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Patricia Hill Collins Vita - September 2013 - CV

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Curriculum Vitae

Notarization. I have read the following and certify that this curriculum vitae is a current and accurate
statement of my professional record.

Signature______________________________________ Date_______________________________



Department of Sociology, 2112 Art-Sociology Bldg., #146
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-1315
E-Mail: collinph@umd.edu
Main Office Telephone: 301 405 6393; Main Office FAX: 301 314 6892.


University of Maryland. Distinguished University Professor, 2006-present. Wilson Elkins Professor of Sociology,

University of Cincinnati. Charles Phelps Taft Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Sociology, 2005-present.


Brandeis University Ph.D. 1984 Sociology.

Harvard University M.A.T. 1970 Social Science Education.
Brandeis University B.A. 1969 Sociology, cum laude with honors.
Class of 1955 Endowment Fund Prize.

University of Cincinnati. Department of African American Studies. Professor, 1994-2005; Associate Professor,
1987-1994; Assistant Professor, 1982-87. Chair, 1999-2002. Acting Chair, 1987-88; Charles Phelps Taft
Distinguished Professor of Sociology, 1996-2005.

President, PHC Educational Services, Inc. 2002-present. Consultation services to universities, businesses and
community organizations in the areas of (1) diversity initiatives, especially concerning race, ethnicity, gender, class,
and sexuality; and (2) higher education and curriculum transformation.

Consultant. Girls Scouts of America, regional/executive directors on Preparing Our Daughters for the Challenge of
New Leadership, 1989; and directors of Urban Councils on Trying Times: Race, Class and the Journey from
Girlhood to Womanhood, 1990; Procter and Gamble, Dual Career Couples, 1988.

Special Assistant to the President. Tufts University, 1980. As Chairperson of the Presidents Review Council on
Affirmative Action, organized and managed an upper level faculty and administrative committee responsible for
reviewing and monitoring the Universitys affirmative action efforts.

Director, African American Center, Tufts University, 1976-80. Budget development and administration, staff
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management, program development and evaluation, student counseling, negotiating vendor contracts, and developing
funding proposals. Chairperson of Black Faculty and Staff Caucus; Founder and Director of the African American
Dance Troupe; and founding coordinator of the Tufts Orientation Program in Science.

Educational Consultant. Learning Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 1978. Designed and implemented social studies module
for summer graduate course offered in 5 national locations to 1000 teachers and school related personnel.

Curriculum Specialist. JJF Cluster Schools, Archdiocese of Boston, 1973-76. Responsible for design,
implementation and evaluation of curriculum for three K-8 schools. Duties included teacher observation and
supervision, offering workshops, student counseling, developing funding proposals, teaching pilot curriculum, and
evaluating curriculum materials. Recipient of Massachusetts Department of Education mini-grant for curriculum
development in multi-cultural education.

Educational Consultant. Design Programs, Inc. Pittsburgh PA, 1972-73. Facilitated seminars and workshops in
teacher training for inner city schools in Boston, New York, Pittsburgh, Hartford and Washington, D.C.

Teacher/Curriculum Developer. Harvard University, Trainer of Teacher Trainers Program at St. Josephs School,
Roxbury, MA, 1970-72. Participated in planning and design of community based school. Experience included
counseling community groups, staff recruitment, designing workshops, supervising student teachers, developing
curriculum and teaching English and social studies to grades 7-8.


a. Books

Intersectionality, with Sirma Bilge. London: Polity Press (forthcoming).

On Intellectual Activism. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2012.

Handbook of Race and Ethnic Studies. Edited with John Solomos. London: Sage, 2010.

Another Kind of Public Education: Race, Schools, the Media and Democratic Possibilities. Boston: Beacon Press,

From Black Power to Hip Hop: Essays on Racism, Nationalism, and Feminism. Philadelphia: Temple University
Press, 2006.

Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism. New York: Routledge, 2004.

Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. New York: Routledge,
1990; 2nd edition 2000. Classic edition, 2009. Korean translation with additional preface, Alterity Press, 2009.

Fighting Words: Black Women and the Search for Justice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998.

Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology, 8th edition. Edited with Margaret Andersen. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth/Cengage Publishing, 1992; 1995; 1998; 2001; 2004; 2007; 2010, 2013.

b. Journal Articles

"Does America Still Need Black People?" Issues in Race & Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal (in press).

"Social Inequality, Power and Politics: Intersectionality and American Pragmatism in Dialogue." Journal of
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Speculative Philosophy 26 (2) 2012: 442-457.

Just Another American Story? The First Black First Family. Qualitative Sociology 35 (2) 2012: 123-141.

"Piecing Together a Genealogical Puzzle: Intersectionality and American Pragmatism." European Journal of
Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (2) 2011: 88-112.

The New Politics of Community. American Sociological Review 75 (1), February 2010: 7-30.

New Commodities, New Consumers: Selling Blackness in the Global Marketplace. Ethnicities 6 (3) September
2006: 297-317

Like One of the Family: Race, Ethnicity, and the Paradox of US National Identity. Ethnic and Racial Studies 24
(1), January 2001: 3-28.

Gender, Black Feminism, and Black Political Economy. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science 568 March 2000: 41-53.

The Tie That Binds: Race, Gender and U.S. Violence. Ethnic and Racial Studies 21 (5) 1998: 918-38.

Its All in the Family: Intersections of Gender, Race, and Nation. Hypatia, Journal of Feminist Philosophy 13 (3)
Summer 1998: 62-82.

Intersections of Race, Class, Gender and Nation: Some Implications for Black Family Studies. Journal of
Comparative Family Studies 29 (1) 1998: 27-36.

African-American Women and Economic Justice: A Preliminary Analysis of Wealth, Family, and Black Social
Class. University of Cincinnati Law Review 65 (2) Spring, 1997: 825-52.

How Much Difference Is Too Much? Black Feminist Thought and the Politics of Postmodern Social Theory.
Current Perspectives in Social Theory 17, 1997: 3-37.

Whats In a Name: Womanism, Black Feminism and Beyond. Black Scholar 26 (1) March 1996: 9-17.

Transforming the Inner Circle: Dorothy Smiths Challenge to Sociological Theory. Sociological Theory 10 (1)
Spring 1992: 73-80.

