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Presented to the Graduate Council of the

North Texas State University in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of



Carol W. Coryell, B. M. E.

Denton, Texas

January, 1969

Since the nineteenth century the Two Part Inventions

have become standard repertoire for piano students. However,

piano teachers have often failed to give serious consideration

to the suitable selection of Inventions for study. Piano

students have commonly formed a dislike for Bach's piano

music because of an ungratifying initial experience.

There is little material written in English dealing with

the Two Part Inventions. Those studies of the Inventions

which do exist consist mainly of brief articles in periodicals

and limited discussions in piano literature books. Therefore,

there seemed to be a need for a systematic collection of

pedagogical ideas concerning the Two Part Inventions. In

addition, it was felt that an analysis of the problems in

each piece and a subsequent graded list of the Inventions

would be a step toward a more intelligent and more knowledge-

able approach in the teaching of these compositions.


LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x


I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

The Purpose
Definition of Terms
Basic Hypothesis
Basic Assumptions
Background for the Study J. S. Bach:
Two Part Inventions Related Research
Plan of This Report


TWO PART INVENTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Invention No. I
Invention No. II
Invention No. III
Invention No. IV
Invention No. V
Invention No. VI
Invention No. VII
Invention No. VIII
Invention No. IX
Invention No. X
Invention No. XI
Invention No. XII
Invention No. XIII
Invention No. XIV
Invention No. XV





Performance Problems Related to

Linear Characteristics
Performance Problems Related to
Textural Characteristics
Performance Problems Related to
Rhythmic Characteristics
Performance Problems Related to
Formal Design
Ranking of the Two Part Inventions
Requirements for Performance of Bach
When to Begin the Study of the


Summary and Conclusions


APPENDIX....*.. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179

Appendix A: Frequencies of Parallel, Similar,

Oblique, and Contrary Motion, and
Melodic Indices in the Two Part
Appendix B: Frequencies of Relatively Accented
Dissonant Intervals in the Two
Part Inventions
Appendix C: Per Cent of Rough and Smooth Measures
According to Melodic Accents
Appendix D: Per Cent of Rough and-Smooth Measures
According to Durational Accents
Appendix E: Piano Pedagogues
Appendix F: Rating Sheet
Appendix G: Tempos for the Two Part Inventions
Suggested by Five Authorities


BIBLIOGRAPHY0.0.0............... . .........


Table Page

I. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. I ......... . . . . 36

II. Frequency of Note Values in Invention
No. I . . .0.0. .0 .d . . 0. 4. . . . .

III. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in
Invention No. II........ . . 0. .0 43

IV. Frequency of Note Values in Invention
No. II .*.*.*.0.0.*.0.0.0.*.0.0.t. 45
V. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in
Invention No. III .... .. .. . .0 . .0 51

VI. Frequency of Note Values in
Invention No. III . . . . . .. . 53

VII. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. IV... .%. ....... . . . . 59
VIII. Frequency of Note Values in Invention
No. IV . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . . 61

IX. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. V . . .. . .... . . . . 66

X. Frequency of Note Values in Invention

No. V ..... *.. . . . . . .... . . . . 67

XI. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. VI . . . . . . . . . . 73

XII. Frequency of Note Values in Invention

No. VI............ .. . ..... . . . . 74

XIII. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. VII . . . . . 79


Table Page

XIV. Frequency of Note Values in Invention

No. VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

XV. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in
Invention No. VIII . . . . . . .

XVI. Frequency of Note Values in Invention
No. VIII . . . . . .

XVII. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in
Invention No. IX . . . . . . . . . .

. 0.

XVIII. Frequency of Note Values in Invention

No. IX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

XIX. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in
Invention No. X . . . . . . . . . t. .*98

XX. Frequency of Note Values in Invention

No. X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

XXI. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. XI . . . . . . . . 104

XXII. Frequency of Note Values in Invention

No. XI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

XXIII. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. XII . . . . . . . .

XXIV. Frequency of Note Values in Invention

No. XII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112

XXV. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. XIII . . . . . . .

XXVI. Frequency of Note Values in Invention .

No. XIII. . ............ .

XXVII. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. XIV . . . . . . . . . . 124


Table Page

XXVIII. Frequency of Note Values in Invention

No. XIV . . . .................. 126

XXIX. Frequency of Counterpoint Species in

Invention No. XV ... ... ...... .. 132

XXX. Frequency of Note Values in Invention

No. XV.......... ..................... 133

XXXI. Numerical values of the Factors Relating to

Difficulty in the Two Part Inventions. . . 153

XXXII. Ranking of the Two Part Inventions in

Order of Decreasing Difficulty
According to Composite Scores
Relating to Difficulty ............. . 155

XXXIII. Levels of Difficulty of Performance of

the Inventions as Rated by Six
College Piano Instructors ........... 157

XXXIV. Ranking of the Two Part Inventions According

to Technique, Memorization, Interpretation
and Composite Scores in order of
Decreasing Difficulty ............... 160

XXXV. A Comparison of the Ranking of the Two Part

Inventions Based on the Evaluations of
Six Pedagogues and the Ranking Based
on the Factors Relating to Difficulty 161


Figure Page

1. Invention No. VII, Melodic Pattern, Measure 21 13

2. Invention No. I, Melodic Pattern, Measure 21 . . . 14

3. Invention No. XI, Melodic Pattern, Measure 4 . . . 14

4. Invention No. I, Motive, Measure 1 . . . . . . . . 31

5. Legend Explaining Symbols Used in Graphic Analysis 32

6. Invention No. I, Countermotive, Measures 1-2 . . . 33

7. Invention No. I, Graphic Analysis . . . . . . . . 34

8. Invention No. I, Episodic Pattern, Measure 3 . . . 35

9. Invention No. I, Episodic Pattern, Measures 9-10 . 35

10. Invention No. II, Graphic Analysis . . . . . . . . 40

11. Invention No. II, Motive, Measures 1-3 . . . . . . 41

12. Invention No. II, Countermotive, Measures 3-5. . . 42

13. Invention No. II, Episodic Pattern, Measures 5-10. 42

14. Invention No. II, Formal Plan . . . . . . . . . . 46

15. Invention No. III, Motive A, Measures 1-2 . . 46

16. Invention No. III, Graphic Analysis. . . . . . . . 47

17. Invention No. III, Motive B, Measures 12-14. . . 49

18. Invention No. III, Episodic Pattern, Measures 5-11 50

19. Invention No. IV, Motive, Measures 1-3 . . . . . . 54

20. Invention No. IV, Graphic Analysis . . . . . . . . 55


Figure Page

21. Invention No. IV, Countermotive, Measures 3-5. . 57

22. Invention No. IV, Episodic Pattern, Measure 8. . 58

23. Invention No. IV, Episodic Pattern, Measure 11 0 58

24. Invention No. IV, Episodic Pattern, Measures 7-8 . 59

25. Invention No. V, Graphic Analysis . . . . . . . 63

26. Invention No. V, Motive Measures 1-5 . . . . . . 64

27. Invention No. V, Countermotive, Measures 1-5 . 64
28. Invention No. VI, Motive A, Measures 1-4 .. . 69

29. Invention No. VI, Motive B, Measures 1-5 . . . . 69

30. Invention No. VI, Graphic Analysis . . . . . . . 70

31. Invention No. VII, Graphic Analysis. . . . . .. 77
32. Invention No. VII, Motive, Measure 1 . . . . . . 78

33. Invention No. VIII, Motive, Measures 1-2 . . . .82


34. Invention No. VIII, Graphic Analysis . . . . . . 83


35. Invention No. VIII, Countermotive, Measures 2-3. . 84

36. Invention No. VIII, Episodic Pattern, Measure 4. . 85

37. Invention No. VIII, Episodic Pattern, Measure 15 . 85

38. Invention No. IX, Motive A, Measures 1-4 . . . 89


39. Invention No. IX, Motive B, Measures 1-4 . .. . 89

40. Invention No. IX, Graphic Analysis . . . . . . . 90



FigurE Page

41. Invention No. IX, Rhythmic Pattern, Measures 1-2 93

42. Invention No. X, Motive, Measures 1-2 . . . . .0 95

43. Invention No. X, Countermotive, Measures 2-3 . . 95

44. Invention No. X, Graphic Analysis . . 0.0.0 . 96

45. Invention No. X, Episodic Patterns, Measures
5 and 7 . . . . . . .0 .0 .0 . . . . . . . .* 97

46. Invention No. XI, Graphic Analysis . . . . . 102

47. Invention No. XI, Motive A, Measures 1-3 . . . . 103

48. Invention No. XI, Motive B, Measures 1-3........ 104
49. Invention No. XII, Motive A, Measures 1-2. . 107

50. Invention No. XII, Graphic Analysis . *.0 .t 108

51. Invention No. XII, Motive B, Measures 1-2. . 109

52. Invention No. XII, Episodic Pattern, Measure 7 . 110


53. Invention No. XIII, Motive A, Measure 1. . . ... 114

54. Invention No. XIII, Graphic Analysis........... 115

55. Invention No. XIII, Countermotive A, Measure 1 116


56. Invention No. XIII, Motive B, Measure 3....... 116

57. Invention No. XIII, Countermotive B, Measure 3 . 117


58. Invention No. XIV, Motive, Measures 1-3........ 121

59. Invention No. XIV, Graphic Analysis 122

60. Invention No. XIV, Countermotive, Measures 1-3 123


Figure Page

61. Invention No. XIV, Stretto, Measures 16-17 .. .. 127

62. Invention No. XV, Motive, Measures 1-3 . . . . 128

63. Invention No. XV, Graphic Analysis.. ....... 129

64. Invention No. XV, Countermotive, Measures 3-4 . 130

65. Invention No. XV, Episodic Pattern, Measure 8. . . 130

66. Invention No. XV, Episodic Pattern, Measures

16-17........* *.0...........
. .. . . 131



The Purpose

The purpose of this study was to analyze the Bach Two

Part Inventions and to prepare a graded list for pedagogical



Analysis of the problem statement led to subordinate

questions, which may be stated as follows:

1. What performance problems are identifiable through an

analysis of the linear characteristics in the Two Part


2. What performance problems are identifiable through

an analysis of the textural characteristics of these pieces?

3. What performance problems are identifiable through

an analysis of the rhythmic characteristics in the Inventions?

4. What performance problems are identifiable through

an analysis of the formal design of these pieces?

5. What system can be devised to grade the Inventions

in order of difficulty?


Definition of Terms

1. The term "performance problems" refers to difficul-

ties encountered in the playing of a composition by an inter-

mediate student on the piano. These problems may be divided

into two basic categories: technical difficulties and

interpretative difficulties.

a. The term "technical difficulties" refers to the

demands placed upon the mechanical skill of the per-

former. They include coordination, voice projection,

balance, touch, tempo, and execution of embellishments.

1) The word "coordination" refers to the harmoni-

ous functioning of muscles in producing complex,

and sometimes, dissimilar, movements (15, p. 325).

2) The term "voice projection" refers to the pre-

dominance in intensity of one part.

3) The term "voice balance" refers to the equality

of intensity between the parts.

4) The word "touch" refers to "the physical approach

to the key as the conditioning factor to obtain a

variety of tonal qualities, ranging from the soft

and lyrical to the harsh and percussive" (1, p. 528).

This word also includes legato and staccato playing.

5) The phrase "execution of embellishments" refers

to the realization in performance of ornaments.


b. The term "interpretative difficulties" refers to the

problems in the rendering of a musical composition according

to one's conception of the composer's idea (9, p. 415).

Interpretative difficulties include phrasing, articulation,

slurring, dynamic variation, mood, tempo, and style.

1) The word "phrasing" refers to the "clear ren-

dering in musical performance of the . . . natural

division of the melodic line. . . . This is

achieved by the interpolation of a slight rest

. . . with the last note which, therefore, will

have to be shortened (depending upon the speed and

loudness of the passage)" (1, pp. 572-573).

2) The term "articulation" refers to "a feature of

musical performance which includes all those more

or less minute breaks in the continuity of sound

that contribute, together with accent, to give it

shape and render in intelligible" (5, p. 235).

3) The term "slurring" refers to "an effect .


whereby the second of two notes is curtailed and

weakened . . . " (5,p. 840).

4) The term "dynamic variation" refers to changes

in the degrees of sound-volume in the music.

5) The word "mood" refers to the general tone, or

dominant emotional character, of the music.


6) The word "tempo" refers to the rate of speed

of the music.

7) The word "style" refers to the manner of per-

forming that is distinctive or characteristic of a

period or individual artist.

2. The term "graded list" refers to the ranking of the

Two Part Inventions beginning with the easiest and continuing

to the most difficult.

3. The music "Bach Two Part Inventions" refers to "fifteen

small keyboard pieces--each in two parts and each developing

a single idea--composed by Johann Sebastian Bach" (3, p. 526).

4. The term "linear characteristics" refers to the dis-

tinct qualities in the horizontal arrangement of pitch and

duration. Analysis of the linear characteristics includes

a study of the motive and the episodes

a. The word "motive" refers to the melodic statement--

generally one to two measures--which is the basic ele-

ment in the structure of an Invention.

b. The word "episode" refers to the intermediate deve-

lopment sections between the exposition and counter-


c. For purposes of this paper the terms "first voice"

and "upper voice" are synonymous. Likewise, the terms

"second voice" and "lower voice" are synonymous.


5. The term "textural characteristics" refers to the

distinctive qualities of the resultant sound of the combina-

tion of the two lines or "parts." Textural characteristics

include implied harmonies, harmonic progressions, cadences,

tonality, intervalic relationships, consonance and dissonance,

and rhythmic relationships.

6. The term "rhythmic characteristics" refers to the dis-

tinctive features of the accentual structure of the music.

Rhythm includes meter--duple, triple, simple, or compound--

and rhythmic patterns--prominence, kind, frequency.

7. The term "formal design" refers to the structural

scheme of a piece. Analysis of the structure will include

examination of the exposition, imitation, and sections.

a. For purposes of this paper the term "exposition"

refers to the initial section of the Invention con-

taining the statement and the imitation of the motive.

b. The word "imitation" refers to the restatement in

close succession of the motive in different voice parts.

The motive in imitation may appear in an altered form.

c. The word "sections" refers to general divisions

within the Invention which are determined by changes in

tonality and use of motivic and countermotivic material.



1. The study is concerned with the Bach Two Part

Inventions only because (a) Bach's total contribution in

Inventions was considered to be too large to be included in

one investigation--either the Two Part or Three Part Inventions

constituted sufficient area for this thesis; and (b) the Two

Part Inventions were thought to be the more widely used by


2. The Ludwig Landshoff edition of the Two Part Inventions

was used for analysis and reference in this study. This

edition was chosen as "an excellent example" of an Urtext

edition. The Urtext edition is, in the final analysis, the

only trustworthy edition (14, pp. 12-14).

3. Ornamentation as presented in the Landshoff edition

was accepted for this study. However, for purposes of this

paper, only those ornaments appearing in ordinary type were

considered. The embellishments are those that appeared in

the original script of 1723 which were clearly authored by

Bach. Any additional ornaments appearing in the original

autograph and other authentic sources appear in smaller type.

4. The study did not investigate the problems related to

the performance of the Inventions on the harpsichord, clavi-

chord, or any keyboard instrument other than piano.


Basis Hypothesis

The basic hypothesis of this study was that the Two Part

Inventions do vary in the degree of difficulty and that the

difficulties could be determined.

Basis Assumptions

The two following assumptions seemed basic to this study:

1. It was assumed that through the process of analysis

and from the evaluation of six pedagogues the difficulties

of each Invention could be determined.

2. It was assumed that the Ludwig Landshoff edition was

widely recognized among pedagogues as being the most acceptable.

Background for the Study

J. S. Bach: Two Part Inventions

"To learn . . . to acquire good ideas (Inventions) but

also to work them out themselves . . . and at the same time,

to gain a strong predilection for composition," wrote J. S.

Bach in a letter in 1723 in reference to the purpose of stu-

dents practicing the Inventions (11, p. 470).

The Two and Three Part Inventions, thirty keyboard pieces

by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), were written about 1720

when he was conductor of the orchestra at C'6then. They were

intended as exercises for his son, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach,

then nine years and two months old, and were a part of his

Clavier-Buchlein. According to Geiringer, the first two and

the last eight of the Praeambula, as the Two Part Inventions

were first termed by Bach, were written by the father, numbers

three through seven by Friedemann (4, p. 271).

Forkel gives more detailed information concerning the

circumstances surrounding the composition of the Inventions

in the following passage:

I will first speak of his instructions in playing.

The first thing he did was to teach his scholars his
particular mode of touching the instrument. For this
purpose, he made them practice, for months together,
nothing but isolated exercises for all the fingers of
both hands, with constant regard to this clear and
clean touch.
For some months, none could get excused from these
exercises; and, according to his firm opinion, they
ought to be continued, at least, for from six to twelve
months. But if he found that anyone, after some months
of practice, began to lose patience, he was so obliging
as to write little connected pieces, in which those
exercises were combined together. Of this kind are
the six little Preludes for Beginners, and still more
the fifteen Two-Part Inventions (3, pp. 16-17).

The preludes by Johann Kuhnau and J. Kaspar Ferdinand

Fischer served as models for Bach's Inventions. What Bach

created, however, was new (4, p. 267). Geiringer continues

his discussion in the following stIatements:

No other composer had ever considered imbuing clavier

compositions of such small dimensions with a content
of similar significance. They are studies in inde-
pendent part writing using all the devices of fugue
and canon, double and triple counterpoint, but without
strict adherence to any of them. Bach offers fantasias

in the realm of polyplony, freely blending all known

techniques, and creating forms which are held together
by logic, and the iron consistency, of his musical
thought (4, p. 267).

Authorities disagree on the reason and the source of the

designation of these compositions as "Inventions." Bach may

have acquired the title from his Italian contemporary, A. F.

Bonporti, who some years earlier (1714-1715) published

Peace: Inventions: or Ten Partitas for Violin and Figured

Bass. Four of these, being found in Bach Ts handwriting,

were actually printed in the German Bach Society's Edition as

his compositions (11, p. 470). Perhaps Bach took the name

from Vitali, who used the term "inventioni curiose" as a

title for pieces involving special tricks (1, p. 364).

Another possibility concerning the origin of the term

"invention" lies with the seventeenth century publications

of two-part "ricercares." It is suggested that "invention"

was a translation of "ricercare." Or perhaps the vivid

dialogue between the two parts of the pieces persuaded Bach

to substitute the name "Invention" for the rather vague

"Praembulum" he had originally used (1, p. 364).

The educational purposes of the Inventions are indicated

in the inscription carried on a later autograph of the pieces;

Honest Guide
by which lovers of the clavier, and particularly those
desirous of learning are shown a plain way not only

(1) to play neatly in two parts, but also, as they

progress, (2) to treat three obligato parts correctly
and well, and, at the same time, to acquire good ideas
and properly to elaborate them, and most of all to learn
a singing style of playing, and simultaneously to obtain
a strong foretaste of composition (4, p. 274).

The pieces are intended as studies for performing and for com-

posing, both of which Bach considered necessary. It is not

clear whether Bach intended these pieces to be played on the

clavichord or the harpsichord. Bodky discusses this enigma

in the following passage:

Some mystery darkens the title of the Inventions,

dedicated by Bach to the "lovers of the clavier". .

Had Bach meant here with the word "Clavir" the same
as he meant in the title of the Well-tempered [sic]
Keyboard, namely, to select for each piece one of the
three keyboard instruments, he would have said more
correctly "lovers of the keyboards". . . . Since all
the Inventions show stylistically that they seem to be
meant only for the clavichord, one would have to assume
that in this instance Bach called the clavichord by the
name "Clavir." As far as our knowledge goes, this term
seems -hardly to have been in general use before 1750 to
designate the clavichord exclusively. In addition, the
words that these pieces should be used "to achieve a
singing touch" . . ., which Bach wrote in the preface,
make the reservation of them for the clavichord almost
one hundred per cent evident. Yet Wanda Landowska
ascribes even these Inventions to the Harpsichord alone,
stating that "since the clavichord is a singing instru-
ment by nature long studies were not necessary to achieve
expressive effects on it; therefore Bach must have had
the harpsichord in mind, on which it is very difficult
to play Icantabile"' (2, p. 27).

Bodky concludes that, because of the reference to the "sing-

ing style of playing," the Inventions were intended to be

performed on the clavichord (4, p. 274).


The Two Part Inventions are written in the following

series of keys: C major and minor, D major and minor, E flat

major, E major and minor, F major and minor, G major and minor,

A major and minor, B flat major and b minor. Other keys were

omitted for a specific reason. Because equal temperament had

not yet been introduced, not all keys could be equally well

tuned. Those least often used--those with many sharps and

flats--were sacrificed in favor of the others. It was for

this reason that Bach avoided all keys having more than four

sharps or flats, and also F sharp minor, C sharp minor and

A flat (6, p. 339).

Hutcheson concludes his discussion of the Inventions with

the following statements:

Pianists rightly regard the Inventions as the best

possible preparation for the larger works of Bach,
especially the preludes and fugues, but it would be
wrong to underestimate their intrinsic value. They
belong to that fine wholesome mass of musical litera-
ture which outlasts passing tastes and never palls
(6, p. 30).

The first part of Bach's artistic career appeared bright

and promising. In Weimar his fame as an organ virtuoso and

expert spread rapidly. In Cthen, where he composed the

Inventions and other clavier music, he held a greatly re-

spected position and enjoyed the friendship of Prince Leopold

(4, p. 349).

However, when Bach, at the age of thirty-eight, moved

to Leipzig, his music was greeted with little enthusiasm, and

in the following years his compositions received less and less

acclaim. Bach provided the culmination to the art of a van-

ishing era, and he refused to offer the uncomplicated, "natural"

kind of music expected in the Rococo era of rationalist think-

ing (4, pp. 349-350).

It is due to a small group of admirers that Bach's com-

positions were not altogether forgotten after his death. A

friend of Emanuel Bach introduced several of Bach's works to

the Viennese classical composers. Joseph Haydn acquired the

Well-Tempered Clavier and other works; Mozart is said to have

studied at great length Bach's clavier works and fugues;

Beethoven studied as a child the Well-Tempered Clavier.

