PNats/County Emails On Stadium Deal
PNats/County Emails On Stadium Deal
PNats/County Emails On Stadium Deal
com >
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2017 12:07 AM
To: Scoble, Matthew
Cc: Principi, Frank J.;; 'Silber, Seth'
Subject: board showing P-Nats stadium in color
Matt: Great job coordinating the event on Thursday night. the board displaying the new color
Can you please bring
rendering of the stadium to the Board meetings on Tuesday (2pm and 7:30pm)? And do you have an easelfor it as
well? lf not, I could bring an easel.
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trom: Principi, Frank J.
Sent: Thursday, June 29,2017 2:36 PM
To: 'Silber, Seth'; 'Tom Sebastian'
Cc: Scoble, Matthew
Subject: Bond lnsurance
The dialogue with Marsh is on-going and they are working with Assured to determine their interest
in the stadium. Very preliminary at this point. If/when we get feedback, we will schedule a
conference call, See here for more: Thanks!
Frank ]. Principi
Supervisor, Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703)792-4646
NewWoodbridse I Facebook I Twitter I Updates
From: Tom Sebastian < >
Are you available to talk at 11:L5? Any time would work for me. We are meeting with the staff at Noon
703-635-4819 cell
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From: Tom Sebastia n (Contractor) <tsebastian @j bg'com >
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From: Tom Sebastian < >
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 11:00 AM
To: Principi, Frank J.; Silber, Seth;
Cc: Johnson, Bertha
Subject: dial in number for 1 1:30 call
Tom Sebastian I
Senior Vice President, Development
The JBG Companies@
4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815
30t.657.7344 direct | 240,333,3600 main | 240.333.3620 fax
Click here to send me files over 15MB
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From: Tom Sebastian <>
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 5:55 PM
To: Principi, Frank J.
Subject: DRAFT of letter to Chris Martino
Frank: Per our discussion this morning, please review the draft language below and please send me your comments.
As we discussed this morning during our weekly ballpark status call (including County staff, Potomac Nationals and JBG),
weareallworkinghardtofinalizetheballparkagreements. OnbehalfofJBG, lwanttoreiteratethatwegreatly
appreciate all of the hard work to date by the County staff and the Potomac Nationals toward finalizing these
documents (including exhibits) so that they can be submitted to the Board of County Supervisors.
During our meeting last Wednesday (June 28) , the County expressed its desire to purchase the stadium land rather than
ground leasing the land as contemplated by the Letter of lntent. On the one hand, I think everyone would agree that
this change will result in a cleaner and simpler transacton. On the other hand, this is a significant structural change that
will require significant modifications to the agreements. At the end of the discussion on the 28th, JBG agreed to take the
lead in converting the two major documents (Ground Lease and Master Development Agreement) into a new Purchase
Agreement. This is a significant undertaking and our legalteam has been working diligently (including working through
the July 4th holiday weekend) in an effort to complete this task as quickly as possible. We expect to distribute the new
Purchase Agreement to the County and Potomac Nationals within the next few days (hopefully tomorrow).
I recognize that the entire working group (County staff, Potomac Nationals and JBG) has been working hard to complete
the ballpark documents on a very aggressive timeline. Our goal has been to complete the documents by July 10th so that
they can be submitted to the Board for a hearing on July L8th. However, as a result of the significant structural change
discussed above, I believe that the parties won't be able to finalize the new Purchase Agreement by the 10th' But I do
think that we are making great progress and that there are relatively few issues remaining to be resolved. Therefore I
suggest that we schedule an all-hands call early next week (after JBG has distributed the new Purchase Agreement),
agree on the most efficient process for completing the remaining work and agree upon a new target completion
date. Are you available for a call on Monday afternoon?
Tom Sebastian I
Senior Vice President, Development
The JBG Companies@
4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815
30L.657.7344 direct | 240.333.3600 main I 240.333.3620 fax
Click here to send me files over 15MB
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From: Tom Sebastian < >
please read the email chain below. As Lani commented to me earlier today, I too think it would be a waste of time to
further pursue Supervisor Anderson. This means that Supervisor Caddigan's support is critical.
Italked to Brendon Shaw (Chamber of Commerce) this morning. He is going to reach out to Caddigan directly. Another
Chamber board member (Bishop Lyle Dukes - see attached email) has also agreed to contact Caddigan directly' Brendon
thinks that we should call Caddigan directly to request a meeting rather than communicating through her Chief of Staff
(Jane) since Jane can be a roadblock.
----Original Message-----
From: Tom Sebastian
Sent: Thursday, June 29,20L7 10:39 AM
To:'Brendon Shaw' <>
Subject: RE: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Thanks Brendon. This means that Supervisor Caddigan's vote will be critical
-----Original Message-----
From: Brendon Shaw]
Sent: Thursday, June 29,20t7 10:08 AM
To : Tom Sebastian <>
Subject: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
---*Original Message*---
From : Anderson, Ruth [mailto : RAnderso n @]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 20L7 L0:10 AM
To: Brendon Shaw <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
I appreciate your message and your opinion. I seriously wish I could join in
Please "Like Us" on Facebook!
Ruth M. Anderson
Occoquan District Supervisor
zz4t-KTacketts Mill Dr.
ra nderson @
oP 703.792.4643
cP 703.565.8965
-----Original Message-----
From: Brendon Shaw Imailto:Bshaw@pwchamber'org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2OL7 9:57 AM
To: Anderson, Ruth <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Supervisor Anderson,
We received presentations on both sides of the issue from March - June and our Board believes that if we are serious
about meeting the 35% economic development goal, the County needs to take advantage of these opportunities.
Given the market and the proximity to the Washington Nationals, this is an incredible opportunity for the County.
----Origina I Message-----
From : Anderson, Ruth Imailto:RAnderson]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2OL7 9:24 AM
To: Brendon Shaw <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Hi Brendon,
I am disappointed but it could be that you don't have enough information yet for a real detailed analysis. I have been
waiting for some movement from JBG and Art Silber to make it more palatable for our taxpayers, but it seems things
continue to get worse instead of better.
ra nderson
oP 703.792.4643
cP 703.565.8965
----Original Message-----
From: Brendon Shaw]
Sent: Tuesday, June 27,2OL7 1:37 PM
To: BOCS <>
Cc: Debbie Jones <>; C. C. Bartholomew <>;
Subject: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Earlier this morning the prince William Chamber's Board of Directors voted to endorse the new Potomac Nationals
stadium. Please see our attached letter.
lf you have any questions regarding our position, please give me a call at (703) 408-4689.
Brendon Shaw
Director of Government Relations
Prince William Chamber of Commerce
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From: Tom Sebastian < >
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:1 1 PM
lo: 'Lyle Dukes'
Cc: ''
Subject: RE: Ballpark at Potomac Town Center
It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday mornng at the Chamber of Commerce office. Thank you for stepping out of the
Board meeting to introduce yourself.
Thank you very much for your email below. We greatly appreciate your support for the new ballpark project. Thank you
also for offering to personally contact the Supervisors that are currently opposed to the project. lt would be particularly
helpful if you would contact Supervisor Maureen Caddigan and Supervisor Ruth Anderson and explain why you and the
Chamber's Board of Directors support the project (as you articulated below). Thanks again.
Pleasecontactmeifyourequireanymoreinformationfromme. llookforwardtoseeingyouagainsoon.
Tom Sebastian
703-635-4819 cell phone
Haruest Life
It was a pleasure meeting you this morning at our Prince William Chamber office in Manassas, Virginia. As you
may already know, our Board of Directors unanimously voted to support to the Potomac Nationals Stadium at
the Potomac Town Center in light of the County's upcoming decision vote on the proposal. As your new
neighbor and Senior Pastor of Harvest Life (new building at 15505 Neabsco Mills Road) we want you to know
that we are in full support of the new stadium.
be personally contacting the County Supervisors that are in opposition of this proposal. Sometimes it is
I will
necessary to approach our political leaders from a different angle. Our Board of County Supervisors presented
and approved a new strategic plan that had an objective of expanding of the present commercial tax base by 100
%. This kind of growth can only come through aggressive efforts such as this concept and others like it which
will, ultimately, increase the commercial tax base of existing businesses and the attract new investment to
Prince William County. As you explain this morning, this will keep residential property taxes low also.
From the non-profit and faith base side of the community; we feel that the new stadium project will be very
beneficial for our county and region. The creation of new jobs, commuter enhancements, road improvements
and new constructions are signs of a heathy and growing community. Just know that we are on board with this
Our new worship center is currently under construction just down the street for the Potomac Town center. It is a
205,000 Square foot building across from the Northern Virginia Community College and beside Freedom High
School. Click here for updates on information about our new building
If you need to contact me please feel
free to call my cell at 703-946-5081 or our office at703-490-4040, We want to work with you to see this
stadium completed.
