 1967 mm (7.87" x 77.4") final drives are integrated in the track roller frame for
Stick (1) ......................220 x 2262 mm (8.66" x 89.06") protection against contact damage.
Bucket (1):
Maximum drawbar pull..................563 kN (126,600 lb)
H family....................200 x 1376 mm (7.87" x 54.17")
J family.....................220 x 1508 mm (8.66" x 59.37") Maximum travel speed ....................4.4 km/h (2.7 mph)

Snubbers are used at the rod ends of the boom cylinders

and at both ends of the stick cylinder.

375/375 L
Track Service Refill Capacities
Caterpillar designed and built, track-type
undercarriage unique to excavators. Robot- Liters U.S. Gallons
welded, U-shaped track roller frames with hydraulic Fuel Tank 990 (261.1)
adjusters. Sealed and lubricated rollers and idlers. Cooling System 95 (25.1)
Sealed track with double-grouser shoes. Self-cleaning,
apex shoes available. Lubrication:
Engine oil 65 (17.1)
375 375 L Swing drives (each) 13.5 (3.6)
Number of shoes, Final drives (each) 25 (6.6)
each side 47 51
Hydraulic system (includes tank) 995 (262.9)
Number of track rollers, Hydraulic Tank 780 (206.1)
each side 8 9
Overall track length 5845 mm 6360 mm
(19'2") (20'10") Major Component Weights
Gauge (Extended) 3510 mm 3510 mm
(11'6") (11'6")
Gauge (Retracted)* 2750 mm 2750 mm
(9') (9') Upperstructure
(without counterweight and front linkage)
Widths of available shoes .....................................................19 450 kg (42,800 lb)
Double grouser 610 mm 610 mm
(24") (24")
750 mm 750 mm ......................................................11 790 kg (26,000 lb)
(30") (30")
900 mm 900 mm Undercarriage
(36") (36") Standard
Single grouser 610 mm (with 750 mm/30" shoes).............30 250 kg (66,600 lb)
(24") Track Roller Frame (each) ..........11 600 kg (25,600 lb)
Ground clearance 890 mm 890 mm Long (with 900 mm/36" shoes) .....33 300 kg (73,400 lb)
(2'11") (2'11") Track Roller Frame (each) ..........13 100 kg (28,900 lb)
*Retracted gauge for 900 mm (36") shoes is 2940 mm (9'8"). Boom (includes pins and lines, three cylinders)
Reach 8800 mm/28'10" .....................9410 kg (20,700 lb)
General Purpose 8400 mm/27'6" .....9300 kg (20,500 lb)
Mass excavation 7250 mm/23'10"....9620 kg (21,200 lb)

Swing Mechanism Stick nomenclature consists of three elements. The first
element is a letter that indicates which boom the stick
Two fixed-displacement, axial-piston motors will fit. The second element is a number. It indicates the
power swing mechanism. Triple-planetary, length in meters. The third element is a letter. It tells
double-reduction gear sets drive pinion. Pinions are which family of buckets will fit the stick. For example,
enclosed in grease bath to keep contaminants out and the R4.4H stick is a 4.4 meter stick which fits the reach
to extend service intervals. Releasing swing control boom and uses "H" family buckets.
cuts hydraulic power to swing motors and acts as a (for Reach 8800 mm (28'10") Boom*)
brake. Moving swing lever in opposite direction also R5.5H (18'1") ......................................3560 kg (7,800 lb)
will stop the swing. Automatic swing brake is spring R4.4H (14'5") ......................................3230 kg (7,100 lb)
applied and hydraulically released. Automatic, oil-disc (General Purpose 8400 mm (27'6") Boom*)
brake applies four seconds after swing control is R5.5H (18'1") ......................................3560 kg (7,800 lb)
released. Shipping lock pins upperstructure to carbody R4.4H (14'5") ......................................3230 kg (7,100 lb)
to prevent rotation during transport. R3.4J (11'2")........................................2980 kg (6,600 lb)
Swing torque..........................224 kNm (165,800 lb-ft) R2.9J (9'7") .........................................2890 kg (6,400 lb)
Swing speed ......................................................5.7 RPM (for Mass excavation 7250 mm (23'10") Boom*)
M4.1J (13'7").......................................3260 kg (7,200 lb)
M3.4J (11'2") .......................................2970 kg (6,500 lb)
M2.9J (9'7").........................................2890 kg (6,400 lb)
*includes pins and lines.

Configuration 375* 375 L**
Reach Excavator (Reach boom)
Shipping Weight:
Stick R5.5H, with 2.8 m3 (3.75 yd3) T bucket 78 400 kg (172,700 lb) 81 470 kg (179,400 lb)
R4.4H, with 3.8 m (5.00 yd ) T bucket
3 3
78 680 kg (173,300 lb) 81 750 kg (180,100 lb)

General Purpose (General Purpose boom)

Shipping Weight:
Stick R5.5H, with 2.8 m3 (3.75 yd3) T bucket 78 290 kg (172,400 lb) 81 350 kg (179,200 lb)
R4.4H, with 3.8 m (5.00 yd ) T bucket
3 3
78 570 kg (173,100 lb) 81 630 kg (179,800 lb)
R3.4J, with 3.8 m (5.00 yd ) HD bucket
3 3
79 700 kg (175,500 lb) 82 760 kg (182,300 lb)
R2.9J, with 4.4 m3 (6.00 yd3) HD bucket 80 160 kg (176,600 lb) 83 220 kg (183,300 lb)

Mass Excavator (Mass excavator boom)

Shipping Weight:
Stick M4.1J, with 3.8 m3 (5.00 yd3) HD bucket 80 300 kg (176,900 lb) 83 370 kg (183,600 lb)
M3.4J, with 4.4 m (6.00 yd ) HD bucket
3 3
80 560 kg (177,400 lb) 83 620 kg (184,200 lb)
M2.9J, with 5.4 m (7.00 yd ) HD bucket
3 3
80 820 kg (178,000 lb) 83 900 kg (184,800 lb)

Note: Shipping weights include: lubricants, coolant, 10% fuel, bucket linkage, specified bucket and long tips.
For operating weight add 630 kg (1,390 lb).
* Weights shown are for machines equipped with 750 mm (30") shoes.
** Weights shown are for machines equipped with 900 mm (36") shoes.

See table below for weight differences for optional track shoes.

Weight Difference
Track 375 375 L

610 mm (24") single grouser 870 kg (1,900 lb) NA

610 mm (24") double grouser 970 kg (2,100 lb) 2190 kg (4,800 lb)

750 mm (30") double grouser Standard 1060 kg (2,300 lb)

900 mm (36") double grouser +1040 kg (+2,300 lb) Standard

375/375 L
Optional Equipment
Auxiliary boom lines: Boom, Reach Guards:
R-boom. Sticks: Falling object.
M-boom. R5.5H 5500 mm (18'1"). Front cab.
G.P. Boom. R4.4H 4400 mm (14'5"). Full length, track guiding
Auxiliary stick lines: Boom, General Purpose (two-piece).
R5.5H. Sticks: Sprocket end.
R4.4H. R5.5H 5500 mm (18'1"). Heavy lift.
R2.9J. R4.4H 4400 mm (14'5"). Lubrication system, on board.
M4.1J. R3.4J 3400 mm (11'2"). Sun screen.
M2.9J. R2.9J 2925 mm (9'7"). Track shoes:
Auxiliary hydraulic arrangement: Boom, Mass excavation. 610 mm (24") double grouser.
one-way flow. Sticks: 750 mm (30") double grouser.
one-/two-way flow. M4.1J 4100 mm (13'6"). 900 mm (36") double grouser.
M3.4J 3400 mm (11'2"). 610 mm (24") single grouser.
M2.9J 2925 mm (9'7"). (375 only)
Bucket linkage:
Buckets (see chart).
Tips and sidecutters.
Check valves, boom lowering.
Cold weather starting kit.
Counterweight removal system.
Fast fill fuel system.
Fast fill oil system.

Track Gauge Track Length
The 375 L has a 2750 mm (9')* track gauge, when The 375 has a standard undercarriage length of
retracted, to allow easier transport. The extended 5845 mm (19'2") from end-to-end. It provides a stable
gauge is 3510 mm (11'6"). work platform for many applications around the world
*2940 mm (9'8") with 900 mm (36") shoes. and is well-suited to hard or rock underfoot
conditions. The 375 L has an undercarriage length
of 6360 mm (20'10") end-to-end which provides
additional flotation in soft underfoot conditions.

375/375 L Retracted
5845 mm (19' 2")

375/375 L Extended 6360 mm (20' 10")

Bucket Options
375 L
Reach GP
Tip Weight Boom Boom
Capacity* Width Radius w/o tips Teeth Stick Stick
m3 yd3 mm in mm in kg lb Qty R5.5H R4.4H R5.5H R4.4H
H Buckets
Trenching 2.4 3.25 1380 54 2290 90.2 2120 4,670 4 s s s s
2.8 3.75 1535 60 2290 90.2 2300 5,070 5 s s s s
3.8 5.00 1990 78 2290 90.2 2880 6,340 6 n * n
Rock Ripping 1.5 2.00 1190 47 2137 84.1 2840 6,260 6 s s s s
Tip Weight GP Boom Mass Boom
Capacity* Width Radius w/o tips Teeth Stick Stick
m3 yd3 mm in mm in kg lb Qty R3.4J R2.9J M4.1J M3.4J M2.9J
J Buckets
Heavy Duty 4.4 6.00 2390 94 2234 88.0 4450 9,800 7 * * s s
5.4 7.00 2390 94 2350 92.5 4800 10,570 7 * n
V-Edge Mass Exc 4.0 5.25 2260 89 4130 9,100 6 * n n s s

Reach GP
Tip Weight Boom Boom
Capacity* Width Radius w/o tips Teeth Stick Stick
m3 yd3 mm in mm in kg lb Qty R5.5H R4.4H R5.5H R4.4H
H Buckets
Trenching 2.4 3.25 1380 54 2290 90.2 2120 4,670 4 s s s s
2.8 3.75 1535 60 2290 90.2 2300 5,070 5 n s s s
3.8 5.00 1990 78 2290 90.2 2880 6,340 6 * * n
Rock Ripping 1.5 2.00 1190 47 2137 84.1 2840 6,260 6 s s s s
Tip Weight GP Boom Mass Boom
Capacity* Width Radius w/o tips Teeth Stick Stick
m3 yd3 mm in mm in kg lb Qty R3.4J R2.9J M4.1J M3.4J M2.9J
J Buckets
Heavy Duty 4.4 6.00 2390 94 2234 88.0 4450 9,800 7 * * n s
5.4 7.00 2390 94 2350 92.5 4800 10,570 7 * n
V-Edge Mass Exc 4.0 5.25 2260 89 4130 9,100 6 * n n s s

*Capacities based on SAE J296. Some calculations of capacity fall on borderlines.