However, little direct reference is made to the use of the

Two Part Inventions by teachers or students until Czerny.

Related Research

Three authors have made studies relating to the perform-

ance problems in the Inventions: (a) Platt explains the

occurence of some of the startling dissonances in Bach's

counterpoint as a result of the use of melodic figures;

(b) Miller determines the degree of melodic independence in

each of the Two Part Inventions through an analysis of the


motion of the counterpoint; and (c) Satterfield attempts to

relate the emotional content in the Inventions to a measur-

able factor.

In the Platt study, "Melodic Patterns In Bach's Counter-

point," the following observation was made:

In Bach's day certain groups of notes embellishing a sin-

gle note or a chord had been used so often that they had
come to be accepted as "patterns" or "figures," and Bach
was able to use these patterns not as groups of separate
notes, but as entities standing in place of the note or
chord they represent. These "entities" from their very
nature carry with them their own harmonic implications,
and incidental clashes between notes comprising them
and other parts may be disregarded provided that these
implications are clear (10, pp. 48-49).

Although melodic figures may be found in the music of Purcell,

Schutz, and Palestrina, it is in the music of Bach that

"figuration plays such a consistently important part," and it

is Bach who "has developed most highly this particular use

of the accepted melodic figure as an entity with a significance

of its own (10, p. 49).

Three instances of the use of melodic figures in the

Two Part Inventions are given. The first is in Invention

No. VII, in E minor.

F .- nn nI m ia

Fig. 1--Invention No. VII, melodic pattern, measure 21.


In this measure the a in the lower voice is ornamented by

one figure while the g in the upper voice is ornamented by

another. The result is three dissonances (and a "hidden"

octave) (10, p. 50).

The second example given is from Invention No. I in C


Fig. 2--Invention No. I, melodic pattern, measure 21

In this example the four sixteenth notes are a diminution of

the preceding pattern. The last of these four sixteenth notes

clashes with a harmony-note in the upper voice (10, p. 50).

The third example occurs in Invention No. XI, in G minor.

Fig. 3--Invention No. XI, melodic pattern, measure 4


This example contains a "clash of two easily grasped figures

It is given added point by the two clashing parts

consisting of the subject motive and an inversion of its

countersubject" (10, p. 50).

In Miller's study, "Progression in Two-Part Counterpoint:

A Method of Analysis," an attempt was made to isolate the

factors which contribute to "what is commonly called melodic

independence" (8, p. 289). "Contrapuntal progression," he

wrote, consists of "movement in either or both of two con-

current melodic lines" (8, p. 289).

Four kinds of contrapuntal progression are identified.

"Parallel motion" occurs "when both voices move together in

either direction maintaining the same interval between them

"Similar motion" happens "when both voices move in the same

direction but progress in different intervals . . . ." "Oblique

motion" results "when one voice moves in either direction

while the other voice remains on the same tone, either sus-

taining or repeating it. . . ." "Contrary motion" occurs

"when both voices move simultaneously in opposite directions

. . . either converging or diverging" (8, p. 289).

According to Miller these four types of motion differ in

regard to degree of melodic independence. There is no melodic

independence in parallel motion, a somewhat greater amount in

similar motion, and an even higher degree in oblique motion.


The greatest melodic independence, however, occurs in contrary

motion. He then assigned numerical values to the four types

according to the degree of melodic independence involved:

parallel motion--zero, similar motion--one, oblique motion--

two, and contrary motion--four. In the next step Miller

classified all the progressions in the piece according to

type and determined the percentage of the total number of

progressions for each.

The degree of melodic independence was then determined

"by multiplying the percentage of each type by the value of

the type, totalling the result, and dividing by a 100"

(8, p. 290). The resulting figure, the index of melodic

independence, will be between zero and three., A-number of

one or less indicates low melodic independence. A number

of two or more indicates unusually high melodic independence

(8, p. 290). A table showing the frequency of each type of

motion and the melodic index for each invention appears in

Appendix A of this report.

The study revealed several facts. First, oblique motion

constitutes more than half of all progressions in the Two Part

Inventions. Most of the oblique motion occurs through the

sustaining of a tone rather than tone repetition. Second,

contrary motion is almost twice as frequent as parallel motion,


(Exceptions to this generalization are Inventions No. II,

VIII, XI, and XIV). Third, similar motion forms a very small

proportion of the total progressions. Fourth, there is a

"considerable diversity" in the indices of melodic independence

which range from a high of 2.1 in Invention No. XIII to a low

of 1.6 in No. XIV. The average index is 1.9 (8, pp. 291-292).

Satterfield endeavored in his study to determine whether

a measurable factor was related to emotional content in the

Two Part Inventions. His first area of investigation was

concerned with the relation of dissonance to emotional con-

tent. To begin his study he ranked the Inventions in order

of poignancy from the most poignant to the least poignant.

(The word "poignant" is defined as "piercingly effective or

keenly touching." The degree of poignancy of expression was

not intended to reflect the value of a composition) (11, p. 276).

His order of Inventions is as follows: IX, _XI_, V, I, VI, VII,

XV, XIV, XII, I, XIII, III, IV, VIII, X (11, p. 276).

Two of Satterfield's colleages were also shown the defi-

nition of poignancy and ask to rank the Inventions. Each

person worked alone. The first subject produced the following

arrangement from most poignant to least poignant: VI, IX, VII


ranking of the second subject was as follows: VI, IX, II, XI,
XIV, VII, V, IV, XV, XII, III, XIII,X, VIII, I. There was

a good correlation among the orders set up by the three

(11, p. 277).

Satterfield's next step was to quantify the accented dis-

sonance content of the Inventions. He states; "The relative

metric accent was treated as the unit, and the percentage of

accented dissonant intervals was determined by the ratio of

the number of accented dissonant intervals to the number of

relative metric accents in the Invention under study" (11,

p. 277). Bars in which only one voice sounded were excluded

in the count of relative metric accents.

The intervals called dissonant in this study were all of

those intervals except perfect unisons, fifths, and octaves,

major and minor thirds and sixths. These intervals considered


The following list of the Inventions presents them ac-

cording to percentages of relatively accented intervals, from

greater to smaller: VI, XV, IV, I, III, I, V, XIII, X, VII,

XI, VIII, XII, XIV, IX. (A table showing the number of inter-

vals having relative metric accents, the number of relatively

accented dissonant intervals, and the percentage of relatively

accented dissonance in each of the Inventions appears in

Appendix B). The coefficient of correlation between this


ranking and the subjective ranking based on poignancy was

very low. Thus, it was concluded that dissonance as measured

in this study had not been shown to be a factor in emotional

content as identified in this investigation (11, p. 280).

The author made another investigation of dissonance as

related to emotional content, this time altering his basis

for determining the consonance or dissonance of an interval.

A subsequent ranking of the Inventions again failed to pro-

duce a strong correlation between the degree of dissonance

in an Invention and the degree of poignancy of that piece

(11, p. 280).

Satterfield again attempted to determine whether a meas-

urable factor was related to emotional content of the Two

Part Inventions. In this study he investigated melodic and

durational accents. The term "melodic accent" was used "to

describe the accent attributed to the highest pitch in a

series;" and the term "durational accent" referred to the

longest pitch of a series (12, p. 173).

The first area of analysis included the relationship

of melodic accents to metric accents. The term "metric

accents" was defined as "those stresses normally 'heard into?

a series of sounds because of psychological grouping of the

numbers of the series into duple or triple combinations"

(12, p. 173).

Satterfield describes his investigational procedure as


In making a first tabulation the following method

has been used: for each voice of the Invention statis-
tics have been made on the relative congruence of melo-
dic and metric accents within each bar. Where these
accents coincided, the bar was classified as smooth;
where they did not coincide, the bar was categorized
as rough. Percentages of roughness and smoothness
were calculated on the basis of number of bars (12, p. 173).

This analysis revealed that "prevailing melodic roughness

is demonstrated . . . to be extraordinarily characteristic of

the style in the Two Part Inventions." The author adds that

in this respect the music is "truly baroque in the original

sense of the word" (12, p. 174).

The Inventions were then ranked "according to percentages

of roughness in coordination of melodic accents with metric

accents, from rougher to smoother" (12, p. 174). (A table

showing the percentage of smooth and rough measures in each

voice appears in Appendix C.) This list was compared with

the subjective poignancy rating and the coefficient of cor-

relation determined. Like the two proceeding studies this

investigation failed to reveal a very strong possibility that

roughness as measured here had any causal relationship to

poignancy as measured here (12, pp. 174-175).

Next the author investigated the relationship of dura-

tional and metric accents. He states:


To establish the relationship of durational accents

and metric accents in the Two Part Inventions a like
procedure has been used: for each voice statistics have
been made on the relative congruence of these types of
accents within each bar. Where the types coincide, the
bar has been classified as smooth; otherwise, the bar
was called rough (12, p. 175).

In the next step the writer combined the patterns of dura-

tional values of both the voices in a bar to establish one

pattern, a "macrodurational pattern." Satterfield explains,

"The combining is done by recording the shorter values when

there is a difference in microdurational patterns" (the dura-

tional values of one voice) (12, p. 175).

The bars in each Invention were classified and the per-

centages for the amount of "rough" and "smooth" material. It

was found that a high percentage of the music is "smooth"

(12, p. 178). (A table showing the percentage of "rough"

and "smooth" bars in each voice and in the macrodurational

pattern appears in Appendix D). Again, the Inventions were

arranged according to percentages of microdurational of rough-

ness (roughness in each voice). The coefficient of correlation

between this list and the list based on poignancy was found

to be extremely high. Satterfield concludes that "Within

limits, poignancy of emotional content appears to vary

generally with the roughness in durational accents" (12,

p. 179).

Several facts concerning the Two Part Inventions have

been established by the Platt, Miller, and Satterfield studies.

First, the use of melodic patterns is quite common in Bach's

counterpoint and, as such, offers "a valuable clue to the

less easily explained intricacies of his magnificent counter-

pointal technique" (10, p. 56). Second, oblique motion con-

stitutes more than half of all progressions in the Inventions

with the other types of motion in order of decreasing frequency

being contrary, parallel, and similar. The average index of

melodic independence was found to be 1.9, an indication of a

high degree of melodic independence. Third, the emotional

content of the Inventions is related neither to the dissonance

content nor the roughness in melodic accents; it is, instead,

related to the roughness in durational accents. In this

study the Inventions were listed in order of poignancy and

percentages of the amount of dissonance, consonance, rough-

ness, and smoothness in each piece presented. The findings

of these investigators provided a more comprehensive basis

for the present study.


Material for this study was collected from three sources:

(a) a stylistic analysis of the music, (b) related research,

and (c) an evaluation by pedagogues. These sources and the

general procedure used are described in the following passage.


A preliminary step in preparing this report was to select

a suitable edition of the Two Part Inventions. It was neces-

sary to find an edition which represents our present-day state

of knowledge of the text of the Inventions. The Landshoff

edition corresponded to these requirements and provided the

basis for the analysis and all discussion of performance


The first source of material was a stylistic analysis

of the characteristics of line, texture, rhythm, and formal

design in the music. This study was accomplished in two man-

ners. First, a graphic analysis of each piece, using a set

of symbols based on those appearing in Essentials of Eighteenth-

century Counterpoint by Mason (7, p. 73) was prepared. This

graph indicates the formal design of the piece, the motive

and the countermotive, the contrapuntal devices and the

derivation of material in the developmental sections, the

tonal centers, and the implied chordal structures in each

measure. Second, the measurable factors contributing to the

difficulty of the Inventions were determined. A system of

statistical analysis to quantify these factors was then

devised and each Invention investigated accordingly.

The second category of sources of material consisted of

all available books, periodicals, and music reference books.


These were examined for related information. The material

obtained is presented throughout this study.

The final source of information was an evaluation of

the difficulty of the Inventions by six piano teachers (see

Appendix E, this report). First, a rating sheet was devised.

The pedagogues were asked to indicate the difficulty of

technique, memorization and interpretation of each piece

(see appendix F). Second, this rating sheet, accompanied by

a sample analysis of two Inventions and a statement of the

purpose of the thesis, was given to each of seven teachers.

Six rating sheets were completed and returned. From the

results of this survey a graded list of the Two Part Inventions

was prepared.

Plan of This Report

Chapter Two, Stylistic Characteristics of the Bach Two

Part Inventions, presents an analysis of the characteristics

of line, texture, rhythm, and formal design in each Invention

The discussion of each Invention is accompanied by a graphic

analysis of the entire piece, with tables to show supporting

evidence, and musical examples to identify melodic and textural


Chapter Three, Identification of Performance Problems

and A Graded List of the Two Part Inventions, presents the


findings of the authorities concerning the difficulties in

each Invention. A graded list based on these findings is

shown in the chapter.

Chapter Four presents the summaries, conclusions and

recommendations to researchers, teachers and pianists. The

recommendations were based on an analysis of the findings in

this investigation.

1. Apel, Willi, Harvard Dictionary of Music, Cambridge,

Harvard University Press, 1962.

2. Bodky, Erwin, The Interpretation of Bach's Keyboard Works,

Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1960.

3. Forkel, J. N., Johann Sebastian Bach: His Life, Art, and

Work, translated by C. S. Terry, London, Constable and
Company, Ltd., 1920.

4. Geiringer, Karl, Johann Sebastian Bach: The Culmination

of an Era, New York, Oxford University Press, 1966.

5. Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by Eric

Blom, 5th edition, 10 vols., London, MacMillan and
Company, Ltd., 1954.

6. Hutcheson, Ernest, The Literature of the Piano, 2nd

edition, New York, MacMillan and Co., 1954.

7. Mason, Neale B., Essentials of Eighteenth-Century

Counterpoint: A Practical Stylistic Approach, Dubuque,
Wm. C. Brown Company, 1968.

8. Miller, H. M., "Progression in Two-part Counterpoint: A

Method of Analysis," Music Review, XVI (November, 1955),

9. Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford, Oxford University

Press, Vol. V, 1933.

10. Platt, Peter, "Melodic Patterns in Bach's Counterpoint,"

Music and Letters, XXIX (1948), 48-56.

11. Satterfield, J., "Dissonance and Emotional Content in

the Bach Two-Part Inventions," Music Review, XVIII
(November, 1956), 273-281.

12. , "The Emotional Content of the Bach Two

Part Inventions," Music Review, XIX (August, 1959),


13. Scholes, Percy, Oxford Companion to Music, 9th edition,

London, Oxford University Press, 1955.

14. Stone, Kurt, "What Bach Edition Should I Play?" Etude,

LXVIII, (July, 1950), 12-14.

15. Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language,

College edition, New York, The World Publishing Company,




"Only an infinitely fertile mind could venture to write

thirty little pieces of the same style and the same compass,

and, without the least effort, make each of them absolutely

different from the rest" (16, p. 331). In order to identify

the performance problems of the Two Part Inventions, "little

pieces of the same style" and yet each "absolutely different

from the rest," it was necessary to make an analysis of the

sytlistic characteristics present in the music. Each Invention

will be considered separately beginning with the first and

continuing through the fifteenth. A graphic analysis of each,

showing the form, the contrapuntal devices, and the implied

harmonies, will be presented near the beginning of the dis-

cussion. The discussion will treat the characteristics of

line, texture, rhythm, and formal design in the music.

An explanation will be given of the methods of procedure

used in the following investigations: the analysis of the

direction and size of the intervals of the motive and counter-

motive; the discussion of ornaments; the analysis of rhythmic


relationships and types of motion between the voices; the

study of tonal relationships between the voices; and the

discussion of the frequency of note values in each voice.

The following procedure was used in the analysis of the

direction of the intervals in the motive and countermotive:

(a) the number of intervals were counted; (b) the first inter-

val was identified for the purpose of establishing the direc-

tion of the motivic line; (c) once the direction was established

by the first two notes, successive intervals were analyzed

and classified as either changes or continuances in direction.

Where rests appeared within the motive the interval involving

the rest and the interval immediately following were not in-

cluded in the statistical analysis. All of the intervals

(except those interrupted by rests) were examined for size

and categorized as being a fifth or smaller or being larger

than a fifth.

In the study of ornaments three classifications of trills

were established. For purposes of this paper the term "prall-

triller" refers to the three-note or four-note trill; the term

"short trill" refers to a trill of less than two beats which

is not a pralltriller; and the term "extended trill" refers

to a trill of two or more beats.

In the study of texture all the material was classified

in beat units into the appropriate type of counterpoint species.


A definition of the terms involved is as follows: (a) "First

Species counterpoint" refers to a textural relationship of one

note against one; (b) "Second Species counterpoint" refers to

a textural relationship of two notes against one; (c) "Third

Species counterpoint" refers to a textural relationship of

four notes against one; (d) "Fourth Species counterpoint" re-

fers to a textural relationship involving tied notes. Frequently

a dotted note, or a syncopation, may be found for a tie which

would have the same value (11, pp. 32-44); and (e) "Other

counterpoint" refers to a textural relationship involving

rests, pedal points, unevenly divided beats, trills--any re-

lationships which cannot be classified in the first four types.

The procedure for determining "rough" and "smooth" coun-

terpoint was examined earlier in this report (see page 20).

"Parallel," "similar," "contrary," and "oblique" motion were

also explained (see page 16 of this report).

In the discussion of tonal relationships the term "tran-

sient modulation" refers to a modulation lasting only a few

beats or, possibly, only one beat. The term "major modulation"

refers to a modulation of sufficient length so as to insure a

definite impression of a new tonal center.

In the discussion of rhythmic characteristics the term

"beat note" refers to that note value designated by the time


signature as receiving one beat. The classification "other

note values and rests" appearing in the tables of note value

frequency refers to rests and note values which are not listed

in the table. This category also includes tied and dotted


Invention No. I

Linear Characteristics

Motive and countermotive.--The motive is two-and-one-

fourth beats long and has a range of only a fifth. The first

seven notes are sixteenth notes and the last an eighth. The

outstanding feature is the "somersaulting" tonal pattern of

the last four sixteenth notes followed by the interval of the

fifth. This movement is emphasized by the stepwise motion

of the first three sixteenth notes.

Fig. 4--Invention No. I, motive, measure 1 (8, p. 1)

Leonard ascribes symbolic meaning to this motive in the

following statements: "Many of the themes in sixteenth notes

are founded on the step motive of confidence or peace. .


Symbols Definitions

1. 3 Motive (M) in exposition (or any

clearly defined statement of the
motive). Number at beginning of
symbol indicates scale step on
which M starts.

2. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Countermotive (CM) or second motive

if indicated as "Motive B." If a
Motive B countermotive and a second motive
are both present, the second motive
will be represented by a straight
line and the designation "Motive B."

Important thematic material not

derived from the motive or counter-

4. Episodic material derived from the

motive. With letters "inv.1"--by in-
version, "aug. "--by augmentation,
and "dim"--by diminution. "B" in-
dicates derivation from a second

5. ooooooooooooooo Episodic material derived from the CM.

Po+. Seg.
6. Po+ Pattern and sequence indicated by
brackets over symbol denoting de-

7. fffffffffffffff Free material (not obviously derived).

8. Pp5pppppppppppp Pedal point. Number indicates scale

step used as pedal point.

9. ooooooooooooooo Material derived from two sources

simultaneously (for example, material
relating to the rhythmic pattern of
the CM and the tonal pattern of the M).

10. Measure bars

11. Imi. Imitation

Fig. 5--Legend explaining symbols used in graphic analyses

(continued on next page)

Symbols Definitions

12. Mod. Beginning modulation to indicated


13. Cad. Cadence

14. Elis. Elison

15. a, A, (a) Small letters indicate minor tonal-

ities; large letters indicate major
tonalities. Letter in parenthesis
indicates transient modulation

Fig. 5--Continued

Constant return to one or two notes indicates some form of the

'tumult' idea, whether it be mere gaiety or combat" (9, p. 645).

He then includes Invention No. I in his listing of Inventions

with the tumult motive.

In the eight-note pattern there are four changes of

direction among the intervals of the motive, (67 per cent)

and two continuations (33 per cent). All of the seven inter-

vals are a fifth or smaller.

The countermotive of four notes is one-and-three-fourths

beats long and progresses entirely by steps.

Fig. 6--Invention No. I, countermotive, measure 1-2

(8, p. 1)

Section I Pat Se Se Se pt
L xxxxxx xxxxxo "Ii71 I I xIxx
I I IOII v #ivo inv,
4 G:vil C V7IIV,
=104LI -1 0000

3 5

Sea, Seq Section TI Pat S

if f f ff n xninv nv liug
vivi5Il I, I I 7 TVTbIlV
( . ~Pat Seq
xxxxx xxxxxInvooo oo

7 9 11

Section III
II_ 1auI _ff~

-~l vilO
v~ii #103, V i,TV,V i,vtP i~iv,V,.il I I iv Cvi
Pat a:vi PatPSe "KOffe'flf
P0a0 Se
I~~1 ~~~ ooo inv f ff f "AW "t omfV
13 15 17

iM*1 Pat So Se Codetta

Ilv~7 ffffinv fffff Gad
I i7 IV ii IV I V I IiiIv
(F)..Pat Sec Se (C) I
im ity-- Pat Seq
aug dim
19 21

Fig. 7--tnvention No. I, graphic analysis


There is one change of direction in the two note progressions

under consideration and one continuation and the rhythm con-

sists of three eighth notes and one sixteenth respectively.

Episodes--The rest of the Invention consists almost en-

tirely of motivic and countermotivic development. The motive

appears in its original form, in inversion, in sequence, and

in augmentation.

Fig. 8--Invention No. I, episodic pattern, measure 3

The countermotive is inverted when it follows the motive in

inversion and is altered in the episodes.

Fig. 9--Inention No. I, episodic pattern, measure 9-10

Only eleven of the total 176 beats (six per cent) were

classified as free material and these occurred at cadence

points. Thus, ninety-four per cent of the material is

derived from the exposition.


Satterfield classifies 13.6 per cent of the bars "smooth"

and 86.4 per cent "rough" in the upper voice. In the lower

voice he classifies 18.2 per cent of the bars "smooth" and

81.8 per cent rough (14, p. 174).

Invention No. I is sparsely ornamented. There are four

pralltrillers and two mordents.

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--This Invention is typical in that

most of the material is in Second Species counterpoint. The

following table shows the number of beats and the percentages

of each type of Species of counterpoint.



