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BEd Aut 2017

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Autumn 2017


BEd (1-
(1- years,
years, 2-
2- years,
years, 4 years) Programme


SEMESTER: Autumn 2017

Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad

Price Rs.300/-
(All Rights are Reserved with the Publisher)

Semester: .............................................................. Autumn, 2017

Year of Printing: .................................................. 2017
No. of Copies: ......................................................
Composed & Layout by: ...................................... Tariq Mahmood Butt, Muhammad Javed
Price: .................................................................... Rs. 300/-
Printer:.................................................................. AIOU-Printing Press, H-8, Islamabad.
Publisher: ............................................................. Allama Iqbal Open University, H-8,


Activity Spring Semester Autumn Semester

Admissions February March August September
Mailing of Books May June November December
Study Period June September December March
Examinations` November December May June
Result January February July August

Note: Contact concerned Regional office for exact schedule of activities. Continuing Students are sent
information for all activities by post. Simultaneously information is placed on website
(www.aiou.edu.pk), students can download if not received by post.

Most Important to remember is admission is next semester. Continuing admission form is sent to all
students by post. If not received, download from website or use new admission form of Matric
program as continuing form.

ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY.................................................................................................................... 5
FACULTY OF EDUCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 5
DEPARTMENTS OF THE FACULTY....................................................................................................................... 5
PROGRAMMES OF FACULTY OF EDUCATION ................................................................................................. 6
BEd (1- years) .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Scheme of Studies ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Fee Structure .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
BEd (2- years) .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Scheme of Studies ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Fee Structure .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
BEd (4 years) .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Scheme of Studies ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Fee Structure .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Contacts for Information .................................................................................................................................................. 17
General Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Procedure for Depositing Fee .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Important Telephone Nos. ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Addresses of Regional Coordinators .......................................................................................................................... 21

Vice-Chancellors Message

Dear Student,

Welcome to Allama lqbal Open University, the first Distance Education University in South
Asia, that caters to the educational needs of 1.3 million students to enable them to study at
their own place, at their own pace and at their own convenience. The University goes to the
doorsteps of the students, irrespective of the distance and location of students. One can
become a student of this university at any age as we consider education a life-long and
continuous process. The University has a vast menu of educational programmes at different
levels, starting from basic literacy programme to the PhD programme. The courses are
regularly revised in order to keep them contemporary, relevant, and internationally compatible.
Self explanatory course material helps the students to comprehend the course concepts without
physical presence of the teacher. The self-assessment activities, included in the books, help
ensure the acquisition of earning outcomes. This university offers maximum number of specialization at post-graduate level
through four faculties - Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Sciences, and Faculty of Social
Sciences and Humanities. The faculty members at the university and a huge network of tutors, resource persons, specialists and
experts make sure that the courses being offered in these programmes enable the students to become independent learners and
critical thinkers. Post-graduate level studies invite you to critically examine what has already been done in your field of interest
and then research to offer innovations.

I welcome you to the postgraduate studies at AIOU and wish you a challenging yet successful journey ahead.

(Prof. Dr. Shahid Siddiqui)

