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Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

SR Accessi
Title Author Publisher ISBN
NO on No

Excel Books A 45
DR000 Management Bhat, 978-81-7446-
1 Naraina Phase, New
001 Accounting Sudhindra 763-8
Delhi - 110 02

DR000 and Beyond an Sage Publications 978-81-7829-
2 Sahani, Rohini
002 Analysis of Sex India pvt Ltd, 784-2 (P
work in India

Corporate Arise Publishers and

DR000 978-93-
3 Social Capital Modi, P. K. Distributors, 4648/1,
003 80162-03-4
and Liability 21, Ans

Empowerment ALP Books, 7/33,
DR000 978-93-
4 through Khari, D. S. Ansari Road,
004 80184-03-6
Entrepreneursh Daryaganj
ip Development

Kolla, The Associated

DR000 81-8429-099-
5 Yoga Chenchulakhs Publishers 2963/2,
005 3
mi Kacha Bazar, Pos

Export and Adhyayan Publishers

DR000 Kumar, 978-81-8435-
6 Import and Distributors
006 Malhotra Sunil 076-0
Management 4378/4B, 105,

New Royal Book Co.

DR000 Financial 81-89267-51-
7 Kumar, Arvind First Floor, Shah
007 Management 5
Trade Centre,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Advance Sarap and Sons

DR000 81-7890-180-
8 Dictionary of Raj, Karan 4740/23, Ansar
008 3
Accounting Road, Darya Ganj

Pacific Books
DR000 Basics Organic Sharma, 978-81-
9 International 179,
009 Chemistry Giridhar 907745-0-5
Kalyan Vyihar, Gr

Basic Atomic Pacific Books

DR000 Saxena, 978-81-
10 and Molecular International 187,
010 Kaushal 907745-2-9
Physics Sivaji Chowk,

Pacific Books
DR000 Basic Sahu, Shiv 978-81-
11 International 187,
011 Electronics Prasad 907745-4-3
Sivaji Chowk,

A. K. Publications
DR000 Thermal 978-81-
12 Sinha, S. K. 4561/16 Ansari Road
012 Physics 907128-2-8
Darya Ganj

Rural Pandey, Adhyayan Publishers

DR000 978-81-8435-
13 Marketing Devendra and Distributors,
013 142-2
Management Prasad 4378/4B, 105

Banking and
DR000 Keshvanathan Anshul Prakashan, 978-93-
14 insurance
014 , R. Jaipur - 15 80162-02-7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Pacific Books
DR000 Basic Quantum Pandey, 978-81-
15 International 179,
015 Chemistry Harish Kumar 907745-8-1
Kalyan Vihar, gro

Crescent Publishing
DR000 Goyal, 978-81-8342-
16 Cricket Corporationi
016 Subbash K. 156+-0
4831/42, Prahalrd

Crescent Publishing
DR000 Introduction to Narasimham, 978-81-
17 Corporationi
017 Sports Training T. K. 8/342-115-7
4831/42, Prahalrd

Physical and Centurm Press H. O.

DR000 978-9*3-
18 Health Jothi, Arul 4360/4, Ansari Road
018 80252-58-2
Education Daryaganj

Adhyayan Publishers
DR000 Sports Gupta, Ishwar 978-81-8435-
19 and Distributors,
019 Management Das 070-8
4378/4B, 105

Micro-Finance Krishan Mittal for

DR000 81-8324-289-
20 and Women Ahmed, Rais Mittal 4594/9
020 8
Empowerment Dayaganj

Aita Publications
DR000 Advance 978-93-
21 Bhatia, K. B. 4398/5, Ansari Road,
021 Accountancy 80096-25-4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Rajat Publications
DR000 Financial Sodhi , 978-81--
22 4740/23, Ansari
022 Accounting Pradeep 7880-338-8
Road, Daryaganj

Encyclopaedia Crescent Publishing

DR000 Goyal, 978-81-8342-
23 of Games- Corporationi
023 Subbash K. 151-5
Football 4831/42, Prahalrd

Encyclopaedia Crescent Publishing

DR000 Goyal, 978-81-8342-
24 of Games - Corporationi
024 Subbash K. 151-5
Tennis 4831/42, Prahalrd

Encyclopaedia Crescent Publishing

DR000 Goyal, 978-81-8342-
25 of Games - Corporationi
025 Subbash K. 151-5
Hockey 4831/42, Prahalrd

Encyclopaedia Crescent Publishing

DR000 Goyal, 978-81-8342-
26 of Games - Corporationi
026 Subbash K. 151-5
Basket ball 4831/42, Prahalrd

Encyclopaedia Crescent Publishing

DR000 Goyal, 978-81-8342-
27 of Games - Corporationi
027 Subbash K. 151-5
Cricket 4831/42, Prahalrd

Alfa Publications
DR000 Financial 978-93-
28 Bhatia, K. B. 4398/5 Ansari Road,
028 Accounting 80096-24-7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Property Rights Serials Publication
DR000 Talwar, 978-81-8387-
29 in WTO and 4830/24, Prahlad
029 Sabanna 260-7
Developing Streed Ansari

DR000 Sensors and Publishers and 978-81-8435-
30 Borse, R. Y.
030 Transducers Distributors 052-4
4378/4B, 105

21st Century Globale Vision

DR000 978-81-8220-
31 India - View Thakur, A. P. Publishing House 20
031 269-6
and Vision Ansari Road, Da

New Century
DR000 Yadav, Publications 978-81-7708-
32 and the Indian
032 Raviprakash 4800/24, Bharat 208-1
Ram Road,

New Century
DR000 Publications 978-81-7708-
33 and Corporate Jawa, Rachna
033 4800/24, Bharat 210-4
Restricting in
Ram Road,

Foreign Trade New Century

DR000 Policy Trends in Publications 978-81-7708-
34 Mathur, Vibha
034 India (1947-48 4800/24, Bharat 207-4
to 2008-09) Ram Road,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR000 Improve your Fernandez, 978-81-311-
35 Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
035 English Silvia M. 0253-6
4831/24, Prahlad

New Century
DR000 Health Tourism Sarngadharan Publications 978-81-7708-
036 in India , M. 4800/24, Bharat 211-1
Ram Road,

New Century
DR000 Publications 978-81-7708-
37 Zones in India Das, Geeta
037 4800/24, Bharat 202-9
Lessons from
Ram Road,

WTO and Serials Publications

DR000 Sabanna, 81-8387-067-
38 Intellectual 4830/24, Ansari
038 Talwar 8
Property Rights Road, Daryaga

Kogan Page India

DR000 How to Roman, 0-7494-4233-
39 PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
039 advertise Kenneth 6
Ansari Road, D

Kogan Page India

DR000 0-7494-5155-
40 The New Boss Fischer, Peter PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
040 6
Ansari Road, D

Kogan Page India

DR000 Branded Marc, Lehu 0-7494-5151-
41 PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
041 Entertainment Jeam 3
Ansari Road, D
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Kogan Page India
DR000 Brand Pringle, 978-07494-
42 PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
042 Immortality Hamish 5701-3
Ansari Road, D

Serials Pub.,
DR000 Export Credit Velmurudan, 978-81-8387-
43 4830/24 Prahlad
043 Insurance P. S. 154-6
Stret, Ansari Road,

Total Quality
Authorspress E-
DR000 Management in 978-81-7273-
44 Premchand, P. 35/103, Jawahar
044 university 496-1
Park, Laxmi Nagar,

Kalpaz Publications
DR000 Personality 81-7835-600-
45 Goel, Hari Om C-30, Satyawati
045 Development 7
Nagar, Delhi -

Indian Quantinantal
DR000 Legendry Sarangi, Prakashan, 978-81-7273-
046 Writers in Jaydeep Vijayanagar, Pune - 482-4
English 411 030

Performance of
Serials Publications
DR000 Public Sector Rama, 978-81-8387-
47 4830/24, Ansari
047 Banks after Krishna 157-0
Road, Daryaga

Pacific Books
DR000 Dictionary of E- 978-81-
48 Naik, S. J. International 179,
048 Commerce 907475-47
Kalyan Vihar, gro
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Crescent Publishing
DR000 Kothari Raglhuram, R. 978-81-8342-
49 Corporationi
049 Commission K. 149-2
4831/42, Prahalad

The 7 Deadly
DR000 American 978-0-8144-
50 Sins of Fertig, Maury
050 Management 0874-2

DR000 The Language American 978-0-8144-

51 Sant, Tom
051 of Success Management 7473-0

How to Run
Successful Kogan Page India
DR000 Fisher, John 978-0-7494-
52 Employee PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
052 G. 5630-6
Incentive Ansari Road, D

Methods of
Solving Viva Books Ltd.,
DR000 Agoshkov, V. 81-309-0941-
53 Mathematical 4737/23, Ansari
053 I. 3
Physics Road, Daryaganj,

How Google
DR000 "Jaico Publishing 978-81-8495-
54 changed the Scott, Virginia
054 House 053-3

How Toyota
DR000 Chambers, "Jaico Publishing 978-81-8495-
55 changed the
055 Dennis K. House 052-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR000 Pricing Gregson, "Jaico Publishing 978-81-8495-

056 Strategies Andrew House 036-6

Dr. Syama "Commonwealth

DR000 978-81-311-
57 Prasad Gajrani, Shiv Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
057 0185-8
Mookerjee 4831/24, Prahlad

DR000 Jayaprakash 978-81-311-
58 Gajrani, Shiv Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
058 Narayan 0180-3
4831/24, Prahlad

DR000 Encyclopedia of Kingfisher 978-0- 7534-
59 Allen, Judy
059 the Publications Plc. 1296-1

DR000 Subhas 978-81-311-
60 Gajrani, Shiv Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
060 Chandra Bose 0183-4
4831/24, Prahlad

DR000 Lal Bahadur 978-81-311-
61 Gajrani, Shiv Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
061 Shastri 0186-5
4831/24, Prahlad

Sardar "Commonwealth
DR000 978-81-311-
62 Vallabhbhai Gajrani, Shiv Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
062 0188-9
Patel 4831/24, Prahlad
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR000 Alexander the
63 Kurke, Lance Chamber 7-A, Sir "13-978-81
063 Great
Phiroz Shah M

Kogan Page India

DR000 Brand Lehu, Jean 0 7494 4895
64 PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
064 Rejuvenation Marc 4
Ansari Road, D

DR000 "81-7554-
65 Communication Green, Andy
065 337-x
s Skills for
Public Relations

DR000 Transforming Viond Vasishtha for 978-81-309-

66 Hunter, Ian
066 HR viva Book 1053-6

10 Simple
Secrets of the
World's Sourcebooks Inc.
DR000 Gallo, 1-4022-0348-
67 Greatest P.O. Box 4410
067 Carmine 9
Business Naperville illinois

Signs of
Success The
DR000 Remarkable Weiss, Steven American "978-0-8144-
068 Power of Mark Management 7441-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Rajpal & Son's,

DR000 978-93-
69 A-Z Relativity Bose, G. K. Kashamiti Gate,
069 80106-35-9
Delhi - 110 006

Rajpal & Son's,

DR000 A-Z Atomic 978-93-
70 Bose, G. K. Kashamiti Gate,
070 Physics 80106-04-5
Delhi - 110 006

H. O. 4360/4, Ansari
DR000 978-93-
71 A-Z Optics Bose, G. K. Road, New Delhi -
071 80106-30-4
110 002

DR000 English 978-0-521-
72 Jones, Daniel University press 10
072 Pronouncing 69859-7
Hoe Chiang Road 08-

Radio Jockey
and TV Black Prints , 4378//
DR000 978-81-8152-
73 Anchoring Gaur, Sanjay 4- B, Murari lal
073 261-0
Carrier Street, Ans

Kogan Page India

DR000 How to Manage Armstrong, 978-81-7554-
74 PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
074 People Michael 465-6
Ansari Road, D

Kogan Page India

DR000 Questionnaire 0-7494-4181-
75 Brace, Ian PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
075 Design X
Ansari Road, D
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Theory Practice
76 of Public Mishra, S. N. Jnanada Prakashan

DR000 2000 Tips for "81-7554-

77 Packard, Nick
077 Teachers 4023

Women in Serials Publications

DR000 978-81-8387-
78 Changing Sarkar, I. 4830/24, Prahlad
078 178-5
Society Street, Ansa

Fifty Ways to
DR000 Improve your Summertown
79 Taylor, Ken 1902741-82 X
079 Business Publishing Ltd.,

Fifty Ways to
DR000 Improve your Summertown 978-1-
80 Digen, Bob
080 Presentation Publishing Ltd., 902741-86-4
Skills in English

Law on Serials Publications

DR000 Walikhanna, 978-81-8387-
81 Violence 4830/24, Prahlad
081 Charu 233-1
against Women Street, Ansa

Fifty Ways to
Improve your
DR000 Summertown 978-
82 Telephoning Taylor, Ken
082 Publishing Ltd., 1905992065
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
g Skills

DR000 Summertown 9781-

83 Presentations Laws, Anne
083 Publishing Ltd., 902741161

DR000 Thoughts of 978-81-311-
84 Pruthi, R. K. Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
084 Mahatma 0170-4
4831/24, Prahlad

The Illustrated
DR000 Pramanik, 81-7879-559-
85 of Rules of Sports Publication
085 Tarak Nath 1
Games and

DR000 81-7879-312-
86 Sports Training Sharad Sports Publication
086 1

Sports Games
DR000 978-81-7049-
87 and Adventure Cmde, Air Manas Publications
087 341-9

Centram Press H. O.
DR000 Purohit, 978-93-
88 A-Z Chemistry 4360/4, Ansari Road,
088 Naresh 80106-49-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Centram Press H. O.
DR000 978-93-
89 A-Z Physics Base, G. K. 4360/4, Ansari Road,
089 80106-32-8

DR000 978-0-7494-
90 Emotionomics Hill, Dan
090 5700-6

Youth Vision
2020 towards
DR000 Satapathy, 81-8387-075-
91 Building an "Serials Publications
091 Sachidananda 9
India of our

Vinod Vasishtha for

DR000 Be Your Own Mullan, David 978-81-7554-
92 Kogan India Private
092 Boss Mc 442-0
Limited, 4

Kogan Page India

DR000 Developing Success "81-7554-
93 PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
093 Your Staff Creating 446-5
Ansari Road, D

Viva Books Private

DR000 Pride and 0-393-97604-
94 Gray, Donald Ltd., 4737/23, Ansari
094 Prejudice 1
Road, Dar

Handbook of Super Book House

95 Business Frailey, L.E. Sind Chambers,
Letters Shahid Bhagat Sing
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
An Introduction Oxford University
DR000 Lipsey,
96 to Positive Presss walton Street, 91-442454-5
096 Richard G.
Economics Oxford Oxz

An Introduction Oxford University

DR000 Lipsey,
97 to Positive Presss walton Street, 19-442454-5
097 Richard G.
Economics Oxford Oxz

Economic S. Chadn and
DR000 81-219-0260-
98 Theory Ahuja, H. L. Company Ltd. 7361,
098 6
Microeconomic Ram Nagar, New Del

Economic S. Chadn and
DR000 81-219-0260-
99 Theory Ahuja, H. L. Company Ltd. 7361,
099 6
Microeconomic Ram Nagar, New Del

Research New Age

10 DR000 Methodology International ltd. 81-7328-036-
Kothari, C.R.
0 100 Methods and 4835/24, Ansari 3
Techniques Road,

S. Chadn and
10 DR000 Microeconomics 81-219-0374-
Khushro, Amir Company Ltd. 7361,
1 101 Theory and 2
Ram Nagar, New Del

S. Chadn and
10 DR000 An Anthology Mohanty, P. 81-219-1465-
Company Ltd. 7361,
2 102 of Short Stories K. 2
Ram Nagar, New Del
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

S. Chadn and
10 DR000 English Cunlife,
Company Ltd. 7361, 81-219-1017
3 103 Dictionary of Richard
Ram Nagar, New Del
current English

S. Chadn and
10 DR000 Roads to
Guru, G. P. Company Ltd. 7361,
4 104 Pleasure
Ram Nagar, New Del

The East and

S. Chadn and
10 DR000 The west an 81-219-2206-
Mukherji, N. Company Ltd. 7361,
5 105 Anthology of 2
Ram Nagar, New Del
Short Stories

A Guide to
S. Chadn and
10 DR000 Correspondenc 81-219-0589-
Kapoor, A. N. Company Ltd. 7361,
6 106 e and 3
Ram Nagar, New Del

Martin's English
S. Chadn and
10 DR000 Dictionary 81-219-1263-
Martin, H. Company Ltd. 7361,
7 107 (English to 6
Ram Nagar, New Del

S. Chadn and
10 DR000 A Textbook of Narayam, 81-219-1263-
Company Ltd. 7361,
8 108 Vector Calculus Shant 6
Ram Nagar, New Del
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
A Class
S. Chadn and
10 DR000 Textbook of Hazarika, 81-219-2313-
Company Ltd. 7361,
9 109 Business Padmalochan 1
Ram Nagar, New Del

Management S. Chadn and

11 DR000 81-279-1993-
Information Gupta, A. K. Company Ltd. 7361,
0 110 2
Systems Ram Nagar, New Del

11 DR000 Direct Taxes Singhania, 81-7194-303-
publications pvt. Ltd.
1 111 Law & Practice Kapil 9
59/32, New Rohtak R

11 DR000 Students Guide Singhania, 81-7194-300-
publications pvt. Ltd.
2 112 to income Tax Kapil 4
59/32, New Rohtak R

Business Tata McGraw Hill

11 DR000 Coopeta,
Research Publication Company 0-07-0523247
3 113 Donald R.
Methods Ltd.

The Compact
Oxford University
11 DR000 Oxford Soanes, 0-19-566743-
Presss walton Street,
4 114 Reference Catherine 3
Oxford Oxz

Management S. Chadn and

11 DR000 81-219-2193-
Control Dutta, M. Company Ltd. 7361,
5 115 7
Systems Ram Nagar, New Del
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Elements of
Business laws S. Chadn and
11 DR000 Varshney, G. 81-219-2308-
for C.S Company Ltd. 7361,
6 116 K. 3
Foundation Ram Nagar, New Del

S. Chadn and
11 DR000 Management 81-219-2308-
Lea, Diana Company Ltd. 7361,
7 117 Accounting 5
Ram Nagar, New Del
Text and cases

S. Chadn and
11 DR000 Financial 81-219-2306-
Lal, Jawahar Company Ltd. 7361,
8 118 Accounting 9
Ram Nagar, New Del

S. Chadn and
11 DR000 Statistics for 81-219-2285-
Arora, P. N. Company Ltd. 7361,
9 119 Management 2
Ram Nagar, New Del

S. Chadn and
12 DR000 Accounting for Srinivasan, N. 81-219-2344-
Company Ltd. 7361,
0 120 Management P. 1
Ram Nagar, New Del

S-Chand and
12 DR000 Indian Company Ltd. 7361, 81-219-0298-
Walker, Jearl
1 121 Economy Ramnagar, New 3

Management Rupa and Co. 7116,

12 DR000
and the Indian Sharma, G. D. Ansari Road, 81-7167-5840
2 122
Ethos Daryaganj New Delh
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
12 DR000 Dictionary of Schwarz, Allied Publishers 81-860662-
3 123 Synonyms and Catherine Private Limited 02-5

12 DR000 Kirkpatrick, E. Allied Publishers 81-86062-13-
Dictionary of
4 124 M. Private Limited 0
Phrasal Verbs

Rupa and Co. 7116,

12 DR000 Time Chakravarty, 81-7167-698-
Ansari Road,
5 125 Management Ajanta 7
Daryaganj New Delh

Rupa and Co. 7116,

12 DR000 Short Short 81-7167-747-
Lal, Anupa Ansari Road,
6 126 Stories 9
Daryaganj New Delh

The 4-Lane
Unicorn Books Pvt.
12 DR000 Expressway to 81-780-6043-
Shukla, Ajay Ltd. J-3/16 Co-op.
7 127 stress 4
Happy School

Pustak Mahal 6686,
12 DR000 Etiquettes and 81-223-0053-
Gupta, Seema Khari Baoli, Delhi -
8 128 Manners for all 7

Rupa Co. 7/16,

Habu ki Aag
12 DR000 Ansari Road, 81-291-0044-
and Other Rup, Gulzar
9 129 Daryaganj New Delhi 4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Rupa Co. 7/16,
13 DR000 Addha and Ansari Road, 81-291-0023-
0 130 Other Stories Daryaganj New Delhi 3

Oxford University
13 DR000 Economic
Joshi, Vijay. Press VMLA Library 019-564361-5
1 131 Reforms 1991-
Building, Jai

Oxford University
13 DR000 Economics Salvatore,
Press VMLA Library 019-513995
2 132 Theory and Dominick
Building, Jai

Oxford University
13 DR000 Environmental Sankar,
Press VMLA Library 019-5659139
3 133 Economics Ulaganathan
Building, Jai

Oxford University
13 DR000 Development
Ray, Debraj Press VMLA Library 019-5649004
4 134 Economics
Building, Jai

Oxford University
13 DR000 The Chaudhari, 81-222-0007-
Press VMLA Library
5 135 Bahgvadgita Malay 9
Building, Jai

Sulabh Publication
13 DR000 The Leader in Carnegie, 81-88030-41-
Seo ka Bazar Agra-
6 136 you Dale 4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Excel Books A-45,
13 DR000 Incentives and 81-7446-332-
Suri, G. K. Naraina, Phase-I,
7 137 Reward 1
New Delhi - 11

9 Roads to
Printman Pvt. Ltd.
13 DR000 Success at 81-87853-70-
Vas, S. R. 26, Rainbow.
8 138 Work and in 0
Industrial Estate

Public Relations
Surjeet Publications
13 DR000 Principles, Moore, Frazier
7-K, Kolhapur Road,
9 139 Cases, and H.
Kamla Nag

Financial Deep & Deep

14 DR000 Rao, Mohana 81-7629-488-
Management Publications Pvt. F-
0 140 P. 8
and Accounting 159, Rajouri Garde

A. I. T. B. S.
14 DR000 College Kaliski, Publishers & "81-7473-
1 141 Accounting Burton S. Distrbutors (Regd) 114-8

A. I. T. B. S.
14 DR000 Publishers & 81-85386-71-
Economics of Due, John F.
2 142 Distrbutors (Regd) 4
the Public

A. I. T.B.S.
14 DR000 Business Publishers &Y 81-7473-079-
Cross, Andrew
3 143 Marketing Distrbutors (Regd) 6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

A. I. T.B.S.
Finance of
14 DR000 Watson, Publishers &Y
International 85297-580-5
4 144 Alastiair Distrbutors (Regd)

A. I. T. B. S.
14 DR000 Cost Dansby, Publishers &
5 145 Accounting Robert L. Distrbutors (Regd)

Pearson Education
14 DR000 Macro Abel, Andrea
Pvt. Ltd. Indian 81-7808-886
6 146 Economics B.
Branch, 482 F.I

Financial Times Pearson Education

14 DR000
Mastering Kotler, Philip Pvt. Ltd. Indian 81-7808-886
7 147
Marketing Branch, 482 F.I

Financial Times Pearson Education

14 DR000 Siegel, Jereny 81-7808-889-
Mastering Pvt. Ltd. Indian
8 148 J. 4
Finance Branch, 482 F.I

Pearson Education
14 DR000 Economics Todaro,
Pvt. Ltd. Indian 81-7808-7913
9 149 Development Michael P.
Branch, 482 F.I

A Framework
Pearson Education
15 DR000 for Human 81-78808-
Dessler, Gary Pvt. Ltd. Indian
0 150 Resource 582-8
Branch, 482 F.I
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Microeconomics Pearson Education

15 DR000 81-7808-796-
Theory and Dwivedi, A. N. Pvt. Ltd. Indian
1 151 0
Applications Branch, 482 F.I

Printman Pvt. Ltd.

15 DR000 Financial Srivastava, R.
26, Rainbow. 81-7556-403
2 152 Management M.
Industrial Estate

Malayala Monorama
15 DR000 Manorama
Mathew, K. M. 1st Floor, National 0542-5778
3 153 Yearbook 2004
Insurance Bu

Essential Pengain Books India

15 DR000 Cartogarapher
Reference Pvt. Ltd. 11 143028863
4 154 , Senior
world Atlas Panchshila Commer

DK Ultimate
15 DR000 Duccan,
Dictionary 21st 751306347
5 155 Brown

MBA Entrance
Made Easy -
Problem Murtuza T. Gadiwala
15 DR000 Gadiwala,
Solving A-4, Natraj, 2nd
6 156 Martuza
(Math's) and Hasanabad Roa
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Prentice Hall of India
15 DR000 Statistics for Levin, Richard
Pvt. Ltd. M-97 812031235
7 157 Management I.
Connaught Ci

Pearson Education
15 DR000 Marketing
Kotler, Philip (Singapore) Pvt. 81-78086549
8 158 Management
Ltd., Indian Br

A. K. Ghosh Printice
15 DR000 Sales Still, Richard 81-203-0567-
Hall Pvt. Ltd. M-97.
9 159 Management R. 1

Himalaya Publishing
16 DR000 Productivity Gondhalekar,
House Randoot, Dr.
0 160 Techniques Srinivas
Bhalerao Ma

Nabhi's Board P.O.

16 DR000 81-7274-476-
How to Export Pari, V. K. Box No. 37, New
1 161 5

Suttan Chadand
16 DR000 Advanced
Gupta, R. L. Sons 23, Daryaganj,
2 162 Accountancy
New Delhi - 110

BPB Publications B
16 DR000 Implementing
Nadhani, A. K. 14 Connaught Place 81-7656-494
3 163 Tally 6.3
New Delhi
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
MC Graw-Hill
16 DR000 Numerical Balagurusamy 978-0-07-
Education Private
4 164 Methods , E. 463311-3
Limited 7 West Pate

Calculus and Narosa Publishing

16 DR000 Thomas,
Analytic House Pvt. Ltd. 22 81-85015-52
5 165 George B.
Geometry Daryaganj, De

16 DR000 Direct Taxes Singhanina,Vi 978-81-7194-
publications pvt. Ltd.
6 166 Law & Practice nod 553-5
59/32, New Rohtak R

Business Printed and Bound at

16 DR000 Hutt, Michael 981-243-888-
Marketing Fastern Press
7 167 D. 2
Management (Bangalore) Pvt

Designing and Tata McGraw Hill

16 DR000 Simchi-Levi,
Managing the Publication Company 0-70-05866-7
8 168 David
Supply Chain Ltd.

The 7 TH
Sirmon and Schuster
16 DR000 Habits of Covey, 0-7434-0885-
UK Ltd Africa House
9 169 Highly Effective Stphen R. 3
64-78, Kin

Pearson Education
17 DR000 Business Daniels, John
Pvt. Ltd. Indian 81-7808-9629
0 170 Environments D.
Branch, 482 F.I
and Operations
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Prentice Hall of India
17 DR000 Organizational Robbins, 81-203-1708-
Pvt. Ltd. M-97
1 171 Behaviour Stephen. P. 4
Connaught Ci

MPSC Rajyseva
Himalaya Publishing
17 DR000 Purva Pariksha Kandhy,
House Randoot, Dr.
2 172 yashachi Vidhydher
Bhalerao Ma

Arihant Prakashan
Physics AIEEE
17 DR000 4577/15, 978-81-
"A Complete Singh, D. B.
3 173 Ramchhaya, Agarwal 88222-32-2
Study Package"

Arihant Prakashan
17 DR000 Agarwal, 4577/15, 978-81-
for AIEEE "A
4 174 Prafull K. Ramchhaya, Agarwal 88222-34-6

S. Chand and
17 DR000 Mahajan, H. 81-219-1931-
Modern Essays Company Ltd. 7361,
5 175 C. 2
Ram Nagar, New Del

S-Chand and
17 DR000 Environmental Kapoor, Company Ltd. 7361, 81-219-1931-
6 176 Sanitation Baljeet Ramnagar, New 2

17 DR000 Sandarbh Intellectual Book 81-88909-04-

Sharma, K. K.
7 177 Maharashtra Bureau 1
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
17 DR000 Sandarbh Intellectual Book 81-88909-04-
Sharma, K. K.
8 178 Maharashtra Bureau 1

17 DR000 Sansarbh Intellectual Book 81-88909-04-

Sharma, K. K.
9 179 Maharashtra Bureau 1

18 DR000 Sardarbh Intellectual Book 81-88909-04-

Sharma, K. K.
0 180 Maharashtra Bureau 1

18 DR000 Sandarbh Intellectual Book 81-88909-04-

Sharma, K. K.
1 181 Maharashtra Bureau 1

Science and Jaico Publishing

18 DR000 Bobick, James
Technology G. House, 121, Mahtma 81-7992-470
2 182 E.
K. Handbook Gandhi Road, M

The Dorling
18 DR000 Parsons, Dorling Kindersley
Illustrated 143063022
3 183 Jayne Ind. Pvt. Ltd.

Ultimate Visual
Printed-Anjata Offset
18 DR000 Dictionary 21st Brown,
and Packgins Ltd, 751306347
4 184 Century Duncan
New Delhi
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Malayala Manorama
18 DR000 Manorama
Mathew, K. M. Press Kottyan
5 185 Yearbook 2006

malyala manorma
18 DR000 Manorama Year
Mathew, K. M. press kettyan
6 186 Book

Dovling Kindersley
18 DR000 100 Inventions Bridgman, 978-1-4053-
Cimted 80 Strand,
7 187 and Discoveries Roger 1419-0
London WRZR O

Rawat Publications
18 DR000 Research 81-7033-654-
Ahuja, Ram 4858/24, Ansari
8 188 Methods 6
Road, Daryaganj

Rawat Publications
18 DR000 Approach to Jhurijhanwala, 81-7033-841-
4858/24, Ansari
9 189 women's Bharat 7
Road, Daryaganj

Jaico Publishing
19 DR000 The Revolution 81-7224-859-
Osho House 121 Mahatma
0 190 Talks on Kabir 8
Gandhi Road, Mu

19 DR000 A-Z- Guide to Shavick,

1 191 Jab Searching Andrea
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
An imprinte of
19 DR000 Mukherjee, 81-7582-003-
Tell Me Answer Sachdeva o Jaina
2 192 Indira 9
Complex 2-B Netaji

Animprint of Sacheva
19 DR000 Sardana, 81-7582-054-
Tell me how Jaina Complex 2-B,
3 193 Vimal 3
Netaji Sub

S. S.SB.
Interviews and Vee Kumar
19 DR000 Vee Kumar
psycho- Publications Pvt. Ltd.
4 194 Publication
Intelligence 507, Vikram Tower

Test of
Tata McGraw Hill
19 DR000 Reasoning for 0-07-049951-
Thorpe, Edgar Publication Company
5 195 Competitive 9

The Complete
Element animprint of
19 DR000 Illustrated 0-007-13110-
West, Peter Haraper Collins
6 196 Guide to 0
Publishers 77

Memory Hamlyn A Division of

19 DR000 0-600-60708-
Booster Iddon, Jo Octopus Publishing
7 197 9
Workout Group Ltd.

Tata McGraw Hill

19 DR000 Current Affairs 978-0-07-
Vaid, N. K. Publication Company
8 198 Reckoned 2007 066838-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
19 DR000 Are you living Fuhrman, 97809387163
Possibility Press
9 199 your Dream? John 89.00

Rupa Co-7/16,
20 DR000 The 10 Rules of Agarwal, Anersari Road,
0 200 Success Mridula Daryaganj, New

Gita Publishign
20 DR000 The Heart of Vaswani, House Sadhu 81-87662-25-
1 201 The Gita Sadhu Vaswani Mission 10, 2

Goodwill Publishign
20 DR000 Initiation into 81-7245-277-
Heyss, Johann House B-3, Ratton
2 202 Numerology 2
Jyoti, 18, R

Linear Algeria - Ashoke K Ghosh PHI

20 DR000 978-
A Geometric Kumaresans Learning Pvt. Ltd. M-
3 203 8120316287
Approach 97, Connau

Sura College of
20 DR000 Defence Ramasomy, E. 81-7254-052-
Completition 1620 J.
4 204 Academy S. 3
Bloct, 16th M

Discipline That Pentagon Press a-38,

20 DR000 18-8274-973-
Works 5 Simple Divinyi, Joyce Hauz Khas, New
5 205 1
Steps Delhi - 110016
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Special Markets
20 DR000 The Best Year 978-0-06-
Ford, Debbie Departmetn, Harper
6 206 of Your life 083294-0
Collins Publish

LLP, Part of the

20 DR000 Brilliant 978-0-563-
Bites, Buzan pearson Educational
7 207 Memory 52033-7
Group, Edinbu

Making of an
I.A.S. Role and Aalekh Publishers
20 DR000
Impact of Puri, Anshu Dugar Building M.I. 87359-30-7
8 208
Induction ROAD, JAIPUR

A Text Book of Manglam Publishers

20 DR000 978-81-
Operation Singh, P. R. & Distributers L-
9 209 904543-0-8
Research 21/1, Siteert

Pearson Pawar, 482,

21 DR000 Unleashing Walsh, Brian
F.I.E. Patapargaj 81-317-0372
0 210 your Brilliance E.
delhi - 1100

Technology in Ess Ess Publications
21 DR000 Galhotra, 81-7000-519-
Library and 4837/24, Ansari
1 211 Mohan Kumar 1
Information Road, Darya G

Jaico Publishing
21 DR000 81-7992-575-
Joking Around Osho House 121 Mahatma
2 212 7
Gandhi Road, Mu
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Sura College of
21 DR000 Bank Clerks Subburyaj, V. 81-7254-079-
Competiotion 1620
3 213 Examination V. K. 5
'J' Block 16th M

The Harper
Harpper Collins
21 DR000 Collins Ghose, 81-7223-519-
Publishers 1A,
4 214 Encyclopedia of Jayanti 4
Hamittan House, Con

Sura College of
21 DR000 M.C.A. Subrahmanya
Competition 1620, 'J' 0-07-058852
5 215 Entrance Exam m, J. V.
Block 16th M

How to Prepare
for the NTSE Tata McGraw Hill
21 DR000 Malhotra,
National Talent Publication Company 0-07-058852
6 216 Stalin
Search Ltd.

Logic Informal, Prentice Hall of India

21 DR000 Chakraborti, 81-203-2855
Symbolic and Pvt. Ltd. M-97
7 217 Chhanda 8
Inductive Connaught Ci

21 DR000 81-7582-055-
Tell me How Gupta, Rekha Publications 4598/12
8 218 1
B, Gola Cottage Dary

A Modern
S. Chand and
21 DR000 Approach to Aggarwal, R. 81-219-0551-
Company Ltd. 7361,
9 219 Verbal and S. 6
Ram Nagar, New Del
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

A. I. T. B. S.
22 DR000 Introduction to Fernald, Publishers & 81-7473-090-
0 220 Psychology Dodge L. Distrbutors (Regd) 7

Empowerment Rawat Publications

22 DR000 Narayan, 81-7033-958-
and Poverty 4858/24, Ansari
1 221 Deepa 8
Reduction Road, Daryaganj

Social Rawat Publications

22 DR000 81-7033-412-
Problems in Ahuja, Ram 4858/24, Ansari
2 222 8
India Road, Daryaganj

Globalization Rawat Publications,

22 DR000 81-7033-815-
and Social Jogdand, P.G. Satyam Apt., Sector-
3 223 8
Movements 3, Jawahar

Mass Media in Pearl Books 3834,

22 DR000 Srinivasan, 978-81-
New World Shanti Niketan, Iind
4 224 H.S. 90960-6-3
Order Floor, Pata

Turner Publishing
22 DR000 Creating a New 1-57036-223-
Taffler, Heidi Inc. A subsidiary of
5 225 Civilization 8
Turner Bror

S. Chand and
22 DR000 Principles of Rao, Shankar 81-219-1036-
Company Ltd. 7361,
6 226 Sociology with C. N. 6
Ram Nagar, New Del
an Introduction
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
to Social

Capital Markets Everest Publishing

22 DR000 81-7660-136-
and Financial Agashe, Anil House Everest Lane
7 227 5
Services 536 Shaniwar

New Age
22 DR000 International ltd. 81-224-1566-
Human Values Tripath, A. N.
8 228 4835/24, Ansari 0

Role of Women
22 DR000 Ambedkar, 81-8376-051-
in Panchayati ABD Publisher
9 229 Nagendra S. 1

Training for Rawat Publications

23 DR000 Narwani, 81-7033-745-
Rural 4858/24, Ansari
0 230 G..S. 3
Development Road, Daryaganj

Pustak Mahal 6686,

23 DR000 Practical Dutt, Shrimali 81-233-0426-
Khari Baoli, Delhi -
1 231 Hypnotism Narayan 8

Hassan, Rawat Publications

23 DR000 Population 81-7033-966-
Mohammad 4858/24, Ansari
2 232 Geography 9
Izhar Road, Daryaganj

New Age
23 DR000 81-224-1566-
Human Values Tripath, A. N. International ltd.
3 233 0
4835/24, Ansari
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

What got you Great Britain by

23 DR000 Goldsmith, 978-1-84668-
here won't get Profile Books ltd. 3A
4 234 Marshall 137-0
you there. exmouth hou

Information Ess Ess Publications
23 DR000 Mcclure, 978-81-7000-
Services 4837/24, Ansari
5 235 Charles R. 540-7
Techniques, Road, Darya G
Policy and

Mathematical A.I.T.B.S. Publ. &

23 DR000 81-7473-028-
Analysis for Allen, R.G.D. Distributors J-5/6
6 236 1
Economics Krishan Naga

23 DR000 Arunachalam, publ.4830/24, Ansari 978-81-8387-
7 237 P. Rd, Darya Ganj, New 169-3
Zones in India

Himalaya Publishing
23 DR000 Banking Theory Srivastav, P. 81-8318-439-
House Randoot, Dr.
8 238 and Practice K. 1
Bhalerao Ma

Economics Singh, Deep & Deep
23 DR000 81-7629-086-
principles, Jiwitesh Publications Pvt. F-
9 239 6
Problems and Kumar 159, Rajouri Garde
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Academic Foundation
24 DR000 Economy
Kapila, Uma 4772-73/23 Bharat 817188577-2
0 240 Performance
Ram Rd, 923
and Policies

Himalaya Publishing
24 DR000 Banking and 81-8318-574-
Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
1 241 Financial 6
Bhalerao Ma

Watson, A.I.T.B.S. Publ.&

24 DR000 Price Theory 81-7473-024-
Donald Distributors J-5/6,
2 242 and its Uses 9
Stevenson Krishan Naga

Macmillan Press Ltd.

24 DR000 Modern Micro Koutsoyiannis 978-0-333-
3 243 economics , A. 77821-0
Basingstoke, Hamp

A study of Himalaya Publishing

24 DR000 Gopalakrishna 978-81-8318-
Managerial House Randoot, Dr.
4 244 , D. 847-0
Economics Bhalerao Ma

Principles and Himalaya Publishing

24 DR000 81-8318-520-
Practice of Non Gupta, P. K. House Randoot, Dr.
5 245 7
life Insurance Bhalerao Ma

The International
Property and
24 DR000 Bank for 0-8213-5772-
development Fink, Carsten
6 246 Reconstruction and 7
lessons from
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Academic Foundation
24 DR000 Economic
Kapila, Uma 4772-73/23 Bharat 817188592-6
7 247 Development
Ram Rd, 923
Since 1947

Prem Rawat for

24 DR000 India and the Mattoo, 81-7033-914-
Rawat publ. Satyam
8 248 WTO Aaditya 6
Apt, Sector 3, J

Academic Foundation
24 DR000 reforms and
Gupta, S. P. 4772-73/23 Bharat 817188462-8
9 249 employment
Ram Rd, 923
strategy in

Tata McGraw Hill
25 DR000 Management Chatterjee, 0-07-058548-
Publication Company
0 250 Theory and Abha 2

Tata McGraw Hill

25 DR000 Managerial 0-07-460126-
Gupta, G .S. Publication Company
1 251 Economics 1

Rural New Century publ.

25 DR000 Reddy,Vinaya 978-81-77-8-
development in 4800/24, Bharat
2 252 k A. 173-2
India Ram Rd, Ansari R
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Rawat Publications
25 DR000 Development 81-316-0038-
Goldin, Ian 4858/24, Ansari
3 253 Trade Finance 6
Road, Daryaganj
aid, Migration
and Policy

Himalaya Publishing
25 DR000 Fundamentals 81-8318-372-
Gupta, P. K. House Randoot, Dr.
4 254 of Insurance 7
Bhalerao Ma

Banks and Himalaya Publishing

25 DR000 81-8318-246-
Institutional Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
5 255 1
Management Bhalerao Ma

Asset New Age

25 DR000 Management in Hughes, International (P) 81-224-1622-
6 256 Theory and Duncan Ltd., Pub., 4835/24, 5
Practice Ans

Cases in Tata McGraw Hill

25 DR000 0-07-463805-
Financial Pandey, I.M. Publication Company
7 257 x
Management Ltd.

John Wiley and Son

25 DR000 The Warren Hagstrom, 0-471-74367-
Inc. Hoboken New
8 258 Buffett Way Robert G. 4
Jersey Canada

A.I.T.B.S. Publ.&
25 DR000 Modern Public Herber, 81-85386-99-
Distributors J-5/6,
9 259 Finance Bernard 4
Krishan Naga
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Fundamentals Prentice Hall of India

26 DR000 Bose, 81-203-2984-
of Financial Pvt. Ltd. M-97
0 260 Chandra D. 8
Management Connaught Ci

Macmillan Press Ltd.

26 DR000 General Bank Vasavada,
Houndmills, 1403-926689
1 261 Management Gaurang
Basingstoke, Hamp

Tata McGraw Hill

26 DR000 0-07-060087-
Investments Bodie, Zvi Publication Company
2 262 2

Tata McGraw Hill

26 DR000 Basic Financial 0-07-059943-
Khan, M. A. Publication Company
3 263 Management 2

Globalization of
Jaico Publ. House
26 DR000 Business 81-7224-917-
Ali, Abbas J. 121 Mahatma Gandhi
4 264 practice and 9
Rd. Mum -01

Macmillan India Ltd

26 DR000 Risk
Kumar, Ajay 2/10 Ansari rd, 1403-92666-2
5 265 Management
Daryaganj, new

Macmillan India Ltd

26 DR000 Financial Maheshwari, 978-1403-
2/10 Ansari rd,
6 266 Management Akila 92667-8
Daryaganj, new
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Vault Career New Age

26 DR000 Guide to International (P) 81-224-1894-
Lott, Tom
7 267 Investment Ltd., Publishers 5
Banking 4835/24

Insurance and Himalaya Publishing

26 DR000 81-8318-199-
Risk Gupta, P. K. House Randoot, Dr.
8 268 6
Management Bhalerao Ma

Banking and
A.I.T.B.S. Publ.&
26 DR000 Financial Baye, Michael 81-7473-002-
Distributors J-5/6,
9 269 Markets an R. 8
Krishan Naga

Tata McGraw Hill

27 DR000 Book of Sundarajan, 0-07-058326-
Publication Company
0 270 Financial Terms Surendra 9

Tata McGraw Hill
27 DR000 Analysis and Chandra, 978-0-07-
Publication Company
1 271 Portfolio Prasanna 059940-6

Macro Galgotia Publ.

