Ch02 Radiat
Ch02 Radiat
Ch02 Radiat
Y = a1 R 3/2 (2.1)
(b) 1MVUP
3 (N
3 (N
Figure 2.3
Dates (UTC) of the (a) perihelion and (b) aphelion, & their
Because the Earth is rotating around the Earth- trends (thick line). From the US Naval Observatory. http://
moon barycenter while this barycenter is revolv-
ing around the sun, the location of the center of the
Earth traces a slightly wiggly path as it orbits the
sun. This path is exaggerated in Fig. 2.2 (thick line). Sample Application()
Define a relative Julian Day, d, as the day of the Use a spreadsheet to find the true anomaly and
year. For example, 15 January corresponds to d = sun-Earth distance for several days during the year.
15. For 5 February, d = 36 (which includes 31 days in
January plus 5 days in February). Find the Answer
The angle at the sun between the perihelion and Given: dp = 4 Jan. P = 365.25 days.
the location of the Earth (actually to the Earth-moon Find: = ? and R = ? Gm.
barycenter) is called the true anomaly (see Fig.
Sketch: (same as Fig 2.2)
2.2). This angle increases during the year as the day
For example, for 15 Feb, d = 46
d increases from the perihelion day (about dp = 4; Use eq. (2.2):
namely, about 4 January). According to Keplers M = (2 3.14159)(464)/ 365.256363 = 0.722 radians
second law, the angle increases more slowly when Use eq. (2.3b):
the Earth is further from the sun, such that a line =0.722 +0.0333988sin(0.722) + 0.0003486sin(1.444)
connecting the Earth and the sun will sweep out + 0.000005sin(2.166) = 0.745 radians
equal areas in equal time intervals. Use eq. (2.4):
An angle called the mean anomaly M is a sim- R = (149.457Gm)(1 0.01672)/[1+0.0167cos(0.745)]
ple, but good approximation to . It is defined by: = (149.457Gm) 0.99972 / 1.012527 = 147.60 Gm
"OUBSD Figure 2.5
UJD$JSD Dates (UTC) of northern-hemisphere seasons relative to Earths
The distance R between the sun and Earth (actu-
ally to the Earth-moon barycenter) as a function of
Figure 2.4
Relationship of declination angle s to tilt of the Earths axis, for
time is
a day near northern-hemisphere summer. 1 e2
R = a (2.4)
1 + e cos( )
Seasonal Effects
The tilt of the Earths axis relative to a line per-
Table 2-1 . Dates and times (UTC) for northern hemi-
pendicular to the ecliptic (i.e., the orbital plane of
sphere equinoxes and solstices. Format: dd hhmm
gives day (dd), hour (hh) and minutes (mm). From the the Earth around the sun) is presently r = 23.44 =
US Naval Observatory. 0.409 radians. The direction of tilt of the Earths axis
EarthSeasons.php is not fixed relative to the stars, but wobbles or pre-
cesses like a top with a period of about 25,781 years.
Year Spring Summer Fall Winter
Although this is important over millennia (see the
Equinox Solstice Equinox Solstice
Climate chapter), for shorter time intervals (up to a
(March) (June) (Sept.) (Dec.)
century) the precession is negligible, and you can as-
2015 20 2245 21 1638 23 0820 22 0448 sume a fixed tilt.
2016 20 0430 20 2234 22 1421 21 1044 The solar declination angle s is defined as
2017 20 1028 21 0424 22 2002 21 1628 the angle between the ecliptic and the plane of the
2018 20 1615 21 1007 23 0154 21 2222 Earths equator (Fig. 2.4). Assuming a fixed orienta-
tion (tilt) of the Earths axis as the Earth orbits the
2019 20 2158 21 1554 23 0750 22 0419
sun, the solar declination angle varies smoothly as
2020 20 0349 20 2143 22 1330 21 1002 the year progresses. The north pole points partially
2021 20 0937 21 0332 22 1921 21 1559 toward the sun in summer, and gradually changes
2022 20 1533 21 0914 23 0104 21 2148 to point partially away during winter (Fig. 2.5).