Vice Chancellor, AIOU
ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY guidance by their respective tutors. Moreover, the university
has established full time study centres, wherein the students of
Allama Iqbal Open University, a mega university was MBA (IT), MBA (Banking and Finance), BS (CS), MSc/BS
established in 1974 under an Act of Parliament. The main Chemistry, MSc/BS Microbiology etc. are being provided
campus of the university is situated in sector H-8, Islamabad. It instruction, guidance and counselling through face-to-face
was the second open university of the world and the first of its education. AIOU is offering four year under graduate degrees.
kind in Asia and Africa. The aim of establishing AIOU was to Apart from curricular and extra-curricular activities during
provide affordable and accessible education through distance the academic year, the AIOU and its regional centres actively
learning at the door-steps to those people who could not participate in the co-curricular activities by arranging
continue their education journey through formal system of educational and literary seminars, workshops and
education. The University (AIOU) operates on semester conferences, attended not only by the students and faculties
system and admits students in Autumn and Spring semesters. of the university but also by the renowned dignitaries and
Under graduate admissions are offered in both the semesters scholars. For the science students and research scholars, a
where-as post graduates are offered once a year. The enrolled science complex has been built where they use the latest
students are given course books specially prepared by the equipment of international standard for experiments and
university on self instructional principles. However at post research. To meet the present day challenges internet facility
graduate level reprints of foreign books, allied material with is also available in the student's hostel and the Central Library
university prepared study guides help students to polish their where computers have been provided to enable students to
skills. access latest information available through open source
At present, the AIOU is offering programmes from Matric to
PhD level in diverse disciplines comprises of four faculties.
The university has established study centres across the country,
where distance education students are provided necessary
FACULTY OF EDUCATION Educational Planning, Policy Studies & Leadership
The department was established in 1976 was renamed as EPPSL
The origin of the Faculty of Education pre-dates the in 2008. It offers programmes in educational planning and
university itself. The National Institute of Education was management. These programmes are aimed at producing a cadre
established in 1973 under the Federal Ministry of Education. It of professionals for the educational institutions and organizations
became part of the university in June, 1975 as Institute of in the country. Programmes of EPPSL include Postgraduate
Education in the Faculty of Social Sciences. The progressively Diploma, MA (EPM), MPhil and PhD (MS/MPhil Based) in
extending functions of the Institute brought the needs for Education. The courses of these programmes are attained to the
structural change and in 1984 it got the status of Faculty of field requirements of target personnel in the areas of educational
Education. planning and management.

DEPARTMENTS OF THE FACULTY Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher

Faculty of Education comprises of the following six departments: Education
1. Distance, Non-Formal and Continuing Education The Department of Elementary Teacher Education was
2. Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership established in 2003. In April 2008, the name of Elementary
3. Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher Teacher Education Department was changed as Early Childhood
Education Education and Elementary Teacher Education Department.The
4. Secondary Teacher Education Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher Education
5. Science Education Department offers ADE, PGD in ECE, BEd, MEd and MPhil
6. Special Education programmes, it also offers Education as subject at Matric,
Intermediate and Graduate level.Early Childhood Education and
Distance, Non Formal and Continuing Education Elementary Teacher Education Department is one of the largest
(DNFCE) departments of this institution in terms of its enrollment of
The department was established in 1984 and was renamed as students and the number of courses offered by this department.
Distance, Non Formal and Continuing Education in 2008. It
offers specialized degree programmes/courses in Distance Non- Secondary Teacher Education
The Department of Teacher Education was established in 1985
Formal and Continuing Education, Adult Education and
and was bifurcated into Secondary and Elementary Teacher
Educational Technology at MA Education, MEd, MPhil and PhD Education Departments in July 2003. Its programmes aim at
(MS/MPhil Based) in Education. It also offers courses at BA imparting academic and professional knowledge and training to
level. in-services and pre service teachers and scholars.
Science Education The faculty is offering the following academic programmes:
The Department of Science Education was established in 1988. PhD Education with following specializations:
The programmes and courses of the department are mainly Distance and Non-Formal Education
focused on education and training of science teachers. Presently Educational Planning and Management
the department offers specialized courses in science at BEd, MA, Elementary Teacher Education
MEd, MPhil and PhD level. Specialization courses provide Teacher Education
conceptual framework and indepth insight into the teaching of Special Education
science effectively. Science Education
MPhil Education with following specializations:
Special Education Distance and Non Formal Education
The Department was established in 1985. The department imparts Educational Planning & Management
education and training to teachers for the special children in four Elementary Teacher Education
specialization namely Visual impairment, Hearing impairment, Teacher Education
Physical disabilities and Mental retardation with particular Special Education
emphasis to facilitate mainstreaming of special children. Parents Science Education
of the special children are also admitted to these programmes. MEd/MA Education with following specializations:
Present programmes/courses of this department comprised of MEd Distance and Non Formal Education
Postgraduate Diploma, MEd, MA, MPhil and PhD (MS/MPhil MEd Elementary Teacher Education
Based) in Special Education. MEd Science Education
MEd Special Education
MEd Teacher Education
Programmes of Faculty of Education MA Distance and Non Formal Education
The Faculty has developed and launched more than 275 courses (up MA Educational Planning and Management
to Spring, 2011 Semester) in various disciplines from SSC to PhD MA Teacher Education
level programmes. It is now fully recognized by both the MA Special Education
government of Pakistan and International agencies as the prime BEd/PGD/ADE/SSC/HSSC/BA level Educational programmes:
national provider of professional education and training at all levels. BEd (1- year, 2- years, 4 years)
PGD Educational Planning and Management
All academic programmes of the Faculty of Education are
PGD Early Childhood Education
recognized by HEC and accreditation is under process with Associate Degree in Education (2 years)
NACTE. Courses of Education at SSC, HSSC and BA level
BEd (One and Half Year) Programme Semester-Wise Breakup of Scheme of Studies
Duration 1.5 year (3 Semesters) SEMESTER-I
Total credits 54 S. Credit
Courses Code
Maximum load 18 Credit Hours (per semester) No. Hours
Medium of Instruction English/Urdu 1 General Methods of Teaching 8601 3
Mode of Delivery Open Distance Learning (Professional)
Passing Marks 2 Educational Assessment and Evaluation 8602 3
(Assignment/Exam) 50% (Professional)
3 Curriculum Development (Foundation) 8603 3
Introduction 4 Research Methods in Education 8604 3
The emerging needs and shortage of human development (Professional)
resources mixed with higher qualities of leadership in the field of
5 Educational Leadership and Management 8605 3
education at national level demand personnel who have sound
professional and academic background in the field teacher (Professional)
education. This programme provides such academic opportunities 6 Citizenship Education and Community 8606 3
to teachers. It aimed at providing education and training facilities Engagement
to teachers, administrators and master graduates in the country. Total Credit Hours 18