27 DR000 Shapiro,
economic Pvt.Ltd. 5, Ansari Rd,
2 272 Edward
Analysis Daryaganj, N
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Rawat Publications
27 DR000 Technology and 81-7033-953-
Desai, R. G. 4858/24, Ansari
3 273 Economic 7
Road, Daryaganj

Production Everest Publishing

27 DR000 81-86314-24-
(operations) Jhamb, L.C. House Everest Lane
4 274 5
Management 536 Shaniwar

S. Chadn and
27 DR000 Indian 81-219-0298-
Walker, Jearl Company Ltd. 7361,
5 275 Economy 3
Ram Nagar, New Del

The Indian
27 DR000 System Pathak, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-7758-
6 276 Markets, Bharati V. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 562-9
Institutions and

27 DR000 Economics Froyen, Dorling Kindersley 81-7758-382-
7 277 Theories and Richard T. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 4

Tata McGraw Hill

27 DR000 International Chernulam, 0-07-059942-
Publication Company
8 278 Economics Francis 4

27 DR000 Thomas Weir, Maurice Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

9 279 Calculus D. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1867-4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Propelling India
from Socialist
Academic Foundation
28 DR000 Stagnation to Virmani,
4772-73/23 Bharat 817188530-6
0 280 Global Power Arvind
Ram Rd, 923
Volume 1 :
Growth Process

Theory of
Pearl Books XI/3834,
28 DR000 Money and 978-81-
Reddy, C. N. Shanti Niketan, Iind
1 281 Foreign 89979-07-2
Floor, P

Prentice Hall of India

28 DR000 International Sawyer, 81-203-2311-
Pvt. Ltd. M-97
2 282 Economics Charles W. 4
Connaught Ci

Mathematics Vikas Publ. House

28 DR000 81-259-0982-
and statistics Monga, G. .S. Pvt.Ltd. A-22, Sector
3 283 6
for Economics -4, Noida

New Age
Business Venugopal,
28 DR000 International ltd. 81-224-1941-
Economics Ramchandra
4 284 4835/24, Ansari 0
Volume - I K.

Times Books An
28 DR000 History of the Overy, 978-0-00-
imprint of Harper
5 285 World Richard 728090-2
collins publ. 77-
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Everest Publishing
28 DR000 Economics Pendse, 81-7660-141-
House Everest Lane
6 286 Theory and Ashwini Manoj 1
536 Shaniwar

Vikas Publ. House

28 DR000 Managerial 81-259-1004-
Dwivedi, D. N. Pvt.Ltd. A-22, Sector
7 287 Economics 2
-4, Noida

Financial Sultan Chand and
28 DR000 Varshney, 81-8054-305-
Management Sons, 23, Daryaganj
8 288 R.L. 6
an Indian New Delhi 110

Taxmann Pub Ltd

28 DR000 Direct Taxes Singhania, 978-81-7194-
59/32 New Rohtak
9 289 law & Practice Kapil 456-9
Raod, New Delhi

29 DR000 Microeconomics "Sage Publications 978-0-7619-

Das, Satya P.
0 290 for Business Ltd., 3592-6

Microeconomics Tata McGraw Hill

29 DR000 0-07-058841-
Theory and Dwivedi, D. N. Publication Company
1 291 4
Policy Ltd.

Taxmann Allied
29 DR000 Financial 978-0-07-
Khan, M. Y. Services (P) Ltd.,
2 292 Management 065614-7
59/32, New Rohta
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
New Century
29 DR000 Buyback of Chakraborty, Publlications, 978-81-7708-
3 293 Shares in India Tanapa 4800/24, Bharat 161-9
Ram Roa

Poverty, Social
Capital and Rawat Publications,
29 DR000 Samal, Kishor 81-316-0050-
Natural Satyam Apt., Sector-
4 294 C. 3
Resource 3, Jawahar

John Wiley & Sons,

29 DR000 The Warren Hagstrom, 978-04-7139-
Inc., Hoboken, New
5 295 Buffett Portfolio Robert G. 2644

Indian's Academic
29 DR000 Economic Foundation, 978-81-7188-
Kapila, Uma
6 296 Development 4772/23, Bharat 7178
since 1947 Ram Road, Dar

Rawat Publications,
29 DR000 Development 81-376-0056-
Phadke, Arun Satyam Apt., Sector-
7 297 and 4
3, Jawahar

and Uneven
Rawat Publications,
29 DR000 Neocolonialism, Sebatian, 81-316-0058-
Satyam Apt., Sector-
8 298 Multinational Thomas 0
3, Jawahar
Space and
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
The Bombay Talankar,
29 DR000
Pubilc Trusts Dhanyakumar Current Publication
9 299
Act,1950 R.

Ancient Indian
Economic Rawat Publications,
30 DR000 Basu, Ratan 81-316-0125-
Thought Satyam Apt., Sector-
0 300 Lal 0
Relevance for 3, Jawahar

and Uneven
Rawat Publications,
30 DR000 Neocolonialism, Sebatian, 81-316-0058-
Satyam Apt., Sector-
1 301 Multinational Thomas 0
3, Jawahar
Space and

Wildlife Jnanada Prakahshan,

30 DR000 Chiranjeev, 978-81-7139-
Tourism 4837, Prahlad
2 302 Avinash 173-8
Resources Street, 24, Ans

Rawat Publications,
30 DR000 The Idea of 81-316-0167-
Spicker, Paul Satyam Apt., Sector-
3 303 Poverty 6
3, Jawahar

The 3 Financial
Styles of very
Rawat Publications,
30 DR000 Strategic 978-0-07-
Prince, Ted E. Satyam Apt., Sector-
4 304 Approaches to 026505-9
3, Jawahar
identifying the
Growth Drivers
of Every
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Principles of
S.Chand & Company
30 DR000 , A New look 81-219-0335-
Ahuja, H. L. Ltd., 7361, Ram
5 305 Text Book of 1
Nagar, New Delhi

Microeconomics Tata McGraw Hill

30 DR000 Maddala, G. 0-07-059055-
, Theory and Publication Company
6 306 S. 9
Applications Ltd.

Macroeconomic All India Traveller

30 DR000 Branson, 81-7473-087-
Theory and Book Seller (Reg.),
7 307 William H. 7
Policy J-5/6, Kri

India's five
New Century
year plans I to
30 DR000 Publications 978-81-7708-
XI - 1951-56 to Sury. M. M.
8 308 4800/24, Bharat 177-0
2007-12 ( in 2
Ram Road,

Property Rights Tata McGraw Hill
30 DR000 Ganguli, 0-07-463860-
unleashing the Publication Company
9 309 Prabuddha 2
knowledge Ltd.

Tata McGraw Hill

31 DR000 International Pugel, 978-0-07-
Publication Company
0 310 Economics Thomas A. 006709-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Survey of India
1947-48 to
New Century
2008-09 Sector Prasad,
31 DR000 Publlications, 978-81-7708-
wise yearly Chanda
1 311 4800/24, Bharat 170-1
review of Shekhar
Ram Roa
in the Indian

Disaster Relief
- Rehabilitation SBS Publishers &
31 DR000 Sinha, 81-903098-9-
and Emergency Distributors Pvt Ltd.,
2 312 Prabhas C. 7
Humanitarian 2/1, Groun

A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
31 DR000 Dictionary of Jain, Naveen 978-81-7473-
India, J-5/6, Krushna
3 313 Commerce Chand 3683-2

A University
31 DR000 Quirk, Dorling Kindersley 81-7758-750-
4 314 Randoph Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1

and Dalit Rawat Publications,
31 DR000 81-316-0192-
Education Chalam, K. S. Satyam Apt., Sector-
5 315 7
Ambedkar's 3, Jawahar

Retail Strategy, Elsevier A division of

31 DR000 Reynolds, 978-81-312-
The view from reed Elsevier India
6 316 Jonathan 0054-4
the bridge pvt. Lt
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Rawat Publications,
31 DR000 Urban Planning Das, Amiya 81-316-0094-
Satyam Apt., Sector-
7 317 in India Kumar 7
3, Jawahar

31 DR000 Consumer Dorling Kindersley 81-7758-999-
8 318 Behaviour Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 7

Srivastava, Rawat Publications,
31 DR000 Markets ad 978-81-
Rajnish Satyam Apt., Sector-
9 319 Transport 31600-12-2
Chandra 3, Jawahar

Human Rights Vinod Vasishta for

32 DR000 81-309-0409-
Gender and Biswal, Tapan Viva Books Pvt Ltd.,
0 320 8
Environment 4737/23, A

Group Competition Review

32 DR000 International
Discussions - Pvt Ltd., 604,
1 321 Award Winner
At a Glance Prabhat Kiran, R

Tata McGraw Hill

32 DR000 Nelosn, Carl 0-07-059849-
Import Export Publication Company
2 322 A. 5

Export What,
Where, How
only A-Z Book
Anupam Publishers,
32 DR000 on Export Mishra, Ram
Anupam House, B-
3 323 Marketing, Darash
265, Mangolpuri
Procedure and
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Export Import New Age

32 DR000 Procedures, Gopla, Rama International (P) 978-81-2241-
4 324 Documentation C. Ltd., Publishers 850-7
and Logistics 4835/24

Rawat Publications,
32 DR000 India and the Matto, 81-7033-914-
Satyam Apt., Sector-
5 325 WTO Aaditya. 6
3, Jawahar

Vikas Publishing
32 DR000 Export 31-259-0939-
Kapoor, D. C. House Pvt Ltd., 576,
6 326 Management 7
Masji Road,

Pearson Education
32 DR000 Law and Cooter, 81-297-0347-
pvt. Ltd., Indian
7 327 Economics Robert 5
Branch, 482, F

Consumer Galgotia publishing

32 DR000 Srivastava, K. 81- 85989-
Behaviour in company, 6 A/4 WEA
8 328 K. 83-4
Indian context Karol Bagh,

An Informative
Handbook of
XIth five year
32 DR000 Shrivastava, Intellectual Book 978-81-
plan UGC
9 329 D.K. Bureau 89910-01-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Co-published in India
33 DR000 ready Theodore, 81-8131-098
by Aalok Wadhwar
0 330 reference Pappas -5
for Encycho

Co-published in India
33 DR000 ready Theodore, 81-8131-098-
by Aalok Wadhwar
1 331 reference Pappas 5
for Encycho

Co-published in India
33 DR000 ready Theodore, 81-8131-098-
by Aalok Wadhwar
2 332 reference Pappas 5
for Encycho

Co-published in India
33 DR000 Ready Theodore, 81-8131-098-
by Aalok Wadhwar
3 333 Reference Pappas 5
for Encycho

Co-published in India
33 DR000 ready Theodore, 81-8131-098-
by Aalok Wadhwar
4 334 reference Pappas 5
for Encycho

Co-published in India
33 DR000 ready Theodore, 81-8131-098-
by Aalok Wadhwar
5 335 reference Pappas 5
for Encycho

Co-published in India
33 DR000 ready Theodore, 81-8131-098-
by Aalok Wadhwar
6 336 reference Pappas 5
for Encycho
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Co-published in India
33 DR000 ready Theodore, 81-8131-098-
by Aalok Wadhwar
7 337 reference Pappas 5
for Encycho

Co-published in India
33 DR000 ready Theodore, 81-8131-098-
by Aalok Wadhwar
8 338 reference Pappas 5
for Encycho

Co-published in India
33 DR000 ready Theodore, 81-8131-098-
by Aalok Wadhwar
9 339 reference Pappas 5
for Encycho

Ste by step
Goodwill publ. house
34 DR000 approach to 9781-81-
Sood, Madan B-3, Rattan Jyoti 18,
0 340 English 7245-442-5

mistakes at Cambridge
34 DR000 upper Tayfoor, University press, 978-0-521-
1 341 intermediate Susanne India pvt.ltd., 732208
and how to Cambri
avoid them

The hand book How to books ltd., 3

34 DR000 Taylor, John 1. 85703-
of written Newtee place
2 342 G. 986-6
English Magdalen rd, Oxf
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
thesaurus of W.R.Goyal Publ. and
34 DR000 Roget, 81-8307-071-
synonyms and distributors 86, U.B.
3 343 Petermark x
antonyms in Jawahar
Dictionary form

Warda Prakashan
34 DR000 Vistarit Shabda
Apte, V. G. Pvt.ltd. 397/1,
4 344 Ratnakar
Senapati Bapat Mar

Seasons publ. 14,

34 DR000 A Hand book of Seasons 978-81-
CIT colony, 1st.
5 345 Abbreviations Publishing 89894-28-3
Cross street, M

English English Academic (Ind) publ.

34 DR000
Marathi Tyagi, Nishi B-9 Rattan Jyoti bld.,
6 346
Dictionary 18 Raj

mistakes at
34 DR000 University press, 978-0-521-
Advanced...And Powell, Debra
7 347 India pvt.ltd., 73500-1
how to avoid

Dictionary of Oxford Oxford University

34 DR000 978-0-19-
Synonyms and University press Great
8 348 92106507
Antonyms Press clarendon street, ox

English Tata McGraw Hill

34 DR000 0-07-099603-
Conversation Taylor, Grant Publication Company
9 349 2
practice Ltd.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Rohand book
A book of
35 DR000 Rohan Book company, G-22, 81-8341-197-
0 350 Company Indraprasha Apt, 5

Soorya Shabda Sow.Kalavati.M. Patil

35 DR000
Kosh Vyakara Hulsure, S. S. Mavinhaltho,
1 351
Saha Taluq.Bhalki, D

Vocabulary and
Goodwill publ. house
35 DR000 spelling Meyers, Judith 81-7245-243-
B-3, Rattan Jyoti 18,
2 352 success in 20 N. 8
minutes a day.

Barron's how
to prepare for
35 DR000 the TOEFL test Sharpe, 81-7515-290-
"Suneel Galgotia
3 353 of English as Pamela J. 7

Spoken English
35 DR000 Sadanand, Orient Longman Pvt 97-881-250-
- A Foundation
4 354 Kamlesh .Ltd 34567

35 DR000 Business Panja, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

5 355 English Shormishtha Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2077-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Collins good
Harper collins publ.,
35 DR000 the one stop
King, Graham 1A, Hamilton house, 000 7172923
6 356 punctuation
problem solver
king graham

Focus on
Grammar a
course in Learner's publ.pvt.
35 DR000 978-981-
English Seaton, Anne Ltd., 222, Tagore
7 357 4133-272
grammar for Lane # 03-01
and advanced

Effective Tata McGraw Hill

35 DR000 Mohan, 0-07-463751-
English Publication Company
8 358 Krishna 7
Communication Ltd.

Really learn Oxford Oxford University

35 DR000
100 phrasal University press YMCA Library 019569311-6
9 359
Verbs Press bld., Jai Sin

Better English
Handle Vinod Vasishta for
36 DR000 Massey, 81-309-0723-
Everyday Viva Books Pvt Ltd.,
0 360 Dorothy 2
Situations with 4737/23, A

Lectures in
Sultan Chand &
36 DR000 for IIT -JEE Singh,
Sons(P) ltd.,
1 361 calculus with Pratyush K.
ducational publ., 485
objective type
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

36 DR000 Hoffman, Dorling Kindersley 81-7758-332-

Linear Algebra
2 362 Kenneth Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 8

Vikas Publ. House

36 DR000 Quantitative 0-7069-8745-
Kothari , C. R. pvt. Ltd. A-22,
3 363 techniques 4
Sector 4, Noida

36 DR000 Mathematical Apostol, Tom National Publication 81-85015-66-

4 364 Analysis M. House x

Sura college of
36 DR000 AIEEE 81-7254-292-
Saleem, S. K. competition., 1620
5 365 mathematics 5
'J' block 16th

36 DR000 Hoffman, Dorling Kindersley 81-7758-332-

Linear Algebra
6 366 Kenneth Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 8

Prentice Hall of India

36 DR000 Algebra and 81-203-2974-
Datta, Ushri Ltd., M-97,
7 367 Trigonometry 0
Connaught Circu

A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
36 DR000 The Elements 978-81-7473-
Verma, K. K. India, J-5/6, Krushna
8 368 of set theory 381-8
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Princetile Hall of Ind.

36 DR000 Munkres, 81-203-2046-
Topology M -97, Connaught
9 369 James R. 8
Circus, N

37 DR000 A first look Allied Publishers 81-7023-463-

Clark, John
0 370 graph theory Limited 8

Arithmetic and
quantitative Sura college of
37 DR000 81-7254-218-
aptitude for Gopal, R. competition., 1620
1 371 6
competitive 'J' block 16th

Orient Paper backs

37 DR000 Figuring the Devi, 81-222-0038-
(A Division of vision
2 372 joy of numbers Shakuntala 9
books pvt

Reference Minerva Publ. NS
37 DR000 Minerva 983-68-0329-
Mathematical SDNBHD No.6
3 373 Publication 7
Units, Notes Pycrofts rd, Triplica
and Formulae

Higher Tata McGraw Hill

37 DR000
Engineering Raman, B. V. Publication Company 0 -07-063419
4 374
Mathematics Ltd.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
37 DR000 mathematics Rosen , 978-0-07-
Publication Company
5 375 and ITS Kenneth H. 064824-1

Gauss Mathematical
37 DR000 Matthews, P. 81-8128-295-
Vector Calculus and statistical
6 376 C. 7
system 23804 SE

S.Chand & Company

37 DR000 Differential Narayan,
Ltd., 7361, Ram 81-219-04714
7 377 calculus Shanti
Nagar, New Delhi

Macmillan India Ltd

37 DR000 Introduction to
Hooda, R. R. 2/10 Ansari rd, 0333-938569
8 378 statistics
Daryaganj, new

Oxford Oxford University

37 DR000 978-019-
Language Law, Jonathan press YMCA Library
9 379 567698-3 0-
Reference bld., Jai Sin

Oxford University
38 DR000 Dictionary of Ratcliffe, 978-019-
press YMCA Library
0 380 Quotations and Susan 567698-3 0-
bld., Jai Sin

Oxford Oxford University

38 DR000 978-019-
Dictionary and Elliott, Julia press YMCA Library
1 381 567698-3
Thesaurus bld., Jai Sin
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Probability and
38 DR000 Hogg, Robert Dorling Kindersley 81-7758-553-
2 382 V. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 3

Statistics for
Everest Publishing
38 DR000 Management, Khan, 81-7660-111-
House Everest Lane
3 383 Economics and Priyotosh x
536 Shaniwar

Lectures in
Mathematics Sultan Chand &
38 DR000 Singh,
for IIT JEE co Sons(P) ltd.,
4 384 Pratyush K.
ordinate ducational publ., 485

New Age
38 DR000 Aggarwal, International (P) 81-224-1814-
Basic Statistics
5 385 B..L. Ltd., Publishers 7

Sultan Chand &
38 DR000 of 81-8054-004-
Gupta, S. C. Sons(P) ltd.,
6 386 Mathematical 9
ducational publ., 485

Lectures in
Sultan Chand &
38 DR000 Mathematics Singh,
Sons(P) ltd.,
7 387 for IIT- JEE Pratyush K.
ducational publ., 485

The Power of
Vedic Math's
Jaico Publ. House,
38 DR000 for Admission 81-7992-357-
Gupta, Atul 121, Mahatma
8 388 tests, 6
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

An Introduction
38 DR000 Vikas Publ. House 81-259-1654-
to statistical Gupta, Vijay
9 389 Pvt. Ltd. 7

Viva Books private

39 DR000 Freedman, 81-309-0243-
Statistics ltd., 4262/3, Ansari
0 390 David 5
rd, Darya

Elementary Springer(India)
39 DR000 81-8128-013-
probability Chang, Lai pvt.Ltd., A company
1 391 x
Theory of the Interna

Course in
Physics Vol.-III S.Chand & Company
39 DR000 81-219-0626-
For B.Sc. Arora, C. L. Ltd., 7361, Ram
2 392 1
(Pass/Hons.) of Nagar, New Delhi
all Indian

Course in
Physics Vol.-II S.Chand & Company
39 DR000 81-219-0466-
For B.Sc. Arora, C. L. Ltd., 7361, Ram
3 393 8
(Pass/Hons.) of Nagar, New Delhi
all Indian

S.Chand & Company
39 DR000 Course in 81-219-0465-
Arora, C. L. Ltd., 7361, Ram
4 394 Physics Vol.-I x
Nagar, New Delhi
For B.Sc.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
(Pass/Hons.) of
all Indian

Encyclopedia of Dominant publ. and

39 DR000 81-7888-362-
Statistics Uppreti, D. Distributors 4378/4
5 395 7
(Volume-1) B, Murarila

Encyclopedia of Dominant publ. and

39 DR000 81-7888-362-
Statistics Uppreti, D. Distributors 4378/4
6 396 7
(Volume-2) B, Murarila

Encyclopedia of Dominant publ. and

39 DR000 81-7888-362-
Statistics Uppreti, D. Distributors 4378/4
7 397 7
(Volume-3) B, Murarila

Encyclopedia of Dominant publ. and

39 DR000 81-7888-362-
Statistics Uppreti, D. Distributors 4378/4
8 398 7
(Volume-4) B, Murarila

Encyclopedia of Dominant publ. and

39 DR000 81-7888-362-
Statistics Uppreti, D. Distributors 4378/4
9 399 7
(Volume-5) B, Murarila

Encyclopedia of Dominant publ. and

40 DR000 81-7888-362-
Statistics Uppreti, D. Distributors 4378/4
0 400 7
(Volume-6) B, Murarila
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Challenge and New Age
40 DR000 thrill of Pre- Krishnamurth International (P) 81-224-0980-
1 401 college y, V. Ltd., Publishers 6
Mathematics 4835/24

Jaico Publ. House,
40 DR000 Encyclopaedia Banerjee, H. 81-7992-594-
121, Mahatma
2 402 or Computer R. 3
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

Management Prentice Hall of India

40 DR000 Laudon, 81-203-2908-
Information Ltd., M-97,
3 403 Kenneth C. 2
Systems Connaught Circu

Electronics and pustak Mahal J-

40 DR000 81-223-0365-
computer Quiz Garg, Rajeev 3/16, Daryaganj,
4 404 X
Book New Delhi 110 00

Nirali prakashan
40 DR000 Pharmacognos 81-85790-40-
Kokate, C. K. Abhyudaya Pragati
5 405 y 5
1312, Shivaji n

Tata McGraw Hill

40 DR000 Programming Ravichandram 0-07-049488-
Publication Company
6 406 with C++ , D. 6

Taking charge The Reader's Digest

40 DR000 978-0-7621-
of high blood Perry, Susan Association, Inc.
7 407 0331-5
pressure Pleasantvill
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Jaico Publ. House,
40 DR000 Practical Frawley, 81-7224-811-
121, Mahatma
8 408 Ayurveda David 3
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

Rodale International
40 DR000 The Women's 1-4050-7730-
Rodale 7-10 Chandos street
9 409 Health Bible 1
London WI

Prentice Hall of India

41 DR000 Fundamentals
Rajaraman, V. Ltd., M-97, 81-2032581-8
0 410 of Computers
Connaught Circu

Tata McGraw Hill

41 DR000 Cyber Law 0-07-043506-
Sood, Vivek Publication Company
1 411 Simplified 5

Prentice Hall of India
41 DR000 Commerce 81-203-3027-
Awad, Elias M. Ltd., M-97,
2 412 from vision to 7
Connaught Circu

Tech Max Pub. B/5

41 DR000 Web 81-8407-057-
Jagdale B. First flr. Maniratna
3 413 Technology 8
complex Taw

Encyclopedic A.I.T.B.S. Publishers

41 DR000 81-7473-368-
Dictionary of Ahuja, Kavita India, J-5/6, Krushna
4 414 X
Electronics Nagar,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Longman 482,F.I.E.,
41 DR000 81-317-0226-
Dictionary of Turton, N. D. Pataparganj, Delhi-
5 415 x
Common Errors 110092

Tata McGraw Hill
41 DR000 Correspondenc 0-07-044555-
Sharma, K. K. Publication Company
6 416 e and Report 9

Kogan Page India

41 DR000 Communicate Denny, 81-7554-328-
PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
7 417 to win Richard 0 978-
Ansari Road, D

Essentials of A.I.T.B.S. Publishers

41 DR000
business Jain, N. C. India, J-5/6, Krushna 81-7473-33-7
8 418
communication Nagar,

350 Model Goodwill publ. house

41 DR000 81-7245-044-
Business White, Kay B-3, Rattan Jyoti 18,
9 419 3
letters Rajendr

Simple ways to
42 DR000 become a Think Inc, Promd 81-900547-8-
Batra, Promed
0 420 Professional Batra 3

Galgotia publishing
42 DR000 Business 81-85989-36-
Sinha, K. K. company, 6 A/4 WEA
1 421 Communication 2
Karol Bagh,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Jaico Publ. House,
42 DR000 The Skills of 81-7224-480-
Scott, Bill 121, Mahatma
2 422 Communicating 0
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

The Business Viva Books Private

42 DR000 Mucian, 978-1-55850-
Letter Ltd., 4737/23, Ansari
3 423 Michael. 614-5
Handbook Road, Dar

A Complete Cartoons by Mathew

42 DR000 O'Loghlin, 1-74114-954-
guide to Public Martin st in 12/15 pt
4 424 James 1
Speaking , Bembo b

Tata McGraw Hill
42 DR000 Correspondenc 978-0-07-
Sharma, K. K. Publication Company
5 425 e and Report 044555-0

Business Broadway Books, a

42 DR000 Hutchinson, 0-385-19427-
letters made division of Random
6 426 Warne 7
simple House Inc., 1

The Dynamics McGraw Hill

42 DR000 of Mass Dominick, Companies, Inc., 978-0-07-
7 427 Communication Joseph R. 1221, Avenue of the 3126678
s A

Tata McGraw Hill
42 DR000 Accounting and 0-07-059944-
Khan, M. Y. Publication Company
8 428 Financial 0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
42 DR000 0-07-063563-
Accountancy Tulsian, P. C. Publication Company
9 429 3

Working Prentice Hall of India

43 DR000 Bhattacharya, 81-203-1730-
Capital Private Ltd. M - 97
0 430 Hrishikesh 0
Management Connaug

43 DR000 Sehgal, 81-7496-817-
1 431 Ashok. 2

Sultan Chand &

43 DR000 Cost 81-8054-289-
Saxena, V. K. Sons(P) ltd.,
2 432 Accounting 0
ducational publ., 485

Cost New Age

43 DR000 Accounting and Chakravarthy, International (P) 81-224-1551-
3 433 Financial Samir Kumar Ltd., Publishers 2
Management 4835/24

Cost and Taxmann Allied

43 DR000 Kishore, Ravi 81-7496-376-
Management Services (P) Ltd.,
4 434 M. 6
Accounting 59/32, New Rohta

CA Digest
Tata McGraw Hill
43 DR000 Questions and 0-07-062028-
Tulsian, P. C. Publication Company
5 435 answers in 8
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Sultan Chand &
43 DR000 Double Entry
Grewal, T. S. Sons(P) ltd.,
6 436 book keeping
ducational publ., 485

K.K. Gupta for New

43 DR000 Modern Pandey, 81-224-1355-
age International
7 437 Accountancy Ganga Dhar 2
Pvt.Ltd, 4835

Vikas Publ. House

43 DR000 Advanced Sapre, 81-259-1612-
Pvt.Ltd. A-22, Sector
8 438 Accountancy Madhukar 1
-4, Noida

Vikas Publ. House

43 DR000 Advanced Murugan, 81-259-1664-
Pvt.Ltd. A-22, Sector
9 439 Accountancy Annamalai 4
-4, Noida

Tata McGraw Hill

44 DR000 Modern Mukherjee, 0-07-463017-
Publication Company
0 440 Accountancy Amitabha 2

Taxmann Allied
44 DR000 Advanced D'Souza, 81-7496-623-
Services (P) Ltd.,
1 441 Auditing Dolphy 4
59/32, New Rohta

New Age
44 DR000 Accounting for Rao, International (P) 81-224-1824-
2 442 Managers Thukaram Ltd., Publishers 4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Indian Tata McGraw Hill
44 DR000 Bhattacharyya 0-07-671785-
Accounting Publication Company
3 443 , Ashish K. 6
Standards Ltd.

Students guide Taxmann Allied

44 DR000 81-7496-800-
to accounting Rawat, D. S. Services (P) Ltd.,
4 444 8
standard 59/32, New Rohta

Sultan Chand &
44 DR000 Accounting 81-8054-524-
Saxena, V. K. Sons(P) ltd.,
5 445 Decision 5
ducational publ., 485

The Manager's
Research Press 2/25,
44 DR000 pocketbook, Townsend, 81-7314-140-
Ansari Rd, New Delhi
6 446 Management John 1
110 002

pocketbooks Research Press 2/25,
44 DR000 81-7314-143-
sales and Bonny, clive Ansari Rd, New Delhi
7 447 6
marketing 110 002

Prestion, Jaico Publ. House,

44 DR000 365 steps to 81-7992-029-
David 121, Mahatma
8 448 Self confidence 1
Lawrence Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

Jaico Publ. House,

44 DR000 Fundamentals
Mandal, S. K. 121, Mahatma 817992-588-9
9 449 of Business
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
50 case studies Jaico Publ. House,
45 DR000 Clardy, Alan 81-7224-994-
in Management 121, Mahatma
0 450 B. 2
Training Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

Business Tata McGraw Hill

45 DR000 Cooper, 0-256-23952-
Research Publication Company
1 451 Donalo 5
Methods Ltd.

New Age
Vault Guide to
45 DR000 International (P) 81-224-1898-
the Case Asher, Mark
2 452 Ltd., Publishers 8

Everest Pulb. House,

45 DR000 Marketing Kulkarni, M. 81-7660-070-
536, Shaniwar Peth,
3 453 Research V. 9
Opp: prab

Darling Kindersley
45 DR000 Communication Taylor, 81-317-0516-
pvt. Ltd., Licensees
4 454 for Business Shirley 1
of Pearson

India Traveller Book

45 DR000 The ABC of 81-85386-36-
Blake, John seller J - 5/6,Kirshan
5 455 Management 6

Jaico Publ. House,

45 DR000 360, DEGREE 81-7992-277-
Ward, Peter 121, Mahatma
6 456 FEED BACK 4
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Simon & Schustr UK
45 DR000 Covey, 978-0-3432-
The 8th Habit ltd. Africa House, 64-
7 457 Stephen R. 0683-9
78, Kings

Marketing and
45 DR000 Kumar, Dorling Kindersley 81-317-0097-
Branding The
8 458 Ramesh S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 6
Indian Scenario

Jaico Publ. House,

45 DR000 Gamez, 81-7224-583-
Creativity 121, Mahatma
9 459 George 1
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

Rajiv Beri for

46 DR000 81-86773-11-
You Can Win Khera, Shiv Macmillan India
0 460 6
Limited and printed

Brainstorming Pramod Batra Vijay

46 DR000 81-86773-11-
for Creativity Batra, Promed Batra Mink Inc. G-
1 461 6
and Innovation 42, II nd flr

New Age
Vault Career
46 DR000 International (P) 81-224-1899-
Guide to Chung, Eric.
2 462 Ltd., Publishers 6

Pramod Batra Vijay

46 DR000 Management 81-900547-7-
Batra, Promed Batra Mink Inc. G-
3 463 Think Tank 5
42, II nd flr
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
46 DR000 Test your own
Barrett, Jim 81-7554278-0
4 464 aptitude

Preston, Jaico Publ. House,

46 DR000 365 steps to 81-7992-029-
David 121, Mahatma
5 465 Self confidence 1
Lawrence Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

Tata McGraw Hill

46 DR000 International Thakur, 0-07-463395-
Publication Company
6 466 Management Manab 3

Elsevier, a division of
46 DR000 The Practice of Mackay, 978-81-312-
Rec Elsevier India
7 467 Advertising Adrian R. 0988-2
Pvt Ltd

Principles and Everest Publ. House,

46 DR000 Shejwalkar, 81-86314-30-
Practice of Everest lane, 536,
8 468 P.C. x
Management Shaniwar P

Tata McGraw Hill
46 DR000 Resource and Aswathappa, 0-07-059930-
Publication Company
9 469 personnel K. 0

Just in Time Kogan Page India

47 DR000 81-7554-122-
Stress Clegg, Brain PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
0 470 9
Management Ansari Road, D
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
47 DR000 Economics and Singh, 81-7473-262-
India, J-5/6, Krushna
1 471 principles of Yogendra 4

How to Kogan Page India

47 DR000 Forsyth, 81-7554-307-
Motivate PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
2 472 Patrick 8
People Ansari Road, D

Vinod Vasishta for

47 DR000 Business Media, 81-309-1082-
Viva Books Pvt Ltd.,
3 473 Strategy Learning 9
4737/23, A

Management is
Viva Books Private
47 DR000 how it works 1-86197-645-
Magetta, Joan Ltd., 4737/23, Ansari
4 474 and why it's 3
Road, Dar

How to Kogan Page India

47 DR000 81-7554-324-
Negotiate Oliver, David PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
5 475 8
Effectively Ansari Road, D

Quantitative New Age

47 DR000 Techniques for Srivastava, U. International (P) 81-224-0189-
6 476 Managerial K. Ltd., Publishers 9
Decisions 4835/24

Elsevier, a division of
47 DR000 Essentials of Taghizadegan 0-12-370502-
Rec Elsevier India
7 477 lean Six Sigma , Salman 9
Pvt Ltd
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Elsevier, a division of
47 DR000 New Product Annacchino, 81-312-0677-
Rec Elsevier India
8 478 Development Marc A. 7
Pvt Ltd

New Age
47 DR000 Managing Sreenivasan, International (P)
9 479 Quality N. S. Ltd., Publishers

How to be a
48 DR000 978-81-7554-
better Decision Barker, A.
0 480 419-2

Leadership Palgrave macmillan,

48 DR000 0-333-96387-
Limits and Grint, Keith Houndmills.,
1 481 3
Possibilities Basingstoke, Hamp

Quantitative Tata McGraw Hill

48 DR000 0-07-061193-
Techniques in Vohra, N. D. Publication Company
2 482 9
Management Ltd.

How to be a Kogan Page India

48 DR000 978-81-7554-
better Mattock, John PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
3 483 423-9
Negotiator Ansari Road, D

A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
48 DR000 Strategic 81-7473-359-
Singh, S. P. India, J-5/6, Krushna
4 484 Management 0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Six-Sigma and
Elsevier, a division of
48 DR000 The Product Wilson, 0-7506-6218-
Rec Elsevier India
5 485 Development Grahm 2
Pvt Ltd

Essentials of A.I.T.B.S. Publishers

48 DR000
business Jain, N. C. India, J-5/6, Krushna 81-7473-33-7
6 486
communication Nagar,

Dictionary of New Century

48 DR000 International Publlications, 978-81-7708-
New Century
7 487 Trade and 4800/24, Bharat 165-7
Business Ram Roa

Jaico Publ. House,

48 DR000 A Business Haines, 81-7992-629-
121, Mahatma
8 488 Planning Guide Stephen V. x
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

Corporate Sultan Chand &

48 DR000 81-7014-706-
Planning and Gupta, C. B. Sons(P) ltd.,
9 489 9
Policy ducational publ., 485

Sage Pub. India Pvt.

49 DR000 Transformation Bhargava, 0-7619-9722-
B-42, Panchsheel
0 490 al Leadership Sivganesh 9
Enclave, New

The Bare Wiley and sons

49 DR000 9780-
Necessities of Clark, Marie Inc. Hoboken , New
1 491 471772750
Business Jersey
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Management of Prentice Hall of India

49 DR000 81-203-2042-
Organisational Hersey, Paul pvt. Ltd. M-97,
2 492 5
Behaviour Connaught c

The Global
49 DR000 Foundation, 978-81-7188-
employment Ghose, Ajit K.
3 493 4772/23, Bharat 701-9
Ram Road, Dar

Presentation Tata McGraw Hill

49 DR000 Rotondo, 0-07-085121-
Skills for Publication Company
4 494 Jennifer 5
Managers Ltd.

New Age
A guide to
49 DR000 Gopalswamy, International (P) 81-224-1800-
5 495 N. Ltd., Publishers 7

Everest flr, 116,
49 DR000 and Human 81-86314-85-
Rajinder, S. Budhwar Peth,
6 496 Resource 7
Jogeshwari Mandir

Business ethics
Excel Books A-45,
49 DR000 and 81-7446-479-
Rao, A. B. Naraina, Phase-I,
7 497 professional 4
New Delhi - 11

Management Everst Lane, 536

49 DR000 Halale,
Control Shaniwar Peth Opp: 81-7660-1381
8 498 Mahesh S.
Systems Prabhat Talkie
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Tata McGraw Hill

49 DR000 Product Lehmann, 0-07-
Publication Company
9 499 Management Donald R. 0603480'

50 DR000 Make Every Haynes, 81-7554-130-

0 500 Minute Count Marion E. x

Management Tata McGraw Hill

50 DR000 O'Brien, 978-0-07-
Information Publication Company
1 501 James A. 062003-2
Systems Ltd.

Business Ethics
Challenges for Ashoke K. Ghosh
50 DR000 Peterson, 81-203-2738-
business Prentice Hall of India
2 502 Robert A. 1
schools and Pvt. Ltd. M

Pearson Education
50 DR000 Organization Chowdhury, 81-297-0374-
pvt. Ltd., Indian
3 503 21 C Subir 2
Branch, 482, F

Pearson Education
50 DR000 Quality Summers, 81-297-1127-
pvt. Ltd., Indian
4 504 Management Donna C. S. 3
Branch, 482, F
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
50 DR000 The Six Sigma Pande, Peter 0-07-053321-
Publication Company
5 505 Way S. 0

Design for Six

50 DR000 Sigma for Gitlow, Dorling Kindersley 81-317-0450-
6 506 Green Belts Howard S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 5
and Champions

ip, Strategic Prem Rawat for
50 DR000 Stanton,
Management Rawat Publ. 3 Na 20, 81-7033-5006
7 507 William J.
and Jawahar Nagar,

Customer Elsevier, a division of

50 DR000 978-81-312-
Relationship Knoex, Simon Rec Elsevier India
8 508 1435-0
management Pvt Ltd

50 DR000 Inventory Bose, Random House, Inc. 81-203-2853-

9 509 Management Chandra D. New York 1

Profile Books ltd.,

51 DR000 Emerging 1-86197-843-
Pacek, Nenad 3 exmouth house,
0 510 Markets x
pinc street

The (MIS)
51 DR000 Mandelbrot, 1-86197-765-
Behaviour of Profile Books Ltd.
1 511 Benoit B. 4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Adams Media , an F
51 DR000 Guerrilla Levinson, 1-58062-682-
+W publ. company,
2 512 Publicity Conrad Jay 3
57 little fie

The Case of the

Penguin group
51 DR000 Manager Gopalakrishna 0-67008-131-
penguin books India
3 513 lessons from n, R. 0
pvt.ltd., 11 com
nature on

Perspectives in Jaico Publ. House,
51 DR000 81-7992-085-
Rural and Ramkishen,Y. 121, Mahatma
4 514 2
Agricultural Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

The six Sigma Arrangement with

51 DR000
Instructor Arthur, Jay Life Star, 2244, 1403-92358-2
5 515
guide S.Olive st, Denv

Dreamtech press 19-

51 DR000 The Rural Kashyap, 81-7722-558-
A, Ansari rd,
6 516 Marketing Book Pradeep 8
Daryaganj, New De

Tata McGraw Hill

51 DR000 Marketing Nargundkar, 978-0-07-
Publication Company
7 517 Research Rajendra 022087-4

Planning For Response books A

51 DR000 Halve, Anand 0-7619-3354-
Power division of sage publ.
8 518 Bhasker 9
Advertising India pvt.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

51 DR000 Marketing Coughlan, Random House, Inc. 81-203-2069-

9 519 channels Anne T. New York 7

Marketing a
Jaico Publ. House,
52 DR000 Process of Krishnamacha 81-7992-620-
121, Mahatma
0 520 creating and ryulu, C. S. G. 6
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

Elsevier A division of
52 DR000 Introducing 978-81-312-
Pardey, David reed Elsevier India
1 521 leadership 1335-3
pvt. Lt

Principles of
Viva Books Private
52 DR000 Advertising, A 81-309-0474-
Lee, Monle Ltd., 4737/23, Ansari
2 522 global 8
Road, Dar

Managing in Harper collins publ.,

52 DR000 Drucker, Peter 978-0-88-
Turbulent 1A, Hamilton house,
3 523 F. 730616-7
Times connaugh

Harper collins publ.,

52 DR000 In search of Peters, 978-0-06-
1A, Hamilton house,
4 524 excellence Thomas 054878-0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Principle Simon & Schustr UK
52 DR000 Covey, 0-7434-6860-
Centered ltd. Africa House, 64-
5 525 Stephen R. 0
Leadership 78, Kings

Harvard Harvard business
52 DR000 expert 97800 70
Business school press 60
6 526 solutions to 252288
School Harvard way bosto

Harper collins publ.,

52 DR000 The origin of 0-06-057014-
Ries, A. L. 1A, Hamilton house,
7 527 Brands 8

52 DR000 The ultimate Williams, 81-7554-358-

8 528 Interview book Lynn 5

Goodword press 1
52 DR000 Service Battra, 81-900547-0-
Nizamuddin -West
9 529 customers Promod 1
market New Delhi

Six-Sigma and
Elsevier A division of
53 DR000 the Product Wilson, 81-312-0094-
reed Elsevier India
0 530 Development Grahm 9
pvt. Lt

3-5 spafield streer

53 DR000 978-1-85788-
The Search Battelle, John clerkenwell, London
1 531 362-8
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

WTO and Shree Publishers and

53 DR000 Pandey, 81-8329-070-
Entrepreneursh Distributors 20
2 532 Manas 1
ip Development Ansari rd., D

business Harvard Harvard business
53 DR000 1-59139-501-
Review on Business school press 60
3 533 1
leadership in a Review Harvard way bosto
changed world

Handbook of
Jaico Publ. House,
53 DR000 Product Galician, Mary 81-7992-616-
121, Mahatma
4 534 placement in Lou 8
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01
the mass Media