2023 20 2124 21 1458 23 0650 22 0327 Although the Earth is slightly closer to the sun
in winter (near the perihelion) and receives slightly
2024 20 0306 20 2051 22 1244 21 0921
more solar radiation then, the Northern Hemisphere
2025 20 0901 21 0242 22 1819 21 1503 receives substantially less sunlight in winter be-
cause of the tilt of the Earths axis. Thus, summers
are warmer than winters, due to Earth-axis tilt.
The solar declination angle is greatest (+23.44) on
about 20 to 21 June (summer solstice in the North-
ern Hemisphere, when daytime is longest) and is
most negative ( 23.44) on about 21 to 22 December
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 31
cos() sin()
where = C/4 is the zenith angle. After noon, .BS
the azimuth angle might need to be corrected to be
= C , so that the sun sets in the west instead
of the east. Fig. 2.6 shows an example of the eleva-
tion and azimuth angles for Vancouver (latitude = %FD
49.25N, longitude = 123.1W) during the solstices
and equinoxes.
Sunrise, Sunset & Twilight "[JNVUI"OHMF
Table 2-2. Elevation angles for diurnal events. Approximate (sundial) time-of-day correspond-
ing to these events can be found by rearranging eq.
Event () (radians) (2.6): (2.8a)
Sunrise & Sunset:
Geometric 0 0 td sin sin s sin
tUTC = e arccos
Apparent 0.833 0.01454 C cos cos s
Twilight: where the appropriate elevation angle is used from
Civil 6 0.10472 Table 2-2. Where the sign appears, use + for sun-
Military 12 0.20944 rise and for sunset. If any of the answers are nega-
tive, add 24 h to the result.
Astronomical 18 0.31416
To correct the time for the tilted, elliptical orbit of
the earth, use the approximate Equation of Time:
INFO Astronomical Values for Time
ta a sin( M ) + bsin(2 M + c) (2.8b)
The constants a = 2e/E , b = [tan2(/2)]/E , and
c = 2 in the Equation of Time are based on the fol-
lowing astronomical values: E = 2/24h = 0.0043633 where a = 7.659 minutes, b = 9.863 minutes, c = 3.588
radians/minute is Earths rotation rate about its axis, radians = 205.58, and where the mean anomaly M
e = 0.01671 is the eccentricity of Earths orbit around from eq. (2.2) varies with day of the year. This time
the sun, = 0.40909 radians = 23.439 is the obliquity correction is plotted in the Sample Application. The
(tilt of Earths axis), = 4.9358 radians = 282.8 is the corrected (mechanical-clock) time teUTC is:
angle (in the direction of Earths orbit around the sun)
between a line from the sun to the vernal (Spring) teUTC = tUTC ta (2.8c)
equinox and a line drawn from the sun to the moving
perihelion (see Fig. 2.5, and Fig. 21.10 in Chapter 21). which corrects sundial time to mechanical-clock
time. Dont forget to convert the answer from UTC
to your local time zone.
Sample Application ()
Plot time correction vs. day of the year.
respectively. A flux in the positive x-direction (east-
The reason for sometimes expressing fluxes in Check: Units OK. Sketch OK. Physics OK.
kinematic form is that the result is given in terms Exposition: The kinematic flux is equivalent to a very
of easily measured quantities. For example, while light wind speed of less than 1 m s1 blowing through
the doorway, yet it transports quite a large amount of
most people do not have Watt meters to measure
mass each minute.
the normal dynamic heat flux, they do have ther-
mometers and anemometers. The resulting temper-
ature times wind speed has units of a kinematic heat
flux (Kms1). Similarly, for mass flux it is easier to Sample Application
measure wind speed than kilograms of air per area If the heat flux from the sun that reaches the Earths
per time. surface is 600 W m2, find the flux in kinematic units.
Heat fluxes can be caused by a variety of pro-
cesses. Radiative fluxes are radiant energy (elec- Find the Answer:
Given: FH = 600 W m2
tromagnetic waves or photons) per unit area per
Find: FH = ? Km s1
unit time. This flux can travel through a vacuum.
Assume: sea level.
Advective flux is caused by wind blowing through
an area, and carrying with it warmer or colder Use eq. (2.11)
temperatures. For example a warm wind blowing FH = (600 W m2) / [1231 (Wm2) / (Kms1) ]
toward the east causes a positive heat-flux compo- = 0.487 Km s1
nent FHx in the x-direction. A cold wind blowing
toward the west also gives positive FHx. Turbulent Check: Units OK. Physics OK.
fluxes are caused by eddy motions in the air, while Exposition: This amount of radiative heat flux is
conductive fluxes are caused by molecules bounc- equivalent to an advective flux of a 1 m s1 wind blow-
ing into each other. ing air with temperature excess of about 0.5C.