From: Tom Sebastian < >
Sent: Sunday, June 25,2017 9:10 PM
To: Principi, Frank J.; Scoble, Matthew
Subject: FW: ballpark and commuter garage project at Potomac Town Center
please see below. I plan to attend the Chamber's Board meeting at 8am on Tuesday in an effort to get their
endorsementforthe project. ltwould be helpfulif you could reach outtomorrowto Betty Dean and anyother Board
Do you
members that you know.... and encourage them to endorse the project. Do you feel comfortable calling CC?
want to attend the meeting with me? Not sure about the protocol here...
Seth isn't available on Tuesday morning, so l'm currently the only one attending this meeting.
Hello Tom, Our next (and only board meeting prior to the 1-8th) is this coming Tuesday at 8am at our chamber
headquarters. lf you're able, please come and be available to answer any questions, and we willdecide how
to move
C.C. Bartholomew
Associate Broker
Keller Williams Solutions
Direct Cell 7 03 -282-4800
www. ccbartholomew. com
Hello C.C.
As you may know, on Tuesday night the Board of County Supervisors voted against the motion to send the
diligently with the
balipark/garage project to a referendum. we are very happy with this result and we continue to work
for final
county staff and the potomac Nationals to finalize the formal agreements that will be brought to the Board
in support of this
approual on July l"gth. Thank you again for the wonderful letter that you sent to the Board on June 2nd
decision. Brendon and Betty (both cc'd) also made very helpful statements during the hearing on Tuesday (thank you
both !).
We hope that the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce will also consider endorsing the project in advance of
the July Lg hearing. ls this a possibility? ln addition to providing wholesome family entertainment, this project will be a
powerful economic engine for the County. According to the Brailsford & Dunleavy report commissioned by the County,
this project will generate 288 full-time jobs, $ZZ+ mllon in wages, 5175 million in additional economic activity and 54.9
millioninnewtaxesfortheCounty. lfyourequireanyadditionalinformationfrommeorifyouwouldlikemetoattend
one of your upcoming meetings, please let me know.
Best regards,
Tom Sebastian I
Senior Vice President, Development
The JBG Companies@
4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815
30L.657.7344 direcL | 240.333.3600 main | 240'333.3620 fax
x x
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From: Tom Sebastian < >
Frank/Matt: please read the email chain below. Should we request a formal endorsement from this church (Harvest
Life)? Any other ideas to help leverage Bishop Dukes' support? What district is this church located in? Thanks'
Ellen: Please add Bishop Lyle Dukes to our list of supporters' Thanks.
It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday morning at the Chamber of Commerce office. Thank you for stepping out of the
Board meeting to introduce yourself.
Thank you very much for your email below. We greatly appreciate your support for the new ballpark project. Thank
also for offering to personally contact the Supervisors that are currently opposed to the project' lt would be particularly
helpful if you would contact Supervisor Maureen Caddigan and Supervisor Ruth Anderson and explain why you and the
Chamber's Board of Directors support the project (as you articulated below). Thanks again'
Pleasecontactmeifyourequireanymoreinformationfromme. llookforwardtoseeingyouagainsoon.
Tom Sebastian
703-635-4819 cell phone
Harvest Life
It was a pleasure meeting you this morning at our Prince William Chamber office in Manassas, Virginia. As you
may ahedy know, our Board of Directors unanimously voted to support to the Potomac Nationals Stadium at
the Potomac Town Center in light of the County's upcoming decision vote on the proposal. As your new
neighbor and Senior Pastor of Harvest Life (new building at 15505 Neabsco Mills Road) we want you to know
that we are in full support of the new stadium.
I will be personally contacting the County Supervisors that are in opposition of this proposal. Sometimes it is
necessary to approach our political leaders from a different angle. Our Board of County Supervisors presented
and approved a new strategic plan that had an objective of expanding of the present commercial tax base by 100
X. ffris kind of growth can only through aggressive efforts such as this concept and others like it which
will, ultimately, increase the commercial tax base of existing businesses and the atfiact new investment to
Prince William County. As you explain this morning, this will keep residential property taxes low also.
From the non-profit and faith base side of the community; we feel that the new stadium project will be very
beneficial for our county and region. The creation of new jobs, commuter enhancements, road improvements
and new constructions are signs of a heat and growing community. Just know that we are on board with this
Our new worship center is currently under construction just down the street for the Potomac Town center. It is a
205,000 Squareioot building across from the Northern Virginia Community College and beside Freedom High
School. Click here for updates on information about our new building . If you need to contact me please feel
f* t" my cell af 703-946-5081 or our offrce at703-490-4040. Vy'e want to work with you to see this
stadium completed.
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From: Tom Sebastia n (Contractor) < tsebastia n @j bg'com >
The potomac Nationals will not sign the agreement you've presented. There is no point in any further discussion.You
know what the issues are and I wil not peimit us to be exposed to the financial risk your agreement would impose on
We will have an appropriate press release indicating the end of the process and freeing us to explore all options available
to us.
We regret the end of 33 years and no longer being able to serve the 6 million people who came to our games and the loss
of the jobs for the almost 200 people who work with us'
We really appreciate the incredible time and effort that County staff and its leadership took in trying to make this work.
Sometimes things that make sense and are for the over all good just can't happen.
Art Silber
Potomac Nationals
---Original Message---
From: Flynn, Thomas <TFlvnn@pwcgov.orq>
<m robl@pwcqov. org>; Smith, Alan <ASmith4(Opwcqov. orq>;'Canzano, Peter'
.6ffii@rtonrosefulbrgntconp; Mccettrick, James' <iames.mcgettricKlOortonrosefulbriqht'com>; Manne,
4'<>; 'Silber, Seth'<>;
<''>; 'Sean Mintz' .gnj jrcg$>; 'rhakim <''>'Attreed, Michelle L.
.mattreedd'>; 'thomas.klanOerman .Thomas.klanderman@morganlewis'com'>; 'bryan.hoynak
.pt<rkZ8@erzn.nei;; Canizales, nicarO <>; 'Jim Garibaldi' <iqari?>; Martino,
C >; Price, Chris M. <CP.rice@pwcgoy,grq>; 'Thomas Underhill'
.tunOeinll@lng. >; Scarbrough, Allen <ascarbrouqh@pwcqov.orq>
Cc: Klanderman, Thomas C. <>
Sent:Wed, Jul 12, 2017 B:47 am
Subject: Canceled: County/JBG/Pnats Discussion (Purchase and Sale Agreement)
Today,s County staff/pnatslBG conference call is canceled, as the County staff must focus today on
preparing a Stadium
staff report for Boards meeting on July L8. This staff report must be sent to the Board by 5 pm today. County staff will
have time Thursday or Friday to discuss the July LSth Board meeting with JBG and Pnats and we will be back in touch
later today to arrange that conversation with the appropriate parties.
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From: Tom Sebastian < >
-----Origina I Message----
From: Brendon Shaw Imailto:Bshaw@]
Sent: Tuesday, June 27,2OL7 L:37 PM
Cc: Debbie Jones <>; C. C. Bartholomew <>;
Subject: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Earlier this morning the Prince William Chamber's Board of Directors voted to endorse the new Potomac Nationals
stadium. Please see our attached letter.
lf you have any questions regarding our position, please give me a call at (703)408-4689.
Brendon Shaw
Director of Government Relations
Prince William Chamber of Commerce
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The Prince William Chamber of Commerce's Board of Directors met on Tuesday, lune 27 and
unanimously voted to support economic development in eastern Prince William County and endorse
the proposed Potomac Nationals stadium. On July 18, the Board of County Supervisors will consider
sending the Potomac Nationals stadium project to the lndustrial Development Authority to approve
bonds to build the project. We respectfully request your support for this important initiative'
Earlier this year, the Board of County Supervisors approved a new strategic plan calling for expansion
of the existing commercial tax base by one hundred percent, Continuing to grow the commercial tax
base through the expansion of existing businesses and the attraction of new investment to Prince
William County is vital to keeping residential property taxes low and providing a world-class education
in public schools. This goal is attainable but only through support for initiatives such as the proposed
stadium. We believe that economic development requires a building block approach. Approval for this
project will help to send a message that the County is ready and willing to support existing businesses
and that we welcome additional and future investments from the private sector.
There is a tremendous economic development upside associated with this project both in terms of job
creation and support for the County's economy. Projects such as this one do not come around as
frequently as the Chamber or the Board of County Supervisors would like. When they do, we must be
forward-thinking and take advantage ofthe opportunities presented. The Chamber requests that you
vote to support this project and join us as we work towards meeting the County's economic
development goals.
