Aerospace Ansys Solution
Aerospace Ansys Solution
Aerospace Ansys Solution
ANSYS software offers many
features for performing fatigue
calculations and presenting
analysis data.
ANSYS Solutions is published for ANSYS, Inc. customers, partners and others interested in the field of design and analysis applications.
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2006 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Developing Greater Insight into Designs
Design of experiments and variational technology let users get a handle on
mind-boggling assortments of complex variables.
Recent Announcements
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Upcoming Events
ANSYS, Inc. Expands Relationship with AREVA
Offshore Technology Conference
ANSYS, Inc. and AREVA, a global leader in energy, May 1 4
have signed a three-year worldwide corporate Houston, TX USA
agreement, expanding the companies long-term
relationship and allowing for more efficient access to
simulation technology and better coordination of the ASME Turbo Expo 2006
use of this technology across the AREVA enterprise. May 8 11
Under the agreement, AREVA will apply ANSYS Barcelona, Spain
simulation software to design optimization solutions
for a wide variety of equipment used in AREVAs
5th World Congress of Biomechanics
nuclear projects.
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ATI Embraces 64-bit Operating System and Leads
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August 6 11
As a technology leader in the workstation graphics Heidelberg, Germany
market, ATI Technologies Inc. is dedicated to
developing and supporting key industry transitions, combustion2006/index.php
such as the movement to 64-bit computing to enable
a more highly developed experience for end users. CFD for Nuclear Reactor Safety
As the complexity of design and content creation September 5 7
grows exponentially, the movement to 64-bit Munich, Germany
computing will open up new opportunities for
index.html ANSYS Solutions | Volume 7, Issue 2 2006
Industry Spotlight
Aerospace Systems
Engineering simulation is an integral part of the development
process for critical components and major subsystems
on todays aircraft from nose to tail.
Engineering firm Raetech used ANSYS Workbench to analyze the riveted wing spar assembly of a T-34 aircraft under a range
of loading conditions (left). The simulation determined stresses and fatigue life at the inner and outer panels (right), proving
an adequate design when flown within the stated limits.
Then the automatic o-grid function is used to capture strain gage results, the FAA allowed the fleet back into
the boundary layer, and the aircraft block faces the air with a revised maintenance schedule, including
are extruded as swept or structured boundary spar carry-through eddy current crack checks.
layer blocks.
The end result is a quick and virtually automatic State-of-the-Art Structural Analysis
hybrid mesh consisting of high-quality hexa or Aerospace engineers use a wide range of CAE tools in
hexa-dominant boundary layers surrounded by an analyzing aircraft structural characteristics such as
unstructured hexa or tetra mesh. Hybrid mesh really stiffness, stress, strength, fatigue and vibration.
means all the right mesh in the right place, with fewer Advanced technologies from ANSYS include software
nodes and better resolution. for performing studies on design sensitivity to multiple
complex variables, for optimizing designs and for
Keeping Vintage Planes in the Air developing robust designs that meet Design for Six
Even aircraft that developed long before CAE software Sigma standards.
was available can benefit from todays advanced The software has special modeling capabilities
simulation technology. Case in point is the beloved for representing composite materials so prevalent in
World War IIera T-34 propeller-driven plane, still in use airspace applications. Linear dynamics problems
for pilot training and aerobatics. ranging from modal analysis and random vibration to
In December 2004, the FAA grounded the entire specific applications like rotor dynamics all can be
fleet of about 500 aircraft due to a catastrophic failure solved with ANSYS software tools. Large aircraft
stemming from metal fatigue in the lower spar carry- structures can take advantage of advanced
through structure. Detailed analysis of the complex capabilities such as component mode synthesis
riveted assembly was subsequently performed using (CMS). Bird strikes, explosions, aircraft crashes and
ANSYS Workbench by engineering firm Raetech other high-impact events are simulated effectively
Corporation on behalf of General Aviation Modification with ANSYS tools. Current development plans include
Inc. and the T-34 owners association. motion simulation and rebar modeling to more
The simulation determined stress fields with effectively model landing gear with tires and other
various rivet conditions and revealed a high stress similar challenging problems.