36 chapter 2 Solar & Infrared Radiation
Sample Application
Red light has a wavelength of 0.7 m. Find its Radiation principles
frequency, circular frequency, and wavenumber in a
Find the Answer Radiation can be modeled as electromagnetic
Given: co = 299,792,458 m s1, = 0.7 m waves or as photons. Radiation propagates through
Find: = ? Hz, = ? s1 , = ? m1 . a vacuum at a constant speed: co = 299,792,458 ms1.
For practical purposes, you can approximate this
Use eq. (2.12), solving for : speed of light as co 3x108 ms1. Light travels slight-
= co/ = (3x108 m s1) / (0.7x10 6 m cycle 1) ly slower through air, at roughly c = 299,710,000 ms1
= 4.28x1014 Hz. at standard sea-level pressure and temperature, but
the speed varies slightly with thermodynamic state
= 2 = 2(3.14159)(4.28x1014 Hz)
of the air (see the Optics chapter).
= 2.69x1015 s1.
Using the wave model of radiation, the wave-
= 1/ = 1 / (0.7x10 6 m cycle 1) length (mcycle1) is related to the frequency,
= 1.43x10 6 m1. (Hz = cycless1) by:
Objects warmer than absolute zero can emit ra-
diation. An object that emits the maximum possible
radiation for its temperature is called a blackbody.
Sample Application Plancks law gives the amount of blackbody mono-
Find the blackbody monochromatic radiant exi-
chromatic (single wavelength or color) radiant flux
tance of green light of wavelength 0.53 m from an
leaving an area, called emittance or radiant exi-
object of temperature 3000 K.
tance, E*:
Find the Answer c1
E * = (2.13)
Given: = 0.53 m, T = 3000 K [ exp(c2 / ( T )) 1]
Find: E* = ? Wm2 m1 .
Use eq. (2.13): where T is absolute temperature, and the asterisk in-
dicates blackbody. The two constants are:
E * = 5 c1 = 3.74 x 108 Wm2 m4 , and
[ exp(c2 /( T )) 1] c2 = 1.44 x 104 mK.
(3.74x108 Wm -2 m 4 )/(0.53m)5 Eq. (2.13) and constant c1 already include all di-
E * = rections of exiting radiation from the area. E* has
exp (1.44x10 4 Km)/(0.53m 3000K) 1
units of Wm-2 m1 ; namely, flux per unit wave-
= 1.04 x 10 6 Wm2 m1 length. For radiation approaching an area rather
than leaving it, the radiant flux is called irradi-
Check: Units OK. Physics reasonable. ance.
Exposition: Because 3000 K is cooler than the sun, Actual objects can emit less than the theoreti-
about 50 times less green light is emitted. The answer cal blackbody value: E = eE* , where 0 e 1 is
is the watts emitted from each square meter of surface emissivity, a measure of emission efficiency.
per m wavelength increment.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 37
&M 8pNmpNm
&M 8pNmpNm
The Planck curve (eq. 2.13) for emission from a Table 2-3. Ranges of wavelengths of visible colors.
blackbody the same temperature as the sun (T = Approximate center wavelength is in boldface. For
5780 K) is plotted in Fig. 2.8. Peak emissions from more info, see Chapter 22 on Atmospheric Optics.
the sun are in the visible range of wavelengths (0.38
Color (m)
0.74 m, see Table 2-3). Radiation from the sun is
called solar radiation or short-wave radiation.
Red 0.625 - 0.650 - 0.740
The Planck curve for emission from a blackbody Orange 0.590 - 0.600 - 0.625
that is approximately the same temperature as the Yellow 0.565 - 0.577 - 0.590
whole Earth-atmosphere system (T 255 K) is plot- Green 0.500 - 0.510 - 0.565
ted in Fig. 2.9. Peak emissions from this idealized Cyan 0.485 - 0.490 - 0.500
average Earth system are in the infrared range 8 to Blue 0.460 - 0.475 - 0.485
18 m. This radiation is called terrestrial radia- Indigo 0.425 - 0.445 - 0.460
tion, long-wave radiation, or infrared (IR) radia- Violet 0.380 - 0.400 - 0.425
The wavelength of the peak emission is given by
Wiens law: Sample Application
What is the total radiant exitance (radiative flux)
a emitted from a blackbody Earth at T = 255 K, and what
max = (2.14)
T is the wavelength of peak emission?
where a = 2897 mK.