Prentice Hall of India

53 DR000 81-203-3032-
E-Marketing Strauss, Judy. pvt. Ltd. M-97,
5 535 3
Connaught c

53 DR000 Bhattacharjee 81-7446-477-
concepts Prentice Hall of India
6 536 , C. 8
planning and

A Dorling Kindersley
53 DR000 Managing 978-0-14-
Heller, Robert book produced for
7 537 Teams 306483-1
dorling kin
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
A Dorling Kindersley
53 DR000 Selling 978-0-14-
Heller, Robert book produced for
8 538 successfully 306483-1
dorling kin

A Dorling Kindersley
53 DR000 Marketing 978-0-14-
Ali, Moi book produced for
9 539 effectively 306483-1
dorling kin

A Dorling Kindersley
54 DR000 Achieving 978-0-14-
Heller, Robert book produced for
0 540 Excellence 306483-1
dorling kin

Produced for Dorling

54 DR000 Effective 978-0-14-
Heller, Robert kindersley by cooling
1 541 Leadership 3064-83-1
brown 9

Viva Books Private

54 DR000 Encyclopedia of 81-309-0067-
Rosen, Joe Ltd., 4737/23, Ansari
2 542 Physics x
Road, Dar

pustak Mahal J-
54 DR000 Astronomy quiz 81-223-0366-
Chandran, V. 3/16, Daryaganj,
3 543 book 8
New Delhi 110 00

Oxford University
54 DR000 Physical 0-19-568522-
Atkins, Peter press YMCA Library
4 544 chemistry 9
bld., Jai Sin
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Bhareti Bhawan
54 DR000 Concepts of 81-7709-232-
Verma, H.C. 4271/3, ansari Rd,
5 545 physics 4
Daryaganj New De

A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
54 DR000 Dictionary of 81-7473-216-
Arora, Deepa India, J-5/6, Krushna
6 546 Physics 0

Academic ( India)
54 DR000 Great
Kishore, B. R. publ. B-9 Rattan 81-8585-62-x
7 547 Scientists
Jyoti 18 Rajend

Statistic and Ashoke K. Ghosh

54 DR000 Lokanathan, 978-81-203-
Thermal Prentice Hall of India
8 548 S. L. 0585-4
Physics Pvt. Ltd. M

S. Chand & Company

54 DR000 81-219-0413-
Nuclear Physics Ghoshal, S. N. Ltd., 7361, Ram
9 549 7
Nagar, New Delh

A Textbook of Tata McGraw Hill

55 DR000 Mathews, P. 978-0-07-
Quantum Publication Company
0 550 M. 096510-2
Mechanics Ltd.

55 DR000 An Introduction Narlikar, 978-0-521-
University press, The
1 551 to Cosmology Vishnu Jayant 53141-2
Edinburgh Building
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
New Age
55 DR000 Nuclear Physics International (P) 81-224-0125-
Patel, S. B.
2 552 an Introduction Ltd., Publishers 2

Lasers Theory Rajiv Beri for

55 DR000 Thyagarajan,
and Macmillan India 0333-90446-X
3 553 K.
Applications Limited, 2/10 Ansar

Introduction to Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

55 DR000 Resnick, 81-265-1100-
Special 4435/7 Ansari Road,
4 554 Robert 1
Relativity Daryagan

Tata McGraw Hill

55 DR000 978-0-07-
Mechanics Hans, H. S. Publication Company
5 555 047360-7

Digital Tata McGraw Hill

55 DR000 Leach, Donald 978-0-07-
Principles and Publication Company
6 556 P. 060175-8
Applications Ltd.

Tata McGraw Hill

55 DR000 Concepts of 0-07-049553-
Beiser, Arthur Publication Company
7 557 Modern Physics X

New Age
55 DR000 Solid State International (P) 81-224-1682-
Pillai, S. O.
8 558 Physics Ltd., Publishers 9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Electricity and
(with New Central Book
55 DR000 Chattopadhya 81-7381-251-
Electromagneti Agency (P) Ltd., 8/1
9 559 y, D. 9
c theory and Chintamani D
Special Theory
of Relativity)

Tata McGraw Hill

56 DR000 Concepts of 978-0-07-
Beiser, Arthur Publication Company
0 560 Modern Physics 049553-1

Fundamentals Tata McGraw Hill

56 DR000 Banwell, Colin 978-0-07-
of Molecular Publication Company
1 561 N. 462025-0
Spectroscopy Ltd.

Tata McGraw Hill
56 DR000 Electronic Millman, 978-0-07-
Publication Company
2 562 Devices and Jacob 063455-8

Bharati Bhawan,
56 DR000 Concepts of 81-7709-187-
Verma, H. C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
3 563 Physics 5

Bharati Bhawan,
56 DR000 Concepts of 81-7709-187-
Verma, H. C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
4 564 Physics 5

Bharati Bhawan,
56 DR000 Concepts of 81-7709-232-
Verma, H. C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
5 565 Physics 4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Concepts of Bharati Bhawan,

56 DR000 978-81-7709-
Physics [Part - Verma, H. C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
6 566 232-5
2] Daryagani,

A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
56 DR000 Dictionary of Arora, 81-7473-234-
and Distributors, T-
7 567 Chemistry Himanshu 9
5/7, Kri

Textbook of 482,F.I.E.,
56 DR000 81-7758-108-
Quantitative Mendham, J. Pataparganj, Delhi-
8 568 5
Chemical 110092

Advanced S. Chand & Company

56 DR000 Prakash, 81-219-1787-
Inorganic Ltd., 7361, Ram
9 569 Satya 5
Chemistry Nagar, New Delh

Sura college of
57 DR000 AIEEE Ramanathan, 81-7254-293-
competition., 1620
0 570 Chemistry E. 3
'J' block 16th

Principles of
Chemistry Vishal Publishing Co.
57 DR000 81-88646-00-
(Comprehensiv Puri , B.R. Books Market, Old
1 571 8
ely Covering Railway Ro
the UGC
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Sultan Chand &
57 DR000 Chemistry Self-
Kumar, Vinod Sons(P) ltd.,
2 572 Tutor
ducational publ., 485

Advanced Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

57 DR000 Cotton, Albert 978-81-265-
Inorganic 4435/7 Ansari Road,
3 573 F. 1338-3
Chemistry Daryagan

Pearson Education
57 DR000 Qualitative Svelila, 81-7758-232-
pvt. Ltd., Indian
4 574 Inorganic Revised G. 1
Branch, 482, F

Oxford University
57 DR000 Physical Berry, R. 0-19-568704-
press Inc 198-
5 575 Chemistry Stephan 3
Madison Avenue Ne

S. Chand and
Essentials of
57 DR000 Company Ltd, 7361 81-219-0546-
Physical Bahl, B. S.
6 576 Ram Nagar New X

A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
57 DR000 General Robinson, 81-7473-074-
and Distriutors
7 577 Chemistry William R. 5
(Regd) T-5/6

Advanced S. Chand and

57 DR000 Prakash, 81-219-0263-
Inorganic Company Ltd., 7361,
8 578 Satya 10
Chemistry Ram Nagar, New De
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
57 DR000 General Ebbing, 81-7473-075-
and Distriutors
9 579 Chemistry Darrell D. 3
(Regd) T-5/6

Principles of
Milestone Publisher &
58 DR000 Chemistry 81-88646-99-
Puri , B.R. Distributors,
0 580 Comprehensive 7
4271/XI, 3 Ans
ly covering the
UGC syllabus

Viva Books Private

58 DR000 Quantum McQuarrie, 81-7649-423-
Ltd., 4737/23, Ansari
1 581 Chemistry Donald A. 2
Road, Dar

Principles of
Milestone Publisher &
58 DR000 Chemistry 81-88646-99-
Puri, B. R. Distributors,
2 582 Comprehensive 7
4271/XI, 3 Ans
ly covering the
UGC syllabus

The Viva Books Private

58 DR000 81-309-0234-
Encyclopedia of Rittner, Don Ltd., 4737/23, Ansari
3 583 6
Chemistry Road, Dar

Principles of Sarup & Sons

58 DR000 978-81-7625-
Environment Sunder, I. Publishers, 4740/23
4 584 878-4
Education Ansari Rod, Darya

Seema Wasan for

58 DR000 Advances in Rohilla, 978-81-7880-
Rajat Publiscations,
5 585 Microbiology Amrita 372-2
4675/21, Ansa
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Tata McGraw Hill

58 DR000 Food Frozier, 0-07-462101-
Publication Company
6 586 Microbiology William C. 7

Environmental Rawat Publications,

58 DR000 81-7033-907-
Movements in Pawar, S. N. Satyam Apt., Sector-
7 587 3
India 3, Jawahar

Status and
Rajat Publications,
58 DR000 Trends of Tyagi, 81-7880-254-
4675/21, Ansari
8 588 Global Avinash 6
Road, Daryagan

Rastogi Publications,
58 DR000 Ecology and 81-7133-905-
Sharma, P. D. Gangotri Shivaji
9 589 Environment 0
Road, Meeru

Cell Biology,
S. Chand and
59 DR000 Molecular 81-219-2442-
Verma, P. S. Company Ltd., 7361,
0 590 Biology, 1
Ram Nagar, New De
Evolution and

Kalyani Publishers,
59 DR000 81-272-1960-
Biotechnology Singh, B.D. B-1/1292, Rajindar
1 591 6
Nagar, Ludh
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Jaico Publishing
59 DR000 Environmental Deb, Swapan 81-7992-134-
House, 121 Mahatma
2 592 Management C. 4
Gandhi Road, M

Environmental Serials Publications,

59 DR000 Gandotra, 978-81-8387-
Problems and 4830/24, Ansariu
3 593 Veena 194-5
Strategies Road, Darya

Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.,

59 DR000 Encyclopedia of 81-309-0090-
Rittner, Don 4262/3 Ansari Road,
4 594 Biology 4

W.H. Freeman and

59 DR000 Nelson, Devid Company, 41 1-4039-4876-
Principles of
5 595 L. Madison Avenue, 3
New Y

W.H. Freeman and

59 DR000 Kuby Kindt,Thomas Company, 41
6 596 Immunology J. Madison Avenue,
New Y

Oxford and IBH

59 DR000 Winchester,
Genetics Publishing Co. Pvt
7 597 A. M.
Ltd. S-155 Panch

The Vikas Publishing

59 DR000 Bhojwani, S. 0-7069-9912-
Embryology of House Pvt. Ltd., 576,
8 598 S. 6
Angiosperms Masjid Road
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Oxford and IBH
59 DR000 Winchester,
Genetics Publishing Co. Pvt
9 599 A. M.
Ltd. S-155 Panch

Rakesh Kumar
60 DR000 Ecology and 978-81-7133-
Sharma, P. D. Rastogi for Rastogh
0 600 Environment 905-1
Publications Gang

Nikita Publication,
60 DR000 Objective Vishwe,
C/o Narendra Book
1 601 Biology for Deelip
Depot, Mukun

Prentice Hall of India

60 DR000 Environmental Wright, 81-203-3065-
Ltd., M-97,
2 602 Science Richard T. X
Connaught Circu

Encyclopedia of Viva Books Ltd.,

60 DR000 Ashworth,
Environmental 4737/23, Ansari "81-309-236
3 603 William
Studies Road, Daryaganj,

Himalaya Publishing
60 DR000 General
Powar, C. B. House Randoot, Dr.
4 604 Microbiology
Bhalerao Ma

Dynamics of Rajat Publications,

60 DR000 978-81-7880-
Forest Malik, Ashok 4675/21, Ansari
5 605 342-5
Ecosystems Road, Daryagan
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Himalaya Publishing
60 DR000 General
Powar, C. B. House Randoot, Dr.
6 606 Microbiology
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
60 DR000 General
Powar, C. B. House Randoot, Dr.
7 607 Microbiology
Bhalerao Ma

Pearl Books XI/3834,

60 DR000 Status of Sharma, 978-81-
Shanti Niketan, Iind
8 608 women in India Swati 89979-15-7
Floor, P

Himalaya Publishing
60 DR000 General
Powar, C. B. House Randoot, Dr.
9 609 Microbiology
Bhalerao Ma

Dictionary of A.I.T.B.S. Publishers

61 DR000 Bharal, 81-7473-362-
Environmental and Distriutors
0 610 Chavvi 0
Sciences (Regd) T-5/6

W.H. Freeman and

61 DR000 Molecular Cell Lodish, Company, 41 0-7167-4366-
1 611 Biology Harvey Madison Avenue, 3
New Y

New Central Book

61 DR000 Advanced Plant 81-7381-491-
Mondal, A. K. Agency (P) Ltd., 8/1
2 612 Taxonomy 0
Chintamani D
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
S. Chand & Company
61 DR000 Invertebrate 81-219-0367-
Jordan, E. L. Ltd., 7361, Ram
3 613 Zoology X
Nagar, New Delh

Introductory Prentice Hall of India

61 DR000 Noggle, Ray 81-203-0455-
plant Private Ltd., M-97,
4 614 G. 1
physiology Coonaug

S. Chand & Company

61 DR000 Chordate 81-219-1639-
Jordan, E. L. Ltd., 7361, Ram
5 615 Zoology 9
Nagar, New Delh

Botany for
S. Chand & Company
61 DR000 Degree Vashishta, B. 81-219-0827-
Ltd., 7361, Ram
6 616 Students K. 2
Nagar, New Delh

Botany for S. Chand & Company

61 DR000 Vashishta, B. 81-219-0827-
Degree Ltd., 7361, Ram
7 617 K. 2
Students algae Nagar, New Delh

Botany for
S. Chand & Company
61 DR000 Degree Vashishta, B. 81-219-0463-
Ltd., 7361, Ram
8 618 Students K. 3
Nagar, New Delh

Botany for
S. Chand & Company
61 DR000 Degree Vashishta, P. 81-219-2785-
Ltd., 736, Ram
9 619 Students C. 4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Botany for
S. Chand & Company
62 DR000 Degree Vashishta, P. 81-219-2618-
Ltd., 736, Ram
0 620 Students C. 1

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

62 DR000 Introductory Alexopoulas, 81-265-1108-
4435-36-7, Ansari
1 621 Mycology C. J. 7
Road, Dary

Jawaharlal Penguin Group

62 DR000 Nehru, 0-14-303104-
Nehru an Penguin Books India
2 622 Jawaharlal X
Autobiography Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co

Penguin Group
62 DR000 Memories of Narayan, R. 0-14-100245-
Penguin Books India
3 623 Malgudi K. X
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co

Raja Ram
Mohan Roy,
Sarup & Sons
62 DR000 The Great Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Publishers, 4740/23
4 624 Social Mohinder 837-1
Ansari Rod, Darya
Reformer of
Modern India

Dayanand and Sarup & Sons
62 DR000 Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
his Mission of Publishers, 4740/23
5 625 Mohinder 837-1
Removal of Ansari Rod, Darya

Sarup & Sons
62 DR000 Vivekananda A Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Publishers, 4740/23
6 626 Friend of the Mohinder 837-1
Ansari Rod, Darya
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Jotiba Phule Sarup & Sons

62 DR000 Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
The Great Dalit Publishers, 4740/23
7 627 Mohinder 837-1
Leader Ansari Rod, Darya

Sarup & Sons
62 DR000 Gandhi on Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Publishers, 4740/23
8 628 Removal of Mohinder 837-1
Ansari Rod, Darya

Vinoba Bhave Sarup & Sons

62 DR000 Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
and His Mission Publishers, 4740/23
9 629 Mohinder 837-1
to Serve All Ansari Rod, Darya

Sarup & Sons
63 DR000 Nehru on Tribal Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Publishers, 4740/23
0 630 and Harijan Mohinder 8371-1
Ansari Rod, Darya

B.R. Ambedkar
Sarup & Sons
63 DR000 on the Removal Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Publishers, 4740/23
1 631 of Mohinder 837-1
Ansari Rod, Darya

K. Kamraj and Sarup & Sons

63 DR000 Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Congress on Publishers, 4740/23
2 632 Mohinder 837-1
Dalit Upliftment Ansari Rod, Darya

Babu Jagjivan Sarup & Sons

63 DR000 Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Ram A Tall Publishers, 4740/23
3 633 Mohinder 837-1
Dalit Leader Ansari Rod, Darya
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

K.R. Narayanan Sarup & Sons

63 DR000 Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
As a Great Publishers, 4740/23
4 634 Mohinder 837-1
Dalit Leader Ansari Rod, Darya

Mother Teresa
Sarup & Sons
63 DR000 A Supporter of Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Publishers, 4740/23
5 635 the Mohinder 837-1
Ansari Rod, Darya

Kanshi Ram Sarup & Sons

63 DR000 Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
The Messiah of Publishers, 4740/23
6 636 Mohinder 8371-1
Dalits Ansari Rod, Darya

M. Karunanidhi
Sarup & Sons
63 DR000 A. Great Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Publishers, 4740/23
7 637 Democrat and Mohinder 837-1
Ansari Rod, Darya
Friend of Dalits

Mayawati The Sarup & Sons
63 DR000 Singh, Har 978-81-7625-
Story of A Publishers, 4740/23
8 638 Mohinder 837-1
Great Dalit Ansari Rod, Darya

Dare to Dream
Penguin Group
63 DR000 A Life of Rai Karkaria, 978-0-14-
Penguin Books India
9 639 Bahadur Mohan Bachi J. 017054-2
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co
Singh Oberoi
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Sharma, Mahaveer and Sons
64 DR000 Lokamanya 978-81-8377-
Naveen 3072/23 First Floor,
0 640 Tilak 186-3
Kumar Gola Market

Jaico Publishing
64 DR000 Gandhi the Easwaran, 81-7224-517-
House, 121 Mahatma
1 641 Man Eknath 3
Gandhi Road, M

Autobiography Jitendra T. Desai,
64 DR000 or The Story of Navajivan 81-7229-008-
Gandhi, M. K.
2 642 my Mudranalaya, X
experiments Ahmedaba
with truth

Penguin Group
64 DR000 A Town Called 0-14-028919-
Krishnan, S. Penguin Books India
3 643 Malgudi 4
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co

Diamond Pocket
64 DR000 Bacchonke 81-288-1361-
Badshah, Billu Books Pvt. Ltd., X-
4 644 Jokes 7
30, Okhla Indust

Hind Pocket Books

64 DR000 Santa Kavi Chopda, 81-216-0260-
Pvt Ltd., J-40,
5 645 Kabir Sudarshan S. 2
ZorbagLane, New

64 DR000 Hindi Kavya- Mishra,
Prakashan Darnadi
6 646 Sopan Satyaprakash
Building, M.G. Road,
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Prabhath Prakashan,
64 DR000 Hasya- 81-7315-099-
Hatarasi, Kala 4/19 Aasaf Ali Road,
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New Delhi

Bookhive (India, CB-

64 DR000 101 Adhunik Anand,
349, Ring Road,
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Naraina, New D

Rajpal & Sons,

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Kashmiri Gate,
9 649 Din Mohan

65 DR000 Hindi Granth

Dilonke Riste Dhavan, Prem
0 650 Karyalay, Mumbai

Andhvishwas Prabhath Prakashan,

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Virodh Ke 4/19 Aasaf Ali Road,
1 651 Giriraj S. 0
Ekanki New Delhi

Bacchonke Diamond Pocket

65 DR000 Agarval, 81-7182-412-
Shikshaprad Books Pvt. Ltd., X-
2 652 Giriraj Sharan 9
Natak 30, Okhla Indust

Lokabharati Pustak
65 DR000 Guru,
Hindi Vyakaran Vikreta Tatha
3 653 Kamtaprasad
Vitaran, 15-A, M.
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O.P. Gupta, 12-H,
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Pandey, S. New Dariyaganj
4 654 Sanchay 5
Road, Opp. Highph

65 DR000 Sarvottam 81-85707-61-

Sahani, S. B. Shahani Brother
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Rajat Prakashan,
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Geetanjali Kedar Complex,
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Dehli Gate, Merat-

Ek se Badkar Hind Pocket Books

65 DR000 Agarwal, 978-81-216-
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Mahilaye ZorbagLane, New

12-H New Dariyaganj

65 DR000 151 Sarvottam 978-81-7812-
Gupta, O. P. Road, Opp. Highpher
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Konvali, N

Popular Hindi Kamal Prakashan,

65 DR000 Gupta,
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Patra Lekhan Khan, Tiraha

Sasta Sahitya
66 DR000 81-7309-179-
Santa Vani Hari, Viyogi Mandal Prakashan,
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N-77, Pahali Manji
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Diamond Pocket
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Kakaki Choupal Hatarasi, Kala Books Pvt. Ltd., X-
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30, Okhla Indust

Tulsidas Hind Pocket Books

66 DR000 Chopda, 81-216-0971-
Parichay Tatha Pvt Ltd., J-40,
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Rachanaye ZorbagLane, New

Prakash Vishwasrao,
66 DR000 Urdhvareshe, 81-86995-06-
Aai Lokvadmai Griha
3 663 Prabhakar 9
Bhupesh Gupta

66 DR000 978-81-8361-
Aparadhi Koun Shivani Prakashan Pvt. Ltd.,
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7/31 Ansari Road

A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
66 DR000 Escapades to Pandey, L. U. 978-81-7473-
India, T-5/6 Krishan
5 665 Oasis of B. 398-6

A.I.T.B.S. Publisher
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and Distributors Low
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Cost Tex

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7 667 to relax and Patrick Publisher Ltd 9
beat stress
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A.I.T.B.S. Publisher
66 DR000 A Tale of two Dickens, 81-7473-230-
and Distributors Low
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Cost Tex

Book Enclave Jain
66 DR000 Literature in 81-8152-138-
Khatri, C. L. Bhawan, Opp. N.E.I.,
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Shanti Naga

Sammy! The
Rupa G, 7/16, Ansari
67 DR000 word that Sharma, 81-291-0779-
Road, Daryaganj,
0 670 broke an Partap 1
New Delhi-11

Series- Sura college of
67 DR000 Gopalan, 81-7478-628-
Scientists of competition., 1620
1 671 Shanti 7
International 'J' block 16th

A short Guide
67 DR000 to Writing Barnet, Dorling Kindersley 81-7758-998-
2 672 about Sylvan Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 9

Latest Essays
Goodwill publ. house
67 DR000 for College and 81-7245-023-
Sood, Madan B-3, Rattan Jyoti 18,
3 673 Competitive 0

Embassy Books
67 DR000 "The Ultimate 81-88452-04-
Stovall, Jim Distributors, 120
4 674 Gift" 1
Great Western Buil
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Inspiration Jaico Publishing
67 DR000 Sharma, 978-81-7992-
from The Monk House, 121 Mahatma
5 675 Robin 794-6
Who Sold His Gandhi Road, M

A.I.T.B.S. Publisher
67 DR000 Wuthering 81-7473-199-
Bronte, Emily and Distributors Low
6 676 Heights 7
Cost Tex

Harry Potter Bloomsbury

67 DR000 and the Publishing Plc, 36 978-0-
Rowling, J. K.
7 677 Philosopher's Soho Square, 74753269-9
Stone London,

A.I.T.B.S. Publisher
67 DR000 Shakespearean
Bradley, A. C. and Distributors Low 81-7473317-5
8 678 Tragedy
Cost Tex

The Quick &

Easy Way to
Pocket Books, A
67 DR000 Speaking, Carnegie, 978-0-671-
division of Simon &
9 679 Modern Dale 72400-9
Schuster, Inc,
Techniques for

Superstar India Penguin Group

68 DR000 978-0-143-
from Incredible De, Shobhaa Penguin Books India
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Pan Books an imprint

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1 681 truth David 45652-4
Ltd., Pan Ma

The Concise 33 Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.,

68 DR000 Greene, 978-81-309-
Strategies of 4262/3 Ansari Road,
2 682 Robert 1102-1
WAR Daryagan

Harry Potter Bloomsburry

68 DR000 and the Publishing Plc, 36 9778-0-7475-
Rowling, J. K.
3 683 Prisoner of Sono Square, 4215-5
Azkaban London

Penguin Group
68 DR000 0-14-011767-
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4 684 9
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co

The old Man

Penguin Group
68 DR000 and His God 978-0-14-
Murty, Sudha Penguin Books India
5 685 Discovering the 400101-9
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co
Spirit of India

First Things
First to Live to Simon & Schustr UK
68 DR000 Covey, 978-0-7434-
Love to Learn ltd. Africa House, 64-
6 686 Stephen R. 6859-6
to Leave a 78, Kings

Letters from A A Puffin Book Non

68 DR000 Guhathakurta, 0-67-005816-
Father to His Fiction 11
7 687 Ajanta 5
Daughter Community Centre,
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Critical Essays Arise Publishers and

68 DR000 Balachandran, 978-81-
on Diaspora Distributors
8 688 K. 89937-42-3
Writings 4648/121, Ansari

Pan Books an imprint

68 DR000 Seven Ancient Reilly, 1-4050-4095-
of Pan Macmillan
9 689 Wonders Mathew 5
Ltd., Pan Ma

Simple ways to
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Batra, Promod 81-86773-3-7
0 690 with your In- Batra

Print Pack Pvt Ltd.,

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Industrial A

How to enjoy Pocket Books, A

69 DR000 Dorothy, 978-0-671-
your life and division of Simon &
2 692 Carnegie 708626-9
your job Schuster, Inc,

Sura college of
69 DR000 Great Srinivasan, 81-7478-595-
competition., 1620
3 693 Inventors Archana 7
'J' block 16th

Vermilion an imprint
69 DR000 Who Moved my Johnson,
of Ebury Press 00918-1697-1
4 694 Cheese? Spencer
Random House,
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The world is
flat The
The Penguin Group
69 DR000 Globalized Friedman, 0-141-02272-
80 Stranl, London
5 695 world in the Thomas I. 8

Rupa G, 7/16, Ansari

69 DR000 IT Happened in Biyani, 81-291-1137-
Road, Daryaganj,
6 696 India Kishore 3
New Delhi-11

Standard Book Goodwill Publishing

69 DR000
of Model Henkin, Leo J. House, B-3 Rattan 81-745-035-4
7 697
Letters Jyoti, 18 Ra

Profile Books ltd.,

69 DR000 The Tiger that Blastland, 1-86197-839-
3 exmouth house,
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pinc street

Penguin Group
69 DR000 Collected 0-14-025603-
Bond, Ruskin Penguin Books India
9 699 Fiction 2
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co

Century Arrow
70 DR000 0-09-945715-
The last Juror Grisham, John Books, The Random
0 700 8
House Group Ltd, 2

Physical Khel Sahitya Kendra

70 DR000 81-7524-322-
Training, Davies, M. B. 7/26, Ansari Road,
1 701 8
Games and Darya Gani
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Athletics in

Bhoomikanya Anirudh Ananth

70 DR000 Bahinabhai Choudhary, S. Kulakarni,
2 702 Chowdhari Ek M. Continental
Chintan Prakashan, V

Concept Books, Ist

70 DR000 Aaple San
Soman, D. K. Floor, Parchure
3 703 Aaple Utsav
Prasad 1060 Shu

Lokasatta Mandar Nerurkar

70 DR000 Nerurkar,
Career yani, Sumangal
4 704 Mandar
Visheshank Printing Press, And

Penguin Group
70 DR000 Go kiss the Bagchi, 978-067-
Penguin Books India
5 705 world Subroto 008230-8
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co

Rules and
Khel Sahitya Kendra
70 DR000 Principles of 81-7524-099-
Mody, Atul 7/26, Ansari Road,
6 706 Sports and 7
Darya Gani

Chicken Soup
70 DR000 Westland Books Pvt 1-55874-702-
for the College Canfield, Jack
7 707 Ltd 8
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Bharat Manorama
70 DR000 Johari,
Matechya Prakashan, 102/ C,
8 708 Gajanan
Tejaswi Kanya Madhavvadi, Ist Flr.,

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70 DR000 Gopalaratnam 81-7478-036-
Beginners competition., 1620
9 709 , A. X
Battle of Wits 'J' block 16th

Aayadan : Prakash Vishwasrao,

71 DR000 Carvalho, 81-88284-91-
Sanskritik Lokvadmai Griha
0 710 Cecilia 2
Theva Bhupesh Gupta

Naren Parchure,
71 DR000 Maajhi Savarkar, V. 81-86530-12-
Parchure Prakashan
1 711 Janmathep D. 6
Mandir, 2/30, G

Sugam Marathi Nitin Gogate, Niveen

71 DR000 Valambe, M. 81-86169-80-
Vyakaran Prakashan, Appa
2 712 R. 6
Lekhan Balvanth Chow

Mouj Prakashan
71 DR000 Padgavkar, 81-7486-685-
Bolgani Griha, Khatavvaddi,
3 713 Mangesh X
Girgav, Mumbai

A.A. Kulakarni,
71 DR000 Rahasye Anubandh 81-86144-85-
Tupe, Prakash
4 714 Antaralateel Prakashan, 203 4
Balaji Com
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Medha Rajahamsa,
71 DR000 Rajahans,
Mahamanav Unmesh Prakashan,
5 715 Medha
'C-Wing, Chandr

14 Thor Anil Raghunath

71 DR000
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6 716
Adbhut Katha Prakashan 102/C, Pa

Jagatik kirtiche Anil Raghunath

71 DR000 Johari,
125 Fadke, Manorama
7 717 Gajanan
Shastradnya Prakashan 102/C, Pa

Hyanni Anil Raghunath

71 DR000
Maharashtra Kale, V. R. Fadke, Manorama
8 718
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Anil Raghunath
71 DR000 Santanchya Acharekar,
Fadke, Manorama
9 719 Shreshtakatha Aabasaheb
Prakashan 102/C, Pa

Faber and Faber Ltd,

72 DR000 Such a Log Mistry, 0-571-21880-
3 Queen Square
0 720 Journey Rohinton 6
London WCIN 19

Content Page Design

72 DR000 Stay Hungry Bansal, 978-81-
and Typesetting By
1 721 Stay Foolish Rashmi 904530-1
51 Gr. Floo
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Harry Potter
Great Britain in 1998
72 DR000 and the 978-0-7475-
Rowling, J. K. Bloomsbury
2 722 Chamber of 3849-3
Publishing Plc 36

The Penguin Group

72 DR000 Go kiss the Bagchi, 978-0-67-
Penguin Books India
3 723 world Subroto 008230-8
Pvt. Ltd. 11

Khel Sahitya Kendra

72 DR000 Play and Learn 81-7524-181-
Narang, P. 7/26, Ansari Road,
4 724 Table Tennis 0
Darya Gani

The Big Book Tata McGraw Hill

72 DR000 Newstrom, 978-0-07-
of Presentation Publication Company
5 725 John .W 059043-4
Games Ltd.

Sura college of
72 DR000 Bio-Sporting Srinivasan, 81-7478-644-
competition., 1620
6 726 Legends Archana 9
'J' block 16th

Khel Sahitya Kendra

72 DR000 Play and Learn 81-7524-246-
Balayan, S. 7/26, Ansari Road,
7 727 Games 9
Darya Gani

Hodder and
72 DR000 Lundin, 0-340-83108-
Fish! for Life Stoughton A division
8 728 Stephen C. 1
of Hodder Headline
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Jaico Publishing
72 DR000 The Monk who Sharma, 81-7992-162-
House 121 Mahatma
9 729 sold His ferrari Robin X
Gandhi Road, Mu

Utkarsh Prakashan,
73 DR000 101 Shreshtha Kulakarni, 675, Deccan 1-84509-286-
0 730 Shastradnya Nalini Jimkhana, Pune 4

The Silverdale Books an

73 DR000 1-84509-284-
Encyclopedia of Burns, Brian imprint of Bookmart
1 731 6
Games Ltd Regist

Penguin Group
73 DR000 Tennings, 0-14-310094-
World of Facts Penguin Books India
2 732 Katie 7
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co

73 DR000 Jagatik kirticha Acharekar,
Prakashan, 102/ C,
3 733 Adarsh Mata Aabasaheb
Madhavvadi, Ist Flr.,

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Exploration Finger Printi 0-8160-46786
4 734 Carl
The Explorers

Encyclopedia of
Exploration -
73 DR000 Vol II Places, Waldman, 0-8160-4678-
Finger Printi
5 735 Technologies, Carl 6
and Cultural
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73 DR000 Sociology of Sharma, 978-93-
Abhijeet Publication
6 736 North - East Khemraj 80031-29-3

Indian Manglam
73 DR000 978-81-
Architecture Verma, S.K. Publications, L-21/1,
7 737 89972-47-9
Through Street No. 5, Shivaj

73 DR000 Signature Books 978-93-
and Anti - Yadav, Sunita
8 738 International, 80963-10-5

MC Graw-Hill
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Education Private
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Limited 7 West Pate

Suhas Kulkarni,
74 DR000 Avadhani,
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0 740 Anand
Unik Features,

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Panse, Shruti
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74 DR000 Amthe, Samakalin

6 746 Prakash Prakashan,

74 DR000 Samakalin
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7 747 Prakashan,

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8 748 Suhas Prakashan,
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74 DR000 Make-Up Kulkarni, Samakalin
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75 DR000 Kanetkar, Samakalin
ti Shakya Aahe
0 750 Yashavant P. Prakashan,

75 DR000 Samakalin
Kar Ke Dekho Dumbre, Sada
1 751 Prakashan,

The Magic
Pengain Books India
75 DR000 Drum and
Murty, Sudha Pvt. Ltd. 11 0-14-33006-3
2 752 Other Favourite
Panchshila Commer

Viva Books Ltd.,

75 DR000 81-309-0039-
Modern Physics Kakani, S. L. 4737/23, Ansari
3 753 4
Road, Daryaganj,

Elements of Tata McGraw Hill

75 DR000 978-007-
Discrete Liu, C. L. Publication Company
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Tata McGraw Hill

75 DR000 Advertising and Belch, George 0-07-058--
Publication Company
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Principles and Sultan Chand and
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Practice Of Prasad, L. M. Sons, 23, Daryaganj
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Management New Delhi 110

Tata McGraw Hill
75 DR000 Analysis and Whitten, 978-0-07-
Publication Company
7 757 Design Jeffrey L. 063417-6

75 DR000 Satzinger, J. Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
Analysis and
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Research Himalaya Publishing

75 DR000
Methodology in Michael, V. P. House Randoot, Dr.
9 759
Management Bhalerao Ma

The Penguin Group
76 DR000 India - Ideas Nikkani, 978-0-670-
Penguin Books India
0 760 for the New Nandan 08196-7
Pvt. Ltd. 11

The Pearson
Guide for
76 DR000 Khattar, Dorling Kindersley 81-317-0026-
AIEEE All India
1 761 Dinesh Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 7

The Pearson
76 DR000 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
Studies Manual Thorpe, Edgar
2 762 Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2788-1
2010 (For the
UPSC Civil
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Intelligence -
Development Jaico Publ. House
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your EQ Skills 121 Mahatma Gandhi
3 763 Emily A. 5
for a Rd. Mum -01
Career and Life

Course in Tata McGraw Hill

76 DR000 10-0-07-
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4 764 015263-2
IIT - JEE 2010 Ltd.

Course in Tata McGraw Hill

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Physics for IIT Publication Company
5 765 Mahesh 015262-4
- JEE Ltd.

and It`s
Tata McGraw Hill
76 DR000 Application Rosen , 978-0-07-
Publication Company
6 766 With Kenneth H. 064824-1
and Graph

Advertising :
Ashoke K. Ghosh
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Prentice Hall of India
7 767 Implementatio Sangeeta 2
Pvt. Ltd. M
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76 DR000 Train to Singh, 978-81-7436-
The Lotus collection,
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Profile Books ltd.,

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Truss, Lynne 3 exmouth house,
9 769 and Leaves 84668-035-9
pinc street

Linear Algebra A. K. Ghosh Printice

77 DR000 Kumaresan, 978-81-203-
-A Geometric Hall Pvt. Ltd. M-97.
0 770 S. 1628-7
Approach Connaugh

Simply Fly - A
77 DR000 Gopinath, G. Harper Collins 978-81-7223-
1 771 R. Publishers 842-1

Rupa Co-7/16,
77 DR000 Return to Anersari Road, 978-81-291-
Pachuri, R. K.
2 772 Almora Daryaganj, New 1574-4

Pengain Books India

77 DR000 A Better India 978-0-670-
Murthy, N. R. Pvt. Ltd. 11
3 773 A Better World 8283-4
Panchshila Commer

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The Lotus collection,
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The Seven
77 DR000 Secrets of 978-00-9190-
Tom, Deborah Vermilion
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Pengain Books India

77 DR000 978-0-1431-
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6 776 037-69
Panchshila Commer

Rupa G, 7/16, Ansari

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Road, Daryaganj,
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New Delhi-11

Rupa Co. 7/16,

Five Point
77 DR000 Bhagat, Ansari Road, 978-81-291-
Someone What
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not to do at IIT

Rupa G, 7/16, Ansari

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Vijay, Tarun Road, Daryaganj,
9 779 to Win 1500-3
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2 States The Rupa G, 7/16, Ansari

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Story of My Road, Daryaganj,
0 780 Chetan 1530-0
Marriage New Delhi-11

Nine Lives [In Bloomsbury

78 DR000 Search of the Dalrymple, Publishing Plc, 36 978-1-4088-
1 781 Sacred in William Soho Square, 0061-4
Modern India] London,
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Rupa Co-7/16,
Jinnah India-
78 DR000 Singh, Anersari Road,
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B .S.Books
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The Difficulty
78 DR000 of Being Good Das, Pengun Books India 978-067-
4 784 On the Subtle Gurcharan PVT.LTD 0083497
Art Of Dharma

Tata McGraw Hill

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Publication Company
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Himalaya Publishing
78 DR000 Effective
Rai, Urmila House Randoot, Dr.
6 786 Communication
Bhalerao Ma

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7 787 Of Courage Stephen AmericaDover Pub 3

78 DR000 My Years with Alexander, P. 81-7094--

Vision Book Pvt.Ltd
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A. I. T. B. S.
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0 790 A Modern Press Pvt Ltd.

Oxford University
79 DR000 Microeconomic Colell, Andreu 0-19-510268-
press Inc 198-
1 791 Theory Mas 1
Madison Avenue Ne

"S. Chand and Co.

79 DR000 Practical 81-219-0044-
Pillai, R. S. N. Ltd, 7361, Ram
2 792 Statistics 1

Himalaya Publishing
79 DR000 Environmental Narayan,
House Randoot, Dr.
3 793 Studies Sulochana
Bhalerao Ma

"S. Chand and Co.

79 DR000 A Text Book of Subrahmanya 81-219-2611-
Ltd, 7361, Ram
4 794 Optics m, N. 4

Mechanics And "S. Chand and Co.

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5 795 6
s Nagar,
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"S. Chand and Co.
79 DR000 Practical Singh, 81-219-0469-
Ltd, 7361, Ram
6 796 Physics Harnam 2

The Penguin
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Dictionary of
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English Idioms

The Penguin
79 DR000 Pengun Books India
Guide to Trask, R. L.
8 798 PVT.LTD

The New
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Z Thesaurus
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The penguin
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The Penguin
80 DR000 Pengun Books India
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The Penguin
80 DR000 Dictionary of Pengun Books India
Trask, R. L.
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A Textbook of
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Chemistry [For Bahl, Arun Ltd, 7361, Ram
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6 806 Gadgebaba Ramchandra

80 DR000 Shirvadkar, V. Rajendra Manmi,

100 Kavita
7 807 V. Anubhav Prakashan,

Jaico Publ. House
80 DR000 Inspiration - Sharma, 978-81-216-
121 Mahatma Gandhi
8 808 From The Monk Robin 1280-7
Rd. Mum -01
Sold His Ferrari
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Bhareti Bhawan
80 DR000 Concepts of 81-7709-187-
Verma, H. C. 4271/3, ansari Rd,
9 809 Physics [Part-I] 5
Daryaganj New De

Cengage Learning
81 DR000 Textbook of 81-315-0961-
Sklar, Joel India Pvt.Ltd. 418,
0 810 Web Design 6
FIE, Patparga

Cengage Learning
81 DR000 Textbook of 81-315-0961-
Sklar, Joel India Pvt.Ltd. 418,
1 811 Web Design 6
FIE, Patparga

Quantitative Tata McGraw Hill

81 DR000 0-07-463974-
Techniques in Vohra, N. D. Publication Company
2 812 9
Management Ltd.

[For B.Com
81 DR000 Hone 81-7014-121-
Sancheti, D.C. Sultan Chand & Sons
3 813 &Subsidiary, 4

81 DR000 The Last Song Shanghvi, S. Penguin Booka India 0-14-303341-

4 814 of Dusk D. Ltd 7

Macmillan India
81 DR000 Economics 10.1403-
Pal, Sumitra Limited, Cheenai -
5 815 (Cases & 92232-2
600 041.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Rupa Co-7/16,
81 DR000 Mukherjee, Anersari Road, 81-291-0095-
Daughters (A
6 816 Bharati Daryaganj, New 9

Jaico Publ. House

81 DR000 Practical Time Bradley, Mc 81-7224-739-
121 Mahatma Gandhi
7 817 Management Rae C. 7
Rd. Mum -01

81 DR000 Microprocessor Dhanpat Rai Pub Pvt
Ram, B.
8 818 and Ltd

Himalaya Publishing
81 DR000 Behaviour in 81-7866-564-
Nair, Suja R. House Randoot, Dr.
9 819 Indian 6
Bhalerao Ma

The Pearson
82 DR000 General Dorling Kindersley 81-317-0631-
Thorpe, Edgar
0 820 Knowledge Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

82 DR000 Fundamentals Resnick,
4435/7 Ansari Road, 81-2654-0823
1 821 of Physics Robert
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Concepts of Bharati Bhawan,
82 DR000 978-81-7709-
Physics -[Part- Verma, H. C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
2 822 187-8
I] Daryagani,

Last Minute Viva Books Private

82 DR000 Frothingham, 10 81 7649-
Speeches and Ltd., 4737/23, Ansari
3 823 Andrew 366
Toasts Road, Dar

English- A
82 DR000 Foundation Sadanand, Orient Longman Pvt
4 824 Course- for Kamlesh .Ltd
Speakers of

82 DR000 Doyle, Arthur 0-553-21242-
Complete Bantam Dell
5 825 Conan 7
Novels and

Research New Age

82 DR000 Methodology- International ltd. 81-7328-036-
Kothari, C. R.
6 826 Method and 4835/24, Ansari 3
Techniques Road,

Thomson Brooksl
82 DR000 Fundamentals Odum, 81-315-0020-
cole Printed and
7 827 of Ecology Eugene P. 9
bound in India by

Operating Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

82 DR000 Silberschatz, 81-265-0962-
System 4435/7 Ansari Road,
8 828 Abraham 7
Principles Daryagan
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

82 DR000 Guinness World Glenday, Design Concept and 1-904994-12-

9 829 Records-2007 Craig Creation by 1

83 DR000 Tell me the Mukherjee, 81-7582-002-
Publications 4598/12
0 830 answer Indira 0
B, Gola Cottage Dary

Principles of Tata McGraw Hill

83 DR000 Cunninghm, 978-007-
Environmental Publication Company
1 831 William P. 064772-5
Science Ltd.

Tata McGraw Hill

83 DR000 Macro Dornbusch, 978-0-07-
Publication Company
2 832 Economics Rudiger 059407-4

Communication Jaico Publ. House

83 DR000 Fisher, 81-7224-781-
in 121 Mahatma Gandhi
3 833 Dalmar 8
Organizations Rd. Mum -01

Fundamentals Pearson Edu 7th

83 DR000 Sharam, 978-81-317-
of Financial Floor Knowledge
4 834 Vyuptakesh 2397-5
Management Boulevard A-8 (A)

Tata McGraw Hill

83 DR000 Chandra, 978-0-07-
Finance Sense Education Private
5 835 Prasanna 068020-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Fundamentals Tata McGraw Hill

83 DR000 Chandra, 978-0-09-
of Financial Education Private
6 836 Prasanna 05996-1
Management Limited

Effective Tata McGraw Hill

83 DR000 Murphy, Herta 978-0-07-
Business Education Private
7 837 A. 018775-7
Communication Limited

Himalaya Publishing
83 DR000 of the Indian
Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
8 838 Financial
Bhalerao Ma

Economics of
83 DR000
Global Trade Johnson, P. A. Manan Prakashan
9 839
and Finance

Penguin Books, 80,

84 DR000 Lateral 978-0-14-
Bono, Edward Strand London WC2
0 840 Thinking 013779-8

Management Vikas Publishing

84 DR000 Chandan, J. 978070-
Theory and House Pvt. Ltd., E-
1 841 S. 699030
Practice 28, Sector - 8

A Textbook of
English Macmillan India
84 DR000 Balasubraman 81-0333-
Phonetics for Limited, Cheenai -
2 842 ian, T. 91016-8
Indian 600 041.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

84 DR000 Micro Economic Jha, Virinda Publication

3 843 Theory Kameshwar Ltd

Indian Mutual
84 DR000 Sankaran, 81-7094-683-
Funds Vision Book Pvt.Ltd
4 844 Sundar 2

for Economics Cambridge
84 DR000 Anthony, 978-0-521-
and Finance University press, The
5 845 Martin 68319-7
Methods and Edinburgh Building

Financial Tata McGraw Hill

84 DR000 978-0-07-
Institutions and Bhole, L. M. Education Private
6 846 008048-5
Markets Limited

Computer Prentice Hall of India

84 DR000
Programming Rajaraman, V. Ltd., M-97, 81-203-0859
7 847
in C. Connaught Circu

Cengage Learning
84 DR000 Financial Warren, Carl. 978-81-315-
India Pvt.Ltd. 418,
8 848 Accounting S. 0904-3
FIE, Patparga

Tata McGraw Hill

84 DR000 Programming Goltfriend, 978-0-07-
Publication Company
9 849 with C Byron S. 059369-5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

All India Traveller

85 DR000 Principles of Terry, George
Book Seller (Reg.),
0 850 Management R.
J-5/6, Kri

Narasimhan, PHI Learning Private
85 DR000 Planning and 978-81-203-
Seetharama Limited M-
1 851 Inventory 1138-1
L. 97,Comaught Circus

85 DR000 Panneerselva Oxford University 978-0-19-

2 852 m, R. Press 950842-0

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

85 DR000 International 978-81-269-
Sander, Peter 4435-36-7, Ansari
3 853 Economics 1443-7
Road, Dary

Shroff Publ. C-103,

85 DR000 81-8404-721-
Learning SQL Beaulieu, Alan MIDC TC Ind.Area,
4 854 5
Pawane Navi

Shroff Pub. C-103,

85 DR000 Learning My 81-8404-
Seyed, M. M. MIDC, 103-C, TTC
5 855 SQL 2671-1
Industrial Are

"S. Chand and Co.

