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Thermal Stability, Swelling Behaviour and Dielectric Proper-Ties of Nbr/Pvc-Pvac Blends

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Thermal Stability, Swelling

NBR blends  Thermal stability  Swel-
ling  Dielectric constant  Dielectric loss

Blends of butadiene-acrylonitrile-rubber
(NBR) and vinyl chloride/vinyl acetate Behaviour and Dielectric Proper-
ties of NBR/PVC-PVAc Blends
copolymer (PVC/PVAc) were prepared in
various ratios. The viscosity measure-
ments and scanning electron micros-
copy revealed that NBR and PVC/PVAc
copolymers are compatible in all ratios.
Comparative studies of the curing char- S. H. Botros, M. E. Kenawy, A. F. Younan
acteristics of such blends as well as and I. M. El Kashef, Cairo (Egypt)
physico-mechanical properties, swelling
behaviour and dielectric measurements
of their vulcanizates were investigated.
The test cure system ethylene thiourea/
sulphur (ETU/S) and the conventional
cure system cyclohexyl benzothiazole
In recent years, polymer modification by Experimental
sulphenamide/tetramethylthiuram disul-
blends has played a major role in regulat-
phide/sulphur (CBS/TMTD/S), both pro- ing the final properties of products. The Materials
duce crosslinking effects which are final properties of the polymer blends
are dependent among others on phase Rubber: Butadiene-acrylonitrile-copoly-
comparable to each other; particularly
with respect to physico-mechanical morphology wich is governed by the mer (NBR) of 33 % acrylonitrile, Mooney
properties of the blend vulcanizates and solubility paramters of polymers and the viscosity ML (1 4) 45 (Krynac-N,
their degree of swelling in motor oil. number of interfacial bonds [1]. Bayer AG).
Also, the dielectric measurements taken The blend system NBR/PVC is known Plastic: Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copo-
for the blend vulcanizates containing as a compatible one since the first pa- lymer (PVC-PVAc) of 57 K value and 11 %
various white fillers indicate a substan-
tents in 1942. Many investigations have vinyl acetate content (Al-Ameria Com-
tial decrease in the dielectric constant pany, Egypt).
(2 0 ) and the dielectric loss (2 00 ).
been carried out on NBR/PVC blends in-
cluding the interfacial bonds between Fillers: High abrasion furnace black (HAF-
NBR and PVC [2, 3], crosslinking and N 330); Talc, Mg6 OH4 Si8 O20 ; Kaolin,
Thermische Stabilitat, Quell- curatives properties of these blends [4 Al4 OH4 Si8 O20 ; Calcium carbonate,
CaCO3 ; Silitan-z, SiO2
verhalten und dielektrische 11]. Among thermoplastics, PVC pres-
Plastisizer: Di-iso-nonylphathalate (DINP).
Eigenschaften von NBR/ PVC- ents a variety of options; its polar nature
allows preparation of compatible blends Antioxidant: N-isopropyl p-phenylenedi-
PVAc Gemischen with complementary dissimilar polymers amine (IPPD).
[12]. NBR is used in oil resistance appli- Accelerator: Tetramethylthiuramdisul-
NBR Verschnitte  Thermische Stabilitat 
cation even when it costs more than nat- phide (TMTD); N-cyclohexyl-2-ben-
Quellung  Dielektrische Konstante  Di-
elektrischer Verlust ural and synthetic rubbers. On the other zothiazole-sulphenamide (CBS); Ethyl-
hand PVC possesses good oil resistance, enethiourea (ETU).
Verschnitte aus Nitrilkautschuk (NBR) but it needs additional plasticizer which Other elastomer compounding ingredi-
und einem Vinylchlorid-vinylacetat Copo- may be extracted by solvents, and there- ents are of commercial grades.
lymeren (PVC-PVAc) zeigen anhand von fore the plastic becomes hard and brittle
Viskositatmessungen und elektronenmi-
during the life cycle of the product. How-
kroskopischen Aufnahmen eine Vertrag- Techniques
ever PVC/PVAc copolymer is one of the
lichheit in allen Verschnittverhaltnissen.
cheapest thermoplastic copolymers
Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Ver- Processing and Testing
netzungscharakteristiken solcher Gemi- which possesses high oil resistance
sche, der mechanischen Eigenschaften, and lower softening temperature as well Rubber (NBR) and plastic (PVC-PVAc
des Quellungsverhaltens und der dielek- as reduced hardness and stiffness and copolymer) were mixed on a Brabender
trischen Eigenschaften der Vulkanisate needs less amount of plasticizer when plasticorder at 130 8C for 2 min. at
wurden untersucht. Die Vernetzung mit compared with PVC. Thus it became in- 500 N m maximum torque and 62 rpm.
ETU/S und CBS/TMTD/S fuhrt zu ver- teresting in the present paper to prepare Then the elastomer compounding ingre-
gleichbaren Einflussen bezuglich der blends of NBR and PVC/PVAc copolymer dients were incorporated into the rubber/
physikalisch-mechanischen Eigenschaf-
in order to obtain a balance of properties plastic mix, utilizing an open two roll mill of
ten der Verschnitt-Vulkanisate und ihres
of the vulcanizates that can be used as oil 330 mm working distance and 170 mm
Quellverhaltens in Motorol. Auch die di-
elektrischen Messungen der Verschnitt- seal or rubber hose with good mechani- diameter at 1:1.2 gear ratio according
Vulkanisate mit verschiedenen hellen cal properties and ageing resistance. to ASTM-D 3182-89. The cure character-
Fullstoffen zeigen eine wesentliche Er- Also, to obtain vulcanizates with good istics of the rubber mixes were deter-
niedrigung des dielektrischen Speichers ageing resistance together with good di- mined at 152  1 8C using a Monsanto
(e 0 ) und des dielektrischen Verlust- electric properties to be used for electric Oscillating Disc Rheometer model-100,
modulus (e 00 ). insulation application. according to ASTM-D 2084-95. Rubber