Following are the objectives of this programme:

1. To Acquaint the prospective teachers with latest curricula, SEMESTER-II
teaching techniques and methodologies. S. Credit
Courses Code
2. To Enable teachers to use instructional technology in the No. Hours
classroom. 1 Teaching Practice I (Professional) 8607 3
3. To Enable the prospective teachers to manage classroom 2 Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices 8611 3
environment. (Professional)
4. To Meet country increasing demand for trained personnel. 3 Area of Specialization (Course-I) 3
4 Area of Specialization (Course-II) 3
Eligibility Criteria:
16 Years of Education (Academic Disciplines Other than 5 Area of Specialization (Course-III) 3
Education) MA/MSc/BA (4-year)/ BS (4 years) with minimum 6 Area of Specialization (Course-IV) 3
second division or equivalent Total Credit Hours 18
SEMESTER-III Area 2: Educational Technology and Evaluation
S. Credit S. Credit
Courses Code Courses Code
No. Hours No. Hours
1 Teaching Practice II (Professional) 8608 3 1 Educational Technology 8619 3
2 Philosophy of Education (Foundation) 8609 3 2 Computers in Education 8620 3
3 Human Development and Learning 8610 3 3 Broadcast media 8621 3
(Foundation) 4 Non Broadcast media 8622 3
4 Professionalism in Teaching 8612 3
(Professional) Area 3: Teacher Education
5 Research Project (Content Embedded) 8613 3 S. Credit
Courses Code
(Professional) No. Hours
6 Educational Statistics (Professional) 8614 3 1 Elementary Education 8623 3
Total Credit Hours 18 2 Secondary Education 8624 3
3 Higher Education 8625 3
Specialization Courses: 4 Teacher Education in Pakistan 8626 3