On Our Own Terms: Self-Defined Standpoints and Curriculum Transformation. NWSA Journal 3 (3) Autumn
1991: 367-81.

The Social Construction of Black Feminist Thought. Signs 14 (4) Summer 1989: 745-73.

A Comparison of Two Works on Black Family Life. Signs 14 (4) Summer 1989: 875-84.

The Meaning of Motherhood in Black Culture and Black Mother/Daughter Relationships. Sage: A Scholarly
Journal on Black Women 4 (2) Fall 1987: 4-11.

Learning from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought. Social Problems
33 (6) October/December 1986: 14-32.

Perspectivity and the Activist Potential of the Sociology Classroom. Humanity and Society 10 (3), August, 1986:

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The Afro-American Work/Family Nexus: An Exploratory Analysis. Western Journal of Black Studies 10 (3) Fall
1986: 148-58.

The Emerging Theory and Pedagogy of Black Womens Studies. Feminist Issues 6 (1) Spring 1986: 3-17.

c. Articles in Edited Volumes

"Intersectionality," with Valerie Chepp. Pp. 57-87 in Oxford Handbook on Gender and Politics, edited by Georgina
Weylen, et al. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Whats Critical About Critical Race Theory? Pp. 160-176 in Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political
Theory, ed. Stephen Turner and Gerald Delanty. London: Sage, 2011.

Freedom Now: 1968 as a Turning Point for Black American Student Activism. Pp. 3-28 in 1968 in Retrospect:
History, Theory, Politics, ed. Ipek Demir and Gurminder K. Bhambra, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Pushing the Boundaries or Business as Usual? Race, Class, and Gender Studies and Sociological Inquiry. Pp. 572-
604 in Sociology in America: A History, ed. Craig Calhoun. Chicago: U. of Chicago, 2007.

Going Public: Doing the Sociology that Had No Name. Pp. 101-113 in Public Sociology: Fifteen Eminent
Sociologists Debate Politics and the Professions in the Twenty-first Century, ed. Joya Misra et al. Berkeley: U. of
California, 2007.

A Telling Difference: Dominance, Strength and Black Masculinities. Pp. 73-97 in Progressive Black
Masculinities, ed. Athena D. Matua. New York: Routledge, 2006.

Thats Not Why I Went to School. Pp. 94-113 in The Disobedient Generation: Social Theorists in the Sixties, ed.
Alan Sica and Steven Turner. Chicago: U. of Chicago, 2005.

An Entirely Different World: Rethinking the Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. Pp. 208-222 in Handbook of
Sociology, ed. Craig Calhoun, Bryan Turner, Chris Rojek. London: Sage, 2005.

Black Nationalism and African American Ethnicity: The Case of Afrocentrism as Civil Religion. Pp. 96-117 in
Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Minority Rights, ed. Stephen May, Judith Squires, Tariq Madood. London: Cambridge
University Press, 2004.

Producing the Mothers of the Nation: Race, Class and Contemporary U.S. Population Policies. Pp. 118-29 in
Women, Citizenship and Difference, ed. Nira Yuval-Davis. London: Zed Books, 1999.

Moving Beyond Gender: Intersectionality and Scientific Knowledge. Pp. 261-84 in Revisioning Gender, ed.
Judith Lorber, Myra Marx Ferree, and Beth Hess. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1999.

Will the Real Mother Please Stand Up? The Logic of Eugenics and American National Family Planning. Pp.
266-82 in Revisioning Women, Health and Healing: Feminist, Cultural, and Technoscience Perspectives, ed.
Adele Clarke and Virginia Olesen. New York: Routledge, 1999.

Is the Personal Political Enough? African-American Women and Feminist Praxis. Pp. 67-91 in Rassismen &
Feminismen, ed. Brigitte Fuchs and Gabriele Habinger, Vienna: Promedia (in German), 1996.

Shifting the Center: Race, Class, and Feminist Theorizing about Motherhood. Pp. 45-65 in Mothering: Ideology,
Experience and Agency, ed. Evelyn Nakano Glenn, Grace Chang, and Linda Forcey. New York: Routledge, 1994;
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and simultaneously pp. 56-74 in Representations of Motherhood, ed. Donna Bassin, Margaret Honey, and Meryle
Kaplan. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994.

Its In Our Hands: Breaking the Silence on Gender in African-American Studies. Pp. 127-41 in Understanding
Curriculum as Racial Text, ed. William F. Pinar and Louis Castenell. SUNY Press, 1993.

Black Feminism in the Twentieth Century. Pp. 418-25 in Black Women in the United States: An Historical
Encyclopedia, ed. Darlene Clark Hine, Elsa Barkley Brown, and Rosalyn Terborg-Penn. New York: Carlson, 1993.

Learning to Think for Ourselves: Malcolm Xs Black Nationalism Reconsidered. Pp. 59-85 in Malcolm X: In
Our Own Image, ed. Joe Wood, New York: St. Martins Press, 1992.

The Social Construction of Invisibility: Black Womens Poverty in Social Problems Discourse. Pp. 77-93 in
Perspectives on Social Problems, Volume I, ed. Gale Miller and Jim Holstein. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1989.

Third World Women in America. Pp. 87-116 in The Womens Annual 1981: The Year in Review, ed. Barbara
Haber. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982.

Third World Women in America. Pp. 87-116 in The Womens Annual 1980: The Year in Review, ed. Barbara
Haber. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1981.

d. Short Essays

"Critical Interventions in Western Social Theory: Reflections on Power and Southern Theory." Special edition,
"Decentering Social Theory," Political Power and Social Theory 25, 2013: 139-148.

"Looking Back, Moving Ahead: Scholarship in Service to Social Justice." Gender and Society 26 (1) February
2012:14 - 22.

The Future of Black Feminism (Quel avenir pour the Fminisme Noir?) Africultures 74-75, 2009: 20-26.

Preface. Emerging Intersections Building Knowledge and Transforming Institutions. Pp. vii-xvii in Emerging
Intersections: Race, Class, and Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice, ed. Bonnie Thornton Dill and Ruth
Zambrana, Rutgers U. Press, 2009.