722 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 12/2000

Thermal Stability, Swelling Behaviour . . .

mixes were vulcanized using a hydraulic Intrinsic viscosity the micrographs of 60 and 50 wt% of
press at 4 MPa. Tensile properties of PVC-PVAc. The micrographs show dark
Fig. 1 shows the relation of the intrinsic
the vulcanized composites were mea- and bright regions and the surface be-
viscosity vs. the blend ratio. The intrinsic
sured by using a Zwick machine, at comes more uniform with addition of
viscosity decreases linearly with increas-
room temperature, following the standard the NBR to PVC-PVAc copolymer.
ing the plastic content in the blend. This
procedures described in ASTM-D 412- Fig. 2d represents the electron micro-
linearity indicates that NBR and PVC-
98a. The cross-head speed was graph of 40 wt% PVC- PVAc copolymer.
PVAc are compatible in all ratios [13, 14].
50  1 mm/min. Swelling tests (ASTM- No significant etching appears for the
D 471-97) in toluene were carried out at sample. The micrograph shows that there
25 8C for 48 hr. Swelling tests in motor is some degree of surface homogeneity
Electron microscopy
oil were performed for 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 distribution or dispersion of the particles
days at 100 8C. Accelerated ageing test Scanning electron microscopy was used encased within the blending matrix. The
was conducted for 2, 4, 6 and 7 days to study the surface of the polymer morphology of NBR (Fig. 2e) shows no
at 90 8C according to ASTM-D 573-88. blends. The magnification used was phase separation indicating the homoge-
500. Evaluation of micrographs of the neity of NBR surface. The results ob-
binary systems of rubber-plastic blends tained from the micrographs show that
Viscosity measurements:
as well as those of the pure rubber and addition of NBR increases the compatibil-
Solutions (0.8 g/100 ml) of NBR, PVC- plastic, shows appreciable changes oc- ity of the copolymer PVC-PVAc and lead
PVAc copolymer and different ratios of curing on the surface of the plaque. to compatible blends [16].
their blend were prepared in a mixture The electron micrograph (Fig. 2a) illus-
of toluene/cyclohexanone (50:50 by trates the morphology of the PVC-PVAc
Effect of blend ratio on the proper-
volume). The solutions were diluted with copolymer, it shows a very rough surface
ties of the vulcanizates
calculated volumes of the mixed solvent with cavities all over, and shows ridge-like
to obtain 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 and 0.1/ structure which indicates clearly the het- Formulations and rheometeric character-
100 ml solutions. The intrinsic viscosity erogeneity and phase separation of PVC- istics of NBR/PVC-PVAc blend mixes as
[g] was measured using a modified Ost- PVAc [3, 15]. Figs. 2b and 2c represent well as mechanical properties and swel-
wald dilution viscometer at 25 8C.

Dielectric measurements:
The dielectric permittivity e 0  2 and the
dielectric loss e 00  5 were measured
using LCR meter bridge (AG 4311B,
ANDO, Japan) and a guard ring capacitor
type NFM5/T (Wissenschaftlich Tech-
nische Werkstatten GmbH (W.T.W.)
Germany). The samples were prepared
in the form of discs of 50 mm diameter
and 3 mm thickness. The measurements
were carried out at 25 8C.