From: Tom Sebastia n (Contractor) < tsebastia n@j >
Sent: Wednesday, July 12,2017 3:22 PM
To: Principi, Frank J.; Scoble, Matthew
Subject: FW: Potomac Nationals Stadium LFJ Estimate 071217
Attachments: Potomac Nationals Stadium LFJ Estimate 071217.pdf
See attached. ln response to the County's RFl, LF Jennings (a large and highly-respected general contractor
located in
Northern Virginia) has indicated that they could build the stadium for SgtV'1.
Mr. Manne - attached is our preliminary estimate for the stadium design and construction. The estimate attached is based
on the Bohler site plan and the attached marked up rendering. I will forward a more detailed qualification
shortly. Please
let me know if you have any questions. I
i.,irllY 5:1r llgu
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Prince William County RFI 7006073
PWG/Potomac Natonals Baseball Stadium
Non-binding Cost Estimates Work Sheet
July 12,2017
General conditions, overhead, and profit for all contractors, pe+mit+n$ $ 3,152,727.00
@, and a 10Qo/o performance and payment bond:
Estimate of time and schedule to substantial completion of the Ballpark: Please provide basic
timeline from contract award through estimated substantial completion and occupancy.
$ 500 353,500
$ 248,550 $
Sdi - Cement Board
419 o20 $ 41
Roofi $
$1 143 $ 142,143
$ 616,157
198,900 $ 1 900
Door & H r $
$ 97,350 $ 97,350
Overhead Doors & Grilles '1,500
$ 1,500 $
lm Doors
s 179,222 $ 179,222
Storefront &
$ 139,185 $ 139,185
3?5, BOOTH
Following are the names and address of all persons having an ownership interest of 5% or more in the Company: (Attach
more sheets if needed)
Name Address
Roberta G. Jennings 407 N. Washington St.; Falls Church, V A 22046
Kenneth S. Jennings 407 N. Washington St.; Falls Church, VA22046
Stanley L Reed 407 N. Washington St.; Falls Church, VA22O46
This solicitation is subject to the provisions of Section 2.2-3100 et. seq., Virginia Code Annotated, the State and Local
Oovemment Conflict of Interests Act.
The Bdder ( ) s (X) is not aware of any information bearing on the exstence of any polential organizational conflict of
I certis that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person
submiing a bid for the same seryices, materials, suppties, or equipment, and is in all respecs fair and without collusion
or fraud. I understand coltusive bidding is a violation of the State and Federal law and may result in fines, prison
senlences, and civil damage awards,
By stgntng thls, proposer certfires, acknowledges, underslands, and grees lo be bound by ilte corrdltlons selforth n
ths Solictaton,
Signature Date 0711012017
l'd appreciate it if you would consider withdrawing the baseball issue from next weeks board meeting agenda.
As we have not concluded an agreement that is satisfactory two both parties and we believe a vote would be premature
Thank you,
Art Silber
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From: Tom Sebastian < >
please find attached our latest exhibits showing the proposed offsite transportation improvements associated with the
potomac Town Center project, Let us know if you have any questions, as members of our team look forward to
discussing tomorrow with you.
28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 | Warrenton, VA 20L86
P: 540-349-4500 |
M: 540-424-8854 |
tru 2016
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From: Tom Sebastian < >
From : Myrna Comcast [ma ilto : m-you ngbe rg0 L @comcast. net]
Sent: Monday, June t9,2OL7 9:43 AM
To: Tom Sebastian <>
Cc: Silber, Seth <>; Silverstrand <>; Ron Frost
Lynnette Myers <>; Reuben Johnson <>; Jay du
<jd uvon@thela>; Sonya Myers <smyers3007@gmail'com>
Subject: Re: Thank You
Dear Tom,
Over the weekend, the WPCCA Board voted to endorse the building of the stadium
and the commuter garage. Ron Frost and Lynda Silverstrand will be representing WPCCA
to speak during Citizen Time at the Board of County Supervisors hearing on Tuesday June 20.
Thank you again for making the presentation and sponsoring the reception. Seth and your presentation not
informative but answered several questions that residents had on this project. lt is a very significant project that
hope will contribute to the continued development of Woodbridge.
Sent from my iPad
Dear Myrna,
Thank you for inviting us to make a presentation to the WPCCA on Thursday night. I hope the WPCCA
members thought the session was informative. We appreciate all of the great comments and
from the group.
As I mentioned to you after the presentation, we would greatly appreciate it if the WPccA board would
officially endorse the ballpark & commuter garage project. lf possible, we would also appreciate
it if a
representative of the WPCCA would announce the endorsement during Citizen Time at the Board of
County Supervisors hearing on Tuesday June 20. Citizen Time will begin at 7:30pm.
Best regards,
Tom Sebastian I Senior Vice President, Development
The JBG Companies@
4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815
30L.657.7344 direct I 240,333.3600 main I 240'333.3620 fax
tr x
Confidentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the intended
recipient(s) and may contan information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or
otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law or doctrine. lf you are not the intended
recipient, please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution, reliance upon or use of the
contents of this message is prohibited. lf you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender,
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waived or lost by transmission errors.
From: Principi, Frank J.
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 5:11 PM
To: Seth Silber; Tom Sebastian
Subject: Fwd: Potomac Nationals financial statements
Attachments: image001.png
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.7 92.4646 / www. NewWood bridee.o rs
Hi Michelle,
Just so I'm clear, have we asked the pNats to provide 3rd pafi audited financials? I would have thought
this was standard practice to get 3rd party verification of the information they are providing.
If they did say no, this is obviously a big concern that we don't have an independent verification of the
financial numbers they are sending us.
ln response to a request from Supervisor Candland regarding the financial performance of the Potomac
profit &
Nationals baseball club for the past five years, please find attached copies of the team's recent
loss statements. lt is important to note that these financial statements are
prepared by the team
owners and are not independently compiled, reviewed or audited by a third-party CPA' To date, I have
not been provided any further detail behind these numbers. The PNATs will only allow the County (or a
County hired third-party) to come on site and inspect their records but will not permit us to retain
copies of any records. This is a due diligence issue I will be discussing with you further in closed session
From: Tom Sebastian < >
Some good news that I just learned: yesterday the Commonwealth Transportation Board granted final approval
for a
(S34M) and widen Neabsco Mills Road. This is a
537.6 M grant (smart Scale program) to build the commuter garage
major step forward.
Tom Sebastian I
Senior Vice President, Development
The JBG Companies@
4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815
30L.657.7344 direct | 240.333.3600 main | 240.333.3620 fax
Confidentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the intended
recipient(s) and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise exempt from
disclosure under applicable law or doctrine. If you are not the intended recipient, please be aware -that any
disclosure, copying, distribution, reliance upon or use of the contents of this message is prohibited. If
you are
and its
not the intendd recipient, please notify the sender, and delete and destroy all copies of this message
attachments. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by transmission errors.
From: Tom Sebastian <tsebastian@jbg'com >
Just had a good callwith Chris Martino. lthink/hope we resolved these 2 points:
o JBG will agree to give the County an option to purchase the stadium property at "fair
market value" at the end
of the term. The term could be as short as 30 years or up to 70 years depending on the County's decisions
extend. Hopefully, this will address the "leasehold improvements" issue."
o JBG will agree to give the County flexibility to use the stadium for any lesal use except
for a "public works
facility,, (trash dump, salt storage, dump truck parking, etc.). chris thinks this will resolve the issue (subject to
confirmation by County's lawyers)'
703-635-48L9 cell
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proprietary, privileged or otherwise exempt from
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disclosure, copying; distribution, reliance upon or use of the contents of this message is
this message and its
not the intended recipient, please notify the sender, and delete and destroy all copies of
attachments. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by transmission errors.
From: Tom Sebastia n (Contractor) < tsebastia n@jb9'co m>
1Le7-893b-1bc7 c92ba282.html
Tom Sebastian I
Senior Vice President, Development
The JBG Companies@
4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815
301'657.7344 direct | 240.333.3600 main | 240.333.3620 fax
tr x
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recipient(s) and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise exempt from
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you are
not the intended recipient, please notify the sender, and delete and destroy all copies of this message and its
attachments. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by transmission errors.
From: Tom Sebastia n < >
Sent: Monday, June 19,2017 5:51 PM
To: Principi, Frank J.
Cc: Scoble, Matthew
Subject: JBG proposal regarding TIA recommendations; a significant concession by JBG since
the LOI was signed
Hello Frank,
Separately, since the LOI was signed, JBG has made the following significant concession: JBG has agreed to waive the
rent for the initial 12 months after delivery of the stadium property to the County (value = S450k).
703-635-4819 cell
Click here to send me files over 15MB
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attachments. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by transmission errors.
Sent: Saturday, June 17,2017 9:30 AM
lo: Principi, Frank J.
Cc: ssil;; lsweiss@
Subject: Pnats renderings
Attachments: R-Concourse-Out (1 ) jpg; N-Aerial-Outjpg
Attached are the most recent renderings for the new ball park.....they are exciting.
