Aman - Final
Aman - Final
Aman - Final
This is to certify that the project entitled A REPORT ON BANKING SERVICES (ONLINE) has been
submitted to department of Business Management, A P GOYAL SHIMLA UNIVERSITY BY AMAN.
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration of
this university. To best of my knowledge no part of this project has been submitted for any degree
or diploma anywhere elsewhere and the help received during this course of investigation and
courses of literature and sources of literature have been duly acknowledged.
Certificate II
This is to certify that the project entitled A REPORT ON BANKING SERVICES (ONLINE) Has been,
submitted to Department of Business Management, A P GOYAL SHIMLA UNIVERSITY BY AMAN.
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration of
this university. The project has been approved by the Examination Committee after conducting an
oral examination in collaboration with external examiner.
........................ ..................................
(Head of Department)
It has been a great privilege for me to undergo project on Banking Services Online .
I express my sincere thanks to my project guide Miss. VANDANA CHAUHAN her invaluable
support, guidance and availability throughout the course of this project.
In addition, I would like to thank all the participants for sparing the time to take part in
I would also like to acknowledge the contribution of all, the faculty members of the department for
their kind assistance and cooperation during the development of my project.
Finally I would like to express my love and appreciation to my parents and friends.
I, hereby declare that the project titled as Banking Services Online has been submitted to the
School of Management, A P Goyal Shimla University, is a genuine work of mine and it has not
been submitted to any others university or Institution for the award of any degree /diploma /
certificate or published any time before.
Chapter 1 Introduction
5.5 Findings
Chapter 7 Conclusion
Chapter 8 Suggestions
Executive Summary
This study is an attempt to show the extent and quality of services and products offered
on and off the internet by various banks in India. Particularly, it seeks to examine the area of
internet banking (popularly known as online banking) and its influence on the population of a
developing country like India. The main purpose of this study to get an overview of the internet-
banking sector in the Indian economy and study as to how it has helped change the banking
habits of various individuals
This Project gave me a great learning experience and at the same time it gave me enough
scope to implement my analytical ability. The data for this study are collected systematically and
analyzed in a proper manner. Closed Ended questionnaire were used for Analysis &
Interpretation of the Data. Data for internet banking is collected from the banks respective
websites. The First part of the Project consists of data and its analysis collected from 30
customers who acquire internet-banking facilities from the bank. The second part of the Project
consists about SBI internet banking collected from SBI manager Sanjay sir by face-to-face
Findings: The results show that internet banking is very popular in India and is in the
development stage.Every day more and more people are turning to the internet banking for their
personal banking. It is a safe, convenient way to shop for financial services, maintain bank
accounts and conduct business 24 hours a day Thus; internet banking has a promising future
Banks play a positive role in economic development of a country. Banking environment has
become highly competitive today. The Indian banking industry is passing through a phase of
customers market. The customers have more choices in choosing their banks. A competition has
been established within the banks operating in India. Now, banks are also adding services to their
customers. During the last 39 years since 1969, tremendous changes have taken place in the
banking industry. The banks have shed their traditional functions and have been innovating,
improving and coming out with new types of the services to cater to the emerging needs of their
The banking scenario has changed drastically. The changes, which have taken place in the
last ten years, are more than the changes took place in last fifty years because of the
institutionalization, liberalization, globalization and automation in the banking industry. With stiff
competition and advancement of technology, the services provided by banks have become more
easy and convenient. Gone are those days when long lines had to be formed to apply for a new
cheque book or to transfer money to another account or to get a bank pass book updated.
There are various banking product available to customer they are as follow:-
Welcome to the era of internet banking or online banking or internet banking. Whatever the
name, it serves the same purpose. Internet banking is one of the famous banking products available
to customer. In internet, banking system the bank has a centralized database that is web-enabled.
All the services that the bank has permitted on the internet are displayed in menu. Any service can
be selected and further interaction is dictated by the nature of service.
Internet Banking is conducting ones banking or bank account online through a computer
and an internet connection. Through Internet-banking one can check the status of his/her account,
place queries and also can be facilitated with a wide range of transaction services simultaneously.
These days, a range of services is provided by banks making it a very wide spectrum, from the very
basic services such as fixed deposit enquiries, cheque book application, account statements, etc., to
the high end services such as bill payments, fund transfers, payment of credit card dues and much
more. Internet has emerged as an important medium for delivery of banking products and services.
Internet banking can be defined as a facility provided by banking and financial institutions
that enable the user to execute bank related transactions through Internet. The biggest advantage of
Internet banking is that people can expend the services sitting at home, to transact business. Due to
which, the account holder does not have to personally visit the bank. With the help of Internet, the
account holder can execute banking many transactions. When small transactions like balance
inquiry, record of recent transaction, etc. are to be processed, the Internet banking facility proves to
be very handy. The concept of Internet banking has thus become a revolution in the field of
Banking and finance.