concentration near the spars innermost rivet hole at
the exact point of failure. The supplied stress fields
guided strain gage placement and crack-growth
analysis. Based on the correlation between FEA and
8 ANSYS excels in handling coupled physics or efficiency. Since the topology is usually similar
applications that are common in the aerospace within a class, a large number of design iterations are
industry. Thermal stress analysis is now routinely done achieved through a focus on automation.
with ANSYS tools and is very important in developing The mesh quality has been shown to have signifi-
gas turbine technology. ANSYS has partnered with cant effect on the analysis accuracy. Structured hexa
companies such as LMS International in solving the mesh usually is preferred for bladed components,
coupled physics involved in aero-acoustics while combustors and other complicated shapes are
problems. For studying the effects of the airflow on the more efficiently captured with a hybrid approach.
aircraft structure, engineers routinely map temperature Companies like GE Global Research and GE Aircraft
or pressure results from CFD analysis as boundary Engines have found that the ANSYS ICEM CFD
conditions for FEA analysis. structured hexa mesher offers unique features with
all the required capability and flexibility. The company
Flutter and Fatigue has made it an integral part of their automated
ANSYS software is well suited to studying CAE process.
phenomena such as aero-flutter that require Through years of extensive work in this field,
including the effects of two-way fluid structure ANSYS has become a world leader in engine design
interactions. All aircraft vibrate and deform due to optimization, particularly for rotating machinery.
aerodynamic loads, but in some cases there are The design cycle can be greatly reduced with a
concerns that the deformation may increase the combination of focused CAD and simulation
aerodynamic forces, which could then amplify technologies for advanced fluid dynamics, body
vibration. This so-called flutter can lead to dynamics, stress analysis and thermal simulation.
dangerously excessive stress and fatigue. Specialized tools such as ANSYS BladeModeler and
The two-way FSI approach requires solving ANSYS TurboGrid streamline the analysis process
structural motion equations simultaneously with and aid the connection between CFD and FEA
equations of fluid flow. The solvers need to work analyses. ANSYS Workbench optimization or FSI tools
together to exchange energy between the air and the can help develop the best possible combinations of
vibrating structure. As the geometry flexes, the mesh design elements.
will need morphing or remeshing between time steps.
For two-way FSI, ANSYS software offers the Relying on an Industry Leader
significant advantage of being a single-source ANSYS technology is widely used by aerospace
provider so users need not string together CFD, FEA OEMs and suppliers in the development of a broad
and meshing codes from different vendors (usually range of critical components and complex systems
with the help of a fourth vendor to manage the com- for aircraft in the air today as well as those in the
munication among the other codes). This enables conceptual stages of design.
more implicit coupling between the codes that allows Engineers rely on analysis as an indispensable
for faster, more robust simulations. tool in their work. Aerospace companies continue
Aerospace FSI is still on the fringe, but academic to trust ANSYS, as they have for decades, in
research groups such as one at the University of providing advanced simulation software for meeting
Colorado are working with corporate and military the ever-increasing demands of developing aircraft
research groups to apply FSI in a variety of aerospace and other aerospace products. These aerospace
applications. companies go with ANSYS as a technology leader and
reliable partner because there is little room for error in
High-Performance Propulsion Systems this industry, either in design or business strategy. I
ANSYS also has been closely involved with turbine
and rocket engine design for many years. Engine
design is more constrained than airframe design.
Engineers look for small changes that improve power
In the last issue of ANSYS Solutions, we reviewed result). Results that are common to both types of fatigue
decisions required to perform a stress life or strain life analysis are listed below:
fatigue analysis and covered supported features of Fatigue life
the ANSYS Fatigue Module with respect to input Fatigue damage at a specified design life
quantities. This follow-up article deals with fatigue
calculation types and ways of displaying results
Fatigue factor of safety at a specified design life
available in the ANSYS Fatigue Module. Stress biaxiality
Fatigue sensitivity chart
Types of Results Rainflow matrix output (beta for strain life at 10.0)
Just as some input decisions change depending on Damage matrix output (beta for strain life at 10.0)
whether youre performing a stress life or a strain life
analysis, calculations and results can be dependent on The results that are available only for stress life are:
the type of fatigue analysis. Results can range from Equivalent alternating stress
contour plots of a specific result over the whole model
to information about the most damaged point in the
The results that are available only for strain life are:
model (or the most damaged point in the scope of the
Hysteresis (beta at 10.0)
Stress biaxiality
ANSYS software provides a complete set of By Achuth Rao
Product Manager
tools for modeling complex materials behavior. ANSYS, Inc.