Number of Beats Per Cent of

Species Total Beats
First 7
Second 47.5 54
Third 2 2
Fourth 3.5 4
Other 15.5 32

Within the First Species counterpoint twelve progressions

(48 per cent) were in similar and parallel motion, twelve


progressions (48 per cent) were in contrary motion, and one

progression (4 per cent) was in oblique motion.

Two authors offer other approaches. In his analysis of

all the Inventions, Miller reports the following figures for

the frequency of the types of motion: parallel--7 per cent,

similar--10 per cent, oblique--48 per cent and contrary--

25 per cent. The index of melodic independence is 2.0 (12,

p. 291). A number of two or more indicates a high degree of

melodic independence; a number of 1.0 or less indicates a low

degree of melodic independence. In his analysis of the re-

lationship of durational accents and metric accents in this

Two Part Invention, Satterfield classifies nine per cent of

the measures as "rough" and 91 per cent as "smooth" (14, p. 177).

(The term "smooth" indicates a coincidence of melodic and metric

accents; the term "rough" indicates a lack of coincidence in

these accents) (14, p. 173).

Tonal relationships--There are 142 intervals having

relative metric accents. Of these, thirty-six (25.3 per cent)

are dissonant. The remaining eighty-six (74.7 per cent) are

consonant (13, p. 278). An average of 2.6 identifiable chordal

structures are implied in each measure. There are three major

modulations--from tonic to dominant, to sub-mediant returning

to tonic--and two transient modulations. Twenty-four altered

tones occur in this Invention.

Rhythmic Characteristics
The meter signature is 4. The most prominent rhythmic

pattern is that of the motive itself which begins on the second

of four divisions of the beat. Notable also is the similar

positioning of the countermotive, which begins on the second

half of the beat. These patterns appear continually through

the Invention.

The following table shows the frequency of the note values

appearing in Invention No. I.



Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
.Total Beats

Quarter note (beat note) 0 0

Eighth note 13 15
Sixteenth note 49 56
Other note values and rests 26 29

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 0 0
Eighth note 34 39
Sixteenth note 35.25 40
Other note values and rests 18.75 21

The majority of the movement occurs in sixteenth notes and none

occurs in the beat note.


There is considerable disagreement among pedagogues con-

cerning appropriate tempos for the Inventions. The tempos

suggested by Bodky and Keller are presented in this chapter.

(A list of these and other suggested tempos appears in

Appendix G). Bodky suggests a tempo of = +80 for Invention

No. I and Keller recommends a tempo of J=63 (1, p. 345).

Formal Design

Invention No. I is in three sections (11, p. 78). The

exposition contains four entrances, at the octave and at the

fifth. A three-entrance counterexposition can be seen in

the second section while the third section is dominated by

an echo-like imitation sequence and closes with a one-measure

codetta. The overall structure is unusually close knit in

that the theme is so very prevalent throughout the piece

(3, p. 339). Spitta describes Invention No. I in the following

manner: "Of all fifteen this one has the most reserved and

dispassionate character, and even the theme is somewhat con-

ventional, only revealing its importance by degrees" (17, p. 61).

Invention II

Linear Characteristics

Motive and countermotive--The motive is seven-and-three-

fourths beats in length and has a range of a tenth. The motive,


Section I
_1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

4 i iv iv Viv
4 c
I 3
Pat Se Se Pal
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx T -~
v7 E:iV
Eb yy VII7
y bEIIi 1i7 I i i7 V77 I
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx x xx f"~mt
5 7
Pat Se s Pat Seqs Pat S'e
SevPt v7 Pa Se ~
SoSq a q Pt g

9 11
Section II
ffffffff xxxxxxxxxxxxx
igvvid7v ~A04?L
~-ivyv7 vi Pat

13 15

ii ii Tv iii ii VI ~V7
Seg seq Pat Seg Pat Se aPa Se s Pat 9e

17 19

TV VVT7 17 vT7
i~imod. iv V7 a: i i
at e ~c: ff'ff xxxxxxxxxxxxx*

21 23

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rfffffrr Cad

v7 v v Siv V i
xxxffffNfffffIff li WPM~ 0 Cad
25 27

Fig. 10--Invention No. II, graphic analysis


like Invention No. I, moves primarily in sixteenth notes and,

like Invention I, is classed as a "tumult" motive (9, p. 645).

Whereas the motive in the First Invention is concise and com-

pact, that of the Second Invention is rambling. The outstand-

ing feature is wide leaps culminating in the interval of a

diminished seventh in measure two. Also important is the

trill on the dotted eighth note near the end of the motive.

Fig. 11--Invention No. II, motive, measures 1-3 (8, p. 1)

Thirteen of the intervals (46 per cent) in the thirty-

note motive change direction, fourteen (50 per cent) continue

in the same direction, and one (4 per cent) involves note

repetition. Twenty-six intervals (90 per cent) are a fifth

or smaller and three (10 per cent) are larger than a fifth.

The countermotive is eight beats long and moves in six-

teenth and eighth notes. It has a range of a ninth. It con-

tains the "sigh motive," a repeated note followed by a falling

second, which may be major, as it is here, but is usually

minor. This figure expresses a "true moderato affect (we sigh

only when we feel moderately badly; utter hopelessness and

sighing do not go well together)" (1, pp. 116-117).




Fig. 12--Invention No. II, countermotive, measures 3-5

Six (50 per cent) of the note progressions in the counter-

motive change direction, four (33 per cent) continue in the

same direction, and two (12 per cent) involve repition of

notes. All of the intervals are a fifth or smaller.

Episodes--There are 8.75 beats of free material (4 per

cent) in the Invention. Typically, the bulk of the material,

207.25 beats (96 per cent) is either related to the motive or

countermotive or important thematically. Falling in the latter

category is the following pattern which appears in measures

five through ten in the upper voice, reappears in the lower

voice, measures seven through ten and measures fifteen through

twenty-one, and is seen again in the upper voice in measures

seventeen through twenty-two.

3 M


Fig. 13-Invention No. II, episodic pattern, measures 5-10


Satterfield classifies 29.6 per cent of the bars in the

upper voice "smooth" and 70.4 per cent "rough" in melodic ac-

cents. In the lower voice 28.0 per cent are "smooth" and

72.0 per cent "rough" (14, p. 174). There are twelve prall-

trillers and eight short trills.

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentage of each type of Species of

counterpoint in Invention No. II.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats

First 35 32
Second 26.5 25
Third 0 0
Fourth 28.25 26
Other 19.25 17

Atypically, First Species counterpoint represents the largest

per cent of the types. Within the First Species counterpoint,

a total of 134 note progressions, seventy-five (56 per cent)

were found to be in similar and parallel motion, fifty-six

(42 per cent) in contrary motion, and three (2 per cent) in

oblique motion.

Two authors have made other textural studies. An analy-

sis of the total Invention produces the following figures:

parallel motion--21.5 per cent; similar motion--6.0 per cent;

oblique motion--47.0 per cent; and contrary motion--25.5 per

cent. An index of melodic independence of 1.8 was assigned

to this piece (12, p. 291). Satterfield, in his analysis of

the relationship of durational and metric accents between the

voices classifies 11.1 per cent of the bars "rough" and 88.9

per cent "smooth" (14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--Of the 185 intervals having relative

metric accents, forty-four (23.8 per cent) are dissonant. Con-

sonances dominate, therefore, with a percentage of 77.2 (13,

p. 278). Major modulations occur in this order: relative major,

minor subdominant, and major leading tone returning to tonic.

One transient modulation is present. There is an average of

2.6 implied harmonies in each measure. Thirty-six altered

tones occur in this Invention.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is quadruple simple. The following table shows

the frequency of the note values appearing in the first voice.




Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats

Quarter note (beat note 0 0

Eighth note 11.5 11
Sixteenth note 69 64
Other note values and rests 27.5 25

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats

Quarter note (beat note) 0 0

Eighth note 13.5 12
Sixteenth note 64 60
Other note values and rests 30.5 28

Most notably rhythmically is the continual movement in six-

teenth notes.

Tempo suggestions vary among editors, performers and

pedagogues. Keller suggests a tempo ofJ =52 and Bodky

recommends a tempo of ==+80 (1, p. 267).

Formal Design

Invention No. II, a two-section composition, is a perfect

canon with the imitation entering two measures later (6, p. 621).

The design can be shown graphically. In the following figure

each division marked by vertical lines represents a two-bar


section. The last division, which is marked by a double bar,

represents only one measure.

Upper AjB C D E F A B C D A B
Episode ~ Cad
Lower -IA B C D A B CD EEB A

Fig. 14.--Invention No. II, formal plan (3, p. 339)

This particular form is unique among the Inventions (3, p. 339).

This Invention is described, on one hand, as "?passionate and

eager" (17, p. 61) and "laughing and happy" (10, p. 26) while

on the other hand others call it "composed" and "impertubable"

(1, p. 230) or "contemplative" (2, p. 275).

Invention No. III

Linear Characteristics

Motives.--The first motive is seven beats in length and

begins with an upbeat. Described as a "tumult" motive (9,

p. 645) it has a tonal range of a fifth and moves entirely in

sixteenth notes (the simple division of the beat). The strik-

ing feature is the rebounding movement of the tones within

the fifth.

Fig. 15--Invention No. III, motive A, measures 1-2

Section I
.. A

3 I IV I
7 7 7
////////AT --
I I mod. A V #i"0 V II
ffff ffffffff ffffffffffffff fffffffffbfffCf

5 7
V #ivo V #.v -V I 7 V117
A: V 7
ffffffffffffpffff aug.

9 11
Section II ii
ffffffffff y
7 ffffff 6

I~V (e) iv
4w" "Now4/
?Tr fffffff
13 15
ffffffff B

ii mod. b- ii VI7 Pat


fff fif 1ffffffffff


I.fff'ff ffffrrrrffrrffffffffffr

b: f
ffffffff~ n'V B fffffft
21 23
B pP 4 PPPPPPPPPPPPPpppppppppppp

25 27
Fig. 16--Invention No. III, graphic analysis (continued
on next page)
3 ~pppppp pppppp p int A
31M*mod A
pp ppppppppppppppppppppp,

29 31

A fffffffffff fffffffffff
iIv A i .iv A rtfffff
7 A I AAv f ffffffl

33 35 37

f ffff f naugB *Mae "

9 m w N0-11-a w,-mw' mA

I 17 VbVII IVV bVII 17 IV ii i a*t

39 41
Section III
///////////////////// ffffff ff

43 45 47

fffffffff ifffffffffff fffffff A- g Affffff

vli 0 I IV 1 viTi
A - -

49 51
fffffffffff 1 fffffffffff B fffrfffffff
jV 7
IV V vi 17 IV jI

fffftPp 1 pppppp
53 55 57
fff f ff Cad
Cff C 1 Cad

Fig. 16--Continued

Seven of the intervals (58 per cent) change directions while

five (42 per cent) continue in the established direction. All

of the thirteen intervals are a fifth or smaller. Bodky

describes this motive as a "miniature 'Gloria' (the motive

of the falling octave)" (1, p. 267).

The second motive, appearing in the second section (11,

p. 82), is six-and-one-half beats in length and strongly re-

sembles the first motive. It could be considered a motive

variant. The second through the sixth beats of motive B

correspond to the pattern found in beats one through five of

motive A.

Fig. 17--Invention No. III, motive B, measures 12-14

Four of the intervals (40 per cent) change direction and six

(60 per cent) continue in the same direction. Ten of the

melodic intervals (91 per cent) are a fifth or smaller and

one (9 per cent) is larger than a fifth. It has a range of

an octave.

Episodes.--There are sixty-one beats (17 per cent) of

free material and 295 beats (83 per cent) of material which

is either derived from the motives or establishes its thematic

importance through use. The material in measures five through

eleven appears in measures forty-seven through fifty-three

with one significant alteration: the voices in the first four

measures of the second section have been inverted so that the

pattern which was in the first voice is seen in the second

voice and vice versa. Beginning with the fifty-first measure

the counterpoint resumes its original form.

A a-.04
F- A

Adk Am

A A me~

Fig. l--Invention No. III, episodic pattern, measures


The counterpoint appearing in the lower voice in measures five

through eight could be considered a pedal point.


The cadence pattern occuring in measures nine through

eleven and fifty-one through fifty-three appears with some

alteration in measures twenty-one through twenty-three,

thirty-five through thirty-seven, and measures fifty-six

through fifty-eight.

In the upper voice 29.6 per cent of the bars are "smooth"

and 70.4 per cent are "rough." In the lower voice 28.0 per

cent of the bars are "smooth" and 72.0 per cent "rough" (14,

p. 174). There are six ornaments: four pralltrillers and two


Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentage of each type of Species of




Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 29 16
Second 71 40
Third 00
Fourth 29 16
Other 49 28

Most of the counterpoint is in Second Species and none occurs

in Third Species. Thirty-one of the fifty-six progressions in

the First Species counterpoint (55 per cent) are in similar

or parallel movement; twenty-two progressions (39 per cent)

are in contrary motion; and three (6 per cent) are in oblique


Two authors have made other studies of textural character-

istics. An analysis of the whole piece reveals that most of

the contrapuntal progressions are in oblique motion (57 per

cent), with 25 per cent in contrary, 12 per cent in parallel,

and 10 per cent in similar motion. The melodic index is 1.9

(12, p. 291). Regarding the relationship of durational and

metric accents between the voices, the findings were as

follows: 8.4 per cent of the bars are "rough" and 91.6 per cent

"smooth" (14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--An analysis of the 155 intervals

having relative metric accents revealed that thirty-eight

(24.5 per cent) were dissonant and 117 (75.5 per cent) were

consonant (13, p. 178). There are five major modulations and

two transient modulations. An average of 1.5 harmonies are

implied in each measure. There are twenty-one altered tones

in this Invention.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is triple simple. An analysis of the Invention

showed the following frequencies of note values in the upper

and lower voices.



Upper Voice
Note Value Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats

Eighth note (beat note) 39 22

Sixteenth note 87 49
Other note values and rests 52 29

Lower Voice
Note Value Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Eighth note (beat note) 44 25
Sixteenth note 98.5 56
Other note values and rests 34.5 19

Sixteenth notes are most common with the remainder of the

motion fairly divided between the eighth note and other time


Authorities disagree on the correct tempo. Bodky suggests

a tempo of4 =+60 (J'=+180) and Keller recommends a tempo of

0'= 138 (1, p. 364).


Formal Design

Mason classifies the D Major Invention formally as a

three-part song form because of the return to the beginning

in measure forty-three (11, p. 80). There is a counterexpo-

sition using the second motive in the second section, which

begins in the key of A Major. This section contains well-

defined cadences to b minor and to A Major and thus suggests

subdivisions. The third section begins in the original key

and closes with a six-measure codetta. This Invention is

described as being "merry" in character (17, p. 61).

Invention No. IV

Linear Characteristics

Motive and countermotive.--The motive is seven beats long

and moves in sixteenth notes altogether except for the last

note, an eighth note. It has a range of a seventh. The most

striking feature of the motive is a leap of a diminished

seventh down followed by an identical leap upward. This leap

contrasts sharply with the stepwise movement of the 'rest of

the motive.

Fig. 19--Invention No. IV, motive, measures 1-3 (8, p. 2)


Section I E.1ig -rat

-_ _ xxxxxx::xxxxxxxxx: :xx.

-K 3
- --
V 7 xx

---- Elis

IVII modF II 1 7

xxxxxxxxx xxx 00000<oooooooooooooo000ooOOOOOOOOOOAN-fxm

7 9 11

01, *Mae 000( 000000000 o wmffffffff'

7 7 7 7 VI

ft" ao qm'" a* o*4- mm -* -Aa fv -m fw t-* - -- -oo -0 a* n=ppppppppp

13 15 17

Section II
0000oooooPp 7 pppppppppppp pppppppp _ VI
Pat kPat

19 21 23
Fig. 20--Invention No. IV, graphic analysis (continued
on next page)

V7 mod a vi VII
4090 )00000000000{0000000000000

25 27

VII ii:
-Pp2ppppppppppp pppppppppppppp 1 pppppppppppp
29 31

vid7 j7I
PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 000000000000000 0000000000000
33 35
Section III

Iffffffffff ffff ffrfffffr fff _ 00000000000000

iv V7 VI(7
00000000000000 0oooooooooooO

37 39
000000000000000 ____

41 43

000000000001 000000000000001

V7 V'7
Wxxxxxxxxxx- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x4I
45 47
ffffffffffrffff 8 inv fffffffff Cad
VI yvii
- --.- ffff .1... .... --....fffffffff Cad 7

49 51
Fig. 20--Contirnued

There is little change of direction in the twenty-note

motivic line. Three intervals (27 per cent) change direction

and the remainder (73 per cent) continue in the same direction.

Ten of the intervals (83 per cent) are a fifth or smaller and

two (17 per cent) are larger than a fifth. Like those of the

first three Inventions, this motive symbolizes "tumult" (9,

p. 645).
An elision occurs on the last note of the motive and the

first note of the countermotive, a simple chordal outline of

a i6 chord and a viio 6 chord in eighth notes. The length is

six and one-half beats and the tonal range a seventh.

Fig. 21--Invention No. IV, countermotive, measures 3-5

(8, p. 2)

Two of the intervals (40 per cent) of the seven-note pro-

gression change direction while the remaining three (60 per

cent) continue in the same direction. All of the intervals

are a fifth or smaller.

Episodes.--The episodic material generally is derived from

the motive and the countermotive. The ten-and-one-half beats

of free material in the first voice and the thirteen beats of

free material in the second voice represent only 10 per cent

of the total material.

Several patterns are used frequently in the episodes.

The pattern appearing in measure eight (See figure 22) reap-

pears in measures ten, fifteen, thirty-four, thirty-five and

thirty-six (8, p. 2).

Fig. 22--Invention No. IV, episodic pattern, measure 8

The pattern first seen in measures eleven and twelve (See

figure 23) also occurs in measures thirteen and fourteen,

twenty-two and twenty-three, and twenty-four and twenty-five.

Fig. 23--Invention No. IV, episodic pattern, measure 11

A slightly-altered form of the motive appearing in the first

voice in measures seven through ten and imitated in the second

voice in measures eleven through sixteen is seen again in the

first voice in measures forty to forty-one.


1 4u I

Fig. 24--Invention No. IV, episodic pattern, measures

In the upper voice, 28.8 per cent of the bars are "smooth"

and 71.2 per cent are "rough." In the lower voice 24.0 per

cent of the measures are "smooth" and 76.0 per cent "rough"

(14, p. 174).
Invention No. IV contains few embellishments. Two ex-
tended trills are indicated: one in the first part for nine

beats and one in the second voice for fifteen beats.

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--Most of the counterpoint in

Invention No. IV is in Second Species. The following table

shows the frequency of each Species in beats and in percentage.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 32 22
Second 68 44
Third 0 0
Fourth 26.5 17
Other 26.5 17

Within the First Species counterpoint thirty-two progressions

(51 per cent) move in parallel and similar motion, thirty (48

per cent) in contrary motion and one (1 per cent) in oblique


Two authors have made other textural studies of this

Invention. Based on an analysis of all the progressions in

Invention No. IV, Miller gives the following figures for the

types of motion: parallel--12 per cent, similar--10 per cent,

oblique--53 per cent, and contrary--25 per cent. The index of

melodic independence is 1.9 (12, p. 291). From a textural

approach Satterfield finds 9.6 per cent of the measures "rough"

and 93.6 per cent "smooth" in durational accents (14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--There are 140 intervals having

relative metric accents. Of these, thirty-six (25.7 per cent)

are dissonant and 104 (74.3 per cent) are consonant (13, p. 278).

An average of one identifiable chordal structure is

implied in each measure. There are three well defined modula-

tions and two transient modulations. Forty-nine altered tones

occur in Invention No. IV.

Rhythmic Characteristics
The meter is triple simple and the time signature 8. The

following table shows the frequencies of the note values in

this Invention.



Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Eighth note (beat note) 30 19
Sixteenth note 106 68
Thirty-second note 0 0
Other note values and rests 20 13

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Eighth note (beat note) 53 34
Sixteenth note 72 46
Thirty-second note 0 0
Other note values and rests 31 20

The great majority of the movement is in sixteenth notes.

Two rhythmic patterns are obvious: a succession of six-

teenth notes as in the motive and a succession of eighth notes

as in the countermotive. Generally, the Invention is based on

these patterns.

There is considerable disagreement concerning the correct

tempo. However, Keller and Bodky both suggest a tempo of

J*-= 60 (1, p. 364). This is the only Invention of the fifteen

with identical tempo suggestions by these two authors.


Formal Design

Invention No. IV is in three-sections (ii, p. 79). The

exposition contains three entrances of the motive occurring

at the octave. There is no counterexposition in the second

section but rather only a free imitation of the motive in the

second voice. A strong cadence to the key of A minor in this

section suggests a subsection. The third section begins with

a quasi-exposition statement of the motive and ends with a

four measure codetta. Invention No. IV is described as "gloomy"

in nature (17, p. 61), as "contemplative" (1, p. 231) and as

having "sad colors of gray and lavender" (7, p. 452).

Invention No. V

Linear Characteristics

Motive and countermotive.--The motive is fifteen-and-

three-fourths beats long and has a range of a tenth. Rhythmi-

cally, it begins on the second half of the first beat and ends

on the first quarter of the seventeenth beat. Classed as a

"tumult" motive (9, p. 645) it may be divided into two parts,

an antecedent group and a consequent group. The first part,

consisting of two measures, presents a strong rhythmic pattern

which is repeated one step higher in measure two. The con-

sequent group answers by continuing the momentum with new


I Section I

Eb y7 yIIVyI y7IB V7

xxxxx xxxxxxrxxx Xxxxxxxx xfxxxxx xxxxx.x....

Bxb:xx~xv yV ii E I l04 17
EbI 7 Pat. (Ab)
5 7 9
Se Section It
'7 000000000000000000000000 00000000000
S V TITC~ii i 07 VjmV ru; vllvl7
0000o~~~~~~o oooooooooooooo6 I
11 13
oooooooooooooot F r~
f: V 7 Vbb:.V7

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx

-ro o09
o0 000000000; 0000000000
S i IV VII VII7III vio vio ITfI V
Pt Se Sec': v Pat S e

21 23
Section III


b IV Eb I
IV U ii 7~ V I IV I V7
Pat E
00000000000 00000000000000ooooooodo

25 27 29

I jjj IVfM i7 V I IV V I
Pat (Ab s (Eb
00 00000ooo 000000000oo0oinv. Cad.

