Evaluation of Anti-Gout Activity of Some Plant Food Extracts
Evaluation of Anti-Gout Activity of Some Plant Food Extracts
Evaluation of Anti-Gout Activity of Some Plant Food Extracts
Food Sciences and Nutrition Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Key words: anti-gout activity, functional food components, rats, urine, blood
Theanti-gout activity ofmethanol and petroleum ether extracts ofcelery leaves, celery seeds, rosemary, cinnamon and turmeric as functional food
components was studied inpotassium oxonate treated rats (250mg/kg body weight, intra-peritoneal). Blood samples were collected from all rats after
anovernight fast and after 3and 6h from oxonate injection for determination oferythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), plasma uric acid, nitric oxide (NO)
and malondialdehyde (MDA). Urine samples were collected for 6h after injection for thedetermination ofuric acid. Assessment oftotal phenolic contents,
fatty acids and unsaponifiable matter (UNSAP) intheplants under study was carried out. Results showed that oxonate treatment produced asignificant
increase inall studied parameters compared tothehealthy rats. Oral administration ofdifferent extracts (500mg/kg body weight) showed asignificant
reduction inplasma and urine uric acid levels, petroleum ether extract ofcelery seeds was themost promising. Themajority ofadministered extracts showed
significant reduction ininflammatory (ESR and NO) and oxidative stress (MDA) markers with variable degrees. GLC investigation ofplants UNSAP re-
vealed thepresence ofdifferent phytosterols. GLC analysis ofthefatty acids methyl ester showed that celery seeds and leaves contained thehighest contents
ofoleic and linoleic acid, respectively. Linolenic acid was only present incelery seeds and leaves. All thestudied plants were rich inphenolics; rosemary was
superior inthis respect. Inconclusion, thestudied plant extracts showed significantly variable anti-gout activity associated with both antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory effects, which may be due tothepresence ofphenolic compounds, unsaturated fatty acids, long chain fatty acids and phytosterols.
INTRODUCTION to xanthine and then to uric acid [Unno et al., 2004]. Also
inhibition ofrenal urate reabsorption and oxidative stress has
The presence of biologically-active ingredients in food animportant impact ingout management.
can provide us with new components ofbeneficial effects to- Theaim ofthepresent research is finding out functional
wards diseases. The present research is a trial for manage- food components ofanti-gout activity. This is accomplished
ment of gout through functional food components. Gout is through testing different plant food extracts as uric acid
ametabolic disorder ofpurine metabolism characterized by lowering, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in experimen-
hyperuricaemia and recurring attacks ofarthritis, and inlater tal gout model in rats. Specific phytochemical constituents
stages chronic arthritis, tophi formation and atendency tore- ofthestudied plants have been assessed as well.
nal failure [Golding, 1989]. Itis achronic metabolic disease
characterised by thedeposition ofmonosodium urate crystals MATERIALS
injoints and other tissues. These crystals cause anacute in-
flammatory response and can induce apermanent tissue dam- Plant materials
age which is characterised by the appearance of ulceration Fresh celery leaves, celery seeds (Apium graveolens, Fam-
ofthejoint cartilage, marginal osteophytosis, geodic and ero- ily Umbelliferae), dried fig fruits (Ficus carica, Family Mo-
sive lesions and chronic inflammation ofsynovial membrane raceae), turmeric rhizomes (Curcuma domestica L., Family
[Dalbeth & Haskard, 2005; Corrado et al., 2006]. Elevated Zingiberaceae), cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum,
oxidative stress has been reported ingouty patient [Urano et Family Lauraceae) and rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officina-
al., 2002]. Avoidance of purine-rich foods is important for lis L., Family Labiatae) were purchased from local markets.
gout management [Beneke, 2003]. The most important ap-
proach inthetreatment ofhyperuricemia is thedevelopment Animals
ofxanthine oxidase inhibitors, which are effective inreducing Male Sprague Dawely rats with average body weight
plasma and urinary urate levels and reverses thedevelopment of1506.049g were used inthestudy. Theanimals were kept in-
oftophaceous deposits [Nuki & Simkin, 2006]. Sofood com- dividually inmetabolic stainless steel cages at room temperature.
ponents which inhibit xanthine oxidase activity can reduce
the formation of uric acid and alleviate inflammation. This Potassium oxonate
is because xanthine oxidase is a key enzyme playing a role Potassium oxonate was obtained from Sigma, USA, for
in hyperuricemia, catalyzing the oxidation of hypoxanthine induction ofgout inrats.