85 DR000 Indian 81-219-0298-
Walker, Jearl Ltd, 7361, Ram
6 856 Economy 3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

SQL; the Tata McGraw Hill

85 DR000 Groff, James 978-0-07-
Complete Publication Company
7 857 R. 052850-5
Reference Ltd.

Tata McGraw Hill

85 DR000 Macroeconomic Dornbusch, 978-0-07-
Publication Company
8 858 s Rudiger 059407-4

Essentials of
Management Tata McGraw Hill
85 DR000 Koontz, 978-0-07-
an Education Private
9 859 Harold 014495-8
International Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

86 DR000 Essentials of Koontz, 978-0-07-
Education Private
0 860 Management Harold 014495-8

All India Traveller

86 DR000 Principles of Terry, George
Book Seller (Reg.),
1 861 Management R.
J-5/6, Kri

Kalyani Publishers,
86 DR000 Cost 978-81-272-
Narang, K. L. B-1/1292, Rajindar
2 862 Accounting 4476-4
Nagar, Ludh

Advanced New Central Book

86 DR000
Financial Paul, S. K. Agency (P) Ltd., 8/1 81-7381-1997
3 863
Accounting Chintamani D
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

"S. Chand and Co.

86 DR000 Advanced 81-219-0278-
Shukla, M.C. Ltd, 7361, Ram
4 864 Accounts 9

Visual Basic Content Tata McGraw Hill

86 DR000 978-0-07-
6.0 Development Education Private
5 865 040290-4
Programming Group Limited

Visual Basic 6: Tata McGraw Hill

86 DR000 978-0-07-
The Complete Jerke, Noel Education Private
6 866 040290-4
Reference Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

86 DR000 Management 918-0-07-
Jain, P.K. Education Private
7 867 Accounting 068196-5

Sultan Chand and

86 DR000 978-81-8054-
Management Gupta, C. B. Sons, 23, Daryaganj
8 868 726-3
New Delhi 110

86 DR000 Goverment of 978-0-19-
Survey 2009- Oxford University
9 869 India. 806834-1

Himalaya Publishing
87 DR000 Economy - It`s
Misra, S. K. House Randoot, Dr.
0 870 Development
Bhalerao Ma
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Production and Himalaya Publishing

87 DR000
Operation Patel, D.R. House Randoot, Dr.
1 871
Management Bhalerao Ma

Problems & Sultan Chand and
87 DR000 Maheshwari, 978-81-8054-
Solutions in Sons, 23, Daryaganj
2 872 S. N. 586-3
Cost New Delhi 110

87 DR000 Macroeconomic Mankiw, 978-0-230-

Worth Publisher
3 873 s Gregory N. 22492-6

Excel Books A 45
87 DR000 81-7446-317-
Management Rao, V. S. P. Naraina Phase, New
4 874 8
Delhi - 110 02

The Indian
Pearson Edu 14 Local
87 DR000 System : Pathak, 978-81-7758-
5 875 Markets, Bharati V. 562-9
Panchsheel Park
Institutions &

87 DR000 Principles of Mankiw, Cengage Learning 81-315-0150-

6 876 Microeconomics Gregory N. India pvt. Ltd., 7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
87 DR000 Lipsey, Oxford University 978-0-19-
7 877 Richard G. Press 9568-42-0

Pearson Edu 14 Local

87 DR000 Cost Horngren, 978-81-317-
8 878 Accounting: Charles T. 2368-5
Panchsheel Park

Pearson Edu 14 Local

87 DR000 Stoner, James 978-81-317-
Management Shop.Centre
9 879 A. F. 0704-3
Panchsheel Park

Fundamentals Pearson Edu 14 Local

88 DR000 Sharan, 978-81-317-
of Financial Shop.Centre
0 880 Vyuptakesh 2397-5
Management Panchsheel Park

Business Himalaya Publishing

88 DR000 Chernulam,
Environment: House Randoot, Dr.
1 881 Francis
Text & Cases Bhalerao Ma

Sultan Chand and
88 DR000 of Business Bhushan, Y. 978-81-8054-
Sons, 23, Daryaganj
2 882 Organisation & K. 712-6
New Delhi 110

Oxford and IBH

88 DR000 Waste Water Rao, 978-81-204-
Publishing Co. Pvt
3 883 Treatment. Narayana M. 1712-0
Ltd. S-155 Panch
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
88 DR000 Ghosh, Vikas Publ. House #
Environment of
4 884 Biswanath Pvt. Ltd. 0706998960

Sultan Chand and

88 DR000 Banking Low & Varshney, P. 978-81-8054-
Sons, 23, Daryaganj
5 885 Practice N. 557-3
New Delhi 110

88 DR000 Theory & Baumol, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
6 886 Operation Willim J. Connaught Circus 0141-2

Pearson Edu 14 Local

88 DR000 PIndyck, 978-81-317-
Microeconomics Shop.Centre
7 887 Robert S. 2599-3
Panchsheel Park

The Dynamic of
Himalaya Publishing
88 DR000 Entrepreneurial 978-81-8488-
Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
8 888 Development & 588-0
Bhalerao Ma

88 DR000 Wright, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
(Toward a
9 889 Richard T. Connaught Circus 3690-2

Science Pearson Edu 14 Local
89 DR000 Wright, 978-81-317-
(Toward a Shop.Centre
0 890 Richard T. 2323-4
Sustainable Panchsheel Park
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

89 DR000 Tyler, Miller Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
(Toward a
1 891 G. India pvt. Ltd., 0318-8

Sultan Chand and

89 DR000 Operation 978-81-8054-
Kapoor, V. K. Sons, 23, Daryaganj
2 892 Research 668-6
New Delhi 110

Sultan Chand and

89 DR000 Operation 978-81-8054-
Kapoor, V. K. Sons, 23, Daryaganj
3 893 Research 668-6
New Delhi 110

Jaico Publishing
89 DR000 Communication Fisher, 81-7224-781-
House 121 Mahatma
4 894 In Organization Dalmar 8
Gandhi Road, Mu

Tata McGraw Hill

89 DR000 Business Lesikar, 978-0-07-
Education Private
5 895 Communication Raymond V. 014680-8

Sultan Chand and

89 DR000 Strategic 978-81-8054-
Prasad, L. M. Sons, 23, Daryaganj
6 896 Management 671-6
New Delhi 110

Himalaya Publishing
89 DR000 Organisational
Byrne, Rhanta House Randoot, Dr.
7 897 Behaviour
Bhalerao Ma
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Business Pearson Edu 14 Local

89 DR000 Bovee, 978-81-317-
Communication Shop.Centre
8 898 Courtland L. 2120-9
Today Panchsheel Park

89 DR000 Introduction to 81-219-0569-

Grewal, T. S. Sultan Chand & Sons
9 899 Accountancy 9

Tata McGraw Hill
90 DR000 Today 978-0-07-
Burton, Gene Education Private
0 900 (Principle and 462094-6

Retailing Tata McGraw Hill

90 DR000 Pradhan, 978-0-07-
Management Education Private
1 901 Swapna 015-256-6
(Text & Cases) Limited

Pearson Edu 14 Local

90 DR000 Environmental Basak, 978-317-
2 902 Studies Anindita 2118-6
Panchsheel Park

New Age
90 DR000 Environmental International ltd. 978-81-224-
De, A. K.
3 903 Chemistry 4835/24, Ansari 2617-5

90 DR000 Environmental Kolstad, Oxford University 978-0-19-

4 904 Economics Charles D. Press 56857-6-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Oxford University
90 DR000 Environmental Rajagopalan, 978-0-19-
press YMCA Library
5 905 Studies R. 567393-7
bld., Jai Sin

Effective Tata McGraw Hill

90 DR000 Murphy, Herta 978-0-07-
Business Education Private
6 906 A. 018775-7
Communication Limited

Lectures on Sultan Chand &

90 DR000 Bhushan,
Business and Sons(P) ltd.,
7 907 Bharat
Corporate Laws ducational publ., 485

Tata McGraw Hill

90 DR000 Numerical Balagurusamy 0-07-463311-
Publication Company
8 908 Methods , E. 2

A Text Book of
90 DR000 Vidyarthi Griha 81-85825-10-
Applied Wartikar, J. N.
9 909 Prakashan 6

Higher Khanna Publications,

91 DR000 81-7409-195-
Engineering Grewal, B. S. 2, B, Nath Market,
0 910 5
Mathematics Nai Sarak,

Recent Studies
Pearl Books XI/3834,
91 DR000 & Researches 978-81-
Chawla, P. S. Shanti Niketan, Iind
1 911 in Environment 89979-65-2
Floor, P
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Fundamentals S. Chand & Company

91 DR000 81-219-0462-
of Plant Jain, V. K. Ltd., 7361, Ram
2 912 5
Physiology Nagar, New Delh

Oxford University
91 DR000 Discrete Biggs, 0-19-566752-
press YMCA Library
3 913 Mathematics Norman L. 2
bld., Jai Sin

Customer Tata McGraw Hill

91 DR000 Sheth, 0-07-043504-
Relationship Publication Company
4 914 Jagdish N. 9
Management Ltd.

Equation- Tata McGraw Hill
91 DR000 Krantz , 0-07-061609-
Theory, Publication Company
5 915 Steven G. 4
Technique and Ltd.

Equation- Tata McGraw Hill
91 DR000 Krantz , 0-07-061609-
Theory, Publication Company
6 916 Steven G. 4
Technique and Ltd.

Algebra- Springer(India)
91 DR000 81-8128-141-
Revised Third Lang , Serge pvt.Ltd., A company
7 917 1
Edition of the Interna
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Introduction to Prentice Hall of India
91 DR000 Griffiths, 81-203-1601-
Electrodynamic Ltd., M-97,
8 918 David J. 0
s Connaught Circu

Excel Books A-45,

91 DR000 Entrepreneursh Lall, 81-7446-464-
Naraina Phase-I,
9 919 ip Madhurimu 6
New Delhi 11002

cs and
"S. Chand and Co.
92 DR000 Statistical 81-219-2813-
Lal, Brij Ltd, 7361, Ram
0 920 Physics- for 3
B.Sc. classes
as per UGC
model Syllabus

Tata McGraw Hill

92 DR000 Basic Business Lesikar, 0-07-059976-
Publication Company
1 921 Communication Raymond V. 9

Management Tata McGraw Hill

92 DR000 O,Brien James 0-07-048637-
Information Publication Company
2 922 A. 9
Systems Ltd.

s and
92 DR000 Kumar, Oxford University
Knowledge- 019568671-3
3 923 Nagesh Press
Industries in
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Principles of Tata McGraw Hill
92 DR000 Brealey, 10-0-07-
Corporate Education Private
4 924 Richard A. 063580-3
Finance Limited

Everest Pub House,

92 DR000 Communication Ghanekar,
Everest Lane, 536, 818631450-4
5 925 Skill Anjali
Shaniwar Pet

Cengage Learning
92 DR000 Marketing
Jain, Subhash India Pvt.Ltd. 418, 81-315-0543
6 926 Strategy
FIE, Patparga

Frontiers of
92 DR000 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-7758-
Electronic Kalakota, Ravi
7 927 Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 392-2

92 DR000 Gupta, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
Accounting for
8 928 Ambrish Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2285-5

Oxford University
92 DR000 Guha,
Social Ecology press YMCA Library 091-564454-9
9 929 Ramachandra
bld., Jai Sin

93 DR000 Environmental Manjunath, D. Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317

0 930 Studies L. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 0912 2
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Introduction to
93 DR000 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
Management Ali, Sajid
1 931 Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2571-9

A Fundamental
93 DR000 Sharan, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
of Financial
2 932 Vyuptakesh Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2397-5

Indian Cases in Everest Pulb. House,

93 DR000 Sarwate, Dilip 81-863114-
Marketing 536, Shaniwar Peth,
3 933 M. 58-10
Management Opp: prab

Vikas Publishing
93 DR000 Plant 81-259-1879-
Pandey, S. N. House Pvt Ltd., 576,
4 934 Physiology 5
Masji Road,

Students Hand
Book on
93 DR000 Manoharan, T. White Pubklication 978-81-8159-
5 935 N. Pvt. Ltd. 451-8
Year 2010-11

Vikas Publishing
93 DR000 Financial Maheshwari, 978-81-
House Pvt. Ltd., E-
6 936 Accounting S. N. 25918523
28, Sector - 8

Tata McGraw Hill

93 DR000 Financial Chandra, 978-0-07-
Education Private
7 937 management Prasanna 065665-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Oxford and IBH
93 DR000 Methods of Goldberg,
Publishing Co. Pvt
8 938 Real Analysis Richard R.
Ltd. S-155 Panch

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

93 DR000 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
4435-36-7, Ansari
9 939 Real Analysis G. 1109-9
Road, Dary

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

94 DR000 Calculus Apostol, Tom 978-81-265-
4435/7 Ansari Road,
0 940 Volume I M. 1519-6

Human Tata McGraw Hill

94 DR000 978-0-07-
Resource Byrne, Rhanta Education Private
1 941 068213-9
Management Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

94 DR000 Personnel Monappa, 978-0-07-
Education Private
2 942 Management Arun 462264-3

Human Tata McGraw Hill

94 DR000 Bernardin, 978-8-0-07-
Resource Education Private
3 943 John H. 063582-1
Management Limited

94 DR000 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

Advertising Wells, William
4 944 Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1414-0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
94 DR000 Strategic Brand Keller, Kevin Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
5 945 Management Lane Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1977-0

Tata McGraw Hill

94 DR000 Advertising and Belch, George 978-0-07-
Education Private
6 946 Promotion E. 014496-5

94 DR000 Advertising Dorling Kindersley 978-81-7758-

Batra, Rajeev
7 947 Management Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 850-7

94 DR000 Marketing Ramaswamy, Macmillan Publishers

8 948 Management V. S. India Ltd

Principles of
94 DR000 Marketing (A Armstrong, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
9 949 south Asian Gary Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 3101-7

Networks &
95 DR000 Comer, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-7758-
Internets with
0 950 Douglas E. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 927-6

95 DR000 Tanenbaum, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
(Design and
1 951 Andrew S. Connaught Circus 2955-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

95 DR000 Stallings, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
(Internals and
2 952 William Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2528-3

Tata McGraw Hill
95 DR000 Communication Forouzan, 978-0-07-
Education Private
3 953 s and Behrouz A. 063414-5

95 DR000 Stallings, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
4 954 William Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1664-9
Application and

95 DR000 Computer Tanenbaum, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-775-

5 955 Networks Andrew S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 816-2

95 DR000 Head First Basham, Shroff Publishers & 978-81-8404-

6 956 Servlets & JSP Bryan Distributors 497-3

Tata McGraw Hill

95 DR000 UNIX Concepts Das, 978-0-07-
Education Private
7 957 & Applications Sumitabha 063546-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
95 DR000 Schroder, Shroff Publishers & 81-8404-421-
8 958 Carla Distributors 6

UNIX the Tata McGraw Hill

95 DR000 Rosen, 978-0-07-
Complete Education Private
9 959 Kenneth H. 065836-3
Reference Limited

96 DR000 Elmasri, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
of Database
0 960 Ramez Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1625-0

96 DR000 Jackson, Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
Analysis &
1 961 Robert B. India pvt. Ltd., 0532-8

Head First Shroff Publ. C-103,

96 DR000 81-8404-082-
HTML with CSS Freeman, Eric MIDC TC Ind.Area,
2 962 2
& XHTML Pawane Navi

Java TM2 the Tata McGraw Hill

96 DR000 Schildt, 978-0-07-
Complete Education Private
3 963 Herbert 049543-2
Reference Limited

Beginning ASP, Wiley Indian Pvt.

96 DR000 Spaanjaars, 978-81-265-
NET 3.5 In C# Ltd.,, 4435/7, Ansari
4 964 Imar 1624-7
& VB Road, Dary
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Pearson Education
96 DR000 Marketing 81-7808-654-
Kotler, Philip Pvt. Ltd. Indian
5 965 Management 9
Branch, 482 F.I

Financial Tata McGraw Hill

96 DR000 978-0-07-
Institutions and Bhole, L. M. Publication Company
6 966 008048-5
Markets Ltd.

Approach To
96 DR000 Bharat Law House 978-81-7733-
Income Tax, Ahuja, Girish
7 967 Pvt., 634-4
Service Tax &

An Introduction Pearson Edu 14 Local

96 DR000 978-81-7758-
to Database Date, C. J. Shop.Centre
8 968 556-8
Systems. Panchsheel Park

Web Enabled
BPB Pub. B.14
96 DR000 Development 978-81-8333-
Bayross, Ivan Connaught place ,
9 969 Using...HTML, 008-4
New Delhi
JAVA Script,

97 DR000 BPB Publications, B- 81-7656-964-
Programming Bayross, Ivan
0 970 14, Connaught Place X
Language of
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Human Sultan Chand and
97 DR000 81-8054-554-
Resource Prasad, L. M. Sons, 23, Daryaganj
1 971 2
Management New Delhi 110

Human Sultan Chand and

97 DR000 978-81-8054-
Resource Gupta, C. B. Sons, 23, Daryaganj
2 972 601-3
Management New Delhi 110

Himalaya Publishing
97 DR000 Personnel Mamoria, C. 978-81-8488-
House Randoot, Dr.
3 973 Management B. 808-9
Bhalerao Ma

Textbook of Universities Press

97 DR000 Bharucha, 978-81-7371-
Environmental Pvt.Ltd., 3-6-
4 974 Erach 540-2
Studies 747/Z/A & 3-6-754

Pearson Edu 14 Local

97 DR000 Software Sommerville, 978-81-317-
5 975 Engineering Ian 2461-3
Panchsheel Park

Cryptography Tata McGraw Hill

97 DR000 978-07-
and Network Kahate, Atul Education Private
6 976 064823-4
Security Limited

Operating Wiley Indian Pvt.

97 DR000 Silberschatz, 978-81-265-
System Ltd.,, 4435/7, Ansari
7 977 Abraham 2051-0
Concepts Road, Dary
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Pearson Edu 14 Local
97 DR000 Promotion and Clow, Kenneth 81-317-0996-
8 978 Marketing E. 5
Panchsheel Park

97 DR000 Fundamentals Odum, Cengage Learning 978-81-315-

9 979 of Ecology Eugene P. India pvt. Ltd., 0020-0

Taxman's Taxmann
98 DR000 978-81-7194-
Indirect Taxes Datey, V. S. publications pvt. Ltd.
0 980 655-6
Low & Practice 59/32, New Rohtak R

98 DR000 Mythology- Jain, Gopal 81-7594-116-
publications pvt. Ltd.
1 981 Methods &Tools Lal 2
59/32, New Rohtak R
& Techniques

Tata McGraw Hill

98 DR000 Samuelson, 978-0-07-
Economics Publication Company
2 982 Paul A. 059-855-3

Tata McGraw Hill

98 DR000 Spiegel, 978-0-07-05-
Statistics Publication Company
3 983 Marray R. 153-5

98 DR000 Drucker, Peter Allied Publishers 81-8424-148-

4 984 F. Private Limited 8
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Shroff Pub. C-103,
98 DR000 (Application 81-8404-617-
Thakur, Vivek MIDC, 103-C, TTC
5 985 Architecture & 0
Industrial Are

ASP.NET3.5 Shroff Pub. C-103,
98 DR000 81-8404-591-
Web Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
6 986 3
Programming Industrial Are
with VB2008

Shroff Pub. C-103,

98 DR000 Murach's Visual 81-8404-517-
Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
7 987 Basic 2008 4
Industrial Are

Java TM
98 DR000 Programming: Wigglesworth, Thomson course 978-81-315-
8 988 Advanced Joe Technology 0011-8

Tata McGraw Hill

98 DR000 Operating Godbole, 978-0-07-
Publication Company
9 989 Systems Achyut S. 059-113-4

The Complete Tata McGraw Hill

99 DR000 Petersen, 978-0-07-
Reference Education Private
0 990 Richard 022294-6
Linux Limited

Database MC Graw-Hill
99 DR000 Ramakrishnan
Management Education Private 007-123151-X
1 991 , Raghu
System Limited 7 West Pate
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

99 DR000 Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
System Rob, Peter
2 992 India pvt. Ltd., 0970-8

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

99 DR000 Beginning Java 81-265-1304-
Wilton, Paul 4435/7 Ansari Road,
3 993 Script 7

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
99 DR000 Microsoft Willis, 978-81-265-
4435-36-7, Ansari
4 994 (Visual Basic Thearon 1603-6
Road, Dary

Dreamtech, 19-A,
99 DR000 81-7722-657-
Ajax in Action Crane, Dave Ansari Road,
5 995 6

Tata McGraw Hill
99 DR000 Engineering Jawadekar, 978-0-07-
Education Private
6 996 Principles and Waman S. 058371-9

Elements of
99 DR000 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
Reusable Gamma, Erich
7 997 Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 0007-5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
An Integrated
N.K. Mehra Narosa
99 DR000 Approach to 978-81-7319-
Jalote, Pankaj publ. house, 22
8 998 Software 702-4
Darya Ganj, Pra

Macmillan India
99 DR000 Management Dholakia,
Limited, Cheenai - 0333-90275-0
9 999 Cases and Nikhilesh
600 041.

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Basic Perreault, 0-07-062018-
## Publication Company
000 Marketing William D. 0

Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Database log 978-0-07-
## Loney, kevin Publication Company
001 (The Complete 059425-8

Principles of Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Cunninghm, 978-0-07-
## Environmental Publication Company
002 William P. 064772-5
Science Ltd.

Shroff Pub. C-103,

DR001 AJAX for 978-81-04-
## Bayross, Ivan MIDC, 103-C, TTC
003 Beginners 156-9
Industrial Are

Shroff Publ. C-103,

DR001 Murach's V.B. 81-7366-921-
## Prince, Anne MIDC TC Ind.Area,
004 NET X
Pawane Navi
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 (Volume-II Horstmann, 978-0-13-
## Pearson Education
005 Advanced Cay S. 235479-0

Textbook of Universities Press

DR001 Bharucha, 978-81-7371-
## Environmental Pvt.Ltd., 3-6-
006 Erach 540 2
Studies 747/Z/A & 3-6-754

New Age
DR001 Research International (P) 81-7328-022-
## Kothari, C. R.
007 Methodology Ltd., Pub., 4835/24, 2

Rajhans Prakashan,
DR001 81-7328-036-
## Baba Aamte Bapat, B. G. 1085, Sadashiv Peth,
008 3

Kogan Page India

DR001 Readymade Williams, 81-7554-300-
## PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
009 CVs Lynn 0
Ansari Road, D

S. Chand & Company
DR001 Concept and 81-219-2335-
## Patil, M. R. Ltd., 736, Ram
010 Computer in 2

DR001 Tourism Policy Chaudhary, 978-81-

## Adeline Book
011 and Planning Prabhat 905986-2-0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Chaudhary, 978-81-
## Concepts and Adeline Book
012 Prabhat 905986-13

Kogan Page India

DR001 E-Business Treleaven, 81-7554-141-
## PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
013 ST@RT-UP Philip 5
Ansari Road, D

Production & Taxmann Allied

DR001 978-0-07-
## Operations Chary, S. N. Services (P) Ltd.,
014 009153-5
Management 59/32, New Rohta

Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.,
DR001 Tourism, Aramberri, 81-309-0244-
## 4262/3 Ansari Road,
015 Tourism Julio 3

Food &
Beverage Andrew, Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 978-0-07-
## Service A Tanenhaum Publication Company
016 065569-0
Training S. Ltd.

Human A.I.T.B.S. Publ.&

DR001 978-8107473-
## Resource Husain, Ahrar Distributors J-5/6,
017 391-7
Management Krishan Naga

Financial Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 978-0-07-
## Services and Gurusamy, S. Education Private
018 015335-6
System Limited
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Contemporary Arens, William 978-0-07-
## Publication Company
019 Advertising F. 066700-2

Java Script
DR001 Flanagan, Shroff Publishers & 81-8404-194-
## (The Definitive
020 David Distributors 2

DR001 Petroulsos, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 978-81-265-
## Microsoft Visual
021 Evangelos New Delhi 1621-6
Basic 2008

DR001 Petroulsos, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 978-81-265-
## Microsoft Visual
022 Evangelos New Delhi 1621-6
Basic 2008

DR001 Petroulsos, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 978-81-265-
## Microsoft Visual
023 Evangelos New Delhi 1621-6
Basic 2008

DR001 Petroulsos, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 978-81-265-
## Microsoft Visual
024 Evangelos New Delhi 1621-6
Basic 2008

Murach's ASP.
Shroff Pub. C-103,
DR001 NET 3.5 web 978-81-265-
## Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
025 Programming 1621-6
Industrial Are
with VB 2008
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Murach's ASP.
Shroff Pub. C-103,
DR001 NET 3.5 web 978-81-265-
## Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
026 Programming 1621-6
Industrial Are
with VB 2008

Murach's ASP.
Shroff Pub. C-103,
DR001 NET 3.5 web 978-81-265-
## Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
027 Programming 1621-6
Industrial Are
with VB 2008

Murach's ASP.
Shroff Pub. C-103,
DR001 NET 3.5web 978-81-265-
## Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
028 Programming 1621-6
Industrial Are
with VB 2008

New Century publ.

DR001 Co-Operative 978-81-7708-
## Basak, Amit 4800/24, Bharat
029 Banks in Indian 250-0
Ram Rd, Ansari R

Non - Banking
New Century publ.
DR001 Financial Akhan, Jator 978-81-7708-
## 4800/24, Bharat
030 Companies M Ali 229-6
Ram Rd, Ansari R

New Century
DR001 Stock Market in Publications 978-81-7708-
## Gupta, Saloni
031 India 4800/24, Bharat 241-81
Ram Road,

DR001 978-93-
## Resource Pranit, Kumar Gennext Publication
032 80222-19-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Retail Jha, 978-93-
## Gennext Publication
033 Management Madhukant 80222-14-1

DR001 Business Prasad, 978.81.90867

## Gennext Publication
034 Environment Vishwajeet 5-6-6

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 International Cateora, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
035 Marketing Philip R. 066699-3

PHI Learning Pvt

DR001 Kumaresan, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Ltd., M-97,
036 S. 1628-7
Connaught Circus

PHI Learning Pvt

DR001 Kumaresan, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Ltd., M-97,
037 S. 1628-7
Connaught Circus

PHI Learning Pvt

DR001 Kumaresan, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Ltd., M-97,
038 S. 1628-7
Connaught Circus

PHI Learning Pvt

DR001 Kumaresan, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Ltd., M-97,
039 S. 1628-7
Connaught Circus
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
PHI Learning Pvt
DR001 Kumaresan, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Ltd., M-97,
040 S. 1628-7
Connaught Circus

A.I.T.B.S. Publ.&
DR001 Retail 978-81-7473-
## Baral, S. K. Distributors J-5/6,
041 Management 444-0
Krishan Naga

DR001 A Thousand Hosseini, Publishing Plc, 36 978-0-7475-
042 Splendid Suns Khaled Soho Square, 8589-3

Advertising and
DR001 978-81904-
## Personal Kapoor, Neeru Pinnacle
043 4544-3

DR001 Blakeman , 978-81-904-
## Marketing Pinnacle
044 Robyn 4548-1

Cases in
DR001 Advertising and Applegate, 978-81-
## Pinnacle
045 Marketing Edd 9044547-4

Viva Books Private

DR001 Thinking Dixit, Avinash 978-81-309-
## Ltd., 4737/23, Ansari
046 Strategically K. 1543-2
Road, Dar
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Discrete Lipschutz, 978-0-
## Publication Company
047 Mathematics Seymour 07060174-1

DR001 Operations
## Sharma, J. K. Macmilan Ltd 0333 93920 4
048 Research

Higher Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 0-07-063419-
## Engineering Ramana, B. V. Publication Company
049 x
Mathematics Ltd.

One Page Harvard business

DR001 978-4221-
## Talent Effron, Marc school press 60
050 6673-4
Management Harvard way bosto

Harvard business
DR001 Talent on 978-1-4221-
## Cappeli, Peter school press 60
051 Demand 0447-7
Harvard way bosto

A New
A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,
DR001 Illustrated 978-81-7473-
## Puri, Bhawana Krishna Nagar, Delhi
052 Computer 386-3
- 110 05

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Principles of Mukharjee, 978-0-07-
## Publication Company
053 Management Kumkum 008565-7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,
DR001 Dictionary of Jain, Navin 978-81-7473-
## Krishna Nagar, Delhi
054 Law Chand 437-2
- 110 05

Human Everest Publishing

DR001 Ghanekar, 81 86314 59
## Resource House, 536,
055 Anjali 8
Management Shaniwar Peth, Oppo

A Text Book of A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,

DR001 Sinha, 81-7473-302-
## Environmental Krishna Nagar, Delhi
056 Shradha 7
Studies - 110 05

International Everest Pulb. House,

DR001 Kulkarni, M. 81-7660-055
## Business 536, Shaniwar Peth,
057 V. 5
Management Opp: prab

Management Everest Publishing

DR001 81-86314-21-
## Information Oka, Milind House, 536,
058 0
Systems Shaniwar Peth, Oppo

Everest Pulb. House,

DR001 Services 81-7660-079-
## Gupta, P. K. 536, Shaniwar Peth,
059 Marketing 2
Opp: prab

A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
DR001 Marketing Boyd, Jr 81-85386-16-
## India, J-5/6, Krushna
060 Research Harper W. 1
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Shroff Pub. C-103,
DR001 Murach's Visual 978-81-8404-
## Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
061 Basic 2008 517-8
Industrial Are

Shroff Pub. C-103,

DR001 Murach's Visual 978-81-8404-
## Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
062 Basic 2008 517-8
Industrial Are

Shroff Pub. C-103,

DR001 Murach's Visual 978-81-8404-
## Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
063 Basic 2008 517-8
Industrial Are

Shroff Pub. C-103,

DR001 Murach's Visual 978-81-8404-
## Boehm, Anne MIDC, 103-C, TTC
064 Basic 2008 517-8
Industrial Are

DR001 Health Care 978-93-
## Bindra, Anju Publications, L-21/1,
065 and Human 80013-57-2
Street No. 5, Shivaj

Women, Work The Institute of

DR001 Gupta, 978-93-
## and Company Secretaries
066 Sandhya 80164-09-0
Globalisation of India Cent

The Essence of The Institute of

DR001 978-81-
## Personality Vasisth, Anju Company Secretaries
067 906558-4-4
Development of India Cent
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Contemporary The Institute of
DR001 978-93-
## Electronic Sharma, S. C. Company Secretaries
068 80164-07-6
Media of India Cent

Everest Pulb. House,

DR001 Marketing 81-86314-20-
## Varkey, V. O. 536, Shaniwar Peth,
069 Management 2
Opp: prab

DR001 Condoms, aids Chopra, A-6, Nimri 81-7018-998-

070 and Sexuality Suhita Commercial Centre, 5

DR001 Development 123-45-67-
## Khubani, S. S. Prism Book.
071 and Career 890-12-3

DR001 Women in Gyan Publication 81-212-0720-

## Swarup, Hari
072 Crisis House. 7

DR001 Pramenpatra Vani, Prakash Samajik Kruti
073 Aani Vaidhata J. Sanstha.

DR001 Pramenpatra Vani, Prakash Samajik Kruti
074 Aani Vaidhata J. Sanstha.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Pramenpatra Vani, Prakash Samajik Kruti
075 Aani Vaidhata J. Sanstha.

DR001 Pramenpatra Vani, Prakash Samajik Kruti
076 Aani Vaidhata J. Sanstha.

DR001 978-81-7139-
## Global Wars Patil , V. T. Jnanada Prakashan
077 369-5

Monetary and New Century

DR001 Credit Chatterjee, Publications 978-81-7708-
078 Management in Anup 4800/24, Bharat 234-0
India Ram Road,

Introduction to
DR001 Human 978-81-9044-
## Currie, Donald Pinnacle
079 Resources 540-5

Sector Reforms
DR001 Rao, Kesava The Associated 978-81-8429-
## & Indian
080 G. V. Publishers 051-6

Quotes of
DR001 Mishra, Anil 978-93-
## Mahatma Abhijeet Publication
081 Dutta 80031-28-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Development in
DR001 Singha, Concept Publishing 81-8069-704-
## India (
082 Komal Company 5
Retrospect and

DR001 Never Ending Subramanian, 978-81-8488-

## Silver Leaf Publishing
083 Success Giri 935-2

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Labranes in Purandare, 978-81-
## House Randoot, Dr.
084 Brihan Mumbai Mangala B. 8488948-2
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Strategic Rao, Subba 978-81-8488-
## House Randoot, Dr.
085 Management P. 289-6
Bhalerao Ma

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Ajax for Holzner, 81-265-0854-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
086 Dummies Steve X

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Ajax for Holzner, 81-265-0854-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
087 Dummies Steve X

DR001 Horstmann, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Core Java TM
088 Cay S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1945-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Horstmann, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Core Java TM
089 Cay S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1945-9

DR001 Horstmann, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Core Java TM
090 Cay S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1945-9

DR001 Horstmann, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Core Java TM
091 Cay S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2535-1

DR001 Horstmann, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Core Java TM
092 Cay S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2535-1

DR001 Horstmann, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Core Java TM
093 Cay S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2535-1

New Age
DR001 Total Quality International ltd. 81-224-0242-
## Lal, Gen H.
094 Management 4835/24, Ansari 9

Operating Wiley Indian Pvt.

DR001 Silberschatz, 978-81-265-
## System Ltd.,, 4435/7, Ansari
095 Abraham 2051-0
Concepts Road, Dary
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Systems Cangage Learning

DR001 Satzinger, 978-81-315-
## Analysis and India Pvt Ltd., 418,
096 John W. 0532-8
Design FIE, Pratapg

Systems Cangage Learning

DR001 Satzinger, 978-81-315-
## Analysis and India Pvt Ltd., 418,
097 John W. 0532-8
Design FIE, Pratapg

Systems Cangage Learning

DR001 Satzinger, 978-81-315-
## Analysis and India Pvt Ltd., 418,
098 John W. 0532-8
Design FIE, Pratapg

Systems Cangage Learning

DR001 Satzinger, 978-81-315-
## Analysis and India Pvt Ltd., 418,
099 John W. 0532-8
Design FIE, Pratapg

Systems Cangage Learning

DR001 Satzinger, 978-81-315-
## Analysis and India Pvt Ltd., 418,
100 John W. 0532-8
Design FIE, Pratapg

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Center
101 E. 292-5

DR001 Harper Collins 978-0-00-

## Brida Coelho, Paulo
102 Publishers 727859-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 A Thousand Hosseini, Publishing Plc, 36 978-0-7475-
103 Splendid Suns Khaled Soho Square, 8297-7

DR001 Like the Harper Collins 978-0-

## Coelho, Paulo
104 flowing River Publishers 000724630-4

Rupa Co-7/16,
DR001 Prasad, Anersari Road, 81-7167-952-
## Sauparnika
105 Narendra R. Daryaganj, New 8

What My Cat
A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,
DR001 Taught Me & Nippani, 978-81-7473-
## Krishna Nagar, Delhi
106 My MBA Did Kalyan Sagar 279-9
- 110 05

A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,
DR001 11 Steps for Rao, Sridhar 978-81-7473-
## Krishna Nagar, Delhi
107 Happiness B. 375-7
- 110 05

DR001 Aptech
## Image Magic Aptech Ltd
108 Limited

Malayala Manorama
DR001 Manorama Mathew,
## Press Kottyan 0975-2250
109 Yearbook 2011 Mammen
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Rupa Co-7/16,
The Three
DR001 Bhagat, Anersari Road, 978-81-291-
## Mistakes of My
110 Chetan Daryaganj, New 1372-6

of General
DR001 Studies; Paper- 978-81-8357-
## Chopra, J. K. Unique Publishers ,
111 I & Civil 124-2
Aptitude Test
Cast; Paper-II

Economic Oxford University

DR001 Goverment of 978-0-19-
## Survey 2010- press YMCA Library
112 India 807409-0
11 bld., Jai Sin

The Essential
DR001 Guide to Doing 978-81-321-
## O' Leary, Zina Sage Publications
113 Your Research 0646-3

DR001 Research 978-93-515-

## Kumar, Ranjit Sage Publications
114 Methodology 0133-6

Equation; Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Simmon, 978-0-07-286
## Theory, Publication Company
115 George F. 315-4
Technique & Ltd.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

"S. Chand and Co.

DR001 Differential Narayam, 81-219-047-
## Ltd, 7361, Ram
116 Calculus Shanti 14

Higher Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 0-07-063419-
## Engineering Ramana, B. V. Publication Company
117 X
Mathematics Ltd.