Fig. 25--Invention No. V, graphic analysis

material. A climax occurs on the highest note of the phrase

(Eb in measure 4).

Fig. 26 --Invention No. V, motive, measures 1-5 (8, p. 2)

Eleven intervals (39 per cent) change direction while

nineteen (61 per cent) continue in the same direction. All

of the intervals are a fifth or smaller.

The countermotive is fourteen and one-half beats long

and appears consistently with the motive. It consists entirely

of sixteenth notes except for the last, an eighth note and

has a range of a tenth. Basically, it is a sequence with

minor alterations of one figure.

I - -I--

* _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _

Fig. 27--Invention No. V, countermotive, measures 1-5


There are many changes in the directions of the line--forty-six

in all--for a percentage of 84. Only nine intervals (16 per

cent) continue in the same direction. Fifty-one intervals

(93 per cent) are a fifth or smaller, and four (7 per cent)

are larger than a fifth.

Leonard discusses the motive and countermotive in the

following passage:

In the Two Part Invention No. 5 (Eb Major), the

"joy motive" appears as the beginning of the subject,
which ends with the "step of confidence". . . . The
counterpoint is, as often happens, a long motive of
"simple joy." Here, however, is plainly one of the
"conflicts" of direction, which Bach so often created,
with the "upward striving" of one theme in combat with
the downward strength of another (9, p. 573).

Episodes.--Only two beats (1 per cent) of the material is

not derived from the motive, and this occurs at a cadence

point. Two-hundred-fifty-four beats (99 per cent) is derived

from the exposition.

Satterfield classifies 18.8 per cent of the bars in the

upper voice "smooth" and 81.2 per cent "rough" in melodic

accents. In the lower voice 9.4 per cent are "smooth" and

90.6 per cent are "rough" (14, p. 174). There is one orna-

ment, a short trill.


Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentage of each type of Species of

counterpoint in Invention No. V.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 20.25 16
Second 58 45
Third 41 32
Fourth 4 3
Other 4.75 4

Second Species is the most common and Fourth Species the least.

Within the First Species counterpoint forty-three progres-

sions (57 per cent) are in parallel and similar motion and

thirty-two progressions (43 per cent) are in contrary motion.

None of the motion is oblique.

Two authors have made other textural studies. An analysis

of the total Invention produces the following figures for the

types of motion: parallel--10 per cent, similar--ll per cent,

oblique--53 per cent, and contrary--26 per cent. The index

of melodic independence is 1.9 (12, p. 291). Based on a


study of durational accents 6.4 per cent of the measures are

"rough" and 93.6 per cent are "smooth" (14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--Of the 239 intervals having metric

accents, 23.4 per cent (fifty-six in number) were found to be

dissonant and 76.6 per cent (forty-four) consonant (13, p. 278).

There are eight modulations to new keys and one transient modu-

lation. An average of 2.9 harmonies are implied in each measure.

There are thirty-nine altered tones in this composition.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is quadruple simple. The following table shows

the frequency of the note values appearing in the first voice.



Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 23 19
Eighth note 34.5 27
Sixteenth note 63.75 50
Other note values and rests 6.75 4

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 20 16
Eighth note 24 19
Sixteenth note 77.25 60
Other note values and rests 6.75 5
Half of the total time is in sixteenth notes. Since this

Invention employs constant use of the motive and counter-

motive the rhythmic figures appearing therein are seen re-

peatedly throughout the piece.

Authorities disagree on the correct tempo for this piece.

Keller suggests a tempo of =69. Bodky recommends a tempo of

=+80 (1, p. 345).

Formal Design

Invention No. V may be considered a three-section composi-

tion. Cadences are not well-defined, however, and the division

probably would not be detected from oral observation alone

since the episodes do not present any new material and very

little development of the motive and countermotive. Rather,

the whole composition is a series of repetitions of the motive

accompanied by the countermotive. According to Bodky this is

the first Invention to use a countermotive throughout the

entire piece (1, p. 267).

The first section begins in the key of Eb Major and con-

tains modulations to Bb Major and back to Eb Major. The

second section begins in c minor modulates to f minor, bb minor

and back to f minor. The final section begins in Eb Major,

contains a transient modulation to Ab Major and closes in

Eb Major. This Invention is described as being "full of grace

and dignity" (17, p. 61).


Invention No. VI

Linear Characteristics

Motives.--Invention No. VI is based on two coordinate

motives. Motive A appears in the lower voice and has a range

of an octave. Basically, it is an ascending scale line.

Fig. 28--Invention No. VI, motive A, measures 1-4 (8, p. 2)

There are only three changes (27 per cent) in the direction of

the motive; there are nine continuances (73 per cent). Only

one (9 per cent) of the twelve intervals is a fifth or larger.

The remaining eleven (91 per cent) move by step.

The second motive is a mirror of the first. It begins

on the second half of the first beat and continues in this

syncopated rhythm until the fourth measure. Motive B is

twelve-and-one-half beats in length and covers a range of a


*1ii 94 ~wiL

Fig. 29--Invention No. VI, motive B, measures 1-5 (8, p. 2)

Section I
1 Motive B
I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I vii IV iii XXXXXXX7Xy
1 Motive A

Elis 1.

I vii I Iy V io v in it 7 V7
5- %7 xxXXXXXXXXXXx xxxxxxxx, xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx

5 7
Tv t
-OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo 00000000000o
vi 17 V
Pat mod B See

9 1
OO0000oo0ooo0000000000ooooooooo 0000OOOOOOOOo
Tmod B 77

13 15
oooooooo~ooooooooa~ o~oooo T oooo
117 V vi 1I7
B: V7 I1
- -.- '- .ooooooooooooooooooooooooO
17 19
Section II

R:IOOOio 17 IyOOOIV i v v7
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkxXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21 23

I vi t17Iy iPO TV vii? V7

E U3

25 27
Fig. 30--Invention No. VI, graphic analysis (continued
next page)
Pt Se Sea Pat
xxxxxxxxxxooooooooooo0ooooooooooo0ooooooooooo0ooooooooooo C
I vi (g#) III vi 1117

29 31

0000000000o00000000000 00000000000000000000000 000000000000

/id7 (c ) ii viio7 I #vd7

333Pat Se SeSe Se35e 37

00000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000 00000000 i,

39 41
Section ITT
x ________0000000_ XXXXXXXX3

E: Ivilpll IV iii 0 IV iii u7 V7 I vii I

43 45 47

xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
Hilo IV/iii V
IV I Pat vi 3.1
XXXXXXXX~X00000 000000000000000000000000

49 51
Seq. _____Se___

e IVVIvii 7 V' I ii IV
oooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooo0oooooooooooooooooooooo d
.53 55 57

00000000 -- - - -000000COOOOOOOOOOOO
59 -4 61
Fig. 30--Continued

There are nine changes and nine continuances in the direction

of the melodic intervals. All of the intervals are a fifth or

smaller. Motive B consists basically of the descending scale

with an interruption of an embellished arpeggio before reaching


Leonard ascribes the following meaning to the two lines:

"It Envention No. sets forth the 'torturing grief' of the

chromatic line, and the 'faltering uncertainty' or syncopation

. .0 . .Against these two stalks the confidence of the 'step

motive,' in conflicting contrary direction; and the whole

theme ends with the motive of 'joyous agitation' . . . . (9,

p. 645).

Episodes.--All of the material is related to the motives.

There are no ornaments indicated by sign. However, the mordent

figure, first seen in the second motive, appears frequently.

In the upper voice of this Invention 27.5 per cent of the

bars are "smooth" and 72.5 per cent "rough" in melodic accents.

In the lower voice 17.7 per cent of the bars are "smooth" and

82.3 per cent "rough" (14, p. 174).

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentage of each type of Species

of counterpoint in this Invention.




Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats

First 5 3
Second 24 13
Third 4 2
Fourth 95 51
Other 58 31

Atypically, most of the counterpoint is in Fourth Species with

the least amount in Third Species.

Within the First Species counterpoint there were found

to be nineteen progressions. Of these, thirteen (68 per cent)

are in similar and parallel motion, six (32 per cent) in con-

trary motion, and none in oblique motion.

Two authors offer other approaches. Based on an analysis

of the whole Invention there is 5 per cent parallel motion, 6

per cent similar motion, 76 per cent oblique motion, and 13 per

cent contrary motion. The index of melodic independence is

2.0 (12, p. 291). Based on a study of the relationship of

durational accents and metric accents 3.2 per cent of the

measures are classified as "rough" and 96.8 per cent as "smooth"

(14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--A study of the 237 intervals having

relative accents reveals that eighty-five (35.9 per cent) are


dissonant and 152 (64.1 per cent) are consonant (13, p. 278).

There are two major modulations, to the dominant and return-

ing to the tonic, and four transient modulations. An average

of 1.7 identifiable chordal structures occur in each measure.

There are forty-six altered tones in Invention No. VI.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is triple simple and the signature is . The

following table shows the frequency of note values in this




Upper Voice

Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
Eighth note (beat note) 101 54
Sixteenth note 50 27
Thirty-second note 26 14
Other note values and rests 9 5

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats

Eighth note (beat note) 118 63

Sixteenth note 24.5 13
Thirty-second note 12 6
Other note values and rests 31.5 18

Most of the movement is in eighth notes and a relatively large

amount in thirty-second notes, which appear 208 times. The

rhythmic patterns of syncopation and embellishment occurring

in the second motive and the eighth note pattern from the

first motive are all extremely important throughout the In-


There is considerable disagreement among editors, per-

formers and pedagogues concerning the correct tempo. Keller

suggests a tempo of *=96 and Bodky recommends a tempo of

J=+120 (1, p. 366).

Formal Design

Mason classifies Invention No. VI as a three part song

form although the return to the beginning in the last twenty

measures has the voices interchanged (11, p. 80). It is the

only Invention divided into two repeating sections (3, p. 339).

Schroder compares the section from measure twenty-nine to

measure forty-three, largely modulatory, to a "miniature

development section of a sonata form" (15, p. 30). Leonard

describes this passage in the following statements: "After

the double bar the first theme returns (measure 21), but the

joyous motive takes possession in measure 29 and is continually

interrupting grievous thoughts till measure 43. There the


original conflict recommences and ends with a double assertion

of the joyous agitation" (9, p. 645). Both the second and

third sections are marked by strong cadences. The final three

measures constitute a cadence rhyme to measures eighteen to

twenty (the last measure in the first section) (15, p. 30).

Says Schroder: "This device of cadence rhyme was one of the

distinguishing features of eighteenth century binary form, of

which this Invention is a good example. The formal effect is

to tie the composition together as a whole and reveal the

essential relatedness of each of the two sections to each

other" (15, p. 30).

Spitta points to the prominence of double counterpoint in

Invention No. VI and characterizes it as being "full of

roguish fun" (17, p. 61). Similarly, Landowska calls it

"jocose and spirited" (7, p. 452). Schroder terms this piece

a "highly imaginative little scherzo" the opening measures of

which "remind one of two dancing partners coming together,

after which both change their respective positions and move

apart once again" (15, p. 27).

Invention No. VII

Linear Characteristics

Motive and countermotive.--The motive, beginning on the

second half of the beat, is two beats in length. Like


imi imi
Section I Patig

4e mod G
imi Pat Se
// 7_-/n5 /r 1
1 3 5

Section II
//c Pp 3pppppppp pp///
Se Pat/Se/ /_//Mod/br

7 9 11

se Section III - S e S
1fr/////trrrf frff rf.fff'fff ffffffffY ffff'ffff"f

b: V (a) (g. e: e: i V VI V
Pat e_S P5p p
13, 15 17

Pa t 9Se e oPtS9
fffffffffffffffffff fff////////// 7 J//J//////////cad
vii0i V V i ivi ii V VI vi i V i V I

Pa - - - -n- Sea
.--- -.- Pat Seti S e
~f f f ff fff ffLff r. ...ffff ff11/Cadi
19 21 23
Fig. 31-Invention No. VII, graphic analysis
Inventions I and II the range is only a fifth and the movement

largely is in sixteenth notes. The striking feature is the

descent, mainly by step, from the dominant note to the tonic

followed by the leap back to the dominant.

Fig. 32--Invention No. VII, motive, measure 1 (8, p. 3)

There are three changes in direction and two continua-

tions, 60 per cent and 40 per cent, respectively. All of the

intervals are a fifth or smaller.

There is no countermotive. In the first measure, the

motive is accompanied by a pattern of an octave leap, ,which

reappears several times.

Episodes.--There are thirty-eight beats of free material

(20 per cent) in Invention No. VII. This is a relatively high

figure. One-hundred-and-forty-six beats (80 per cent) are

either derived from the motive or, if not, have gained thematic

importance through development and use.

Satterfield classifies 30.4 per cent of the bars in the

upper voice "smooth" and 69.6 "rough" in melodic accents. In

the lower voice he finds 8.7 per cent "smooth" and 91.3 per

cent "rough" (14, p. 174). A relatively large number of


ornaments are indicated: nine pralltrillers, one short trill,

one extended trill, and seven mordents.

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentages of each type of Species

of counterpoint in Invention No. VII.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 28.5 31
Second 20.75 23
Third 0 0
Fourth 19.5 21
Other 23.25 25

Unlike most of the Inventions, Invention VII contains more

First Species than Second Species counterpoint. The presence

of the two pedal points and the several rests is reflected in

the percentage for other rhythmic relationships.

Three other statistical analyses have been made. Within

the First Species counterpoint of fifty-six progressions,

twenty-five (45 per cent) were found to be in parallel and

similar motion, twenty-four (43 per cent) in contrary motion,

and seven (12 per cent) in oblique motion. In his analysis of

the total Invention Miller reports the following figures for

the types of motion: parallel--five per cent, similar-- nine

per cent, oblique--seventy per cent, and contrary--sixteen

per cent. The index of melodic independence is 2.0 (12, p. 291).

In his analysis of rhythmic relationships Satterfield classifies

6.4 per cent of the measures "rough" and 93.6 per cent "smooth"

(14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--An analysis of the 159 intervals

having relative metric accents revealed that thirty one

(19.5 per cent) are dissonant. Thus, slightly over four-fifths

of the intervals under study were found to be consonant (13,

p. 278). There is an average of 2.5 implied tonalities per

measure. There are four well defined modulations and two

transient modulations. Thirty-four altered tones occur in

this piece.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter signature is . The following table shows

the frequency of the note values appearing in the first voice

of this Invention.


Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 0 0
Eighth note 21 23
Sixteenth note 42.5 46
Other note values and rests 28.5 31

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats

Quarter Note 2 2
Eighth note 14.5 16
Sixteenth note 48 52
Other note values and rests 27.5 30

Most of the movement is in sixteenth notes. Contributing to

the large percentage of "other note values and rests" is a

pedal point and a large number of dotted eighth notes. The

rhythmic figure of the dotted eighth note followed by a six-

teenth note appears in the first measure and plays a prominent

role thenceforth. Leonard describes this pattern as symbolic

of "grievous passion" but claims that Invention No. VII ex-

presses "heaviness of spirit" rather than "extreme sorrow"

(9, p. 645).

Authorities disagree on the correct tempo (see Appendix

G). Bodky assigns this piece a tempo of J=+60, explaining

that the complicated ornaments necessitate a rather slow tempo

(1, p. 268). Keller suggests a tempo of J=72 (1, p. 348).

Formal Desig

Invention No. VII in e minor is in three sections. The

beginnings of both the second and third sections are marked

by strong cadences. However, the cadence into the third

section is not well-defined. The initial tonal centers for

the sections are e minor (i), G Major (III) and b minor (v).

Spitta recognizes in this Invention an "affinity" in form with

No. I but sees no similarity in expression. "It is suppliant

and mournful; still, in spite of its disturbed character, has

extraordinary melodic beauty" (17, p. 62).

Invention No. VIII

Linear Characteristics

Motive and countermotive.--The motive is three beats in

length and, like Inventions I, II, V, VI and VII begins off

the beat. The notes of the motive outline the tonic chord.

The range is an octave.

Fig. 33--Invention No. VIII, motive, measures 1-2 (8, p. 4)

Section 1 -- P-t
x xx x xx
P/ / / /

8 ~xxxxxxxxxxx
1 3
ae Pt is S e Pat Sen

M II 7 modC II7

V V7

Sea Si

000000000 000
Section II
o ~,ooi bfffffffff ffffxx
Ovof I 1
v V '"'.-W xxxxxxxx

Pat s- g CV Q
oooooooooooooooooooof Tf'xxx'cxxxx xxx-x

11 13

fff. fff ffffff..-, = xxxxxxxx M fffff ff f fff

g:viid7 g: IPat #1vd
i-imi T A
xxxX xxxxxxxxxxxx fffffffffCff
17 19
15 PaSe e O4

ffffffffff.ffffffffrfffjfffff ffffr
Y ii*i0 7 I

21 23

Ba:I7t I Se vi7
Y//// 111H1
2527 29
00000000000 00000)OOOOOOOOOOOOOfff. tf'fffifirrf Cad
ad z
P00t VII VI Pat OSeg soCad

Fig. 34--Invention No. VIII, graphic analysis

All of the intervals change the direction of the line. These

tonal and directional patterns are the distinguishing character-

istics of the motive. Classed as a "tumult" idea (9, p. 645)

the motive contains four intervals (80 per cent) a fifth or

smaller and one (20 per cent) larger than a fifth.

Like the motive the countermotive is three beats long and

has a range of an octave.

Fig. 35--Invention No. VIII, countermotive, measures 2-3

(8, p. 4)

Three of the intervals, or one-third, change the direction of

the line while six, or two-thirds, continue in the same direc-

tion. All of the intervals are seconds. The countermotive

basically is simply a descending scale line in sixteenth notes,

thus offering a marked contrast to the ascending eighth note

arpeggio of the motive.

Episodes.--There are thirty-one beats of free material,

representing 15 per cent. The remaining 85 per cent consists

of material either derived from the exposition, or thematically

important. The following pattern first appears in measure

four and reappears in measures five through seven and twenty-

six through twenty-nine.

Fig. 36 --Invention No. VIII, episodic pattern, measure 4

Another pattern with a quasi-pedal point is first seen in

measure fifteen and is found in measures nineteen to twenty-

three. In a somewhat altered form it also appears in measures

twenty-four and twenty-three.

Fig. 37--Invention No. VIII, episodic pattern, measure 15

In the first voice 20.7 per cent of the bars are "smooth"

and 79.3 per cent are "rough" in melodic accents. In the

second voice 27.3 per cent of the measures are "smooth" and

72.7 "rough" (14, p. 174). There are no ornaments.

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--Invention No. VIII is character-

istic in its large percentage of Second Species counterpoint.

The following table shows the number of beats and the percent-

age of each type of species.




Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 23.5 23
Second 68 67
Third 0 0
Fourth 0 0
Other 10.5 10

Within the twenty-three beats of First Species counter-

point, seventy-five progressions (96 per cent) are in similar

and parallel motion and three (4 per cent) are in contrary

motion. None of the movement is oblique.

Two authors have made other textural studies. An analysis

of all the progressions in the piece produced the following

figures for the types of movement: parallel--22 per cent,

similar--14 per cent, oblique--38 per cent, and contrary--

26 per cent. The index of melodic independence is 1.7 (12,

p. 291). From an analysis of the relationship of durational

accents and metric accents 6.1 per cent of the measures were

termed "rough" and 93.9 per cent "smooth" (14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--Satterfield finds 183 intervals

having relative metric accents. Of these, thirty-two (17.5

per cent) are dissonant, and 151 intervals (82.5 per cent)

consonant (13, p. 278).

There is an average of 1.5 identifiable chordal structures

implied in each measure. Five significant modulations occur.

There are twenty-five altered tones in this composition.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is triple simple and the time signature is.3

The following table shows the frequencies of the note values

in Invention No. VIII.



Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note 1 1
Eighth note 43.5 43
Sixteenth note 51.5 50
Other note values and rests 4 6

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats

Quarter note (beat note) 1 1

Eighth note 40 39
Sixteenth note 55 54
Other note values and rests 6 6
The great number of sixteenth notes produce a driving rhythm

in this piece. There are very few beats which are not divided

into sixteenth notes in one or both voices.

There is considerable disagreement among authorities con-

cerning the correct tempo. Keller recommends a tempo of

=116-126 and Bodky suggests a tempo ofJO=+100 (1, p. 358).

Formal Design

Invention No. VIII in F Major is in two-sections. (11,

p. 79) written in canonic imitation (4, p. 30). In the twelfth

bar the second voice takes the lead and the canon becomes less

strict (17, p. 62). The second section begins in the dominant

key and contains modulations to g minor, d minor, and Bb Major

before returning to the tonic key.

Probably the most popular of all the Inventions (4, p. 339),

this piece is described as being "delightful" (6, p. 621),

"full of happy and innocent contentment" (17, p. 62), as pos-

sessing a "vivacity replete with the very joy of live" (18,

p. 782) and as displaying "some concertizing elements en

miniature" (1, p. 233).

Invention No. IX

Linear Characteristics

Motives.--The motive is twelve beats in length and has a

range of a twelfth.

Fig. 38--Invention No. IX, motive A, measures 1-4 (8, p. 4)

Ten of the intervals (32 per cent) change direction while the

remaining twenty-one (68 per cent) continue in the same direc-

tion. Thirty of the intervals (94 per cent) are a fifth or

smaller and two (6 per cent) larger than a fifth.

The motive is accompanied by a second motive which is

also twelve beats long and also has a tonal range of a twelfth.

Fig. 39--Invention No. IX, motive B, measures 1-4 (8, p. 4)

Eight note progressions (27 per cent) change direction and,

twenty-one note progressions (73 per cent) do not. Twenty-

eight of the intervals (93 per cent) are a fifth or smaller

and two (7 per cent) larger than a fifth.