Find the Answer
The total amount of emission (= area under
Given: T = 255 K &BSUI
Planck curve = total emittance) is given by the Ste- Find: E* = ? Wm2 , max = ? m
fan-Boltzmann law: Sketch:
Use eq. (2.15):
E*= (5.67x10 8 Wm2K4)(255 K)4 = 240 Wm2.
E* = SB T 4 (2.15) Use eq. (2.14):
max = (2897 mK) / (255 K) = 11.36 m
where SB = 5.67x10 8 Wm2K4 is the Stefan-
Boltzmann constant, and E* has units of Wm2. Check: Units OK. agrees with peak in Fig. 2.9.
More details about radiation emission are in the Sat- Exposition: You could create the same flux by plac-
ellites & Radar chapter in the sections on weather ing a perfectly-efficient 240 W light bulb in front of a
satellites. parabolic mirror that reflects the light and IR radiation
into a beam that is 1.13 m in diameter.
For comparison, the surface area of the Earth is
about 5.1x1014 m2, which when multiplied by the flux
gives the total emission of 1.22x1017 W. Thus, the Earth
acts like a large-wattage IR light bulb.
38 chapter 2 Solar & Infrared Radiation
Radiation emitted from a spherical source de- 4PMBSSBEJBUJPOSFBDIJOH
creases with the square of the distance from the cen- &BSUITPSCJU
&M 8pNmpNm
Check: Units OK. Physics OK. where is the elevation angle (the angle of the
Exposition: During N. Hemisphere winter, solar ra- sun above the surface). In kinematic form, this is
diative forcing is up to 50 Wm2 larger than average.
Frad = sin( )
Cp (2.20)
Check: Units OK. Sketch OK. Physics OK. where So =1366 W m2 is the solar irradiance, a =
Exposition: Because the solar radiation is striking 149.457 Gm is Earths semi-major axis length, R is
the parking lot at an angle, the radiative flux into the the actual distance for any day of the year, from eq.
parking lot is half of the solar irradiance.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 41
(2.4). In eq. (2.21), ho is the sunset and sunrise hour +BO 'FC .BS "QS .BZ +VO +VM "VH 4FQ 0DU /PW %FD
angle in radians.
The hour angle ho at sunrise and sunset can be
found using the following steps:
= tan()tan( s ) (2.22a)
= min[1, (max( 1, )] (2.22b)
ho = arccos() (2.22c)
Eq. (2.22b) truncates the argument of the arccos to
be between 1 and 1, in order to account for high m
latitudes where there are certain days when the sun
never sets, and other days when it never rises.
[CAUTION. When finding the arccos, your answer
might be in degrees or radians, depending on your calcu-
lator, spreadsheet, or computer program. Determine the m
units by experimenting first with the arccos(0), which will
either give 90 or /2 radians. If necessary, convert the 3FMBUJWF+VMJBO%BZ
hour angle to units of radians, the result of which is ho.]
Fig. 2.11 shows the average incoming solar radia- Figure 2.11
tion vs. latitude and day of the year, found using Average daily insolation E (W m2) over the globe.
eq. (2.21). For any one hemisphere, E has greater
difference between equator and pole during winter
than during summer. This causes stronger winds
and more active extratropical cyclones in the winter Sample Application
hemisphere than in the summer hemisphere. Find the average daily insolation over Vancouver
during the summer solstice.
Ereflected (2.29)
Find the Answer A=
Given: E incoming = 500 W m2 , Eincoming
E transmitted = 100 W m2 , E reflected = 150 W m2
Find: a = ? , e = ? , r = ? , and t = ? The average global albedo for solar radiation reflect-
ed from Earth is A = 30% (see the Climate chapter).
Use eq. (2.26): t = (100 W m2) / (500 W m2) = 0.2 The actual global albedo at any instant varies with
Use eq. (2.24): r = (150 W m2) / (500 W m2) = 0.3
ice cover, snow cover, cloud cover, soil moisture, to-
Use eq. (2.27): a = 1 0.2 0.3 = 0.5
pography, and vegetation (Table 2-5). The Moons
Use eq. (2.23): e = a = 0.5
albedo is only 7%.