We'd like to share them with the 7 other Board members and are not sure the best way to do it.
Please feel free to either email them yourself to each or if you prefer I or Lani could send them. I would assume their
County emailaddress would be best.
What ever you think best. I will be there Tuesday for both public sessions. We are confident that Pat O'Conner, President
of Minor League baseball will answer many of the questions that the Board may have.
>- b
From: Principi, Frank J.
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2017 4:20 PM
To: Seth Silber
Cc: Scoble, Matthew
Subject: Proposed Baseball Stadium
please let me know if you have questions you would like asked and answered of Pat O'Connor on Tuesday. Thanks!
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.7 92.4646 / www. NewWood brid
Sent: Thursday, June 29,2017 4:23 PM
Cc:; lsweiss@potomacnationals,com; Principi, Frank J.; scoble, Matthew;
j9a ri ba ldi @j; tu nd erhi; smi ntz@j bg'com
---Original Message---
From: Ellen Coren <ellencoren@chesapeakestrategies'com>
To: Tom Sebastian <>
<>; Principi,
Cc: Seth Silber <ssilber@wsgr.cml; pnats42 <>; lsweiss
Frank J. <Fprincipi@pvn'goorgt; Scobte, Mattirew <>; Jim Garibaldi
Thomas underhill <>; sean Mintz <>
Sent: Thu, Jun 29, 2017 2:40 pm
Subject: Re: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
if the Chamber sets it up
As I recall, Ms. Caddigan has turned down every request we have made to meet with her. What
and we go with them?
f[JZn f, (bren
ccota PowGt
Please read the email chain below. As Lani commented to me earlier today, I too think it would be a
waste of time to further pursue Supervisor Anderson. This means that Supervisor Caddigan's support is
I talked to Brendon Shaw (Chamber of Commerce) this morning. He is going to reach out to Caddigan
directly. Another Chambei board member (Bishop Lyle Dukes - see attached email) has also agreed to
contat Caddigan directly. Brendon thinks that we should call Caddigan directly to request a meeting
rather than communicating through her Chief of Staff (Jane) since Jane can be a roadblock.
*:-Original Message----
From:Tom Sebastian
Sent:Thursday, June 29,2017 10:39 AM
To:'Brendon Shaw' <Bshaw@pwchamber.orq>
Subject: RE: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Thanks Brendon. This means that Supervisor Caddigan's vote will be critical
---Original Message----
From: Brendon Shaw []
Sent: Thursday, June 29,2017 10:08 AM
To: Tom Sebastian <!sebas$>
Subject: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
**-Original Message---
From: Anderson, Ruth [mailto:RAnderson@pwcqov'org]
Sent:Wednesday, June 28, 2017 10:10 AM
To: Brendon Shaw <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
I appreciate your message and your opinion. I seriously wish I could join in
---Original Message---
From: Brendon Shaw []
Sent:Wednesday, June 28, 2017 9:57 AM
To: Anderson, Ruth <RAnderson@pwcqov.orq>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Supervisor Anderson,
The question the BoCS seems to be facing is whether or not to trust JBG and the Potomac Nationals. lf
you db, then you believe that they have done their due diligence and are able to make the debt service
ayments and will not expose tai payers to any risk. After hearing Pat
O'Connor's testimony last w9ek, I
ni not concerned aboutihe team'mving or being sold. Both processes are long and require significant
pprovals. Additionally, we have an incredible market for it here - one of the best in MILB according to
their President.
Given the market and the proximity to the Washington Nationals, this is an incredible opportunity for the
---Original Message----
From: Anderson, Ruth [mailto:RAnderson@pwcoov.orq]
Sent:Wednesday, June 28, 2017 9:24 AM
To: Brendon Shaw <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Hi Brendon,
I am disappointed but it could be that you don't have enough information yet for a real detailed
analysis. I
have been'waiting for some movement from JBG and Art Silber to make it more palatable for our
taxpayers, but it seems things continue to get worse instead of better.
---Original Message----
From: Brendon Shaw [mailto:Bshaw@pwchamber'orq]
Sent: Tuesday, June 27,2017 1:37 PM
To: BOCS <BOCS@Pwcqov.orq>
Cc: Debbie >; C. C' Bartholomew <cc@ccbartholomew'com>;
ielliott(fvcban k. com
Subject: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Earlier this morning the prince William Chamber's Board of Directors voted to endorse the new Potomac
Nationals stadium. Please see our attached letter'
lf you have any questions regarding our position, please give me a call at (703) 408-4689'
Brendon Shaw
Director of Government Relations
Prince William Chamber of Commerce
Confidentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the intended
recipient(s) and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise exempt
from disclosure und-er applicable law or doctrine. lf you are not the intended recipient, please be aware
that any disclosure, copying, distribution, reliance upon or use of the contents of this message is
prohibi[ed. lf you are noi tn intended recipient, please notify the sender, and delete and destroy all
copies of this message and its attachments. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by
transmission errors.
<Mail Attachment.eml>
From: Ellen Bogage <> on behalf of Ellen Coren
< ellencoren@chesapeakestrategies'com >
As I recall, Ms. Caddigan has turned down every request we have made to meet with her. What if the Chamber
sets it up and we go with them?
filen. f. Coren
ccra Powct
please read the email chain below. As Lani commented to me earlier today, I too think it would
be a waste of time to further pursue Supervisor Anderson. This means that Supervisor
Caddigan's support is critical.
I talked to Brendon Shaw (Chamber of Commerce) this morning. He is going to reach out to
Caddigan directly. Another Chamber board member (Bishop Lyle Dukes - see attached email)
has also agreed to contact Caddigan directly. Brendon thinks that we should call Caddigan
directly to request a meeting rather than communicating through her Chief of Staff (Jane) since
Jane can be a roadblock.
Any update on Tom Davis and his discussions with Caddigan?
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Sebastian
Sent: Thursday, June 29,2017 10:39 AM
To:'Brendon Shaw' <>
Subject: RE: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Thanks Brendon. This means that Supervisor Caddigan's vote will be critical
-----Original Message-----
From: Brendon Shaw fmailto]
Sent: Thursday, June 29,2017 10:08 AM
To: Tom Sebastian <>
Subject: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Ruth [mailto]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28,2017 10:10 AM
To: Brendon Shaw <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
I appreciate your message and your opinion. I seriously wish I could join in.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brendon Shaw [mailto]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 9:57 AM
To: Anderson, Ruth <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Supervisor Anderson,
The question the BoCS seems to be facing is whether or not to trust JBG and the Potomac
Nationals. If you do, then you believe that they have done their due diligence and are able to
make the debt service payments and will not expose tax payers to any risk. After hearing Pat
O'Connor's testimony iast week, I am not concerned about the team moving or being sold' Both
processes are long and require significant approvals. Additionally, we have an incredible market
for it here - one of the best in MiLB according to their President.
Given the market and the proximity to the Washington Nationals, this is an incredible
opportunity for the County.
-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Ruth [mailto]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 9:24 AM
To: Brendon Shaw <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Hi Brendon,
I am disappointed
-f but it could be that you don't have enough information yet for a real detailed
analysis. huu" been waiting for some movement from JBG and Art Silber to make it more
palaiable for our taxpayers, but it seems things continue to get worse instead of better.
-----Original Message---'-
From: Brendon Shaw [mailto]
Sent: Tuesday, June 27,2017 1:37 PM
To: BOCS <>
Cc: Debbie Jones.Oon">; C. C. Bartholomew <;
Subject: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Earlier this morning the Prince William Chamber's Board of Directors voted to endorse the new
Potomac Nationals stadium. Please see our attached letter.
If you have any questions regarding our position, please give me a call at (703) 408-4689.
Brendon Shaw
Director of Government Relations
Prince V/illiam Chamber of Commerce
Confidentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the
intended recipient(s) and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or
otherwise exmpt from disclosure under applicable law or doctrine. If you are not the intended
recipient, pleas be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution, reliance upon or use of the
conients of this message is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the
sender, and delete andestroy all copies of this message and its attachments. No confidentiality
or privilege is waived or lost by transmission errors'
<Mail Attachment.eml>
From: Tom Sebastian < >
Sent: Thursday, June 29,2017 6:55 PM
Cc:;; Principi, Frank J.; scoble, Matthew;
Jim Garibaldi;Thomas Underhill; Sean Mintz
Subject: RE: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
I agree that this is a good idea. I will ask Brendon Shaw to try to arrange a meeting with Supervisor Caddigan
We are trying several ways but I suspect right now its her husband being in a rehab facility and her having to travel a
decent distance to see niln. me idea is a goO one and we would want io meet the week of the 10th. I believe she will
your suggestion is a good one. Tom may be best in trying to ask them to do that.