Internet banking system and method in which a network connects a personal computer
service provider directly to a host computer system of a bank such that customer service
representatives can process customer service requests automatically without need for intervention.
The system is capable of distinguishing between those customer service requests, which are capable
of automated fulfillment, and those requests, which require handling by a customer service
representative. The system is integrated with the host computer system of the bank so that the
remote banking customer can access other automated services of the bank. The method of the
invention includes the steps of inputting a customer banking request from among a menu of
banking requests at a remote personnel computer, transmitting the banking requests to a host
computer over a network; receiving the request at the host computer; identifying the type of
customer banking request received; automatic logging of the service request, comparing the
received request to a stored table of request types, each of the request types having an attribute to
indicate whether the request type is capable of being fulfilled by a customer service representative
or by an automated system.
Internet banking offers a diverse assortment of features. The number one feature used by
internet bankers is bill pay service. Some banks offer and unlimited amount of bill pays per month
at no cost to you. Additionally some offer the option to send an actual paper check to those unable
to receive an electronic payment. Even better is some banks dont even charge you for the postage
to mail the paper check. In addition, something to look for is the option to setup reoccurring
payments. Electronic bill notification is another handy feature. The way it works is that the
merchant that needs payment, says your gas company, will send an electronic bill to your bank.
You can then set it up to have that bill automatically paid or send you an approval request. It is
nice; you do not have to worry about getting paper bills forwarded to you if you are traveling.
Online check and deposit slip images is another feature. Banks simply scan the front, back
of the actual check, deposit slip, and then upload the image to your account. That way you still have
a record, but you do not have to store all of that paper in those under the bed boxes.
You can facilitate payment of electricity and telephone bills, mobile phone, credit card and
insurance premium bills as each bank has tie-ups with various utility companies, service providers
and insurance companies, across the country. To pay your bills, all you need to do is complete a
simple one-time registration for each biller. You can also set up standing instructions online to pay
your recurring bills, automatically. Generally, the bank does not charge customers for online bill
Fund transfer
You can transfer any amount from one account to another of the same or any another bank.
Customers can send money anywhere in India. Once you login to your account, you need to
mention the payees account number, his bank and the branch. The transfer will take place in a day
or so, whereas in a traditional method, it takes about three working days. ICICI Bank says that
online bill payment service and fund transfer facility have been their most popular online services.
To use E-Monies National Electronic Funds Transfer you will need to begin by adding a
beneficiary. Then you can go on to make a funds transfer or Credit card payment.
To add a beneficiary
Both the Net Banking and Third Party Funds Transfer facilities should be enabled. (If youre not
yet registered, just fill the form at your closest HDFC Bank branch).
You should have your beneficiarys IFSC handy. You can get this from the beneficiary bank.
Step 1 - Log into HDFC Bank Net Banking, using your Customer ID and Password
Step 3 - Click Add a Beneficiary, and then select Beneficiary Type Transfer to other bank
Step 5 Select the IFSC, using the bank and branch name. Now you can add the beneficiary.
Remember, this is a one-time process.
Step 7 Authenticate yourself at the secure access step, and wait for your confirmation message
Post activation of a beneficiary, you can transfer a maximum of Rs. 100,000/- to each beneficiary
for first 2 days.
One thing to note After completing the addition of the beneficiary it will take 30 minutes for the
details to be added to the list of beneficiaries.
With Internet banking, customers can not only pay their credit card bills online but also get a loan
on their cards. If you lose your credit card, you can report lost card online.
You need to have the Net Banking and Third Party Funds Transfer facilities enabled (If
youre not yet registered, just visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch and fill the form).
The Credit card issuing bank must be enabled to receive payments via NEFT
The IFSC should be obtained from the Credit card issuing bank (without the correct IFSC,
the transaction will be rejected)
Steps of making Credit card Payments of HDFC:-
Step 4 Review the details, and, if all is correct, confirm to complete the process
Railway pass
this is something that would interest all the aam janta. Indian Railways has tied up with ICICI
bank and you can now make your railway pass for local trains online. The pass will be delivered to
you at your doorstep. However, the facility is limited to Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, Surat and Pune.
You can now open an FD online through funds transfer.Now investors with interlinked
demat account and bank account can easily trade in the stock market and the amount will be
automatically debited from their respective bank accounts and the shares will be credited in their
demat account. Moreover, some banks even give you the facility to purchase mutual funds directly
from the online banking system.
Nowadays, most leading banks offer both online banking and demat account. However if
you have your demat account with independent share brokers, then you need to sign a special form,
which will link your two account.
Recharging your prepaid phone
Now just top-up your prepaid mobile cards by logging in to Internet banking. By just
selecting your operator's name, entering your mobile number and the amount for recharge, your
phone is again back in action within few minutes.
Shopping With a range of all kind of products, you can shop online and the payment is
made conveniently through your account. You can also buy railway and air tickets through internet
1. The greatest advantage of Internet banking perhaps lies in the fact that customers are no
longer required waiting in those long and wearisome queues of the banks to request a
financial transaction or statement.