Area 1: Leadership and Management

Area 4: Science Education
S. Credit
Courses Code S. Credit
No. Hours Courses Code
No. Hours
1 Management Strategies In Educational 8615 3
Institutions 1 Foundation of Science Education 8627 3
2 School Administration And Supervision 8616 3 2 Assessment in Science Education 8628 3
3 Plan Implementation And Educational 8617 3 3 Laboratory Organization, Management 8629 3
Management and Safety Methods
4 School Leadership 8618 3 4 General Science in Schools 8638 3

Area 5: Inclusive Education BEd (2- years) Programme
S. Credit
No. Courses Code Hours
1 Introduction to Inclusive Education 8630 3 Programme: BEd (2 year with one bridging semester programme)
2 Introduction to Special Education 8631 3 Duration: 2- years (5 Semesters)
3 Inclusive Education: Adaptations in 8632 3 Total Credits: 90
Maximum Load per Semester: 18 Credit Hours
4 Inclusive Education: Adaptations in 8633 3
Instruction and Evaluation Medium of Instruction: English/Urdu
Delivery Mode: Open Distance Learning
Area 6: Reading
S. Credit Passing Marks (Assignment/Exam) 50%
No. Courses Code Hours
Entry Qualification: 14 years of education (BA/BSc or
1 Foundations of Reading 8634 3 equivalent with minimum 2nd division)
2 Teaching Reading 8635 3
3 Reading Difficulties 8636 3
4 Reading Assessment 8637 3 SemesterI (Bridging Semester)
S. Credit
Name of Course Code
FEE STRUCTURE BEd (1.5 years) No. Hours
1 Basics of Technical English 6465 3
Registration Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.200/- 2 General Mathematics & Statistics 6401 3
Admission Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.700/-
3 Critical Thinking and Reflective
Technology Fee: (per semester) Rs.100/- 8611 3
Courier Charges Rs.35/- Practices (Foundation)
Per 3 Credit Hours Fee (Rs.1840/-) (Rs.1840 6 =11040) 4 Basics of Information &
5403 3
First Semester Fee: Rs.12075/- Communication Technology
5 Educational Leadership and
8605 3
For any academic assistance contact: Management
Dr. Fazal ur Rehman 6 Citizenship Education and Community
Associate Professor 8606 3
Ph: 051-9057268, E-mail: fazalaiou@yahoo.com Total Credit Hours 18
SemesterII SemesterIV
S. Credit S. Credit
Name of Course Code Name of Course Code
No. Hours No. Hours
1 General Methods of Teaching 8601 3 1 Academic content-Course III 3
2 Educational Assessment and Evaluation 8602 3 (Discipline I)
3 Curriculum Development 8603 3 2 Academic content-Course III 3
4 Philosophy of Education 8609 3 (Discipline II)
3 Comparative Education 6466 3
5 Academic content- Course I (Discipline I) 3
4 Research Methods in Education 8604 3
6 Academic Content- Course I (Discipline II) 3
5 Educational Statistics 8614 3
Total Credit Hours 18
6 Teaching Practice I 8607 3
Total Credit Hours 18
S. Credit SemesterV
Name of Course Code
No. Hours S. Credit
Name of Course Code
1 Academic content-Course II (Discipline I) 3 No. Hours
2 Academic content-Course II (Discipline II) 3 1 Academic content-Course IV 3
3 Human Development and Learning 8610 3 (Discipline I)
4 Pedagogy-I (Method of teaching related to 3 2 Academic content-Course IV 3
specialization (content embedded) (Discipline II)
5 Pedagogy-II (Method of teaching related to 3 3 Research Project (Content Embedded) 8613 3
specialization (content embedded)
4 Academic content-Course V 3
6 Professionalism in Teaching 8612 3
(Discipline I)
Total Credit Hours 18 5 Academic content-Course V 3
(Discipline II)
6 Teaching Practice II (Professional) 8608 3
Total Credit Hours 18