Section I 90

3 fI Ptvi ios ioV T7

4 t
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx

~XXXXXX xxxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i vi ii vlio V i iv i V Pat
Pat D,---

7 9

K0.d7 (c) II
II7 7 #Td(g) VI V17

0000000000 00000000000 00000000000

11 13
Section II
fffffffffff fffffffffY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
II iv 1 iI7
a- S.. V7 c:i VI ii viii V V7
15 17 19


[Vf f. f fj--f 1

21 23

iVV11 II III7 VI/b bf j f: I VI

v v7 f:f:
_000000 000000

25 27 29

ffffffffffff Cad
[ii vii? V V7 i V7 i i v V7 i
1 -"~_"oooooooooooo )02ffffff Cad

31 33
Fig. 40--Invention No. IX, graphic analysis

Episodes.--There are seventeen beats of free material

(8 per cent) and 187 beats of material (92 per cent) derived

from the exposition. In the upper voice 17.6 per cent of the

bars are "smooth" and 82.4 per cent "rough" in melodic accents.

In the lower voice 5.9 per cent are "smooth" and 94.1 per cent

"rough" (14, p. 174). There are two ornaments: one short trill

and one turn.

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentage of each type of Species

of counterpoint in this Invention.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 19 19
Second 22 22
Third 1 1
Fourth 49.75 50
Other 9.75 8

Half of the motion is in Fourth Species; the least amount is

in Third Species. Of the seventy-two progressions in the

First Species counterpoint fifty were found to be in parallel


and similar motion (sixty-nine per cent), twenty in contrary

motion (twenty-eight per cent), and two in oblique motion

(two per cent).

Two authors have conducted other studies of rhythmic

relationships in the Inventions. An analysis of all progres-

sions in the Invention produced the following figures on the

types of motion: parallel--16 per cent, similar--4 per cent,

oblique--59 per cent, and contrary--21 per cent. The index

of melodic independency is 1.9 (12, p. 291). Based on a
textural analysis of the durational accents 2.9 per cent of

the measures are classified as "rough" and 97.1 per cent as

"smooth" (14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--Of the 195 intervals having rela-

tive metric accents, thirty (15.4 per cent) were found to be

dissonant. The remaining 165 intervals (84.6 per cent) are

consonant (13, p. 278). There is an average of 2.2 identifi-

able chordal structures implied in each measure. There are

three major modulations and four transient modulations.

Ninety-one altered tones occur.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is triple simple. The following table shows

the frequency of note values appearing in this Invention.




Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 0
Eighth note 22.25 21
Sixteenth note 45 42
Other note values and rests 40.75 37

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 2 1
Eighth note 17 13
Sixteenth note 61.75 45
Other note values and rests 55.25 41

The sixteenth note is the most common note value. A rhythmic

figure involving a tied note appears two times in the motive

and two times in the countermotive.

ap" oj_____
7o 44z pj- A- I, T

Fig. 41--Invention No. IX, rhythmic pattern (measures 1-2)

This tied note pattern appears frequently throughout the

Invention and accounts for the large percentage for "other


note values and rests."

Keller suggests a tempo of J=46 (1, p. 361). Bodky

assigns to this Invention a tempo of =+60 and adds: "This

relatively slow speed is necessary to bring out the richness

of Bach's original articulation" (1, p. 268).

Formal Design

A two-section Invention, it has been likened in form to

Invention No. V (17, p. 62). Geiringer calls this Invention

a "kind of double fugue in which theme and counter melody

usually appear together. . . ." (2, p. 275). The first

section passes through two transient modulations before the

cadence into c minor, the beginning tonality of section two.

At this point a counterexposition appears. Section two contains

two transient modulations and ends in the tonic key of f minor.

The third section states the two motives in accompaniment

before beginning the final cadence. This Invention is one of

two Inventions provided with slurs by Bach (1, pp. 202-203).

Invention No. IX is described as "mild and composed"

(1, p. 228), as "tender" (6, p. 621), as being "full of im-

passioned strains of sadness, which rise to a great intensity

of effect in bars 21 to 26" (17, p. 62). Bodky comments: "It

is this [pathos and declamation] which must have caused Bach

to distinguish the Invention in f minor with so many slurs for

articulation" (1, p. 131).


Invention No. X

Linear Characteristics

Motive and countermotive.--The length of the motive is

twelve beats (four compound beats). Basically, the motive is

an arpeggiated chordal outline moving primarily in eighth

notes. "Arpeggio forms," says Leonard, "especially rising

ones are of cheerful mood, intensified always if the intervals

become wider" (9, p. 645).

Fig. 42--Invention No. X, motive, measures 1-2 (8, p. 4)

There are five changes and four continuances in the direc-

tion of the motivic line, 56 per cent and 44 per cent, respec-

tively. Nine of the intervals (90 per cent) are a fifth or

smaller, one (10 per cent) is larger than a fifth.

The countermotive is nine beats (three compound) in length

and has a range of a seventh. Like the motive, it is basically

a chordal outline--in this case the outlines of two chords, the

dominant and the tonic. The movement is in eighth notes.

Fig. 43--Invention No. X, countermotive, measures 2-3


9 ItV V7 VL X X7X
X X X XoPatvi4
8xxxxxxx //

17 V7 I vi #ivvii V iii vi Il
Sea Seo Pat S mod'D

Section II-
f//If//If///// :a
V 7 I vi Ii Iu71 VI


(C) iin IV ii

15 17 19

Pp ppppppp 3pp pppppoppppP pppp

at SeSeSea

/// ////p PP 4PPPPPPP

21 23

7J 7

G 0I1 V7
5at Sml~
I '~Tat seqSea
25 27 29

///////////////////// oooooooo x-
vi V77 I vi VIV I

// //

Fig. 44--Invention No. X, graphic analysis

Four of the intervals (59 per cent) change direction

while three (41 per cent) continue in the same direction.

All of the eight intervals are a fifth or smaller.

Episodes.--All of the material in the Invention is either

derived from the motive or countermotive or is thematically

important. The following three note patterns appear very

frequently in the piece.


Fig. 45--Episodic patterns, (measures 5 and 7, respectively)

These patterns appear to be equally as important as those

present in the countermotive and motive.

In his study of the relative congruence of melodic and

metric accents within each bar Satterfield classifies 37.5

per cent of the bars in the upper voice "smooth" and 62.5 per

cent of the bars "rough." In the lower voice 29.0 per cent

of the bars are "smooth" and 71.0 per cent "rough" (14, p. 174).

There are numerous ornaments. Invention No. X contains

five pralltrillers, three extended trills, and three mordents.

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentage of each type of counter-

point Species in this Invention.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 127 44
Second 15 6
Third 0 0
Fourth 64 22
Other 82 28

A relatively high percentage of beats are in First Species

Counterpoint, whereas none of the material is in Third Species

and a very small percentage in Second Species. Of the 127

progressions within the First Species Counterpoint, fifty-five,

(forty-three per cent) are in similar and parallel motion;

seventy-two, (fifty-seven per cent) are in contrary motion;

and none are in oblique motion.

Two authors offer other approaches. In his analysis of

the whole Invention Miller found seventeen per cent of the

progressions in parallel motion, eight per cent in similar

motion, forty-three per cent in oblique motion, and thirty-

two per cent in contrary motion. The index of melodic


independence is 1.9 (12, p. 291). Based on his study of the

relationships of durational and metric accents, Satterfield

classifies 3.1 measures "rough" and 96.9 measures "smooth"

(14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--There are 87 intervals having rela-

tive metric accents in this Invention. Of these, eighteen,

(20.7 per cent) are dissonant and sixty-nine, (79.3 per cent)

consonant (13, p. 278). There is an average of 1.8 identifi-

able chordal structures in each measure. Two major modulations--

to the dominant and back to the tonic--and one transient

modulation occur in this piece. There are eleven altered

tones in this piece.

Rhythmic Characteristics
The meter is triple compound; the time signature is 9

The following table shows the frequency of note values appear-

ing in the Invention.


Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Eighth note (beat note) 84 75
Sixteenth note 0 0
Thirty-second note 0 0
Other note values and rests 73 25
(Continued on next page)

TABLE XX--Continued

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Eighth note (beat note) 188 65
Sixteenth note 0 0
Thirty-second note 0 0
Other note values and rests 100 35
e- -- - II
r 1 . I I I I i l | m

The great majority of the movement is in the basic eighth note


Authorities disagree concerning the correct tempo.

Bodky assigns to this Invention a tempo of -=+100 whereas

Keller suggests -=108 (1, p. 370).

Formal Design

Described as a "fugue whose main subject consists of

broken chords, providing the Invention with a basically har-

monic character" (2, p. 275), Invention No. X is a two-section

composition containing a counterexposition. There is a brief

recapitulation section starting in measure twenty-seven and a

deceptive cadence in measure thirty before the final cadence

in measure thirty-two.

Bodky states: "The Invention in G Major (X) is the only

example of allegro assai in 8

9 time, among Bach's keyboard

works and is an early brother to the gigantic Gigue that Bach

wrote in A time for the Fourth Partita" (1, p. 138). Another

author Kinscella says "Number X is like nothing so much as an

old style Gigue" (6, p. 621).

Spitta describes this piece in the following statement:

No. 10, in G major, begins like a fugue, but with-

out any of the fetters of that form; it flits to and
fro--now in imitation, and now in episodic extension.
There is a piece of quite wanton fun at the reprise,
when the upper part takes upon itself the double duty
of a theme and response (dux and comes) (17, p. 62).

In his discussion of symbolism in Bach's music Leonard


The gigue form, whether it has the rhythm of

dotted notes or of even triplets, designates, ac-
cording to its tempo, as moderato or headlong, the
idea of placid or ecstatic happiness, or the gaiety
of "animal spirits." It occurs . . . in Two Part
Invention, No. 10 (9, p. 645).

Invention No. XI

Linear Characteristics

Motives A and B.--Invention No. XI is based on two motives

(11, p. 82). The motive appearing in the upper voice, Motive

A, is eight beats long and has a range of a ninth. It moves

entirely in sixteenth notes and contains two sequences. The

leaps of a seventh and the sequences are the distinguishing

characteristics of Motive A.
Section I Motive A
Pat Se Pat SElisInv

4 V7


_ 5 &e
III vSij i III iv VII7
fffffxdamsxxxm 00
ITT V i Tj7 d: i v7
Elis ffff fffffff f'2


PatSeaS SSectoI S

Section9 TIII 11
Pat e
0 00 0 00 7 f

C:0v i 1vif iv I00II__v______y

Lo". m- f. ... a* .6 -o Mu 0o000000o000o0

13 15
section IV
frrtt frffrrr inv 5
VI V i III iv 7i 7 d7vV 1 i
Sid7i V.in ITiv
17 19
a e

Pat x 0 Se0
F 1A7.ii V iv #i d7 Cad
0 #o fd7 Ca
xxxxx oooooo boooooo ---- --- oooooff a
21 23
Fig. 46 --Invention No. XI, graphic analysis

Fig. 47--Invention No. XI, motive A, measures 1-3 (8, p. 4)

There are twelve changes in direction (40 per cent) and

eighteen continuances (60 per cent) among the intervals.

Twenty-nine intervals are a fifth or smaller and two are

larger than a fifth (93 per cent and 7 per cent respectively).

The second motive is six-and-three-fourths beats long

and has a range of a fourth. The distinguishing features

are the sequence appearing near the beginning and the syn-

copated rhythmic pattern near the end.

Fig. 48--Invention No. XI, motive B, measures 1-3

There are seven directional changes (47 per cent) and

eight continuances (53 per cent) among the intervals. All

of the sixteen intervals are a fifth or smaller.

Episodes.--There are seventeen-and-one-half beats of

free (9 per cent) material in Invention No. XI. The remaining

167 beats (88 per cent) are material derived from the motives.

In the upper voice 13.0 per cent of the bars are "smooth" and

87.0 per cent "rough." In the lower voice 0.0 per cent are

"smooth" and 100 per cent "rough" (14, p. 174). There is one

ornament, a pralltriller.

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentage of each type of Species of

counterpoint in this Invention.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

'Total Beats

First 37.25 41
Second 33.50 36
Third 0 0
Fourth 14.50 16
Other 6.75 7

Atypically, most of the counterpoint is in First Species.

None is in Third Species. Within the First Species counter-

point sixty-seven progressions (56 per cent) are in similar

and parallel movement, fifty-two progressions (43 per cent)

are in contrary movement, and one progression (1 per cent)

is in oblique motion.

Two authors have made other studies of rhythmic relation-

ships in the Inventions. An analysis of all progressions in

the Invention produced the following figures for the types

of motion: parallel--21 per cent, similar--13 per cent,

oblique--41 per cent, and contrary--25 per cent. The index

of melodic independence is 1.7 (12, p. 291). Based on a

textural analysis 4.3 of the measures are "rough" and 95.7 per

cent are "smooth" (14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--Of the 175 intervals having rela-

tive metric accents, thirty-three (18.9 per cent) are dis-

sonant and 142 (81.1 per cent) are consonant (13, p. 278).

There are an average of 3.6 identifiable chordal structures

in each measure. There are three major modulations--from

tonic to minor dominant, to minor subdominant, back to tonic--

and two transient modulations. Sixty-one altered tones occur

in this Invention.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is quadruple simple. The following table

shows the frequency of note values appearing in this Invention.




Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 3 3
Eighth note 12.5 14
Sixteenth note 62.25 68
Other note values and rests 14.25 15

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 7 8
Eighth note 22.5 24
Sixteenth note 56 61
Other note values and rests 6.5 7

The two rhythmic figures appearing in Motive B are used fre-

quently in the piece. The continuous motion in sixteenth

notes in Motive A is evident throughout the piece and is re-

flected in the high percentage of sixteenth notes seen in

Table XX.

Authorities disagree on the correct tempo. Bodky recom-

mends a tempo of.2 =+80; Keller suggests a tempo of -=58 (1,

p. 345).

Formal Design

This Invention may be divided into four sections with the

following tonal scheme; g minor, d minor, c minor, and g minor.


Geiringer describes it as "a kind of double fugue, in which

theme and countermelody usually appear together" (2, p. 275).

Spitta makes the following comments about Invention No. XI:

The piece which follows Invention X11 has a

character of tormented restlessness. A chromatic
counter-subject of two bars long, attached from the
outset to the chief theme, evolves, by means of in-
version in the fourth bar, an episode of the most
painful and insistent kind, which reappears in alter-
nation with the original counterpoint at bar 14. The
phrases consist of six bars, but at the last
two recurrences it is only five bars and a half long,
and these two are merged directly in one another with-
out any cadences to give a moment's rest (see bars 12,
13, and 18); each beat of the bar is more restless
than the last (17, p. 62).

Invention No. XII

Linear Characteristics

Motives A and B.--Like Invention No. XI, this one is

based on two motives. Motive A, that motive appearing in the

upper voice, is eighteen-and-one-half beats long (or six-and-

one-eighth compound beats) and has a range of an octave.


Fig. 49--Invention No. XII, motive A, measures 1-2 (8, p. 5)

Five of the intervals (37 per cent) change direction,

eight (50 per cent) continue in the same direction, and three
Section I
12 A I vi 1i 7 i V V7 TI117 E:I vi117 i
1 (Motive B) E: V

Patps q lit imt
V V7 [ I7 A: I vi 7 vt
ii V7 I TVvT7
.~~ X.... Xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx irmi I

5 7
Section II
mi6 5
Vi ii T1I f#:i vi iio' 7 vto V7 1 117 c#:l VI iio7fj
imi f#:- V i c#: V7
7= %Jy'7... _xxxxcxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxoooooooc 3

9 11
XXXXXX00 000Q00Q 0 Q000000 ,00900Y
viio V7i i IV IV7vii AI T
t seq p ( Se 0000000000000

-- 0O0ooooo 000000o0000000
13 15

0000000 0000000,000*000
J7 IV vii iii vi ii V7 T j1 7 iivil V7 I V7
(D) (c#) (b) A Pat Se Se

0000 ooooooffffffCad
1i _Cad2

Fig. 50--Invention No. XII, graphic analysis


(13 per cent) involve note repetition. All of the sixteen

intervals are smaller than a fifth. The outstanding charac-

teristics of the motive are the repeated notes, the embellish-

ments, and the two sequence figures.

Motive B is twenty beats (or six-and-two-thirds compound

beats) in length and has a range of a thirteenth, an unusually

large range. Fourteen note progressions (52 per cent) change

direction while fifteen note progressions (48 per cent) con-

tinue in the same direction.

Fig. 51--Invention No. XII, motive B, measures 1-2 (8, p. 5)

All of the thirty intervals are smaller than a fifth.

The distinguishing feature is the winding nature of the

notes in the first measure, which is quite similar to the

second measure of motive A. The second measure of motive B

is basically a harmonic outline of the dominant chord ending

on the tonic note.

Episodes.--Like Invention No. X all the material in the

Invention is derived from the two motives. The following

sequential passage appears first in measure seven and reap-

pears later in measure sixteen.


Fig. 52--Invention No. XII, episodic pattern, measure 7

This pattern could be considered a derivation of either of

the motives.

In his study of the relative congruence of melodic and

metric accents within each bar Satterfield classifies 9.5 per

cent of the bars in the upper voice "smooth" and 90.5 per

cent "rough." In the lower voice 14.3 per cent of the bars

were found to be "smooth" and 85.7 per cent "rough" (14, p. 174).

Invention No. XII contains a relatively high number of

ornaments. There are six extended trills and seventeen mor-

dents. (These figures include several ornaments printed in

small type. They appear originally in the motive in ordinary

type, however. According to the performance practice of the

day the embellishments appearing in the motive as it is first

presented must be executed each time the motive occurs.

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the


number of beats and the percentage of each type of counter-

point species in this Invention.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats

First 18.5 7
Second 105 42
Third 41 16
Fourth 2 1
Other 39 34

A high percentage of the counterpoint is in Second Species,

and as the table indicates, much of the texture involves rests

and pedal points (inherent in motive A).

Of the seventy-seven progressions within the First

Species counterpoint, forty-one, representing fifty-three per

cent, are in similar and parallel motion and thirty-six, rep-

resenting forty-seven per cent, are in contrary motion. None

are in oblique motion.

Two authors offer other approaches. In his analysis of

the whole Invention Miller found six per cent of the progres-

sions in parallel motion, eleven per cent in similar motion,

sixty-one per cent in oblique motion, and twenty-two per cent

in contrary motion. The index of melodic independence is


2.0 (12, p. 291). Based on his study of the relationships

of durational and metric accents, Satterfield classifies 4.7

per cent of the bars "rough" and 95.3 per cent "smooth" (14,

p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--There are 206 intervals having

relative metric accents in Invention No. XII. Of these,

thirty-six (17.4 per cent) are dissonant and the remaining

170 (82.6 per cent) are consonant (13, p. 278). There are

an average of 3.5 identifiable chordal structures in each

measure. Five major modulations and four transient modulations

occur in this piece. Thirty-three altered tones occur.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is quadruple compound, a meter unique in the

Two Part Inventions. The following table shows the frequency

of note values appearing in the Invention.



Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Eighth note (beat note) 50 20
Sixteenth note 150.5 60
Thirty-second note 0 0
Other note values and rests 51.5 20
(Continued on next page)

TABLE XXIV--Continued

Lower Voice
Note Value Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Eighth note (beat note) 49 20
Sixteenth note 130 51
Thirty-second note 0 0
Other 7329

Most of the motion is in sixteenth notes. The rhythmic figures

appearing in the two motives appear throughout the Invention.

There is considerable disagreement among authorities

concerning the correct tempo. Bodky assigns to this Invention

a tempo of J-=+60 (1, p. 268). Keller suggests a tempo of

J=7 2 (1, p. 370).

Formal Design

As he does Invention No. V, IX, and XI, Geiringer likens

this to a "kind of double fugue" (2, p. 275). It can be con-

sidered in two sections with the beginning tonalities of A

Major and f# minor (returning to A Major in a codetta). The

second section contains a counterexposition in which the voices

have not been transplanted, as is usually the case. The coda,

however, does begin with the inverted counterpoint--motive A

appears in the lower voice and motive B in the upper voice.

After stating the motives and developing them briefly rthe

section closes.

Two other authors comment on Invention No. XII. Says

Spitta, "A feeling of honest German fun is given by No. 12,

in A Major, which corresponds in form to Nos. 5 and 9" (17,

p. 62). Leonard similarly states that the Invention is based

on motives of "typical joy" (9, p. 645).

Invention No. XIII

Linear Characteristics

Motives and countermotives A and B.--Invention No. XIII

again is based on two motives, each having its own exposition

(11, p. 82). Kennan concurs with Mason in recognizing two

"coordinate" motives (5, p. 68). Motive A, that motive

appearing first, is two-and-one-fourth beats long and has a

range of a seventh. Three intervals (50 per cent) change

direction and three (50 per cent) continue in the same direc-

tion. All of the seven intervals are smaller than a fifth.

Except for the last note, all the movement is in sixteenth


Fig. 53--Invention No. XIII, motive A, measure 1

Section I
5.M :A xxxx xxx M.B. xxxxx
4 =iV i V7 i V7 IV
f'rfff M.A. xxxxxx5 xxxxxxx I M.B,

Section II A
0000000 000
S00 OOOOy z A xx
VII III i 11 VII i iv VII C:IV7 i~Vf' V7
B mod C B B B B oofV7 A
xxxxxxx B_ 000 000, boooofff '7 0000000, A

A oooooooo 1 B xxxxxxx B 00000000 000

S 1 Tr xI7 V7~ i7 V117"~ i

B xxxxxxx B oooooooo vB oB0000000 B

9 11

il l"zj' v7Wii- I7 -
07 #iv7 VIIIVsipvivivd7In
V7 S
,am** 000000/ f'ooooo
13 is
Section III Pat

So a a:i V7 P i vio d7
o 1
00000000*1 yff f 000000004/ f fj xxxxxxx A
7o AE B
17. 19

00000000 Pat e a e e
F V#.vV9 V7 i
(E) Pat -e to t SodSe
Aoooooooooooo Ainv -40ocoodo00000006000000
21 23

Fvifi iv Vviid7#IViv
[::oo::o0oooooo:>0OOooooo Cad
Fig. 54--Invention No. XIII, graphic analysis

The distinguishing feature is the "somersaulting" direc-

tions of the motive. Leonard classes this motive as a "typical

joy" idea. (This type motive is characterized by movement in

sixteenth notes and constant return to one or two notes) (9,

p. 645).