2. Another important advantage of Internet banking is that it has made the opening of an
account quite simple and easy and without much paperwork. The same flexibility can be
observed even while closing an account. You can also apply for bank loans without
personally visiting any local branch of yours bank
3. Conventional banking has always been slow and time consuming, so much so that
sometimes you need to wait several hours to process a simple transaction like clearing a
4. Internet banking has tremendously reduced the time required to process banking
transactions, thereby making banking faster and convenient. For the bankers this system is
cost-effective, as it has considerably reduced the administrative costs and paperwork related
to the transactions. Besides, banks can also cater to the needs of thousands of customers at
the same time. All these factors have significantly increased the profit margins of
commercial banks by lowering their operating costs. This has enabled them to offer
acceptable interest rates on savings account and credit cards.
5. With the help of Internet banking, you can access any information regarding your account
and transactions, any time of the day. This means that you no longer have to depend on the
office hours of your bank to obtain information. Therefore, you can regularly monitor your
account as well as keep track of financial transactions, which can be of immense help in
detecting any fraudulent transaction.
6. In addition to this, fund transfers, both national and international, have also become faster
and convenient with Internet banking. Nowadays, you can transfer funds from one account
to another within a few minutes. You can easily carry out stock trading, exchanging bonds
and other investments with the help of Internet banking. All these features have made
Internet banking ideal for people who make a number of financial transactions each day.
7. In addition to availing banking facilities for 24 hours a day, you can also receive other
important information regarding banking policies, rates of interest offered on different types
of bank accounts and formalities required in executing various transactions. With such
information, you can compare the services of different banks and opt for the one that
satisfies your individual needs and requirements.
However, there are some serious disadvantages of internet banking, out of which the
security of your bank account is the most important one. So while availing the facilities of Internet
banking, you have to be very careful to ensure the security of your computer and personal
information like the password, user name and pin number of your bank account. Otherwise, you
may become a victim of computer hacking, which can lead to unauthorized use of your account by
computer hackers. Though banks have come up with several security measures, the customers are
also required to be a bit careful to ensure security and safety of internet banking.
Types of Internet banking
The Reserve Bank of India constituted a working group on Internet Banking. The group
divided the internet banking products in India into 3 types based on the levels of access granted.
They are:
General Purpose information like interest rates, branch location, bank products and
their features, loan and deposit calculations are provided in the banks website. There exist
facilities for downloading various types of application forms. The communication is
normally done through e-mail. There is no interaction between the customer and banks
application system. No identification of the customer is done. In this system, there is no
possibility of any unauthorized person getting into production systems of the bank
through internet.
The system provides customer- specific information in the form of account balances,
transaction details, and statement of accounts. The information is still largely of the read
only format. Identification and authentication of the customer is through password. The
information is fetched from the banks application system either in batch mode or off-
line. The application systems cannot directly access through the internet.
This system allows bi-directional capabilities. The customer for online update can
submit transactions. This system requires high degree of security and control. In this
environment, web server and application systems are linked over secure infrastructure. It
comprises technology covering computerization, networking and security, inter-bank
payment gateway and legal infrastructure.
The concept of Internet banking has been simultaneously evolving with the development
of the World Wide Web. Programmers working on banking databases came up with ideas for
online banking transactions, some time during the 1980's. The creative processes of development of
these services were probably sparked off after many companies started the concept of online
shopping. The online shopping promoted the use of credit cards through Internet. Many banking
organizations had already started creating data ware housing facilities to ease their working staffs.
The developments of these databases were widely used during the development of ATM's.
Sometime in 1980's, banking and finance organizations in Europe and United States started
suggestive researches and programming experiments on the concept of 'home banking'. Initially in
the 80's when computers and Internet were not so well developed, 'home banking made use of fax
machines and telephones to facilitate their customers. The wide spread of Internet and
programming facilities created further opportunities for development of home banking.
In 1983, the Nottingham Building Society, commonly abbreviated and refereed to as the
NBS, launched the first Internet banking service in United Kingdom. This service formed the basis
for most of the Internet banking facilities that followed. This facility was not very well developed
and restricted the number of transactions and functions that account holders could execute. The
facility introduced by Nottingham Building Society is said to have been derived from a system
known as Prestel that is deployed by the postal service department of United Kingdom. The first
online banking service in United States was introduced, in October 1994. The service was
developed by Stanford Federal Credit Union, which is a financial institution. The online banking
services are becoming more and more prevalent due to the well-developed systems.
The Indian Scenario
The entry of Indian banks into Internet Banking Tremendous growth of Internet during
the mid-nineties prompted banks to utilize Internet as a medium for offering banking services.
Using Internet Banking, banks allow their customers to perform banking transactions through their
web site in a secure way. However, not many studies have been conduced to evaluate if the
customers in India utilize Internet Banking channel properly.