S.No. Courses Credit Hours
1 Urdu 53= 15 Specialization: 1. Elementary Teacher Education
2 English 53= 15
(For ADE Qualified)
3 Islamic Studies 53= 15
4 Pakistan Studies 53= 15 Duration: 4-Year (8-Semesters)
5 Home Economics 53= 15 Semester Duration: 16-18 Weeks
Course Load per Semester: 18-Credit/Hours
PEDAGOGY COURSES Total Credit Hours: 144 (72+72 ADE) Credit Hours
1 Teaching of Urdu 3
Medium of Instruction: English/Urdu
2 Teaching of English 3
3 Teaching of Islamic Studies 3 Delivery Mode: Distance Learning
4 Teaching of Pakistan Studies 3 Passing Marks
5 Teaching of Home Economics 3 (Assignment/Exam) 50%
Entry Qualification: ADE (2 years) with minimum 2nd
FEE STRUCTURE (BEd 2- years) Division
Registration Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.200/-
Admission Fee: (At the time of 1st admission) Rs.700/- Introduction:
Technology Fee: (per semester) Rs.100/- BEd (4 years) programme focus on education and training of
Courier Charges Rs.35/- prospective teachers which grows out of a profound belief in the
Per 3 Credit Hours Fee (Rs.1840/-) (Rs.1840 6 =11040) transformative power of education. Our mission is to promote the
First Semester Fee: Rs.12075/- development of highly qualified and efficient teaching
professionals who are prepared to creatively contribute to the
Teaching practice-I Fee: Rs.2350/- social, cultural, and educational development of a globally
Teaching practice-II Fee: Rs.2350/- oriented, pluralistic, and diverse society. BEd (4 years)
Research project Fee: Rs.2350/- programme will be a composite programme blending Core
For any academic assistance contact: Courses, Foundation Courses, Professional Courses, and
Ms. Mubeshera Tufail Specialization Courses. The teacher trained through new
Lecturer programme will be able to teach at Secondary and Higher
ECE & ETED Secondary Levels and will be an equivalent of the existing
Ph: 051-9057716 master's degree.

Following are the objectives of this programme: Semester -VI 18Credit Hours
1. To equip the prospective teachers with adequate knowledge S. Credit
of subject matter, contemporary pedagogy techniques, Name of Course Code
No. Hours
communication skills, critical thinking and dispositions to be 1 Perspective of Elementary Education 512 03
an elementary school teacher.
2 Educational Research and Statistics 6461 03
2. To develop creative aptitude and research mindedness to the
prospective teachers. 3 English-III 6470 03
3. To improve the linguistic skills of the prospective teachers. 4 Islamic Studies-III 6475 03
4. To strengthen the ideological perspectives of the students 5 English-IV 6471 03
adequately and properly. 6 Islamic Studies-IV 6476 03

Prospective Students/Career: ]Semester -VII 18Credit Hours

This programme is designed for those prospective students who
S. Credit
wish to join elementary school as teachers. The programme will Name of Course Code
No. Hours
also cater for the existing elementary school teachers as at present
their promotion is linked with ADE and BEd (4 years) degree. 1 Teaching of English 6493 03
Thus this programme will open up new windows for the 2 Teaching o f Islamic Studies 6497 03
promotion of elementary school teachers. 3 Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices 6467 03
4 Child Development 1626 03
Semester-Wise Breakup of Scheme of Studies 5 Teaching Strategies at Elementary Level 623 03
SemesterV 18 Credit Hours 6 Research Project 6464 03
S. Credit
Name of Course Code
No. Hours
Semester -VIII 18Credit Hours
1 English III, 6465 03
Basics of Technical English S. Credit
Name of Course Code
2 English-I 6468 03 No. Hours
3 Islamic Studies-I 6473 03 1 Elementary School Management 622 03
4 English-II 6469 03 2 Test Development and Evaluation 6462 03
5 Islamic Studies-II 6474 03 3 Long Term Internship 6463 03
6 Comparative Education 6466 03
Note: Courses will be offered as per availability. The B.Ed (4 Years) Programme
existing course/s will be adopted/adapted as per
requirement. The department may change the
sequence of the course/s offering as per Specialization: 1. Secondary Teacher Education
availability of course/s. 2. Science Education