Figure 3. Stress results in the interface layer using the cohesive zone
material model (left) and comparison with a reference solution (right)
ANSYS Workbench Materials Database extensively by the aerospace and defense industries)
and the NIST Lead-Free Solder Database (pertinent to
MatWeb materials property database ANSYS
All engineering materials contain flaws such as inclu- A critical-size crack can cause a catastrophic fracture
sions, porosity, lack of weld fusion and pitting. These failure, even at low stresses below the yield strength.
defects can cause cracks to form and grow over time Using fracture mechanics methods, a crack can
in many types of structures, so crack evaluation is be evaluated by utilizing the stress intensity at the
important in petroleum, chemical, power generation, crack front to determine if it is benign or requires
aerospace, mechanical and civil structure applications. repair. This feature also can be used to compute how
quickly the crack will grow. Computing the crack
fracture condition and fatigue life allows for an efficient
inspection and repair schedule, reducing risk and
cost. Computing the critical crack size verifies that
inspection methods will be able to find the crack while
it is still smaller than the critical size to cause fracture.
Figure 1. Uncracked
set-in nozzle mesh;
the crack will be
located at the internal
shell to nozzle weld.
Figure 2. A definition mesh (left) specifies the shape and location of the 3-D crack mesh (right).
Accurate crack stress intensity values, KI, are When a variety of crack sizes and locations are to
crucial for a thorough crack evaluation. Stress intensity be examined, the effort to generate each new crack
solutions are available from handbooks and literature mesh must be repeated. More complicated
for many basic geometries and crack locations. geometries with numerous possible crack locations
However, modeling the actual crack location and prohibit tables of stress intensity values to be
orientation in a complicated geometry is important for computed for all possible cases. Instead, the stress
obtaining accurate crack stress intensity values. intensity needs to be computed for a given crack
location and size.
Time-Consuming Modeling Tasks
When an existing stress intensity solution that FEA-Crack Software
matches the structure geometry and crack location is These time-consuming modeling difficulties led to the
not readily available, finite element analysis of 3-D development of Structural Reliability Technologys
cracks provides a way to compute the crack front FEA-Crack software to generate the 3-D crack
stress intensity. But creating 3-D crack meshes in meshes quickly and easily. The software feature allows
complex 3-D geometries can involve difficult and cracks at any location to be analyzed routinely.
time-consuming tasks. Collapsed brick elements Having an easy-to-use method for quickly
must be generated along the crack front along with generating 3-D crack mesh input files within an
concentric rings of elements around the crack front for arbitrary shape volume is needed to efficiently
the spider-web mesh pattern. Cracks following compute the crack front stress intensity at any location
curved surfaces take even more attention in more within complicated structures. The approach uses a
complicated geometries. Node sets along the crack grid mesh of brick elements extracted from the larger
front all must be listed correctly for the J-integral structure model to define an arbitrary shape volume
calculation. Crack plane symmetry constraints and with six surfaces around the crack location. The
crack face loads must be applied properly. And finally, definition mesh volume has six surfaces to match the
J-integral and stress intensity results must be shape of the preliminary 3-D crack mesh. The 3-D
extracted correctly. crack mesh is generated by FEA-Crack within the
Figure 3. On this nozzle mesh, a definition mesh (left) indicates where a crack mesh is to be inserted (center) and then connected with
bonded contact elements (right).
Platinum Sponsor
FEGV shapes
This fan was designed for a new advanced CFD calculation of the fan stage was performed and,
turbo-jet engine. Inlet guide vanes (IGV) and FEGV as a result of this calculation, an unsteady pressure
were scaled by 20 percent to decrease the size of the difference between the pressure and suction surfaces
analysis domain. The resulting domain contained one was found on the vane mid-surface. Then the pressure
fan blade passage, two FEGV passages and four IGV difference on the mid-surface was exposed to Fourier
passages. The grid model consisted of approximately transformation. The distribution of the single blade
1.5 million nodes. Four different geometries of the exit passing frequency (BPF) amplitude along the vane
guide vanes were investigated. mid-surface was calculated for all geometry variants.