Internet banking, both as a medium of delivery of banking services and as a strategic tool
for business development, has gained wide acceptance internationally and is fast catching up in
India with more and more banks entering the fray. India can be said to be on the threshold of a
major banking revolution with net banking having already been unveiled. A recent questionnaire, to
which 46 banks responded, has revealed that at present, 11 banks in India are providing Internet
banking services at different levels, 22 banks propose to offer Internet banking in near future while
the remaining 13 banks have no immediate plans to offer such facility.
In India, approximately one percent of high and middle-income group banking customers
conducted banking on the Internet in 2000 compared to 5 to 6 percent in Singapore and South
Korea. In 2001, a Reserve Bank of India survey revealed that more than 20 major banks either were
offering internet-banking services at various levels or planned to do so in the near future. Some of
the private banks included ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, IDBI Bank, Citibank, Global Trust Bank,
Bank of Punjab and UTI Bank. In the same year, out of an estimated 0.9 million Internet user base,
approximately 17 percent were reported to be banking on the Internet.
At present, the total Internet users in the country are estimated at 9lakh. However, this is
expected to grow exponentially to 90lakh by 2003. Only about 1% of Internet users did banking
online in 1998. This increased to 16.7% in March 2000.* the growth potential is, therefore,
immense. Further incentives provided by banks would dissuade customers from visiting physical
branches, and thus get hooked to the convenience of armchair banking. The facility of accessing
their accounts from anywhere in the world by using a home computer with Internet connection, is
particularly fascinating to Non-Resident Indians and High Net worth Individuals having multiple
bank accounts.
Costs of banking service through the Internet form a fraction of costs through conventional
methods. Rough estimates assume teller cost at Re.1 per transaction, ATM transaction cost at
45paise, phone banking at 35paise, debit cards at 20paise and Internet banking at 10paise per
transaction. The cost-conscious banks in the country have therefore actively considered use of the
Internet as a channel for providing services. Fully computerized banks, with better management of
their customer base are in a stronger position to cross-sell their products through this channel. The
online population has increased from just 500,000 in 1998 to 5 million in 2000. By 2015, the online
population is expected to reach 70 million. IT services is a $1.5 billion industry in India growing at
a rate of 55% per annum.
Banks providing Internet banking services have been entering into agreements with their customers
setting out the terms and conditions of the services. The terms and conditions include information
on the access through user-id and secret password, minimum balance and charges, authority to the
bank for carrying out transactions performed through the service, liability of the user and the bank,
disclosure of personal information for statistical analysis and credit scoring also, non-transferability
of the facility, notices and termination, etc. These services are being initiated by banks like ICICI
Bank Ltd., Citibank, Global Trust Bank Ltd., UTI Bank Ltd., Bank of Citibank Bank of Madura
Ltd., Federal Bank Ltd., etc.
Indian Government has introduced the Information Technology Bill, which has already
been notified in October 2000. Section 72 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 casts an
obligation of confidentiality against disclosure of any electronic
Record, register, correspondence and information, except for certain purposes and violation of this
provision is a criminal offence. Notification for appointment of Authorities to certify digital
signatures, ensuring confidentiality of data, is likely to be issued in the coming months.
Comprehensive enactments like the Electronic Funds Transfer Act in U.K. and data protection rules
and regulations in the developed countries are in place abroad to prevent unauthorized access to
data, malafide or otherwise, and to protect the individuals rights of privacy. The legal
issues are, however, being debated in our country and it is expected that some headway will be
made in this respect in the near future.
The Future Scenario
Compared to banks abroad, India banks offering online services still have a long way to go.
For online banking to reach a critical mass, there has to be sufficient number of users and
the sufficient infrastructure in place.
Various security options like line encryption, branch connection encryption, firewalls,
digital certificates, automatic sign-offs, random pop-ups and disaster recovery sites are is in
place or are being looked at, there is as yet no Certification Authority in India offering
Public Key Infrastructure, which is absolutely necessary for online banking.
The communication bandwidth available today in India is also not enough to meet the needs
of high priority services like online banking and trading.
Banks offering online facilities also need to calculate their downtime losses, because even a
few minutes of downtime in a week could mean substantial losses.
Users of Internet Banking Services are required to fill up the application forms online and
send a copy of the same by mail or fax to the bank.
The customer with the bank for using the Internet banking services enters into a contractual
Domestic customers, for whom other access points such as ATMs, tele- banking, personal
contact, etc. are available, are often hesitant to use the Internet banking services offered by
Indian banks. Internet Banking, as an additional delivery channel, may, therefore, be
attractive/ appealing as a value added service to domestic customers. Non-resident Indians,
for whom, it is expensive and time consuming to access their bank accounts maintained in
India find net banking very convenient and useful.
Cyber crimes are, therefore, difficult to be identified and controlled.
In order to promote Internet banking services, it is necessary that the proper legal
infrastructure is in place.