Fee Structure: Duration: 4 Years (8 Semesters)

Registration Fee: Rs.100/- (At the time of first admission) Semester Duration: 16-18 weeks
Admission Fee: Rs.500/- (At the time of first admission) Course Load per Semester: 18 credit Hours
Technology Fee: Rs.100/- (per semester) Total Credit Hours: 144 Credit Hours,
Courier Charges: Rs.35/- (per semester) (72 credit hours ADE)
Rs.1510/-(Per 3 credit hours course) Medium of instruction: English /Urdu
Course Fee:
Delivery Mode: ODL
Total Fee:
Rs.9800/- Pass Marks (Assignment /Exams): 50 %
Semester V
BEd (4 years) programme focus on education and training of
For any academic assistance:
prospective teachers which grows out of a profound belief in the
Dr. Rahmat Ullah Bhatti transformative power of education. Our mission is to promote the
Assistant Professor development of highly qualified and efficient teaching
ECE & ETED professionals who are prepared to creatively contribute to the
Ph: 051-9057346 social, cultural, and educational development of a globally
oriented, pluralistic, and diverse society. BEd (4 years)
programme will be a composite programme blending Core
Courses, Foundation Courses, Professional Courses, and
Specialization Courses. The teacher trained through new
programme will be able to teach at Secondary and Higher
Secondary Levels and will be an equivalent of the existing
master's degree.
Following are the objectives of this programme: Semester-I
1. To equip the prospective teachers with adequate 18 credit Hours
knowledge of subject matter, contemporary pedagogy S. Credit
Name of Course Code
techniques, communication skills, critical thinking and No. Hours
dispositions to be an elementary school teacher. 1 English Compulsory-I (Core) 5404 03
2. To develop creative aptitude and research mindedness to 2 Islamic Studies/Ethics 5436/5437 03
the prospective teachers. 3 Pakistan Studies 5438 03
3. To improve the linguistic skills of the prospective 4 General Methods of Teaching 6400 03
teachers. 5 Urdu 6416 03
4. To strengthen the ideological perspectives of the students 6 Basics of Information & 5403 03
adequately and properly. Communication Technology
Prospective Students/Career:
This programme is designed for those prospective students who wish Semester-2
to join elementary school as Science teachers. The programme will 18 credit Hours
also cater for the existing elementary school teachers as at present 1 English Compulsory-II (Core) 5411 03
their promotion is linked with ADE and BEd (4 years) degree. Thus 2 General Maths and Statistics 6401 03
this programme will open up new windows for the promotion of 3 Educational Psychology and Guidance 6402 03
elementary school Science teachers. 4 Classroom Management 6403 03
5 Teaching of Urdu 1659 03
Eligibility Criteria: 6 Teaching of English 1655 03
1. For Secondary Teacher Education:
Intermediate/A levels with at least 45% marks or minimum Semester-3
nd 18 credit Hours
2 Division.
1 General Science 6404 03
2. For Science Education: 2 Education in Pakistan 6405 03
FSc/A levels with at least 45% marks or minimum 2nd 3 Curriculum Development 6406 03
Division 4 Classroom Assessment 6407 03
(Applicants with A levels will submit equivalence 5 Teaching of Islamic Studies & 6408 03
certificate) Pakistan Studies
6 Teaching of Mathematics 6409 03
Semester-4 For any Academic Assistance:
18 credit Hours 2. Science Education
S. Credit Mr. Arshad Mehmood Qamar
Name of Course Code
No. Hours Lecturer
1 Arts Craft & Calligraphy 6410 03 Science Education Department
2 Foundation of Education 6411 03 Ph: 051-9057168
3 School Society and Teacher 6412 03
4 Introduction to Inclusive Education 6413 03 Contact for Information:
5 Teaching of general Science 6414 03 Department Contact
6 Short Term Teaching Practice 6415 03 Early childhood Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood
Education and Dean/Chairman
The detail of the remaining four semesters will be provided later. Elementary Teacher Ph: 051-9057718,
The department will offer the courses as per availability. The Education 051-9057719
existing courses might be adopted/adapted as per requirement. Secondary Teacher Dr. Naveed Sultana
The department may change the offering of courses. Education Chairperson
Ph: 051-9057705
Fee Structure: Email: naveed.sultana@aiou.edu.pk
Registration Fee: Rs.100/- (At the time of first admission) Science Education Dr. Muhammad Sami Ullah
Admission Fee: Rs.500/- (At the time of first admission) Incharge
Technology Fee: Rs.100/- (per semester) Ph: 051-9057851
Courier Charges: Rs.35/- (per semester) Special Education Dr. Tanzila Nabil
Course Fee: Rs.1510/- (Per 3 credit hours course) Chairperson
Total Fee: Ph: 051-9057853
Rs.9800/- Email: spedu@aiou.edu.pk
Distance, Non-Formal Dr. Muhammad Ajmal
For any Academic Assistance: & Continuing Education Chairman
1. Secondary Teacher Education (DNFCE) Ph: 051-9057707
Dr. Sidra Rizwan Email: drajmal@aiou.edu.pk
Lecturer, STED Educational Planning Dr. Afshan Huma
Ph: 051-9057705 Policy Studies and Incharge
Leadership Ph: 051-9057714