Results and discussion

NBR and PVC-PVAc were blended in dif-
ferent ratios. The composition of the
blends are given in Table 1. Viscosity
measurements and scanning electron
microscopy techniques were used to ex- Fig. 1. Intrinsic
viscosity of NBR/
amine the degree of compatibility of NBR PVC-PVAc blends
and PVC-PVAc copolymer plastic. vs. the blend ratio

Table 1. Composition of NBR/PVC-PVAc blends

Sample no. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
NBR 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 0
PVC/PVAc 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100
DINP* 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
* Di-isononyl phthalate

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 12/2000 723

Thermal Stability, Swelling Behaviour . . .

Fig. 2a. Micrograph of PVC-PVAc copolymer, M 500  Fig. 2b. Micrograph of NBR/PVC-PVAc blend (40/60), M 500 

Fig. 2c. Micrograph of NBR/PVC-PVAc blend (50/50), M 500  Fig. 2d. Micrograph of NBR/PVC-PVAc blend (60/40), M 500 

the vulcanizate (S17), containing

NBR:PVC-PVAc (40:60), shows an in-
crease in both tensile strength and
100 % modulus with the ageing time.
However, elongation at break of the con-
trol vulcanizate (S11), without plastic, de-
creased gradually with the ageing time,
but it became very stable as the plastic
content increased up to 50 phr, especially
after 4 days of ageing.
Fig. 6 indicates that blending of PVC-
PVAc with NBR resulted in a reduction
of the swelling of the vulcanizates in mo-
Fig. 2e. Micrograph of
NBR, M 500 
tor oil and the weight swell in motor oil
was reduced gradually by increasing
the plastic content in its blend with NBR.
ling data in toluene of the vulcanizates are fraction in toluene were reduced gradu- The dielectric constant (e 0 ) for the pre-
illustrated in Table 2. It is shown that the ally. pared blends were measured at three
cure rate index (CRI) decreased by in- The blend vulcanizates were subjected spotting frequencies (1, 10 and 50 Khz).
creasing the plastic content. Also, in- to accelerated thermal ageing at Fig. 7 illustrates that the dielectric con-
creasing the plastic content in the blend 90  1 8C for different periods up to 7 stant (e 0 ) decreased linearly with increas-
resulted in a remarkable increase in both days. Figs. 3 5 indicate that all the blend ing the plastic content in the blend. The
tensile strength and 100 % modulus of vulcanizates showed thermal stability of linearity indicates that NBR and PVC-
the vulcanizates, while the elongation at both tensile strength and 100 % modulus PVAc are compatible [17]. This result is
break as well as weight swell and soluble throughout the ageing periods; except in agreement with the results obtained

724 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 12/2000

Thermal Stability, Swelling Behaviour . . .

Table 2. Formulations and properties of NBR/PVC-PVAc blends with different blend ratios
Sample No. S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17
NBR 100 90 80 70 60 50 40
PVC/PVAc 10 20 30 40 50 60
Rheometeric - characteristics at 162 8C
ML , dN.m. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
MH , dN.m. 73.6 67 67 65 62.8 67 65
tc90 , min. 6 7 7.5 7.5 7.5 8 9.5
ts2 , min. 3 3.7 4 4 3.6 3.7 3.6
CRI, min1 33.3 30.3 28.6 28.6 25.6 23.3 16.9
Physico-mechanical properties at 25 8C
Tensile strength, MPa 8.5 10.5 14.4 15.2 18.6 23.0 23.4
Elongation at break, % 650 525 500 425 395 380 315
100 % modulus, MPa 0.8 1.8 2.0 2.3 3.3 5.4 9.7
Swelling in toluene after 48 hr at 25 8C
Weight swell, % 163 152 125 90 89 67 67
Soluble fraction, % 10 10 9.5 9 6 5 3.5
The base recipe contains (in phr): DINP 10, Stearic acid 1.5, ZnO 5, IPPD 1, HAF carbon black 20, Processing oil 5, CBS 1, TMTD 0.3 and sulphur 2.