DR001 Karyalaya Kansal, 81-7315-027-

## Prabhat Prakashan
118 Karyabodh Haribabu 3

DR001 Pritam, 81-216-0755-

## Kachchi Sadak Hind Pocket
119 Amruta 8

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
120 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
121 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
122 E. 292-5
of Britannica
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
123 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
124 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
125 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
126 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
127 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
128 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
129 E. 292-5
of Britannica
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
130 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
131 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
132 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
133 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
134 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
135 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
136 E. 292-5
of Britannica
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
137 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
138 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
139 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
140 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
141 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
142 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
143 E. 292-5
of Britannica
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
144 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
145 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
146 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
147 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
148 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
149 E. 292-5
of Britannica

The New
DR001 Safra, Jacob 978-1-59339-
## Encyclopdia Encyclopedia Center
150 E. 292-5
of Britannica
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Taxmann Allied
DR001 Advanced 81-7496-817-
## Patil, D. R. Services (P) Ltd.,
151 Accounting 2
59/32, New Rohta

An Informative
Handbook of
DR001 Shrivastava, Intellectual Book 978-81-
## XIth Five Year
152 D. K. Bureau 89910-01-3
Plan U G C

New Century
DR001 India's Five Publications 978-81-7708-
## Sury, M. M.
153 Year Plans 4800/24, Bharat 177-0
Ram Road,

DR001 of Civil 978-81-8357-
## Chopra, J. K. Unique Publishers ,
154 Services 310-8
Aptitude Test

Bharati Bhawan,
DR001 Concepts of 81-7709-232-
## Verma, H.C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
155 Physics 4

Bharati Bhawan,
DR001 Concepts of 81-7709-187-
## Verma, H.C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
156 Physics 5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Bharati Bhawan,
DR001 Concepts of 81-7709-232-
## Verma, H.C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
157 Physics 4

Bharati Bhawan,
DR001 Concepts of 81-7709-187-
## Verma, H.C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
158 Physics 5

Bharati Bhawan,
DR001 Concepts of 81-7709-232-
## Verma, H. C. 4271/3 Ansari Road,
159 Physics 4

Micro - Finance Milestone Publisher &

DR001 81-8324-289-
## and Women Ahmed, Rais Distributors,
160 8
Empowerment 4271/XI, 3 Ans

Micro - Finance Milestone Publisher &

DR001 81-8324-289-
## and Women Ahmed, Rais Distributors,
161 8
Empowerment 4271/XI, 3 Ans

Lectures on C. Sitaraman Co. 37

DR001 Anantharama
## Mercantile / Royapettah Road,
162 n, K. S.
Business Laws Chennai 600 0

Palgrave macmillan,
DR001 Authoring a Dunleavy, 978-1-4039-
## Houndmills.,
163 PhD Patrick 0584-0
Basingstoke, Hamp
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Human Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Bernardin, 978-0-07-
## Resource Education Private
164 John H. 063582-1
Management Limited

Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Management 978-0-07-
## Kazmi, Azhar Education Private
165 and Business 026362-8

My SQL: The Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Vaswani, 13-978-0-07-
## Complete Education Private
166 Vikram 058684-0
Reference Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Personnel Monappa, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
167 Management Arun 462264-3

Managing Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Cascio, 13-978-0-07-
## Human Education Private
168 Wayne F. 070073-4
Resources Limited

S-Chand and
DR001 Production Telsang, Company Ltd. 7361, 81-219-2462-
169 Management Martand T. Ramnagar, New 6

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Cost 978-0-07-
## Lea, Diana Education Private
170 Accounting 022162-8
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Investment Subramanya 978-0-07-
## Education Private
171 Banking m, Pratap G. 065690-1

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Etzel, Michael 13-978-0-07-
## Marketing Publication Company
172 J. 015156-7

Analysis for
DR001 Rao, Vithala Dorling Kindersley 81-317-0160-
## Strategic
173 R. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 3

Introduction to
DR001 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Management Ali, Sajid
174 Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 2571-9

Academic ( India)
DR001 Cost 978-81-
## Bhar, B. K. publ. B-9 Rattan
175 Accounting 89781-94-1
Jyoti 18 Rajend

Pearson Edu 7th

DR001 Cost Horngren, 978-81-317-
## Floor Knowledge
176 Accounting Charles T. 2368-5
Boulevard A-8 (A)

Financial Pearson Edu 14 Local

DR001 Gupta, 978-81-317-
## Accounting for Shop.Centre
177 Ambrish 2285-5
Management Panchsheel Park
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Practical Marwath, Anmol Publication 978-81-261-
178 English Usages Sonu Pvt. Ltd 4488-4

Mantras for
DR001 978-93-
## Personality Gaur, Sanjay Yking Books
179 80930-11-4

DR001 Strategic Ireland, Cengage Learning 978-81-315-

180 Management Duane R. India pvt. Ltd., 0963-0

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Samuelson, 978-07-
## Economics Education Private
181 Paul A. 070071-0

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Marketing 978-0-07-
## Saxena, Rajan Education Private
182 Management 014491-0

DR001 Marketing Winer, Russell Dorling Kindersley 81-317-1526-

183 Management S. Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 4

Public Finance Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Musgrave, 978-0-07-
## in Theory & Publication Company
184 Richard A. 059693-1
Practice Ltd.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Advertising & Centram Press H. O.
DR001 Winterson, 978-93-
## Corporate 4360/4, Ansari Road,
185 David 80836-24-9
Communication Daryaganj

DR001 International Czinkota, Cenage Learning 978-81-315-

186 Business Michael R. India Pvt. Ltd. 0427-7

Bhareti Bhawan
DR001 Concepts of 81-7709-232-
## Verma, H.C. 4271/3, ansari Rd,
187 Physics 2 4
Daryaganj New De

Production & Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 978-0-07-
## Operations Chary, S.N. Education Private
188 009-153-5
Management Limited

DR001 Cost Vikas Publ. House 97881293833

## Chagla, M. C.
189 Accountant Pvt. Ltd. 0

S. Chadn and
DR001 Practical 81-219-0917-
## Khanna, B. S. Company Ltd. 7361,
190 Costing 1
Ram Nagar, New Del

Strategic Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Chaudhary, 978-81-265-
## Market 4435/7 Ansari Road,
191 Sanjay 1604-9
Management Daryagan
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Introduction to
DR001 Zulfikar, Vikas Publ. House 97881259046
## Tourism and
192 Mohammed Pvt. Ltd. 63
Hotel Industry

PHI Learning Pvt

DR001 Strategic Resnick, 978-81-203-
## Ltd., M-97,
193 Management Robert 3566-0
Connaught Circus

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Marketing Mullins, 978-0-07-
## Publication Company
194 Strategy Walker 061143-6

DR001 Marketing Ramaswamy, Macmillan Publishers 023-063-729-

195 Management V. S. India Ltd 9

Macro Virnda Publication

DR001 978-81-8221-
## Economics Jhingan, M. L. Pvt Ltd. B-Ashish
196 298-7
Theory Complex B

MacMillan Publishing
DR001 International 978-033376-
## Sodersten, Bo Co., Inc., 866 Third
197 Economics 36-50
Avenue N

S-Chand and
DR001 Company Ltd. 7361, 81-219-2399-
## Practical Tulsian, P. C.
198 Ramnagar, New 9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Orient Blackswan 978-81-250-
## Spoken English Bansal, R. K.
199 private limited, 0008-8

Designing and
Managing Oxford and IBH
DR001 81-204-1610-
## Human Pardey, David Publishing Co. Pvt
200 4
Resource Ltd. S-155 Panch

DR001 Chandan, J. Vikas Publ. House 978--81-25-

## Management
201 S. Pvt. Ltd. 9033-76

International Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Rudrabasavar 978-93-5024-
## Strategic House Randoot, Dr.
202 aj, M. N. 715-0
Management Bhalerao Ma

Dynamic Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Rudrabasavar 978-93-5024-
## Personnel House Randoot, Dr.
203 aj, M. N. 717-4
Administration Bhalerao Ma

Reading in
Oxford and IBH
DR001 Human
## Rao, T. V. Publishing Co. Pvt 81-204-0585-
204 Resource
Ltd. S-155 Panch

DR001 An Introduction 81-7800-083-

## Trivedy, R. K. B S Publication
205 to Air Pollution 0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Advertising and Excel Books A-5,
DR001 Kazmi, S. H. 978-81-7446-
## Sales Naraina Phase - I
206 H. 639-6
Promotion New Delhi 110

DR001 Financial Dorling Kindersley 978-81-775-

## Tulsian, P. C.
207 Accounting Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 8228-4

DR001 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Management Kerin, R. A.
208 Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 5531-0

Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR001 Retail Vedameni, 10-81-7992-
## Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
209 Management Gibson G. 151-4
Phiroz Sh

V.G. Mehta's
DR001 Income-Tax Shri Kuber Publishing 978-81-8462-
## Mehta, N. V.
210 Ready House, 039-9

Advanced New Central Book

DR001 81-7381-199-
## Financial Paul, S. K. Agency (P) Ltd., 8/1
211 7 /
Accounting Chintamani D

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 International Avadhani, V. 978-93-5024-
## House Randoot, Dr.
212 Finance A. 765-5
Bhalerao Ma
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Harsolekar, Multi-Tech 81-87070-17-
## Accounting for
213 Dinesh D. Publication Co. X

Prentice Hall of India

DR001 The Indian 978-81-203-
## Ray, S. K. Ltd., M-97,
214 Economy 3137-2
Connaught Circu

Essentials of E- PHI Learning Private

DR001 978-81-203-
## Commerce Rajaraman, V. Limited M-
215 3937-8
Technology 97,Comaught Circus

PHI Learning Private
DR001 International Sundaram, 978-81-203-
## Limited M-
216 Business Anant K. 1141-1
97,Comaught Circus

DR001 Management 978-81-9044-

## Singh, S. K. Pinnacle
217 Accounting 549-8

Principles of
DR001 Global Vision 978-81-8220-
## Marketing Rana, Kajal
218 Publishing 395-2

DR001 Contemporary Marwah, 978-81-

## Pinnacle
219 India Reena 904454-5-0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Human Globale Vision
DR001 978-81-8220-
## Resources Arora, Vikash Publishing House 20
220 387-7
Management Ansari Road, Da

DR001 Reid, Margarel 978-81-9044-
## Resource Pinnacle
221 Anne 541-2

DR001 Communication Taylor, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

222 for Business Shirley India Pvt. Ltd., 2765-2

DR001 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Caste in Life Babu, Shyam
223 India Pvt. Ltd., 5439-9

DR001 Guide to Media Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Schenkler, Irv
224 Relations India Pvt. Ltd., 5617-1

Guide to Cross
DR001 Reynolds, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Cultural
225 Sana India Pvt. Ltd., 5615-7

Guide to
DR001 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Interpersonal Baney, Joann
226 India Pvt. Ltd., 5612-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Guide to Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Munter, Mary
227 Meetings India Pvt. Ltd., 5616-4

DR001 Chhahus Chahus, 81-88158-04-

## Ultimate Publishers,
228 Dictionary Abdus Salam 6

The Bombay
Public Trusts
DR001 Act, 1950 (As Shah, 978-81-317-
## Hind Law House,
229 Applicable to Kesarich 6056-7
Maharashtra &

Reasoning For
DR001 System, A Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## The CAT And
230 Div. Of India Pvt. Ltd., 6057-4
Other MBA

Sufficiency For
DR001 System, A Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## The CAT And
231 Div. Of India Pvt. Ltd., 6055-0
Other MBA

DR001 System, A Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## For The CAT
232 Div. Of India Pvt. Ltd., 6056-7
and Other MBA
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
BPB Publications B
DR001 JavaScript, 978-81-8333-
## Bayross, Ivan 14 Connaught Place
233 DHTML and 008-4
New Delhi

BPB Publications B
DR001 JavaScript, 978-81-8333-
## Bayross, Ivan 14 Connaught Place
234 DHTML and 008-4
New Delhi

BPB Publications B
DR001 JavaScript, 978-81-8333-
## Bayross, Ivan 14 Connaught Place
235 DHTML and 008-4
New Delhi

BPB Publications B
DR001 JavaScript, 978-81-8333-
## Bayross, Ivan 14 Connaught Place
236 DHTML and 008-4
New Delhi

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Fixed Income Dun & 978-07-
## Education Private
237 Securities Bradstreet 062100-8

DR001 Total Quality Cullet, 978-81-
## Publications, L-21/1,
238 Management Philippe 89972-29-2
Street No. 5, Shivaj

Engineering for
Jnanada Prakahshan,
DR001 Natural Sharma, 978-81-7139-
## 4837, Prahlad
239 Disaster Kadambari 395-4
Street, 24, Ans
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
The Secret Sourcebooks Inc.
DR001 Shapiro, 1-4022-0242-
## Language of P.O. Box 4410
240 Lawrence E. 3
Children Naperville illinois

Serials Pub.,
DR001 Sales Tax Reddy, 978-81-8387-
## 4830/24 Prahlad
241 System in India Raghava M. 447-2
Stret, Ansari Road,

Jnanada Prakahshan,
DR001 Design of Chiranjeev, 978-81-7139-
## 4837, Prahlad
242 Ecotourism Avinash 400-5
Street, 24, Ans

DR001 Call Center / Dreamtech 19-A, 978-81-7722-

## Gupta, Vikas
243 BPO Ansari Rd, Daryagani 345-3

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Organizational Kinicki, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
244 Behavior Angelo 0671-03-6

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Organizational 978-0-07-
## Sekaran, Uma Education Private
245 behavior 058190-6

DR001 978-81-
## Thinkers OF Tripathi, G. D. Mark Publisher
246 89472-86-3
the World
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
NewCentury Publ.,
DR001 Banking Akhtar, Jawed 978-81-7708-
## 4800/24, Bharat
247 System in India S. M. 283-8
Ram Road, Ansari

Globale Vision
DR001 Organisational 978-81-8220-
## Kumar, Sunil Publishing House 20
248 Behaviour 383-9
Ansari Road, Da

DR001 Ancient India Singh, 0-19-806830-

## Oxford University
249 New Research Upinder 1

DR001 Organisational
## Tanuria, V. K. Prism Book.
250 Behaviour

Global Trends Enkay Publishing

DR001 978-81-
## in Service Mullick, N. H. House , 209,Hari
251 908499-9-9
Marketing Sadan,

Enkay Publishing
DR001 Knowledge Khan, Mohd 978-81-
## House , 209,Hari
252 Management Altaf 908499-4-4

Latin Names Of
DR001 Bombay Natural 0-19-806625-
## Indian Birds Pande, Satish
253 History Society 2
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Indian Tax 81-87046-00-
## Dictionary Indian Tax Institute,
254 Institute 7

Event Enkay Publishing

DR001 978-93-
## Management & Mohan, Savita House , 209,Hari
255 80995-20-5
Public Relations Sadan,

Crisis Enkay Publishing

DR001 978-93-
## Management in Mullick, N. H. House , 209,Hari
256 80995-02-1
Business Sadan,

Human Globale Vision

DR001 978-81-8220-
## Resource Arora, Vikash Publishing House 20
257 387-7
Management Ansari Road, Da

Enkay Publishing
DR001 Communication 978-81-
## Mullick, N. H. House , 209,Hari
258 & Public 908499-8-2

Modern Human Enkay Publishing

DR001 Sahoo, 978-93-
## Resources House , 209,Hari
259 Chandrakant 80995-05-2
Management Sadan,

DR001 Ghose, 978-81-
## Property for Wisdom Publication,
260 Shekhar 89547-83-7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
New Century
Energy Sources
DR001 Dwivedi, Rishi Publications 978-81-7708-
## and Policies in
261 Muni 4800/24, Bharat 271-5
Ram Road,

The Java EE 6
DR001 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Tutorial Basic Jendrock, Eric
262 India Pvt. Ltd., 5398-9

DR001 One Little Sage Publications 978-81-321-

## Chib, Malini
263 Finger India pvt Ltd, 0632-6

DR001 Co-Operative Macmillan Publishers 023-033-052-

## Kulkarni, P. R.
264 Banking India Ltd 5

A. I. T. B. S.
DR001 Publishers & 81-7473-224-
## Behaviour and Kaila, H. L.
265 Distrbutors (Regd) 1

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Fundamentals 978-0-07-
## Tulsian, P. C. Publication Company
266 of Accounting 063592-0

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Horton, Paul 0-07-059396-
## Sociology Publication Company
267 B. 5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Introduction to Morgan, 978-0-07-
## Publication Company
268 Psychology Clifford T. 462250-6

Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR001 Personal Sukhabodhan 978-81-7992-
## Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
269 Excellence anda, Swami 731-1
Phiroz Sh

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Fabre, 978-81-8495-
## The Holy CEO Chamber 7-A, Sir
270 Christian 198-1
Phiroz Shah M

New Age
DR001 International ltd. 978-81-224-
## Entrepreneurial Gupta, Ashis
271 4835/24, Ansari 2768-4

Sonali Publications
DR001 and Forest 91-11-
## Misra, Rabi N. 4228/1, Ansari Rd.,
272 Resources 23253475
New Delhi.

Harvard business
DR001 Flying without Delong, 978-1-4221-
## school press 60
273 a Net Thomas J. 6229-3
Harvard way bosto

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Full Steam Blanchard, 1-57675-244-
## Education Private
274 Ahead Ken 5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
New Age
Business Law
DR001 International (P) 978-81-224-
## Including Gulshan, S. S.
275 Ltd., Publishers 2231-3
Company Law

Jaico Publ. House

DR001 81-7224-279-
## Napoleon Ludwig, Emil 121 Mahatma Gandhi
276 4
Rd. Mum -01

Essential of
DR001 Anmol Publication 978-81-261-
## Organizational Tandon, Anil
277 Pvt. Ltd 4396-2

Man, Society, Alfa Publications

DR001 978-80937-
## Culture and Rampal, Vivek 4398/5 Ansari Road,
278 33-5
Civilization Daryaganj

DR001 Advertising 978-81-313-
## Narayan, B Corporation 5,Ansari
279 Management 0947-6

Material and
DR001 Krishnamurth
## Logistic Prism Book.
280 y, R.

DR001 Gender and Arora, 978-93-

## Pacific Publication,
281 Power Premlata 80147-42-0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Caste and
DR001 Communities in Mehta, Cyber Tech 978-81-7884-
282 Conflict of Balwant Publication 700-9

DR001 Retail Business Perumalsamy, Anmol Publication 978-81-261-

283 Management R. Pvt. Ltd 4208-8

DR001 978-81-
## Capital Suman, Neeru Pratiksha Publication,
284 85819-10-5

Rural Economic
DR001 Singh, Preet 123-45-
## and Prism Book.
285 Pal 67890-12-3

DR001 978-81-
## Financial Shah, K. L. Mark Publisher
286 89472-26-9

DR001 Himalaya Book Pvt. 978-93-5024-

## J.R.D. TATA Shewan, M. A.
287 Ltd., 931-4

Emotional Response books A

DR001 07619-3532-0
## Intelligence at Singh, Dalip division of sage publ.
288 (PB)
Work India pvt.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Mahima Indian Education
## Ranade, Firoz
289 Mumbaicha Society,

DR001 Rashtrapati Indian Education 978-81-

## Ranade, Firoz
290 Bhavan Society, 909938-0-7

Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Mathematics Rosen, 978-0-07-
## Publication Company
291 and Its Kenneth H. 068188-0

Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Mathematics Rosen, 978-0-07-
## Publication Company
292 and Its Kenneth H. 068188-0

DR001 Understanding Chhokar, 0-7619-3277-

## Sage Publications
293 Environment Kiran B. 1

DR001 Environmental Gregory, Sage Publications 978-1-4129-

294 Sciences Kenneth J. India pvt Ltd, 4705-3

DR001 Efficiency and Reddy, 978-81-321-
## Sage Publications
295 Climate Sudhakara B. 0228-1
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Sage Publications 978-1-4129-
## OF Warf, Barney
296 India pvt Ltd, 5697-0

DR001 Sage Publications 978-1-4129-
## OF Warf, Barney
297 India pvt Ltd, 5697-0

DR001 Sage Publications 978-1-4129-
## OF Warf, Barney
298 India pvt Ltd, 5697-0

DR001 Sage Publications 978-1-4129-
## OF Warf, Barney
299 India pvt Ltd, 5697-0

DR001 Sage Publications 978-1-4129-
## OF Warf, Barney
300 India pvt Ltd, 5697-0

DR001 Sage Publications 978-1-4129-
## OF Warf, Barney
301 India pvt Ltd, 5697-0

DR001 Mouzh Prakashan 978-81-7486-

## Imaarat Ranade, Firoz
302 Graha 802-2
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Mathematics Rosen , 978-0-07-
## Publication Company
303 and Its Kenneth H. 068188-0

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Mall
## Sheikh, Arif I. House Randoot, Dr.
304 Management
Bhalerao Ma

Human Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Chaudhuri, K. 978-81-8488-
## Resource House Randoot, Dr.
305 K. 652-8
Management Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Dictionary of
## Raj, Gagan House Randoot, Dr.
306 Advertising
Bhalerao Ma

Oxford University
DR001 Economy Acharya, 0-19-807495-
## Press YMCA library
307 Performance Shankar 6
build, Jai Si
and Challenges

DR001 Kautilyan Atlantic Pubtishers & 81-7156-733-

## Chande, M. B.
308 Arthasastra Distridutors 9

The Impact of
Foreign Direct
DR001 Baskaran, 978-81-7446-
## Investment on Excel Books
309 Arockia S. 843-7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Economic Dubey, 978-81-7446-
## Excel Books
310 Challenges Nishith 824-6

Direct Taxes Taxmann

DR001 Singhania, 978-81-7194-
## [Law and publications pvt. Ltd.
311 Kapil 898-7
Practice] 59/32, New Rohtak R

Indirect Taxes Taxmann

DR001 978-81-7194-
## [Law and Datey, V. S. publications pvt. Ltd.
312 909-0
Practice] 59/32, New Rohtak R

DR001 Nachane, D. 978-0-19-
## Development Oxford University
313 M. 807153-1
Report 2011

Oxford University
DR001 Lipsey, 978-0-19-
## Economics press Great
314 Richard G. 9642595
clarendon street, ox

Derivatives and Oxford University

DR001 Srivastava, 978-0-19-
## Risk Press, YMCA Bldg,
315 Rajiv 806434-9
Management Jai Singh Road

Deep & Deep

DR001 Financial and Sharma, 978-81-8450-
## Publications Pvt. F-
316 Economic Laws Gokulesh 405-7
159, Rajouri Garde
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Gupta, Prateeksha 978-93-
## Economic
317 Sumeet Publication 80626-15-4
Growth in India

Human Rights Kalpaz Publications

DR001 Nair, 978-81-7835-
## in a Changing C-30, Satyawati
318 Sukumaran P. 901-4
World Nagar, Delhi -

Globalization &
DR001 Aggarwal, 978-93-
## the Indian Pratiksha Publication,
319 Dinesh 80626-40-6

Ess Ess Publications
DR001 Information Fransson, 978-81-7000-
## 4837/24, Ansari
320 Searching on Jonas 637-4
Road, Darya G
the Web

DR001 Advanced 978-81-8054-

## Gupta, R. L. S.Chand & Sons
321 Accountancy 679-2

Taxmann Pub Ltd
DR001 Guide to 978-81-7194-
## Rawat, D. S. 59/32 New Rohtak
322 Accounting 899-4
Raod, New Delhi

Taxmann Pub Ltd
DR001 Guide to 978-81-7194-
## Rawat, D. S. 59/32 New Rohtak
323 Accounting 899-4
Raod, New Delhi
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Taxmann Pub Ltd
DR001 Guide to 978-81-7194-
## Rawat, D. S. 59/32 New Rohtak
324 Accounting 899-4
Raod, New Delhi

Taxmann Pub Ltd
DR001 Guide to 978-81-7194-
## Rawat, D. S. 59/32 New Rohtak
325 Accounting 899-4
Raod, New Delhi

SBS Publishers &

DR001 Woman and 81-89741-02-
## Khan, M. A. Distributors Pvt Ltd.,
326 Human Rights 0
2/1, Groun

SBS Publishers &

DR001 Child and 81-903098-4-
## Bagulia, A. M. Distributors Pvt Ltd.,
327 Crime 6
2/1, Groun

DR001 Chakraborty, The Icfai University 978-81-314-
## Management
328 Amrita Press 0760-8
an Overview

Rivers, Dams Ranade,

DR001 The Icfai University 978-81-314-
## and Prabha
329 Press 0842-1
Development Shastri

Human Rights Jnanada Prakahshan,

DR001 Yadav, Surya 978-81-7139-
## in the 21st 4837, Prahlad
330 Narain 311-4
Century Street, 24, Ans
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Social and
Jnanada Prakahshan,
DR001 Political Sharma, 978-81-7139-
## 4837, Prahlad
331 Empowerment Ghanshyam 288-9
Street, 24, Ans
of Indian Dalits

Dalit Women's Jnanada Prakahshan,

DR001 978-81-7139-
## Movements in Baghel, Indu 4837, Prahlad
332 267-4
Modern India Street, 24, Ans

Indian Women Jnanada Prakahshan,

DR001 Trivedi, 978-81-7139-
## and 4837, Prahlad
333 Tanuja 321-3
Globalisation Street, 24, Ans

Penguin Group
DR001 Das, 978-01-143-
## India Unbound Penguin Books India
334 Gurcharan 06301-8
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co

DR001 Thomas, Sage Publications 978-81-321-
## Communication
335 Pradip Ninan India pvt Ltd, 0636-4

DR001 Handbook of Chaudhary, 978-93-

## Wisdom Press
336 Human Rights Jayant 81052-44-0

DR001 Singh, Sanjay 978-81-8376-
## of Human ABD Publisher
337 Kumar 284-7
Rights Vol. - I
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Singh, Sanjay 978-81-8376-
## of Human ABD Publisher
338 Kumar 284-7
Rights Vol. - II

DR001 Basu, Partha Sage Publications 978-81-321-
## Cultural
339 Pratim India pvt Ltd, 0576-3

Willey India pvt.

DR001 Human Rights Kanan, Satya 978-93-
## Ltd., 4435 /, Ansari
340 Dimensions P. 81052-51-8
Rd, Darya

Urban Women
DR001 in Ghadially, 978-81-7829-
## Sage Publications
341 Contemporary Rehana 675-3

DR001 Background of 978-81-7154-
## Desai, A. R. Populer Prakashan
342 Indian 667-1

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 The Steve Jobs Simon, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
343 Way William L. 768-7
Phiroz Shah M

101 Ways to Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 81-7224-929-
## Make Every Bly, Robert Chamber 7-A, Sir
344 2
Second Count Phiroz Shah M
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Jaico Pub A-2, Jash
DR001 Subhash 81-7224-401-
## Toye, Hugh Chamber 7-A, Sir
345 Chandra Bose 0
Phiroz Shah M

Goodwill publ. house

DR001 Dictionary of 978-81-7245-
## James, B. B-3, Rattan Jyoti 18,
346 Quotations 016-8

DR001 Orwell, OM Books 978-93-

## Animal Farm
347 George International 80070-52-0

Investment Jaico Pub A-2, Jash
DR001 Sincere, 978-81-7992-
## Lessons for the Chamber 7-A, Sir
348 Michael 828-8
Wizards of Wall Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 The 5 Love Gary, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
349 Languages Chapman 956-8
Phiroz Shah M

DR001 Public Relations Vilanilam, J. Sage Publications 978-81-321-

350 in India V. India pvt Ltd, 0629-6

DR001 Kohli, Sage Publications 978-81-321-

## ASIA 2050
351 Harinder S. India pvt Ltd, 0756-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Human Mishra, Sage Publications 978-81-321-
352 Bondage Lakshmidhar India pvt Ltd, 0560-2

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Financial 978-0-07-
## Khan, M. Y. Education Private
353 Management 106785-0

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Modern Mukherjee, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
354 Accountancy Amitabha 163017-4

Oxford University
DR001 Subramanian, 978-0-19-
## India's Turn Press, YMCA Bldg,
355 Arvind 806406-6
Jai Singh Road

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Test of 978-0-07-
## Thorpe, Edgar Publication Company
356 Reasoning 062031-5

Quantitative Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 978-0-07-
## Aptitude for Sulava Education Private
357 070636-1
MBA Limited

pustak Mahal J-
DR001 Yoga for Health Xavier, 81-223-0892-
## 3/16, Daryaganj,
358 & Personality Francis G. 9
New Delhi 110 00
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
S. Chand & Company
DR001 Objective Aggarwal, R. 81-219-1531-
## Ltd., 7361, Ram
359 General English S. 7
Nagar, New Delh

A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,
DR001 81-7473-270-
## Management Jain, N. C. Krishna Nagar, Delhi
360 5
- 110 05

Oxford & IBH

DR001 Society and 81-204-1659-
## Naik, S. C. Publishing Co. Pvt.
361 Environment 7
Ltd., 113-B, Shah

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Glimpses of 81-7224-156-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
362 World Religions 9
Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Abraham Ostergard, 978-81-8495-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
363 Lincoln Philip L. 042-7
Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Maximum Minchinton, 81-7224-587-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
364 Confidence Jerry 4
Phiroz Shah M

A.I.T.B.S. Publ.&
DR001 Dictionary of Jain, Navin 978-81-7473-
## Distributors J-5/6,
365 Business Chand 397-9
Krishan Naga
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
How to Make Jaico Pub A-2, Jash
DR001 81-7224-925-
## Winning Timm, Paul R. Chamber 7-A, Sir
366 X
Presentations Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Interview 978-81-8495-
## Roderick, Ceri Chamber 7-A, Sir
367 Answers 250-6
Phiroz Shah M

A.I.T.B.S. Publ.&
DR001 The English 81-7473-336-
## Wrenn, C. L. Distributors J-5/6,
368 Language 1
Krishan Naga

The Leader Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Sharma, 978-81-8495-
## Who Had No Chamber 7-A, Sir
369 Robin 119-6
Title Phiroz Shah M

A Manual of A.I.T.B.S. Publishers

DR001 Srivastav, 978-81-7473-
## Professional India, J-5/6, Krushna
370 Hariom 439-6
Communication Nagar,

DR001 Orwell, 978-81-

## Animal Farm Maple Press
371 George 906370-0-8

My Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 978-81-7992-
## Experiments Gandhi, M. K. Chamber 7-A, Sir
372 819-6
with Truth Phiroz Shah M
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Jaico Pub A-2, Jash
DR001 Farewell My Tagore, 978-81-8495-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
373 Friend Rabindranath 164-6
Phiroz Shah M

Raising Positive Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 978-81-8495-
## Kids in a Zig, Ziglar Chamber 7-A, Sir
374 060-1
Negative World Phiroz Shah M

Pengain Books India

DR001 The God of Roy, 978-0-143-
## Pvt. Ltd. 11
375 Small Things Arundhati 02657-4
Panchshila Commer

The Mind of Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 81-7224-212-
## Swami Sen, Gautam Chamber 7-A, Sir
376 3
Vivekananda Phiroz Shah M

The Complete
Jaico Pub A-2, Jash
DR001 Long Stories of Doyle, Arthur 81-7224-053-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
377 Sherlock Conan 8
Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 The Heart of Chaudhuri, 81-7224-038-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
378 India Nirad C. 4
Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Timpe, Dale 81-7224-863-
## Creativity Chamber 7-A, Sir
379 A. 6
Phiroz Shah M
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
The Great
Jaico Pub A-2, Jash
DR001 Speeches of Harrison, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
380 BARACK Maureen 988-9
Phiroz Shah M

The Right Way Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 81-7224-464-
## to Improve Metcalfe, J. E. Chamber 7-A, Sir
381 9
Your English Phiroz Shah M

DR001 Society and 978-93-

## Jha, Vinita Kunal Books
382 Women 80752-24-2

Paradise Publishers,
DR001 Services Jani, Rakesh 978-93-
## A-436A,Satiaj Path,
383 Marketing R. 80033-21-1
Tara Naga

Empowerment New Century publ.
DR001 Raheem, 978-91-7708-
## through Self- 4800/24, Bharat
384 Abdul 287-6
help Group Ram Rd, Ansari R

DR001 Women and

## Sinha, P.C. Prism Book.
385 Psychology

DR001 978-93-
## Child Labor Gupta, M. S. Madhav Books
386 80615-04-2
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Begum, Sarup Book 978-81-7625-
## Rural Sociology
387 Ansiya S. Publishers Pvt., Ltd., 720-6

DR001 Indian Culture 978-93-

## Kant, Kamal Aadi Publications
388 and Society 80902-43-2

Foundations of Ane Books Pvt.Ltd

DR001 978-93-8061-
## Managerial Ghosh, B. N. 4821 Parwana
389 819-7
Economics Bhawan 24

Ane Books Pvt.Ltd

DR001 Managerial 978-93-8015-
## Beg, M. A. 4821 Parwana
390 Economics 692-7
Bhawan 24

Globale Vision
DR001 Research Madan, 978-81-8220-
## Publishing House 20
391 Methodology Pankaj 309-9
Ansari Road, Da

DR001 Sage Publications 978-81-321-
## Macroeconomic Marjit, Sugata
392 India pvt Ltd, 0652-4-(P
s Annual 2010

Introduction to Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Butler, 978-81-8495-
## Organisational Chamber 7-A, Sir
393 Michael 279-7
Behaviour Phiroz Shah M
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Developments Chaturvedi,
## Prism Book.
394 in Accounting M.

DR001 Developments Chaturvedi,

## Prism Book.
395 in Accounting M.

DR001 978-81-
## Marketing and Bhosle, B. S. Sagar Publication,
396 921496-0-8

Banking New Century

DR001 Developments Publlications, 81-7708-113-
## Bhasin, Niti
397 in India (1947 4800/24, Bharat 6
to 2007) Ram Roa

New Century
New Century's Research
DR001 Publlications, 978-81-7708-
## Dictionary of Wing of
398 4800/24, Bharat 162-6
Economics N.C.P.
Ram Roa

DR001 s Reforms, Bhattacharya, 978-0-19-
## Oxford University
399 Growth and B. B. 568419-3 /

Understanding Oxford University

DR001 Henry, 978-0-19-
## Strategic press Great
400 Anthony E. 964697-5
Management clarendon street, ox
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Strategic 978-81-8054-
## Prasad, L. M. S.Chand & Sons
401 Management 671-6

Wisdom Publications,
DR001 Strategic C-14, 81-89547-32-
## Hoti, B. S.
402 Management D.S.I.D.C.Work 1

Quantitative Cengage learning

DR001 Team MBA 978-81-315-
## Aptitude for India Pvt.Ltd., Alps
403 Guru 1447-4
CAT Build, 1st F

Indian Human Oxford University
DR001 Commission 978-0-19-
## Development press YMCA Library
404 Government 807758-9
Report 2011 bld., Jai Sin
of India

Wisdom Publications,
Principles and
DR001 Varshney, J. C-14, 978-81-
## Practice of Cost
405 C. D.S.I.D.C.Work 89547-57-8

Wisdom Publications,
DR001 Product C-14, 81-902068-6-
## Gupta, S. L.
406 Management D.S.I.D.C.Work 9

The New
DR001 Cambridge Ramusack, 978-0-521-
## University press, The
407 History of India Barbara N. 67047-0
Edinburgh Building
III - 6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Accountancy: EssEntial Book
DR001 Sanwaria, F. 81-8334-019-
## Theory and 4264/3 IInd Floor,
408 S. 9
Practice Ansari Road.

DR001 Development in Chaturvedi,

## Prism Book.
409 Accounting M.

DR001 Development in Chaturvedi,

## Prism Book.
410 Accounting M.

John Wiley & Sons,

DR001 The Wellness Pilzer, Paul 978-0-470-
## Inc., Hoboken, New
411 Revolution Zane 10616-1

Ane Books Pvt.Ltd
DR001 Corporate 978-81-8052-
## Molyneux, Phil 4821 Parwana
412 Strategy and 284-0
Bhawan 24

Ane Books Pvt.Ltd

DR001 978-93-8015-
## Cooperation Hajela, T. N. 4821 Parwana
413 672-9
Bhawan 24

Ane Books Pvt.Ltd

DR001 Corporate 978-81-8052-
## Gupta, Nirmal 4821 Parwana
414 Accounting 203-1
Bhawan 24
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Fundamentals Ane Books Pvt.Ltd
DR001 Ahmed, 978-93-8061-
## of Corporate 4821 Parwana
415 Naseem 840-1
Accounting Bhawan 24

Organisational Ane Books Pvt.Ltd

DR001 978-81-8052-
## Theory and Moshal, B. S. 4821 Parwana
416 219-2
Behaviour Bhawan 24

Ane Books Pvt.Ltd

DR001 Green 978-93-8061-
## Karpagam, M. 4821 Parwana
417 Management 814-2
Bhawan 24

Fundamentals Ane Books Pvt.Ltd

DR001 Ahmed, 978-81-8052-
## of Financial 4821 Parwana
418 Naseem 229-1
Accounting Bhawan 24

Ane Books Pvt.Ltd
DR001 Commodity 978-93-8116-
## Kaul, Sanjay 4821 Parwana
419 Year Book 225-2
Bhawan 24

Income - Tax
DR001 Shri Kuber Publishing 978-81-8462-
## Ready Mehta, V. G.
420 House, 039-9

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 The Hidden Rosen, Steven 978-81-8495-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
421 Glory India J. 276-6
Phiroz Shah M
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
80 Questions Jaico Pub A-2, Jash
DR001 Baig, Murad 978-81-8495-
## to Understand Chamber 7-A, Sir
422 Ali 285-8
INDIA Phiroz Shah M

New Century
DR001 Environmental Jayamani, C. Publications 978-81-7708-
423 Management V. 4800/24, Bharat 298-2
Ram Road,

New Century
DR001 Publications 978-81-7708-
## Democracy and Biju, M. R.
424 4800/24, Bharat 305-7
Gender Justice
Ram Road,

New Century
Human Factor
DR001 Adjibolosoo, Publications 978-81-7708-
## in Free Market
425 Senyo 4800/24, Bharat 290-6
Ram Road,

New Century
DR001 Research Raiyani, Publications 978-81-7708-
426 Methodology Jagadish R. 4800/24, Bharat 294-4
Ram Road,

Oxford University
DR001 Strategic 978-0-19-
## West, Douglas press Great
427 Marketing 964260-1
clarendon street, ox

Resource Enkay Publishing
DR001 Sahoo, 978-93-
## Management in House , 209,Hari
428 Deepak K. 80995-39-7
the New Global Sadan,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Enkay Publishing
DR001 International Kumar, 978-93-
## House , 209,Hari
429 Marketing Ashutosh 80995-41-0

DR001 Thomas' Thomas, Dorlining Kindersley 978-81-317-

430 CALCULUS George B. Ltd., 1867-4

New Century
DR001 Federal Finance Publications 978-81-7708-
## Aziz, Ghazala
431 in India 4800/24, Bharat 301-9
Ram Road,

DR001 International Sundaram, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
432 Business Anant K. Connaught Circus 1141-1

DR001 International Roy, Cengage Learning 978-81-315-

433 Business Trithankar India pvt. Ltd., 0427-7

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 International Avadhani, V. 978-93-5024-
## House Randoot, Dr.
434 Finance A. 765-5
Bhalerao Ma

The Reserve
DR001 Bank of India
## R.B.I. Current Publication
435 ACT 1934 (for
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

malyala manorma
DR001 Manorama Year Mathew,
## press kettyan
436 Book 2012 Mammen

DR001 Dalit Personal Orient Blackswan 978-81-250-

## Kumar, Raj
437 Narratives private limited, 4250-1

History of
DR001 Subramanian, Orient Blackswan 978-81-250-
## INDIA 1707 -
438 Lakshmi private limited, 4093-4

Dalit Assertion
DR001 in Society, Ahmad, Orient Blackswan 978-81-250-
439 Literature and Imtiaz private limited, 4054-5

DR001 Political Shaban, Orient Blackswan 978-81-250-
440 Economy of Abdul private limited, 3914-3
Crime & Space

DR001 Joshi, Orient Blackswan 978-81-250-
## and Cultural
441 Vandana private limited, 4058-3
Currents 1789
- 1945

Women and
DR001 81-7824-327-
## Social Reform Sarkar, Sumit Permanent Black
442 X
in Modern India
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
a Reader

Women and
DR001 Social Reform 81-7824-327-
## Sarkar, Sumit Permanent Black
443 in Modern India X
a Reader

DR001 Chandrashekh Cyber Tech 978-81-7884-

## Social Work
444 ar, J. Publication 914-0

Managing Dairy Serials Publ.

DR001 978-81-8387-
## Co-operatives Koli, P. A. 4830/24, Ansari Rd,
445 365-9
in India Darya Ganj,

Recent Issues
Singh, Serials Publ.
DR001 Concerning 978-81-8387-
## Subhash 4830/24, Ansari Rd,
446 Violence 472-4
Chandra Darya Ganj,
against Women

DR001 A Handbook of Ogburn, Sarup Book 978-81-7625-

447 Sociology William F. Publishers Pvt., Ltd., 713-8

Rethinking Jnanada Prakahshan,

DR001 978-81-7139-
## Tribal Culture & Ao, Imotemsu 4837, Prahlad
448 477-7
Development Street, 24, Ans

DR001 Foreign Direct Mir, Mohmed 978-93-

## Abhijeet Publication
449 Investment Amin 81136-09-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Internet 987-93-

## Uppal, R. K. Kunal Books
450 Banking 80752-22-8

How to
DR001 978-81-8192-
## Self-Confidence Rani, Prabha Subline Publications
451 198-7
and Influence

DR001 Development Singh, Nilesh 978-93-
## Kunal Books
452 and Third K. 80752-56-3

DR001 Developments Singh, Nilesh 978-93-
## Kunal Books
453 and Human K. 80752-55-6

Handbook of Enkay Publishing

DR001 Joshi, Vinod 978-93-
## Mass House , 209,Hari
454 Kumar 80995-37-3
Communication Sadan,

DR001 Abortion in 978-93-

## Sarkar, Deepa Yking Books
455 India 80930-58-9

DR001 Kuruvilla, Gyan Publication 978-81-212-
## against Girl
456 Moly House. 1132-1
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

EssEntial Book
DR001 Waste Vasisth, 81-8334-050-
## 4264/3 IInd Floor,
457 Management Kamal 4
Ansari Road.

DR001 Gender Vani, 978-93-

## Wisdom Press
458 Violence Prabhakar 81052-39-6

DR001 Social Vani, 978-93-

## Wisdom Press
459 Problems Prabhakar 81052-40-2

DR001 International 970-0-415-

## Onkvisit, Sak Routledge
460 Marketing 77261-7

India Oxford University
DR001 Development 978-0-19-
## Infrastructure Press, YMCA Bldg,
461 Finance 807885-2
Report 2011 Jai Singh Road

The New
Oxford Oxford University
DR001 978-0-19-
## Companions to Basu, Kaushik Press YMCA library
462 807855-5
Economics in build, Jai Si
India (A - H)

The New
Oxford University
DR001 Oxford 978-0-19-
## Basu, Kaushik Press YMCA library
463 Companion to 807855-5
build, Jai Si
Economic in
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
India (I - Z)

Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Management 978-0-07-
## Kazmi, Azhar Education Private
464 and Business 026362-8

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Etzel, Michael 978-0-07-
## Marketing Education Private
465 J. 015156-7

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Marketing 978-0-07-
## Saxena, Rajan Education Private
466 Management 014491-0

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Strategic Pearce, John 978-0-07-
## Education Private
467 Management A. 026438-0

Managing Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Cascio, 978-0-07-
## Human Education Private
468 Wayne F. 070073-4
Resources Limited

Crafting and Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Thompson, 978-0-07-
## Executing Education Private
469 Arthur A. 014672-3
Strategy Limited

Concept in
Pearson, 11
DR001 Strategic Wheelen, 978-91-317-
## Community Centre,
470 Management Thomas L. 2971-7
Panchsheel Park
and Business
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

PHI Learning Private

DR001 Strategic 978-81-203-
## David, Fred R. Ltd., M-97,
471 Management 4338-2
Coonaught Circus

An Integrated
DR001 Approach to Hill, Charles Cengage Learning 978-81-3150-
472 Strategic W. L. India pvt. Ltd., 3958-6

DR001 Ramaswamy, Macmillan Publishers 978-0333-
## Formulation of
473 V. S. India Ltd 93245-2

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Marketing Walker, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
474 Strategy Orville C. 061143-6

Pearson, 11
DR001 Marketing Winer, Russell 978-81-317-
## Community Centre,
475 Management S. 1526-0
Panchsheel Park

Strategic Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Chaudhary, 978-81-265-
## Market 4435/7 Ansari Road,
476 Sanjay 1604-9
Management Daryagan
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
A Framework Pearson, 11
DR001 978-81-317-
## for Marketing Kotler, Philip Community Centre,
477 5937-0
Management Panchsheel Park

Oxford University
DR001 Quality Bedi, 978-0-19-
## Press, YMCA Bldg,
478 Management Kanishka 567795-9
Jai Singh Road

DR001 Taxman's 978-81-7194-
## Taxmann publications pvt. Ltd.
479 Companies Act 742-3
59/32, New Rohtak R

Oxford University
DR001 Discrete Biggs, 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
480 Mathematics Norman L. 5667-52-3
bld., Jai Sin

Oxford University
DR001 Discrete Biggs, 978-0-19-
## Press, YMCA Bldg,
481 Mathematics Norman L. 5667-52-3
Jai Singh Road

DR001 Jones and Barden 978-93-

## Linear Algebra Cheney, Ward
482 India Pvt., Ltd, 08108-26-1

DR001 Kerin, Roger 978-81-317-
## Marketing Pearson Education
483 A. 5531-0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Designing &
Managing Oxford and IBH
DR001 81-204-1610-
## Human Pareek, Udai Publishing Co. Pvt
484 4
Resource Ltd. S-155 Panch

Dynamic Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Rudrabasavar 978-93-5024-
## Personnel House Randoot, Dr.
485 aj, M. N. 717-4
Administration Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Personnel Mamoria, C. 978-93-5024-
## House Randoot, Dr.
486 Management B. 451-7
Bhalerao Ma

International Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Srivastava, R. 978-93-5024-
## Strategic House Randoot, Dr.
487 M. 715-0
Management Bhalerao Ma

Readings in
Oxford & IBH
DR001 Human 978-81-204-
## Rao, T. V. Publishing Co. Pvt.
488 Resource 0585-1
Ltd., 113-B, Shah

## Gajal 2000 Badra, Bashir Vani Prakashan

Birds of the
DR001 Manakadam, Bombay Natural
## Indian 019-807723-8
490 Ranjit History Society
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Oxford University
DR001 Gender and Pal, 978-0-19-
## Press, YMCA Bldg,
491 Discrimination Manoranjan 807664-3
Jai Singh Road

The Battle of Oxford University

DR001 Khera, 978-0-19-
## Employment Press YMCA library
492 Reetika 087062-7
Guarantee build, Jai Si

India in the Oxford University

DR001 Mukherjee, 13: 978-0-19-
## Shadows of press YMCA Library
493 Mithi 087943-
Empire bld., Jai Sin

Response books A
DR001 Remaking 10: 0-7619-
## Maira, Arun division of sage publ.
494 INDIA 3273-9 (H
India pvt.