Check: Units dimensionless. Physics reasonable. The surface of the Earth (land and sea) is a very
Exposition: By definition, translucent means part- strong absorber and emitter of radiation.
ly transparent, and partly absorbing.
Table 2-5. Typical albedos (%) for sunlight. Table 2-5 (continuation). Typical albedos (%).
Surface A (%) Surface A (%) Surface A (%) Surface A (%)
alfalfa 23-32 forest, decid. 10-25 rice paddy 12 soil, red 17
buildings 9 granite 12-18 road, asphalt 5-15 soil, sandy 20-25
clay, wet 16 grass, green 26 road, dirt 18-35 sorghum 20
clay, dry 23 gypsum 55 rye winter 18-23 steppe 20
cloud, thick 70-95 ice, gray 60 sand dune 20-45 stones 20-30
cloud, thin 20-65 lava 10 savanna 15 sugar cane 15
concrete 15-37 lime 45 snow, fresh 75-95 tobacco 19
corn 18 loam, wet 16 snow, old 35-70 tundra 15-20
cotton 20-22 loam, dry 23 soil, dark wet 6-8 urban, mean 15
field, fallow 5-12 meadow, green 10-20 soil, light dry 16-18 water, deep 5-20
forest, conif. 5-15 potatoes 19 soil, peat 5-15 wheat 10-23
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 43
where is the density of air, and k has units of Use eq. (2.32): = (107 m3)(10 9 m2) = 0.01 m1
m2 gair1 . The total extinction across the whole path
can be quantified by a dimensionless optical thick- (a) Use eq. (2.31a)
ness (or optical depth in the vertical), , allowing Etran = 1366 Wm2 exp[ (0.01 m1)(20 m)]
Beers law to be rewritten as: = 1366 Wm2 exp[0.2] = 1118 Wm2
E =E e (2.31c)
transmitted incident (b) Rearrange eq. (2.31c):
= ln(Ein/Etransmitted) = ln(1366/1118) = 0.20
To simplify these equations, sometimes a volume
extinction coefficient is defined by (c) Rearrange eq. (2.31a): s = [ln(Eincident/Etrans)]/ .
V = s = [ln(1/0.02)]/0.01 m1 = 0.391 km
= nb = k (2.32)
Check: Units OK. Sketch OK. Physics OK.
Visual range (V, one definition of visibility) is Exposition: Not much attenuation through this small
the distance where the intensity of transmitted light smoke plume; namely, 1366 1118 = 248 Wm2 was ab-
has decreased to 2% of the incident light. It estimates sorbed by the smoke. However, if this smoke fills the
the max distance s (km) you can see through air. air, then visibility is very poor.
44 chapter 2 Solar & Infrared Radiation
*m Surface Radiation Budget
K = So Tr sin( ) (2.34)
Find the Answer where cloud-cover fractions for high, middle, and
Given: Tr = 0.8, So = 1366 W m2 , A = 0.5. low clouds are H, M, and L, respectively. These
I = 400 W m2 , I = 350 W m2 cloud fractions vary between 0 and 1, and the
Find: F* = ? W m2 transmissivity also varies between 0 and 1.
Of the sunlight reaching the surface, a portion
Use eq. (2.34): might be reflected:
K =(1366 W m2)(0.8) (0.3) = 381 W m2
Use eq. (2.36): K= (0.5)(381 W m2)= 164 W m2
K = A K (2.36)
Use eq. (2.33): F* =(381)+(164)+(350)+(400) W m2
F* = 167 W m2
where the surface albedo is A.
Check: Units OK. Magnitude and sign OK.
Exposition: Negative sign means net inflow to the
surface, such as would cause daytime warming.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 45
= I* nighttime (2.40b)
&M 8pNmpNm
Sensors designed to measure electromagnetic &BSUIT
radiative flux are generically called actinometers
or radiometers. In meteorology, actinometers are
usually oriented to measure downwelling or up-
welling radiation. Sensors that measure the differ-
ence between down- and up-welling radiation are
called net actinometers.