The countermotive accompanying motive A is one-and-three-

fourths beats long. The range is a sixth.

Fig. 55--Invention No. XIII, countermotive A, measure 1

All of the intervals change direction. One of the three inter-

vals is a fifth or smaller and the other two are larger than

a fifth.

Motive B, first appearing in measure three in the upper

voice, is two-and-three-fourths beats long and has a range of

an octave. The distinguishing characteristic is the number

of changes in the direction of the intervals: all of the

motivic intervals change direction. One interval (29 per cent)

is larger than a fifth while the remaining six intervals

(84 per cent) are smaller than a fourth.

Fig. 5 6 -- Invention No. XIII, motive B, measure 3


Like countermotive A countermotive B is one-and-three-

fourths beats long and has a range of an octave. All of the

intervals continue in the same direction.

Fig. 57--Invention No. XIII, countermotive B, measure 3

One interval is larger than a third and the other three a

third or smaller.

Episodes.--Three per cent (six beats) of the material in

the Invention is free. The remaining 97 per cent (194 beats)

is derived from the motives or countermotives. There are no


In his study of the relative congruence of melodic and

metric accents within each bar Satterfield classifies 20.0

per cent of the bars in the upper voice "smooth" and 80.0

per cent of the bars "rough." In the lower voice he finds

8.0 per cent "smooth" and 92.0 per cent "rough" (14, p. 174).

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentage of each type of counter-

point Species in this Invention.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 6.5 7
Second 66 66
Third 1 1
Fourth 6 6
Other 20.5 20

The greatest amount of counterpoint is Second Species and the

least is in Third Species.

An analysis of the twenty-five progressions in First

Species counterpoint produced the following percentages for

the types of motion: similar and parallel--sixty per cent,

and contrary--forty per cent. None of the progressions were

in oblique motion.

Two authors have made studies of rhythmic relationships

in the Inventions. An analysis of all progressions in the

Invention produced the following figures for the types of

motion: parallel--six per cent; similar--thirteen per cent;

oblique--forty-nine per cent, and contrary--thirty-two per

cent. The index of melodic independence is 2.1 (12, p. 291).

Based on a textural analysis four per cent of the bars are

"rough" and ninety-six per cent "smooth" in durational

accents (14, p. 177).


Tonal relationships.--Of the 164 intervals having relative

metric accents, thirty-six, or twenty-two per cent, are disso-

nant. The remaining seventy-eight per cent are consonant

(13, p. 278). An average of three identifiable chordal struc-

tures are implied in each measure. There are three major

modulations--from minor tonic to relative major, to minor

dominant, back to tonic--and seven transient modulations.

Fifty-four altered tones occur.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is quadruple simple. The following table shows

the frequency of note values appearing in this Invention.



Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of

Quarter note (beat note) 1TotalBeats

Eighth note 22.5 23
Sixteenth note 62 62
Other note values and rests 14.5 14

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats

Quarter note 1 1
Eighth note 50 50
Sixteenth 38.25 38
Other note values and rests 10.75 11

Most of the movement in the upper voice appears in sixteenth

notes, whereas most of the movement in the lower voice is in

eighth notes. Thus, the sixteenth note movement of the motives

and the eighth note movement of the countermotives appear to

be nearly equally reflected in the Invention.

Authorities differ in their opinions of the correct tempo

(see appendix). Keller recommends a tempo of =69 and Bodky

suggests a tempo of J=+80 (1, p. 345).

Formal Design

Invention XIII is in three-sections. The exposition

based on motive A contains four entrances of the motive; the

exposition based on motive B contains two entrances of the

motive. Section two presents two counterexpositions whereas

section three states only motive A. The key scheme for the

sections is a minor, C Major and a minor. Section two contains

a modulation to e minor, perhaps suggesting a subsection.

Two authors offer comments concerning this Invention.

Kinscella says ". . . Number XIII is another example of Bach's

frequent use of the simple triad as subject matter" (6, p. 621).

Spitta attributes to this piece the character of a prelude,

"because the subjects and the workings-out alike move almost

exclusively in harmonic passages" (17, p. 62).


Invention No. XIV

Linear Characteristics

Motive and countermotive.--The motive is twelve-and-one-

fourth beats long and consists of sixty notes. The tonal range

is two octaves and one step, an unusually wide range. The

motive consists of one idea, or figure, and the following two

sequences of that idea. The distinguishing features of this

motivic idea are the strong rhythmic patterns involving thirty-

second notes, the movement by arpeggio up the chord and then

down (beats three and four are a melodic inversion of beats

one and two) (4, p. 340), and the two sequences of this motive


Fig. 58--Invention No. XIV, motive, measures 1-3

There are forty-one changes in the direction of the

intervals (71 per cent) and seventeen continuances (29 per

cent). Fifty-three intervals (90 per cent ) are a fifth or


Section I
17a ________________

4 I I~JTIV ii v
4 xxxxxxxxxx x *1 xxxxxxxxx z 4 xxxxxxxxx

1s 3
S ection II
. 1 imiy imi y:xxxxxxxxx x 7 xxxxxxxxX
I IVviii vi "ov V I

(F) V7 I I
imi imi0
I 9

xxxxxxxxxx z -1 ooooooooooooooo Section III

117 V O JFd I vi 17 fi ~#id7 VIl
(F) (g) (c)
00000000000000 _ 00060000000000
9 11
Pat Seq Seq Pat Se Pat Se Se
i strett VI~' I7 T vii V7 1V7 1
Pat Se Se S (E Pat Se Pat Se S

13 15
Se Section IV

UsvitI( OW1 MP

vI 7 IV 7
r~~sB9tj (Eb)'vlv BbV
I v
ff ff
17 19


Fig. 59--Invention No. XIV, graphic analysis

smaller and six intervals (10 per cent) are larger than a

fifth. This motive is symbolic of "typical joy" (9, p. 645).

The countermotive is a simple arpeggio figure moving

primarily in eighth notes. This figure appears in a sequence

as does that of the motive. These figures are separated by


Fig. 60--Invention No. XIV, countermotive, measures 1-3

Eleven beats in length, the countermotive contains only

one change (11 per cent) in the direction of the intervals

(notes separated by rests were not considered in this analysis)

and eight continuations (89 per cent). Nine intervals (90 per

cent) are a fifth or smaller and one interval (10 per cent)

is larger than a fifth. The countermotive (with an octave

range) functions primarily as an accompaniment figure.

Episodes.--All of the material is derived from the motive

and countermotive. There are no ornaments.


In his study of the relative congruence of melodic and

metric accents within each bar Satterfield classifies forty

per cent of the bars of the upper voice "smooth" and sixty

per cent "rough." In the lower voice twenty-five per cent

of the bars were found to be "smooth" and seventy-five per

cent "r ough" (14, p. 174).

Textural Characteristics

Rhythmic relationships.--The following table shows the

number of beats and the percentage of each type of counter-

point Species in this piece.



Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 16.75 21
Second 17.5 22
Third 0 0
Fourth 6 7
Other 39.75 50

Most of the counterpoint in this Invention could not be

classified as First, Second, Third, or Fourth Species. Within

the First Species counterpoint there are eighty-seven progres-

sions. Of these, sixty-eight progressions (78 per cent) were


found to be in similar and parallel motion, and nineteen

(22 per cent) in contrary motion. None of the progressions

were found to be in oblique motion.

Two other authors offer statistical approaches to this

Invention. In his analysis of the whole Invention Miller

found twenty-one per cent of the motion to be parallel,

thirteen per cent to be similar, forty-nine per cent to be

oblique, and twenty-one per cent to be contrary. The index

of melodic independence is 1.6 (12, p. 291). Based on his

study of the relationships of durational and metric accents,

Satterfield classifies all of the measures "smooth" and none

"rough" (14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--In another study Satterfield found

215 intervals having relative accents in Invention No. XIV.

Of these, thirty-four, or 15.8 per cent were classified dis-

sonant and the remaining ll, or 84.2 per cent, consonant

(13, p. 278). There are an average of 2.5 identifiable

chordal structures in each measure. Because of the continually

shifting tonal center all of this Invention was analyzed in

terms of the tonic key. The tonality changes six times before

finally returning to the tonic key. Some of these tonalities

last for several measures, others for only a few beats. There

are only eighteen altered tones in this piece.


Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is quadruple simple. The following table shows

the frequency of note values appearing in the Invention.



Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 4 5
Eighth note 8.5 11
Sixteenth note 34 43
Thirty-second note 17.5 22
Other note values and rests 16 19

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 4
Eighth note 16.5 20
Sixteenth note 30.5 38
Thirty-second note 16.5 20
Other note values and rests 13.5 18

The greatest amount of motion is in sixteenth notes. The

rhythmic pattern from the motive involving the thirty-second

note is very important thematically and, therefore, there is

an unusually high percentage of motion using that note value.

There is considerable disagreement among editors, per-

formers, and pedagogues concerning the correct tempo. Keller


suggests a tempo of =88. Bodky assigns to this Invention

a tempo of 2=60 (1, p. 268).

Formal Design

Invention No. XIV can be considered in four sections with

the following key scheme: Bb Major, F Major, c minor, and

Bb Major. A highly sequential and modulatory passage occurs

in measures twelve through sixteen, at which point (Section

four) a stretto occurs.

Fig. 61--Invention No. XIV, stretto, measures 16-17

Spitta discusses this Invention in the following excerpt:

The two next inventions, in A minor and B Flat

major, both have somewhat the character of preludes,
because the subject and the workings-out alike move
almost exclusively in harmonic passages; the second
betrays a close relationship to the prelude of the
B flat partita in the first portion of the Clavierutbung.
The three-fold division is, however, preserved in this
case. In the B flat invention the first subject comes
in in canon at its repetition (bar 16, in the middle),
and in this place it has a bold, soaring character,
while in the former it was dreamy and rather melancholy.
(17, pp. 62-63).

Invention No. XV

Linear Characteristics

Motive and countermotive.--The motive is eight beats in

length and has a range of a seventh. The outstanding features

are the continual recurrence of a few notes and the appearance

of the melodic interval of a sixth.

Thirteen intervals (61 per cent) change direction, five

intervals (28 per cent) continue in the same direction, and

two intervals (11 per cent) involve note repetition. Seven-

teen intervals (89 per cent) are a fifth or smaller and two

(11 per cnet) are larger than a fifth.

Fig. 6 2--Invention
No. XV, motive, measures 1-3

One author suggests symbolic meaning in this motive.

Leonard sees a combination of joy (a) and sadness, the "sigh-

ing" motive of grief (b) (9, p. 645).

The countermotive first appears opposite the motive in

the first Imitation. It is five-and-one-fourth beats in length

and has a range of a sixth.


Section I

iv v i
1y vii0 i f#:i
iv v i
ffa4 ff, ff *7 fftiff4 ff1 ff I ff / ffI5
1 3
V7 ivii 0 WT~7 f ~IV 7ThiT
,at Se
U fffxxxx9xx xxxxxxxxx 0000000

5 7
S( s Sea Pat Se e Se Pat Se Se
000 RO.'0000 0000000000000000
(bI ',vii iV7 III 7VE viT7 7
Vi u7fi
at se Seq Se Pat Ve
f ffff A fff fff f 0000000 fffffL
Section II 9 11

D:I IV V I V7vii 0 I 71ivO V I 71/T V vi 0
(A Pat Se
13 15

ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooodo 1

#i v IAVOVII iii V VI ii IV V I I7
v iiv V iv
f f fff f ff f fff ffffVAouwow m mo1W
17 19
V V vii i iv IIIiv i
Pat Se
00000000000060 000 Cad
Fig. 63--Invention No. XV, graphic analysis

51At i V

Fig. 64--Invention No. XV, countermotive, measures 3-4

Half of the intervals change direction and half continue

in the same direction. Only one interval (6 per cent) is

larger than a fifth; the remaining eighteen (94 per cent) are

a fifth or smaller.

Episodes.--Twenty-two beats of the material (13 per cent)

are classified as free. One-hundred-fifty-four beats (87 per

cent) are derived from the motive or countermotive. Leonard

points to several symbolic figures in the episodic material

related to the motive or countermotive. The sequenced figure

(appearing in the upper voice) in measures eight to ten is

designated a "tumult motive."

Fig. 65--Invention No. XV, episodic pattern (measure 8)

In the lower voice accompanying the "tumult motive" is the

stepp motive." The passage appearing in the lower voice in


measures sixteen and seventeen is also symbolic, according

to Leonard.

__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rim-

___ __ ___ __ __ r"~ w~qAd

Fig. 6 6 --Invention
No. XV, episodic pattern, (measures

At this point, the Invention continues with "wide skips and

turns of sadness" (9, p. 645).

In his analysis of the relative congruence of melodic and

metric accents within the measure Satterfield found 27.3 per

cent "rough." In the lower voice he found 22.7 per cent

"smooth" and 77.3 per cent "rough" (14, p. 174).

There are a great number of ornaments. Twenty-four

pralltrillers and one mordent occur in this composition.

Textural Characteristics

The following table shows the number of beats and the

percentage of each type of Species of counterpoint in this




Species Number of Beats Per Cent of

Total Beats
First 12 13
Second 61 69
Third 0 0
Fourth 3.75 4
Other 11.25 14

Most of the counterpoint is in Second Species. Within the

First Species counterpoint two-thirds of the progressions

are in similar and parallel motion with one-third appearing

in contrary motion. None of the progressions are in oblique


Two other authors have made statistical studies of texture.

In his analysis of all the progressions in the Invention

Miller reports the following figures for the types of motion:

parallel--14 per cent, similar--15 per cent, and contrary--

21 per cent. The index of melodic independence is 1.9 (12,

p. 291). Satterfield in his study classifies 13.6 per cent

of the measures "rough" and 86.4 per cent of the measures

"smooth" (14, p. 177).

Tonal relationships.--There are 156 intervals having

relative metric accents in Invention No. XV. Forty-eight


(30.8 per cent) are dissonant and 108 intervals (69.2 per
cent) are consonant (13, p. 278). An average of 3.8 identifi-
able chordal structures is implied in each measure. There
are three major modulations and two transient modulations.

Thirty-five altered tones occur.

Rhythmic Characteristics

The meter is quadruple simple. The following table shows

the frequency of note values appearing in this Invention.



Upper Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 0 0
Eighth note 30.5 35
Sixteenth note 49.25 56
Other note values and rests 8.25 9

Lower Voice
Note Values Number of Beats Per Cent of
Total Beats
Quarter note (beat note) 0 0
Eighth note 51 58
Sixteenth note 27.5 31
Other note values and rests 9.5 11

In the upper voice most of the motion is in sixteenth notes

whereas in the lower voice most of the motion is in eighth


Authorities disagree on the correct tempo. Keller sug-

gests a tempo of J=92. Bodky recommends a tempo of J=+80

(1, p. 345).

Formal Design

A two-section Invention, this piece, according to Gei-

ringer "has the character of a two-part fugue, although,

contrary to tradition, the first entrance of the subject is

supported by brief notes in the bass" (2, p. 275). The first

section modulates to the minor dominant as the lower voice

enters in imitation of the motive. A strong cadence confirms

this tonality at the beginning of the third entrance of the


A cadence to D Major marks the beginning of the second

section. In measures sixteen to seventeen a series of altered

chords appear, largely as a result of melodic patterns in the

upper voice. The motive appears in the tonic in measures

eighteen and is imitated in measure nineteen before the

Invention comes to a cadence in measure twenty-two

Geiringer describes Invention No. XV as "gay and high

spirited" (2, p. 275). Another author, Kinscella calls it

"yan elaborate dancelike movement of great brilliancy" (6, p. 261)

and, lastly, Spitta says:


The last invention comes in gravely, yet not with-

out a certain dignified grace; in its fugal working-out
it alternates with episodic interludes, founded on the
counterpoint to the theme. It is remarkable that the
theme does not come in alone, but is supported by short
notes in harmony in the bass. In no other of the in-
ventions is this the case; but it happens so in the
sinfonias (or inventions in three parts), and I believe
that these had a reactive influence on this invention
. . . (17, p. 63).


The purpose of this chapter has been to present an analysis

of line, texture, rhythm, and formal design in the Two Part

Inventions. The study of linear characteristics included

examination of the motive (s), countermotive, and the episodes.

It was found that the motives of nine Inventions contain

50 per cent or more changes in the direction of the melodic

intervals and those of six Inventions contain less than 50 per

cent. The motives of nine Inventions have ranges of an octave

or greater. Motives of six pieces contain 10 per cent or

more intervals of a sixth or larger; nine pieces have less

than 10 per cent of intervals a sixth or larger. The counter-

motives of nine Inventions contain 50 per cent or more melodic

intervals that change direction and those of six Inventions

contain less than 50 per cent. The countermotives of nine

Inventions have ranges of an octave or greater; ranges of

countermotives of six pieces are smaller than an octave. The


countermotives of only two Inventions contain 10 per cent or

more intervals of a sixth or larger.

In studying the episodes, the derivation of material, the

amount of "rough" and "smooth" measures according to melodic

accents, and the presence and amount of ornaments were dis-

cussed. It was found that five Inventions contain 10 per

cent or more free material. Ten pieces have less than 10 per

cent free material. All of the Inventions contain 62 per cent

or more "rough" measures according to melodic accents in the

upper voice; all of the pieces contain 64 per cent or more

"rough" measures in the lower voice. Four Inventions have

no ornaments. Eleven compositions contain from one to twenty-

five ornaments. Seven pieces contain six or more embellishments.

The study of texture included an examination of the fol-

lowing rhythmic relationships: the counterpoint species, the

types of motion, the index of melodic independence, and the

relationship of durational accents and metric accents. It

was found that most of the counterpoint occurs in Second

Species. Nine Inventions contain 36 per cent or more Second

Species. Only two pieces have 36 per cent or more First

Species counterpoint. None of the pieces contain as much as

36 per cent of Third Species counterpoint, but two Inventions

contain 36 per cent or more Fourth Species.


Two analyses of the types of contrapuntal motion were

made. In the first analysis it was found that in the First

Species counterpoint twelve Inventions contain 50 per cent or

more similar motion; most of the motion in the other three

pieces occurs in oblique and contrary motion. An analysis of

all the contrapuntal progressions revealed that most of the

motion is oblique. The average frequencies of the types of

motion is as follows: oblique--54 per cent; contrary--23 per

cent; parallel--13 per cent; and similar--10 per cent. The

average index of melodic independence is 1.9. Eleven

Inventions received an index of 1.9 or greater. Four pieces

received an index of less than 1.9.

The last textural study of rhythm concerned "rough" and

"smooth" measures according to durational accents. It was

found that all the Inventions contain 86.4 per cent or more

measures classified as "smooth."

In addition to a study of rhythmic relationships the

following aspects of tonal relationships were examined: the

amount of dissonance and consonance, the number of identifiable

chordal structures, the number of altered tones, and the

frequency of modulations. All of the Inventions contain at

least 15.8 per cent of relatively accented dissonance. Three

compositions contain over 25 per cent of relatively accented

dissonance. The majority of the relatively accented

13 8

intervals in each Invention are consonant. Ten of the com-

positions have an average of 2.0 or more implied tonalities

per measure; five pieces have an average of less than 2.0.

Thirteen Inventions contain twenty-five or more altered

tones; two contain fewer. Three pieces have over fifty

altered tones. At least three modulations occur in every

Invention; eight pieces contain six or more modulations.

The study of the characteristics of rhythm included the

following: meter, the frequency and amount of the note values,

and suggested tempos. Eight pieces have a time signature of

C; two have a time signature of ; three have a time signature

3 9
of 3; one has a time signature of 9; and one has a time
signature of 12. The most frequent note value is the sixteenth

note. Eight Inventions have 50 per cent or more of the beats

in sixteenth notes. Two pieces contain 50 per cent or more

of the beats in eighth notes. Five Inventions have less than

50 per cent of the beats in any one note value. According to

Keller the most rapid Inventions are Nos. I, VIII,

_X, XII,
and XV. Bodky's most rapid tempo suggestion is for No. X.

He also suggests relatively rapid tempos for Nos. III, IV, X,

and XII.

Study of the formal design produced several observations.

Eight of the Inventions can be divided into three sections;


six can be divided into two sections; and one can be divided

into four sections. Seven of the pieces are based on two

coordinate motives. One is based on only one motive and no

countermotive. Others contain a motive and countermotive.

Two of the Inventions are canons.

Comments of writers concerning the Inventions have been

included. It was found that these authors often hold opposing

views concerning the mood and character of the pieces.

Selected findings related to the performance problems in

the Inventions are discussed in Chapter III of this report.

In addition a ranking based on the factors relating to diffi-

culty is presented.

1. Bodky, Erwin, The Interpretation of Bach's Keyboard Works,

Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1960.

2. Geiringer, Karl, Johann Sebastian Bach: The Culmination

of an Era, New York, Oxford University Press, 1966.

3. Hutcheson, Ernest, "How to Teach the Two-voiced Inventions

of Bach," Etude, XXXVII (June, 1919), 339-340.

4. , The Literature of the Piano, 2nd ed.,

New York, Knopf, 1949.

5. Kennan, Kent, Counterpoint, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice

Hall, 1959.

6. Kinscella, H. G., "Making a Start with Bach," Etude, LIV

(October, 1936), -621.

7. Landowska, W., "Charm of Bach's Two-Part Inventions,"

Etude, LI (July, 1933), 452.

8. Landshoff, Ludwig, "Notes" accompanying the Two Part and

Three Part Inventions, New York, Peters Corporation,
9. Leonard, F., "What Did Bach Mean," Etude, LVI (September-
October, 1938), 573-574, 645.
10. Maier, Guy, "Two-voice Invention in c Minor; a Master
Lesson," Etude, LXXII (March, 1954), 26.
11. Mason, Neale B., Essentials of Eighteenth-Century Counter-
point: A Practical Stylistic Approach, Dubuque, Wm. C.
Brown Company, 1968.

12. Miller, H. M., "Progression in Two-part Counterpoint: A

Method of Analysis," Music Review, XVI (November, 1955),
13. Satterfield, J., "Dissonance and Emotional Content in The
Bach Two-Part Inventions," Music Review, XVI
1956), 273-281.