Rounding may allow two buckets to have the same English rating but different metric ratings.

Assumptions for maximum material density rating:

1. Front linkage fully extended at ground line
2. Bucket curled
3. 100% bucket fill factor

s 2100 kg/m3 (3,500 lbs/yd3) max material density

n 1800 kg/m3 (3,000 lbs/yd3) max material density
* 1500 kg/m3 (2,500 lbs/yd3) max material density
1200 kg/m3 (2,000 lbs/yd3) max material density

375/375 L

375/375 L Reach The Caterpillar 375/375 L Reach Excavator is designed to allow flexibility
to tailor the digging envelope and lifting capacities where reach and
Excavator depth are primary considerations.

Reach boom, measuring R5.5H stick, 5500 mm (18'1")

8800 mm (28'10"), maximizes long, maximizes the working
digging depth and reach. envelope of the machine and
Choice of two sticks allows uses H family buckets.
reach boom to meet machines R4.4H stick, at 4400 mm
potential in a wide range of (14'5") provides improved
applications. lifting capacity and allows use
of larger H family buckets
with higher material densities
while still providing good
reach and digging depth.

Dimensions (approximate)
R5.5H R4.4H
Stick 5500 mm (18'1") 4400 mm (14'5")
Shipping height * 5310 mm (17'5") 4690 mm (15'5")
Shipping length 14 650 mm (48'1") 14 710 mm (48'3")
* Shipping height with stick removed is approximately (12'2")
Shoe width 750 mm/30" 900 mm/36"
4300 mm Shipping width 3500 mm/11'6" 3840 mm/12'7"

(14' 1")
3470 mm *4200 mm

(11' 5") (13' 9")


3650 mm Height
(12' 2") 3290 mm
(10' 10")

***2750 mm 4600 mm (15' 1")

(9' 0")
5120 mm (16' 10")****
**3510 mm
(11' 6") 5840 mm (19' 2")
4120 mm 6360 mm (20' 10")****
Shipping Length
(13' 6")
* Swing Tail Radius Varies with stick ****Long undercarriage
** Extended
*** Retracted

375/375 L
375 Reach Excavator Working Feet Meters

Ranges 50 15


40 12


30 9

25 C

20 6

10 3

5 E

0 0

5 4400 mm (14' 5")
2 5500 mm (18' 0")
10 3
15 A
20 6


30 9


18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Meters
60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Feet

R5.5H R4.4H
Stick 5500 mm (18'1") 4400 mm (14'5")
Bucket 2.8 m3 (3.75 yd3) 3.8 m3 (5.00 yd3)
A Maximum digging depth 10 840 mm (35'7") 9740 mm (32'0")
B Maximum reach at ground level 15 960 mm (52'4") 14 780 mm (48'6")
C Maximum cutting height 14 500 mm (47'7") 13 610 mm (44'8")
D Maximum loading height 10 350 mm (33'11") 9550 mm (31'4")
E Minimum loading height 2460 mm (8'1") 3560 mm (11'8")
F Maximum digging depth at
2440 mm (8') level bottom 10 750 mm (35'3") 9630 mm (31'7")
G Maximum vertical wall digging depth 9390 mm (30'10") 7790 mm (25'7")
Bucket forces 282 kN (63,400 lb) 281 kN (63,200 lb)
Stick forces 207 kN (46,400 lb) 247 kN (55,500 lb)

375/375 L General The Caterpillar General Purpose Excavator is designed to allow
flexibility to tailor the digging envelope and lift capacities where reach
Purpose Excavator and depth are not primary considerations.

General Purpose boom, Choice of Four sticks allows R5.5H stick, 5500 mm (18'1")
measuring 8400 mm (27'6") general purpose boom to meet long, maximizes working
used where a balance between machines potential in a wide envelope and uses H family
digging envelope and force range of applications. buckets.
levels/bucket capacity are R4.4H stick, at 4400 mm
required. Most common in (14'5") also uses H family
general construction buckets, with larger bucket
applications. capacities.
R3.4J stick, 3400 mm (11'2")
offers a good mix of reach,
depth, bucket capacity, forces
and lifting capacity. Uses J
family buckets.
R2.9J stick, 2925 mm (9'7")
maximizes forces and lift
capacity where reach and
depth are of less importance.
Also uses J family buckets.

Dimensions (approximate)
R5.5H R4.4H R3.4J R2.9J
Stick 5500 mm (18'1") 4400 mm (14'5") 3400 mm (11'2") 2925 mm (9'7")
Shipping height * 5920 mm (19'5") 5240 mm (17'2") 5010 mm (16'5") 4720 mm (15'6")
Shipping length 14 080 mm (46'2") 14 290 mm (46'11") 14 300 mm (46'11") 14 330 mm (47'0")

* Shipping height with stick removed is approximately 3650 mm (12'2")

Shoe width 750 mm/30" 900 mm/36"
4300 mm Shipping width 3500 mm/11'6" 3840 mm/12'7"

(14' 1")
3470 mm

(11' 5") *4200 mm

(13' 9")


3650 mm
(12' 2") 3290 mm
(10' 10")

3510 mm 4600 mm (15'1'')

(11' 6") 5120 mm (16'10")**
4120 mm 5840 mm (19'2")

(13' 6") 6360 mm (20'10")**
Shipping Length
* Swing Tail Radius
Varies with stick **Long undercarriage

375/375 L
375 General Purpose Excavator Feet Meters

Working Ranges 50 15


40 12


30 9

20 6


10 3

5 E

0 0

1 2925 mm (9' 7")
5 3400 mm (11' 2")
2 4400 mm (14' 5")
10 3
B 5500 mm (18' 0")
15 A

20 6



18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Meters
60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Feet

R5.5H R4.4H R3.4J R2.9J

Stick 5500 mm (18'1") 4400 mm (14'5") 3400 mm (11'2") 2925 mm (9'7")
Bucket 2.8 m3 (3.75 yd3) 3.8 m3 (5.00 yd3) 3.8 m3 (5.00 yd3) 3.8 m3 (5.00 yd3)
A Maximum digging depth 10 580 mm (34'9") 9480 mm (31'1") 8500 mm (27'11") 8030 mm (26'4")
B Maximum reach at ground level 15 680 mm (51'5") 14 480 mm (47'6") 13 690 mm (44'11") 13 260 mm (43'6")
C Maximum cutting height 14 530 mm (47'8") 13 570 mm (44'6") 13 480 mm (44'3") 13 320 mm (43'8")
D Maximum loading height 10 310 mm (33'10") 9440 mm (31'0") 9270 mm (30'5") 9090 mm (29'10")
E Minimum loading height 2120 mm (7'0") 3220 mm (10'7") 4200 mm (13'10") 4670 mm (15'4")
F Maximum digging depth at
2440 mm (8') level bottom 10 480 mm (34'5") 9370 mm (30'9") 8370 mm (27'6") 7880 mm (25'10")
G Maximum vertical wall
digging depth 9310 mm (30'7") 7950 mm (26'1") 7380 mm (24'3") 6940 mm (22'9")
Bucket forces 282 kN (63,400 lb) 281 kN (63,200 lb) 371 kN (83,400 lb) 370 kN (83,200 lb)
Stick forces 207 kN (46,400 lb) 247 kN (55,500 lb) 291 kN (65,300 lb) 313 kN (70,300 lb)

375/375 L The Cat 375 Mass Excavator is designed to move material faster and
more efficiently in production excavation and loading applications than
Mass Excavator general purpose excavators.

Mass excavation boom, Choice of three sticks allows the M2.9J stick, at 2925 mm
measuring 7250 mm (23'10"), is mass excavation boom to (9'7") long, provides highest
designed to operate with perform exceptionally well in productivity in mass
significantly higher bucket sizes both general and mass excavation applications. It
and digging forces. excavation applications. delivers highest stick forces
Boom is shorterkeeps M4.1J stick, at 4100 mm and works with the largest
working area closer to the (13'6") long, balances reach buckets in the 375 Excavator
machine. and digging depth with bucket line. Equipped with the M2.9J
capacities and digging forces. stick, the 375 Mass Excavator
Thicker, heavier steel plates can effectively compete with
are used in the box-section It is ideal for general
excavation work with mass 90 to 100-ton machinesalso
steel forgings are used in uses J family buckets.
high-stress areas at boom foot, excavation boomuses J
boom nose and boom cylinder family buckets.
mounts. M3.4J stick, measuring
Shorter boom and heavier 3400 mm (11'2") long, is
construction allow maximum designed primarily for mass
stick and bucket forces and earthmoving with larger
large bucket sizes. buckets than the M4.1J stick.
Its working envelope is large
enough to perform general
excavation applicationsalso
uses J family buckets.