Special categories of actinometers are designed M N
measured and related to the spectral intensities. B2. Access web cam camera images from a city,
These are also sometimes called Fourier-trans- town, ski area, mountain pass, or highway near you.
form spectrometers, because of the mathematics Use visible shadows on sunny days, along with your
used to extract the spectral information from the knowledge of solar azimuth angles, to determine the
spacing of the fringes. direction that the camera is looking.
You can learn more about radiation, including
the radiative transfer equation, in the weather-satel- B3. Access from the web the exact time from mili-
lite section of the Satellites & Radar chapter. Satel- tary (US Navy) or civilian (National Institute of Stan-
lites use radiometers and spectrometers to remotely dards and Technology) atomic clocks. Synchronize
observe the Earth-atmosphere system. Other satel- your clocks at home or school, utilizing the proper
lite-borne radiometers are used to measure the glob- time zone for your location. What is the time dif-
al radiation budget (see the Climate chapter). ference between local solar noon (the time when the
sun is directly overhead) and the official noon ac-
cording to your time zone. Use this time difference
to determine the number of degrees of longitude that
you are away from the center of your time zone.
B4. Access orbital information about one planet
The variations of temperature and humidity that
(other than Earth) that most interests you (or a plan-
you feel near the ground are driven by the diurnal
et assigned by the instructor). How elliptical is the
cycle of solar heating during the day and infrared
orbit of the planet? Also, enjoy imagery of the planet
cooling at night. Both diurnal and seasonal heating
if available.
cycles can be determined from the geometry of the
Earths rotation and orbit around the sun. The same
B5. Access runway visual range reports from sur-
orbital mechanics describes weather-satellite orbits,
face weather observations (METARs) from the web.
as is discussed in the Satellites & Radar chapter.
Compare two different locations (or times) having
Short-wave radiation is emitted from the sun and
different visibilities, and calculate the appropriate
propagates through space. It illuminates a hemi-
volume extinction coefficients and optical thickness.
sphere of Earth. The portion of this radiation that is
Also search the web to learn how runway visual
absorbed is the heat input to the Earth-atmosphere
range (RVR) is measured.
system that drives Earths weather.
IR radiation from the atmosphere is absorbed at
B6. Access both visible and infrared satellite pho-
the ground, and IR radiation is also emitted from the
tos from the web, and discuss why they look differ-
ground. The IR and short-wave radiative fluxes do
ent. If you can access water-vapor satellite photos,
not balance, leaving a net radiation term acting on
include them in your comparison.
the surface at any one location. But when averaged
over the whole globe, the earth-atmosphere system
B7. Search the web for information about the sun.
is approximately in radiative equilibrium.
Examine satellite-based observations of the sun
Instruments to measure radiation are called ac-
made at different wavelengths. Discuss the struc-
tinometers or radiometers. Radiometers and spec-
ture of the sun. Do any of the web pages give the
trometers can be used in remote sensors such as
current value of the solar irradiance (i.e., the solar
weather satellites.
constant)? If so, how has it varied recently?
A9(). Plot the duration of evening civil twilight (dif- b. Using the average solar irradiance, plot the ra-
ference between end of twilight and sunset times) diative flux (reaching the Earths surface through a
vs. latitude between the south and north poles, for perfectly clear atmosphere) vs. latitude. Assume lo-
the following date: cal noon.
a. 22 Dec b. 5 Feb c. 21 Mar d. 5 May
e. 21 Jun f. 5 Aug g. 23 Sep h. 5 Nov A19(). For the city of exercise A1, plot the average
daily insolation vs. Julian day.
A10. On 15 March for the city listed from exercise
A5, at what local standard time is: A20. What is the value of IR absorptivity of:
a. geometric sunrise a. aluminum b. asphalt c. cirrus cloud
b. apparent sunrise d. conifer forest e. grass lawn f. ice
c. start of civil twilight g. oak h. silver i. old snow
d. start of military twilight j. urban average k. concrete average
e. start of astronomical twilight l. desert average m. shrubs n. soils average
f. geometric sunset
g. apparent sunset A21. Suppose polluted air reflects 30% of the incom-
h. end of civil twilight ing solar radiation. How much (W m2) is absorbed,
i. end of military twilight emitted, reflected, and transmitted? Assume an in-
j. end of astronomical twilight cident radiative flux equal to the solar irradiance,
given a transmissivity of:
A11. Calculate the Eq. of Time correction for: a. 0 b. 0.05 c. 0.1 d. 0.15 e. 0.2 f. 0.25
a. 1 Jan b. 15 Jan c. 1 Feb d. 15 Feb e. 1 Mar g. 0.3 h. 0.35 i. 0.4 j. 0.45 k. 0.5 l. 0.55
f. 15 Mar g. 1 Apr h. 15 Apr i. 1 May j. 15 May m. 0.6 n. 0.65 o. 0.7
A12. Find the mass flux (kgm2s1) at sea-level, giv- A22. What is the value of albedo for the following
en a kinematic mass flux (m s1) of: land use?