The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is moving fast to make available additional
bandwidth, with the result that internet access will become much faster in the future.
Global internet Banking Scenario
Internet Banking
Internet Banking is one of the few web applications where benefits to customers and banks
are already widely proven. It is now no longer a nice to have but an impossible to survive
without for all banks. Internet Banking refers to systems that enable bank customers to access
accounts and general information on bank products and services through a personal computer (PC)
or other intelligent devices. Internet banking means a kind of self-help financial services provided
by the bank for its clients by the medium of Internet, including account information inquiry,
account transfer & payment, online payment, agency services, etc.
Other internet banking services may include providing internet access as an Internet Service
provider (ISP). Historically, banks have used information systems technology to process checks
(item processing), drive ATM machines (transaction processing), and produce reports (management
information systems). In the past, customers rarely noticed the computer systems that made the
information systems operate. Today, web sites, electronic bill presentment and payment systems are
an important way for banks to reach their customers.
Of day or night. This means that banks may enlarge their market without opening new branches.
The banks in the US are using the Web to reach opportunities in three
Different categories: to market information, to deliver banking products and services, and to
improve customer relationship.
In 2001, over 50 percent of the banks in the US were offering internet -banking services.
However, large banks appeared to have a clear advantage over small banks in the range of services
they offered. Some banks in the US were targeting their Internet strategies towards business
customers. Apart from affecting the way customers received banking services; internet -banking
was expected to influence the banking industry structure. The economics of internet -banking was
expected to favor large banks because of economies of scale and scope, and the ability to advertise
heavily. Moreover, internet -banking offered entry and expansion opportunities that small banks
traditionally lacked.
The major factor restricting growth of internet -banking is security, in spite of several
countries being well connected via Internet. Access to high-quality internet -banking products is
an issue as well. Majority of banks in Asia are just offering basic services compared with those
of developed countries. Still, internet -banking seems to have a future in Asia. According to
McKinsey survey, internet -banking will succeed if the basic features, especially bill payment,
are handled well. Bill payment was the most popular feature, cited by 40 percent of respondents
of the survey.
The competitive pressure is the chief driving force behind increasing use of internet
banking technology, ranking ahead of cost reduction and revenue enhancement. Banks see
internet banking as a way to keep existing
Customers and attract new ones to the bank.
Cost efficiencies
Banks can deliver banking services on the internet at transaction costs far lower than
traditional ways. The actual costs to execute a transaction will vary depending on the delivery
channel used. These costs are expected to continue to decline.
Geographical Reach
Internet Banking allows expanded customer contact through increased geographical
reach and lower cost of delivery channels. In fact, some banks are doing business exclusively
via the internet they do not have traditional banking offices and only reach their customers
Relationship building is a strategic priority for most banks. Internet banking technology
and products can provide a means for banks to develop and maintain an ongoing relationship
with their customers by offering easy access to a broad array of products and services. By
capitalizing on brand identification and by providing a broad array of financial services, banks
hope to build customer loyalty, and enhance repeat businesses.
Customer Demographics
Internet banking allows banks to offer a wide array of options to their banking customers.
Some customers will rely on traditional branches to conduct their banking business. Other
customers are early adopters of new technologies that arrive in the marketplace. The challenge
to banks is to understand their customer base and find the right mix of delivery channels to
deliver products and services profitably to their various market segments. As use of the internet
continues to expand, more banks are using the web to offer products and services or otherwise
enhance communications with consumers. The internet offers the potential for safe, fast, and
convenient new ways to shop for financial services and conduct banking business, any day, any
Operational Risk: -
Operational risk, also referred to as transactional risk is the most common form of risk
associated with internet banking.
It takes them from of inaccurate processing of transactions, non-enforceability of contracts,
compromises in data integrity, data privacy and Confidentiality, unauthorized access /
intrusion to banks systems and transaction, etc.
Such risks can arise out of weaknesses in design, implementation and monitoring of banks
information system.
Besides inadequacies in technology, human factors like negligence by customers and
employees, fraudulent activity of employees and crackers/hackers, etc. can become potential
source of operational risk.
Security Risk: -
Security risk arises because of unauthorized access to a banks critical information stores
like accounting system, risk management system, portfolio management system, etc.
Other related risks are loss of reputation, infringing customers privacy and its legal
implications, etc.
Attackers could be hackers, unscrupulous vendors, disgruntled employee or even pure thrill
In addition to external attacks banks are exposed to security risk from internal sources e.g.
employee fraud. Employee being familiar with different systems and their weaknesses
become potential security threats in a loosely controlled environment. They can manage to
acquire the authentication data in order to access the customer accounts causing losses to
the bank.
Unless specifically protected, all data/ information transfer over the internet can be
monitored or read by unauthorized persons.
System architecture and design: -
Banks face the risk of wrong choice of technology, improper system design and inadequate
control processes.
Numerous protocols are used for communication across internet. Each protocol is designed
for specific types of data transfer.