Authors address for correspondence: Doha A. Mohamed, Food Sciences and Nutrition Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt,
tel.: (012) 2357571; fax: (202) 3370931; e-mail: dohamohamed@yahoo.com
Copyright by Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
390 D.A. Mohamed & S.Y. Al-Okbi
METHODS ples of the fatty acid methyl esters analysed under the same
conditions. Quantization was based on peak area integration.
Preparation ofplant materials
All plant materials understudy were dried inanair-circu- Design ofexperimental study for anti-gout activity
lated oven at 40C till complete dryness, and then reduced Theanti-gout activity ofdifferent plant extracts was evaluat-
topowder form. ed inrats. Seventy-eight male Sprague-Dawely rats maintained
on laboratory stock diet were fasted for 16 h before starting
Preparation ofplant extracts theexperiment and divided into thirteen groups, each comprised
Thedried powder ofdifferent plants was separately placed 6rats. Two groups served as control (one healthy control and
inacontinuous extraction apparatus and subjected tosucces- the other was gouty control), where rats received no extracts.
sive extraction using petroleum ether (40-60C), then methyl Theother eleven groups were thetest groups. At thestart ofex-
alcohol. Complete extraction has been verified for each sol- periment, all rats except healthy control group were injected intra-
vent when no residue was obtained when small aliquot ofcol- peritoneally with potassium oxonate (250mg/kg body weight)
orless extract was evaporated todryness insmall glass watch; for induction ofgout [Yonetani et al., 1987]. Anhour later, rats
thesolvent ofeach extract was removed by evaporation under of different test groups were given one oral dose (500 mg/kg
reduced pressure. All extracts were kept in vacuum desicca- rat body weight) through anesophagus tube ofeither methanol
tors over anhydrous calcium chloride. or petroleum ether extracts ofcelery leaves, celery seeds, cinna-
mon, rosemary or turmeric. Rats oftheresidual test group were
Preparation ofdosage form given one oral dose (500mg/kg rat body weight) ofamethanol
Methanol and petroleum ether extracts ofdifferent plants extract offig fruits. Rats ofthecontrol groups were given only
were dispersed separately in water using the same amount thevehicle. After 3and 6h from injection, blood samples were
of gum acacia. For the control, the vehicle was prepared withdrawn from eye vein orbital and divided into two parts:
through dissolving thesame amount ofgum acacia inwater. one mixed with sodium citrate (109mmol/L) for determination
oferythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) [Westergren, 1921] and
Determination of total phenolics content of different thesecond part mixed with heparin for theseparation ofplasma
plants under study for the determination of uric acid [Watts, 1974], nitric oxide
Total phenolics were determined colorimetrically [Montgomery & Dymock, 1961] and malondialdehyde (MDA)
in the powder of different plants materials using the Folin as anindicator for lipid per-oxidation [Satoh, 1978]. Urine was
Ciocalteu reagent [Singleton & Rossi, 1965]. Absorbance collected for 6h after injection for thedetermination ofuric acid
was measured at 765nm using aUVPC spectrophotometer. [Watts, 1974].
Thetotal phenolics content was expressed as gallic acid equiv-
alents (GAE) inmilligrams per 100gram ofdry material. Statistical analysis
The results obtained were expressed as the meanSE.
Assessment of fatty acids, hydrocarbons and sterols Rats ofthecontrol gouty group were compared with healthy
contents indifferent studied plants rats. Test groups were compared with control gouty group.
Thepetroleum ether extracts ofdifferent plant materials ex- Thesignificance ofvalues was analysed by Students t-test.
cept figs were prepared according toA.O.A.C [2000] tobe sub-
jected toGLC analysis offatty acids, hydrocarbons and sterols. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Theunsaponifiable fraction was analyzed by GLC adopt-
ing the following conditions: column: 10% OV-101 packed Thedifferent edible plants used inthepresent study have
column; stationary phase: Chromosorb W-HP; detector tem- been chosen from literature topossess antioxidant and anti-
perature: 290C; injector temperature: 28C; carrier gas N2; inflammatory activity tobe tested inagout model inrat.
flow-rate: 30mL/min; air flow-rate: 300mL/min; H2 flow-rate:
30mL/min; detector: FID; chart speed: 0.5cm/min; oven pro- Total phenolics content of different plants food under
gram: initial temperature of70C; final temperature of270C; study
programmed 4C/min, for 35min at 270C, total time, 85min. Table 1showed thecontents oftotal phenolic as mg gallic
Identification ofhydrocarbons and sterols contents oftheun- acid equivalent/100g dry weight ofdifferent studied plants.
saponifiable matter was carried out by comparison oftheir re- Rosemary showed the highest content of total phenolic
tention times with co-injected authentic reference compounds.