Shipping Dimensions (approximate)

M4.1J M3.4J M2.9J (375) M2.9J (375 L)
Stick 4100 mm (13'6") 3400 mm (11'2") 2925 mm (9'7") 2925 mm (9'7")
Shipping height * 5050 mm (16'7") 4890 mm (16'5") 4740 mm (15'7") 5110 mm (16'9")
Shipping length 13 160 mm (43'2") 13 140 mm (43'1") 13 080 mm (42'11") 13 210 mm (48'1")
* Shipping height with stick removed is approximately (12'2")
Shoe width 750 mm/30" 900 mm/36"

4300 mm
Shipping width 3500 mm/11'6" 3840 mm/12'7"
(14' 1")
3470 mm

(11' 5") *4200 mm

(13' 9")


3650 mm
(12' 2") 3290 mm
(10' 10")

3510 mm 4600 mm (15'1'')

(11' 6") 5120 mm (16'10")**
4120 mm 5840 mm (19'2")

(13' 6") 6360 mm (20'10")**
Shipping Length
* Swing Tail Radius
Varies with stick **Long undercarriage

375/375 L
Mass Excavator Working Ranges Feet Meters

40 12

30 9

20 6


10 3

0 0

1 2925 mm (9' 7")
5 3400 mm (11' 2")
2 4100 mm (13' 6")
10 3

20 6


30 9

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Meters
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Feet

M4.1J M3.4J M2.9J

Stick 4100 mm (13'6") 3400 mm (11'2") 2925 mm (9'7")
Bucket 3.8 m3 (5.00 yd3) 4.4 m3 (6.00 yd3) 4.4 m3 (6.00 yd3)
A Maximum digging depth 8110 mm (26'7") 7410 mm (24'4") 6940 mm (22'9")
B Maximum reach at ground level 13 080 mm (42'11") 12 420 mm (40'9") 12 000 mm (39'4")
C Maximum cutting height 12 950 mm (42'6") 12 610 mm (41'5") 12 450 mm (40'10")
D Maximum loading height 8760 mm (28'9") 8430 mm (27'8") 8260 mm (27'1")
E Minimum loading height 2730 mm (9'0") 3430 mm (11'3") 3910 mm (12'10")
F Maximum digging depth at
2440 mm (8') level bottom 7590 mm (24'8") 6890 mm (22'7") 6410 mm (21')
G Maximum vertical wall digging depth 6830 mm (22'5") 6150 mm (20'2") 5780 mm (18'11")
Bucket forces 372 kN (83,500 lb) 371 kN (83,400 lb) 370 kN (83,200 lb)
Stick forces 258 kN (58,000 lb) 291 kN (65,300 lb) 313 kN (70,300 lb)

Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM Reach 8800 mm/28'10" BUCKET 2.4 m3/3.25 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R5.5H 5500 mm/18'1" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft 13.5 m/45.0 ft


10.5 m kg *4650 *4650 13.73

35.0 ft lb *10,250 *10,250 44.69
9.0 m kg *9000 *9000 *4500 *4500 14.53
30.0 ft lb *18,750 *18,750 *9950 *9950 47.44
7.5 m kg *11 100 *11 100 *10 400 10 100 *4500 *4500 15.10
25.0 ft lb *24,150 *24,150 *21,950 *21,550 *9900 *9900 49.40
6.0 m kg *13 150 *13 150 *11 900 *11 900 *10 950 9850 *8350 7750 *4550 *4550 15.47
20.0 ft lb *28,500 *28,500 *25,800 *25,800 *23,800 21,050 *16,450 *16,450 *10,000 *10,000 50.70
4.5 m kg *21 650 *21 650 *17 300 *17 300 *14 600 *14 600 *12 800 12 250 *11 500 9550 *9750 7550 *4700 *4700 15.67
15.0 ft lb *47,700 *47,700 *37,300 *37,300 *31,600 *31,600 *27,750 26,250 *25,000 20,450 *19,350 16,050 *10,300 *10,300 51.38
3.0 m kg *25 500 *25 500 *19 600 *19 600 *16 100 15 200 *13 750 11 750 *12 100 9250 *10 850 7350 *4950 *4950 15.69
10.0 ft lb *54,900 *54,900 *42,300 *42,300 *34,750 32,650 *29,800 25,200 *26,250 19,800 *21,950 15,700 *10,850 *10,850 51.48
1.5 m kg *9950 *9950 *28 350 27 000 *21 500 19 200 *17 350 14 450 *14 600 11 250 *12 600 8950 *11 100 7200 *5250 *5250 15.54
5.0 ft lb *23,550 *23,550 *61,150 58,050 *46,400 41,300 *37,500 31,100 *31,550 24,200 *27,300 19,150 *23,350 15,300 *11,550 *11,550 51.00
Ground kg *11 300 *11 300 *29 550 25 800 *22 700 18 350 *18 250 13 900 *15 200 10 850 *12 950 8700 *11 150 7000 *5700 *5700 15.22
Line lb *26,100 *26,100 *64,400 55,450 *49,100 39,450 *39,400 29,850 *32,800 23,300 *28,000 18,600 *22,400 15,000 *12,600 *12,600 49.92
-1.5 m kg *8350 *8350 *14 900 *14 900 *29 950 25 150 *23 150 17 800 *18 600 13 450 *15 400 10 600 *13 000 8500 *9800 6950 *6350 6100 14.71
-5.0 ft lb *18,850 *18,850 *34,050 *34,050 *64,850 54,050 *50,100 38,250 *40,250 28,950 *33,300 22,700 *28,000 18,200 *21,600 15,250 *14,000 13,450 48.21
-3.0 m kg *13 200 *13 200 *19 900 *19 900 *29 100 24 900 *22 800 17 550 *18 400 13 250 *15 200 10 400 *12 550 8400 *7250 6700 13.98
-10.0 ft lb *29,750 *29,750 *45,250 *45,250 *63,000 53,500 *49,300 37,650 *39,750 28,450 *32,700 22,350 *26,900 18,000 *16,000 14,750 45.79
-4.5 m kg *18 700 *18 700 *26 300 *26 300 *27 250 25 000 *21 650 17 500 *17 500 13 200 *14 250 10 400 *11 300 8450 *8550 7650 13.01
-15.0 ft lb *42,200 *42,200 *59,900 *59,900 *58,850 53,650 *46,650 37,600 *37,700 28,350 *30,550 22,300 *23,700 18,150 *18,950 16,950 42.51
-6.0 m kg *25 350 *25 350 *30 850 *30 850 *24 250 *24 250 *19 400 17 650 *15 650 13 300 *12 300 10 550 *8300 *8300 11.72
-20.0 ft lb *57,350 *57,350 *66,450 *66,450 *52,100 *52,100 *41,650 38,000 *33,350 28,650 *25,750 22,700 *18,100 *18,100 38.12
-7.5 m kg *24 600 *24 600 *19 700 *19 700 *15 750 *15 750 *12 150 *12 150 *6650 *6650 9.97
-25.0 ft lb *52,300 *52,300 *41,850 *41,850 *33,200 *33,200 *25,050 *25,050 *14,350 *14,350 32.32

BOOM Reach 8800 mm/28'10" BUCKET 2.4 m3/3.25 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R5.5H 5500 mm/18'1" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft 13.5 m/45.0 ft


10.5 m kg *4200 *4200 13.73

35.0 ft lb *9250 *9250 44.69
9.0 m kg *8250 *8250 *4050 *4050 14.53
30.0 ft lb *17,200 *17,200 *8950 *8950 47.44
7.5 m kg *10 100 *10 100 *9500 *9500 *4050 *4050 15.10
25.0 ft lb *22,000 *22,000 *20,250 *20,250 *8900 *8900 49.40
6.0 m kg *12 050 *12 050 *10 850 *10 850 *9950 9850 *7650 *7650 *4100 *4100 15.47
20.0 ft lb *26,100 *26,100 *23,500 *23,500 *21,650 21,050 *15,050 *15,050 *9000 *9000 50.70
4.5 m kg *20 000 *20 000 *15 900 *15 900 *13 400 *13 400 *11 700 *11 700 *10 450 9550 *9000 7550 *4250 *4250 15.67
15.0 ft lb *44,000 *44,000 *34,250 *34,250 *28,950 *28,950 *25,300 *25,300 *22,700 20,450 *17,750 16,050 *9300 *9300 51.38
3.0 m kg *23 500 *23 500 *18 000 *18 000 *14 700 *14 700 *12 550 11 750 *11 000 9250 *9850 7350 *4450 *4450 15.69
10.0 ft lb *50,550 *50,550 *38,800 *38,800 *31,800 *31,800 *27,150 25,200 *23,850 19,800 *20,250 15,700 *9800 *9800 51.48
1.5 m kg *9150 *9150 *26 100 *26 100 *19 750 19 200 *15 850 14 450 *13 300 11 250 *11 450 8950 *10 050 7200 *4750 *4750 15.54
5.0 ft lb *21,650 *21,650 *56,250 *56,250 *42,600 41,300 *34,300 31,100 *28,750 24,200 *24,800 19,150 *21,550 15,300 *10,500 *10,500 51.00
Ground kg *10 450 *10 450 *27 400 25 800 *20 850 18 350 *16 700 13 900 *13 850 10 850 *11 750 8700 *10 100 7000 *5200 *5200 15.22
Line lb *24,100 *24,100 *59,200 55,450 *45,000 39,450 *36,050 29,850 *29,900 23,300 *25,400 18,600 *20,650 15,000 *11,450 *11,450 49.92
-1.5 m kg *7650 *7650 *13 850 *13 850 *27 550 25 150 *21 250 17 800 *17 000 13 450 *14 050 10 600 *11 800 8500 *9050 6950 *5800 *5800 14.71
-5.0 ft lb *17,300 *17,300 *31,550 *31,550 *59,600 54,050 *45,900 38,250 *36,800 28,950 *30,350 22,700 25,400 18,200 *19,900 15,250 *12,800 *12,800 48.21
-3.0 m kg *12 200 *12 200 *18 500 *18 500 *26 700 24 900 *20 900 17 550 *16 800 13 250 *13 800 10 400 *11 400 8400 *6650 *6650 13.98
-10.0 ft lb *27,550 *27,550 *42,100 *42,100 *57,800 53,500 *45,150 37,650 *36,300 28,450 *29,750 22,350 *24,350 18,000 *14,650 *14,650 45.79
-4.5 m kg *17 400 *17 400 *24 550 *24 550 *24 950 *24 950 *19 750 17 500 *15 950 13 200 *12 950 10 400 *10 200 8450 *7850 7650 13.01
-15.0 ft lb *39,250 *39,250 *55,900 *55,900 *53,900 53,650 *42,650 37,600 *34,350 28,350 *27,750 22,300 *21,350 18,150 *17,450 16,950 42.51
-6.0 m kg *23 650 *23 650 *28 250 *28 250 *22 150 *22 150 *17 700 17 650 *14 200 13 300 *11 100 10 550 *7400 *7400 11.72
-20.0 ft lb *53,500 *53,500 *60,750 *60,750 *47,600 *47,600 *37,950 *37,950 *30,250 28,650 *23,250 22,700 *16,100 *16,100 38.12
-7.5 m kg *22 400 *22 400 *17 900 *17 900 *14 300 *14 300 *10 950 *10 950 *5850 *5850 9.97
-25.0 ft lb *47,550 *47,550 *38,000 *38,000 *30,050 *30,050 *22,500 *22,500 *12,600 *12,600 32.32
*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating standard J1097. They do
not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the above lifting capacities.
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM Reach 8800 mm/28'10" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *10 250 *10 250 *6700 *6700 12.25