14. Satterfield, J., "The Emotional Content of the Bach Two

Part Inventions," Music Review, XIX (August, 1959),
15. Schroder, C. F., "Piano Lesson: Two Part Invention No. 6
in E Major by J. S. Bach," Clavier, III (number 4, 1964),

16. Schweitzer, A., J. S. Bach, translated by E. Newman,

(2 volumes), Boston, B. Humphries, 1962.

17. Spitta, Phillip, Johann Sebastian Bach: His Work and

Influence on the Music of Germany, translated by Clara
Bell and J. A. F. Maitland, New York, Novello Ewer and
Company, 1899.

18. Weir, R. S., "The Beauty of Bach," Etude, XLVIII (November,

1930), 782.



After having examined the stylistic characteristics of

the Inventions certain factors were identified which would

present problems to the intermediate pianist. These factors

will be identified and discussed in relation to the Inventions.

It should be emphasized that these factors do not constitute

all the difficulties in these pieces.

Performance Problems Related to the

Linear Characteristics

Five of the linear characteristics investigated were

considered to contribute to the difficulty of an Invention.

They are as follows: (a) a high percentage of intervals of

the motive or countermotive which change direction, (b) wide

tonal ranges of the motive or countermotive, (c) a high per-

centage of intervals of the motive or countermotive which are

larger than a fifth, (d) a relatively large percentage of

free material and (e) the presence and amount of ornaments.

The characteristics of the motive and countermotive

were believed to be representative of the entire Invention


since the piece is based structurally on these two elements.

(Should an Invention contain a second motive, or a second

motive and a countermotive, only the characteristics of the

first and second motives will be considered in this section).

A high percentage of changes in the direction of the melodic

intervals was felt to increase the technical difficulty of a

piece. Therefore, the direction of the intervals in the

motive and countermotive was examined. There are twelve

Inventions containing 50 per cent or more changes in direction

of melodic intervals in the motive or countermotive. They

are Inventions Nos. I, I, III, V, VI, VII, VIII, X, XII, and


Composite scores representing the percentage of changes

in the direction of the motive and countermotive produced the

following figures. Invention No. XIII contains the largest

percentage (75) and Invention No. VII the lowest (30). Other

Inventions with scores of fifty or more are Nos. I, V, VIII,

X, and XV. Other Inventions with scores of less than fifty

are Nos. II, III, IV, IX, XI, XII, and XIV.

Changes in hand position were believed to be technical

problems. Two measurable factors felt to be related to this

problem are wide tonal ranges of the motive or countermotive

and a relatively high percentage of intervals in the motive

or countermotive which are larger than a fifth.


The first of the two factors examined was the size of the

range. All of the Inventions except Nos. I and VII have

motives or countermotives with a range of at least a sixth.

Invention No. XIV has the motive with the largest range--a


The examination of the size of the intervals within the

motive and countermotive revealed the following facts. A

majority of the intervals are no larger than a fifth. To

produce a composite figure for each Invention the percentages

of intervals larger than a fifth in the motive and counter-

motive were added together. The highest figure was 20 per

cent (Nos. VIII and XIV). Inventions I, VII, and XII had no

intervals larger than a fifth. Those Inventions in which

intervals larger than a fifth constitute from eleven to twenty

percent are Nos. IV, VIII, IX, XIII, XIV, and XV. Those

Inventions with percentages of 10 per cent or less are Nos.

I, II, II, V, VI, VII, X, XI, and XII.

It was felt that a large percentage of material not de-

rived from the motive and thematically unimportant would tend

to complicate the formal design of an Invention. This de-

creased distinction could affect negatively the student's

understanding and memorization of the piece. Therefore, the

amount of free material was determined in each Invention.


The Invention containing the greatest amount of free material

is No. VII (20 per cent). Inventions Nos. VI, X, XII, and

XIV contain no free material. Inventions with 15 to 19 per

cent free material are Nos. III (17 per cent), IX (15 per

cent), and XI (19 per cent). Amounts of free material in the

remaining Inventions vary between 1 per cent and 10 per cent.

Teachers generally agree that ornaments contribute to

the technical difficulty of a piece. Ornaments were divided

into three categories. The first category include mordents,

turns, and pralltrillers. Invention No. XV contains the

greatest number of ornaments in this classification with a

total of twenty-five. In order of decreasing number of

mordents, turns, and pralltrillers are Invention Nos. XII

(seventeen), VII (sixteen), II (twelve), X (eight), III (six),

I (six), XI (one), and IX (one). All other Inventions contain

no ornaments of these types.

The second category of ornaments consists of short trills.

Those Inventions containing short trills (trills other than

the pralltriller which are less than two beats) are Nos. I

(eight) and Nos. V, VII, and IX with one short trill each.

The third category consists of extended trills. Inven-

tions containing the extended trill (a trill of two beats or

longer) are Nos. XII (six trills), X (three), IV (two), and

VII (one).

Invention No. XV contains the greatest number of total

ornaments with twenty-five; Invention No. XII contains the

second highest number with twenty-three ornaments. Invention

Nos. VI, VIII, XIII, and XIV contain no ornaments.

Performance Problems Related to the

Textural Characteristics

Four textural characteristics were felt to be factors in

the difficulty of an Invention. They are as follows: (a) a

relatively high percentage of First Species counterpoint;

(b) a relatively high percentage of parallel and similar

motion within the First Species counterpoint; (c) a great

number of altered tones; and (d) contrasting articulation in

the voices.

A high percentage of First Species counterpoint (note

against note) was regarded as a factor which might increase

the technical difficulty of an Invention. Those Inventions

in which First Species counterpoint constitutes at least 25

per cent of the total counterpoint are Inventions Nos. II

(32 per cent), VII (31 per cent), X (44 per cent), and XI

(41 per cent).

The type of motion within the First Species counterpoint

was deemed important. Parallel and similar motion were

thought to pose the most difficulty. Only those Inventions


in which First Species counterpoint represented at least

15 per cent of the material were considered. Of those, the

following contain at least 50 per cent similar and parallel

motion: Inventions Nos. II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, XI,

and XIV. Especially noted were Invention No. VIII with 96

per cent similar and parallel motion and Invention'No. XIV

with 78 per cent of these types of motion.

Altered notes were thought to increase the difficulty of

reading the Invention and, possibly, the difficulty of memori-

zation. The Invention containing the greatest number of

altered tones is No. IX with ninety-one. Next iscNo. XI

with sixty-one. Other Inventions containing at least thirty-

five altered tones are Nos. II, IV, V, VI, XIII, and XV.

Although articulation is an aspect of interpretation and

therefore varies among performers, technical difficulties

related to certain common performance practices will be

mentioned here. If a great deal of the eighth notes are

detached and the sixteenth notes played legato, the resulting

contrast in articulation between the voices could pose tech-

nical difficulty in Invention Nos. IV, VIII, and XIII. This

factor could also cause problems to a lesser degree in Nos.

XI, XIV, and XV. Only two Inventions were amply edited by

Bach. Invention Nos. III and IX are "well provided with

slurs" (2, pp. 202-203). The observance of these slurs could

well cause difficulty for the intermediate student.

Performance Problems Related to the

Rhythmic Characteristics

Two measurable factors related to rhythmic characteristics

were felt to contribute to the performance problems of the

Inventions. They are the tempo (as suggested by Keller) and

the percentage of sixteenth notes.

Those Inventions in simple time with the most rapid

tempos are Nos. VIII (J=116-126) and XV (J=92). Those Inventions

in compound time with the most rapid tempos are Nos. IV

(J.=60); XII (4-=72); and X (4.=108). The percentages of

sixteenth note movement in these Inventions are as follows:

No. VIII--52 per cent, No. XV--43 per cent, No. IV--57 per

cent, No. X--O per cent, and No. XII--65 per cent. Other
Inventions with high percentages of sixteenth note movement

are Nos. XI (65 per cent), V (55 per cent), VII (53 per cent),

and XIII (50 per cent).

The views concerning the correct tempos vary greatly

among editors, teachers, and performers (see Appendix G).

Maier states, however, that one of the virtues of these pieces

is their capacity for being musically performed at varying

tempos (9, pp. 2-3).


Performance Problems Related to the

Formal Design

The complexity of the formal design was thought to affect

the performer's intellectual grasp of the piece and his ability

to memorize. Three measurable factors were felt to relate to

the formal design of an Invention. They are as follows: (a)

a relatively high number of implied chordal structures in

each measure; (b) a relatively high number of modulations;

and (c) obscurity of sectional divisions. In addition, the

opinions of one pedagogue concerning the difficulty of analysis

of each Invention will be given.

The first factor in the complexity of the formal design

is a relatively high number of implied chordal structures in

each measure. Those Inventions containing an average of at

least 2.5 implied chordal structures in each measure are

Nos. I, II, V, VII, XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XV. Of those,

Invention Nos. XI, LII, and XV contained 3.5 or more implied

chordal structures per measure.

The second factor in the complexity of the formal design

is the number of modulations present in an Invention. All

of the Inventions contained at least three modulations.

Those Inventions containing at least six modulations are

Nos. III, V, VI, VII, IX, XII, XIII and XIV. The greatest
number of modulations occur in Invention Nos. V (nine), XII

(nine) and XIII (ten).


The third factor related to the complexity of the formal

design concerns the sectional division of the Invention.

Those pieces in which the sections were well-defined were

felt to be more easily grasped than those in which section

divisions were somewhat obscure. Inventions Nos. V, XI, and,

to lesser extents, XII and IX were felt to be somewhat less

clear in sectional design than the other pieces. The cadences

marking the sections were not well-defined.

One pedagogue (Terhune), in addition to evaluating the

difficulties of technique, memorization, and interpretation

of the Inventions, gave his opinion of the difficulty of

analysis for each piece. He specified the analysis in terms

of the performer, not the composer ("how difficult is the

Invention to analyze in such a way as to make it intelligible

to the student?"). Invention No. X received the highest

score (8). (The rating scale was 1--easy and 9--difficult).

The next in order of difficulty was No. VI with a score of

7. The Inventions of medium of analysis difficulty were

Nos. IX (6), XV (6), XI (5), III (4), IV (4), VIII (4), and

X (4). Those Inventions judged to be simple in regard to

analysis were Nos. I (3), II (2), V (2), XII (2), and XIV (2).

Ranking of the Two Part Inventions

Two overall rankings of the Inventions were established.

The first was based on the factors of difficulty determined

through the analysis of the compositions. The second order

was based on the evaluations of six pedagogues.

The first ranking was based on sixteen factors relating

to difficulty (see Table XXXI). It was necessary to assign

numerical values to each of the factors related to difficulty

in order to produce an overall indication of the difficulty

of the piece. The composite figures of the Inventions could

then be compared and a ranking established.

It was decided that each factor would be measured on a

scale from zero to ten. Those factors which had been measured

in percentages were easily converted to this scale by dividing

by ten. Thus, a factor which had been measured as 68 per

cent received a value of 6.8. However, it was necessary to

devise a procedure for assigning numbers to those factors

not indicated by percentages. The following system was used:

the greatest amount of a factor found in any of the Inventions

was given a value of 10.0. All other amounts of the factor

occurring in the remaining fourteen Inventions were assigned

proportionate numbers. Relative tempos were based on the

speed of the fastest note in each composition.


After values had been determined for all the factors, a

composite average figure was established for each Invention.

The following table shows the numerical values for the factors

relating to difficulty and the composite averages for the Two

Part Inventions.



0 CHr H
4-ACH4) Hr CH tO 4 o ci
o) 0 A 0 40 0 -)Or
0 3)4- 2)(1 1 H 40o(1
H tC~o .H tbQ48co


+D co -P)4-)


I 6.7 5.0 3.1 2.3 0 0 .6
II 4.6 5.0 6.3 6.9 1.0 0 .4
III 4.0 3.1 6.2 0 .9 1.7
IV 2.7 4.0 4.4 5.4 1.7 0 1.0

V 3.9 6.3 7.7 0 .7 .1

VI 5.0 2.7 5.0 6.9 0 .9 0

VII 6.0 3.1 . .0 0 2.0

VIII 10.0 3.3 5.0 6.2 2.0 0 1.5

IX 3.2 2.7 7.5 9.2 .6 .8
X 5.6 5.9 5.0 5.4 1.0 0 0

XI 4.0 4.7 5.6 3.1 .7 0 .9

XII 3.7 5.2 5.0 10.0 0 0 0

XIII 5.0 10.0 4.4 6.2 0 1.4 .3

XIV 7.1 1.1 10.0 6.2 1.0 1.0 0

XV 4.4 4.4 4.6 1.1 .6 1.3

*M. means motive. **CM. means countermotive.

Rating scale: 1--easy; 9--difficult.

T ABLE XXXI--Continued

CHU()f4) CH 0 CO CH ) % U) 4-)Pt
00 ) -4 0 OH 0 04-) 0 U)0(3) r-, 00(1 0
O) 0 40%i 1) 0 Z 4-
4 ~ 00000
0 O -HCO
~d0Q~ EU) U - UCH4)
0 P- 0c co !:i CH 4-)COS co (1 O0
-CO0-D )C H (a) a000 0H OQ Z0
Q) 4 i-)
Z (D-Hr0 0 ~ *4-) 0
j 0 r-,H 0001)d -P Or
0U) 0-H 0 0400 4-0 0.pI OH cf
a) HCD a)CfDiSHH a0 x cf):7
f~ef~zP-4 co.

2.4 .o8 4.8 2.6 5.2 4.o8 2.6 5.0 0 2.19

8.0 3.2 5.6 4.0 4.3 6.2 2.6 5.0 0 3.94
2.4 1.6 5.5 2.3 5.7 5.3 1.5 7.0 0 3.31
1.3 2.2 5.1 5.4 7.6 5.7 1.0 5.0 0 3.28

.4 1.6 5.7 4.3 6.0 5.5 2.9 9.0 6.7 4.33

0 3.0 6.8 5.1 8.0 3.0* 1.7 6.0 0 3.38
7.5 3.' 4.5 3.7 6.0 4.9 2.5 6.0 0 3.79
0 2.3 9.6 2.7 10.0 5.2 '.5 5.0 0 3-.46
1.3 '.9 6.9 10.0 3.8 4.4 2.2 7.0 3.3 4.09
4.4 4.4 4.3 1.2 6.7 70 3.0 0 3.48
.4 4.1 5.6 6.7 4.8 6.5 3.6 5.0 10.0 4.11
9.2 .7 5 .3 3.6 8.9 5.6 3.5 9.0 3.3 4.56
0 .7 6.0 5.9 5.7 5.0 3.0 10.0 0 3.35
0 2.1 7. 2.0 7.3 6.2* 2.5 6.0 0 3.77
10.0 1.3 6.7 3.o8 7.6 4.4 3.8 5.0 0 4.11
- -- '- - - _- E

*The percentages of sixteenth and thirty-second notes were

*"The percentage of eighth note movement was used as there
were no sixteenth or thirty-second notes in the piece.

The figures in the last column, "composite scores," were

arranged in order of decreasing value. The following table

shows the Inventions and the scores beginning with the most





Inventions Composite Scores

XII . . . . . . 0 . 4.56



V . . . . . . 0 4.33


XI . . . . * . . 4.11



XV .. . . . . * . . 4.11


IX . ., . . . . . . . 4.09


II . . . . . 0 3094


VII . . * . 0 3.79


XIV - - * . . 3.77

X . . . . . . . 3.48

VIII . . . . . 3.46


VI - -. - - * . . 3*38


XIII . . . . . . . 3.35


III . . . 4. 3.31


IV - . . . . 3.28


I . . . . . . 2.19



Only 2.37 points separates the most difficult Invention,

No. XII from the least difficult, No. I. Four of the pieces

have scores of 4.00 or above and one piece has a score of

less than 3.00. The majority of the Inventions received

scores between 3.00 and 4.00.

To establish the second ranking, six pedagogues evaluated

the difficulties of technique, memorization and interpretation

in each Invention. Scores of one, two, and three indicated

least difficulty; scores of four, five and six indicated

medium difficulty; and scores of seven, eight, and nine indi-

cated the most difficulty. The following table shows the

scores and the averages for each category of difficulty.





Technique _Memorization
Invention Individual Piano Average Individual Piano
Nos. Teachers IRatings _Teachers'Ratigs
I 122444 2.83 1 13445
II 3 5 5 5 6 6 5.00 4 4 5 5 6 7
III 4 4 5 5 6 6 5.00 3 3 4 5 5 7
IV 3 4 4 4 4 7 4.33 2 2 3 4 4 5

V 3 5 5 5 6 7 5.17 5 5 5 6 6 6
VI 2 5 5 5 5 6 4.67 2 4 4 5 6 7
VII 4 5 5 5 6 6 5.17 2 5 5 6 6

VIII 2 4 4 5 7 5.00 1 2 4 4 4 6
IX 3 5 5 5 6 6 5.00 5 5 5 6 6

X 2 4 5 5 6 5.00 1 3 4 5 5 6

XI 2 5 6 6 7 7 5.50 4 6 6 6 7

XII 6 7 7 8 9 7.50 5 5 7 7 7
XIII 4 4 4 6 6 6 5.00 1 3 4 4 5 5
XIV 2 4 5 6 6 6 4.83 2 3 4 4 5 S
XV 2 4 5 6 6 7 5.00 2 5 5 6 7 7

*Rating scale: 1--easy; 9--difficult

**No rating given by one teacher

Interpretation Composite
J- w Average
I v

I- ---
Average Individual Piano Average
,. i
Teachers' Ratings
-- --2

3.00 1 1 2 3 4 4 2.50 2.78

5.17 2 5 6 6 6 6 5.17 5.11

4.50 3 4 4 5 5 5 4.33 4.61

3.33 2 2 4 4 4 6 3.67 3.78
5.50 4 5 6 7 7 9 6.33 5.67
4.67 4 4 5 6 6 7 5.33 4.89
4.0 4 5 5 5 6 7 5.33 5.10
3.50 1 2 3 4 4 5 3 .17 3.89
583 3 4 5 6 6 7 5.17 5.33
4.00 2 2 4 5 5 7 4.17 4.39
5.67 4 5 6 6 7 7 583 5.67
6.50 5 5 7 7 6.40 6.80

3.67 1 4 4 4 5 383 4.17

3.83 4 4 4 5 6 6 4.83 4.50
5.33 5 5 5 6 6 8 5.83 5.39

Invention No. I received the greatest number of

"one 's." Only two Inventions received a score of nine in

any category. They are No. V, in the difficulty of interpre-

tation, and No. XII, in technical difficulty.

There was a wide variance in the opinions of the peda-

gogues. The greatest range in figures occurred in the scores

for technical difficulty in Invention Nos. VIII and X. In

either case the lowest figure was "2" and the highest "s."
Table XXXIV -below lists the Inventions in order of de-

creasing difficulty in technique, memorization, and interpre-

tation. In addition, the last column presents the Inventions

in order of overall difficulty. In each ranking Invention

No. XII was judged to be most difficult and No. I to be the

least difficult. Based on the rating scale of one to nine,

however, the range of difficulty of all the Inventions was

only 4.02 (from 2.78 to 6.80). Thus, all the Inventions were

classified as either simple (1-3) or medium difficult (3-6).





Order According Order According Order According Order Ac-

to Technique to Memorization to Interpreta- cording
Scores Scores tion Scores to Com-
XII (7.50) XII (6.50) XII (6.40) XII (6.80)
XI (5.50) IX (5.83) V (6.33) V (5.67)
V (5.17) XI (5.67) XI (5.83) XI (5.67)
VII (5.17) V (5.50) XV (5. 83) XV (5.39)
II (5.00) XV (5.33) VI (5.33) IX (5.33)
III (5 . 00) II (5.17) VII (5.33) II (5.11)
VIII (5.00) VII (4.80) II (5.17) VII (5.10)
IX (5.00) VI (4.67) IX (5.17) VI (4.89)
X (5.00) III (4.50) XIV (4. 83) III (4.61)
XIII (5.00) X (4.00) III (4.33) XIV (4.50)
XIV (5.00) XIV (3.83) X (4.17) X (4.39)
XV (5.00) XIII (3.67) XIII (3.83) XIII (4.17)
VI (4.67) VIII (3.50) IV (3.67) VIII (3 . 89)
IV (4.33) IV (3.33) VIII (3.17) IV (3.78)
I (2.83) I (3 .00) I (2.50) I (2.78)

*Rating scale: i--easy; 9--difficult


The next table presents a comparison of the two overall

rankings of the Inventions.




Ranking Based on Evaluations Ranking Based on the Factors

of Six Pedagogues Relating to Difficulty
Inventions Scores Inventions Scores
XII 6.80 XII 4.56
V 5.67 V 4.33
XI 5.67 XI 4.11
XV 5.39 XV 4.11
IX 5.33 IX 4.09
II 5.11 II 3.94
VII 5.10 VII 3.79
VI 4. 9 XIV 3.77
III 4.61 X 3.48
XIV 4.50 VIII 3.46
X 4.39 VI 3.38
XIII 4.17 XIII 3.35
VIII 3 .89 III 3.31
IV 3.78 IV 3.28
I 2.78 I 2.19
& .5..

Several observations can be made concerning the two orders

shown in Table XXXV. First, ten of the Inventions (67 per

cent) received the same positions in both rankings. This is

a high correlation. Second, the orders of the seven most

difficult Inventions and the two least difficult correspond

exactly. Third, the five pieces whose orders differed vary

no more than five places. The numerical difference in the

widest variance is .46. Inventions Nos. XIV and X differ two

places in the rankings; No. VI differs three positions; No.

VIII varies four places; and No. III varies five positions.

Properly qualified, the following proposition appears

to be valid: there is a large possibility that the factors

identified and measured in this study are related to the

difficulty as determined here by the evaluations of six peda-

gogues. Within limits, the difficulty of an Invention is

proportionate to the amount of each of the factors relating

to difficulty contained in it.

Requirements for Performance of Bach

Several authors offer opinions on the requirements of

performance ability before studying Bach. Bryant states

That "the performer must develop the technique to maintain a

singable line . . . artistic performance will be in proportion

to the relative absence of strain and excess physical effort"


(3, p. 53). Maier states similarly that the Two Part Inventions

"should only be studied by players who possess well developed

technique" (9, pp. 2-3).