Reply to Commentaries: Black Sexual Politics Revisited. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 9 (1) 2008: 68-85.

The Racial Threat. British Journal of Sociology 57 (2), 2006: 205-208.

Black Public Intellectuals: From Du Bois to the Present. Contexts 4 (4) 2005: 22-27.

A Tale of Two Titles. Review symposium on Paul Gilroys Between Camps/Against Race: Race, Identity and
Nationalism at the End of the Color Line. Ethnicities 2 (4) 2002: 539-543.

Introduction. Pp. 5-24 in On Lynchings, Ida B. Wells-Barnett. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002.

Epilogue. Pp. 241-44 in Centering Ourselves: African American Feminist and Womanist Studies of Discourse, ed.
Marsha Houston and Olga Davis. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002.

Reflections on the Outsider Within. Journal of Career Development 26 (1) Fall 1999: 85-88.

On Book Exhibits and New Complexities: Reflections on Sociology as Science. Contemporary Sociology 27 (1)
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January 1998: 7-11.

Comment on Hekmans Truth and Method: Feminist Standpoint Theory Revisited: Wheres the Power? Signs 22
(2) 1997: 375-81.

Reflections on Doing Difference. Review symposium, Gender and Society 9 (4) August 1995: 505-09.

Preface. Pp. xi-xv in Women of Color in U.S. Society, ed. Maxine Baca Zinn and Bonnie Thornton Dill.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994.

Setting Our Own Agenda. The Black Scholar 23 (3, 4) Fall 1993: 52-55.

Reply to Review Symposium on Black Feminist Thought. Gender and Society 6 (3) Sept. 1992: 517-19.
Silenced Voices, Invisible Lives. Pp. 572-3 in Sociology, Fourth and Fifth Editions, ed. Beth Hess, Peter Stein
and Liz Markson. New York: MacMillan, 1991, and forthcoming.

Getting Off to a Good Start: The First Day in Black Family Studies. Teaching Sociology 14 (3), July 1986:

Cincinnati Black Women Workers: An Update. Urban Resources 3 (2) Winter 1986: C5-6.

e. Book and Film Reviews

Alyosha Goldstein. Poverty in Common: The Politics of Community Action During the American Century. Human
Figurations (forthcoming).

Anne Valk. Radical Sisters: Second-Wave Feminism and Black Liberation in Washington, D.C. Womens Review of
Books, 26 (1) 2009: 5-6.

Tommie Shelby. We Who Are Dark: The Philosophical Foundations of Black Solidarity. Social Forces, 88 (1)
2009: 473-475.

M. Jacqui Alexander. Pedagogies of Crossing: Meditations on Feminism, Sexual Politics, Memory, and the Sacred.
American Journal of Sociology, 114 (3) 2008: 859-861.

Michael Hanchard. Party/Politics: Horizons in Black Political Thought. Social Forces, 86 (4) 2008: 1865-1867.

T. Sharpley-Whiting. Pimps Up, Hos Down: Hip Hops Hold on Young Black Women. MS, 17 (2) 2007: 73-74.

Kristen Myers. Racetalk: Racism Hiding in Plain Sight. Contemporary Sociology 35 (5) 2006: 468-469.

Benita Roth. Separate Roads to Feminism: Black, Chicana, and White Feminist Movements in Americas Second
Wave. Acta Sociologica 6 (49) 2006: 231-233.

Cynthia Burack. Healing Identities: Black Feminist Thought and the Politics of Groups. Hypatia 20 (4) 2005: 227-

Ranu Samantrai. AlterNatives: Black Feminism in the Postimperial Nation. Contemporary Sociology 32 (4) 2003:

Joe R. Feagin and Hernn Vera. Liberation Sociology. American Journal of Sociology January 2002.

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Kimberly Springer, ed. Still Lifting, Still Climbing: African American Womens Contemporary Activism.
Contemporary Sociology 30 (6) 2001: 618-619.

Joyce N. Chinen et al., eds. Women in Hawaii, Contemporary Sociology 27 (6) 1998: 581-2.

Esther Ngan-Ling Chow, Doris Wilkinson, and Maxine Baca Zinn, eds. Race, Class, and Gender: Common Bonds,
Different Voices, Ethnic and Racial Studies 21 (1) 1998: 175-7.

Ruth Horowitz, Teen Mothers--Citizens or Dependents? Social Forces, 75 (2) 1996: 759-60.

Colette Guillaumin, Racism, Sexism, Power and Ideology, Ethnic and Racial Studies 19 (3) July 1996: 711-12.

Donald Levine, Visions of Sociological Tradition, and Charles Lemert, Sociology After the Crisis, Contemporary
Sociology 25 (3) May 1996: 328-31.

Gina Dent and Michele Wallace, eds. Black Popular Culture, and Ruth Frankenberg, White Women, Race Matters:
The Social Construction of Whiteness, Signs 20 (3) Spring 1995: 728-31.

Stanlie James and Abena Busia, eds. Theorizing Black Feminisms: The Visionary Pragmatism of Black Women,
Womens Review of Books Vol. XII, No. 3, December 1994: 32.

Michael Dyson, Reflecting Black: African-American Cultural Criticism, Contemporary Sociology 23 (4) July 1994:

bell hooks and Cornel West, Breaking Bread, and Nancie Caraway, Segregated Sisterhood, Signs 20 (1) Autumn
1994: 176-79.

Marjorie Goodwin, He-Said-She-Said: Talk as Social Organization Among Black Children, Gender and Society
March 1993: 144-46.

Philomena Essed, Understanding Everyday Racism, Contemporary Sociology 21(6) November 1992: 790-91.

Dorothy Smith, The Conceptual Practices of Power, American Journal of Sociology July 1991: 270-72.

Victoria Byerly, Hard Times Cotton Mill Girls, Gender and Society September 1990: 427-29.

Clarence Page, A Foot in Two Worlds, Humanity and Society 14 (1) February 1990: 261-2.

Kids and Race: Working It Out, film review, Teaching Sociology 17 (2) 1989: 261-2.

Judith Rollins, Between Women, Domestics and Their Employers and Evelyn Glenn, Issei, Niesi, War Bride,
Center for Research on Women Newsletter, Memphis State University 5 (3) Summer 1987: 6. Reprinted in The
WREE View of Women 14 (1) January/February 1989.