35.0 ft lb *22,550 *22,550 *14,800 *14,800 39.80
9.0 m kg *11 700 *11 700 *6600 *6600 13.15
30.0 ft lb *25,500 *25,500 *14,500 *14,500 42.90
7.5 m kg *13 300 *13 300 *12 150 *12 150 *10 700 9600 *6600 *6600 13.78
25.0 ft lb *28,850 *28,850 *26,500 *26,500 *23,550 21,150 *14,500 *14,500 45.08
6.0 m kg *16 850 *16 850 *14 450 *14 450 *12 850 12 150 *11 700 9400 *6750 *6750 14.19
20.0 ft lb *36,300 *36,300 *31,250 *31,250 *27,850 26,050 *25,500 20,000 *14,850 *14,850 46.50
4.5 m kg *24 450 *24 450 *19 000 *19 000 *15 750 15 300 *13 650 11 750 *12 150 9150 *7000 6550 14.40
15.0 ft lb *52,450 *52,450 *40,900 *40,900 *34,050 32,850 *29,500 25,150 *26,350 19,550 *15,400 14,450 47.23
3.0 m kg *27 650 27 200 *20 950 19 400 *17 000 14 550 *14 400 11 300 *12 550 8900 *7400 6400 14.43
10.0 ft lb *59,550 58,650 *45,200 41,750 *36,700 31,350 *31,150 24,250 *27,200 19,000 *16,300 14,050 47.33
1.5 m kg *28 150 25 750 *22 350 18 450 *17 950 13 950 *15 000 10 900 *12 850 8650 *8000 6400 14.26
5.0 ft lb *63,600 55,400 *48,250 39,650 *38,800 30,000 *32,450 23,350 *27,800 18,500 *17,550 14,100 46.80
Ground kg *10 450 *10 450 *27 750 25 000 *23 000 17 800 *18 450 13 500 *15 300 10 550 *12 950 8450 *8750 6650 13.90
Line lb *24,250 *24,250 *64,500 53,700 *49,700 38,250 *39,900 28,950 *33,100 22,700 *27,850 18,100 *19,300 14,600 45.61
-1.5 m kg *9750 *9750 *16 650 *16 650 *29 000 24 700 *22 800 17 450 *18 450 13 200 *15 200 10 350 *12 550 8350 *9850 7100 13.34
-5.0 ft lb *21,950 *21,950 *37,950 *37,950 *62,900 53,050 *49,350 37,500 *39,800 28,350 *32,800 22,250 *26,900 17,900 *21,750 15,650 43.72
-3.0 m kg *16 750 *16 750 *24 000 *24 000 *27 350 24 750 *21 850 17 350 *17 750 13 100 *14 450 10 300 *10 150 7950 12.53
-10.0 ft lb *37,700 *37,700 *54,550 *54,550 *59,200 53,150 *47,200 37,300 *38,200 28,150 *31,050 22,150 *22,300 17,600 41.00
-4.5 m kg *24 300 *24 300 *30 600 *30 600 *24 650 *24 650 *19 950 17 500 *16 150 13 200 *12 750 10 450 *9600 9400 11.42
-15.0 ft lb *54,800 *54,800 *66,300 *66,300 *53,250 *53,250 *42,950 37,600 *34,600 28,350 *26,900 22,450 *21,000 20,950 37.26
-6.0 m kg *25 200 *25 200 *20 700 *20 700 *16 800 *16 800 *13 150 *13 150 *7850 *7850 9.90
-20.0 ft lb *54,100 *54,100 *44,300 *44,300 *35,750 *35,750 *27,600 *27,600 *17,250 *17,250 32.10
-7.5 m kg *14 650 *14 650 *11 350 *11 350 *9850 *9850 8.06
-25.0 ft lb *30,550 *30,550 *22,950 *22,950 *21,250 *21,250 25.91

BOOM Reach 8800 mm/28'10" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *9450 *9450 *6150 *6150 12.25

35.0 ft lb *20,800 *20,800 *13,550 *13,550 39.80
9.0 m kg *10 650 *10 650 *6000 *6000 13.15
30.0 ft lb *23,200 *23,200 *13,250 *13,250 42.90
7.5 m kg *12 150 *12 150 *11 100 *11 100 *9850 9600 *6050 *6050 13.78
25.0 ft lb *26,400 *26,400 *24,150 *24,150 *21,750 21,150 *13,250 *13,250 45.08
6.0 m kg *15 500 *15 500 *13 250 *13 250 *11 700 *11 700 *10 650 9400 *6150 *6150 14.19
20.0 ft lb *33,350 *33,350 *28,600 *28,600 *25,400 *25,400 *23,150 20,000 *13,550 *13,550 46.50
4.5 m kg *22 500 *22 500 *17 450 *17 450 *14 400 *14 400 *12 450 11 750 *11 050 9150 *6400 *6400 14.40
15.0 ft lb *48,350 *48,350 *37,550 *37,550 *31,150 *31,150 *26,900 25,150 *23,900 19,550 *14,100 *14,100 47.23
3.0 m kg *25 450 *25 450 *19 200 *19 200 *15 550 14 550 *13 150 11 300 *11 400 8900 *6800 6400 14.43
10.0 ft lb *54,750 *54,750 *41,450 *41,450 *33,550 31,350 *28,400 24,250 *24,700 19,000 *14,950 14,050 47.33
1.5 m kg *26 250 25 750 *20 500 18 450 *16 400 13 950 *13 700 10 900 *11 700 8650 *7350 6400 14.26
5.0 ft lb *58,450 55,400 *44,250 39,650 *35,450 30,000 *29,550 23,350 *25,250 18,500 *16,100 14,100 46.80
Ground kg *9650 *9650 *25 900 25 000 *21 050 17 800 *16 900 13 500 *13 950 10 550 *11 750 8450 *8050 6650 13.90
Line lb *22,350 *22,350 *59,200 53,700 *45,500 38,250 *36,450 28,950 *30,150 22,700 *25,250 18,100 *17,750 14,600 45.61
-1.5 m kg *8950 *8950 *15 450 *15 450 *26 600 24 700 *20 900 17 450 *16 850 13 200 *13 850 10 350 *11 400 8350 *9100 7100 13.34
-5.0 ft lb *20,250 *20,250 *35,300 *35,300 *57,650 53,050 *45,150 37,500 *36,350 28,350 *29,800 22,250 *24,350 17,900 *20,050 15,650 43.72
-3.0 m kg *15 550 *15 550 *22 350 *22 350 *25 050 24 750 *19 950 17 350 *16 150 13 100 *13 150 10 300 *9150 7950 12.53
-10.0 ft lb *35,000 *35,000 *50,900 *50,900 *54,200 53,150 *43,150 37,300 *34,850 28,150 *28,200 22,150 *20,050 17,600 41.00
-4.5 m kg *22 650 *22 650 *28 000 *28 000 *22 550 *22 550 *18 200 17 500 *14 700 13 200 *11 550 10 450 *8600 *8600 11.42
-15.0 ft lb *51,100 *51,100 *60,600 *60,600 *48,650 *48,650 *39,150 37,600 *31,450 28,350 *24,300 22,450 *18,800 *18,800 37.26
-6.0 m kg *22 900 *22 900 *18 800 *18 800 *15 250 *15 250 *11 900 *11 900 *7250 *7250 9.90
-20.0 ft lb *49,200 *49,200 *40,300 *40,300 *32,450 *32,450 *24,900 *24,900 *15,700 *15,700 32.10
-7.5 m kg *13 200 *13 200 *10 150 *10 150 *8750 *8750 8.06
-25.0 ft lb *27,400 *27,400 *20,450 *20,450 *18,900 *18,900 25.91
*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.4 m3/3.25 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R5.5H 5500 mm/18'1" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft 13.5 m/45.0 ft