---Original Message----
From: Ellen Coren <ellencoren(>
To: Tom Sebastian <>
cc: seth siloer.ssto@wffir; pnats42 <>; lsweiss <lsweis_s@potom?cn?.tiona.pom>; Principi,
Frank J. .fprncpitopilirgr; Scbte, Matthew <MScoble(pwcqov.orq>; Jim Garibaldi
Thomas underhill <tu nderh>; sean M intz <sm intz(oibq, com>
Sent: Thu, Jun 29, 2017 2'.40 pm
Subject: Re: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
it up
As I recall, Ms, Caddigan has turned down every request we have made to meet with her. What if the Chamber sets
and we go with them?
ln f. (bren
(( .
ccot Powof
Please read the email chain below. As Lani commented to me earlier today, I too think it would be a
waste of time to further pursue Supervisor Anderson. This means that Supervisor Caddigan's support is
I talked to Brendon Shaw (Chamber of Commerce) this morning. He is going to reach out to Caddigan
direcy. Another Chambei board member (Bishop Lyle Dukes - see attached email) has also agreed to
contat Caddigan directly. Brendon thinks that we should call Caddigan directly to request a meeting
rather than communicating through her Chief of Staff (Jane) since Jane can be a roadblock'
---Original Message----
From:Tom Sebastian
Sent: Thursday, June 29,2017 10:39 AM
To: 'Brendon Shaw'<@>
Subject: RE: Anderson - FW: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Thanks Brendon. This means that Supervisor Caddigan's vote will be critical.
----Original Message----
From : Anderson, Ruth [mailto: RAnderson@pwcgov.orq]
Sent:Wednesday, June 28, 2017 10:10 AM
To: Brendon Shaw <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
I appreciate your message and your opinion. I seriously wish I could join in
---Original Message----
From: Brendon Shaw lmailto:Bshaw(pwchamber.orq]
Sent:Wednesday, June 28, 2017 9:57 Alll
To: Anderson, Ruth <>
Subject: RE: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Supervisor Anderson,
We received presentations on both sides of the issue from March - June and our Board believes that if we
are serious about meeting the 35% economic development goal, the County needs to take advantage of
these opportunities,
The question the BoCS seems to be facing is whether or not to trust JBG and the Potomac Nationals. lf
you do, then you believe that they have done their due diligence and are able to make the debt service
ayments an will not expose tax payers to any risk, After hearing Pat O'Connor's testimony last week,
am not concerned about the team moving or being sold. Both processes are long and require significant
approvals. Additionally, we have an incredible market for it here - one of the best in MILB according to
their President.
Given the market and the proximity to the Washington Nationals, this is an incredible opportunity for the
Hi Brendon,
I am disappointed but it could be that you don't have enough information yet for a real detailed analysis. I
have been waiting for some movement from JBG and Art Silber to make it more palatable for our
taxpayers, but it seems things continue to get worse instead of better.
---Original Message---
From: Brendon Shaw []
Sent: Tuesday, June 27,2017 1:37 PM
To: BOCS <>
Cc: Debbie Jones .DJones@pwcham >; C. C. Bartholomew <@>;
Subject: Chamber Support for New Stadium
Earlier this morning the Prince William Chamber's Board of Directors voted to endorse the new Potomac
Nationals stadium, Please see our attached letter
lf you have any questions regarding our position, please give me a call at (703) 408-4689
Brendon Shaw
Director of Government Relations
Prince William Chamber of Commerce
Confidentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the intended
recipient(s) and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise exempt
from disclosure under applicable law or doctrine. lf you are not the intended recipient, please be aware
that any disclosure, copying, distribution, reliance upon or use of the contents of this message is
prohibited. lf you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender, and delete and destroy all
copies of this message and its attachments. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by
transmission errors.
<Mail Attachment.eml>
From: Tom Sebastian < >
> Tom...
> I was not invited/requested to attend this meeting so I will beg off. Good luck!
> I spoke with Betty Dean on Friday about endorsements from the Chamber, Occoquan River Communities, and Our
prince William. All three are advocacy/membership non-profits that I have asked to take a position on the stadium' She
is testing the waters, we'll know more later. I am chasing other endorsements as well.
> Sincerely,
> Supervisor Frank J. PrinciPi
> Prince William Board of County Supervisors
> 7 03.7 92.4646 /<>
> Please see below. I plan to attend the Chamber's Board meeting at 8am
> on Tuesday in an effort to get their endorsement for the project. lt
> would be helpful if you could reach out tomorrow to Betty Dean and any
> other Board members that you know.... and encourage them to endorse the
> project. Do you feel comfortable calling CC? Do you want to attend
> the meeting with me? Not sure about the protocol here...
> Seth isn't available on Tuesday morning, so l'm currently the only one attendng this meeting.
> Tom
> Betty Dea n <betty@ bettydea<ma i lto : betty@ bettydea n'com>>
> Subject: Re: ballpark and commuter garage project at Potomac Town
> Center
> Hello Tom, Our next (and only board meeting prior to the L8th) is this coming Tuesday at 8am at our chamber
headquarters. lf you're able, please come and be available to answer any questions, and we willdecide how to move
si ncerely,
C.C. Bartholomew
Associate Broker
Keller Williams Solutions
Direct Cell 703-282-4800
www.ccba<http ://www.ccba rtho>
> Subject: ballpark and commuter garage project at Potomac Town Center
> As you may know, on Tuesday night the Board of County Supervisors voted against the motion to send the
ballpark/garage project to a referendum. We are very happy with this result and we continue to work diligently with the
County staff and the potomac Nationals to finalize the formal agreements that will be brought to the Board for final
approval on July i.gth. Thank you again for the wonderful letter that you sent to the Board on June 2nd in support of
this decision. Brendon and Betty (both cc'd) also made very helpful statements during the hearing on Tuesday
you bothl).
> we hope that the Board of Directors of the chamber of commerce will also consider endorsing the project in advance
project will be
of the July 1g hearing. ls this a possibility? tn addition to providing wholesome family entertainment, this
a powerful economic engine for the County. According to the Brailsford & Dunleavy report commissioned by the
County, this project will generate 288 full-time jobs, SzZ+ mllon in wages, StzS million in additional economic activty
and S4.9 million in new taxes for the County. lf you require any additional information from me or if you would like me
to attend one of your upcoming meetings, please let me know'
> [acebook]<>[witter]<http://twit
> BGCompa nies>[inked
> I nl < http ://www. I i n ked i n. co m/co m pa ny/the-j bg-co m pa n i es>
> Confidentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely forthe use of the intended recipient(s)
and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise exempt from disclosure under
applicable law or doctrine. lf you are not the intended recipient, please be aware that any disclosure, copying,
distribution, reliance upon or use of the contents of this message is prohibited. lf you are not the intended recipient,
pleasenotifythesender,anddeleteanddestroyallcopiesofthismessageanditsattachments. Noconfidentialityor
privilege is waived or lost by transmission errors.
From: Ellen Coren < >
I wonder if we can speak to the congregation or host something in the evening to get the congregation engaged as
I checked the address's polling location and district. The Board of Elections website doesn't have that address on record
Ellen L. Coren
Frank/Matt: Please read the email chain below. Should we request a formal endorsement from this
church (Harvest Life)? Any other ideas to help leverage Bishop Dukes' support? What district is this
church located in? Thanks.
Ellen: Please add Bishop Lyle Dukes to our list of supporters. Thanks
It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday morning at the Chamber of Commerce office. Thank you for
stepping out of the Board meeting to introduce yourself.
Thank you very much for your email below. We greatly appreciate your support for the new ballpark
project. Thank you also for offering to personally contact the Supervisors that are currently opposed to
theproject. ltwouldbeparticularlyhelpfulifyouwouldcontactSupervisorMaureenCaddiganand
Supervisor Ruth Anderson and explain why you and the Chamber's Board of Directors support the
project (as you articulated below). Thanks again.
please contact me if you require any more information from me. I look forward to seeing you again
Tom Sebastian
703-635-4819 cell phone
It was a pleasure meeting you this morning at our Prince William Chamber office in Manassas,
Virginia. As you may already know, our Board of Directors unanimously voted to support to the
Potmac Nationals Stadium at the Potomac Town Center in light of the County's upcoming
decision vote on the proposal. As your new neighbor and Senior Pastor of Harvest Life (new
building at 15505 Neabsco Mills Road) we want you to know that we are in full support of the
new stadium.
I will be personally contacting the County Supervisors that are in opposition of this proposal.
Sometims it is necessary to approach our political leaders from a different angle. Our Board of
County Supervisors presented and approved a new strategic plan that had an objective of
expanding of the present commercial tax base by 100 %. This kind of growth can only come
through aggressive efforts such as this concept and others like it which will, ultimately, increase
the commercial tax base of existing businesses and the attract new investment to Prince William
County. As you explain this morning, this will keep residential property taxes low also.