GENERAL INFORMATION university or download from AIOU website and send it to
a. The certificates/degrees of AIOU are equivalent to any the University within due date.
other recognized Board/University. h. Fee cannot be refunded once paid for admission nor can it
b. A candidate is required to send complete admission form be adjusted for any other programme.
along with attested copies of all educational and i. On payment of the registration fee, each student will be
experience certificates to Department as mentioned in the issued a registration number. This number must be quoted
prospectus before or on the closing date. in all the future correspondence along with the roll number,
c. If an applicant of post-graduate/research level programme course(s), code numbers and semester.
does not receive any information regarding admission even j. Study material shall be mailed to the students at their given
after three months of submission of application, he/she addresses.
should presume himself/herself non-selected. k. After receipt of the study package, students are usually
d. The student cannot change the specialization at post- intimated by the part time tutors appointed for each course
graduate research level during the programme after once for tutorial guidance, within fifteen days. If you do not get
being admitted to a specific field. information about tutors, you are required to send your
e. A course taken by any student cannot be change during the assignment by registered post to the concerned Regional
semester. Director, Assistant Regional Director without delay; you
f. The address of a student will not be changed during the are also required to retain a photocopy of all your
semester. However in real hardship cases change of assignments.
courses will be allowed within fifteen days after receipt of l. Rules and regulations framed, enhanced and changed from
books and deposit of prescribed fee. time to time by the authorities, bodies of the university will
g. Admission to courses for both the Spring and Autumn be effective as deemed necessary. The student will have to
semesters are generally offered in the months of February abide by all such rules and regulations from the date of
and August, respectively, where as examinations their implementation.
commenced in November and May respectively. The m. A student who fails in continuous assessment component is
continuing students are sent computerized admission forms. not eligible to reappear but will be allowed to re-register for
However if for any reason, the student could not get the said the same course at its next offering semester by the
form, he/she may contact to Regional Office of the university.