from the viscosity measurements and the diene rubbers. In the present paper the cure time (t90 ), highest tensile strength
scanning electron microscope micro- combination of ETU and S with different and low weight swell and soluble fraction
graphs. ratios were tested for the vulcanzation in toluene. However S19 blend contain-
of NBR/PVC-PVAc blend, and compared ing ETU/S (2/1) showed the lowest max-
Effect of vulcanizing systems on with the conventional curing systems, imum torque (MH ), the longest cure time,
rheometeric characteristics of the blends the least tensile strength and 100 % mod-
the properties of NBR/ PVC-
and the physico-mechanical properties of ulus, and the highest weight swell in to-
PVAc blend vulcanizates
their vulcanizates are illustrated in Table 3. luene. This can be attributed to the insuf-
Crosslinking of NBR has long been car- It is obvious that ETU/S system is able ficient amount of S. The replacement of
ried out by employing the conventional to cure NBR/ PVC-PVAc blend (S20) but TMTD (S18) with ETU (S22) resulted in
curing systems such as TMTD and at lower rate than the conventional sys- a vulcanizate with longer cure time, short-
CBS as accelerators and sulphur (S) as tem (S18). Also, the optimum ratio of er scorch time (tS2), less weight swell in
the crosslinking agent. These systems ETU/S was found to be 2/2 (in phr) since toluene but with comparable mechanical
are commonly suitable for curing the S20 blend showed comparatively short properties.

Fig. 3. Tensile strength of NBR/PVC-PVAc vulcanizates with differ- Fig. 4. 100% modulus of NBR/PVC-PVAc vulcanizates with different
ent blend ratios vs. ageing time, at 90 8C blend ratios vs. ageing time, at 90 8C

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 12/2000 725

Thermal Stability, Swelling Behaviour . . .

Fig. 5. Elongation at break of NBR/PVC-PVAc vulcanizates with dif- Fig. 6. Weight swell %, in motor oil, of NBR/PVC-PVAc vulcanizates
ferent blend ratios vs. ageing time, at 90 8C with various blend ratios vs. exposure time, at 100 8C

Table 3 illustrates that the weight swell Dielectric constant (e 0 ) and dielectric with ETU/S curing system show lower e 0
values, in motor oil of all the blend vulca- loss (e 00 ) of the blend vulcanizates were values than that of the vulcanizate cured
nizates cured with ETU/S system, were measured at the three frequencies men- with the conventional curing system.
similar to that obtained for the vulcanizate tioned above (Table 3), at 25 8C. e 0 of However, at each specific frequency,
cured with the conventional system each sample decreased as the frequency the samples cured with ETU/S system
(S18). increased. The blend vulcanizates cured (with different ratios) showed similar e 0

Fig. 7. Dielectric constant vs. NBR/PVC-PVAc blend ratio, at differ- Fig. 8. Tensile strength of NBR/PVC-PVAc vulcanizates containing
ent frequencies HAF carbon black combined with various white fillers vs. ageing
time, at 90 8C

726 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 12/2000

Thermal Stability, Swelling Behaviour . . .

Table 3. Formulations and properties of NBR/ PVC-PVAc blends with different vulcanizing systems
Sample No. S14 S18 S19 S20 S21
ETU 0 2 2 1 0.5
S 2 1 2 2 2
CBS 1 0 0 0 1
TMTD 0.3 0 0 0 0
Rheometeric characteristics, at 162 8C
ML , dN.m. 4 4 4 4 3
MH , dN.m. 65 40 63 64 63
tc90 , min. 7.5 32.5 17 30 19
ts2 , min. 4 3 2.5 3 1.8
CRI, min1 28.6 3.4 6.9 3.7 5.8
Physico-mechanical properties at 25 8C
Tensile strength, MPa 15.2 13.7 15.8 14.7 14.8
Elongation at break, % 425 470 445 380 445
100 % modulus, MPa 2.3 2 2.3 2.6 2.3
Swelling in toluene for 48 hr, at 25 8C
Weight Swell, % 90 115.7 88 86 86
Soluble fraction, % 9 8.4 6.5 7.7 8.2
Swelling in Motor oil after 7 days, at 100 8C
Weight swell, % 7.8 8 8.2 7.9 8.6
Dielectric properties

Frequency, KHz 1 10 50 1 10 50 1 10 50 1 10 50 1 10 50
e0 51 35 28 39 29 23 42 30 24 40 29 24 40 29 23
e 00 13 8.4 6.9 8.4 5.2 4.7 12 5.8 5 8.7 5.6 4.8 8.7 5.6 4.7
The base recipe contains (in phr): NBR 70, PVC- PVAc 30, DINP 10, Stearic acid 1.5, ZnO 5, IPPD 1, HAF carbon black 20 and Processing oil 5.

values. On the other hand e 00 values for Effect of white fillers on properties crease the electrical conductivity if they
ETU/S (in different ratios) cured samples of NBR/PVC-PVAc are added in large amounts. On the other
were similar to each other but less than hand the use of the non-black fillers im-
that of the vulcanizate cured with the con- The black fillers improve the mechanical prove the dielectric properties and the
ventional system. properties of vulcanizates, while they in- swelling resistance in addition to reducing

Fig. 9. 100 % modulus of NBR/PVC-PVAc vulcanizates containing Fig. 10. Elongation at break of NBR/PVC-PVAc vulcanizates con-
HAF carbon black combined with various white fillers vs. ageing taining HAF carbon black combined with various white fillers vs.
time, at 90 8C ageing time, at 90 8C

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 12/2000 727

Thermal Stability, Swelling Behaviour . . .