A system allowing communications with all protocols, say HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer
Protocol), FTP (File Transfer Protocol), telnet, etc. is more prone to attack than one
designed to permit say, only HTTP.
Many banks rely on outside service providers to implement, operate and maintain their e-
banking system.
Security related operational risk include access control, use of firewalls, cryptographic
techniques, public key encryption, digital signature, etc.
Reputation Risk: -
Reputation risk is the risks of getting significant negative public opinion, which may result
in a critical loss of funding or customers. Such risks arise from actions, which cause major
loss of the public confidence in the banks ability to perform critical functions or impair
bank-customer relationship. It may be due to banks own action or due to third parties
The main reasons for this risk may be system or product not working to the expectations of
the customers, significant security breach (both due to internal and external attack),
inadequate information to customers about product use and problem resolution procedures,
significant problems with communication networks that impair customers access to their
funds or account information especially if, there are, no alternative means of account access.
Legal Risk: -
Legal risk arises from violation of, or non-conformance with laws, rules, regulations, or
prescribed practices, or when the legal rights and obligations of parties to a transaction are
not well established.
A customer inadequately informed about his rights and obligations, may not take proper
precautions in using Internet banking products or services, leading to disputed transactions,
unwanted suits against the bank or other regulatory sanctions.
Money Laundering Risk: -
As internet-banking transactions are conducted remotely, banks may find it difficult to
apply traditional method for detecting and preventing undesirable criminal activities.
Application of money laundering rules may also be inappropriate for some forms of
electronic payments.
To avoid this, banks need to design proper customer identification and screening
techniques, develop audit trails, conduct periodic compliance reviews, and frame policies in
internet transactions.
Cross-Border Risks: -
Internet banking is based on technology that, by its very nature, is designed to extend the
geographic reach of banks and customers. Such market expansion can extend beyond
national borders. This causes various risks.
Such considerations may expose banks to legal risks associated with noncompliance of
different national laws and regulations, including consumer protection laws, record keeping
and reporting requirements, privacy rules and money laundering laws.
The foreign-based service provider or foreign participants in internet banking are sources of
country risk to the extent that foreign parties become unable to fulfill their obligations due
to economic, social or political factors.
Strategic Risk: -
For reducing such risk, banks need to conduct proper survey, consult experts from various
fields, establish achievable goals and monitor performance.
In addition, they need to analyze the availability and cost of additional resources, provision
of adequate supporting staff, proper training of staff and adequate insurance coverage.
Other Risk: -
Traditional banking risks such as credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk and market risk are also
present in internet banking.
These risks are intensified due to the very nature of internet banking on account of use of electronic
channels as well as absence of geographical limits.
Credit risk: Is the risk that a counterparty will not settle an obligation for full value, either when due
or at any time thereafter. Banks may not be able to properly evaluate the creditworthiness of the
customer while extending credit through remote banking procedures, which could enhance the
credit risk.
Another facility of internet banking is electronic money. It brings various types of risks associated
with it. If a bank purchases e-money from an issuer in order to resell it to a customer, it exposes
itself to credit risk in the event of the issuer defaulting on its obligation to redeem electronic
Liquidity risk: It is important for a bank engaged in electronic money transfer activities that it
ensures that funds are adequate to cover redemption and settlement demands at any particular time.
Failure to do so, besides exposing the bank to liquidity risk, may even give rise to legal action and
reputation risk.
There are four key tools that regulators need to focus on to address the new challenges
posed by the arrival of internet -banking.
Adaptation: In light of how rapidly technology is changing and what the changes mean for
banking activities, keeping regulations up to date has been, and continues to be, a far-reaching, time-
consuming, and complex task. In May 2001, the Bank for International Settlements issued its "Risk
Management Principles for internet banking," which discusses how to extend, adapt, and tailor the
existing risk-management framework to the electronic banking setting.
Legalization: New methods for conducting transactions, new instruments, and new service
providers will require legal definition, recognition, and permission. For example, it will be essential
to define an electronic signature and give it the same legal status as the handwritten signature.
Integration: This is the process of including information technology issues and their
accompanying operational risks in bank supervisors' safety and soundness evaluations. In addition to
the issues of privacy and security, for example, bank examiners will want to know how well the
bank's management has elaborated its business plan for electronic banking.
Chapter - 2
Review Of Literature
In this field few studies were conducted in India. The researcher reviewed
many researches conducted in India and abroad to find out the correct area
to carry out the research work, which will fruitful for the professionals and
The case describes In detail the workings of two mobile banking operators in
Africa - WIZZIT in South Africa and M - PESA in Kenya. It explores the
dimensions of strategy that make for success in the market for the
unbanked. It raises questions regarding the portability of the mo
del to other countries and settings.