Madeleine Arnot, Race and Gender: Equal Opportunities Policies in Education, Journal of Sex Roles 15 (11-12)
1986: 683.

June Nash and Maria P. Fernandez-Kelly, Women, Men and the International Division of Labor, Qualitative
Sociology 9 (1) Spring 1986: 80-82.

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f. Print Media

Marriage Rules. The Nation. July 5, 2004, 20. State of the Union: The Marriage Issue.

Race Matters in Miss World Contest. Newsday. December 5, 2002. Viewpoints.

An Open Letter To My Colleagues On Sociology as Ethical Inquiry. Sociological Theory Newsletter, Spring

Forum: The State of the Art. Womens Review of Books 8 (5) February 1991: 23-6.

We Dont Need Another Dr. King. New York Times, January 19, 1991, Op Ed page. Reprinted in J. Birnbaum and
C. Taylor. Civil Rights Since 1787: A Reader on the Black Struggle. NYU: 2000.

Womens Studies: Reform or Transformation? Sojourner 15 (6) February 1990: 18-20.

g. Other Published and Unpublished Work

Producing the Mothers of the Nation: The Logic of Eugenics and U.S. Population Policies. Conference
Proceedings, conference on The Body Politic, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1996.

Toward A New Vision: Race, Class and Gender as Categories of Analysis and Connection. Keynote address,
Workshop on Integrating Race and Gender into the College Curriculum, 1989. Center for Research on Women,
Memphis State University.

An Inclusive Curriculum: Race, Class, and Gender in Sociological Instruction, edited with Margaret L. Andersen,
1987. An anthology of syllabi, essays and teaching materials, Teaching Resources Center, American Sociological
Association, Washington, D.C.

Race, Gender, and Labor Market Structure: Organizational Dynamics and Occupational Stratification in an Urban
Political Economy. Unpublished dissertation, 1984.

h. Grants

Graduate Research Board, University of Maryland. Support for The New Politics of Community ASA program
planning initiative, fall 2007.

Taft Research Support. The New Social Face of Brazil. CIEE faculty development seminar, Sao Paulo, Bahia and
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2003.

Individual Faculty Development Grant. Nation-Building in South Africa. CIEE faculty development seminar,
University of Capetown and Pretoria University, June 2001.

Individual Faculty Development Grant. Examining Afro-Cuban Culture. Funding to attend Association of Black
Anthropologists conference on Afro-Cuban culture, July 2000.

Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Grant, for cross-disciplinary faculty development initiative in 1) Race,
Gender and Nationalism; and 2) Women in Africa and the African Diaspora, 1996-98.

Taft Competitive Faculty Research Grant, for research on Fighting Words, January-March, 1995.

Center for the Study of Work and Family, Sociology Department. Planning grant. Proposal: The Effect of Mother's
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Employment on Black Mother/Daughter Relationships: An Exploratory Study, 1988.

Provostal Faculty Support Award, Workshop on Women in the Curriculum, Center for Research on Women,
Memphis State University, 1985.

Provostal Faculty Support Award, ASA professional workshop, Using the Computer in Sociology, 1983.

American Sociological Association, Research fellowship and Sydney Spivack Dissertation Support Award, Minority
Fellowship Program, 1980-83.

i. Work in Translation

"The Social Construction of Black Feminist Thought." Elsa Dorlin. Black feminism: Anthologie du fminisme
africain-amricain, 1975-2000. LHarmattan, 2008.
"Quel avenir pour le Feminisme Noir?" Pp. 20-26 Special edition, "Feminisme(s) en Afrique et dans la Diaspora.
Africultures 74-75, Paris, 2009.
From Black Power to Hip Hop. French translation, Editions Syllepse, forthcoming.

Black Feminist Thought: Selections from Chapters 1 & 2 translated into Spanish in M. Navarro & C. Stimpson. Qu
Son Los Etudios de Mujeres? Argentina: Tezontle & Ford Foundation, 1998.
"Distinguishing Features of Black Feminist Thought." Pp. 99-134 in Mercedes Jabardo, ed. Feminismos Negros:
Una Antologa. Reaficantes de Suenos, Madrid.

"The Social Construction of Black Feminist Thought." G. I. Joseph. Schwarzer Femismus: Theorie und Politik
Afroamerikanischer Frauen. Berlin: Orlanda Frauenverlag, 1993.

Black Feminist Thought. Translated into Korean. Alterity Press, 2009.

Black Feminist Thought. Chapter 3: Work, Family, and Black Womens Oppression U.S.-Japan Women's Journal,
14:1993 and 15:1994. Translated into Japanese.

j. Previously Published Work Reprinted

Black Feminist Thought, 1990 and 2000 editions:

Selections from four chapters in M. L. Fellows and B. Balos. Law and Violence Against Women: Cases and
Materials on Systems of Oppression. Carolina Academic Press, 1994.

Chapter 1: The Politics of Black Feminist Thought

C. McCann and S. Kim. Feminist Theory Reader. Routledge, 2003.

Chapter 2: Defining Black Feminist Thought

L. Lieberman. Outrageous Concepts: Race, Genes and Sociobiology. General Hall.
D. S. Madison. The Woman That I Am: The Literature and Culture of Women of Color. St. Martins, 1993.

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P. Essed and D. Goldberg. Race Critical Theories.

Chapter 4: Mammies, Matriarchs, and Other Controlling Images

C.Gould. Gender: Key Concepts in Critical Theory. Humanities Press, 1997.
J. Macionij and N. Benokratis. Seeing Ourselves: Classic, Contemporary and Cross-Cultural Readings in
Sociology. 4th ed. Prentice-Hall, 1998.
I. Marsh. Classic and Contemporary Readings in Sociology. Longman, 1998.
M. Pearsall. Women and Values: Readings in Recent Feminist Philosophy, 3rd. ed. Wadsworth.