The radial design (no lean angle) was selected as Area-averaged amplitudes of dimensionless
the initial geometry. Vanes with 20-degree and pressure difference for the first four BPF harmonics
30-degree lean angles were chosen as the second and were calculated. Amplitudes of the second to the
the third geometries, respectively. The vane with a fourth harmonics, for the fourth geometry, were
curvilinear axis along the vane height was used as the reduced by 30 to 40 percent in comparison to initial
fourth geometry type. geometry. This corresponds to an estimated reduction
All CFD calculations were performed using of the noise levels due to the rotor-stator interaction in
ANSYS CFX (CFX-5.6) since this software solution the source region by 4.5 dB for the second harmonic
provides good results for unsteady flows. An unsteady and by 3 dB for the fourth harmonic.
Area-averaged amplitude of unsteady pressure difference Relative efficiency of four variants of FEGV
Tsuchiya N., Nakamura Y., Goto S., Kodama H., Nozaki O.,
Nishizawa T., Yamamoto K.: Low Noise FEGV Designed by
Numerical Method Based on CFD, ASME, Turbo-Expo 2004,
Total pressure at FEGV outlet
Ulrich Rohde, Thomas Hhne and Sren Kliem Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR) is a publicly
Institute for Safety Research funded research organization and an institute member
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf Inc., Germany of the Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft G. W. Leibniz
consortium for utilizing basic research in practical
applications. One of six institutes within the FZR, the
Institute for Safety Research performs research on
the assessment and improvement of technical
infrastructures. Its focus is on nuclear reactors,
including thermo-hydraulic and neutron kinetic code
development and verification for nuclear safety
analysis, investigation of thermo-hydraulic effects,
development of measurement techniques, material
research, simulation of radiation fields, mechanical
integrity of technical systems, and process control.
FZR has 10 years of experience using ANSYS
CFX software for nuclear reactor applications and,
more recently, chemical process simulations. These
CFD activities are very closely connected to experi-
mental investigations at facilities in the institute. Using
advanced two-phase flow measurement techniques, a
comprehensive database for CFD code verification is
being created. Thus, in addition to single-phase flow
nuclear reactor engineering applications, CFD can be
used for development and verification of physical
models for two-phase flows. FZR is participating in the
German initiative on CFD applications in nuclear
reactor safety research in close cooperation with the
Gesellschaft fr Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS,
the leading German nuclear safety expert organization)
and ANSYS, Inc. The institute has set aside a
ANSYS CFX results for the start-up of the first pump after 9s. significant portion of FZRs 100-processor Linux
The mixing scalar represents the dimensionless boron cluster for its group of young and highly motivated
concentration or temperature for a pump start-up scenario. CFD scientists.
Time-dependent tracer distribution of the buoyancy-driven Plateau-averaged mixing scalar in the downcomer of the Acrylic model of the reactor
mixing experiment and calculation at an indicated local pressure vessel at azimuthal positions, in which all loops pressure vessel
position of the cold leg are in operation with the nominal flow rate (185 m?/h per
loop) and tracer is injected into one loop. The result is a
sector formation of the tracer in the downcomer in the
corresponding quadrant.
One of the difficult tasks facing engineers is the and objectives become ever more challenging, so do
optimization of gas turbine compressor design in order the simulation demands, pushing future analysis to
to improve performance. The axial compressor is a include more and more of the entire machine in one
major module in a gas turbine; the turbines overall simultaneous simulation. The goals of this project
performance depends strongly on compressor were to learn how to best approach the analysis of all
performance. Siemens AG Power Generation has 15 stages of the compressor, considering a variety of
used CFD extensively to improve the compressor modeling options and choices.