Van B., Paul, Veloso, Francisco M. and Oliveira, P., (2012),
Innovation by Users in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Mobile
Banking Services,
Analysis of this study shows that 85% of the innovations in this field
originated in emerging markets. The researcher also conclude that at least
50% of all mobile financial services were pioneered by users, approximately
45% by producers, and 5% jointly by users and producers. Additionally,
services developed by users diffused at more than
double the rate of producer - innovations. Finally, the researcher observed
that three quarters of the innovations that originated in emerging markets
have already diffused to OECD countries and that the (user) innovations are
therefore globally meaningful.
Nel J., Boshoff C., Raleting T., (2012), Exploiting the technology
cluster effect to enhance the adoption of WIG mobile banking among
low - income earners
This study investigated the attitude formation of low - income, non - users of
Wireless Internet Gateway (WIG) mobile banking, by including use of the
Short Message Services (SMS) as a moderator of attitude formation. A non-
probability sample of 465 South
African non-users of mobile banking was drawn and clustered into High users
and Low users of the SMS, based on the average number of text messages
sent in a week. The moderating effect of "use of the SMS" was investigated
by means of a structural equation
modelling multi - group analysis. The findings revealed that the influence of
Ease of use on Attitude and of Self - efficacy on Ease of use were stronger
for High users and significantly different from Low users, while the opposite
was true for the influence of Facilitating conditions on Usefulness.
Oliveira P., Eric V. H., (2011), Users as service innovators: The case
Banking services
Chapter - 3
Need Of The Study
Objectives of the study
Objectives of a project tell us why project has been taken under study. It helps us to know
more about the topic that is being undertaken and helps us to explore future prospects of the topic.
The various research objectives of the study are:
To study the internet banking facilities offered by the banks to its customers
To study as to how much internet banking has penetrated in the minds of the
To study the benefits that are provided to the individual under internet
Research Methodology
This kind of research finds favor with almost all the social science researches. It is one of the most
popular methods of investigation, because a study of the attributes and variables in relation to the
population (The entire group of people, inhabitants, items etcunder study) is easier and is more
Its suffers from a negligible magnitude of error. Now-a-days sample survey has become an
effective method for research. This is possible with the help of personal interviews which are
backed by questionnaires, direct oral observations. Indirect oral observations and etc
This report is based on primary as well secondary data, however primary data collection
was given more importance since it is overhearing factor in attitude studies. Research is a process
through which we attempt to achieve systematically and with the support of data. . The researcher
has collected data from two sources they are as follow;
1. Primary Data: - The sources of Primary data were questionnaires and
personal interviews.
This process, which is frequently called research methodology the data is analyzed in
proper manner according to the result of customer satisfactions. The researcher analysis
the data given by the respondent customer and also calculated in systematic manner.
Descriptive research is used in this project report in order to know about online services to clients
and determining their level of satisfaction. This is the most popular type of research technique,
generally used in survey research design and most useful in describing the characteristics of
consumer behavior. The method used was following:
Questionnaire method
Direct Interaction with the clients.
B. Questionnaire:
C. Drafting of a Questionnaire:-
Closed Ended questionnaire were used in research Questionnaire was prepared over a
period of 5 days by intensive brainstorming. Valuable advice regarding changes was given by my
project guide, Mr. Amar Rao sir, has resulted in the formulation of the questionnaire through which
responses were collected and analyzed. A copy of the questionnaire has been attached as an
annexure to the project.
Since my objective was to derive out the maximum information out of the passengers
without making the whole exercise boring and troublesome, I decided to keep questionnaire close-
ended. In order to generate and sustain the interest of the respondents, the initial questions
pertained to the gathering of simple information like the knowledge of internet banking, the choice
of their bank and the main areas of their transactions.
There are 10 questions were given related to internet banking. These questions were asked to 30
different people. The researcher has analyzed the reports in a systematic manner with the help of
following formula:
NO. of respondent's
Total respondent's
3.2 Sampling:
Sampling procedure:
The sample was selected randomly from the customers who acquire internet-banking
facilities from the bank, irrespective of them. It was also collected through personal
visits to persons, by formal and informal talks and through filling up the
questionnaire prepared.
Sample size:
The sample size of my project is limited to 30 people only, who acquire internet-
banking facilities from the bank.
Sample design:
Data has been presented with the help of pie charts only.
Account in the
Account in the respectice bank respectice
bank, , 0, 0%
Account in the
bank, , 0%, 0%
Account in the
respectice other
bank, HDFC, 17%
30%, 30%
Out of 30 samples, 10 customers are from State bank of India, 6 people from PNB bank, 9 people
from HDFC, and 5 people in other bank It was witnessed that today public sector bank State bank
of India has the largest customer base but the private banks are also catching up and after State
bank of India, HDFC has the highest customer. .