a. 2 b. 5 c. 7 d. 10 e. 14 f. 18 g. 21 a. buildings b. dry clay c. corn d. green grass
h. 25 i. 30 j. 33 k. 47 l. 59 m. 62 n. 75 e. ice f. potatoes g. rice paddy h. savanna
i. red soil j. sorghum k. sugar cane
A13. Find the kinematic heat fluxes at sea level, giv- l. tobacco
en these regular fluxes (Wm2):
a. 1000 b. 900 c. 800 d. 700 e. 600 A23. What product of number density times absorp-
f. 500 g. 400 h. 300 i. 200 j. 100 tion cross section is needed in order for 50% of the
k. 43 l. 50 m. 250 n. 325 o. 533 incident radiation to be absorbed by airborne volca-
nic ash over the following path length (km)?
A14. Find the frequency, circular frequency, and a. 0.2 b. 0.4 c. 0.6 d. 0.8 e. 1.0 f. 1.5 g. 2
wavenumber for light of color: h. 2.5 i. 3 j. 3.5 k. 4 l. 4.5 m. 5 n. 7
a. red b. orange c. yellow d. green
e. cyan f. blue f. indigo g. violet A24. What fraction of incident radiation is transmit-
ted through a volcanic ash cloud of optical depth:
A15(). Plot Planck curves for the following black- a. 0.2 b. 0.5 c. 0.7 d. 1.0 e. 1.5 f. 2 g. 3
body temperatures (K): h. 4 j. 5 k. 6 l. 7 m. 10 n. 15 o. 20
a. 6000 b. 5000 c. 4000 d. 3000 e. 2500
f. 2000 g. 1500 h. 1000 i. 750 j. 500 A25. What is the visual range (km) for polluted air
k. 300 l. 273 m. 260 n. 250 h. 240 that has volume extinction coefficient (m-1) of:
a. 0.00001 b. 0.00002 c. 0.00005 d. 0.0001
A16. For the temperature of exercise A15, find: e. 0.0002 f. 0.0005 g. 0.001 h. 0.002
(i) wavelength of peak emissions i. 0.005 j. 0.01 k. 0.02 l. 0.05
(ii) total emittance (i.e., total amount of emis-
sions) A26. (i) What is the value of solar downward direct
radiative flux reaching the surface at the city from
A17. Estimate the value of solar irradiance reaching exercise A5 at noon on 4 July, given 20% coverage of
the orbit of the planet from exercise A1. cumulus (low) clouds.
(ii) If the albedo is 0.5 in your town, what is the
A18(). a. Plot the value of solar irradiance reaching reflected solar flux at that same time?
Earths orbit as a function of relative Julian day.
50 chapter 2 Solar & Infrared Radiation
(iii) What is the approximate value of net E10. a. On a clear day at your location, observe and
longwave radiation at that time? record actual sunrise and sunset times, and the du-
(iv) What is the net radiation at that time, given ration of twilight.
all the info from parts (i) - (iii)? b. Use that information to determine the day of
the year.
A27. For a surface temperature of 20C, find the c. Based on your personal determination of the
emitted upwelling IR radiation (W m2) over the length of twilight, and based on your latitude and
surface-type from exercise A20. season, is your personal twilight most like civil, mil-
itary, or astronomical twilight?