Table 4. Formulations and properties of NBR/PVC-PVAc blends containing HAF carbon black and different white fillers
Sample No. S14 S22 S23 S24 S25
CaCO3 40
Kaolin 40
Silitan-z 40
Talc 40
Rheometeric Characteristics at 162 8C
ML , dN.m. 4 5.3 2.7 2.7 2.7
MH , dN.m. 65 50 65 79 59
tc900 , min. 7.5 6 6 7 7
ts2 , min. 4 3.5 3 3 3.5
CRI, min1 28.6 40 33 25 25
Physico-mechanical Properties at 25 8C
Tensile Strength, Mpa 15.2 12 15 15.3 13
Elongation at break, % 425 400 400 425 400
100 % modulus, Mpa 2.3 1.9 3.7 3.2 1.9
Swelling in toluene for 48 hr, at 25 8C
Weight Swell, % 90 90 86 80 83
Soluble Fraction, % 9 9 9 5.2 8
The base recipe contains (in phr): NBR 70, PVC-PVAc 30, DINP 10, Stearic acid 1.5, ZnO 5, IPPD 1, HAF carbon black 20, Processing oil 5, Sulphur 2, CBS 1,
and TMTD 0.3.

the cost of vulcanizates. Thus, it was in- throughout the ageing periods, whereas Dielectric constant (e 0 ) and dielectric
teresting to investigate the effect of com- the vulcanizates containing silitan-z or loss (e 00 ) were measured at three fixed fre-
bination of black and white fillers on me- kaolin possessed higher tensile strength, quencies and represented in Figs. 12 and
chanical, dielectric and swelling proper- higher 100 % modulus but lower elonga- 13. Generally, e 0 and e 00 decreased with
ties of NBR/PVC-PVAc blend vulcani- tion at break, as shown in Figs. 8 10. increasing the frequency applied. The
zates. For this purpose various white fil- Swelling tests in motor oil were con- vulcanizates containing HAF carbon
lers namely calcium carbonate, kaolin, si- ducted at 100 8C for periods up to 7 black combined with white fillers pos-
litan-z and talc, were incorporated into days. Fig. 11 illustrates that silitan-z re- sessed lower e 0 and e 00 than those of
the blend mixes. Formulations, rheome- duced benificially the weight swell in mo- the control vulcanizate containing HAF
teric characteristics of the blends and tor oil. without white filler.
physico-mechanical properties of the vul-
canizates are given in Table 4.
It is noticed that utilization of silitan-z
increased the maximum torque and de-
creased the cure rate index. However,
calcium carbonate and talc decreased
the maximum torque and increased the
cure rate index. The data obtained (Ta-
ble 4) reveal that both calcium carbonate
and talc reduced the mechanical proper-
ties especially the tensile strength and
100 % modulus. However, both kaolin
and silitan-z enhanced the modulus
with no remarkable effect on both tensile
strength and elongation at break, when
compared to the control vulcanizate
(S14) containing carbon black with no
white filler. Also, silitan-z and kaolin re-
duced weight swell and soluble fraction
in toluene.
The prepared vulcanizates were sub- Fig. 11. Weight
swell %, in motor oil,
jected to thermal ageing at 90 8C for of NBR/PVC-PVAc
different periods up to 7 days. The results vulcanizates con-
reveal that the vulcanizates containing taining HAF carbon
calcium carbonate or talc filler possessed black combined
with various white
lower tensile strength, lower 100 % mod- fillers vs. exposure
ulus but higher elongation at break time, at 100 8C

728 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 12/2000

Thermal Stability, Swelling Behaviour . . .

Fig. 12. Dielectric constant of NBR/PVC-PVAc vulcanizates contain- Fig. 13. Dielectric loss of NBR/PVC-PVAc vulcanizates containing
ing HAF carbon black combined with various white fillers, at different HAF carbon black combined with various white fillers, at different
frequencies frequencies

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