10.5 m kg *3850 *3850 13.39

35.0 ft lb *8550 *8550 43.56
9.0 m kg *8100 *8100 *3700 *3700 14.21
30.0 ft lb *21,650 *21,650 *16,450 *16,450 *8200 *8200 46.40
7.5 m kg *11 250 *11 250 *9600 *9600 *3650 *3650 14.80
25.0 ft lb *24,400 *24,400 *20,050 *20,050 *8050 *8050 48.42
6.0 m kg *13 200 *13 200 *12 050 *12 050 *11 050 9950 *6700 *6700 *3650 *3650 15.18
20.0 ft lb *28,650 *28,650 *26,250 *26,250 *23,350 21,200 *14,700 *14,700 *8050 *8050 49.75
4.5 m kg *17 150 *17 150 *14 650 *14 650 *13 000 12 400 *11 800 9700 *7800 7600 *3750 *3750 15.38
15.0 ft lb *36,950 *36,950 *31,750 *31,750 *28,200 26,550 *25,600 20,700 *14,800 *14,800 *8250 *8250 50.45
3.0 m kg *25 100 *25 100 *19 550 *19 550 *16 200 15 450 *13 950 11 950 *12 400 9400 *8950 7450 *3950 *3950 15.41
10.0 ft lb *54,050 *54,050 *42,150 *42,150 *35,000 33,200 *30,250 25,600 *26,850 20,100 *16,750 15,850 *8650 *8650 50.56
1.5 m kg *28 250 27 700 *21 550 19 650 *17 500 14 750 *14 800 11 500 *12 900 9100 *9350 7300 *4200 *4200 15.26
5.0 ft lb *61,000 59,650 *46,600 42,250 *37,900 31,700 *32,100 24,650 *27,900 19,500 *17,150 15,550 *9250 *9250 50.07
Ground kg *14 800 *14 800 *30 050 26 450 *22 950 18 800 *18 500 14 200 *15 450 11 100 *13 200 8850 *8500 7150 *4600 *4600 14.93
Line lb *34,100 *34,100 *65,000 56,900 *49,600 40,400 *39,950 30,500 *33,400 23,800 *28,550 18,950 *14,000 *14,000 *10,100 *10,100 48.98
-1.5 m kg *10 100 *10 100 *18 100 *18 100 *30 500 25 750 *23 550 18 250 *18 950 13 800 *15 700 10 800 *13 200 8700 *5100 *5100 14.41
-5.0 ft lb *22,800 *22,800 *41,350 *41,350 *66,000 55,350 *50,900 39,200 *40,900 29,600 *33,900 23,200 *28,400 18,600 *11,250 *11,250 47.23
-3.0 m kg *15 150 *15 150 *23 300 *23 300 *29 750 25 500 *23 250 17 950 *18 750 13 550 *15 400 10 650 *12 600 8600 *5850 *5850 13.67
-10.0 ft lb *34,150 *34,150 *53,000 *53,000 *64,400 54,700 *50,250 38,550 *40,450 29,100 *33,150 22,850 *26,900 18,500 *12,950 *12,950 44.74
-4.5 m kg *21 050 *21 050 *30 300 *30 300 *27 900 25 500 *22 050 17 900 *17 750 13 500 *14 350 10 650 *6950 *6950 12.66
-15.0 ft lb *47,500 *47,500 *69,100 *69,100 *60,250 54,800 *47,500 38,450 *38,150 29,000 *30,600 22,900 *15,450 *15,450 41.36
-6.0 m kg *28 300 *28 300 *31 700 *31 700 *24 700 *24 700 *19 650 18 050 *15 600 13 650 *11 850 10 850 *8250 *8250 11.32
-20.0 ft lb *64,100 *64,100 *68,200 *68,200 *53,000 *53,000 *42,000 38,900 *33,200 29,400 *24,350 23,450 *17,950 *17,950 36.80
-7.5 m kg *24 800 *24 800 *19 650 *19 650 *15 450 *15 450 *11 300 *11 300 *9750 *9750 9.45
-25.0 ft lb *52,600 *52,600 *41,550 *41,550 *32,300 *32,300 *22,600 *22,600 *21,150 *21,150 30.57

BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.4 m3/3.25 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R5.5H 5500 mm/18'1" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft 13.5 m/45.0 ft


10.5 m kg *3450 *3450 13.39

35.0 ft lb *7650 *7650 43.56
9.0 m kg *7450 *7450 *3300 *3300 14.21
30.0 ft lb *19,950 *19,950 *15,050 *15,050 *7300 *7300 46.40
7.5 m kg *10 350 *10 350 *8850 *8850 *3250 *3250 14.80
25.0 ft lb *22,500 *22,500 *18,450 *18,450 *7150 *7150 48.42
6.0 m kg *12 100 *12 100 *11 000 *11 000 *10 200 9950 *6100 *6100 *3300 *3300 15.18
20.0 ft lb *26,200 *26,200 *23,950 *23,950 *21,550 21,200 *13,400 *13,400 *7200 *7200 49.75
4.5 m kg *15 750 *15 750 *13 450 *13 450 *11 850 *11 850 *10 750 9700 *7150 *7150 *3350 *3350 15.38
15.0 ft lb *34,000 *34,000 *29,100 *29,100 *25,750 *25,750 *23,300 20,700 *13,450 *13,450 *7400 *7400 50.45
3.0 m kg *23 150 *23 150 *17 950 *17 950 *14 850 *14 850 *12 750 11 950 *11 250 9400 *8200 7450 *3550 *3550 15.41
10.0 ft lb *49,850 *49,850 *38,750 *38,750 *32,050 *32,050 *27,600 25,600 *24,400 20,100 *15,300 *15,300 *7750 *7750 50.56
1.5 m kg *26 050 *26 050 *19 850 19 650 *16 050 14 750 *13 550 11 500 *11 750 9100 *8600 7300 *3800 *3800 15.26
5.0 ft lb *56,200 *56,200 *42,800 42,250 *34,700 31,700 *29,300 24,650 *25,400 19,500 *15,700 15,550 *8300 *8300 50.07
Ground kg *13 700 *13 700 *27 700 26 450 *21 100 18 800 *16 950 14 200 *14 100 11 100 *12 000 8850 *7800 7150 *4150 *4150 14.93
Line lb *31,650 *31,650 *59,850 *56,900 *45,550 40,400 *36,600 30,500 *30,500 23,800 *25,950 18,950 *12,750 *12,750 *9100 *9100 48.98
-1.5 m kg *9300 *9300 *16 850 *16 850 *28 050 25 750 *21 600 18 250 *17 350 13 800 *14 300 10 800 *12 000 8700 *4650 *4650 14.41
-5.0 ft lb *21,000 *21,000 *38,450 *38,450 *60,750 55,350 *46,700 39,200 *37,450 29,600 *30,900 23,200 *25,800 18,600 *10,200 *10,200 47.23
-3.0 m kg *14 050 *14 050 *21 700 *21 700 *27 350 25 500 *21 350 17 950 *17 150 13 550 *14 050 10 650 *11 450 8600 *5350 *5350 13.67
-10.0 ft lb *31,700 *31,700 *49,400 *49,400 *59,200 54,700 *46,100 38,550 *37,000 29,100 *30,200 22,850 *24,400 18,500 *11,800 *11,800 44.74
-4.5 m kg *19 600 *19 600 *28 300 *28 300 *25 600 25 500 *20 200 17 900 *16 200 13 500 *13 050 10 650 *6350 *6350 12.66
-15.0 ft lb *44,250 *44,250 *64,550 *64,550 *55,250 54,800 *43,500 38,450 *34,850 29,000 *27,800 22,900 *14,150 *14,150 41.36
-6.0 m kg *26 400 *26 400 *29 100 *29 100 *22 600 *22 600 *17 900 *17 900 *14 200 13 650 *10 700 *10 700 *7350 *7350 11.32
-20.0 ft lb *59,900 *59,900 *62,500 *62,500 *48,500 *48,500 *38,350 *38,350 *30,150 29,400 *21,950 *21,950 *16,000 *16,000 36.80
-7.5 m kg *22 650 *22 650 *17 900 *17 900 *14 000 *14 000 *10 150 *10 150 *8700 *8700 9.45
-25.0 ft lb *47,950 *47,950 *37,800 *37,800 *29,250 *29,250 *20,250 *20,250 *18,950 *18,950 30.57
*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating standard J1097. They do
not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the above lifting capacities.
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *5850 *5850 11.88

35.0 ft lb *12,950 *12,950 38.58
9.0 m kg *11 650 *11 650 *5700 *5700 12.82
30.0 ft lb *23,950 *23,950 *12,500 *12,500 41.80
7.5 m kg *13 450 *13 450 *12 500 *12 500 *5650 *5650 13.47
25.0 ft lb *29,250 *29,250 *27,250 26,850 *12,400 *12,400 44.05
6.0 m kg *16 750 *16 750 *14 600 *14 600 *13 100 12 250 *11 050 9450 *5750 *5750 13.89
20.0 ft lb *36,150 *36,150 *31,600 *31,600 *28,500 26,300 *21,500 20,150 *12,600 *12,600 45.51
4.5 m kg *24 000 *24 000 *18 950 *18 950 *15 900 15 550 *13 900 11 900 *12 450 9250 *5950 *5950 14.11
15.0 ft lb *51,550 *51,550 *40,850 *40,850 *34,400 33,400 *30,100 25,500 *27,100 19,750 *13,050 *13,050 46.28
3.0 m kg *27 450 *27 450 *21 000 19 850 *17 200 14 850 *14 650 11 500 *12 850 9050 *6250 *6250 14.14
10.0 ft lb *59,150 *59,150 *45,300 42,700 *37,150 31,950 *31,750 24,650 *27,850 19,300 *13,750 *13,750 46.38
1.5 m kg *29 650 26 500 *22 550 18 900 *18 200 14 250 *15 300 11 100 *13 150 8800 *6700 *6700 13.97
5.0 ft lb *64,000 57,050 *48,700 40,650 *39,350 30,650 *33,050 23,850 *28,400 18,850 *14,750 *14,750 45.84
Ground kg *14 200 *14 200 *30 350 25 650 *23 350 18 250 *18 800 13 800 *15 600 10 800 *13 150 8650 *7400 7050 13.60
Line lb *32,700 *32,700 *65,600 55,150 *50,450 39,200 *40,600 29,650 *33,700 23,200 *28,250 18,500 *16,250 15,550 44.63
-1.5 m kg *12 000 *12 000 *20 250 *20 250 *29 750 25 300 *23 250 17 850 *18 750 13 500 *15 450 10 600 *12 600 8550 *8300 7600 13.02
-5.0 ft lb *27,100 *27,100 *46,250 *46,250 *64,450 54,350 *50,350 38,400 *40,550 29,050 *33,300 22,800 *27,700 18,850 *18,300 16,750 42.68
-3.0 m kg *19 200 *19 200 *28 050 *28 050 *28 100 25 300 *22 300 17 750 *18 000 13 400 *14 550 10 600 *9700 8550 12.19
-10.0 ft lb *43,150 *43,150 *63,900 *63,900 *60,850 54,350 *48,200 38,200 *38,800 28,850 *31,200 22,750 *21,400 18,900 39.88
-4.5 m kg *27 300 *27 300 *31 850 *31 850 *25 300 *25 300 *20 250 17 900 *16 200 13 500 *12 350 10 750 *9800 *9800 11.04
-15.0 ft lb *61,600 *61,600 *68,850 *68,850 *54,550 *54,550 *43,600 38,500 *34,650 29,100 *27,150 23,700 *21,400 *21,400 35.99
-6.0 m kg *25 850 *25 850 *20 900 *20 900 *16 700 *16 700 *12 550 *12 550 *8000 *8000 9.43
-20.0 ft lb *55,350 *55,350 *44,700 *44,700 *35,400 *35,400 *25,800 *25,800 *17,200 *17,200 30.54
-7.5 m kg *11 350 *11 350 7.03

BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *5350 *5350 11.88

35.0 ft lb *11,800 *11,800 38.58
9.0 m kg *10 800 *10 800 *5150 *5150 12.82
30.0 ft lb *22,150 *22,150 *11,400 *11,400 41.80
7.5 m kg *12 350 *12 350 *11 400 *11 400 *5150 *5150 13.47
25.0 ft lb *26,800 *26,800 *24,850 *24,850 *11,300 *11,300 44.05
6.0 m kg *15 400 *15 400 *13 350 *13 350 *11 950 *11 950 *10 200 9450 *5200 *5200 13.89
20.0 ft lb *33,250 *33,250 *28,950 *28,950 *26,000 *26,000 *19,800 *19,800 *11,450 *11,450 45.51
4.5 m kg *22 150 *22 150 *17 400 *17 400 *14 550 *14 550 *12 700 11 900 *11 350 9250 *5400 *5400 14.11
15.0 ft lb *47,550 *47,550 *37,550 *37,550 *31,500 *31,500 *27,450 25,500 *24,650 19,750 *11,850 *11,850 46.28
3.0 m kg *25 300 *25 300 *19 300 *19 300 *15 750 14 850 *13 400 11 500 *11 700 9050 *5700 *5700 14.14
10.0 ft lb *54,450 *54,450 *41,600 *41,600 *34,000 31,950 *28,950 24,650 *25,350 19,300 *12,550 *12,550 46.38
1.5 m kg *27 300 26 500 *20 700 18 900 *16 650 14 250 *13 950 11 100 *11 950 8800 *6150 *6150 13.97
5.0 ft lb *58,900 57,050 *44,700 40,650 *36,000 30,650 *30,150 23,850 *25,800 18,850 *13,500 *13,500 45.84
Ground kg *13 150 *13 150 *27 900 25 650 *21 400 18 250 *17 200 13 800 *14 250 10 800 *11 950 8650 *6750 *6750 13.60
Line lb *30,350 *30,350 *60,350 55,150 *46,300 39,200 *37,150 29,650 *30,750 23,200 *25,650 18,500 *14,900 *14,900 44.63
-1.5 m kg *11 100 *11 100 *18 850 *18 850 *27 350 25 300 *21 350 17 850 *17 150 13 500 *14 100 10 600 *11 400 8550 *7650 7600 13.02
-5.0 ft lb *25,050 *25,050 *43,050 *43,050 *59,200 54,350 *46,150 38,400 *37,050 29,050 *30,300 22,800 *25,100 18,850 *16,850 16,750 42.68
-3.0 m kg *17 850 *17 850 *26 200 *26 200 *25 800 25 300 *20 400 17 750 *16 450 13 400 *13 250 10 600 *8950 8550 12.19
-10.0 ft lb *40,200 *40,200 *59,700 *59,700 *55,800 54,350 *44,100 38,200 *35,400 28,850 *28,350 22,750 *19,800 18,900 39.88
-4.5 m kg *25 450 *25 450 *29 200 *29 200 *23 150 *23 150 *18 500 17 900 *14 750 13 500 *11 150 10 750 *8800 *8800 11.04
-15.0 ft lb *57,500 *57,500 *63,100 *63,100 *49,900 *49,900 *39,800 38,500 *31,550 29,100 *24,550 23,700 *19,200 *19,200 35.99
-6.0 m kg *23 550 *23 550 *19 050 *19 050 *15 150 *15 150 *11 350 *11 350 *7100 *7100 9.43
-20.0 ft lb *50,450 *50,450 *40,700 *40,700 *32,100 *32,100 *23,250 *23,250 *15,250 *15,250 30.54
-7.5 m kg *10 150 *10 150 7.03

*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R3.4J 3400 mm/11'2" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *13 100 *13 100 *7250 *7250 10.99

35.0 ft lb *28,800 *28,800 *16,050 *16,050 35.61
9.0 m kg *13 500 *13 500 *6900 *6900 12.01
30.0 ft lb *29,350 *29,350 *15,300 *15,300 39.13
7.5 m *14 150 *14 150 *12 950 11 700 *6800 *6800 12.71
25.0 ft lb *30,750 *30,750 *28,150 25,100 *15,000 *15,000 41.56
6.0 m kg *22 050 *22 050 *17 750 *17 750 *15 150 *15 150 *13 450 11 450 *6850 *6850 13.16
20.0 ft lb *47,300 *47,300 *38,300 *38,300 *32,800 32,700 *29,200 24,450 *15,050 *15,050 43.12
4.5 m kg *25 600 *25 600 *19 700 *19 700 *16 300 14 600 *14 050 11 100 *7000 *7000 13.39
15.0 ft lb *55,500 *55,000 *42,500 *42,500 *35,200 31,400 *30,450 23,800 *15,450 *15,450 43.91
3.0 m kg *21 400 18 700 *17 300 14 000 *14 650 10 750 *12 500 8350 *7350 6900 13.41
10.0 ft lb *61,100 56,550 *46,200 40,250 *37,400 30,050 *31,650 23,050 *16,150 15,150 44.00
1.5 m kg *26 250 25 050 *22 500 17 900 *18 050 13 450 *15 000 10 450 *12 200 8200 *7850 6950 13.22
5.0 ft lb *63,750 53,900 *48,550 38,450 *39,000 28,900 *32,400 22,350 *17,200 15,350 43.39
Ground kg *29 150 24 550 *22 700 17 400 *18 250 13 100 *15 000 10 200 *8550 7350 12.82
Line lb *63,150 52,800 *49,150 37,350 *39,450 28,150 *32,350 21,900 *18,800 16,150 42.06
-1.5 m kg *18 050 *18 050 *27 800 24 500 *22 100 17 200 *17 800 12 950 *14 400 10 100 *9550 8050 12.18
-5.0 ft lb *41,500 *41,500 *60,250 52,650 *47,750 36,900 *38,400 27,750 *30,850 21,700 *21,100 17,800 39.91
-3.0 m kg *19 750 *19 750 *29 450 *29 450 *25 400 24 750 *20 500 17 250 *16 450 12 950 *12 600 10 250 *9650 9400 11.25
-10.0 ft lb *44,650 *44,650 *67,350 *67,350 *55,050 53,150 *44,250 37,050 *35,350 27,850 *27,700 22,550 *21,150 20,800 36.79
-4.5 m kg *26 250 *26 250 *21 800 *21 800 *17 650 17 550 *13 650 13 250 *8000 *8000 9.94
-15.0 ft lb *56,750 *56,750 *47,000 *47,000 *37,800 37,800 *28,650 28,550 *17,400 *17,400 32.38
-6.0 m kg *19 250 *19 250 *16 250 *16 250 *12 550 *12 550 *9950 *9950 8.26
-20.0 ft lb *42,400 *42,400 *34,350 *34,350 *25,750 *25,750 *21,500 *21,500 26.75

BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R3.4J 3400 mm/11'2" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *11 950 *11 950 *6650 *6650 10.99

35.0 ft lb *26,350 *26,350 *14,700 *14,700 35.61
9.0 m kg *12 300 *12 300 *6350 *6350 12.01
30.0 ft lb *26,800 *26,800 *13,950 *13,950 39.13
7.5 m *12 950 *12 950 *11 750 11 700 *6200 *6200 12.71
25.0 ft lb *28,100 *28,100 *25,600 25,100 *13,700 *13,700 41.56
6.0 m kg *20 300 *20 300 *16 300 *16 300 *13 850 *13 850 *12 200 11 450 *6250 *6250 13.16
20.0 ft lb *43,550 *43,550 *35,100 *35,100 *29,950 *29,950 *26,550 24,450 *13,750 *13,750 43.12
4.5 m kg *23 550 *23 550 *18 050 *18 050 *14 850 14 600 *12 800 11 100 *6400 *6400 13.39
15.0 ft lb *50,600 *50,600 *38,950 *38,950 *32,150 31,400 *27,650 23,800 *14,100 *14,100 43.91
3.0 m kg *19 600 18 700 *15 800 14 000 *13 300 10 750 *11 450 8350 *6700 *6700 13.41
10.0 ft lb *56,100 *56,100 *42,300 40,250 *34,150 30,050 *28,750 23,050 *14,750 *14,750 44.00
1.5 m kg *24 450 *24 450 *20 600 17 900 *16 450 13 450 *13 650 10 450 *11 300 8200 *7150 6950 13.22
5.0 ft lb *58,450 53,900 *44,450 38,450 *35,550 28,900 *29,450 22,350 *15,750 15,350 43.39
Ground kg *26 700 24 550 *20 800 17 400 *16 650 13 100 *13 650 10 200 *7850 7350 12.82
Line lb *57,900 52,800 *44,950 37,350 *35,950 28,150 *29,350 21,900 *17,250 16,150 42.06
-1.5 m kg *16 750 *16 750 *25 450 24 500 *20 200 17 200 *16 200 12 950 *13 050 10 100 *8800 8050 12.18
-5.0 ft lb *38,600 *38,600 *55,150 52,650 *43,650 36,900 *34,950 27,750 *27,950 21,700 *19,400 17,800 39.91
-3.0 m kg *18 350 *18 350 *27 500 *27 500 *23 200 *23 200 *18 700 17250 *14 950 12 950 *11 350 10 250 *8650 *8650 11.25
-10.0 ft lb *41,550 *41,550 *61,650 *61,650 *50,300 *50,300 *40,350 37,050 *32,100 27,850 *25,000 22,550 *18,900 *18,900 36.79
-4.5 m kg *23 850 *23 850 *19 850 *19 850 *16 050 *16 050 *12 300 *12 300 *7100 *7100 9.94
-15.0 ft lb *51,650 *51,650 *42,750 *42,750 *34,300 *34,300 *25,800 *25,800 *15,350 *15,350 32.38
-6.0 m kg *17 350 *17 350 *14 650 *14 650 *11 250 *11 250 *8850 *8850 8.26
-20.0 ft lb *38,250 *38,250 *30,950 *30,950 *23,050 *23,050 *19,100 *19,100 26.75

*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.

Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R2.9J 2925 mm/9'7" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft


10.5 m kg *7750 *7750 10.46

35.0 ft lb *17,150 *17,150 33.82
9.0 m kg *14 050 *14 050 *7350 *7350 11.53
30.0 ft lb *30,650 *30,650 *16,250 *16,250 37.55
7.5 m kg *16 750 *16 750 *14 700 *14 700 *13 400 11 500 *7200 *7200 12.27
25.0 ft lb *36,150 *36,150 *31,950 *31,950 *29,450 25,300 *15,900 *15,900 40.09
6.0 m kg *23 200 *23 200 *18 450 *18 450 *15 650 14 950 *13 800 11 200 *7250 *7250 12.74
20.0 ft lb *49,800 *49,800 *39,800 *39,800 *33,800 32,100 *30,050 23,850 *15,950 *15,950 41.71
4.5 m kg *26 650 *26 650 *20 300 19 400 *16 650 14 350 *14 350 10 900 *7400 7400 12.97
15.0 ft lb *57,250 *57,250 *43,750 41,750 *36,050 30,850 *31,050 23,300 *16,300 *16,300 42.53
3.0 m kg *21 800 18 350 *17 600 13 800 *14 800 10 600 *7750 7250 12.99
10.0 ft lb *47,050 39,550 *38,000 29,600 *32,000 22,650 *17,000 15,900 42.62
1.5 m kg *22 600 17 650 *18 150 13 300 *15 050 10 300 *8250 7350 12.79
5.0 ft lb *51,850 *51,850 *48,900 37,950 *39,200 28,550 *32,450 22,100 *18,100 16,150 41.98
Ground kg *27 750 24 400 *22 550 17 250 *18 150 13 000 *14 850 10 150 *8950 7750 12.37
Line lb *61,950 52,450 *48,800 37,050 *39,250 27,900 *31,900 21,750 *19,750 17,100 40.58
-1.5 m kg *17 450 *17 450 *26 800 24 500 *21 650 17 150 *17 450 12 900 *13 850 10 100 *10 050 8650 11.69
-5.0 ft lb *40,500 *40,500 *58,200 52,600 *46,800 36,800 *37,600 27,700 *29,450 21,700 *22,150 19,050 38.33
-3.0 m kg *28 250 *28 250 *24 100 *24 100 *19 700 17 300 *15 700 13 000 *9500 *9500 10.71
-10.0 ft lb *61,650 *61,650 *52,250 *52,250 *42,450 37,150 *33,600 27,950 *20,800 *20,800 35.03
-4.5 m kg *23 350 *23 350 *20 100 *20 100 *16 300 *16 300 *11 800 *11 800 *7200 *7200 9.31
-15.0 ft lb *50,500 *50,500 *43,200 *43,200 *34,750 *34,750 *26,050 *26,050 *15,600 *15,600 30.30
-6.0 m kg *13 700 *13 700 *10 000 *10 000 7.39
-20.0 ft lb *30,150 *30,150 *24,350 *24,350 22.56

BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R2.9J 2925 mm/9'7" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Long
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft


10.5 m kg *7100 *7100 10.46

35.0 ft lb *15,750 *15,750 33.82
9.0 m kg *12 850 *12 850 *6750 *6750 11.53
30.0 ft lb *27,950 *27,950 *14,900 *14,900 37.55
7.5 m kg *15 350 *15 350 *13 450 *13 450 *12 150 11 500 *6600 *6600 12.27
25.0 ft lb *33,150 *33,150 *29,200 *29,200 *26,800 25,300 *14,550 *14,550 40.09
6.0 m kg *21 350 *21 350 *16 900 *16 900 *14 250 *14 250 *12 550 11 200 *6650 *6650 12.74
20.0 ft lb *45,850 *45,850 *36,450 *36,450 *30,900 *30,900 *27,300 23,850 *14,550 *14,550 41.71
4.5 m kg *24 500 *24 500 *18 600 *18 600 *15 250 14 350 *13 050 10 900 *6800 *6800 12.97
15.0 ft lb *52,600 *52,600 *40,100 *40,100 *32,900 30,850 *28,200 23,300 *14,900 *14,900 42.53
3.0 m kg *20 000 18 350 *16 050 13 800 *13 450 10 600 *7100 *7100 12.99
10.0 ft lb *43,100 39,550 *34,700 29,600 *29,100 22,650 *15,550 *15,550 42.62
1.5 m kg *20 700 17 650 *16 550 13 300 *13 650 10 300 *7550 7350 12.79
5.0 ft lb *48,250 *48,250 *44,700 37,950 *35,750 28,550 *29,500 22,100 *16,600 16,150 41.98
Ground kg *25 850 24 400 *20 650 17 250 *16 550 13 000 *13 450 10 150 *8250 7750 12.37
Line lb *56,750 52,450 *44,600 37,050 *35,750 27,900 *28,950 21,750 *18,150 17,100 40.58
-1.5 m kg *16 200 *16 200 *24 500 24 500 *19 750 17 150 *15 900 12 900 *12 550 10 100 *9250 8650 11.69
-5.0 ft lb *37,650 *37,650 *53,200 52,600 *42,700 36,800 *34,200 27,700 *26,650 21,700 *20,400 19,050 38.33
-3.0 m kg *25 750 *25 750 *22 000 *22 000 *17 950 17 300 *14 250 13 000 *8450 *8450 10.71
-10.0 ft lb *56,200 *56,200 *47,650 *47,650 *38,650 37,150 *30,450 27,950 *18,550 *18,550 35.03
-4.5 m kg *21 150 *21 150 *18 250 *18 250 *14 750 *14 750 *10 600 *10 600 *6350 *6350 9.31
-15.0 ft lb *45,800 *45,800 *39,200 *39,200 *31,450 *31,450 *23,350 *23,350 *13,600 *13,600 30.30
-6.0 m kg *12 250 *12 250 *8900 *8900 7.39
-20.0 ft lb *27,000 *27,000 *21,700 *21,700 22.56

*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.

Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Standard
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *5850 *5850 11.88

35.0 ft lb *13,000 *13,000 38.55
9.0 m kg *11 650 *11 650 *5700 *5700 12.81
30.0 ft lb *23,900 *23,900 *12,550 *12,550 41.77
7.5 m kg *13 450 *13 450 *12 500 12 100 *5650 *5650 13.47
25.0 ft lb *29,250 *29,250 *27,250 25 850 *12,400 *12,400 44.03
6.0 m kg *16 750 *16 750 *14 600 *14 600 *13 100 11 800 *11 050 9050 *5750 *5750 13.89
20.0 ft lb *36,150 *36,150 *31,600 *31,600 *28,500 25 300 *21,450 19,350 *12,600 *12,600 45.50
4.5 m kg *23 950 *23 950 *18 900 *18 900 *15 900 15 000 *13 900 11 450 12 100 8850 *5950 *5950 14.11
15.0 ft lb *51,500 *51,500 *40,800 *40,800 *34,350 *32,200 *30,100 24,500 25,900 18,900 *13,000 *13,000 46.27
3.0 m kg *27 450 27 050 *21 000 19 150 *17 150 14 300 *14 650 11 050 11 850 8650 *6250 *6250 14.14
10.0 ft lb *59,050 58,350 *45,250 41,200 *37,100 30,750 *31,750 23,650 25,400 18,450 *13,700 *13,700 46.38
1.5 m kg *29 650 25 550 *22 550 18 200 *18 200 13 700 14 550 10 650 11 650 8400 *6700 6500 13.97
5.0 ft lb *63,950 55,000 *48,700 39,150 *39,350 29,450 31,300 22,850 24,950 18,000 *14,750 14,250 45.85
Ground kg *14 150 *14 150 *30 300 24 700 *23 350 17 550 18 200 13 250 14 250 10 350 11 450 8250 *7350 6700 13.61
Line lb *32,600 *32,600 *65,600 53,100 *50,450 37,700 39,100 28,450 30,600 22,200 24,600 17,650 *16,200 14,800 44.64
-1.5 m kg *11 950 *11 950 *20 200 *20 200 *29 750 24 350 *23 300 17 150 17 900 12 950 14 050 10 150 11 400 8150 *8300 7250 13.03
-5.0 ft lb *26,950 *26,950 *46,100 *46,100 *64,500 52,300 *50,350 36,900 38,450 27,850 30,200 21,800 25,050 18,000 *18,300 15,950 42.70
-3.0 m kg *19 100 *19 100 *28 000 *28 000 *28 150 24 350 *22 300 17 050 17 800 12 850 14 000 10 100 *9650 8150 12.19
-10.0 ft lb *43,050 *43,050 *63,750 *63,750 *60,850 52,250 *48,200 36,650 38,250 27,650 30,100 21,750 *21,400 18,050 39.90
-4.5 m kg *27 200 *27 200 *31 900 *31 900 *25 300 24 600 *20 300 17 200 *16 250 12 950 *12 350 10 300 *9800 9750 11.05
-15.0 ft lb *61,400 *61,400 *68,950 *68,950 *54,600 52,850 *43,650 36,950 *34,700 27,900 *27,250 22,650 *21,450 *21,450 36.03
-6.0 m kg *25 900 *25 900 *20 950 *20 950 *16 750 *16 750 *12 600 *12 600 *8050 *8050 9.45
-20.0 ft lb *55,500 *55,500 *44,800 *44,800 *35,450 *35,450 *25,900 *25,900 *17,200 *17,200 30.59
-7.5 m kg *14 000 *14 000 *11 100 *11 100 7.14

BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 2.8 m3/3.75 yd3 Trenching Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R4.4H 4400 mm/14'5" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Standard
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *5350 *5350 11.88