Enkay Publishing
DR001 Ethics in Media 978-93-80-
## Dixit, Manoj House , 209,Hari
495 and Journalism 995-36-6

Collected Plays Oxford University

DR001 Elkunchwar, 978-0-1-
## of Mahesh Press, YMCA Bldg,
496 Mahesh 806992-8
Elkunchwar Jai Singh Road

Winning Viva Books Ltd.,

DR001 Nippani, 978-81-309-
## without 4737/23, Ansari
497 Kalyan Sagar 1267-7
Running Road, Daryaganj,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Oxford University
DR001 Language and 978-019-
## Sarangi, Asha press YMCA Library
498 Politics in India 8064-22-0
bld., Jai Sin

Towards Oxford University

DR001 Krishnamurty, 978-0-19-
## Development Press, YMCA Bldg,
499 J. 807829-6
Economics Jai Singh Road

The Economic Oxford University

DR001 Roy, 978-0-19-
## History of India Press, YMCA Bldg,
500 Trithankar 807417-5
(1857 - 1947) Jai Singh Road

Oxford University
DR001 Water Law in Cullet, 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
501 India Philippe 807081-8
bld., Jai Sin

Collins Easy Harpar Collins Pub

DR001 978-0-00-
## Learning Hand, Penny India Ltd. 7/16
502 743234-9
English Library Ansari Road, Ne

1001 Science
DR001 Coenraads, Reader's Digest 978-1-
## Questions
503 Robert (Australia)Ply Ltd., 921344-52-7

DR001 Ultimate Book Tall Tree Ltd., 978-1-4454--

## Farndon, John
504 of Knowledge London 6268-4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Leading Issues Oxford University
DR001 Meier, Gerald 978-0-195-
## in Economic press YMCA Library
505 M. 6808-12
Development bld., Jai Sin

DR001 Management Kumar, Ravi 978-81-9044-

## Picador
506 Accounting V. K. 549-8

Sai Jyoti Publication ,

DR001 Consumer Ninawe, 978-81-
## Tinnal Chowk ,
507 Behaviour Arundhati S. 920041-0-5

DR001 Imagining Nilekani, Penguin Group 978-1-59420-

508 India Nandan (USA)Inc., 375 204-9

DR001 Infrastructure 978-0-415-
## Ramesh, G Routledge
509 and 59621-3

DR001 Mathur, Hari 978-0-415-
## Displaced Routledge
510 Mohan 58621-4

DR001 Re-Imagining Orient Blackswan 978-81-250-

## Nandy, Ashis
511 India private limited, 4196-2
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Research Maxford Books
DR001 Kesarwani, 978-81-8116-
## Methodology in 4264/3,IInd Floor,
512 Sulekha 171-0
Sociology Ansari Road,

Research Maxford Books

DR001 Singh, 978-81-8116-
## Methodology in 4264/3,IInd Floor,
513 Tejmani N. 165-9
Economics Ansari Road,

DR001 Resource Marchington, 978-81-9044-
## Picador
514 Management at Mick 5429

Sales Tax
DR001 Vasanthagopa 978-93-
## Reforms in Abhijeet Publication
515 l, R. 81136-40-9

Dominant publ. and

DR001 Wastewater Pandey, 81-7888-612-
## Distributors 4378/4
516 Management Mahendra X
B, Murarila

Jnanada Prakahshan,
DR001 Management Singh, Samir 978-81-7139-
## 4837, Prahlad
517 and Kumar 295-7
Street, 24, Ans

Authorspress E-
DR001 Indian Regional Ravindranath, 978-81-7273-
## 35/103, Jawahar
518 Journalism P.k. 1987
Park, Laxmi Nagar,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Jagatik Kardekar, 978-81-8483-
## Diomond Publication
519 Vaidnyanikkosh Shashikank 081-1

## Shyamchi Aai Pandurang Ajab Publication

Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR001 Financial Kishore, Ravi 978-81-7194-
## 59/32 New Rohtak
521 Management M. 52-07
Raod, New Delhi

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Modern Mukherjee, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
522 Accountancy Amitabha 049966-9

Vikas Publ. House

DR001 Vocabulary at Sreevalsan, 978-81-2591-
## pvt. Ltd. A-22,
523 your Fingertips M.C. 90-56
Sector 4, Noida

Vikas Publ. House

DR001 Kumar, 978-81-2592-
## Right to Know pvt. Ltd. A-22,
524 Prakash 79-21
Sector 4, Noida

DR001 Bhattacharya, Vikas Publ. House 978-81-259-

525 Gautam Pvt. Ltd. 4585-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 The Great Chaudhari, Vikas Publ. House 978-81-259-
526 Indian Dream Malay Pvt. Ltd. 3312-0

How to Unblock
DR001 Fraleigh, John Vikas Publ. House 978-93-259-
## Everything on
527 B. Pvt. Ltd. 5661-2
the Internet

Count Your
DR001 Chickens Chaudhuri, Vikas Publ. House 81-259-1073-
528 Before They Aridam Pvt. Ltd. 5

DR001 Lapierre, Vikas Publ. House 978-81-25-

## O Jerusalem !
529 Dominique Pvt. Ltd. 9259-27

DR001 Freedom of Lapierre, Vikas Publ. House 978-81-259-

530 Midnight Dominique Pvt. Ltd. 3186-7

In The
DR001 Wonderland of Rangnekar, Vikas Publ. House 978-81-259-
531 Indian Sharu Pvt. Ltd. 4280-3

In The World of
DR001 Rangnekar, Vikas Publ. House 978-81-259-
## Corporate
532 Sharu Pvt. Ltd. 4281-0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Research Chawla, Vikas Publ. House 978-81-259-
533 Methodology Deepak Pvt. Ltd. 5205-3

DR001 Guinness World Glenday, Guinness World 978-1-

534 Records 2012 Craig Records Limited 904994-68-8

A Modern
Deshpande, Oxford University
DR001 English - 0-19-561140-
## Ganesh press YMCA Library
535 Gujarati 3
Pandurang bld., Jai Sin

DR001 Word Power Lewis, Goyal Publisher & 81-8330-

536 Made Easy Norman Distribution Pvt. Ltd. 7100-7

DR001 Murphy, University press, 978-81-8561-
## English
537 Raymond India pvt.ltd., 851-7

DR001 Hewings, University press, 978-81-7596-
## English
538 Martin India pvt.ltd., 067-1

Introduction to Pearson Educaiton,

DR001 Rowe, Glenn 978-81-317-
## Financial Singapore H.O. 482,
539 W. 1665-6
Accounting FIE, Pratap
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Financial Mukherjee 978-0-07-
## Publication Company
540 Accounting Amitabha 058155-5

Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR001 Direct taxes 978-81-7194-
## Singh, R. K. 59/32 New Rohtak
541 law & practice 972-4
Raod, New Delhi

DR001 New Lifestyle Editorial Safelisz, 978-84-7208-
## Roger, George
542 to Enjoy it! S.L. 130-7

New Lifestyle
DR001 Melgosa, Editorial Safelisz, 97884-7208-
## to Adolescents
543 Julian S.L. 135-2
and Parents

DR001 New Lifestyle Melgosa, Editorial Safelisz, 978-84-7208-

544 to Less Stress Julian S.L. 131-4

DR001 New Lifestyle Marca, Lidia Editorial Safelisz, 978-84-7208-

545 to Feeling Good La S.L. 170-3

DR001 Melgosa, Editorial Safelisz, 978-84-7208-

## Positive Mind
546 Julian S.L. 176-5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Cell and MJP 47, Nallathambi
DR001 Lohar, 81-8094-027-
## Molecular Street , Triplicane,
547 Prakash 6
Biology Chennai

In the Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR001 Shanbhag, 978-93-5071-
## Wonderland of 59/32 New Rohtak
548 A.N. 03-88
Investment Raod, New Delhi

Kogan Page India

DR001 Armstrong's Armstrong, 978-0-7494-
## PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
549 Handbook Michael 6550-6
Ansari Road, D

Essentials of PHI Learning Private

DR001 978-81-203-
## Strategic Hunger, J. D. Limited M-
550 3234-8
Management 97,Comaught Circus

Central Excise Taxmann Allied

DR001 978-81-8478-
## (Law and Datey, V. S. Services (P) Ltd.,
551 1885
Practice) 59/32, New Rohta

DR001 Sarup Book 978-81-7625-

## Mobile Banking Uppal, R. K.
552 Publishers Pvt., Ltd., 79-24

DR001 International 978-93-

## Mishra, M.K. Ritu Publication
553 relations 81422-19-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Spiegel, 978-0-07-
## Statistics Education Private
554 Marray R. 015153-6

DR001 Operations 978-81-8054-

## Kapoor, V. K. S.Chand & Sons
555 Research 668-6

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Spiegel, 978-0-07-
## Statistics Education Private
556 Marray R. 015153-6

DR001 Operations 978-81-8054-

## Kapoor, V. K. S.Chand & Sons
557 Research 668-6

Oxford University
DR001 Lipsey, 978-01-1996-
## Economics press Great
558 Richard G. 425-95
clarendon street, ox

Oxford University
DR001 Principles of Salvatore, 978-0-19-
## Press YMCA library
559 Microeconomics Dominick 806230-1
build, Jai Si

DR001 Mankiw, Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
## Principles and
560 Gregory N. India pvt. Ltd., 0577-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Mankiw, Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
## Principles and
561 Gregory N. India pvt. Ltd., 0577-9

Effective Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Rizvi, Ashraf. 978-0-07-
## Technical Education Private
562 M. 059952-9
Communication Limited

Effective Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Rizvi, Ashraf. 978-0-07-
## Technical Education Private
563 M. 059952-9
Communication Limited

Oxford & IBH

DR001 Methods of Goldberg,
## Publishing Co. Pvt.
564 Real Analysis Richard R.
Ltd., 113-B, Shah

Oxford & IBH

DR001 Methods of Goldberg,
## Publishing Co. Pvt.
565 Real Analysis Richard R.
Ltd., 113-B, Shah

Wiley Indian Pvt.

DR001 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## Ltd.,, 4435/7, Ansari
566 Real Analysis G. 1109-9
Road, Dary

Wiley Indian Pvt.

DR001 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## Ltd.,, 4435/7, Ansari
567 Real Analysis G. 1109-9
Road, Dary
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Vikas Publishing
DR001 978-81-259-
## Modern Algebra Singh, Surjeet House Pvt. Ltd., E-
568 1540-9
28, Sector - 8

Narosa Publishing
DR001 Topology of Kumaresan, 978-81-8487-
## House Pvt. Ltd. 22
569 Metric Spaces S. 058-9
Daryaganj, De

Narosa Publishing
DR001 Topology of Kumaresan, 978-81-8487-
## House Pvt. Ltd. 22
570 Metric Spaces S. 058-9
Daryaganj, De

New Age
DR001 University Gopalakrishna International (P) 0-85226-338-
571 Algebra n, N. S. Ltd., Publishers 4

New Age
DR001 University Gopalakrishna International (P) 0-85226-338-
572 Algebra n, N. S. Ltd., Publishers 4

A First Course
DR001 Fraleigh, John Dorling Kindersley 978-81-7758-
## in Abstract
573 B. India Pvt. Ltd., 900-9

A First Course
DR001 Fraleigh, John Dorling Kindersley 978-81-7758-
## in Abstract
574 B. India Pvt. Ltd., 900-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Equations with Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Simmon, 978-0-07-
## Applications Education Private
575 George F. 053071-3
and Historical Limited

Equations with Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Simmon, 978-0-07-
## Applications Education Private
576 George F. 053071-3
and Historical Limited

Advanced S. Chand & Company

DR001 81-219-0260-
## Economic Ahuja, H. L. Ltd., 7361, Ram
577 6
Theory Nagar, New Delh

S. Chand & Company

DR001 Business 978-81-8054-
## Sancheti, D.C. Ltd., 736, Ram
578 Mathematics 538-2

DR001 Intermediate Affiliated East-West 978-81-7671-

## Varian, Hal R.
579 Microeconomics Press Pvt Ltd. 065-7

Oxford University
DR001 Managerial Damodaran, 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
580 Economics Suma 806111-3
bld., Jai Sin

Oxford University
DR001 Managerial Damodaran, 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
581 Economics Suma 806111-3
bld., Jai Sin
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Micro Economic Jha, 978-81-8281-

582 Theory Kameshwar 169-0

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Business Lesikar, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
583 Communication Raymond V. 04680-8

Everest Pub House,

DR001 Communication Ghanekar, 81-86314-50-
## Everest Lane, 536,
584 Skill Anjali 4
Shaniwar Pet

Everest Pub House,

DR001 Communication Ghanekar, 81-86314-50-
## Everest Lane, 536,
585 Skill Anjali 4
Shaniwar Pet

Effective Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Murphy, Herta 978-0-07-
## Business Education Private
586 A. 01775-7
Communication Limited

DR001 Theory and Baumol, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
587 Operations Willim J. Connaught Circus 0141-2

DR001 Bovee, Dorlining Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Communication
588 Courtland L. Ltd., 5799-4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Student's Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR001 Singhania, 978-93-5071-
## Guide to 59/32 New Rohtak
589 Vinod K 048-7
Income Tax Raod, New Delhi

DR001 PIndyck, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Microeconomics
590 Robert S. India Pvt. Ltd., 2599-3

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Organisational Aswathappa, 978-93-5051-
## House Randoot, Dr.
591 Behaviour K. 588-4
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Organisational Aswathappa, 978-93-5051-
## House Randoot, Dr.
592 Behaviour K. 588-4
Bhalerao Ma

DR001 Modern Koutsoyiannis MACMILAN PRESS 978-0-333-

593 Microeconomics , A. LTD 77821-0

DR001 Modern Koutsoyiannis MACMILAN PRESS 978-0-333-

594 Microeconomics , A. LTD 77821-0

Effective Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Rizvi, Ashraf. 978-0-07-
## Technical Education Private
595 M. 059952-9
Communication Limited
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Effective Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Rizvi, Ashraf. 978-0-07-
## Technical Education Private
596 M. 059952-9
Communication Limited

Wiley Indian Pvt.

DR001 International 978-81-265-
## Sander, Peter Ltd.,, 4435/7, Ansari
597 Economics 1413-7
Road, Dary

DR001 978-93-5071-
## Indirect Taxes Datey, V. S. publications pvt. Ltd.
598 060
59/32, New Rohtak R

DR001 Chatterji, 978-0-19-
## Social Oxford University
599 Madhumita 806983-6

DR001 123-45-
## History of India Trotter, L.J. Prism Book.
600 67890-12-3

DR001 123-45-
## History of India Trotter, L.J. Prism Book.
601 67890-12-3

Savera Publishing
DR001 Business 978-81-
## Kanti, Tushar House 4754/23,
602 Communication 921345-0-5
Ansari Road Dary
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Wisdom Publications,
DR001 Organisational Kumar, C-14, 978-93-
603 Behaviour Pradeep D.S.I.D.C.Work 81505-09-0

Handbook of
DR001 81-7929-178-
## Customer Hill, N Infinity Books
604 2

Human I.K.International
DR001 978-93-
## Resource Kumar, Raj Publishing House
605 80578-82-8
Management Pvt. Ltd.

Pengain Books India

DR001 Business 978-0-143-
## Piramal, Gita Pvt. Ltd. 11
606 Maharajas 41583-1
Panchshila Commer

DR001 Business Pengun Books India 978-0-140-

## Piramal, Gita
607 Legends PVT.LTD 27187-4

Oxford & IBH

DR001 Cross-Cultural Madhavan, 0-19-806629-
## Publishing Co. Pvt.
608 Management Shobhana 5
Ltd., 113-B, Shah

New Century
DR001 Publications 978-81-7708-
## Foreign Trade Mathur, Vibha
609 4800/24, Bharat 311-8
Ram Road,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Public Service Agarwal,
## Prakashan,K-186 / A
610 Commission) Chandresh
Scheme No.71.

Adivasis and
the Raj (Socio-
DR001 economic Gupta, Orient Blackswan 978-81-250-
611 Transition of Sunanda Das private limited, 4198-6
the Hos, 1820-

Excel Books A 45
DR001 978-81-7446-
## Management Prasad, lallan Naraina Phase, New
612 946-5
Delhi - 110 02

Harper collins publ.,

DR001 Kurien, 978-93-5029-
## Amul's India 1A, Hamilton house,
613 Verghese 149-8

A Course in
DR001 Orient Blackswan 978-81-250-
## Academic Gupta, Renu
614 private limited, 4009-5

The Pearson Pearson Edu 7th

DR001 978-81-317-
## CSAT Manual Thorpe, Edgar Floor Knowledge
615 6734-4
2012 Boulevard A-8 (A)
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
How to Prepare
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 for Logical 978-1-25-
## Sharma, Arun Education Private
616 Reasoning for 900386-8
the CAT

DR001 The Business Wetherly, Oxford University 978-0-19-

617 Environment Paul Press 957960-0

New Century publ.

DR001 Advertising and Pongiannan, 978-81-7708-
## 4800/24, Bharat
618 Brand Building K. 15-6
Ram Rd, Ansari R

New Century publ.

DR001 Pongiannan, 9789-81-
## Marketing 4800/24, Bharat
619 K. 7708-323-1
Ram Rd, Ansari R

Group (SHGs) New Century publ.
DR001 Pangannavar, 978-81-7708-
## and Women 4800/24, Bharat
620 Arjun Y 325-5
Empowerment Ram Rd, Ansari R
in India

Kogan Page India

DR001 978-0-7494-
## Walmart Robert, Bryan PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
621 6273-4
Ansari Road, D

Oxford University
DR001 Strategic Chandrasekar 978-0-19-
## Press VMLA Library
622 Management an, N. 807079-5
Building, Jai
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Top Psychology Cantore, 978-0-7494-
623 Models Stefan 6465-3

Variety Books
DR001 Marketing 978-93-
## Mishra, Pavan Publishers
624 Management 81156-02-5

DR001 Successful Levine, 81-7929-114-

## Infinity Books
625 Public Relations Michael 6

DR001 Entrepreneursh 0-19-807263-

## Lakshmi, V. Oxford University
626 ip 5

Introduction to
DR001 Human 978-0-19-
## Banfield, Paul Oxford University
627 Resource 951808-5

DR001 978-0-19-
## Development Mitra, Barun Oxford University
628 806621-7
and Soft Skill

Human Oxford University

DR001 Gilmore, 978-0-19-
## Resource press Great
629 Sarah 959919-6
Management clarendon street, ox
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Introduction to Palmer, Oxford University 978-0-19-
630 Marketing Adrian Press 957721-7

Oxford University
DR001 International Joshi, Rakesh 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
631 Business Mohan 568909-9
bld., Jai Sin

Arise Pub, 4648/1,
DR001 n and 978-93-
## Kar, P. K. 21, Ansari Road,
632 Environmental 80162-99-7
Daryaganj, New

DR001 81-7929-231-
## Currency Shoup, Gary Infinity Books
633 2

Oxford University
DR001 Retail 978-0-19-
## Bajaj, Chetan Press, YMCA Bldg,
634 Management 806115-1
Jai Singh Road

New Century publ.

DR001 Global Sambandhan, 978-81-7708-
## 4800/24, Bharat
635 Recession D. 322-4
Ram Rd, Ansari R

NewCentury Publ.,
DR001 Co-operatives Agrawal, 978-81-7708-
## 4800/24, Bharat
636 in India Babita 317-0
Ram Road, Ansari
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Rural Banking New Century publ.
DR001 978-81-7708-
## and Micro Ahmed, Rais 4800/24, Bharat
637 324-8
Finance in Ram Rd, Ansari R

Rural Women
Workers in New Century publ.
DR001 Agrawal, 978-81-7708-
## India's 4800/24, Bharat
638 Meenu 328-6
Unorganized Ram Rd, Ansari R

Agriculture and
Prasad, New Century publ.
DR001 Sustainable 978-81-7708-
## Chandra 4800/24, Bharat
639 Development in 308-8
Shekhar Ram Rd, Ansari R

NewCentury Publ.,
DR001 Development 978-81-7708-
## Mani, N. 4800/24, Bharat
640 and Financing 309-5
Ram Road, Ansari
in India

Development NewCentury Publ.,
DR001 Satyanarayan 978-81-7708-
## and Poverty 4800/24, Bharat
641 a, G. 307-1
Alleviation in Ram Road, Ansari

Women Status
NewCentury Publ.,
DR001 and Mishra, 978-81-7703-
## 4800/24, Bharat
642 Empowerment Shyam Kartik 313-2
Ram Road, Ansari
in India

Foreign Direct NewCentury Publ.,

DR001 978-81-7708-
## Investment Bhasin, Niti 4800/24, Bharat
643 312-5
(FDI) in India Ram Road, Ansari
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Advancement Ravi, Venkata 978-81-8457-

## Kanishka Publishers
644 of India R. 184-4

DR001 978-81-8457-
## Management Hooja, Rakesh Kanishka Publishers
645 152-3
and Public

DR001 Chandra, 81-7391-400-
## Governmental Kanishka Publishers
646 Snehlata 1

## Methods in Singh, S. P. Kanishka Publishers
Social Sciences

DR001 978-81-8457-
## Achievers in Husain, Ahrar Kanishka Publishers
648 207-0

Promotion and
DR001 Kumar, Ravi 978-81-8457-
## Protection of Kanishka Publishers
649 V. K. 284-1
Human Rights

DR001 Pathania, 81-7391-712-
## Distribution Kanishka Publishers
650 Kulwant Singh 4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Gowri, Hema 978-81-8457-
## Options for Kanishka Publishers
651 G. 223-0

DR001 Management 978-81-8457-
## Annamalai, V. Kanishka Publishers
652 and Village 302-2

DR001 Raksha, 978-81-8457-
## and Social Kanishka Publishers
653 Vishav 329-9

DR001 of Rural Agrawal, 978-81-8457-
## Kanishka Publishers
654 Women in Meenu 151-6

DR001 Social Media Mathur, 978-81-8457-

## Kanishka Publishers
655 and Networking Prashant K. 349-7

DR001 Exploited Rao, 978-81-7391-

## Kanishka Publishers
656 Children Koteswara M. 342-0

Against Women Cambridge
DR001 Edwards, 978-0-521-
## Under University press, The
657 Alice 76713-2
International Edinburgh Building
Human Rights
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

and Violence
DR001 Against Women Shalhoub, 978-0-521-
## University press, The
658 in Conflict Nadera 70879-1
Edinburgh Building
Zones in the
Middle East

Panchayati Raj
DR001 and 978-81-7391-
## Ram, Sunder Kanishka Publishers
659 Empowering 927-5

Plata Publishing
DR001 Rich Dad and Kiyosaki, 978-1-61268-
## LIC,4330 N. Civik
660 Poor Dad Robert T. 001-9
Center Plaza Su

DR001 Penguin Group 978-0-451-

## Made in Japan Morita, Akio
661 (USA)Inc., 375 15171-1

Pengain Books India

DR001 978-0-143-
## Dollar Bahu Murty, Sudha Pvt. Ltd. 11
662 10376-9
Panchshila Commer

Rupa Co-7/16,
DR001 It Happened in Biyani, Anersari Road, 978-81-291-
663 India Kishore Daryaganj, New 1137-1
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Methodology of Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Krishnaswami 978-93-5024-
## Research in House Randoot, Dr.
664 , O.R. 866-9
Social Sciences Bhalerao Ma

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Marketing Nargundkar, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
665 Research Rajendra 022087-4

Small Scale
Enterprises - Himalaya Publishing
DR001 978-93-5024-
## Towards Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
666 781-5
Industrializatio Bhalerao Ma

Small Scale
Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Enterprises - 978-93-5024-
## Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
667 Evolution and 781-5
Bhalerao Ma

Small Scale
Enterprises - Himalaya Publishing
DR001 978-93-5024-
## Projects: Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
668 781-5
Profile and Bhalerao Ma

Small Scale
Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Enterprises - 978-93-5024-
## Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
669 Credit 781-5
Bhalerao Ma

Small Scale
Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Enterprises - 978-93-5024-
## Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
670 Credit Delivery 781-5
Bhalerao Ma
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Small Scale
Enterprises -
Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Promotional 978-93-5024-
## Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
671 Schemes: 781-5
Bhalerao Ma
Nature and

Small Scale
Policies and
Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Strategies 978-93-5024-
## Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
672 Small Scale 781-5
Bhalerao Ma
Policies and

Small Scale
Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Enterprises - 978-93-5024-
## Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
673 Assistance and 781-5
Bhalerao Ma

Small Scale
Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Enterprises - 978-93-5024-
## Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
674 Production and 781-5
Bhalerao Ma

Small Scale
Enterprises - Himalaya Publishing
DR001 978-93-5024-
## Entrepreneursh Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
675 781-5
ip and Bhalerao Ma

Small Scale
Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Enterprises - 978-93-5024-
## Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
676 Organisation 781-5
Bhalerao Ma
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Small Scale
Enterprises - Himalaya Publishing
DR001 978-93-5024-
## Issues, Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
677 781-5
Problems and Bhalerao Ma

DR001 Srivastava, N. 978-93-
## Personalities of Abhishek Publication
678 P. 81136-95-9

Global India
DR001 Philosophy of Sabanna, 978-81-
## Publications Pvt Ltd,
679 Jawahar Lal Talwar 89630-38-6
11, Darya Ganj

Digital Serials Pub.,

DR001 Arunachalam, 978-81-8387-
## Economy of 4830/24 Prahlad
680 P. 534-9
India Stret, Ansari Road,

Digital Serials Pub.,

DR001 Arunachalam, 978-81-8387-
## Economy of 4830/24 Prahlad
681 P. 534-9
India Stret, Ansari Road,

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR001 Business in 81-265-0965-
## Wallace, Peter 4435/7 Ansari Road,
682 Asia Corporate 1
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Strategic Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR001 81-265-1031-
## Planning for Olsen, Erica 4435/7 Ansari Road,
683 5
Dummies Daryagan

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Business 978-81-265-
## Bass, Jossey 4435/7 Ansari Road,
684 Leadership 1307-9

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Performance Brown, 81-265-1010-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
685 Driven CRM Stanley A. 2

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 The 4 Vs of 81-265-1005-
## Shaw, Peter 4435/7 Ansari Road,
686 Leadership 6

Project Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Levine, 978-81-265-
## Portfolio 4435/7 Ansari Road,
687 Harvey A. 1438-0
Management Daryagan

Rajat Publications
DR001 Marketing 978-81-7880-
## Rao, A.S. 4740/23, Ansari
688 Research 572-6
Road, Daryaganj

Black Prints , 4378//

DR001 Purohit, 978-81-
## Bank Credit 4- B, Murari lal
689 Ashok 923137-5-7
Street, Ans
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Serials Pub.,
DR001 Sales Tax Reddy, 978-84-8387-
## 4830/24 Prahlad
690 System in India Raghava M. 447-2
Stret, Ansari Road,

Black Prints , 4378//

DR001 Medieval Saharan, M. 978-81-
## 4- B, Murari lal
691 Indian History S. 923137-1-9-
Street, Ans

Perspectives on Rajat Publications
DR001 Gupta, 978-81-7880-
## Women's 4740/23, Ansari
692 Krishna Rani 554-2
Education and Road, Daryaganj

Influences on Rajat Publications

DR001 Sharma, 978/81/7880/
## Rabindranath 4740/23, Ansari
693 Sanjeev 503/0
Tagore Road, Daryaganj

DR001 Interpretation 978-93-
## Dewani, Richa Wisdom Publication,
694 of R. K. 82006-87-9

Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Management 978-0-07-
## Kazmi, Azhar Education Private
695 and Business 026362-8

Concept in
DR001 Wheelen, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Management
696 Thomas L. India Pvt. Ltd., 2971-7
and Business
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Strategic PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-

## David, Fred R.
697 Management Connaught Circus 4338-2

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Strategic Pearce, John 978-1-25-
## Education Private
698 Management A. 900164-2

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 International 978-93-5024-
## Rathor, B. S. House Randoot, Dr.
699 Marketing 703-7
Bhalerao Ma

International Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Srivastava, R. 978-93-5024-
## Strategic House Randoot, Dr.
700 M. 715-0
Management Bhalerao Ma

DR001 New Media and 978-93-

## Shetty, Karun Pacific Publication,
701 Society 80147-77-2

Arise Pub, 4648/1,
DR001 Tagore A 978-93-
## Thakur, M. N. 21, Ansari Road,
702 Collection of 81031-34-6
Daryaganj, New

DR001 Trends in Sarwade, W. 978-93-
## Pacific Publication,
703 Commerce and K. 80147-60-4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Gender and the Majumdar, 978-93-

## Pacific Publication,
704 Work Place Kalpana 80147-86-4

Dominant publ. and

DR001 Indian Society Nanda, Siba 978-93-
## Distributors 4378/4
705 and Culture Prasad 80642-63-5
B, Murarila

DR001 Handbook of 978-93-

## Pai, G. S. Mark Publisher
706 Women Studies 82159-03-2

DR001 Handbook of 978-93-

## Pai, G. S. Mark Publisher
707 Women Studies 82159-03-2

Interview Skills
DR001 Acharya, 978-93-
## Tips and Yking Books
708 Anita 80930-52-7

Paradise Publishers,
DR001 Research in Kumar, 978-93-
## A-436A,Satiaj Path,
709 Commerce Rajesh 80033-53-2
Tara Naga

DR001 Singh, Hare 978-81-8376-

## E-Marketing ABD Publisher
710 Ram 319-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Indian Politics:
Maxford Books
DR001 Problems, Haokip, 978-81-8116-
## 4264/3,IInd Floor,
711 Issues and George T. 151-2
Ansari Road,

DR001 Management Metha, 978-93-

## Yking Books
712 Guru Jogendra 80930-16-9

India 2020: A
DR001 978-81-8192-
## Vision for New Das, Rakesh Subline Publications
713 224-3

DR001 Transport 978-81-8376-

## Singh, Mohan ABD Publisher
714 Geography 306-6

DR001 Green 978-93-

## Verma, P. K. Yking Books
715 Marketing 80930-87-9

DR001 Agrawal, Oxford Book 978-93-5030-
## Development &
716 Radharaman Company 018-3

DR001 Bank Financial Institute of Indian Institute of 978-0230-
717 Management Banking & Banking and Finance 33046-7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Advanced Bank Institute of Indian Institute of 978-0230-
718 Management Banking & Banking and Finance 33047-4

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Retailing 978-1-25-
## Levy, Michael Education Private
719 Management 900474-2

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Consumer Hawkins, Del 978-0-07-
## Education Private
720 Behavior I. 068216-0

Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Management 13: 978-0-07-
## Kazmi, Azhar Education Private
721 and Business 026362-

Business A.I.T.B.S. Publishers

DR001 978-81-7473-
## Environment Mustafa, A. India, J-5/6, Krushna
722 448-8
and Law Nagar,

Thomas, Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Managerial 978-0-07-
## Christopher. Education Private
723 Economics 070078-9
R. Limited

Human Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Bernardin, 978-0-07-
## Resource Education Private
724 John H. 063582-1
Management Limited
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Rural A.I.T.B.S. Publishers

DR001 978-81-7473-
## Marketing and Baral, S. K. India, J-5/6, Krushna
725 398-8
Micro Finance Nagar,

International Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Cherunilam, 978-93-5051-
## Business House Randoot, Dr.
726 Francis 198-5
Environment Bhalerao Ma

PHI Learning Pvt

DR001 International 978-81-203-
## Srinivasan, R. Ltd., M-97,
727 Marketing 3598-1
Connaught Circus

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Business Dwyer, Robert 978-0-07-
## Publication Company
728 Marketing F. 022091-1

A.I.T.B.S. Publishers
DR001 Dictionary of Jain, Naveen 978-81-7473-
## India, J-5/6, Krushna
729 Banking Chand 371-9

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 International 978-1-25-
## Som, Ashok Education Private
730 Management 900232-8

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 International Cateora, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
731 Marketing Philip R. 066699-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Encyclopedic A.I.T.B.S. Publishers

DR001 Chakrabarty, 978-7474-
## Dictionary of India, J-5/6, Krushna
732 Amit 367-2
Banking Nagar,

and Insourcing Prentice Hall of India
DR001 Schniederjans 978-81-203-
## in an Ltd., M-97,
733 , Marc J. 2948-5
International Connaught Circu

The Handbook
of Strategic
Public Relations Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Caywood, 978-1-25-
## and Integrated Education Private
734 Clarke L. 902763-5
Marketing Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Etzel, Michael 978-0-07-
## Marketing Education Private
735 J. 015156-7

DR001 Organization French, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-7758-

736 Development Wendell L. India Pvt. Ltd., 261-1

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Electronic Bhasker, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
737 Commerce Bharat 026432-8
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Hughes, 978-0-07-
## Leadership Education Private
738 Richard L. 008071-3

Prentice Hall of India

DR001 Performance Kandula, 81-203-2988-
## Ltd., M-97,
739 Management Srinivas 0
Connaught Circu

Essentials of
DR001 Zimmerer, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
## ip and Small
740 Thomas W. Connaught Circus 3911-8

A. I. T.B.S.
DR001 Global Financial Publishers &Y 978-93-7473-
## Giddy, Ian H.
741 Markets Distrbutors (Regd) 468-1

DR001 Appraisal and Goel, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
742 Compensation Dewakar Connaught Circus 3324-6

DR001 Theory, Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
## Daft, Richard
743 Change and India pvt. Ltd., 0679-0

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Advertising and Belch, George 978-0-07-
## Education Private
744 Promotion E. 014496-5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

A. I. T. B. S.
DR001 Marketing Boyd, Donald. Publishers & 978-81-
745 Research W. Distrbutors (Regd) 85386-16-4

An Introduction
Arise Pub, 4648/1,
DR001 to the 978-93-
## Goel, S. K. 21, Ansari Road,
746 Constitution of 81031-69-8
Daryaganj, New

Dictionary of
DR001 Sharma, Nand DND Publications 2, 978-93-
## Trade and
747 K. Shivgyan Avenue, 80929-05-7

DR001 Publishers and 978-81-8435-
## Advertising and Shitole, G. Y.
748 Distributors 265-8
4378/4B, 105

DR001 International Joshi, Rakesh 978-0-19-

## Oxford University
749 Marketing Mohan 567123-0

PHI Learning Private

DR001 Entrepreneursh 978-81-203-
## Holt, David H. Ltd., M-97,
750 ip 1281-4
Coonaught Circus

Cengage Learning
DR001 Human Mello, Jeffrey 978-81-315-
## India Pvt.Ltd. 418,
751 Resource A. 0547-2
FIE, Patparga
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Behavior and 978-0-07-
## Peter, Paul J. Education Private
752 Marketing 060158-1

Case Study
Solutions Macmillan India Ltd
DR001 Kaushal, Capt 978-0230-
## Human 2/10 Ansari rd,
753 H. 32943-0
Resource Daryaganj, new

Case Study
Macmillan India Ltd
DR001 Solutions Kaufman, 978-0230-
## 2/10 Ansari rd,
754 Financial Charlie 32944-7
Daryaganj, new

Creating A
DR001 Napier, Albert Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
## Winning E -
755 H. India.Pvt.Ltd. 0187-0

Macmillan India Ltd

DR001 Knowledge Mohapatra, 978-935-059-
## 2/10 Ansari rd,
756 Management Sanjay 097-3
Daryaganj, new

DR001 Entrepreneursh Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Kumar, Arya
757 ip India Pvt. Ltd., 6578-4

Cengage Learning
DR001 HRM An Denisi, Angelo 978-81-315-
## Product are
758 Introduction S. 053-1
represented in 418
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Employee Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Nicopolitidis, 978-1-25-
## Training and Education Private
759 P. 900472-8
Development Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Services Nargundkar, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
760 Marketing Rajendra 068212-2

Human Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Ivancevich, 978-0-07-
## Resource Education Private
761 John M. 066704-4
Management Limited

Financial Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Ramchandran, 978-0-07-
## Accounting for Education Private
762 Neelakantan 133341-2
Management Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 International Aswathappa, 978-1-25-
## Education Private
763 Business K. 900501-5

DR001 Dictionary of 978-81-9059-

## Arora, Girish Adeline Book
764 Science 860-6

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Concise 978-0-07-
## Husain, Majid Education Private
765 Geography 026423-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Applied English
DR001 A.I.T.B.S., J-5/6, 978-93-7473-
## Grammar and Anujeet
766 Krishna Nagar 462-9

Export and Excel Books A 45

DR001 Kumar, 81-7446-538-
## Import Naraina Phase, New
767 Aseem 3
Management Delhi - 110 02

DR001 Restructuring Weston, Fred PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
768 and Corporate J. Connaught Circus 1011-7

Production and Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 978-1-25-
## Operations Chary, S. N. Education Private
769 900510-7
Management Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Principles of Hill, Charles 978-0-07-
## Education Private
770 Management W. L. 066769-3

A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,
DR001 International Palmer, 978-81-7473-
## Krishna Nagar, Delhi
771 Relations Norman D. 069-5
- 110 05

Corruption in
DR001 Sharma, Prateeksha 978-93-
## India Problems
772 Laxmi Publication 80626-67-3
and Solutions
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Open University
DR001 Cultural Stevenson, 0-335-20878-
## Press McGraw - Hill
773 Citizenship Nick 9

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Personnel Monappa, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
774 Management Arun 462264-3

Purchasing and Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Gopalakrishna 978-0-07-
## Materials Education Private
775 n, P. 451650-8
Management Limited

Handbook of Macmillan India Ltd

DR001 978-0333-
## Construction Joy, P. K. 2/10 Ansari rd,
776 92693-2
Management Daryaganj, new

DR001 Knowledge Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

## Awad, Elias M.
777 Management India Pvt. Ltd., 1403-4

A. I. T.B.S.
DR001 Introduction to Fernald, Publishers &Y 81-7473-090-
778 Psychology Dodge L. Distrbutors (Regd) 7

Dairy Co-
Rawat Publications
DR001 operative Benni, 81-7033-853-
## 4858/24, Ansari
779 Management Basavaraj S. 0
Road, Daryaganj
and Practice
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Industrial Reeder, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-

780 Marketing Robert R. Connaught Circus 1245-6

Polity Press, 65
DR001 Giddens, 0-7456-0255-
## Sociology Bridge Street,
781 Anthony X
Cambridge CB2 1UR

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Public Laxmikanth, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
782 Administration M. 107482-7

DR001 International Vrinda Publications 978-81-8281-

## Jhingan, M. L.
783 Economics Pvt. Ltd 130-0

DR001 International Vrinda Publications 978-81-8281-

## Jhingan, M. L.
784 Economics Pvt. Ltd 130-0

Oxford University
DR001 Modern English 978-019--
## Fowler, H. W. Press YMCA library
785 Usage 5676-99-0
build, Jai Si

What Makes Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 978-1-25-
## Great Leaders Arnold, Frank Education Private
786 902902-5
Great Limited
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Mobilized 978-81-265-
## Hasen, Jeff 4435-36-7, Ansari
787 Marketing 3669-6
Road, Dary

FitzGerald, Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Guide to 978-1-25-
## Suzanne Education Private
788 Business 902872-4
Sparks Limited

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 The Three Laws 978-81-265-
## Zaffron, Steve 4435-36-7, Ansari
789 of Performance 2507-2
Road, Dary

Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Human Aswathappa, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
790 Resource K. 065612-3

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Rose, 978-1-25-
## Daddy's Logic Education Private
791 Anthony A. 906106-6

What Would Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 978-1-25-
## Steve Jobs Do Sander, Peter Education Private
792 900542-8
? Limited

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Internet Bailey, 978-81-265-
## 4435-36-7, Ansari
793 Marketing Matthew 3221-6
Road, Dary
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 Social Media 978-81-265-
## Evans, Dave 4435-36-7, Ansari
794 Marketing 2383-2
Road, Dary

YouTube and Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR001 978/81-265-
## Video Jarboe, Greg 4435-36-7, Ansari
795 268-9
Marketing Road, Dary

The Mobile Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 978-1-25-
## Marketing Alpert, Jed Education Private
796 902919-6
Revolution Limited

Kogan Page India

DR001 Ultimate IQ 978-0-7494-
## Carter, Philip PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
797 Tests 6407-3
Ansari Road, D

DR001 Connect the Bansal, Westland Books Pvt 978-93-

798 Dot Rashmi Ltd 81626-70-2

DR001 Roadways of Anshul Prakashan, 978-93-

## Singh, R.
799 India Jaipur - 15 80162-28-7

DR001 Roadways of Anshul Prakashan, 978-93-

## Singh, R.
800 India Jaipur - 15 80162-28-7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Roadways of Anshul Prakashan, 978-93-

## Singh, R.
801 India Jaipur - 15 80162-28-7

DR001 for Deolankar, 978-81-311-
## Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
802 International Vivek 0399-9
4831/24, Prahlad