From the non-profit and faith base side of the community; we feel that the new stadium project
will be very beneficial for our county and region. The creation of new jobs, commuter
enhancements, road improvements and new constructions are signs of a heathy and growing
community. Just know that we are on board with this project!
Our new worship center is currently under construction just down the street for the Potomac
Town center. It is a 205,000 Square foot building across from the Northern Virginia Community
College and beside Freedom High School. Click here for updates on information about our new
building http:/ . If you need
to contct me please feel free to call my cell at703-946-5081 or our office at703-490-4040. We
want to work with you to see this stadium completed.
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From: Scoble, Matthew
Sent: Monday, June 19,2017 6:37 AM
To: Tom Sebastian
Cc: Principi, Frank J.;; 'Silber, Seth'
Subject: RE: board showing P-Nats stadium in color
Thank you for the compliment. Yes, I will bring the board and easel to the meeting'
Matthew Scoble
Chief of Staff to Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703)792-4646
Direct: (7031792-7803
Mobile: (57L1235-9727
NewWoodbridse I Facebook lTwitter I Updates
Matt: Great job coordinating the event on Thursday night. the board displaying the new color
Can you please bring
rendering of the stadium to the Board meetings on Tuesday (2pm and 7:30pm)? And do you have an easel for it as
well? lf not, I could bring an easel.
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From: Silber, Seth <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28,2017 10:52 AM
To: Tom Sebastian; Principi, Frank J.
Cc: Scoble, Matthew
Subject: Re: call at 1 1:'15?
I'll be available.
Original message
From: Tom Sebastian <>
Date:6128117 10:48 AM (GMT-05:00)
To : "Frank J. Principi" <>, " Silber, Seth" <>
Cc: "'Scoble, Matthew"' (>
Subject: call at 11:15?
Are you available to talk at 1L:1"5? Any time would work for me. We are meeting with the staff at Noon.
703-635-4819 cell
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From: Scoble, Matthew
Sent: Wednesday, luly 12,2017 9:32 AM
To: Tom Sebastian (Contracto0; Principi, Frank J.
Cc: Jim Garibaldi;Thomas Underhill; pnats42; Seth Silber;;
Peter Kirk
Subject: RE: conference call - Wednesday morning - UPDATED
Once connected enter in the conference lD, password, and state your name at the prompts.
Thank you,
Matthew Scoble
Chief of Staff to Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703)792-4646
Direct: (703)792-7803
Mobile: (57L1235-9727
NewWoodbridge I Facebook lTwitter I Updates
-----Original Message---*
From: Scoble, Matthew
Sent: Wednesday, July L2,2017 8:L9 AM
To: 'Tom Sebastian (Contractor)'<>; Principi, FrankJ. <>
Cc:Jim Garibaldi<>; Thomas Underhill<>; pnats42 <>; Seth
Silber <>;; Peter Kirk <pkirk28@verizon'net>
Subject: RE: conference call - Wednesday morning
Conference single access DN: 5700
Access from Public Network: 7O3 - 792-5700
Conference Meeting lD: LLtz
Conference Password: 0353
Matthew Scoble
Chief of Staff to Supervisor Frank J. Principi Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703)792-4646
Direct: (703),792-7803
Mobile: (571]'235-9727
NewWoodbridge I Facebook lTwitter I Updates
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Sebastian (Contractor) []
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2Ot7 12:06 AM
To: Principi, Frank J. <>
Cc: Scoble, Matthew <>; Jim Garibaldi <>; Thomas Underhill
<>; pnats42 <>; Seth Silber <>; lsweiss@potomacnationals'com;
Peter Kirk <>
Subject: Re: conference call - Wednesday morning
> Tom...
> Can you do 12p?
> Sincerely,
> Supervisor Frank J. Principi
> Prince William Board of County Supervisors
> 703.7 92.4646 / www.NewWood<http://www.>
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Confidentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s)
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From: Peter Kirk <>
Sent: Wednesday, luly 12,2017 7:54 AM
Cc:; Principi, Frank J,; Scoble, Matthew;jgaribaldi@jbg'com;; ssilber@wsg; lsweiss@ potomacnationals'com
Subject: Re: conference call - Wednesday morning
Are we sure that the staff version of the Lease (with it's unacceptable items) will be voted down by the BOS on
the 18th? What are the chances of it being approved?
We need to stop the vote next week. A press release indicating the deal is over should do that.......and
then possibly there may still be an opportunity to continue to try to make it happen.
At this mornings meeting you should indicate that I want to go no further and you can read the draft I sent
last night. Theie is nothing further to negotiate. We were screwed by Corey not being at the meeting. I do
not wnt the Tea Party people to have the political capital of saying they voted this down.
Iwant the press coverage before the meeting and community fury next Tuesday night. The objective is to
stop the vote. The press release doesn't mean that we still can't try to salvage it.
---Original Message---
From: Tom Sebastian (Contractor) <>
To: Principi, Frank J. <FPrincipi@pwcgov.oro>
Cc: Scoble, Matthew <MScoOie@pwcgov.orq>; Jim Garibaldi <iqaribaldi(>; Thomas Underhill
<>; pnats42 <>; Seth Silber <>; lsweiss
<>; Peter Kirk <pkirk28rverizon. net>
Sent:Wed, Jul 12, 2017 12:05am
Subject: Re: conference call - Wednesday morning
> Tom...
> Can you do 12p?
> Sincerely,
> Supervisor Frank J. Principi
> Prince William Board of County Supervisors
> 7 03.7 92. 4646 / vwwv. N ewWood b rid q e. o ro < h tt //www.
: N ewwood b ri d o e. o rq >
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Confidentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the intended
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prohibiied. lf you are noi tne intended recipient, please notify the sender, and delete and destroy all
copies of this message and its attachments. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by
transmission errors.
From: Silber, Seth < >
Sent: Wednesday, luly 12,2017 7:00 AM
To: Tom Sebastian (Contractor); Principi, Frank J'
Cc: Scoble, Matthew; Jim Garibaldi; Thomas Underhill; pnals42;
lsweiss@; Peter Kirk
Subject: Re: conference call - Wednesday morning
Any chance Frank to do call earlier? I have a noon meeting that will be hard to move but can try. I'm open 10-
12. Howabout 11:30?
Original message
From: "Tom Sebastian (Contractor) " <>
Date:7ll2ll7 12:05 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Principi, Frank J." <>
Cc: "Scobl, Matthew" <MScoble@p*, Jim Garibaldi <, Thomas Underhill
<> , pnats42 <, "Silber, Seth" <ssilber@wsgr.corrl),, Peter Kirk <
Subject: Re: conference call - Wednesday morning
> Tom...
> Can you do l2p?
> Sincerely,
> Supervisor Frank J. Principi
> Prince William Board of County Supervisors
> 7 03.7 92.4646 /<http://www'NewV/>
> On Jul ll,2Ol7, at 9:28 PM, Tom Sebastian (Contractor) <<mailto:tsebastian@jbg'com>> wrote:
> Frank: Are you available for a call at lgam tomorow morning? If that time doesn't work for you, please pick an alternative
time. My schedule is open.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Confrdentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain
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permanently delete the original and any copies of this email and any attachments thereto.
Sent: Wednesday, July 12,2017 6:55 AM
To:; Principi, Frank J.
Cc: Scoble, Matthew;;;;; pki
Subject: Re: conference call - Wednesday morning
We need to stop the vote next week. A press release indicating the deal is over should do that.......and then possibly there
may still be an opportunity to continue to try to make it happen'
At this mornings meeting you should indicate that I want to go no further and you can read the draft I sent last night. There
is nothing furter to negtiate. We were screwed by Corey not being at the meeting. I do not want the Tea Party people to
have the political capital of saying they voted this down.
I want the press coverage before the meeting and community fury next Tuesday night. The objective is to stop the vote'
The press release doesn't mean that we still can't try to salvage it.
> On Jul 11,2017, at 11:28 PM, Principi, Frank J' <> wrote:
> Tom...
> Can you do 12p?
> Sincerely,
> Supervisor Frank J. Principi
> Prince William Board of County Supervisors
> 7 Og.7 92.4646 / wu/v. Newwoodbridqe.orq<http://www. Newwoodbridge'orq>
> On Jul j1,2017, at g:28 pM, Tom Sebastian (Contractor) <<>> wrote:
> Frank: Are you available for a call at 1Oam tomorrow morning? lf that time doesn't work for you, please pick an
alternative time. My schedule is open.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Condentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s) and
may contain inf'ormation that is confiential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable
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From: pnats42 < >
Sent: Wednesday, July 12,2017 B:34 AM
To: Peter Kirk
Cc:; Principi, Frank J,; Scoble, Matthew;jgaribaldi@jbg'com;;;
Subject: Re: conference call - Wednesday morning
Original message
From : Peter Kirk <
Date:7ll2ll7 7:54 AM (GMT-05:00)
Cc:,,,,, ssilber@wsgr. com,
Subject: Re: conference call - Wednesday morning
Are we sure that the staff version of the Lease (with it's unacceptable items) will be voted down by the BOS on
the 18th? V/hat are the chances ofit being approved?