design, leading to performance improvement and cost This work was quite challenging as the simula-
reduction. Recently, ANSYS CFX software was used tions included tip gaps, mass bleeds and hub leakage
to analyze the 3-D flow through a 15-stage axial com- flows; they ranged from a single passage to full
pressor (first-family prototype version of the Siemens 360-degree analysis. Within the CFD simulations,
V84.3A axial compressor), all in one computation. To various effects were considered: mesh style and
the best of our knowledge, this is the first time in CFD refinement, boundary conditions, steady or transient
history that such work has been performed using a analysis and tip clearance, as well as numerical issues
commercial multi-purpose CFD package. including turbulence models and advection models,
Traditional analysis of axial compressors involves among others. The total number of nodes used for the
isolated blade passage analysis, single-stage entire simultaneous analysis of the flow through the
(rotor-stator) analysis and, sometimes, multi-stage inlet guide vane (IGV) plus 15 stages (31 components,
analysis (two or more stages). As the design demands single passage) was approximately 640K and
Overview of the mesh for the 15-stage one-passage analysis (6.2 million nodes)
Mass and momentum convergence history for the 6.2 million- Predicted outlet total pressure convergence history for the
node mesh, single passage. The simulation converged in about 6.2 million-node mesh, single passage
120 iterations for this very large problem.
ANSYS CFX turbopost functions automatically create blade-to-blade and (circumferentially averaged) meridional plots.
Instantaneous static pressure on a mid-span Comparison between predicted and experi- Local profile developments of the total pressure
surface of the 360-degree middle portion of mental static pressure on the shroud. The axial from the hub to shroud, plotted at various axial
the compressor (five stages). This solution position 0 corresponds to the inlet of the guide locations
is still evolving. ANSYS CFX was able to vane, while position 1 is the outlet of the 15th
accurately perform this very large simulation stator. Pref corresponds to the static pressure
using parallel capabilities. at the last casing measurement point.
Transient simulations can provide more accurate compressor are possible and practical using
results than steady state simulations (for example, at the standard version of ANSYS CFX.
off-design conditions) but at an additional computa- Accurate predictions of overall performance,
tional cost. The calculations were performed in parallel including pressure rise and efficiency, can be
using a variety of computing configurations and types obtained.
(HP Itanium, HP-PARISC, AMD Opteron, network Leakage flows can be modeled in ANSYS
clusters and MP systems).
CFX. The stator leakage flows introduce
additional losses primarily due to boundary
layer disturbance, causing local regions of
In conclusion, a number of simulations were reverse flow.
performed to analyze the flow through an entire A number of best practice recommendations
15-stage axial compressor. These simulations have were determined as a result of this work,
shown: which generally should be applicable for such
ANSYS CFX provided accurate simulation large-scale axial compressor simulations.
of flow through the entire axial compressor.
Simulations with large meshes up to 32 million For more information on this project, see the
nodes were used. proceedings of the 2005 ASME Turbo Expo,
Single passage steady state (stage) and tran- June 6 9, 2005, papers GT2005-68261 and GT2005-
sient CFD analysis of a complete 15-stage 68262. These are available at I
McKelvey Lake Dam is a 77-foot-high concrete arch Exhaustive work also is needed in creating
structure with a crest length of approximately 350 feet. numerous computer models and running a wide range
The structure forms a water reservoir with a maximum of individual simulations to thoroughly analyze all
storage capacity of 4,345 acre-feet in Mahoning interrelated variables. As a result, performing an
County, Ohio. To ensure that repeated freezethaw accurate evaluation one that often includes
cycles had not compromised the integrity of the information requested by state and federal regulators
dam for increased flood loads, the dam owner and usually is a time-consuming and costly process.
operator retained URS Corporation to perform a
comprehensive structural stability evaluation. URS is Studies Performed
considered a world leader in dam engineering, design To evaluate the structural behavior of McKelvey Lake
analysis and safety. Dam for normal as well as unusual (such as flood)
As is traditional with dams of this type, the initial loading conditions, URS modeled the concrete
phases of a structural analysis would include dam and a significant portion of foundation rock using
extensive field investigations to collect concrete and 3-D FEA (Figure 1). The precision of the analysis
foundation rock samples for laboratory testing. depends directly on mesh refinement as well as the
Because engineers are unaware at project start-up assumptions used to represent material behavior in
which structural parameters are most important, a the concrete dam and foundation rock.
large number of physical samples must be collected To verify that the FEA model in the studies is
and tested: a time-consuming and costly process, sufficiently refined and that adding elements would not
especially for dams located in remote areas. significantly change analysis results, URS performed
several mesh sensitivity studies with ANSYS Results of the studies were displayed in response
DesignXplorer VT. The URS studies included varying surface plots (Figure 3). Plots are read easily and assist
the size and number of elements in the dam and engineers in understanding which parameters have
foundation and evaluating the deflection and stress the greatest effect on the behavior of the model.
