Child Safety and Child Custody in House Resolution 72 / Bipartisan Support
Child Safety and Child Custody in House Resolution 72 / Bipartisan Support
Child Safety and Child Custody in House Resolution 72 / Bipartisan Support
H. CON. RES. 72
Expressing the sense of Congress that child safety is the first priority of
custody and visitation adjudications, and that State courts should im-
prove adjudications of custody where family violence is alleged.
Expressing the sense of Congress that child safety is the
first priority of custody and visitation adjudications, and
that State courts should improve adjudications of custody
where family violence is alleged.
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abuse, psychological abuse and neglect) amounting to ap-
proximately $124 billion;
Whereas according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, federally launched, funded and tracked longi-
tudinal research into adverse childhood experiences
(the ACEs study) has shown that children who experi-
ence abuse and neglect are also at increased risk for ad-
verse health effects and certain chronic diseases as
adults, including heart disease, cancer, chronic lung dis-
ease, liver disease, obesity, high blood pressure, high cho-
lesterol, and high levels of C-reactive protein;
Whereas research confirms that allegations of domestic vio-
lence, child abuse, and child sexual abuse are often dis-
counted when raised in child custody litigation;
Whereas research shows that abusive parents are often grant-
ed custody or unprotected parenting time by courts, plac-
ing children at ongoing risk;
Whereas research confirms that a childs risk of abuse in-
creases after a perpetrator of domestic violence separates
from a domestic partner, even when the perpetrator has
not previously abused the child;
Whereas researchers have documented a minimum of 568
children murdered in the United States in a 10-year pe-
riod by a parent involved in a divorce, separation, cus-
tody, visitation, or child support proceeding, often after
access was provided by family courts over the objections
of a protective parent;
Whereas scientifically unsound theories such as parental
alienation syndrome, enmeshment, and others are fre-
quently applied to reject parents and childrens reports
of abuse;
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Whereas in cases involving allegations of family violence
courts should rely on the assistance of third-party profes-
sionals only when they possess the proper experience or
expertise for assessing family violence and trauma, and
apply scientifically sound and evidence-based theories;
Whereas most States lack standards defining required exper-
tise and experience for court-affiliated or appointed fee-
paid professionals in custody litigation or the required
contents of custody-related expert reports;
Whereas custody litigation involving abuse allegations is
sometimes prohibitively expensive, resulting in parental
bankruptcy, as a result of court-mandated payments to
appointed fee-paid professionals, in addition to attorneys
fees; and
Whereas the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
found that the United States is failing in its legal obliga-
tion to protect women and children from domestic vio-
lence: Now, therefore, be it
1 Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate
2 concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that
3 (1) child safety is the first priority of custody
4 and parenting adjudications, and courts should re-
5 solve safety risks and claims of family violence first,
6 as a fundamental consideration, before assessing
7 other best interest factors;
8 (2) quasi-scientific evidence should be admitted
9 by courts only when it meets admissibility standards
10 for scientific evidence;
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1 (3) evidence from court-affiliated or appointed
2 fee-paid professionals regarding adult or child abuse
3 allegations in custody cases should be admitted only
4 when the professional possesses documented exper-
5 tise and experience in the relevant types of abuse,
6 trauma, and the behaviors of victims and perpetra-
7 tors;
8 (4) States should define required standards of
9 expertise and experience for appointed fee-paid pro-
10 fessionals who provide evidence to the court on
11 abuse, trauma and behaviors of victims and per-
12 petrators, should specify requirements for the con-
13 tents of such professional reports, and should re-
14 quire courts to find that any appointed professionals
15 meet those standards;
16 (5) States should consider models under which
17 court-appointed professionals are paid directly by
18 the courts, with potential reimbursement by the par-
19 ties after due consideration of the parties financial
20 circumstances; and
21 (6) Congress should schedule hearings on fam-
22 ily courts practices with regard to the objective,
23 fair, and adjudication of childrens safety and civil
24 rights.
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