We need to stop the vote next week. A press release indicating the deal is over should do that.'..'..and
then possibly there may still be an opportunity to continue to try to make it happen.
At this mornings meeting you should indicate that I want to go no further and you can read the draft I sent
last night. Theie is nothin! further to negotiate. We were screwed by Corey not being at the meeting. I do
not wnt the Tea Party people to have the political capital of saying they voted this down.
Iwant the press coverage before the meeting and community fury next Tuesday night. The objective is to
stop the vote. The press release doesn't mean that we still can't try to salvage it.
---Original Message---
From: Tom Sebastian (Contractor) <>
To: Principi, Frank J. <>
Cc: Scoble, Matthew.NnscoOlefApwcov.orq>; Jim Garibaldi <>;Thomas Underhill
<tunderhill@jbq.comt;-pnaG+Z>; Seth Silber <>; lsweiss
<lsweiss@potomacnationals. com> ; Peter Kirk <pkirk28@verizon. net>
Sent: Wed, Jul 12, 2017 12:05 am
Subject: Re: conference call - Wednesday morning
> Sincerely,
> Supervisor Frank J. Principi
> Prince William Board of County Supervisors
> 7 03.7 92.4646 / www.<http://www.>
> Frank: Are you available for a call at 1Oam tomorrow morning? lf that time doesn't work for you, please
pick an alternative time. My schedule is open.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Confidentiality Notice: This message and its attachments are intended solely for the use of the intended
recipient(s) and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise exempt
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From: Principi, Frank J.
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 6:03 PM
lo: 'Tom Sebastian'
Subject: RE: DRAFT of letter to Chris Martino
This is fine.
Frank J. Principi
Supervisor, Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703)792-4646
NewWoodbridge I Facebook I Twitter I UPdates
Frank: Per our discussion this morning, please review the draft language below and please send me your comments
As we discussed this morning during our weekly ballpark status call (including County staff, Potomac Nationals and JBG),
we are all working hard to finalize the ballpark agreements. On behalf of JBG, I want to reiterate that we greatly
appreciate all of the hard work to date by the County staff and the Potomac Nationals toward finalizing these
documents (including exhibits) so that they can be submitted to the Board of County Supervisors'
During our meeting last Wednesday (June 28) , the County expressed its desire to purchase the stadium land rather than
ground leasing the land as contemplated by the Letter of lntent. On the one hand, I think everyone would agree that
this change will result in a cleaner and simpler transaction. On the other hand, this is a significant structural change that
will requiresignificantmodificationstotheagreements. Attheendofthediscussiononthe2Sth,JBGagreedtotakethe
lead in converting the two major documents (Ground Lease and Master Development Agreement) into a new Purchase
Agreement. This is a significant undertaking and our legal team has been working diligently (including working through
the July 4th holiday weekend) in an effort to complete this task as quickly as possible. We expect to distribute the new
Purchase Agreement to the County and Potomac Nationals within the next few days (hopefully tomorrow)'
I recognize that the entire working group (County staff, Potomac Nationals and JBG) has been working hard to complete
the ballpark documents on a very aggressive timeline. Our goal has been to complete the documents by July L0th so that
they can be submitted to the Board for a hearing on July L8th. However, as a result of the significant structural change
discussed above, I believe that the parties won't be able to finalize the new Purchase Agreement by the Loth. But I do
think that we are making great progress and that there are relatively few issues remaining to be resolved' Therefore I
suggest that we schedule an all-hands call early next week (after JBG has distributed the new Purchase Agreement),
agree on the most efficient process for completing the remaining work and agree upon a new target completion
date. Are you available for a call on Monday afternoon?
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From: Principi, Frank J.
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 1:46 PM
To: Tom Sebastian
Subject: Re: ljust talked to Chris Martino
Greatl Thanks!
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.7 92.4646 / www. NewWood bridse.o rs
Just had a good call with Chris Martino. I think/hope we resolved these 2 points:
o JBG will agree to give the County an option to purchase the stadium property at "fair market
value" at the end of the term. The term could be as short as 30 years or up to 70 years
depending on the County's decisions to extend. Hopefully, this will address the "leasehold
improvements" issue...
o JBG will agree to give the County flexibility to use the stadium for any leeal use except for a
"public works facility" (trash dump, salt storage, dump truck parking, etc.). Chris thinks this will
resolve the issue (subject to confirmation by County's lawyers).
703-635-48L9 cell
Tom Sebastian I
Senior Vice President, Development
The JBG Companies@
4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400 I Chevy Chase, MD 20815
301.657.7344 direct | 240.333.3600 main | 240.333.3620 fax
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From: Silber, Seth <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 7:14 PM
lo: Principi, Frank J.; Tom Sebastian
Cc: Scoble, Matthew
Subject: Re: ljust talked to Chris Martino
I'm out of town for next 10 days but definitely available by phone. Free tomorrow morning before 11 and then
after 4 pm.
Original message
From: "Principi, Frank J." (>
Dafe:6128117 7:06 PM (GMT-05:00)
To : Tom Sebastian <>, " Silber, Seth" <>
Cc: "Scoble, Matthew" <>
Subject: RE: I just talked to Chris Martino
Sorry for not reaching out sooner, but jammed up today. Board meeting went until 3:30a last night
and have a town hall tonight. I have asked Mat to schedule a face-to-face meeting of the three of us
asap. Seems the list is significantly longer than a dozen items. Also, the timetable and negotiating
strategy may have changed. More later!
Frank J. Principi
Supervisor, Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703) 792-4646
NewWoodbridge I Facebook I Twitter I UPdates
Just had a good call with Chris Martino. lthink/hope we resolved these 2 points:
JBG will agree to give the County an option to purchase the stadium property at "fair market value" at the end
of the term. The term could be as short as 30 years or up to 70 years depending on the County's decisions to
extend. Hopefully, this will address the "leasehold improvements" issue'..
a JBG will agree to give the County flexibility to use the stadium for any lesal use except for a "public works
facility" (trash dump, salt storage, dump truck parking, etc.). Chris thinks this will resolve the issue (subject to
confirmation by County's lawyers).
703-635-48L9 cell
Tom Sebastian I
Senior Vice President, Development
The JBG Companies@
4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815
30L.657.7344 direct | 240.333.3600 main | 240.333'3620 fax
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From: Tom Sebastian < >
I am available any time tomorrow except 2-3pm. Please pick a time. I will be dialing in from my office.
I'm out of town for next 10 days but definitely available by phone. Free tomorrow morning before 11 and then
after 4 pm.
Original message
From: "Principi, Frank J." <FPrincipi@pwcgov
Date:6128117 7:06 PM (GMT-05:00)
To : Tom Sebastian <tsebastian@jbg. com>, " Silber, Seth" <>
Cc: "Scoble, Matthew" <>
Subject: RE: I just talked to Chris Martino
Sorry for not reaching out sooner, but jammed up today. Board meeting went until 3:30a last night
and have a town hall tonight. I have asked Mat to schedule a face-to-face meeting of the three of us
asap. Seems the list is significantly longer than a dozen items. Also, the timetable and negotiating
strategy may have changed. More later!
Frank J. Principi
Supervisor, Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703) 792-4646
NewWoodbridge I Facebook I Twitter I UPdates
Cc: Scoble, Matthew <MScoble@ pwcgov.ors>
Subject: I just talked to Chris Martino
Just had a good callwith Chris Martino. lthink/hope we resolved these 2 points:
o JBG will agree to give the County an option to purchase the stadium property at "fair market value" at the end
of the term. The term could be as short as 30 years or up to 70 years depending on the County's decisions to
extend. Hopefully, this will address the "leasehold improvements" issue...
. JBG will agree to give the County flexibility to use the stadium for anv leeal use except for a "public works
facility', (trash dump, salt storage, dump truck parking, etc.). Chris thinks this will resolve the issue (subject to
confirmation by County's lawyers).
703-635-4819 cell
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From: Principi, Frank J.
Sent: Monday, June 19,2017 B:35 PM
To: Tom Sebastian
Subject: Re: JBG proposal regarding TIA recommendations; a significant concession by JBG since
the LOlwas signed
Got it.