results. Results (Figure 2) indicate that the model used Overall, the parametric evaluations of the foundation
for these studies is sufficiently refined to assure that strengths showed that the dam has adequate
the results are not dependent on mesh refinement. capability of redistributing loads for a large range of
Several parametric studies also were performed assumed foundation material properties.
using ANSYS DesignXplorer VT to evaluate the effects The rock foundation at McKelvey Lake Dam
that varying concrete and foundation moduli would has a primary joint set with closely spaced horizontal
have on the overall stability results. The software uses bedding planes, which may result in the foundation
variational technology to determine the impact of of the dam having different horizontal and vertical
multiple parameters on overall structural performance strengths. This behavior of the foundation was
using a single finite element solution. Results are simulated using orthotropic material assumptions,
provided in various formats, including response available in the ANSYS program. Several parametric
surface plots that provide insight into design behavior studies were performed using ANSYS DesignXplorer
that otherwise would be difficult to generate using VT, varying the orthotropic material property assump-
individual single analysis runs. The URS studies varied tions of the foundation to evaluate the effect on
the concrete modulus from 2 million to 4 million the dams behavior. The results from these studies
pounds per square inch. Similarly, the foundation indicated that the stability of the dam is most
deformation modulus was varied from 100,000 to 1.6 susceptible to the horizontal shear strength of the
million pounds per square inch, and the effective foundation material (that is, shear resistance along
friction angle (used to estimate the shear strength) of the horizontal discontinuities).
the concrete/foundation interface was varied from 40
to 60 degrees.
Based on the studies, a refined field investigation Running a series of studies for a variety of
was performed for the purpose of verifying the parameter assumptions also enabled engineers to
assumption used in the analysis. The results from the generate results showing the impact of a range of
field investigation and laboratory testing program what-if questions typically asked by state and federal
indicate that the material strengths of the concrete regulators. For example, if finite element mesh density
and foundation rock are within the range used in the were refined, how would analysis results change? If
sensitivity analysis. foundation strength were less than assumed, how
would the structure respond? If concrete in the dam
Benefits of the Solution were weaker than assumed, how would structural
The results from these sensitivity studies helped to behavior change?
reduce the cost of the project and gave project Sensitivity analysis with ANSYS DesignXplorer VT
engineers greater insight into the performance allowed engineers to efficiently evaluate these and
of the dam. By seeing the effect of a wide range of other scenarios before submitting results to regulators.
foundation strengths, engineers were able to narrow Providing this level of supporting detail in an under-
the scope of field investigations, thus saving standable format gives regulators greater confidence
considerable time and cost on the project. in a studys conclusions and thus avoids unnecessary
delays in the approval process. I
Understanding Beam Elements
Knowing the differences between earlier and later generation
elements in ANSYS is the key to proper usage.
Generating Response Surfaces
in ANSYS DesignXplorer
Response surfaces are a key element in the three design (CCD) is used to locate the design
types of complex studies of product behavior points based on the range of input variables in
performed by ANSYS DesignXplorer. Goal-driven the most efficient manner.
optimization seeks optimal designs that satisfy one or
3) ANSYS DesignXplorer then solves the
several criteria, such as minimizing weight and
automatic design points, which involves
deflection. Six Sigma analysis accounts for scatter
varying the input parameters and retrieving
in input variables such as material properties or
the calculated output parameters.
operating conditions, and results are expressed as
probabilities. Robust design combines both of these 4) Once the input and corresponding output
aspects by determining how to change certain input parameter values are known, ANSYS
variables to control the uncertainty in the results, ulti- DesignXplorer performs a regression analysis
mately to achieve more predictable, reliable designs. to generate the response surfaces. A some-
In these studies, ANSYS DesignXplorer quickly what over-simplified, yet useful, description of
arrives at a range of results that otherwise would be the regression analysis is that it is a sophisti-
impractical to generate using individual analysis runs. cated curve-fitting of the output parameters.