DR001 978-81-7139-
## E-Commerce Singh, U. K. Jnanada Prakashan
803 519-4

Globale Vision
DR001 Environment Rana, Anuj 978-81-8220-
## Publishing House 20
804 and Ecology Kumar 388-4
Ansari Road, Da

Social Globale Vision

DR001 Philips, Robert 978-81-8220-
## Entrepreneursh Publishing House 20
805 A. 429-4
ip Ansari Road, Da

Principles and
Globale Vision
DR001 Practices of Madan, 978-81-8220-
## Publishing House 20
806 Modern Pankaj 354-9
Ansari Road, Da
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
New Age
Graph Theory
DR001 International (P) 978-81-224-
## with Vasudev, C.
807 Ltd., Publishers 1737-1

Contemporary Macmillan India Ltd

DR001 Kothari, 978-1403-
## Financial 2/10 Ansari rd,
808 Rajesh 92812-2
Management Daryaganj, new

Oxford University
DR001 Albuquerque, 978-0-19-
## Business Ethics press YMCA Library
809 Daniel 569964-7
bld., Jai Sin

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 The Psychology Richards, 978-1-25-
## Education Private
810 of Wealth Charles 902770-3

Adams Media , an F
DR001 Grammar 978-1-59337-
## Kimes, Joanne +W publ. company,
811 Sucks 626-0
57 little fie

DR001 Mahatma 978-93-

## Patil, D. R. Atharva Publications
812 Gandhi 81171-14-1

DR001 Gandhijinchi 978-93-
## Patil, D. D. Atharva Publications
813 Yuvakansathi 81171-29-5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Resources 978-93-
## Rasure, K. A. Publications, L-21/1,
814 Management in 81142-81-3
Street No. 5, Shivaj

Excel Books A 45
DR001 International Nargundkar, 978-81-7446-
## Naraina Phase, New
815 Marketing Rajendra 628-0
Delhi - 110 02

Excel Books A-45,

DR001 Services 978-81-7446-
## Shanker, Ravi Naraina Phase-I,
816 Marketing 267-1
New Delhi 11002

Excel Books A-45,

DR001 International Dev, 978-81-
## Naraina Phase-I,
817 Marketing Mahendra S. 7446817-8
New Delhi 11002

Encyclopaedia Alfa Publications

DR001 978-93-
## of World Great Garg, Mamta 4398/5 Ansari Road,
818 81465-63-9
Historians Daryaganj

Encyclopaedia Alfa Publications

DR001 978-93-
## of World Great Garg, Mamta 4398/5 Ansari Road,
819 81465-63-9
Historians Daryaganj

The Lion, the MacMillan Publishing

## Witch and the Lewis, C. S. Co., Inc., 866 Third
Wardrobe Avenue N
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Bantam Books Inc.,
DR001 The Prince and
## Twain, Mark 666, 5th Avenue,
821 the Popular
New York 10103

DR001 The Lesson Gains, Ernest Contemporaries, 978-0-375-
822 Before Dying J. Vintage Books, A 70270-9

Globe Book
DR001 Stevenson, 0-87065-010-
## Treasure Island Company, A Division
823 Louis 6
of Simon & Schuster

DR001 Crisis Kathuria, A. Publications,4378/4B 978-81-8455-
824 Management K. .G4,JMD 432-8
House,Murari Lal

Alfa Publications
DR001 Indian Social 978-93-
## Walia, Mohit 4398/5 Ansari Road,
825 Values 82302-04-9

Alfa Publications
DR001 Ramaswamy, 978-93-
## Rural Sociology 4398/5 Ansari Road,
826 B. 82302-16-2

Alfa Publications
DR001 Monetary 978-93-
## Jain, Netra 4398/5 Ansari Road,
827 Economics 82302-22-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Axis Books Pvt. Ltd.,
DR001 Encyclopaedia Jha, 978-93-
## 4378/4Bm Ansari
828 of Terrorist Kameshwar 81302-30-9
Road Daryaga

Axis Books Pvt. Ltd.,
DR001 Encyclopaedia Jha, 978-93-
## 4378/4Bm Ansari
829 of Terrorist Kameshwar 81302-30-9
Road Daryaga

DR001 Murugan, 978-93-5074-

## Ecotourism Abhijeet Publication
830 Annamalai 005-7

A Dictionary of
DR001 Concepts and Rout, 978-93-5074-
## Abhijeet Publication
831 Terms in Retail Debasish 036-1

Management of
Dominant publ. and
DR001 Non- 978-93-
## Velusamy, M. Distributors 4378/4
832 Governmental 82007-29-6
B, Murarila

A Textbook of
DR001 978-93-
## Urban Acharya, B. C. Wisdom Press
833 82006-42-8

Black Prints , 4378//

DR001 India's Foreign Sankar, Ravi 978-93-
## 4- B, Murari lal
834 Policy K. 82036-18-0
Street, Ans
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Arise Pub, 4648/1,
DR001 Railway of 978-93-
## Narayanan 21, Ansari Road,
835 India 81031-21-6
Daryaganj, New

Arise Pub, 4648/1,

DR001 Railway of 978-93-
## Narayanan 21, Ansari Road,
836 India 81031-21-6
Daryaganj, New

Arise Pub, 4648/1,

DR001 Railway of 978-93-
## Narayanan 21, Ansari Road,
837 India 81031-21-6
Daryaganj, New

Graph Theory
DR001 Somasundara Macmillan Publishers 978-0230-
## and its
838 m, K India Ltd 63863-1

DR001 Algebraic Norman, 978-0-521-
## University press 10
839 Graph Theory Biggs 45897-8
Hoe Chiang Road 08-

Fortytwo Bookz
DR001 Swami, 978-93-
## Boar in Boots Galaxy, Santacruz
840 Parthasarathi 81770-03-0
(E), Mumbai - 400

Fortytwo Bookz
DR001 Swami, 978-93-
## Boar in Boots Galaxy, Santacruz
841 Parthasarathi 81770-03-0
(E), Mumbai - 400
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Planning and Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Chaudhary, 978-1-25-
## Employee Education Private
842 Sanjay 902827-4
Benefits - Limited
Module III

Management Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Chaudhary, 978-1-25-
## and Insurance Education Private
843 Sanjay 902826-7
Planning Limited

Investment Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Chaudhary, 978-1-25-
## Planning Education Private
844 Sanjay 902828-1
Module 4 Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Tax Planning Chaudhary, 978-1-25-
## Education Private
845 Module - V Sanjay 902529-8

Introduction to
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Financial Chaudhary, 978-1-25-
## Education Private
846 Planning Sanjay 902825-0
Module - I

Financial EDU-TECH Publishing

DR001 Harsalekar,
## Accounting for Co., 27-28, Yogesh,
847 Dinesh D.
Management Hingwala L

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Calaprice, 978-81-8495-
## Albert Einstein Chamber 7-A, Sir
848 Alice 354-1
Phiroz Shah M
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Society and Centurm Press H. O.

DR001 978-93-
## Culture in Saxena, S. K. 4360/4, Ansari Road
849 81938-98-0
Medieval India Daryaganj

Theory and
Centurm Press H. O.
DR001 Practice of 978-93-5084-
## Rajan, T. 4360/4, Ansari Road
850 Office 044-3

Exploring Slum Serials Pub.,

DR001 Mohapatra, 978-81-8387-
## Children's Life - 4830/24 Prahlad
851 Samapika 515-8
World Stret, Ansari Road,

DR001 978-93-
## Direct Taxes Lal, B. B. Publishing House
852 82332-00-8
Pvt. Ltd.

Wisdom Publications,
DR001 Case Studies in C-14, 978-93-
## Singal, R. K.
853 Management D.S.I.D.C.Work 81505-38-0

1001 Ways to
Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash
DR001 Improve Your Prochnow, 81-7224-330-
## Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
854 Conversation & Herbert V. 8
Phiroz Sh

Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR001 Life Balance 978-81-7992-
## Jamal, Azim Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
855 the Sufi way 677-2
Phiroz Sh
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR001 Technology Gubitosa, 978-81-8495-
## Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
856 Pioneers Carlo 201-8
Phiroz Sh

Successful Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR001 Atkinson, 978-81-8495-
## Time Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
857 Frank 240-7
Management Phiroz Sh

Anupam House, B-
DR001 Export : What
## Ram, Paras 265, Mangopuri
858 Where How
Industrial Area Pha

DR001 Guinness World Glenday, Guinness World 978-1-

859 Records 2013 Craig Records Limited 904994-86-2

Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR001 Successful 978-81-8459-
## Lomas, Brian Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
860 Presentations 381-7
Phiroz Sh

Excel India
DR001 Global Financial Unadkat, 978-93-
## Publishers, 91 A,
861 Crises Sangeeta 82062-49-3
Ground Floorm Pratik

DR001 Educational Publishing House, 978-81-
## Jose, Ancy
862 Techniques Nagindas Khandwala 924836-0-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

The Institute
The Institute of
DR001 of Company
## Takeovers Company Secretaries
863 Sectretaries
of India Cent
of India

Guide to New Taxmann Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR001 978-81-71-
## Public Issue Publishing 59/32 New Rohtak
864 94-637-2
Guidelines House Raod, New Delhi

DR001 Mayor, Macmillan Publishers 978-0230-
## English
865 Michael India Ltd 63674-3

Random Publications,
DR001 Marketing and 978-93-
## Kumar, Sumit 4376A/4B,Gali
866 Business Ethics 81421-90-1
Murari Lal, Ans

DR001 International McAuley, John Wiley and Sons, 9812-53-235-

867 Marketing Andrew Inc New York 8

DR001 Organizational John Wiley and Sons, 9812-53-230-

## Jex, Steve M.
868 Psychology Inc New York 7

Oxford University
DR001 Business Mukerjee, 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
869 Communication Hory Sankar 807347-5
bld., Jai Sin
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR001 Oxford University 978-0-19-
## Marketing Lee, Kiefer
870 Press 966872-4

Oxford University
DR001 Advertising Jethwaney, 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
871 Management Jaishri 807412-0
bld., Jai Sin

Human Oxford University

DR001 978-0-19-
## Resource Jyothi, P. Press YMCA library
872 807411-3
Management build, Jai Si

Oxford University
DR001 Kulkarni, 978-0-19-
## E - Business Press YMCA library
873 Parag 806984-3
build, Jai Si

Oxford University
DR001 Management 978-0-19-
## Sekhar, R. C. Press, YMCA Bldg,
874 Accounting 568360-8
Jai Singh Road

Human Oxford University

DR001 Haldar, Uday 978-0-19-
## Resource Press, YMCA Bldg,
875 Kumar 807668-1
Management Jai Singh Road

DR001 Kolstad, Oxford University 978-0-19-
## Environmental
876 Charles D. Press 809178-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Global Frynas,
DR001 Oxford University 978-0-19-
## Strategic Jedrzej
877 Press 967745-0
Management George

Oxford University
DR001 Development Dev, 978-0-19-
## Press, YMCA Bldg,
878 Report 2012 - Mahendra S. 809201-8
Jai Singh Road

New Century
DR001 Food Security Mishra, Publications 978-81-7708-
879 in India Shyam Kartik 4800/24, Bharat 337-8
Ram Road,

New Century publ.

DR001 Mutual Funds 978-81-7708-
## Ingle, D.V. 4800/24, Bharat
880 in India 332-3
Ram Rd, Ansari R

New Century publ.

DR001 Banking in 978-81-7708-
## Shahi, Ujjwala 4800/24, Bharat
881 India 334-7
Ram Rd, Ansari R

Disney Euro Books A

DR001 978-81-286-
## Children's Articolor Division of Erokids
882 3371-3
Encyclopedia International Ltd

Cengage learning
DR001 Internet Roberts, Mary 978-81-315-
## India Pvt.Ltd., Alps
883 Marketing Lou 0788-9
Build, 1st F
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Advanced Oxford University
DR001 978-0-19-
## Learner's Lea, Diana press Great
884 479910-2
Dictionary of clarendon street, ox
Current English

Concise Oxford Oxford University

DR001 Stevenson, 978-0-19-
## English Presss walton Street,
885 Angus 969520-1
Dictionary Oxford Oxz

Behaviour and
DR001 Patial, Ganesh Peakashan 978-81-
## Consumer
886 T. 132."Shivaram 88573-62-2
Protection in
Kripa". Mayr Pa

DR001 Introduction to Peakashan 978-81-
## Ingle, K. B.
887 VAT 132."Shivaram 88573-83-7
Kripa". Mayr Pa

DR001 Agricultural Dandade, S. Peakashan 978-81-
888 Economics M. 132."Shivaram 88573-94-3
Kripa". Mayr Pa

Socio -
DR001 Economic Ray, 81-7391-150-
## Kanishka Publishers
889 Transformation Biswanath 9
in India
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 Milkovich, 978-0-07-
## Compensation Education Private
890 George T. 015158-1

Foreign Direct
New Century
DR001 Publications 978-81-7708-
## (FDI) and Ahmad, Rais
891 4800/24, Bharat 338-5
Global Financial
Ram Road,

New Century publ.
DR001 and Rural 978-81-7708-
## Ahmad, Rais 4800/24, Bharat
892 Development in 340-8
Ram Rd, Ansari R

DR001 E-Commerce Patial, Ganesh Peakashan 978-81-
893 and Taxation T. 132."Shivaram 88573-81-3
Kripa". Mayr Pa

A P H Publishing
DR001 World Trade Shahabadi, 978-81-313-
## Corporation 4435 -
894 Organization Amrita 0291-0
36/7, Ansari Ro

International Cyber Tech

DR001 978-81-7884-
## Politics In New Pagare, G. K. Publications 4264/3,
895 439-8
World Order Ansari Road, Dary

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Principles of Hill, Charles 978-0-07-
## Education Private
896 Management W. L. 066769-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Mass Jaico Pub A-2, Jash
DR001 Kumar, Keval 81-7224-373-
## Communication Chamber 7-A, Sir
897 J. 1
in India Phiroz Shah M

Everest Publishing
DR001 Purchase 81-86314-88-
## Jhamb, L.C. House, 536,
898 Management 1
Shaniwar Peth, Oppo

Rural Himalaya Publishing

DR001 978-93-5024-
## Development in Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
899 215-5
India Bhalerao Ma

Financial and A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,

DR001 978-81-7473-
## Management Mustafa, M. Krishna Nagar, Delhi
900 387-8
Accounting - 110 05

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Service Fitzsimmons, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
901 Management James A. 061566-3

Indian Krishi, Resource

DR001 Agriculture & Management 978-81-
## Diwase, Smita
902 Agri - Business Network, F1 / 1002, 909384-1-9
Management Su

A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,
DR001 978-93-7473-
## Sociology Jain, Roshni Krishna Nagar, Delhi
903 496-4
- 110 05
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
A.I.T.B.S. J - 516,
DR001 Dictionary of Kumar, 81-7473-383-
## Krishna Nagar, Delhi
904 Psychology Mohan 3
- 110 05

Industrial Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Deshmukh, L. 978-0-07-
## Safety Education Private
905 M. 061768-1
Management Limited

Arise Pub, 4648/1,

DR001 Fire Safety Tondon, 978-81-
## 21, Ansari Road,
906 Management Satish 89937-65-2
Daryaganj, New

Academic Foundation
DR001 Indian 13: 978-81-
## Kapila, Uma 4772-73/23 Bharat
907 Economy 7188-974-
Ram Rd, 923

The Penguin
DR001 Thapar, Pengun Books India 978-0-143-
## History of Early
908 Romila PVT.LTD 02989-2

DR001 Tagore, Pengun Books India 978-0-143-
## Tagore
909 Rabindranath PVT.LTD 41956-3

DR001 Pengun Books India 978-0-670-

## Tata Log Bhat, Harish
910 PVT.LTD 08667-2
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
The Day I Pengain Books India
DR001 978-0-143-
## Stopped Murty, Sudha Pvt. Ltd. 11
911 41865-8
Drinking Milk Panchshila Commer

Academic Foundation
DR001 Microfinance in 978-81-7188-
## Shetty, S. L. 4772-73/23 Bharat
912 India 939-6
Ram Rd, 923

DR001 Foundation, 13: 978-81-
## Economy Since Kapila, Uma
913 4772/23, Bharat 7188-972-
Ram Road, Dar

Penguin Group
DR001 978-0-140-
## A Suitable Boy Seth, Vikram Penguin Books India
914 23033-8
Pvt. Ltd., 11 Co

Bharatiya Vidya
DR001 Roses In 978-81-7276-
## Chagla, M. C. Bhavan, K. M.Munshi
915 December 447-0
Marg, Mumbai -

Rajpal & Sons,

DR001 English - Hindi 81-7026-100-
## Bahri, Hardev Kashmiri Gate,
916 Dictionary 8

Math Workout
DR001 Schieffer, Random House, Inc. 978-0-375-
## for the New
917 Jack New York 42749-7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
The Official Educational Tata McGraw Hill
DR001 978-1-25-
## Guide to the Testing Education Private
918 906109-7
TOEFL Test Service Limited

The Official Educational Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 978-1-25-
## Guide to the Testing Education Private
919 906108-0
GRE Service Limited

Merriam -
DR001 Webster's Mish, Goyal Publisher & 978-0-87779-
920 Collegiate Frederick C. Distribution Pvt. Ltd. 825-5

Malayala Monorama
DR001 Manorama Mathew,
## 1st Floor, National
921 Yearbook 2013 Mammen
Insurance Bu

Penguin group
DR001 Makers of Guha, 978-0-143-
## penguin books India
922 Modern India Ramachandra 41924-2
pvt.ltd., 11 com

DR001 Mathrubhumi Chandran, P.
## Printing & Publishing
923 Yearbook 2013 V.
Company Ltd., Ko

Chronicle Books, A
DR001 Chronicle Year
## Ojha, N. N. Division of Chronicle
924 Book 2013
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Chronicle Books, A
DR001 Chronicle Year
## Ojha, N. N. Division of Chronicle
925 Book 2013

The Lotus
DR001 McDonald, Collections, Roli 978-81-7436-
## Ambani & Sons
926 Hamish Books Pvt. Ltd., M- 814-0

Prolibris Publishing
DR001 Six Disciplines 978-81-
## Harpst, Gary Media Pvt. Ltd.,
927 for Excellence 921535-6-8

DR001 My Second Sarup Book 978-81-7625-

## Luthra , V. P.
928 Wonderful Life Publishers Pvt., Ltd., 789-3

DR001 Internet Nayak, 978-81-

## Mark Publisher
929 Marketing Yashpal 89472-68-9

Verma, Serials Pub.,

DR001 E - Panchayats 978-81-8387-
## Ravindra 4830/24 Prahlad
930 in India 496-0
Kumar Stret, Ansari Road,

Tata McGraw Hill

DR001 Services Zeithaml, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
931 Marketing Valarie A. 070099-4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR001 Atlantic Pubtishers & 978-81-269-
## Terrorism Singh, R. N.
932 Distridutors 1717-4

DR001 Kalam, Abdul Penguin Booka India 978-0-143-

## Target 3 Billion
933 A. P. J. Ltd 41730-9

DR001 Pranab 978-93-

## Gaur, Sanjay Yking Books
934 Mukherjee 80930-97-8

DR001 Rao, Mohan Concept Publishing 81-8069-121-
## Among
935 R. M. Company 7

A Chinmaya Chinmaya Udghosh,
DR001 Indians to
## Mission #2, 13th Avenue,
936 Transform
Initiative Harrington Road

Adams Media , an F
DR001 Grammar 13: 978-1-
## Kimes, Joanne +W publ. company,
937 Sucks 59337-626-
57 little fie

More Words Adams Media , an F

DR001 Bevilacqua, 13: 978-1-
## You Should +W publ. company,
938 Michelle 59337-236-
Know 57 little fie
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Kogan Page India
DR001 Handbook of Armstrong, 978-0-7494-
## PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
939 Management Michael 6552-0
Ansari Road, D
and Leadership

Taxmann Allied
DR001 Planning & Sharma, 978-81-7194-
## Services (P) Ltd.,
940 Decision Kavita 942-7
59/32, New Rohta

The Business Adams Media , an F

DR001 Muckian, 978-1-55850-
## Letter +W publ. company,
941 Michael 614-5
Handbook 57 little fie

Harvard business
DR001 Calculating Hoffmann, 978-1-4221-
## school press 60
942 Success Carl 6639-0
Harvard way bosto

Kogan Page India

DR001 Development Richardson, 978-0-7494-
## PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
943 Your PR Skills Neil 5970-3
Ansari Road, D

DR001 Living a 81-7929-120-

## Giardina, Ric Infinity Books
944 Balanced Life 0

Human Oxford University

DR001 Haldar, Uday 978-0-19-
## Resource press YMCA Library
945 Kumar 807668-1
Management bld., Jai Sin
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Management of
Public Relation
DR001 Patnaik, 978-81-
## & Wisdom Publication,
946 Sushmita 89547-67-7

DR001 Indian Political PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-

## Padhy, K. S.
947 Thought Connaught Circus 4305-4

Biztantra ,19 - A,
DR001 Consumer Ansari 978-81-7722-
## Assael, Henry
948 Behavior Road,Daryaganj,New 521-1

DR001 Neuromarketin PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-

## Sharma, J. K.
949 g Connaught Circus 3868-5

DR001 Communicating Rowson, 81-7929-119-

## Infinity Books
950 Confidently Pauline 7

DR001 Cases in Rowe, Glenn Sage Publications 978-1-4522-

951 Leadership W. India pvt Ltd, 3497-7

Regal Publications, F
DR001 Insurance in 81-89915-67-
## Ali, Sajid - 159, Rajouri
952 India 3
Garden, New D
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Management I.K.International
DR001 978-93-
## and Pal, Karam Publishing House
953 80578-99-6
Organizational Pvt. Ltd.

Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR001 Be Rich and Be Kiyosaki, 978-81-8495-
## Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
954 Happy Robert 067-0
Phiroz Sh

Psychology in
DR001 Cascio, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
## Human
955 Wayne F. Connaught Circus 3371-4

Resource I.K.International
DR001 978-93-
## Development Kaila, H. L. Publishing House
956 80578-98-9
and Business Pvt. Ltd.

International Book
DR001 Organizational Shankar, 978-93-
## House Pvt. Ltd.,
957 Behaviour Meera 81335934-5
Indian Mercent

Basic Financial Oxford University

DR001 978-0-19-
## Accounting for Shah, Paresh Press YMCA library
958 569009-5
Management build, Jai Si

DR001 Research Panneerselva PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-

959 Methodology m, R. Connaught Circus 2452-7
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Price Theory
DR001 Hirshleifer, University press, 978-1-107-
## and
960 Jack India pvt.ltd., 68238-2

Human Oxford University

DR001 978-0-19-
## Resource Jyothi, P. press YMCA Library
961 807411-3
Management bld., Jai Sin

Learning to Say
Jaico Pub A-2, Jash
DR001 No When You Manresa, 978-81-8495-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
962 Usually Say Maritza 344-2
Phiroz Shah M

Legal and
Taxmann Allied
DR001 Business Chandratre, 978-81-8478-
## Services (P) Ltd.,
963 writing in Plain K. R. 113-7
59/32, New Rohta

Oxford University
DR001 Business Mukerjee, 13:978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
964 Communication Hory Sankar 807347-5
bld., Jai Sin

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR001 Successful 978-81-8495-
## Lomas, Brian Chamber 7-A, Sir
965 Presentations 381-7
Phiroz Shah M

International Kogan Page India

DR001 978-0-7494-
## Communication Cambie, Silvia PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
966 6070-9
s Strategy Ansari Road, D
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

International Book
DR001 Retailing and E 978-93-
## Gupta, S. L. House Pvt. Ltd.,
967 -Tailing 81335-18-5
Indian Mercent

Research Commonwealth
DR001 Agarwal, 978-81-311-
## Methodology in Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
968 Chetan 0333-3
Commerce 4831/24, Prahlad

Maharashtra Rajay
DR001 Lok Maharshi Deshmukh,
## Sahitya Aani
969 Bhausaheb Punjabrao
Sanskruti Mandal

Vital Publications, D-
DR001 Global Short Rathi, Beena 978-93-
## 19, Inderpuri,
970 Fiction V. 81169-15-5
Lalkothi, Jai

DR001 Cooling Flames Bhatnagar, O. Sarup Book 978-81-7625-

971 of Darkness P. Publishers Pvt., Ltd., 836-4

DR001 Women and Kanishka Publishers, 978-81-7391-

## Mitra, Jyoti
972 Society Distributors 163-0

DR001 Movements 978-93-
## Sharma, B. K. Kunal Books
973 and Political 80752-83-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

How to Read
Balance Sheet Himalaya Publishing
DR001 978-93-5097-
## and Other Saini, Arjun House Randoot, Dr.
974 233-5
Financial Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Personnel Mamoria, C. 81-7866-203-
## House Randoot, Dr.
975 Management B. 5
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Resource 978-93-5097-
## Sadri, Sorab House Randoot, Dr.
976 Management in 239-7
Bhalerao Ma
Modern India

DR001 Ashoka the Himalaya Book Pvt. 978-93-5024-

## Syed, M. H.
977 Great Ltd., 773-0

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Empowerment Cheema, H. 978-93-5024-
## House Randoot, Dr.
978 in the 21st S. 696-2
Bhalerao Ma

DR001 Trends in Sant, Suhasini Himalaya Book Pvt. 978-93-5051-
979 Banking V. Ltd., 657-1
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Financial Fraud
in Banking
Sector and It's Kini, Himalaya Publishing
DR001 978-93-5051-
## Consequential Radhakrishna. House Randoot, Dr.
980 282-1
Impact on A. Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Indian 978-93-5051-
## Misra, S. K. House Randoot, Dr.
981 Economy 815-1
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Gopal Krishna 978-93-5024-
## Syed, M. H. House Randoot, Dr.
982 Gokhale 657-3
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 978-93-
## Chanakya Syed, M. H. House Randoot, Dr.
983 52024-856-0
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Sarvepalli 978-93-5024-
## Syed, M. H. House Randoot, Dr.
984 Radhakrishnan 656-6
Bhalerao Ma

Dictionary of Himalaya Publishing

## Public Raj, Gagan House Randoot, Dr.
Administration Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Dictionary of 81-7866-046-
## Maidan, M. C. House Randoot, Dr.
986 Economics 6
Bhalerao Ma
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Dictionary of 81-7493-235-
## Raj, Gagan House Randoot, Dr.
987 Advertising 6
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Dictionary of Chatwal, 81-7493-831-
## House Randoot, Dr.
988 Mathematics Gagan 1
Bhalerao Ma

Dictionary of Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Chatwal, 81-7493-761-
## Computers & House Randoot, Dr.
989 Gagan 7
Internet Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Dictionary of
## Maidan, M. C. House Randoot, Dr.
990 Commerce
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Dictionary of 81-7866-063-
## Maidan, M. C. House Randoot, Dr.
991 Management 6
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR001 Rural Sundaram, 978-81-8488-
## House Randoot, Dr.
992 Development Satya 089-2
Bhalerao Ma

International Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Chennappa, 978-93-5024-
## Trade & House Randoot, Dr.
993 D. 064-9
Commerce Bhalerao Ma
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

International Himalaya Publishing

DR001 Cherunilam, 978-93-5024-
## Business House Randoot, Dr.
994 Francis 841-6
Environment Bhalerao Ma

Rupa Co-7/16,
DR001 One Night @ Bhagat, Anersari Road, 978-81-291-
995 The Call Center Chetan Daryaganj, New 0818-0

of India,
Ministry of
Economic Oxford University
DR001 Finance 978-0-
## Survey 2012 - press YMCA Library
996 Department 19809543-9
2013 bld., Jai Sin
of Economic

Ministry of
Ministry of
DR001 and 978-81-230-
## India 2013 Information and
997 Broadcasting 1836-2
of India

PHI Learning Private

DR001 Kumaresan, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Limited M-
998 S. 1628-2
97,Comaught Circus

PHI Learning Private

DR001 Kumaresan, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Limited M-
999 S. 1628-7
97,Comaught Circus
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Willey India pvt.

DR002 Topics in 978-81-265-
## Herstein, I.N. Ltd., 4435 /, Ansari
000 Algebra 1018-4
Rd, Darya

Willey India pvt.

DR002 Topics in 978-81-265-
## Herstein, I.N. Ltd., 4435 /, Ansari
001 Algebra 1018-4
Rd, Darya

Advertising & Excel Books A 45

DR002 Kazmi, S. H. 978-81-7446-
## Sales Naraina Phase, New
002 H. 639-6
Promotion Delhi - 110 02

Advertising Pearson, 11
DR002 978-81-317-
## Principles & Wells, William Community Centre,
003 1414-0
Practice Panchsheel Park

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Essentials of Koontz, 978-1-25-
## Education Private
004 Management Harold 900512-1

Oxford University
DR002 978-0-19-
## Management Bhat, Anil press YMCA Library
005 569445-1
bld., Jai Sin

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Ghuman, 978-0-07-
## Management Publication Company
006 Karminder 018218-4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR002 New Era of Daft, Richard Cengage Learning 978-81-315-

007 Management L. India pvt. Ltd., 1634-8

Pearson, 11
DR002 Strategic Brand Keller, Kevin 978-81-317-
## Community Centre,
008 Management Lane 5689-8
Panchsheel Park

Mutual Funds Taxmann Pub Ltd
DR002 Institute of 978-81-7194-
## Products and 59/32 New Rohtak
009 Banking & 805-5
Services Raod, New Delhi

Oxford University
DR002 Advertising Jethwaney, 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
010 Management Jaishri 807412-0
bld., Jai Sin

DR002 Van Horne, PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-
## of Financial
011 James C. Connaught Circus 3897-5

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR002 Mathematics Bradley, 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
012 for Economics Teresa 091-8
and Business

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Anthony, 978-0-07-
## Accounting Publication Company
013 Robert 063553-1
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

The Macro Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Schiller, 978-0-07-
## Economy Publication Company
014 Bradley R. 133273-6
Today Ltd.

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Financial Bapat, 978-1-25-
## Publication Company
015 Accounting Varadraj B. 9004488-9

Excel Books A-45,
DR002 ip and 978-81-7446-
## Gopal, R. Naraina, Phase-I,
016 Innovation 787-4
New Delhi - 11

Excel Books A-45,

DR002 Service Quality 978-93-5062-
## Rau, R. H. G. Naraina Phase-I,
017 Excellence 009-0
New Delhi 11002

HRD Trainer's
Excel Books A-45,
DR002 Handbook of 978-81-7446-
## Rao, P. L. Naraina Phase-I,
018 Management 791-1
New Delhi 11002

DR002 Marketing in Neelamegham Vikas Publ. House 978-93-259-

019 India , S. Pvt. Ltd. 5676-6

Business I.K.International
DR002 978-9381141-
## Environment Dutta, Mahua Publishing House
020 12-0
and Pvt. Ltd.
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Oxford University
DR002 978-0-19-
## Marketing Baines, Paul Press YMCA library
021 807944-6
build, Jai Si

Business Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Srivastava, T. 978-0-07-
## Research Education Private
022 N. 015910-5
Methodology Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Mathur, 978-0-07-
## Business Law Education Private
023 Satish B. 014685-3

DR002 Marketing Vikas Publ. House 978-81259-

## Kumar, Arun
024 Management Pvt. Ltd. 4259-7

Customer Dreamtech, 19-A,

DR002 Bhasin, 978-93-5004-
## Relationship Ansari Road,
025 Jaspreet Kaur 454-4
Management Daryaganj

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 The Monk Who Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
026 Sold His Ferrari Robin 982-7
Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 The Greatness Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
027 Guide Robin 982-7
Phiroz Shah M
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 Leadership Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
028 Wisdom Robin 982-7
Phiroz Shah M

Who Will Cry Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## When You Die Chamber 7-A, Sir
029 Robin 982-7
? Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## Mega living Chamber 7-A, Sir
030 Robin 982-7
Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## Family Wisdom Chamber 7-A, Sir
031 Robin 982-7
Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 The Greatness Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
032 Guide 2 Robin 982-7
Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 Daily Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
033 Inspiration Robin 982-7
Phiroz Shah M

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 Discover Your Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
034 Destiny Robin 982-7
Phiroz Shah M
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Jaico Pub A-2, Jash

DR002 The Secret Sharma, 978-81-7992-
## Chamber 7-A, Sir
035 Letters Robin 982-7
Phiroz Shah M

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Weihrich, 978-0-07-
## Management Education Private
036 Heinz 070072-7

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Marketing 978-0-07-
## Saxena, Rajan Education Private
037 Management 014491-0

Human Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Aswathappa, 978-0-07-
## Resource Education Private
038 K. 068213-9
Management Limited

Customer Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Sheth, 978-0-07-
## Relationship Education Private
039 Jagdish N. 043504-9
Management Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Advertising and Belch, George 978-0-07-
## Education Private
040 Promotion E. 014496-5

Mass Media In Pearl Books 11/

DR002 Srinivasan, 978-81-
## New World 3834, Shanti
041 H.S. 904960-6-3
Order Niketan, Iind Floor,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Tata McGraw Hill
DR002 Analysis and Chandra, 978-1-25-
## Education Private
042 Portfolio Prasanna 900599-2

Pearson, 11
DR002 Marketing 978-81-317-
## Kotler, Philip Community Centre,
043 Management 6716-0
Panchsheel Park

Oxford University
DR002 Retail 13: 978-0-19-
## Bajaj, Chetan Press YMCA library
044 Management 806115-
build, Jai Si

Anupam House, B-
DR002 Export: What
## Ram, Paras 265, Mangopuri
045 Where How
Industrial Area Pha

DR002 Maharashtra Jain,
## Law Times (Bombay)
046 Value Added Mahendra C.
Tax Act, 2002

DR002 Case Studies in PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-

## Srinivasan, R.
047 Marketing Connaught Circus 4606-2

Oxford University
DR002 978-0-19-
## Management Bhat, Anil Press, YMCA Bldg,
048 569445-1
Jai Singh Road
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Handbook of Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR002 Mohanty, R. 81-7224-833-
## Total Quality Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
049 P. 4
Management Phiroz Sh

Pearson, 11
DR002 Stoner, James 978-81-317-
## Management Community Centre,
050 A. F. 0704-3
Panchsheel Park

Pearson, 11
DR002 Marketing 978-81-317-
## Kotler, Philip Community Centre,
051 Management 6716-0
Panchsheel Park

Excel Books A 45
DR002 978-81-7446-
## Management Rao, V. S. P. Naraina Phase, New
052 317-3
Delhi - 110 02

Managing Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Cascio, 978-0-07-
## Human Education Private
053 Wayne F. 070073-4
Resources Limited

A. I. T. B. S.
DR002 Retail Publishers & 978-81-7473-
## Baral, S. K.
054 Management Distrbutors (Regd) 444-0

Advertising & Excel Books A-45,

DR002 Kazmi, S. H. 978-81-7446-
## Sales Naraina Phase-I,
055 H. 639-6
Promotion New Delhi 11002
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Samuelson, 978-0-07-
## Economics Education Private
056 Paul A. 070071-0

Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR002 Globalization of 81-7224-917-
## Ali, Abbas J. Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
057 Business 9
Phiroz Sh

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Macroeconomic 978-0-07-
## Dwivedi, D. N. Education Private
058 s 009145-0

DR002 PHI Learning M - 97, 978-81-203-

## E - Marketing Strauss, Judy.
059 Connaught Circus 4051-0

Jaico Publ. A-2, Jash

DR002 Retail Vedameni, 81-7992-151-
## Chambers, 7-Ag.Sir
060 Management Gibson G. 4
Phiroz Sh

DR002 Macroeconomic Vrinda Publications 978-81-8281-

## Jhingan, M. L.
061 Theory Pvt. Ltd 298-7

Production Everest Publishing

DR002 81-86314-24-
## Operations Jhamb, L.C. House, 536,
062 5
Management Shaniwar Peth, Oppo
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Banking Theory Srivastava, 978-93-5024-
## House Randoot, Dr.
063 and Practice Prem Kumar 713-6
Bhalerao Ma

Essentials of Himalaya Publishing

DR002 Aswathappa, 978-93-5024-
## Business House Randoot, Dr.
064 K. 474-6
Environment Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Behaviour in 978-81-8488-
## Nair, Suja R. House Randoot, Dr.
065 Indian 899-7
Bhalerao Ma

Principles and Sultan Chand and

DR002 978-81-8054-
## Practice of Prasad, L. M. Sons, 23, Daryaganj,
066 891-8
Management New Delhi 11

Human Sultan Chand and

DR002 978-81-8054-
## Resource Gupta, C. B. Sons, 23, Daryaganj
067 921-2
Management New Delhi 110

of Business Sultan Chand and
DR002 Bhushan, Y. 978-81-8054-
## Organisation Sons, 23, Daryaganj
068 K. 712-6
and New Delhi 110

Sultan Chand and

DR002 Rao, C. N. 81-219-1036-
## Sociology Sons, 23, Daryaganj
069 Shankar 6
New Delhi 110
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Pearson, 11
DR002 Strategic Brand Keller, Kevin 978-81-317-
## Community Centre,
070 Management Lane 5689-8
Panchsheel Park

Pearson, 11
DR002 978-81-317-
## Advertising Wells, William Community Centre,
071 14140-0
Panchsheel Park

Kogan Page India

DR002 How To Roman, 978-0-7494-
## PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
072 Advertise Kenneth 4233-0
Ansari Road, D

Just in Time Kogan Page India

DR002 978-81-7554-
## Stress Clegg, Brain PVt Ltd., 4737/23,
073 122-1
Management Ansari Road, D

Oxford University
DR002 Quality Bedi, 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
074 Management Kanishka 567795-9
bld., Jai Sin

Microeconomics Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Maddala, G. 0-07-059055-
## Theory and Education Private
075 S. 9
Applications Limited

New Age
DR002 Managing Sreenivasan, International (P) 978-81-224-
076 Quality N. S. Ltd., Publishers 1680-0
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

New Age
DR002 Export Import Gopal, Rama International (P) 978-81-224-
077 Procedures C. Ltd., Pub., 4835/24, 1850-7

New Age
DR002 Total Quality International (P) 978-81-224-
## Lal, Gen H.
078 Management Ltd., Publishers 0242-1

International Excel Books A-45,

DR002 978-93-5062-
## Business Kumar, Raj Naraina Phase-I,
079 088-5
Environment New Delhi 11002

Product and Excel Books A-45,

DR002 978-93-5062-
## Brand Mathur, U. C. Naraina Phase-I,
080 014-4
Management New Delhi 11002

Excel Books A-45,

DR002 International Shukla, 978-81-7446-
## Naraina Phase-I,
081 Business Shyam 618-1
New Delhi 11002

Advertising An Excel Books A-45,

DR002 978-81-7446-
## IMC Murthy, S. N. Naraina Phase-I,
082 835-2
Perspective New Delhi 11002

Excel Books A-45,

DR002 Marketing Kapoor, 978-81-7446-
## Naraina Phase-I,
083 Research Avinash 786-7
New Delhi 11002
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Excel Books A-45,

DR002 Fundamentals 978-81-7446-
## Raju, M. S. Naraina Phase-I,
084 of Marketing 623-5
New Delhi 11002

Excel Books A-45,

DR002 Marketing Dutta, 978-81-7446-
## Naraina Phase-I,
085 Management Bholanath 872-7
New Delhi 11002

Excel Books A-45,

DR002 Research Bhattacharyya 978-93-5062-
## Naraina, Phase-I,
086 Methodology , Dipak Kumar 176-9
New Delhi - 11

Excel Books A-45,

DR002 International Sharma, 978-81-7446-
## Naraina, Phase-I,
087 Marketing Gajender 860-4
New Delhi - 11

Linear Algebra Cengage learning

DR002 Strang, 978-81-315-
## and Its India Pvt.Ltd., Alps
088 Gilbert 0172-6
Applications Build, 1st F

Linear Algebra Cengage learning

DR002 Strang, 978-81-315-
## and Its India Pvt.Ltd., Alps
089 Gilbert 0172-6
Applications Build, 1st F

Calculus with
DR002 Early Stewart, Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
090 Transcendental James India.Pvt.Ltd. 0971-5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Calculus with
DR002 Early Stewart, Cengage Learning 978-81-315-
091 Transcendental James India.Pvt.Ltd. 0971-5

Oxford & IBH

DR002 Methods of Goldberg, 978-81-204-
## Publishing Co. Pvt.
092 Real Analysis Richard R. 17571
Ltd., 113-B, Shah

Oxford & IBH

DR002 Methods of Goldberg, 978-81-204-
## Publishing Co. Pvt.
093 Real Analysis Richard R. 17571
Ltd., 113-B, Shah

PHI Learning Private

DR002 978-81-203-
## Algebra Artin, Michael Ltd., M-97,
094 4329-0
Coonaught Circus

PHI Learning Private

DR002 978-81-203-
## Algebra Artin, Michael Ltd., M-97,
095 4329-0
Coonaught Circus

PHI Learning Pvt

DR002 Introduction to Cormen, 978-81-203-
## Ltd., M-97,
096 Algorithms Thomas H. 4007-7
Connaught Circus

PHI Learning Pvt

DR002 Introduction to Cormen, 978-81-203-
## Ltd., M-97,
097 Algorithms Thomas H. 4007-7
Connaught Circus
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Discrete PHI Learning Private

DR002 Kolman, 978-81-203-
## Mathematical Ltd., M-97,
098 Bernard 3689-6
Structures Coonaught Circus

Differential Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR002 Boyce, 978-81-265-
## Equations and 4435/7 Ansari Road,
099 William E. 2155-5
Boundary Daryagan
Value Problems

Differential Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR002 Boyce, 978-81-265-
## Equations and 4435/7 Ansari Road,
100 William E. 2155-5
Boundary Daryagan
Value Problems

McGraw Hill
DR002 Elementary Burton, David 978-1-25-
## Education { India}
101 Number Theory M. 902576-1

McGraw Hill
DR002 Elementary Burton, David 978-1-25-
## Education { India}
102 Number Theory M. 902576-1

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Numerical Balagurusamy 978-0-07-
## Education Private
103 Methods , E. 463311-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR002 Numerical Balagurusamy 978-0-07-
## Education Private
104 Methods , E. 463311-3

Equations With Tata McGraw Hill
DR002 Simmon, 978-0-07-
## Applications Education Private
105 George F. 053071-3
And Historical Limited

Equations With Tata McGraw Hill
DR002 Simmon, 978-0-07-
## Applications Education Private
106 George F. 053071-3
And Historical Limited

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Calculus Apostol, Tom 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
107 (Volume I) M. 1519-6

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Calculus Apostol, Tom 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
108 (volume I) M. 1519-6

An Introduction Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 978-81-265-
## To The Theory Niven Ivan 4435/7 Ansari Road,
109 1811-1
Of Numbers Daryagan

An Introduction Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 978-81-265-
## The Theory Of Niven Ivan 4435/7 Ansari Road,
110 1811-1
Numbers Daryagan
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction To Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
111 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
112 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