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.7 92.4646 / www. NewWood bridse.o re
Hello Frank,
Separately, since the LOI was signed, JBG has made the following significant concession: JBG has agreed
to waive the rent for the initial 12 months after delivery of the stadium property to the County (value =
703-635-4819 cell
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From: Silber, Seth <>
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2017 12:44 PM
lo: Principi, Frank J.;
Cc:; lsweiss@; Scoble, Matthew
Subject: Re: Pnats renderings
No problem. Thx
Original message
From: "Principi, Frank J." <>
Date:6117ll7 l2:0t PM (GMT-05:00)
Cc: "Silber, Seth" <>,,, "Scoble,
Matthew" <>
Subject: Re: Pnats renderings
Please bring color copies with you and place on the dais BEFORE the 2p start time. Matt will bring both boards and an easel'
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.7 92.4646 /<>
Attached are the most recent renderings for the new ball park.....they are exciting.
We'd like to share them with the 7 other Board members and are not sure the best way to do it.
please feel free to either email them yourself to each or if you prefer I or Lani could send them. I would assume their County email
address would be best.
What ever you think best. I will be there Tuesday for both public sessions. We are confident that Pat O'Comer, President of Minor
League baseball will answer many of the questions that the Board may have'
<R_Concourse_Out (l ) jpg>
<N_Aerial_Out jpg>
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trom: Tom Sebastian (Contractor) < tsebastia n @jbg'com >
Idon't know how many other firms responded (if any). Adam Manne is in charge of the process. Obviously, we only
need 1 qualified general contractor and LF Jennings is a top-tier GC'
Did any other firms reply to the RFI? If so, results?
Frank J. Principi
Supervisor, Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703) 792-4646
NewWoodbridge I Facebook I Twitter I UPdates
See attached. ln response to the County's RFl, LF Jennings (a large and highly-respected general contractor located in
Northern Virginia) has indicated that they could build the stadium for Sgtw.
Mr. Manne attached is our preliminary estimate for the stadium design and construction. The estimate attached is based
on the Bohler site plan and the attached marked up rendering. I will forward a more detailed qualification shortly. Please
let me know if you have any questions.
i martin( I
5t L.F, JEI{NII*G9
i-J'.,r:iti 111.1 r; I lrr!
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From: Principi, Frank J.
Nice work.
Frank J. Principi
Supervisor, Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703)792-4646
NewWoodbridge I Facebook I Twitter I Updates
I'd appreciate it if you would consider withdrawing the baseball issue from next weeks board meeting agenda'
As we have not concluded an agreement that is satisfactory two both parties and we believe a vote would be
Thank you,
Art Silber
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From: Silber, Seth < >
Original message
From: "Principi, Frank J. " <>
Date:6118117 4:19 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: " Silber, Seth" <>
Cc: "Scoble, Matthew" <>
Subject: Proposed Baseball Stadium
please let me know if you have questions you would like asked and answered of Pat O'Connor on Tuesday. Thanks!
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.792,4646 /
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From: Silber, Seth <>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 7:34 AM
To: Principi, Frank J.
Cc: Scoble, Matthew
Subject: RE: Proposed Baseball Stadium
- Whether there have been any defaults on stadium leases in the past
- MiLB review/approval process for new stadium leases
----Original Message----
From: Principi, Frank J. [mailto:]
Sent: Sunday, June t8,20L7 4:20 PM
To: Silber, Seth
Cc: Scoble, Matthew
Subject: Proposed Baseball Stadium
please let me know if you have questions you would like asked and answered of Pat O'Connor on Tuesday. Thanksl
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.7 92.4646 / www. NewWood bridge.o rg
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From: Silber, Seth <>
Sent: Tuesday, )une27,2017 B:20 PM
lo: Principi, Frank J.
Subject: Re: Stadium payment issue-Potomac Nationals financial statement
V/e have been operating this business in the county for 28 years and have always met our financial obligations
while making significant contributions to the community.
There is no basis to challenge our financial stability. Moreover the County's study shows we can meet our
financial obligations in the new ballpark.
Original message
From: "Principi, Frank J. " <>
Date:6127117 8:10 PM (GMT-05:00)
To : "Silber, Seth" <>
Subject: Stadium payment issue-Potomac Nationals financial statement
Iam receiving emails that question the frnancial sustainability of the team. How should I reply?
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.7 92.4646 /<http://www.NewV/>
To All,
So the true is over the past frve years, Potomac Nationals have averaged annual income of only $40,989.8 I . Bankers won't make that
loan, Investors won't make that loan.
No way on stadium deal.
Neal Zierke
Haymarket VA
[cid:imageO0 1 .png@01D2EF7D.4E3FF3 I 0]
[cid : image002.png@0 LD2EF7D.4E3 FF3 I 0]
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From: Tom Sebastia n (Contractor) < tsebastia n >
Sent: Wednesday, July 12,2017 3:16 PM
To: Principi, Frank J.
Subject: RE:talking to P-Nats at 3:00
Art is going to (a) discuss with Corey and then (b) send an email to Chris Martino requesting that the Stadium Lease be
pulled from the agenda (Chris'suggestion, I think).
-----Origina I Message-----
From : Principi, Frank J. Imailto: FPrincipi@]
Sent: Wednesday, July 12,20t7 2:43 PM
To : Tom Sebastia n (Contractor) <tse bastia n @j>
Subject: Re: talking to P-Nats at 3:00
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.7 92.4646 / www.<http://www. NewWood>
Frank: We have a call with the P-Nats at 3:00. We will follow up with you (regarding the Thursday night Town Hall
Meeting) as soon as that conversation ends.
Inl <http://www. inkedi pa ny/the-jbg-com pa n ies>
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From: Principi, Frank J.
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 9:45 AM
To: 'Silber, Seth'; 'Tom Sebastian'
Cc: Scoble, Matthew
Subject: Stadium financial guaranty
You may want to start at the bottom of the thread and read to the top
Frank J. Principi
Supervisor, Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703)792-4646
NewWoodbridee I Facebook I Twitter I Updates
Frank, I do not think that there is confusion, you had clearly explained the potential risk you are looking to cover on our
ca ll.
Maybe my response was not clear. While we had a short discussion because based on summary details I have, Assured
made it clear that it will be difficult for them to get comfortable with the credit risk associated with a minor league
baseball team (eg exactly the risk you are looking for them to cover/guarantee)'
I offered a callwith them in case there are other mitigants which I do not know about and might change their minds.
My apologies for the confusion. We are interested in insuring the revenue bonds for the stadium. The
IDA will issue the bonds, the team will pay the finance payments, and the county is backstopping the
deal. To protect the taxpayer should the team's revenues not meet projections (or the team relocates),
the carrier would step in and payoff the bonds. If this scenario is feasible, I would like to schedule a
call for next week. Thanks!
Frank ]. Principi
Supervisor, Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703) 792-4646
NewWoodbridge I Facebook I Twitter I Updates
Frank, I spoke with the Senior Managing Director at Assured who is responsible for their municipal and public finance
While they have worked and provided protection on stadiums (NY Yankees and Mets in particular) they are unlikely to
be able to provide insurance on a minor league team. They have found, in their past reviews, the credit risk of minor
league teams to be too challenging and the risk associated with a team moving too difficult for them to underwrite'
lf you would like, lcan arrange a callthem to discuss and you can explain any link to the Nationals major league team (or
any other mitigants) I might not be aware of.
Regards, Christophe
I trust Assured will not decide without talking to me first? The link for the official documents is:
Frank J. Principi
Supervisor, Woodbridge Magisterial District
Main: (703) 792-4646
NewWoodbridse I Facebook I Twitter I Updates
From: Letondot, Ch risto phe Im a i lto :Ch risto phe. Leto ndot( m]
Sent: Thursday, June 29,2Ot7 1:36 PM
To: Principi, Fra nk J. <FPri ncipi @>
Cc: Weitzman, Brian S <>
Subject: Marsh contacts
Frank, Per our discussion this morning, we have two calls into Assured Guaranty and have not heard from them yet
As soon as we get a sense of their appetite for this risk and way forward, we will get back to you. Regards, Christophe
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** * ** *** ** ** * ** **** ** **** * ***** *** ** ** * * * * ***** ** ** ** * ** ** **** ** ** ** *
From: Principi, Frank J.
Sent: Tuesday, June27,2017 B:11 PM
To: Seth Silber
Subject: Stadium payment issue-Potomac Nationals financial statement
Attachments: image001 .png; image002.png
I am receiving emails that question the financial sustainability of the team. How should I reply?
Supervisor Frank J. Principi
Prince William Board of County Supervisors
7 03.7 92.4646 / www. NewWood bridse.ore
To All,
So the true is over the past five yearst Potomac Nationals have averaged annual income of
only $40,989.81, Bankers won't make that loan,Investors won't make that loan,
No way on stadium deal.
Neal Zierke
Haymarket VA
Frank: We have a call with the P-Nats at 3:00. We will follow up with you (regarding the Thursday night Town Hall
Meeting) as soon as that conversation ends.
Tom Sebastian I
Senior Vice President, Development
The JBG Companies@
4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815
30L.657.7344 direct | 240.333.3600 main | 240,333.3620 fax
l4l tr
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