35.0 ft lb *11,850 *11,850 38.55
9.0 m kg *10 750 *10 750 *5150 *5150 12.81
30.0 ft lb *22,050 *22,050 *11,400 *11,400 41.77
7.5 m kg *12 350 *12 350 *11 400 *11 400 *5150 *5150 13.47
25.0 ft lb *26,800 *26,800 *24,850 *24,850 *11,300 *11,300 44.03
6.0 m kg *15 400 *15 400 *13 350 *13 350 *11 950 11 800 *10 200 9050 *5200 *5200 13.89
20.0 ft lb *33,200 *33,200 *28,900 *28,900 *26,000 25 300 *19,750 19,350 *11,450 *11,450 45.50
4.5 m kg *22 100 *22 100 *17 400 *17 400 *14 550 *14 550 *12 650 11 450 *11 350 8850 *5400 *5400 14.11
15.0 ft lb *47,500 *47,500 *37,500 *37,500 *31,450 *31,450 *27,450 24,500 *24,650 18,900 *11,850 *11,850 46.27
3.0 m kg *25 300 *25 300 *19 300 19 150 *15 750 14 300 *13 400 11 050 *11 700 8650 *5700 *5700 14.14
10.0 ft lb *54,400 *54,400 *41,600 41,200 *34,000 30,750 *28,950 23,650 *25,350 18,450 *12,500 *12,500 46.38
1.5 m kg *27 250 25 550 *20 700 18 200 *16 650 13 700 *13 950 10 650 11 650 8400 *6150 *6150 13.97
5.0 ft lb *58,850 55,000 *44,700 39,150 *36,000 29,450 *30,150 22,850 24,950 18,000 *13,500 *13,500 45.85
Ground kg *13 100 *13 100 *27 900 24 700 *21 400 17 550 *17 200 13 250 *14 250 10 350 11 450 8250 *6750 6700 13.61
Line lb *30,250 *30,250 *60,350 53,100 *46,300 37,700 *37,150 38,450 30,600 22,200 24,600 17,650 *14,850 14,800 44.64
-1.5 m kg *11 050 *11 050 *18 800 *18 800 *27 350 24 350 *21 350 17 150 *17 150 12 950 14 050 10 150 11 400 8150 *7650 7250 13.03
-5.0 ft lb *24,900 *24,900 *42,950 *42,950 *59,250 52,300 *46,150 36,900 *37,050 27,850 30,200 21,800 25,050 18,000 *16,850 15,950 42.70
-3.0 m kg *17 800 *17 800 *26 150 *26 150 *25 800 24 350 *20 450 17 050 *16 450 12 850 *13 250 10 100 *8900 8150 12.19
-10.0 ft lb *40,050 *40,050 *59,500 *59,500 *55,850 52,250 *44,150 36,650 *35,450 27,650 *28,350 21,750 *19,750 18,050 39.90
-4.5 m kg *25 400 *25 400 *29 200 *29 200 *23 200 *23 200 *18 550 17 200 *14 800 12 950 *11 200 10 300 *8800 *8800 11.05
-15.0 ft lb *57,350 *57,350 *63,200 *63,200 *50,000 *50,000 *39,850 36,950 *31,600 27,900 *24,650 22,650 *19,250 *19,250 36.03
-6.0 m kg *23 600 *23 600 *19 100 *19 100 *15 200 *15 200 *11 400 *11 400 *7150 *7150 9.45
-20.0 ft lb *50,600 *50,600 *40,800 *40,800 *32,200 *32,200 *23,350 *23,350 *15,300 *15,300 30.59
-7.5 m kg *12 600 *12 600 *9950 *9950 7.14

*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.
Lift Capacities Load Point Load at Load Radius Over Load Radius
Height Maximum Reach Front Over Side
BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT On
STICK R3.4J 3400 mm/11'2" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Standard
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *13 100 *13 100 *7250 *7250 10.99

35.0 ft lb *28,800 *28,800 *16,050 *16,050 35.61
9.0 m kg *13 500 *13 500 *6900 *6900 12.01
30.0 ft lb *29,350 *29,350 *15,300 *15,300 39.13
7.5 m *14 150 *14 150 *12 950 11 250 *6800 *6800 12.71
25.0 ft lb *30,750 *30,750 *28,150 24,100 *15,000 *15,000 41.56
6.0 m kg *22 050 *22 050 *17 750 *17 750 *15 150 14 700 *13 450 10 950 *6850 *6850 13.16
20.0 ft lb *47,300 *47,300 *38,300 *38,300 *32,800 31,500 *29,200 23,450 *15,050 *15,050 43.12
4.5 m kg *25 600 *25 600 *19 700 19 100 *16 300 14 050 *14 050 10 650 *7000 6700 13.39
15.0 ft lb *55,000 *55,000 *42,500 41,050 *35,200 30,200 *30,450 22,800 *15,450 14,800 43.91
3.0 m kg *21 400 18 000 *17 300 13 450 14 200 10 300 11 150 7950 *7350 6550 13.41
10.0 ft lb *61,100 54,500 *46,200 38,750 *37,400 28,850 30,500 22,050 *16,150 14,400 44.00
1.5 m kg *26 250 24 100 *22 500 17 150 17 850 12 900 13 900 9950 11 000 7800 *7850 6600 13.22
5.0 ft lb *63,750 51,850 *48,550 36,950 38,400 27,700 29,800 21,350 *17,200 14,550 43.39
Ground kg *29 150 23 600 *22 700 16 650 17 500 12 550 13 650 9750 *8550 6950 12.82
Line lb *63,150 50,700 *49,150 35,850 37,550 26,950 29,300 20,900 *18,800 15,350 42.06
-1.5 m kg *18 050 *18 050 *27 800 23 550 *22 100 16 450 17 300 12 350 13 550 9650 *9550 7700 12.18
-5.0 ft lb *41,500 *41,500 *60,250 50,550 *47,750 35,400 37,150 26,550 29,100 20,700 *21,100 16,950 39.91
-3.0 m kg *19 750 *19 750 *29 450 *29 450 *25 400 23 800 *20 500 16 550 *16 450 12 400 *12 600 9750 *9650 8950 11.25
-10.0 ft lb *44,650 *44,650 *67,350 *67,350 *55,050 51,050 *44,250 35,550 *35,350 26,650 *27,700 21,500 *21,150 19,850 36.79
-4.5 m kg *26 250 *26 250 *21 800 *21 800 *17 650 16 850 *13 650 12 700 *8000 *8000 9.94
-15.0 ft lb *56,750 *56,750 *47,000 *47,000 *37,800 36,250 *28,650 27,350 *17,400 *17,400 32.38
-6.0 m kg *19,250 *19,250 *16,250 *16,250 *12,550 *12,550 *9950 *9950 8.26
-20.0 ft lb *42,400 *42,400 *34,350 *34,350 *25,750 *25,750 *21,500 *21,500 26.75

BOOM General 8400 mm/27'6" BUCKET 3.0 m3/4.00 yd3 Heavy Duty Bucket HEAVY LIFT Off
STICK R3.4J 3400 mm/11'2" SHOE 900 mm/36" Double Grouser UNDERCARRIAGE Standard
3.0 m/10.0 ft 4.5 m/15.0 ft 6.0 m/20.0 ft 7.5 m/25.0 ft 9.0 m/30.0 ft 10.5 m/35.0 ft 12.0 m/40.0 ft


10.5 m kg *11 950 *11 950 *6650 *6650 10.99

35.0 ft lb *26,350 *26,350 *14,700 *14,700 35.61
9.0 m kg *12 300 *12 300 *6350 *6350 12.01
30.0 ft lb *26,800 *26,800 *13,950 *13,950 39.13
7.5 m *12 950 *12 950 *11 750 11 250 *6200 *6200 12.71
25.0 ft lb *28,100 *28,100 *25,600 24,100 *13,700 *13,700 41.56
6.0 m kg *20 300 *20 300 *16 300 *16 300 *13 850 *13 850 *12 200 10 950 *6250 *6250 13.16
20.0 ft lb *43,550 *43,550 *35,100 *35,100 *29,950 *29,950 *26,550 23,450 *13,750 *13,750 43.12
4.5 m kg *23 550 *23 550 *18 050 *18 050 *14 850 14 050 *12 800 10 650 *6400 *6400 13.39
15.0 ft lb *50,600 *50,600 *38,950 *38,950 *32,150 30,200 *27,650 22,800 *14,100 *14,100 43.91
3.0 m kg *19 600 18 000 *15 800 13 450 *13 300 10 300 11 150 7950 *6700 6550 13.41
10.0 ft lb *56,100 54,500 *42,300 38,750 *34,150 28,850 *28,750 22,050 *14,750 14,400 44.00
1.5 m kg *24 450 24 100 *20 600 17 150 *16 450 12 900 *13 650 9950 11 000 7800 *7150 6600 13.22
5.0 ft lb *58,450 51,850 *44,450 36,950 *35,550 27,700 *29,450 21,350 *15,750 14,550 43.39
Ground kg *26 700 23 600 *20 800 16 650 *16 650 12 550 *13 650 9750 *7850 6950 12.82
Line lb *57,900 50,700 *44,950 35,850 *35,950 26,950 29,300 20,900 *17,250 15,350 42.06
-1.5 m kg *16 750 *16 750 *25 450 23 550 *20 200 16 450 *16 200 12 350 *13 050 9650 *8800 7700 12.18
-5.0 ft lb *38,600 *38,600 *55,150 50,550 *43,650 35,400 *34,950 26,550 *27,950 20,700 *19,400 16,950 39.91
-3.0 m kg *18 350 *18 350 *27 500 *27 500 *23 200 *23 200 *18 700 16 550 *14 950 12 400 *11 350 9750 *8650 *8650 11.25
-10.0 ft lb *41,550 *41,550 *61,650 *61,650 *50,300 *50,300 *40,350 35,550 *32,100 26,650 *25,000 21,500 *18,900 *18,900 36.79
-4.5 m kg *23 850 *23 850 *19 850 *19 850 *16 050 *16 050 *12 300 *12 300 *7100 *7100 9.94
-15.0 ft lb *51,650 *51,650 *42,750 *42,750 *34,300 *34,300 *25,800 *25,800 *15,350 *15,350 32.38
-6.0 m kg *17 350 *17 350 *14 650 *14 650 *11 250 *11 250 *8850 *8850 8.26
-20.0 ft lb *38,250 *38,250 *30,950 *30,950 *23,050 *23,050 *19,100 *19,100 26.75

*Limited by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with SAE hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating
standard J1097. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted
from the above lifting capacities.

375/375L Hydraulic Excavator

1998, 2000, 2001 Caterpillar
Printed in U.S.A.

AEHQ3850-05 (06-01)
(replaces AEHQ3850-04) Featured machines in the photos may include optional equipment.
NACD Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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