Table 1. Total phenolic contents ofplants under investigation.
Quantization was based on peak area integration.
Analysis by GLC ofthefatty acids methyl ester was carried
Plants Total phenolic (mg gallic acid equivalent/100g)
out according to the following conditions: stationary phase:
Celery seeds 2486
10% diethylene glycosuccinate (DEGS) packed column; oven
temperature: 170C; detector temperature: 300C; injector Celery leaves 3160
temperature: 250C; carrier gas: N2; flow-rate: 30mL/min; air Turmeric 3656
flow-rate: 350mL/min; H2 flow-rate: 350mL/min; detector: Rosemary 8643
FID; chart speed: 2 cm/min. Identification of the fatty acid Cinnamon 5844
methyl ester was carried out by direct comparison ofretention
Fig 920
times ofeach oftheseparated compounds with authentic sam-
Anti-gout activity of some plant food extracts 391
Table 3. GLC analysis ofunsaponifiable matter ofthedifferent plants Table 4. Uric acid levels inurine ofdifferent experimental groups.
(as percentage oftotal unsaponifiable matter).
Uric acid (mol/L)
Hydrocarbons Celery Celery Groups
Turmeric Rosemary Cinnamon (mean SE)
and sterols seeds leaves
Normal control 866 17.014
Gouty control 2024 58.834
C10 - 1.6 - - - % Change + 134
C11 0.592 0.332 6.6 - - Petroleum ether extract ofcelery seeds 882* 12.731
% Change - 56
C12 0.912 1.2 29.4 - -
Methanol extract ofcelery seeds 920* 20.761
C13 - - 17.3 - - % Change - 55
C14 - 0.917 1.9 - - Petroleum ether extract ofcelery leaves 924* 9.280
% Change -54
C15 - 1.1 3.0 - 1.7
Methanol extract ofcelery leaves 1173* 13.385
C16 - 1.5 16.4 - 0.636 % Change - 42
C17 1.1 - - 0.528 0.925 Petroleum ether extract ofcinnamon 1071* 11.124
% Change - 47
C18 - - - - -
Methanol extract ofcinnamon 1054* 12.433
C19 - - 0.151 - 1.4 % Change - 48
C20 0.221 - 0.159 0.325 - Petroleum ether extract ofturmeric 1294* 12.255
% Change - 36
C21 2.9 - 0.235 0.457 -
Methanol extract ofturmeric 1109* 9.780
C23 0.404 - - 0.324 2.1 % Change - 45
C24 0.156 0.804 - 1.1 5.5 Petroleum ether extract ofrosemary 1006* 13.266
% Change - 50
C25 0.824 13.0 0.735 3.0 1.8
Methanol extract ofrosemary 1013* 6.008
C26 - 2.8 - - 3.4 % Change - 50
C27 - 11.4 - - 2.6 Methanol extract of fig fruits 924* 13.266
% Change - 54
C28 - 15.0 - - 1.0
C29 - 2.5 - - 0.947 Values significantly differ from normal control: p<0.001; values signifi-
cantly differ from gouty control:*p<0.001.
C30 - - - - -
Squalene 0.089 - 0.744 0.606 - produced thehighest reduction (56%) inuric acid level inurine,
Campesterol 0.271 - 0.266 1.7 1.1 while petroleum ether extract of turmeric showed the lowest
Spinosterol 0.765 - 0.399 0.952 - reduction (36%). Percentage inhibitions ofurine uric acid were
more or less similar on administration ofthemethanol extract
Stigmasterol 1.2 0.469 1.2 8.5 -
ofcelery seeds (55%), petroleum ether extract ofcelery leave
-Sitosterol 0.167 4.4 0.181 6.4 5.0 (54%) and methanol extract offig (54%).
