App Unti 1 Extra
App Unti 1 Extra
App Unti 1 Extra
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia
Hawking radiation1
Up to the mid 1970s it was considered as a fact that the event horizon of a BH could
not decrease, which would mean that a BH, once produced, could never disappear
from spacetime. The (theory) results on Hawking radiation changed this scenario
dramatically. It was soon realized that a continuously radiating BH looses its mass
and eventually may disappear completely.
From the preliminary results indicating that the spectrum of emitted radiation
is thermal one is led to an information paradox. The information lost into the
following the structure of the relevant pages of gr-qc/0209007
BH (say a system of pure quantum states) is lost forever if it disappears at the end
of the evaporation process. In order to restore quantum-mechanical conservation of
information the Hawking radiation (rather than being a thermal mixture of quantum
states) should somehow encode the information corresponding to the matter which
has passed the event horizon. Or else the information could be released at the very
end of the evaporation process, when the BH is of Planckian size and only the correct
quantum-gravity theory (possibly through surprising new effects) can be applied. If
information is truly lost the unitarity of quantum mechanics is then violated.
The quantum mechanical effect that enables BHs to radiate away their mass is the
type of particle production that arises in situations in which a quantum vacuum of
some particle species interacts with an external field. One describes the vacuum as
filled with virtual particle-antiparticle pairs whose total energy is zero. Thus, one of
the virtual particles of a pair carries negative energy, while the other virtual particle
carries positive energy. For some virtual pairs the positive-energy particle will be on
the mass-shell2 Near a BH we can think of a particle with negative energy that falls
into the BH and thereby decreases its mass. As it is trapped in the BH we are not
confronted with the situation that a particle of negative energy might be measured.
The other particle (which is real) can escape to infinity, i.e. it is emitted by the BH.
This heuristic description of the emission process finds support in the technical
analysis (pertaining to the framework of field theory in curved spacetime backgrounds)
reported by Hawking in the mid 1970s. Hawking finds a purely thermal spectrum of
emitted radiation characterized by temperature TBH = (8M )1 , where M is the BH
Entropy-area relation
In the same spirit of the heuristic arguments leading to the conjecture of radiation
emitted by the black hole, it is possible to derive a relationship between the entropy
of a black hole and its (horizon-surface) area.
Bekenstein actually presented in 1973-1974 several heuristic arguments all leading
to the conclusion that the entropy and the area should be linearly related. One of
these arguments takes as starting point the general-relativity result3 establishing that
the minimum increase of area when the black hole absorbs a classical particle of energy
E and size s is A ' 8L2p Es (in natural units with h = c = 1). Bekenstein observed
that in order to describe the absorption of a quantum particle one must describe the
size of the particle in terms of the uncertainty in its position s x. Bekenstein
then enforced the requirement that a particle with position uncertainty x should at
least4 have energy E 1/x, which leads to A L2p . Moreover Bekenstein assumed
that the entropy depends only on the area of the black hole. Also using the fact that
the minimum increase of entropy should be also independent of the value of the area
If the particles interact with some external field they may acquire some additional energy, and in
some cases both particles become real and can be measured in a detector. This process is well-known
for strong electromagnetic fields.
D. Christodoulou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 25 (1970) 1596
E. M. Lifshitz, L. P. Pitaevskii and V. B. Berestetskii, Landau-Lifshitz Course of Theoreti-
cal Physics, Volume 4: Quantum Electrodynamics (Reed Educational and Professional Publishing,
(elementary notions on the description of entropy in terms of counting of microscopic
states leads to the conclusion that one bit of information carries entropy ln 2) one
then concludes that
dS min(S) 1
' 2 . (1)
dA min(A) Lp
From this it follows that
S . (2)
With the more detailed analysis (applying quantum field theory to matter fields in
the black-hole background) provided by Hawking one finds the value of the propor-
tionality coefficient
S . (3)
One could derive the dependence of the black-hole temperature on the mass from
the entropy-area relation (which of course, since the horizon area is fixed by the mass, is
also an entropy-mass relation). In fact, from elementary thermodynamics we know that
T dS = dE, which for the case of a black hole takes the form T dS = dM , and from (3)
(combined with the relation between mass and horizon area for a Schwarzschild black
hole) one then finds indeed TBH = (8M )1 .