PHI Learning Private

DR002 Hoffman, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Ltd., M-97,
113 Kenneth 0270-9
Coonaught Circus

PHI Learning Private

DR002 Hoffman, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Limited M-
114 Kenneth 0270-9
97,Comaught Circus

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Apostol, Tom 978-81-265-
## Calculus 4435/7 Ansari Road,
115 M. 1519-6

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Apostol, Tom 978-81-265-
## Calculus 4435/7 Ansari Road,
116 M. 1519-6

Calculus and Narosa Publishing

DR002 Thomas, 978-81-
## Analytic House Pvt. Ltd. 22
117 George B. 85015-52-1
Geometry Daryaganj, De
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Pearson Education,
DR002 Quality Summers, 81-297-1127-
## 482, F.I.E.
118 Management Donna C. S. 3
Pratapganj, Delhi 1

DR002 Rural Kashyap, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

119 Marketing Pradeep Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 6035-2

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Marketing Ramaswamy, 978-1-25-
## Education Private
120 Management V. S. 902641-6

NewCentury Publ.,
DR002 Stock Market in 978-81-7708-
## Gupta, Saloni 4800/24, Bharat
121 India 241-8
Ram Road, Ansari

Macroeconomic Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 978-0-07-
## s Theory and Dwivedi, D. N. Education Private
122 009145-0
Policy Limited

Foundations of New Age

DR002 978-81-224-
## Discrete Joshi, K. D. International (P)
123 0120-2
Mathematics Ltd., Pub

Foundations of New Age

DR002 978-81-224-
## Discrete Joshi, K. D. International (P)
124 0120-2
Mathematics Ltd., Pub
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR002 Arora, 978-93-5071-
## Business Laws publications pvt. Ltd.
125 Sushma 276-4
59/32, New Rohtak R

Students Guide Taxmann

DR002 978-93-5071-
## to Accounting Rawat, D. S. publications pvt. Ltd.
126 259-7
Standards 59/32, New Rohtak R

Student's Taxmann
DR002 Singhania, 978-93-5071-
## Guide to publications pvt. Ltd.
127 Vinod K 244-3
Income Tax 59/32, New Rohtak R

Student's Taxmann
DR002 Singhania, 978-93-5071-
## Guide to publications pvt. Ltd.
128 Vinod K 233-7
Income Tax 59/32, New Rohtak R

Student's Taxmann
DR002 Singhania, 978-39-5071-
## Guide to publications pvt. Ltd.
129 Vinod K 241-2
Income Tax 59/32, New Rohtak R

Sultan Chand &

DR002 Modern 81-219-0374-
## Ahuja, H. L. Sons(P) ltd.,
130 Microeconomics 2
ducational publ., 485

DR002 Bagchi,Kanak 978-93-
## And Rural Abhijeet Publication
131 Kanti 80031-16-3
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

An Introduction
PHI Learning Private
DR002 To Ordinary Coddington, 978-81-203-
## Limited M-
132 Differential Earl A. 0361-4
97,Comaught Circus

An Introduction
PHI Learning Private
DR002 To Ordinary Coddington, 978-81-203-
## Limited M-
133 Differential Earl A. 0361-4
97,Comaught Circus

And Social
Rawat Publications
DR002 Movements 81-7033-815-
## Jogdand, P.G. 4858/24, Ansari
134 Struggle For A 8
Road, Daryaganj

Social Rawat Publications

DR002 81-7033-412-
## Problems In Abuja, Ram 4858/24, Ansari
135 8
India Road, Daryaganj

Globalization Rawat Publications

DR002 81-316-0038-
## For Goldin, Ian 4858/24, Ansari
136 6
Development Road, Daryaganj

Serials Pub.,
DR002 Law of Violence Walikhanna, 978-81-8387-
## 4830/24 Prahlad
137 Against Women Charu 233-1
Stret, Ansari Road,
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Property Rights Serials Pub.,
DR002 Sabanna, 978-81-8387-
## in WTO and 4830/24 Prahlad
138 Talwar 260-7
Developing Stret, Ansari Road,

APH Publishing
DR002 Advertising
## Narayan, B Corporation , 4435-
139 Management
36/7, Ansari Roa

Narosa Publishing
DR002 978-81-
## Graph Theory Harary, Frank House Pvt. Ltd. 22
140 85015-55-2
Daryaganj, De

Narosa Publishing
DR002 978-81-
## Graph Theory Harary, Frank House Pvt. Ltd. 22
141 85015-55-2
Daryaganj, De

Calculus and Narosa Publishing

DR002 Thomas, 978-81-
## Analytic House Pvt. Ltd. 22
142 George B. 85015-52-1
Geometry Daryaganj, De

Narosa Publishing
DR002 Williams, 978-81-7319-
## Linear Algebra House Pvt. Ltd. 22
143 Gareth 981-3
Daryaganj, De

Narosa Publishing
DR002 Williams, 978-81-7319-
## Linear Algebra House Pvt. Ltd. 22
144 Gareth 981-3
Daryaganj, De
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 JRF / SET 978-93-5013-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
145 Management ( 219-7
Paper - III )

DR002 JRF / SET 978-93-5013-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
146 Management ( 219-7
Paper - III )

DR002 JRE / SET 978-81-7482-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
147 Management ( 903-0
Paper - II )

DR002 JRE / SET 978-81-7482-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
148 Management ( 903-0
Paper - II )

Teaching &
DR002 978-81-7482-
## Research Jain, Lal Upkar Prakashan
149 055-6
Aptitude (
General Paper -

Teaching &
DR002 978-81-7482-
## Research Jain, Lal Upkar Prakashan
150 055-6
Aptitude (
General Paper -
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 JRF / SET 978-81-7482-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
151 Commerce ( 682-4
Paper - II )

DR002 JRF / SET 978-81-7482-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
152 Commerce ( 682-4
Paper - II )

DR002 JRF / SET 978-81-7482-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
153 Commerce ( 147-8
Paper - III )

DR002 JRF / SET 978-81-7482-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
154 Commerce ( 147-8
Paper - III )

DR002 CBH Editorial Cosmos Bookhive (p)
## Paper III / New
155 Board Ltd.,


DR002 / SET 978-81-7482-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
156 Commerce ( 147-8
Paper - III )

DR002 Ramesh Publishing 81-7812-289-
## SET Commerce Kumari, Sima
157 House 8
Paper II & III
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 JRF / SET 978-81-7482-
## Koli, L. N. Upkar Prakashan
158 Commerce ( 682-4
Paper - II )

DR002 Commerce ( Saraf, Parag
## Pragati Book Corner
159 Paper - II & III P.

Teaching &
DR002 978-93-5013-
## Research Kautily, K. Upkar Prakashan
160 276-0
Aptitude (
General Paper -

A. I. T. B. S.
DR002 Dictionary of Arora, Publishers & 81-7473-234-
161 Chemistry Himanshu Distrbutors (Regd) 9

Jaico Publ. House,

DR002 Retail Vedameni, 81-7992-151-
## 121, Mahatma
162 Management Gibson G. 4
Gandhi Rd, Mum -01

DR002 Lippincott, Dorlining Kindersley 0-7513-1053-
## Science
163 Kristen Ltd., 0

Vikas Publishing
DR002 Methodology Chawla, 978-81-259-
## House Pvt. Ltd., 576,
164 Concept and Deepak 5205-3
Masjid Road
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR002 Acquisitions & Kar, Rabi International Book 978-81-
165 Corporate Narayan House Pvt. Ltd., 910642-8-5

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 International Hill, Charles 978-0-07-
## Education Private
166 Business W. L. 022179-6

DR002 Business Maheshwari, International Book 978-93-

167 Organisation Rajendra P. House Pvt. Ltd., 81335-30-7

Gaining &
PHI Learning Pvt
DR002 Sustaining 978-81-203-
## Barney, Jay B. Ltd., M-97,
168 Competitive 4232-3
Connaught Circus

Concepts In
Pearson, 11
DR002 Strategic Wheelen, 978-81-317-
## Community Centre,
169 Management & Thomas L. 7054-2
Panchsheel Park
Business Policy

PHI Learning Pvt
DR002 Management & 978-81-203-
## Barney, Jay B. Ltd., M-97,
170 Competitive 4607-9
Connaught Circus

Cengage learning
DR002 Strategic Hitt, Micheal 13: 978-81-
## India Pvt.Ltd., Alps
171 Management A. 315-1621-
Build, 1st F
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Working Class
Movement in
DR002 Manohar Publishers 978-81-7304-
## India in the George, Jose
172 & Distributors 963-7
Wake of

Customer Serials Pub.,

DR002 Ramachandra 978-81-8387-
## Relationship 4830/24 Prahlad
173 n, R. 433-5
Management Stret, Ansari Road,

Enkay Publishing
DR002 Strategic 978-93-
## Mullick, N. H. House , 209,Hari
174 Management 80995-04-5

Regal Publications, F
DR002 Crisis Bhatia, 978-81-8484-
## - 159, Rajouri
175 Management Mukesh 137-4
Garden, New D

DR002 Corporate Agarwal, 81-7835-357-

## Kalpaz Publications
176 Excellence Manu 1

DR002 Social Krishna, M. 81-7099-413-
## Mittal Publications
177 Responsibility Gopala 6
in India

DR002 Commerce Ramesh Publishing 978-81-7812-
## Gupta, R
178 Paper I , II & House 731-6
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR002 Commerce Ramesh Publishing 978-81-7812-
## Gupta, R
179 Paper I , II & House 731-6

Foreign Direct New Century publ.

DR002 978-81-7708-
## Investment Bhasin, Niti 4800/24, Bharat
180 312-5
(FDI) in India Ram Rd, Ansari R

Foreign Direct
NewCentury Publ.,
DR002 Investment 978-81-7708-
## Ahmed, Rais 4800/24, Bharat
181 (FDI) & Global 338-5
Ram Road, Ansari
Financial Crisis

DR002 Reynolds, Oxford University 978-0-19-

## E- Business
182 Jonathan Press 959920-2

DR002 Movements Anmol Publication 978-81-261-
## Bhagat, R. D.
183 and Social Pvt. Ltd 5737-2

Disaster Commonwealth
DR002 Deolankar, 978-81-311-
## Management Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
184 Vivek 0289-3
Strategies 4831/24, Prahlad

Reading in
Oxford and IBH
DR002 Human 978-81-204-
## Rao, T. V. Publishing Co. Pvt
185 Resource 0585-1
Ltd. S-155 Panch
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Labour Market
DR002 and Institution Uchikawa, Manohar Publishers 81-7304-486-
186 in India 1990s Shuji & Distributors 4
and Beyond

DR002 Liberalisation Himalaya Book Pvt.
## Michael, V. P.
187 and Strategic Ltd.,

DR002 New Era of Daft, Richard Cenage Learning 978-81-315-

188 Management L. India Pvt. Ltd. 1834-8

DR002 New Era of Daft, Richard Cenage Learning 978-81-315-

189 Management L. India Pvt. Ltd. 1834-8

DR002 New Era of Daft, Richard Cenage Learning 978-81-315-

190 Management L. India Pvt. Ltd. 1834-8

Human Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Aswathappa, 978-0-07-
## Resource Education Private
191 K. 068213-9
Management Limited

Cost & Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR002 Kishore, Ravi 978-81-7149-
## Management 59/32 New Rohtak
192 M. 891-8
Accounting Raod, New Delhi
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Vikas Publishing
DR002 Managerial 978-81-259-
## Dwivedi, D. N. House Pvt Ltd., 576,
193 Economics 2347-3
Masji Road,

Economic S. Chand & Company

DR002 81-219-2487-
## Envrironment Ahuja, H. L. Ltd., 7361, Ram
194 1
of Business Nagar, New Delh

Oxford University
DR002 Business Raman, 13:978-0-19-
## Press, YMCA Bldg,
195 Communication Meenakshi 807705-3
Jai Singh Road

S. Chand & Company

DR002 Financial 81-219-3202-
## Tulsian, P. C. Ltd., 736, Ram
196 Management 5

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Business 978-1-25-
## Vohra, N. D. Education Private
197 Statistics 900487-2

Basic Financial Oxford University

DR002 13:978-0-19-
## Accounting For Shah, Paresh press YMCA Library
198 569009-5
Management bld., Jai Sin

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR002 Information 978-81-265-
## De, Rahul 4435-36-7, Ansari
199 Systems in 2019-0
Road, Dary
Government &
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR002 Warming & Himalaya Book Pvt. 978-81-8488-
## Jadhav, H.V.
200 Environmental Ltd., 340-4

A Critical Study
of Five Vipul Prakashan,
DR002 Tumkur,
## Twentieth 161,Jagannath
201 Shanta
Century Indian Shankar Seth Road,
English Poets

Mathrubhumi Mathrubhumi
DR002 Chandran, P.
## YEARBOOK Printing & Publishing
202 V.
2013 Company Ltd., Ko

Ministry of
DR002 Facts About Culture & Korean Culture 978-81-
203 KOREA Information Centre India 83075-19-0

DR002 Society and Daptardar, Adarsh College of
204 Changing Vaidehi Arts & Commerce

Oxford University
DR002 0-19-560822-
## Paradise Lost Prince, F. T. press YMCA Library
205 4
bld., Jai Sin
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 Robert, 0-349-11754-
## Shantaram Subline Publications
206 Gregory David 3

Macmillan Education
DR002 Spearing, J.
## The Tempest Ltd, London
207 E.

DR002 Shakespear, 0-14-062079-

## Macbeth penguin books
208 William 6

The Grass is
DR002 Always Greener Bombeck, Fawcett Crest , 0-449-20759-
209 Over The Erma U.S.A. 5
Septic Tank

Wordsworth Edition
DR002 The Age of Wharton, 1-85326-210-
## Ltd., 8B East Street,
210 Innocence Edith 2

Surjeet Publications
DR002 The Tragedy of Shakespear,
## 7-K, Kolhapur Road,
211 King Richard II William
Kamla Nag

DR002 Shahane, V Macmillan Publishers

## Emma 033390-834-7
212 .A. India Ltd
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Tata McGraw Hill
DR002 Organizational Newstrom, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
213 Behavior John .W 063552-4

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Organizational Newstrom, 978-0-07-
## Education Private
214 Behavior John .W 063552-4

DR002 Research International Book 978-81-

## Gupta, S. L.
215 Methodology House Pvt. Ltd., 910642-7-8

DR002 Research International Book 978-81-

## Gupta, S. L.
216 Methodology House Pvt. Ltd., 910642-7-8

DR002 Business Khandelwal, International Book 978-81-

217 Statistics S. K. House Pvt. Ltd., 910642-3-0

DR002 Business Khandelwal, International Book 978-81-

218 Statistics S. K. House Pvt. Ltd., 910642-3-0

DR002 Quantitative Khandelwal, International Book 978-93-

219 Techniques S. K. House Pvt. Ltd., 81335-35-2
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 Quantitative Khandelwal, International Book 978-93-
220 Techniques S. K. House Pvt. Ltd., 81335-35-2

DR002 International Book 978-93-
## Information Gupta, Hitesh
221 House Pvt. Ltd., 81335-05-5

DR002 International Book 978-93-
## Information Gupta, Hitesh
222 House Pvt. Ltd., 81335-05-5

SPSS 17.0 ;
DR002 International Book 978-81-
## For Gupta, S. L.
223 House Pvt. Ltd., 910642-5-4

DR002 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Resource Dessler, Gary
224 India Pvt. Ltd., 5426-9

DR002 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Resource Dessler, Gary
225 India Pvt. Ltd., 5426-9

DR002 Marketing and Albaum, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
226 Export Gerald India Pvt. Ltd., 9118-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 Marketing and Albaum, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
227 Export Gerald India Pvt. Ltd., 9118-9

Personnel &
Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Human Rao, Subba 978-93-5097-
## House Randoot, Dr.
228 Resource P. 449-0
Bhalerao Ma

Personnel &
Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Human Rao, Subba 978-93-5097-
## House Randoot, Dr.
229 Resource P. 449-0
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 International Cherunilam, 978-93-5051-
## House Randoot, Dr.
230 Marketing Francis 891-5
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 International Cherunilam, 978-93-5051-
## House Randoot, Dr.
231 Marketing Francis 891-5
Bhalerao Ma

Linear Algebra Cengage Learning

DR002 Strang, 978-81-315-
## and Its India Pvt.Ltd. 418,
232 Gilbert 0172-6
Applications FIE, Patparga

Linear Algebra Cengage Learning

DR002 Strang, 978-81-315-
## and Its India Pvt.Ltd. 418,
233 Gilbert 0172-6
Applications FIE, Patparga
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Linear Algebra Cengage Learning
DR002 Strang, 978-81-315-
## and Its India Pvt.Ltd. 418,
234 Gilbert 0172-6
Applications FIE, Patparga

PHI Learning, Pvt.

DR002 978-81-203-
## Algebra Artin, Michael Ltd., Rimjhim House,
235 4329-0

PHI Learning, Pvt.

DR002 978-81-203-
## Algebra Artin, Michael Ltd., Rimjhim House,
236 4329-0

PHI Learning, Pvt.

DR002 978-81-203-
## Algebra Artin, Michael Ltd., Rimjhim House,
237 4329-0

PHI Learning, Pvt.

DR002 Hoffman, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Ltd., Rimjhim House,
238 Kenneth 0270-9

PHI Learning, Pvt.

DR002 Hoffman, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Ltd., Rimjhim House,
239 Kenneth 0270-9

PHI Learning, Pvt.

DR002 Hoffman, 978-81-203-
## Linear Algebra Ltd., Rimjhim House,
240 Kenneth 0270-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
India 2014 : A Ministry of
DR002 Vishwamath, 978-81-230-
## Reference Information and
241 L. R. 1909-3
Annual Broadcasting

Malayala Manorama
DR002 Manorama Year Mathew,
## Press Kottyan
242 Book 2014 Mammen


For JRF & Danika Publi.
DR002 Kataria, 81-89301-13-
## Eligibility Test Company ,4352/ 4C,
243 Parveem 6
for Lectureship Ansari Rd.,
{ Commerce }


For JRF & Danika Publi.
DR002 Kataria, 81-89301-13-
## Eligibility Test Company ,4352/ 4C,
244 Parveem 6
for Lectureship Ansari Rd.,
{ Commerce }


For JRF & Danika Publi.
DR002 81-89301-16-
## Eligibility Test Shivani, M. Company ,4352/ 4C,
245 0
for Lectureship Ansari Rd.,

Foreign Direct New Century publ.

DR002 978-81-770-
## Investment Bhasin, Niti 4800/24, Bharat
246 312-5
(FDI) in India Ram Rd, Ansari R

Foreign Direct New Century publ.

DR002 978-81-770-
## Investment Bhasin, Niti 4800/24, Bharat
247 312-5
(FDI) in India Ram Rd, Ansari R
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

A. I. T.B.S.
DR002 Business Policy McCarthy, Publishers &Y 81-85386-49-
248 and Strategy Daniel J. Distrbutors (Regd) 8

A. I. T.B.S.
DR002 Business Policy McCarthy, Publishers &Y 81-85386-49-
249 and Strategy Daniel J. Distrbutors (Regd) 8

First Hand
book of
DR002 Concept Publishing 81-7022-422-
## Psychological & Pareek, Udai
250 Company 5

Handbook of
DR002 Pestonjee, D. Concept Publishing 81-7022-193-
## Psychological &
251 M. Company 5

Handbook of
DR002 Pestonjee, D. Concept Publishing 81-7022-652-
## Psychological &
252 M. Company X

DR002 Linear Algebra Axler, 978-81-8489-
## pvt.Ltd., A company
253 Done Right Sheldon 532-2
of the Interna
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 Linear Algebra Axler, 978-81-8489-
## pvt.Ltd., A company
254 Done Right Sheldon 532-2
of the Interna

DR002 Linear Algebra Axler, 978-81-8489-
## pvt.Ltd., A company
255 Done Right Sheldon 532-2
of the Interna

A Course in Springer(India)
DR002 Ghorpade, 978-81-8128-
## Calculus and pvt.Ltd., A company
256 Sudhir R. 485-3
Real Analysis of the Interna

A Course in Springer(India)
DR002 Ghorpade, 978-81-8128-
## Calculus and pvt.Ltd., A company
257 Sudhir R. 485-3
Real Analysis of the Interna

A Course in Springer(India)
DR002 Ghorpade, 978-81-8128-
## Calculus and pvt.Ltd., A company
258 Sudhir R. 485-3
Real Analysis of the Interna

DR002 978-81-8128-
## Linear Algebra Janich, Klaus pvt.Ltd., A company
259 187-6
of the Interna

DR002 978-81-8128-
## Linear Algebra Janich, Klaus pvt.Ltd., A company
260 187-6
of the Interna
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 978-81-8128-
## Linear Algebra Janich, Klaus pvt.Ltd., A company
261 187-6
of the Interna

DR002 Introduction to 978-81-8128-
## Lang , Serge pvt.Ltd., A company
262 Linear Algebra 260-6
of the Interna

DR002 Introduction to 978-81-8128-
## Lang , Serge pvt.Ltd., A company
263 Linear Algebra 260-6
of the Interna

DR002 Introduction to 978-81-8128-
## Lang , Serge pvt.Ltd., A company
264 Linear Algebra 260-6
of the Interna

Business Policy
DR002 Lomash, USB Publi. & 978-81259-
## & Strategic
265 Sukul Distributor Pvt. Ltd., 1163-0

Business Policy
DR002 Lomash, USB Publi. & 978-81259-
## & Strategic
266 Sukul Distributor Pvt. Ltd., 1163-0

An Introduction Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 978-81-265-
## to The Theory Niven, Ivan 4435/7 Ansari Road,
267 1811-1
of Numbers Daryagan
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
An Introduction Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR002 978-81-265-
## to The Theory Niven, Ivan 4435/7 Ansari Road,
268 1811-1
of Numbers Daryagan

An Introduction Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 978-81-265-
## to The Theory Niven, Ivan 4435/7 Ansari Road,
269 1811-1
of Numbers Daryagan

DR002 Basic Abstract Bhattacharya, 978-0-521-
## University press, The
270 Algebra P. B. 5454-8-8
Edinburgh Building

DR002 Basic Abstract Bhattacharya, 978-0-521-
## University press, The
271 Algebra P. B. 5454-8-8
Edinburgh Building

DR002 Basic Abstract Bhattacharya, 978-0-521-
## University press, The
272 Algebra P. B. 5454-8-8
Edinburgh Building

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
273 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
274 Real Analysis G. 1109-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
275 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
276 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
277 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
278 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
279 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
280 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
281 Real Analysis G. 1109-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR002 Introduction to Bartle, Robert 978-81-265-
## 4435/7 Ansari Road,
282 Real Analysis G. 1109-9

S. Chadn and
DR002 Indian 81-219-0298-
## Datt, Gaurav Company Ltd. 7361,
283 Economy 3
Ram Nagar, New Del

S. Chadn and
DR002 Modern 81-219-0432-
## Ahuja, H. L. Company Ltd. 7361,
284 Economics 3
Ram Nagar, New Del

S. Chadn and
DR002 Modern 81-219-0432-
## Ahuja, H. L. Company Ltd. 7361,
285 Economics 3
Ram Nagar, New Del

DR002 Vikas Publ. House 978-93-259-

## Public Finance Bhatia, H. L.
286 Pvt. Ltd. 6000-8

DR002 Monappa, TMH Hill Edu. Pvt. 987-1-25-
## Relations &
287 Arun Ltd Delhi 110008 900492-6
Labour Laws

DR002 Monappa, TMH Hill Edu. Pvt. 987-1-25-
## Relations &
288 Arun Ltd Delhi 110008 900492-6
Labour Laws
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Resource Durai, Pravin
289 India Pvt. Ltd., 2484-2

DR002 Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Resource Durai, Pravin
290 India Pvt. Ltd., 2484-2

DR002 Prasath, Wolters Kluwer India 978-93-5129-
## Auditing For CA
291 Saravana B. Pvt. Ltd., 067-4

DR002 Auditing & Basu, Sanjib Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

292 Assurance Kumar Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 6219-6

Dominant publ. and
DR002 Warming & Pandey, 978-93-
## Distributors 4378/4
293 Climate Mahendra 82007-88-3
B, Murarila

DR002 978-93-
## Intellectual Sahu, Smita Wisdom Press
294 82006-43-5
Property Rights

DR002 Pande, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-
## Resource
295 Sharon India Pvt. Ltd., 6121-2
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 International Apte, Prakash TMH Hill Edu. Pvt. 978-0-07-
296 Finance G. Ltd Delhi 110008 007790-4

DR002 International Sharan, Dorling Kindersley 978-81-317-

297 Business Vyuptakesh Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 3251-9

Oxford University
DR002 Managing Sinha, Piyush 978-0-19-
## press YMCA Library
298 Retailing Kumar 807594-3
bld., Jai Sin

Business Ane Books Pvt.Ltd

DR002 Aggarwal, B. 978-81-8052-
## Mathematics & 4821 Parwana
299 M. 285-7
Statistics Bhawan 24

Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR002 General 978-93-5071-
## Salwan, P. M. 59/32 New Rohtak
300 Economics 416-4
Raod, New Delhi

Business Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR002 978-93-5071-
## Mathematics & Arora, S. R. 59/32 New Rohtak
301 376-1
Statistics Raod, New Delhi

Human Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR002 Sunaina, 978-93-5071-
## Resource 59/32 New Rohtak
302 Sardana 382-2
Management Raod, New Delhi
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Human Taxmann Pub Ltd
DR002 978-93-5071-
## Resource Kapoor, Neeru 59/32 New Rohtak
303 383-9
Management Raod, New Delhi

Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR002 Corporate Srinivasan 978-93-5071-
## 59/32 New Rohtak
304 Governance Anand G. 409-3
Raod, New Delhi

Taxmann Pub Ltd
DR002 Entrepreneursh 978-93-5071-
## Mathur, Abha 59/32 New Rohtak
305 ip & 308-2
Raod, New Delhi

Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR002 Goverment of 978-93-5071-
## Guide to FDI 59/32 New Rohtak
306 India 434-8
Raod, New Delhi

Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR002 Direct Taxes: Singhania, 978-93-5071-
## 59/32 New Rohtak
307 Law & Practice Vinod K 467-6
Raod, New Delhi

Taxmann Pub Ltd

DR002 Strategic 978-93-5071-
## Garg, Bhawna 59/32 New Rohtak
308 Management 409-6
Raod, New Delhi

Taxmann Pub Ltd
DR002 Strategy and Kishore, Ravi 978-93-5071-
## 59/32 New Rohtak
309 Strategic Cost M. 463-8
Raod, New Delhi
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Strategic Cherunilam, 978-93-5097-
## House Randoot, Dr.
310 Management Francis 072-0
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Office 978-93-5097-
## Chopra, R. K. House Randoot, Dr.
311 Management 125-3
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Organisational 978-93-5097-
## Subba, Rao P. House Randoot, Dr.
312 Behaviour 550-3
Bhalerao Ma

International Himalaya Publishing

DR002 Cherunilam, 978-93-5097-
## Trade & Export House Randoot, Dr.
313 Francis 702-6
Management Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Product Chunawalla, 978-93-5142-
## House Randoot, Dr.
314 Management S. A. 185-6
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Foundations of Chunawalla, 978-93-5024-
## House Randoot, Dr.
315 Advertising S. A. 599-6
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Basics of 978-93-5097-
## Keskar, Anil House Randoot, Dr.
316 Marketing 991-4
Bhalerao Ma
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Sales 978-93-5024-
## Ghosh, P.K. House Randoot, Dr.
317 Management 686-3
Bhalerao Ma

Sales & Himalaya Publishing

DR002 Bhat, 978-93-5051-
## Distribution House Randoot, Dr.
318 Shridhara K. 411-5
Management Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Stress 978-81-8488-
## Dutta P.K House Randoot, Dr.
319 Management 607-8
Bhalerao Ma

DR002 Retail Banking 97881861416

## Agarwal, O.P. Skylark Publications
320 in India 01

Cyber Crimes
DR002 Institute of Macmillan Publishers 978-9350-
## and Fraud
321 Banking & India Ltd 59302-8

DR002 Blanchard, Berrett-Koehler 978-1-62656-

## Fit at Last
322 Ken Publishers, INC 128-1

Foreign Indian
DR002 Exchange Institute of Macmillan Publishers 978-9350-
323 Facilities for Banking & India Ltd 59306-6
Individuals Finance
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 97881861416
## Resource Agarwal, O.P. Skylark Publications
324 25

An Introduction
to Foreign Shroff Pub. C-103,
DR002 Lakshman, 978-81-8404-
## Exchange & MIDC, 103-C, TTC
325 Ramesh 697-7
Financial Risk Industrial Are

The Pearson
DR002 General Dorling Kindersley 978-93-325-
## Thorpe, Edgar
326 Knowledge Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 1147-7
Manual 2014

DR002 Risk Institute of Macmillan Publishers 978-0230-
327 Management Banking & India Ltd 33198-3

Designing and
Managing Oxford & IBH
DR002 97881204161
## Human Pareek, Udai Publishing Co. Pvt.
328 09
Resource Ltd., 113-B, Shah

DR002 Gaur, Sanjaya Vikas Publ. House 978-81-2591-
## Marketing and
329 Singh Pvt. Ltd. 449-5

Malayala Manorama
DR002 Manorama Year Mathew, 97705425778
## Press Kottyan
330 Book 2015 Mammen 03
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Total Quality
DR002 Management: Bhat, Himalaya Book Pvt. 978-93-5142-
331 Hand Book Shridhara K. Ltd., 623-3
(Vol. - I)

Total Quality
DR002 Management: Bhat, Himalaya Book Pvt. 978-93-5142-
332 Hand Book Shridhara K. Ltd., 624-0
(Vol. - II)

Introduction To PHI Learning Private

DR002 Harper , 978-81-203-
## Mathematical Limited M-
333 Charlie 0262-4
Physics 97,Comaught Circus

DR002 A Text Book Of Subrahmanya S. Chand & Company 81-219-2611-

334 Optics m, N. Ltd 4

DR002 Subrahmanya S. Chand & Company 81-219-2813-
## cs And
335 m, N. Ltd 3

Vector Analysis
McGraw Hill
DR002 And An Lipschutz, 978-0-07-
## Education { India}
336 Introduction To Scymour 068258-0
Tensor Analysis
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
DR002 Guinness World Glenday, 978-1-
337 Records 2015 Craig 908843-62-3

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Marketing 0-07-047401-
## Saxena, Rajan Publication Company
338 Management X

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Marketing 978-0-07-
## Saxena, Rajan Education Private
339 Management 014491-0

Macmillan India Ltd

DR002 Marketing Ramaswamy,
## 2/10 Ansari rd, 0333 93719 9
340 Management V. S.
Daryaganj, new

DR002 Marketing 978-81-317-

## Kotler Philip, Pearson Prentice Hall
341 Management 1683-0

Retail Pearson Educatioal in

DR002 81-7758-825-
## Marketing Gilbert, David South Asia, 482, FIE,
342 7
Management Patapa

DR002 Retail Oxford University 978-0-19-

## Bajaj, Chetan
343 Management Press 566986-2
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Retailing Tata McGraw Hill
DR002 Pradhan, 978-0-07-
## Management Publication Company
344 Swapna 062020-9
(Text & Cases) Ltd.

Tata McGraw Hill
DR002 Aptitude for 978-0-07-
## Guha, Abhijit Publication Company
345 MBA Entrance 063579-1

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Principles of 978-81-8488-
## Ramasamy, T. House Randoot, Dr.
346 Management 871-3
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Personnel Mamoria, C. 978-93-5024-
## House Randoot, Dr.
347 Management B. 451-7
Bhalerao Ma

DR002 Subramanian, 978-81-
## tions Industry Social Science Press
348 Dilip 87358-42-8
in India

DR002 Cost 978-81-
## Bhar, B. K. Publishers,5A,Bhawa
349 Accounting 89781-94-1
ni Dutta Lane,

DR002 978-81-7446-
## Research Murthy, S. N. Excel Books
350 579-5
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,
DR002 Applied 978-81-265-
## Tucker Alan 4435-36-7, Ansari
351 Combinatorics 2642-0
Road, Dary

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Applied 978-81-265-
## Tucker Alan 4435-36-7, Ansari
352 Combinatorics 2642-0
Road, Dary

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Apostol, Tom 978-81-265-
## Calculus 4435-36-7, Ansari
353 M. 1520-3
Road, Dary

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Apostol, Tom 978-81-265-
## Calculus 4435-36-7, Ansari
354 M. 1520-3
Road, Dary

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Apostol, Tom 978-81-265-
## Calculus 4435-36-7, Ansari
355 M. 1520-3
Road, Dary

Contemporary Narosa Publishing

DR002 Gallian Joseph 978-81-7319-
## Abstract House Pvt. Ltd. 22
356 A 269-2
Algebra Daryaganj, De

Contemporary Narosa Publishing

DR002 Gallian Joseph 978-81-7319-
## Abstract House Pvt. Ltd. 22
357 A 269-2
Algebra Daryaganj, De
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog
Contemporary Narosa Publishing
DR002 Gallian Joseph 978-81-7319-
## Abstract House Pvt. Ltd. 22
358 A 269-2
Algebra Daryaganj, De

Calculus With
DR002 Early Stewart, Cengage Learning 978-0-495-
359 Transcendental James India pvt. Ltd., 50632-4

DR002 Guide to Indian Buzzingstock

## Gala, Jitendra
360 Mutual Fund Publishing House,

Equations With MC Graw-Hill
DR002 Simmon, 987-0-07-
## Applications Education Private
361 George F. 053071-3
And Historical Limited 7 West Pate

Equations With MC Graw-Hill
DR002 Simmon, 987-0-07-
## Applications Education Private
362 George F. 053071-3
And Historical Limited 7 West Pate

Equations With MC Graw-Hill
DR002 Simmon, 987-0-07-
## Applications Education Private
363 George F. 053071-3
And Historical Limited 7 West Pate

DR002 Krishnamurth Affiliated East-West 81-85336-02-
## Theory and
364 y, V. Press Pvt Ltd. 4
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR002 Krishnamurth Affiliated East-West 81-85336-02-
## Theory and
365 y, V. Press Pvt Ltd. 4

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Abstract Dummit, 978-81-265-
## 4435-36-7, Ansari
366 Algebra David S. 3228-5
Road, Dary

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Abstract Dummit, 978-81-265-
## 4435-36-7, Ansari
367 Algebra David S. 3228-5
Road, Dary

Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,

DR002 Abstract Dummit, 978-81-265-
## 4435-36-7, Ansari
368 Algebra David S. 3228-5
Road, Dary

DR002 Applied Johan Wiley & Sons 978-81-265-

## Tucker Alan
369 Combinatorics India Pvt. Ltd. 2642-0

Modern Physics Narosa Publishing

DR002 978-81-7319-
## ( Concepts And Sanjiv Puri House Pvt. Ltd. 22
370 557-0
Application ) Daryaganj, De

DR002 Goverment of 978-81-230-

## INDIA 2015 Publication Division
371 India 1978-9
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

Ane Books Pvt.Ltd

DR002 Green 978-93-8061-
## Karpagam, M. 4821 Parwana
372 Management 814-2
Bhawan 24

DR002 Goverment of Oxford University 978-0-19-
## Survey 2014-
373 India Press 946018-2

DR002 Goverment of Oxford University 978-0-19-
## Survey 2014-
374 India Press 946018-2

Probationary Vee Kumar
DR002 Sharma-
## Officers / Publications Pvt. Ltd.
375 Khanna
Management 507, Vikram Tower

DR002 Strategic Hitt, Micheal Cengage Learning 978-81-315-

376 Management A. India pvt. Ltd., 1621-8

DR002 IBPS-CWE Agrawal,

## Priyanka Prakashan
377 Bank PO Exam Chandresh

DR002 Non - Samajic Kruti

## Wani Prakash
378 Creamylayer Sanstha
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

DR002 Non - Samajic Kruti

## Wani Prakash
379 Creamylayer Sanstha

DR002 Samajic Kruti
## Magaswargiy Wani Prakash
380 Sanstha

DR002 Samajic Kruti
## Magaswargiy Wani Prakash
381 Sanstha

DR002 Pramanpatra Samajic Kruti
## Wani Prakash
382 Aani Vaidhata Sanstha

DR002 Pramanpatra Samajic Kruti
## Wani Prakash
383 Aani Vaidhata Sanstha

DR002 Association For
## Certificate And Wani Prakash
384 Social Action

DR002 Association For
## Certificate And Wani Prakash
385 Social Action
Online BCOM/MCOM Catalog

The Adventures
DR002 Doyle Arthur 978-81-8046-
## Of Sherlock
386 Conan 056-2

DR002 Sachin Genius Westland Books Pvt 978-93-

## Menon Suresh
387 Unplugged Ltd 80658-17-9

And The
DR002 Hosseini, Publishing Plc, 36 978-1-4088-
## Mountains
388 Khaled Soho Square, 4245-4

The New Pan Books an imprint

DR002 Archer, 978-1-4472-
## Collected Short of Pan Macmillan
389 Jeffrey 1106-8
Stories Ltd., Pan Ma

DR002 The Scientific Kalaam .A.P.J. Penguin Booka India 97801434168

390 Indian Abdul Ltd 76

DR002 The 5 Levels Of Maxwell, John Center Street 978-1-4555-

391 Leader Ship C Hachette Book Group 0404-6

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## Osho
392 Wisdom International 09818341-1-5
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## Hill, N M G Books
393 The Day 81753-81-1

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394 Abdul 146-6

DR002 Kalaam .A.P.J. 978-93-5029-

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## M G Books
396 Public Speaking Dale 82677-06-2

How To Live To
110 Your
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397 3
Guide To A
Healthy Life

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399 Dale House 81438-71-8
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402 You Dale (India) 906466-4-2

Eat Right For

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404 Book Benjamin 81754-58-0

O' Relly Media 1005,

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Arihant Publication
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Kalindi, T.

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412 House 722-4

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415 0

Great War
DR002 81-88759-91-
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416 0

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417 Of The World Paramjit X

DR002 Mind Body Bloom, 978-1-84181-

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418 Spirit William 354-7

DR002 John Wiley & Sons, 0-7607-7967-
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How To Get
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422 J 725452-1
Out Of Life

Yahoo! Hot
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423 Learning To Private Limited,A-59, 5

Yahoo! Hot
DR002 Jobs For Sterling Publishers 1-4027-2825-
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424 Learning To Private Limited,A-59, 5

Myth = Mithya
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425 Devdutt PVT.LTD 42332-4

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426 A. P. J. 41730-9

Wings Of Fire
DR002 Kalaam .A.P.J. 978-81-7371-
## An Universities press
427 Abdul 146-1
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Rupa and Co. 7116,

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428 Awesome Chetan 3742-5
Daryaganj New Delh

You Are Born

To Blossom
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429 Abdul 336-0

My Journey
Rupa and Co. 7116,
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430 Dreams Into Abdul 2491-3
Daryaganj New Delh

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431 Change Abdul Publishers 172-5

Companies ACT Taxmann Taxmann

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432 701-1
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House 59/32, New Rohtak R

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435 656-4
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436 Banking & 669-4
Services 59/32, New Rohtak R

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437 Banking & 665-6
Planning 59/32, New Rohtak R

Direct Taxes
Law & Practice Taxmann
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438 Vinod K 686-1
Reference To 59/32, New Rohtak R
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indirect taxes Taxmann

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439 693-9
Practice 59/32, New Rohtak R

Indirect Taxes Taxmann

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440 694-6
Practice 59/32, New Rohtak R
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441 719-6
Laws House 59/32, New Rohtak R

Students' Taxmann
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442 Vinod K 731-8
Income Tax 59/32, New Rohtak R

DR002 Guinness World Glenday, 978-1-

443 Records-2016 Craig 910561-01-0

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445 ghar Ltd 1

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Ram Road,
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Personnel and
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453 959-4
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456 850-4
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457 546-6
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471 286-9
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473 Chandresh
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Himalaya Publishing
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475 Behaviour K. 588-4
Bhalerao Ma

Himalaya Publishing
DR002 Organisational Aswathappa, 978-93-5051-
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476 Behaviour K. 588-4
Bhalerao Ma

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477 Concepts And Deepak House Pvt Ltd. 5205-3

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478 Ltd 1

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Private Limite

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482 Of Power Anthony 6

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DR002 The Hungry Ghosh, 81-7223-613-

484 Tide Amitav 1

Business Ethics Tata McGraw Hill

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485 133332-0
Governance Limited

Ethics in
Tata McGraw Hill
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486 Corporate Smarajit Kr 900485-8

Tata McGraw Hill

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Wisdom Publications,
Financial and
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488 C. D.S.I.D.C.Work 6

Fundamentals Tata McGraw Hill

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489 Prasanna 070079-6
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Tata McGraw Hill

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490 Accounting 008579-4

Principles of Tata McGraw Hill

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Systems Limited

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492 Communication Anjanee 014661-7

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Marketing Tata McGraw Hill

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495 S 3
Text and Cases Limited

Marketing Tata McGraw Hill

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496 , K.S. 106773-7
Text and Cases Limited

Tata McGraw Hill

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497 Management Ramesh B 902655-3

Tata McGraw Hill

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498 Management 133333-7

Tata McGraw Hill

DR002 Principles of 978-0-07-
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499 Management 133333-7

Pearson Edu 482 FJE

DR002 Electronic 81-7758-316-
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500 Commerce 6

Tata McGraw Hill
DR002 Marketing - Kapoor, 978-*0-07-
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501 Concepts & Ramneek 070069-7
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ip and Himalaya Publishing
## Management of Desai, Vasant House Randoot, Dr.
Small-Scale Bhalerao Ma

DR002 Detective Engeseth, Stefan Engeseth 91-631-1389-

503 Marketing Stefan Publishing 9

Pengain Books India

DR002 The Creation of 978-0143-
## Lala, R. M. Pvt. Ltd. 11
504 Wealth 0622-0
Panchshila Commer

DR002 Angels & 978-0552-

## Brown, Dan Corgi Books
505 Demons 16128-8

Witness for the

DR002 christie, Harper Collins 978-0-006-
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506 Agatha Publishers 49045-6
Selected Plays

DR002 A Thousand Hosseini, Publishing Plc, 36 978-0-7475-
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## Harper Press
508 Teacher Y.K. 728637-9
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509 Rhonda Publishing 029-7

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DR002 Shakespear, 978-0-140-

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511 William 62079-5

The Adventures
DR002 Doyle Arthur 978-0-140-
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512 Conan 62100-6

DR002 Kalaam .A.P.J. 978-0-143-

## Ignited Minds penguin books
513 Abdul 02982-3

DR002 978-1-861-
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514 97562-1

What They
Don't Teach
DR002 McCormack, 978-1-86197-
## You At Harvard Profile Books
515 Mark H. 564-5

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