Chapter 5: The Power of Self-Definition

M. Rogers. Contemporary Feminist Theory: A Text/Reader. McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Chapter 6: Black Women and Motherhood

B. Thorne and M. Yalom. Rethinking the Family: Some Feminist Questions, Revised Edition. Northeastern U.
Press, 1992.
V. Held. Justice and Care: Essential Readings. Westview, 1995.
G. Colombo et al. Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing, 3rd ed. Bedford Books,
P. Weiss. Feminism and Community. Temple U. Press.
W. J. Kennedy et al. Writing in the Disciplines, 3rd Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1995.

Chapter 8: The Sexual Politics of Black Womanhood

P. Bart and E. Moran. Violence Against Women. Sage, 1993.
D. E. H. Russel. Making Violence Sexy. Teachers College, 1993.
M. Becker et al. Cases and Materials on Feminist Jurisprudence: Taking Women Seriously. West, 1994.
K. Mehuron and G. Percespep. Free Spirits: Feminist Philosophers on Culture. MacMillan.
S. Jackson and S. Scott. Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader. Edinburgh U. Press.
E. Disch. Gender and Its Intersections. Mayfield, 1997.

Chapter 9: Sexual Politics and Black Womens Relationships

A. Kesselman et al. Women: Images and Realities, A Multicultural Anthology of Women in the United States.

Chapter 10: Towards an Afrocentric Feminist Epistemology

P. Rothenberg and A. M. Jagger. Feminist Frameworks: Alternative Theoretical Accounts of the Relations Between
Men and Women. McGraw-Hill, 1993.
J. Squires and S. Kemp. Feminisms: An Oxford Reader. Oxford, 1997.
G. Kessler. Voices of Wisdom. Wadsworth.

Chapter 11: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment

S. Ruth. Issues in Feminism: An Introduction. 3rd ed. Mayfield.
C. Lemert. Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classic Readings. Westview, 1993.

j. i Fighting Words:

Chapter 4: Whats Going On: Black Feminist Thought and the Politics of Postmodernism E.S. Pierre and W.
Pillow. Working the Ruins: Feminist Poststructuralist Theory and Methods in Education, Routledge, 2000.
Chapter 6: Some Group Matters: Intersectionality, Situated Standpoints, and Black Feminist Thought. T. Lott and
J. Pittman, A Companion to African-American Philosophy. Blackwell, 2002, 205-229.

j. ii. Articles:

The Social Construction of Black Feminist Thought

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M. Malson et al. Black Women in America: Social Science Perspectives. Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1990.
F. W. Hayes. The Turbulent Voyage: Readings in African American Studies. Collegiate, 1992.
L. Richardson and V. Taylor. Feminist Frontiers, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, 1993.
M. Evans. The Woman Question, 2nd ed. Sage, 1994.
S.M. Okin and J. Manobridge. Feminism. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
N. Tuana and R. Tong. Feminism and Philosophy: Essential Readings in Feminist Theory, Reinterpretation and
Application. Westview.
B. Guy-Sheftall. Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought. New Press, 1995.
E. Hammonds et. al. Gender and Scientific Authority. U. of Chicago, 1996.
K.Myers et al. Feminist Foundations: Toward Transforming Sociology. Sage, 1998.
K.K. Bhavnani. Feminism and Race. Oxford.
W. Hardy and J. Montmarquet. Reflections: An Anthology of African-American Philosophy. Wadsworth.
M. Michaels and B. Solomon. Twenty Questions in Philosophy, 4th ed.
J. James. The Black Feminist Reader. Blackwell, 2000.
D. Vannoy. Gender: Social Construction and Structural Accounts. Roxbury.
N. Norment. The African American Studies Reader. Carolina Academic Press, 2001.
S. Browne. Classical and Contemporary Readings in Philosophy, Wadsworth, 2002.

The Meaning of Motherhood in Black Culture and Black Mother/Daughter Relationships

R. Staples. The Black Family: Essays and Studies. Wadsworth, 1991.
J. Wetzal and M. Hagen. Womens Studies: Thinking Women. Kendall/Hunt, 1992.
P. Bell-Scott et al. Double Stitch: Black Women Write about Mothers and Daughters. Beacon, 1991.
A. Kesselman et al. Womens Images and Realities: A Multicultural Anthology of Women in the United States.
J. Hamlet. Afrocentric Notions. Kendall/Hunt.
M. Gergen and S. Davis. Toward A New Psychology of Gender: A Reader. Routledge, 1997.
M. Baca Zinn et al. Through the Prism of Difference: Readings on Sex and Gender. Allyn & Bacon, 1996.

Learning from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought
M. Fonow and J. Cook. Beyond Methodology: Feminist Scholarship as Lived Research. Indiana U. 1991.
J. Hartman and E. Messer-Davidow. (En)gendering Knowledge: Feminists in Academe. U. of Tenn, 1991.
D. Curran and C. Renzetti. Contemporary Societies: Problems and Prospects. Prentice Hall, 1993.
J. Glazer et al. Women in Higher Education: A Feminist Perspective. Needham Heights, MA: Ginn, 1993.
M. Rogers. Power, Dignity, and Social Structure: Readings in Multicultural Social Theory. McGraw Hill, 1995.
T. Gerschick. Sociology of Gender, Pine Forge.
U. Hesse-Biber et al. Feminist Approaches to Theory and Methodology. Oxford, 1999.

The Afro-American Work/Family Nexus: An Exploratory Analysis

T. Anderson. Black Studies: Theory, Method, and Cultural Perspectives. Washington State U. 1990.

Toward A New Vision: Race, Class and Gender as Categories of Analysis and Connection
Race, Sex & Class: An Interdisciplinary Journal 1 (1) Fall 1993: 25-46.
K. E. Rosenblum and T. Travis. The Meaning of Difference. McGraw Hill, 1995.
H. Marcus. Open for Discussion. Spring 1997.
R. Levine. Social Class and Stratification: Classic Statements and Theoretical Debates. Rowman and Littlefield.
J. Ferrante. The Social Construction of Race and Ethnicity in the United States. Addison Wesley Longman, 1998.
D. Anselmi. Psychology and Gender. McGraw-Hill.
Seelau et al. Race, Sex, and Class. U. of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
T. Ore. The Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality,2nd. Ed,
Mayfield, 2003.
M. Kimmel and A. Ferber. Privilege, Westview, 2003.