No. of Respondents 27 3 30
Prefer using
net banking,
No, 10, 10%
Prefer using
net banking,
Yes, 90, 90%
Yes No
Out of 30 customers, 27 customers prefer using internet banking; only 3% of customers do not prefer
using internet banking. It was witnessed that most of the respondents preferred using internet banking
to there conventional banking system. Thus, internet banking has a bright future ahead
No. of 18 12 30
No, 40, 40%
Yes, 60, 60%
Yes No
From the above chart, it can be inferred that out of 30 customers, 18 customers felt that
they are properly educated of internet banking. It means most of the respondents felt
that they are not properly educated of internet banking and its benefits to them.
Total 30
safety in
disclosing details,
No, 40
safety in safety in
disclosing disclosing
details, , 0 details, , 0
Yes No
From the above graph out of 30 peoples, 12 customers felt that disclosing their details is not safe. It
means, few of the respondents felt safe in disclosing their details but still there were a lot people who
felt unsafe in disclosing and feared their personal information may used by some other person.
No. of Respondents 24 6 30
with banking
services, No,
20, 20%
with banking
services, Yes,
80, 80%
From the above graph out of 30 peoples, 24 customers are happy from the services their
respective bank is providing ,the rest of the respondents felt there is a scope of improvement still
they were also happy.
MAIN No. of
Money transfers 5.5
From the above graph, it can be inferred that out of 30 people it is interesting to see that a
respondent would like to do all the transactions which one does personally on a visit to the bank.
Thus, internet banking has a promising future ahead.
Convenience 5
Speed 6
Transparency 16
Time 10
benefits seen by
Speed, 20%, 20%
benefits seen by
Transparency, Speed
53%, 53% Transparency
Out of 30 people, only five customers felt that Convenience is seen in internet banking. Most of the
respondents felt that the transparency provided by internet banking is the highest motivating factor
for an individual to use internet banking; rest speed convenience and time are also the other
motivating factors
NO 26
Total 30
Benefits of
banking, Yes, 90,
90% No
From the above pie diagram, it can be inferred that out of 30 people, only three
customers are not aware of the benefit of internet banking. It means most of the
respondents are aware of the benefits of internet banking
No. of Respondents 9 21 30
Awareness of
methods of
fraud, Yes, 30,
Awareness of
methods of
fraud, No, 70,
Yes No
Out of 30 customers, only nine people are aware of the technique for secure transaction.
However, most of the respondents are unaware of the techniques, which can be taken up for secure
transaction in internet.
5.5 Findings :
Every day more and more people are turning to the Technology for their
personal banking. It is a safe, convenient way to shop for financial services, maintain
stand in one more line to perform the most basic transactions when they can be
having direct control over their finances themselves. They find it convenient to
services, including a FREE checking account and internet bill paying services.
Internet banking is the ones who consider time as money and are the one with
loads of money.
Many people choosing their personal computers as the new way to view and
manage their money through internet banking, because it is a valuable option to have.
The transparency provided by internet banking is the highest motivating factor
for an individual to use internet banking; rest speed convenience and time are also the
It was witnessed that most of the respondents preferred using internet banking to
There conventional banking system. Thus, internet banking has a bright future ahead.
Possibility of error in data collection because many customer may have not
from the bank. The sample size may not adequately represent the whole market.
People were mostly unwilling to talk because of their heavy schedule or they get
annoyed with the phone calls or even if they are asked about this face to face.
From this report, it is found that internet banking has empowered customers and businesses
with information needed to make better financial service, and it has helped change the banking
habits of various individuals. Every day more and more people are turning to the internet banking
for their personal banking. Internet banking is a safe, convenient way to shop for financial
services, maintain bank accounts and conduct business 24 hours a day Thus; internet banking has a
Internet banking has become a necessary survival weapon and is fundamentally changing the
banking industry worldwide. Today, the click of the mouse offers customers banking services at a
much lower cost and empowers them with unprecedented freedom in choosing vendors for their
financial service needs Internet has created plenty of opportunities for players in the banking
sector. Today bank depending on delivering some or all of their banking services on the Internet
It is observed that most of the customer preferred using internet banking to there conventional
banking system and it is also witnessed that most of people would like to do all the transactions
which one does personally on a visit to the bank Thus; internet banking has a bright future ahead.
Internet banking is the ones who consider time as money and are the one with
loads of money.
Many people choosing their personal computers as the new way to view and
manage their money through internet banking, because it is a valuable option to have.
for an individual to use internet banking; rest speed convenience and time are also the
It was witnessed that most of the respondents preferred using internet banking to
There conventional banking system. Thus, internet banking has a bright future ahead.
Dear Respondent,
2. Would you prefer using internet banking instead of visiting your bank every now and
(a) Yes
(b) No
3. Does your bank educate you about the internet banking services being offered?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(a) Yes
(b) No
(a) Yes
(b) No
(a) Convenience
(b) Speed
(c) Transparency
(d) Time
8. Does your bank educate you about the internet banking services being offered?
(a) Yes
(b) No
9. Are you aware of all the methods, which can be taken up to secure your transaction?
(a) Yes
(b) No
10 .Personal Information
Name: Age:
Phone No:
Signature of Respondent