n. It is the responsibility of the student to remain in touch u. Admission form received without prescribed fee less fee or
with the department regarding the selected programme. fee deposited after due date will not be considered.
o. A student already admitted to a programme or a v. In case of discrepancies in the name of student/ Fathers
specialization of a programme shall not be allowed to name of the student or difference in name mentioned in
transfer or to get admission to another programme unless his/her other educational certificates, the name on the
he/she formally postpones it till the completion of the new Matric certificate of the student will be considered as
programme or withdraws from the previous programme. correct name. The Examination Department shall also issue
p. After completion of a programme successfully, a student certificate/degree on the said name.
has to the apply to Controller of Examinations for issuance w. In case provision of forged documents for admission, not
of certificate/degree. only the admission will be refused to the applicant but the
q. The university reserves the right to change the contents of fee deposited by him/her will also be forfeited. The
this prospectus without any prior notice as per university university may proceed further in the matter.
policy. x. The Directorate of Students Advisory & Counseling
r. The student must inform the Admission Department in Services provides educational facilities through its student
writing within the period of 15 days after receipt of study support fund to the deserving students facing financial
material parcel, If found any wrong/short of material/ constraints. In this connection AIOU is providing financial
books which is not according to the admission form/ check assistance to a large number of its students through its
list or mistake in name and address. No request for any Regional Network. The deserving students who want to
change will be entertained after the stipulated period. avail financial assistance are advised to contact their
s. Check the books and tally with the course codes mentioned concerned Regional Campus to obtain prescribed forms for
on the address label pasted on the registered packet. If there is financial assistance. After filling the forms should be
any discrepancy, write immediately to Admission Department submitted to the concerned Regional Campus.
for correction/ supply of requisite books. y. Applicant should ensure that the information provided in
t. Admission forms incomplete in any respect will not be Admission Form is correct. If at any stage, the
entertained and will be returned after close of semester to information found false or the applicant was not eligible
the students indicating the deficiency in clear terms with according to the admission criteria, the admission shall be
advise to request for refund of fee. cancelled and there will be no right to claim the degree.
For further information, please contact your Regional Office.

FORM Admission fee once deposited by the candidates/ students in
Eligible candidates who are required to deposit the fee can the university account will neither be refunded nor
submit admission forms alongwith required documents to converted/adjusted as a matter of right. However fee paid by
the following banks: the candidates/students will be settled in the following cases:
(1) National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) i) The candidates/ students who deposit the fee for a programme
(2) MCB Bank Limited (MCB) and later on change their mind to apply in another programme
(3) First Women Bank Limited (FWB) and communicate their decision in black and white to the
(4) Allied Bank Limited (ABL) admission section before dispatch of study material in such
(5) Bank Alfalah Limited (BAFL) cases, fee will be refunded to them after deduction of 10% of
The applicant can deposit fee through bank challan, attached the total amount deposited.
with admission form to any approved bank. ii) The candidates/ students who discontinue the programme/
The bank will issue a receipt of depositing admission form courses(s) after dispatch of books, neither their admission
and fee. will be cancelled nor fee will be refunded to them.
iii) The candidates/ students who are not allowed admission to
Note: a programme offered by the university due to less
Beware that University has not authorized any person or private enrolment/ non formation of viable group/ non offering of
institute to collect payment/forms. All the students are instructed courses, full fee will be refunded to them.
to deposit fee by themselves in designated bank branches. In case iv) The candidates/ students who know that they are not
of any discrepancy in admission fee/admission form the eligible for admission to a programme, and even then they
University will not be responsible and the student will have to
deposit the fee, in such cases, the fee will be refunded after
face the consequences.
the deduction of 25% as services charges from the total
v) The amount deposited by the candidates/ student in excess
(more than the prescribed fee) will be refunded/ adjusted
within a year.

vi) Cases of refund of admission fee will be processed after
finalization/ completion of admission of the semester and
only on the production of original Bank Challan/Receipt
No. 4.
vii) If candidates/ students deceive the university and get
admission in two different programmes simultaneously in a
semester admission will be cancelled in new programme
and the fee deposited will be forfeited.
The allotment of tutors and conduct of workshops are
made according to addresses of the students. However, if
the numbers of students are less in any region or non-
availability of a suitable tutor or unstable situation in any
specific area, the students of that region are merged in
another nearest region to save the time and to continue
their educational activities. The students should take
admission keeping in view this policy.


Name Telephone Nos.
1. 051-9250043
Director Admissions
051-9250162 (Fax)
2. Additional Registrar (Mailing) 051-9250185
3. Controller of Examinations 051-9250012
4. Director Students Affairs 051-9250174
5. Assistant Registrar (BEd Section)


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