Evaluate & Analyze E11. Given a flux of the following units, convert it to
E1. At what time of year does the true anomaly
a kinematic flux, and discuss the meaning and/or
advantages of this form of flux.
a. 45 b. 90 c. 135 d. 180 e. 225
a. Moisture flux: g waterm2s1
f. 270 g. 315 h. 360
b. Momentum flux: (kgair ms1)m2s1
c. Pollutant flux: gpollutantm2s1
E2() a. Calculate and plot the position (true anom-
aly and distance) of the Earth around the sun for the
E12. a. What solar temperature is needed for the
first day of each month.
peak intensity of radiation to occur at 0.2 microm-
b. Verify Keplers second law.
c. Compare the elliptical orbit to a circular orbit.
b. Remembering that humans can see light only
between 0.38 and 0.74 microns, would the sun look
E3. What is the optimum angle for solar collectors
brighter or dimmer at this new temperature?
at your town?
E13. A perfectly black asphalt road absorbs 100% of
E4. Design a device to measure the angular diam-
the incident solar radiation. Suppose that its result-
eter of the sun when viewed from Earth. (Hint, one
ing temperature is 50C. How much visible light
approach is to allow the sun to shine through a pin
does it emit?
hole on to a flat surface. Then measure the width
of the projected image of the sun on this surface di-
E14. If the Earth were to cool 5C from its present
vided by the distance between the surface and the
radiative equilibrium temperature, by what percent-
pin hole. What could cause errors in this device?)
age would the total emitted IR change?
E5. For your city, plot the azimuth angle for appar-
E15(). Evaluate the quality of the approximation to
ent sunrise vs. relative Julian day. This is the direc-
Plancks Law [see eq. (a) in the A Scientific Perspec-
tion you need to point your camera if your want to
tive Scientific Laws the Myth box] against the
photograph the sunrise.
exact Planck equation (2.13) by plotting both curves
for a variety of typical sun and Earth temperatures.
E6. a. Compare the length of daylight in Fairbanks,
AK, vs Miami, FL, USA.
E16. Find the solar irradiance that can pass through
b. Why do vegetables grow so large in Alaska?
an atmospheric window between 1 = 0.3 m and
c. Why are few fruits grown in Alaska?
2 = 0.8 m. (See the A Scientific Perspective
Seek Solutions box in this chapter for ways to do
E7. How would Fig. 2.6 be different if daylight (sum-
this without using calculus.)
mer) time were used in place of standard time dur-
ing the appropriate months?
E17. How much variation in Earth orbital distance
from the sun is needed to alter the solar irradiance
E8(). Plot a diagram of geometric sunrise times
by 10%?
and of sunset times vs. day of the year, for your loca-
E18. Solar radiation is a diffuse source of energy,
meaning that it is spread over the whole Earth rath-
E9(). Using apparent sunrise and sunset, calculate
er than being concentrated in a small region. It has
and plot the hours of daylight vs. Julian day for your
been proposed to get around the problem of the
inverse square law of radiation by deploying very
large mirrors closer to the sun to focus the light as
collimated rays toward the Earth. Assuming that
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 51
E23. Use Beers law to determine the relationship S7. Derive eq. (2.6) from basic principles of geometry
between visual range (km) and volume extinction and trigonometry. This is quite complicated. It can
coefficient (m1). (Note that extinction coefficient be done using plane geometry, but is easier if you
can be related to concentration of pollutants and use spherical geometry. Show your work.
relative humidity.)
S8. What if the perihelion of Earths orbit happened
E24(). For your city, calculate and plot the noontime at the summer solstice, rather than near the winter
downwelling solar radiation every day of the year, solstice. How would noontime, clear-sky values of
assuming no clouds, and considering the change in insolation change at the solstices compared to now?
solar irradiance due to changing distance between
the Earth and sun. S9. What if radiative heating was caused by the
magnitude of the radiative flux, rather than by the
E25. Consider cloud-free skies at your town. If 50% radiative flux divergence. How would the weather
coverage of low clouds moves over your town, how or the atmospheric state be different, if at all?
does net radiation change at noon? How does it
change at midnight? S10. Linearize Plancks Law in the vicinity of one
temperature. Namely, derive an equation that gives
E26. To determine the values of terms in the surface a straight line that is tangent to any point on the
net-radiation budget, what actinometers would you Planck curve. (Hint: If you have calculus skills, try
use, and how would you deploy them (i.e., which di- using a Taylors series expansion.) Determine over
rections does each one need to look to get the data what range of temperatures your equation gives rea-
you need)? sonable answers. Such linearization is sometimes
used retrieving temperature soundings from satel-
lite observations.