-Amyrin 0.067 - - - - Tables 5and 6showed thedifferent determined biochemi-
Total identified
7.1 52.2 75.9 5.7 22.0
cal parameters inblood after 3and 6h from oxonate injection,
hydrocarbons respectively. Injection ofoxonate inrats stimulates xanthine
Total identified oxidase to produce excess uric acid, so elevates their level
2.6 4.9 2.8 18.2 6.1
inplasma and urine. Theelevation ofuric acid level inplasma
is anindicator ofits elevation injoints and other tissues which
causes anacute inflammatory response and can induce per-
1999; Bouic & Lamprecht, 1999]. Plant sterols display their manent tissue damage [Corrado et al., 2006]. Inthepresent
anti-inflammatory activity through inhibition ofthesecretion study gouty rats showed asignificant increase inerythrocyte
of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor- [Bouic, 2001]. sedimentation rate (ESR), nitric oxide (NO) and malondial-
Phytosterols have been shown topossess antioxidant activity dehye (MDA) levels compared with normal rats. These re-
[Mohamed et al., 2005]. sults indicate inflammatory condition and elevated oxidative
stress as described previously [Urano et al., 2002] in gouty
Evaluation ofanti-gout activity ofdifferent plants patients and experimental animals. The oral administration
Mean uric acid levels in urine of different experimental of different plant extracts produced significant reduction
groups are illustrated in Table 4. The intra-peritoneal injec- in plasma uric acid levels and reduced inflammatory (ESR
tion ofpotassium oxonate inrats elevated uric acid levels sig- and NO) and oxidative stress (MDA) markers with variable
nificantly in urine (p<0.001, 134%) compared with normal degrees. The oral administration of petroleum ether extract
healthy rats. Potassium oxonate injection increased the syn- ofcelery seeds produced thehighest reduction ofplasma uric
thesis of uric acid through stimulation of xanthine oxidase. acid levels after 3and 6h from oxonate injection (41and 44%,
Administration ofdifferent plant extracts significantly reduced respectively). Thesame extract showed significant reduction
theelevation ofuric acid inurine with variables degrees. Oral inESR, plasma NO and MDA levels after 3and 6h from ox-
administration ofthepetroleum ether extract ofcelery seeds onate injection. Previously, Wood et al. [2001] suggested that
Anti-gout activity of some plant food extracts 393
Groups Plasma Whole blood
Uric acid (mol/L) Nitric oxide (umol/L) MDA (nmol/L) ESR (mm/h)
Normal control 65+ 0.357 9.8+ 0.387 9.8 0.145 2.5 0.115
Gouty Control 190 + 0.535 14.7 + 0.382 16.8 0.235 10.3 0.251
% Change +191 +50 +71 + 312
Petroleum ether extract ofcelery seeds 113** + 0.297 11.9** + 0.785 10.6** 0.321 6.2** 0.315
% Change -41 -19 -37 -40
Methanol extract ofcelery seeds 119** + 4.164 12.6** + 0.359 12.8** 0.435 8.4** 0.131
% Change -38 -13 -24 -18
Petroleum ether extract ofcelery leaves 125** + 0.476 12.8** + 0.292 11.5** 0.382 7.9** 0.245
% Change -34 -13 -32 -23
Methanol extract ofcelery leaves 143** + 0.119 13.7+ 0.541 13.6** 0.41 9.0** 0.125
% Change -25 -7 -19 -13
Petroleum ether extract ofcinnamon 131** + 0.238 13.00* + 0.140 14.2** 0.272 8.1** 0.251
% Change -31 -12 -15 -21
Methanol extract ofcinnamon 149** + 0.357 13.8+ 0.235 15.3** 0.181 8.5** 0.365
% Change -22 -6 -9 -17
Petroleum ether extract ofturmeric 137** + 0.59 12.9* + 0.142 14.8** 0.295 9.1** 0.206
% Change -28 -12 -12 -12
Methanol extract ofturmeric 155** + 0.357 13.4 0.495 15.2** 0.35 8.8** 0.285
% Change -19 -9 -10 -15
Petroleum ether extract ofrosemary 146** + 0.238 12.9* 0.333 14.6 0.385 8.6** 0.155
% Change -23 -12 -13 -17
Methanol extract ofrosemary 137** + 0.595 13.3* 0.252 15.1 0.211 9.1** 0.105
% Change -28 -10 -10 -12
Methanol extract ofdry fig fruits 143** + 0.476 12.8** 0.175 11.9 0.593 7.8** 0.213
% Change -25 -13 -29 -24
Values significantly differ from normal control: p<0.001; values significantly differ from gouty control: *p<0.005, **p< 0.001.