To allow users to readily visualize these results, CCD provides the location of the design
DesignXplorer uses response surfaces to establish a points, and a quadratic polynomial is used for
mathematical relationship between input and output the regression model. One may note that a
parameters and as a basis for performing subsequent second-order polynomial may not always
optimization or probabilistic studies. provide a good approximation of the
Several steps are performed in ANSYS relationship of input and output parameters.
DesignXplorer to generate response surfaces: Hence, a Yeo-Johnson transformation is
automatically performed on the output
1) The user specifies input and output param-
parameters yi as follows:
eters. For example, this may involve specifying
the range or the probabilistic distribution of an
input variable (such as a geometric dimension)
and identifying what output variables ANSYS
DesignXplorer should track (such as the
maximum stress of a given region).
2) Based on the number of input parameters,
ANSYS DesignXplorer then automatically
determines how many solutions (called
automatic design points) need to be solved
for using a design-of-experiment (DOE)
method. Specifically, central composite
Managing Simulation Information
as a Corporate Asset
PLM provides a way to readily store, access and By Ed Miller
leverage analysis results and work processes. CIMdata Inc.
Part of a companys valuable specifications, change orders and other critical data.
intellectual capital is repre- PLM forms the product information backbone for a
sented by simulation results company by supporting the collaborative creation,
and the processes that go management, dissemination and reuse of product
into analysis: versions of soft- definition information across the extended enterprise
ware used, how problems from concept to end of life. It provides a central
were set up, iterations per- repository for data so people at dispersed locations
formed, decisions made, share ideas, collaborate more effectively, and access
approvals, workflow, respon- information they need, when they need it. Simulation
sible parties, etc. This infor- processes and data must be incorporated into a
mation should be carefully companys PLM strategy to integrate its people more
managed to document the fully into the overall product lifecycle.
project, make it available for reuse later and, possibly, In this way, PLM can enable more effective
form the basis for establishing consistent and retrieval of simulation data and processes in industries
time-saving best practices. that require regulatory compliance and at any
Unfortunately, at most companies much of this company subject to product liabilities and
valuable simulation information is never properly warranty claims. The approach provides a means of
archived. Often, it is destroyed or lost at the end of the standardizing simulation processes across an
project, buried in obscure files or locked away in enterprise, thus saving time in performing analysis and
someones head. So when data is needed later, enforcing consistent best practices. PLM also can
considerable time must be spent looking up files or ensure that engineers and analysts working on simula-
laboriously reconstructing them. Even within the same tion projects are using up-to-date design revisions and
project, simulation executed in the early conceptual that they can more easily retrieve the loading condi-
stages may be long forgotten when problems tions, part specifications, performance requirements
occur near the end of development or after products and other data needed to perform the simulations.
are manufactured. In the worst case, this critical Benefits like these are far-reaching, but
information may be lost forever when the originator companies must do more than merely save the entire
leaves the company or is otherwise unavailable. Some vast amounts of raw data generated by simulation.
forward-thinking simulation software providers Extraneous and irrelevant files must be filtered out,
support capabilities for automatic report generation and remaining information must be appropriately
and capturing analysis processes. But many organized. The analysts and engineers who create
companies have no formal system in place for such information and work routinely with it are in
efficiently archiving this information and replicating the best position to advise and direct those in charge
the processes across the enterprise. of their organizations PLM initiatives on the best way
The impact of not managing simulation data and to blend simulation into the product definition.
related processes can be significant. Without this Companies that take the lead integrating simulation
information, there is no straightforward audit trail to into PLM in this manner will undoubtedly have a
prove how analyses were performed. Also, there are tremendous competitive advantage in the decades to
no recorded procedures for subsequent similar proj- come as the role of simulation continues to expand as
ects, forcing analysts to waste time re-inventing the a critical element throughout the product lifecycle. I
wheel. Problems with inefficiency and inconsistency
are magnified when analysts and engineers in different
locations have no system for exchanging simulation CIMdata Inc. (, 734.668.9922) is an
data or standardizing their work processes. independent consulting firm working with both industrial
A companys product lifecycle management organizations and suppliers of PLM-related technologies and
(PLM) strategy should address these issues by services. The company also conducts research, provides
providing an effective way to manage simulation subscription services, produces several commercial
information as part of the overall product definition, publications and offers industry education throughout North
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