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Learning To Think For Ourselves: Malcolm Xs Black Nationalism Reconsidered
T. Perry. Teaching Malcolm X for Cultural Literary. Routledge, 1996.

The Emerging Theory and Pedagogy of Black Womens Studies

S. Franklin. The Sociology of Gender. London: Transaction Publishers.

Reflections on Doing Difference

M. Walsh. Women, Men, and Gender: Ongoing Debates. Yale, 1997.
S. Fenstermaker & C. West. Doing Gender, Doing Difference. Routledge, 2002.

Whats In a Name: Womanism, Black Feminism and Beyond

In German as "Womanism und Schwarzer Feminismus in den USA," in iZ3W February 1997: 32-35.

Comment on Hekmans Truth and Method: Feminist Standpoint Theory Revisited: Where's the Power?
J. Lorber. Gender Inequality: Feminist Theories and Politics. Roxbury Press.
C. Allen and J. Howard. Provoking Feminisms. U. of Chicago, 2000.

Shifting the Center: Race, Class, and Feminist Theorizing about Motherhood
S. Coontz. Multicultural Reader on American Families. Routledge, 1999.
M. Deshazer. Anthology of Women's Literature. Addison Wesley Longman.
M. Hutter. The Family Experience: A Reader in Cultural Diversity. Allyn & Bacon.

Black Feminism in the Twentieth Century

H. L. Gates and A. Appiah. Afropedia, an Internet encyclopedia.

Its All In the Family: Intersections of Gender, Race, and Nation

C. MacKinnon. Sex Equality, Foundation Press, 2001.
U. Narayan and S. Harding. Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial, and Feminist
World. Indiana U., 2000.


2013: University College Dublin, Ireland; Pomona College; Millersville U., Georgetown U.; U. of Missouri, Kansas
City; Brandeis U.

2012: Mississippi State U; U. of Northern Colorado; Ithaca College; U. of Vermont; Purdue U. University of Lund
(Sweden); Uppsala University (Sweden).

2011: Union Institute, Cincinnati, OH; Wellesley College; U. of North Carolina, Charlotte; U. of Richmond; U. of
St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN.; St. Mary's College; Colgate U.

2010: Virginia Tech. U; Towson St. U.; U. of Delaware.

2009: U. of New Mexico; Albuquerque Community College; U. of Edinburgh; London Metropolitan U.

2008: Harvard U; Simmons College; Bloomsburg U.

2007: DC Sociological Society; Johns Hopkins U.; Northwestern U.

2006: Coppin State U; U. of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Morgan State U.; Philadelphia Free Public Library; Simmons

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2005: Earlham College; Indiana U., Bloomington.

2004: U. of Tulsa; New York U.; Wheaton College; Rutgers U.; U.C. Santa Barbara; Santa Monica College; Eastern
Connecticut College; University of Utah; Pennsylvania Sociological Society; National Communications Association,

2003: Washington U.; St Louis; Brandeis U.; Emory U; Harvard Graduate School of Education.

2002: Bucknell U; Arcadia U; Boston College; George Mason U.; U. of Pennsylvania.

2000: College of Wooster; Calvin College; U. of Arkansas-Little Rock; Kent State U; North Carolina State-
Raleigh; U. of Kentucky-Lexington; U. of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Boston College.

1999: Florida Atlantic U; U. of Georgia-Athens; U. of Illinois-Chicago; Holy Cross College; Delta College; UCLA;
Ohio State; U. of Michigan-Ann Arbor; College of DuPage; Aurora College.

1998: Notre Dame; Virginia Tech; Greensboro College; U. of Iowa; Ohio Wesleyan; Pennsylvania State; Wayne
State; Detroit Mercy College.

1997: U. of Hawaii-Manoa; Hawaiian Sociological Association; U. of Seattle; U. of Nebraska-Lincoln; Ohio State;

U. of East London; U. of Colorado-Boulder and Colorado Springs; Vanderbilt.

1996: UCLA; U. of San Francisco; U. of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Colby College; Princeton.

1995: Franklin College; Purdue U; Dennison U.; Temple U.; St. Joseph's College; Swarthmore College; U. of
Pennsylvania; U. of Kansas; Oakland U-Rochester, MI; Vanderbilt; Lewis and Clark College; U. of Connecticut-
Stoors; College of Wooster; Earlham College; U. of South Carolina-Columbia; U. of Louisville; U. of North
Carolina-Greensboro; Wake Forest U.

1994: U. of Toledo; Michigan State U; Florida A&M U; Grinnell College; DePauw U; Syracuse U; U. of Alabama-

1993: Parkland College; Morehead State U; Millersville U; U. of Pennsylvania; Memphis State U; U. of Kentucky-
Lexington; Southern Connecticut State U; U. of Connecticut-Stamford; Indiana U-Bloomington; Florida
International U-Miami; U. of Maryland-Baltimore and College Park; U. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; U. of San
Francisco; Antioch College.

1992: U. of Louisville; U. of California-Santa Cruz; Stanford U; Northern Illinois U; Gettysburg College;

Pennsylvania State U; Lockhaven U; Morehead State U; Hamline U; U. of Michigan-Ann Arbor; DuPage College;
Smith College; Williams College.

1991: U. of New Orleans; Cleveland State U; U. of Kentucky-Midway; U. of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana;

Wellesley College; Brandeis U; Boston U; Miami U; Xavier College-Cincinnati; SUNY-Albany; Ohio Wesleyan U;
U. of Delaware; Oberlin College.

1990: Millersville U; Texas Womens U; Memphis State U; Smith College; Duke U; UCLA; U. of Minnesota.

1987-88: U. of Pennsylvania; Ohio State U; Yale U; U. of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Fitchburg State College; U. of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Tufts U.

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"Thinking Intersectionality" Symposium. Philosophy Dept., Michigan State U., 2013.

"Where Do We Go From Here" Opening Plenary Address, NWSA Conference, Oakland, CA 2012.

"Lost in Translation? " Plenary Address, Francophone conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, (in French) (2012).

"Lost in Translation? Black Feminism, Social Justice and Intersectionality." Plenary Address, Collegium of Black
Women Philosophers, Pennsylvania State U., 2012.

Keynote Address, "Rethinking the Modern: Colonialism, Empire, and Slavery" Conference, Birmingham, UK, 2011.