celery seed oil is asignificant source ofsedanolide, which can phenolic compounds and tannins [Owen & Johns, 1999; Wood
be used totreat inflammation ingout and rheumatic diseases. et al., 2001]. Caffeic acid has been reported tobe aninhibitor
Recently, petroleum ether and methanol extracts of celery ofxanthine oxidase [Chiang et al., 1994]. Thecurrent results
leaves and seeds showed inhibition ofxanthine oxidase activ- revealed that phenolic compounds are present inall plants un-
ity invitro [Mohamed & Al-Okbi, inpress]. Itwas reported der investigation with different percentages. Also thereported
previously that the methanol extract of cinnamon produced results showed the presence of sitosterol and stigmasterol
significant inhibition of xanthine oxidase activity [Kong et in the unsaponifiable fraction of the majority of the stud-
al., 2000]. The petroleum ether, alcohol and water extracts ied plants. These compounds have been reported previously
ofCurcuma longa have been shown tohave anti-inflammatory topossess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities [Wang
effects [Yegnanrayan et al., 1976]. et al., 2002; Mohamed et al., 2005]. Itwas cited previously that
Thereduction inuric acid levels, inflammatory markers and long chain fatty acids, as those present inthestudied plants,
oxidative stress ingouty rats after oral administration ofdif- possess significant anti-inflammatory activity [Saso et al.,
ferent plants extracts may be ascribed tothepresence ofphy- 1999]. In the present study the reduction of uric acid levels
tochemical constituents such as phenolic compounds, plant inboth plasma and urine on administration ofthedifferent ex-
sterols, long chain fatty acids and to a lesser extent unsatu- tracts may reflect xanthine oxidase inhibition and/or inhibition
rated fatty acids as noticed from thepresent results. Phenolic ofrenal urate reabsorption. Some natural compounds, such as
compounds play animportant role inthe protection ofhuman vitamin C, have been reported toproduce reduction inplasma
from damage by free radicals through its antioxidant activity uric acid with simultaneous increase inurinary uric acid [Stein
[Lliger, 1991]. Phenolic compounds have also been reported et al., 1976]. This effect is called uricosuric which may result
topossess anti-inflammatory activity. Phytochemical constitu- indeposition ofurate inkidney tissue with possible formation
ents previously showed tohave anti-gout activity are phthalide, ofstones. This is not thecase inour administered extracts.
394 D.A. Mohamed & S.Y. Al-Okbi
Groups Plasma Whole blood
Uric acid (mol/L) Nitric oxide (umol/L) MDA (nmol/L) ESR (mm/h)
Normal control 68 0.595 10.2 0.202 10.2 0.231 2.8 0.211
Gouty Control 268 8.566 18.8 0.232 18.4 0.163 12.1 0.132
% Change + 291 + 84 + 80 + 332
Petroleum ether extract ofcelery seeds 149** 11.243 13.3** 0.244 12.7** 0.232 7.8** 0.209
% Change -44 -29 -31 -36
Methanol extract ofcelery seeds 184** 9.816 14.5** 0.341 13.8** 0.181 8.9** 0.135
% Change -31 -23 -25 -26
Petroleum ether extract ofcelery leaves 196** 10.232 14.8** 0.321 15.8** 0.101 9.3** 0.181
% Change -27 -21 -14 -23
Methanol extract ofcelery leaves 208** 11.600 15.6** 0.332 16.2** 0.153 9.9** 0.138
% Change -22 -17 -12 -18
Petroleum ether extract ofcinnamon 226** 11.898 14.9** 0.359 16.0** 0.185 10.4** 0.131
% Change -16 -21 -13 -14
Methanol extract ofcinnamon 220** 7.615 15.8** 0.325 16.8** 0.238 10.8** 0.099
% Change -27 -16 -9 -11
Petroleum ether extract ofturmeric 202** 12.790 15.7** 0.308 17.4** 0.111 11.3** 0.152
% Change -24 -16 -5 -7
Methanol extract ofturmeric 214** 13.325 16.6** 0.256 17.8 0.252 11.7 0.144
% Change -20 -12 -3 -3
Petroleum ether extract ofrosemary 190** 8.031 15.3** 0.185 16.1** 0.115 10.2** 0.150
% Change -29 -19 -13 -16
Methanol extract ofrosemary 202** 15.348 15.5** 0.299 16.6** 0.204 10.6** 0.192
% Change -24 -18 -10 -12
Methanol extract ofdry fig fruits 179** 6.068 13.8** 0.249 13.3** 0.231 9.3** 0.185
% Change -33 -27 -28 -23
Values significantly differ from normal control: p<0.001; values significantly differ from gouty control: *p<0.005, **p<0.001.
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