Lanning discusses further the necessary technique for

performance of Bach.

Although this music may be played fairly well

without proper attention to a well grounded finger
technic, experience has shown that all the famous
specialists and the best student performers of this
music, all have fine finger action.
Weak finger tips, especially when playing the
black keys, will cause uneveness of tone and insecurity.
Special attention should be given to the "up-
stroke," or the exactness with which each key is
released, for the blurring of any tone or tones by
improper overlapping, is about the worst defect in
almost all Bach playing (7, p. 5).

Three authors emphasize other musical requirements before

playing Bach. Balogh states: "To play Bach well, one has to

have a good legato and a crisp leggiero touch. To do justice

to the polyphonic part-writing one must have independent and

well-trained fingers, and one needs good ears to hear what is

going on in the music" (1, p. 51). Schroder writes, "A good

sense of musical phrasing and tonal control is absolutely

imperative if one is to perform these Inventions in such a

way as to do them justice" (11, p. 27). Tureck stresses

"special mental preparation" before playing Bach.


You don't just sit down and learn him--you learn how to
learn him. This intermediary step of learning how to
learn is essential. It roots in habits of thought which
grew from musical sources which are different from the
sources of the 19th century. The purely pianistic as-
pects of Bach playing are also highly important. The
student needs to develop (1) a finger technique which
is much more complete than that which is generally ac-
quired today. One of the most important factors is the
strength and true independence of each finger: (2) a
good, dependable legato: (3) a technique for changing
fingers--sometimes on the same note, sometimes in se-
quences which demand a kind of inverted fingering, such
as fourth to third, third to second, etc.: (4) a wide
variety of staccato: (5) a swift foot for pedalling.
All these are necessary: none is the least helpful
musically unless the playing is bulwarked by certain
ways of thinking (5, p. 13).

When to Begin the Study of the Inventions

Several authors emphasize the great importance of not

beginning the study of the Two Part Inventions too soon.

Spry says, "It is my belief that the Inventions are frequently

given too soon in the young pupil's study, and thereby a

distaste for Bach's music is acquired. If properly adminis-

tered, the Inventions are a splendid preparation for the

Partitas, and then the French and English Suites" (13, p. 640).

Spencer states:

. . . most piano teachers seem to think that there are

only two collections of Bach's works that are available
for teaching purposes: the "Inventions" and the "Well
Tempered Clavichord." There is no greater pedagogical
mistake than to begin the study of Bach with the "In-
ventions." To the untrained musical mind, they are
stern and forbidding; and they should be left until the
student has written advanced counterpoint for at least

a year. When he has reached this stage of advancement

he not only will begin to comprehend the
almost uncanny
cleverness of these "Inventions," but he also will be
able to grasp, in some degree, the deep musical feeling
which pervades so many of them, particularly those in
three parts (12, p. 62).

Spencer recommends an approach to Bach through the "almost

limitless number of Gavottes, Bourees, iMenuets and Gigues

that are scattered throughout his many suites" (12, p. 62).

Campbell recommends that the study of Bach begin, for the

average student, in the sixth or seventh grade (a technical

classification) (4, pp. 77-78).


Several writers offer recommendations concerning editions

of the Inventions. Lanning recommends the Bischoff edition

(7, p. 3). Piersel recommends the Landshoff edition (10,

p. 6). Hutcheson recommends the Busoni edition (for "students

needing a guide") and the Bischoff edition (6, p. 59-60).

Lockwood suggests the Busoni edition "for those who need an

intelligent guide. . . .' (8, p. 20). Stone suggests that

the student study as many editions as possible (he mentions

Bischoff, Czerny, Busoni and Landshoff). "But," he continues,

"one should trust nothing but a conscientious Urtext edition,

and draw one's interpretative conclusions exclusively from

what Bach himself wrote" (14, pp. 12-14). He recommends the


Landshoff edition as "an excellent example of an Urtext

edition" (14, p. 13).


The following characteristics were felt to be factors

related to the performance problems in the Inventions: (1)

a high percentage of intervals of the motive or countermotive

which change direction, (2) wide tonal ranges of the motive

or countermotive, (3) a high percentage of intervals of the

motive or countermotive which are larger than a fifth, (4) a

relatively large percentage of free material, (5) the presence

and amount of ornaments, (6) a relatively high percentage of

First Species counterpoint, (7) a relatively high percentage

of parallel and similar motion within the First Species

counterpoint, (8) a great number of altered tones, (9) con-

trasting articulation in the voices, (10) tempo, (11) a high

percentage of sixteenth notes, (12) a relatively high number

of implied chordal structures in each measure, (13) a relatively

high number of modulations, and (14) obscurity of sectional

divisions. Based on these factors the following ranking of

the Inventions in order of decreasing difficulty was prepared:


IV, I.

Six pedagogues were asked to evaluate the Two Part In-

ventions according to the difficulty of technique, memorization,

and interpretation. The most technically difficult pieces are

Nos. XII, XI, V, and VII; the easiest pieces are Nos. I, IV,

and VI. The remaining Inventions were judged to be the same

in technical difficulty. The following order shows the com-

positions according to difficulty of memorization, beginning

with the most difficult: Nos. XII, IX, XI, V, XV,

VI, III, X, XIV, XII, VIII, IV, I. The next list presents
the Inventions in order of decreasing difficulty of inter-

pretation: Nos. XII; V; XI and XV (tied); VI and VII (tied);

II and IX (tied); XIV; III; X; XIII; IV; VIII; I.

The last ranking represents the composite difficulty of

the compositions. In order of decreasing difficulty they

are Nos. XII, V, XI, XV, IX, II, VII, VI, III, XIV, X, XIII,


A comparison of the ranking based on the evaluations of

the six pedagogues and the ranking based on the factors re-

lated to difficulty revealed a high correlation. Ten Inventions

hold identical positions in both rankings: the most difficult

seven and the two least difficult were among the ten. This

high agreement between the rankings suggested that, to some

degree those factors identified and measured are related


to the difficulty as here determined. Within limits, the

difficulty of an Invention is proportionate to the amount of

each of the factors.

Several writers have offered comments concerning the

requirements for performance of Bach. The essential musical

abilities discussed are as follows: (a) a well-developed

technique, (b) strong fingers, (c) a good legato and a crisp

leggiero touch, (d) independent fingers, and (e) a good sense

of musical phrasing. Tureck, in addition to pianistic require-

ments, emphasizes the need for mental preparation.

Three authors--Spry, Spencer, and Campbell--emphasize the

importance of not beginning the study of the Inventions too

soon. Spencer suggests that the student begin the study of

Bach through selected Gavottes, Bourees, Menuets, and Gigues.

Three editions of the Two Part Inventions--Bischoff,

Landshoff, and Busoni--are recommended by authors. Stone

suggests that the student study as many editions as possible

but trust only an Urtext . He recommends the Landshoff edition.


1. Balogh, Erno, "Some Thoughts On How To Perform Bach,

Etude, LXIX (January, 1951), 51.

2. Bodky, Erwin, The Interpretation of Bach's Keyboard Works,

Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1960.

3. Bryant, Celia Mae, "Eighteenth Century Showcase," Clavier,

Vol. VI, No. 8 (November, 1967), 53.

4. Campbell, Le Roy B., "When and How To Begin the Study of

Bach," Etude, XXXVII (February, 1919), 77-78.

5. Heylbut, R., "Learning to Learn Bach," Etude, LXXIV (May-

June, 1956), 13.

6. Hutcheson, Ernest, The Literature of the Piano, 2nd ed.,

New York, Knopf, 1949.

7. Lanning, Russell, Bach Ornamentation, Ann Arbor, J. W.

Edwards, 1952.

8. Lockwood, Albert, Notes on the Literature of the Piano,

Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1940.

9. Maier, Guy, "A Master Lesson," Etude, LXVII, (December,

1949), 2-3.
10. Piersel, David T., "Bach's Ornaments,t" Clavier, Vol. VII,
No. 1 (January, 1968), 6.

11. Schroder, C. F., "Piano Lesson: Two Part Invention No. 6

in E Major," Clavier, Vol. III, No. 4 (April, 1964),
12. Spencer, Allen, "A Different Bach," Etude, LIV (July,
1936), 413-414.

13. Spry, Walter, "Bach and Handel Compared," Etude, LIII

(November, 1935), 640.


14. Stone, Kurt, "What Bach Edition Should I Play?" Etude,

LXVIII (July, 1950), 12.


Summary and Conclusions

The purpose of this report was to analyze the Bach Two

Part Inventions and to prepare a graded list for pedagogical

purposes. The analysis of the Inventions included an exami-

nation of the characteristics of line, texture, rhythm, and

formal design. From the analyses, performance problems were

determined for each composition and a ranking of the Inventions

according to difficulty was established.

To determine the relative difficulty of the pieces six

pedagogues were polled. These teachers were asked to evaluate

the difficulty of technique, memorization, and interpretation

in each of the Two Part Inventions. From the results of this

survey a graded list of the compositions was prepared.

Chapter I of this report presents the purpose of the

study, the sub-problems involved, definitions of terms,

delimitations, the basic hypothesis of the report, the basic

assumptions of the report, background for the study, methodology,

and the plan of the report



Chapter II contains the analyses of the Inventions and

related comments of writers. The discussion of each piece

is accompanied by a graphic analysis showing the form, the

modulations, the implied chordal structures, and the contra-

puntal devices used.

Chapter III presents the identification of performance

problems in the Inventions and a graded list.

In addition,
a ranking based on the factors as measured in this study was

established. A discussion of the musical and pianistic re-

quirements for performing the Two Part Inventions, the suit-

able level for beginning the study, and the editions of the

Inventions was also included.

Appendices A through G present the following: (a) the

frequency of parallel, similar, oblique and contrary motion

in the Inventions; (b) the frequency of relatively accented

dissonant intervals in the Inventions; (c) the frequencies

of "rough" and "smooth" measures according to melodic accents;

(d) the frequencies of "rough" and "smooth" measures according

to durational accents; (e) the list of piano pedagogues from

whose surveys a graded list of the Inventions was prepared;

(f) a copy of the rating sheet sent to the pedagogues; and

(g) tempos for the Inventions suggested by five authorities.


The Two and Three Part Inventions were written about

1720 when Bach was conductor of the orchestra at Cathen.

They were intended as exercises for his son Wilhelm Friedmann

Bach, then nine years old. According to Geiringer the first

two and the last eight were written by the father and Nos.

III through VII by Friedmann. The pieces are intended as

studies for performing and for composing, both of which Bach

considered necessary. Bodky concludes that the Inventions

were intended to be performed on the clavichord.

Three studies related to the Two Part Inventions have

been made by three authors--Platt, Miller and Satterfield.

Platt points out the common use of melodic patterns in Bach's

counterpoint, a practice which offers a clue to the less

easily explained intricacies of his counterpoint. Miller

examines the motion in the progressions. Oblique motion

constitutes more than half of the progressions with other

types of motion in order of decreasing frequency being con-

trary, parallel, and similar. The average index of melodic

independence was found to be 1.9, an indication of a high

degree of melodic independence. Satterfield finds the emotional

content of the Inventions is related neither to the disso-

nance content nor to roughness in melodic accents. He concludes

that poignancy is related to roughness in durational accents.


The following characteristics of the motive and counter-

motive are found in a majority of the Inventions: (a) 50 per

cent or more changes in the direction of the melodic intervals;

(b) less than 10 per cent of intervals a sixth or larger; and

(c) a range of an octave or more.

A study of the episodes produced several facts. (a)

Most of the material in the Inventions is derived from the

motive and countermotive. (b) A majority of the measures are

rough in melodic accents. (c) Most of the pieces contain

ornaments, ranging in number from one to twenty-five.

An investigation of the texture revealed the following

facts. Most of the counterpoint is in Second Species. A

majority of the progressions within First Species counter-

point are in similar and parallel motion. Most of the rela-

tively accented intervals are consonant. Two-thirds of the

pieces have an average of two or more implied chordal struc-

tures per measure. Over three-fourths of the Inventions

contain twenty-five or more altered tones. The majority of

the pieces contain six or more modulations.

A study of the rhythmic characteristics produced the

following observations. A majority of the pieces are in

simple meter. The most frequent note value is the sixteenth

note. Keller and Bodky agree on rapid tempos for Nos. VIII,

X, and XII.

An analysis of the formal design revealed that most of

the Inventions are in three sections. Two pieces are canons.

Two rankings of overall difficulty were established.

Based on the factors identified in relation to the difficulty

of the pieces the following ranking of the Inventions in

order of decreasing difficulty was prepared: Nos. XII, V, XI,

XV, IX, II, VII, XIV, X, VIII, VI, XIII, III, IV, I. According
to the evaluations of six pedagogues the most technically

difficult pieces are Nos. XII, XI, V, and VII; the easiest

pieces are Nos. I, IV, and VI. The remaining Inventions

were thought to be the same in technical difficulty. The

following order shows the pieces according to difficulty of

memorization beginning with the most difficult: Nos. XII, IX,


third list based on the opinions of the pedagogues presents

the pieces in order of decreasing difficulty of interpreta-

tion: Nos. XII; V; XI and XV (tied); VI and VII (tied); II

and IX (tied); XIV, III, X, XIII, IV, VIII, I. The second

ranking indicating the composite difficulty of the composi-

tions is as follows, beginning with the most difficult: Nos.

IV, I. There is a high correlation between the two rankings

of overall difficulty. Ten of the Inventions have identical

positions in both orders.


Several authors make recommendations concerning the

study of the compositions. First, the student should have

a well-developed technique and a good sense of musical phrasing.

Second, the student should not begin his study of polyphonic

music with the Inventions. Third, the student should study

as many editions as possible but should trust only an Urtext.

The Landshoff edition is highly recommended.

Based on the results of the investigations of this study

the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The ranking of the Inventions based on the evalua-

tions of pedagogues is as follows, beginning with the most

difficult: Nos. XII, V, XIII, VI, III, XIV, X,


2. The ranking of the Inventions based on the identifi-

able factors related to difficulty is as follows, beginning

with the most difficult: Nos. XII, V, X, XV_, IX, I, VII,


3. There is a high correlation between these two lists.

This suggests a large possibility that the factors identified

and measured in this study are related to the difficulty as

determined by the evaluations of the six pedagogues.

4. A wide range of opinions concerning the difficulty of

these pieces exists among pedagogues.


5. The majority of Inventions received scores indicating

similar difficulty in each of the aspects of performance

listed--technique, memorization and interpretation.

6. It is possible to determine and measure the factors

related to difficulty in a group of compositions and to com-

pare their overall difficulties.


Based on this study of Bach's Two Part Inventions the

following recommendations are submitted to teachers, students,

and researchers.

1. Teachers should not begin the intermediate student's

study of polyphonic music with the Two Part Inventions.

2. Teachers should give serious consideration to the

performance problems in each Invention before assigning it

for study.

3. Teachers should give serious consideration to the

particular strengths and weaknesses of the student in assign-

ing the Inventions.

4. It is recommended that the student study as many

editions of the Inventions as possible, but form his inter-

pretative ideas on the basis of the Landshoff edition.

5. Further study should be made concerning the other

smaller keyboard works of J. S. Bach.

6. Further study should be made to establish valid

criteria for judging the difficulty of piano music.





Invention Parallel Similar Oblique Contrary Index
No. z, C major .. .- 7% 1o% 58% 25% 2-0
No. 2, C minor .. .. .. 21-5, 6 47 2558
NO.3, D major- - .. ro 57 22 1-9
NO.4, D minor 12 20 53 25 1 *9
No. 5, E major .. 0 II 53 26 2-O
Xo. 6, E major,.- 5 6 76 13 2-0
1O. 7,
E minor . - 5 9 70 16 20O
No. , F major .. 22 14 38 26 1.7
o. 9, F minor . .. 1 59 27 1.9
NO. loGmajor .. 17 8 43 32 1.9
N. I, G minor .. . 21 13 41
No. 12, A major 25 1-7
.. . 11 6 22 2*0
No- 13,A minor . . 63 49 32 2-1
NO. 14, Bb major .. .. 2 13 49 17 1 -6
NO. 15, B minor . .. 4 15 50 21 1-8
Average .. .. .. 13 10 54 23 1-9

*Complete table reproduced from 2, p. 291.





Number of Intervals Number of relatively Percentage of
having relative accented Dissonant relatively accented
Invention i1 Metric Accents Intervals Dissonance

1 142 36 25-3%
Ii 185 44 238%
III 155 38 . 24-5%
IV 140 36 25-7%
V 239 56 23.4%
Vi 1237 85 35'9%
VIi1 159 31 19.5%
VIII 183 32 17-5%
1X 195 30 5*4/
X 8778 20-7%
Xl 175 33
XIl. 6 36 17-4%
X11436 220%
xV 34,15-8%
XV164k 30-8%

*Complete table reproduced from 3, p. 278.






Upper Voice Lower Voice

Invention Smooth Rough Smooth Rough

13-6 86-4 18-2 81-8

II 29-6 70-4 28-0 72-0
III 37'3 62-7 35*1 649
IV 28-8 71-2 24-0 76-0
V 18-8 81-2 9-4 90-6
VI 275 72-5 17-7 82-3
VII 30-4 69-6 8-7 91-3
VIII 20-7 79-3 27-3 72-7
IX 17-6 82-4- 59 94-1
X 37-5 62-5 29-0 71-0
XI 130 87-0 0*0 100-0
XII 9-5 90-5 14-3 85-7
XIII 20-0 8o-o .8-o 92-
XIV 40-0 6o-o 25-0 75-0
XV 27-3 72-7 22-7 77-3

'Complete table reproduced from 4, P. 174.





Upper Lower -I Macro-

invenion, Signature Key %R % %R % j %S

Icc 13-6 86-4 13-6
86-4 9-0
II C) 77"1 22*9 22-9
III 3/8 D 8-4 91 -6 11-8 88-2 $-4 91-6
IV d 88-5 57 94.3 9-6 90-4
c Eb, 59*4 40'6 40-6 59#4 6-4 93-6
VI 3/8 E 2704 72-6 22-6 77 4 3-2 c)6-8
IX 3/4 76-5 23-5' 621-7 38-3 2.9 97-4
X 9/8 G 3-1 96-9 9.3 90-7 96-9
XI IC 34-8 65-2
43.4 56-6
6i -9
4-3 95.7
XII 12/8 A 9-5 38-1 4.7
XIII. c a 20-0 80-.0 16-d 86-o 4-00 96-c
XIV c Bb 15.0 85-0 20-0 8o-o 00 10040
XV c b 22-7 77-3 31-8 68-2 13-6 86.4

owwwwwwwom" t I- i I" - ~, .- ~ ..

*Complete table reproduced from 4, p. 177.



The rating sheet in Appendix F was sent to the following

piano pedagogues:

Bardas, Stefan, School of Music, North Texas State University,

Denton, Texas, 76201

Cass, Richard, School of Music, North Texas State University,

Denton, Texas, 76201

Drath, Jan, School of Music, North Texas State University,

Denton, Texas, 76201

Elliott, Denson, School of Music, Murray State University,

Murray, Kentucky, 42071

Rogers, Robert, School of Music, North Texas State University,

Denton, Texas, 76201

Terhune, Russell, School of Music, Murray State University,

Murray, Kentucky, 42071

Winter, John, School of Music, Murray State University,

Murray, Kentucky, 42071

Please indicate the degree of difficulty of each of the
Two Part Inventions on the scales below by circling the
appropriate number.

Invention No. I
Simple Medium Difficu lt
a. Technical difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b. Memorization difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c. Interpretative difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
d. Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Invention No. II
Simple Medium Difficu Lt
a. Technical difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b. Memorization difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c. Interpretative difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
d. Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Invention No. III

Simple Medium Difficu]Lt
a. Technical difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b. Memorization difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c. Interpretative difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
d. Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Invention No. IV
Simple Medium DifficulLt
a. Technical difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b. Memorization difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c. Interpretative difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
d. Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

*The rating sheets for the remaining

eleven Inventions
followed the same form.




Inventions Suggested Tempos

Nos. Beat Note Bodky Bischoff Czerny Keller Landshoff

+80 96 120 63 84
II 4= +80 69 108 52 63
III +60 60 80 46 51
IV +60 76 72 60 48
V 180 72 108 72 69
VI +120 138 144 96 104
VII 4= 60 69 112 72 60
4. =
VIII +100 126 144 116-126 116
IX 4e=
-= 60 60 116 46 58
X 100 100 152 108 112

XI +80 80 108 58 69
XII +6(D 76 84 72 56
XIII 4- = +80 116 104 69 80
XIV +6(D 69, 88 44 69
XV +8(D 96 104 92 84
I -I -__-_I__- --- __---_.__I_ II

*Tempos reproduced from 1, pp.o 345-370.o


1. Bodky, Erwin, The Interpretation of Bach's Keyboard Works,

Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1960.

2. Miller, H. M., "Progression in Two-Part Counterpoint:

A Method of Analysis," Music Review, XVI (November,
1955), 289-299.

3. Satterfield, J., "Dissonance and Emotional Content in the

Bach Two-Part Inventions," Music Review, XVIII
(November, 1956), 273-281.

4. , "The Emotional Content of the Bach Two

Part Inventions," Music Review, XIX (August,


Apel, Willi, Harvard Dictionary of Music, Cambridge, Harvard

University Press, 1962.

Bodky, Erwin, The Interpretation of Bach's Keyboard Works,

Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1960.

Forkel, J. N., Johann Sebastian Bach: His Life, Art, and Work,
translated by C. S. Terry, London, Constable and
Company, Ltd., 1920.

Geiringer, Karl, Johann Sebastian Bach: The Culmination of

an Era, New York, Oxford University Press, 1966.

Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by Eric

Blom, 5th edition, 10 vols., London, MacMillan and
Company, Ltd., 1954.

Hutcheson, Ernest, The Literature of the Piano, 2nd ed., New

York, Knopf, 1949.

Kennan, Kent, Counterpoint, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall,


Lanning, Russell, Bach Ornamentation, Ann Arbor, J. W. Edwards,


Lockwood, Albert, Notes on the Literature of the Piano, Ann

Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1940.

Mason, Neale B., Essentials of Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint:

A Practical Stylistic Approach, Dubuque, Wm. C. Brown
Company, 1968.

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