Keynote Address, "Colonial Legacies, Postcolonial Contestations?" Conference, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt,
Germany, 2011.

"Where Do We Go From Here? People of Color and Coalitions of Conscience." Keynote address, Alumni
Association of Color Conference, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, 2011.

"Intersectionality, Black Feminism and Social Justice." Plenary session honoring the career of Patricia Hill Collins.
Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, 2011.

"What Katrina Can Tell Us About Race, Class, and Gender in These United States." Invitational working
conference, Social Science Research Council, New York, 2010.

"Intersectionality and Social Justice." Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy, Montreal, 2010.

"Plenary Panel." Association for Black Sociologists, Atlanta, 2010.

The New Politics of Community. 2009 Presidential Address, American Sociological Assn. San Francisco, 2009.

The New Politics of Community. Keynote address, British Sociological Association, Cardiff, Wales, 2009.

Answering the Call to Service: Youth, Inequality, and the Obama Phenomenon. Southern Sociological Society,
New Orleans, 2009.

Winning Miss World: The Gendered Contradictions of Colorblind Racism. Plenary address, National Womens
Studies Association, Cincinnati, 2008.

The Future of Black Feminism. University of Diderot, Paris, France. 2008.

Finding Feminism: Black Women in the Hip Hop Generation. Keynote address, Gender Institute, University of
Oslo, Norway, 2006.

Racial Realignment: Colorblind Racism in a Global Context and Constructing Intersecting Systems of Power:
The Logic of Eugenics as Unifying Discourse. International Sociological Association, Durban, South Africa, 2006.

Moving Beyond the Logic of Segregated Space: Standpoint Epistemology, Intersectionality and Relational
Thinking. Keynote address, Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany,

Some Family Matters: Exploring the Rightward Shift in American Politics. Panelist. Presidential Plenary,
American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, 2005.
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W.E.B. Du Bois: Preeminent Public Sociologist. Panelist, Opening Presidential Plenary, American Sociological
Association, San Francisco, 2004.

African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism. Invited address at Women in the NAACP session at NAACP
national convention, Philadelphia, 2004.

Race and Gender in Global Context. Plenary, Race in 21st Century America, Michigan State U., 2003.

Black Feminism and Black Masculinity. Invitational working conferences on Progressive Black Masculinities,
State University of New York, Buffalo, School of Law, 2001 and 2002.

The Politics of Diversity: Issues and Challenges. Invited address, University Council for Educational
Administration, Cincinnati, 2001.

Black Feminism and New Visions of Freedom, panelist at Presidential Plenary session; and Fighting Words:
Author meets Critics, at American Sociological Association, Washington, DC, 2000.

Like One of the Family: Race, Ethnicity, and the Paradox of US National Identity. Ethnic and Racial Studies
Public Lecture. London School of Economics, 2000.

Activist Motherwork and Black Feminist Politics. Keynote address, Conference on Mothering in the African
Diaspora, York University, Toronto, 2000.

Invited panelist, African Americans: Research and Policy Perspectives at the Turn of the Century. Conference on
Race, Stanford University, November 1999.

Toward A Gendered Analysis of Black Political Economy. Invited talk, Conference on William E.B. DuBois and
Social Problems, University of Pennsylvania, March 1999.

Plenary address for Crossroads in Cultural Studies annual conference, Tampere, Finland, 1998.

Searching for Sojourner Truth. Presidential invited paper for American Educational Research Association, San
Diego, 1998.

Producing the Mothers of the Nation: Race, Class and U.S. Public Policy. Plenary address for National Council on
Family Relations, Washington, D.C., 1997.

The Tie That Binds: Intersectionality and Violence. Invited paper for conference on Rethinking Ethnic and Racial
Studies, London School of Economics, 1997.

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same: African-American Women and the New Politics of
Containment. Plenary address for the British Sociological Association, York, 1997.

Producing the Mothers of the Nation: The Logic of Eugenics and U.S. Population Policies. Invited paper for
conferences Women and Citizenship, Greenwich, UK, and The Body Politic, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1996.

The Problem Is Not Us: Black Identity Politics in an Era of Racial Retrenchment. Invited paper for conference on
Race, Power, and the Mind, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1996.

Is the Personal Political Enough? African-American Women and Feminist Praxis. Invited paper for conference on
Racisms and Feminisms: An International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1994.

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How Much Difference Is Too Much? Black Feminist Thought and the Politics of Postmodernist Discourse.
Plenary session on "Reconstructing the Political," American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, 1994.

Black Feminist Thought: Author Meets Critics. American Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, 1992.

Black Feminist Thought: Author Meets Critics. Society for the Study of Social Problems, Cincinnati, 1991.

Critical Questions: Two Decades of Feminist Scholarship. Opening plenary session, National Women's Studies
Association, Towson State University, 1989.

Reclaiming the Black Feminist Intellectual Tradition for African-American Studies. Plenary session, National
Council for Black Studies, Philadelphia, 1988.


a. Course Taught

University of Maryland: Department of Sociology: Graduate Courses: Critical Race Theory; Contemporary Social
Theory; Sociology of Knowledge; Race, Gender and Nationalism; Intersectionality. Undergraduate Courses:
Sociology of Black Activism; Public Sociology.

University of Cincinnati: Department of African American Studies: The Black Family; Topics in Black Family Life;
Sociology of the Black Community I: Racism and Activism; Sociology of the Black Community II: The Politics of
Black Culture; Sociology of the Black Community III: Social Issues in the Black Community; Seminar in Black
Community Development; Urban Black Community Development; Contemporary Black Woman; Research in
African American Studies; Black Womens Political Theory; Gender and Black Nationalism; Gender and Black
Political Economy; Seminar in Black Sexual Politics; Introduction to Black Gender Studies; Senior Capstone
Seminar in African American Studies; African American Social and Political Thought.

University of Cincinnati: Women's Studies Graduate Program: Women and Diversity; Feminist Scholarship in the
Social Sciences; Special Topics in Race, Gender, and Class; Special Topics in Race, Gender, and Nationalism;
Gender and Intersectionality; Black Women and the Politics of Sexuality.

