Design of The Low Head Slide Gate
Design of The Low Head Slide Gate
Design of The Low Head Slide Gate
Basic Parameters
Allowable stresses
Allowable stresses as specified for in Annexx "B" of IS-5620-1985 as applicable to wet and
inaccessible conditions
a) Structural Steel
Tension in bending: 0.4 YP = 100 Mpa
Compression in bending: 0.4 YP = 100 Mpa
Shear Stress: 0.3 YP = 75 Mpa
Combined Stress: 0.5 YP = 125 Mpa
Bearing Stress: 0.25 UTS = 102.5 Mpa
b) Bronze or Brass
Kg/m2 1333.33 Kg/m2 833.00 Kg/m2 500.00
0.167 m 0.333 m
0.500 m
R1 R2
1.00 m
Reaction / width at girder 1, R1 = 500.33 Kg/m
Reaction / width at girder 2, R2 = 499.67 Kg/m
Design of Skin Plate
Boundary condition of the plate is all edges simply supported
Bending Stress, = K/100 X p X a2/s2
where K= non-dimensional factor depending on values of a & b
p = water pressure (relative to the plate center), in N/mm2
a,b = bay width in mm
s, plate thickness = 8 mm (assummed)
L1 = a
b b
PANEL I : Three edges fixed and one longer edge free
Maxim distance between vertical stiffener 0.5 m
Distance to girder 1, a = 0.1667 m
Ratio, b/a = 3
p, water pressure = 0.01417 N/mm2
Stress b/a 11x 11y 12x 12y 13x 13y 14x 14y 15x
Values of K 3 19.78 7.68 44.93 149.76 51.84 15.55 124.8 37.44 52.42
Bending Stress, = 1.22 0.47 2.76 9.21 3.19 0.96 7.67 2.3 3.22
Maximum stress = 9.21 N/mm2 which is well below allowable. Hence OK.
PANEL II : All four edges fixed.
Maxim distance between vertical stiffener 0.5 m
Distance between girder 1 & 2, a = 0.5003 m
Ratio, b/a = 0.9993
p, water pressure = 0.01083 N/mm2
Stress b/a 2x 2y 3x 3y 4x 4y
Values of K 1 13.7 13.7 30.9 9.27 9.27 30.9
Values of K 1.25 18.8 13.5 40.3 12.09 10.17 33.9
Values of K 0.99933 13.69 13.7 30.9 9.27 9.27 30.9
Girder 1 Girder 2
Spacing between horizontal girders, 2B: 0.333 m 0.500333 m
Span length, L: 0.5 m 0.5 m
L/B = 3 2
Applicable factor, V1: 0.58 0.39
Co-acting width, 2VB: 0.19 m 0.2 m
Calculation of stress
0 0 0
0.33 33.88 0 33.88
0.83 270.06 -250 0 20.06
1 416.67 -333.3 -83.39 0
Stem Size, mm 48
Capacity, W (Kg) 2000
Bolt Major dia, d (mm) 48
Core dia, d1 (mm) 40
Nut Major dia (mm) 40.5
Pitch, p (mm) 8
thread depth, t (mm) 4
Pitch Diameter, dp / dm (mm) 44
tan 0.0579
tan ( + ) 0.2097
Thrust Pad mean dia (mm) 112.5
Min dia (mm), di 75
Max dia (mm), do 150
Coefficient of friction, 0.15
friction thrust bearing, c 0.01
Torque (, Mt W tan ( + ) dm/2 9225.28
Torque thrust pad ( Mt c W (do3 - di3)/(do2 - di2)/3 1166.67
Total torque (, M Mt + M t 10391.95
Manual Force ( IS: 6938 : 1989 10.194
Lever arm required min (mm) 1019.42
Lever arm provided (mm) 1019
Bending stress, b (Mpa) 160
Diameter of arm, da, mm (32 M / b) 1/3
Diameter provided, da, mm 40
Tensile stress, (Mpa) 1.3 W / (( d1 / 4)
Shear Stress, (Mpa) 16Mt/( d1 )3
Shear Stress, nut (Mpa) 20
Thread Calculated, n W/(nut dm t) 1.8079
Bearing Pressure, pb (Mpa) 13.5
Thread Checked, n 4W/[(Do - D ) pb]
2 2
Thread Provideded, n 10
Length of nut, H (mm) np 80
Tensile stress, t (Mpa) of bronze 66
Outer dia of nut, Do (mm) from t = 4W/ (Do - D ) & cl 5.3.3 of IS: 11228
2 2
Efficiency of Screw, : tan / tan ( + ) 0.276
Time required for full operation of the gate
RPM For manual operation vide IS: 6938 24
Pitch of thread: mm 8
Speed of hoist: min 192
Time required min 6.77
Supporting platform
Hence OK
4694 -1968