Other Teaching Experience: Northern Kentucky University (1981-82); Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science
(1981); Salem State College (1980-81); Tufts University (1976-80); Cambridge Goddard Institute for Social Change
(1977); Boston College (1976); Antioch Graduate Program (1976 and 1973). Courses taught: Social Organization;
Introductory Sociology; Third World Women in America; The Black Woman in America; The Black Family; Social
Studies Education; Curriculum Development for Urban Schools.


American Sociological Association Council Member, Section on Sex and Gender, 1988-
President-elect (2007-2008); President (2008-2009); 91.
Past President (2009-2010). Task Force on the Minority Fellowship Program,
2005 Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee. 1986-89.
2004 Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee. Council, Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities,
Council, 1994-97. Council liaison, Committee on the 1986-89.
Status of Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Chair, Minority Fellowship Program Committee,
Committee on Employment. 1986-88.
Committee on Nominations, 1988-90. Minority Fellowship Program Committee, 1985-86.
Minority Opportunity Summer Training Program Nominating Committee, Section on Sex and Gender,
(MOST) Advisory Committee, 1989-93. 1985-86.

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Community Board Service Board of Directors, Progressive Repertory Company
Alumni Council, Harvard University Graduate School of Cincinnati, 1982-83.
of Education. Elected to a 4 year term, 1992-96.
Board of Directors, Great Rivers Girl Scouts Council, Other Service
1991-94. Second Vice President, 1992-94. International Benchmarking Review of UK
Advisory Board, Project on Equal Education Rights, Sociology, Economic & Social Research Council,
NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, 2009.
1992-94. Directors Advisory Council. Womens Studies
Board of Directors, Women Helping Women, 1983- Program, Brandeis University, 2004-present.

i. Editorial Activities

Editorial board, Critical Philosophy of Race, Editorial board, Feminist Theory, 1998-2004.
2013-present Editorial board, Contemporary Sociology, 1997-98.
Editorial board, Social Problems, 2002-present. Associate editor, Gender and Society, 1989-93.
Advisory board, Social Forces, 2004-present. Editorial board, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture
International Advisory Board, Ethnicities, 1999- and Society, 1989-91.
present. Editorial board, Teaching Sociology, 1989-91.
Editorial board, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Editorial board, NWSA Journal, 1987-89.
1995-present. Reviewer of manuscripts for National Journal of
Editorial board, Feminist Economics, 1994-2011. Sociology; Urban Resources; Social Science
Editorial board, Race & Society, 1999-2004. Quarterly; Theoretical Sociology; The American
Managing editor. Encyclopedia of Race & Racism. Sociologist; American Sociological Review;
2004-2007. Political Research Quarterly; Sociological
Editorial board, Contexts, 2004-2007. Theory; Work, Gender & Organizations.

ii. Audio and Visual Media Participation

Nationally Broadcast Radio Interviews, Black Sexual Politics. Bev Smith Show, 2/27/04; Tavis Smiley Show
3/1/04; Cliff Kelley Show, 3/2/04; Tom Pope Show, 3/17/04; Barney McCain Show, 4/1/04.
Interview, Ida B. Wells-Barnett. WBAI, New York, 7/16/03.
Guest, Ida B. Wells-Barnetts On Lynching. Pursuit of Justice, WHAT, Phila. Pa.7/20/02.
Guest, Black Feminism and Black Studies. Straight Talk Live, WIZ, 3/2000.
Panelist, Black Women and the Vote. Straight Talk Live, WIZ radio, 10/1995.
Panelist, The Meaning of Malcolm X. Talk of the Nation, National Public Radio, 11/23/92.
Guest, African-Americans, Ethics, and Technology. Black Memo, Channel 9, Cincinnati, 1991.

iii. Membership in Professional Associations

American Sociological Association; Association of Black Sociologists; Society for the Study of Social Problems;
Sociologists for Women in Society; Eastern Sociological Society; Society for Phenomenology and Existential


DuQuesne University. Pittsburgh, PA. Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letter, to be conferred, 2014.

Brandeis University. Waltham, MA. Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize for scholarly excellence and contribution to
racial, ethnic, and/or religious relations, 2013.
Arcadia College. Philadelphia, PA. Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters, 2012.

Harvard Graduate School of Education. Alumni of Color Conference, Alumni Achievement Award , 2011.

John Jay College of Criminal Justice. New York, NY. Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters, 2009.

University of Maryland, Department of Sociology. Morris Rosenberg Award for Student Mentorship, 2009.

American Sociological Association. Distinguished Publication Award for Black Sexual Politics, 2007.

YWCA of Cincinnati, OH. Career Woman of Achievement Award, 1993.

Scholarly Awards for Black Feminist Thought, first edition:

1. American Sociological Association, Jessie Bernard Award for significant scholarship in the area of gender, 1993.
Honorable mention for Distinguished Publication Award at 1993 ceremony.
2. Society for the Study of Social Problems, C. Wright Mills Award, 1991.
3. Association for Women in Psychology, distinguished publication award, 1991.
4. Association of Black Women Historians, Letitia Woods Brown Memorial Book Prize, 1991.

University of Cincinnati. Faculty of the Year Award, Univ. of Cincinnati Tenth Annual Black Caucus Ball, 1991;
Emphasis on Diversity Award, Racial Awareness Pilot Project, University of Cincinnati, 1989; Black Arts Festival
Award for outstanding service to African American students, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1983.

ii. Fellowships and Visiting Professorships

Myron and Margaret Winegarden Visiting Professorship. University of Michigan, Flint, Department of Philosophy,
Spring 2005.

Bryan University Chair, Visiting Professorship. University of Kentucky, Lexington, Womens Studies and African
American Studies, 2002-2003.

Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorship. University of Bristol, United Kingdom, Department of Sociology and the
Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, January and June 2002.

NEH Summer Seminar. Nationalism and Modernity. Duke University, 1996.

Presidential Professor of Womens Studies and Afro-American and African Studies. Fall 1994, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Stanford University. Fellowship awarded 1994. Year of
residency to be scheduled.

American Association for the Advancement of Science. Selected from national competition to attend the Workshop
on Values and Ethical Issues in Science and Technology for Minority Scholars. Proposal: Women of Color and
New Reproductive Technologies, 1991.

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